u u li li , r,u;.,r i bored to the U-ion. TLe purpose th"n ?.S?t VJt bJ" S" ' ed by the Admii.istratioJand - rtol si n r -.?:ite .l,.,.-,r w t.- I IT MP tl.2 era. I" if ,1 ivti of thos.? who are 't i's bv Congress, as to the objects if the xx-at, to the Administration overwhelming will, anJ at the same time ran control the power of the Executive by rejecting treaties farmed or nominations lnaiie by the Tren ded. At this time, it assumes to dictate i 7Zuu,k j wrs3 'KhT 3 . j .itd-- I SSiffS iute SbUJ cur Co, f ',. r. -! i.-val ClltZOIlS. ftli.l Itrl-.-H "i . .- . , : I. ,:- . it- V , - . , ' : ni.nn slltlltlon auj ol rouMiug w ........ ".. tan tae s.un; puni.a.rcciu .... - - condition. When this policy was powerim uran.n e. go the msar-D's. i "f11'', O n- ichan.and it adoped the sentiments of have au cqud repent the success r t'ae war. to uphold t - ii c i . x,.rtheru Sute5, anti diarded gard to population, st. mt! ? and r,, tore . ne "' '?. J of the centra! and western State, a re- Even under our presc. of loyal cins who. a.e d uUers ar revolution was the result, "he merest ,-t the smad tut; tied to the froteclien 01 me wvi. ...v., r ( .Al;r ,n ,).. national U -,r. A.-s wh , hive remame.iinr; fco me - t.iKi.M " .....- i.,v disnionortioii err.ment. It xviil also make itself tftective in our frciiiintly iccurr.ag elections watch. i.eaoefuliv but rapid'.v f-Tm a b-dv of enitneiit in harmony with its j".rpss. the oi -ariiz.Uk n ft the r.xicutive depart- will lni.c.eu. ,.- ; , m.n T i.' no.lv a so i. as a-ivaniare i niav it-.m i" - It it .nter tenure i l Lince, winie i is uiriuer ( incuir..."--"-' - - . - rf 'J t removed from popular contr. I. It is it, this ; loss. ui.;es., ;i u....c .y . , VVi powerful brand, of government that States ! pnjud.cw whch are iDCDMnt with the hiive auequd rep.esenution. without re- Uuvcn.nent ol a great o.ut.try. I hi war. ; yv.r; rd to population. with all its evils, has taugt.t us greaUruths , Even under our present Union, it is for which if accepted by r,ur pp:e wul . . . - : - - ot our c iunt.-v. I lie s .e lorce i . It Xrrii t, i-i'T raliz. ' nl.ire the . ... I'. . . .... 1 .. finnt v.i i.n.ii.l :is I hev : Iloli- Ol 0111 v. i.fii ! u.v ......v.- I . .. .1 1 f il 1.,. : iate coTitrol m the s has Uia.:e u i.- o.v - i ..v. . ; :..., ..,,1 ilit t.is .ir w; l .:.! ' l..!, ..ft'.M i:..v(rnir.pr.t IkI "li.v I -nr imernai uui in far, M Kill 1 ' . - - - , ITi, f I lllll t lit . t v - . , It has :"vt li us a w:s . f each other whi.h this pr vj' imVi i di.cCtwl a-Vm.-t turn. : -n t,.a .lSc.1(aI-y Y the views of one of j n ,w .u-qntesee i-i that coinpr.jini.-e T the . foreign rtlati. n. :r.v.:t a:.d u:-:onstitutional, ana wa cu rrcV.,:i . t,r nahcr can coinmaiul the .-up- which can be made U-tween the larger aua !ia l we po.-ee.i et.r.i.-r. ..u,, ; It . I. 5. TOUn, editor 4fcl"ublllicr. MlilYJil 21. 13 " Tiie Second Triumph. 11. r.uck:i!ev J Gov. .sejmour Mt-Mare. liy leaving tut :h:.! p r:i -a wUcl rs fers tu lhi thc.iKN-, i.f ;J.e Sta: . we enabled to ub!il that pait cf V.ov,. S-viiHiurs message which sjn-nk c . national affairs'. And we do this t . i exc'.uMun of other matter, because wc Hex e it is a d t-aiiseiU which should beevc-. where circu'atitl ail read. , fore, tc?peak. for it a cartful fTj?J -r all our n-adt'rs. It contain? the wi of a great s-tatesman, as well r.s th---:v nienls of a free jejile. It is n'. . (.f j Uiom faiuilica! pruductit:5, t:....:. fixmi a frenzied biin, to t-'n-ck th - r u2.r ..j ... . n crei'? a i ij.itn u.m ' ... .... . ,t t n i .riT v ! i n1 . men ran I'r. ... ..'i,,, .st.,,. " - 1" I l.-ii..V- ...... S hailVl i.H-4.V.. - n i.r tlip 1 nuiii. he miscori'.i u i o , n;. . fv,l!r, i r.f.r- urates. i ... in s.f..i ..f.mr l.rtseiit 1: the imereM i t.u.t . ut hv s n,. i.'p.-tion 5 lltn. -, the xv.mM a- an abandonment of the J' ' , w;i;cu have th -hu -est share ot the p pu u, wew p preM-rted in (impress, tlas ; c .lii.try are coi.uut. ., a ...i.c rt-, .1.. , . United St.H.s, over .Jot -, nor to jzrieve the patriot u i;L , or the ti;rp se of rest ri:i it a result j j.; .,, an J rc.-curces of tur e -ui'try. w-i:l n.it teiideiicv wa.s checked It the ixi-tence of t'.ey aie so bai.uutd and a.:juted l' ua- rl ,i . i the State U Xcw Yo.k U unalterably opp- ; a , of cUher chiss of Pi.rj o-s. This is Suu.s xilll ..,,.,11 ,,.puluti....s. distribute,! ; turc. that then- :s an .mprtu-e Ui.leacy CaiiKron, W dn.ot andolUr Alx oJion ,..,. c.f d, pmv.d human na.urc. I ,d. and which will be elh-etu V.'y re.-istt-l. x :u.Cc of the late elections. Thr :,. .r.lVn-it --ecti...n f .ur cun'r. nd ; t . ii.t.-rcourse. h .rm-oiy and L laou. 1 , ,, s wjlt, ,,,1 to s euro thai Jh.m- a v.lir foiv:be r.i.I Slatesiaa:i::; W..S.1.I.I n,iti.i,r su:i!'rt the 1-oll-UlU- ; ; t r..,l t ri -'its eii. I ti. - it... ..., l.-n rural 1-l.ci.cV must . Ill ll.e n . - en mi.." t!-.a of the L'mtel States aa.l maintain the s, ltes an. tiu. riglit- of it. livi .'.uals. a!.d to . ., rci;i c. in.n.ntUcturii.z regi ns. j al n.is.pi M elision. We have :. u-4inei ihtsof the States, but we mutr.-stote ur . re,torc ur ul4i.,t; as it wa.. It will be re ! n.-hcrto no injurious r irritatinsi results tl.e g'eat n.nti.al rtren-th ! the N rtl.a.. i ;i. j i. .-i- . - .re-1 t L'lir .f.r.i.n : ,avv leeiJ eaiiMru . .1 liin.'.-n 11 m. vni.u, . . .1. .l: ... 1 1 . x.xt. J lie assertion inn mo i -M iv ; '..t,'- res dt of sl iverv is n t or. y er iH.'h free an 1 slave, wh o are exempt fr-m ti.m bv bril-rv :.nd o n-.iption. nia- U re- jrl!nl. ,.t, bas-d ujxn principle. inle ;.. aidd as nnoth. r triumph of the coii-vr- I 0f f.;ir t,r the prejuduvs of pan'uan uaav i tah.e res Ut ot siiven is not i..i . ; the v'tolet-t passions whtcn bear control ; States bv puitiim the... back into ti.ee n r ...e ss. bat it h is led to a disastrous 1';'' th. cxtreines. Il is a fact full of h pe th.it j ,,f lj(.re T rritoiit-s. or a repusenia cv- :.i i.s nrisecution. Th-' opinion tint the prej'hli-cs l..-tw-ei X-.rthe--n and S..tith- . ,';tta-.l by the n ihi.ity p..wt r of go shivery rau-t be abolishe-l t restore our ; cfn j;.atC!j .,re M..t ,t.,,i on iM ,t(! ,,f cot. ! verutr.ei.t. would u.ake inevitable a red r t..e tii.-.r.iiii his -r.ieiit of the Southern ing I :.. .... ....1 l.v t!. iv. r -a. h seClioli li.is and i i:.,i .-. .r..iK m .inlA'oiiisn between toe . ii ' v ,v- ... . 3 and siivc States which oujht not t It' it is tr le that slavery mit be ; ah iU-:hei by ths force of the FeiU-r.d i v -e'-staent : that the South must be hf!d in m-.Ht.uy subjection ; that f..ur millions of r. irf.es !:'i-t, f r raa:;y years. Ik? under the j direct tmn',cTnent of anthoiities at a-h tact ; bat hi the sections ne-.-t reu At i s:, .,. i.v i l.a. k into ti.ee 11- I o.M-11 t.i'.-l.t to le.-peel ll.e 'iu t. ie-.....,.- IikI c'iir.g' 'i 1. c 01 n t . We must accept the condition of affairs a. th' Vtml. At :!:is m.t'iient tiu- f ita;,-- ?! . ...... i.i..t. fr ,?ii . . . .- , if t. .. il...,f ..f ...ir r..u:trv ate u.lni.'tieel I', ine o ' ---1 - .. . r . ... : ,:.i. 1 t,t !" p-. i:ieal po-vi r. If the S .i.thern ; .isd.ever : of l. ,tles. or arii.i. s in otio-r. and st-t.arate.l V'V the zrtat 0oi "v. v.-n- rut or !:.-:'!. iiiei tr .llin-r.-gur.s and re.-onrces of the c un- j ., ,.f t.;;r f-..Ui.t rv will c-nsiatiMv -Usrjjest j Mipp .rle.1 ; a'l f'.n-ti'itioi.a t.em.u tiV. lii -.-eol ta.e Vx-ntrai siive .a.e , tils to t!-.- pui.ac not.o. in t' e .ith.itu which reie te l the ordinance of secession, j Union, the r. up of six s'.na'd New E inland whieh s .u -ht t reaiaai m the I icon, at a s.;... vfiv .!,-rs-v and iKl'.ware. .vh'.c: were drive., ell" by a contemptuous. ,., ,Clllll niotnism-' io'acv. must be brought h.nk U an on Adiiiiic c-i-t. fir remove. i fiot:i th C-:r ral ar.d wis! in sect; -th f oi.r i.ai-t 1 ds .1 .lir.'..ll I T" .Vl'l liT.il I.L LI I'l'M. respotided to. It it war a! ne w dl not s ive the rt.i-.n. The rub- ofa.Mio!, which '.s u-i.i to p-.: down nn ordaiarv ifr-'irn- ti' -n, is not apjli- . v . .. ;.l.. ..i .. ..1 ;ir-:.' 1 r. "staiice 1 t Horatio Seymour ha rien, h;.'h ;iV? the blund.-ring incapacity of New K f.inatici'n, to a fall comprehension of our country".- j-eriious condition. 1 1 ? attri':.: our troubles to two extrem e into ;.;s l.ave the indue, men"..- hy luiv s and the j r;ia'.', ri:n, iz : the fanaticism f t'j? ative I. n..c::u v over s-el ioaa'a-ni ii is with no -mall d -gr.e of ph a-ur. tar.! we exult over the ehelh 11 of one to that xalted p-iti.n. uhose ability and :n- 1 v v..,-;-i. I te-:-tv are n-v ni rcpioawi. -'v.. ...... , staiidinir th weahh of the Mi-hlletown I tjls t.pT-sitf sections of our cuu i:-.;? .n a: th" public expense : then, in Le i. : Tj... Tt " .,( , whole Union will ! 0 uu'rv, with u-and. .pu oions ..,.lv about 1 .-able to a wide spread untied r-s-sianee i we" must endure the waste of our aur.ns n , ti,f.;. he ..u'v the work of time, with ' i ,.qual "t . that oi iiasS af-. voiihl i a!at!c. ireat conaramai-s It i wncs a:... th'ti-hi. farther .irains up-n "ir popuhUi.-n. i rx ....j.,, (1f j. ,u-..r as can he put f rth with i t,.e 0.ctr.,pi.,.. branch ! he na'ioi.fcl ; ? ilv to shut our .-e t tnis trulli. aalstiU -reU-r bnrdun; "f debt. We n.ust . t :,,.t.1i:.s-! s .c i -lioii. the ofv and tteas j .,..idalire. th.- ure.it pro-iueini S:a!e ot j Under n.. circun.stanc s can tue divi.-ioe. convert our tJ nvrntneut iato a i ur. .. t;ii: Xti, i:l a b:.. .ly and ca'ami N.vv y.,:'K. pv mslvanh'.. 'hi.-. Indi in i, -f the Union be c--i.ee. le 1. We will p..: despotism. The mischievous option c. ,llirt. We nv..-t n--t weir out the ! ;;; M-chi 'a. Wi-consa.. a ad Iowa : f -very exa t- -i. ,f p-.M . r : we wi a ie Ttif C oatlt ulional Inton. 'I'h.- pr. .prion r of that cxeo!I--nt ri.-. ll .n. Tl;omas II. Ilor. n , r.t th -e- -t iu tras contest the Ar::i ri.u-a m.'H.,u: . j;Vcs -f -jur soldiers n.-r exhaust toe earnings and destroy the S'tith to s-.ve mr Uni- n ; ( f j,,. ,y it W-lr f r un. crtihi ends. ..r t- hs weakened the hopes f our citizjas. i Clfy olit vaat- theories. Tae p-.li-y of j.t ho:neanl de.--fr.iye.l c n!i hnce ia our j .a,iu Mti-n and extet .niaation means, not i oalv ihe destructioa f the lives and pr-'p 1. . n nsi- i a t 1 1 su :cv-i- abroa 1. Ii, a few vearsea.-h of these s.,a:. s .vili l ave , - ve.y po.i- v i i ...... .o , ... pr.U'ions cre-iter than th.! of all New ;. at .-very in bi-ement t-. the p. .-,..e , f ti.e --n a .o.l Ti is .:i-; ..r:tv .1 i ,V;r,.-d ,.,uver ! S -utl, to re m n !.. t .-ir ad.-Mi.o-. c,.mM i:t 1.1 l. i..-r...-.-. l.e r - t i. t t i.st t.eiMUli I-"'.t: we w m -u-n Wliil l em i-vtay n-de.1 bv the e-ty of the South, but also th waste '-i. t. : . . ..,-.r-r ,.!'n-j fvt :.!V.r.!i:i intruc- la"'"- o ; ..: . c o.l ,...r i bi , i Lrea.- un f X- tioii ,i.i I hope fr the future, ttiat Itie tl j ,v.puh,ti-.i. a-. .d p rs...'ts.-f N.-.v Kn.dmd. iri-ht , v t v cus;.!. rot.-n maeae.. n i.a I confined within v-:v lnaf.i b ,.n !.,. ics. ; O -i - a uti -a :o-l bv f.at fraternal rv Mr.. ! have the nnl'-rii-itv of -ne a.ity . i wl i- h ..n.st r.vad in i c n.rvui co.ai.v: : i 1 v a f.:a:i ana c- n I he CX I !, ,. r th.. in !'. n.A'V of .$. Col'i.o ill.tV. a e .I'tp'i- ,. ita :. hrr S'.oe- !. im- divi rs::ii--l ana i 'acv. to i i: ,,f.:v. ,,.;.s,.oS f !-r- V-nt t '.in Ii - .m i . I tin s-i ead:!v m : .1. .........1 ... ..i-i l . t! il..! t.- , Tuons of the centra! and western vast and rightful ;.o ucii ,-wer ia t ne ; Lt i Miy a ,,.v. A:la,..ie Stan ; 1 u.. u. ... f..,. Senate. It na nrove.i a grei.itr i-ies-i.m ; ... untrv into the i-t iiious s. e: i O . .1. , W V- V ..v - w... . " , i'i r. ! Tiie 1 a.i: r ! c a 'r--veiv w ' cr. a-ed I v iur 1 a': nal debt 11 be in n.:-. iaai:ilv t'.ivi le- or.r a il relations i we e n never Tioiani y e -i.-ri.i i bre. 1.0 ot tl- io--a -a thes.- -! .tes or the est rwetloti oi u,e oi.sii. u- U--:. , Umi.Vv ackt.o'v'edng -a:r cepm l.-iae Almulitv - a" l rej c-a -z outside i:i:!aenoes fr. m every quarter, I-ii-t ati 1 th- dominevring siarit ol 'x w hi. h were b;-ogl.t heavily to b.-ar uj-n . t!cir. Sjiith. the Democratic nv-n,l-r-, Sinion V an.e- . i... ..r t. .T,. , ! ro;i. "vno was miiioM itiwhivi ....vi t. d, -.va.s obliged w .-hulk away di-hart- . i. -.1 :m.l ilisiuavcd althooh heavy; briK s weio said to have b-vn o'.Ilrel, a ietpi -st of many pWia.n.t Dc.a vr-tsan! L- U., a .MciKir or a Vaz'.ns Ihr wen co:isr-sttivc friend:? of the cjuntry. btrai ,.'.t to U-found. Tho-opleofthisCom- to r.-move the publication of hi p:-r ' n...nveal.h n.av be-hi to hold up their j from I'hilad-lpbia to Wushingt-n cit-. forwHid to Utter times. , Willi a mow oi es:ao.i-:..i.- .i .:.-;..- t... -, . j . - i r..i. i a.v. I .le ?..-t..rra-.o- u c .. i.t- i j '.t, ! o i t.-irh--- fi :.oe.i'-.- oi 11 r. - heads and h.k t.l. -1... b:irf- ..r-;-.-:n'r !K-;iCe '.li'OO hiorv "i - 1 a ....... i,.... t. v- ci i, mti-v t..r it ! an a i::i.vii i. j .. . i ; s- - j .... i- onlv. thr .u-h the a-c: nden -v of D. tno- eratlc pnn.-iple and Coa-t.tu::o..a; t. -at we can ev.T i. p ' 'A". I........ ll.i. ..r-..rn"i. l.l.iV 1 -r i 1 .1 I -. . '" t 1 raivu"aI:!i v troubles of our eounlry ; Ces.u; tit! 1 that the p r.i v ea : : bv a llb-r.J pitrc.r.ng . b r.i iv th: s. v:m i-..s of tho times dvr.i v.iJ. :u tii s "' - i l,r 'j n-.-icd. V. hai l s K- Iaek:iiev is i:u:a l.. .... i .'.s-,be.!:. le e. let us ' . . . .... - f.! I. ..T. 1 I. l!:-U .17!'.-! i I ! i '... r..-.t l,......f!il ev oo.-ti-.l lo save . i J 1' ... . .ve .c r. t i r.: v l.it o;ir ma.s :. e l . -1-- ' : " . . . . . , ... i., - !,l!:- S!rn traverse Ibv he Vt e" ' -e have male .real sacrdioes -,f blood and j t , ' ".hit ca f be .hhu.ed over i il- -U the tna.-.tdnuiy. the fethana ; years ! a,e. lie l.a- Mcup, at a seal .n - m.. la tue poruons travenl Ijj ta UJ ls it n.,t A W1th :l .-.u-riSce . f j , J ,,., Sj that the sun- c-nanuni.ie. ! ehanty. whh-h ?'Y. : I ho !.--W:.tu:v ..f this S.ate for several ladoin-hnt D-uiHaat.c pap.. SSi S 2LX ' r-io ? Shall we let it be ton. t fra2,nents ,,.hh r -y ta.es wih receive inc ...s. Ti.e c,,-U.y. IIO.IA b Sl. M' j, . wns f,n :i,:ivc. u:vl lVnce extends s,!:ci:ati -rs to ti, ia lio actions com piracy i. ;ua, by whhout one con.a.ory e.-nt to pie.erve , ; -W-i.ta,, -"v-. s vTlnd I Ins'riic'lioXU iTri. ..but n be, Durin, hi- Tnbiic 1 rat, an-1 1-wrs of C-.a.i:, Ktt' and S coul.to!dvture more " M,uTMKvrs or is i'KKK.-rs, r.rc Wdl y the eveaot r St,;,,, whieh al. A few weeks :va v.et-h-k the Itaitinmre ' lif - be 1 not stray,! Horn 1.1s liti. al j Uberiv , to bvoino intn-d ia . hoiaeaious mass of our people. Tacr. TU,..e ,t M.e X-rth and the South wi... -hare this dh-pr- p -u taie 1 p o.u.ca U T1. cars 1 fa:,h : t.nd a public ofTie.r h? Mands pr.-, by i?rMriA to the pa-.-r. have bei-n ext.eme northern views and ex- have ht,,.u laboring n. break d-.wn ..r tn lr' liZT;;,:'' i'vv .tioa'v. ' wcro ncarlv all Ulkd with si. k and woan- . ,,,0 ,.v with a rc cord el-ar f .om -.m a th.-r think prop- r. wh: !. r.-r... ioniheru views t but also trai broad-r :.w.i r.,nfiti:!i .n and Ifnioo. and to make I ,H- 1 apc.ie-. i- i - i.t.iv a i o . ..... -a. r,-v.e-!i b 1 : ... 1 ,-r.?A1 m xh -m : lor whieti in . .. ..... , ..r T , : , ...... ;.. i other con.n,rna:., at a tai c wo.-i. t..-n. -so. - - . --.-. -- ... . - : rnn ia-n. . nn.u- - i-.r.e-. - v.. i.i i-.i irt' ii tuw t"'?"" tn-o iiinii.ti'i:ii iie imia li l i.ii.l i i o. ; . i x si.. i i.ii.-ri.'. st nv -n; i;l.i . . . i . t .tiii ' i - tu ut - . . . . .... ... . ,t !. . ---. m -T 1 I... l . f'.T.-, i, :i a k in l.. Hi uv, a.: lous ceuiral atnl wcsloru states, i iie.-e ex , each of these it woiihl be more ih'.hcu t t- tend ou both sidea of that iudenturim; ; a.,l.t conllkain intere.-ts, and State rej e boun.Ury between" slave'' and ' fico' ' 5etJ;,ti..Ti-, than in our existing U a. a. States, which is n..t a liue of opposing Tie vast extent of our count rv. a..d its v i- r:.f.l nr.J.ii -tioiis and pursuits, have rthevj.. T i.e; .h.t; it oar I... :i v. 1:.. st 1 rofit.it le I 1.1 we 1 tel.- 1 ets. o d'i.i ii.i -li I ! opinions, but of intermingling inte.es'.s. Tuoir plains are interlocked by conlluei.t river?, ant not di Tided by mount am rang-s. Tiiese Statas are a region of harm-. man g. iews and sympathies. They are n t only b-m-i l together by peculiar iaterests. bu: also by strong reasons resisting a division oa that boundary, wirch would mike them frontier States, which wot.1 1 replace, their cordial iatereourss by hostile rehitiou.-hin. aal thro upon tnera ah the grv ite-t ! of f, reign c until -s 1 -r ! N-.ouee.i.i 1 f-T-A.ud t ,oh T. l heal d.-ai.'.-i . a- t: ait.i' i--- c: t ia t'u- I ns i.i.-i-.- -k.-:l l.ii-.S. I.o.ui-.i.- .... ' ,...:.1V ;:;u-;:!i i:i ! .:o-j-i...i walk Willi, r.t ai-tanv. , : :- a i:.; . c:.nv. isalloa wl:ii ih-ia. :-nl w. r-- I 1 . . 1 .. . ! .-..-":... 1 1 1 111 ;: : i :ui i na.:: u . ? i,harp"s.t cv.is the separation T: w',a,. thev do not share the p:s-i -us au-i hrejaoices of these extremes States which strove to enlist them in the Contest, they - . . r l.l .!....f i-l....,.l t.. nk. i.ave motives ui i"., . st .-c theotd or-'er of things, ai d of the gra vest apprehension from a separation. This wr blights and destroys the h .ips ard the hanoiaesS of this region, w: Li . . ,r o nissions an 1 interest ii;n ir...in'y rem t from the terrible has cius .-d. The wes'ern and c- n'r.d States ei..i-iei. waraily in the wir f . r the laaoa an 1 C -a-.Mt-.i.i ,n. Ihe Xortheni tier of slave anta-'iiistiis let ween .-oniiierci.il. inn-j an' '-'-sCt.-.-i -:s i i-. i ' ' ., t, ,J ii;,.!;,.J to ! ana :i facturng and airn -ulm-..1 i::te.-e-ts T'-?y ; t-etn. ri . ,? that tli-ei- ha'-l iiolhini t- eat give to ea-h great livid for pre-p -rnus ion - JX'.'li -u .".'-'V: t -r.rd j.r- 1 l- ih-itia.o.v. tho .lav b-aorv. s:ia.S If the pr.V.ucuis t 'a'vs . t th- A est ' '.' '. ' .' .... , , ..- .', , . I . , . , ,,- lr,, ,... ff tr-nn ho n.ariie's 1 S nth. l,L -l , , , . . , -it i i ': , V : i ,. .i :.a ' a-ociat.'d w-.t . t' e hi-- tv "f t' ic-v .:-. : f ,,-ni-l u- that th-tV '-V.i.- th-V will denumd a Ir. C ti n'.- .. h y a ia - h . , , - ,. , . .. . ., , . will open b. them the m arke- of th. world : . teaairy .n I s ; ; ; - p:.y da, th, n.. l-n ;in,hu,l Ihse will no, makogo:-! tie- l-ss. ; o.-eovl. a.,1 a.e a,--.,.... ,-, .o ... ... ' ;!-...,. .- a-K Ti.ey will n-t give up f.dr pecall ,r adv. a- ' iJ. ;;' t:-;.' 'r -.'l- w ,U W "h: h-'i tagcsniraL-h-ir urot-.i :.-! cati'e fr ol,r ' ' '.' - .. ,,, ;!. th.-v n-aHv done. Oa a ,..-..::-. a:..t the m irUet -:t tae r..s.-. a! .'; ; ' ." - ; , . !, , . ,f ,,.. di- harg-. we iea. : States aa.l Ear-pe ar-n- e.p. d t, U -st -Vf,' . ; ;. u T; x ,. : ...a ' , - h, r. d ink. " pai r.wn w, ;;;r; ; ,:,,r w,. ,, , :w - 1 ...... j , . . l -.....!. r .1. s - i i . . .......O.i....... I iale the sections !. ir. U .1 i? r.r.. suff-.-rin it call f : brea.istulis ..ad ta -vi-i-ito vast cohsumpli r. of these a.tiel Anieticm araiies, there is a -rrea the West w W'.tl no-:: !:ir 1V..T1. ie -. .-i i- i s ; o. i-vii a. i : i.ieO and tir.aneia !;:-rv tl.'- p'ices do l ot piv f .r ! e.vti -a. Ti.e e is h at.k; n.on v an.1. ! ;.-tr.ss in ti.e r.ii :-t .1 aun Tin; Tot-re ; ;k i::: d . r .h: 11--. l.l'V :ai 1 were i l;. y ia- hi ta aith i. : -i:o I ih-.-m ! :-s. uhl.. is.-, t l - .i.'l:-. .:i .T.;ii.o. ... f th - .h-. har-' -. we n an t -:n-.i 1 1 - .j i:i!.. i. :1 t1: -o Ilia? the e :! -!s. ia o i a vi ii- t. thndor .f their i-ij.!:!- and liUr:i- 1 !, '.! he ial-.t s hi- s at :a a.-i -;;y. w- i.-ay . x;- et to s -c :ta 1 i:iaa! all c 1 f-T 1 lo:i-v!.:.:.i.i. l-.T ill-- . vi: ; and i lowing n; i to .?, -i naai t.r him r p-.svnl i v e- '.lv. ti-id :i;t.-r. -t? ol to ...... 11 ... VI ii .liiiTii ; of the a- -tatap ; a I and the M.mtl-Iv TS Ii iari i ui n i "l""o ;i -..r. p;.y. s K-l' sub crip'.i- -r. : the I i.e.: i. a -1 a y.nr i-.-r tn.- D i r.- wo . i- V. id-ly. d a e-ia o , 4 ; :a . U .-.an i nt rt-p. t f tl;" I -trih , and ihas : P': .,v'!-s f.v:-r eo -.i'.r.o i M '.The first I'-.l of n -xt m nih. Oi, t n ! war.' :ie Ih tl... 1 1 -n I'Nt'tN' M'.': s bat one wav to sav teon u fron, .: i ,ti .a. 1 1 : in. .a!7 n !!!- iii-t--rd ;a 1'ie..:. i-.nist b-.- r- st red. e-Miioiete in all e;e-. v., se.-:i--! s nai-t !i- .a-or-i ! ! th--in T.-oiii i. .teas. .V nungn :a. a. , t- r- of the s-.v'rad. -. and soi -'iei'.y a-.- -vr-:it.-d that th.-v bad not re.-.-ied l-' c rt I ei". so-U-- toe H i I th-. i ii- v pa., .i . a. a -i i . . -: . - to -en :' : ' a ita-'.st::, w t- a i -. -a !he ..;d :i:c iho leal a K ; i.'acaa . enimer.t, b-.-gin to awaken i ..f U s h. ive to..- ii - i-i ... 0!il--n.;i.s- i'i -ir. iio..-:ue, aal va :r i: l onV:'",, coanncii l it to tl- p-oni... lVr- osom-i-.a ot :h- 1 liJ-,n xW,z ,ip a ciul ic suWorlb-r.-. asis: for tho .'., who . , t - t.. i,;.. d : , I c-avc :;ii cx-sa ivja loi tr-- "... !td h "itlmate s- crc-.o'is ol a ) oj ;i:n . ohr s.ar- f.r :- !i la": , h r ..--j, s:bil".!y and to eomproh -na !. l.i.'i" filed" of ih" family fp.iam-1 which it---.-. -.!. I . !l-K'l of 111 - . .r . i . ! l '. .......... ....... v : Ih' if It -. -r i.a. a , . ..mic. -x, " must be m-i.le to I el in.ti i-.e v. . i f agii : .Itur.d i r. dacts hn w ; in the hi-lo- i ue ;u,. making t-. save .-ur Union and j bad no m .i.ey . ..ssu.i..,. u rv.f-iir e-u-tiy. Ihshiein th c;st of i s.,niijHed b a pari ; t-i r.st-.re p.- tee. ; of nen- y. :-.uue, va ti ' tlpss .,r hla--t.- will te-t care this I . 1. ....-...- to -.i-r- si lioii ' -.ol, -r.d with nr. Hirer. 1 !: - i i r-.i. -fct i CaiTV.i: St-V.es (except Ei-tern Virginia.) earnest- : t;o!oe. Opening the M,ssi? pi. as a way ; flie vii,, r , f wjil le in 1 ihen d't ks lo ei nMoC- us thai luty ihut ih.'v.anl ; reason they pKir fellow: 1. l'. n :i tolbv ii:? ruthless s-?it ir.eF ...".-r-ifv MK'.iti..i.ists. whose fnv?rl.-.tive ; CJ- T i-e -1 " j '..n 1 1 of U-t v a - tobn iittl fur.ny over car i- he "L;:,r- lar tur. lithe i.iark.ts of the w..nd, wiil n t ei fr in Ohh. b.-liiina. Mmois. Mil !ii- , and subject eller" to a very severe cr.a a- I We- do not take notiee ot ta:s no.sa-- neidnoss, nnder the ploa of necessity" . t,f viator" euM iruarante. d by she " war power, bas c-n- ,1,., ,,-m,r. r.c etg.es are c .i. centra- j,,, i-e-visia. i at all hurt at reading that pap r, deaw.re.li.. destroy tho structure "I-" w? thi:ik mWs:trj. to ,peak m . thi i .rwirawi: in us im...cv IV S.l.-l'Oi if. w..- - - r - - while it was. consis 0-1.1. '- P"' . c me this evil. I ae cttei rt!,-: o-i the ,,..1 ,,,. .5... -.:.! i.-t.c. e, oe-jus : urpi s- to : 11....:,. ..... t..r means to -.eii.b ..ur I n eminent IS l.a-Hl. a..l t . . . . ..t.-:..- and Cotigieas then d-chirel ti.e:r sole pur . 6),utlu Ti.e people cf the We-t nu-t hive j u;.lv, a;;v l-trkir..u. any iev..!ut.'. 1. i roii-.y r s; u ad.-.l to lo .ae.iixn " - l..-s which tl-.e C.mrtitation p:anintci-s to i wf n1v .- t,.e r:t(t? to h:-"-'r uocc to be to nstorj th? Lna-n an.ljaa-.n- ; t!i.? i;.a!U..-t of tiie St.uthwestun States t-. 1 .ir. ,.r an in.e..nsti'n;;--n.d scheme. h.k'.ng i enger.-. the 1 ri'iiit ll.e conservative masses '' , ' ' . - re tain the C .ustitutton. Y lien tae A inaa.s- : ,r;n.. ba -k th.ir j r .-pfi itv. Thev a.u-t ri ,., t' .. r t- ti. i?;. :, , i h:.T- d. or pur f Thev wore all ui.tV.mnnt s.t lh rem .- the overweeiun? propenMtv o. s.- J tatioa abeidonel this p licy. and to .k up : 1m. ,,..,..1. pohtiealy. s-fhd'y and cm- ' "f f ;,ai:v' ,unb;s; or se.-ti-.u..l a Iv a. , -A ,.f M.-Ulella:., :mtl blativ.d the lVe.hr- ' Wgin to see tt.r.t the loaey csnr-ed ley , arpoaI. W-1SC 1 leamol brc - the i-ie.vi f extrenrseXorthernStat-s. it lo-v In.J!Vi v'p.-. t.. 1 i? -..lh-v ..f t h- L.wer M.s- j t Every exei ti.-n -f powrr. en rv intlu- :..e,i,.i r -la'i-dit.r o:i the im'rti!Htit '. the present Ath.iinistrat'um imolves the . . 1 fWi ",'1T C-? at the late el ctiou, nearly all the yo Utical ..J Their g: -in .oi l pr-y-Mons must ; t.f ..eriasi- n. -very n.easU'.- of ree-u ll(t(,.H.n.i;ee of .he Washing cabal. ..u.ri;; ... ,,f ,.,ir wonted rights, and that in l,Ub-,C' , 'J , ?t.5 support whica the central and vi estcrn Mates :V.-rtl mt.. ctt-.u. md m tins f..rm hui-u. mu.t U- nl to rvst-.re the U..:-., : n'1. ' -.....,.. ,1 ..,.-,.- -ittnl ia nl of , ,' . passes of thcmsilves: and U.i.- afforded ia theelectious ol .fOO and 15il. , ,,1 1r. fi.A,. v t:; , ,,rn a!,i Eur. i f .nn. r conaim-n. I t no n, .e .hm.,.,i , . ' J, ! , pursnhi, such a course, wc lose the ; ostentatheb - While the Xortti cannot n ,d tae S -utaera N. W!l.,, ,,, ., !::IV., ..,!J4 gana-i thilt t,,, bhl of i.is neiiihh-.r hali 1-e she-1 ; 1 . V, , . , e obh et for which we are contending ! 0 J , States in suhjwtion wit, .out destroying th- ti;v, ru.:rl s f ,r tU:r !alv,r. ,.,,-v w-.l! -nee i t, lt t'-e fn.its of the UU,r of our citiz-. : v.o,...de.l s:u-l that at the battle ot n,l- - ; , tnat paper, that we th.n. Ik t.rin-iulesef ohr Government, the gie.t ret. i be..-.:;;e the s iPP- ittrs . f oar c ui-' ,...1, 1" ..-.- .... t.v ..v-.th... 1.. - .0, ihU : ii.-ksl.urir. a weun led soldier wa- Ik-:hj Xew 1 !m-.im.ni ucciajxumr x hnP mmJ w f:U- fMu homo m :t-1" I rest -re is -rent re-:. n to its ' ... .1 -...1 ,i..-n k fu-e to ive 1:1. his own ' earrh d oil the 111 held in an aml.a.anvs . ti..n. to-- le gislature ol Ai-w oerstv i a ns. to , cnhl. in mi undertone, , 1 . -. C . . . . ... n r. .f..1 ..... t .v- . 1 trai ana wu-ieiu o..i -.i ....- . .... . . nicrce. extre.nes. They wiil n.-t accept tae v.ews f,,rnic.r pr .si.eritv. and t le-.it. f.r ..ur- of either as sf. guides in the eon-hat of ; sejVes Us fnrichinj trade, he E wer V.tlh v ! pa-sion.- t mo-lifv hii. own oi-in "if McChllan ... trx- ...1 t. f..r. tll- I -ill. I I.I . I....... 1...,. . m . . . , ... ----- - - - . -;.e ...i ........ii ...... -.-- - ...w .1....... t -. jiiiii .i-.i. ti.t.e o .. pue iic a.. " . - t - tn uif .Mississioj.i no.i-i i.e i.r i-i;i:i o.i k j waste tieaie ni'.v making ol tr.astire ano 11 cal history 01 out 'u-'i uui.,. into the L ni-n : it must i oronat i-a-.k. Used mtlv those coneviti'' the r.lil- m-iit.-r for criticism. Perhaps he ct ,1 t r 1 1 . v .nlHM.t n. tioeaire r--...u.iouso. pv.we i imv,.w A-ld in the I s.. " III '-. -lt.t . . . -.1. - - four years. hen it was l.eve.1 .hat tae - X.,.K with aJ1 its elements of prodn-tio,, and ! ,ive r,.f !j t., v;,l.l ,hi. Union to rVbebio,, l"' yxc.a m. .. '-; " ".y " f' ' la:e Administration was controheo by ti.e Vi.,.;lpj, unimpaire 1. with all the advant . jt-s : .lt tl. e s -i.ih will permit Its le.-torati m t.i Tan 1 linng back -Met. lenan . In h s views of the Gulf States it lost its power 111 ' (j WiCA sc!l-g ivemna r.t : not a deva.-tat-,l j ,Q ,'r,vei.te.ll-v fanaticism at the X.-rth. ! than two minutes tho cry of " Iking kick the central and westc-ra re-i-m. The opp.j- ! an, ruiuei uTritorv. iif-ler a h'igtitir.ii, te- j ' " ! AlcUh llan ! Uring back MoCh Han !' rnr.g sinsr nartv. to gain public support, were ; !,-,;.. maitarv control " i ovci-fslON. "... - thn.u d..nit . lnnsy!vmi.a l.o, by her recent triumph ; .nnm, of the A!!,,!alllkl, : for elec- I , ... c ,1 the rilarn-irisms xrom tn obliged, by assurances and resolutions, to , c..selv are the Upper and Lower A repel the char-e that they would interfere ; jovs ,j e Mississippi Waid t-.gether by with tlavery in the States, and they de- iterest that w hen cotton is burned in L"iii" nounced as unjust the imputation that they i hana. Indian com is usi-d as fuel in Illinois held the views of the Ab jlitionists of the- T;ie ruin ,,f t10 Southern consumer brin-rs extreme Xorthern section. Without these , hankruptcv upon the Xortlarn pro.hic.-r. pie-Jges they could r.ot have gamed political when the'eapaeity 1 f the rue to buy is an power. j r-'hduted. the ability of the other to pp.ih.ee WV.rn the Gulf States secede.1, the central ..-..-vi or .htVoved. This sin-le in .. .1 - -. -..., 1 i - .. " . irau.ers ia our va-hsh; hi iju 10.vse-1.1-" mai lave State, by a l-ir5e majority, ref,ise,l to , ,,,:ue fr,,m many.pia'Iy strong. W,,,!-., ;t nece-sary for the taai ntiiaer ia a .-.oimerii or .,r .souuiern , , e ,,f the several States, not only thus 1 III'. II eu.I lilr 0.111 ii.irii-M3 .1 ,-11. culture, commerce ii-.-.T bii!n rv and corruption, in tho ti.m oi a Democratic I'l.ited States Kn :.! r. is .Utciinhud to stand firm, and to re- Harris Ttlxjraj,h, orth? descry "rii'tion i'f a T' The pervading t-tn!iiuir.t of the great Controling siciions of our eoi.ntty wall not only ave our L i.ioii, but it wnl do so ml a wav harmonizing with the genus ot our 1 institutions, tho u -ages of .-it pc ple, aa l the letter and spirit ol our Constitution. It will manifest itself in the customary manner action. eseci'g r-1 . he that act with them. They sought to avoid war aud.divi.-ion by the peace eenftrence he. a in Washington. UufartunateN, the domi nant leaders of the party which had iuc ceeded at the election of 1S00, overlooking the fact that this was done by the vote of about 1.800,000 against a divided opposition of about 2,800.000, rejected all terms of .... ..- . C t .-n?. 1 1 . -i,-r. 9tt-:iv T.l ii--. r:aii.. ,u M-t the evil tendencies of Kadicalism. 1 ; n:mvif. (which on I V ....... , , 1 . . - . ... . .... 1 .. .... cAnrv. tl... , . 1 - ' ' iUl in UI1 ee:.i, .,. ikuvi iu -' ; . f . 1- .... 1 "mu.J-'- - - . ; counioi us arauiguio - , ,. 1, , ble-Mt:"' of ieaev, with a. ie-.v to a re-j . ., hkciv t 1t-.1-..ti t.ohl ns be . 1 1 1 r- v I " th K mer Kn-dlsh. I?- "Oi - hadlHvnin the annvni.u-t.vn months ; ; construct m of the Union, it must be done by tllC morc rctd eJ't' , That he had volunbt T1-.1 under the eon- t,;- altducting and forever discarding the i , fi fof ridicule. ,'-'- out in one the whole diision. One soldier from . make a fit niece for cc'i? octin- interests ... agri- t ) iut..OSj; oUr Government, but also to pro- i and manufactures be ad- iluce a Cli,lt.crt .tVT. and actim 11 asteti. lXr.lTICAI. INTKHEsTS, ETC. The division of our Union into two or more confe-'eraeics wouio re-open in eaeh viction that the Adinini.-tr.ition would states of New England. wage the war for the restoration of the! I'luoii that Ik. tort? he got into battle he ' C2 "o n-joice at the election of Hon. waci,iivmeel that be was soiu ; ani , vy. A. Iliehunlson to the United Spates J . .1 .,, . at once dtvidetl that he would not tight ; ,V j Wa!ure 0fIUinoi?, Hon. j m thc FulMn ,'.Con!,hsi for nUtlition principles, and although ho wonrm liv.ng xnAl had bx-n in the seven days light b. .ore ' - ' - - birth a sliort titne a?. .. l.l.ll.:. 'I- IT...UJ.. ElVC Oil HI " .. ....Til lature ni ine 11-011. 1. 11. 1 i.-iixi n.i.3 . I.i'iii? " 1 . ., , -1 . - .-.t 1 tie- . s - cniiaren. --..s - . -it compromise with the re .w-...r. .,tr...o! t r. niiv.iini-i.-.- i.r. vi.hd in tl-.p ! Ihchniond. lalvcni Ilol an? I lu.i i.ttn. C'ustitution, that " Ongress shall ji.ake no ; beside? several skirmishes, he could thank Ttiqie by the Legislature of Indiana. A l.iwabiidaing the fiiedom of speech, r.r of 1 that he had shed no man's blood. 1 fcw im.re such elections and we will be j iiiv : o.--s, v. ... I... . .j.-.. - . rv:-"- iii Hin-ars urea 1112:11 in ue . . .. -. ... , : - - 1 . . 1. . 1 ri-.vin 1 1,0 11 n e and conciliation as incousistant these qmstums of ui,tributi,m of (nmer and pcaceai.ly to acm.-.e aivl t pit..:..:, tl.c , h;lvo . kUS, but !ie w.nuJ j . . . . ,iu of the e'ection. and at- ! and relatior.Shtp betwetn States, which were (.oyermnent f r redress of grievances. j . , . If,, a.lde,!. Altoalt.-n lanaticism. f ; ,a .w,,.i an ,-nt,?r..l 1 sortl-d bv i.ur national (lonstitution. Kv4 1. Our present aUrrums coa-;t:oa taturady , ... and c -uva'se l country strictly by the opiu- now. tne centralization oi p-o wer and patron- . r- I tc rW.W iat j sixtv vears ol age mw -- ..., He . , .......... ., n.. ,.f of twenty-seven chiunn. . ,!. ' 1.1 1 1 H' mil.:.. 1IIH , -ii rtin u.va w. , - ion? aud sentiment of a minority The outbreak of war involved our whole country in its excitements. The States of Delaware. Maryland, Kentucky, and Mis a-T3 at the national capits.1 causes uneasi ness in lhcse States which now are, or will noon become most populous. The Senate can prevent th passage or repeal of laws calls for such expressions of public opinion i" there are many like we in tue array. - Oo of of Ncw. Hampshire with resj-ct to the idjects of this wi.r, uni PeiutahxuiKi Ar.jus. 1 . the spirit in which it should be conducted. j postponed the draft in that State for- and the end for which it sh:ull be waged.! r--.T..l.ns ot CrosWs Cenvnt GIu i ; ever and a day longer. It was to have. Wb-n the public will is clearlv expressed it Delaware. iarv aim, rv-niucnv. huh jus- ? ... r" r r- 1 --- -- ---- . . ..., 1 a.. r- ., s'nri, aad theW.ern part of Virnia, ais I by the II use nbica re, recent the p-pr.lar ran,! be re.-ognirfd and Kspec. fx Oov nnT for m'' nt II. C. I.s-.nr.-. -C3 ! t:ifc.-n j .l. c on the th. .. ...-ttt.alavT " We were l-t week lch niis- s KtrPftnis so tnai im " . it 1 1.1 I;u' idle so Ion-, were erabhd ra'Vontv tn 1 " a - .il- i ' A --f - ' f if : 'f-3- . li lr ft ts - i bi 1 . 1 t ,-.1 v r. d : lC?f AS -t:'t tiil :?: .. -ii - i E. T.sa p, 4t-. Vj tl ai - ;i: '4 i; COt:.t ir