r. lAst vf Diancd Men. ALLEGHENY AND GALLITZIN. 151 in wheel GO drawn. lleroiiiinou? Fiester, Henry J. Little, .... AI..H ... i..i IV, J, Wm (Vie. i 7 ' A Si . i-,;' n,(1 (Vnlov. Wm. Storm. ! .lohii T. btorm, lemarl Smith, Thomas V. ui v. j j Kowkuid, James "Wherry, Patrick Conner John Groves, Joseph Urban, Joseph Wills, Joseph Uiller, Henry Will, Fd Farabaufih. Fred. Miller, Samuel A. Short, David Hums, Peter J. Mullin, l'liilip Jackson (col.), Michael L. McCoy Nathan Sanders, Jolm Nikol, John liigel, Thomas McCloskcy, Owen M'Centers, Alovstis Lawlcr, David Watt, Edward MnHen, John Trcxler, George Fii- k, II. Sanker, James Nult, Wilson Gallagher, P. F. Carney, John McCoy, John How- II, Jacob Naide, Francis l'nrrish, Miclil. Clark, Francis A. Storm, John T. Davis, .losenh Adams. Adam .Moony, Caleb Douglass, Christian Fceniode, Alexander j Coulter, Anthony Sanker, P. J. Cliriste, l'eter Earhart, George Lentz, Pobert Christfer, James Owens, E. Kupcrt. TAYLOR TOWNSHIP. 02 in wheel 01 drawn. Miles Gibbs, Samuel S. Wasson, Win. Alexander, Michael Flugerty, Win. liich ards, David Custer, Wm. 11. Goughner, leorge Corner, Joseph J. Mangus. (ieo. Walters, Thomas Iliglilands, Dennis ( luughnour, Jellerson Horner, John Mc Curdv, Thomas Donlbrd, Michael F.i- chensicr, ( . alter.-. cor: i, Ja;.i s Co Is. RICHLAND TOWNMHP. 1 L" in wlicc! 2') drawn. Jehu Noon, D. tii. 1 C. Kring. Jacob P. Paul, G.-o:;;.: Dei -key, (too. ( i rum1 iling. Upd-urat't, Jo.-. -pi; (Ji.s, Jos.-;h Yo-Icr, John Custer, Davi 1 Varnei par i Kli o-Ics, .lost p!i Uo, "J. i'j unii 1) OOll, .b.l in Reighart, Eniaim.-I Webb. .1 ohll II Harlan. S:r n cr, Samuel ! I nn r, D:::ad Conrad Kri:i'r. Frank'l'.i F'au :i::sr spri 'gs bo.;ougii. 2 in wheel i drawn. Peter Urban, Jason Cruui, An i: MeGrai.'i, Luke M y-. r. WHITE TOWNSHIP, bo in wheel S drawn. J:i'b Witters. How JctlVies, Tho Poweil. 'i'. W. Il.dhn, Dani 1 .M. it hews, A 1 Oil Ee-eh, Wadi. Dclur.ir, Jacob Gra der. M L" NSTER T W N SI 1 1 P. C'2 in wheel S drawn. Wm J. Myers, Jolm P. ltd, John C Brown, Ma'lu w Cugli, Henry C Frict i.o'.i. .John Noel, Wm. Lilly, Francis l'"a: r -n. CLEARFIELD TOWNSHIP. .IS in wheel IS drawn. lLr.uu Dohh Dcniel Delu.ier, Neason, J .uncs Ivory, S. Wai John Mick, i l'et- r Jollies Diver, Tho.- Cailak m. Crook, James F. Mc.Mu'.ih:, Richard Na-g!.-, Mi -ha I Harnuclc, James :i'Cios!,ey John Wiis.-ct, John Kri.' Jam .- .MCo, .'ains E. Ncasun, Willi an: M..i,;.:is, Ja.-. E. Prand. S U M M E 1 1 1 II L L TOWNSHIP, (il in the wheel 18 drawn. John Wright, Peter Keating, Daniel Longptreet, Valentine Matzy, Michael Gl.ason, John McDiinn, John I Wan, John Warpeld, David E. Davis, Win. A. Shelly, Henry Walters, Alex. P. Skelly, John J. Weaver, James Dasher, James F. Skelly, Win. Sharrctts, David Shaffer, Joseph A. Wright. . SL'SQ C EH A N NA TO WNSH1 P. 71 in wheel 22 drawn. Samuel Prothler, Laac Weakland. I). Arble. Partholoniew Sniinn .T..I... i: (i lass, Christopher Lmg, Jerome Piatt, Wph Pcifner, Mathias Shortenkertcher. Wm. Miller, David Paugher, Peter Stef i'ey, Elias Dnskel, A brain Kern, Win. McDonald, Joseph A. Elliot, James Sut ton, Win. Perkitresser, Jas. W. Whitcd, Augustine Crarer, Jonas Pauin, Jolin ingley. CHEST TOWNSHIP. o( in wheel 21 drawn. James M. Towle, James P. M'Canje, Peter Ilelfrick, John A Krise, Anthony Gill, Ix?wis Ilariman, John Yager, Elias Downs, Chas. Gill, Emanuel Vance. John L. Glunt, Abraham Purkev, Geo' Lovingmire, Caleb Gray, Lawrence Stick, Joscpb Towle, uosoph J. higgle jameg Shorten, George Ilibsh, Ix;wis Paker, Augustine Ivilpatrick, John N. Pallwea ver, liichard Elder, John Peck. MILLVILLE BOROUGH. 211 in wheel i drawn. i,JM..MeyerT' ,Thom Gorman, David 11. W ilhams, John Sweeney. CAMBRIA TOWNsmp . 103 in the wheel 4 drawn ! W I ii-.. ,. . Thomas J. Humphrey, David E. Kohl irts. iiuiiman Jurcn. John L. L'.ewellus, Peddinger i . :.. i;i...- i M.;;..i :,.i lVm, ,. ' ,r . , ,, ,, x- Charles Malov, Edward (.ray, (.orge Pcrrv, Win. Hunt, Andrew 1 ureell. Nun- T , v- ; , , , ... . . ... i.i r 'Kern, Patrick Moran, John A. Smith, rod M'lMiol, Christian Straver, 1 luli ... . , v.. . ' ... ... ... ,. Andrew l-ogle, Anthony Steward, P r- ( ohaugh, G. W . Y alters, Anthonv Lhine- mwm T i . ir at- l : , , t i. i. i . i . i. i " ii rtid M C loskev, Peter Moran, Michael . hot, Isaac P. Pole, Caleb Hitler, John ... , -. ' ., ' . . ' ..... 1 L.v. Michael ( ariiion. I at Powers. J no. VI . I . . : 1 1 . : - - " 7 CARROLL TOWNSHIP. 125 in wheel 52 drawn. John l?arnucle, Peter A. WoaUaml, Cnspcr .Smith, Andrew 1'. Baker, Svlves- i, xir,.. 1-v T t r - ter mine, imam vay, j antes jvane, Cos., Philip Crook, Peter Campbell, Henry Fox, John J. Davis, Gotleib Fiester, Win. Dick, John Isit- zel, Fred, llouk, Geo. Seymour, John MeCauly, Francis Weakland Augustine Yost, Jr., John llopier, John Sharbaugh, Archibald Smith, Win. Cole, Christ Carl hein, Andrew Leibold, Patrick Kane, John Uookhcniycr, Nathaniel J. liendon, John Carliem, Daniel Murray, Anthony ! Matz, Joseph Grossbcrger, Peter lier ! tram, Julius Stick, Deimard Maize, John ! Zearn, Jvi Luther, I). C. Wekel, Lewis ! liolcn, Joseph Miller, Jacob Kiintz, Jo j soph Flick, Martin Saundcts, John Pen der, Peter Sliaibaugli, Lawrence lvuniz- man, Kubei t McCombi o, Augustine Inn 'iii i ii -i- i . i... i!;n.... l0' 1 llli,P llomtr' u"-' "'J I'lirns. CAMl'RI A EOROl'GII. 113 in wheel 5 4 drawn. John Mullin, John Peperg, Francis con" Kaet'line, Henry Kcim, Fidell Schnell, George AY. Atkins, Win. Dor l ris, Daniel Mcpite, Harman Vochenvode, Charles Williams, John Iliter, Jeremiah Plannel. Peter Keelii;, Jolm Shoidan, Pobert Houstin, Conrad Ileeken.-tein, Casper Crush, Ignatius Kelly, Lawrence Tighe, Cornelius M CMariii'ertv, Isadure Piflle, Francis Hughes, Jolm St linger, Jolm Cu.-h, Owen ".MX'atliy, John M Cullough, Charles Kelly, Michael M'Kcan Lyset, Pat lv.':!!i. Charles Warn t, Leo Breath -r, Joseph Pdts, Lewis I Yrnell. Jai-ob Jackson, Thomas Campbell, Jo seph S.'IIor, Wolf Paph-, Simon Poyer, .Joseph KiitisL'ii, Anduc." Layton, Geo. Lut ncr. BLACK LICK TOWNSHIP. ;'' in the wheel G drawn. James C. White, Peter Wagner, Jas. iL'dis, Win. Seldcl'S. Ji'Siph Golden, hn J. P. esc. WASHINGTON cl- SUMMIT. T'd in wheel drawn. James Mvers. S. C. 1 Liustin. ( ialiilz.-n ihawhv J. II Wm. I iasnev, Josep! Skcllv, i Peliey. Edmund Jacal) S K- il, .Miller, Philip John Short, i Hum.-s. Christ Daniel ILcan ;r.:k Piirgoim, domes (I. l.ger, .1 . I iii W. ( i i' li-pi . D.ni I M'Cartv, Jose: h Sanders, Ferdinan I Purgoon, James Wiight. Miciaiel M'Cail, (ieoroe Gu. rageVi, 11. S. MiUer, Jacob P .us!, Wm. Clark. Wm. Hail, John E. Storm, Jus. t .il:c. . . Tile' Jl Amhvw Al'i i'. Ale xauit.-r t,.rr, .Maitmu l.enn. .lo-:n Motitgoiii.-rv, Lazarus L'igle, lames Hud son, Terrciiiv M irrjihey, (diaries Johnson, John .V. .Mai:kciits.h. Wilson Woodward Hernard Dai 1, John Iiehc, Wm. White, Matthew Adelsp.Tger, Wm. Doiialioe, Ymr Ihowi:, Toomas Lugo, II -nry Car ban, Pcrnard Little, Christian L.-ap, Al bert Long, Jes , e .l( iougli, Jas. Shelley, CR 'Yl.E TOWNSHIP. 71 in wheel G drawn. John M-Go;: gh, Jr., John Porabatigh, Jacob iIo3'er, Joseph Danmeyei-, John Hctt-, Peter Purtnett. WILMoRE lKdlOUGII. b'o iii the wheel 8 drawn. Wm. C. Harbour, Win. A. Carr, E z.kial Hughes, Henry P. Michael, 1). M. Kci!, Janu s S. Clos.-in, Lewis Pie.-her Augustus II. Hankie. Mkin; I'jiti-;. Some time ago, a member of Congress applied to the Post Ollice, to know w hy some of his franks had been charged. The answ er was : " W'c supposed sir, they were not "of your writing, the hand is not the same. " "Why, not precisely the same; but the truth is I happened to bo a little ti.i when I wrote them." " Then sir, will you in future, be so good :id to write tlritnL when you make t'ree. 6aSoine cannot get rid of the notion of piivate property in truth, with the right to fence it in, and put up u fence board warning tresspassers ofl the grounds. e-.rA provost Marshtil out west recent ly arrested a refugee and scizfd the gold he had till his innocence was proved. W e exect the cause was more in the gilt of the gold than in the guilt of the refugee. Ty OTICK. -TV Iu the matter of the petition of David Davis for the specifij per formance of the contract of the said peti tioner and Richard Davis, dee'd : The Com missioner appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria County to take testimony in the said case, will meet the parties interestd, for the purposes of the said appointment, at the Hotel of Alex. Moore in EBENSBURG, on WEDNESDBY the 7h day of Sept., next, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., when and where they may attend with their wit nesses. CYRUS ELDER, Aug 3, 64-4 1. Commissioner. loe Constitution cf the United States witb explanatory notes for sale by JAMAS MUliltAl. The Life and services of General Grant, for sale by JAMES MURRAY. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BCCJIP. a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, au l Drop- sieal Swellings. This JldieiiiC increases the power of Di- gestiou, and excite the Absorbents iuto hcalthv action, by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain I and lullammation. I IIELMROLD'S EXTRACT RFCI1F. I For Weaknesses arising from Excesses, ; Habits of Dissipation, Early Ii.discittioti of j Abuse, attended with the f.illoving smp ' toiiis: : Indisposition tj Exertion, Loss i.f Pnwor, ! Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, j Weak Nerves, Trembling, : Horror of Disease. Wakefulness, J Dimness of Vision. Pain in the Back, j Universal Lassitude of the Muscuku System, i Hot Hands. r U'.-hmg of the Body, Dryness of the Skin. Eruptions on the Pice. Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotcuvy, Fatuity, Epilcjitie Fits, In one of which the Patient may expire. Who can sa- that they are not frequently fill, .wed bv th.'se "Direful I )iseaes.r' 'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." M.iiiy are aware t f the cause of their suff ering. But none will confess the records uf the Insane Asylums. Awl hlawltoly J)eat!:s by C'fitnttiqition bear ample witness to the Truth of the as sertioti. j The CunniilutivH once fjiWfcd irilh Oryunic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to ; Strengthen and Invigorate the Svstem. Which Hki.mb'jld s EXTRACT BUCHU ! ini-icrittlly does. A Trial will convince the ; most skeptical. ; FEMALES FEMALES FEMAI ES. In many Ajf'eclion.1 jteruliar tj Females the j Extract B.ichu is unecpialled l.y any other ! mncdy, as in Cidrosis or Retention, lire- : gularity, Painlulness, or Suppressi 'ii .-f i Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or ! Scirrhous state of the Uterus. Lcuchori! in : or Whites, Steri'.ity, and for all c.m; 1 .ints j incident to the sex. whether r.iisin h ru j in.liscretiou Habits of D'si n. or in the . DECLINE OR CilAN'ii: Oi' LIFE. ''tike no w.i,-c I'.'d.i'iin , i lctsant Jl- riiles t'uf liii. li :'-;:.'( a. l dan .'"(.S- f.'l.vC.t.VC.f . IIELMP.OLD'S EXTRACT BUCMU AND ' 1MPUOYED ROSE WASH JFREs ' SECRET DISEASES ; I i all their Sta-es, At little Exp-r.sc. i Little or no change in Diet. No iarouve- ; nicuce. ' Ami mi E.'-po.'ire, j It eauses a fn .puei.t desire ai-d gives J s'.rength to Urinate, tiarely Reinovi; .g Oh- ! struetioiis. Preventing and Curing Strict- ures of the L'lvthra, allaying Pain and In- : thiiivmation. so fr -pient in the chi-s nf dis- ; eases, and expelling all J'oisouom, Diseased ari't tcorw'itt Mi!tt-r. Thousands upon Thousands v.h.i have beer the Victims of Qaaiks. and who have pai l henry fes to be cmed in a shc.vt time, I have foiui'l thev were deceived, and that the "POISON" has, by the use .a "Power fill Astringents," been !ricd up in the sys- . tein, t( break out in an aggravated form, : and i irliajis ajter Mut rinye. j " i Use HehnbohFs Extract Rii.-lm f..:- nil affections and diseas s of the I Ri X A RY i ORGANS, whether existing in MALE or FEMALE, from whatevr cause miuinating , and nomiiter of HOW LONG STANDING j Diseases of the.-e Organs requires the aid, ! ..f TllFRF.riO. IlI.!..Mi; I.1'S TRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT Dl UR- ET1C, and is certain to nave tiic !esirea el!.-( t in all Diseases j tr xeuhn a is lieeom- inenh :l. Evidence of the most reliable and. respon-' sibi- iharacler will accompany the medicine. Price .I.C0 )t-r bottle, or six le: 5.00. Delivered to any Ad.'.ies.- securely packed from obsei vatioi,. Describe Symjtuuis in all Couumiuicationn Cures Guaranteed! Advice Gratia'. Address letters .'or information to II. B. HELM BOLD, Chemist. ' 104 South Tenth st., l eh Chcsnut, Pliiht IIELMP.OLD'S Molical D.;,f, HELMBOLD'S Deny and Chanical Ware house, 501 Broadway. New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALKRS who endt i vor to dispose "of their ." m.d ''other'1'' articles on ihe rejmt'ition attained by Helm hold's Genuine Preparatioi.s. Extract Buchu. 44 " Sarsaj.arilla. " Iniproved Rose Wash. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ASK FOP. HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EN POSURE. March 9. 18C4.-ly. 4 tiditors Aotlce. J The Auditor ap pointed by the Orphan's Curt of Cambria county, to distribute the money in the bands of Alexander Kilgore Esq., Administrator of John Corbley dee'd., notifies all parties interested that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his office in Ebens burg, on Thursday the 11th day of August next, at one o'clock P. M. PHIL. S. NCOS, July 20 3t. Auditor. S- TBAT COW: Came to the residence of the subscriber in Chest township, sometime about the mid dle of June, a real cow, about seven or eight years old, a sma'l piece eut tut of both ears. Tho owner is requested to come forward, prove properiy, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. ALOISIUS SWOPE. August 3, 64-3t. 1-raik IV. limy, Having adonted the Cash system, offers th fallowing YYans -l ! less than city retail prices : I SlV.Ab KLI ILLS. ! ) COIM'ER ll I ! ! 'pi,YARE, 1 10 to A tu'in'H :tti.ks. 3 i carts to 40 nalloi.o. all sorts and kinds S5KCIIT IROX WA51K, every variety. ENAMELED : TJXXEI) IRONWARE COlTrdl WaIII; MADE TO ORDER SAD DIONS or SMOOTHING JUvXS ZINC WASH BOA BPS COKING STOVES. EG f; STOV HE A TIXG CO OK ST 0 YES BKADLEY COOKING- STOVl-x" TEN T, ABP.'JTT & NOB I - PA- ami every oiner i lttslungli or p;,;; L;l.Iiia uiiijii..i....v. ....... ,.0 ai ,i cij, ,i on nana or procured on 6 davs" notice ODD PLATES AND GIIATES f.r Stove, al-.vays on l and. ....... II T-WT II IVT Kli.Vf..' ol.. 1 CARBON OIL LAMPS, from Cs2ri $1.25, CHIMNEYS and WICKS ;d on hand. SPOUTING. to MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS. POWDHR CAN'S, all srzes, constantlv ..n h.i;id. COP FEE MILLS. TOASTING PORKS, OYSTER ERS, JELLY Cake Moulds. Table Spo Jt.s.iCOAL BUCKETS. BROIL- an 1 Tea Price list now ready f. r the and Merchants are respect full v ; i-.!e, invocd i -end for asing call and examine f .r a catalogue ths. our Wares, before pin el w iit-re, The above croods wil? be fun d, WHOLESALE OK RET AN . AT THE JOHNSToWX STOVE it HOUSE ri'UNIslIlNo STOUK. CArv'AL STREET. Opi Hsitc the Weigh Lock. Oil i riiAXK W. HAY'S WARE!Iors,E an ! save twenty percent, on you i puics J i-iiUstown March, 1:J, lS0:J. t'f. We a i e n nee. OCR jy se-.iiin- bv mail, f ce FINE Dl A MO.v. D GOLD PENS." food oi .ot P 1NT UNION l l.v u; rvTF;ln- Si M.IMNG C. K. Wltll Ei .t 1 i:n- CiL, bean! ifn price of it taihd theln i V II - d, at niir h. 'i-sale ,1:5 We never le'.ae re less than J l i ach. 'i i i v are acKin;Wleiigt-l to lie li.e in. i.-t liinaloe and beautiful in ine.rk. t. They are inniil'aeMir- ! cd of FlNi: Goi.n. and f;ni.-.hed in the be.-t possible .-tyle. They aic celcbiatcd f.r their ! adaptness 10 every hand and style f wri- ) tmji, makaig stroke when a Wautiful liht or heavy sold over dt sired. W'e have one hundred thousand Union " lVns du lingthe pastiiuht n:out''s. aiid we have not one word of dhsa'i.-faciiou from any ne u.-ing our Pens. Thy are the u :sr (b 11 Pen made, and sold for one quarter the pi ice charged by many. Any one ordeiing by mail will receive their P.ns by next ntmn mail. Our jrnl.- always arrive safelv at their destination. B-i particular to write your address plain. One trial of our Gold i Pens will convince any j cison ot the.r sii- ; i pciiuiilv- W'c also send, without extra j I charge," HOOD'S GREAT BO.iK OF 100 ! i SECRETS, or How to Maki: J5 -a Day ; I WiTiiorr Cai'IT.m.. (ne of these secrets 1 cost the publisher $'-'50 for tho light to pub- j j lish it. Several persons are now making j ' lon .loll.irs nor month lv these-Seeri-ts. ,' This bnk is worth ,i"0 to any man or wo- j man. Lieut. Asa Bennett, a wounded sol- J dier, writes us from Chicago, he has realized j iu four months. fol-'J by knowledge obtain- ; ed from this book. We send one Gold Pen. silver Extension Case and Pencil, and B ok i of Secrets, for $1,25; three for 8:5,50; fair ! for $1,50; six f.i $u,50; twelve f.r $12.00. j Send Government money. 1 Address M. YOUNG & Bl'.O v ; 157 Monroe Street ' July 0, lSGl-Om. NEW YORK. ; O1 rpliaiib' Court &ale. ly viitue oi an order of the Orphans Court ot t aii.oiai County, the undersigned will expose to sale bv public vendue or outcry, on the premises on SATURDAY, the 20ih day of Augu-Jt next, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following leal estate of which Mithias Sheank died .-eh'.cd. viz A certain messua; and tract or piece or l'eter SmcLc-r, containing one nun.ircu ana j seven acres, or thcrcatouts ; together with ; the buildings and improvement thereon. , Tkbms One half of the purchase money , to be paid on Confirmation of the sale and ; , . . the residue in one year tncreaiier, w un in- , terest, to be secured by the judgment bond J and mortgage ol tlie purchaser. JOHN BUCK.Tiustee July 20tli lS04-3t. IV Letters testamentary on the estate of John II. Evans, carpenter, late of CamVria township, Cambria county, dee'd, kotner hopn ranted bv the Register anted by the negisicr oi taiu county to the undersigned. Notice is hereby eiven to all those inueoteu 10 come and settle the same and those having claims against said estate to present them dulv authenticated for settlement. JAMES MYERS. June 29, 1864-Ct Executor. parcel of land, situate in Allegheny t wit ship, Cambria- county, ndj .iuing lands of Joseph llosue, Karhcart Farraboiigh, l.d- ....,,.1 l'.rvnl.-m.rl. John B. Ilotillian Ul.d U U14 .v..,-- I U S. 1H0 BONDS. " t These Bonds are issued under the Ut 0f Congress i f March Sth, 1864, which t,ru ' vides thnt ail Bonds issued under this ct , shall be EXEMPT 1TIOM TAXATION by l cr under any state or municipal authority Subscriptk-ns to these BjikIs are received iii I United States notes or notes of Na.ljual . Banks. Thej are TO BE REDEEMED IN ; COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, : at :iny peri',.1 nt ,.. s than ten nor inure than forty years from their date, and until redemp j tion EIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN (JOIN, Bonds of not over one hur.ured dollars annually and on all j oilier Bonds r-enu-a-mually. The interest is ; payabl-j on t!:e tirrt days of March and Sep , ten. her iu each year. Subscribers wil! receive either Registered ; or C"Uj)oii Ii -ills, as they m ly prefer. l!e i f-i -fered, B :i Is a:vj recorded o;i the bo .ks of : the U. S. Treasurer, and can Lc transferred !v on the owner's order. Coup. n Bonds ire more conve- I are payable to benrer, and j nient for c immercial uses, -j Subscribers to this lo:m will have t'ne (.p ; tiuti of liuini; their Bonds draw interact ! from March 1st, by paying the accrued in- teiest in coiii (or ;n United States notes. I or the n.-tts .f National Banks, ad iin2 fifty j per cent, f .r premium.) or receive" them j drawing intere.-t from the date of taibscrip, j tion and deposit". As lhee Bonds arc j EXEMPT PROM MUNICIPAL OP. STATE ! TAXATION, their value is increased from one to three j per cent, per annum, according to the rate I -f tax levies hi various paits of the country. t p:escnl rate ol 2''e:nium on g"!J liicy jiay OVER ERillT PER Cl:XT. INTEREST m currency, as a ei ni in an.i are of equal convenient temporary investment. hi or It believed that no sc cunties ofli r so i:! cat iniuici mel ts to h-ndc-rs us the various descripii. n; of U. S. Bi nds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faitli or ability of piivate paities r stock companies or sc pa late com:n::nir!es only is oled.'d for pay ment, while f. r the "dt I ts of the United States the w hole po-periy of the cunt :y is h 'hlen to secure the payment of both ptii.-cij-al and interest in coin. I Tlies: ;e nds n.a be subscii!)ed. for in ! stuns Iron, ft j'l u;i to any magtiitu le, on the ! same leitiis, aii.t are 11. us maile ua !i V 1'.. I j avai!:ib!c to the s:n.ihe.-.t Ruder and ;iiid , t 11. e .-t ;,) it, lis!. Ih?v can t o con- ; lted in'o n.ii.- ;'.t ;ii.v H'oinent. :o.d ihe ! j lc-h'er v.-;i! have" the bua-fit of the interest. ; It may be u-cft.l t .. -tae in this c. suite i ! Ii -ii that the total Funded Debt of th-United J i Sia'es on which int itst is jay:iblf in p-1 !, iv of Much, isn4. v.-'s STCS.- i e ii.teict on tins debt I r ti.e a! t-.ir wi'.i be !5 '.r.)7 . 12''., ', cus.oai?, revenue ir. tio'd f r the rei.t J: i-.ii car cinlmy JU! ie yo(; be.!: s hir at the rate of over I0UX1 j'K 000 mi ii- .ti j cr annum. It will Oi seen that even the present go'd i venues of i he Go' eruuient ate largely in excess f ihe wiu.ts of the Ttc-asury for the pa n.ei.t of i;. .Id interist, while the recent iucieae of the tar'dV will doubtless raise the .itinual receipts l'n mi customs on the san e am-.cut of importjtioiis, to .$ 150.tiou,0u0 1 i .- nr. n cm. last, net i ns to the National B.mks acting as ! ;iti agents wre not issued from the United States Trcastiiy until March 'i'j, but in the first ihree weeks of April th- sub scripti ns averatr.'d more than TEN MIL LIONS A WEI K Snb.-criptioiis will l.e receive.! by the - Fiift Nad mal Bank of Piiilade phia Pa. t.econd National Bank of Pinladehlhia Pa. Third National Bank or Philadelphia. Pa. AND BY ALL OTHER NATIONAL BANES which are depositories of Public nvmv, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS & BANKERS throughout the count rv, (acting as agents of the National 1) petitory Banks) will fmni.-h fui t her inf. ren-.tioo on application nii'I AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUI1 SCRIBLRS .Iio-e- 22. lf.I tf EJov.iircl .tstotj:tlioi2, PHILADELPHIA. Dii-:asi-:s ok ti i-: Nr.uvors, Skjuvai.. Ui:iNA!iY ANP SKXI'AL t-Ysl'KMS nev and rei'u.b'e treatment i'n reports of the HOWARD ASSOv'l VTIOX S.nt by mail in s- ah. d letter envelopes, free of ( barge. Ad,he,s. Di. J. SKILLEN IKH'GIITEN, Huwaiil Ass icialioii. No. 2 South Ninth S ! ret t , P h i ' ,u ie' ph i a .J 'a. Strnj- Con. Came to the r si -deuce . f the subscrlb- r in Monster towiish'p Cauubi.i County, on the l-'Uh duly iutt,. a small red co-.v with a white spot on her face. The owner is requested to come forward. prove property, pay ch.iri: un.l taks her asvav, otherwise Su i... ,i;o...l ..f ... c T.ling to law. WILLI AM CARNEY .J a! v 20, Sr. Si-. I A 119 M Jl J" S'. 1 la vine; reopen.-;! my shop rear the foundry.' in LBF.Nsr.UlHi, I intend to keep j "..nd and accomodating workmen, who vcill j endeavor to i.on and repair wagous, lmus, sleds, sleighs-, sh'-e horses ii"c., &c , when. fin.! .'is i.avinir tUMUiiiciK may u-i ill'. - - ISAAC C. SINUKU G4 j IJ ; Mab,aket Evak3 i in the Gmrt of Cm- 1 hy hn i;ext fiie.u, , ffion j.. o Caml)lia Bobkkt Davis, vs. David Evans, County. No. 1G. June Term. I 18G4. i . . . . 1-.. j lmci in uivorce iroin t j Bonds of Matrimony, o iveu that the undcrs-gned j Notice is herebv Commissioner, "appointed by the C-ourt of Cimrnon Pleas of Cambria County, to take , testimony m theabove ated case, wd, si au iuu muw . ensburg, on Monday, the 22d dy of AccrsT, 18G4, at one o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of taking testimouy in the above case, when and where all persons interested may attend, if they think proper. JAM ESC. EA'SL.Y, Comnii;H"n-r. Ebensburg, July 27, 1804-3t. ; ,,H f.lt. ;-J.l t-t Til P. peculiar taint Of infection which we call Scrofii.v lurks in the constitutions of multitudes of men. It either produces or is produced lv aa en r....i.v..i -k, ::". ., O Itl-lill-tl, VIU1UIU Sltl'.t v' of tho hl.KkJ. u-herciii S jjjitliat Huid bec omes' iv.- vjco-nficlent to svistain ituaTKiithe vital forces in their A V-'.lwT vi.7Arnnc iiflinn an,l JL. r v ...... v leaves tlic system to fall into disorder and - (ll'll.- 11... I-..!,... . con.atmnattoii is variously caad l.v meivu.ial disease low ln-mg, u.sordere.l dcstwn frou. unhealthy food, impure ai.-, (ihh r.nd ti!,,v habits, the depressing vices, und, nlwve ull by the venereal infection. Whatever be its ori'-iti, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third mil fourth peneration ; " indeed, it seems to Ik; th. rod of Him who says, " I will visit t!io iniiiui ties of the fathers upon their children." Tlio diseases which it originates take various nmnrf, according to the organs it atnuk. In ttio huifrs, Scrofula produces tuVrcIcs, nud finally Consumption ; in the glarals, svel!.;ng;s whi.-h 6appurate and become ulcerous 6orcs ; in tlio stomach and bowels, derangements which jiro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and Jiver com plaints ; on the tkin, eruptive and cutanooju uffoctions. These nil liaving- the snme orij;in, require the same remedy, vi.. purification mid hivigorution of the blood. Purify tho Mood, and these dangerous distempers" leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted Mood, you can not have health ; with tliiit " life of the flesh " heulthy, you cannot have scrofulous dLcuse. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla is compounded from tho most effectual anti dotes thnt medical science has discovered tor this afflicting distemper, and for tlie cure of die disorders it enuils. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known bv all who have given 5t a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints," is indisputably proven hy the preat multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Eheuni, Scald Head, Coueh3 from tc berculou3 deposits in tho lung-3, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports ol individual cases may be found in Atek's America Almanac, which is furnished to the druppists for pratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to orlord relief. Those eases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to hhti of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula de;resses the vital cnerpics. and thus leaves its victims far more subject to diseaso mid its fatal results than are healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and docs preatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfectinp a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Aykr's S.vksafabi lla, although it is cout lmscd of ingredients, some of which exceed the 'est of Sarsiparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out tin- foul corruptions that rot and fester iu tlio Mood; purge out the causes of disease, an 1 vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lark within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised mu'-ii and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have leen proven-by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in- . tended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other wliieh has iieen before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been arailable to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great TJemedy for Coughs, Colda, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced Btages ' of tho disease. This has been so long used and so univer Fiilly known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to tiie Ix-st it ever has boon, and that it may b relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., 'Practiced and Analytical Chendits, Lowell, Muse. Sold Ly ull druggists everywhere. Pit. H S. i;lTXX, Kbensburg, (I. T. FI.'AZElt, Johnstown. 1. II. SHIELDS, Lorretto, and" dealers everywhere. June 15, 18;4. I'hiltis Duffy by her next friend, Henry Constable, vs. Thomas Dutfy. f In the Court of Con. men I'ieaa of j Cambria Count v. I No. G March ! Teim 18C4. "V AJlltIS &llhllf?Htl ilk I Dieorce, February I 2o 1SG1 Non ct inrcnhis. so answers I Sheriff Ruck. And now t.. wit June 0 SH4. On motion of C. Elder Eq., it is ordered that tho Hhciifi shall cruse notice to bo published in one newspaper printed within s.ud county for four weeks successively prior to the first ihvy of the nest term, requiring said De fendant to appear on said da' and answer the said complaint &e. Bv' the Court. Fiom the Record. CX-rtifie.! fit-b June Im'.I. JOS. M'DOKAED, lVothonotary. July 20, 4t. A TTEXTIOXi Alt persons tisv debted t. the unih rined will please c .rne vnd settle ill' their old nco i nts. ami savfv ;,lsls. JAMES M.Mil'ILU- Julv in, 64. I; 5.. S ( t K I t i r & I i I t I. K I K I, K t ( ir