1' W. 11 iri flciduomiupbaltiim isusod to Hit: steam engines in a jH.rtable form. In a short tun.' -very article otapparivl worn by la dim will be colored by asphaltum. Wo pent last year to Europe over twenty mill ion dollar vorth of petroleum in addition to double that amount consumed at home. It taken the place of cotton as a basis of wealth ; it keeps the whips of our national marine employed in carrying freight to and fro all over the world. Kjcently it took a voyage of two or three years to procure a thousand barrel of oil, while a: the present time a single well has been known to yield as many barrels in one day. Mr. Gerard ended his leeturo with a glowing K.Toration to the future pros perity of the country under the universal oil regime, the evenings enteitainment con cluded with choral exercises by (he pupils of the school, under I he direc tion of Mis.-? Charlote Hutching:). Miss Emma Iierrick, one of the pupils of the school, sang a ballad, in which she was deservingly applauded. (From the Richmond Whig, Jan. 2t. The return of Mr. Blair to this ci'v has naturally given rise to much sp-eolation, not only as to the original object of his visit, but as to the character of the com munications which he has held with this government, and consequently with his own. The pretence of private business, which win hehl out in the beginning, can no longer impose on public credulity, and, indeed, the Northern papers, which pro fess to be well informed on the subject, ha.e abandoned that explanation, and save engaged in a tiicuv-ion character ized by no little bitterness, as to the terms of settlement which Mr. 111a ir is author iei to oti'er to us, or has taken on hira clfthe responsibility ot oderiiig. The Tribune declares now that one effect of his mission will be to convince uathut the North dues not demand an unconditional aurreuder, ami hence the Tribune infers that good, according to that paper's- ievc, may result ; the presumpti n being that the rebels are not lighting for indepriiU uce, but merely to save themselves from the dire effects of untramar Yankee, engence. The New-York Tunes, which is presumed to represent more accurately the Views of the Washington goven.in; nt, deprecates thi Tribuuitiaa hypothesis as well calculated to awaken false hopes in the rebellious boBonis of the Smth. The Times will have it that the North dues de maud nothing less than such an uncon ditional surrender as will turn over the South to the mercy of her northern mau lers, and place the rights of her people, and their property of every kind, at the absolute disposal of the Yankees. Thus it seems that of two parties to this con controversy, neither one even tolerates the the idea of a recognition of a souihern independence. The one, represented by the Tribune, appears to think that the moment has corue when the simple offer to withdraw the menace of thoc tcrriic penalities now hanging in terrorem over us, will quite suffice to bring us back into that Yankey Union which we left with the deliberate resolve of never entering it, and to keep out of which we have been waging four years of bloody war. The other, represented by the Times, pectin the situation of affairs a guarantee that the North can accomplish her whole plan of suppression, confiscation, and conquest, and will take nothing less not even that Union for which Lincoln has professed to be making war on us. It wants the lands, houses, and negroes of the South, to pos sess and enjoy the real property, to steal personal edocts, and to emancipate slaves. It will thence be seen thai, after all, nei ther party offers anything that the .South can by any .sibility accept, and tha lilair's mission, if it involves nothing more than thuoriea which have beer, put forward at the North to explain it, has no significance whatever beyond the evidence which it furnishes of the .rrength and ex tent of that delusion which appears to have settled on the northern niiud. Oili er wise, it is the merest of shams, yet a sham which has some nvanhig, on the supposition which we have already tr.ne than orce employed to account for it, that the Yankee government i rcal'y oe:i rinecd of its inability, without the appli cation of some fresh stimulus to the lagging zeal of its people, to carry on the war ou that immense scale required not merely for final success, but for the pur pose of maintaining its existing acquisi tions. We insist on it, that llu is the key to the Hlair problem, and it will be found so in the end. As to rumors, so plentiful in the streets, that France and England have at last made up their minds to recognize the confederacy, and that the knowledge of this fact has turned I ineo'n to thoughts of KHce, they are simply ab surd. It is ridiculous to suppose that in puch an event the Yankees would hasten to anticipate the recognition of our inde pendence by first recognizing it themselves ; although it is jmssihte that in the midst of their delusions on the subject of southern sentiment, and their exaggerate.! idea of their own successes, they mi:iht make some such tender as that suggested by the Tribune. But as this would involve re construction, and consequent submission on our part, and as w have by no means reached the submission stag', pui-h an offer could not even furnis.li a basis for negotiation. The fact is, that all this talk about negotiation and peace, while one party is still bent on conquest, and the other on independence, is idle and JHRIliD!ti3. I Fkxssvi.vai kui. i:oai sciri:i'CLE. LEAVE WEST WAUL)." i tt 53 H x 3 fcu ' W STATIONS. A.M., A. M. P.M. 1' M. Alton na. Kittutinirig. Galhtzin, Cre.-.s m, Lilly's Portage, W-oiiv-i-e, Summcihil!, South Fork, Mineral !ir,t, Conemaugh, Johnstown, 0.00 i 0.13 9,10 9.12 e io 8 30 8.3 K.4ti 8.55 9 Co $.11 7.25 7.34 J.c0 5.02 yt o2 8 40 S 4S J O 0 4' "! 47 11.00 10 '.() 10.17 LEAVE EASTWARD-'. STATIONS. A.M. .M. ; A. M. .i.i:i2;-".t.w:t, C Ue.iiau-.h. Mi:;-r;.l i'.oit. 'nth Fork, Sunimn hill. V.';!lll!,l'C, Portige. Lilly'-. Cr'.-s. n, (iaV;:f '.'!, K:Et:Vli:iil.g, It. -.;;:. 4 Z i 2 OA-) 7. 1 7 7.."0 1 4 7 5 f 20 L'.:": FP.ENSiiUlUi ( n m l afier traitis n tiiis r. .v CJll'.-'o;-; iL.lLl;"AI) M n i.iy. OliS'ir, Jl. I-'-:, t. id w in run us t ) .:t : i.KAVK El:ENSf:l At :,f:0 A. M.. eoniic-etin wiih n:'rc Express Wt-st and T.'iro";; IS itr ' Acn.m- mml.ition .t. At 4.10 P. M.. cn-i-etiorc with the M.til 'iViin We-.t and Tiirough Express Ivijt. I.KA V i. ( V. RSSOX t V2 P M.. .-r .-n depart-are of Thro' Aecomni sia'i !i We.-t. t 9 40 P. M . . r on dfp.xrtare of Express Has-t and Mail V"et. ENOL'il LEWIS. Ctn. Si:j;t. SBB.VSB'JHfi ! 'he injtlcrsijieil havi'i pnrchne! ..;p' t vkrn p.ssr-ii.i:i of ' he 1-benbiirjr House (formely '.cupi 1 by Ileriry l-'o-.ter ) w 1 1 1 he hat:jy to receive ati-1 aecommod ute his old cistoniers, and all others who j;av le !' p ise l to patronize him. The i rojineiur let-i.-i a-snrea iro:n tti" spacious HOUSE, STABLE & other facilities that he can offer at least as cood ace unrrn. dations as can he had at ai y other in th place. He is in possesion of a lar-e snppl v of tl;e chnises t lijnor with whioh his lar will he fnin'shcd: his Uhle will he f.jrn hhod with a!i th luxuries of the season, and he iritcrids by his liosjitality and care, to uierit the patronage of all tLose who st.-.p wit'iihim. tsa ac cr.AWFORD. Ebeusbur: Anri', 17, ISC1. tf. MiiiJiMjimiYXTli MA I.V jS THE 11 T. JOL'XS ro IV A' I' A LEWIS LUCKIiAliT, hctrs leave V; an i 'iosmcf tiiat he has a!'.vay; a tartan 1 varied ' a8irt:nen of all the various articles peeii'iiir V: h!s bfisiness. Impairs promptly and : carefully attended to. i Johnstown April. 17 1801. tf. SAJiNEfiS! AND SADDLERY Tl;e undersi;ritil kerps counf;i:it!y on hand and in still niaa'if.i'otiirini; all articles u hu line Mich as. SADDLES, SIXiJLi; A Ji;t;LK 1IARNES 1N D AFT HARNESS, liT.IXI) i 111 ILES. lllOiXlr ClLIi)LES CiltX'K LINES, IS ALTEHS. WHIPS lUilCli HANDS Ac, Ac, a L icli he wili dipose of at low prices fv. eash. His wojk i a!! c'arraiilcd, j.r.l ue'nar cx perkneed, he puts the bst of loatl-r ia iiis Ht.rfc. Thankful for past favors, be hop-As, by atietition t- I usine.-s tonerit a eoMinu ance of Hit: pr.tr. m a ie heretof.jrc s-.' I .h'.rai- ext r.ded to in ii. t-h'-n above t Lt; store of lioberi ID ivis. P. .-o':S W si.; ley ''i.kj t au't sul I'lniiai Har- iccomm- . i:ed 1 v. IIFGH Ifi'ji-tf. M 'CO i" r.t.e.isnurg iJoc, i 2 ANIIOOD HOW 1JL HOW LO.ST.IiOW RESTCiRF.I) 'i-fjrrS i dn-t pnMislieil. a nev e )::, .n . iX&of DR. CULVER'A ELL'S CEL. EfJUATKl ESS. Y 01. th-radi cal cure (without me licin.-) of T.OiiA, or seminal wen'-: nt ss, S.-niinal Losses, I:.li0Ti:"CV, i.i. ... a r iu- I 1 vohiutrv l llai and I hvsieAi ill' r ;ipa ";ty, I.'nneoim-.i.l.- in M u. ti.2. etc OS... CX.-l'i'FTION. M'tLrP-Y. ami r i rs, nuni.-e J by sclf-iudu! -cnot or se ml i-Xtravaitoee. Crj- Price in a H?alel enrelope, only six oen ts. The celebrated author in ibid a.bnirab'e essay clearly denion.tr;itei, fr ,:u u L irty years sii'-ee.-ir-ful practice, that the ahumin CoTequences of self-abuse luay be ra.lh'ully cured w'.lliont the dangerous use of internal medicine or the ajiplication of th'i knife pointing oot a mode ot cure, at race M-cjOe, ce:tHin anl eli' etnal, I13' means of which I ; every suit- rer, no inciter wnat ti's coniiii'.i.n may be, mav cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radicidly. Or?- This Lecture should be in the hands of every youMi aod every man in the land. Sent, under si al, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, oa receipt of six cents, or two p.JKt starnns. Address the publishers. CH AS. J. C. KLINE A- CO., izi j.uwkky. NEW YORK. frrc H. '61 ly Potn0v Vt 4F,85. Ayer's SCUOFTTLA AKD SCCFDLOUS DISEASES. From Fm.-ry Kds, a irel l-known merchant of Ojfrl, ilu.:ne. " I have 8uld large .jua.'itiiiey oi'your Sapsapaji IXLA, imt never vet oi:- Ix ttlt which i:u eel ot ti.e de?:reJ efl'ect cutl'li:!! FaiK-lwotion to those wlio took it As tiu-t ea our ti.t!- try it, they ajrree tliere lifts beeu no medicine iiku it Le'lcre :u our coruaiui.it, .!' Eruptiors, Pimp'.es, islotoiies, Pustules, TJlcera, Sores, and all Diseases of tho Skin. from Unv. Jlolt. S'ratt-m, V?Ho, Knlantl. " I only do my duty to vou aid ,lie I'l'-'c. when I add my teMt!uni:y to tliat you j;'ib!isli 1 tlie ni Uicirial virtues of your Saksafiiiii!. a Sly daugh ter, agert ten, Irarf an nihioiiBf? lasmor iu her ears, ayes, mid htir tor year, h iii:'h v.e wore unable lo e'ure uncll -c tried your SAKS.rii'.ii-i.A. fcbe lies b?en well tor touic t;;oiths." From Mrs. J,tie. K. Vice, a a--.l' k:"-.,rn tnd jtmlA titeemtd lady ' h.tnit v'ir 2111 ' A. J - ily daughter htj uiv. rei li.r a yttr r-M wiih a BcrofulouE eruption, v jiich vtry tnub!ee.riie. Notr:iuj:aflbi'ieJ any rvu ?' MUtll retried your Sau PAPARiUA, y hit-h pioa crtirip'otly cure J Ler.'1 From Chix-rtes P. Oafr, 7??.. -..'t.V viJr!-khorjirm cf a-iyt, Murray if .., r,-"::; cic'urtrs ttuuu- died fap'rs hi 2fidfin. -V H ' I had fur Lvn:U jcars u rry ti-oubsf' me hv :or in mv face, M ti.fh j;reW cot-s'ai :!y vers;-. UBttl it (li-tu.-pa mv ie.tait; un.! tv. iufoVrablo sfai.-tion- I tried u.a.wt ; idvc could of I-.it.i advice ami r:n riiciiu-. Lut without kdv relief la-ev t. liJ-ti! X n.?: Saij i i'Arn.1 a. It iin.n-.l-,,. . rea.'le r.o j"..c v oir.f. s :i a iiti-'Lt i-jr lime: I lit in . i'.J .v.t.k- t.- ii"W h.-.n; bc;.'S'i 10 wen: vrdvr iu- t:o'ciu, if.i c i.tijiu-d ti'i;i! n:"' td..? :s .'n:oili .mlitd.-'s, asu I m u;'liOUt . .! .m -tiiii.s i l ::- U:.--i-K 'ha; I suov. of. i es.j-r- i t!c't ;. uiils. nt.d ttUhuc'.-- l-ivbt o it to your i ai:i : ."' Ervsipt.;;," (?serr.l Debility Pui :i? tii3 Bio'.d. rrm r. .'.',', u ',' yt. . : Y. Dr. Avsr.r 1 sei'i'Cji licl t" a ni.'. t f r-tv.s -xzu A.rc'dctt S re by ti.e y rev erii a; ure ;(ur bAR3wniLLA, ai. 1 I l:v. jun cow -jTid an s".- Uik ct M'iiit-j,.t t.t i rjirlt.n villi :t 'eja- H e v.c- iwte i e'ii.lr. t u' .5 papilla j oa ii3-' supplied w ti e prrl:.i'vti 31 'veil a', l-j the 1' ' -" Froui J .'"..'..'.')..',' , . 'r'a.:-rr:'i. i.i.V.. " hur t .!. v..fcr-- 1 hii.i .! ei.'o'A i--r;. 00 my ria'lit arm, ? 11 ri - .vliicii ;;:rie 1 tii-.-a 'j:' th.- rei tt.ravd r L .icj;i!.t 1 co:;ui r..ao.i, -ltd i.ok iiuinlrcus 01 i'.'i.iir yv.r'!i r:f medicines T!e :1'cer 'T0 o tnid that '.hi' i. I- Hi-. vj'-U.Ie, oul lite dect.v.8 .t-eiucd thj-. t.ivjiiit lii'it I h snj u:;.U. 1 bvpan takil; yonrSAKSAf ARiLI-A. Took two bottles, will wraci'fyuLr 'JoijfrtJ'er l):ey hit' e cuvti it.h. J hp: iiuw as wr'l aiij sour.d as avyl-ody. Heii j; i;i a rubiie r.laoe, mv case in kii'j.vu to every trod v in tt-: c:ni:..uui!y, snl excite.stlie w.onder ol ali.v From !. err; J'onro, ..' V. P.. of Srummtlt. J1'.. a tcadint 'r.-intwr if t'ie Catwimn I'lirlinnu-nt. 1 :' I bave usvri your Sarsa 1-aiui.i.a in m- l'siniiy, I for per.eral debdtty. fcti'! for purif;;iitr the li -.!. : with very belieicial result?, aint !eel c jiitiUei i-e 1.. : CDQiiiiending it to th muiuteil .- ; St. Aiitliosy's Fire, Xto;e, 2a!t Hneura, scM Jlr-a, Sera Eyes. .rro7n Ifnri-.'-i SW-.V-. Tsi,-., ti.e a.!? .vfiror if j 2'u.i "U.auti Vi.otj.', Fttwvtdrtit.i " Our only clnirt, :.boi-t tl;re vears o' ne, .vris at j tacl e'l by riin5!ei on Iris ion-heati. i hey 1 hj.idiy ; sj.iektl until t'ley f.ri;,;-a a ia.ia :ouio auil virulent j sere, v tiicll covered Jiis tuoe, cr.d Hirtua!iy tliii'J' .l j his ej es lor forae diij s. A t-kili'ul pliyiciun ui-jiii-J : iiiiraie of t-i'trr a!id -jthtr reraertits. witbr.e.t at.v p ' parent ellVct. For !:;Ye.u days weuuar.le 1 hit iiiituls ! lest with tliom J.e slioi.ld terr.eu the lettering anil corrupt wound v. i. cli fu' ered iiiewboie tiC'.'. ltftv- ins trie-i every t!.;: eNo we h.tj ;iay boj rfrom, lK"ft.!l i;iviii V.Hir Alt'JAl.KiViA, Slid SJIpivillg ' tlie iodide ol j."otnJ lotion, ss vou direct, "i Ue ?oie hepsu So Ileal wiici! we had ji. en tle first bottle, ! aim was veil wiieu we l,ai ti'nrhird t!:e secoiid. 1 he I cuilii'd eyeia.'.tiejs ulurt. had c. i:e out. sr: : anin, and Le is ie.w iieslti.y -n.I tiiir as aty oilier. I he whole utifbt'oriiood i.riiiic'.crl that the clii.d must , iic'.'! ; Syphilis end Mercurial Eiseitaa. j From lr. t'irar.x Snii. 1 ,sf. ..i..s. .iiiwu i. "I lind jour SakraI'ari i.la a more tlTcrtuai rei'iedy lor the j-eijotiduiy i-j nir,nis ot Stini.dix. arid for hvphi-'irio diiear" f'la.i ti.y other we pos.-. Ihe profe Mcsi ase ii iicl-ttd to you lor euiu of l.'ie bust mi.dicir.es we have. ' : Frnm A. .1. Frrm h, M. T-., an emiiunt physici'tu of j la rrinc. M::-i:. ': i.- 11 pn-utitu-lit ntiti'.htr t ! the Lyisl-itw f.i.'.i.'urn.t. I "Iirt. Akii My tl.-ur Sir: I have fo-.w d vo-ir Sa KM,ilJU.A i nci'dit remedy Tor Sijjdiiht, Im.-.Ii ot'the t.rhnirtf ro c! xr rsu! ' .vp. a.i . -rt.l- u.l iu inie ifrut were too hr-l.; jte to yield to I ctl.er -c'liiertie!'. I do rot ttow hat wt can tni I pluy with rmne eenaiiiLv of kucce-s, -a here a jiovser- lu! alterative ii repaired." Mr. C7it. S. I'm tw rf X.'!' Krii.uvl. X J., hud fn-Hdfut u'ccri 011 lii: !c--, cL d by the iL use ol'iiiernjry, or mcrcu rml d:.n:i.;r. v, hioh grew more and more atr""a :.ted lor y. riis, :n )'il- of every remedv or tretf iitei.t ih:it c ii'd I eai riiied, until the : persevering uc of A v ti:' .Salpafahii la re!iuv.d : him l'"ev cf-s onn le t.'.in.ci 'Lore iover"rate a;ot ; oil 'res-nig ti.aix thif.cnd it look several doiva bot tle? to cur'.' hin;. 1 Leucorrhcca, "Whites, 2Toniale Weakness, . arefre..end!v rodaceu by i'liernui Scr-fn! ins I'.'ctr- a'i'i.'i, ti( are very ul'cn cured llie alterative i (fleet of this Saksapc:li.a. O 'if.e cancH leouire, i however, in aid r;f the P Kt atakilij , the ekiiful ni'piicatioo of loi-al irniP.hcs. Frfm f'.e trt!!-faimrit nvd iridit;-rc'eirnted F!r. ! Jtzcob Mfrri! . of (Siiciwt'jli. j " I I. live lou-id your Sj l,Mf.oii'-t A nil excellent . alterative in oiscdfen ot h'i:iait- Jinny cssi'S cf :r j reirt'.ianty. Je'icorrhiea, I:;erna I. !i-eratioii, and j local debility, Kii-iiii from the Fcroft'loiiw d'Htlietif", huve yielded t j it, uud iliere r Jew that do 'sot. I v.Iktu iUelfcct in projiPil . ci.t i by loci! treat inert."' I A indy, unirli !.n;; to a.'hw i! piiirction of 't j nr:. writ. :: "Mv riF'iphTf-i n:d 10'. r-elf 1..'. hrei. ci rd of a I very debii.:f 111 J..eucoribtri ol" lor r tH'.:diup. I y two' buttles of yt tir sa lienfAKi .." j Rheumatism, Go'it !Livr Coraplaint, Dva ' pensia Ileart iJi.-;.' iise, jNoura.Kia, CUUrVj 'V '. 1 liy t!i Kit. a-..' rapid!" cur R ti v r ' n h 1 c n o i X j'O-M -s -;o rai:y a-lva:!:ac over '.c other pu? ..tii-- .ii 1.1c inai ko', ;-i j .Jit ir superior Tiilues arc o uiivcii!Sv 1 :r j.v-i, ihst we nped not !o more ;hr.a to . -i j...'!;r .-.u-iiiv ItiaeCil ri:.h l!i ).;! fo 1 v su-.y h: t r. do all !i-t t'.cv cVpende:! Ai'!:?!, J: i-.v to t II ll.e. ii.iv. lV.'r.:irc! I D , A. ( Loweii ,t., r-J: Ir.. I.. RUN". EbenOo C. T. FP-.EU, .b.!.r.; t rw. P. II. SHIELDS, Lorn v.. evert'wt'cre. cai.-.r-- 1. ISC i iV.ail jthla: 'r.ij DnAPFi; or ti:e Xkrvoi"., CKMtVAT., new mid UiiiNAit ir a:w Sexuai SrsTr":;?- reliable trea'ment in report of the; 01 bv ihj vv . n i A.tjcja l iur. ent nv mail ' in sealed tetter envi-l.-n-s. free 01 char-re. Address, Dr. J SivlLLEN IIOUGHTEM, j IIov.ard AsMciiii. n. No. 2 South Ninth ! treet, Philadelphia. Pa. PA j JOHN A. Pi LAIR. Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR will spare no pains I to render thi:; Hotel, worthy of a contiuua- i tionofthe liberal share of public patroi- J age it lias neretoiore received. His tablo will always be furnished' with the best the market a fiords; his bar with the best of liquors. His stable U large, and will be atteLued. hj an tattcntive and obliging hot!or. FfbbTirg; Ajr.l7 11. HELFtBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMl HTn FI.T'ID EXTilACT CUCI1U. J a I'otiitive uud Specific Kemedy for diseases of the IJlailder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dion- sicf'l Swel'.iL'gM. j This Medicine increases the power of Di ; sestion, and excite the Adsorbents, into healthy action, by which the Waters' or ; Calcareous depositii us, and all Unnatural j Esilargt'iiients are reduced, as well as Pain ; and Inflammation. HELIIP.OLD'S EXTRACT lU'CHU. ! For' eakuiwees arih'ng from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early lmiiscittion of ! Abuse, attcuJed with tli following syiuj)- ; toms: j Ii)dispoj.iiion Vt Exertion, Loss of Pover, i Loss 1 f Memory, Difticuliy of lireathing, i Weak Net Trernhiiiij:, j Horror of Wakefuluei-s, ; l:rahes- of Viaiir.i, l:;;n in the Back, i Ui.ivevi; Lassitu-J?! of the Muscular System, llt H,i;-ls. F!u.-h;iiR of the B.aly, Drvress i..f the Skit:. E.-apti.'js ou the h'.-.ce. I " Va'.IA O.-uau-nacce. ! " liese tyr. v.t. r:;, if aPooi? to co on, which this tr-fcdiylnc invariatly removes, 1 sin folh.-.v,, F'fifidthrii, Faf'iiiy, EjAieptic Fits, l; t-zir; (.! which the Paticut may ex piie. V';m ci!. sr.y that th;y r.rr- not ffe'tuentlj' f .'J ,vc -,l !.- t !)ire?nl Diseases. " -1 N'SAXJTV AN l ("ONSUMPTIOX." are uva:c of UiC cruso of their suff- i Hut 1. ' ire wu rci.fr s the records of the j :' M-.bni'-noly 1'saths b:i (Ji-n.'iuFn't'.on ' hear -.! it witness to the Tr iili of the as , 'i re (,). stiiutwn once ejr,le.dicilh Organic. I H'cjicnes:i rcquirss the "aid cf M-iiciire to Srwrth-u fcisd Invtcvrato the System. I Which Hxi-MB.iLP'rf EXT J ACT JiUCHU ; i;tvarit'4y dies. A Tiial v.i.l coiivmce the niof t skei.tiral. ' FEMALES FC1I ALE? FEMALES. m maun Ap'eiiintt.'s peculiar to Fer.aids the Extract Buchu is 'iiir 'iaUol by a.'.y other , remedy, as in Ch!or...is or P.ete;iti..ij, lire jridarity, i'.i'::tu'uei-s, or Suppression of Customary fcveuatioi.s, Ulccnitcd tr irihoii bta'e of tho l.'Henis, J.ti-.ohi.rrl f.- or Wiiites. Sferlity, and for all c.i:nid:iiits Incidi ;:t t" th- s;-x, h-.h r srisib frotn '.:: i''"n ti' v liuLiisof l)i.-.:p.'oion, or in the lilXT.lXE Oii C!1AN(-'E OF LIFE. Take no more tats'im. Mercury, or t'?: rhar.'jLiJ M'r!i;ints fur uniteanani and dans ;(;')' diseases. KLM nOLH'S EXTRACT I ilJCFIU AND IMPROVED ROSE wash cures SECRET DISEASFri Id a'.! their Stages, At I 'lie Expense. IJtlh.- or no change in I.h'et. No inurtive 1 ieiice. A iid r.'j F.jrijsiife. It eau.-ep a freucnt !eire and givfs str.....;:ti to Urim:t.-, tiierehy iomovin-.' Ob "tru-:tior.i, Prev:-iitinjr and Curing Stritt i.rei' f'ie Urethra, a'.laying Pain anl ln ikmr.!atiotj, so fr qutnt in the class of dis eases, and expelliii" al! J'vis-vui , liixeoscd and ir.'.r iu-,:t Ma'Ur. Tno-v-iR.hs upon Thorjj. .:;.- who .ave Victims of Q'.ia. k-, and who have pai.l :;! w fees to be cured in a h'nort tiioe. liave f .ii'.ni they were deceived, ami th.it the "POISON" has. by the use of 'Power ful Astji-.ents." been dried up in o sys tem, to ti-e-ik out in an .vravated form, and j erltaps after ilarrlage.. Ue Ihlmbold's Extract Ibi. hu for all affecti .n and diseases 'of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existinir iu ilALEor FEMALE, from whatever car.:- oiiimttin and mumiterof HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a DIP HE ITO. II KLM HOLD'S EX TRACT BICHU IS THE GKEAT DIUR ETIC, and is certain to have the de:-ircd effect in all Diseases for which it ii I?ecm mended. Evidence of the most reliable and respon sibh- character rvi'.l accompany the medicine. Price Ji.OO per bottle, or six fot $5.00. D'-liveml to ra.y Aiirhess. scccrtly packed tr:in obs-i vat ion. Describe Suinrforns in ail Covimuiucatii.ns Cu es Goarart. ,,1 Advice G ti! -j:trr. n-tt-.x-s for information to H. I'.. HELMP.OLD. Chemi-t, 101 Somh T.-i:ih st.. bel. Chesnut, Ph'.hi HELMlU-i O'S .;. i;Ca Jfmt, HLL nILOM '-S ..,.., anil Chemical Ware. '--t So-. .ad way. N-.v York. !". Ai;E tip -isT'NTE!tFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED i.EALEKS who endea vor to iir-r,-re ;f their t.t.-n,; and "other "rV I".'' C '''"'"' atlaine lby Ueimhoh.', G-uuine Prep.oMio, s. Extraot Itucbit. Sarsaparilla. Improved Rose Wash. AJ.L LPI:gg!.t.S i, KRV WHERE. Ash FOR jlr.LM nr.Ldrs TVKE NO OTHER. - :-rt out tie AdiM-'.h.er.-jer.t and send for it w.,V,-VOFL r"'5,ITlON AND EX 1 Osl. RE. March 9. i?,.-!y. VAV. imdersig.it.l (,ra(li1!UCof the Balti & more Cllege of Oenbd Surerr, respect tu.iy ..her-, hi . professional services to the citn-cns ct Lbensburg. He has spared no mean, thoroughly to acquaint himself wUh every improvement "n hi art v0 nlillly voars of personal experience lie has thought to add the 0, paited experience ,.f the hisrh et authorities in Dental Science. He sim ply a.-ks that au opportmty may be -hen or bis v.-crk to stwk its own i.ra?se Ofhce :n CclonaOe lb.w. RKfEC.KNCrs Hur-dy ; A A lilandy, P. II. Aulten. of the Baltimore O-Heye. GCJ- Will be at Ei-ensburg t,n the fuU,tn Monday of each month, to stay o,,e week The Life ani Campaigns of General Mc C4el!ac. for sale by AMEj MURRAY. Tohnttown MrlIe Worliat A NEW STUCK The subscriber has iust received a and handsome invoice of, ... f- - Italian and American M A R B L E , comprising tlie hirget and finest Stock of the kind ever brought to .t.-l.Ttovrn. at. his establishment on Franklin Street, where he is prepared, with ab adequate force of experienced-ami skilful workmen, to execut.- all kinds of MONUMENTS. Mantels, Tombstones, Ta ble and Bureau Tops, &c . as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities. A larue stock of G kishstones on hand and for sale low. 7 Prompt attention paid to or lers from a dbtince and work delivered where- de eirerl. JOHN PARKE. March 13, 18C2. GREAT ATTRACTION !! Call and Examine the Goods. fUlliE subsniht-rs having returned from A th'': city, have row opened one of the !arjist and most carefully assorted ftock f SPUING AND SUMMEU GOODS, ever fiered to the people of Carrolltown and the surr unding country, which they will s-.d! i.t as low a figure as any store iu the Country. Their .-tuck consists of DRY GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTH ING, BOOl"S AND SHOES of all kinds. Ladies' Dress Goods of al! kinds, French Merinos, Delaines, Si'.ks, Alpacas, Fluids, &c. Their stock cf Grocaiies con-,-:!st of the bet articles the market aftords of COFFEE. SVG Alt, TOBACCO, 8,-C. Their Colh-rv is f tlie hit manufacture. Their QUEi:NSVARE and HOLLO W WARE are of the finest quality. Ladies who wish tMmaUea g'.l inv-.stuient should call and examine for t hemrclvt s. Ail kii.i's of country produce taken, and qrefid.ack.i i.'.t refuc d. Give t.'s a call, and 'avor t .' irive v 11 Rati.-f.idtion. Mav IS, 1P"A. E. GLASS i CO. silGHLY IMPORTANT h TO EL ACKSM1TIIS. Vfii- fifths of time and hs.rd labor saved by usir.- ISAAC C. FINGER'S. NEW AND COMPLETE TIKE AND HAND P.EXI'EB. I'atrOtcd March 10, 16o3. Its chief advan tage are lr.t. Having stron-j gear v. h; el to obtain power, one man can operate it to bend col l wr.rr in tire. -uy lz'. under 1 by 4 inches. Having nii-veable collar-, to hold the bar square on th.e pot.ib!e 1 lli.rc ii takes all twist out of the bar, while binding iu a regular cire'e. 3 :. It can be shifted in 1 end to any dt fired circle from one, up to twelve feet, in one m'l.ure. 4:h. II iving a moveable centre post , which can be quickly taken off, tires and bands are eajtily taken out. oth. The upper ribbed roller will always draw the bar through. Cth. I)..ing i:)Ke1i and numbered, a card with dircoti.'t s, ace. tn;.anies it. Tiie Machine in o-xl (oil the j nruals) runniajj i-rdi-r. bolti-.l upon a string jricce of tin.ber, without legs or crank, for or with !tis a iid crank for $-35. All ra.-h orders prompt I attended to. fjjj- State and Countv Ri-lits for sale. ISAAC C. S1NGI R E'.ensbmg. Apti' o lso4-ly J licitlnrjr Book Store. Just received a he-h stock of Paper, Ac. Lcp-.l Cup. WJdte and lihie LaiJ Cap. P!.:in White Cup. White an 1 Liu- Laid Post. Cr.nmicroiiii latter. teavo Nite Guilt Elfc. Lady's Note. B'.Hr.k L'eeds, M:-.vtt'ife, mi l Beude. Blank ?u:i::ujr.s' aul xeeut:oud. Bl-.itik I' ek.-i. Tuck Puss Books'. Time P.-.ibs Bl.i:t!nir IVipr. Aniold"t Writiiijr Fluid. St-'e'i IVn an I ivn R .ldero. I'nveb'pes Large ami Sa.all. Ci py l'oaks aiid .Vuc-h-ie. II -ot:- of vavi..5i kinds finin 10 cts. t. $1,.j0. Secars and T;!aeeo and arious other No tions cf the best quality. .lust received two new first class Novels, " VKUY HAUL) CAM!." bv Charts Betide. .11.1 IABR!-:LL MARKIIAM," by M. E. I'ra.i icn. April IZ, 1 ScJ 1 . JAMES MURRAY. I'. 1 5 K NSl l ; KG I5AKKKY tEKFECTISEY " filAFLISSMEIT f ft Lllj sub-crui.-r, having reatiy enlarged I his BAKEKY and r-plenished his bbk of GROCERIES ami CONFECTION', ARIES, is preparer! to supply or.iers, on shoit notice. He has also added to his sb'jo, ucuiV other articles, such as FLOUR. "SUGAR, COFFEE. CHEESE, S.-LT,T0BACt."0 - SEGARS, SPICES. TOYS. NOTIONS, &c. CARBON OIL at the lowest rctird prices. A fine l..t . f CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CAKES and Christinas PRESENTS, to which he solicits tiie patronage of the pub, lie. He h;is. also, attached to his establish ment, an OYSTER and DRINKING SA LOON, where fresh Ovsters, Sardines and prime ALE and PORTER can be had, ut all hoisrfi. GEORGE GURLEY. Dec. 2, 18G3.-!y. N All persons indebted to me for subscription, advertising or job work, are requested to settle their accounts immedi ately, jas. S. TODD. April 13, 1SG4. ANSION HOUSE. AT THE PZXX'A n 4L110AD DEPOT PITTSBURG. PA. MEALS HEADY OX THE ARRIVAL OF ALL TRAIXS J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Soj. 33, 180. tef HOST'ETTSS'S CELEBRATED !BXL"JAEiB;S. A pure and wouoei tul Tonic, c- 1 lectivc jn; alterative of Wonderful tflicacj iu L':..st of the STOMACH, LIVER AND ROWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, 11 ache, General Debility. Net vou.-nen,, fi pressi -u ot Spirits. Constipation. C.ihc. In termittent Fevers, Cramps aiid Spa.-n k. Ki all C. inplaints of either Six. ar:.-ii.g f,t4 Jvitli.y Weakness wlieti.er uita-rti.t ;o nt system or produced by special cau-ts. Nothing that is not aholesome. peii-.x) and restorative in its nature enter, in!.i t i . composition of HOSTETTER'S Ti 'M.Uh' BIT'IERS. Thi-popular prt-j-nraru .1 u tains no mioeial of any kind, 110 d.-.,.: botanical element; no riery excitant I u it is a eombinatic ii of the ex'r.v ts of r..rt ..,! sarnie herbs Arid plants wis:, the puo-t aLi Uiildctt of ail diffusive stimulants. I' is well to be forearmed agum' disea. and, so far a the human sy.-tc m c;o. It protected b lruman m ai,s ;ig.or.r-t ii:;.l;.i cncendereii by an uu whob.-.i -me atn.o.-j l.t ir, imi'iire water and other external c; u-s, HOSTET11 R'S FITTERS may U re;;rd on as a sategnard. Ind stricts inf ted with Ferer utiJ J:;ue. it i as been f. uo.l infa'hble as a prevti.tir and i. rt sio! ible as a remedy and thovisn;. who re.-.'rt t it under apprehension .f sr. attack, escape ii.t rem:;; and thousa:, 1 who neglect t- avail tlnmselves of its j ro tective qualities iti advance, are cured l v very brief course ot this marvelous riitd:c:c. Fever and. Ag:i patients, after Irting p.o! with ijioiiric f.r months in vain.un'ii taitlv fattiratrd with that d.aiiirerous alk.ih nt not u nfi - tier. ! ! v restored t i health wither, t few das bv the ur of HOfcTET'i Ili's BITTERS. The weak st. mail; is rapidly invigirri:N aud the appetite restored by this afrtrv.l.e Tonic, and hence it works wonder- in cv of Dipeps:a ssv.S iu less coi-rirrr.td f..r:r f Indigestion. Acting as a p-tit'e and p:-.i:: less app rictit, as well as upon the liver.it also invariably relieves tie Cor.st!puti"it suprriiirhiceil by irregular action of the di crestivc arid secretive organs. Pers. us "f fe 1 'e habit, brible to AVvsm Attacks. I.fattte f Sj.irils and p,ts Languor. Hod prompt and pet n.anerst n ht f from the P-iturs. The test: in. ny i ti : j.oir.t is ni' st ci'ncluive, and fun leih sex'k. The agony of Pniou Colic is ii:.:f 'i.itcV as:-liag-i: l-y n si 1 1 till- dc of the st::: n'..ld. and by ooi-;.-iot:a!!y rt sorting to it. t' e re turn of tl e ci 1; .plaint mav b.- pr.-vi '. A i (.01 r.il Tonic HeSTKl'iF.rS P.F1TER.S pr.ibi.e ethcts which n.'.s'ie experienced or vitised btf.-re ibey est: 1 fuiiy appro. :;at"d. In c:tr'S if Ctaixiifufifn al Yeanesx. 'rvrature JJe -ay and D. '.'ii ity and rr j itude ar sit.ir inniOdA. itixcicises li e e'-i trie ifd'ui nee. In ti convalcscei.t -1 A' if .'.!; is :t-t - i' o; er:io as a ttoiijrntia powers of n.itiir ii ig.-iai.t. V 1 m ti t are le'.ixe.i. it operHtin t re-inf rce ati.l re-i stnblisii them. List, hut te.t ! ;i-t. it is The Onl-i Hi; inula id l in and it. 1 one -ns : munuficttirrd fo in S"iu..i m-t'erials. at:d ntire'v lre front acid t ! toetrts present more or "n all the oro'in-.ity to:dc a'..'l tomac; ii.s if the day. No f airily m-'dicine hf s b--rn S' rniver sally, and, it o.; v be truly added, oeservtd ly p-.pnhir with the iiitebi-jeel oorti"M ' f th-eomn.unitv. as HOSTETTER'S BIT TERS. Pr pared b v HO TETTER & SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa Sold by all lb legists, Grocerk and Store keeper evervwhere. March 0. isM.-!v. JOHN B. ROJVIALD DhALER IN V P rii'nu ft TJiLVMIXOS EM I: It (1D n 1 CLOAKS & SHAVslS, I Cor-ets, IbKijied Skirts, Pertumei . . ' ies' and Ch ildren' s Shoes, Gloves. 1 1 . : . k -erehiefs. Fancy Gmxls. tioti- ns. .-c. Ac. MAIN STREET. dOHNS'i WN. V N eiv. "JO. Iti1 :y. CHAR MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM P PATTON. .!dtIS TifcW 1 1. ALL KI.DS0F Cii.i!l such as common insor ''hairs. Fret Bick Chairs. Vienna Chairs. Bustle Chairs. Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, (Cane .Sfat dHnirs, ROCKING CHAIRS. OF EVERY STZR SPRIM SEAT f IIAIKS Setti'es, I j. Hinges. &C..&C. ; CABINET FURNITURE ol evorv .icsiTittiou and of latest STI LES. il'ITU PRICES TO SUIT THE I Tastes of all. , Thanktul for past favor, he respect ) fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron i ace. Clinton Street, .bdinstown Cambria 1 o. I. KTevMlNr 20th, "T TTTT ir