r- JUmotrat anb j?tntincl. J. S. TODD, Editor & Publisher. ! Kno,v Xothingism under another cog . - j iion ii, will answer the above inteiToga- - " " ' i . i ii 4 1 t " T nninrrn(fr 13.fHii- in 17iiiist r. , The Democracy of Minister township are requested to meet at the Flection House in Munster, on Tuesday the 31st B.mm m m -- iri.t; forv' the purpose of organizing ' a ! Democratic Club for the coming cam paign. The attendance of Democrats and fpeakers from other parts of the county, is invited. Tlie Democracy la JSotion. On last Friday evening the Democrats of this place assembled in the Court House and organized a Democratic Club, for tlie coming Campaign. The meeling was largely attended and much enthusi asm prevailed. An organization was effected by electing M. Ilasson, Est;., President; Peter Collin?, -Sr., and Charles Murray, Vice President ; Geo. W. Oat man J. E. Seanlan and F. A. Shoema ker, Etqrs., Secretaries ; after which 1L Lu Johnston, Esq., stated the object of the meeting in an eloquent and forcible manner. The meeting was then ad dressed at some length, by Messrs. Xie;i and McDonald. A committee of live, consisting of Jos. McDonald, li. I Johnson, 1'. S. Noou. Wm. Ivitiell and John Fen!onr Esqrs. were appointed to frame a constitution and by-laws, and to procure suitable rooms and other necessa ries for the frequent meeting of the club. Dr. 1?. S. Bunn finally addressed the meeting, after which they adjourned tu meet in t!i3 same place, on Saturday eve ning 2Sih inst- We are glad to announce this demon stration of the Mountain Democracy, an 1 hope the example may Le imitated i:i other part of the oounty where clubs have not already been formed. An im portant campaign is about to open upon us, and among important ol?.ccs, we liae a4. Governor to elect: and it, is very important to the people .f Pennsyl vania to have the Executive chair occu pied by a statesman. The rebuking voire of Pennsylvania's last ik-ction has ma le our Legislature Democratic ; and the hope that the other branches of the Gov ernment of this Commonwealth, will eie long, be wrested from the jo'ver of the wooly heads, should animate every Dem ocrat and every lover of American lib erty to renewed energy. As wiU 1 seen by re.erence to the above I proceedings, the Club will meet en Sat- nrelay evening next. It is not a secret conclave nor a sworn league, such as the Abolitionists are everywhere getting up, but it is free and open to all who come with the intention of behaving themselves rentecllv. The Democratic partv is not afraid to promulgate its doctrines cp.-i.ry. It requires no secrecy. It dx?s not seek to mi-lead and deceive the txcnle. but cn!i - a i the contrary, it depends upon the iufelii- genceot trie peepte lor it sucee.-?. ine nigger worshipers may hold their mid night meetings and plot treason against the Government, but the Democratic party will continue to proclaim its princi- pies openly and above Uard, despite the i i .. . f a . i - . wicK.eM.1 inreais oi a corrupt vamuusira tion. ...'l -r - ' - ' i ' toiTpresentthe 10th. Senatorial District 1-1 -i C .1 . -. which is composed of the counties of J at,,;K,r,s murder, committed on th? ; t?We refer our readers to the ncw'sid. ' ratitiedl'v the I-idatres of thnerii!,? ''j " .Somerset, lk:iV.ord and Htmtinelon, by : n.,.lt0ltlv roa. loa4lina from Brooklyn. f advertisements of Messrs. Frank Ilav and We had now lulvancid thremgh an ' tlierco. as the oi' or tl.? other m. , f him to wti'-.-the Conference of that District. Put j v . wftn y th n;.m6 J K.ot was ! j,,, rarke. each of whom Inn incrcase-d '" , raii.'teMticn may l? r-pod by Con- nv n w o ld c. llieie- i n:vei poiue eiiuieutik iu jiiow oui - J r oi me .mailer, as 11 apvarn mat u Somerset Confeiws were notilied not to attend, tliat the dav of meet ins had been postponed, oVr.;sei.ucntly, Somerset was not reprc.-er.ted m tho Conference. There appears to lie something a little bogus about the transaction, as is not made public by what authority the Somerset men were notified to stay away. , S- 'fo 1U,-V rA,n 'Vh Wijih,'s to uh- Krribe for an orthodox Democratic daily, we recommend the t i rivt and I nn.n printed at Ilarri.-burg. It is a plain out w.-.I.m, ;.,.ine.l n.dh.is.ih.vnvsliecn .an able. i -! - and fearless elefe nder of the principles of the IX-inoei-.itic faith. And we say to those D.'mex-rals who patronize Abolition sheets "feTsake of the new s," that they do wn.ng: l.-t by iu t s-uppoitlug iX-niocratie r.twsj s.pt i, scccndly by cncounigieg Abolitloni.-hj In ciivukwing their incendi- arv rap' is- "d thirdly by becoming ac- ee-sse I V to the i'.e loeti iiw thev iliee: - ; ;iit 1 V -pome fori!). ;..-! i "I'nlon Leagues -Yt'Iiat arc lie j' I i " Disguise. I sec, thou art a w"cke luess i Whereiu the inenant eiie-my deits much." ty wmcii me n- -i.gr. nines oi ...Auoniie.i.- wa seek to decoy and inveigl? the honest and unsophisticated! yeomanry, into a suj poit of their unhallowed scheme? against j Atncrcan liberty. lJut we warn the ko- bavins anything to do with them, because their deeds an? done in 1 ' i darkness and will not lear the t( st of n-a- .... son. Ihe best reason why honest men j thould have nothing to do with such scent ! midnight conclaves is, because the- are i headed arid gotten up by wicked men j A u-erld t-:. iigbisst! v.ddlst tyrants I"k Aboiitionists men who 44 have lalo:vd j c 1 ii. ,i , r- i i And MaiK-d the thought, tint the nr thirty vears to dissolve the l.i.ion, .-, ... , and who openly declaim the Constitution '. 'Pi e war-cry v, ;ui souuded; i's tiotca h ti l to be a league with hell and covenant i and "-Lru!, . , . S.ve- t rnf.Mi 1 and U!.varJ. Oi-r va..ey and with death. I. mli-r the pit-fence ol saving j "ll the Ui'i' n. which thev secretlv ir.tend to j The sound v.t. r.'-c( Aorn mountain and destroy thev swear men,' not to support lestroy they swear men,' not to suppor the Constitution but to upliold the present wicked Administration, in its superlative ; madness AVhv do thev swear nun and enjoin secrecy i:pon thvm ? Vhy elo thew j stealthily convene in stalks and cow sheds when l;onest- men are asl-e;. ? " to save ! the I'nion" say thev. Is this the wav I the Union was preserved unto our day j did the founders of this great republic enter into secret org:n:izatioiis ia order to perpetuate free doin to their posterity ? No! n ver, five irovenunent needs no such sneaking auxiliaries : it m ds no e;;th bound i'actions or banditti to insure the bles?ii gs ef lilxify or to extenui'te tho burdi-ns of the ptupl"'. It ia net necessary for a man t. enter the stirring s-sspool of Abohti'. nim, widi a secre t si .n :iiel a password, in order to yield a su;)rK!t to .the Goi rnmeut. Put the man who wants to Iv a tree and loval. cii: ii. a il wh v. Is'k ? to s- rve his coun try, tnust se.port th' Constitution and i ooev tue ccn;t;tutien:d laws tiiejeof : and : . , , ; , : to elo this h?. neeu not take oaihs or wear i badgi?. lh.it this rt-iscd En iw Nothiag- , .'..:-.. t - r : . n.. ' ' Oi 4. II. 1-11 kT ti! .IS il 13 i .4..ti bus t.-vu.d ci'jects in ucv, m eat obb'Ct is to carrv the e h ctions next ; fall against the wl.-hes of the jvrple ; and if thv fail in th..t. they wl ! aiten'p! to hold the ba'auce of power, by arir.eil fe ice. Let no man be dee-(.lv d or l--d to think that we, through a vi::d!etic spir it, hae ta: "represented the bj. ct f th' se secret conclaves. '1 he IIani.-bu:v Tlr- i'iji'i, one .f the hjiding nigger ertaas in xhU s.al 0 1ri nt SlJ a;,ct.t .. some of its n-.oie wily eoi.ten:'o;:rits, crime very near let'.iiig the cat out of the nag," when it said, but a sho'.t time ago, that " the. I'liion Ixaguos were to take the place of armed patrols, and proves; iuarl in KMoia iNG tiik lvrr.'', -I- x- . ., 1 1 A !ririsi'.!'K' ot" ii'i.v -vuniiiu- . .... . fet.UKun-i tlie i;efieralc ttiorls oi the wou v ' ii j t . 111.- e. -, . i- :' i ... i .. . i . ...;, i; oi . i.ii i oi,. iv e .ii i me e .eeii jii j of ilmt clt, on yrhV.xy laJ, against the - .f necnle the " coirrheads :ho Democratic pa.iy, was victorious. Tlds is not only consoling to the conser- vativc and law abiding citizens of Pcnn- Fylvanla's caiiitol. but it is an emblem of f,ltlire s,,,, nnd with a heart v cln-e-r i ' - we shout, bu'.lv for Ilarrisburj:. Moue Consf.i'I : r.yrFs of Ar.i i inN- . j i-m. :m".v i oik. corrc-spon. lent ot t lie jr;i;!aJv.,h;:l Inr: ri.1:.(es u m,.,t ; ' . . , - , .iiii retunaeg to hi- beime, was atlitckeel by a body of iugr s. and mo.-t cruelly l.ea- ten to death. ... ' - - - : irwm Ste l.sq., oi the l.uursvinc l .', su. ei last week, lor noeu i.y lvid Taylor of that place. " The j prvntor the trtith the greater the libel." is intended to hold good in this case, as our contemporary, so far .;s we can learn did : nj more than utter the truth. Mr. Tav- . lor-asserts that he was called " an Aboli- 1 - . ,r s . , , d.TSS in a Court of Jusiicc It has tdwav: I been a nacre to us. v.hv the sfroive.-t. . . . " . . ; craziest vooutionists m tlie land c.nv.iot ; h . " A 1'Knnv s vvko, is pinny khn- ' r.i." They w ho w i.-h to economize, these hard times, shoulel hiy out their money to ' the best advantage1.- We refer those w lu have money to expend for the nece.-saiie: and comforts of life, to the ad.ertisemeid of P. A. ( . NeiT, of Altooua. w ie sells 1 ' e v cheap e" The fblljwing jioeui was written -n ivtruary last by a lady in Ohio, an J . , . , ,, , r , ,. . .1 4.. - . . 4 -' - - - - .v. tion, in which paper it originally appear ed. We republish the Elegy ' by re quest of the authored, who is grieved at the inj ust lee done to her by the editor of the All "jhanian. To use her own lan guage, " the Elegy was published not in its original garb ; but wa? most shamc- fully mutilated, and mad to read differ- cut frcm tle copy.'.' An' 211 eg j. vr. ( n tl.e l.mu C ? f freevlom was Lr.vlcd ! . to the ground. : . nl ts.iit .i'o with laughter at.d j.eY tte-oei armmd Whcu the ?:-i-Spai'i;h"d i'anner tl-ydrred to dc!-Je. t-..' ; .frt-V- 1-l.i!c!:(:i ihorksd mJ di-ficd. , P1 , . . , 01 1 Cambria, brave Lc-:d tie uotes ir in si. ii Tiiev ru.-i.cd to ti e re-tue. kit their kved ll J'!'-!. f I f-tr. 0 dear t their hearts w that t;r;S:it spot T;.e i1(,Vo ilwir childL.x.d the h.ud of t'..i-ir Liit!- ; ,iut f lU? is ,,: tr tLaM a,,(t v-ji'r, tt, tje rCsCU(. t!,,uJi in battle we They Ih W ninr.fi:l!v went, I ;;t ! who can i tvi:. . l r.iv(!y they f.-v;hT, l ow r. tly they fell 1 Wt C duibria, weep, ts-y sons tru? ar.d brave. ll.te f i'le-n, have p ri.-hed.. tin y sieep hi the Ti . :r lii's -i" fow - v. f' e r :.!.- h Ml 1 rorxr. ' And the ii:nf th attie, hall wuke thc:n : n luore-. j I)i-ep in the cold e-ioth the so'di-. r is 1 y.r. ! 1 A l --. hiai the v. ialer v. indi. sadly aie sigh- Si u n the" t-::f wi l he rr: n ..r his loa re his Iire u rn w I.. .1 B:;"l.t fl-.v-is " i'.i . T. i.. , ",H s. .., JUit ai: ! .shaili o.-e heroes who bv tr..mrs w.-r- n'ain iivi r he f. .tten, tu.-t :h'-!r dv.iti.s I e iii vuiu ? Iv K'.v to vHe triitors? X- nevfr! Oar wat-.-hw r.'. i.- ?Zcr':t no- an I f.-r-wr. K. L. Jic.Ki;r.i:i:.i. Mr. George Guik-y has purchas d the wi'i knv.n bakery esfabli.-hai t ci" J. Adam Wissol. .on ti:, '. ... . .-!...,-. ' ,. .,:'! t... il.ll T4Vy (V ft V . . t i:v business, (b-oi-- is el er and aiirtu- inodatmg; .1 w e hope 1 i in his new undertaking, a:.-l that, like his ' pred- cessor, he may mak-" t'.i . c l C2t-The ?Ie.n-i n II e.:-e, o.fl.;t- t!i-? Pa. Pi.Ihoa-l depot, i.i the city ef 1 "itts- ;i . i , i i . i burg, has hiteiv Ik.ii purchased and re - - rl . . , , i nttenl uv AIcsrs. C .ar.v and Iactou. i - ; They are beth capital fellows, and under- ! str.r.'l " ho'.v to ke n hot . l." Th? crave- ' riient .-iittation of this well known IIou-v. 7 . ' 1S a.one suiheieiit to ice .mniend it to : ' bulh ih iri"" business r ublic. C Mr. I".. J. Mills v4. Co., "unite the at(cn;.jn of the ,Vopk-overvw!;. re to their ; incrcC(t f.cck cf t?rj an, groe-c- j 1 (y pec-p'o ta come and ex- . .,..: ,i.:r u mnl-in-r n,ir,.!,n ' , , i clsc.v!i?re. Millyiery anl Straw (icexlsnow i e'liniii" ai ii. ii tun ? .-tvi., . in. .iv... m'ui.i- II. V , ..., . i.: ... iiv au .4 i e 1 1 iisement . 1 ' his respr-ctive business. Il vim to Pkat. A steer was killed i in Altoona, la.-l v. ck, the clean meat of : wllich .....j idSpouiuls? U-sIelesSOO ! vvlwU Df tallow His hide weighed 130 ! junds, , ; eg- Messrs. Wallace .and Pershing will please accept our thanks for numerous favors, in the shape of Public Documents ' cct. : . Dh:a. In Clearfield Town-hip on the I?)i!i .1 wr- Gi.iss. n-'ed 4D -.';irs. ' .... . . ! 1 he eleceaseel leaves a wife and five or slx chihhvn, to feel the lo-s of a kinel father. a .i .... i .i. - r w kj.i ,ne ie.e i-Me.ncu OI hi- Clements, in this place, J.ux .Ioxns, (m.ison) a'ie-el about oO years The d.-ceaseil was a native of South Wales. He immigrated to this county in lsot) whei-e he was enjoy i iivr a Hfe oft 4i .-ingle ble-.-.-hie.-s"' w hen deaih over- : with their .-.abrcs until one or other was quested to forward copirs of the frcge--to 'khitn. i di.-ablel. The wound? reci i ed by 1 t Ii ' w ,v.s!utKn to the Prsid-mt r f th-. C3 Messrs- Powell & Pourkc, Cor. Fourth & Market St., PhilaU as will be seen by rea ring to our adv. col. an nounce they Lave in store a fine variety of Wall Papers, cct., to which the at tention of Storekeepers is invited. o C3" Tlie April number of Goby's Iidv's Hook has come to band. It is - j beautifully embcllishc-d with original cuts, j deigns, patem eet. 1 HJT jrcnnan iiaiau i 4mt, uulu;n'iUi ni.e-pits nui ii:r.i:i.in r.is. if-- " - - - t w s ik I Johnstown, die 1 in the lVr IIous on ; last Sundav. Wp dii not !en-n his - From Hie Kappaliamiocli.. .... i r ... , i . xi . i -i-i , i a- .i i real cavalry luittltf ot tho war has been J, - - i - - . . tou'jht, resulting m a decisive ietorv n . . . . - , i i 1 1.e teiena'.U lias mioruieu vou oi : i . .. i 4.. ...;.. . . i ii i ill e- ;i i.u'jvi.iii:' ii" i diivction oi Culpepper, to rec nnoitre, ai . i i- learning mat ooin riuan au-.i jav ii;.j . 1. it i.e.;:i K.dv ,f the r.-l-! :u-i!!V nenr : t - . . i .i i-. . ... . . i t . i : : Fredericksburg, lor the purptr- ofJnforc- in r il... .ln.il in Fmi.f.iier :i:l the a: Jloill- . - it i i. i inj; coun:ies, v,eiu Hooker n i'iii..iie-u ie svn.l out a large bo-ly of cavalry to cu; ! ' . .1 , " ; tain the i.hha. of the rebel force on the .e!,.:.- !!:,It;l,., !.. ; i he n giuunts ci.is'ii for this iaipot- taut enterpiis were t.ie 1 ir.-t ;ui I r:i:a Keirnh.rs, conimamlel by Ci.pt. le-no ; .!. !"!. "i.l v-i'.,iirih isn-1 Si-cl.-. ii:li P. m-!- ' vania, Col. Mclnto. h : the Fi:rt Kho 1. Irknid, Fourth New York, and S':;-.:h I : Ohio, Col. Daiii r; the Sixth New ' Yoik Flwnu Ikut.iy, of six ah t.nl T CoUiniail 1 of ( ielL Aveliii. ! ' " . . . The t xjvdunn xatuvhitl .-. .loniuv ii;;v.rnu'-n. Not l.v.i: li.-t.au I:.- the la condition of the rebels, the. in-.n i..:..k g"o.l pmgie-.-?, and, pas.-ieg, through e"..i outer pickets, cncasnpc-l iothe l.igtil u-Ke-llv s Fonh not iiir Ciuiii the Kt op .haa- 1101 k. Ox r:M diwa to th. 1 -ri t:.e next nun.ing at daylight the on "in v ve-re lou:i 1 to c: v -e k a ' i o t , h.i; force on tlie 'ppoti:e i-r J-ir-jed num. roa.i i.;e-cei.- a-.; I e e'n.-ti"ueie--i a ; mldab'.e ab ittis ahau th e lt:Ul&. A d-.-taehni- nt of the Fourth New Yoik fti;irge-i ii'ui m;o iu.f tempted to force a pa.-s.u . ii -. .1 .. . am. .1 luit v.vri' i: an-1 l eiie-niy. i.-e--4 1.. a s.i. : g it a' i.a: viu, Uiid we re ; r, i:iev e.-i.v i n ve-r ;:ii. r ! -ulicd. A thir! attem; t io.vel n nmre .-a. ei-:"..i. .T .hi' ju:ic ore Li. utv i!..ut IVw. n. i'.L.e.w 1 I by a r;i:.i Irm ed" th" i i: -t Pa 1-h u i. ph.r j. -i bol-liy in. e-u: their w.:y ti dK.tii-, an.!, i-h.a"-j.inir on ih- d, r :; .IV ii the The wh..;? ibree th i c:v I oir i il io?.-iLle, to mtereviii a ijouv oi ivik - , 1 . i .i il , "i r w ... could be i-.:.-iiaiI--vt v. turn. I 2.::J known to le in the ueiiibborhoo-.l oi i.r- v ." i . rcnton. The tx-dition returned to-i.igkt, J1;u til- ,lb, tiX :i!s 1 XV;1'"! the men b.ing lauch cxlia :steJ after their , to (. li.ivpjKr. i 1.1.1 i .i i i -,i CaMam Iliu.f, v.i.n tir.xv so ;ad. n- vi severe labor?, but elated and llu.-:hed with , V.J. ., . ' . , . 1 . - thvIexeitenki.twhiehaece;n;nnni,-iet, iv. S 1 . U as-i.-a.A i.y ..i u n- in ' iori,!ed in line of b.;tt!e thus-: Col. Mein j to-h"? viiiiii:i!i I. consi-ling oi lh- Thlr 1, i Fourth an 1 Sixi.viii,ii lV-nn.-. Ian:.i oa I ti.e riul.t : lleno First an 1 Fii'ih l!ga- I,;J 'l,Iiv : n 1 re-.-eTve. an 1 Ce-I. Duih. r- i Fir.-t Khod.' I.daud. Fourth New Yoik : , ' , t , Tl and .Sixth Ohio on the hit. 1 hi.- w.- i, ,, -! ..-,.',4,-'- t. tl..-. ... .m- r,..i aiKti4 . e C..M.IX m me inorn... . i wei.- ty-four -u -n. rs were captured at the Ford. l C l ... -1 . : -v .c men wu .eu... ut. ! clivity, the rebels, who in the meant;. uv Pa l r.ihie.1, iliargetl upon us, w lu n tue K 'icv;il thr.t ordinary ir.. a-u- s f l.i--Firrt Pho le I.-laud nut them with a , ,;...,v proe i-'.-uflci. nt t re i ove counter change and put lh.ni to l'..-hL i,.. j;.,i;,Vv . aas. - e-f lli p'vs- i.t s.v'fo. The second tini?, the ivU Is nice n.o.v at- , ,,r to adr;.-t the . -ein: 'i.-a i.s "tlit J nv. tempte.1 to rally, the Fifih Ihgulars seized arj.n there from : ::i.! f-.'r.--. the fiiii the opportunity, ekx-hed at tbeia, nnd th.-y j Rrticl- of the Constitution e,f the Fn'.ud again broke and ran wildly. I States rnnides that the " CVn-vs-. The Third Peim-ylvania cavalry jled to the right, likewise chaige-d upon ihe f. ii . .. it 4.1... I 1.4 ti...fn rin kt v ' i i " " - --v- . the lle-e ing rebels and epfieke ning their the nve-r as we niove.1. 'torming, chori- e-u. I'.'iiuwi-, eu.u- ft, tuid taking nu - Il the outskirts of a ing to the nht aiul l it. tai l laki inerous prise'iiers, until wejI were reacheel. Gen. AverlU ln re agrati arranged th; its in line of battle',, t lie First Ile-gu- regimen li4rs lK-inET iwsteel as reserves. Our men in -ved through- the woods steadily and rap.id'.y, firuig as they went. Another open sjiai-e was reached, and found to 1 full of skirniihers. The firing now be- came ?ry bri?k, the enemy for the fut time ojx-ning on us with artilWy, of which they hael twelve pieces?. Their solid shot and ehell fell thick ami fast among our men, but they prcssesl n nispin-d by the success already won, ami le"l forwani bv their officers. After so many brilliant and j dashes on our part, the rebels thou well to iitteinnt nnm somclhia ' l I i o r- Mmc th..,... vt S, and chaPginl. j against the Third Pcnnsyhania which lireike them instantn. l rum tlie' time of cixssnig the river till now there hal been many personal encounter- single horsemen d:ishing at each other with full speech and enilting and sla-hin .r. ...i " . - e i ine ?MXieen:ii i eim-y.vani.i, s;i.i iur..ier ; j.'.ji,.., f.f th- lygi-.atuiv f two-third.-to the ri-dit. tli.l -nlen-lid execution, iiiav.v . r , t.-.. ,i ..,v ..i. .- . I c ' . ' - ..-I liii: ..:. -j r:;.i I e ..a .1 '. 11 . .1 i-: 1 1.1. of the rebels King dismounted. Oar ar- ' j.ropo-ie.g r.mcndm t-, wl leh, in eiihe; tillery, in tlie meantime, kept pk.i;ig ti 1 cn?i s-l:All be valid to :d! intents and i n-- I frier. ! or foe in 'Lose single conduit w re j United Mates, to f. . j. frfchifi. such, as I trust, never to -e Seiial" of I: IV.:,;.! v-.,.' -aniin. , krrof the IIou-c e,;" I.. ,CVc continual to drhe tlu icU-U bfore , the l.'n'ued Star ;.,.. . us, flay skirmishing and using their fJr- j ocrni of U.c . v;-.u 'J' tillery as they retreated. Our boys bad . to le 3a the now been lighting several hour. hut re- Thi nb-ve r m .:..i ... ; .. : Girdles of themselves, put sued their 11.1- I.ave :ve.iv-:d th. ,-: .-ion of kfinir the n b-ls trawhny. and iv-.Mii-.ur, and 5a !:, ! r. . . did it t flvctv.a!iv. When we hud c-IuikJ ciatic pn:1y 1:, N , v V 'v theni MX u:ues tnni the ner. lciiT:a . s rrai i j; vor,ji J.ull to return, as our arii'.I- ry ; of the u?:,r:i - " ammui.itien was h-:tiv .-xi,ausiei. . .. r.i:- i!inn a j'.r-!!! n W PW.l'il!. t I'll IC illl ulftiv t .... i - - v. -. - - - . i , . w i; , j . tachni-nts t.f cai airy wviv d.-ployi n ; l-' ' I innt ot tin Ualtrry ' a Jiiansr-r :r.c .t it v:u r, r- - . , I as to prevent its will.d.uwa: x:vs - n, a Kn'ju.ke of anl tlie whole free . i.nn?ur. .1 rs iiu.n march. Caj'Uiiii Ii.i:'. Willi a po; ii.-n ei : his coniinnr.el, cover. e. tue iv... . i As soon as the n-.M is th- w r. n;:r v it.. i letrv.' rade i.i-.tvemc :.t, thev ; .-:. e ! :i ..e u i ' . ., - - but at a re.-;e tial u.mu: ar.-i v.i.ls - a desu-e to try more !..; '.-s. l.e Jul - :t l" o::r n w:s? e .e-.iei.t. a:d tv l..:t n.anv I iJ- iii Jims iHLiijv, :,:. n. . i '. i saiiioru. Ui'.t rv. . . x lv' i'l' ' 1 O.i :h re- 'f1"' al .'C, !":!" '-'Ui-.-r e l li-l. g :oi:.J I. .. r.man 1 w.;.- in i J. 1 he t.i ;. ' were !atined o S;.e ..-ll ol t!.e l... tlry. t . ... iA"n V ':,.:s-.1 eha'.'Le' I'lfo:. tl. i i-e.s .-o i ti; v ;.:t. ta.e it. No . u.er, I.jw ev r. c :i.d ii::::-, :.: v t : '. tiv'ii. than the i. i- to.-.; !.e r-aj p.): l"nl e:'.al y. k j ,S it i i : :-a i I ;iuv a 1 ig p. raI. ;ii.'l i..:i.ii: am Z the 1. 1 ; e.. v;;.; v i..i 1. ie:le- their ! e ". T ; : . I h :..- b en 1- -t. '11; ;- -,:e ' . .-r. in bviiih.g tl. ' ; : C, !::':.:i: d re:ieh-d :1. ii-.ir. ! a:.d r t r - d. . ... i .... , ?:-..i 1 ' ' ' , V , . 1 4 1- T-. '." I a!. ib r -f th iv i. V. kii!eI :eid we-uud-.l i n inv. a.i-1 bnuV a !' fr n rvsilteinul C"m ;itii:i Ilrtr.otiatlc IZi olt?t II have i asia .ia-e d.ir'.nj th p a rN:'..Ie:.:i1 ('. r. . . ; .t::.r..::i--s. The I) -m n ia ..r.' ! to ; 51 :.-1 ii -.-i a caivi!-. :r. '. i.i-i nv;'- sg.e-. J-. --'ioli!r lo I.' pr; ! ted oil th " ei to the Sv uiX , by 11 ;. Mr. I. i b- uU:- ."!. and : tl II - le. Mr. t Ch li. n n o 11: C 11 o'l 1 ' I.. !:i:k 1 ii : 1 h :i . e. i Vi'j pi'oli ih'v 1: i! I'i.-t : i. 1. r- 4 ti.e III. i- :t 1 -1 lor tl." il.t::'. . i -.4 i for :h Si.t::--. t the r .-.;:;i ' ( ,A"crv j . 11 .' ' . A"Crv el: j:."o . l. I :s iitdi:1'1.', l a- o-jluilun'od in -ir.id sVi --i-,n ! a ivii-i'k-ri-!' ' 1'i.h.r. .i 1 a -v.d v w .. a ;i'-.-:i.lv ni-'.d f.-r i Iv ,-: -u- d and :;. ii:ic na-t- ,,.r .J,,. ',iv.- 1 .-.d.tance ef ti e i! t.-.h- ' . , , , , ; ,.f K.th e'ji.,ns. r.-l filling the 1 in 1 w.;h - it . .- i r ..;s. rv an-1 I:mi iitru ions ; r.'i n ' -,.i,-m-.anee of the Fuioi. e fall th Siate I- lllt I d.V fO the' :u e d , of the int; I a- well a t ll :e-r.t 4,f reat r.aii i;ah:v : a:: 1 1: is . .. .. .. : i. ' .i" j wli?ncer two-!bi;xl of both Housa-s :o, i -,v i : j.ii:in ,m H, .?e.rv. .-hail j r..; o.-.- .-.mend- c m e jf . t. . . M ' . ... a. .1 -. .. i ineiiis io in oi4.-ai.ni.n. or on me ap- p0. s a part o ! mvs 1 th.-rvflvp ; i it. tli rvtore, li.. c-Xp-ctS to - :i: ; ;( !rc, ?y t't- St itc n.,.J If ,. o .J.;- certain cla.s. a ' ,..0. ,.fo.,"ti. of ln y!ru. ir. it, 7? r r? .1- :.nd. in cvh..: I ;r.;.. ,mU 'ylM Congress of the Fni- ! tej Siatoi be, and hen by i, jH;i:.ee! to rope. jIII. m:-.i: ' make provision fbr calling a Ce.nv.ntivm d c-, from lh f : of .States, as authorizes! bv the llfth ai-tlcle ii.e-redib!- that 1 of the Constitution of th United Staters. ' sunk so low a- t. a ' ; i as soon as tlie necessary number of Stntcs the face of the .;' :. ; shall have jetititneHl for the same : the f.d- ho.ed and ab-url - ' ! object of which C'nvei.;Ion shall !e to' """". inqiiirc into the causes of the p;xsMit C2Sjx-e i.il j afflictions of the nation, and if anv just the Ciiieinn:.:i '.". ! ground of comj.laint is found to cxi:, to : tion has Km e.:le!-i ::1 " ' so amend the Constitution as te- remove of K. pre-se ntaties t xi '- such causes, securing Ihenby a nwrc per- Kr e.ib ring n--oea:-i j feet Ui.ion of the Stales ; a letter unebr- . ra?nt and iu-i.'.ting 1 ; standing of the relation? whie-h the Fni- dorniol necessarv "to promote rrnend wedfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our po.-terity." And le it further ' .VsrAv, That th-? Governor be rc- pi-olitable . teel .States War to the Federal Gowrn- I'.'IlI.Al ': 1 ! , , ght it ment; "establishing justice-, insuring d-- j PAlTll H A" . .: n that mestic tranquility," and d inz such other 1! VV K . u oe;-- lhey ran thinirs not inconsistent with the spirit and O-K. i Ol Ki n cavidry, t rr, nius of the present Govemuwnt a may ' PtLrill A i ar t ,v. river. (Jeifrcd serral f iL . me day en a Kii'A.ke ei' vu'! 1 u i;i-:..rv vui", tue t Will iH'pll'iU'. - i:o t i'.. 1 tl.-vVi-.i y 1 !. i I.- tv p.-. A ..." h .-e:.ie-i i j rt.it--; :.ia:i.-I.i ijlr ! V- i.:t t.r l e i- v. -1 .: i- 1 . v. ; pr i.v-: i i y '4. 1 .41 i:-. -. ;.- o .:er-M- o. si-.i.- o ; t;... it a!n. r: ; i It- .- ' . ;'! u. ,.;- -..:'. in . .- :.i . !r e.. 1. i . i i . k in- : 4 ... ..; e'.. i . : r '.v e - i V. . ! . . . Mr. e !.. . Hi I . . . I !!: t.:.-'. !' 1 (.O. .A i ;.. i i k I. H :. 1 th r n. i r.a. r. '.Mi ! .- , .. 4 ... 'a I. li'! I I a t --r.- . it i i i. -it.::".: IT' Aer-Vl:;. i-t p i-ii il ! : r ii . . . . I ..'. : i . 4. ' Ne-nh hake J. i! : vi rv in-': r I :i k . i. - pMteh 1, , Ii J.Pe .V il - ru!i-i - v.-.-j. :: j ' n. ;.t, :.t:. r h . -'l- ei e .- .! t.-r : -gate ar.-a I -. f. 7 : i. "V h 111::.!, v :: i.-r it cy, wilf,.i!y i. S--w:ird i- :i '. a 1 h"':l to Iv' P.'. 'l t th:ii : e'.: -i.i 1:1- ri.'.'e !.i !1 -. ; ) 1 r :uut toe' t -ot -. n xpn-s.y t ,;: r;-i-; winihV rAi'i.:s V! Sr-." to xhieh th y !vit t ... !a it, - i ' the n' o i VAl'i - If