Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, May 03, 1865, Image 2

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    jPrmorrat aitf 5 cniiiul.
mmm Mil 3. is.
S. M Pettctgill & Co.
Advertising Agent H7 I'.vkk How
New York. and lu State treer. Host,,!,.
re the am hoi i .cd A . i,t for tin:. -1km
.:kaT -J S-oiTiyKi.," ial the
ic most in linen I
t'.al anl hfrgesf circulating Nevvspapeis in
the United Matrs an I oanaiia. 1 hv
ar empowered to contract for is at .m
torTY co i rra:i:.
V. S. NO-N, Chairman,
George Pelauv. J. IS Mardis. Oeorpe C.
K. Zahni, l'eter'llislvr, I'hili-i Miller. John
K. Mt Kene. Joseph Behe. .!ihn Ihirbin.
David Earner. 1 I-rir rri'dihoef. ,lhn
S tough, Elisha I'Summer. Lett-i lodizer-,
(Jemj, tiuihy. Simon
Iunrnver. V A Kdse. Th- s. F. Mi O- nuh
Jicob Frenht-ir-er. J. F. (-wdt-n. J- bn flam
i'tois. F. O'F icl. Miohaid li Mia. Win. C
Diver, .John While. I'ercv Tapper. Nul...
his Caiman. M J. Cl .tt. J W . Con.;. .!
Daniel Cadair. Win. Met? orkey. Daniel II
Donnelly, Anthony L'ig. John Marsh.
John l'vn.
Now that the armies o" Ieani Johns
ton are litvrn to t'la winds, .IifTeron
Duid a fujiiiive wiih the Southern ('
fetleraey as lits hajiaire we may si;il!v
look for the lonr wi!a-l (r visit of tin
white wi::jirl an;el of p-nce to hver
aronii'I our b:-! vel cMii'My once nfre. i
The ailvcnt cf feaee is urieh elu'i hv jot 11- i.n-s nt.niws lie A-a-i taie f t!.e
vcry weli thiiikir.p: man ia the oinnii:ni- j largest slavehi!;lers it: ihe S-mili ;tn. 1k'
ty, an 1 it ouht to lie t!ie cruel, hlmvly j 'ore th- relieliion. wm a man ol :reat
and relentless war cost us very dear in
VlooJ, treasure :mi1 morals. l'r..hahlv
not less than a miili- n of prcc'nais lives
have been !o.-t in lhi n letifiess strife. A
million of luvi t were sad-U-tietl at their
untimely fate. I'utold treasure has l-eea
fpent or vv:iste l or dtstn-yeil Hot '
it might have b - n worse, the nU'ls
Diiht have lten able 'o hoi 1 bi:t a fevk
years longer and that would t-ave ma le
it still worse for us. They censed to
Lave ci nfMerce in each other, and from
that time on, their confedeiuev ln-gan tt
crumble to pi. ces. If teir rulers will
now be !irected by mHk-iaiioii, vv isd-im
nr.fl fCotiomy in public expenditure, the
country tn ty yet sumvc The Anii ii
CJin people have-great recuper..tive pw
crs. They easily got over the revolution
ary war, the wai of 1812 and the Mexi
can war. However ail these put together
was tiot as expensive as vva this The
resources of tlie eounlry are great now
compared to what they were then. Let
us however he of good hope a'i l things i
may yet tuinout we!!. l'.r our part ve
look upon nations as we !o on iudivid i
ala ; ''There is a Divinity that shas
tl e.r ends rough lu-w them n they
may." If I'rovi li ucce has a gvat ih-
tiuv in store for this couutrv Ik- will fur-
nish the means to vvoik out ihose ends, it j
.... , , , .siek bedrMm tit' another cimm nt and li.-
otherwise man cunnot gainsny it. We
all can congratulate each other on the
dawning Uains of peace.
Dksiockat and StvTtNU.. We have
been now one year running this machine
and very often under adverse circuinstau
ces. Kvcrv thin raise I a'uout the time
we commenced, to about double what
thy were before, paper, ink and even la
bor raised. Many of the sub.-ei ibers
were taken to war or driven away to some J
other country and have shortened tlie pa- '
tronare of the considerably
., , .i ...
trust nowever that those who are stul
e . , . . ...
"""ii3 u UiC F;'l-- ua-niives
and prevent us-from lo.-inj; by the con
WAXfKl A gKnl practical prii.ttT,
whti can act as foreman to take charge of
the oifieeof thi I)iMci:vr as; Si.NriM t
or one who will un Lrtake to publish .he !
. , . ... 1 j
payer .tmv u:tu r vtnu..tei, vv 111 uu i a -
r - ' 1
liood siiuation by making ia:modiate ap- f
plication to this olHce.
CJ" Ti e a' :t of our read rs is
called to the n lweitiseai. itt ol IL Ii Ma-
lion, in another co'.uat 1
e .t'tvmu
children to cduciite, would do well to p.,- !
tromze hitn, as he is an experienced j
Cy When is a wonnm Jili,. a watch I
When the it cappi!.! unj j.:wtLd.
'i'lie Di'nii'T:ii Ic- I'r'ss :ictd I lie
IXfW I'l --ldei;l.
We are pleased lo see the course t!ie
Democratic pies- is taking with regard to
the President. The Editors are iu I'm 1
; to give liim a fair sight to dcvt Iop3 bis
-.olicy. I Icy fjn-ak well if him front
every quarter. It i nut the ilut y of the j
paity press to ui.-tke indiscriminate attacks j
iii those who rc ontiosed to thorn in poll t
i fu:. The President is undoubtedly ';
i i
j limn of ;ihi'i;y and large oxjktu nee. j
t . - i
ere it not (or hi uhrntsm on the nero
question an 1 a .-mail tincture 01 agrauan
ism, his sentiments are entirely Demo
cratic. For the greater part of his pub-
, In utc- he labored to eh vate the character
f ,,. ,,,Mr .-oiiihcfu white men. ami he
, . , ..i.e....
I ircm in i. is sjieeeiies 1101 u iia- ioijoi-
it n lis early proclivities jet. lie va
for many years the fin inl an l maler tiie
pohtieal teachings i f that jxreat ati'l j:imk
man, Aiivlrew Jiu-kr. Now th.:t t!r.:
war is virtually oer, we nee I statesmen
tiofsoiiliers, we neei! l.rb:'aranee amonj;
parties; until we get our country right
again. We In v the new .1'ivsnk-nt - iil
m-'et the lngh exp;etatittiis enteriained of
hi ai by .til.
t:-fJo eniiir tlSiln iF SoiCti
iiloii it, tin; i; Uili of
I I csiV nl l.ltU t.'lu.
The ciliz'iis of Ciiarleston, South Car
olitia. laid a iin-eting on the 22 of .Aj ti!
for the purpose of e xpressing their indiuna
tion .t the coward! ui;td r ( . I'icsi!ci:t
I. i net In. Ti e incefu'g was resided oir
hy Ex Governor William AiUia, and vvjis
pai ii?-iateil i:i by the prom'nent citiz a.s
of tiiat place. Gov. Aikin Svrvol st-v-eial
terms :n Congress a: a I was the oppo
nent of Ni'.tiiani.-l I. Hanks, when th
I. titer was k et'.l Sji ak r of the lions
wealth. - We have no doubt that Gov
Aikin in his remarks on the occ.i.-ioii, ex
pressed the almost unanimous fei ling ot the
south in reference to the assassination o( the
PrcsUetir. It cannot be assumed that
New Kiiglaihl possesses a monopoly of all
ihe liner aiti i-aites of Oiir nature. Gov.
Aikm said :
We are assembled to pour out the ,
general gii. l vvhi. 1. h.. bei tilt in tin j
ily tot ihe J-L.I.U, a Itii.ov id lit in tin.
iiteof Abraham I.ino ii. I.tte 1 'resilient
of the United Stales. The horiinle. and
atrocious a.-a.-.-umiion t.t I'ri Lin
coln lias filled every 'leeiiug l.eait with
so:iwv nnd indignation. I iii l not know.
n rsot tally, the l..te 1 tv t"r 1. u', but i,o.--wlni
i!il n.tVe spoken ot liiui tn tbe kind
est ujanuer lo ute : his heart was t. nevo
h nt an li.i'iiiv i; g, ;;nd a e are tol l and
have IVa.-Oii to ihli-ve, tli..t tl.lou-h
linn tail' u.i I. .- wool I si .on have tet u
M'ljusied and peaee i-uee Inole fisU.lid to
o'.n ili-ir.irteit etitiiiliy. Our expressions
ol tli-o tjr-i hr I he i .slantly wienh who
cm. Id ll.ive eolieeiveil and t X-'Clited such a
dtalKilte deed, can sean ely be nit. -red
Abini' r is a!was j-ppahin;:, iait im re
pai tu'ul.a ly so m tin.- uivj:ii :ili..ii-crisis t.t '.
our count iv now our nto.-t anxious mo
na ti'.s.
"Can it be believed that in the nine
teeuih crnli.rv, a buiuan I eing could lie j
1 iui. to have in his oo.-oiti so tliaUieitl j
v1" I,Jl'a 5,1
in idea, and wirli .to uecompdee enter the j
tioguished personage, the Seen tarv o!
tait', mi l piunge iii'o his bos. an t:
dea.ll w. upon The heart m. kens at
the recital ol such deail horrors.
,k. We svmpatlii-e with the late IYtsi
dvnt'si funniy and that ot Mr. S'vard's
May the Almighty smtch ovi r tneni lite
Imn I of merey, and enable th. ui to bear
lite sad liereavt uient wiih huiuilitv.
At this critical junetuie of our na-1
tioiial aii'airs, our thought, are natuiatlv !
lurn.ii to the Vice I'i e.-ident, now lVifi
dettt of the Uniteil States, Andrew .lohn-
oti. WU-n the jieople of Charleston
DUriet did nr- the honor to make me !
tlieir repicsentalive in Congnss. I met j
there Mr. dolm-Oo of Tt lines see. I
, . - i
liim !
take pleasure in Mating tliai I stion
1 , . , f . ; ,
nijiiaiiited Willi liim, and found
a .,,., ;I.u.iii.,,Ml, ,..,. ti
soon mi- i
press in. in the House, by his tiratury j
and his arguments in debate, as one of;
the must talented men there ; and it is no -little
praise to say so, when sm h a man
as Siephei.s of Getfoi:i. sat on ihe same i
ji 1 .1 .
!o nd other promin. in -is.in8 from
,,ic 'lfut '
htive Ihe mo-t enure con.ide
1 - , 1
'us aiaatv to a burnish r the G vi-riiin nt
true an I fai.hiuUy hav ing the eonstit ation
of our cout t.-y as his Irue gui le."
Mvui;i:.i On the p.) at P.Vmt j
of li.xks, Md , by i; v. Mr. P,.e. iina, !
S-rgt. Charles II. Mel.-hc.r. of IS..s!opi ;
t .ss tl. Mi.-. V II,.!!.?.. 1 ....
,.; v.Ul. tti th( IylIJ:v, K., i:xl.UlJ .
Ilvtiikieb, Cambria Co, Pa. '
tJr An An exchange has the follow iug
truthful and beautiful sentiment War is j
murder set lo mutie." I
t'tilu sifil J'iiM T IS;olli.
Nt.v" Yoi.k. Apiil 27.
It uproars by the Hi mitts ace mui :hat
CJ- ISaker s-ent Lieut Col. Conner jind
Lieut.- ISaker, of his ihtectivcs, with
Lieut. iJouheriy and his cavalry. On
reaching Gam it's iai in, they were told
by a son ot Gamtt that there were two
mt'ii in the barn. This was at two o'clock
on Ucdncdav. 1'ioet etlii g to the barn,
Lieut, was sent foi vvai d, ami called
upon li..oth to come out. give up I is arms
and surrender, and that young Ganet
would go into the barn and recti.-ve the
arms. I'j-oft . nrering tile barn l'x.ofh
exi-laim-d : "Get out of there, you have
b.t raved me." A colloquy then ensued,
of which the followinj: is the substan;-e :
Lieut. I;tkei " Von must give up
your anus and surrender. Wo have ta
ken 3 cm a prisoner, and will treat you
as a pristinef. We wiil give urn live
minutes to mmtakr or will burn the
15 Mith " W h,, ;m. you, and what do
yon vvjin: V .
Ins;iuction liad b-.t-n given to Li. ut.
Ilaker l.ot to iii-e!. se the character ol
t lose who they wete in pu suit.
Lieut- IkikiT "We you;
want to take you pri-oner."
Hooth "This i, a li.r.I case.
in iv Ih- tluit I am to be taken by semi' oi
my iii. ml". Alter Mime further colhq iy
ot t li s-.irt, liooth se- iniiig'v eonviiieed
th it he was in the toils ! F di i;il sol
diers, said: "Give me a h u e for life:
I am a cripple with one le$;. WithdiMvv
four m.-ii len vards from fhe barn and I
wiil eoiiM- mt and tidit Me."
Lieut Jiakci " We did not come here
t light, but lo take 3-011 prisoner. You
must give up your arms and surrender.''
liootli lx-t me have time to cjjii
si !er."
A conversation in th-? bain licSvveoi.
Hari'iild and llooih thin teok place,
which was not heard by the par-outside
In about tit'teeii or twvniv minute l'...ulh
c alled ool :
W110 re you ? I could have picked
.1:" h id" a tl z n of cur m, n v!;:,;. we'ie talking ; 1 could have shot v.ui two
r three times, but 1 don't Wiiut to ki 1
Lieut. Daker "Th-n :ive up vi.ur
r.ns and ut render y 'iu.-e!f. We- haw
i-.uiie here to take on."
litKilh I will never surrender. I
will never lie taken alive."
Lieut. Ilaker "If 3011 don't do so
immediately, we will set fire to the barn"
Lo. ilh " Wei', mv brave bovs', pre
pare stretcher So:- inc."
Alter this a conversation took plaee
between Iloolh an. I II uiol i, duiing which
lioot!: was heard t 1 say: " You ihiinn..!
coward, vvtil you leave me now .' I lei
go. go; I don't want you to s!a with
inc." He th 11 addre.-sed the party out
side ;.nd sr. id :
'There is a man in here who wants to
come out."
Li. ul ihctMet him hand out hi
at u.s an 1 ctn-' out. Anolln l' taik h re
Ofilii iel betwie!; booth ;ill-i Il.iliold. in
which il app alt d that She hitter was
in o lal.e some arms uut widi him,
.- 11 1 Iloolh was ! e aid to s iv: " G 1 vv tv
lo ni m -, 1 don't want t have auv.hiaj
more I 1 do with 3 on." lluioli llrTu
c;t!ue up to th.- door and T.sked lo hi; Jet
out. Lieut. Hater s al: 'No: hand
out our :ums ' II .rroid it plied, "I
have none." Lieu. Laktr said, " Yi
von .have; you cm tied a carbine wit. n
v tat enuie dow 11 lure: 3011 must haul i:
out." Looth then said, II; has 110
aims ; they ;.re all mine Lpou mv
v.f.l, as a ceutleiuaii they are all mine."
Lieut Ilaktr tin 11 appoaeh.-d the
and Harrold thiust nut his Im-!v, and was
pulled In --in the door, tied and placed in
charge of a guard. Colonel C. if'i v was
then satisfied that blather parley vi;h
1 tooth vas over, and prncccdii.g to th.
oiher M.le of the barn, he pulled out a
whisp of straw and liglit.-.l if. Within a
few in.-nit nts the bl..zino bay lihtt .l up
Ihe whole! i i the barn. 1 Sooth was
liseovereil leaning on a eruleh. which he
threw asi.h and with his carbine in his
hands came tow -arils (he side vv h. re the
live had Iteeli kindled, paused and looked
:il the Hie a luoinetit. and then starled
toward the door. When about the mid
dle of the barn h" was shot. Col. Con
ger and Lieut. ISaker at once entered the
barn and brought L-flh out.
The llmiiit correspond, nt sav:
"The parley with L.h.iI, lastnl a Ion '
wliito, that IS.Kith told laeitt. I,.u.!
1 Mtg.'iert y
If had a In-ad drawn on him, and could
.slur-.t him if lie choose, that IS001I1 could
see thoso outsiJe plainly, while thev could
not xe him ins:d , that when the fire was
lighted Ioith con'd lie seen civ plainly,
and then Lieut. Dougherty oid red Se'r
geani Cei 'iK'tt to lire w hie. he did through
1 he of the crevicis. NV'hen the party
sh.rted lo return with the I.hkIv Il.itrotd
refused to vvrdk, w lien a rope was fasten
ed I i hi? neck and the oilier end tu the
j saddle of tine of ihe. (avalrvmcu. As
s-'ton a- a htirse could ba secured he Was
The llo7'i corrosjion lent Pius; "It
is sai l liiat Harrold joined jusl
a)l.-r the ussus-maiion, ami il is tieliyvod
h brought the horse to ihe alley."
tE3 Andrew Jackson Jr. the adopted
son of General Jackson, died recent It at
1 hi? 1'uie fills out the coIuuud.
'I lie W ui.
The Confederate!, have l.nii had at
Shrevepoi t in I int-iana, on tin
Ih-d liver, several i;nl..d nuns. 'In
1 r.-vent ilit-ir t-M-ajK- from the river, a fr
midab'e ti 1 1 ot I', d Iai hon cla ls. has
1. t-n, for H'Hii' tiuie. stall. -ied at tie
iiM.ulii of tlieiivir. Ai nine o'eleek on
the 1 veiling of Ap'il the Webb, otie
of th'e Confed. rate rams, came down K.-d
river, and though l-vei y attemj t vn- lea !
to stop ir, passed throuuh the Fed iai H. . t
and out into Ihe .vlissisij.) 1. I he current
was stroni.'. and it sailed down the Vi
sissij pi at a bih rate ol sp t-d At half
pa-t six on the morning ol April '24, it
passed an upward Ixutntl slestmer, tit'lv
miles nltove New Oilcans
Sixty-four general olnecrs of various
j fades surretitl- r. wiih lol nston's armv .
Thev are the toll.. w mo : G n fa's I. T.
G. ISe iiitegard. and .lost j h K. .lol nston.
Li-ut. Gens. Win H:nd e, D.tiiM II
Hill, Sts-ph. n I) L-e and AI. -xaiidt r 1.
Stewart. Major G n -rats 1'atten Ander
son, Win. IS. ISuTe. .I0I111 ('. lirecki mi le.
John C r.iovvn. N. C IS .tl. r, ISe- jainin
F. Clieatham, II 1.1 v C. Clayton, lb. well
Cobb. Samuel G. Fr! itch, II. F. H ike,
Samite!, Whham W. L-.ntii:, Mans
li. h! Lovell, (I '.irL.e Many L-.ay t:e M'
Liws, K. erl Iiar.som, Gustavn W
fmi th. C L Stevenson, .Joseph li Wh i !
rand I M II Yoitn. IS.i.adier Gens
iMwnn e S ISaker, .I.mI A ISattle, Allrert
C ISIanehartt. Miliedje I. Iinh-mi, W M
JSiovvne. Jones Cheenii. Thomas L Cline
man, Cumming I), a-. G C Dibbie!.
Snphet: i:iii,.t, S W. Fertn-on. J J.
Failev. I) IS Frv. Lmir tis II CSirsnll,
I C Got-jie. doi nton K Ila-g-Mtl, L;ui-
llertieri. Alfi.d Iveison, J.,hn K Jackson,
W II Knkhtud, Danville Ladlvtter, C je. .1 II Lwi. II Livvrv.
W W Mi.ckall, Anhur M M anjaitlt II
E Me-c.r. Wm .Miller, I'diuuu.l W l'et
tus, A W LVv nolds, I.iplcv. W IS Talia
I. no, Vance, W 1" W ath.rd, W IS V .!,
A II W light and 'A- uu n York. Gf these
dure are to gcin iaU. four li. inenant
,'eiieia'p, twenty major , n-rnln and
thirty ciht b: U-adi. rs. Ti . nnmber of
in: 11 son-, n I r 1 vva- twt -nfy-s. vett th. us
aud four hutidicd.
Wl 111 the Coi.f. derate 1.1m S; n wall
h it, f-hi- saii.-d to the Canary Is
lands, and on April 2. left there for a voy
age across the Atlantic to the West In
di- s. She is cx ted to appear off the
Atlantic coast oi the I'uitcd State and
several vessels have ken sent I.o vvatch
for her.
Ihe los-s l,y ih ex plosion uf the steam
.r S iltaua. 01. the .Mississippi, M itt-
11-. i- estimated at hli.-i n hundred
S. veil hun h'td and ihtv ix soldi. :,
many however ba hy i, have b 'en
-en. d
Nine h:itid'-ed Con led rat s h;ive sitr-
r ml. ltd at Cuaib ihrnd fiap, and ill t v 111. These m- li con.i
mostly tt. in l-..tst Jeinn ssee and South
'"l. ; n Yii inia.
iene;-..l Palmer has i-siad a 1 order
pi-..!, cting the pcijl-of K mucky fruit
u. i'..t anests.
t i..' war is ended All !h Conf. li -r-
a'e lio. ps of the .Mississippi. i..'Cj t-
uij a sn.itll t'. re b-twt- n Tupt 1. 1 a i l
Co-t'i'e. e itntnaid. d bv G. I av k r,
have I d wn sh ir an:'.-. '1 he Conj'ed
eiaes vvtrt of th- Mi-si -.-ij-pi are neo
t'attiig a uno n ler. 'I It ie ought to ii
n iiion for tveiv ihop oi blood
she-! ,e.v bv e'uher side, wi.i U' Us''ir-ssv
spilled. 'Ihe mart hni'j ami coiiutcr
uiif .-huig is over, and there is noihii g
leii lor us to ehrot.ii le. Two tron-chnls,
one on ihe Mis-i-sippi and one one on she
Ai'aniie: a few hands of pal:i-.u.s sc;it
ter.-d iiver lite South; a fngisivi- Pttsi
d. nt with his b.'.Lguard, are all that is
h it of tl,,. (..feat American reh Hi' 11
I lie task niatked oat bv us uearlv three
veais njjo, j,r,s come lo a I'onclusion
I he j:e.tee so mjr Jmd eai'liestlv sou. ht
tor by .very Am.i ican, isi'a vniot:
iv. Gur pi n i- no loiie, !' net dci! to wriie
li e tl.iil. histoty and progress of the war.
and to day w ears., ihes - article-, which
we tiust, have rendered pinin ihe tnyste-II-us
:ue..,,n:s of hat.les and ma:'ches
thai have -o oft, ,, pr.z.hd tit.- wori.l.
The i:t ,va.- artieli was bt-ttn on ihe
bailie field ..,-(; nvshn., , ti,t, HI1.
un r of I S''..'S, an ! since iht 11 ihey have
cent'uiue.l d ,y ;,(,,., ,.,, . VIth 110 interrup
tion. No ,):,;!is ,.,vjv yj, , ,j
make ti e daily summary , as compa te
nod irnlhhi! a- ,..-.-,!,!, ; ":,t d 11 v that
'h is t-otn , and the M.-di-r l.j.nds his
almost finished task over to th- state sin 1 m,
we trust that n-ill,, r our jen norattvo h r
may ever lie needed to iraiv the events of
another American war. ."tola Aye.
Iiipitriuuf llxetullve Outer.
Th follow ine 'im.voi iKnt ord.r has Iron 11
issue.! by the PresJdci.t ;
Lxn t tivk Oi;si.i;, Kx::v:i tivk Ciia.m
n.sii, WAsnixtiToN, April 2f. IS;i. SSe
iug tlesiioiis to r lease ail loyal eitizens
and well disposed pi i m,,, residing in iu
sitrrcelionary Siases f:,:, muiceessary
comm. r. i.d rt sui.-i, ,ls, aih .ullrage
tiiem (-. peac-hd puisntts, it is heleb; of
I- usf. That ad i-esi rift ii .us npen inter
nal, domestic, coastine-, commei iai uiu r
couise In- tliscoulinnetl , , iit.ris of
Slates of TennesMV, Virgi,,in, North Car
ohna. Sf.uth Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
Alabam 1, Mississippi, ami so much of
Luiif-kma as li. s east of the Mississippi
river, aa tdiall Lo caihruccd wiihiu tho
J Iiu s of national ini'it-iry oceuparioo,
e p'inu on'.v such re-triefit n n are
cx -'
vse. Uv acts ot Co.-gnss'i'ii a'l- I'S
111 pursuance lhei.t-r, prescrib d bv the
secivtarv of the Tnasinv, mil a;-ii(md
by th" I're-id -n', and xei p:i::; ;4. fn ;ti
the fleets of t! is o d. r the fo''ov i g ur
tielt s cot tr:iliai:d of vva", to wit :
AMI!'1, aii'tmmi'ioi', an 1 :il: artie!e-i
Irotii which ;o;,ii 1 nl'i'.i, is mai ufae'nii .1.
rav niifoims nral e!oth, I. c; uaeives,
i cms, raiin ad in 11 rt"d mac! in rv for t.p.
crating railroad!, leleeraj li wiicstind in
struments, and ii strniiicurs for oper ting
teles r:iph lines.
S'cond. All t-xis'ing tnilitai v and na
val orders in any mam-n'T rest'-icting in
Jeinal. domestic coasiiii;?, con-me. rial
in'crctiurse and trade wi'h or in the loval
c'vi ahove 1 anted lie smd the same nrp
hereby ro'okcd, and that no mi!i'ary l)r
naval oSTa-cr hi ma n-r interrupt or inter
fete with :inv boats, or titer vessel n
"agetl tlt.riin. under pp-p r nuthoiitv.
ptrpuanf t the re'u!;s!ioi s i f the St-cre-tsiry
of the TYensurv'.
'I lt- Ili(I id lionlli.
Ftir twelve thiv s the country was in
tcnible suspense regarding tne
alMtuls id the assii.-.-in. IS..i;:h: tiieir
anxiety was, at length reli e ! by the an
liount 1 meut ot hi tl- alii :-.:t i Cloture.
j At j reM iii the eager inquiry is to know
'What has Ir.-eii done with his Lm.Iv ; and
uon this point there ale u dozen .lilf-teut
ihet.trts, aii tui oi-hed, tf cuuise, b3 cor
IVsjonleu!s of the New Yoi k prt-A.s. Tlie
Ttiiitt of that city declares that alter the
autopsy by the Surgeon-Gent ml, "the
botly was 'iisse-tel, and, in separate
pieces, sewed in cloth, with heavy Weigh,
and placet I in a small vessel, which made
a short circuit ion trip upon the IVtutuac,
anil wit-.o'.t iaitdiug, r. t o ne 1 10 the 11 tvy
yard, miiais ine bx!v, agiiiti.
Tlie New Yotk ir!di which from the
night of tlie assassinaiioit tatii- the i-ap-tUiv
of llooih, has lift n r. mm kalIt or
the ;ict uracv atid ltnness ot it ietor!s
ctMtet-iiiiiig the pursuit and capture o" the
a-sassin in i.'s Satui-dav's i-sm: said
thai, "On Fliday the S etvtarj ,,' v ai',
without iiistrue.i is ot anv kind, 'tin
u.i'.ted to I n'. It i La'.avitte C B.iKtr. 1 f
ihe M'cfet service, the Stark corpse t.t' .1
Wilkes "Sooth Tlie secret service never
tu'tiitt'd its volition more se.'ieiivel.
What have 30a tloue with the bidy
.-;dd I to ISiikei. "That i known " he
answered, " to only on.- man living Im
si le inv'self. Il is tn. I wiii not r i!
vou where Ihe oniv iii.ui who knows i
swoiu to .-ih nee. Never till she gre.i
l"uinp'.;ter c.-llii-s sliall she grav ol ISo;.:h
he discovered " And tin- is iru.'. L;-t
nuii, Mi
i', ii .-n: ..; tow
bo.. 1 nceived ihe carcass of the murderer:
1 ao nit 11 wete in ii ; ti e v en red th-
.hodyofr i iio th- d il'kiu s.-,
that d.iikite.-s .t will itev.-r ret' ra. la
the tl itkness, like his gr. a' ciiun, m.iv it
r iiiiiii 1 h-rtver, impalp-tb'c, ii v i-;'ole.
ii. 11. 1. scri; I. 1 01 d unci to to that worse
t ban dan u a: i "ti. arnahila' ion. The iiver
ho t lit m -V in . ii'oi id :?, lad. 11 w'.i:
ottjit shot and ill owning ln;f ;i.-. . The
eaiih may hae. p.n d lo eive ii ihi- si
lence and s- w i h u. an wiil
never ' ive its nietnoiv. Tne lis1 es ni.v
swim a-- un-' i", ot 1 be d .i-L-s grow wiii e
above ir but we shad never k-o.V.'
A'.ll.. ugh iit-Lhiug is .. i ivelv known
its to the di-po-ili n of ltoih's remains,
Ihey are certainly disposed of in some
way or other, and it is htile matter 10
him or the public how. Ail he de-ir.d
after death, was ihe sort of tame acquir
ed by the youth who find the Dome of
F.phesis, and he seemed it bv the pcrpe
1 aiion ot' ihe fouh-st, r.tosi Wnnlon, and
owaitllv as.-assinnli' 11 in the hisiotv of
ciime. This 1 ihe ii-.fatii'. not the fame,
which will cling to the in. morv of the
murderer oi our late I i.-sid-1 1, until th :
last trnnijiet summons him to his final
I judgment. M -:tu'iiu his remains uri ler
earth or water. li!ls s ane unknown spot
ih. re.
" To h'the in ftey f.o .r t reside
In thri'ling r -;i tis of tir..k ribb'-d i;e;
fo be 111. 1.1 is"t e.i in tne vnwhss win s. .
Ati! hi. .mi. with estier Vi nee r- lind
h! tl?.
'flu- ptin'en wi.rl.i."
Ii would it ivcImvii tn-.i;-!, more s-.-tfis-taetoiy
il ISoolh had l.-eett n alive, in
order. :i the New Yotk .... rem irks, to
give him lime lefore m.-eiing ihe punisit
nient thl.- lo his terrible atrocitv, !o have
given an account ot the affair from the
first inception down to the awful conclu
sion his motives, etc. We suppose there
i no doubt in anv' intelligent mind that
ISeoth wa the man that murdered the
I'Msident; yet it would ! paiutullA inter
esting to know Hie process of the brain'. ;
working that siigia stc.l the crime and
euiiet him tm lo is so tichb rati: and
tle-Kiatc (Xi.'i iniou Under she pans of
rt morse he neght have r. vea'cd it :d',
wi h other things w hich the public feel it
deep anxiety to know. i
VI'Iu r ilium's !" JrR Datls.
Ni w Yoi.'K. April The II mil's
Nivvbein eoiii sioiid. nee the hist
positive -iiilormnt inn of J ih' Davis' niove
inents, w that he passe, I through Char
lotte, on his. way soiiihward escorted by
a briitad-' of cavalry, prcbibJy Wade
Hampton's on th- 23 1 inst. As General
Wilson was at Mac n. the 2hl , and v ir
tualiy held all Southern Georgia, the
chahcts axe that Davis cannot escape.
Slit rtii an ami IIU !"aro fT
NrVV YttaK, M..v j
The ,-; Washington s,,. -tieil
(Sliint man.-.itai. Iv on lis,...,, '
II " ' "I It ,
k asha L-tof, m 1 j,t.t.t n,.,t.;.,
iai gt in. lit lor the C i;!. Hiphitt-'! 'i.vv '
cr. . s
ot our tut it;.r ton
ail 1
I .. lil r. dot !l I. .i ( i,.v t I'l.ii, n; . ( ..
I . .1 ! . . . . 1 ' ' S
li is i! in.ti t :h;.!
lie m . w i,i v,,
r. -oi i d :.. l'!','i!iu men.
Ihe rl,ii Clil!e-p-.,;,.ie:.; . , VJ ,.
S tilll A I 111 V Ci I'j S has Xei' ,.
ot stifair ia ti.e v ieti.ii - of i5..r' ,v"'
Jit!ie;i m, j.i t.i'g the il h X
j m.:i :iu'b..g i3 (ien L e's .h-t h.t. e .,j
i i he itihaliili.uTs are so poc-tlv .,
j comniissioi.i rs have to feed t Li-tit
.ward.- of !." fan. lit-s, averagi.. ,jt
i adults to each, ate thus k. pt fn.,n s-'
; 'ug
j The TrJ'Um's 'i.shi:-gtou Sfsvi;,! ...
I that II rrold has made it tJ.
! h sum.
j It has lccn ase4 rtained that Jeff. J
I mi 1 party have rioi more titan t'o)jr)
j 1.1 s-cj- with tin-in.
j G. it Grant iijintetl, it ir sail, t1,.
! when lie inlormed Shermai: of t!te iiit.
j proval of the term" he had mad.', the .
, ter fiat.klv admitted he had made a n;fc
; take in Hot having 1! put in wrir;,, ij.a.
; stav et v v;ts ilead : bed that
! un !crT;i!idii: txtwceii them.
n w;ti I'j
v .
1 11 li 1 in tne ine iicoci'iaii!ri t
. s-tidic. he agreed t it lif'i'aiise he Vif
I just land that the Virginia L'ei-!:liunl
wa- to a-sembl" by order of she p,
j dent, and from ofl'icud instructtons i 'm.
. -..:-.i.. .1. 1 t .1 . - ? .
lirpri't-l Sue Picsident'p tlesire toV
the n b 1 civ il Governors -hot:!,J be 'tt
taiaed for the piTHerva'iion of ordt-r, aid
maintaining a military f. rce i,t jhe
j as well as to do away widi the irritaiio
i growing ..ut of militarv- govern ntcnt. t
j to the amnesty il vva. only Ui t'v-ver if
! soldiers Whet! his attention wa e.J,J
j to :h vv rdtn;.', he lei'ied with m,,
j -pii ii. ' ihai d..-s i.ot exprA-ss the uulcr
i sSandmg bvtween us."
A Hirtihti Washington fpei-i.V,
(Jrant hits r.ttiiTitil in most i-w'p.:
spit its lie expresses much
sit th i-n!utt:i'ss i-f s.1;. i.'ic?
.' tin; ( i.e. i rt:!ti -nl in r..:".-r. v t
tlie atrr e:;'. i;t bt lvv. en G, i.s. Si:.;:;....
and Ji'hi
(ir-r. Sia nn-m rr.?t the Li.-.tSeca:-; (i-.-era!
ten mi'es Iton: ih - f" ?t. li" -e-C'
ivcd the .i..'-r of t -p: i'o'. :-. vvi i, :.: .j
comrnendab'e : .! e. There u.z
hestiancv, no nun tnona;. ui-r anv x
si.-n of Iisatis':.ctio, at the disa: .-. 2.
j jb- ter"!- t t.teri d into UitViv.
:'!i ! ihe !' b I G r..i Iiu; ';!,.; ;.Pr
de'avor a;:-um- tu n- ?e eii.-e of -I c Mi:ire
(.rev i.'ii-l v pursue' Iiv S!teri:.:i a id t.
Gt 01 ra!-, with a tine .M'.-tv s:,i,-i,
.vv..' to Wol!: with a'arcitv to c.r.'v i:
t'a" d- cr ' S ' f ill'1 GoVeltai.. fit '-o. ;.
cared by (ir;i':t W.t in I've i:-.i; p .t rj ?
p:?ch vva- sent to Jt.hnshi t.-t nt:..a:ir;
; lie a--mi-tic'. Upon rt r. ipt of ;l t t, te
bv the rebel ti.-n.-ral ord.eis vfrv o' eri
tor our inn'p in rl,. r -ar 10 in ru - i::i'. '.v
move no to tl. ro.,1, and in a lew
Gen I rank luu'. witli Lis eu'ii'tin, nin
i!l ttloti u. She-in:. I! hi'.d mi :! 'l
ton th it the G .vvrnnient vvou'd
ti..:. th." term pr..p-s.-', a 1
lf!ild inrnediaieSv r.-snui.' !
1 .. it; -t
I ion 1! iv "i: ie-i;t o;' :!,;:; ;..i;i-.t,1
.?..!. n-r '! back a t' l of tnuv ti-kin
in int "i ', wi'h Sh-rt:r;n to arrV.:-
te-111- ol" surri-iidi! , w hich was nr'-ia;)'.T up n the b;i-i- of the terms pven
to Gen. Ixe.
Kkwakp. The President of ih?. l"r.l
ted States h.i iY. ! ! a reward of rr'T
thousand doil,-u fir the arn-st of -l-fi-T-S.111
D ivi-, twentv -live thou-itM i fr tic
arrest of C'cUK'nt C. Ciav, the stni.1 ''r
arrest of Jacob Thompson, and the
same for ihe arrest of George N. San. lor,
also for tho arrest of IS. verly Tucker ani
tn thousand for the arrest of Win. C
Clear v'. Th y b -irtg acc used of U'lriJ
"privv t. the assassination of the lS
Presid. nt.
Cv?" It st Tns to ie aei-orded hy the uni
versal consent of m tv.kind that Dr. J. C
Aver i& C'o. s S ir.-apanlia, Pectoral ar.l
Pills ar. the greatest reinidies yet di?eov
1 red for th." treatment of disease; that
vet's S.trsj.p.i'iila ii the great Elexir e-.
Lif , whi.h 1 'iii'osophers have sought for
purifv ing the b'.otKl. Trj- it and jude
for 3-ourselves.
" A X l" it 1 -?
Will open on Mon lav Miv
I.Sii.S in U'.ion Seh' ol Building, for a ttrta
i.f fair tnoitths. under the ef
the UMil.-isijtif d. In adih'tio.i to mnon
fatttU.-li hr.nches, Mistrtl tioti w-til be civei
in Ali.EiiiiA and IlItJIlLR MAI HE
M MRS. rill .N oRMHY and in
I LKdENTs OK LATIN. Every tff'rt
w 10 be na ie to render the school worthy f
patronage. Patrons and otht-ia are r
qi-.-td to visit frequently.
Ft further partieul its .'.hes
j. ijitl::.
Sil'Mwr I.. M. 1,vry. K.sfj f .vr"i-"w
t nsi.ip. C .nd-ri,! C to ty. P.i . vi'J
tea l Jo codecioris. wtirmj de-.-N. nriic'ti
ot' agre-ineiit &r. O )cc at It's rfsidt-jCt; io
A'deeheny totmshin, Dvar Lortuo.
l il3.y 3d ISoi.