si? Ifi- 4 .8 ,U if i i 18 1 ft IB IE I7E BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEN. SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE. UP;)N THE H13H AND THE LOW. THE RICH ASD THE POOR NEW SERIES. EBENSBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, I8G5. VOL. 2-XO. 8. 1 liH 1 Trf w tf?r if Na 'vsrsjr Ml! w I II ft 1 li lfJ !M I M Vk. I KI t SL. R. m JLr is i.uhhs'ied every Wednesday Morning, at Two JWlaks per annum, livable iu advance; Two DollaiiS and tw' NTV Kive Cents, if n..t paid within mx ra mtl. ; "J Two 1'".abh and Fif- 1 iM." " i ' No di.'ription vvUl be received for a J During the present week a young gen s'a'rtcr period t h:in ?i months, and no , tlcmau iroin Gibson county, 1 euncssce, kai1RcriV'ir will bo at liberty to discontinue j came tu this city lor the puipoe, it pos.-i-p-ipcruuti! ftllarnMrages arc tM. f-x i.k, oi' procuring the di.-chui-e of five cMj.t.n th.J-t-on ,,t the editor. Any jkm. j ii0i:ci.s ()J War al mjiilary prions in ,;v rn-.ntl,sv.-,l .ethnr., . . .,.,. k...,,.s , ui' '' "" m'v l':l''' 'n iv'vance. 4tverllsii;ar ISntes. out "'7Ti. Tao d. Three 4.;r.ari'. l- lines I sprcsj lines 1 1 CO I f.O V 00 o ..-.n ue-. .10 liM'S 50 2 00 3 00 3 months. 0 do. 12 d ftlt.!orUs, 4150 $3 00 $5 00 t square, 112 lines 2-50 4 S 9 00 o son ire.'. 24 lines J 1 00 7 00 Jil 00 f HUiares.joo U5'.s i 6 00- 0 00 14 00 a!f a colaran, la 00 12 CO 20 00 Owrolumn, 15 00 ?2 00 35 00 business Citrbs. M'LArtilll.IX. ATTCIINIY-AT-LAW. J. !;!'. v 11. C;tnhita t'. . Pa. iurt- in liic Kx' tixie buililia'. on ti e :.( 1 v f C;ir.t.i- f . I.oc i!t ttreets 1111 win !i"i'rii to all hu.-i:nss Ccnrnct -,w , Ot- 0. 1 ft. WILLIAM KITTELl. n , . . - 1 i-orncn ;n :wt (Lromsourq, ! Cambria County Penn. Plate CuluMutls row. I"-:. 1 ISO 0 1V1.L':? L. i-l.rirSllINO, A I TO W N EY-AT-LA W . .I..l.ninvii, Cami-rU Counfy. Pa. f fi'i-1 in y..iv strict, btCJir.ii lli)r over fh-.- !Ui k. ix 2 1'. C. S. (Uidnrr, rilYMCIAX AND sntr.Kox. T. ri it is I, is piiif-s.-imial n-rvi. e t' the 1: p r n s it u 1: g , lad "rrf !,:. ilit,;; vi.-i'iilv. ! ruci, ix coi.on'adi: now. -h:w !s04-tf A T T ( 1 H N K Y A i- L A W . ruH -.! i:t;. I'a., YV:T (,.- MAIN :;T!U:i:T. TW:K! l M..po I A-T ..f the LOGAN lldl hK I'-v-in! cr U, 18'.:.-'v. K. I.. .luUSMdS, Oko. W. OaTVIAN. JOHNSTON & 0 ATM AN, " ATTO RNEYS AT LAW. l.'n-is.-liili' t ""i:i Ci.univ I'flHia. ; i :. e i:i:m . i.i to li.oyd st. ! - r Wet of l: L. .h-hnston's ls- j )-. 4. lMil. b . 1 j 9OI1N FENLUN, ATTO!!NEY-AT-LAW M : .Mr-. Laruhna count.y 1 a "'"''Ii -dam stiec-t adj-iiniii his dwcl- 1 n jr. , E'r s .!iri' Caruhria conntv Pa ix 2 s. noon; ATT'HiVKY AT LAW, I I F.NSPl'no. C.AMi'.hTA CO.. PA. r'!:i ' ;" - d. .or East of the Post Olnce. V '' :s. isij:j - :f. G 11 ' RGE M. PEED. A1TORNKY AT LAW, EEENSMTIG, Cambria. Cinhi. Pa. ornc:-: in colonape pow. M.irch l.T. 1SC4. i3r-:i E A EE IIAS.SON, AT rO.IN EY-AT-EA W. Eoeiisliiirg. C vivihria Co. Pa. r,r.ii e on Main street, three donis East IX 2 r. A. MioK.MAKKK. Wv.. ll. SecUI.KH. SIIOEMAKKl! X- SECHLEi:, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, E B E N S 15 U II O . CAMURIA Ct'STY. Pess'a. fc 1 tTice hcrett)f-re occnpinl hy p. A. Shoe WMiker. Dec. 7, 1804 tf . W. HICKMAN. R. F. IlOl.I. 0. W. HICKMAN CO., Wholesale Dealers in MANUTACTU h'KD T HACCO. :rir:::iov and domestic segars. SNITFFS. Ac - E. CO.l. THIUD MA1IKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. A':.2ist 13. lhf.3.-ly. 1 M I e"7 V z ft im iti"iiii r it t k .w . .ei.v.3 cy iriv i u -UuUVK,I1NUT' 'T U,aVC, l I , that he has always a large and vaneel of all the various articles peculiar - :s husiness. Repairs promptly and 'ia:iy aitcndetl to. I Pi-t'Tc At r !. 1 T I P3l . f V V till vv How Prisoner oi" Mar 111 a 3' be liclittrg--tf . ihrmn the ashinetou Union, reb. 24. 1 Hon. J Anderson, of Kviituvky, invo king In; ns-r-iMitnee. This inunung Air. Anderson ft;irtid ii'u" to the IVeMd-nt wiih a Matemei.t in the following word and ligurcs : rursoxna of avaij. ISeiijamia liubbif,"Ciwi--Mortou. D. Anderson, A. V. Alfoid, it .41 it 4( V. L l'Hstwood, Camp Douglas. Jus. F. 'Jhounif, 1 am not pci tonally acquainted witSi I lie abo e named ivi sons, but they are lvconnueudod "by ten true men (with whom I am pt:i sonaliy acquainted) as proper p-rM.'iis to be pt inutteu to lake tlie i.'juii and return home. lroui tlie recom- I i;i. ndalions. ;irid uiiui ination received, 1 ! ar-U the IVet-ident to pvrinit theiu to lie I ivha.-ed on taking the oalli of December, 1 J.; (Signed) Li Axnusox.. Jo tiie ibunoon of to-day, the young geiitleinin rcterred to appeared at tiie l''s wiili ihis paper and asked to 1 . 1 . . :. 11 :.. oe pt'imiucu 10 pi est 111 11. nwx in- r..e,i by c. oLeary,t.u ui.ici,. ol the door of the l're.-idents, othee, thai lie could not be pernntted to enter. Sub .eiu.iitly, upon being inK-micd of the ob j -i t oi tne cal!, he was taken aside and told by ()J ary t!iat if lie would pay hi 111 liliy dollars, he (0"l.-ary,) woulii lake charge oi the pajnis and procure the I'nstdent's i. rJir for tlie release of these ! ! l.-olurs : thai ollierwise isc would have 1 to r.'iiiain for many das without any pro bability of having an interview wnh the President. He saw two other persons 011 h similar errand pay moiuy to U'Leary, and saw the desired papers, a few n.inuics afterwards, given by U lx?ary to su li jicr so:js. Th Mini!" tenth-man had but iit- ! tie money at the hold ; iiolhing like that ! 1 1 - t i 1 . . . amount Willi lum. lie leu me paK is, j however, with () Iv.aiy and reported the ! ia-ts above n cited ! I vvtiit with him immediatelv to tlie 'lV.Moont's house, ii.tef.dmg tb plav a I siiiip!e and rusiic Mil. it ti some dilli : culty 1 Miccicded in disarming him 01' all j su.-picion, and arranged with him to pay ! the tiily dollars so soon "ay the President's joider lor the discharge of these prisoners i slintdd Ik:- handed to the entieman atxivc named. U'i.eary promised to meet Liili m his own room at the .National Hotel, (taking I no iiiunder,) at precisely three o'clock to-day, when he was to bring the order of the President fur the release ol lhu mvl r,.cclve lhe aniouIlt sti . , , . . . ,- . .1 uiaL.,j 1 remained out oi suht until the order for the uisi harge ot the prisoners was delive-re-il and tiie money paid. .Iut as j OT'ary vvas bowing himself out, 1 inter I ccpted him, forced him back into the j room, denounced him as a swindler, and I caused him to surrender the nione'y (thirty j doilar.-,) that being the amount which he j had agu-ed to take finally, lieeause of the j assurance that nothing would be advanced J lor two or three of the prisoners, and the j inability of the gentleman to pay moie for the others. The order of the President for the re lease of the prisoners is written on the j pr.pcr w hich was signed by Mr. Anderson, ' and is in the following words : J "Let these nun take the oath of De ' comber 8, lMbo, and be discharged. I "A. Lincoln." j February 21:, 1SG5. j Just as O'Leary vvas taking his leave j lie gave to his suptiosed victim his address, ! and upe-d him to iniorm the relatives and Inends of prisoners of war, that they could have them released from coniine meut by applying to him and paying ten dollars ia each case. He rave his ad dress Which I h:lVO in h'w ve-n h,in.t writing : C. O'Lkaky, Executive Mansion, Washington, I). C. I make tins matter publie from motives ; of humanity. During the last vear I have made many applications for the dis- charge of prisoners of war upon the terms ! mentioned in the above order of the Pre-si ,,1..,,. llt m n,. n.stm-. I,,.,. I ... -ssful. I have often written loX , .. , , r . , ani k'n,,vJ .of pnsiiners that there was nt. to thcir "'Ptlvlty hut peace. I rejoice, uowever, 10 oe aoie ai last to in form thofaP who fori nn inforwt in lhu matter, that a cheap and expeditious remedy is within their power, Commis sioners of Exchange may disagree, Duller may higgle about his niggers, but ten "dol lars enclosed to " C- O'leary, Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C," will re store any repentent reltcl to the blessings of freedom and the Seicicty of hi'-nds Km. Etuliiidck. Washington, D. C, Feb- 23, ISC. Tlie V.isv ol .Selling a Vlfe. tProm the Uiiiuinghaiu (En.j Gixettfe. ll will no doubt be in thu recollection oi some ot our readers that a li-w weeks ago a paragraph went the rounds of the papers, to the cliect that a man residing al Wolverhampton, had sold his wiie and three blooming chiiJre-n to an American adventurer tor I tie moderate sum of loO. A wiis tUv.ujneiiiiene'i, the wife Lit iie-r lavviui husliaud, and witii tlie three chil dren went to live with her American ad mirer It would appear, however, that a lew days ago she repealled, 4. her bargain, and reiiina-d to the protection bfjier hus band. I 'poii hading himself deserted, the .American communicated with the hus band, and inhn iiie-el him that if he could p -:suade his w ile to return to , him he would give the husband an additional .o0 Tiie husband accordingly, tried all his powers to get the wile to leave hii, and finding her quite wilting, communica ted witli our American cousin, who was in' London. He went down to Wolver hampton ihi Saturday. lie there saw the husband and wile, 'and it was arranged that the AmctLan, with the wife and three children, should leave Voiveihaiiij loii en Saturday lor 1aii Ion, by the 7 io P. M. train. l he Yaukcv, to make sure id ids priz', arranged with the hus band that he shexiid tee tin m to the sla ti'ii: and iq-on the. sign; 1 U ing given loi tiie train to start he wouid hand him a 4- Lank of England note. The hus band ac-urdiiigly saw the American, his wii'e, and three children sate in the train, and ii-on it leaving the platform received a iiank of England note iroin his Yankee friend. The train had hardly left the station, when upon lx;king at the note he found that it was a simple HSi note. Finding he was duped out of JClo, l.i iviie, and three children, he at once smt the folio.ving graphic telegraphic message to the police in this town; 44 1 ail turn man run away with my wife and three children, two boxes, two hand-b jxcs ami a carjK-t bag. He is an American, with a lu ll around him, with a bowie knife in the belt and a revolver. They are going to London, but husband will lie at lhr-' iniuuham by the next train, booked from Wolu i hani.toii to New street station, to Ik- detained." I'pon Detective Inspec tor Tan ly ieedviitg the telegram, he direc ted detective sci grants Sj-okesand dciinslo meet the train iroin Wolverhampton and look jut lor the American, the wile, and three children. These two active ollieers accordingly went to the station, and upon making inquiries of the railway oltieials, found the husband in the cloak room, he having arrived Iroin Wolverhampton by the express which reaches liirminghain about ten minutes after the ordinary train. The olVievrs made further inquiries and found the American had arrived. 1 hey then went to the Dudley street side of lhe station where the husband saw the American with his wife and children and the luggage he being in the act of putting the latter into a cab. Tiie hus band, going up to the Y'ankee, said ; " Well John, how are you getting on ?" to which he replied, " All righ', 1 guess." Upon this the husband informed him that he had given him at Wolverhampton Sta tion a o note instead ot a 50 note, and he wanted the latter sum. Said the Anvi iean, " Well I guess it was a mis take," and taking a bundle of notes from his pocket, handed the husband a o Hank of England note, w hich was passed to the detec'.ives, who found it to be quite genuine. The husband then shook hands with his wife, and kissing his children, wished them "good-by," and, with a friend who was with him, went, to the nearest liquor van!!.", where he '-liquored" with his friend. The hist that vvas seen of the American was that he, with the purchased wife and three children, were making tracks" for tlie Lndon train, where we believe they safely arrived. C?r ' Johnny, a youngster of soni ele ven years, was one day discussing proba bilities with his little brother, a six -year old. "When I am grown up," said Johnny, 44 1 shall be married, and my children will call you I'nele Seneca. And you will say, 44 Come here, my dear, and s;h what lrnde Seneca's got fer you," 44 Humph, ejaculated the little one, 44 1 guess I shall have all I can do to take care of my vw"x young ones !' . .ppancrs Every w here, in all sorts of new r - . " - j 1 had read ot g onous skating tun Ceu- tral Park, skatni-, fcx-huUkill and Selu.vl- kill Park Diamond duto graiid fun KK-u on skates, boys oti skates ; Splendid syiphides iu scant skirls, siecl shod, and IHttJittUsi uii .skill t!. bkirring away over me ice the lhuu- der! the very reading gave me the ice ! "-Sol'" I That's a challenge is it? fever, and in theilel'nmui con.-.equent upon ! Anl lh;ll's ,hu w:,v to tkate 1 .'IliUI1 tlie sudden attack, 1 resolved upon taking ' dcr ll caM frk ltti 1 A"' body e,. can an ice cruise mysi-lf. Wiiv nut ' Wiit ! -kate !" was to hinder I had never navi-ated that sort of craft, 'tis true. liut then Id bo,J se C04i:'1 "- 1 a cep.e.l Dimuy j :,'so as a Mul.-nt. Tin you. g French iiecn on the water, and under the water ! badenge however, and practice on ' man, it seems, was very fraii'i iu his man- all mv life and on ice, too, some-,. Hadn't j .,tA" V1 ouuined up uom that btack 1 killed seals, and chased while bears, lor : "'i.'-00 ed Kit iota a little, bent right weeks to vlhcr on ice t ! k"tl' su"1 Muik y aims akimbo. Uut Women could skate, so the papers said, and so did ever) body else, when 1 inqui red of'eiu. 1 could skate! What v. us the reason 1 couldn't. The only tning that I d ever seen a woman do that 1 couldn't was to hook her own dress aft, and, carrying six le'et in breadth of crino line', :ail through a twenty inch doorway. Yei,67r, I could skate ; and 1 vvas bound on an ice cruise. There was nothing to' prevent the ex- . , . . , 1 - i dilioti Irom being luted out al once. 1 . .. . pe was loungmi; about i lie navy yard, lie- i taehed fii iii cverytidi.g, all acquaintance f included, waiting orders. Disgusted with bar rooms, iletesiing theatres, what was i to do for amu.-ement I Why tsLute, of course! Ah, .-.-, the very thing. hy hadn't I thought of that Ociore i Id have a cruise direct l, or sooner if possi- ! hie'. No, I must have the tools first,- and started up town to find 'em. -. I brought up in lioi'.t of a big window on the starboard side of Chesiiut street, going towards -Tchuv Ikill, where the-y had more dilLreut rigs of hiiding machines than y u can see national Hags in Gibral tar. Knowing about as much of the qualifications of the different patterns as a cow does-of chiouontctcr lime', 1 went inside, and asked. hr a pair f skates. 4' What kind do you prefer sir .'" 44 (J, I have no preieivnce. Give me the best article you've got." Yes, sir :" and the clerk passed for inspection a pair of brass. clad, steel clip pers, with more' giggks and running rig gings to Yin than there is to a French sloop of war. "I'hcs. Yes, are the Iksi, are they ?" i-ir, decidedly ! Just get on to j them, sir, and you will yo anywhere and ewr where, like patent lightning. If juu don't liud i: so, bring 'cm buck, s-ir, and I'll return your money." 4 W hat's lhe price .'" 44 Feurteen dollars ! Very cheap !" Didn't bdieve that of course : but in vested lhe amount, and made sail for Fairnienint. Found suerb skating. Everybody said so, only those that called it elegant! splen did! magnificent! There vvas a regiment ol m. n, a battalion ol dimity, and a w hole hri-ade of small craft, on skates, skiver- ing, scooting, and cutting all sorts of tan cies e'li ice ; cveryliody laughing, chatter ing iu all directions ; and 1 didn't wonder newspaiMTP, nnd everybody else called skating glorious fun. 4 Have yer skates straped, sir?" said an itinerant boot black, about the hcighth of a walking stick. , Do you understand it, Iub ?" ( ), yes, sir ; 1 strap all the ladies' skates for them." 41 Ah, ha! do, eh ? Must have a jolly lime of it ! Would like the berth myself. There J'ou are. Go ahead, boy, and I sat dow n on the biaekie's box, about a couple of fathoms out on tlie ice. hiz! like a rocket, went by a great strapping long-legged chop, vvitha cigar living jib lKiom, and swinging his arms like a fri gate's headvards iu a hurricane, with the braces all adrift. 44 O, ho ! f o they can smoke on skates eh? boy?" Lord, yes, sit: Everybody smokes on lhe ice." Exactly." So I fired up on a Prin cipe, and shipK.'d it for the cruise. I "renin announced skates ail ctuunto, and took a liftycent 44 fractional." 44 Here, boy ! here's another fifty. Just allow me to sii on your iiox a lew min utes till 1 get the run of the navigation." So I s:.t there studvin" ice navivialion bv "dead reckoning, tilf directly a little bump as that would have stalled the ar iKlticoat craft, in yellow trowsers, skirts ! mor on any I sold those to her knees, red beit, Hnssian can, and ; itrnis akimbo, swoe.ped down, and check ed up right in front of me. There she hung for a minute, quivering like, and balancing, just like a iish hawk elocs over his prey, ami all the time eyeing me with a jolly twinkle in her dancing black eyes. 44 A challenge for a race, sir. Catch roe if voti can!" j Lntle Dimity diud her k-ii loot a lull -, j bent right knee slightly, made a gr.ic.eiul curvtf ,ne boltoui of her skirt just brush- . ii" . i i "ig my nose ; ami on sue vveni line nvuig-iisii Zi ee ee st zil : sw.ngiii'icity of ew O Wain : K....,,.i ; ... e... iroiu side to side, her tuilau skut sw:.yuig i"t-,et" thither, like the folds of a -wl Dialled in with the fchip-lieaJ to i lul 1 cou ili: t tliough, whatever any- I 1 UKin l cui a cuive 1 did the next be-sl tiiing, iiOAever, an I cui a spread eagle. ,i'ort f.ot slid due &ou;he-a&l and star- hoard one northwest; nil 1 realized those spread-out pictorial iinpossibih.ies on ei:- cus bids. 1 wandered it my boots and skates would ever become tlnpiuatcs auani. 4-Hullo! mister, vou mustn't try to j skate all over sius oi this "ere p. n 1 i ,.,,e . -i . i l i .. i looking chap, as lie checked up long i ,,v . , ; . . . ; enough to put in the reuionslraiiee a.aust put i my ice monopoly. 44 1 say .vir. .'s.u'iwatcr, cotildii t ycr lilt )ersdi a:iuut4'ip a bit, so vvc can sail 'tveeii yer legs ?" piped a )ouug scamp, lile leadei to a slung of twenty juveiiue skaters. ' M isi'l trv t. tL!it. im tu alt f.v.t lit . . . j . . v. - w. u . - once, my dear sir: atlvised a sensible. Christian looking j ouug man, who eaiue to my assistance, and set me on all even keel once more. 4 When you lili one ief, sir, you must throw ail your vi or iud inuscie into Hie otiier limb. And then, re-memoer to sway your bMiy so your weight will always be ujmjii that loot which h is the ice. 'Tis very easy, sir, ju.-t this way !'" and away went my Christian mentor, with a long, striding, giacclul swing. ' O ye that's very easy. All the vigor iu the other limb. YY I can do it. ' Sj I made a prodigious, etlott, and did it ! 1 slack out tnj' leg like a niusquilo when he.'s blood-sucking. Put all my vigor and umse-le into right limb, and couldn't uet it out i'g iin. Went off on i one fool, like a shot ; crooking right kme a hue v ice a minute, just as Lmle Dimity did. Saw a crinohne crait cross bill in v course, unoer co:ivey ot a bL double-banked chap, both skaiiug a sticak. Tried to sheer to Mrt. and go clear of j 'em. Missed Slavs, and went aloul ot j Crinoline. The toe of my port skate j j hooked Miss Soiubody's skill, which gave j ! me a broad sheer to, to starijoard, . and 1 j rammed big convoy bulling him square on his cutwater, and drove the lire-end of my Principle slap down his throat. There was an everlasting tangle, and all i bauds went sprawling on the ice like a net oi' Ineauga laud crabs j 44 Look here sir ! What do you mean?" j yelled big convoy, scrambling lei his icct, ami inanouver'u.g te r a broad.-ide. 44 Leg pardon sir. 1 couldn't help it V 1 replied meekly, still silling on tin- ice '"Couldn't luiit it? Why didn't you slop V 44 Didn't know how." 44 O bo! uivcn on skates, th?" 44 Yes, grcen'ii a cabbage!" That modified lhe big chap, and set ting me on my pins again, he volunteered to educate me in check'nm up. 44 Turn your teies up. and dig the heels of your skates into lhe ice ibis way."' And he illustrated. 44 O, yes : I can do that. And 1 did, eluvcily. OllT sl;Ot again one leg; steer- ing this tune lor too shore Lei skated j enough. llaif way in, ar.d there s'id ight down in my c urse a crowd of forty or so giris and men, and women ..n 1 1km s. 1 tiled 44 down brakes," according to lnslructieiis and broke too much. I p tins, and di l tl.l . 1 I V heels into the ice. I back like, and doubled amidship, as if I vvas ireiing to take a seat and I did ! went ilown stern foremost, with a tccmy, that broke the ice like a pain ol window- glass shivered by a jiehble hut led through I had an idea just then that such a internal skates, just as 1 sal, for lour doi- lars. under a stroiiL! coiiv iction that there no fun in tkaiiug. It's all a humbug. 1 1 can't skate 1 don't want te. suppose. said the quick, 44 vou think me a iool I 44 1 es, said lhe patient; 44 but I did not think you could ascertain my thoughts by feeling my pulw." j Mifc 5Vt iit.all mi l4eUcki. aiLUramng u ilialkllne. . aj Unoe upon a fm-.c, thorp camo to the i v j the of learning s.jeiloe ,,f i me lieie and surgery. 1L. was tall ai.! ! athle ic, shrewd, apr an 1 i.,t,lW:,t with a lillie spi inkling ot w:iLr, n w-f in ha ted iut h Ch ntv H.piml a id a r.Mim in the ttd.'d sti ty given him. as a study. Ou entering mo. his ncv qu uters, he was inir.doced to a voimr Y rem-li gn:tleinni, occupviug tUe rei!ri ners eourtcoum yet cold and he lhu- addressed his new"- companion! 14 Si I am indeed p'eased to see vouy and h -p- that we m.-iv prove mutually agreeable t but ia ord;r that this mav le llni case. I will inform yon that I have hid several firmer room-in ttes, with none 1 of whom could I ever n -ree j could pursue our studies together. This j room' contains two U-ds : as the oldest nree we never o.Ttiint, I claim the one nearest the window." '1 IvT' iituckian a'-sou'ed. 44 Now," stiil J flc.5 Frenchman, " I'll draw lhe b u.!darv line b'fwceti the tef ihiric-s, and we dia!I t ach agree not to ncrouh upon the ihers nguis," and ! tal mn a piece of chalk fn. his ixn-kcf he mad.; the maik of !ivision midA-av ! ore siL nf ti e room to the other, 4Si'-," iC a.I Ied, ' I 'lw;p.- you have IO l j ctioiK to the treat v ?" I V... t.. .11 ...... 1 .-i'iiv; u iiiir wti:m, .r, answcCl the stranger, I am j rfeetlv suisieJ with it." lie then sent down for his bag gag, and both studcn.s set doivn'ivltli' their 1km iks. ' The Frenchman was soon d. eply en- ; srasred, while 44 Old Kensnck " was watch inir him, and thinking what a singular genius he must be, and how he mi-'Lt 4-ii" him. - 'I hus ihin.-s wefit on nnfil dinnertime came. The bell vvas run the French man hopjMd up,, adjusted his cravat, brushed up his whiskers and moustaches, and essayed to depart. kt Stand sir!" faid tl. stranger, sud denly placing' hints If with his to; s to the mark, direer'v before the French student.. it you cr..-s that li al'manl" by you re a The Frenchman stood pale with ast tnn- i ishinent. The Ivntuckiau moved not a muscle of l is lin e. li.ith remained in the ; silence fur a few mnt-nts. when ; Frenchman xdainiee! 4 4 Is it nosihle I I did n"t reserve lhe ri-hr of passage ?' 44 No. sir, in le 1 vou 1:1 not,: and you j pass thi line at your iM-rii." 44 IS it shall I get out of the room?" 44 There is lhe window, which vou rrwrrnl to vou-se'f vou mav li-c that : but you pass not that n y diMjr which you trencrouslv ' r't me." TI. tMuir i -1 . t . . ..... P.t..t.. ...... 1 j IP was in a quandary, and made all sorts f explanations and entivaits The Ken;i.c; "an t-ok compassion on him. and j lhinkin that goin-j out of a third story ! window was not 44 what it's cracked opto ! 1m," said, to his new biend 44 ir, in j order that we may b- ntutua Iv agreeable, I'll ndi out that hateful dia!k-Iine and let y"i pass." j The Frenehrmn ;).:it-!y thanked ban, ; and sinv the settlement of 'hat 44 hmmda- ry que.-iion ih-y have been the best t friends. iery G3- Hen Wade, of Ohio, is notorious for his brutality, but he ri' ich.-d lhe cli max the other day, when he advocated instead of an n propt hition of $1000 to procure a marble bust of dude 'I ar.ey, i;K)0 to buri the l.-.le Coiel Justice in i t',"' 1 C2 Why Mijar goes up, in pi ice, is readily solved, by the fact that ii: Louisi ana, iu th-. parish s in which sugar can is cu'niv ated, there wasrais-Hlii l.soT-"b'2 tot enormous anmi n- of -io!, 1 Hi hhds., while in 1 'S: -'bo, th'. same parishes pro d nein'y G,7o."i hhds. CJ" In Philadelphia, according to Fry the great and voluminous Fry, Pro vost Marshal General Frv the draft i ; , proved, 44 but if lie quota is filled : wi'ii volunteer"', the dialled io. n will be ie!eas'd." 1 his was I iv's latest opto 1H A. M , o- Saturday las', February 2"th. Tlie telejira; h don't :ive us anv- th':i:g biter. -cause ;Le telegraph can't kev;i us with Frv. CrTh.' 44o'.d,'-t inhabitant" h is Irjcn fomtfiat last. IL exists in the person of Joseph Civic, a resident of W isconsin, and is one hundred and thirfy-uiue years I'h', as the record of his baptism ia the Catholic Church at D.-foit, where hi v;; Ur:k. it i oV- s.