1 1th, at nd be. but the 'H)tlii,w " 'he re-k. at War 'hcrman rXECUTOR'S NOTICE. , Whereas, letters testamentary on the List wiil and testament df Charles Ross, late of Cfirroil township, Ciiu' ria county, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. Notice is here hy given M ail persons having claims again.-t 'said deceased to present them properly authenti cated for settlement, aud those iudci!ej to nuke payment without dchy. JAMES T. KliiKi'ATniCK. a uc. us riXE farab ai g i 1 . Teb. 22, 1805-Ot Executors. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? Out Gre cian O'lu pound v ill force thim to puw on the smoothest foe -r chin, or hair on bald heads in Six Wtvk.. Price $1.00. Sent by mr.il anywhote, closely scaled, on receipt of price. -Addess, WARNER & CO.. Bx 138. Brooklyn, New York. Feb. 22. 1805 lly N lOTICE. The mcmhi rs of the ROBERT" OIL COMPANY, are herein notified that the stated m-eting of the Company, wi!! be lull at the office of ;.,. M. R-ole. E-, on MONDAY, the 13th day ol March, at 7 oVh ck. I'. M., and it tlie same time each tnemher wiil he re quired to pay the u.orithl instal.v.t nt of SU". T. BLAIR MOORK. Ehctisburg, Feb. 15 4t Sec. Fro. Tern POCDI1ETTE1 Fift.en Years Fair Trial! A. I'F.YS.SOX, Philadelphia. POlTJnETTE. J20.00 per-. ton," taken from tt.t: F ict- ry. iokje. or ' 50 cents per bushel, and $26.00 i,er ton n lt:lirb ,jt. livered at Steamboat and E. Ron! Depots, iu Philadelphia. Manufactory, Gray's Fer ry I toad, ah. .ye the Arse d. Ph Ipnia. D -p t. peyssox's ; '."in, Ol itiClster, j N. J . V imhi:ry toad. O.h c I.d r irv tr.-et. No. 420 La.-k of thc-Neu l'-t 0!!i;v., Philad'a. Dealer.-, FKEXOII. RICHARDS .V 0 . FOUR I II X. CVLLOWHILL Streets. Feb 15. 18o5-4m PllILADELI HIA -riviAl LIST. Fii ! March Gth M'tionigie ! :lua .s.m.e K. I.'er uiiri Eben-b: ! V W EEK, eomnicr.cif. 1SU5. .'CIS, v. Hnu Dims. vs. !:!v;.ng(T, vs. N -1. .M'tKiXALl), Pi. t'v. 15. l:o. Ji S, r-'. F. o. REGISTEiVS NOTICE Notice i-, heie'.:y g-wn that ti e ('!!. .wirir JiCC 'lii.tS ti ilr bet-ll ; -i.SM- ! .im ! Hied in tin-i'l'il'.-t" is t ,'l:;ce .i'. i -.be:. si ni g. a:d v il! tie f.-i.t.'.ed t.. the (trphaas' Court ol Cambria County, f- r c--i fn n:.-iti. n and aliowai ce, . n M tf'.-.j it.e .ixtii d.ty oi M.uch, i.eit t wit : '1 he nr.-' vctlUT ol ti f .I.icob Iv i-ver: 1, Ex late o i'-ter i.i-v t o.!, i:.-o uoiiiiMov n. 'l!.e a.c-.i nt . f C. !L Ellis guaroi in of rt Mai M- Do veH , n.-.iior c!.iii: f .J..,n.-!-.wi,, f Ib,l McDowell, Tl e aeo.unt ol l'.-t ibei h t "Il..na, Ado no t. ; tov D.v; dp.d 1 n'll.i late of M ui.rier J i.e ace. l:i.t ' '! tin- .-::!e ..1" t! t.n Buek. V.- . tru.-tce for real e.-t.in-1 t Diviit Tod.!, Jr.. h.te "f C-.n. 'i ! e tii.-t account ol 1 !,1 t .wn.-i ! Ji ilee d. Michael Dui.ne-.ir;, Ad- minis, r: r 1 I bite of Ad-, -h The second ai d t! 1st tie ol Mi i i;i;tn, I'l.V t'.Wl.j.:il , I. 'd. hn count of til C a..l , f William est tie f I.l c-l-lty, Kil'ed A'iioitii.-ti . Antbew Todd, lau ilicM. 'I l,e a unt of Wo:. 1 rt;.te t C m!,-, I) mil. Adtor M 1T.IV lali , o! ti.e f the l.'T I . .U i o! f..( Ur. .lee'd. K.U- H. Ad:or' I tie :u . . i.t.: . 1 , ,;. :or or lb. ' i Mto.stei c'd. state ot J-A ;z-t t"D .n ri.t I m.lv. d 1 -:i tiina! arc vlng. E'r, .1 Wm. T. ; Wm ist Kilted, survi 1 anil te.-.t a:n nt late 1 f Loiett LauiOna (Vi.nty, .Lc" i. Ti e ac. I'.unt ' Wm. Kittel! Vlm'r.of the t.ia't-ol John Owens, hi to ..f the Bor ough ot EU iisburg, C.tubria Co.,dtc'd. 1 be account ot Josiah M. Chiisty, of the estate of Demetrius A. M dee'd The partial :.cc-.m,t of Win. Kittil, Adm'r igchan. iii. r Black- of the cstat- of .John Rees. late of lick township. Cam! ria Co., dee'd. Ti.e fir.-t account of Elizabeth Wible and. Ja oh Stohz, Adtu'rs of the estate, of Pe ter Wible. hit. : of Carroll township. Cam bria County, dee'd. ; The final account of Wm. Kittell, survivii g 1 Adm'r f the estate of Eli. 11 Todd, late of L r ito. Cambria Co.. dLc'd. The fomth account, of Catharine McGlade, ! late Catharine Cas.-idv, Executor of Lewis : Cassi.ly. decM. " 1 The fir.-t and final account ot C. L. Pershing : E--4-. Adtii'r ; Imi.uis vn of John Ilite, late of Jo! rislown. .b-e'd. i The third account of Wm. Kittell. Adm'r i of the estate of Robert Fiinn. dee'd. ! The first and final account of Tobias Y.Kier, ! Administrator of the estate of .I,tr,L "o . Ier, late of Voder township, dee'd. JAMES O RUTIN, j Ck-.-fc. Rciris?,.rV Office, Ebensburg, Feb. 8, 1S04, 4t. "TO THE NERVOUS DEBILITATED 1 ANT) DESPONDENT OF BOTH SEXE-; A great sufferer having been re- ' stored t.-bf alth in a few days, after many j years of linsey.. is willing to assist his suf i terir. fe'low-eroat i,v sendiiiir ''freei. on the receijit of a jiost-i.i a '.dressed enve lope, a cpy of the formula uie employ ed. Direct to JOHN M. DAGNALL., Box 183 Post O.llce, Brooklyn, N. Y". Jan. 18, 1865. JOBYORK OF V L L KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE. AT TIIE SHORTEST NOTICE AND ON REASONABLE PRICES ! I 1ST OF CAUa.ES, L Set down for Trial on the SECOND WEEK of March Term, 18C5. M'Culgan vs Myers, Feigned issue. Henry vs Warner, Jackson vs Johnston, Hoffman vs Colcle.ser et al. Fenlon vs Duncan. Ji tL ics vs livers, Uiiird vs Black. Myers vs W.odeok, M;Ciosker vs Carl and, LanJze vs Moore et at. Ruck vs Same. Rurgoon vs Noel. Young vs Wiimore, Yo-t vs Dawson, C mrnonwealth for use vs Moore et al. S arbangh vs Link, Kay lor vs Noonan. Lycoming County Fire In. Co. vs Noon's Administrator's, Rees vs Fees. JOS. MTON'ALD, Prot'y. Ebensburg, Feb. 15. 1805. N THE OHI IIAN'S' COURT of Cambria JL Ci-unty. Notice is hereby given that ' the following appraisements o( certain per-. son.U property, f decedents, seleded and set apait for the widows iutlstat. s, under Ait of Assembly of the 14th April 1831, have beeu filed in the Register's Office, at Ebensburg, and wiil be presented to the O' phaus' Court for approval; on Wednes day the 8:h of March, next, to wit . Appraisement 'f certain personal property nt ajart for the widow of Jacob Brallier, deceased. Appraisement of certain personal property jU, it tart for the widow of Edward Burk, ' deceased. Appraisement of certain personal property set a; art for the widow of Wm. Sloan, deceased. Appraiser.: nt of certain personal property set a pair, lor the. widow of Michael Reams, dxeaMil. J MES GRIFFINOerk. C!cik's Ofiice Ebensburg, Feb. 15, '05-3t JIRST NA'IIONAL BANK I O F A L T O O N A , j Cnner ' Virginia and Annie S.'itc.t. ujpu- I We S;q:i tittei!?itls ();,'!rc 1'iiura Rll. LI.AIK ( OTNTY. PENN'A I UNITED ST.iTES DLI'O-SITOJIY i ai ! FINANCIAL AUENCY. I MONIES RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT. Ititenst alhiMod t,n ti;ne Dep'-.-its. ; 0 :d and Sdver P..-t-ht and SoM. Frai jt'otiil Currency and Mutilated United i s?-ates Notes li .let-toed. Drafts o:i the ; Prim ij.'.ii (;itK- tot S oo. (A-ntial Depot for ; the Sale of United States Internal Revenue ; Stamps. 'i ! i P. it.k k'eps n hand for sale the : 7 ;,-U) U S. TREASURY NOTES. aini t.ske Snbsi'i ipt ion fir the same. This : is the FtM'ULAR 1.0 N. the only (iovern- , i:o lit L-Tn tio.v in 1:1:11 ket ;it par. .ivitit; ; thi.s. who ,;tve m.Mi'-y a sale and desirable i opj ortunit v f r itiv'stni-nt. ! T O CENTS A DAY FOR EACH 1 00. i Tnes- Notes', at M;turlt y, can be exchanged ! f' 5.20 Six Per (nt C,-1 l-earius: P."i':ds. ; WM. M. LLOYD. Prehi.Ieof . t Feb. 8. Ifc0o-l!y D. T. CALDWELL, Ca.--I.ier. L I CENSE NoTK.'E. The following Peti been ii!el in tliis of to O. .ti rt on the First te-tis f t License have tire lor j r.- ntati-.ii M n-h'.y of Man! ( o oige Windilot IVriM. lJ-tj",, to wit : . "dniore Bji.. Tavern. .1 . se b si,; rev. Pdaeklick Doioini.? M'ilu-h. Mi'lvilh- B.,r.. Matthew Wissel. 2 W'd "Joht!stown !'- i.i y Fter, West W'd Ebensburg " I ). A . C- t.r.id. San:'-. 1 S. Faiil. O. v'e Twi.. " J.s-e P.,tTtrs n. -Id W'd Jobuntown " b I n .( ide, Cambria B r .i:.;ii, ret- l- M'Dei-mitt, M-livilie B r., D.mitl Condi, Con em uigh, J s.ph li..;iicr, Wiluioiv Bor. Fled. :;k Vttgle, Wasirnton tp Audtew Uei.niic.'. 3d W'd Johnstown ' F. I) -ishnt r, Allegheny tp. " ('.ia McOoiih, Cleartield to. Tudor A- Jones, Ebensbur-r. W. WM. Quart tl It'lu .V i 1 t ov-.t. at ia'i.i.iui', t Cl'k Qtiatter Sessions. Ebensburg, Feb. 8. ItsoS. I .''OIL RKXT. The well known and well pHtror.i..-d Tavern Stand in the Rji-otiizh of Ebensburg, know-u as the Union Hals..-, is for rent and possession given on the thst of April next. For partiaulars apply to the proprietor. JOHN A. BLAIR. Feb. 1. 1864. OLD EYES MAIE"NEW7 A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight ami give up spectacles, without aid of doctor or mediril.o Sieit liv t-noil I'rr-n on rpn-iitt t S 10 cents Address , E. B. vTt', ! 1 . , ,,30 Broadway, New York. Feb. 165 dm. TFvC WAX TTCniNbW T A LITTLE ;F EVERYTHING relating to the humQ system, mile and female; the cause and treatment of di.-eases; the marra accustoms af the world : bow to mairv well ami published before i-.in-ed edition of tin ,i!-:i ml thil.t'S ll.'VlT ....... 1 o... r..t-wil iimf fniarired editi ,--.e i tii. 1 . .. , t .... Cc-i-ui.- " : em Ions 0'K f,,r curious pc .pie, 'and a good book for e;ery one. 400 pages. 100 Illustrations. prjct. $1 ,50. Omteuts table sent free to aiiy aidress. Books nicy be had at the 1,,,,, stores, tr will be sent by mail, pest . .. ..r it,., i.riee Address Ilr i-. i I'OOTE. M. D-. 1 30 Broadway, N e w York . l eb. 1, 1805 Kin. N- OTICE. All applications for Relief must besor.ttothe Vanmissioner's Office, on or her. re the 10th day of each Month. No Orders for the month for which the applica tion is made, will be granted if received after that time. By Order of the Board of Relief. WM. II. SECHLER, Otk. Feb. 15. 185Fi 31 mm. tt 1 1 ' I ? -T , aw. iiciiriM AAli J NPLND11UKL.S OF II DA l OF JANUAR1, 1804, '10 THE 2oTtl DA OF JANUARY, 1865, BOTH DAYS INCLUDED. DR. To am't of County Tax from Collectors for 18G4 and previous years, Poor " Relief " Military County tax from seated and unseated lands for 1803 & previous ISAAC WIKE, Tkkasuree. $13,877 10 7.255 78 4,57.) 05 C52 97 years, 1,404 12 Poor 735 fi:i Relief " 30 1 72 Road ' 1.377 yi Scn.K.l " 1,500 83 Reef ived from miscella- neoiio sources, 392 42 Received Irom Com missioners aes, C95 50 Received on Redemp tion of lands, 482 5G Exonerations allowed Collectors on County Tax. 586 29 Commissions ' " 712 19 Exonerations allowed Collectors on Poor Tax. 292 86 Commissions ' 355 79 Exonerations allowed Collectors on Relief Tax, Commissions " " Exonerations allowed 209 53 253 54 Collectors tary Tax, Commissions on Mili- 372 50 til 53 Total. Balance due County, $30,249 8- 3,549 95 Oai.-t.ud.iiig Debts due from Co'docU.rs for 1864 and previous years. Cot" ntt. P. or Statk. Rilsef. Military. 1-60. Jacob P.r.rgoou, Washington tp , lSGl. Dan'l L'tzmgrr. Cl.csi Sprites bor. 1. l'.:itie?o,. J l.nstown, 2d W. Mieh: i L'ltz i;t!,'ce bor.. 111 S3 155 14 11 4" 82 159 92 16 2 '' 95 20S 14 . 3. .9 17 153 190 1i3 137 125 l'.)7 1 80 2. I. seph Wi t, Uein tie lil tp . J .hn Wi.hams, E!,eusl urg. E. W, E J. Iil!s. W. W. X. Uel'.'tich. Chest tp.. Joseph M- ycr. Cleai field tp., T J Davis Ebensburg. East W. West W. (b-ore Orris. Ra h!. m l tp., R. I) iling. Wahih tp., .1. i t. O il- White tp., Fianci.- Hll', A b.'i In ti v tp , lohn Oilhui 'l'.:.el In. h"r,.., t'acoo .! o . , .on .; 1 1 Adam Knitz. Catubria bor., J. A. D-etri' h, Carrol! tp.. A. l'.ir.ib.uih. Carrolltovn bor., Henry Nott.r, Ch'-st Sj, rings Ai.tho.-v Anna. Chest t., J. II. Douglass. CicuHeM " 18;;1. d.R. CooJC! J. P. Murra Conle. , i:i.e en: C East W W.st W. S. P. D intnire, Jack 1 tp.. Wm. Flattery, Johnston u, 1-t W. M W 3d W. 4th W 5th W, 57 127 154 06 340 7 8 150 John IV.idl.-r, Loietbibor., (Jeorge McDowell. Miliville For., John C. Homer, Ric! lane li.nrv Walters. Siinno.rhiil to.. j-ttnui Vaiigh, Snumiittville bor, 23 Wm. A. ina-s. .n.-ipueiiatma tp., Wto M'lVrodtt, Washit.gttm tp. F. Neakiik. Wilnnre, bor., J .hti Bears, White tjt., T. L. Hunt, Y'uder tp., 43 215 8S 440 00 Total. 5403 Due Cambria CoUutv on Juiaements &c. I Thomas Downs, $44 Srs psa;u. p.in.it 1 10 13 55 53 89 30 50 79 PctT Eager, A. Smith, et al. Total, $250 13 Amounts due C unt-, Miscelaneous. CD. Murray, late Treasurer, $60 91 R. P. Linton, Sheriff. 02 07 D. T. Storm, C m:nissiouer, 10 78 LlALlM riKS Outstanding Orders, Balaucc in fa v..- r unty, Total. .t -.'fitVi Given nude- -r itn.ls, at Ebensburg. attest. Wm. II. Seclder, Cleik. We. the undersined. Auditors of Cambrh, a.n y . o rc - we ., a .., examined the accounts and voticlrers .receipt, am ex.i urc J .nissioners. from the 20th day of Januar y 18o4 t . U .c - t 1 statt.m,tit of the lia davs included, and find them to be c-riect. a, is. also the 1ok0o 0 bibties and assets of said county. . Witness our hands at the L-ommissume, ary, ipOo Attest. Geo. W. Oatman, Clerk. i FORCE C. K. ZA11M, Treasurer, In ac count with the Directors of the IW and House of Employment of Cambria ummj Dl 1864 $7,000 00 To County Orders, Balance due Treasurer, $7,000 73 CR Total. 1864. T!v lv.l:,nrfi due Treasurer, ; 73 Amount paid indebtedness paid to January 1804, 1.0o4 19 Interest on same 1 fen 10 Merchandise and Groceries, 1,90 10 CAMBRIA COUNTY. FROM THE 2CTU CR. By am't paid Auditors County Accounts, Assessors, Bridges, Commissioners, " Clerk, " Couusel, Constables, Court Crier, Court House, Criminal Prosecutions, Damages. District Attorney, Elections. Fox Scalps, Futl, Incidentals, Inquisitions, Jail & Jailor. Jury (Grind), Juiy (Traverse). Jury (Talesmen), Military', li inting, Probates, Prothonotary & Clerk Q Sessions, $216 00 C87 05 803 00 1,336 43 390 00 InO 00 513 72 91 7 5 254 11 972 91 88 21 308 00 2386 10 198 25 72 25 01 90 218 96 110 81 470 43 1C03 38 94 90 13 50 442 00 203 40 588 38 7,000 00 75 00 306 16 16 04 4,831 85 3.354 74 1C9 50 40 09 131 02 218 04 53 00 34 30 1.383 05 1,461 18 1 oor House. Directors, Redemtion of Lands, Refunding, Relief, Repairs, lb .ads. Schotils, Stationery, Supervisors, Sales of Lands, Wild Cat Scalps, Hv Commi3ions to C..llectors for Co, Poor Rel'f & Miht'iy, ' Exonerations do. " 07 Deeds to County for Land at i'2 t7i. 192 G2 By advertising 14 tracts of landj 7 00 " Commission on $28,495 OS, 854 88 Amount in Treanureis hamls, 3,549 95 Total, $:0,249 82 M 72 51 01 322 50 105 97 43 94 1 93 15 36 13 24 43 82 74 51 42 72 36 Ol 18 50 78 11 62 00 57 60 . 53 00 8 35 2 05 2 05 24 31 27 35 13 50 41 07 42 45 26 04 78 10 46 06 46 06 46 08 34 23 30 22 8 77 1 06 134 52 94 04 89 C4 42 50 48 43 2 50 33 52 1 50 104 90 07 01 07 01 30 50 73 98 50 08 49 08 29 50 179 88 124 09 124 09 9 50 8 78 5 96 5 96 0 50 31 53 24 42 24 42 C 00 74 37 52 05 52 05 18 50 96 41 05 19 64 19 23 50 51 01 33 74 33 74 15 00 09 01 46 94 46 91 18 00 o3 10 52 77 43 28 15 50 99 19 09 88 09 58 10 00 30 01 20 10 15 16 19 50 37 22 42 52 33 27 41 50 28 47 23 22 22 22 12 00 03 27 42 84 41 59 25 00 77 43 54 05 51 05 56 50 23 20 26 14 23 34 4 00 173 86 106 61 106 CI 30 00 38 36 17 05 17 05 21 00 75 53 52 32 51 22 12 50 11 88 8 92 7 92 1 00 20 43 12 57 10 07 4 1 00 122 21 83 22 82 22 16 50 4 3 58 33 96 30 96 13 00 218 36 154 80 154 80 37 00 32 90 81 88 80 97 15 00 i859 10 1938 02 1007 42 037 24 14 "40 37 06 CO 55 02 81 11 40 7 I 71 97 no 04 53 10 44 58 33 rS 74 07 77 47 14 53 75 0.9 30 00 20 97 43 27 05 0l 28 0 8 Indebtedness of Cambria County up to January 26th 105 Outstanding County Orders $854 25 Relief " 1 101 50 $2015 79 $110 go 1 STATEMENT. Assets. $2015 75 Amount due from Collccto- ' 14376 78 Miscellaneous, Treasurer, J9 13 250 3549 95 1244G 06 Total. dav of January, A. D $16,392 52 1805. JOHN CAMPBELL, ) E. GLASS. G luitniss'ioncrs. E. R. DUNNLGAN. J lorenort lb it we have careumy Ebensburg. the 26th day of Janu at i-nensour4. - VM. J. WILLIAMS, i P. TlEltNEY. V , A. KENNEDY, t , V ; LLI AMS, Auditors. F J Flour and Grain, Steward's Salary (in part). Fork aud B :cf. Lalior on Farm, I louse servants. Relief of outdoor Paupers, Constable's Fees, Justice's Feus, Coffins, Blacksmithing, Physician. Provisions, Hardware and Tiu ware, - Printing, Paving, Stoves. 998 11 380 00 530 43 24" 55 31 07 885 43 57 45 09 00 20 00 45 31 125 00 117 48 34 45 9 75 225 00 10 00 Sad -lerv and K 20 80 Incidentals and R-pairs, Treusurer's Salary, Stock for Farm, Total. 82 78 100 00 130 00 $7,000 73 bTOCK ON FARM. 3lIorscs, 1 18 Sheep, ' Cows. 6 ii' ARTICLES ON IUND. it ions nay, 700 bu. Potatoes, 20 Pans. 1 bbl. Molasses, 1 " Kusar, 13 " Flour, 2 " Vinegar, J " lVkios. -'0 lbs Coffee, 1 H'.IJW 2700 4000 90 85 30 I -.rk. Beef, Lard, Butter. Wool (car'd) PRODUCTS OF FARM. 300 lbs Mutton, 2400 " Beef. Hides sold $31,30, 10 Tons of Hay, 250 bus Oats, 1200 Potatoes, 20 " Onions, 25 Beans. ; L0 20 20 70 8 o 4000 bus Cucul-ers ' Carrots, " Tomatis, " Beets, ' Apples. " Pears. " S'l Onions. " Head Cab 26 " p arsntris. bage, ARTICLES MADE IN THE HOUSE. 44 yds. Linsey, 43 " Dresses for women, 35 Chemises 10 Sun Bonnets, 19 Aprons, 23 pr's w's hose, 82 Mens 4 " 13 Skirts, 7C pr's pantal'ii. 32 Vests. 126 Shirts. 8 Suit for IV.vs, 1 2 Dresses for Chil- d ren, 31 Sheets, 42 Pillow Slips, t5 Haps. 10 B-d Ticks. 12 Caps, -I Koundahouta, 4 Shrou l NUMBER OF INMATES REMAINING IN THE HOUSE, January 1. 1804, No., admitted during the year, Discharged " Abscond-.'d " Died " Remaining January 1, 1605, " Sane Insane, Outstanding debts due bv Poor House 53 51 23 2n 4 51 3S 13 Am't Outstanding Orders prior to January 1804 049 58 Am't Outstan-lV )rd'rs for 1864 1548 99 Total, $2,198 57 WE the undersigned Auditors of Cambria County respectfully' report, that we have audited, settled aud adjusted the accounts of Poor and House -f employment of said County, with George C. K. Z lhm. Treasurer, thereof, according to law, and do find a bal ance due the Treasurer of seventy-three cents. Given under our hand this 13th day of January, A. D.. 18C5. WM. J. WILLIAMS, J. A. KENNEDY, F- P. TTERNEY, Attest, Aulitors Geo. V. O.itman, Clerk. JAMES J. KAYLOR. Steward of the Poor and 11--use of Employment, in account with tlieDirectors of the Poor of Cambria Count v. 1864." DR. Feb. 29th, To Order No. 23, $ SS 00 24, 33 00 ' " 38, 90 00 Cash f..i bides, 10 00 " 45 yds Clio at 25cts 11 25 " 2 bushels oats 9. 00 Mar. " April 27. Julv 2d " 12, 18, 27. 10 yds Muslin at 50ets. 5 00 " Order No. 86, 100 00 85 CO 75 " $ Bushel saft. " Casli f,.r hides " Cash refunded by N. Rover " Cah per J. M 'Donald for 2 pigsf " Cash per Thomas R .S- ensteel for damaged flour, " Cash per James Stew- art l)vets.er c.f the lxr of PineJwuahip, Indiana C., for sup port of Jaae Hartntss and family, " Cash per John Evans for hides. 29, 31, 00 00 00 00 Sept. 27, Nov. 29, 57 00 Dec. 24, 26, 1805. Jan. 5, 16 SO 100 00 Order No. 132, Cash per Overseers of Poor of White township Indiana Co., for sup p rt of David Abbot, "fa, Order No. 228 18, t-sti per YYi,: CR. oo4. By bal. at setttkment $ 58 95 cash for Postage 50 Jan. 25, Feb. 15, " probate, freight, ' hire of thieshing inachme oue y ear, By freight, " postage, 20 3 30 15 00 Mar. 11, 14. April" 21, May 2, 1 06 30 10 25 " Cash paid N Shank for straw. By cash paid to R- Davis for lime. By cash paid William Kavlor for flax seed, By" 800 lbs of hay at .il.50 7 00 1 00 4, 4, 12 12 1 00 75 Ry 8i bushels barley at 1,50 By cash paid P. Stoltz for sied com. By cash paid for stamps cabbage plants. Bv cash fr frei-ht. By cash paid done vV Owens, Blacksmiths, Ry cash for stamps, . freight, " paid to Jones & Ycncr for carding. By cash paid to A. Young for rye. By ca-h paid to send away Mrs. Dari. 50 50 1 23. June 20, July Aug. 1 5, 18', 8. 15, 20. 1 20 1 76 Sept. 4 Co 10 00 an IK cabh for frtigLt cn tea, By cash paid for coal to Me- frhach Thomas, mend ing shoes, Bv caaL paid for coal. . ' i tt By Cjjsli paid J. II. Dravo. Alieghery Co., Pa., f r supitort of L0 75 29. 8, Nov. 1 20 2 65 2 95 3 05 11. 22. C, G, Die - Lewis By cash paid George EckfDrode lor weaving liy cash paid for ma I, By ca.-d. paid for freight on Hour. 43 00 6 16 2 95 C 55 0. 10. 12. 18C5 Jan. 14, 14. 18. By freight paid for Ex press charges 50 cash paid for stamps. 1 0Q By sl.Try f,,r ne vcar less 7 days at $500 per ?ilr' , . 490 41 By cash paia for col 12 70 Amouu.t ue t0 rector 12 19 18, 18, Total, $727 75 WE the undersigned Auditors f CamhrU County, respectfully rejx.rt that we have examined tiie a.ve account and find it correct, with the amount of tw.Jv.- ,l,,J!Hr3 and nineteen cents in favor of the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment Jf Cambria County. Given under our hands this 18th day of January, A. D.. 1865. William j willtams, john a. kennedy, F. P. TIERNEY. Att"t, Auditors Geo. W. Oatman. Clerk. SHIPPING " 1 TO AND FROM ENG LAND, IRELAND AND SOTLAND, 15Y THE GALWAY LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, MONTREAL do. do. AND WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. Diafts at si-ht for 1 and upwards, on National Bank and Branches. Payable in all the City's and Town-in Kn-jlaod. Ire land, Scotland and Wa'es free of Dislourit R A. 0. KE1;R. May 25, 1804 ly. - Allooiia. 0 II I O PETROLIUM COMPANY. The undersignf-d havinsr been appointed an Ag.nt for the subscription of STOCK to the Company, l egs leave to submit the fob. lowing' statement : This company is chattered by thi Lcgis lature of New York in conformity with 'the laws of Ohio. Its capital s-totk fs one mil lion of dollars in shares of one hundred dol lars each. A portion of this stin k L- open for subscript"!-.!.. Ti.e property is situated in Morgan county, t)ni-. and embraces about fifteen hundred ,-icr.s of land, the lno.-t of it hel.I iu fee simple and the balance held by lease. Two miles of broad Talby bind suit able for boring wells. Tin re are sixteen wells in succes-ful operation pr-xlm-h g 295 barrels per day. selling at $S per batrcl, rapidly and successfully incieasmg their wells. To any person wishing to invest in this ent?rpri.-e. 1 will show them a map and givo them a pamphlet cetailiii" the whole opei j. tirtn. M. HASStiV Oct. 26, I8C4-tf Agent. MATRIMONIAL! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN it you wish to marry, address the under signed, who will seod you wi Lout mon and without charge, valuable inf.-. f that will onabie you to marr l;1. in'- f speedily, irrespective of " confidential, ty. This iuf rmatS" by return mad, and if ou Hsked. audi ess assist vV SRA11 B. L MBERT, THeenpoint, Kitsgs county. New Y'ork. Oct. 19, lSC4-2ui. ritilB utv rjr Lorrlto, Chrtit $piln(a 1 AND ST. AUGUS'IINE. The subscriber, bavins purchased the en tire stock of IIoiscs. Hacks. C-uriaues. &c, ,f the late firm of Ryan & Durbin. gs leave to infonn bis fr'unds and the public in general that he is now prepared to furnish them with every accommodation in his line of business. His line of Hacks connects with all the trains on the Pa. R. R., ad-w- 1 .1. . . o ing passengers no oeiay n:ia-tr. vniio alwavs nrcniptlv atten.k'l to. ' 1 .TOE F. DURBIN. LnreMo. June 29. 18'jl-Iy. VoncE. . letters of Admtn- istralion en the estate of Joseph Bmnan, dee d, of AMeghcny Township, have Ken "ranted to the subscriber, n shlini; in said I Towhfhp. A'il persons indi l te.1 to saui c ! 01., .vih i.lea.-e c. me f. iwnrd and make payment, and those bavm- claim will Pre sent them properly aiithei-ticHted for sfttle MLl. 1 JOHN BANAN. iripitr. Feb., Slh, 1805- 0t Adm'r. Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. r0 I DrfKASFS OF TUK Xl RVOls, Sl-MISAL, .r,0 -.- . . rv f t. Sv-ti-sis new ana - I I . V , 1. t A-virk-n.-.v - -. i:.,ii- n.eimeiit in reports of the 30 i IIOWAKD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail J VOliu-.l letter envelom-s. fn of charge. ! V.WS nr.J SKILLEN HOUGllTlN. iloward Ass.cir.tioii. No. 2 South Ninth street, rhilade'phia. Pa. The Life and tr vices of General Gran- sale Vy or JAMES iiVTiUXl. Ot, 7, i V. r. t. 1