Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, February 04, 1863, Image 1

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    ,s- , fev
U3 4
k 7
14 M
rE ji-i.ys of oK.viIvr, : the obits of WB.irc.v. srt.-:.i bb inr?rir:rrei .iwc. rw.v the high axd t,w vy.r. T,w rkhaso tucmk.
i vy -VST 7ft
0 -a f
1 k V
Iff , R B
yioccain Tracks !
, v.- nrs-.'r? aiv atlont in regard to i
-:;:: -e- which !..
.tr:.l Catm-roii an-. I
; place
ir-.-v !'.'iis !. l :ie
tor, I tiiiiik i
th:t th.-re
i- :, Ii.i-
-i:iii'liT or
1 1
. rat.
i.ix -.-I:-,:
i.l t!i'
1:1' Ii:
iee.i' !1 oi'
I oi jl.tif .i
: -iMfi and
!-i.O:-ed to 'Jii
.;:., n,i, I .'.-t -rr ii ; : i- t
1 i lr!;.t. d ii.O ;-
!iv !, : !:!-.
r-.1 1 nil
'I I.--..
. '
', .
a :
i I.i .t .e.oliUt.
: mv
i. "i: a " k or
ii i :ii t Mr. Win.
WW 1h il.iV
I'.n '1-t. of
v. .viuM 1 v;i ;ie. jllaiilU d.
-.'. :v::tiia 1 1 n: in IIal"."i
;ir-r ti'i.e tl.i and
!H-.:ai r. rvoiisne.- on
:?'. eomhiet o a
i .- I,::-;,; v- at II .in.n:;:
ei..:ra':vi". in
-i" i.r. rX'iii.
.... . t .... (
M'.ii.-iit 1 '
i'lif ee.ndiilati
or. n:: ! vne:-. I. i! hy ! tersun, I'l-oh.-i old m
! i-r..f. ivnee for i ii ! to -ee me on that
. .1- v! fours:-
:, le.l Ue
'lev.'. of his to
to tne. at:d I at
: that was thr 00-s:-i
i it w::s. Ie
'vheth.-r (ieu.-ral
M t '
h.' s .liltlioried
:v Dt-n.oerat in tie-
'1 ei:ti.-r int.. tli."
t 1 -.-cii.-f th''
Je aiisAltV-I.
i.v 1 ;
J )eiii' er:.t- to ah
:!.- ,!.
lii y .i
w w.i:
tin! nor:.
ii -.- c
,1 -'.- .Ot-l ). I ;,,. 'inr,
' 1 ! sir, 1 !ii:a lo t. il nv
r ni.-.'iii- r- W'Te. i h j-;
ti..- Isiee,
hat would trv and tret Saturday. Ve coit-i
1 hi-niiciial tu do so. II-.- if I hey ; re r-t;t o!f
-t.a ...i i t,,;,j miii 1 w .-iitft go.
'up l,.-. woiiid have a carriage
' :'"i.t of Ih rr- H.,t-I at 7 o'clock:
i!;!:eri '.
.:t ;:!iv
Cam T"n to
When the
1 r. 1 . -.
': ' "'Mi to 1 1. ;llid saw tii.- e.;r-:-i'i
ltr'.l-st there. I then made
Xi-eto'st at:.! tJd him it
; ;" ' -t i:-tt to go. (I deenvd it
. 1;
e.l cagi I'
jv . . ill
v. . 1 .it.
and said
1 i .roust )
'' l tO S, J,,;- J.'; t!:C State
I cttl'.-i! at- 1 w :is ,;,!, .,-.-,!
-' .hi i'rh.- hank, an I i- atvl
:i 5 ii--re alone. He a'Mp's-ed me
ii' r.'
1 ii !
-. '- it '.vi-hc! him
I th.-n :
v.-te t
; person lliut ni-i lo him Senator aft. rvvanis.
( i so many to lake care of. it
,.. ,. v " M'.uUr ft th' 1 ;! l-i- j wont. I cmharruss him." hi:t if he had hut
..! ..; ,..'. .. Jtwh.j.ufi .' r,V. ono he eo-.tid ,;, it W'H and proliiahly as
;, ,'' ... t i I-'JWl . j Inn as v lived : nn! said la-sides, there
. ' - ( ' "'- A.i-! voti!l J-no r.)..i-.Janf-r in ijin-Hrcct!v
- 7'. ..;;-;;. j'-nr, M, t.ih.r ; for him that, h; J.;.;g ah, m. ihr ihcr
Com. -lull Cvitnf'i ! ' would make eve :ti)i.i-I..n fr the t,n-
teetson '.-t tic sh;t v.a!d vot-j ior
turn. i l
Ii'leii tiiM l!i?er i w. and
agreed to jj'1-.-t .-ej.iiii ;i;i,J tK tlie :n
i tM-n- it,. n.
l lie i.rot-si
or me. I '. iim-d p .;:: i-.. x-e l;'ia. hi-t
I ... i a;.T eI to . , inn. ;;v room No.
I x-.i:-y. ::. : t I-..;t- M,-. nr.iii, w...nva
i.:. !.. . li-iM-l;: Simon,
w. ni aii. r l:i.n. :,t!d i:t h-- than twn:v
Inii;:-;!' r, -
tii. ii i I. u
!an-:i-'." 1
ar..v. .-;!. In
: w'l'- 'ui
i i:. 1 - ro' !-
w ;. o
r. i'.-iv:u- to ii.
V :l!!l.-i""l
'.!-." !!-
lv:. d
i-i. -:i n." ! ;h, ;i -.-lid.
-I.'.. '." He r.;i !.
V.'..i'.:.;i l..kiit.-.v H i,n J ,i.i;.j
:i--- liirti-r init r n r
1. i.-
mi tt.e t"i
1 :o:d llil'l
l: a . 'itg I ti.e hii-n, -s.
ily h'iiile.l kl! v.-ie-le oi' hi
. he
,; t e;i--.l'e ill-' t'i nan:
th.-.t imi::.
.Hi-. 1'
He iL il ! i
I said
Wi.'i! 1
-t:.i:nI thai
was -.'iii:i to 1 laia'I. ii.i.i.i to aram-.-
i 'i. ;!!,
oiln-r matter whii-i hv iiad in iev,
Willi! 1 n-tlU'll nil iNllltnL" llilillL".
was on Weones'hiy.
(.i Tlsirnay I :a. t -h h i J. I
i ?
.son. to
I 1 ' ! i! e 1 to m i I.I. . ..Ill ;ikii
i aii at lii r-K'in at IEm.-.
I met iiim. I :.-!; d hi::i i:: r. Earn! ll.- t --It 1 me h" w:: -".i-k. !!
1 ::-Led to : th'-n aid. Iviyer. the nii-n. v iiU all
o - -.-il.-il ai , rijj:;,"' I :: !.. I hi.n. " what m-e.n-y .'"
viv rooii ; He then s;.;d. "()!.. 1 know all alx-tit it:
several ' 1 .-aw Cam. Ton." ii mast not f-i-mt to
for '. ptate here i:ior tj my UMi'tin-j Pat
er"n wanted
. ) and y Cam-
er -:i s arranp st-ei.t. i.e wen! I go nmvn in '
tlie ears on tli l.'li:i.i ii Vailv roid on
l-'ri lay at '2 .-'oi k. .aid l!i:;t
;- w .,nl 1
o iotii iher aii 1 elii
Vc lih t aeet .1 !i.
and. in the i':.ji'a.L
New f ink c:ir. ei.
t.iv- riili1.'.- :nl..i,'.
g to Miniv'i nient.
::p:.rit:i' r.t oi the
icie.i' d lie- l.;0-'':,il!
f'r Siii.imii tor :i vote liincmt Simon
Cam-'r- n for l'..- ot" I. S. Se;i:tor.
;rv- ' wit'i the nreen.enl :ii .! no ith-r na mltev
flee- . should i.-e 1
::i.l that (hi
- ...i 1
d th
t -o t ai... .'
.'lit tueiii- . a 'ree lo.iiie riii.s.
n. t I'.-tit
lie l.:on- V
1 t"
'"n w:.s
. ,-s (v i'h
-.v: s
0:1 th ir
I ; in the hand.- of !
...iM : i:".e i!nl:e I' it -'e to I
n 1 . ovf-r. and t. 'i
!W 1:1
were; whom Pat;, t- 1; 1 ( ' :
who j in treaty) wh.j w -r io i'oe
lit-v"! ; way to 1 'hi:;i l. !:.:. ia.
in- i.
II . is
t t!
w. .Ill
. : ii r. tiinn-i in a -jiort tune, not : info :m -lection, an,: .ur :!gi-i-,-,a.iit
;!:::!( i'-i!er:d Catuere-n wanl-'d to coii'i not h' :i-i?miii-it''d. 'I li;s s!at.
" " Tonally. ;.t hi- re-idence Ollt o! ; lll--lit seelliei- lo ileiennine his lililld ill fa-
" i',,;,t 1 to'd him I eould vorof the '....(. Patter.-on went
r-' i' the eii:igem.-!t. - hut would ; iinmediately to ( 'atii. iMn. w ho was in the
'. '11 in vac hour, and i i I could get ear, .and returned in a f-w minutes, sta-:ui.itli.-r
engagement I had ma le, j ting that, although Cameron regarded tin-
i .i wi'h him. In ihe menntime j price bi'. h- would pay it ia order to save-so:!-I
wiiti Dr. Earley, of the House ' further in mi hie. and would, then-fore, not
1 ;,ri - iiiaiivi's. mv eoll.'aue. to whom sav any tiling t-o the meiuluT then on
i tiie forciroii'ir facts. I (hen saw 1 their way to Philadelphia, and that they
I mi-lit return, au.i 11. u prevent :sn ois.-ir-;
rangement of the plan that niiht ari-e
1 from their ahseii'V. Saturday evening
1.1 . T'-
wa- in. -n ;:' r.i'o titx'ii :.- Ui' ame e r Hie
iieL int. rv i -w.
-topi M'd
;t n'-;i'4ii-':
! mv.- lf s did Patters- n. who
turned that same
evening to
is! 'ting. Caiii'-ron w-"ii
to 1 'iii'.adelphi ..
evi u:ag, ai d t- :;
I came up Oil Saturday
:;iid C:iiuero:i rn the train,
l.-a-t one of the men who
a.s well .1- at
it" ot ta .nnw.!:ic n"! I w r.t lo I;. irv.ia !
ay Ih fore, and
!i.-!i :.'-, ni-.--- I ! th'mk At the.!. -p..:
I larrisiiurg
I i'.iCt Patter-on. w ho -aid th- int-Tview
v ..;:ld he a! li.ii ( " i.i.-iio:,"s. Aeeor
dii"lv Path-rsi-n and nivs-.df went din et
lo the Iion-e, and font id the (-n.ral there
.ih ad of i,s. 1!.- i.ii;.il u- up s:air-.
and. hv a di-ei 1! ' I. w a;.-r..-.-d ion ii
: -Itovir. do von think von 1 the p: ,.:. : ('aiii.r.n a--.i:tt'i to to
' " irage enough to vote for hargaia l ! we, 11 1 ; i 1 1 . r t 1 an 1 ir.v -eif hy
-v. r-.-.i that it was a very :-.gin ing to pay the Sgil.Oo) -.",.ii(: t.f
q.icstion. and that it would ! which to U- paid in h..nd and w ould
iei -li 0:1 1 ircum-tatves. deposit it in I ,;:tn r.ui"s hand- in my pie-"sii.-.N.
the ci renin. -lane. - 1 .-,. at s..:.:e future int.-rv iew-. s.i'.-; -. t to
-'''" I asi-d him h'w lie j mv in-peetion. "A liotle it,eid nt whieh
;' -l n!.t." He ansvvere.1 the, occurred hen- it v.'.uhll a pity to lo-e to
'' U ri!i.i:i : in -hurt, the d A- the world. i h'UT the Uiigaln w;;s cun
" I Joi-wer.-d him. .T-; eludiil Simon straighten. il up on h'.s
H th. 11 n-le.l ,.. w; .t ! would : rnhhitv his lc s with, his hand-.
I i i.! I,;i t .. . 1 - . : ... . W..11 .1,; .....t-t 1 ;n 1
' . - -j r-
""'i I ll.Ui I.-, II 111 lill-.S.l.iH. ...... .ii.i-i, -
T - ... ...
'-'. 1 did n.t know exaetlv : Snator and vi -h if nev.r regret it
mm-'' (ad hv. ing him-. If lo
me) I will 1
E a-Ul !..i I , 1,. .a"! tl..-. hi si imwerfui man h, that S na:e:
-i t d'.wn. afti r tlie work 1 the entire -t ate of all-.i.s of ihis (inn-ni-
ked him. whether ! in. nt will le chang.-d: n-.thing i- more
ahsenter. He C'rtain than that the South will gain her
- . i : or.-.' and that it would U t!,.,He. (this somidul like trea.-on.)
; "l k-.ra-to t the men awav, mid then we will holl the control of the
' 'v- "i'lv ri-gntde.1 the money Gov eminent an.'. 1 w id In sd.Ie to -.-ne
tir-t instalment, 'and that h"e ! my friend.-:" and so we parted again, to
"iXJ he.j.Kl t0 tf, ruv of the j .liTam of .s,uthernt Conf.ilt raei.v nnd
Winneh.agocs for Senator. Patterson and :
I then agreed to meet on Monday.
Vv liivt at o o-iM'k. in Patterxjn". .
rooiu at Ilerr's. n Mondnv arternorn. ;
I -re Patterson told me he hail the .( M)0 j
hand money Ioeked up in the afe down '
.-tair. lust waited me to sv Simon again f
Ix'fvire tayi:iCT it overtone. I insisted on
the liand nionev.
r,, . , , ,
.-arj to k-i i. the .Khi,ion. Wc the,, j
rartid in meet ;tt the tame iilaee iarlv
next inoniincr. Immediately after
hreakfj.-d on TneMlay. (tl:e day of th
eleetio.) I met Patterson, aeeonling to
agp-i-nu-nt. at Jii room. Sini'-n lx ing jri s
ent. 1 ing the Ird, eomjilainin- of a
I:- t)t the Iwiweis. It was then de-
i" - I that i !i uiiil ee some K nuthean
i.i' iia.r oi me ei!.ue .; iruie. who
'.-. ::! -r io an 1 ii'.iorin him of
!. :!!:.:: ( ote f. -r fanienni in
:.- :i v.-:i- innniri.ited. To llii 1 maie
:r.e ii nd-d oiijectioii and deinand'-d
:! i: e.v the !: .-si; for it. Simon said
ii v i:- that unie.-s I jhi- they
!!iih ;!.I;ik he j'l-t wanted tle-ir d d
nomination for -teef.'.i was not true.
n.i; i!''i-!:ir.i he would n t have :he nonii-i-'ii
and a defeat for the whole jej.i
iaiure. S . -i eour.-t
eonsi j.led.
v-iisi'.' jiriee was m .hait.M-'.iy le.ix-d
S.I.MMO. Patterson aid tin; .-nU'-man
.ho -..'d wait on me tit-was I)r.
I'":i!!ir. of tiie S'l-ate. who wonid ! jr.s
. as s.fon as I wa rr ridy t-i re-.-ive him.
I :": ! :'::;t w.-.s :ui ri-h?. hut jimst now
Ii e -;ivii;eid lh- moii.-i was ail
; o. Pait-rsin tin n hiiriiedl showed
lo- a hu g.- hmnlle of i.o'.-s. v. liit h he
ri-.r. e.ited as heing ihe amount of the
tin:'! paynu iit. 1 le assured me the day
liel'oiv 1 should have the hand money, and
again on Tuesday moini-sg said I eould
have it. I told him i d'-vim-d it helt t.
0:1 r" I'"l',''",n nr' ? Iiave it alxmt me.
lua.sinui 11 a" ,ii"r inim i- a m-.v aner
. I .1 . .l
ne eierw: n. an-i sun, 1 wou:.i nusi n, 10
, . , , .
th- in. ' 1 attir.son aim Cameron, knuwiiij
tn,-n, : to Ik- honf. P:.t:o aan,
,.-e.l m- th-- h:m.( n: n -v v down m
t..esa!e. r.,,.1 t.vgetaer v ,:h ,.;e res,;h,e
sl-o'ild he f ..rthc Mnin ' a- x lt, jj- thcr-iec-
!i; was over. (I may here sjate it d-d
nt eoiae. ) Cameron thin said his car
riage would he at th Sine 'ajiol Eatik
after the ciectnM:. n::d I shmiid come
lih.f d- w n ami go over to his h..!-- arid
renvoi, tin re aw liiie. This, of course. I ;
:i;re-d to do. 'J. did not.)
Now. thr:. ail !:::g l.-if.i ant:!!g-d.
I.'r. Piil'icr was n-l:er d in hy Pa'tci-on.
Th i -r-jd'i'.lion completed, I said:
D ei"r. I presume I lu-.d'-r-iaiid tee'
oh; e oi this i:i!ervi.-w." lie fh. 11 said :
' I -im i-hatnii'in of y eommiit-'e apjwiint-
d 'iv the Eepiihiican itiucus to wait 01,
-.0:: to s,-. whether you would vote for
(':;:; roil." 1 said "Yes: 1 a -.-'.ire you
that if von nominate J-'ii. Cameron jm -in- :
lir.;' to the old Vv'iniichago lyiir' on the
b'-'ll it will le all ri-jht." lie said:
" You give me tint assun!iee .' I st, id
-Yes." I r. I", then saiil : You need
have no fears f personal danger, or any
thing of that sort.
AVe have made every
provi.-ioii to i.ifPt all d:,nger." Thus the
last s'cr.e ,11 this strange taree eud.-l.
Simon a.-.-ured me that he would 1e ev. r
urateful. and I hojie he will.
!i is proper hero to -ay that during this
nth- adventure with Simon and hi
au; tits, my colleague. Dr. Parley. W. A.
Wallace, the Senator from Clcartiold. and
ifoleit Vaunkn. the proprietor o," the
Pennsylvania Ih-itse. in this- eily. were
in the sA'en't. and Dr. P:ir!ey. i-sjui-ially.
knew constantly what wa- going on.
In one of my interviews with Patterson,
.n tin cars going to Heading, he .-aid in
e:i?e there t-liouM any investigation grw
oatoflhe transaction lie would le the
only witness that knew anything a!ont it.
and he would swear fah-c!y ami jmt i:
In n-gtinl " t' the date- given in the
: !m r statement, as I made no nvnioninda
.-:! !!i- time, I etinuol lx certain that they
ai'e CelTxet, hut I lx-lievethcy are.
T. .Ht 1 l.K.- i" ImiiI'K.
C7" ' Million for the Constitution, not
one rent for .mancipation." This is 1I10
s. aiinieiit otM-P'l hv Hon. A . Ikirr. at
the imi
vtise puhl! mi-ting held in Chi-
-ago on Saturday .Ian. tilth.
Cif- A- voiin" 1 telle in Washington,
w,.;it,.n wi:!i .1 Ihi-siaii oftie- r. an adven-
- - J
- " .... 1 I
tunr m tit-- I nion army . man ic.i nini 111
haste. After five wccks she repents at
kisuiv, and claim against him lor a-sanit
and hattery. Buttons on the hraiu" 1
the malady prev ailing among-t tlie young
ladi'-s , ovv.
vT Pru-sia is in jril of a n volution.
In Purlin the people are highly incensed,
: an 1 th imiamstitutional r.nduet of the
s.-v.-rein is discussed with gn at fu-y.
Tallandigliam In Congress.
The Speech for the Hoar.
,,e "' for "PEACE" tliat vr tnmy
nctontirnrl It:
Tn(,sK vn,( ,VlXT .KKi:kc.
sTpri'nnv v- ot . v- .m-m--.
A Mafcsmatr VIcts.
l)rbryr"l iii timbre .'luunn 14, 1
kki;.mj.x i t;ik
A .
Tlie S Maker: The question recurs on
the resolution f the jrentieman fi-om
: Pennsylvania. Mr. Wright. 0:1 whieh
the g-ntlen)ftn from Ohio js niiiU-d to the
?lr. Val'.anJigham : Mr. Sjn akvr, en-dorx-d
at the reeent election within the
same distriet lor whieh I stii'i hold a s'at
vii this lioor, ly a majority four times
greater than ever lie fore. 1 sjak to-dav
in the name ami hy the aathoritv of t!ie
I oj.le who. for .-ix years intru-tei me
with the olhee of a Penrex malive. Ival.
in the Hue and highest .-fii.-e of the word,
to the Constitution and the I nioii, th- y
have provid thenix-lves di oj".i!v attached
lo and worthy of the SiU-rti. to e.'urc
which the l i.ioii and the Cunstit-Jliou
wen? I'stali'.i-h'Hl. With ea.u l-r r.nd IV -e--.loin.
therefore, as their I.Vjir. ntatixe.
and with much jilaiain-s.- of jj ei h, hut
'. witli the dignity and deemey due to this
, 2'iVK.nee, I rojio?e to con-idcr tiik ma 11.
, ok tiik I min to day, and to inquire what
i the duty is of ccry pnl.iie nian and eiti-
n in this verv eriis of the (i levo-
; 5,.
; f , ; . ... . ...
t in'i:".i 11110 .-. .-I: . Sil. I- v OII"IT.-s
j .,.....,1 1 . 1 .j 1 . ,- 1
1 2i-euhieil soi.ui aiter ;ne 1 n-Miiential cue-
I tU.. A sectional ami-slavcrv pari v had
j;M S1M.,H;, j,,,,,,.., rmsi.fthe
Vo:,s, j. l or the ti;, ,., p,. -i-
dent had lieen eho-f-n nx n a plaitnu '
avfir.'cd hostility to an in-titntien peenliar
ti nearly one half of the State- of the .
I 'nii-n. and who had himself pri--Iai:ii-l
tii.-it there wa an iirepri's-ihle eoi,;ii, t
In-crni-i ;i tiiat iustilutioi, lv wi-en tin
Stales: and t!i.-it the I'nion ".uld not en
dure i- ji;u1 .-'.-tve and part free." Coi
gr s-s n.-t. lii :i-i'oiv. in the midst of the
protoandi .-i apitatioa. n ! here only hut
throughout the entire South. li'evo'utioii
glared upon us. l;-p"a!til eihMts for imii
ei!i.ii;on and co:r.pi"omi- weie attempted
in Cougn.-s and out Ail vvere re-
t--d hy the pally coming into j-ivvt-r.
except only the promise iu the la-t hour
of the s.-s.;,,,,. :md tlitit. too. against the
c.i:is-nt f a majority ot that p-irtv IhmIi in
the Senate and House: that Congress '.
not tin Ex-citiiv. :-hoiil.i never In- an-
thoiiiil to alx.lidi or "mterli n with slave
ry in the Slates where it exi-ti-d. South ;
; (':.! ilina : (irvri:i Al ili-mei
, i.i,,h,i., MJU-ii.,.; I,.nh.i.:i 'IVv.-
; ,li!v tonowl,i. Th-other slave State- '
: , . . k VirMiiia d.-mandi-I a !:..
n ,....,t;....... 1
. Congrei
' after some time, agrn-d iijkm, l.-nns of
final aljustiiient. Put in ith. r ,, the
Senate nor the House were th-y nllownl
, .-vcn a re-pect:ili con-id "ration. The
' I'n-sideiit -le.'t left his home in l-ln,.-irv.
and journey il towanls this capital, jesting
as he . ame : ro-Iaimiiig that the -ri-s
Wi,s niilv artiiiei.-d. and that liiMuni.
; was hi!rt." He cut. red this cif. ,::?! r
: iver of night and in disguise a the
Ith of Man-ii h- was iii:uigur:il -l. sm'
roitti.h'd hy soldi.ry : and, swearing to
s'lpjurt the C'iiiiiiiti..n of ti;. I i.i:-d
. States, ar.noun-l, in the -oue hmitii,
t'iiit the pl.Ulorai .t his p i; ;y should U
the law unto him. I'lom m-'inent
all h"pe of p a.i-al-Ie adju-tni, ,:i tkil.
Eat for a little while, cither wi.h un-t. ti l
fast sineei ity or in pivtndi!atoI I ct-it, the
jmlicy of jiea.i was pnw-laiuni!. .-.en lo
the evacuation .,f Stimter and lh oilier
I'ulenil for:- and :trs-ii:ih it, th- .-f.'ti
Stat.. Why titt'.t joIi'y was -u dd.'i 'v
: aKandi "nil. time will fully ii-cIo-.. I tut
ju-t after the spring elections, an I th
. r. t narting in this cilv of the Oover-
. nor- of several North:ii and W. -tern
Stater-, a tlc't I'aiTyitig a hmge liuuilx-r of
men was sent down osten-ihly t pii isiMi
' port Sumter. The authorities of Smth
- . I I ..1 .1.1.11.
1 annum tageny a-cpiii me cnauenge
and IxMiihai-led the tort into surrender.
' w h ie the fleet timl not a gun, hut ju.-i :e-
s.oi- as tin tlag wtis struck, tre away
and n-tuiTntl to the Noitli. It was Sun
day, the-1 4th of April, lbol : and that
day the lYesident, in fatal ha-te and with
out the advice or consent of Congress, is
sued hi- proclamation, dited the next day,
calling out seven.v-tive thousand militia
for th:"' months, to rejo-uc-s th fort,
laees and pn.tjicrty f-i7ed from the I'nited
Suite-, aa-1 r.inr.nar.tiing the inurgrnt
to lis:K-r.-.- in tw n-v Arrn the
1 1 1 1 1
in "I li.7.. ..1 i .0 if .i.i.l i.l.n. tt'.- L-
the flaiiM of a eix i! v:ir. the crande-t. ;'. - - -e.-
1 1 l- . i i i - . i-i. i i v'Mi)iiniit ot tue anii-t'averv- sentiment
ttlooliet. an 1 ddeM m hi-tor-. L-hted 4-,,' v- , ... - ,
.i i , i - - ot the orth a:id i-t. lruai the o.-in-
iin the whole heavens. irnmu f (Vth- ' T , , n v o. i
vJ-,.1. i j v ...i i -r ' ,u:i- Iu at college, at the bar.
with x vh-l.- it'i L arwhna. Iim?- , ,. . ,. . ' ...
s' and Arkn:a 1 " oved : t ,:twnrv, - , , , .
t i i T- . i . in 'ii't?S "v and man, as a Mivate
tixmi tlie leoeia-ialioii. the line .f the -e 1 r u.
r. r , ' . . . .. ,e.-r j-ucntiee, 1 nave fou 'hi it.
toiiteilerate States was- tr:in-ien--l 1itiii yr . - , - x
., , . , it (i.-t me ten vears exclusion from olUee
lie cotton S.ates to the J otomae. and !..,, , . . ".1 . r i-r .
, . . .1 rvi - 11 .- - ' nonor, at that iktlki of hie wLeu
almost to the Ohio and the Missouri. . 'v , ,. ,
,, - . , ,. , ... . ho:ior.- are sweeter. No matter : I learned
and their lunula' ion and lurhtinir men . . . ... , . . ... . .
, .. , 1 1 c r- . early to uo nuht and to wait. S:r, it 19
out the oeve.oj.ment ot the Fpnt ot mlor
In the North and W st, too, th? storm v. ho-e children arj flr.f- and
raged with the fury of a hurrycane. ,m,rder. Cain truhlc! himself aljtit
Never ,n hiMory was anvlhing equal to it. I the Kt.-rliKvs of Abel, and rf.-w him
M"ii, women v.w chii-lixn. native eont. ntlons. iiti-ation.
loreign ,..ik v..:mcii an t state, .c-rjy
ail'l Ule!-. W'-!1
a.l sv.. .t along with
th.- current. Distinction
a-'e. ct.
station, pari y. prishtd in on instant.
Thousands h ut I fore tiie teTn:r-st: nr. I
here and there only was o-e f,n,nd lmld
enough, tt-mihardv in "ui"h it mav have
h i'n. to h.-nd not, a?. 1 i:p n him it f 11 as
a coii-uniiiii.' (ire. The pj.iri: of v rsecn
tion for oj -inin's ;tVe. almost -xi?i-t i:i
th. f)Id Win Id. mnv, lyoine mystiri'iis
lrti:iaiH2raio:i. kjijHriiI inan.aV in the
New. S relaiions w . re dis'.'vtil:
fri -nd-!iip h.-oken nj : tlse tts (.f f.nnilx
and kindred s:.spp d asunder. S;"p s
and hanln wriv errv when- thrr-ateiii-d.
so-.actiin-s -x eutl.;ivi wr.s
invoked: sland-r sharn -i.e.l his feet!,:
fal-oho-d i-ri-lii-fl tnr.h to earth n a-
, t
son nv.i: ti.a.ino-s r i;:ioi. ..Not j::
ti -e oi.iy ..m-.i-;1 to th- ski. s-. hut j .uc
ivlun.t J to theh..soia of C.o.1. wh-:u-"
she came. The .'o-i c! (.f ! i r n.-:i-hi-d:
hate sat -nthitned. a::d the s.-e-nfie of
iiwl Mnokii t:j o ev.-ry tdtr.r.
Eul the r igt: of th'" r..oowa- iti.iniiira
ted i.nly t oi- s'i;ij.Urit.d hy the sro-i
dominalioi; A' arhittury p"r.-r. C r.t:
tn:io:Ml jiraitad :i ;i- lm-k. ti down:
a . j r. iy.
is I,
J' V rty of the
vpee.'-h. of p rs n. of the mai's. ,.f
travel, ot'oae's owe. !.n and of reiiion :
the r'.jht to ' anas. d.K pi oi'L,w
;:i' trial, tti:.! ny J.iry, Trial ai a:i :
very halgcaod m-.iieiiient f tin'om i.:
repuhliean gov onmiriil or kin."v gi-verrj-ment
all went down at a hlow: the
!:i flaw ojTieer of the erovp I l.e j-ar-
doii, -ir, hut it is i-a-v to f.dl
into tlii-
eoii'ilv l:;t:gunge Tii' Altornev-i.-nei-il,
tir-t .if all men. pr.s '.aim il in .!- 1'ifti.d
States tlie n.axiin of Eon tan -.-rvility:
Pri.-i'i.ers of S:a5 were then ii,--t he:j:-d of' Midi light atnl a:!'iira-y an-e-;
e-.-nimene. d: t-av 1 aterh l''l : tr: h"
t ltiii.-llgO'-l. pa porlf d- li;;:d.-I : lia-t.h -were
intrt.lue. d : Mnii;v .Kith-
a seen, police organize.! . jipii.g"
ln'an : infoitiiers ronltii ilied : -oi. s u.ivv
lirst 3pj-anil in Ameiie;i. "IT::- tight to
r- ii
deewn vvar. t r;t;s,- an t arnn- s. eitii. r i t-.i-.g ::iut a s-. paratfTi or t
and to provide and maintain a navy was Said a vain hat hloody pretext for abeli-h-,isiirjil
hv the P.x cutive: ur.A in a litli- ing -lav.ry in the Stat.--, In any event,
more than two nioi-.ths a land and naval I kn. w. or thoo-ht I kn. w. tluit tlie end
foni' if -.r ihrfi th-'tis., i;d iii.-n 1 -va- ce rtain e.-iiisi-'n, and .i.-aih . the
was ia the field or upon the sea. An ! I nion.
irmv i.r iili!ie ii'imden i-s !ol'... :i:id I .
....... , .
com.p!....i stmggte.. w,t!i .w fr :n tr,c,M,y
strif - lo, the m.i-ter. at h-mc.
.... . .. hi
On ih- It!! of.hilv C
'f. s i,rt. l t
t -yi, p-ae :
1. or n r-sirain
n.'t to n 1"h..' n-nrpati' m
i-'W. r. iK't rtainlv lo
d. li'x-tat.' : ti"t .veil to !eg:-iate : hut to
p-'isi,-r and lo mtitv .h.-l.-. ai. ! a-!s
t t'ae 1"ai ca'.ive ; a:id in y.-ar ia: g'
-ir. 1 i:i ih :-t :av ot' th-' sto:-.
1. in..k r. naiviTsal l-'p'.-stn of l".,.
ainl hloml a;.. id tic r. :.r of :.-. :ku
.'i.d the din f U.rt; . Ens- sp.--.-h wa
t.',iv had at ih' r:-k fa p:i-o.i: j.!--lliy
lTif-. )p 1 '"."I. -:i.-:i."d hv the
ti :s- imor of disli.yj.lty A.I 'vi
iiH-ss iHi i war wa- i.!nl out - f order.
. l'ive himdied tlioiis.ui.1 lull, an iiiiii.t'S.-
navv. an l Iwi' nan irisi aa l in.y .:.: 11-
of money v. .-n -pu dtiy gva:.'.i d. Iu
....... .. . . . .;-.-.!., I' - t. - i't...!
. , , 1 -1 .
i.tllll. .11 i.i"s. 111 -1 i .-. . - ......
-i In I. rni-iasj 0 -.tit.; wa-
livi-"ii. Ahj-fl s'ihiui lot 1 vva .1-
uiaivlnl. I-av .1 11 your ai in-. tor : I. Thev rtj--eti-l tie prvj.'i -, and
jr-ai.. sa.-ri n-l.-r your I. ;il r tor1.-;:uv. ; c,.r,! th - prophs. 11,.- .-mdiiii?.' of the
death tliis wa-;h.-only 1 u-guag. h- ar l ; Jj, pnlhi-n party wr.- -!i n 1 Yv-i T.-r.t.
on ilw Slo-T. 'Ih- ga'.'.cr:- re-joi.dii : . S"rrssj-.: lrg-sn. Civil vvar w u-:r.uio: 1 1.
the cnidois -elnNii ; arvi -o!itr-i.ti and It ws Mo p--tr in- irr er!on ; temp.
plaeetii. n and oilier v. a!r:o's every - i prv tuh'.n iti. n l i ..'-:n:ct tl'-
v h -re gna-h'-.! op mi the h ie-.:d- ol p ae ; ti. n "f tie lav s in r riaiu Stats : hut a
as thev hy. In five wovk-s vei.ty - j:; -v.! . 1 ;. .v. sv-teTiiitie, d. ri!T:,', -cight
p:i!'ie private acts and joint trvieii cl. : r:d with th eoiien! of n ip.i-n'.-sohiti
"ii-. with declaratory r - ih:tii.:.s. - ,r:!v , f t3'. jin.j 'e of c-aeh State which
in the S'iate and Hons, . fjnite as 1 unier-' d. Cau- h -s it may !-::o len ;
mi, all full of slaughter. w ep Inuxi 1 . -eVe.l it uny have Un : in: thr? it
. through vvithvMit d.lay a:td without -va- : ti: to ! at. stili ps; f.-i y
dehate. lr.ojh il ?. hut t' lv dea'.l with hy sttes-
Tht,s was rivn. i: mnugrav.-I :n 1 w as a lae!. No Iit!ay of ".igcr or
An,eii-a. Can any man fo-diy se- the f..r,r al-se, however 5::ilJrn or punt,
end oi it ? t -;ld '-rive srs.J jt n at tHe ru'-rt
1 And now- pinion 1 1 "., if I ii'iv It v . 'Uf-U'ii"!- nt l.vt. The .! f hti
voi. . j oxo. a
' here a moment d-fne mv jti-ja
: at thi time uj;n t?ii r 'dx j.aji.Ti.
T - .
' " r"1"- tr. .ii. .iiae ui peaca
. " I
: an,j bi.iol5!.e.I. fiomthe b-.-iun in-ct time.
have l n its fruits. Tl:c ss.irit ' of non-
inTorenli:"ii is i,.- si.t.". ni'i.i.'.- t...1 v.ti.
,r,l. I do n-.t hlli. ve that if slavery had
iwrnAKLv! I.I I . 5 .1
- - - - - - ' - - " . .... , v .I'.'. 1111
seetion-u e'nt;rersi''s. J v:ry civil
v.-ir miI.t 1 .-. t hupju r.. d tifty, crhaJ
a hundred years laic. Other and strong
f r e.-;u-r-s tif discn-ent nui of ciis-j;.ien.
ii mix le. ;ae existed Vtwecn other
and sO:.'ti.. ;,n I
now liae-
de v-ltijied . very d-iy into maturity. The
spill: ol ir.tei irritiori the forri of
a'oIit v;a,-m 1 cause slavery was olimi
in n nie :ir:d hy r.: -.-.iation to th-.- n rth
1T11 laia.l, anl i.vaiiv i? was .at which
.l:ill Ji tile two s-c!i ills.
..-re:f. in J,-r arlr and later rtTT.rl to
n I !. :-.;' f had f .xi. l
r.,,d of.cnsive ;-.-.:t- cf -l.ien- to t!;.? v.-orM
Ah -l.tioa i'lte. u. W.iuz tairmt her at
to s iti eh iLr and defer.d tie a.-smii'tl
,". een. e.nie, an 1 jsi'itieal merit and
vuiu --r- 'f the institution.
E'.it to: re never
w.i- :.n hour f.otn tin-
i:r.nin whn it
dTd ti.
t. ,i
: -:iM:i to me as clear as jj.c sitn :tt
n .--.1. t!:at the :u:Itatk:i in inv torm
nth.' North a,:: I We-t of th.e shivery
qiv lion um-t so--ni r -r liter tnl in d'.4
nn:o;i and civil war. "l"his -.vr.s the opln
i'a a'.i! reti.ctii'n for var of Vv'hig and
Detnoeratie ,-tai s;n. n alike: and after
.lie r.n.onunui'.-"M-soiuiion ct Hi" v tnir
pa.;y 'n 1"!, o- ui"z.ui -n of th?
pro--i t E.-ptihiiea.i J-arty i:p .11 an excio--iv.Jy
an i-slavery a:. I s:-e;ioaa'. lasit
! h-" e flit w.-is in. v S:;itij. 1..' .-!.-.- in
then exi-tiog temper of the pulie mind.
I ai:d :iiti-r tlie eihsc.itioii through the press
; and hy the pulpit, tlie l-.-eiure and th-j
:i-'!i'.i- :ii e:i:r.:-,ss f.,r twenty xa
f a
:e:i-r.;iioi, tail' tit t hate slaverv and th
South, ih.- si.iV'S ot tint ..riv. jv.fses--
-d. a ! wa-. ot own t-nv,:ne of rmlitical.
l.:-U!.'-s. s-;
and religious inihicr-ee.
was -i r:.-.:'.. Ii wis. nly a question of
tin:.-, and sh- -! tune. I lu tiev e from th
lirst that it was the j-urjose of saline of
tl. an 'St' s of that doetrineto fo'-e a eoJli-
- .in i t,ve..n the North and the South,
. i iicxiii" ions, i i'r v.j.r
; ,T. w, 0 u thM j,.,,
. . -j ,t . v. ,., :r
o . - - - s .
t . .-.- , 1 111. 7 4 4
tl ch io-.' I thot;ht it
ri -htxMi.
tri.;ie hitt- nH-s-
-' an .arr.e-i ird im-
pa-s i"!i.-d luitutv. "I i.iakii.g thus. I f'.n-vv;.:n-i
ail w ho Ik-II.v (it the d-eti in--, .-r
:.'li..w,d 1 he pity whili t':giii j. with
a si 1 :; itv
" an-i
U ptil o. Ot;! I.-j. Hi
p I :!-:,'! tlr- ?-irt -A
prot.'un l :.- w
in-i. A.: 1 w.j.-n. !..r t-.g.i! vi.i-s ta-t,
over and ok. -7 ag-;:r.. I Ii.ivi- pr-Lruii.'-J
th' ln-t'le the -il'Mi-s-. f a s-Cik'-L'J
l-i p.e i.
aiiti--i-v ery p'.rty woniJ
..f h-or."ii ti a:id . ivll
! th ig:n il:ig
..r iu Am t-i.-.t. I
I.- 1 -. . -.
ii'.iexi-.i u 1 :. 1. 1 '.ei riv.a i,:-tnrv.
t. ..; -.,...!
:iod -tu-o-.I l.iirvui n ::ire, a-.d tidi.atnl
f -r a xiua.1 r of v . .1;
1 lu.. -oara J it
. . - ...
,.t oer Atneti.-:::, a-.-titiaion-. ; j., ,.j
' . ,-i-..t,i.-;i:. ct! f tie- j.'. ji!.- Sjuth as
- . - . a v..i it . ... . , ..
. -.Mil .ii : . ,-l. I 1 r H.I l IK.M "Jo'; H I t.C
cviiT. liit tl:3 pip'.- .I'd T ! In lifvc !:;.,
n r
'T an.1 vis- ri:n l gnv.;.-
r than