i; i! M ' i j 1. ' ' ' j .i ':': ; r !(-. SI : j v v 3 ! ! -1 ''.' " --I '. . J 4 " : 1 fairs of Government, and must be a care- ! ful repression of nil the .Instructive forces by which the bands of society are 1oo.mii- , ed and license or abuse introduced into . public or social action. Of destructive forces constituting cnpi- j tal causes of danger, corruption and la- ; naticisin (befo.-e mentioned) ue nU" ed as chief; and are they not now both in existence, and conspicuous beyond any former example in these United States 1 Are they not predominant characteristics of the party which achieved success in 18G0, and has since held and now holds possession of political power ? And can there be hope of the future so long as these destructive principles run their course unrebuked and uncurbed ? The sound ..lomoiits of society must be brought to the surface, the body politic must be purged of its unhealthy elements, ami m places of public trust, just and broad minded, pure and tolerant men le substi tuted for radicals and corrupt ionists. im :ti l...-a Lent: then wil. I lien win lire - ---i - free individual action bo permitted ami .x nnissable ; crime only will be punched J and harmony and peaceful relations, widely diffused prosperity succeed to lene. intolerance, waste, bluood.-.ied an-i vio nnd debi.u.hment of the national life. j PENNSYLVANIA, i C. II. liuckalew, Samuel J. Randall John 1). Styles, S. E. Ancona, Ohio G. II. Pendleton, J. F. M' Kinney, F. C. IjeUlond, Chiinpton A. Whit., S. S. Cox, Philip Johnson, j ('has. Deanison, I Win. II. Miller, A. II. C.'oilVoth. W. 1. Noble. W. A. 1 lute bins, Wm. E. Finck, John O'Xeil, Geo. Hliss. James li. M a iis. White. Win. Johnston. J. W ISIHAXA. A 1 liTiih-iiks. J K. Edjarton, John IllXV, J. F. M" Do well, James A. Cravcus. li.i.tNu;.-?. W. A. Hiekardson, A. L. Kuapp, C. M. Harris, d. C. Kohinson, John K. Eden, W. 11. Alonison, I,ewis W. Ross, W. J. Allen. Wisconsin. Charles A. Eldrid-o. Kr.sn c i.y. L W. I Well, G arret Davis. VlKiilMA. John S. Carlisle. Dii.awak'.:. W. Sauisuury, Head Iiiddle. Nt-W JhUSKY. A. J- lIoAlers Nkw II.YMsnii;r.. Daniel Marcy. Washington, July 2 lbdl. Steady Kuoiiiigr Ready ti nail Jown. READY ROOFING At less than half the ot of tin i .. !",. READY ROOFING Mcie durable than nr.. READY ROOITNO Suitable for steep or tlat n-of? READY LOOlTNt; For all kinds of buildings, ia all chmat.-.-. READY ROOFING Easily, cbeoply, anl j lickly put on. Ne-h n coating over with cenv-nt aft r it is nailed down. READY ROOFING Mad of a wtrong woven fabric, thoroughly aaturateil and covered upn both surface with a perfcetiy waterproof composition, and put up iu rolls ready l-r use IU h wide, and 75 f.et long. Wc also manufacture LIQUID CEMENT. FOR -LEA K Y T I N ROOFS. Much cheaper and more durable tl.an o.' paint. AI.S-O. C 0 M P O C N I) C E M E N 1 . FOR LEAKY SHINGLE ROOFS. Which will often save the cost of a new ro .1". Samples of Ready Roofing and Circulars sent by mail when desired. Favorable terms made with responsible parties who buy to sell again. READY ROOFING CO.. 73 MAIDEN LANE. N. Y. June 22, J8M-0m. DKXTJSTHY. FB1HE undersigned Graduate of the Bab.i Jl more College of Dental Surgery, rc-pect fully offers his proffcskiiial services to the citizens of Elcnsburg. He has spared no means thoroughly to acquaint himself with rily asks thnt an fipnortuitv mav be "iver, for his wcrk to speak it.s ow n praf.-e. SAMUEL BEDFORD, 1). D. S. Office in Colon ado Row. Rk.KKitKNtv.s. Pn f. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond, h. w R Handy ; A. A. Blandy. P. II. Aiisu-n, of the i I5a!timore College. 0r- Will boat Eoeiudmrg on the fourtj. Monday of each month, to stay one week. ' An essay in the Hartnoriioin Ri hit ions j between Divine Faith and Natural Reuson, j f.r sjIo bv j JAMES MURRAY. every improvement n his art. To many! I ,,,,s "y,"'-1; -rrio, rhctt Spiing years of iiersonal experience he bus thou-ht i AND ST. ACUCSTINE. to add the imparted experience of the hb'h !,e subscriber, having purchased the en- ert authorities in Dental Science, lie. S,n I tire stock of Horses. Hacks, Girriaees. &c IN SHIPPING TO AND FROM ENG LAND, IRELAND AND SCOTLAND, 11 Y Tllli GALWAY LINE OF j STEAMSHIPS, MONTREAL do. do. AM WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. Dtafts at sight for XI an 1 upwards, on National Buck aud Brunches. Payable in all the City's and Towns in England, Ire land, Scotland and Wales free of Discount. R. A. O. KERB. May 25, 1SC1 ly. Altoona. ; ! i i i i HIGHEST PHILADELPHIA RATES i GIVEN FOR i WHITE OAK UHD. & BBL. STAVES AND HEADING. ADDRESS, THEO. M. APPLE, No.-. 102 & 104 Gatzmer St. Philadelphia. July 20 lSGL-ly. NII0OD : HOW LOST, HOW KET0RE1). tr.li x J ur-t published, a new edition t lll. CU LV Eli W ELL'S CEL. v k2&ci EBI'ATED ESSAY m the ra?i col cure (without meJidne) of Si'F.kmatos: TtifY.A, or seminal weakness, Livi'luut.uy Seminal Losses, Imcotkncy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Iinredirr.cnts iu M:ir riige. etc.; also, (V'N.-r.v.prinx. Kiniaa'-Y, and Fi rs, induced by belf-indulgenceor sex ual extravagance. CCJ- Price in a seal-'d enve'pr-, i.,nl six cents. The celt 1 rated author in this admirable ess iy eleaily demonstrate, from a tl irty years sueecsfu! j Tactile, that the alarming c usto'i -::ee of sell-abuse may be radically cured without the danrerou ue of internal raeilivine fir the application of the knife pointing ort a mie of euro, at ence simj'le, certain anil tti'-ctnal, by means ol which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be, ni.iv cure htnelf chentdy, private ly, and rd'lU-i'.Uy. t Zj- This Lecture should be in the hands 1 f every ytu?h a:..! every ma:; in the land. J Sent, ut-ihr stal, in a plain envelope, to any addn-ss, ji ist-p i't I, receipt of six cents, or two pi -st stamos. Addnss the : publi-hers. CI1AS. J. C. KLINE.V C) , i 127 P.OWERY, NEW YORK. ! J:n c 1."., '04 lv PostoiVue box toSf,. ! Tryi . Tit a Pr.NNsYI.VAMA HATU LEAVE WI l'.OAlP sClll.M LK. TWARD. STATIONS. 2 U2 A .M. A. M. : P.M. P. M. A!io.,r.a. Kittal.!OI:g. G a i ; l ! u . C I'css. n , Lilly's Portage. Wilm'ore, Siin.iii rhid. South Folk. Mint.-id Point. Conetnaugh , JohurlnVU, 7.15 7 :m 7 o0 7. 58 BO-'. 8.10 S 2i, 8 :'.l S 42 8.55 y oi rs. In -.ls 0.0." o i; l'D.10 1-0. lo y.i.8 10.04 '..53 L E A V E EAST W A R !)'", STATIONS. S u; '; Cl H ' , Er- P. M. A.M. A.M. i A. M- Johnstown , Cunemau -.:!:. Mineral P. hit. South F.rk, Sumnierhill. Wil moie, P.prttgr.. Lillv's, (Jre.sson. Gallitzin. isittanning, Altooua, T'7.34 r7.30 ,1 r 1 l.u t 11.42 I'O 02 pG 07 0.30 'J.35 9.4u 10 00 10.10 10.18 10.2'.) 10 30 10 40 11.10 .11 rO 10 7.O.? 1-7.17 i 8.17 12.42 9.20 1.15 j 7.50 ; 11.25 ERENSSURG & CRESSON RAILROAD On and after Monday, Maj , 10, 1S03. trains on tlii- road wil! run as follows : LKAVK El'.CNSllfUl, At 70 A. M . connecting with the Bait mote Expre.-s West aud Thiough Ac.vm inodation East. At 0.40 P. M.. coniiectiug with the Mai! Train West an 1 Through Express Hast. Lkavk Ciiesson At 10.45 A. M., or on chparture of Thro' Accommodati m West. At 0.15 P. M., or on denarture of Express East and Mail West. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen. Supt. f,f th" late loin of Ryan & Durbin. bees i leave to inform bis fiieuds and the public in KeC""l that he is now prepared to furnish j them with every accommodation in his lino ' b :.-itifcss. His line of Hacks connects Wlth a11 tho trains on the Ta. R. R.. allow- mg passengers no delay whatever. Calls mways promptly attended to. JOE F. DURBIN I - tto, June 20, 1864-ly. O WORK I' OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE. JOT A HUM DRINK! A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PI KE TONIC, That will relieve the rflhcted. and NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR. 11 00 ELAND'S G E R M A N 15 1 T T E II ' , Prepared h DIE C. 11. JACKSON, .ctuali'.' and most'eevt'dnly. c u n i: all i) i s i: a s i: s Arirmg trim :i DISORDERED LIVER. STOMACH, ok KIDNEYS. J UOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS 1 will cure every cue f '; Chronic oi Nervous Debility, Disease of the 1 Kidneys, and Diseases arising (mm a ; Lis;rdered Stomach. J OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SY.VP- ! TOMS RESULTING TT10M Dl0U i DERS of t; e DIGESTIVE ORGANS: Coiifti j)tion, inward Pilrs. Faints? or liin.o. t . the Head, Acidity tf the St.-n;ach. N.iiwua. Ilearihurn. D:gu.-l f-r Food. Fulin-.-s t Weight in tils' Stoniifh, Soiu Kruc tatioiis, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit f the Stomach, Swium.u.g f the Head. Hurried and Dhlini't Bre.itLiv-, ITutteriiig at th He:ut, Choking or Snft'-. a tn c as.it it. wheti :n a lyim. Dimness of Vii-n, D- ts or Webs b '- fore the Sight, Fever and Dud t':.iu iu the Hea l, lV-iio:-ney of IVisj.i-i:.ti.-n. Yell r.vness .f ihe Ski.; Eves. Pain in the Side, Riek, t"n st, Liiiil s. S'l:!. FUi: of 1K-.M, Binn ing in the Ele-h. Cou Mar.t Imaghiings of Evil and gnat. Ii'j roshm o f Sj.irlts. HO0Fi.AND"S GERMAN I'd IT Will mve v u A ti' O O D A i" P E T I T V. , Will iiivo v.n S'IRt.iNG HEALTHY NERVES, Will ;ive vou BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEEL1XGS, Will enable vou to SLEEP W E L L , And will pot.it iv revest YELLOW FEVER. p.iLLIOFS FEVI.R.&e Those S'.dJ rinr fo-m i IdloKEN DOWN AND DEl.K'A'lE ()N- STTTCTIONS. From whatever cause, either iu i MALE OR FEMALE. Will ;h: 1 In loofland'.s ;erman p.itters. A REMEDY ! That will restore them t t'i-ir u-ual heahh. Such has lji-i u the case in thoi,uids of in- stances, and fair trial is but r ipiired to i prove ih' a.-sertion. From Ili c. J. Xcicnu Binrn, ). D E ' ti'.-r : of tiic Ftii-yil'ijc in i'j lli i'i.jnn'., A"i''.'7- i nttjr. Although i!"t dispp-.siil '. favor r reconi mec.ii I j tent Medicine- in ;j,ci;p.il, through distrust !" tln ir inu'iedit l:!s and elicits, I Vet j know of no siif:bie::t ii a-or:s why a mm ; may not testily to the benefits he believe.- : himrely tv have received from any simple ; prej aratioii. in the hope that he may thus coiitri't ute to the bent tit of others. I ilo this tlnj more readily iu ri iraol to ; Ibiolland.'s O'erm in Litters, prep ued. by Dr. ; C. M. J:u kso:i of this city. bie..u-e 1 was ' piejudiced against them for many years, j Uiiilertheimpressioiith.it they we: e cidi '.iy ' an alcoholic mixture I am ink'bte! to my j tiieiii! Robert Shm-miher, l.sj., tor the re moval of this prejudice bv proper tests, and for ei.ci'uragenieut to try them, when suffer- j ing from great and long continued dil diiy. ; The use f three botiles of these lilit' is, at j the U-gimiing of the present year, was tol- j lowed by evident reliif, and restoration tip a I degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 i had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and mv friend for directing me to the use of them. .L NEWTON EROWN. ! Philad'a. June 23. lbCl. j Diseases of Kidnevs and Dhulder. IN YOUNG OR AfJED, MALE OR EE MALE. Ar -pielily removed, aud the patient re stored to health. DEI tCATH CHILDREN. Those suffering from MARASMUS, wasting away, with scarcely any llcshon their bones, are cured in n very short time: one bottle in sr. eh cases, will have a most Mirpiisiug I eiiect ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. Wo call the attention of all having rela tions, or fiieuds in the army to the fact that "HOOFLAN O S (Scrman Bitters" wi!i cure ! nine tenths .f the diseases Induced by x- jv.su res and privations incident to. -amp life, i In the lists, j.ubli.-hed almost daily in the uewsj.ajic.i'i, on the arrival o! tho sick, it j will l e noticed that a very large jiroporti .n j are Flittering Irom debility, hvery case of that kind can b? readily cured by Ibr f- ' land's German Bitter's. We have no hi si- ! fatten in stating that, if these Fitters were j treely used among our soldiers, liundteds of lives might be saved that otherwise would be lost. The proprietors .ue daily receiving thank ful letters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who have bet n restored to health I by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by tnoir mends. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offer ed in its place, but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, bv express. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the signature of C. M. Jackson" is on the wrapper. Principal Office and Manu factory No. C31 ARCH Street. JONES & EVANS. (Successors to C. M. JACKSON & Co..) Proprietors. CCJ- FOR SALE, by II. C. DEVINE Ebcnsburg, Penna., and by Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States FRICES. Large size (holding nearly double quantity), $1,00 per Bottle half doz. $3,00. Small Size 75 cts. per Bottle halfdoz. $1,00. July 8, 1863 ly. Johnstown Marble "Works! A NEW STOCK! Ths subscriber has just received a large and handsome invoice ofi Italian and American II A R RLE, Ifct comprising tlie largest and finest iJVjQf stock of the kind ever brought to'fej"" t Johnstown, at his establishment j on Franklin Street, where he is prepared. with an adequate fjree of experienced and j tddiful wcvkrnen, to execute all kinds of i MONUMENTS, llantels, Tombstones. Ta- Ue and yurcau Tops, &c., as cheap as they can be piW based in any of tlie cities. A htraetock of Guixostonks on hand and f r sale low. OCT" Promjit attention paid to or lers from a distance and work delivered where de sired. JOHN PARKE. March 13, 1SG2. GREAT ATTRACTION!! Call and Examine the Goods. f51I'E subscribe:? having returned fror-, J B- tl ic city, have niw opened one f the 1 ! largest and most carefully assorted st x k of j j S1THNG AND SUMMER GOODS, j ever offered to the pen pie of Carrolltown and j ! ihe surrounding country, which they will i sell at as low a figure as nny store io tin- j : country. I heir stock consists ot ; DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTH ! ING. BOOTS AND SHOES ! 'fall kinds. Ladies' Dress Goods of all kind.- ' Eii neh Merinos, Delaines, Silks, Alpacas, j Plaids, &c. Their stock of Groc-.iies c j ' sist of the bct articles the maiket atloids ol j j COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, S, C. i Th'-ir Cuth rv is c f the best manufacture, i Their UEENSWARE and HOLLO W 1 WARE are of the finest oddity. Ladies i rtd.o wi.-h to make a iZ-hd invintment rhoiihl I call and examiiie for themsrlvts. All kinds of country produce taken, and nl "irks not refined. Give us n call, and ',e wil! enileavor t mve v.u satisf o : ti n. Mav 18, l?o;l. E. GLASS 0t. HbiilLY IMPORTANT II TO BLACKSMITHS. Fi ur fifths of time and hard labor .-av:d t v using 1SAA0 0. I-INGEIFS. NEW AND COMPLETE TIRE AND BAND RENDER. lVu:.ted March 10, I03. Its. ehivt .l lvjii tajes lire 1-t. Havi-.ig .-fr-i: .ver. one i!i;m can ar v- . b lo be i 1 :.o: pel ate it t 1 1' : eoi w a i: i v l ore, any size cm 1 hiving tcovcao !er I by 4 Tn hes. e rod US..O. hold tm r sti'i ire on i:,- p ! t r ill- !.-. it t.d : bile I i n 'iie' iu : all iwi-' out o the b re-n'nr irclc. 3d. I- can he sl.l sin 1 Ir- le f: r. ii. i- ;;iiir;'e. 4:h. 11 ivii a nc v an be ijuiekly tali are c.i.-il t ihell oi;t. I to V n-1 t an v to twelve fe.-t , le c.-ntre ppisi , w 1 .if, tiii and b.i 5th. i ho t pper niihed roller wi.: a; .- a; i draw tl.t bar through. bth being gnawed and t:umbet-.'. a cai with ilinctioi s, accompanies it. Tc.e Ma. hine in g ! (oil the j .urn il nn.ui.ig rder. bolted niioti a sti .n pi. .-e tinnier. '.tliollt 1, ;s or fi w itii legs and crank fr .j30. All cash ordeis t.i mpth attended b. St: tea. id C'-ut.tV Ri-hts for sale. ISAAC C. SlNtH.R. Ebetishing. April Ih4-!y 'Jelllllt lionk Slorr. Ju-t rceive. ; a fresh st..ek of I,p r. "c. J bogal t':in. White ni'. i bine Laid i'ap. Plain Whin- ';ip. j White and Hue Laid 1'--?. lYilllliliMVIHl better. O.-tav.. Ni.te i.bailt Edgf. Ivuly's Note. Blank li"i' ls. M.. tga-.'. -, :md Ron !s. Blank Siipiiiion -" ap. i Kxccnlions. Blank Un.-lo.. Tuek Pas V,.. U. Time I'.'inl.H Pdotting 1' ip. ,-. AriM.hl' s Writing Fiuid. Steel Pin- a,! 1 i. Hol lers. Ihiveh.pes barge and Small. Copy Bo'ik" ainl Miieelage. Bei.ks of varii.iK kinds tr-.m Id els. to SL". Segurs and Tubacco toi l various other No-thui-i bf the t,.-,t .iialitv. . .fust ri-c-'ive.i two "new first class Novels. ' Vi:r.V BAUD Cs." J,Y I'harles Bea.'.o. and "PARHLLL ?! ARK RAM,'" by M. E. Braddon. April Bh 1st; . .1 A MRS M I'll RAY. KHENSBFRG FA KEI5V sBiacrpm Tstabusbmiit ' 3 s,;b criber. having greatlv enlarged .4 his BAKERY and reph.-mshed his stock of C.KOCJERIES :,nd ( ONFECTION- AKlr.Is. :s prepared to supply orders, shoit notice. He has also added to on his store, many other articles such as FLOUR. SFOAR. COFFEE. CHEESE. SALT. TOBACCO & SE JABS, SPICES. TOYS, NOTIONS, &c. CARBON OIL at the lowest retail prices. A tine lot of CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CAKES and Christmas PRESENTS, to which he solicits the patronage of the pubs lie. He has. also, attached to his establish ment, an OYSTER and DRINKING SA LOON, where fresh Oysters, Sardines and prime ALE and TOliTER can be had, at all hours. GEORGE GURLEY. Dec. 2, 18G3.-ly. J-JANSION HOUSE. AT THE PEXX'A JiA LROAD DEPOT PITTSBURG. PA. MEALS READY ON THE ARRIVAL J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. Sept. 23, 18C3. tf "VTotlee. -b All persons inrM.tod to me for subscription, advertibinQ or ioh work. are. requested to settle their accounts immedi acy. JAS. S. TODD. April 13, 18G4. HOSTBTTBES CELEBRATED A i ure and wonderful Tonic, corrective and mteiative -f wonderlul of the : mca-y in thsease STOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head ache, Oeneral Drbiiity. Nervniisness. De pii- sinu of Spirits, Constipation. Co'ic, Iu- tt-rmif trf'lif I'Vri'K (VilrMJ n Jul strlv;ti nt.ll I . ............ ......j... , ah u iii taints ot eitlicr rix, arising Horn U (lily Weakness whether iutu rent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothncr that is not vhc.lesome, genial and. restorative in its mitu e enters into the composition ,f HOSTETTER'S STOMACH i.M'i' i nv ti : . . ..i i oi i itiii.-'. i iii.i jiopmar preparaiioa i on i tains no mineral of any kind, no deadly j botanical clement; no liery excitant: but l is a combination of the extracts of rare ha! sa me herbs :ul plants with the pure mildest of all diffusive sfimi.l -tits. P is well to lie foir-arue: 1 r.gaiii't and, so far as the human .-ysb-m protected by hm; c.u means ."gilm-t i Cllgeildeled by ... who!. .-. -i-.-.c iliiuioe wab i' .i. d other :.:ern:il HOSTETTER'S BUTFIlS may t. on as a safcguav.l. .i b I; ;.sti :. ii. I : v- ; : .! id Id, ;':;...:; hr a 1 1 . : . . :t !.: aii.i a!;: iitt ! is lie i i ! s ) I s. i f u st ih'l- ti: tec' : r e v v i r i ! t. rrr: nil' i'.ITTi'.RS. T .. v.cjh .- ' .. and the ..p: etit; T. l ie i.-.d hi i, of 1 'isj c-:a a',. I : iigu'sii' !.. A !e.-.- j i' 1 :' a!.;, i i n v iri '. v soperind;; '. .1 b I e t v r n it- g st; vi' a Per- ; J 7 ' .tiiijtii-r firm the point i re' i ve orcni!-: - 1 : '.''.bit . ii 1 1 o ...,, , . ,! i lo.oo' ai pi. : ru 1 Hi : lrs -t c. r ttstim : e, an 1 !.y I'm m I r.tredl . siimub ir, the : Ve,- e 1 :-r:;is. The a y of i'.'.'i assuaged 1 v a siiiudc and bv o.-e.isie.;ia! 'y turn of lie cc n.pl ii As a Oi-mral j P.I ITERS .r.l;i.-e I ex perieticed i r wit n ! full v iip! rceiate 1. tl C ii ' i.l- -se of r . si.i : i,:g : mav le ic. Ils.STETTE its ' he:'. b. j IFct;'. iu ss, J'i . ! iiy and Deere; itu h I it exerciser, the cle. ; I C: nv..h" . flit : t ;gc- i : . as a dehghtoi! h. I pU'.Vt.lS of i;:'.'".ro .He le-itif-'fce and rt-es! j List. bi;t not ha t. an t n -m i e U.'C. '.es 1; ! . W';.C i t :.em : is Ti-' ll'.icf ured O.A, to m im.: ai.d innocuous mifcri.ds. and cntirelv from acid elements all I lie ordinal v t pre.-ent more nics aud st-if. I, the day. No family medicine b.s -ally, atid, it n ay be tioly tier n uro ver- l hied, iles"! ved Iv popular with the intelii.gr- t portion of the community, as HOST E ITER'S BIT TTRS. Prepared by IIOSTE i TER & SMITH. P't'.tsburgh, Pa. Sold iy all Druggists. Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. March 0. 1804.-1 v. JOHN B. FROIVIALD DEALER IN mi & FilY B8EE TJlMMINCS, EMnnoiDRISS. CLOAKS & SHAWLS, Corsets, Hooped Skirts, Perfumery, Lad ies' and Children' s Shoes, Gloves, Hank erchiefs. Fancy Goods, notions. S-'c. Sec. MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, Nov. 20. 1801. ly. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM P. RATION. JOUXSTOWX IA. ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, V ienna Chairs, Rustle Chairs, Rim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Catu Stat (Stairs, ROCKFNG CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE, I ill L. II I Settees, Lounges, &c, &c. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STFLES. WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Tl.onlrful f.. noci f.. ... I,., w... 1 fully tolicits a liberal share of public patron M. Eichensehr, Concmaugh Bor. 2ud rJ- ? age. Clinton Street. .Tohu.-tnwn Cainbria F. A. Gibbou, Allegheny township. . Ta. Novembi r toih . IPt; l. ly MrR. Kearns, 'ummerhill township. FoCKTH & Aucu Stueets, PHILADELPHIA, j AKE OPI2MXG FOR hPiiINO, 1801, 100 pes. $1. Fancy SILKS. L0 pes. iLdia Silks, 1. 190 pes. good FJack Silks. 200 j.cs. Ordcre.1 Plain Silks- 4-4 LYONS P.iack Silk VELVET. P.rown SILKS, $0, 5, 4, 3.21 per yard. I'.hick do $3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, da M cr3 Antiques, all colors. Magnificent Grenadine MaszuiificC'iit Orgardies. Richest Ciiintzi s' and Pkrcai-ES 'pn: SHAWLS. New GOODS. Household STAPLE aio, a WEAR. general assortment of MENS March 10, 18C4. 3 ios. BBKX8BUBGH0UB T the uiidrrsijred havinir i purchased an! takrui 'osseMin of the Ebenbur' , Hoii.-o (fp.rmt ly ocuj,it.-I by Il-iiry F.p.-iter.) I will K' happy to receive arnl accommoil j at- hi.s hl eu.-tonn rs, , and all others who may be disp i to patronize him. Yi. J Pi' priet-ir fe is assured from the spa.-iou t H(i:SE, STABLE other facilities that );(. (..ln ii'i.r at h ast as gool acC'-mmo a- can I l had at any other in thr ph.tions place. He is in poss-..i. ,r, t: la -up; f the choise.-t liinis with which his bnv will be furni-hed; his table will be ftir i bhed with all t!i luxuries of the season, and he intends bv hii- hospitality and care, t e of all tk'ise who st o merit the patr iU.o (,,;., ISAAC CRAWFORD. 17. ly ol. if. COL. JOHN veoos J OKMIlhhV or i, ALTO: -'.tOK O iiuivr UNION HOTEL. i'i 1 1. 1 - t . 1 m.4. v. re i.e . ,. : t ; .. !!:' I i l .:.! III'!.: ol Lis l: :. , b BEMSEURG PA : . 1 ' w . i . f,' f. OU-li t vr tiii-irf ir foi-iioii I f? i! 1 bh ; i V N77.' L 11W1-- hi" .s r: ; . i - 771 t X CADDIES, .'. v I '. Id.!. !!'.:. r HARNESS, i:- O 1 tHb: .!lS. VA o;Ni ! ;i'l L. i CK i 1 M.S. I! .'. i.'l ; nr. a e.. .:. . lv .. .v.;:- -.;;tei; t- the b"-:-t .-.! : ; pa-t f. ie : l e wort;. t miJih; u: ;. ; pa.t iavots. by atteiui. n ! i .'.-inc.-s tori Tit a i ar.ee ot t he p it r--n aire hcretot re so y extended to him. Shop fhove the tore of R -he! D.ni j Persons whshing good and Mibj-tat:ti:'.l H-r" ncss ciin be accommc.d.ati'd bv. 11 EG II M'COY. Ebensburg Dec. 11, 180 1-tf. - j L SCO acres l'J-J perches at.- allowances, of valuable C OAL LAND, situ ate near the Pennsylvania Raiina 1. -t Sumnierhill Station, in Croyle IVwii.-l.-t . Cambria county . Pa. About 50 acres ef the land being cleared, and thereon ercrtoi a F$ I ret'!!- V'e dwelling house and barn, and other impr ve- an excellent orchard i f m"' ' aUive tract contains and alut dance of coal of a superior quantity, (a drift being opened,) and will be sold on rea sonable terms. Applv to r..land. Jenkins & Co., I'.i i more, Md., or to J. W. Stiatt. n, New Yorr. city, orto Wm. Kittell, Esq.. Attorney r.f Law, Ebensburi.'. Pa. POLAND. JENKINS & CO. j J. W. ST RATION, April 15. 1803 tf. Owners. rilie Confessions anil F.sperleur ' 1 AN INVALID. Published for the In-Mfit, and as a CAP TION TO YOUNG MEN and others, suffer from Nervous Debility, Frenia'Utf Decay of Manhood, &c, supplying at tke same time The Means of Self-Ci ke. -.t one who has cured himself after undergo.rg considerable quackerj'. Ry enclosirg , postpaid addressed envelope single cop'-?4 : may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAI R. Eq- Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. f June 15. 18G4-ly. Pa. ! License IVolIce. Tho following petitions will be presented for action of the Court, at next Argument Court, to be held for Cambria county. TAVERN. Adam Kurtz, Cambria Borough. t;