Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, April 29, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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    gcmocrat anb Sentinel.
called, ami through compromise ami con
cession, our present Constitution was
adopted; which would have secured to
us a lasting peace, had Abolitionism not
tampered with its wise limitation?. It was
the work, not of an Administration, but
J of the pecjJe, through their respective rep
i resentalivcs. Hut it is claimed by the
opposition, that Abraham Lincoln is the
government and that he has power to
' nltrr nholisli or annul all. or anv nart of
J. s. TODD, Editor & I"nullslier. i ' ' '
. . - the Constitution to suit the whims of an
imaginary " necessity. We emphati-
s. l. I'ettenglll A. lo...
Advertising Agents, 37 Park How
New York, and 10 State reet, Boston,
re the authorized Agents for the "Dem
ocuai Jk Sesttisel, autl the most influen
tial and largest circulating Newspapers in
the United States and Canadas. They
are em petered to. contract for jisatcur
Delegate Election.
" The Democratic voters of Cambria coun
ty, are requested to meet at the usual places
for holding elections in the several districts
cf said County, on
next, to choosa tv.'o delegates from each
election district, to meet at the Court House,
in the Borough of Ebeusburg, on
following, to nominate a County ticket, and
tmusact such other businu&s as may be
brought before the Convention.
" The elections will open at three o'clock,
P. M., anC clostt at six o'clock. P.M.
April 29, 1SC3J Chairciaii.
cally deny that power. The people alone
I have ixwcr to change or abolish their
i c
forms of government. ' Let us then, act
after the wisdoni of cur State Legislature,
and favor a convention or' all or tirer
jourf.'i by t?te States' jet reason, com
promise and the ballot-box, take the place
of the sword and the bayonet ; let the
military- autlioritics be subordinate to the
civil law j let us hold up the Constitution
to the Southern iicople the only bond of
the Union -and say to them that their
rights slmll be protected umkr the provi
sions of that instrument; and soon the de
vastation and clamor of war, will yield to
the influence ; and we shall again have
peace, without which, we repeat, there
I can be no Union.
Tlie Way it can be Done.
'Peace and. howl" sneers the Alle
gltanioji at the speech of -J. E. Scanlan,
Esq., a brief report of which we gave two
weeks ago. Is the Alleyhaniau opposed
to peace altogether ; and to what end ?
Docs it prefer war, anarchy and confusion
-bankruptcy ' and ruin, to an honorable
and amicable peace ; or doe it really
favor an Abolition dynasty to be centrali
zed in one man, against the wUhes of a
large majority of the people ? If it be
really in favor of the Union as it ostensi
bly professes to be, why is it opposed to
peace, without which the Union cannot
exist t Or does it blindly suppose that
the self-reliant North can force "eight
million Southerners into terms of pence
"at the point of the bayonet, backed only
Hut it is urged that the South should
be tl.c first to make " overtures of con
ciliation." To this we answer, that an
offer from h respectable quarter of the
South, to return to the old Union, was
made to the Administration, but was re
jected in December last. If that be true,
(and it has never been officially cortra
dicted,) and considering also, the bitter
partizan hatred with which this war is
now being waged to coerce the South into
terms of peace, there is little hone' or in
ducement for the Southern people to make
overtun. s of conciliation, knowing full
well titat they would be spurned. . Hut,
leaving that aside, would it not le mag
nanimous, in the " self-reliant North
to' extend the olive branch, and orTvr them,
not terms of a disgraceful j?aco, hut that
which the Constitution yuitrnntefs to them ?
their rights all their rights, and nothing
more. Would such assurances of friend
ship ' go fourth among the nations of the
earth as an acknowledgment tliat the
self-reliant North are unable to eoje with
eight million Southerners t" Proud Kn-
bv foolish nroclamations ? If so. it smHIv
Mistakes, not only the military strength of n"1 aJ'a,n"- ' to
eight mulioiis of Southerners, but tin tern- vt ,he carl-v c,,,unk9 aSaI;,st tho
p. r and forbcaranceof an outraged ..eopk at ! li,nUh OTwn' lcl7n' cf .iiciliaiion,
tha North, whose libertks are tenml , ' "",C and ;il" if they would return to
the fulcrum of " with Abuii- j tht"r a,I3P'- The " Cariisk-
tion notions of negro crwality. Have n.. ! Wllh tno ot!,or "" were sent
two yes of unsuccessful Abolition war-1 tllls at an early stage of the
fare of butchery and rapine, leen replete j rcvo!l,!n wilh fu!l I" to negotiate
with disasters to prove the fallaov of their ' a,w an-v iu trral rebels
course and Mr. Laneom's utter inability to
conquer the . South into terms of peace f
Have not the combined efforts of this
Administration and Congress a?sistd bv
in arms, providing they would acknowl
edge t!i3 old government.
Would it then, be humiliating : to the
pride of thi great nation, tliat while we
culituitcd ressurces of men ;nd monov. ! 're tL:st tha laws must be enforced,
usurpation cf pwcr and all the d'.abvniefthj 'M.-ptvc to tlie w-.iyAvanl sisters their
trickery tlutt New England f.uu.iicim ! const itulional nl.ts, with iull asi:niiiec
.could invcai, gone to -substantiate, the ' "!lt 'i ytinVi be repectel oiul pro-
tratluulness of or.hat the illustrious Don"- tected ! . Not at all. Will it not be liet
las plainly told ilm in the Senate chain- i ttr 10 in time, than be
"bvr! namely: that " trar it diaun.'u,! f j forced, flna'l;-, to yield to a separation,
Tlicy luive j.ackneycd our brave armie ? which t:n:-t r.-su't in total dlMntegration
thi-ongh peril juh! disasters from Charles- j tu thirty-lour States to become the
ton ta New Oriean?, from t!e la..alian- ! PJf foreign nations
nock to the Kocky ilountain? ; and from ! We cniuiot escape hitory," stirs Mr.
thence bjurk to I'oi t Sumter ; like a ccur.fy Lincoln ; iK-ithercanyon wipeout its traces:
surveyor, they have arrived at the place j butitsteachuiSdinclxicktousrrpIetewuh
of beginning: but without having ob- ! precedents, proving that coercion, bvarbitra
tained any practicable results., either ry power, will never restore quit tude to rc-
favdrable to the tnion or discouraging to ! bel'.ious States- that wh rcTcr it wus nt
Southcm traitoi-s. ' What, then is to be I tempted to fores a pc-a'ce at the point cf
doiw ? A vigorous prosecution of the j the bayonet, it has failed ; and resulted,
war'.' c-y the sanguinary leeches at ; either in subjugution or a final separation,
Washington, and every tty Abolition J and not unfrequently a subversion of the
press echoes, ''a vigorous prosecution of j lrciit government. History &1k teaelu's
the war. Hut vacv, how terrible that j us that in every govennent having any
little word sounds to thorn, because- by it ( show of liberty r.t a!!, ifie fxojl were
consummation tliey knjw their vocation j sovereign, and that they who ruled were
aiwl revelry would end ; and that a day j the tcrrantj, not masters of the peo
cf retribution rouM inevitably H,llo-. j pie. That wherever a people were strippeil
Their " "niiq.sities , are always lefore j of tlu ir ouL-titutiomd immunities, it was
them,' axA they fair the just chas- ! through heresies, siu h as nw threaten
tiscment-of a wronged and inultcd pep- j the liU-rtios of tlie American citizen:
PV- ' j namely; that an unstable incumbent of a
Hut if the Aluijloj iitn hi sincere ia its ". finite oifice, if the Government li-dit or
iiKiuiiivs of-how a lasting peace can be wrong. It then Ixhooves us to be erv
obtained, we refer it, for the information. J watchful, that while we are endeavoring
to our early history, to the teachings and i to bayonet the South into terms of sub
wisdom of those sages who founded this ; mi.-sion, we loose not our liberties ; for jf
great Kepublic, and it will there tin.!, tliat j the present heresies are allowed to gain
.uhhoih General Washington, widi his I precedent, we may have the war broii-ht
.trutfy vctrrrais conquered proud England : home to us; .we may have an. adruinistra
and dnve from our short, the mercenary I tion fighting " cpperhead.-." Instead of
Lords of King Grg.-, I.e did not attempt ' thirty-four free and ind- jndent States,
to fonv a constitution nor the nieosun-n of we may have a centralized d. K)ii-iu
- section n;Kn the tuirtet n Stntes, but . wlir.-in the pi.. will have n. no.
L,m mi-.n u a- .i-wtndr-i. Couv, ii H4jr: ' Oi:, Ut Kirt-r a -ay our inhrrit-
ancc of liljerty, that priceless boon which
cost our fathers years of privation and
toil. Le t us not spurn those maxims
which have " been established for more
than two hundred years ; but let us profit
by the history of the past, and we may
yet be able to perpetuate this Govennent
in all its brightness and vigor, long after
the present administration and its heresies
shall have been lost in the twilight of ob-livim-
Delegate Election.
"At the head of our columns will ' be
found the usual call of the ChairmanHf
the County Committee, for a Delegate
Election. It is to be hoped the Demo
cracy of the county, everywhere, will at
tend to this important matter. It is an
erroneous idea, for Democrats (as we have
heard it sometimes,) to say they will not
meddle in the primary election, ami con
sequently, if the nominations do not
please them, they are under no obligations
to support them. We do not think this
doctrine prevails to any extent, but it
may be well for every Democrat to con
sider, that if he stays away from the Del
egate election, and the ticket when nom
inated, does not please him, he has no
body to blame for it but himself. - The
man who fails to qssist in sending in good
representatives to the, County Convention,
should not complain if the nominations
do not please him ; because his remedy is
in the primary elections. Every Demo
crat is bound, by the usages of the party,
to support the nominees thereof ; because
he is supposed to have assisted in placing
those nominees on the ticket. v Notice is
always given in ndvance, and every Dcsn-
ocrat is called upon to assist in placing a
ticket in the field to be voted upon at the
October election. Thus, it will be seen,
by the beauty of Democracy, the people
have the power of government in their
own hands if they would but attend to it-
Iet the eople bear in mind that tfify are
the sovereigns, and that thepersons elected
to office arc their cnxiuti. And bearing in
mind this great IXnnocratie principle of free
government, it behooves the people to se
lect through their representatives good men
trusty servants, to occupy the offices in
their gift ; and more especially at this time,
wlen tlx' lieresy of,. jvhieh
teaches that office-holders lire the ttwuters
of the icoj4e, is being forced upon us by
oath bound , lenghrs and tlu influence of
I'roitd I'harltalCAl England.
Tlie hyjiocraey ofGnst 1'ri tain, -which
has been for vears .-bedding cnwlile
a man whose political faith is that of four- J number of the GUbc from the conimence
Lfifths of the citizens . of this county ; a
man 'who has gone forth among the
swamps of Virginia, to do service to his
Abolition TLojalfy.
The AUeghanian makes a fierce decent
upon Lieut- Edward R. Dunegan of the
125th I. V. becaose be would not sub
scribe to bitter partisan Abolition resolu
tions, endorsing the diabolical wickedness
of this administration. It doubts Mr.
Duncgan's ' loyalty and impeaches his
integrity, because he refused to do that
which is the duty of every soldier, the
endorsing of Abolition sentiments, to be
sure ; It contends that Mr. Dunegan, be
ing a " foldier sporting sliouhltr strip
is HOUND to subscribe to those princi
ples ; and adds, that Mr. Dunegan In
refusing to do so is guilty of perjury!
tliat he has regarded Lis oath as a mere
rope of sand. .Here citizens of Cambria
county, is the stalking blasphemy of the
Alirgfianian, against one of your compeers
who was born and reared in your midst ;
The IIuntlnRdonClobe.
The Huntingdon dolt came to us
last week, specially marked, with a card
addressed to tlie press of the State,
wherein the editor " asks it as a
great favor tliat the press of the State,
announce through their column," that be
and bis paper have been rid out of the
Democratic party. We might as well be
telling an intelligent community that the
Harrifburg Ttl'yniph or the Alif-jttanian
that copies its editorials, or that any other
well known Abolition paper, was not
Democratic, as to assure the people that
the Globe, and its editor did not be
long to ihe Democratic paity. Whoever
has read tlie Gcle, or any number of it,
during tlie last two -rears, would never
accuse its editor for being a Democrat.
We think his fears- of being rariktd a
Democrat are altogether unfounded; forany
CJ The following is a li of t-
contributions, taken at a coCecC
Patrick's Church of this tnax. r-'
day the 2Gth inst., for the aid
ing Ireland.
Hon. Jchn Mottt. ,
Mrs. Elixa M'ltonald.
James I vws
Mrs. E Gibson.
Ja. S. Todd.
Miss. Anast&sia Gats',
Jacob Tun.
Mn. Mrj O'Xvws,
JoLu Dougherty,
Mrs. Andrew Levi.
Mrs. lVJJock,
John Deck. -
Vis Ellen Sb-rt.
Tatnck Farrsc,-
VJisa Mry Tieruer,
rs. T. O" Ci-i.ce"!,
Jas. C. Murray,
RiWrt L JoLnston.
Jcf. M'D .nj.'J,
M. lUr.. .
TiiiJip C-Ti'.r.r.
Wm. Kitt VJ,
Phil. 5. Nsor..
E-iward jti9fultr, Sr.,
Edward G'is".
Ja. P. Mnrra.
mcnt of this rcticllion to the present day,
will bear ev idv nee sufficient todeinone:ratc, ' e'"r ir
that its elitor belongs to tlie smallest cali- ; James J. Uavlur.
JoLn M"BnJ,
F. A. Sboemiker,
bre of the Greelv Abolition sc!koI.
"The Kigiit Mas ix n:r IiKiirr Jost i h Eack.
PiCE. We observ ed the editor of the y,Lom" ,M."B7,cn-
! Mrs. F. I:tt?y,
AUjJutukin, List week, with a long goad. a. Carney.
driving a four ox team, through the mud ' fcaeeai&V-:r. Jr.,
. . ... . - ,e ... . , ! Robert XI am v.
cnnntrv. wli! vT15fvrs -Vir L-no-n rtn
a show of patriotism and ' loyalty," by
decorating their dwellings and cow
stables with ten cent flags, are lurking at
home, preferring blasphemies and charges
Vl uitiui uii itiuw uo and nun, witli a Imge saw 1-g attactjctl. ! j..'l3 Frren
will not subscribe to their nefarious beter- From the arpaniit skill with r.hieh t!;.- 'r-'" v,: ite-
'.1 -r T ; r ..... 4 .. . - - . : -Vni. So tt VVnn
uuuaj. lyunrguu is k young man oi 0id fellow managed the tir lv q'M Irurh Kj;.-. j To,. ,..ju
boiKirand high respectability; and his j we concludetl it was Lis natural v.ion. ! -'rie- l'raule;.
word to-day, we venture to assert, will go uv tlie ordinance of nature ; ail tliat in j llh r'''
farther among t! people of this county ni0unting the tripxHl, he Lad. r.t -u:i Vred an Mrs Guiicv.
than will .Mr. lWkcx-s; a man, U cause av,H-ation wherein Lis kvitiitte and : C'Vn
of a small advancement in tlie price of I natural t.ilent conld not display itself. M'KIuiic.
shuck, is in favor of prolonging this war, 1 i JoLa l:y.
that he mav fatten an 1 thrive on tlie sighs j We aul,"riz to state, tlt Dr. j
of the widow .-nd the tearsof the orrhan. ' " "" l" iu v IU A M C T
For a man to be Adored by such au- Sl'ru 1 I"'"ng of m-xt H-, k.
Ihoritva. the Aljohtion onran. J wh Le will renmin .vvral d;,vN to at-
street, will, in an intelligent coniiuur.Itv
I tend to the duties
Mrs. Jt.JiM O'ConueH,
Ju!iit A. lla!i.
-lolui Phrrih.
Lis protl siui. ; Mrs. libev.
like this, fail to produce the desired efE ct J
lVrnn in that &h tion in n-ed of Dental ! :"s l,,r.'
j Mi- Mir.v MTuI--V
against one whose character is as Lh j W"rk' XVUU,d Jo Ue,! to ei'il'ra t1" i Kaebarf Burk."
above that of his abolition traducer J - j
the sun is above tlie stagnaat lool upon j lM ! nec,.Is no .fi,n!'or reccminrtuLi- n,) Vi,
tears over the institutiun of slavery, in
lasting infamv
'Misery Loves Company.
The Ail?jianiar bv its Iving and di-
I'ague of tiiis place, was iKt correct.
j He said the whole thing vva a verv
bv -'- Vxi i
if t!e 1-Vrti.-:J r, .,-, ih'-:-ET-oii
IL Olds, wii'i i'?ii ii. L':
by Iiii-... (a Cniteil S'r.tes 31
beiieve. a:id oUi-rs ii th'.o. i
h::n fr H tLo Stae
r . i i
which, it chines. TIie very fact that i c-uuli.
Mr. Dunegan repudiated those resolutions cr We are informesl. bv a Tvrs :. v T.
and would not subscribe to them, in ni- Was pn -nt on the oc-awti. anJ vvl o Ti:b lN:'rMMri vr v v'(
.t - s .... ; tiNA!. An iniiKrl . ; '-v - r t v.i
..whit iua t- -mB ,u,ut wimii.- ii- veracity we cnr.r.-t that tlie ::-.te- '.it
. ...i . ..... r ... ' - ! tvr. nv.n.
eieni 10 resisi ine iempiauon oi arourary i nMlt Wc ma, a couple of wvc!. ago.
power, which for the present, might en-j ;n reference to conduct of the IVjou
rich his iockt with gnvnbacks, but tidier ' whose treatment at the IuokIs of
would, nevcrth less, damn him in ever- copj.erlieads, was so bewailed nt tlie lval
Fort Luf ry.-it -iv-1 IS'.
in- lie WiiS t-roiiIit e
tling affair ; and tluit tlK- ixt.rlc of T- ' plead the Indeiimitv Act. .-in!
j " i aa a' C M va - i ,
simulation, hav ing gut itself into rather ; KU kncw S it nun! a ,.1 . u..-r u.. , -an
unenviable position, seeks by a weak : m ' lt 'JJH'Jta,t- . (.ir1 a r.rovid -l "n the ,u-lr'
! T ..!. .1 . .- - v.
profusion of very mild sophism, to dnig j CJi Captain James Murrav, late of th- j Trump ruled the an i fl'iz
ns into Us coinpanion.di::-', bv- cndcavoru:g i loth regiment, lias rvsunicJ Lis cornmis- a" 11 -Jt i a
this country , i. at the pre.nt time mo?t J to stuff the public with the " criminal i-"h.ii ; ami is now at Wine He iUil'.v
aj partut, in the cruel inditVereucc with
which j4hj treats her starving subjects.
While ot.e half of the people jdoifg the
at-a-coast of Ireland, fi- uver 2lo! miles
are starv ing for food, England, i:istad of
blushing Jit her incredulity, wocid La the'
worfcl believe, tliat all is we'd. -TI;osc'
po;r unforti:nate people ask not to It enne
rtio!ic paupers, but seek rallu r er.pioy
mont, by. wii'uh they could gaiu :i-,tib-s'lstam-e
by. honest imluttry. ' This, the
Government of Great Britain could 'easily
do. Her
inents afford
coui-agcment and patronage to r. famislnt"
people, who ask but leave to toil.
.1 t'.;-
. . i i
roT'r'.r.! . an i i.-mrv i i.. p
Tliis is tlie tirt d-.-ri-i-1 vu-: '
an-I the cns? will utmLi .h:(.lir l
to a L:zi:er court.
5 t-i-i
i'c V'V
di.-courtcsy " of the Vi. Sit. towards ud up with the rlieumatism, and look
the "agriev ed" S rgt. Davis. A grrat J con.-i-leraMy bl.v.el.el by the Larl-hips cf
man when he sees that he is in error, will j military Lie.
immediately turn from his course; but a j The qTieMkforielte at tlie n xl
fool will persistently cling to Lis halluci- ; meeting of the Ixyal Ixague of thi i.Uhv.
IK U , . r ..t i . .... .... . 1
...t v, imCUi. Muuwrn.,,. n lucti is the greater a, the elitor x 'resident i!l enkaxl."
facts. This pitiable contemporary, after 0f the Alh,jhant or the fellow wlm writes J s:b.Hiinat.-s, C'.r-.'- '
Uavmg been eoa by that dislinguih- his elitorials. Able
I: -!
Ie usfiinel by ihe' (. .'
mate res:rt, it w-'l firit tb(
Foderal au:hvri:ios in dir.-'! e
t we cannot j-u;;oe o:1j m:-
corresjHrtHlt nt from th- lloth l V , : present ; ami a full tum out is expected, j
logicians will l."
had not the manliness to acknowledge it, ; liy order of the CommiUce of Selec-
but by a milk and water effusion of very j tion.
silly jargon, endeavors to ofTer palliation
4 Cood 4diiC-.
We din fnm the Vr-tf '
the followiic tnithla! w:ir!v: u
April t, lbo-J tint. . 1 f - , 1,,:,. (
Since, the alove Question was dci'l !i , t it - .iw n.-
vast field of public imprere-, for the sentiments of Dav is letters, which ; unon. we learn ibut il,f nfor-M Vi. .. I . : l
r.l ml ... .,! 1. ' .i. o-.u . . i.... .,.. . . . ington city.
""'t - tAraiu ai- wi me out uay ui .uarco lasi, u ue- , has Iroen eating tlapiloodJe with a wooden i
nounccd in the following terms : i cnoon. in ord.T m rmJn
I j j . i. -
Iy what soil of consistency docs the
meeting of the Clnf. N
Tlie Democratic Club of this nlack mt
on Saturday evening, as usual. The meet
ing was brought to order by lle President.
Dr. II. S. liunn was calleil up n who ad
dressed the meeting elaborately, showing
the physiological dirTcrenoe between the
white and black races ; and the utter im-
Itoscibility of man making equal,1 that
which God has - made anequaL i Ht
speech was deciiledly a rare,' instructive,
and entertaining treat. Hie Doctor was
warmly greeted by the applause of the
P. S. Noon, Esq., was then called
upon, who responded most eloquently,
contrasting the present policy of the
Iarty in power with resolutions upon
which they first proposed to wage this
war ; and going farther, he i-howcd by
the great truths of Democracy, that' bay
onets will not restore peace to rebellious
Stales. We will not attempt to give a.
synopsis of Lis, speech, as we would fall
Isliort of the task. Suffice it to sav. it was
m j
one of those intellectual efforts which we
have not yet seen surpassed by any of the
printed fecches of the day.
CT Call at Ir!in Huntley's and ex
amine his new stock .of I lard ware. He
La alnnrst rv.-iy kmn manufactured for any pnblisbi-d untimcnls not contained
article, in the hardware line. ' - ! tbvrcin
" Tne?e letter were filled to the full with rrodi'rious lennh
upon the 1'rej.i.ient. and with rrulith opis. i Tlie Kloralltyol the War l'alnlt.
sition to the measures being taken to cruoh Tlie Uev. (! 1) W. .G. lirownlow. tt'ro
uie neoe.ucn venomous ana manDaui j l'arson lirownlow, savs the Age. having
were they as the mind of the ivci dibl.ya! nt hi book entitled Xi sketches of tlie
n . ... . , I riae, progress and decline ot secession
in fjr a passing lick."
to a gentleman in this city, received from
hi:n the following pertinent reply :
Sik : Some week since. I received a
fellow who writes those things for the . book purporting to be from your jten, en
Aiifgtankiu, proceed to chaw his own I titled " Sketrlics of the libe, l'rogrrss
words ? If these letters were so abomm- j anJ Jx"e of .iccsrion.
t' ,4 , , . . . I thank vou for what, no doubt. wa
ably "dislovai six weeks ago, how docs ' v- " " '
. J ' c ; a ki'id motive in presenting me with tlie
it come that they are so patriotic now ! j Work ; but sir, I Lave too much self-re-If
llarker be so anxious about the welfare spect to allow my library to be dis-raced
of .this man Davis, why does he not come i b7 ,lie presence of a lxk written and
to our office and satisfy himself in regard
to. those Ietfers. We invited all those
interested in . this matter, to come to our
sanctum, that thy might see tho original.
Notwithstanding 'this invitation, llarker
never came near, nor has be desired to
see these letters ; but rather prefers
making charges, unsupported by any
sliadow of truth. We have already pub
lished enough of these letters to convince
any unprejudiced mind, that the charges
preferred against us were false. We repeat,
that we have not room nor extra money
to republish stale letters for the gratifica
tion tf llarker; but we will cheerfullr ! Jerusalem, say to all this! Pray, sir, in
shojj liose
publUhed by a man calling himself, a
minister of the Prince of Pesce, the Sa
viour of tlie world, who publically, in the
presence ot a vast assembly, in the A
cademy of Music, declared that he, with
otliers equally humane, would bunt his
fellow sinners, for whom Christ died, to
the gates of liclL and then stand and
make facet at them as they entered in !
" Monstrous! and monsters tliat you
are ! O shame, w here is thy Wush? A
minister of Jesus lend'ng himself to Satan
to act the part of a blood bound, to chase
men into bell ; and a Philadelphia audi
ence of Christian ministers and others ap
plauding you !
" hat would Jesus, who wept over
a In
epistles to anv peuson who dc- J S1 ch& f " Kblo can
, ". . ... Divine authority be found for such work
them ; and will be responsible aB you a(lmU vnurfrelf lo apitv w 1
. Yourt in shame,
I n turn the look. .
T1u 1ri-i-..' nrul r. nl lrz iJ a-1'-
s.)Lliers in this city an'i c-Jtuj 1
tioned against employing. -o-p Vs
collect their back pay, bmnty :
slons. A nuniK-r of ti; V1' "
ding at Washington, Philviv i-'-elsewhere,
are flooding ile rw .
cirxulars j,il lelters set ing iV.h &
vantages tliey jwssess for sefn'-'r .
claim. All t'.ier can d-, at b'-.
present the claims to the preps
incut, and they liave no sniiTii-'
f.:r gelling them allowed sr
Tlie work of preparing the claia --
king the testinionv marl K d-wf
Many of the foreign chum
1 ;
swindlers and robbers, ami the
plan is to employ home age'-
known to be reliable men.
of Apw -
Died At Sumrae
ty, la., on the i Oth
scariet lever, in ine .ia - j
Ax- Cura, only daughter
and Catharine J. Murray.
Ala ! ho changed that If -.T
Which bloomed and cheerf'l ob
Fair, fleeting comfert of
How sooo we're ea'lJ t r
From adverse Mts. nJ l- -T '
Her favtred soul He --fr: f
An J with jen br:pM, cr"C -Sbe
liTes, to die raor.
In Allegheny lowrsh i
instant, Ml. Sabui ChW j'
Francis Christy, Esq ,
i th -:
In Munster townsti?. 4 "
KiCHARi. KayloR agedatv
T Zt&:'
Keceiv? bUM l T1.or
and affliction with rc?" '