ft mi TS Ikmoerat nab 5rnfine(. j r .-.....;-;..-.j;;r;j.'Ck 91. SI 4SSO X , i:l i I u r & Is; lj I i U e r S. EI. Fetter. gill & Co. Advertising Agents. ST Park Row isew lorlc, ami 10 State. trec. i.osion, ..... i l . . t.. tl,,i i)f. AlC U.U,, liOl ttM l .'li;'!!! ! ocrat .t Sbsi'iski.," and the most ir.iiuen tialar.d largr.,t circulating Newspapers in me Ui.Hf.1 cs. an, ..auaoas. i,n are empowered to contract lor us at out lowkst TKiiMs j mmbki iiimiiii i A VfgoroiiN IicnlIou ol" Use j .1 -r - . . . - . . . ...1 f. ? . . 'fl. i This is the doctrine adopted now both ; ! by the Nor I h and t!:e South, after the riJti.i.ll,.- In!!.- ll.i-.tr tr,r.i.l!iiir i.ii llo II ivtiui I iiin ii-j imu f7 v v 1 1 j Xfojimr.r T.iiciln ntnl Si'iv'U'd nil the nr;r . . , , .. , TT , ... fide, and Stephens Hunter and Cami:K-ll , on the other. The c.damiit of ik-ace w:is - , i .t i . . i thrown aside and the hatenet was whet- ted for a more bloody cotuo.-t than ever This will be glorious news to mar,", but ! to the majority ofth? people north and j Eouth it is very disties.-in.r. The shoddv men ot New l eri; and other places w ho j , - . . r.i ; areamas.-ineiabnloiisfoitur.es out ol the j . ... . Cd, . 4 . , l:,,.. I. .....1 .. II.a,. r,i,i l.'i-i- .-,n A - , nt-4., IH. . L UilIK l'I I 1 1 . 1 1 I ,".11111 I llll II ,ii.:iil l.VUl cies of delight at the result of this confer ence. The army contractors who have got their hands into the public treasury up to the elbows wi'.i not vet have to pull them out. These speculators in currency hae their prosjiect ju.t as llght ai.d clear as fr- merly. Tlr, cotton stealers and land grab- ! bers may have man- chances yet, while the recruit brokers and Um.Av iumpors, i wi'd have perhaps a wider field ami bettor 1 mcuities than ever for their extensive r.nd j lucrative orations. The- form a Ln-.re ! class of the community, and a class that is i by many considered respectable, because j they are intensely loyal, and alwa s lustily j crv out for the union and no compromise J with traitors. Thev are the -last nvm atal i last dollar - men of this ccunfrv, who are t endeavoring to divert the :Uten:ion of the j masse? to :-ome battle or victory lest ihev j j-hculd detect thcin in their stealing and i plunder. The recent revei-es of the ! S.,ii!i. l :.vo ;,r,, ....,,; i I I bility to the cry of these thi.n e of crush- - ,,,, I,.., - ,,1U 1,1,1,1,-L. i ingoutthe rebeilio,:. The fi.II of Atlanta. ' Sherman's taarch through Oorgi. the ! i the cajiture of Savanrah, the defeat of Hood and the taking t-f Foit Fisher fir-', '1'l.e lt;3Jt 'fo-5J;y. nish them with argumont that th; rebel- To-day Abraham Lincoln's inexorable lion is nearly crashed out. Hut they j wheel commences its dreadful work. Its have Won so long at the sam? kind of ; quick but fatal revolutions wiil bring sor argument and reasoning that the p -ople j row and dismay to many a quiet and are sick and tired of the war. There is j happy Cambria county home. The no man wants the war to go on except ' peaceful avocations of the farmer and lie is making money out of it. . Does the j mechanic, will soon be succeeded by the South think the' arc crushed and not ablo drudgery of the camp, the fatigues of the to fight any more? They think r.o stub thing. Perhaps they are not so good judges of their own ability to fi-ht as we are ; well, they have tried it for four years ami ought to know something ahout j the matter now. They say they are in a j better condition to fight now than they ! were at the beginning of the war. So J long as a people think the' can fight they will do so, and we may look for this j beir-g a long, tedious, cruel and bloody J war. Every man who is within the !e- i gitimate age and free from physical disa- ! bility must get a substitute or go himself. lhc prices of substitutes are enormous, I Oh ! that in the full blaze of the light of many of our men have given all thev have Christianity and. the boasted inte!!i"o,)fe ever earned, and even eon;.racfed debts to of the nineteenth cent my, we should get in a substitute. They did this, not ! make one half of our country a howling through patriotism, but because they j wilderness and call it jwx. When will knew sooner or later they would be grab- 1 blessed peace once more spread her bright bed and dragged aw ay from (heir fan, ilies. wings over a bleeding and distracted and they wanted to make a choice of the I country? When will the work of Pro evils held out to them by their govern- ! v..st Marshal--, draft commissioners and ment. They had no appetite for going s government taxcoliectorscea.se? Echo into this war, they would prefer such j answers when. The result of the re rations rvs they fould get in their own cent interview between Lincoln and Sew family, homely though it be. Nor is ard on one side and Stephens, Hunter and this disrclidi for the army confined to any ! Campbell on the other, has turned all the party In the country, ti e republicans and ! hopes of the nation, like dead sea fruit democrats both hate to "go to the war i lo ashes on the lips. The bloody j...,erI alike, none semi to be a boiigcrent people. ; naut of war must ..till roil onward CriTf, The war will m,t, nor can it be proseeu- ing, mangling and killing as it goes. Illt ted with more Cgor than formerly . be- i why indulge in useless complaints. Tho cau.e the men that' go into the army j people at the recent election, have p!(J now are not the men to prosecute the war j claimed in favor of war-bitter, unreLt w.th me-ro Mgor W id tne cousc.ipt who ; ing, unceasing war and have inscribed it wasnotautetobuyasubitmoand o the banner of the Republic. They fvtt.-rs, fight vigorously or reluctantly, j commissioned him to ride upon the whirl- 11 77; " ?" p- to con- j elude, that his heart is not in the right, j The substitutes wlio are lighting for seven or eight hundred dollar., or perhaps I more, will irv and earn their money, as! eay as they can. 'I'hey will ho very apt to have the iines of Iludibras in view. "For those 1 at run may fight gait:, Which l.e can nevei do that's slain. Hence timely running's no nit an pait Of conduct in the martial art ; Jiy which Some gloiious acts achieve, As citizens oft hv breakirpr thrive." 1 j The novel ty of this war is wearing 1 away, and people that are out of it, to j gether with their families are getting en tirely callous with regard to its conse quences. They look on the country a? j t , and whether the North . J i or the South makes the best lighting seems to be a matter of indilKretice to ihcm. Tll, ,,.vJ .mic hoH.s of ,Kaee -' 1 1 lvu' s''.'!t conference met, hut as that is :1J over now, they are falling into their ;:.u:il npatliv mid caivl.-s.-ncss on the sub- .jeet. Those who are within the reach ol the administration, are trying hard to get ' substitutes, if they have means to do so. and, th,-e who hae not mean., are eilher s!t(ping ulf ouietlv to some other ' ' fi il'viln - lit ,-t.i...i fliii. in.hiO I,- li. protected, or are awaiting the result of the wheel that mny coiiMgn them to the camp or the dungeon. This administration has broken down the spirit of the people, the American ...... it!-,. t r , , car ago, toev have not that buoyanev ' J of character ur self-s uflicieney that used I to charaeteiize an American citizen wher i ever he was met. They are not that ! outspoken people that they have . been. Although there is not that restraint on ti e liberty of speech that existed at the breaking out of the war, when there was !l rpe liilll-htS '- -vcry lamp post for the benefit of those who v. cr -:"' lu ,m 'tai ieno1 ut ,,'a1' s!t15 t,,we L" a s-vstem cf llei"- :m 1 ,:iuisi hcl,t i h' the people rendering "', in e,'t5ri'J' hat they were for- i i i ... i . . . . . i merly. The war then is to be vigorously car ried on, which means that the soldiers .. :u i i " """-" uniong us, tlsat "wt ,,,ar5ha!s wiU 1hj ,norc ll,nl 1,1 I,,U!,,n-- u' t'("l"c'''M''S !bt as S,,,m as "11C draft ovw ''ther will lvW at i,s UwU' wI,i!o tlu',v h :,:,-v ini" fu L'! IiaJ' J""1 lli:U ,10W :ticr will be out t!':il wUl 1,0 pu5'J ,ion amI wr will progress beau- tii'uliv. There will be ciel to !! iSomc ul OUii'' are n';t '"I" " ' "" .i i i ! s-00!!. march or the terrible realities of the battle field. Husbands and wives, fathers and sons have hugged the delusion to their souls that this day wool 1 pass without entailing on thorn its bitter Iruits. Thev believed that tin; insatiate demands of the bloody Moloch of war had been more than satisfied. They had a perfect i i -lit so to believe, for such has been the syren song of the Ad.oini.-tration. I5y its alluring strains they have been led captive on!' to find toe promise made to the car broken to th? hope. Oh! that man should de light in shedding his brother's blood ? wind and direct the storm. They have I made their bed and so they must lie in it. j To the hungry horde of Deputy IVovost ! Marshals, their aiders and abettors, the ; draft will be a perfect suturmitia. Thej' ! will once more feed upon green pastures and defaulting conscripts will be hunted up with as keen a reli.-h as ever blood- ' hound scented the track of a fugitive ; slave. j rarciYeli"f Trcace. j Our worthy President has managed to ! make this a chronic war, it is a perma- mtMient institution of the country. The j Let I.'ni.in men and peace men of the J South, such men as Alexander Stephens j whose speech was in every railroad ear i from Maine to the far west, was met by ; peace. I'rcsidont Lincoln refused an ar Abraham Lincoln with decided hostility, j mistiee, he refused to treat with them, i .11 t" -.!. ! It" .1 lemng nini tiiat tus moss ige was uie terms ; he had to otI;-r. That man Stephen ; made an effort before to get a hearing at j Washington, but it was dnied him. Lin- J o!n would promise nothing but a liberal .onMruction of the. par-Jening power, That is to say, he might not h.a.g V".t!-piiens, whieli Lincoln migiit consider very liberal, j Stephens will go back to his native S ate j and he will fire the Southern heart in such j a way, that our best lights are all to be i fought yet. So we have the war as a j permanent fixture. It is as. fast on the ! American people by the manoeuvring of; Abraham Lincoln as a sore sl.ia is on an j leiahmau, the seven years itch on r Scotch man, the king's cil on an Unglislunan or bewitching on a Dutchman. It would take the seventh son of the seventh son to eradicate either of them, so would it with our war, it ii a fixed fact and we can leave it as a legacy to our child.. en. We must be thankful to the lVesi l -nt who made such great eiibri f.r p -aee. lie oifered them his message and a iilora! use of the pardoning power, if they would lay down their aims and seek his protec tion, and they did not lay down their arms nor seek his protection. Ot course he tol l them he took their slaves from them, but it was Congress did that and ., . i i .i . . . i . . not turn, and thai was not in his pmver lo 1 treat aootit. lb- will forbear making further remaiks on this subject. " """ Tlie ilvsurrectlnn of Use Read, A vast imtnVroi the killed and wound- ed Confedi rate ofiieers have as many lives as a cat, and when we think we have tlu m finally disposed of thev turn up and give , . ' us more trout;!; :!;-iii evi r. Mos,by who w:i killed in the Sl..-i..n- Joal. 'a!!ey sot.ie tint- ago, is now at Kiehmond, an. I readv to make his lie:-,!- i " toe s,n;o.,i. :i.:i;ii Vjelierul i :., .i... . . i V, . --. I Sterling l'riee who diet 1 I I ! 1 . vice of anook-xv. - U.!U .U.- Kli.i ii in l ii'.ej ia.c: ir twice I no o. in (,:ii'.:e one.; or twice is auve ail over, and able tor his rations. ; uncjiniiiioiia! sulmis.-ien to tin ir r:;le, Cien. Anderson who was killed and str'm- ' "'p'eil witii the a-.-.vpian -e of their ro ped and buri -d, is row pn parirg to take j "r' 1 -!;-o. inch. !i:-g an auH-n iment , . , to tie-(. onstitutrai toe the emancipation toe tiOul, Si soon as the weather v.nl t"r- c i , . i , , ' . 1,1 I ; ol negro si ivi s. and with t!e n-h!, o!: tiio nut. These men are very Joogh, iik-s : part ot the Federal Congress, to legi-hoe the leln-llion itself, w hen you think you j on tint subject of the relation between the have them crushed out they break out in a new place and are as formidable e or. ,1-, 1 iien ti.es. troub!es;une men were Kuieo, u gae us a temporary relict to think we had got rid of the rascals, but w hen li ev take a notion of rr urrectio:: ., 1 !.,:., (.4- ' , .... :. o ...... ... H4" ,,J '-.!1L .-, u,:ii;i in.y lae.e us .. .. " J rather aback. Nhether they will fight belter after their death and resurrection than thy did before we will see. as some f t.nr c';;,.r. who will happe,, to fall in with them. Kd'heg -in ofliccr two or three times :is they did with these we think cunt to cramp, their caorpes a Httlc and knock the light out of Ihcm. It o,Pm! .,., ;r you kiil a I'ed-.-ral oiricer in battle he wiil never be worth a cent in a fight afterward-', except in a ghost fight which we . ... . . been lu re for many years. It is said by ... ..v. ...... iUui ... uui mat is i not our recollection of ii. Wc have at I least now about five hundred thousand ! bushels to the acre which is a very -ood ..... crop. 'I bank Providence we have got , " i one crop Mat we cannot grumble about, j Our roads are still blocked up, but they j are now making efforts to have them ! opened. For one week past it snowed ! , - , , . ! and dnlted nearly mght and day without j intermission, and there was no use in at- tempting to open the roads. 'J'he drift j could blow in more than men could take j out. wi i Y w, loot a a t-t 1 1 .1 1 1 I . . , i ... a r They are trying now to ojen the Hranch Poad again, we underttood they don t thu.l; we will see much of this sum- i u "'' a.iu oistmetly his Sentiments as to mer. i tlw u'rm:S. conditions and method of pro- , j needing by which peace can bj secured to Snow. e have more snow now in : tiic people, and we were not informed that Cambria county than we know w hat to J ln;.v "''' 'e nioditied or altered to i li do with, indeed we have more than has 1 'l'"11 ,lint 'nidersiood l'roin him went at it as soon as the tempest subsided ; ii)to a calm. There is a vast amount of lumlK?r now accumulated about the depot, but if they can be furnished cara after thev get the road opened they will foon clear it cli". There has not been much lumber brought in from the north for the ! the last week as the roads were entirely impassible. lint now the weather has j settled down into a calm, and the lumljcr j win come !lt iU1 wfuI rate- WO!:1 1 j PiM"se m? niv.Vwn of feet will come j 111 "cre WJV A Peace. We find from tin message of Jetfrson Dai, to the Confederate Congress w hich we publish below, that then; is to be i:o as mat wouio us recognizing mem as an i independent power. That the slavery j question was now beyond Ids control, j Tlie only thing he oiivred them was a j liberal use of the j.arduning power after j they would submit. It is evident then that j the Tre-ident der-ires the war to be carried on and will make n concessions to obtain a peace What Mr. Lincoln projected this meeting for is a mystery-to us, without it was intended to ruusu a fighting spirit in the North. It inav have soma eiiect on i tin"' Northern soldiers. One thing is cer- ! tain it' will arouse and fire the Southern ! people, po that we may look for thr ni to j do some of their best fighting this summer. ! There is no Union men now in the S.;;;!i j 1 i it is annihilation with (hem. or else a j separate goverr-meni. Tlnre will be no i further olicr at negotiation. This war ! may last f.-r many years yet, if the South ' ever can be conquered it will be a tedious business, and both North and South v.iil j be the losers. ! Jr.n-' Dams' Mi.ssaoi-: Conc:fi:mn(; tiii: j lY.A-o. .Misiox. j Washington. F,-b. (. The r.icbmrji.d i 'i:ij says : 'i he lo:' ow ing doeutn ni w:;s ; i;ii 1 before Congrt-ss this morn'mg: '1 t.'m .SV .'','. a id lS .i- ' - ll-r-;-:r-t i' r v ; . U''? receialy leceived a writ ten no- ! '.ii'eation wttieh sa'islied in,', th.it the j i t'rCMdent ol tne l mted States w; pascd to con!- r informally with unolia sal ' ag.-i:ts that might be s -;u by tr.e witli a i view to the re-t :-Uso:i of peace, I v, u;-?- j AIoX;i:.t.r U. .St,pl;,.l!S. i j u. m. n;,nt, ;- Hon dobn A. Can.p- j j h-il tu jiro.-ecd tiirongh our lines an 1 hold ! i :i enferenct? with Mr. Li: '.coin, n- s.a 'i j Vf" tl l;e ,;1'-!lt tlTll' to IVP'" 1 i iuiu I herewith submit, lor the m.'or- : - ,, , ... - i ! ni:o;,.;i ol ( iir.gre.-s. the n port tie e;.i:s- ' ! (.itiZcl!S nhove named, showing th..t ! i the fre.-,,, nfu-e to er.ter Into negotiations : ; " i'h tie conK derate or any o:,: of r i t : j i ' "" I r.;n ly, or to g:eo:;, p ople oth i f ' .... ...... ! ! -lies i .: ,t.--,,'.,,i',.,, l.-'-i hin ie!.i-.i j ei'ui j-.iei or nriv gram, ": i j pe:nm u- 10 i 1,-uv t . i ..', . T...c-:.. n ,,. j w5l'l5 nt black population of each Stat, Sueh is, as I understand, the efivct of the ; 111 01 nr.- ou.inaiaoM n im n lies I 1 i .... . . .... , (1:0.0.1. ......m 4 . . 1 1 ... 1 :. .1. 1 .. . , oi-'-ii .. iMiii;' i nv the 1 ongivss ot tt.e t mi-.d Stat (Signed) d in Ktiseo; D wis. i:'7f,it!,ti. r,iru-mi zfi, is ;r. t . r .... . i '.' . . -.. . ' ':n lie t -Wi(,Wff i:U:- ,K: i i . . . . . , I. nder your 1-tier ot .noint ruonl o! the !, , i - i e ---ii uu. we proeeedeu tr s-vk an mior- j mal con!oj-ei,-.; with Abraham Lincoln, i '''''lent of the Uui'e-l '-tates, upon the ' subject mentioned in your letter. Tie conierc-nee we. granted, and tooi; ptaco on i.ie .van no. on hoar.', a steamer an- ... 1 1 ....... i . . choied In the Hampton I loads, where we met President L-ncoln and Hon. Mr. f"-""'. Secretary of State of the L'nited ; i:i:;'-- -t continued ibr several hours ano xvas outh h.Jl a!id explicit. We ! learned trorn them that the messa-e of I i President Lincoln to tho Congress of the ! United States in December last explains: I .1 1.. .....1 T that iv.) terms or proposals for any treaty or agreement looking to an ultimate set- 1 . i tiemcut would be entertained or ma le bv j him with the authorities of the Coufede- j ral 5;i,a,c because illiXt xvtm be a re- j co-,,hiu Uir lence as a separate power, wliieti, under no di-cnM-t-irope L.,.,, Y .. ' .lnfl no uicunu.ir.rr., , "ou.d he done, and uke reasons that no ; such terms would be entertained bv him j from the Confederate States separately; i ,ha no ext' "(Ie'1 armistice, as a' present j aiv uld be granted or allowed i runout satisfactory assurance in U-i-ee of a complete restoration of the -rid-r"'tv ! of the Constiluiion and laws of the United i States over all places witiiin the S'ates of I l'ie ""k'deraey ; that wtiatever conse- j quences may follow from the re-eKbo-!- 1 ment of that authority must be accented ! but that the individuals subject to pains ! and penalties under the laws of the United J States niijjlit rely ujxm a very liberal use J ;rj i r-p-j q CM of the. lKiwcr confided to him to remit t OlSil!ti I J vJ,L'V- those pains and penalties if peace bo re- ; ft. ' 1 ,:" !i ! ' 'k , , stored. Dming the conference the pro- . 5 :i. r.i.d I.ev;i.-, !'..- : ,. i .. . ... 1 ,. f t!.e (. .-ur .! (;-lei:, p nosed amendment to the t onstitution ,t r ; , , -. ' tlie United States, adopted by C ongrcss j, ,pt , ,.t t r (j , on the 31 ult , was brought to our notice. KVn-bv.rg. .n iXPAV . , !' This atnendment proides that neither Mn;" i . .o . , slavery nor invoiuntarv sen itu I -x-'ept for crime, should exist within the j ui--dieticn ef the United StMes, and that Congress should have the iMtwer t" i'n'brcc - . a this amendment by nppropi mic legislation. Vt an me coruereuce nerein menuoned and leading to the same ym have hereto- fore been informed. Very rcspsct fully, your obedient ser- Varus. At.i:x. II. SrrniKNS, R. M. llfvixt:. .I'tilN A. Cam. iv. t.i., A dreadful fire occurred in 1 "hila 1- !- pliia, on the morning of the 8th instant, It irig:natcd in a lot in the !ieigh!hr!rod of Ninth and I'ederal stretts, wbete there j was two or three thousand barrels of cord i oil stored fir ditierent own.:;!?. Men.) women and chii lr. n were literally rousted j alive in the stieets. . There was forty- j seven houses burned. The noiubgr of lives lost cannot bj di.-tinct?y ascertained i , . ' the burning oil flowed down the street I and it was almost iir'porsible to get out of j its wav. Mrs Ware and her two dangh- tets were burned to death on l.e street i It U stipjH.sed by some to be the work of j an lnrendiarv. I h- fiiv Mar.- no s are ' trying to fl-rret it out. We find by the following taken fn.m an exchange that ; they passed an act of th.? !egi-!::Mr -to I prevent them from storing oil in :it. cj v hereafter. I'llIt.AlU.l.l'llIA. IVb ft IJ :ih II.. uses of the l'enniv:.nia Lvui.-hit a--e to-day passed a bill to prohibit tie' siorin of I'ct.-ok UlU in I'hilad. ! hi i ( :;v. The !s by the lire v stordav is ovo;- five hundred t"li--us.md d-.nars. Ti e lo on coal oil is s-- oi ( v-liv ' ! i on 1 i ";.-! In v-. O ily one-third ot the ;! i! i i- i-.--:.' ! The missing rmd dead rinnd.er twe-n'v pers..i.s. Klev.-n of o:.f f.irnilv are m-'ssin w ho are supposed to be b'.rncd in tl; ruin- of the lions v C2" An cnfe'-prjsiii man i i I ). . d Y., !!!.i the :ii:!l:rtnne to i s ! wie or; a Suud iv : n Mo-i 1 r.' h' inn rt'-d his servant girl ; on Toe-l.4y .1. .v att.t.d. d the fsireral of tlf deee-:s -d to- .ether, the new wife v:i.: ;:e- the id o;e s clothes. KT The East Indies boast of a r.ut- meg weighing four onne-'s, and. not satis- !i. l, are now asking for a greater." CJT Many sift nig'u and day, r.n 1 ye! g! t no hing but bra". t o c o : s 1 : p t 1 v : : s T e u:c.-.cg::od having i e; r. s-;o-. I to l.c.t'ih in a tee.- we ks. I . vei v ;,e remedy, .'act havi'.-r si'jj ; ." sce;.( v.- o w Itii a s-vere lung irl'i-ti -e-e, v . i,s,;::i ' 1 n i- ri.:-. : u- 1 kn-e.-n I 1 l.l-i j, ; . cure. 'j'o a' 1 win 1 'li .- !" 1 ,o ve . - the e wi'l .'. .; , .-; y oftho prescript ion used. (Inc i-f i:,..!-.') with the direct:. a:s ier p: -;ng a, id i:- i a tin-s.tme, wi.it h ii cy wiil ;b; 1 a a nr.- ?:' f.T CoNs: Ml Tins-, .s r i . i 'ia ? C ! : 1 J s. UoCGUS. CoI.DS. te. "i i." i 7; Iy . b.ieit 1 1 li e :civ nistr in .-ending the 'ie-eilpti n is l, I -el a lit the i.in.et-d. and spri-,;.! int' i ;- which h eee'tivts t. . I e ii, v.d:; d : ! lie i.-ipf every sn!:',-:;T v. 1 . 1 ;iv ?:.s rei!:.? as it will est te; in n.ahieg. and i:. -y 1 ,. a bk.-s'iig. I'.u ties ui l.irg il.e ores r; tioa will phase a V.rtss Ilev. LnWAUH A. WILSON. Wiili.tr.ifburg Killed;. Mew Y-rk. I'e'o. lo lfo;3 ttm. 0 TlCtJ. J . An ?!-r.i;ciitfns l.r K.- :i ' nnut ; be sent to the Commissi sib- itti.re t',,e Otl. de.v it eai ii M.n'. Oiilers f..r the niontl. f..r which tl. ;q- l.ea- ;lvf" t i-'ii is made, will be gs..s.ted ;!' i e ;v, j'e :if:er tli U time. l O d. r of the B .-xr.l of Relief. f 'b.d-t .' - tl c wrsf bv J.-f ' t's WM. Ii. ECHLI-n. Clttk. I ('"l- w''h a-: .; s I'e'o. 15, 1805 St ; Takrr. in ri . r.' ai to 1 e s-t t '" t - - - sidt ,.f FlW.eor Tinmen -. 7 Fre-V:;-'': I. ilOTiCE. Ibmsrr. rrn:!e.refn riso.jv Thn.c. -.',-rM I Tlie mend.. rs of tl e ' f-r fi -p of rr:l.ii Ir n P. ; ; e nnpEIIT Oil. COMPANY, ; AI5-0 Ao tl e r-.t. tble r:-.7 ef are l.ricl y notified that the staled intcting 1 Ocw-a P'nf-s- f. ii aod n yu,-o . r i nr of the Cm:'.y, will be htld al the cfhVe f ; re1, i f 1 o-d. s'ir.e.'er! in Cr;r;vw.-. t-.n-r.-0(. M. R 'ide. Ms.j.. en MOM l. Y. the ' Pmdrii c n: dv. e. T;. ddr ;: ;.i-.'s of 13th day ot Marco. r,t 7 o'ehek, P. M.. ,:i d F.'in-- f:;vn-i. r,s Ye.drr -r.d . eis. at the same time e.u U tu. ml er will 'ce r. - ! r' 'rda:!.i''g tlo-.e 1 '.-d-f-d ,i-rr?. r.or' e-r :?. quired t pay ne-nild in-ial:n. nt if ! '!'' ''e '. ;;--dr d of vhioh nr? r'.-r.r.'.'. Sl'- T. P.I. Alit MOO ul-:. ' n-.d liavinc thrrro., r re ted r. t-.vn sd- ry Eucr.sburg, Feb. 15 4t Sec. Pro. Tern ' fm house, nnd l.Kirn. r. sr.rir.r h-'e. . j nril a saw mdl. now in t):e. cevp-::rv ef tic nOuru.E rrn ! s .: i r;.-. r.:e p...(os 1 rfiftten Years Fair Tri il M A. PF.YS.-OX, PlULADELPUIA. J PolDi.EIlh, $20,00 per ton. taku, ! aiO H the ri-1 title - 1 in. r sf from ,t!:" F.ct.;rv loose, or 60 cents per ,.f Ti . v.' Sr.TV.f. in .U. a rWe husheh a,.d $2.i.00 per te-n in b-.2s.dc i or ynr ..f land ;....'. ;., :t.' hveiedatea.nl, and lb V,,ul Dep.ns, j to-ldp, Phiu cm-t,, 'ridi-e.-'lTr's .a 1 i.naoe.plna. Martuaeoiiy, Oray's F-r of R d.ert V-,n. 7 -.. ; ' ,i;;Toe ef Oo'V V.'V xovvr"1, I'l'ihH-cipbiA. 1 Armi Sonm.n nr-.l ofhrrs. c.,,d. 2 ftv X P V,jwr?l G!"U'!-o(M):ieresandono hundred f.-rtv ditl.t tn-, a t i ' . . . , , f mqJ p Tf lie-in v.e . r less. Iweng tl.e s.iino Uuiee hitirarv Street. .o. A no back rf i i i - -i . , , r the NVw P nnVn . , . . . U . vAlUli s. 1 ,,V.V J "rehased fr. m topvc o. - VV FOURlii & CALLOW II ILL Stilts. Feb. 15. 1805-4m P11ILADELPI1IA '.-'at- i-, i ; A ll.f I i t : ' . I;!".. . M'C-e.l,. I-s.pr.,.. . f, V . p ire. J i.f .!!-.J -;;:;., :,, ' :. i ,l,:j-. , ...lii-,:.I lo: ; i ,,:.. , r f v. , i i -..lii'i .- i 1 1 7 .-1 :..,,, . e;i i :,n.! (,-i ; :t, -; ;. , . . ,.. j slxt v neus i;).e(. ,.r 1. -. . ( I i.n . ! l". '-::! : :S v.;,.'; ;.;. . ' li'rr,"u ' '''' !" : ' " -ry ,. ! x-:"" ""'. an. I -i t. , T ! i' . V."' v'' ": '' ' ' V' :t-r ::" ''.!: ' veto" .,, nii.- ,, O: ..rKu..i.. I A Ig- 'i r:.t- ii tl'l- : ; . gr :: i ! in i',-T ;:.:. j 1"'v:'- '," ' '' ' ' V, , , .) j g, j ,.. .. . '. : : ii- g i t- :oi , - ''',',:n ,, r"' ft?'! a " '.:' v'. ' '-.-. T.d:-:i in xvur..i ;;r, 1 to ! t .v .. Mil" J f ' (j! ,-', . li'J.r '-J-'t - Z' of. b: r.'ei -o . .?( -r ; r ! ' .,.. , f.. ate :''" 1 i;'" r'i:i";"'i' - IV, from.; :: ,-) ', !;-.-e Ire r i ' .I,, north, adj.ii.!ng ! nets ,.f M;..,VW;t' .'. on t-.e f -t. ;t.1 i.u- . 1" t':e Cm-.'.-r .-. r;-!': 'J; t;"" s"':t:' ' ' a' o .; . Tie a !.!.? IT 1!-S, !:Vi r. e .v.- ,:- w i:, t'.e ;:nn.i:e () J ;:i - ! e..i' r 'i.i ; A Lf i A i ', t'.e r" ' :'. ..- .;. -, ' ' v 1 "' i!t; v ' " . ' 'h .'. ",' ' ..' 's !- re.i :i .': y A .' :. - . .... , -- s e . r .-. ! ' ' ' a ; fn"; ; ... ; c ; lg r v - r '; ' ! ' r r I 1 ' - , " ' r. . r .t. , t', ' , ! . j t ,s n .. ; ,., l' , ... .-. . . i R i-S .1 !-l-.--:i '. 1 ' r ' ' " ; . .,-. . ! t - I '---: " e 1 . i t" ! e 1 J' .. . ! T-. .rt"., I - ,V , . !" ! (-s c--e . I .'-si r 1. : t-o. p.. t f : - - f ; Tl.V r y ii . 1 i r r'r-.- (') r I c: ; st x ' -' ! r' : ; " " ' '- ' 1 . ,. r., v : ''o e ' t ' !' " ? i -e. !: .V - 1 - fit . . . ';.'.: s v r V- S"l'.xl1 r- --'r-- : ri r i V - r: - T:e.' ? r s,- e (... , i :. ;vd to 5 e c- 1 t of Ebe-r-er Ii ;v-oV ...... r, ''!',. ? .-. ?.?..-.. , f (' I-o :. T i :r- T '" ' '1. f..r v ,:. -f - p.vr . 1 : I -rv. C T v-n or ti f.' o - ti. 1" ' t C 1.-- ; p.. . , : ., ; .. (-1..: r'n i e; a f.-. r ? cri C. if. ' , ' "o ! nrsr. i .-t ! r-- 'Ti-' 1 '!;.:- .7 .or. td-.-fv f ( t " T'- ? hv ' ne ' l ' T:ikrn in f-x-"cn'ien rnd fo be fold r.r tie sr;f fif Cvrus L. Pershing. asi-ree cf E. A. , "ornrry Mttr-i!. AdmbiisT.-.for of IJ.-lert Fliin. derrnsed, by deed oated 11th Sept. isr.2. (Unimprovp.I ) Taken ia execution and to be sold at th -