1 j may ,rJ to bv tLe two Houses, a. the Legis- hf' ire shall "prescribe, such "ubni""56''11 to e j :'Lh manner and form that the people , . 1. nmnr..lnn , vote fur or against tutu uujiiiuu,vu ,. i m ;tl ir tVifi-fi ire. "tL; 1. Be it enacted by the Senate a.ul V llemesentatioes f the Cominon- , ... ' ;...,; .General Assent 1 Lrebti enacted bu tkeauthott- i .'..4k. Ti.ir tor the miruose 01 II IV fit - Kn iT vealth, in regard to the adoption . ' an.ndn,eats. or either of - :. . .1 .. of tllO IlHOtl 2 II 11115 VI n vtr 'u them, the Governor of this Commonwealth ; .11 w-ii.. .1 wiit of election, directed to : Ctitk . ft - j - :m.) fvi-rv heiitf of this Common wealth v,v voiUTrundin them to -ive notice, in the . usual manner, in not less than two Dew spa, j rcr hi .-a-.-h eify and oonrty : Vrovdtd, i'hat so iii.my ale puwisiied U.tiem, .ma oy j it !e.it two piihtuu huudbills in eac'i cloo- : :.:. di.-tr:ct of every city and ce.u'dy wheie :; no l.fWi.oat,!-r is pubii.-iiid, that ail ele.'- . t o!i will be held in each of the townshij -. J ln.-jii '!.s. Wuids, preciuv.ts and districts . ;.e re in, on tlu tirst Tuesd.iy ot August in ; .e vear Ol our i'iru. one 1U. U.-..IH.. v... , T 1 . . 1 i. t. . .)' r hundred and s xty-four. f r the purpose of : deciding upon the approval and latitleatioii, ' r r.j. ction of said ameudne'nts ; which sa;d ! elttt'ioii shall be opered, held and c!o.-id j cpou tie the d.iy hut afosesuid, ut the places ! an 1 within the helirs nt and within which the general election of this Comm n e.dth j Are directed to he 0 ened, held and closed ; Hiid it shall be the duty if the judges, in- ; epeciors, an.l clerKf. oi eacn oi ine saui tovMishins. boroughs, wards, precincts and districts, to receive at the s.iid election, tick- ' vts not exeeediug the number ot pr.p'Scd amendments, tit!. or written t printed, or j ; artly writti-n and paitly printed. from each j f the (jiuditi-'d voters of this State, who j ;t, iv e lfer the same, and to deposits them in .:. a box en- b( xcs, tr, he for that pliriiose j j K.vidcd by the proper i uicers ; wh ch tick i :; shall he, respectively, bibe'.'ed oi.tl.e , outride. First Amen dmeut," " Second ,' Ainendinei.T,'' at.d Third Atnei,dr.:en; :' :;d those who ,u f tvorahl ; I., sid .t:neud j icntn. or any of them, may expro- their : ..fprovul thereof by voting, each, a-, many j tpirate written i,r printed., or p.otiv writ- ; ! n anei l.arll- piilitoel ballots or Helo ts, as i '.:ere me atm-i: hiien.iniehts approved by ' T:.' in. containing on the inside there. I. the w- rds, "Pol the Ameiidment and ti.os v. '.. aie oj.poseil to such amendments. iv a .; of them, may express tia-ii pposition ; ly voting, each, as mmy -.epar it-. written, j piie.ted, or partly printed and pailly wiit- ' . :. ballots, or tickets, as their are amend- I : . i.!.- ii. 't a ppfovei i-il 1 v them, c-ititair.in: n in ide ih'-uof th. word. : a I - t !.? .n.fiuitijeii'. ; " the electors voting l r or ;..':.v. tl.e tirit utni.ml:n.at -i.ali Le vo..nid- "1 a i.tii.g for i r a'-d.cst the pr p-.-..'d i . tl. ,e- d to ..i-icle three of the- o. -n-:; n, e-v.i-ii .: tie- fig.it sr.ti.-.ig'. t.. l'el : e li . tela Ve.tiltg ii.d lime i.dtiu i.t. siia I jT or aa i.-t it;.. il I e- con.-.i'.v . i i a t.'.g f -r cr a mist tin j r, posed . igii'-h ... .:; to artiJ.c ib. viuth ot' the C t.st.tu an 1 elect. ia voting h-i" or av'.tir.st th .; i .t'o'-n ime-i't shall he Coiisidt: cd as : i ! i oi cg.iiu-.t the pr 'ved l.:!.:1.. .'e l. b- allele1 t;i -ve.i ol tile C;-!-.s,:.tti.io'u. "i L'. Ti.at th- 1- c ) i. ii the prop'-t-I .on-.-n-itnetits, sh-il: :n ail t Is, be :..- .!. i ,i.- ti.e g.'uerai eieeij .t.s ; th... C- uu- ' ; '. e.; ! I :i in e Hi'VV e'ol.uUe ii I : a:..: It s:.al: 'he dittv "1 ih- return ju l;,es ..; till r.--. citvt counties and tli.-.tttct thcttof, lir.-t, ' '''li atefoily .iso rt.ia.i-'. tie- number o! : s ;. !. e r .i;....;.-t s...d i.;i.-. oiiiu.-tits nt.iut-er aforesaid, to m..k ..ut d.ipd itc r-f.;::i. ItieK i f, exp-.e-ce-.l in e 1.- at li jti., -md not in t:.:';re.- oulv : i : e of .Co, i', T 1 noti.iv .-. !.! of the of tl CHll ! pt r con: ' v, and tr.e to tl.e S. e .i t.uy of i o .nr. eli c .. : ..i , v 'o, i- 1 1 1 : it li . i: t:ice, i t. on ,vhi ! tic- ixi e-":-. . in i.e i: of Shch :t nil, g- .-hail I'r.'hel po, 'll-.tv. .-ft... . . S.ie:..r il .-ball b.- the duty of the : C eioi. il.We.ilt',. t.-n tin: ' .v oi' Ail'Usi l.c-xt . he-tore of !c;r ol. vk t't e Speaker ':.e !b-t;,e . e f the n.i'1 i e , p '.-t u.e led. an, to cleliv-.r to of I lit- S-n..t" or the Sia-aher e,f ; t Rt t i ese-n tut: -i s, the te-turns !ecti"t:. fr'.rn the several cuu ties of the co:n::iot.-.vea!th ; ami the same: M...11 on the same day and hour be ooer.ed I and publishe 1 in the presence of th-.- mem- ; Uo- ,,f tl.e Sc-a'.e an.' House of R'.-prtsenta- i lives ; and the number ef votisi it cu f r au-.l e.da.-t said ai:i..ta,.me:.ts, r-sj-ectively, shall te c.-.iclmly suinmeel up and ascertained, and duplicate te; Uicates of the result, shall ; b.- siyuel by the Speakers ef the two htms-rs. ' 0..e -c' the said ccr ili -ales sliall bedelivered 1 i-j the Se-cietary ..f the Commonwealth, who ' th-.R cu-e tin same to be recorded and filed in his ofiiee, and the thcr of said certifi'-atcs I bh:di be delivered to the (J .vcrn .r, who Khali , lorthw.th issue hi; r.tclimation, declaring t whither the said aiuchiluients. or tither of', iheni, have le-cn approved and latihed by a i J.i.ij r.t of tl.e fptalafied voters of this State voting therc.n ; Prorih-d. That if. f ,r any 4 -use, a quorum A itficr house of the Legi j liture j.hall not be present at the day and ! hour above mcutioned, then the suid votes ! hall be opened in th.- juc-ence of such mem- I hers of sa.d houses as shall be present ; and i in case of tho aWer.ce of the Speaker of either of said houses, the said certificate shall J be Mgned by the Speaker present ; or. iu 'ttseoituc auscence t,i heitli ol ootli Sneakers l.r ? -e Chief Clerks of both Bouses, or either of i them in the abscence of one of said clerks. ' Stc. 4. That the several duties rcnuind 1 o be- performed by the sheriffs, c-jOimission- j trs, constables, judges, inspectors, atid all ou.er otueers whatever, in and about the Keueral electi ma of this Commonwealth shll be performed by such officers in and about the election herein provhled for ; and all persons, whether officers or others, shall be lable to the same nunishmcnt f..r tl. nAi.y ' ot eluty or tbe commission of any offence at 1 ' . i e l. iu rr ftDout tt;e gaid election fr the neglect of like duty or the commit tr.on of like offence at in or about the general Sections of this Commonwealth. o re. HENRY 0. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives JOHN P. PENNY, Speaker of Vie Senate. Api-koved, The twenty third day of Arril Anno Domini one Uiousand eight hum! red "d ixy four. A. G. CURTIS . MEETING OF THE RETURN JUDGES, j Pursuant to the provisions contained in j the 2cd section of the act aforesaid, districts ! shall respectively taae cnarge oi mea'ii;u- t .... 1 1 - f V . i ' cate or return ot tne election ot their respeo ti ve disrricts, and produce them at a meet- , jnof0n0 judge from each district, at llol j ;,i., u,o n,A il,5r-1 ft..r tlw ! th,n. bwuir Fill DAY. tk 5th dav of An- I . , .. . piisi. then ami :nere to neriorm the amies Mso, tlat whe.e a ja ige by sicRncss or nav,,illAv,ln n,ri.le,,t is unable to attend , o-..l I... 1..... ..F I ,1, 1 ent, is unable to attend , Ws then the certificate fill be uken chai -e of - LtrL cSfi. or iS e ! MCX n.w.ting of ju r ,Ptnril nforpsaid ...... - - ""-- j oue 0r tl,o inspectors i,,ctitlll 0f district, who shall do and j erform the duties required of said judges to att-ud. (,iivn uuder mv hand in my oliiee in F.hem.burt, the thirteenth day of July A. D litil. JOHN UUCK, Sher'.ffof Cmbiia County. Si:t.R:i?r'a Oeficf, I u 0i.sburg. Pa., July 1G. lSoi. J . Howard Ajixociatloii, PHILADELPHIA. Di.-:ka-!.s ok ti:k Nkkvkls, Slmi.val. L'llINAl.V AND SEXCAL SYsTI.MS UCW nod el.at. t real iieat !., : ts t the HOU'A!:') ASSOCIATION S.nt by mail 1 in s and. letter t-nve h pes. free of charge, j Address. Dr. J. SKILLEN 1101 (.IHTEN. Ilovmi! AsS 'e utlion. No. Street. Philadelphia. Pa. I South Ninth Il.tiin reoj ( nee mv s:;o near th f iiiuhy, in Fbl.NSliULG, I intend to keep g i d and accomodating workmen, wlt- will und-.-avor to iion anel repair wagons, buggies, .-led-, sliighs, sh; hirs's Ac., ccc, when, lu.d us tiavirs customeis may rcjiiiie. Isa ac c. siNta::: July n 01. ol Icr. In the matter e-f the petition f D n.( nic McBii.ie. for spe-citio iei ior:na!ie e ot foiitracl vitn ilicnaei Ken lie 1 deceased : The undersigned c !iinissioner. njip ito e d oy the .rph.n-s Ouirt of Cambria County, to take testimony m the above stated mut ter, hereby not ill. -s all persons iiiferested, It.at he v. it! attend io the duties of his ap point.i.e..; , .it the e flice ol P.ni S. No.m Lso.. in Ebensbuig on SATURDAY, the j 20tti d.tv of iupu.-t m-xt (IMjII. at one o'clock P. M . w s ns inteie.-,i.id lecie r. T. anil where th. se per in av aSlc-ud if- tliCV see JvMiiSC EAS'.Y, Com!ii;si;.er. C a.'e' now sen .M: n ni.iii. t e OUR FINE P! Wn.Vli "UNION COLD PUNS," aid o. ,.' POINT Mt.vf -a j .en Pi.N- ; ' .X l KN sl C.I., bean S. li'iNii f A.-i: wi;i. I rtd'v cl.iis.it. :it ..in- .d'l'lisile' i nee of ONE DOLLAR. We i.c.-r i.t.-oh o ;h' in 'iv l!.a:i . 1 each. Tl.t v r.re i km w.e t , b. the n..,st diu.d.ej an lulv U. o-J 1 i U- t .tutrla. it: t::-;;k. t. They at e u i ar.i ; f.e." U r j ed . f !':m; i b'T l. .Hi 1 ti; ide d in th.: be-t j p issi't ie style. Th-y ate felei-r.-tfed f .r their 1 adapt ne-.-n in cur hand and s! !e of v. ri- ' tin-. m.tKiu ; a beautiful iUht or h-avy .-ir-, :.e- wi.jn Oi.sioi. U have si.,o.,rt d.aiod. We th- :i-.,i;d " IT eit'l.t m.e.t' .-. ; one l.i;t,!rc l" Pet- du. ve- hn ve i.. ! lh,o the , i Me vord if tiissa'isf -c'i...n fr an any n-.: our Pen.-. T!iy are th- ui-su ! 1 i ;de. and sold for one ijuarte: r i.t- .i ice d by many. Any cue ihlnin, by .ill it-j'ivc the i P. ns by m-xt retuni Our g.ttsh. always ar: i Ve saf.-l .- ;.L en;: t u.ai! mill, toe r :i. P. i paitlci 0,,e tii.i ;.ai- to Wi . of ,cr G n of ;he,r p.. CM id n- Pen v. . . ; i v:nce at v i P'-uoii'v. we nisi s"mi. w.tn-eit extra eriuee. HOtiD'S CLEAT 1'OoK OF lot SECPETS. .r How n, Maki: f5 a Dav 1 WlTo'Ofl- CaI'ITAI.. One of tiiese stents j Cost the jctbli.-hcr for the right to pub- : lish it :Vveiul persons are now m.ikiug i $120 tl !brs per ii.otit!; by thes ' St Ci ets". 1 This h..k is wt ith I'M to any man .t w.,- J mun. Li-.tit. As.i Bennett, a wound, d s-.l. Her, writes us from C'hieasj.), he has n-aliz-d ', in four in u.ths, -ji: by kuovdedtt? obtain- e-d from this book. We send one Cold Pen, J silver Extension Case and Pencil, ami B M.k ! of Secrets, for $1 ; three for ?',75 ; four f.-r j :;.o0; six f.r J.j.25 ; twelve for $1020. ! C-i S.-nd ( I ivernmen! inriner. I A July khess M. YOUNO cc 15110.5. ! 157 Monroe Street 1 ti, lSo4-tJm. NEW YORK. T J.tcob Wisnimjcr. of Indiana county, J'a. ; Elizainth Shank, (wife of Joshua X'lank )t,J Indiana, count), J'a. ; Esther Ilvf, (irij of John Hay,) nf Shirk county , State of Indiana ; Barbara L-cinf.on. (wife of Samuel Lcciiiason. )f Somerset county, J'a. ; Und Gconje W'i.isiuijcr. of ; Sotiter.ii ritiinlii l'it i m, ,tl., J,,v.-. ! rouuri. i a., ehiiarcn ami lieirs ii, ii- , , !. ' Jiiin 11 tsstnijer. laic of lltchuind , n i . i, i i i , La inltri'i couutti, J'a., deceased : two .i . :- af-Iaic of Toicushi, TAKE NOTICE, that in pummme of a j writ fl,r t,,;lt I'rpose, issued out of the ()r i tdians' Court, e.f tho Cmntv .f Ci.mbrJn ! State of Pennsylvania, to me directed, an mciuest will be held at the late dwelling house of the said John Wissiimer, deceased, (now occupied by Daniel Wissinger.) in Richland Township Cambria county, afore- oaiu, on iiioiseiay me 4tii day ot August r.exr, at one o clock iu the afternoon of that tiStv. for the nuronsp nf nmV-int. .i;i;nn I ' i nir 'ii I the rcal estate of the said deceased, to and ! among his childien and representatives, if the same can oe done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole otherwise to value and appraise the same, according to law, at which time and place you are requited to JOHN RUCK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ehensburg, 1 July C, 18C4 4t j The Iafe and services ofGeneral Granf, for sal bv JAMES MURRAY. U. S. 10-40 BONDS. ! I These Bonds arc issued under the Act of j Jongress ef March 8th, 1S64, which pr-j- ides ' ' p v' r ir''!'1 f " i t V x Vl o Vi"1 l I'-XCMI'I I-KG-i TAX A II OX by or under any state or municipal authority. Shhscnpti.ns to these B-hh. are received u. Ilr.itp.i States notes or notes of .N&.innsil ..- COIN, at the pleasure ot the G ..vcrnmmt, W V1 ten nor More t.'tan i"W -' ' ...... i f W no .cs man ten nor more ttian f',rUJ Wirs from tllfc,r 1;Ue anri ur,nl rc-bmp tiuQ rIVE 1M':R Ui-T" MEREST WILL B PAID IN COIN, on Ihmds of t over one nurtiiei; dollars annually ami on a 1 other Uond.-i .-emi-a'iuual iy. The iutere-st is i payabh; on the li.-.-t daj-s of March and Si p ; tcuibei- in each year. : iSuhs-rihers will receive either Hegisterfd ! or (rtiiipon 11 n Is, as they in iy prefer. Le- jtislered Bonis are rec.rrdevl on the books of i the U. S. Treasurer. ai:l can be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Honda 1 are payable to betfrer, and are mere c.uve i nient for commercial uses. i Subscribers to this loan will have the op I tion of having their Ponds draw interest 1 : from March lt, by paying the accrued in- ! ' tcrest i'i coin for in United States notes, j j or the notes of National Hunks, ad -Tim; ti'ty iter cer.t. t r premium.) or receive them ! drawing inter-.-t from the date of subscript tion and deposit-. Asthe-e Pxitidsiirc EXEMPT FROM MU X ICI PA L ( )R STATE I TAXATION, their v:i!ti" i.; i icrcascl from one to three j per cent, per annum. Recording to th.? rate ; of tax levies in various parts of the country, i At the present rate of piemiuin on gold I they pay I OVER EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST J in currency, and are of equal convenience ! as a peimanent or temporary inve.-tment. j It is believed that no sicuiities oiler so gnat inducements to lenders as the various ; ie.-eripti":ir of U. S. Bonds. In all other j foims of indebtedness, the faith or ability of , private parties or stock companies it stpa ; rate communities only is pledged for pay- ,' ii, ent, while f .r the debts of the United ; States the whole propeity ef the couutiy is luiden to secure the payment of both prii. I t-ipal and interest in Ce-in. i The.-e l!ohds maj be subscribed for in j stuns from -"500 ui to any magnitude, on the- ! same terms, available to and are thus made cauaHv the t-mailcst lender ami and ' the largest capitalist. Th?v can be c ti-i verted it. to iniMiev at any Moment, ami the 1 ! holder will have the benelit of the inteicst. ' ; It may be u.-efid to .-ta'e In thi.- cotit.ee i i lion th.it 1 1 . j total Funoe-i Debt of th -United ' States oi, whh-l) ii.s it-.--'. i jiaal le in j-dd. I j on the :5d d;'v i f M irch, lo'.4. w.s T; j i V'io.OoO. The interest on this debt t 'I the ; Coining ti-cal year will b- . 15 017. l2 i, while toe ciis.i.us revenue u. uo.d l--t tin- j ctirrenl li.cal ear e-nviit.;. du e- oi.i::., i;A, has teen & fV at the rate oi .vcr -Jlt-lht'oO, j 0J0 tnilli n per aiit-Uin. It will is seen that own t"ie prestr.t g.-' : j i.. venues of the G o' crntia i t ate hi, eiy in j excess of the wat.U of ti.e Tieast.ry for the ' jtayment of gold inti nst, wi. lie the re-cent j ineieuso of tho taritf will doi.h'.icss r..i-e the i nuttitul receipts fn.sn cusio, ns on tl.e same j an, lint of tlo.-Tt Jtlons, to $ ! -1-0 ..X'U.OOO i I . r antiitin. Iti-t.m-ti -us to the Nati-mal Ib-i.ks acting j i .i is loan ajeids wvre not issuea : : mi ine d Sures Treasuiv mdil M irch but in the first throe weeks of Aprd ti e siib scrii.fi itis averaL-ed mm e than 'I LN MIL LIONS A WEI K. Sub-eriptioiis will 'he recti ved by he Fit st Na'.i .!. a! Rank of iVil.id- pi. ia Pa. Second National B ink of I'hd it Pa. ! T 'cUl' Bank of Pldhil.-I .1 ii. P.i. AND 1;Y ALL OTIH'R N '!'10N A L j vvliierj a iR'Ji ,s,.o il !'. Pit m- 'tivy, LANKEUS a.-. :l.'t n ts of and all 11I SI E'TABI.I RANKS el mitrv. (actiuy t in 'iL'i lout the the Ni.th md D.'M sir. rv ihitd;.-; will fmnish fr.'tbcr iiii..rnii?!ou on api-Heati-m ai d AI-FOPD EVERY I'.XCII.ITY TO SUB s-:i:i!;' Rs. JUM ls04 if Margaret Kvatts by he 1 ln.-Xt fl i- ItoLei t 1 hi vis, IS. David Evans. i IN the j Cominoii j C.md via ( 'tin 'leas tint v. of! N. ) June Ter.n, j c.l. 1 ! T. r rn t .-I. m. j: rim in J Dirarr.;. To DAVID EVANS, the ah ,vc named Lt brler : YOU ary hereby notified, that in pursu ance of an order of Court in the above ! stated case, volt arc rtqu.r ! to be and an- ! pear in y.nr pr .per person b.-f..re the Judges ! of the said Court, on the Pi.-st Monday of ; September nxt, at' i.u-hs.jurg. to antwer I the petition of lilx'l of thr- s.ti 1 Margaret ! Evans, and to show cause, if any you have, I why the said Marg-m-t Evans, votit wife. should not be t'ivorced I'rntn the bonds of! ! matrimony, agreeably to the Acts of Gece j I ral Assenibh- in such case made and provi- J ! - Ti l' IX- TT-17 - I i t:to. "on. uuca, i Ebcnsburg. June 29, 18tU 4t Sheriff. IV oiler. Iett'-rs testamentary on the , T , i l.'..r,r . . t . r estate of John IL Hans, carpenter, late of ,, , . . .- p.,, ' j ti Cambria townsn p, Cami-i-ia county, dec d, , . , i,., r - a e ) havmc been grantetl by the Register of said county to the nndersind. Notice is hereby given" to all those indebted to said estate to come and settle tho same ami those having claims against said estate to preseut them dulv authenticated fe.r settlement. JAMES MYERS. June 29, 1SG4-Ct - Executor. A TTESTlOXi 3L persons in debted to the uuelersi:ned will please come and settle up their old accounts, and save cots JAMES MAGUIRE. July 13. 64. 1 0B WORK 0 F A L L KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE, ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES- HIPPING TO AND FROM ENG LAND. IRELAND AND SCOTLAND, i:y thi; GALWAY LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, m MONTREAL do. dj. AND WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. U: al'ts at S:g!.t f ir 1 uii.1 uw.-.rd--, National D ink and Branches. Payable) in all the City's and Towns in England, Ir,; land, Sc-thind ami 'A'a'es free of I'is -ouiU. H. a. o. k ::;;p.. MiV ISol ly. Aitoona. rjlhl. way fr hortlto, t'hei.t Spilnvr 1 AND ST. AlKiCSlINM. Tli subscriber, having purchased the en tire stock of Horses, Hacks, Carriage.-, A.c., ,,f tb,: late, firm ,,f pyau e'V: Durbin, b"gs K.ive to inform ids friends and the puhlio in jenerai that ho is m.w prepared to fin nir.1, tl.em with every a jcommoeiution in his iiiie of husii.e.-s. His line of Hacks corinei t with all the trains ,,u the Pa. R. R., .-.ilow-ihg passengers u delay whatever. C.d!s a;was promotlv attenitc-l to. JOE F. DriiPIN. L -ret'o. .Tune 1804-lv. TAN1IOOI) : JjL HOW LOST. HOW RE 'TO RED. &,l?f , J'lst pldil;-lied. a now t-dlti-et , Ur of DR. CULVER WELL'S CEL v S3Si5r EBRATED ESSAY mi the nil ra' cure (without medicine) ed" Si'hitvi v r ut T:iU-:., or seminal we-akiic-s, I'tvoiuutary Seminal Losses, Im1'(JT1:ni'V, Meu'a! and Pi.ysiciil Incapacity. Impediments in Ma nage, etc.; also, O'N.i-.vpi-io.v. hj'ii.n-y , and El i s, induced by self-indalge.uce cr sex ual extravagance. Piii-e in a sealed envelope, on'y six cents. The celebrated author in this ad nirahle essay clearly demonstrates, from a tiirtv years successful practice, that the alarming c.'Use.puences of self-ahr.se may ba r ulically curei! without tiie dangerous u.-,o of internal medicine err the application of the knife pointing oi t a m ie ot cure, at rue- simple, certain an 1 . ;i ctnal. by means ol whi.di every .-ntf-rer. no matter what hi.-. c-.U'htion m i; b", in i v euro himself cheaply, piivit-j-iy , and ruJici'li. tSr -This Lecr.urc should be in the hands . f every yotitli and eveiy man in t'ne hi:i !. Sctit. luh-r seal, in a plain eiive'op.-, t any ad Less. n-r(-jt z i, u rev--; pt of six cents, or two p 'st stauitw. A Muss the ptibiish -r. CHAS .1. C. K LI N E .v , 1 J7 P.O'-VERY. NEW YORK. J:'...c 1-3. 'ol I v Pjstoiiicu b. x PK.N .sYI.VAS I A It Alt. IIOAI. se HI I'll. 1.. LEAVE WESTWARD." 'I I . i STATIONS. '4 J ' -J Ifz -P. f. A.M.' A. M. P.M. P.M. Altoona, 7.80 td 7.13 Kittainiii g, ' 7 Oaliilin," ps.10 ' O.O.", 7 V CrtiSson, r 1 ( i Pl 1 1 7.r,s Lilly's 1 -). Porta-i . H.lh Vv ilniotv, ph-i:i ' 8 -i Stirv.tm ibid, ' i H XI S iiith Fork. i Mineral Point. il Cnemau-h. r?.P 0 52 9 58 S -'o Johnstown. l-'Jl'i ' t 58! 100 1 1M1! LEAYE EASTWARD tTL . ' STATIONS. jq 2 uL ,S H ! r-ii P. M. A.M. I A.M ; A. M Johnstown, V 7. 31 Conernaueh. l'7.39 U.:)7 1 1.42 ro ' l-O 02 07 Mineral Point. ! ' I O.PJ South Fork. Summerhiil. Wilmore. rS.ll Portige, I 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 oo 1 .IS 20 itr rC 1'J I Billy's, i Cresson, rS.lJ ; 1 T 08 Ganitzio. I S .17 12.42 j pT.l" Kittanning. Alroona. 9 20: l.lo 7. CO EPENSP.UP.G .V- CRLSSON RAILROAD On nn.l nfter Monday. Ma . V,. 1 f.')Z. trains on this road will run as follows : Leavk EnExsni KG At 7,00 A. M., connecting with the B :'t more Express West and Through Accotn modation East. t ' At fi,40 P. M., connecting with the Matt Train West and. Through Express East. Leavk C::essos At 10.45 A. M.. or n depart tire f dnro A econ i m od a t i o 1 1 West . At 9. 15 P. M., or on departure of Express East and Mail West. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen. Sir ot. I76try Main. . ij Came to tue null o! the subscribers on or about the 20th instant two very small mules, no particulai marks on them. The owner is requested to comet forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be dis posed of accordincr to law. 1 E. SHOEMAKER $ CO.. rsoninan jiui. Washington township. Cambria Co. June 20. 18G4-3t The Life ani Campaigns of General Me CLellan. f r sale by ci.ian, JAMES MURRAY. The pceuViar taint or infection whie-U we call Scnon-i.A iuiki in the constitutions nf innlritrulcs of ruin. It either produces or is liroiltteeel Jiv nn jtHl.-.5:- vl - feehled, vitiated stale? or too i;;o(ni. herein t r-rr.',,.i:; h- timt ihiiel Lceoiiies iu- 1.1 r '.It C-.iL tre-oiapetent to sustain .:T7L:j .Vr'.r.:I:!!i'-' vital forces in th. BkCrg K?.C(Bv--iIvi-"orous aeti.n, a iS.y :'!j-lTj-',!.v.: -.leaves the syst. tn J " j v .tT"-'."'!''"; vital lorres in t::e:r illl.l to r'la'd into disorder and : ilecay. The scrofulous containinatioti is viuion-ly caiiseil !v mercurial disease, low livinrr, tlisor.'.ered digestion from unhealthy looil, impuif nir, filth and tilthv hahits,. the depressinn- vi.-e-, aiul, i.bove r.'.I. by the vo!!erc:;l insect ion. Whateve r ! its ori-m, it is hereditary in tltt- eotisiitutiuii, deseeinlinc; " from parents to ehiblren unto the third i.i,;l fourth feneration;" imie.-d. it-seems to he the rod of Him who says, " I ui.'l visit the iniiiiu ties of the fullers upon their children." Tbo diseases which it oriiieite-s take various narr.'-s, ne-cor.ling: to the organs it attacks. In the hms, Scrofula tiro. laces tubercles, ami finally Co!i.uinption ; in the ;,':m-ls, sweliiugs v. liich suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in tho stomach and bowels, derangements which pro duce indiure'-tion, dy-ni-psia, ami iivcr conj plaints; on the skin, eruptive mil cutaneous a!7et ti .ns. These nil liavinr the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. ptirilu-itio'i and inviiroi-ution of the blod.l. I'urily the blood, iiu.t tbesr d.:n..-!oa.; d;su-i!i.ers" leave vuu. Vit!t i'eeli'.e, foul, or eonitj ted blood, von can not have health; with that " life of the tlc-h " healthy, you cannot have sfrtfu'ous dLca.'e. Aycr'a Sarcaparilla l- eoinpotmde.l from the most ctl'ecfu.i! ar.ti- dote- licit ni.-'lical seieiice bus discovered tor i this afiiiciiiig distemper, and for the cure of the 1 disorders it entails. That it i far superior to ' any oth'-r remedy yet devised, is known bv all ! whet have 'given it a trial. 'I'hat it does com- j bine virtues truly extraordinary in their ett'e-c t ! upon tins class ot complaints, is mdisput.iL.y proven by the great multitude of publicly- known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil Or Glandular Swelling?, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony'3 Fire, Salt Pheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Hercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that tirise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual eases may be found in Ay Kit's Amkiuc.is Almavv. which is furnished to the draughts tor gratui'ons distribution, wherein mav be Jearit'-d lliu directions for its use, and some of tl reiiiioknble cures w lii. h t has made when thcr re-medi'-s bad tl-.iled to afford relief. ail ot Those ca-es are purnftselv taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every render may have a'vc-.i to -ome one who tan speak to him of it- 1 n.-lits from personal exp'-iiein e. Scrofula dep'. "es.-es the vital eneigie--. and thus leaves it- victims far more subject to disense mul ii fantl result- thim are heulihy eoti.-tiiti-tioc.s. Ii-iiee ir tends to shorten, mid docs greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The importance of these coti-ide-ra- tions has led us to s.nd e:us in perleclin a remedy v.hi'h i- r.d'-ipuite to its cure. Thi.-, c h'A oiler to the public under the name of Am' S vh.-a iv ni li.a. :.l'hough it i eoiu jio -ed of iniHcdicins, some of whieli exceed the lie-st of S',s '7c'.t in aherative fowi-r. Py i;- .id you may proteei y-)ur-clf iroui the siillcr-iii-j, and i!:i 'er of these tliorders. Pure tut tin- foil! eo-rupf ion- that rot uud fester in t!:e hlo5-l ; purge out the cati-es of disease, and ii;oro:js lie.ihh will tuilow. J5y its peetilinr virtue- this rcin.'dv stimulates the vital fimc- and thus within the fi. I.- the system or distempers which Liirst out on anv hi pa-1 of it We know the pn'.oc have b. en deceived by mitttv cotut'ontids of S-ifitfarilht, that pt onriccd time!) ami !i ' nothing: but they will neither be d'-ecived nor di-eppointed in this. Its virtues i. ve been nroven by c.bunihmt trial, ami there rcu us no question of its surpassing excellence lor the cute ot the ::tU!'-t::i- diseases it is m- tended io reach. Although under tho si.nie na .i . it is a very ililierenl me-Jii-ine from any other v.hi' h has been beftre the people, and is far ui ore effectual than anv oth-rr which lias ever been avaii.'.ble tr, thciu. AY2IJ.'S CHERRY SECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Cole! s, Incipient Con bumption, uud for the relief of Consnmptivo patients in advanced stages of tho disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that it; quality is kept up to the hi--t it ever has been, uud that it may bo relied on to do all it has ever done. Prcpated by Dm J. C. Ayf.k & Co , " Eracticii and Anolyticcd Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all d.ugLi:ts everywhere. D:t R S. i'.UNN. Ebensbiog. C T LKAZEl;. Johi.s-own. P. 11 SHIELDS. Le.iret;-'. and. . i very a he re. June 15. lsiM. 1 ht-rifl'ii Sale, Vend.. Ex pom i P.Y virtue ol sued out of the Common Pieas ot Cituiaia L-oiiniy. ati.i io . i .i -ii t , ...l . t .. t:.- lUe- elireele-'l, tlie.lt' win o- c.'o.-,r. te i eun. Sale tLt the house of Patrick Shiels, in Lo- LV.....I... .i... vl.,..u.,l,.L..,f ll,. ouse of I .i nc.. b nels, in Co- m ay t ue bixteenth day of July o clock, P. M .tne following ret to. on cuiin next, at one U -ii! l-.state, to w it : All the right, title and interest of J. lilair Moore, ot. iu and to a piece or parcel ef laud situated in Allegheny township, Cambria co-.inty, adjoining lam! ol i henias l anisn, Peter Kerrigan and others containing alx-ut forty -five,'1' acres (45) more or less, about twenty live acres of which are cleared hav ing t hereon erected a one story log house and a small log barn, now iu the occupancy of Margaret Daily. Taken in execution and to 1m? sold at the Buit of John J. Glass. JOHN RUCK, Sheriff. . SiiruirF's Office, Ebensburg, June 20, 18G4-4t The life and ticrvioee of General Butler for 5nbj bv i ' JAMAS MURRAY. 4 r- " ! HELJMBOLD'S i Genuine Preparations. ! COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. i a Positive and Specific Remedy for disease of the l;hi.hkr, Kidm-vs, Gravel, and Drop i bieal Swell-ngs. j ins iledteine inc tca.-e tlie power of Di gestion, ;,:,d excite the Absotbe'nts into hea.tny aciion. Ty y.hich the V.'atory or Ca.e.iro. ns deposition-, and all Unnatural r.hl ogemei.ts are re in, ...1 .... ,.-il o. i.,:.. a; I id imm.ui. n. IlELMBOLD'S EXTRACT P.UCI1U. For Weaknesses aii.vng from Exees.. Habits Ib'.tS O. U-.ssinatl -n. Kailv In. ii,.ei. a!,,., . f Abuse, alfende'd with the following svmp loii:: InOtSpositiOl t-. E. , L iss of Pov:tr4 u'.tv of P.i lathing, T'.emblins, Loss 1" Mem--rv. Weak Nerves." Horror of Di-eas' I 'iniTicss of Visio D f.:. .1 u '. ness , t m in the Hack. Universal Las-.itu ic of the M i. scalar System j li .1 ll.tr). is. I l f 1 1 :.., of thj Skin. I " Paliid C T T Fo-si.itig of the B kIj , E. options i,n the F.tc. Utitcllaliev. I Ihise symptoms. It Aoowc t go on. removes. J which this ::;cdi:::.c ii I s.oon ('.,'lows i fiij t ttvi, Fr'tn'h. I In .me of which i'ie t'iti . ii v. ria id- Etffrj'tic Fitj, ent nciv expin-. I ho can say that tbr.v are tint frequently I f -Rowed by thi.se Direful Dtsea cs " ' i 'INSANIiV AND CONSUMPTION." i M.iiiy are aw are of the cause of their u.:T- But v. ul ccr.fcs the record of tl u4 Insane Asylums. .-! Ml'jnchrjlj lteathx b Consumption Lear ample witness to the Truth of the s at rf ii -ti. Thf Constitution once tifected with Orvunic j ev;u:sj requires tl.e aid of Mediciue t. j Strengthen and Invi.;. rate the System, Which Ili-tt m.t.n's ' I-'VTl! ('T Wrm: i nrariahhi tloes. most ekeplical. A Trial will convince tho FEMALES FEMALES FEMAI ES In mam AjJVclioits jieculiar to Ftiialt.i the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irre ttuhtrity, Paitifiilness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuchorrl oca or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex. whether arising from indiscretion Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Tahc no nu-rr 'o.v..oi . Mercury, or un- j pjt,jxa:it Mfdi'incj fur unpleasant and dan-. : ,jfy,tis dixiascis. HELM HOLD'S EXTBACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their Stages, At little Expense'. 1ttie or ne ehat-g' in Diet. No inconve nience. And n' Exposure. It c.utsfs it freijuei.t de-sire and giv.t s'.rei gth to Urinate, thereby Removing Ob-.-t' ucti-ns, Prevcntn g and Cuiing Stri. t-iii.-s of the Urethra, allaving Pain and Di- !!.i:nt:iati n . so tr ::. n the class of eases, cue! txpcllinir J'w'soiious, Di$':'t??l and 'ri.oi i M ;'r. Ti;ou.-an Is upon Ti t u-ands who hav i eei: the Vi. 'inis o! O c.cl'.s. and who have paid ; ft c.v to Ie enr-d iti i short tim. have t'-utt'd they m-u thceived, and liiflt ri e P(MSON"' in s. by the ttse of 'Power ful Astrtii.T-n's." hith dried up in the sys tem, to break out iu an aggravated form, and j'crhops aft-r Murricjc. Use ILlmb. Li's 1-Atract Buchu for all affections and di.-easi.s of the URINA BY Ollt JANS, whether existing in MALE or FEMALE, fi in whatever cause oiiinatin and r.omiMei of IIOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of the.-e Organs reoinres the aid of a DIUPE.'IO. HKL.MP.OLD'S KX T II ACT IlITilb IS THE GREAT DIUR ETIC, and i certain to have tl.e eh-j-ired ell'eet in ali Diseases rbr v. hich ii is JUc'm- -,!l"tl:V.d. lividetice of the tii'.i.-t reliable and respor.-sibh- character will accompany the mcelici ne. Price $1,00 per bottle, or six fer So. 00. !)elivered to any Ad 'ness, s-ccv.rely paeked fio'ii e-hserv ition. I Describe Symj'tohix in all Connitunicatitms ; Cures Guaranteed! Advice GratW- Address letters .'or i: f-'iin.it ion to ' II. R. HKLMP.0LD, Chen ist, 104 South Tenth st., bed. Chesuut, Phiii i HEL.MP.OLD'S M-dical D it, ! II LLM HOLD'S ,' uij .:n,l Chemical Ware j house, 504 P.roadwav. New York. 1 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND j UN PLINCil'LED DEALERS who ende j vor to dispose "of'thtir iiini" and "otur'' j ir'' i',-y on the. repvtatiem attained by j Helmbold's O-.-n nine Prcparati.tt s. Extract b'ticliu. ' Sarsaparilla. i ' Improved Rose Wash. i .e'.i i crs SOLD BY : ALL DRUGClSTS EVERYWHERE. : ASK FOR HFLMLOLD'S. TAKE NO . j OTHER. ' Cut out the Advr-rtisemer.t and send for it ,i writ of j AN D AVOID IMPOSITION AND EX emu of ! POSURE. .uarcu it, ioin.-ii 1 - - , I ' -- y AN 1NVAL1I j,,,,,,; f(,r tllC petufit . Tf) v0Uv-G ylEN the Confr mlonii aitd KxutrUucc of AN INVALID. find as a CAU- nd others, who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Mauhcotl, &c, supplying at tho same time The Meaks of Self-Ccue. By one w ho has cured himself after undergoing consielerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope single copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAY FA I R. Esq.. i Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. i. j June 15. l8C4lyl License Xoilc. Tho following petitions will be presented for action of the Court, at next Argument Court, to be held for Cambria county. TAVERN. Adam Kurtz. Cambria Borough. M. Eicheosehr, Conemaugh Bor. 2nd vVard. T. A. Gibbon. Allegheny township. Mr? Karns, r'utnir.crhiSl township. 'I x s Ik. . , B I : V ', p.: II Ef I I;' I; k - I . . IS ;.