I s Mil li hi &s if lip 1 1 Tin 11 li i ii 111 il . M i ?J it 9 li a I i r 77 BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE, UPON THE !U?H AND THE LOW, THE rich AS!) Tin: p(yjR NEW SERIES. EBENSBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1SG5- VOE. 12 NO. 6 4 iiffh VMOCitA T SEX IT X EE' 1U? A published every Wednesday Mornia.i?. nt 'l w Doi.i.aks per annum, -payable in advance; Two Dollaks ami Twestv Five Cents, if imt paid within hx months ; ami Two Doli.aks and Fif ty Cbxys if not paid until the termination uf the yf-r. . . ,'o su'twoi! t;m wui be received f.ir a tili n tcr jn.ru-i than -i months, and no i;i'.-eriber will be at liberty to discontinuc hi- paper tiiitil all arrearages .ire paid, ex ct-pt at the option of the editor. Any per-. 6 )1 .stih-crib;r.g f r six months veil e char el One Dull ah Twenty Five CY.nts. tiuWss 0'e. money is pa'd in advance. Artvcrtihiiig Ka1e. Uiie iu.terCn. 'Tiro do. Three d isqui-e. fl-li,iesl $ 50 $ 75 .Jl.Ort ; syes, fgl linesj 1 00 1 50 f 00 fl.ji:ire, f SO lilies 1 50 2 00 3.0& 3 months. G do."' 12 do 6 lines or lens, 41 50 - $3 CO J5 CO 1 square, '12 lines 2 50 4 50 ft 00 2 s.-mares. 1 2 Mines I 1 00 7 00 12 f0 y s-uares, f :?G lines rl 00 ft 00 14 00 i i aif a co!:i:nn, 10 00 12 00 20 CO 0;..t-'!u!!ii. 15 O'l 22 00 3o 00 Tiusintss OTuvbs. M'LAUGULIX. A TTO UNI ; Y- A T-T.A V . J..hi:st-.'.:.. C'HTi.bri.-. C-... P.i. C 'Hj.-e iu tin Kx."haTire huil:i:i-', on ti e C rr,t r f C.ii.t'.r; and Lo; n.-t ftreers i:p r.ii'i Will at "end t- all biisiricss conn ct d l',!. hi- frftf'.'sM-'U. Ie. ft. lor.-tf. wiiuAriamij7 itoraffi at f fibtnsbura, Coaitria Ccunty Fenn. ';i;t c- f (dutiinle ion. n vii L." ri-.uyn'i .r, A'i TOK NK V-AT-T.A W. J nt-.v. n. ' 'anoi-ia Gounfv. Va. f'f:'C';i Matrj strict, second lioor over j th i)-t:.t. ix JU. T. V. S. Gantner, I'iiy-icia:; ni sukgeon. T-n-i'TK his T-n-f-sMoual srviie to tli" e n r. n s i', u k g , si! snr".;rid:ri.r vi, in-i v. tiFHCF. IN rrol.ONADK I'.OW. .1. I'. can!: si, A T T O K N K Y A T L A W . Fuz-rsur:;.:. . n'iCi-: ON MAIN STREET, Till! EE I " " US t A T . y t:u: i.tWAX HOUSE I' cr !0. is.; ;.!. K. L. .'.;;.STMN. (il-O. W. (A7 iAN. JOHSSTOW k OATKAW, ATTO.SWEYS AT LAW. I.i,..,! t,... it .;., : t c.ui.rv IVnn.t. orFi e i.E Moved to eioyd sr One (1 -r Wt.-t ..f li. E. J. n's K..s--':-J"'"' D-c. 4. s'"l.'"v. joi!Nn;;::r,: ATT liS !",Y- A.T-EAV.", Ei i.. ! .;. C.-.u.i.ii.i o..;uiv Pa. i in .. . - . .... . h.n. i.i. .i-i ..in, nir-ot a.;j iimi;' Ins .i'.vi- s. noon; AT To!' v K Y AT T.AV." M KNSPUPG.U.AMP.LIA CO.. PA. h:ce ore d...r E ist .-f the P. st Oftice. Fi b. 1H. 1 f-.;3 -tf. .EOIiGE M. i":EED7 ATTORNEY AT LAW', KliENSUlTlO. Caitrhria Coimfif, Pa. orrTOE IN f OEONADE ROW. MarrI, 1.!. 1804. jICUAEL IIASSOX" ATTOKNEY-AT-EAW. E-eensburg. Catiilria Co. I'a. OiTiice on Main street, tiirte doors East of Julian. ix 2 I A. Shokm aki r. Wm. IESeciiier SHOEMAKER ,v SEt;i!LEU, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, LUE X S i; U It G . Camieta Cocnty. V Pf.xn'a. Cffioe heretofore occupied by F. A. Shoe maker. Dec. 7, 1S04 tf W. HICKMAN. B. K. HOI.h G. W. HICKMAN CO., Wholesale Dealers in M A X U FA CT U KIT) TO H A CCO . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC S EG ARS. SNUFFS. Xc. X. E. CO .1 THIKD & MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. August 13. lSCS.-Iy. Wim jiIk. "andTewelry store MAIN STH EET. JOUNSTO X M LEWIS LUCK II ART, begs leave to an nr.unce that he has always a largeand varied asortmen of all the various articles peculiar to hi l.iisincss. Repairs promtly and carefully attended to. Jotat'jwn April, 17 1 eel. tf. a' i- fjsi 03 inr iridjv k :iihh ssMuaav oxiavnn CLMV shaves riaa aim jivo w.liilw :to.t k:iaio VIHJiaaVUHcI XS5H0IH Irank W. II ay, llavins: adoftnl ihe Cash system, offers the following Wans at less than fiiv retail pri'jes : SUGAK KETTLKS. 10 to 40 -aJIons cori'Eii Ki:rn.E. S fjuarts to 40 gallons. T1KWARE. ' ail sorts and "kinds. SHEET usox ly.ir.c, everv vprirty. ENAMELED S,- TINNED RON WARE OH'IVn W aUI: MADE TOOllliKi: SAL) IKONS or SMOOTHING JRONi ZING WASIinOAKDS. COOKING STOVLS. EGG STOVES, IIEA TING CO OK ST O I 'ES. MiAIH.EY COK!N(J STOVES PA TENT. A15EOTT il- NOHLi:. and every other Pittsburgh it Phiiadel jhi:i luanufacfurer's stov-s alwaj-s on hand o prociiri-d on b ilavs notice. ODD l'LATF.S AND URATES fur Stove. always i.n f.iiiij. HARHDN'OTLLAMrS. from C,'2,.. t $1.25, CHIMNEYS and WICKS al ways on hai.d. SPOUTING. M X K Il'S LA MI'S, OIL (WNS. POWDKIl CANS, all sr2f.v, constantly on hand. COFFKK MILLS. TOASTING FOKKS, OYSTEU P.UOIE EES. JELLY Cake MiiMs. Tuble and Tea Soo-.t;.-. COAL HUCKE TS. Ii ice :;.-t t-oiv ready fr the Tr-.'e, ati.l Merchants are respectlall y inv-'ed te c.iil and examine 'ir Wares, scud f r for A catalogue before puicha.-iug els .'where. The above tro.-ds wil? be furriislu d , WHOLKS ALSO Oil LET A II . AT THE J.-j.-lNSr.-IVN STOVE i'v: IIOLEE Kl'RXIStllNW SI'OIIK. CAWAL ST EET. Opp.site the Weigh Ix.ck. ASK FOR FMANK W. HAY'S XV ARKIIOUSK, and save tr?nt't percent . on y..ur purcd .roi.n.-town M.ircli, 13. Ib'J-i. if. GO acres 1'21 perches and aI!owancs. T valuable COAL LAND, situ ate near the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Suinmcrhiil Station, in Crojdu Towi.sh?j, Cimbria county, Pa. About CO acres of the iand being chared, and thi.-rcn erected a dwelling house and barn, and other improve ments, also an excellent orchard of fruit trees. The above tract contains and abun dance of coal of a superior quantity, (a drift being opened,) and wiil le sid oil rea sonable terms. Apj'y to Poland. Jiiikins & Co., P,.lt m..re, Md.. or to J. W. Stiattoii, New York, city, or to Wr.i. Kitteli, F.sq.. Attorney-at-Law, Ebeiis! urg. Pa. POLAND. JENKfXS & CO. J. W. S fKATTON, Apr" 15. 1S(;:? f. O.vnors. yALUABLE RI'.AL ESTATE r .uJS ALE. A tract, of l.snd (fortntrly fvnc.l by George M'Creary) itll:le in Susqiichann Township. C.unlii i county. m .ining hands of Joseph Lute. William German, .osejih P. Mdier. and oticrs. containing 152 acres and 21 perches and allowance, about CO acre of which is cleared and thereon erected a one and a half story Log II. .use and a L g Earn. Apply to Wm. Kitteli, Attorney -it-Law. E'.vnshurg. Penn'a., er to the undersigned (own er) Cherry Tree, Indiana county. Pa. E. Ii. CAMP. Dec. 14. l8.:4-tf mm house. EBENSBURG PA JOHN A. BLAIR. Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR will spare no pains to render this IL.td, worthy of a continua tion of the liberal bhare of public patron age it has heretofore received. His table will always be furnished with the best tlie market affords; his bar with the best of liquors. , His stable is largo, and will be attended, by an attentive am! obliging hostler. Ebenburg Apr.17 1861. An essay on the Harmonious Relations between Divino Faith and Xatural Reason, tor sal W JAMBS MURP AY. itlistrllancotts. TSic Tragedy at 1 uvSs luJon. ti i -it' -i i intimated that she was imur and did nut ihe Washington C'lrotnrlc furnishes :i I . , , , , 1 . . . . ,. .... i I-now where slie comd remain dormi; the lull ru'coiint ol the homnide of Andiew ' . i , i nijii'i. J. llniToiigh?, a eleik in the Treasury ! Another tkrk had a rceoileet'nm of a Department, on Monday afternoon, the 1 similar inmnry at a moie snbsiijtnnt pe oOlh ultimo, by Mary Harris. 'I he jmy ' !, when the jk i sun calling again tailed , i i i . . i in seeing Mr. 1. havin-r been emnannehed, consisting ut i .. . ,i , i i , , - 1 ' i 1 hat the sai 1 deceased h fi his room m James Laurensoti, foreman ; Y. G. Fin- j tjC 'XVeaMiiy lauldii about 4 oYU k 1. ney, Edward G. Handy, J as. Crojigon, j I , on the "5 )lh day of January, loo." ; llosewell Woodward, Hanson C Addi- and tint, while on his way thro,. -h ihe son Samuel Cornelius. Joset.h K. Davis, 7 t , 2seIson Theaker, G. K. V. .Siiarretts, Eil ward V. llaie and Charles II. lh.-cel', the case wiii proceeded with. The C-iroui-cle tavs : . f , . Mr Lurrough, lor -eighteen months past heid the portion ol a clerk in the oince ol Computer oV the Cunvn.-y, and, al lue lime ol his ucalh, was receiving a . ., . ,, ' o salary ol .l.bOO. lie was ti man ot iv- , ,, . , , mar.iably hue torm, and bore every a p- pcarance of correct habits and exemplary deportment. i i, ... ; i . ., 1 1 -i . I.. , 1 he c ldeiice adduced showed that Mr. Eunooghs occuj ied a desk in a room on the west range of the Treasury Depart- .,,.1 ....... ,n in . i incut, ana near llie hall or principal pas- .,,r . ,, ,i ,, i ,! . , , , sago on tbe second tioor. About midway :., .j : . j ... . i , . in Ini.s parage, and by the side of one ol the room doo.s, there is a clock lixe.l. During several hours of the fatal dav. a , r.,. i . " . y:.ig lemale, somewhat jjrepossessin'' in n. .... l i i bguie and general appvaiancc, was noli. -ed ...... .!-,.. i . a , . .-aunteung about tbe aai!. but lor what - purpose, ci course, in.iiij . i- ,. .... , i i i it com so, in.ne conl.l suni.i-e. 1 tie hour of four arrived. at which tim-a tne i iei ks :lose th- ir duii -s for the d.i and in a !i.-w miauies ;hei-.:!'!er the p.:- ' ! age t ele: red to became lkr d w;t!i ti: IVtiflht: l UU tovc' s. 1 !,. I. ;., i .;. , . ." ' I' i j r 1 then toi k j.j.-::;..a m th:- duurway h'-xi u t'he cLi k . j Mr. Hurronghs, apparently f.-'J of hie and la p?, n.it more than thi; ty-!i. Vi ars ' II. ice we b -.-n living in delusion ? ol age, kit his room, and when he had ' WYre all the Fouiili of July orations passed the clock hut two or three feet, the j which told of the wonderful progress of sharp crack of a pi-tol was heard ; lie ' the United States, of the immense results looked around; discovered a female form, j of our system, and id the glorious liberty exclaimed "Oh!' and quickened his ' erj cd. for which our fethers fm-ht, pace towards the stairway : but, iu less ! m re shams got up to he read abroad, and than ti n seconds, a second repoi t an- "t Avhieli iuteliigent men stuck ih-ir nounced a not lit -r :i.c, ; nd .iii'.-ih-r v.;.u:ul j tongues in their check, winked at each He reached the balusier and reclined I other, and, like Iir.'iii augurs, could not against it, when one of his comrades, re- ! re-train a smile hr the gu'libi'ity of man turning fro. ii lieio.v and ignorant of ail j hind .' that had trims;.'; od, supposed he was ! All the past must have been a mere fainting, iufja'ued . Wiiat is the matter?" farce; Washington, Jciierson, Hamilton. to which the sinking man renii. d : " I i d.'ift hno y." He was conveyed to a ! room m ar by, and expired in about fit- . .'en minutes. m-i .... ....... ..!... . i. j lit' on ii h.'.iw.i "' Live in j- name as Mary Han i-', and w in ,-e age is sup- ; whole thing was one iuiui n.-e and mag posed tobe about twenty-two years, having ; mficcnt iie a lie so utterly b yond all fired twice, and appearing conti h ut that ; ''':lt 1h world had ever coucciv ed ol' in the work of ileal h was accomplished, te- '. nia'uied. and, evincing no excited feelings, ' ' oi-abused except by our own tcrttiuu slowly put her pistol in her pocket, and ! ny if, indeed, itcan be that, awa't-d fmiher developments. j Any man who reads the mes-.ijes of To II -igli -M'Cuiiough, Esq., Chief of LVpuli'.ican Gt.vvru.is to the State the Currency lhueau, she stated that the legtsial'.itv.s iq :h coii.-tii ntional am nd deceased had viola: ed his marriage en- '" nm.-l rub his eyes t.. be sure that he gagemeni with her. He had done her no s awake. harm, but was engaged to her for many ; Governor Cannon says, " 1 x?t us build years, even from her childhood, and had ; "P :l PU1V a;' Oovernmerf continued a correspon.h.uce, until within , v':,1y fancy Webster, wi:!i his massive a month of his marriage. He had not . h"'w, a.ud those deep, cavernous eves, seduced her; and she added, with -m- ; V--ow''li- in every fibre ot his system with phasis, " As God is my witness, 1 am ,h;? iK-licf that tlie Constitution had built virtuous!" j up the purest and fVee.-t Government ever Miss Harris was about leavin" the do- j known to man, listening to some one who partment, when Mr. tVngstaek, the door- j proposed, alter this Government had b en keeper, desired her to remain awhile, !" l'"' "1 ' for seventy years, to "build which she readily consented to do : and j another," which should be, what ii was then Justice I laudy catne up, arrested her, ' ,:()E P1"'1 fret- Vhat wouhl liave and comrriitted her to "ail for invesliga- ; i'oen his emotions, and. what his phrase.' tion. Site told the j,istiCe that she had : ' They let you out of the assyl.un too killed Hurroughs ; and then taking the , soon." It used to be satirically sai 1 of pistol out of her p.vkcl, handed it to hira. j the Due. de Levis that he bad a picture in It was a small Sharp's paten , four barrels, j which Noah was shorn coming out of the two of which were jvt loaded, the other j ark with a bundle of payers under his two discharged. arm, labeled pedigree -of the Levis family. Officer George H. Walker conveyed L is told of the proud Duke of Somerset her to the jail in a carriage. On ihe way that, when his young wife stole playfully she told him tint she asked no sympathy behind him and laughingly k'isse 1 him, fur licxself. All the sorrow to lie' felt was 1 he received tlie caress with, " my first for her aged parents. She charged that wife was a Howard an 1 she never would the deceased had betrayed her, taken her have taken such lilierty ;" but the picture from home and friends, "and placed her in j of the Ivis family and the pride of the a bouse of ill-fame in Chicago, and that ' duke ceased, to be intense absurdities in therefore she had determined upon this pivsenee of the pretences of the LVpuhli deed. For this purpose she bad pur- j fan officials. What a precious: ..t of old chased the pistol in Chicago, and had ar- j humbugs wc must have been taught to re rived here on the morning of yesterday. : pect. Washington, a patriot, a states She gave officer Walker an address asking nian, a Christian, and a most noble genile bim to telegraph tbe fact to I -mis A? ,hc T,l;in whose name alone would Devlin, Janesvr.le, Wisconsin, which he i keep the American in history if an earth did. She also added that her father re- j quuke wwe to swallow this continent, not sided in lbirlington. Iowa. only consented to a system which was not One of the clerks testified that some- pure and not free, but absolutely eom time during the last gammer, a young j mended it to bis countrymen as an object woman, resembling rdiw ILirris, called at 1 of love iw reverence. 1 the room ol l'- I'mrwnl.s iniiiti.l ! fur him, when she was informed th;!t he was .jK-ndiii thai day in Uallimon; wiih i his wife. 1 ho ei-.--on e.jm.-i;d :iv:it i disnsi)oin'iii tit "it nut m in him, sin. I i ''ail, l.e ca.ne in n,s ueain t,y a bail i.r,,i trotn a pistol in the hands of a woman naai' d Mary Harris, said ball lakaii ef fect about two inches lo the KTi ol the sj.Jiv. in the r.-ion of the fillli rii. It appears, that Mr. Ihu ron-lis was niaiii-'d, less than a ve;.r aj.o, to an inte- ! ivhi.t yituu.r ,;Jv ; h l!i;;-(h, ,!t.,.c.,M.ti ,va3 :lt ot, t5nK. a ni,.ni!hTo,- p.c-bv !eri..n chur-h I -i - . i i i , " , i -.i .i in Chicago. lio bad not muled with the . , , . . i ,i , i- . . . . j chinch since his ruim'. al to aslnnjtou. .... t, , , ! T 11,0 spoitdent of the 1 uda h iplaa , 7wu-teh-graphs : Mi.-s Han is is very voung and hand- . , ,, . . T . ' om(' V,ll! .bl:uk "l"'1' L:ur a,,J ul j :l appearance. i lucre are many ci'iilhctintr rumors as . " 1 to the cause of the shooting, lut sul aive j , . ..... . , as to the point ol Ins having been very , - 1 ,i,,I:,I:,!t5, WIJ" IlSS ilHn'!:J- f '''- i"1""'1 r f'mage she vn-ite.l bun , once last winter, but he postpoic d the i . . . ' ,, '. , 1 , 1 marna'-e, and lmallv man led another. ! .. r? , ,. , . .. . i She savs he refused her the pu-itiou she !... - , , . , 1... I !.! ... .....I I..., !.. . ......... ii.j.i a iiliiu ii', iu ill inn o.ie 1 1 1 1 1 1 i liiii. un . .r ' c t . . i ..i i ou i.n i.er. lc.irroiiirhs has been here about three years, coining from 1 llinois, and was a ! very .)'ir! mi nt. . xiie .Stun" Hint EJitariis arc Madison, Clay, an. 1 W ch.-tcr, ingenious aetms, tlie LoIk-iI i Idlers ot verbal slight ''! hand. There was no liberty, no pro- ;:css, no happiness greater than the world ever saw, no amazing prosperity, the "an dacity, that it believed, an 1 end! not ho are the nival men, Ie ;.j ost.es ot Giid, tile precipitins ol divine, due; t com mumcatioiis winch fit them to o l ii li;n the urcat d- ail, and to caj.Jo and cozen tin; petty living Seward, lioai whom I). Cecils must have drawn the character ol lVcksnilf, it nature h:id not as il Spreads wiu-ds, cfpiaiiy I'.estoweJ on evel v land liyp"erisy and sc!f-ccnci it, repre sents one class ; and Cannon, w ho owes his ot'iiec to t.;e draw n sai;e;s of' l'mi! 1 Sf.it i troops ss.rn p!i;i--u.-I !ro;i!.l inti j the 'Stat i without even an on.-r from the' War Dv i.i! tin. ul who ivpivsenis a sys- ; t.-ui ii.. t iu rcU ol military ti ri vi i.-m, but j ol blood, the. blood of his Kilt W-i il IZi lis sj.i'.t a; the p.,!!s, and is just as rigiub.Jy, ! a- by the consent of bis State, its go er- ! no -, as W idiaai ti e C. n pi-ior wa.- Kin- of luiaud repn siu'.s ia-.ollu-l . j Those two c.a sses ol b-asts, the fox and : the jtel.a!, are l-.nawing the l...iy ofi A in. rieau Liberty, to the tune uf a purer! and liver .-y.-!em, struck up by the men agerie b ul 1 in vvldeli the Trth-aie cla.-ii. s ihe I'vmii lis. Jams siaap. s tlie bass viol an ! ii.e .. b at- the bii diiim. ll.i'.bi s wrote that whenever it was i:i the "ui'eiert of a government to deny that j asl:ai-hi line was ihe. sh.r!i-st distance; between two points, it would do so, and j secure adhesion. 11 any i wr thought the j old philosopher a -nie, Jet him !iste:. to the d;iiiy litteranccs of Alu.-ricans and change his opinion. X. Y. IWrt-l. .12 r. LiiiCinn' Sici!3 to I tic oush ct u t olitIrIS"tiei H. Fiom ti.e li chu.oud f eaiiucl, Felt. 7.j The noblest and most soal-iaspiriug pass. Ul ;.U hlsloi V Is Unit uiVlog an ai- coUiii ol ihe cuiiduci ot tlie ivO.ii.o..- aiUi l heir uisosirous lit ieal al Canine. 1 his battle was ioa.nl iu tue tuird year ol tlie Cai thai'iii.i!i w ar. Iu eacn picvtu'.i. Vcar ll.oililoai had luliieleei sevci.il ueleals on ihe liiiii:;ii ; tii si at licOOi.:, ;.n.i aiierw al ii- al Eake i inn-v inene. l.u the Koiu.n losses at Cano.e were tar greater than in elthif ot liic pi cc-ellog iialli. s; au l set tiled, at the lime, aliiijst to have aniihaiaie.t lueir muiiaiy -si ngUi. it put Hainan. d ;il o.a.e m po.-.-essi. n ol the must soulhiill slate ot lu.ly, vv hlie much ol ll.e UJl Jl W;s held U the cis .VlpURr li;tuS, who Wi-lu Ills iiiiies. loIl.i- i..g pri ut b.s aimy. C aj.ua at once si.oa.llli j lu 1. 11.1, a.:.l i.oli.iog was ;eil iu ituiue but a very smail lei . ma y ' in imil uie lh.lv. In tins eiUri"veui-y, wneil li;.; ex.-1 n;te h-.-.oil of life ik'.eai, ll iinniediaicij as.-eUiote.', Ieiiuade all laii.euial lulls, c.iivl adopted i iii-rieiit measiu c- to piwcni any assemblages of the people lor liie p.u.pi.se ol di.-i-ussii.g the Mil eject ul peace, auui, soon alier, vviien iLu.nibai svih lue Lu nula pri.-oi.ers to pn pi se some leiins o. aecouiniodation, the Senate would giai:i them no audience, iviu.-uig lo lei liici.i enter ihe city, au.l scnl lueiu coi.ieuipiu-oa.-ly back. Vaiiv, the lioiaau gtneial. who had inspru lea. ly and rashly brought on the lalai buttle, was met. on nis iciuin to the city, by a uepi.Ua.luii ot tXe rs. uate and the people, who bade him wdcoine. ir.n-1 pubiidy lliaohe l him, lor Ihal lie had not islsp.iUV I ul ihe piii;hc.' S..eeiii and ei'.iei.ni iiie..sures were put in opera lion t. iveuiil the army, and rigid sump tuary laws were enacted and t-niurci.:, iu ad waste or useless expt n. inure. i he battle ot Caiiuee wa.-ihe cuhuinaling p..nu III Ihe Sot tunes ol llaonilia!, ti.e greatest chieliaiu of anehui. or imfe. n limes. From that day the slar of bis Jbrt.n.e steadliv waned, and, although ihe war continued ti r sixteen years, he won no more greal vieiu. ies. and was li.ia'.ly de feateil and driven into banishment. 1 h at terrible overthrow, which tl.reati ned Home witli speedy and u'.UT desiructioii, was I ho occasion of her subsequent tri umph, tor it fully aroused the unconquer able spirit of a brave and n .bij people resolved to jhuisIi or be free. Su;.;:::r passages are to he found in the history of almost ail nations, teaching that non.j but a div ided, week, or demoralized peopl can be subjugated. A far. more degra ded and huiuihatiiig fate awaits the peo ple of the Con ed rale States, if ihej submit to be conquered, than any of th white race has hitherto experienced. The decree lias already gone forth confiscating our lands and hliora.ing our slaves. -Nay, more ; ihe latter are qw enlisting in the armies of l he enemy, -and niad to tight against us; and. w"i:h a n linen. 'nt upon the usual arts of irritation, constituted police, guards in our captured ciu.-s, lo visit insolence upon th-ir late owners. Ifwebesubjugated.it will be the first instance in which the white man has been forced to act as a in -nial to the African. That ' all this, and worse, if ... r . :.. .. f.. 1 1 c it" ivf .hi iwif possihie, is in mjh 'o. -.v. speedilv repel or check the invader, is Ti.narent enough in the coarse, savage, taunting reply of Lincoln to our comaiis- M n is. That ivj.iy has tilled to over flow ih cn,, of f; -oca i anee. We see and feel ar.nu.d as th .i there are no more re coiisii U' in n'.s's, m, juoj-p peace men. A n r. iliie reaction is inaugurated. The sp'u it of 1 Sb 1 i-s revived. W'e are rein vigorated with tl.ers:;Ue to conipier or die. D -seiteis wili return to our rank?, and tla.se who delay to I so will 1 hun ted and shot d.ovn in 1 heir lurking places 'ike beasts of pr.-y. Concert of action, Zealous eo-op ! an m is all that is needed to insure sm-cc-s, and li.e insulting reply of Lincoln to our counm ionei s ii! In-gct th s.: on the instant. Every man now sc 8 and f.cls that a late worse than death a wai:. - him if we do not win suc cess. I jrl. r such eircumt:.nee-5 it should be easv to emulate, if not surpass Koman virtue. Our cause is no! nearly so criti cal n- wa.- th.it of the Keinans itr their sinuninii d-.f-at al Caiihre. Wc have su.-taiuv-d r.o gr:it defeat whatever, In the past year we have slain thrice J!3 many of the enemy we have lost, and v. ,.u k from thi-ni half the territory ti.at they held of ours. There is no panic ; none lor (' :- o:al- ney. Some of oar peo ple had, in. h e.?, b. c. in.- tired of the war, but they onlv needed, to stir them to re newed exertions, sta h threats and insults as Lincoln h is supplied. When spring s.-ts iu our ranks wiil a .lain 1 rilled uj. Oar enemy mav b : less sin-ce.-si'u! in re cruiting his own which are more depleted ! than ours. His draft mav be !ai lure. Or sh mid In- get the m -n for whom lie bids, be mav so increase thereby his national 'ebt as to precipitate bis im pending bankruptcy, and render him no ! n;er able to continue the war. -Sheu'.J he, however, succeed bih in procuring men, and delaying for the time, his finan cial shipwreck, th" newly nrou-ed, indom itable sj h it of our people will secure ta :. us uitiui .te success lie may captures more cities, hut the country will rem.ai.i oius. no matter how many posts he may hold, here and there. The immense ex tent of our teiriti ry will dissipate his numbers, and. destroy his strength. He may nun eh hiiher and tht'hir through that territory, occupy it, just s long i!3 he is marching through it ; but, save in the charred remains which attest his bar barity, and intensify our hale, his track will be as that of a bird through the air, ..r a ship over tlie waters Our pc-pie will rise no behind bias, everywhere, more defiant and unsubdued than ever. " Did vol' Ev:.:t .'" Did you ever see a newspaper correspondent who did not write to the editor v-i a "highly interest ing ' paper? Did yt ever see a man who cha'.lenged another to mortal combat who did not subscribe himself your very obedient servant ?" Did vou ever see an editor whose oppo sing political contemporary did not pub ;is!i a " contemptible -i.eel V Did you ever see a retail trader who did not seii his goods tiity p-r cent, cheaper than any other house in town ;" or a man disposing of his stock who was not " selling oil" at tii.-l co-t ?" Di I vou ever see a vender ..f patent m -diei'i'-s who vas not pati'oniz-'d by ;t!ie Up. si l.eit :.n I sevetal distinguished mem bers of Coi-gr; ss f Did you ever see a pretender, what ever might b - his particular calling, who e.a- not willing ;o suiunil h.s claims to a .. - ; ,.; public ( Di I vou ever see a h coniotive blow up !) wiiivii Id. line could attach to the en gine, r ? Did you over see a lawyer address any oth.-r than a " highly intelligent and re sp oii.ble jury :"" D-d you ever s -e a speech reported by its author which was not tilled with pa s', nt hetieal " bui.-ts of appiauso,"' " bear, i.ea'-, and ' tremendous cheering :" Did you ev?r sc any u. .a who would n. t. wli'ii he coul !, come the "giraffe." oyer the public. Fnc:: ; (Vr'sunt. M:fK Ti " cream of t':is hi-iMS- is !' lin e a-vunur. a he ivy si -. k " b n-i"--' c m in by war. r."' We pninpf.7 . y.?7 gen :-nia:! yesterday know !!. pri.-e, but he fold :s i o trans. ictii-lis had o'-rn:7, so we came .-ir'ey. I.-. I 0,r.-l The ciarket. is tight, and 111. er.v arc iuciii.-i to. . Ti e press tre is gieate-t j-t after dinaer, vvhn every man is .-.! h:s jhiftf P is xpected that a siveio is louse soni' i I ere." i:,u;nerrfot' 'pes The impression rel-t-vc to this i iwiv intriJu-l iirtie'e. aro v. ry f .vorab'e. Holders j.'U t a j od J-.ice ou the matter. QZ- An 'int-IIigent Frenchman" is about to open a ckieg aca h-my in New York, where a course of twenty lessons wi'I turn out professional cooks armed with diplomas, to bake, boil, roasl and Pt3W. V I I I ll I I r t r I fc'.- k i f r- - ! i f K, . V