Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, February 18, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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ilfinocral ani jlcntincl:
Propositions of Peace.
It seems to be pretty well founded,
! that the Emperor of France has in view
some sort of mediation by an attempt to
settle the dif!icultiesbetween the loyal and
disloyal .States. A proposition ha3 al
j ready been submitted, to Mr. Seward
i flir-.-iii.Tl. Vn'nMi Alimsfer nt Washing-
ton. The French Secretary of Foreign
Affairs, in a letter to the French Minister
--Z j at Washington, expresses the ideas of
11FJMY 1. 13 13
J. S. TODD, Editor & Publisher. ! Xapoleon, which, according to instruction,
" ! was handed over to Mr. Seward. The
propositions are a Conference between the
authorities both North and South, and
that a neutral place be selected where
such Conference could meet and examine
the complaints from both sides : that by
such deliberations it could be ascertained
whether the interests of the two sections
are past a euro or whether separation can
Our Duty.
While the Abolition party are boldly
endeavoring to destroy the Union and
to centralize the State governments
into one common despotism while our
i it i . i i i t .1.., ,
uuroicu nusnies, eijany mircuaaeei i:i ine . , i i r. i frii,
' J 1 ! at .1 be avoided. It is suggested tun Iter,
l ...T i , r.. i
evWattu..a.jr suu-ie, a.u .a r5 j lhat llV a anric:ii,ie alHtincnt of present
from cur grasp and anarchy and nun j difTlclIiliePf ,hat the rceollection of former
are about to spread the pall of terror and ; . . . r , . . ,
' 1 ! ties, mav vet be poweriul enough to crush
c tlJ the legitimate causes of the war. lne
seem? to be a general apathy prevailing
among the people : they look on with
seeming indifference and become silent
witnesses to the gradual sacritice of their
most sacred rights. This is a mistake
and a most dangerous one too, since
it has become apparent to all, that the
iirf:.nit lnt"fi7 it! .rviroi caI cnUi-fl I
, potals or
the Government. H e rincerely hope j
propositions are rejected by Mr. Seward,
on the ground that this government can
entertain no proposition of the kind, as he
say 3 the people would indignantly reject
i it. I here is little doubt nut that -Napo
Icon intends to recognize the Confederacy,
whether the North accept his peace pro-
then, that the conservative portion of the j C2 "c notic
po.le will arouse from thc-ir Iethar-rv and ; B-'Hiiin, that Mr. Theodore M. Apple,
notice bv the Philadelphia
t Mr. Theodore M. Apple,
comprehend the responsibility which rests j the extensive guager and cooper of that
upon them ; that they may know that j eity, was made the recipient of a beaut i-
their duty did not end when thev voted ! ful gld mounted ebony car.e, by the men
the Democratic ticket last fail. The j employed in his establishment. Mr.
Democratic party has a holy mission to ' 'Apple is very extensively engaged in the
perform, and it only by arousing the peo- j coopering business; ami this manifest
pie to vigorous action bv teaching and : niark of civility, coming from in his
promulgating the great truths ot iK-moc- j immediate employ, who have ample op, that we can ever be able to turn ' port unity to judge of hi merits, speaks
let us strengthen ! course, could
much to the credit and praise of Mr.
Apple, whose ir.aic kindness and upright
lone have prompted so
sside the impending evils, whieh now, than ever, thicken around us. Let
tvs then renew our faith
our organization ; let us have public rn-et- j f"imal nn cxenipUfieatioa -f esteem,
inzs throughout the, wherein the i T7T .
honest ientiments cf the people mav be i - . i .i i -n i i i r
1 i v "". have rejected the bill which was before
ll.Ut!f nnJ T 1 T . - '
freely and fearlessly expressed. In, this !
j the Iloure for employing and mus-tering
' UIUVU "J1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 L If HUM Iv'WI . . . . . . - intelligent srkers cm alwavs !e ! i i i
' .1.11 dred and hay thousand i.egrocs, ojiitcnd-
bad, who would be williMst to enlighten - .u . i -i t
the people urn public events. Many j luiritv to t.m !or ncgroCS .vi;j .
counties around u are having fi-e-iuent j out fJrt,lCr Isl:lt;on.
townslnp raeetmg3 of this kind. Tlie
id?a is a gool one anl wc would like to
see it cvervwhere imitated.
Message of Gov. Curlin.
L: another eoluni! will bo found, a
special message to the Legislature, from
Governor Curtin, on the cpjestion of ati
trary arrests. We are much disappointed
in the statesmanship of Andrew Curtin.
Although the subject is or.e of vast im
portance, we do not think that Curtin's
exposition of it will ever immortaHz; his
Cji" D. A. Mahony, a1io was a ic
tlm of President Linixl:is tyrrnny in one
of the Government bastiles, has i.-sucd a
c:.!!, requesting a full convention of all
who suffered by illegal irrests to meet in
New York for the purjse of tnkir.g j
measures to procure a redress of t!
purpose of restoring the Union, without in
terfering wiih the tlomestic institutions of
any of the States, and finally when tbe pres
sure came on him and be had to make it
manifest that this nr is for the abolition of
slavery, and for the elevation of the "Amer
ican citizen of African ilescot," to the deg
radation of other American citizens of Euro
pean descent, and to their utter destruction.
I felt the pressure and I fallowed bim still.
Then having aaucreu to nun so wen, uc insu
red I was glad to have him as my guide post,
going to the Celestial City. Honest O.d Abe.
tried to becnile the tedeum of our journey
by many amusing .tor:cs and auecdotes of his
voutb. and maunood, whicn 1 win net here re
peat, but may reserve them for Bomc social
and select parties.
llefore vre arrived nt onr destination ire
met a large delegation under the
guidance and control of some of the evil spir
its of Tartarus. Lincoln being at the head of
our delegation, as-kt-d one of the evil conduc
tors, how it was that so many were rejected .
He replied, there are few rejected here, com
pared to rhat will be in your company. Here
we have none but those who hnve been disobe
dient to their parents, thieves., fornicators,
and those who betrayed their fiieiids for the
r-ake of money, but nnioug your crowd, I see
traitor-, adulterers, instigators of ciuelnnd
unjust wars, perjurers, robbers of the public
Treasury, shoddy, ship, horse and feed con
tractors. Uood bye, you ha!t eec me again
before you arc through with your inspection.
It appenred to me Honet Old Ab. winced a
litt'e under the searching glance of thN evil
spirit. He turned round and n!;d if any ef
us could lend Lhu a Diblc or U.ivid's I'eniien
t:al l'salms. Jiome one answered in the
affirmative. I went up to him, it. upj ears
no one needs an introduction in the ether
world.) and said, Mr Lincoln, cheer uj-.
44 there is no body hurt." Said he, with a
deep igh. 1 dii't like the appearance of that
, I can feel his gra;-p alniust arnund my
tliroiit. At that time he wn haTide 1 n ImMc,
and he commenced reading in i iiiuultu-u
voice, the lamentation of Jwintah. Vhap. 4,
vri 8 and 9. Their vi.agc is ti'acker than
-t rnil Ihf v are not known in l'ie sli-peK.
their skin clenveth to their ln'iic-.. it is with- ! i one f .r
ereil like a stick. They thut be slain with
t!ie sword are b-MT than they that be s-lain
with hunger f. r these pine away for want of
the fruits of the eartii." Oh! that I had
turned my attention more to the white man,
and !e"S to the co'orcu. I5y that time we
reathd our de.-tin-ttioii. A beautiful aiicl
was sitting at th- gte. at our arrival the
angel retired. Peter had been buy gettinz
cl.ui fort able and delightful accommodations
for the tbrorg that had come to him, with n
j ure heart and a clean conscience, fr-m a
smiit liver in Nortli AiaHn called the K
pai'.aui.vMrk. He hid fitted '.hem all up with
jiiarter- to M.;t :ije:nselae both white and
black, t. the exquisite drlight of every one
who was ad mitt eel. Ue-turning to the gate
.vita a satisfied air, he bein-bl the stalwait
torn cf Abe Lino'.n. The !attc-r made a low
bow. Peter said tv him, our messenger
liaphntl has a good many ch-irgcs ngaint yeu,
but you will not be condemned without a
leariug. Can you rea l or write? Oh ye-.
I was a lawyer in Springfield, I'.Iinois. The
most ignorent men. with regirj to th.-irowu
sa'vatinn, that we me-t with, are lawyers and
I).-ctors and J?ch'-lnaters. (lur messeuzer
Iliiyfturl compares you to several men who
had becu men f authority, and whisc hitory
I presume you have read. lie mentions Xerv.
(J tiU'jnla, I'o 'li'ir I'ilatt. I o.-.n"t kiuw, y.ur
worship, how I could resemble th'. men.
De silent Abraiiam, and you sLai! hear. This
man Nero was a Uiiiau Kinder'. r. He caused
Uome to be set on tire, and played the nddle
while it was burning and thou h'ained the
christians with it. in r ier t' get no excuse
t. slaughter them. Yeu cnc'.uragc a cruel
anj bh"od;hiity w ir. and while the best blood
j of you race is flowing. yn are not rlajing
j :':e SdJle but ':J'ui -. id anec-uotes, and wheu
it is over you blame it en the IViniocrats and
carry them a itsy int- piison. Cali-'ula vr
leciance to them as well as (subject to the
provisions of the Constitution of the Uni
ted State-s) he owe-s it to IVnnsvlvania.
If he le unlawfullvdeprivctlof his liberty, .
to be had at the hands . '
his only retires? is
of the Judiciary.
In such times as the present, it is more
than ever iiecessarv to preserve regularity
in official action, (.rent etlorts bae been c.vhH.k 1. M
and are perhaps still leing made by per
sons blinded or ill-disposed to throw us
into a state of revolution that is to say.
to create anarchy and evnfusion, and.
ultimately, te bring about the destruction
of life and property among us. Any ir
regular, much nit-re illegal, interference
by vottr Executive with matters which
bv the (Vnstiiution are not entrusted to
his cevgnizaneet and especially any such
interfeience with the action ol the Exeou
tie of the Unitoel States, or with the
functions of the Judiciary, would be in
the existinr crisis cmphatiadly dangerous
it would have a di'vet revolutionary
tenelency in fae-t, it would be to com
mence a revolution.
The Courts of Justie-e are open and, no
tl Y VIUTUE of sundry writs, f VtcJitio
J ni Kxpna"a:d Levari Facias, isucd
lutoutofthe Court of Coiaujon I ltas of
Cambria Gnmty. and to me directed, there
will be -xp.-ed I publ'.c tale at the lsrt
Ibni-e in tbe U-rou-h of Kbensbuig. On
MONlAY the 2l .lay e-f March u-xt ;tt .ue
Deed dated ib-f ll'th .' ,r , f p, 7
couveyed the mn Ti...i;.k ft"" '
Timothy R. Lavi5. totl.vr 7 t
teitaiices and litrtdaauiK-tjU. v " t-
ccu.iwi auu iu le v.ij at ii.e. fct:t ,r
Davis. 4
AUSO-Tl U;vv-Vs- re4. (V
the lamil n.l tvr.t,..r, u, "
the f..'doing Real M-iate l
1 ' t I . : . r; -i vi:.t-:e, e, in
lil." df-sciil-! l-itc-
, Mi:iat? in tt'.r, v-."." '
w,t : , . , .... ' tl e Oiuntv 4 Cii.-.b".. a- . T '
All the right, title and inter': of , N ,j . . r-t
Y.'ikey, of, if- and to a l.t .f gr..uii 1 .-".tuate ' 7- -av1 ' ::
in M llville B-rcugh. Cambria county, byuu j ; '
ded as follows Wgu.i,i..g at a coiiH.-r,f t nih - :
,f J..1.U logle, thence by sa. I tUnw bv t!if V . ..
C.i.eman-h nver thence d,wn said iivrr I ...j :. ' ;
tt.ittyf.ur Itet, theucc by leu formerly u. j . a , ,,..,. ' - ..--.
1'hoinaa tK.wns. now claimed by CAthitne
Downs, to township road, au.l thence by siii
road easeily thirty f.jiir feet to the ltee ef
lecinnin;, iH in ene half i-f a 1-t f pr .s:.d
convevtd bv Tb.-mas Downs nnd wife t
'n,.,nu Yorkey by D-e.1 d ite l 21st Xove-m-ler,
li55, havin;; tl.eret n elected a Miia'.l
In u.-e now iin"eeu ie-1. Taken in execution
and t. be told at the suit of Patrieli Ne-ary
for tise of C. 11. Kiiis.
A LM All i!-c riht. title an ! interest t f
n.ui.el Corawav. ef. in and t. a :.iece or
I' :
doubt, all iHTSonal wrongs can be proper
Iy reelressed m ilue ttnirsc of law.
- . . 1
I do not know how many arrests ot tlie -,...:,,;,-, f..rtv crs more er los
rr1 x y
pare-1 of lasd situate in Alleghany town
ship, Cainl.ii.i cttiity, a-Jj.i:iit g lands i f
! Jerome Daws, n, l'eter Cbiisty and other.
kind hereinbefore referred to have leeii
made in IVnnsvlvania, as I have at 110
lime been privy to the making ot
but I beli-vc lh?y have leen few. I was
under the impression that there would be
no necessity ier more et ti-:i ; o!l-rwisi
iV.ut thirty act-.-s of whieh are cie-.ire.i.
ivin-' tl.tie. it eretitd a two story l lmk
t ... . . .. I . . w 1 iro 1. t! ."I.V. ivew 1
c 1 ;t o.., .-.. T..V-. two St'TV lo- b .
l I'll iVV 1 -.4IIV V ' - -x. i 1 . 1 1 1
to W s. Id at the suit of IWird i "-"!' I'"-" V." 11 '
, tt;e ..nd Jh aai l)'t., tf -. T
-;ti. -.n sin' t.i
ivrci.-es to a j e-j, iin&i- ..,.. .
:e-greejs easi io j e-rci; 1 t.
between the lVnns 1 va: i ('
t.2e JU:1 ll -a !, thiice-i l a I .. - '
'oet wetii sai 1 Rail Hd s.-u:: f .y .
greet, west 110 i re t -s. ti.euce'i; "
west 215 t j ti e j ', ,.f t;
(Mntainin llrt a:res at.d m j.T
all 'waiice. Taken in txvc .i; n
Svil ;it the ssi:: of Am: Il-i rT ". '
Welder, Admx..e4" Yi:;i.irn V
ALSO All tl.e ri.t. iri- '
of William O'Ke He, in a.-.J -.. . ;
or parcel e-f land st'u ite in Ctrl': -i'-'
sh't), Carsjbri.1 H"i:.ty, n.,; j.-.,''.
Get.rve C K. Ziwii, Jtid .,T,; .
.thers, ivutainiiig ot 1 UL-h-i at ' j
; acies :.ire or . s. :.if-it ' ... i..-
e f which are ele i-e!, h.:n tLe;-
.t-ri. . :r
ceution ami
1 On-awav and others.
' if
1 .fw.k ii.i.. -;..i ... 1 a. - --- . i..jst .:
I might have referrel to them 111 my anna- , MK.ii;,el i.Und. of. in n l v a p-ece cm- U vr'-, .
al tm;iL'e : but n.xt-nt events having j .arci. 0f Und t-iiuate in T-vlor to., nd.ip, . , , V rfTJ " n ' f
shown that ihi-. imiressio:i was errontu?, j CinJ-ri-i contv. cui;t..ii.iiig acres nvre j r"'A ','K Con ,T!( "s ' ' ' .
I ele-,m it hiv .buy now to invite your at- or iess. adjv.icit'.s lands e f Henry fi-uben- ' J"': ! Z " ' -v
ten,i..,,to,hMd.K,t. ' I'-e. GlU,!,.n,T ,1 otb?s U..ut P --rp
Tbe e. :est iu which we .re engage, I :ll-:r!b ftV "JZ n,-rds. rn.r ...
. I ll.l 'tt U - mm m mm I
libortv anl wvli'are. The lniUor at ihe
-.1- - T 1 rmv in the occupancy t f tl:e M l'" !a,':tr r' 1 .
,,;,...! IV.i.ind. TaktD iu execution and J 1,,e f,t'f; ' '"- : r
South hate tho great UkIv of our people t , U. s j j a. t4t. suit 0f the C -tr rLou wealth ani ,!irt; otherwise the yr--j- r-v ; ,.
who are loval, and hate and bitterly tk- ' f .r Use . f C- B. Ellis. j .', 1 ul l T" SK - ;
si.i- the fe'w whei are rcadv f-r submi- j A!t.-Al! the rv'ht. titl-anl ir.teres? -r j ' , I'.rtT''Wi r r. :" "u 1 ' ' :'
l uhss the relKlIion be effect urdlv ! -"-- Aae8.a. :ec .:.. ol. iu aro to a .1 . - -y
r..iii..l Miiito in rNuniuutvi ie li.ri;r';. ..-.v
tuppr. s. ei
wv inn-t lose our .ride' c-f j
' . . ' r- . - ! fimbria cimtv- to.:. tiiiT 0,1 tbe Tur!r:;e I -H I.i ( v
cottony, the larger rtii ol our tem.ory . a ;rmj- K yVCu ,n th, ;e-.:r . E -c. I'. h n. is..
aiui ll.e t-ieraenia 1101 ; e,i fj , aJit, a , ,t t,f Um. v. Co;j,;..tJ a tie 1
but ed prosperit v. and even ot seeut ity le . ,v.rt a,j tiTei.d;'. L.t k
1 ...
. , 1 -
life, liberty, and projity. Notwith- ; er'ete-.'. a one an 1 a hall frr..e j ......s. l3Ve fi'j p,..;.,.'
stan -Jiiiu all thi-, it is, I far, an tin- In and -a coal rn. n.i'.v ri ti.e- -htu te f (Jiirw'"
doubto.1 truth that a few w retell, s. ameeig J't- y oj" lUe-hatl Maehan. Talt-n in ex 1 c,,,.,.,t f T Xiv-11 m-,d '
us. f .lso to ail our free and loyal j 1 an 1 tv U a.-.ld at the su:-t ef Maaric? ' .
ar Attee.
s fal-Kr to the meiaerv f their f.i'h-
(iovernor Curtin, by his recent
message to the legislature on military
aiiVsts, has incurred the deep wrath of
name. Written under the influence of a :,U thc Abolition members cf Congress
pruiizan spirit, it has not thai dignity which
should characterize a grave state paper.
Thc Governor, ahho-.iidi he docs not
clearly exprtss it, is, evidently opposed
ta Slate sovereignty, and in favor of a
great central power to be co.ieentratcd at
and of the Administration. They ele
nounce it as injurious to their cause, and
say that it was uncalled for.
For thf Ihnocrct and Sentinel.
When balmy nature, had .-t'-epeil my senses
1 - . .
the Federal Capitol ; and while h. cleir- 1 ' , , 7.T , Mricd
t 1' eti.u as;Ue lut j lipase. ul I left faiie'y idone to run
ly acknowledges that the l'resi h nt has t-e machine cf my existence for a time, I
no right to suspend iho
corpus, he does not condemn Mr. Lincoln
for this uGiirpaiiou of power and gross vio
lation of the Constitution, but like all the
'; loyal" men in his own party, ho thinks
that there are a great many wretches in
our midst who do net deserve the immu
nities cf the Constitution, the protection
cf the Government, nor the right of trial
by jury. Mr. Curtin thinks it would not
be prudent to raise a voice against those
military anesti that it would be 4i cm-
phalicully dangcious" fo
to assert her sovereignty or to Cvr.tend k
the rights of her citizens.
1. . . .1. I 1.- .1 . . r
; ; f li.V'l'L I UlT.l II .III S ! t 1 I Vvl OJ H WOTi-J
'i!uCi!S j f,f (;.i.;nhoiieiJ snirils. witlmi't IV-. r.-m.-ru .r
. I " v
any snuering or the debility of sny disease.
1 found mjsc'if with many other i; ihe
boautif-.i'. v;.!e cf Tf.MiT., the waters of Lctl.c
on alio side, at a i!.t.u:c t!u.i.':;:!y inean
devinc alnv.jr. Reyi.nd this river d:m'e seen
wa? T-jrtarus tho elass'.c, but rr.iich dreaded
abode of the wicked. I. with m.-my others
were preparing to attach ourselves to a dele
gation io g j t o ti.e Ccleitial gate, to hear what
I'etor Lad to tay to us will: le-.rd to our
future destination. The reason they wanted
ti travel in force, some cf tLe fj.irits cf Pau
.IctiKiniuui weia in the habit of crossing from
T-iriarut and making prisoners of the strag
glers: a::d if ever thev crossed the river Lethe
: jr driuk cf its waters, ti.ey never could tell
Pennsylvania ! anything of themselves thereafter, nnd bv-
e;ima a t.xtnre with the evil spirits, that
there had their ubo lo.
To iv.y delight nn l comfort, I there beheld
:i human ihnperor, be.-.n as you did very
n.i!d!y, but in a short time pot very b'.ood
thiifty, and wished the whole world had bul
ne her.d so as he could s.trikc it .rl'.tt a blow.
He turned his ljfie attention foially to edu
c.ito his hcre, Iniuut, to tnccced him in tbe
Empire, he built a splendid palace for him.
lixed with ivory rack aad maiifrer, nnd fed
him on puilded barley, you have uot turned
your attention to the horse, (the bvrse i
badly neglected with you) but tithe colored
man, it seems yon would sacrifice our own
race for him. Pontius I'iiate wasaKomnn
Procurator, sent to Judea to be a Kulcr there.
He said he wished to do what was right, but
he was not able to sta.d ihe picssure. So it
is with 3011, Tuu wished to do what was right
but you could not stand the " pressure."
Vw Abe Lincoln stand up and let us hear
what defence you have to make. I looked
around nnd :w cur deur old President sha-
1 11. . " I. .-.1. 1 . .- ' - " ' -...
ers. an-1 t- the td their cl.iM.x-n . . 0sW;!v. ,Tf ia and t a F.erc ,r t , , r,, v' ,
fal. to the country which hns given the!,! j p:t:re; ,.f UlA iu Vasht. town- ! V: i; J ; t"t V
birth an.1 protecto.1 them only stopping ,1,;,.. C-indtw c..iiitv. alh.ji.u, Inn 's . ! th ! if 4m K"l Y .'-': r
-. . - , . ! . , , . " . , . I .1.IJ)! .1 I'll iX'IfTi, Ol I, I
short ot the tcehmeal e-h.-nre ed s t-t:ite of l-iis Ct-.-tv, hHt-a.-e-J. ,!um 1 .-. . .
in the erv ma lness of mischief, are ac- 1 Nich-1 Rur'n and oth r-. 0.! en. 1 yf Ti-:s j n. ' 'y. , v .c
livelv pl.lVmg to K tray u to pe.isOn and j a nrcer less. ( j v.V,u4', "c'-vf, i'
rnWoad tlie minds of e.ur ik oj.!e bv trcaeh- . yt,'n ?'! ttl i Henry Fur, W1. h
... 1 , - 1 5 U:e of I. h:nan. Lux V Co. s,,:.,s 1. , - . ,
erous T.ii-represer.tatH.ns, an-i t so aid j ;M!hmi. la'n.i r.Hk...
and eMtntort the rvUls tliat e-.:r thte mav A1'1 nf!' if J Micha-J Km.l, Y !,..,,.
, , . i- x.- . tn-Tiie M Ciearr. of. in and Ui m i-vv or I re-Wi. k Vei-' V. , , 1
..,!. r to abandon five an 1 1art;, of t., in VKhlJx , J G '.eVrr '.
bicim.- hangers em of a f.ovomnv nt totin- ...hrj 4 f,;Uiity. -lj 1-nh, .f.ij,n y; , ,.,,..-. ..
d-d in treaehery, fraud and inline aml.i- j, i5'im tlarn.r, J. pa 1 l"uJr A- J .'.es. V.". V." i. 1.'. t
tion. i'r, at l. -t, to ehssolve the I ile-r; ; M 1.. r :it.d otuer. c n.i:u:;, t tie btiinned
tin ler whit h we have ppispt-n-d, arl t. i '1 n:"'v m ies more e-r less, alv-n fty acres
break ihi- fair and 1 rious Country into j f r. cu .. rV.ire.1, l:.ivi.-- tiit rr r. 'e-ete,!
fr.i-me-nts. vvhhh will U- curso.1 bv ,v.r. i ; d a In f st .ry Lewe.ll - htsc and
c , ,. , . , . . .- ' : t arti. 1. w jn tie ocenniwv of
lre!u:l !isee:xls at home, and bv Ibe imii- ... , - .1.1 " 1 1 . .v.
. . - . . ! laUcu i exerrtioii aiui to I e s-.M at the
tempt nnd ill us,ige of le-ntgii nations Irjm ; ..f Fa:.nv i'Vreery lor us r.f Amu
whie h we --ht'.'.l then be loo weak to :n- j j ,"ji.
dicate our Ives. a IM All the ti -ht. title iterrst f
'T-I . ... V Cf . I. ...I 1 I . J..1-. -. , .
1 uai suen ii..'iie-e's suoui'i un p;iu- moii. ieoT-;e, e-i. ia an-i to a p. re e-r
ished, no i:oed eilien can doubt, and that p f l f I .it.d .-it'i.itc in WasLit.gtno tow n
prop r le-gislation bv Conuress is req iired ip. Cmd ri i c-mnty. ad;ii:r.g lan.Is if
for that tmriRW cat'i Ik? as little elou'oted J -err.i1i:i. 1'J .nle arvl others. oM.f.Mning
Whethcr'sueh legislation should inelude a I T-7" '
. r- . c . . 1 tijirtv live acres t f vvljli are cleared ami
suK-nsion of the writ of ha Was ce .rj-.K J ereftwl two )TY
in any and what parts of the country 1- a j ... tuv t wo story plank heme. 'fram?
ipiesliun whieh behmgs exehi.-ively to the j i..u ., stable, now in the occupancy
l.-gisla'.ive authorities f the I'niteMl State-. i the said Frederiek Gi pe. Tkea in x
who, under the Constitution, "have the ec-nh n :,nd t- le s.ld at the su.t ef Robert
right to d termine it. That great writ ; d-hnsto:, and o.rers.
.u- ht not to be susrvnded. unless, to the ! ALO All te licht. title and interest tf
wisdom of Congress, the pivsnt nece-ssitv M-dit;z-e. Jr , of. in at,,; to a piere or J signed ly the Ke-sVr , ! i :.f' -sliall
aptK-ar to be urgent. ' j ' a.:c'' '. h"'A Mtn'xUi u fs':'i:.'Slof j iivtr! t-. i
Felmary lc.
TO TJlRt Mil H' r.
HantirpJ ti. Pan i na t l ! :
pike R.a l C ..
Tht the Crmt of lj-r.t;' -1 ;
J.inuary terrrs. l"o. :.. tr-i 1
trt-.htr rnp 3r? r'-. !'' 1
their elr.i'ijs t: L 1 "! t I i .
ttcn r?fchvrl, w i.ih 1 --.
sectation ef their ee'ti-T-- i -V
themselves or their .?n'.
-., jt v s
Sprnve Cietk. Feb. IK lio"-':
dmiutitrrlnri Xeilrr.
adtnir.istrati' n -V lf-ws " " ''
Philip Nwni, 1-le . f F.N- s'".-T
ot-cease-i. h.'rir.;: lcer. irrs: - ' '
Therefore, I recommend the pa
of a joint resolution, earnestly reepie-tiuti
ship. I'niil'rii county, adi-inins lnds of
S-. 1 voter McKinzie. bV rnard MCX.l:n and
e-tin r." containing eighty tix acres more le
thal Congress shall forthwith pa.-s law b-s.,. jUmt sixty acres of which are cleared,
th iininir and punishing ollenees of the h tLerten eretel a two teir 1 ig dwel-
class above retenvtl te atul providing Ser i", ie.nse nno a i"g nam. n,w m tne occu-
king with a universal tremor, hij phasily the fair and siw-e-lv trinl bv an inni;utial I Pn ''" ' "e said .i...n McKinse, Jr. Tk-n '
.. . '. . ... 1 . . 1 - . I... ... . - I t . A
1. .-Jkvx .1. "J .hi-1 iv It NMU .11 1"F T'l --
qne;ed to make imrrl ate r-
those hxTir.g ci:r.s ct .ei -ai
then to
I'lIIL. S. .N N"
Teb. 18. lsOS-ll-ft
diBlnlitrlri Xotlcr.
appearance trying to eve utterance to whut j js,rv f pers
he intended to snv. 1 hollowed out cheer up 1 - . ,
Abe, there is no 'body hurt. The persons in ln l,K 1o-v:U.
the same bed rom asked me if I was crary ?
rso. I c:.t oysters at Wisse'.'s very late and
they never agreed with me.
Ktn eucan.
K3 M. Pershing , acting upem a sug
gestion or recommendation of (iovcrnor
Curtin in his annual message, wherein he
deplored the system practiced in tome lo
calities of paying workmen and laborers
in ttore orders and merelui lisp, c'lered i ho,ste'1 oa ,he platrm
, . , . 1 course and foll.jvred bin
tne luii'jwmg resolution:
AVju.Vti' That the Cuiiittcc e.n
Al-ri.hum Lie.eolt!, ':. o 1 wat told had passed
c;I this r.i'. ttal coil, by bur-itinc a bloodres-
s'd la ia-JSuicj at one t f his own stories.
I was s-irry that tliC IV.kJ Sratc? had ht
his valuable services at this crisis, but still
I was glad to be in his coinpmy. Petrg a
llepublican from choice, I had acrecd with
j in everything from the time he si
I arproved of his
him to Washington dis
j gaiscd like ll jb tliy. When he sa:d nobody
was iiuii, 1 icaoca noc-o.-v l-.urt.
..'I ..
Judieiarv Gc-neral be instmcied to inquire .;.?".. . ? a,P!t0,- , . PWOre
. . . t . . , 1 . that ue would protect and difeui the Ton-
waat hgi!aaon is expedient ::n I practi- stitutioa of the United States." 1 said rmcn
cable to carry out the fenvgoir.g j 1 followed him, right throupb. tho Constitu
mcjj'hitioii of the Governor, and report by I tion ho h:.l to tear it in frngmi-nts by
bill or otherwise.
Cmf Mr. Iineum has se-r.t to the Sen
ate for confirmation, one hi;nhxd and
fie war power. ;:i uividmg a Stiiti
t:;e consent of htr Legisiature. I
hini when he threw the talft cory.u to
winds f r the pood of Lis country; I f.'0
him wh.n Le imprisoned American citi
Governor's 32cssiagc. "
llAKKisr.t K; Feb. 12, 1SG3. )
To the Senate and House of Jicpixfcntutiva
of thc Coiiunonwealt't of I'dinhttiiki.
Genti.kmkn : 1 desire to call your
attention to a subject of moment :
AN hen the infamous and ( mn
cd rebellion brtke out, Congress w?.s not
in session, and t lie occurrence of sueli a
state of things not having been foreseen
in former times, ' no adequate Icgislatiem
bad been had to meet it. At thc same
time the life of the country being at
stake it apjscared necessary that some
means should be taken to control thc
small band of traitors in the loyal States,
so as to prevent them frtni machinations
which might be injurious, if not fatal to
the national cause.
Under them circumstances, the general
Government rescrteel to the system of
military arrests of dangerous persons, nnd
having thus t ommenced acting uiuler it,
have continued (at long intervals in this
State) to pursue it. "ll:e Government of
the United States acts directly onindividu-
citizeaa i a- tne State Executive has no au-
rsons charged with such chn-es
and undisturbed Stsites. so
that the guiltv may justhy tutTer and the
the innocent be relievcel.
A. G. ClKTiN.
George C. K hm.
auo 1 ne I--flowing ie-crthe bmldinc
idrr.imstratWi or. the f-if "'
Noon, lterf J..'.t -i-wn. 1--
a i 1. v.. it"
and lot ef ground of Ilti.ry MTartnev, to ' , - , ' '
wit: All that certain two story plank house. VT.'Tt'
tnessuage and tenement sit.iale in Tavlor !r,; -bte.l t4 a-'1 - '
ownship. in the ofCutnbri.. onYne 0 !afck', lf '
s,..,,!. ..f ,1.. r..n t f...v,n.. t. i.., having claims or flenjar.-.s . r--
i-.v. .iv v e 1 u mi It I Vt'JHJ8" I
tiwn t-Ei-ensVr.rg. containing in fre-tt or. J F1'4 -" V,. .
Furopean Rimiorx.
ri.- .1 1. . .1 . 1
1,11 roinoi s ,e-re u.mii ... 5 wtlitv two f, or
deiKirture of the I.uropa, in regard to the j ,n 4ie th aU nt thirty six feet and tint lot or
new mcxtuition tie-signs ot r ranee, con
tinue to circulate,
Hie Paris Vtfnc of the 25th ult.
says :
Tlie London Star has rceviveel the fol-
Feb. IS. 1SG"-!1-Ct.
p'eve of ground and curtile-ge appurtenant,)
now in tne oc npaney e f . laken in
C.vcntioii and to be so! J at the t-uit of G. D
Wolff & G.. fi r use of A. B. Kurtz. 1
- v ' . w.w..v.. .'141. IV "II.
of the binds an l teneranits which were t.f
these two
other ar.d ad-
the point of intei vening as paciiicator be- j j.4r.'mg lands of Tliomsts Jn.cs and Lew is
t ween the LYderals and Confetlenites. In ! 'nnnire and others, in Jacks-m township.
, r ,,,' iii i.i-i-.r. .on ie ur-ui. ii is v. ii
lowing from its special 1 ans correspond- j TilIlot,lV U. Davis, to wit; All
rut: "Tlie French Governim nt is on j Jracts f An, adi.ining each otl
fifty hospib-d ChaiiLiins, most of whom . !" Iwalasome ''u5a. '"""se they did not : tlionty or means to interfere with arrests
i a n a siuiio i ni' inir'iir? in iti.iii hah.i ih . r . . . -. .
liave been drawing p:iy liom hx to ten i ing of their better I foUowed him when he ! M V . , "iC , T' U tatCS
month", withont l.nvie.g any sljr-rrsaeJ tl,e rascally presses, that would
- - dare to till nnpahit.ib'.e trut!-. 1 fwll.we;
t!:" ;ir for
anticiatien of late events in America,
M. Ab-rcie-r has received instructions to
act as a mediator bet ween the belligerents,
and M. Drouyn del'IIuys is preparing a
note that will shortly be transmitted te
Mr. Sewartl, in which n compromise will
be recommended."
Xc. 102 &-104 Ga'zmer St..
Felruary 4, lSG3.-!y.
ijjf .lohns & Croslev'fr Cement Glue is
under the authority of that Government.
Every citizen of l't-nnsvlvania is also a
citizen of the TVfd St.ite nrv. rye-r al- no.c f .r l- at II. C. IVbvR- f9 .
i 1
Cambra county, and State of Fennsylva
ni;, with, and subject to the veneration
hereinafter mentioned, to wit: Outs tract
containing eighty three act es and thirty fcur
j-erches and allowance, surveve l on a war-,
rant grauted to Dayid Pryce. dated the 17th
day of May, A. D., 1825. aad which the
said David Pryce. by Deed Poll, dated th
19th day e f March. 1825. and recorded in
Cambria Ce.ur.ty. in Record Rook Vol. 3,
page 329. sold and conveyed to John Mar
ray, and the other of said pieces of land con
taining thtee hundred and thhteen acres and
fifty four perches and allowance, surveyed
on a warrant granted to Jedin Murray dated
the 15tn day of January. 1S30. he the said
John Muriay and Mary his w":f-, by Deed
tlafed the 2d" day cf January. A. D.. 1847,
and regularly execute.1. conyeyeel the same
to Samuel Davis, D"ed reordel in Record
B- k in Cambria county. Book Vol. 11.
page as by reference to the fame will
more fully appear at large, and he the said
Si.uei Dav: ar.d E?ihtb hit. wife, by
SHltM Sl lLt.
Dealeri in ail ki-jds of I -VM"
pared tt cut o-.'er,
rcrLAR. CllEhRY. AM!
Feb. 13. lS3S.-?n:-.
Ps. xooy. , u
El ENSnU Rfi, CAM'-i .IA
OfiW one dexr East c-f tb 1
IVo. :S, lc63-tf-
. . . r, i- r r
w r -II I A L '
1 uio .... - ,
Flour per Ul Extra Fa- -v
Cloyer eed.
Tiraotby, do.
per cu