Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, September 03, 1862, Page 3, Image 3

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r '
ll St
Patton !
.Pjon n-13 "o""
r rt Knndarrns to our
nies t
V-ied soldiers. We, therefore, appeal
jj,e patriotic iaaies oi tms piace, k
-e torward to t!ie aid and support of
brive men. who have been wounded
i fence of their country, with these
jarr articles. The supplies of lint
. .u-x, t are nearly exhausted, and the j
x.-rji soldier will have to depend on :
i .j- jitv of the ladies, who can be of
ai assistance to our amiyj at the pre-
! fine by furnishing; the means to dress
i-'RS of them who have been wounded
I :..j;ncc of our rights and our homes.
o ntr'iUUti' ms will be received at
I'io:-vii":cc in this place.
'kh' 1'ai'Ki:. We have received i
numlT of a new Democratic
vr. il'd tUL' Monitor, published in
j, u ;.;, l..:. -i'iuity. Mr. Albert Owens,
; rtlii.T talented writer, and his salu--,
rv Ih.-it? evidence tliat he will make it
y.-.o a- exponent of Democratic princi-
. It should le patronized by every ; in Huntingdon county. I
tjr M;ij r Win. A. Stokes, of West-
r county, has ascended the edito- i
J rlj'l and taken charge of the Greens-'lii-ait. Mr. Stokes is one of!
i'!ct lawvers in Western Uinnsvlva-
:uid will make a forcible writer and )
ic;i champion of the Democratic I
y The heavy rains which fell in the j
- :iiV'Z of the week, have oooletl the
i 1 t I t
:!utc e msuur.iDiV. a esa.ruav
.r..;;c. a tire in our o.'lice felt quite
t- K.-ait ll;e liber:d advertisement of
:. II. A. O. Keir, of Altoona, who pro-r-sto'il
'joods as cheap for ca.h as
: Ii- hon-rht in the lary-? citl.-. of the
. . We have lK'ell to the Store of Mr.
.r . j:t lii i'Z iiom the immense stock j
h.i.1 on hand, we believe there is no j
-!i.i';i:iiiiii in his adverii.-ement. I
O"" U'..r V'.lK-nsbiiri ;ui 1 ('ress.n Kail- :
lk!!iu conioleted is quite an auxilery !
5: . the wav ot travel, and while it has m- ;
f' i
-.. ..... i ...
ia-vh iiiMiiu'ia i i uui niwiij it. ii.o oirv, ;
TeaiU enhanced the lx"d trade ; and this !
iiy Conn, wi-ek hundreds of persons
: ;i !' .-n ifin-kinr around the cheap
:v el L. .J. Miils (o. ; it is most as- j
! I:in'. ti.e umoiiiit of buuess they do. i
1 iTAi-iiv. A man by the name of;
1 i:iL'il!ig. a resident of Clearfield
vr.-!:ij. w;.- one day last week, killed ;
; '.h f.liuij of a trt.
tlhis bi-ing Court week, we have
. ; ; ;.-!:! of l.i.ctin' tiituiv of our ac-
;,.i. Co.
1 k s -,-
-.r. Jtu l.t.-r, of ,lolm-town .
o- on i;--t Monday: he keeps !
J "I e-rer II. ;i-e" in that city; and j
- "'' ii' l mv t . our Kbensburg friends, '
..." , I
fc n .-iT;:g .lolmstown, thev cannot :
' :uh a clcwivr huiulord. Das it ;
H in y i;!Vj of Johnstown, has
f.! ;oii.te.l S;lp.M-iiitendent of Com- j
3 :i S'.lim.Is in this County, to fill the
' -:u,'-v ciuisiwl hy the resignation of .Mr. J
''t, n ho has gone to war.
W A n w order has b eu issued from
'V quarters of Governor Curtin ex-'-"-U
the time of enlistments till the
l jn f Septemlier. IVrsons enlisting in
& uM regiments will receive the 8100
W Tlie Republican Congressional Con-
1-f".ceiiKt in Tyrone yesterday, and after
a spirited contest, Hon. S. S. ltlair, was
- seated bv
m -'a a aaavajw. a J )
Uaibria Conferees. M. S. Harr. E.
ns and Ephriam Crumm, voted
sn-t a motion to make the nomination
' ir- RIair unanimous : thev also iro-
i and voted against a resolution en-
"ip .ur. lilair s honest v and mteimtv
wihed to have their 0te9 so re-
T"E Draft ooks ox. M. S. Harr
heen appointed Commissioner to
the Draft, in this county; and
o to the many recent rebel raids,
kich have thined and cut up our regi-
'l?. drart;., : 1 . a
, ti.nj; la iuuioM cenaui. a
yt will, most likely, be made on the
lu'-iof this month.
John Fenlon Fen Tir .T Rrallhr
"'tnaker, Esq., and some others,
names we did not learn, have cone
00 t0 "ahintAn, to oficr their senices
rTE LrAL Womex
Died On the 25h ult.. after a protract
ted illness, Mrs. Catharine Ried, iQ the 25th
year of her age.
Her sufferings, though protracted and
severe, were born with fortitude and calm
resignation to the Divine will. Her tru,t
was iu Christ, and she found it an anchor
to the soul fcure and fctsadfait in the awful
hopr of dissolution. Whe has left a heart
stricken husband and tLree motherless baks
to plod through lifes mazy pathway with
out a wife's angel presence or a mothers
watch, care and sympathy. Theii W is
her infinite gain. Father, mother. husUad,
children and friends, weep not, she " U not
dead but sleepeth."
"Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep.
From which none ever wakes to weep."
Highly Kxclllng Mar ews.
Three ZAys Terrific Eijhtinj. kittle near
Gaiiinnle. The Enemy driven from the
Jeld. Our Loss SUOO, the Enemies
Double that number. The lloundheail
ll'-lfinicnt in the Fijht..
llvi'iqiuirters Field of liatile. Groccton,
near Uainscille, August ZUth To Maj. Gen
Hailed;, General in Chief . Waxhinyiuii: We
fought a terrible battle 'yesterday with the
combined forces of the enemy, which lasted
with continuous fury from daylight until
afar dark, by which time the enemy was
ill i ven from the field, which we now occupy
U'.ir troops are too much txhuusted yit to
push matters, but I shall do it in the course
of the morning, as soon a Fitz John IVr
teiV corps come tip from Manasses. The
eijeiny are still on our liont but thev art
badly used up.
we t.ave iui lost ies tuanei-nt ! ron of the 2d Pa. regiment, with Geu. lilr
men m killed and wounded, and from the j ney was the advance ami r-ropped at Center ot the G.dd, liie emmv's loss is j ville to enquire the ro-.te taken by tUo tne
at loi two t.. our. nt. i jnV; while thev wtie there a Womau waived
lie ati-od stiictly on the defence, and a tlir from the back window, at which m;'
every assau.t was made iy ourselves. Our i
troops behaved Splen hd!y
The battle was fomiht on t' e identical
battle tield of Bull Uun. which fict greatly
incre-ised the enthusiasm of our men.
Tne news junt reaches me from the froi.t
that tha rne.ny is letre.'ttin towards the
MoMtitaius. I 3 forward at once t," seo.
We have made great captuies. but I am
U'A able yet to form an idea f their ex'.eLt.
John Pope. Maj. G n.
W ashing i ox Aug. SO. Inter-, atiou has
reached Vadiint in fi. in j rivate s urces
thai Cicu. Pone came up with aii1 attacked
theei.euii aain shortly after nine o'clock
1 1,- ..a. ... v..- r .i... t t . i . ,
this m- rninj. FlJZ John Porler had r.rol.
ably by tLat time arrived mi the field from
Man.ta.-vi, whii.-h was oi.!y .-even miles dis
tant. Thecann na ling wa dirtinctly heard
in Wa.iiiii.gton to day.
The railroad was regularly run this morn
iug from the town of A arrei.tou t Drintow;
so it is already clear that the only damage
remaining to he repaired to the railroad i
t rebuild the P.ull Kun and Kappahauuock
bridges. The f. ,rtiier t-hould t,e comp'. ted
to night, and the latter may be in four or
five thivs.
The Stur of to day, s-peaking of
the. battle of yesterday, tays the battle wa j
Conducted Ly the aruiv corps of Ileintzle- !
maa, and Sigel, ou
.i.r.;. t. , 1.1.,.. I . 1
from fifty to wxty th.usand strong, that is j
against the army of Jackson, and we pre- !
sume a portion of the rest of L-e's army '
that h id succee.le.1 in making its waj down J
lrom White PU.ns th-ough Thoroughfare
Gap. 1 he location of the battle of tlie day
--- - - li'ou i 4 i
wa, in tne vicinity ot Ua m.ti kit, aud from ,
ll.iyniarkct otf in the direction of Sudlev
Lnurch, or in other words ut a f'-w miles
N.-rth west of the scene of the never to be
f.rgotten bittle of Bull Run. Ihiutzel
man's corps, if we are correctly informed.
.mim up with ine et-en.y a rear at about ten !
o CIik:K a. tn., aeveu Iio.eS Iroln Ceiitervilk -
which p"int he left at day break, lie found
Jacksuu'M e. nimnd fighting with M"D -weil
or Si gel. or both, ou the right, in the dbeo
tioii of Ilaymarket, the position they took
by going North from Gainesville to com
mand the entrance aud the exit from Thor
oughfare Gap. Our own iufoimant, a cool j
aud clear headed man, who lelt Celltervilie '
at four p. in., says that up to that hour the
impr.sjsion prevailed there that nothing dtli
n'.te had resulted from the day 'a- fight.
Though continuous, it had not been a very
bl.Mn.iy battle. Persons subsequently arri
ving, who were on the field of action them
selves until h-ur o'clock p. m., rej recent, on
the other hand, that the side of success was
decidedly with the Cnion army, which
pushed the rebels successfully on both sides.
An impression prevails that the reserve of
Lee's army, supposed to be from twenty to j
forty thou.saud stroug, might suddenly ap
ear near the held, and we know that the
heavy corps under Fitz John Porter was so
posted that it could instantly move upon
Lee with equal ease, whether lie was attack
ing M'Dowell, Sigel, or Heinlz'eman.
The railroad, we are happy to lie able to
say, has already been repaired quite up to
Bull Run, aud supplies, &c.t are now being
transpoited over it to that point by mid
night. We have every reason to believe
that the Bull Run Widge will again be pass
able when the trains can run to Manassas.
Ere the evacuating of Manassas, on the
day before yesterday, the rebels paroled the
seven hundred Union prisoners they had ta
ken since the commencement of the move
ment for which ihey are paying so dearly.
They realized that prisoners iu the present
strait were but an elephant on their hands,
and wisely got rid of them. These seven
hundred covered all the stragglers they had
as well as the five hundred taken from Gen.
Taylor's brigade.
The conduct of Gen. Pope is highly com
mended iu Goverumeut as well as otbei
Between five hundred and one tiousaud
Government clerks repaired to the battle
field, in compliance with the request of the
War Department, and not in pursuance of
an order, as erroneously stated in a previous
On Wednesday morning Ewell's division
wag placed in position on each side of the
railroad, having tnrce batteries stationed, j
one on the right, one on the left and the 1
. t...:i 1 lri 1
oiner near lug la'ti i im iuiauii hum i
cavalry between-the entire force being con
cale.1 behind brush wood and the railroad ;
bank, with an open field in front. Our ;
! troops that were seut down from Warreu-
ton Junction to attack them consisted
Hooker's division with a portion of Kear
ney's, but the latter, U ib said, did uot get a
chance to enter the contest. Gen. Hooker
was in command, aud not expecting the en
emy in any large force ordered a charge
through a piece of woods aud iuto the clear
ed f pace, when a murderous fire was opened
from the cutire line of the c-Detny. t't.e bat
teries thrown. g grain; auJ caonUtvr, the
most of which, however, went over tlie
heads of our trjvps, but the fire from tlie
line of infantjy was very destrurtive, com
pelling some if the regiments to fall back to
the On lcincr suportel l-y other
troops, however, tlie' rallied, and after
tiring several volleys repeated the charge
when the rebels broke and retreated, our
l-ovs pursuing tliom, sl.outin'-and yeliing. j
The pursuit was continued till dirk, the j
enemy retieating U.waids Msux-nls. Am- j
munition and whatever they could carry ;
away out of the cars, ah-ut a hundred of j
which were at that place for the gnater
part loah-d with Mipplics for our army.
They set fire to all these, which now presi-ut
one nias of hlaekened ruins. On their ar
rival they found a portion of two regiments
of New Jersey intant-, wh had arrived
there during the m -ening. They iuiniedi
ately attacked them, our troops defending
themselves f..r some tim. but rinding the
iiunler of the enemy so great that they
were leing fiir.kol and probably snrr-'Un-ded.
they retreated toward (Jei.terviile and
g-t away with a los of vine f.rty won n led I
ami aOotit twelve killc-l. Tie eiiemv can- I
tured i2.j of them but they were paroled
jesterday moriiing, just bef-Te the battle
The pursuit was continued toward Cen
terville. On Thursl.iv afi
A a f.rre of reK-1 cava! r v. alout two thou
sand strong, under Gen. Lee. emerged from
the woods. Our men had s arcely time to '
mount their horses and escape, coming '
ilown the ro;id t-ovanl Hull ilua at full j
speed, with the enemy in swift pursuit.!
me wire loimucJ until Uieyiame iu where
our infantry werir drawn up iu line of bat
tle on each fcide of the road, at which Point
; ti e rebel rtxhcd :i v.i'lev which caused
j tin m toretreat at more than a double quick !
: Oiir t loops tik up the line of march and j
loilowci the rebels durii'j; the ni'nt on ti e !
Uain-.v!lle or Warren ton lead, and sooa
.anic ;u siht ef the ti.- mv i-'.t-J u-ur the
. . i. . . . .
1 ol-.l l.UM UUI1 l.jiltle ground, ill slrot g poal
lion and under covei f the wuo.Is.
The action comne-need a'n.t . o'clock
ttir b Uteri. -s havinir 1-een pl ieed in p
tion. Miiroy'.- brigade, which h ll t'ne ?d
vance, as onieieil to charge the reikis
through the woodland to cros toward the
railroad fcwitch. The enemy poure-l into
.ur tr K p f,torm of grape and c-innUter,
which cans-.', liiem t.Tfill hack, but they
soon rnliied :.nd paid the enemy with inter
( St. The icWs then roe en ma.-se from
ehitid the r:lill Ir-jeV.- un.lrjuu,,! ..r
men to fall back, which thev did behind
Hampit.n's Pilt,bnrif batterv." Tiiis battery
men ot.emii ih.,i, tl, i',!. ,. wifi..
our MoejThe encniv vere at the lime o!v distant!
number ! about thirtv vards. ,,,J fho 'f ..... ... 1
i .... i. . i i. iv i mv mt.
i . . . . -
iiinitit i i ir s. xiiii if f-ri'T ni r t.A r-i .--
.kstroved at least ms huudred of them. In
this action, h w: vtr. Mompt..,, lot one of I
his suns. He h id to change his position t j
the b ft. as he was enable t maintain him- '
self under the fire which was fired into hirn.
The battle in o;her .luarters ra 'ed furn.udv
the nsidt of which has beeu stated
Ji'i'Ui other sources. Tlie pi.-iiLniof the for
ces on Thursday remained about the same,
a- it wa at theci nimeur' ment of ihe action
The hiss on both sides was lieavy.
( ton IairiA 'x rrt li ,i a-..iw.l 1.... I
the eveniior. :.nd .r. .-. eded toward the se n,.
oi, nut the hunting w is tlien over,
and the enemy iu full retreat. Jacks n h id j
!"ft for Mana-sas during tl e day with his i
divi.-iou where h- pi!! igcl the place, crip j
tiring a large number -f p.ris-Miers an 1 j
burning every Imilding ixi-jit the telegraph !
ottice ami a few shanties.
From (lie IlatHe rieltl.
Jtrjurate .'W (ant.'rt Chary. (.)
Trt'j Temhhf Cut I f! ibit't Armirs
l-iitt'iced. .1 Ifivwtrv lialtle Immi
nent. Ki:om Neau Ci-:xrKicvn.i.K, Aug. ol.
Ii.-t evening; alxjut iive o'clock McDow
ell's left was turned, it is snid, by a body
of reU-1 cavalry supinrsed to Ik' .,(H1U
tnuig. McDowell's cons b-.'iug on the j
left of our army at the time, and the ivlcl i
cnvalry being sup tort ed by infantry, Mc- J
Doweifs entire corjK wasalmo.-t instantly j
swept away. The charge was fearful.
Old officers sav that it exceeded in fierce i
imjH'tuosily anything; l hey ever saw, or !
heard, or read of in history. I
This morning there was a rejKrt, how
true we know not, that the ground lost j
bv tins charge lias been regaiiun. lias
is improbable. The enemy according to
the reports of prisoners who have lieen
taken, and who seem to be intelligent,
has recently lieon reinforced enormously,
and now includes the entire reliel army in
the State of Virginia, 'i hey say the re
bel army of Virginia, numlier alxiut 2o0,
0D0. They occupy the outer extremity
of the old IJiiU Hun lmttle field at present,
their front being at the farthest point of
the old field hold their rifle pits, which
were dug on the memorable 21st of July,
1801. They are lld and impudent, and
what their intention is cannot be known
to any but themselves.
It was the opinion of leading army offi
cers yesterday on the field, that we shall
be very fortunate if we can whip Jack
son, Longstreet, Anderson, and the other
rebel leaders without surrounding them.
Kight huivlred prisoner! were sent for
ward from this point, this inorniug,'to
Alexandria. This makes loOO that have
, c ott ,,j,i,rtim 'Ilio t,
W" oi ..ctt.v.. t r- ,
tal number ot pns,mers captured by us ts
veri' henvy.
A very in.-Hitit pnsoii. r, a ccmiiiu-5-
lonod otlioer with whom 1 conwnwd, told
ino Uuit Jackson ruade an a.1 Jrj to his
array, ,lay before yesterxlay, in which he
urged his men to stand linn an-l fight to
the last, for if they were lie; a u then-, nil
ho.e for the succcslul establishment of
the Southern Confederacy was lost.
This man :dso rqKrts" tluit ia FricLtv's
battle, Jackson m:i.le a er- narrow es-
. a'
H-- ii-oin ciipture
A.M. I
M. P.M.
Crern" n,
Li!I 's
Sui -Ui. riii!!.
Mineral Point,
(Joiiemau ,,
J .ht:itivvi. ,
8,20 i T.OO
,'T. 15
sv) ..
r8,5J , 7, 12
! 51
fu.IJ 3. no
!.!, 8, 4:
9.4'i 8.49
P. M. P.M.
A .M.
P. M. A.M. A.M. i P.M
Mineral P..iut.
Lilly V.
Creecv -n,
ii.-i, o.oz
11.2S; 5.r,i :
11.55 G,2:
7. 20
7. 20
fg.go ;
P .M.
.17 i ti.&O i
7.:v0 5 4
Q I'rain- will at stations
r. ' ot;ly,eli oiual is given.
Thais Ab. 1.
I i Toi;s, supjios tl to H' well infonm-l ! lo a" ,,K,S tw" ertai?i tru: .f h.n 1 Ivii - '
say that we have taken at leat 17 oiJ ?nibei.niJ i,a,l' ia lj;-:r c 'u partiv
piisoners from the eiiemv ,i a!! the-en- ,Camr,ii "T j,, t:u-St;e ,f Pe1:... !
lKt and nt back. pur.ue .f a warrant -Vl l,r e
Wirw(Rii. J Has i w.k:.
A. M. A. M.
ti.SO Crtx.ii, 8.55
o.Ui Mmter, 2
5,50 Kayler's, 9.."5
5.30 EiK'i,l.itrgh, y.55
T i:ix No 2.
IV M. P. M.
7 2 1 Oissm, 7.45
7,ot. Mu aster. b.n5
0.45 Kaylor's. 8.20
.25 EjenjJ.r.rg. 8,45
An 1'xamnntion of School Tochers vil:
, ' ' '""'"'- ;
I"-,"' ".' .turlay the
l !,..'. I . t.a SI 1 it ... . v'. J ti- -1
comineiicifig at 2 o VI-- K V. M
I. : 1
I jr it.e fur
r Waitiiiti g-
j.oi-c oi ium'iii i!i- O
f Wailing.
ton township with tt
cher-t f r the winter !
term. Henry El.theC. Supt.. wiil lj
preset r at the examination, liy order ol
the School Rard.
SepferuU-r 3. l802-39-".i.
"THE UNION KiallTbirwilWfG.""
lH..NsULKi, 1-EXXA.
Ti e siiiscril-er begs leave to inform the
p'.blic il at be is p rep lied Li furnish, on
si , oil r.otii e and n re.uoual.le terms, all
manner of WORKED LCMBE'L SAiil
All work warranted to give e: tire salis-facfi-n.
Orders from a distance so'it itetl. and filled
witii promptness nnd dispatcti
O-Rough Lumber takeu in exchange for
Woikctl Lutider.
El-end.urg. Sept. 3. lj-;2-if.
Any 3 our Cioodn at Altoona.
VLt.NG experience has fully couvincetl j
me that the CASH SYSTEM IS THE
IW-M both lor merchant and conumcr;l
and lor the L.niie, 1 am oettrmn.ed to do j
. f.t-r l- -i I. A -si I .ii.l (1I- t.rifo li.;...,c
.......... i-;-." ----
I have just retuineil froin t he UtieS of New
lork and i'mlad .'lnhia. with tne latest and
... , , ,
eueape.-i assortment oi iimvis over luiglit
Uestern Pennsylvania. Ii would, here, re
quire too much -space to enumerate all i f
the different articles I now projwise to whole
sale or retail ; but I iuvite attention to a
few (if the rare goods seldom brought to the
country. Moiianta Silks, Black Silks, Fou
lards, Delierges, Sthaliies. Ginghams. Tick
ings, Brown and i'dcacked Muslin. Table
Napkins, Table Diapers, Due.!?. Delaines.
Cambrics, Checks, Gloves, Reps, Poplins,
Prints, Linens, Hosierv. Cassimeie-.
ades, tie. Boots aid Shoes, of every des-j
cription f r Ladies, Mbtses, Men and Bojs;
carpeting oi many varieties, ranging in
price lrom twelve and a-half cents upwards;
Oil Cloths, Window Shades. Wall Paper;
Spaing Wagons foi Children, and Groceries
of ail kinds, such as rhe 1k?sI Syrup Mo'as
ses, on'j- 00 cents per Gallon ; 2J class, only
50 cents, Sugars at 10, 11 and 11 J cents
per lb. Colfee. Tea. Spices. Salt. Fish,
Soap, Candles. &c, Q iei n.-ware and Glass
ware, such as Wetlewo-.Kps iclebrated Ir r.
Stone Tea Sets, Fortj- six Pieces, only $3.87.
Cliina Sets complete, only $12. Chamber
Sets, from $1,25 upward. Fruit Stands.
Cake Stands, Jelly Dishes, Preserve Jars,
Goblets, Tumblers. tc, &c.
1 would respectfully iuvite the public to
call and ex&niiue my tocK before concluding
to purchase elsewhere, as I feel confident
that I can convince them that it is cheaper
to buy FOR CASiII ban ON CREDIT; and
also, that mv stock is worth an examina
tion. R. A. O. KERR.
Alt. -ma, Pa., Si'pt. 2, 1S02.
MierlfrH Sale
RY VIRIUK OF A W hir of Wnditi- ;
Kxj na, is-;uel out of the O-urt .
of Common I'iets i f Thiir o-i;n:r. and t.
the Shei iff of si J county diiK'te.l, tin re '
will be exjxstNt t-o public na!e or o.Jtcrv on 1
MONDAY the l oth day of ScptcmW-r next" 1
at 10 o'clock. A. M., t f a: 1 ! av. at the
Court House in the F .rough vf llvll.iavs j
b".rg. Ail the rigia. title "a.;-! ii.-u-i"..f !
oim e,. ;.a i J. II. .1 ii, : n.i
O.mmonwtalth to William Mci i:-a!, a:. 1
uie i iuer oi!i was urv.-! the 1
day of June. A. I). KSS. in purse v.. e ,f :i
warrani rai.te.1 by t! e Giu.motiwealth I .
John (Jrr.y. c..iitaini - tr'ether ei-ht Lin.- i
dretl a.res, iiuoro or !cS)dii whieii theie
are coal b u.ks open an 1 in v..ikiii oihr.
hai.i thereon en clel ol.e b"aekv..iii. a,!.,..,
ne t.l hou-e an,l .:.e snu!l oniee. S. i - l'
and taken in execution and to ,!, ,s li e
property of J. C. lh lm.oi J. U. ,1.,;;, s
SAM I.. MvCAMAXT. S' -rin
bberifl V ifti,-o. 11, llidaxslur.
A::. '21. ct'
Xlio Creat C :ttiHt- Of
.IUt puldiflied in a Sealed enrel ; p.i,-,.
;ts. .
O.N THE CACSE AM. l.L lli; of S. erm.,- 1
t..rr!..ea, C-nMimpti..,,, Mental an-! Phvc! ;
lh bility. Nervon-i:(-s Fj i;epv : L. p ivd !
Ni:1:i;ion f the body : : We.iki ess !
of the Lim'.-s and oi the Pii. k ; nd'so, -iti u ;
and Incapacity' for Stu ly and La".. Mu l-
ness of Apprtliviar-'ion ; Ll-s i f Mem. rv.
Avertio;, t S.K-iety ; L-ve of S-l.tcde : T;:.i '.
iditylSef DL-ttu.-t ; I iit.e.- ; I.'ei.dn. he I
Allectioiis of the F ( P.m pi. . ( i, ti t Face '
I u Voluntary Eu.i.-i-.n.-. at d St x'i .l In. aj ao i
it v ; tiie Consequences of You'; Li li.-crt- j
tioii. .to , &c. i
,C7 rii:.s admirable L - et ne ch ally j.rov.-s j
that the above enumerated, oj'cn M-lV -.ifan t- !
e-1 evil may le removed w.tleiot n,ii"ieiiie )
an i without dangerous mi :.'.i! sti ,;i.
and hould l-e re id l-y every youth an I eve: v ;
man in the land. " j
Sei't under t-al t' auy j,d:re-. in a p'.H"n i
sealed en ehj;. on ire r(tiitof s;x cents. ;
...r two jm.vtae Manips. -- :i idresn j
lr. CHAS. J. :. KLLSK. ,
I "if Ilver . t-iv Yorii. 1-ost i
FLOLTt. GliAlN. SEED. Ik'iCoN".
and c.::p. n oil.
( e E ig!e Hot-:.)
II A ING purch..s-.l t!.c i . f ! "-
lt; ; " " Vi,
'! ' ' ;
1 ,
d t re
! the old ttan-1. and v.i': be j
ss a;
, e: ce
i.e p.ur
age cf uis old friends a:
Pittsburg. June J. 1 S'.-2.-?in.
THE tin-h rvijTcd l eg- hae t. .-o.'i
to his friends of Cimb. in and t', n-Ji
nr..-. ,
counties, tha. he Las orene l a !I"TEL:u j
the West Ward of Eben-l u where he is i
prepared to rco-mriodate $ ".rt.i r and!
travellers in all that .i;j-rr.t:nstTj t! ,-n. I
fort. HIS IJAR tHM lv f,:nd r. -pien-sl e-1 j
with nf"l'iii,.i, Spirits" and -M:lt"
Liquors, in (he hi'igute f tie i::-m -ral h- j
act of Asscinl ly. r.nJt-r v. l.ich 1 starts :it. J
C-iiiiiect'ed wiib the -Tabli! met t, is a '
TEN FIN ALLEV. the -rdy one in the i
place, which will W aUvndi at a"', times
by the nece-saty "Fin Lifters.'
The subscriber s.'citii a portion of
patronage, which fav.T he wi'.l'.e i
'according to li'S size." !
July 23. 18fi2.-:,.r.-- !
lEownrd Association,
X1 and Distressed. idlFcttd with Wuhnt
. . .
; ;,mi ci.n.iuc Uiscases. an ! espte. i.:v ior ti.e
j Clm. , ,- D sens. of the Sexual Organs,
ui.nint t.-tr-i.- ..- ......
I .ui.eiv.ii. .11 i iv,i. yuu "rails, i-v l.-e
A, t:,
I At t:i.g Surgeon.
n r-
rliiea or Seminal weakness, and oh,,r D s-
eises of the Sexual Orgu.s. and ou the I
NEW REMEDIED employed in ti e Di.en j
sary, s.-nt to the af:l:cted in sealed letter in- j
velojH-s, fne of charge. Two or tliriestai-j s j
for p stage will be acceptibl-. j
Acting Surgeon. Howard Ass. t-i iti.-n. No. u ;
S-uth Ninth Street, Philadilpl i. Pa.
The partnership beret T t? i xisii: g be-
t ween the undersign.-, under the lln.iofj
Davis. Joucs, & Ci., was this day dissolved j
bv mutual consent. The business will K- j
settled by either of the paiii- s at the sta:, 1 j
of Robert D ivis, for a li- ited tin e where all j
having unsettled accounts will save ci-t by j
calling soon.
Eotiisburg. August 12. 1?02 -G7-St.
I are hereby notified that NO URT j
OF COMMON PLEAS f. r the trir.l i f is
ues by Jury will le held fr Cambria
county en the Sc-thl IIVA- t-f Scif(i:tLcr 1
Prothonotary of Carnl i ia co. i
1- .1 . - , flT f
a itiiii'iii'Mo o eiuiVy I ,
22. Aug.,lSG2.
J j
! E0RGE M.RLXD. Attosmt at Liw,
VJT Ebenabure Cambrra cuutv Pa
i CiUcc ia CAuudc R.w. via u
rsisr f
m m
Irr curins: ttf ick to an t xirnl neter
teforc Lcomii f auv Medicine.
-- i; . .... kti.
!l l.l.-J liri ! O '! ViMrm urrfuniw, ol
i.e li.ul S;..-t, ft La-ir-MiL. n.'a jjrJur
we kiubj u aU.M-t rvrrj Uk. .:
"I .ai Ii?;-: r t. -y j, ur I'iihuik I'iu ,!!( I
!r l -cnd linn a U:;.c, 1't rt-mnt
n. thai a: ..iLr .;leii u: kLtm Mui) ul my
i.ri iU vf ir:'! r,-,l utrkrtl'lvlirf.U tl.'in tlmu, and c-
nriik- nil u iu li riii c !l ! i;mtv . rairajlinary
i!iur fct !r:tii r i ai.J rjiriu U TUtj
ir n.4 t-rTrrlui'.. t; : -! anj .Va-ai t t. l ukr
4iiM.iirf i:ttti u'U-i ii.k iLtui xalueJ lr ttie tvUic
lt-ii u.ry are know u"
11- t.rr-!-L.n.rriT t WAKDLAW rm fMu Bal
" I'v. J. l Aii-S,r: I :,ax, t: Vtn ir TUU ith
-Mil i l-..nt. f ti hKit.f, U riK, ion. oi airtita.
J riil.oiiF l. aUa. l.v, uliii L . lnr iHnmeililn
. iu tl.. N.,e. A of ir r.iu turcd I
i.r t.ed jour i'lwrr l'rt.l manv t m any taauily
!t"1:"' ' cfiir uiil. inuiiii'; .', . y1M1 mat
tnr w hw-l. run : ai:4 I tfr ii a plfmr m coiuiaDd
n M ii i,o i i Ur Otiic aui anp UMOg.
J I . IJCAITY, Lec. t.1 ll.e Ti.ii. Kjli!ixJ c ,
c " F- - - FkJrri.m, Dec W. 185X
' . ir ; I !kr taiir m a.!a,nc iu lc-U;iti a tb
rftarr ..I . r u.t-ox 11 biiu.r Ornvrd vr matrnal
fieri tr.ju u.ri- w u.iu ylf iv, fcai aua Catani.
1 I am i -. -r nt iNai in n,v fcunlr, rhlll I
r- rr . i .!: I Ut U-, W U:T liru will n(ire th."
J 1 w i , : t-i.. s. s. 1 EVi..S, M. D-, ui IVtU
n i li. N. 11.. v. i :
I" .'iiniiii, is wr tt-u-, I
rt ! in n ,i i. c l:j arr an ima!ul 1 irta
, i -p-i.: d r.f-rni ini;ti :. f il.e lier.ain
(i' ii..i.-n. . .i,riif-, and Uie r vioriv
. ..;... tU r uirr rr.i:t-. than any
it r. t ..-t nlfif i Mii;aTie i injnin,
I t .-.: .... I..:. !,.! n , I'iI'i. O,' fittiir. M
..,i-i !. n ..nt-r I bit nr f.ii:d. lln-y aiv aura
i i t .r ar-.l mfe aaiili titct
i. r : i i xu i,;ki,,-.i..:r r:: lr .t J.;il.!u UK. I liav
i.r i..j. i -itr. Litivn i.t:r Ltrm Ptttxral a the twa
ill u ..;.. ii r m i; -f h.i ,t . a-.ij ilnf-e P:lla aia id m
"' " "' ' tl.t auu;..-ie jitiwirxjoa ft U Uat
. i .'... JVt., .V. r. 2MS53.
I', .'.f. 1 1 - s,, : it, ! ,Ji,oi fna
i i. d!i - i..i-;; n e..TM i..nii, and aim. aflat
.i..t. ..,i---i..i a,.,; ai, HIU..1J of amount ft ifT-nf.J.
. :i. .-. : ..-i;y , ured in a few atrkt Or nwi Pin.
I'. i.J 'ni i .4 it-,.u..n; I avoir ran ! b
... f i .-a, j ,i tt',':zt v. tit 1 Late suflrnrd, aud bin
- ... . i iii'i. i . j.; .r I li;i frer fni Uu! kaUinoma
i. -.-n't -)...:. At T:uit ii anaikrd my rye, and
' ; l.:i..-i. t-?-n.-it Uir ai ; ai
. il( . it . i-i;. . f mi hrad. and i-JM'rd nry
... . . - nr .,i-i. 1..J.; al toy nay; TaiM flliiaa
1 ' - ... .i : 1. ii.d l..;,i u i. ui(".i'i a ram
. - 'i: i ... ...... a.. r.uii,ru-rd lffaitt yc4ir
"i --i... 1", r i a... t tn. y tfrt Iixhii tilr Coill.laillt.
. ft v ..u i- !T. and tr hair iia cro-
n I i . )u ii . 3j; tj 1,mm auiies sue awl
il.:. .1 . i .. r.-i'.
' - :i l -J-., i ii iu-. I-Uir Mtranc.f
; n-. . i -I .;; .. j. ,j1 oiLriv, I ui, nil errry
i . .. . iM'.l.. ar
1 i,i,i ... . !. ,v e i i,m-,I Kickci ti.j
, r-r . . u j.,. a'tuH-rt KiifMi:v Tnw.
AM'htW J. XiltBE.
" .... 't I ..,i-ii ih Hm uriciurjif CV
"i "i i. 1 K AT T t: f Marian, mo troa
1 i - ! r . ,:i fr,4ii a 1-.!m. attack n liicb
i. .:i on.-: m.- ,.i i;.r I.,;rr. liu b liad titrama
.. i.. -. t ...j J i.1.1 i.iit Ia Mir i'iiyaiciaji, rtrtx fv...K I i, m ; bul a fct-w (iiisrs of
-i-i I i. uf i.t:: .r-.e.t ii-r.i au It. Ialili. I bav
?.iiii h-iii t,. ...1.J.-.U ii tun, m nb Hi lt ef
I '-. 'I i n ri.r ;,,--i..j il (uird. I irn.B.-iiadcd tbent
ii. a lon.ti 1. 1 .-( in.., t i.i, ti had troul'ted turn tut
in,-. :r- I. t. ,d v,r ii, a ir- tliy bad cured biau
tai II. ..r U,K 1,1 U.t-l.:. ll.O U. Ult ul.J , till 1 aJU ft
l, ..'
Kr--'.: rl.i. fr.-m !. .'iri-T r 3 lit it ef the Puren
(M,n. In. I a; bat made biaa all
kn. it ... ii .j t i.; ii. ti.i. l ut li e tintiiU-ru.p Stales.
- f t.V.V.. S: .IrrH, ISM.
s: I l-vt rrrai s T-sjrti. in aMini f Ibat
! J t..j..,!v l.nir tei. li-ii Biuril iu-fjsl t? yoill
n r.i . V !. cMfJ. o rara aanr. f av
! i-tit.ii 1 y jtmr Cmui faiTcaiu,
a. - - r !' ni e j j-i -.i.ti liralin. Wy cbildrva
I..- ii i..tHt 'u t urrd lit.ui anara4 Uie laflu-
r ,i : : t i. i.,. t, e. Ii it. an , k.all miMrdy a
;. .. c..:t.:-sttt. ,. ii'iiHit7ir I'iiij bat miirrly
.!, I m- "II.I.I a ii,.. aid u.i,ui. ailiKb ba
' ' i it- n a:ic xtars. n,:rri. tdw cure i
i, I u. -ir iiiu 1I.C- tart t.'iat I bad failed ar
i -t t, r: l -1. i 1 :-v r. t-cu Itti-. aectHi 4
' i-. . .. ii in t the ituiticifua mw
: : .. l.-tr,:.
'. M a ; r.i 'drrtial lilet.iin
.r . i: . . .3 t .. m a', t.,-; vve are liul UQ
: .- .-,.1- l.-(-t I?.,..i-,
1-KAVIl l i n XTER."
- -S- r.l i W. t:t.i,. irt, 1S54.
I;.'. . In. a.... irj r-ii : I 1.1 1 ii,dr a u
l ,r, i, I'i: i... li ti.. . ..r acwil
I. ... ,ut,:i i-t e-r-i, i t:.r drr JtuI Kt,rumaiau
I ' I hi..
r. :i- z. I !,r l:rt i.e re
t,.fM,-..,.i j. Late eMtinr!
.! t..r
..I t ....
--. i . : i;
I .-I
c'tfi l,ii,i. iu,M uan M
",::It n t., tlw rflecta
: - v. li rir?l rr-iw-rt.
i.' ii s ii. .i,k.ic.;u'.-
' i- at 'i. '.y kl' t
. v.,":!j , i....i.e liite -tala
..ii it i...i : men lru
1 i, -!.
tre p-.rei by !"- J. c. AYZ.H & CC
!'i::'..ti! :LliL:.-urk, Ciom I.-, Lc-jfcU, SIM
R. S. ::;::m. E: --'; u.g: C. T. Fr.Tci; John
town : s-, w.,'.t -l I M.nuhc-r, Cam.r.s
t iv. i.: V. II. Shields. Lord! : M. Ihugla.
C t:e.-s j ri:,gs ;,.i.d hy Dia!vio ti , i;, where.
Apr.; - I le.Jy
The s'ns. iih- rs !':, r the f- l. -win valua
ble t roj" i ty, ..t . sal.". n in it rea
si'i.ahle te;t: s ii.iii.-j paymtnts.
L t No. HT, 1 g thre- a eiectij a
Su.a'l St :.; II tise, adi ,in": z rciidece if
Rev. Mr, Mai bis..,,.
L ts 1-5, 1m;, 1-7. IS S. a squire ef 1 .t
fri;tit:g vli LI d .-I.i-eS. E'ts 170 and 17G
a. ij. g
Lots 1- .;
f Geo.
: ei k(U:
1 es
nl I
i.v if Jvhu Lloyd, Esq
f lot 11 a I j iiii.'.g r ideiA-e
I" '.'-, I" .. I f V..
aril Ph.T v strx-t. All the
ab.ive :;re d.i. sir.i
'.ir - 1 .Is.
A LS 8 acres of liu i. ti ef ..f which are
in the B-iioc.g'.i, fr-.ntirg i Julian street.
Ti.e Cam IiTowji I'iat.k Road tuns through
t'.i's propt rty it ".ki.i I j d.videi i;.Ui Iota U
suit pine!. -lsc's.
ALSO 12-j aires of la:..! s-itua: iu Cara
1 ri.i t-WT ship. kn wn i f the Piyce Hill
Farm. iL--lit Forty arrcs clear -il. adjoinii g
j-inls t f Jo'un Vioi:irrs, Wm. O'Ketfe.
Pryce -i d ethers. A Ig i -j: 0 aTes sitmtt
in Ciinbii.i towi'M.iji '."; lining l.i'ids ..f
Alex. M'Vicktr. J..'..u M'Bri iea. d others.
AIQ 1C0 acres sdtu it r;-ar IlenJ w kin
Washirgton t-uvt.-l ;p. adjoining lands .f
Jacob Bnrg-MiJl.arlcs Noon, Richard Sliaip
and otLirs
Any i-r a'l of the -1 de-rril-ed pr, .pci t y
will ce soltl on viry accurioiiating tirms. if
ap'.ilca'.i.ia be laaie to JAS. C. NlXN or
EVensl ':rg April 21 tf
LEWIS LUCK HART, begs lenvc to an
tiounce tliat be has always a large and varied
ass-rtrr.en of all the various articles peculiar
to his biL-i'css. Impairs promptly and
can full v a?tTd-d to.
J hli.t" CM, Apiil. 17 Ib'il. tr.