Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 21, 1864, Image 1

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v -f
IB , i . il Ii
1 W 1 31
9 I Y&
r v
VOL. 11 NO.
is published every Wednesday
LIurning, at Two Dollars per annum,
payable in advance; Two Dollars and
Twkntv Five Cents, if not paid within
six months ; and Two Dollaus and Fif
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of the year.
No subscription will be received for a
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cept at the option of the editor. Any per,
non subscribing for six months wil be char
ged One Dollar Twenty Five Cents,
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The Southern Press.
lteconst rue t Ion Tlie Xtw Union,
justness (Curbs.
M'LAUGIILIX, Attern.y at I.iw,
jLP Johnstown, Pa. Onice in the Kx-
har;gt' building, on the Corner of Clinton
ud I.ucust streets up stairs. Will attend
t all buri:Rss connected with his profession.
Dec. v. !SG3.-tf.
tfonun at uto, (bbtnsburo,
Cambria County Penna.
Olilcc (olouadt row.
Dec. 4 . 16'3
YIU'S L. PKPwSIllNG. Esg. Attorney
j at Law, Johnst' wn, Catiibri.i Co-. Pa.
Oftice on Main street, second lioor over
li.iiik. ix 2
K.. X. C". S. 'Jnrdntr,
Teudera his prjfesimal tervicc to the
clti.c;.s of
e r. e n s n u ii a ,
and MirrMiHi.i;:i vicinitv.
ofkk;;; ix coloxadi: iif)W.
June 2'.,'lS04-tf
J. C Scaulmi,
A T T O II N M V A T L A W .
FEKNsp.t r.(,I, Pa.,
ornci: ox main stiii:i:t, Tiinr.r.
In n -ll EAST .F tjik l.OGAX HOUSE.
De-ceiiil-cr 10, lb',o.-lv.
II. I.. J..:iN:-T.N. GiiO. . OATMAN.
Ebeiiaburg Cumbiia County Penua.
V7ii door west oi li. lj. Juiiiiftr.n ri j:s-
idcm- I IV.- A 1 K.:l 1 -
HOI IN FEXLOX, E.-q. Attorney at
9 Law, Elicnsburg, Cambria county Pa.
Oiliee on Main stieet adjoining his dwel-
iing. ix 2
Office one door East of the Post Office.
Feb. 18, lSG3.-tf.
Cambria Count i, Pa.
March 13, 1S64.
From the Richmond Euquirer.J
Mr. Calhoun proposed, as the means of
preserving the Union from the war which
now desolates it, that the Executive De
partment of the Federal Government
should bo reposed in two agents instead of
one. His dual Executive was derided ;
but the wisdom of his proposition, no less
than his patriotic love for the Union of
which he was charged with being the de
termined enemy, is now apparent to all.
Two Presidents the one for the North,
and the other for the South, with the con
currence of both to every law would
have prevented the election of Mr. Lin
coln, and made the Southern States secure
of all the rights within the Union. Hut
that remedy can now do nothin" mom
. . c
than point out an analogy. The war has
created the necessity for two Presidents,
two Congresses, two Judiciaries, in fact,
tor two nations. Each independent, tut
not necessarily indifferent to the welfare of
the other. The domestic affairs of the
two sections should be managed separate
ly and exclusive! v by the authorities se
lected by the people.
If our inerny would but consider the
abolition of slavery among the people of
these States in its practical bearing, the
utter impossibility of accomplishing it
would be apparent to them. If no prin
ciple was involved, if no interest was at
stake, how could four millions of tvo
negroes exist among eight millions of
whites .' I lie institutions of the States of
the Confederacy and those of the Union
are based upon different and opposite
principles ; the former upon negro slavery,
and the latter upon white freedom. The
necessities of each require a separate Go
vernment, the good of both would be pro
moted by two governmental organisms,
and the power and influence of all, undi
minished by the .separation, would alwavs
exist in aiaity as against an assailant
of cither. The American continent, for
American civilization, is as much a Con
federate as a Federal sentiment, and, not
withstanding the passions excited and
aroused by this war, the peoples of the
two sections must ever lean more on each
other than on any other nation. Our
corqut-st only could make u the ally of a
foreign power nrrainst the United S:rJ,
Subjugated, the people of the Confederate
Statc-s wouid become the Ireland, the Po
land, the Hungary of the American con
tinent, welcoming any and every cnejny
of the U'nii. d States as their friend .-u,,!
deliverer, and ready at all times to reopen
the contest. 15ut as an independent na
tion the closest alliance that can unite the
peoples should exit between them, and
an insult to one would be an ollenso to
the other.
The " national unity " of an emnire or
kingdom may be preserved by conquest,
but force belongs not to constitutional go
vernments. Compromise is the onlv nrin-
t . 1 . l i -I
cipie oy which popular governments can
perpetuate their existence. When the ap
peal to arms was made the peaceful reme
dy of compromise was made impossible ;
and now four years of war ha3 so wi
dened and deepened the gulf that separ
ates the two sections, that they can never
be again united in peace. Intoxicated by
suuuen ana partial success, Mr. Lincoln
may imagine that our conquest is within
his power and means. No words of ours
can be more convincing than four years
of war, but in the interest of humanity
will the sober thought ever dispel the de
lusion that by conquest, by arms, by war,
a " lasting peace " can be made between
The "State of Maine" is paddled
through the troubled waters of "Ilell-
2 f: Unknown t7 "f", 'T' 1-H.ninary de! j r
ng the Unknown to escort her to her resi- , cations of this body. My acknowledg- warm wafr, wva-in- p-.r-oled h , I-s
7 t -1gC ''f hc wiU "ut Z I W compliment, nnd for i and low neck -d d, ' and ' "iv de
Cs there LtlT-. , f ' kiml 'tU ' rig hat little is left of fn-l L
Address r Gov. Ulglcr.
and the lovers; r.. i . uu IMiL!v fr"'0'niers, tiiey rapidly lose
utui ciuu ll ciiii '-ifllliv lit illl w l'i I ill 1 nnr - ..,. ... .-. I
j ing thick sho"s and clothing that covers
their youth in hit- hours, eating pastry,
JLove at First Sight.
"You have dropped your glove, Miss?'
'Thank you," replied Lucinella in a
bewitching tone of voice, and bavin"
taken, her glove, she took her seat in the
car which she had entered, then "azed
mm nuu uiiu ii'siuu-u iiei losr Kin sa3 iiieie. ner v. i.,..,.t ..1 . .1 . x .-. .. . .
was cviJonlly of co,n,on rank i so- ! Mood .wctt lit. Sl Kci,,,'!' ! I ll' ,1 Jl JIXTL T. T""'?. , 8!
, . " ('v.-ihuii i vnua ui i.u: ;:.i.m, aiiil II ifji'V Uo HOt
vl:n-li vim li. tw. ,,1 ..... - . . J
The shot-tower iMlaed by -nd ti e It V , commumcaie ci.seae, prevent the natural
"Carria-e Mr'" ' I ":ulem-y of the Convention, that he j Young girls do not look at this matter
Lucinella is sfe!v sent.-d in o ,.., i nr .V " V U1S' U5;l" ! ":u :n su, " own
. . : . J " v.ii ; . in. in y iiiu-i-eiinf tOIilCS siJ'"re-t.',l
ciety. Dumas' last novel and a late i notes.
number of the London Punch peejK'd out
from the ample pockets of a loose, short
skirted, dark green jacket ; a broad blue
stripe adorned Lis gosling-green unmen
tionables ; and his shapeless traveling hat
was jauntingly stuck on one side of hi
head. A mild moustache n-ave
sion to a countenance neither str
man, Grecian, Saxon nor Jewis
combining the stern nose of the fir
the chiselled lip of the second, and uniting
the fair complexion of the third, with the
sparkling eye of the fourth. An immen
sity of standing collar hid his almost in
visible whiskers, and ' the ends of a bold
Joinvillo cravat-tie floated over his shoul
der. In his hand was a knowing headed
cane, and as he gazed at Lirjinella through
his eye-glass, (keeping the other convul
sively closed,) that damsel's mind, in re
ply to a question from her heart, admitted
him to be the creature of her dreams.
" Chough ! chough ! kough !
kough! kou ku! k-u-u !" oft" rattled
the Fall liver train, and before it was out
of sight of the State House dome, the
i-litviio-.vii nau OilcJVU LUcllJe!i;l, i.!S
" Dumas." What saw she upon the
cover, written in large English running
hand? The name of " Lord Somerset
...iv.:.. -.1 1 - t .
le of his ; the rear of which her trunk is safely, i bv ,!,e ..r.: '""V' WUf:,,.no clSQ ,liiS "7
'1 it t i J 1 J .' ".""jn ui our country. 1 business. nut I i' not t l p fntinv
sexpres- ped Her bandbox is within on the front A bri. f aihi:i to tire occasion and : husbands have un ntet in t J Z
net y llo- scat, and now h the tune that she dis- ! of our ,.s,,mbli,.g is all that will ' nothing loJ f"r
vish, but closes her abode, else where shall that ,' be m-ceary. No umiar Udv ever 'bnwif i i a gnl to
irst, with iicry lehu be told to hasten V' sembled inAmeiiea, wi.XlX ob- i fu" f ZoZ ZJZ
,d V"11!"! ;i,:UiLNrr:'' .. . .. such a v,t . yellow and wrillk,,(1 invdor Hie'cont ofell
'" nvtiii ui um l uiiuowii n ju:i'0(i.
His conquest was a worthy cue. The
moments ih d faster than the horses trot
ted, and they were soon -above Canal
" What number in Union Square, dear
est r
"Not exactly in the Square, but in
University Place !"
" University Place !" a strange coinci
dence. The lover's face lengthened.
" Number sixteen please I"
' Number s-i-x-t-e-u-n " repeated the
projMii : hi
Willi r'le li pi-c-foii;,,l S. liieil ado lor
uivs to promote the weiiiae of the
ore it, ,r to wi.ieh sueii a va-t . yd'.ow and wrinkk-1 under the coat of red
n of the American jople looked ; and white; and what a revelation for a
Unknown, aghast, and his face grew still i war the
try an ! i.dvance tSicir iixlividaal happiness.
The termiaati mi of Democratic rule in
this country wis t!,c end of peaceful re
lations between the States and the people.
The elevation uf a sectional party to au
thority at Washington, the cuhiiiaation
of a long indulged and aca imoniotis war
of crimination and recrimination between
extreme men of the North and South,
was promptly followed by dissolution and
civil war.
inom.-nt the
nueneo and tn;.t :;ri
yomin n;;ro wife, whom 1..
"".i i-. , 15 .1 11,1111 Ol
yoiuig husband, of hypoeii-y, d,- .
lemal.' art: I-10m that
sacredness of ii.s con
gone : hi
. 1 1
thought aim!;,', is a t !.r:,h
and he sighs and thinks wh
at a
pa telie:
ueltisioii is . woman, and
t-i .1 1 ,.1 . . II. 4'.
Ve have .-aid nothing of the ir.vitable
eiiect upon the mind and morals, ujon
womanly honesty, sincerity and truthful-
;3 ; but it is hard to be!
lier heart fcuiTeiidered
' Yes, lear '."
" Are you quite sure it is sixteen ?"'
"Certainly, my love, I rcuK-mb .r it
ni.uii,, because 1 once coii.mitt.d
Iilirn. irv Tin. eivfi..i.(l
And in the progress of that crystal clearness and purity of soul, .-uch
bulwarks of civil liberty i as voun; trirls our:ht to i)(w-,.i r-m i.1 r,.i
,'Ul) I. 1 ..1 : .. 1-. .. I .... 1 T Tl'1 .l-.- . .
...... .-v. ,1 1,.-,, , . ,,,, Ul(J waoie iaoric , a iioiae in a treacherous.
'brought to the very verge of destruction. ! painted female foim.
And 1 low, at the end of more than three i .
di.-guised and
When the train arrived at Fail river
the Unknown waited upon Lue'mcIJa cu I to 3 warm region, where th
board the " State of Maine." She now (himself consigned a great tne :i vuixoi iru in Having
left her uncle's house in JJeacon sheet, and
declared had a kind Providence not given
her a protector she "should have died."
The Unknown felt a throb of joy. His
fate was sealed, and then he thought she
had spoken of Lowell, nnd wondered how
much factory stock her father owned.
'Tis evening the bounteous tea table
;ifs ot
Hi' S UK
to ' ti
mory the sixteenth psalm of D.uid." j rous d--s
i is lover con.-in-eii ihe j-ixtt
nth H
" Have yoa an v. ol i-.-ctloii to that ho
inquired Lucinella.
1 1 IMI jl.ib
royal autuor ! !i' !!. on
many of his ! has been
l'-h ! why do jou know that I kve ! ch.-i:-hed object
. f , 'i-.
i w-jr uiip.a a'leied in modern j
ks hi and for its barba-
Ltlion.-. r in. .1 tr than two '
f IU' P ! ie i . ,! i-alle.l iii!i :hi '
'"' a i-'.!. l:;.-r r! land !
lileraiiv drenched 1:1 !r:i:erii-il
I lilood, and waitings and Jamentations are '
( hee.rd ,a every corner of our coiuuion 1
! 4 I . . 1 1' .1 -1 - - I
.....ui.i , mo iio,e 01 inc. c. iiKui, our
' You Lord Somerset Planter t 1"
Oh ! it was a mere joke. My name'
in the lower cabin of the "State of
Maine" has been ch ared a.vav the gal
lant steamer plougl s her v.av through the
. 1 t . " .1 ' i - . .'
on shore twinkle as do the stars and a j tell
miserable German band
notes ie.r good copper com ui the
Upon the further extremity of the tro
mciiade deck near the Hag-staif. f-taiul two
individuals. They stand eloselv, so
closely that the breath of the one moves
the dark ringlets ot the ether. The
is Thomas Tompkins, and I am clerk in i ol So;
lathers store. 1 e been on hi iiostoii :i ; natr-iMii
are in no vvie improved.
! L he men mm- in nnllw-ivitv !.. .i..-. .,f
, UVU.llTI, v'l
j the feud which they nave so lun main
! lained with violent and unwise men
Vanity uf a si Ape,
An eminent French artist po.-se-ses a
monkey, very inteliig, jit, very u-ly, but
an immerse pet of !i- r owner's. Ma le
mojscl'e Nouiiin.-, however, psses.-c-s all
the'defei-ts wh'n-h (he cynic considers to
be particuiariy feminine. " She I lazy, in
iuisitive, excessively ad iieie l to sugar
plums, truit cake, Oe , tidg -ty. disordeily,
touching cvervihia.', breaking e r thin--
hnd la-
What!" screamed Lucinella. "Then
you are the sou of the lady I'm oin I j
as a help. Her mother didn't !
HO :
when sh
hearts are closer still. Apparently dis
cussing the merits of the novel loaned by
the youth to the maiden while in the cars
each is imbibing and imparting the deli
cious poison of love. IL i ardent, and
she js only as cy as b--oaies a prudent
maiden. Her hand lies iastene.l in i,u
ever and anon he j u-sscth her little
eie'aUse eu a
10 jut an institution of some oi
:. in relation to which thev h.-;e
u;ies to per::.:;-ru and no responsibili
ty bear, are utteiiy iacap.ilde of
1 i
?:.?,. I .i-.oiam u;e p!;.--i means to l.-eue i.i'f
She Hot me to eave f he v 'V' i-'iim i.oai lis
are giving bad j f:ictry and come I a-re, that there was a i Vtv't!l huneiitable condition. Then, g-n-
you:;g man in the house. How niee !" i u,,15u", "P'- !lt ihe ?a-st in 1N-
"Stop!" roared Thomas the ox-Plan- tu lle accomplishment of,
taget to the driver, and opening ihe door i ihl" ''his ihe overthrow, by the .
he jumped out. He has not been heard ! '':t"u, 'hi- pivseat Administration, an I j
of since. Some suppose that he has gone I tU, i-Sl,1':t" ot :uio;her, in its stead, '
to California. " j vvl-!r!l n:cc!!y and zealously, but ;
The moral of course is. thatvou should ' V"'? J'; H ihe in- !
, ,. . - . nueaoeaiij iuwor 01 t lie Govenimen
she touehes, d
twisting r;:e n.-eks of
and haviirg once upon
leaoier out oi :i s:.!
tioa ot t
r m.-ister s pu -tares,
his w lie's eauaiies,
a time puli.-d cery
lid narrot. in iH.Im-
h... she had se-. a the
. ay ih -ore iur ; m.r a !....t i' ...
-m.-e tii- ani.-;. having t
urca-hr-g lest Aoaaiae -
eoe ,
oh 11
i -1 i
: i 11
-oin ;
new p.ece o! naselii- f durihir Isi-!
ailM-Iiee. i,'t!iO!l r-.t ieiii.-ii'.,' .. ,...,!.... 1 .
furnisliing !
... . .i.
l.;oiIii V oil Ii!-, 1 ' 1
g-nvji whieh iia ! s. r
ol his pietmvs. :..
quise or' lie- time of
r All
11- :
his 1
1 I
hor e'eeks white and
be properly introduced before you com
mence love-making.
A i-sam: Met;; v.
York) .' jitihlican re!
week ox-ComptrolIi-r
discovei-.-d, in a b;i!d
a email snake siisoe
"Pat whereabouts ia New York do
you reside, love of mine ?" pleaded the
I&BTCIIALT, IiASSOX, Esq. Attorney
JM. at Law, Ebensburr. Cambri.i Go. Ph.
Ofliice on Main street, three doors East regard tliis " explanation
oi uunan. ix 'i
the parties in this disgraceful conflict ?
by the
11. V. 1IOI.I-.
editor of the Washington organ, referring
as it does to the example of Mr. Kay
mond for its justification before the party,
as a step toward a "lasting teace." It
abandons the netrro entirely, and points to
TTT i -'
HOlesale Dealers m I .Ir. ( rrer lev n t,t furonn uhll in
lllVTTIll.ii.,.,.,.,. . I . J "---"V .w..0
m.l.iur.llilh . I ' '..l'f-n I .rnr.n .....1 C. J C . .....: I
Ffll'TTflv n,v,,n.r .w.o,v ami tieeuom 101 naiaaiai
vniiiu.i m ui l.l r.i I it: Nlvfitus: I t tin .. . , r-
s vi 'K v i- .-".n..i. uimy. iien partisan ircnzy ana la-
naticism thus reduce their extraordi
nary demands, the more reasonable
and sensible mass of the people, who are
bearing an the burdens, enduring all the
sufferings and making all the sacrifices,
will not long continue the war for the
shadow of " national unity." That peo-
August 13. 18C3.-ly.
" Never mind," replied Lucinella play
lly, " iK-rhaps I may teli Vou lih T
go away, that is, if y0 are vory 00j.
" Put in what part of the city tell me
that ?" - J
" Never mind !"
" Pat I do mind."
" Do you V
" Yes !"
" Ah !"
IJut the conversation of lovers has ever
been deemed uninteresting to the world,
J Wl
bring aiiout a soeedv
rnment to
setilenient of the
naiion.d Uoubles em the niiaciph-s of lL
hung a str
;in 1 tiiv.ii.
in the
-l io oo ; 3 . i i i
i ill - i - le k the
d her in a i ,v
:s a in - I I ia
!i iuaivs a
es X'.. J,;.;nte I
fed, v r.h a biaek
;ne eye, powdered ner h
: e.f beads around he-- sas.-k.
u'liig seated l:er u!i tiiC ileor.
i'lit a small
corner of the uf-
The Orleans (New !
Constitution an. i on terms honorable and ; h-oKing glass into her hand, and I,-it her
just to all sections, North and South. I without luis-nxinjr. r.nd l-romUhur
on re;a:c that one .av la.-t 1-il " est : one whicn shall staiiil i nimseii not to fie Jei.a awav. Ihir-iui.
r- ...r.i. - -i .-. ... i . . .
i ftn uj i .-irruws u,"'lul ' "igiy oy civil anel religious fibertv; ; n renin. i;-,g e.o i me arti.-t was
i- be!.M;I. to 1 1 : ; I one which, instead of iv!vii;ir solelv on its ' cdly detained, and onivir t h-'in
d h
ou n peculiar dogmas :uid doctrines and
lown, and h
i leaov
under a shelf. On examination, the sus- j 'he ravages of the sword, shall cheerfully
pension proved to be accomplished by i 'e'er t!ie national t;oi;bi. s to the people,
nothing more substantial than the threads ! fountain of political authority, and to
of a spider's web. j the States on Ier the forms ed' the Consti-
The main web or nest of iho e,.l.W w ! ,l,ti," ; one. which shall h ive r.o condi-
just under the shelf, perhaps two and a- i tio" P'1 'll-111 the restoration of the I cannot let my work remain at the- lull
uu. xpeet
' the ia xt
moiiang. lie riisia-d to the at.! .i- in ter
ror, oxpectiiit: to 1-a.l eer ihio.r i-uo.h
lf his pi.'tures spo-lcd.
nui.-t '-et rid of Nonnin,-. "
said the artist tu himself; a- he a.nxiou-iy
unlocked the door of the studio. fi.r I
. s-. i I til. ilk . itt -!... I. . .1.1 llMti. i ' .-...w T 1. . -
halt leet iroiii the lioor. Jr roni this de- io.i-. oii seeiv , imi i. nis .-iiipi ise
pended a cable formed of a number of that result as;t ho consummation of iK-rma- ! rtef he Jound her sound asleep, t x
strands, and from this hung th - snake. ,icnt l",;,tv States and re- j nvtly where he had placed !;, ,-. and ho!d-
The upixT half of the snake's body seem- ! now,c'1 nlvvnhy amongst the people. j mg the looking glass in h r hand-. Not
ed to be wound around with the tiny ! ' Jentlemen, we h no !een commission- j a thing had been totu hed by her in the
thtvad, whicli was so tichtlv drawn about J 6,1 l'-v tht' lH Oi'I,; t,J -l,'e hero and initiate artist's absence. " The fact is," con-
sieps.ioaccoinp.isii ince groat obiects ; , ,"'uc'u- the cynic, "that the u Iv little
his head and throat as to prevent the rep- 1
A-'r98I OS Apip
a7dJV 'It -oaiix
T saaaav
oxiavaii (ixv
sa.v.Ls iaa y 'aiin
. i
as well as our own. will soon
see the folly of attempting to live to
gether after such a war. They will soon
learn that in an offensive and defensive
alliance of the two nationalities against
B3I.VH VIHJ12GVHH & iLSaHOIH t,ie wo,J' witu separate governments for
.l I .1 nm rcf I n nl..a. 1 " i 1 ,
i eiuiojeoiie. .-. lies incir irue ami rpai
poruent. interesta, as well as the " road to lasting
au iniioe on i;intro I
next door north of Esq. Kiukead' m I '
Possession given immediately.
J0SEPU M'DONALD. The best kind of amiculturnl fairs ?
April 18, 1SC4,
Farmers' daughters.
win prove an excentim. i, ...a
. i-'vii li me. line.
Suhice it to say that ore the lovers " turn-ed-in,"
their troths were pligbte,l. The
Lnknown lelt joyously as he crawled into
berth number ninety-four.
And thus it is," he Slli,If that x
who have escaped so many hundreds of
similar penis, amid the song and the
dance, the lights and the music, the
drawing-room and the dining-room, the
lecture and the lyccum, fall a victim to
the Fall river line, (price four dollars,)
and to a maiden of whom I knew nothing.
Such is life. " Oimoi " he exeknmeef,
quoting Greek, " Oimoi T P.ut after a
pause he added, " Ti iT Oimoi: and I
wonder if the darkey hg taken my boots."
Then he drew his curtain, went to sleep,
and dreamed that Lucinella's father
owned half of Lowell, and quarter of
" Soft as a bride, the rosy dawn
From dewy sleep doeth rise,
And, bathed in blushes, hath withdrawn
The mantle from her eyes ;
And, with her orbs dissolved in dew,
Heads like an angel softly through
The tiue-pavilliouei akis."
Ilavin-i thus
to select an agent an 1 the agencies in this ! bo
.- 7 I WIT 111 HTIII If 11 lilt Mil
i "1 J " 1 O'sclves the above j curvd him, the spider seemed intent on xvor'i-. 1 the task will be well
drawing his prey up to his net, and when ! IM'I 1 rtve uniidtermg faith ; and
eliscovercd liad so far succeeded as to have ! ,,,:lt tho poi,!e urAir --fion and God
half the length of the snake from the ! m:1-v blos lhese mwui3 10 tlie desired end,
is my sincere prayer.
Something Tor our Lady Readers.
The snake manifested its dislike of the
treatment by occasional violent struiroles
in which hc would spring from the Hour j liC toile t preparations, in the
and exert his utmost power to break his 1 fvm f powder, paint, lotions, and other
filmy hfinds. Thft PtrinTrrlpa wnr.-i -niv elOlCtCI lOUS
J ' J ' ' '
ist, as vain as her sex entitles her to bo.
i had been so enraptured with her own
beauty, and that of her finery, that she
had remained through the entire day. ab
j sorbod in the center.ip'aho;; of her charm
j ing ex in the little hand glas. "Now
j tell me," he added, triumphantly appeal
ing to his li.-t-ners, " dois anylHJy l-
j lieve that a male monkey would have
1 i ii. f. .
ji.i!seu a noie aturnoon m azua'-at
complacently and unconcernedly watched ' ul'v eomipon, especially among girls who
compounds, is becoming fear- ! " , . " -"' "u uuyiKJiiy
the ooul rarv.
by the spider from his nest above. The
have no sort of excuse for tueh an act of
snake was about a foot in length, and the i ioh'- These artificial aids to vanity and
spider was by no means a large specimen ! 'tisplay wore lormerly supposed to be con
of his species. The apparently unequal J mK to the devotees of fashion and dissi
st niggle was witnessed by more than one ; l,al-n in our cities, and especially invent-
doubt, after such a proof t-
that vanity is not thcrn!in - tiri.iiH.rti..,
e . 1 n.v-
hundred persons during the day, attracted
by the report of the singular contest. Put
that the cable was accielently broken by a
person who entered the room, the spider
would have undoubtedly have drawn the
snake to his den. This singular case pre
sents double room for wonder first at the
"strategy" of the spider in getting bis
coils about the snake, and second at the
wonderful strength evinced in drawing up
a reptile at least one hundred times his
own weight.
c;r An old bachelor editor bays there
is something eminently human "nnd life
like in the fo'lowirjr car dialogue betwixt
1 . .
on ior women who having passed the age j a man and his wife :
when freshness of youth could chann and j " My dear, are you comfortable in l!att
attract, strove by false and adventitious ! corner V
arts to preserve the admiration which had ! " Quite, thank vou dear."
1 . 1 . -r 1 -
oecoiuc necessary 10 meir existence, rsow,
however, the race of young fresli com
p'exioned girls is almost extinct. Instead
of daily renewing and preserving their
beauty by early rising and assisting " ma"
in getting breakfast, or by other active
exercises, plentiful ablutions, tomjcrance
m eatmg, elrrakmg cold water, and wear-
" Sure there is plenty of roemi for your
feet ?"
" Quite, sure, love."
" And no cold air from the window by
your oar ?"
" Quite certain, darling.
" Then, my dear, I'll chap
with you."
i -