Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, August 27, 1862, Image 1

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    IB fill ft f T ll T It'll u k &Yt f 1 1t i
i, published every Wednespay
at One Hollar asd Fifty Cunts
t-an:iU'ii. payable in advance; One Dol-
... Sr-i-i.-v- rT Pirv Pl'VTc if -vf
. ,g A-- t V- . HUIl pilJU
w rix I:i'Jlit!. ; aUil 1WO iJOLLAR it
a t i r-- un'' l''e termination of the year.
Co s.ulw'i:;tin will be received for a
sV:ttr j eri' i than si months, and no
tulsaiWr wiiL Its at liberty to discontinue
IA-tm'1 until alj arrearages are paid,
the option of the editor. Any per
ion s-i'-o-ibiiig fr months wil be char
gjij (. Dollar, unless the money
j, piiJ in a-lvanee.
Advertising Rates.
One in.ierCn. Tiro do. Three do
I .v.e, 12 lines I $ 50 $ 75 $1,00
2-su.ires,f24 hr.esj 1 00 1 00 2 00
Sc ares,, 3 G lines 1 50 2 00 3 00
S months. G do. 12 do
. '.sur less, $1 50
iu.u-e, f 12 lines I 2 50
ie-luares, 24 lines 4 00
fftuarrs, 30 lines j 6 00
Li": a column, 10 00
t; r, 15 00
4 3 00
4 50
7 00
9 00
12 00
22 00
$5 00
9 00
12 00
14 00
20 0C
35 0
0 VF.KATF. bv the'r powerful irfi;ieTice on th,
i..ter::a'. vi- era to purify the blood and stimu
it into he.ilthy a tion. They remove th(
:icti'jr.i of the stomach, bowels, ii .or, and othei
er-:.of the body. and. by restoring their irregular
i.tii to health, carreer, wherever they exit. such
d'Tir.'ur.eiits a are the tirt cause of disease.
Aa ex.e.isive trial of their irlues. liy Trofessnrs
PiT;.iir:. and Patients has shown cures of dun ali.iust beyond l.el;ef. were they not
Str,tiatti by persons of si:-h exalted pi'it:ori
lr.d character is to f.rbid the supie;.n of untruth.
Jheir ceri:r.catf are published in my American
A!:n',-ic. wh:-h the Agents below najned are
plftM-d to f'iru;h free to aii ii!jtiiri:ic.
Ar.i.-'.cd -xt ti.e IhrrctuittS for their use in the
cr-uAi. .i .s 1i;.-h -iiey ! . e ben found to cure.
r.K t',.;iTKs-. 'lake one or two Pills, or
'uh quantity ax to eent'y more the !Mre1n. Co
t:en! : :rt-,t e xj(t irthg ctwe of
Ptle. nH e::re -.f one compiatat is the cure
-f 'o'T. per-, n can fe l well while under a
f-odv. liettce it should be, as it
; !. jr r,!;; ui
rOK JM-rj wh:-!l is .?net!ev ti Mil so
ni a'.wnys uncoiuf'j table, take mild
c t . .! to stiiuu'.:ite the stomach
:jrs ;'r
.l !c-r ::.t
t:on. rhey w.i d.j it, and
and soi.'ritrit of dvspepsia
Mlit-ii it has gone, don't
- ! , a.V 4..s..o;.,..
'?t r!: .t e,:rt, j i ..,nu h. or Mm '.id luntinn of the
.'.. h :.!.. '. i.i.huo uci.eial l. iiesi.n of the
::-t- M..i ':. .a take from f.ur to i-ipht Tills
"' "''er do- s aft.-rw.,rd.s. until activity
v-1-' 's restored to the .w. n..
FwHXuVOt.NKs. l K U.u V.E, N'aCSEA.
FtntheSuD.aith, B u '.. or N,",.. take from four
f::i i.""'si''" k'oinii to Ue 1. f thev do not oper
!' S''-w 1,t''' t,'lxe "-oie the next day until thev
' ll.e-e i-oiaplaints will he swept oiit from the
ti. Ih.r.T we-ir thee and their kindred dis-JTj-.'i
bemuse jr.ur stomach is foul.
t- t s, ;tr,vi 'j A huv-iPELAS, and nil Diieases
'-e Si,,,. the Iil!s freely and frequently, to
t;ie t,i,AtU i en. The erii!.iiins will gener
''.".u V '-"! '" '''"inish ana disappear. Manv
-.a'.iui ulcers :ind sores liae Uen healed up b"v
i-'f r::rjire aud purify isi etS-et of these Fills, and
u't"!K ''eaies which seenied to saturate
-? wa'jle sjsti in have conijle'elv vielucd to their
-r.'T.iv: leaving the surierer in' perfect health,
rif.ei.ts . your duty to society forbids that you
'jU.i parade youiseit arouiid the world ruiered
f' rm.p'e-.. bioteiies. uh-ers-, sores, and all or anv
"'i t::t iti;. lean diseases of the hkiti, because vour
5te:pwat:ts e'.euiink;.
i't'KTV thk IJi oiiii. thev ar the best inedi-5;-r(hoocred.
'lhey should he taken freely
iiey-i.iH . Mi the iiiipo.i it ies which sow the
"y''1'"1''' diseaM-s will be swept out of the
:tc Lke chai r.efore the wind. Bv this prop-rt
V.'1'1 al h to..d in prf ventini; "si. kness as bj
t.:..iiai ,e c'.ires hich they arc making eer
'H UI-.T, J acsdh-F. and o
1 ar. e fi. i:i some derangement eiti.e;
to! .jestion. or o! struetious .f ihe I.ivei
0' a'iu c....c?sl;oii vitiate the bile a. id lendei
1 ''-r d'i!. st;oi. '1 hi is .'usastioe.s tt the
,. (
' i , ' (..titutioTi is f: efi n'K iiri'i-r-Tn"
0,1 er cause, lnditr. t:oii is Uie yi.p.
-!ra. ..m, (lf tiie duct w'.ic'n e:int es the
' tie . ri.j.rVi r.,, ;.. IS. Inlo l.i iilprlti.w
i ' ' .'"-d. 1 t'.:s nrc.f'i'ro .1 anTir' :- w.tb a
'r-- Mil d-ir.f-Teu train of eils. Costlveness. or
r . . vo; :enes
and diair'no-a, pievaiis.
e.isr. n iiipt.:as, languor, low spirits, weariness.
..-v.e.-s. ai,d melancholy, with sometimes iii
icn -' s,t'i;- "''-d sometimes irrcat drow ines;
V"i U :i'T there is severe pain in the side ; the skit.
te ,!e "'itp l)f the eyes become a ereenish t ellow ;
- i oa-.ach acid; the bowels sore to the touch:
' sjsu-in iiriuble, A-ilh a tendciicv to fcver:
j,"" 81 ?y t,srn to bilious fever, hi'.iotis colic, hilion
"'yT.tery, .ve. A medium dose of thre
' ' ;r 1 -ls taken at uieht. followed hv two or thre
-y.ase of these troubles. It is w:icked to surlei
k C"' n-eri .v,,u can cure them for ) cents,
re,' '"JTI"i O'M-T, and all Injtammatorv te
tir n. 1 - c,'rea oy tbe puntyimr etlects ot
1 .'. lllJtA dllU 1.11,- VMOU)19 "imt
; . ."" ' ,rr Ttl principle of Life. For thesf
s-dd-"'tt"'1 c-mplaint, thev should be taken ii
As i'TT' ,0 "l"ve tne bowels Kentiv, but freely.
"'?'l iMk 11LL is both "agreeable "anc
t- jw ; " "iU cn lie made more pleasant to take
tt t),irflu'-v noae bas been made more ertectual t
re for wluch a dinner pill i employed
Inr m. . .
upon the blood and the stimulus which
ctical and Analytical Chomists.
a -pnngs and by Dealers everywhere
g'jj Jy & Ciwlw's Cment GUTTiT
- fair t H. C. Devine's.
k&tifem .(tots
towr c nswrs; U. T. Frazer; Johns
tc-tr-'.'p -,i:erwalt and Maucher, Carroll
CiJs'Q " fields, Loretto; M. Doudas.
CJeneral Corcoran's ICeceptlon.
Washington Alive with Enthusiasm Im
mense Concourse of Ctii-ens The Ave
nue Chohxlup The C'trs Stop Running
Speeches of Hon. Alfred Ely, Corco
ran, and otliers.
Washington-, Aug 18. The demon
stration to-niolit in honor of the release
of Colonel Corcoran, Yt'ileox, and others,
was in the highest degree enthusiastic.
The Avenue in front of their quarters
was so densely crowded as to prevent the
passage of the street cars.
The. GOth New York regiment were
present, and warmly welcomed.
The baleonv, which was i served for i
the use of the sjieakers, blazed with the j
light of the jras. the burners be-uro; so ar- j
ranged as to form the word " lnin" in i
mammoth letters.
At o'clock, Conressman Ely. for
merly 1 'resident of the liichmoinl Prison
Association, when he and General Creo-
f.mvanl with the General. On the ccas- !
in.T tln nuisie tb. d .miT-iiiiit 5i- I
plans- rneetel the presence of the young
Irih h ro. When it subsided, Mr. Ely
said :
speech or iMN. m.m:ei ely.
EtUotv-Cttizen. : A thrill of joy went
through the country a day or two since,
when it was known that Colom-l. now
General Corcoran, tind his. gallant com
panions in suffering, had at lat been re
leased from their rclnl dungeons, ;md
once more stood licneath the stars and
stritx-s. "Applause.! They now stand
bv niv side. Tliree chivrs for Coivo- j
iiiii. 1 I
True heroes, whose hioh courage has I
endured the stmngest tests to whicli they j
could possibly le put : brave soldiers,
whose patriotism has not faltered under
the most disheartening trials and most
grevious disappointments : patient, manly
surlerer.s for the old llag, now doubly en-ileitri-il
to them and us. For such men,
the country has no honors too great, r.o
welcome tco cordial. It is. perhaps, the
grandest feature of the continuous uprising
of the people of the North, from the in-
ult of Fort Sumter to the present hour
an uprising at wiiteu tne w o'.ei g:;zes wr.n
such a profound wonderment that it has
called to arms, and asked the cordial co
otKTation in the work of su.-tainin"; the
Union and Constitution, men
of everv
clime and tongue.
Where all have done so well, compari
son mav be invidious but it is due to Cor
coran and to his lighting countrymen, to
sav that they have been among the lore- j
most in the great struggle in which we
are engaged. Applause. Manassas, j
Lexington, and the IViunsula. testily to
their deeds of daring. As Shi.-l reminded
Wellington, himselt an Irishman, that i
from Assaye to Waterloo. Irish soldiers
were inseparable auxileries of the glory
with which his unparalleled successes
were crowned, so let it le reoienilx-ivd
thtit in all our victories for the Union the
dauntless Waring of the Irish, volunteer
has added lustre to our triumph's of arms.
It is meet that, here to-night, and
everywhere throughout the loyal States,
the recognized chieftain of our adopted
citizens from the Ilmerald Isle, the brave.
courteous and patient Corcoran, honored I ciK-my than I move myself. I trust, when
leader of the ever-niemoiablq Sixty-ninth, j I return to New York. I will not remain
now in arms before us, w1k has", by his ' there many days, but have the old Sixty
..ol.le berirmn- .bonified nliko the field and ! ninth airaiii to join me, and take the field
dungeon, should receive this warm and
lifting reception. A witness for all time
of his manly endurance of the most irk
some captivity, I can bear jiersonal testi
mony to the hemic spirit with which he
met taunts and jeers oi an insolent and
liarbarous eneniv ait enemy whose cause i
originated in falsehood and is prosecuted j Archbishop Hughes told them so in I re
in utter disregard of the usages of civilized land. I think there will Ih- n iuferven
warfare. j tion. If there should l we w ill try our
And for those who, companions of the ! hand at it, too. Applause, and cries of
Cieneral in his tedious confinement, now ! good. 1 will say from this sjkiI, without
happily partake his lilcrty, for Colonels j f,.ur of contradiction. 1,,:lt Wt s"a!' prev ent
Wilcox, and liowmaii and Major Voilges, j them fixm doing any trouble on this side
let our cheers lie given, with a will. Their t,f tlu Atlantic.
services to their country have also lieeii A voice, which wa- heartily respondiil
great; their claims upon our gratitude are to, "And the other side, too."
of the strongest character. t1(, ,vo,.i- ,,f the hour is to lie done.
I need hanlly say that I have unusual , Wp mn?t TJ at jt witjt a Jin,i Avhen
pleasure m introducing to this asseiuo.age
this band of war-worn heroes, who.-e
names belong to that immortal list that
was not bom to die.
I welcome you, thrice welcome you, to
the land- So long as liberty, union, con
stitutional government, and republican in
stitutions are known here and defended,
will the deeds, sacrifices, and sufferings of worthy patriots and soldiers le kept
in "fateful remembrance, and their names
honored and treasured as household words.
thrije welcome yoi back to the capital
f vour country. I prr-ent to you. Col.
of vour countn'. i prc-ent to you. Cot.
Michael Corcoran
Tlte Colonel, on advancing to the front,
was the recipient of repeated and deafen
ing cheers.
Addressing himself to eveiy officer and
mcmljcr of the GOth New York militia,
and his fellow citizens, ha returned hi.
most grateful and heartfelt thanks fr i'4
cordial greeting which they had given him
and his fellow prisoners on their return.
He returned his thanks the more sincerely,
as this demonstration marked their devo
tion to the glorious institutions under
which we hae the b!e.sings to live. It
would be impossible hr him to say a sin
gle word that would add enthusiasm
amongst the jieopie at tli j present
moment, for he had .- -en the evidence,
ye.-ti rday and to-day, -f the jK-ople rush
ing from the States, again to advance and
drive back into '-Dixi-'s land" tho?-e
tntitors who would destroy our Govern
ment ami trea 1 und-'r iiot the llag of our
' Union. lie had never lnin among thost
h th.s matter from
the K'niimhicr. The nth man (.Mr.
. ...i. . 1....1 ..ll ...l !... I. 1
ii.iYixiit i ii inn i'ni in- ir.i iim..i"'
i .... - i
I Knew mat wini tie was in prison wmi i -v-' '"" ; hoartiistotics. I h -ir s,.ns wul n't nnvt
( him he had expressed the hojie that j :ry have U-cn wastol ", isolate.! pla- i t,x.m m i.u::k.. walk-, or hi ih, ir ho-ir-j
a million of men would spring up in de- Contra. -tors have carried on this , t- ivlaxation : their da::-h:.i will not sit
1 a 1- 1. . i
tense of the count rv. b :.Use he Uli. ved
it was the shortest and b -t mentis of
crushing the n bi llion at once. The
country is at !a-t alive to the struggle,
and will rie two millions of men an 1
in t!i
p. S-;-s-iO!!,
to pUt
dTi this n-hellion. and preserve
the glorious institutions handed ilown by
our loivtiitheis. You hen have not seen
:u,.v of the honors of war. You are not
i'u'el by a military desjioiisiu as those
among whom we have travch.-d and con-
versed with. They are
suth.-ring the
and we owe it
worst ilesjiotisin on earth,
to them to go to their rescue.
He had come lVoin North Carolina.
Although that S'.at- li as o,iM men in
the liefl, one half of th'tn. if fnv to speak,
would si cak in lavor.ot returning t tne ,
l nmri. lint their rotate pride aiet hiuid i
love of State institutions will cause them
to tight well in the ranks until we give
tie ni assurance that we will seudtothein
as well as to the other States a suthYien:
number of Union men around w hom thev
I can rally.
! lie had mu h to s;iv to the old G'.'th.
lie w-;ls rejoiced to see lh. in here again.
He was rcji
j again in the field. lie was ivjoieed
again to Mi' that old green ll:g saved from
the baltlefhld of Manassas cheers.
mingled again with the stars and stries.
The members of the ngiment wen- will
ing, he knew, to lay down their lives to
uphold the flag of the country.
Your term of service has. he .-aid.
nearly expired. You will k- returning to
New York, but not. I hope, to remain
Voices. No. never! Will go with
you again.
Some must from necessity remain, but
others will ieel it it solemn duty, throw
ing aside personal considerations, again to
enter the service, and remain with the
annv till the last blow is struck. Cries
of "Good! We will'."
I ask no man to go where I am not
willing to go. Applause. 1 never ask
any man to move one inch nearer to the
with more of niv countrymen in the en
deavor to preserve the country for our i"o
pie. Applause, and cries of 4 We are
wiih you."
Gentlemen. I do not wish to detain you
lotif, but will Pfiv that this is a splendid
school for military training. I.auohu-r.
that is over we w ill make an opportuuity
for ourselves clscxvhcix. Tliis last remark
was greeted with immense applause, and
thmirjliout his n inarks the dense auditory,
by frequent interruptions, expnssd their
approbation of the sentiments he enuncia
Colonel Wilcox, of Michigan, was next
introduced, and was warmly welcomed.
He said he had done no more than his
j duty,
Incidentally alluding to the lgus
j cinvairy, ne san m.-n m nn- n-i unuoio
m whicli ttiy were connt,.-.!. iwiz nrrv
twenty-nine officers, as gallant :u ever
They were confined in the worst and
dirtiest building in the dirtiest titv in the
Union, without a bhinket, or a cup, or a
plate, or a knife or fork, and refused mi
y'vvrl unity to purchase tlie- commonect
.ran-st necessaiies of life. (Voices,
A-tatat.:' !') This is a speeimeti of the
c'i'-alry which claims to be the flower of
the world, and who would trample under
f'jot our free and beloved Govenunent.
I'alse heart'-d traitors', 'lliey would not
hcitate to commit lesser crimes.
It was time we should put forth the
strength of th' nation to control, coiivn
trate, and pasp all the resources of the
Government in such a manner as to cru:dt
out these men. and drive them into the
Gulf ol'Mexi-o. Aj plaus -. Tlie Gov
c:-n:n..ut must employ all lts nsotuves to
a muted defense, arel stnke at the main
arteries of the monster which lias arisen to
shadow- up our hurtles.
Without casting ntl.Htion utoti u;iv
mmiary man. it apv are.l to that tins
has o-en a hrnntl. ir,rr. TCri.-s of "rbii
i - - - - - -
I I I 1 I lIIITl.l 1 II. t . . 1.1 4 ills-.
" ,,! a tie ih.hhi oi our men, tne gtxians
o. me wonn.ieii. u.e tears oi tne orlian. j ,vith them in the and cook with
and wad ot the w j low, have leen coined ! lhu n ,, n. th- taitv- ean
into money. Men without patriotism and , Jlu, wUlw to vUl livn o- . xvc:4.;ilV.
wisilon, have m-ed phuis umnihtary, mi l &,r lllolK.v wiil i lv the ole-prin ' of th
whic.i ha.e not ai comphshed anything. rit.h ,,-om tlios. of the -sk.;- bk.ek f..r-
ExiK-ditions have Uvn got up to wipe X, :;h, r c:tll ,,,, LJ, ,r ,;jf. 1(tai.k
the outside of the platter, on the coast. ! ,.1:J, r 3:i ,,,.,;,;.,., ,Ti:xl ..f,..
whde there are places whicli couM K ,iu.n w j10 .)n. n,.. l:l .j ,.rv (f j,,
. . 11.1 . S
S,M., r-'l'"0 n rnuiiaie tne cum-
liaign. lliis is conuuon sense. .V void
'1 hat's so' We have now a head of
t.:e a tiny who stands first in the nation, ! tjK. States j,,' p,vf-re:ee to thrtt of
.i I I l i ... . r if...
oi oroa-i ano. -ompiviicnsi c n s, ttil-l
who ha- Iisj,ngm-hi,l him-lf sis a soldier prinx-iiling lixmi l.uu lias n
rival ilesigti
l.'t little results, and Utile
politi i uis an I contractors, go. gh
ter an i appiaus..'. j
lU'Uli vol this
rebcmoii rreaJer now
than it w as six iu nlhs :igo, :uid gave Ins
views to sliow mat, so t:ir from the re-
i . i i i .
uilll'i) i.l I Ir .fii:it V I y Milrr I . 1hil IP.
... ... v ... ... ...
greater tl-.ati th-y w-re. Hi n everytliing
was lying t.n.un I l-n.-e. Ihit the r.-bds
have orgauiz.-d and sy stem iti.e.l th-. ir
plans. lb- would like to sxv t-vi-ry man,
woman an I child engaged ia the vv;u'.
We must rise and pat down the rebellion,
or it will put us down.
The remarks of Col. Wilcox were ap
plauded throughout.
Lieut. Col. liowm in. in the course of
sr. OI
his remarks, cxpi
1 his gratitude to the
h.veruineitt for hi-r.-lea-.1, and n'ioicl
tliat he was one mon free to tight for it.
1 1 expressed his utter detestation of the
rotten ialscly called h spi table chivtilry
He was glad to get away fix mi the vermin
and rat-infested prisons of tin- South, that
lie might draw his sword from its ru-ty
scabbard to wreak veng'ance ujx'ii those
w hose conduct was in all respects marked
by cruelty and oppre.-.-ion.
KEMAUKS ti MJllt VoiilHis AM nTllrJ.-.
Major Yogdcs si Mike of the great sttvngth
of the reliels as a sn'iieet iiixm wbieli we i .
have Ih-cii leccivM, and :ilso expix-ssiHl
his determination to renew his military
duties with incix-a--el zed.
William M. Uobinsi;i, lls., of New !
York, a jiersoiial friend of Ci'Iiinel Crco-
ran, and Mr. Thtiurin, a refugi-e fnm
Havana, a!si addixsssl the assemblage, j
The City Councils uti.uiimoiisly k-.-c1 ,
a ivso!utio:i to-night extending to the re
tumitl olliceis. a i-ordial reception. The
meinliers of the Council.- wen present at
the m-H-tiiiir. and after th pixK'ilin.fs '
wviv coneiiMeu, .vi.iemiaii aiiKii rxir- i
turnisiitng notes of Ins prison xjienenees
for publication.
Xostrro Biu;1ily lVtiat tlot?? It
.lleaii ? IVIio Is to lie AliCC
led by It t
From the Censtittitioial Uni'-n.
As the d liiiliiant part v at the Nonh
has practically placed the doctrine of negro
equality upon their banners, it lieeoiiu"
untMirtniit that "white men should know
what such a moxement means, and who
gent n, tne aW, ,v of the Mavor ot hrL tW. M,U1, ,n,tH,1g their i :, j,. a .rlYI : u.,r s ,.
U ashmgton. made to them this agrceab.e ( f;imU;0!i in .vsi-ctabilitv. an 1 giiitig th-m i v( ,vi:! W IT r.ui ft...
i,.,,unu.ueat.on , !H1 edacttion as i.. .htlng and p:-,r ' .". --the r v-of
l ie fii-nds :f Colon-1 Cotxi.ran hav f ,, , , . 1 ,'. , ' ' " ra.e oi
...... for the staf.on in w.ueh they wi .U- e: i.ed . thirtv licl- s j-r .ho-, t t.-v vould oxteud
h'ii suggesting to him the lmipru-ty il ,i .,, . , ,t . ,- , , 1 , .- .,- , . , :
arc u lie aiiii-ini oy n. i nai seiiit- oi man. on m- nvios m naoi ain cu.iii.ui- j;ow lie earn.- to is- .- i.rueii in Iae co-ia-the
leader? in this unsavory scheme aiv enipUyui nt. the advanlagf is in his favor, d. nee .f hi- ia i:-r. "I'rd. sir." Kill
hone.-t can be. lK-ii-ved, for their are mad- J as he will be sati.-ii 1 with a lowr rate . be. n.-xer tills me nullin; but th
m -n and fanatics in all communities. To of d.nipen-ation, and thus be pr -fcrred. kjiv 1 kiiows-ti.- n-a s-.-ivs Ms
such an abstraction is as binding and po- : Tliis is the light in which this d-N-irinc of pi-av.-rs txi.- a lax. tanni'nj and uih: ;
tcutial a a fact well as-rtauicd. and ni-g-.x-i-juarity should l rctvived by the but if lie get- out ,,f 1K 1 two .r thre
Itaving all the recommendation of the workin-riK'n of the North, 'ihey niu-t times in t!i : l-ijht to j rax-. you -ee 1 just
most severe ami protracted practical tests, j bring it home to them, and examine it a- ounui.'.'ccs packi-io; my hav-r-ack. for I
Tliey will not he! the t-aching of his- ; a matter that will enter into their htisim-s. knows tin :e will In .'- ..--, .f
tory- with refen-no to the negix. To , and not lt it be kept up in the clouds o,
. , a- . ' .. .
thni the well ascertained fact of In nt ire
iu.'apaeii - for self vTox i nnneiif is rvt com-
sidered, much less given the weight and ! lineal scheme, wc!! k!.-ivlnT tli.: it ia:ni ;
imjwrtance which it should command j hJo the n.gro, an 1 :.t the sivi" time m
They overlook, or treat as no conjuviiv.-e proluctiv tf liie !:e-t L.. tn u- i ii
the baniers which nature has pUivd U- svfj-n-iuva to th whltv 1. cf the
tween the white r.nd blaek man, arid the J North in Stale-.
removal of which, either by 1-rid e
enactments or so-.-ial customs, bus invaria
bly brought dceay to the State, and d 'gra
dation to the jeoje. They w ill not lace
amalgamation and etpuaVitv in the broad
sunlight of truth and exp ii no-, but in
the obscurity of pas.-iou :-n 1 prjudlv.
;md hence they err :ts a natural i-onse-
lat this cla-s con.;iii:tes a verv small
Mirtiui of the leaders of that parte which
is now urging the country to ruin en this
O'se.-tion of ne'To -iii-i!itv. The -Trt't
j majority i.f the lnvn who ehainpi'.ii this -
movement kliw wh.-it it- e'l.eN wi'l lie
. 1llfl who ll(,.v .Ki j aUi vr;
j t;lm tIia( i" no cvw can the ,Kis.. taint
i their -,ip. The monthm:! pnt nd- rs of
ywm s...t Suumer atid
: t, ...e-:..., , . .... i ..c
...... . 4- - , 'a.iivi , .it nvt iiut ; l
j nt-'ro-e.iuali' v over th:nwii i's .1 ,rk nnd
) i: i '
UISiMl?-:mr .:i' .tr v-r tnir im: ia:iv m-
1- . ...
a ...
I Jieside them hi lh.
sen. ii 'i-riH :n.
; (t!U:ti;!v. Thi- t.J n-v well I.'kw. What
1 -k mans opinion as .-, hiwv, r will b
; :i;.ktNi .... i ;,r i,v .;. AK - (
f Sunnier ' Will the i'-,. , 1,1 .
; ehUnhs of lV.-toi, and New York an 1
u.jKT ,jie I,:ll,n. oi v. :liv
leclaiinlng, Sunday alt.-r S i"- !..
. m iav or
ho i hei'l
. . ver fill
:ev. :i:ni
i.-al lirtt-
oi a cm
I'll. .i oiiri .in i ii ii !
. 'I
fit suivrioritv of
t!. i a s
' t'....;,- ..,! .w
thus make ii.-to e,
n-rio l-I'Vl:
lalitv :l ni-e-
ter with them.' Wili ih K-aek
' . " t
, ,-ir tre;. i tae i-aros oi our o;t !.. . oi.s.
; un,j jv,r1l fj-..,., t4. r pl.te s th f -1-1 e !
j who Marivdeli-ht i.s th- r .' Will
t;K, vy.x i. tinenfial i ier. hai.t-. w ho
now pr side at Aioii;io!i ii.ev-tiu-s. wh:!e
at the same time they :uv rivt h inir lh-'
prie paid fr traiisKr!:ii.: shii Joeis !
i-oolii's itx.iin t.i-n n -.:ie
1 to tie !
rrav-e m the sh.-re of s.iaie for. ( . nn- '.
j try. ever take a ingrj a- a -oaii!. r.ti.d .
. clerk, to the exclusion ,f thj . -n of s-'t.;e .
i w lele InTo-isilI.!itv ll i on! ' H e i' i.
! ;1, ,,r ,1,.... ,,,,. i ,,;
i , - .. ' : r
; tin nein'o-njuaiity m-vetin ; t rv li
'. and inriueiitiaJ iii'-mlTS of soeiefv. who '
' till ooiecs of Stat a i l National trust, j
J (io i-niors and .Ia-l''s, and -i.a: . and .
' . ..
inemiK-rs ot . ongivs: ever lv tins
movement, save a- a - ihlcal ma.-hiu-' by
w hieh to reach tie hoiiei-s r.nd emohuie nis
of otlice ? It is i-crtaiii t!iy will not:
ami hence they clamor for it. and push on i
the dusky column over a pro-tral Con.-ii-tutioii
and a torn and bleeding chantry.
Hut while the rich and iiit'u. i.ihd ineui- ;
ofsOcietV" I'-Jf li.d. C'l"""t 1' eth t ted
by the adoption of this d x-trine oi n. .jro- :
iHp.iality this forcing of cheap n.-gro l.dor
into iiiijetiti'iii with white lalmr to lot
poor and humble worker it is a mata r !
most vital and
c n :a tice.
la'.ior wul iieir tea.eli tic lega-r
WalrxS ot inteil.tiiai i.i.:. 'Mil 1. 1. lieViT
j inva-h the otlice of tie lawyer or the phy
j siciati. tiie cva!':iing-i''.ni of the m-ih.ijit
; or the manufacturer, it w :md ;.."
; cntcriULr i.iio ru.nous mmp ti;i- n w::a
r branches of in-his-rv. whicli
Fhe b!a k maa can .--.tioid la '
w i;
worii clieajHT
lor l lam i lily or -a t i-
He has not the :;ui'.".t: u of a w hite
man to lie in comparative -.eiitoi !. to
r-tir his c'.iildn n tho-v of his n.-ighlHirs.
to liotr in th" ;insnt :ui 1 a-pir for th- '
i future. Non of thes.
Non of thes. tint ir- move tiie .
j negri, nor. spur hi- cxeriion
to reap a
. full harvest for Lis Lilier. II
il, in-., xvfi.-n
i;!i the white
he is forci-! into equably wi
I iI.a . r 1 !.. I..1. .
philaiithtopi- sjK -:.liTion by th m- n x ho i
arc ridi:'-r int- ofi-- u;..n th;- xv:.-k'l p- 1
. -..--. - . .- .-.i- liiiii- .i i ...... ill. i..i.4..i:i-i;!'-.-..i
trv will fUii-i.fl bv ties ii--j:--.-iM-.i'.it v ,, t!
VOL . 9 NO.
I Negr i- -jm-.V: . . i!.. ... ). ..,
t. e
AKilitton artv ofiho Nonh .-hail .v thi3
in-tnnneiitality re;: h jv liil.-d wr, aa i
thus be liiab'ivd to r;un lit their K;-'-.-i
uoii the iqi ttiitv t:.i free lomi cf
Govtn;n:ent. suid the men t. K- atr,vi .1
i by it
I Stat.-
juv the lib 'i"ng masses i f the iU.i
1 his i-ceilaiii K on 1 a'l di
-put. ,
j and on t!i is
piattorm the ;tKst'un inust
i met bv woikiiin.
i VVi-
j ,' ' "b'-Vin hxi:ii kinds oft j.iployir.ei.t.
i llK' cnruicipati-.m p .'.icy of the Al:i:i , i
l,;l!l.v- emoomed m tne u.T ra 1 !.v
' ' ,"t U ''!grcs, will il.ssl j;,,. Nor.h i.i
Slate- with JicjT'Vs. who l:m-t : r ia
living, or K g. or steal. The Sai. r ih. v
i :uv ,ilt' '1 " ITfjnn is ju-t such as
; by a va t mal-ritv of jh.t v.!.';!--s
i l"sr then tore th - antag .ni-t
' is inime:h t'e and it f.",-,-ts imi,,;,: .,1
1 - - - . .
! The men
' .s . .... ! - .1
: w iku U'Ml.i W in l ow
1 from it. !e,i! they are not stiiS-tv
' negro will not take the bread from their
j children, or insult or j--tle their wives.
J wh n iiii igliiig in the sauiecre-v-d 5a ord' r
I to ob'ain work. J'hey c:;n prea - h e-pedi-i
ty, ior ;t -j-ts ilieju nothing. Tin" v re
! n. it ca'l d on to make ssu-rhiees f r a
j prine'jil , le?. n the -,-r.ntntrj-. aretxalted
j to jn.s'.s .f honor a:id protit. while lh -whole
la' Hiring Io'uhition of the North, r-.i
Stat.- :;r- trembling on th- verge oi !t.
tie- K't :a uj" whiili no niaa a:i
v;:i ;!.
' m--i m iiit.-r -sj.s in .
k at the fae's :ls jb.-v arc i
nest ion !
I - ickixl atid d.-signlng -
v.- . , i -i . - -
:"" iaiis ivi oiav u siri'V ,i. i nion
this 1!
r :. gi-atlin, b-.:t at the same t;il,.
the saui ageney, d.-gi-a 7. ,
and b
j-. r white h-boritv c!a----
of ti;i- -i-ti
'ii .' 1 "his i- wliat th. v m -tin
what tiiev will aceomph-h. if n ! j-re-
. v . .
t. . i;e
1) :-v .-.ate-
. s- nh.. .-i,t of '
co;:.r, Th
:dw:iv- l-eu
citii.- t'.-i' :v tuway- Uvn i:
' f;i -,id .f the i-nmrr--. and will n
. i i-e rt this tia.c a:vl s.-e t his ii, -r.-ty
-.-ii. !iie of the ..lh.'i;io.ii-'.--;-.-ri
'M ... i-i
; I h y :::--:ei tnat t:;e .'n;:rv si.a.i
1 iu;.
I lK V
wl at t!f Al-oiil, n
i.-i-s -rs mieivt l.v
!i -e--o ".''." Vi f. :-!.i
r while !!:::!. : n 1 fo.vh.e- .
:;:;.e'i;;o!!, s:n 1 :d-o the
l.i'.i-ir in
se.ii-hm aiid h ai !.i s
V-- oi f
a. nit it i'ii j ae :iart
.O .i.C ll'il i.JJM.l-
f the ri-
i. .
c.-'.ts i t;
ni Si -te-. w!i. nr.- . ..
f th!- a;
k 11" "i v. hlle ?)! i
n till.- i- one- fiii'v
at id white la 'nr. W
ir.ricrsi "i-l the r-
of d-.ah:.
t .
a T!:a:ier
An Imv
like a -or:
:h 1'Val
lield. arne
-E .1!
y. T.t- rin ar.A thin
t ;.i.
a of I:!'- illilll.'Jl-ii V I t"
army ihal will lie in th-
i and i'ji..":.' isl. it j !; vi.-.-aT v
to place it ia
i "i-i;i.!i when it e;m i:i
tma jT.a'.i. m
w hole, in all
-' survevi-J :.s a
p;- irtion-. Th
l? vast
louowiiig Wiiicn we i:i;T c
I'x.-liaiege iiai:'-s i;-. i.i :
ill ; i l
iht.-d to a i
me i:ie:-ure.
'elite the magt'ittide of the l;o-i f
'itiz -.'M;i'i'.- a. jio wi.l .- i n :-;rrav..-d
s :-
r.v w
- drafts vid
jivi' tl:e Govern! nt miilion of
, who c;. si lie place.', in the .!!. if the civil
j oi'lcers of the Joval Stat-, s do tL ir .Uttv.
in time fr the fail campaign, fully ana--!
an t ij r.j-;e.i. m
inei:-::y of .i:ch :t i
tsss:trv t se th
;-t;::, 1 t!c
. l! v;' 1
i'.vu i". ia arra'".
-V hu-e I.i u'ehiei- i; single file. si'
; two f.vt for each -oldiir, wouil s'n t.- i
m ane tur-v ia:;. 1 l ce
c-.lma-i l'.r.iiua -jlvct t 1: i
M.:id.iy t!ion;i".ir, t!i? o ar i:.'.rd v-ii I
i: .t reach the Mine point till F relay i.'.l .
I'ii-; tiiiau.n oi tn-.'H on :ij-r
.y t :i -such
1 1 v a
presseu : to :tri:i. ";a:
11 1 fvCil
ho-t has i.iv. r
cixilized p.-.j.le."
v..t 1.1,1
Cs.-a". i
r. vnii .
j gu-ta (.''-'-,...,,-.'. (n U 1) s.ns tliat s-'tae or,.
,.a-ked St.. new all"- .1 1 i: --o U,jy s-rvatt
. . . .
I.-v Ihe
and. i.u.rchh'g at li.e r.-.t- if tl .e.v .r"l