u 1 "We need not answer fur you these in- j quines. W c know what mit be the re sponse of every mind not demented ly Aliolitionisni. Have we not shown, then, the policy of i Abolitionism, if earned out, is to the over- j throw of our Constitution and I'mon I That Abolitionists are the enemies of the Kepublic? lielieving we have dune so, it remains to inquire : What is the relief fbr us in this our hour of gloom for our be loved country.' We answer: Ilemove the ' causes; remove Almlitionism and Secess ionisni. Put down the former at the bal- i lot-box: put down the latter (backed by 1 arms,) by force of anus. In the execu tion of the latter, insist that the Govern ment shall stand by its plighted faith to conduct the war to uphold the Consti tution and the l'liion, and not, as Aboli tionism wouM have it, to make disunion complete, and to overthrow the Con-tit u tion! As I'enn-ylvanians, you have probably a greater sLikc in the preserva tion nf the I "nion than the. H'ople of anv other Stat?.- Should the co-ojierative, yet. in some sense, hostile movements of Abo litionism and Seeessionism suceecd. and disunion become an established fact, lVnn sylvania, owing to h-r eculiar geographi cal position, would be exposed to the des olation and Income the battle-field of the conflicting forces that might undertake to settle all questions that would remain as the heritage of disunion. These, however, we will forbear now to contemplate; for we are unwilling to lio iieve that "that Go I who presides over the destinies of nations will permit stu b si terrible disjensation to K-fall us. AVe are unwilling to believe that the people of the free States will ever become so mad dened as to aid the spirit of Alolitionism that seems now to brood over us like some evil genius, that would control us to our destruction. It cannot be I hat we are to have a doom worse than ln f.-l lkihvlon sifter she had "become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit." The only excuse oil" -red by Abolitionism for it- policy is the plausible fallacy that 'i-!avcry is the cause of our threatened disunion." To those who look on'v to immediate and proximate causes, this - Mi xtion is captivating : but to those who re inemler that the original I'nion, which waged the war of the devolution, was imide up of thirteen slave-holding States: that the Union at the time of the adoption of the present Constitution, consisted of twelve slave-holding to one free State. It is very plain, that instead of slavery pro ducing disunion tliat, unless it had lieen recognized and the faith of the whole jioo ple pledged for its protection, this I'nion would have never existed. It would be :is reasonable to argue that houses and money should le exterminated, Invause so long as they exist there will be incendiaries and thieves, sis to argue that slavery should le destroyed, liecause so long as it exists there will lie Aliolitionists. Houses and money are not more cleai lv und decidedly recognized by the Constitu tion and laws of the Federal Oovcinnunt. as subject to the laws and protection of the States where they exist, as is the right of the master to the services of his iieirro t-liive in the States where negro slavery is recognized. Incendiaries and thieves no more violate the recognized lights of oth ers when they bum houses and commit robbery, thau do Abolitionists, when, by the underground railroad or other devices, they deprive the slaveholder of the South of that property to which the Constitution and the laws of his State, as well as those of the I'nited States guarantee protection. If in the attempt to commit arson or rol lery, life is taken, it is murder in the first degree, so too it is murder of the same grade to take life in the unlawful attempt to deprive the owner of his rights in the services of his nep o. And here, too, we will remark that the present war, if Alo litionists should succeed in diverting it from its prouder pur-iosc of upholding the Constitution and the I'nion, and prostitu ting it to their cherished object of freeing negroes by killing white men, would lie come an atrocious murd-rous war, that would justly subject all w ho gave it such direction to the pcualtyof the law imposed against the highest of crimes. The policy of Aliolitionisin, therefore, is not only unsupported by one tenable ground, even for its palliation, but judged by its objects and its ctiects, it i in the highest degree criminal and di.-lov;d. 1JV cradicating Abolitionism, we remove not only sectionalism from the "North, but the cause of sectionalism in the South. The fall of AlK!itionism, we verily 1 lieve, would in a short time le attended the fall of seeess'onism. Although the imaginary advantages of a Southern Confederacy, entertained by many in the revolted States, has secured for it uneon clitioi.al supporters, yet the desolation that lias already attends! up n their efforts at separation, the continued pressure of our arms, and the recollections of the bles.-ings of the I'nion, will, upon, the removal of the cause of Southern 'sec tionalism, revive thsir sentiments of na tionality. We believe that ujon the substantial extinction of Aliolitionism, the Union cer tainly can lie restored, but that, without such extinction, it never can lie. It is. therefore, quite as essential that the ener gies of the loyal men of the North be di rected against the Abolition foes of the Union as it is against Secession fes. It remains, therefore, only to inquire in what way can these energies ? most effective ly directed to accomplish the desired pur jKise ? We reply, only by sup-xirting the organization of the Democratic arty. There is no other thoroughly loyal party in the land : it has always leen national ; it is the only party that has no affiliation of sympathy with sectionalism North or South it is the only party in lYnnsylva nia that is not in the synqiathy or supiMirt of such friends as Wade. Sunnier, Gree ley, Phillips, Ixivcjoy smd Will not. The national men who supported Holland Eve rett in the late Presidential canvass, we lielieve, may now be counted in the ranks of the Democratic party. Tbe only other jiolitical organization in this State is the enemy of the Democratic party which has rallied once more under the designation of the People's party. This party held their Convention at llanisburg on the 17th instant, and their true character is n biuidautly shown that in their resolutions they eulogize and sustain Senator Wihnof, while they condmn Senator Cowan: both by the homaire paid to Mr. Wilmot, and by' refusing to Mr. Cwa:i even the meed of faint praise." Th distinguishing lent lire in the jmlitieal course ,f those two Senators, it is well l.iio. n, is that Mr. Wilmot has siipjmrtcd the extremist Abo lition members of the present Congress, whilst Mr. Cowan h.is won the admira tion and confidence of every Union-loving patriot in the land by his honest and fear less opposition to these measures mea sures that tended to make Disunion per petual. Can any loyal man in the State, there fore, hesitate which of the two pilitical organizations is entitled to his support? The standard liearers selected by the Democratic State Convention sire in every resjiect deserving of your confidence. Isaac Si.knki i:, Esq.. our candidate for Auditor Gen end, is a gentleman of distinguished ability and sji:l--s reputa tion. He is a native of York county, Pennsylvania liorn of German parents, smd who were tillers of the soil. The early political course smd well tried in tegrity of Isaac Slenker.is well known to many of the people of Pennsylvania. In 1n31 he was elected to represent I'nion and Northumberland counties in the Semite of Pennsylvania ; and while too many Senators in that body yielded to the intlueiKV tliat were employed by the late Hank of the United States to obtain its charter from a Pennsylvania Igis!a ture, Isaac Sleiiker, with eleven others, sis honest men, resisted these influences, and won the reputation of faithful among the faithless. He was upon the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, smd t;n.k sui active psirt in the revision of our civil code. At the expiration of his Senato rial term, Mr. Slcnkcr returned again to the practice of his profession as a lawyer, smd since then has 1kvii out of public j sitiou. except that in lS."t he was one of the Presidential Electors on the Demo cratic ticket in this State. Mr. Slenker is a gentleman oi comm. in ling sibiiities : highly exemplary in his habits of life : of great industry smd purity of diameter. Cor Jamks P. Pai:i:, our csmdidatc for Surveyor General, is the editor stud proprietor of the Pittsburg l si news pajer that since Mr. Parr's connection with it, has ever lieen the jidvoeate of sound principles. During the present civil war the l'4 has sibly sidvocatcd the prosecution of the war for the suppres sion of the rebellion, smd the preservation of the Constitution smd the I'nion. At the same time it has been unsparing in its hostility to that disloyal party or combina tion that has sought to prostitute such war to the mere purjiose of nmo emancipa tion, smd to that jmlicy in conducting it that necessarily tends to make disunion pcqicttial, and to eniianently destroy our republican form of government. Mr. Pair, like Mr. Slenker, is a lVimsylva nisin by birth, born in the count- of West moreland is a practical printer has raised himself to si proud political smd business tosition by his industry ami en ergetic character, ami is a gentleman of promptness and integrity in nil his pri ate and political relations. While our candidates have great reason to entertain a just pride that they have lieen selected sis the standard-Bearers of a great national party, st niggling to main tain the Union and Consiitniion against dangerous and insi hiotis assaults of th ir enemies, still that party may well con gratulate itself that it is so worthily repre sented in its st anda vd-l icarvrs. Fellow-countrymen, a great issue is be fore you. It involves the momentous consideration whether AW.ition f.ies North or Secession foes S.mtli shall destroy them! Every patriot in the land should know and feel that the only chance fir the preservation of our present Govern ment, its Constitution and the I'nion based thereon, is in the suevss of the five Stsites at the next election! If we fail, then, all is lost, and the hitherto glorious fabrie of our once great Govern ment will fall into the abyss of anarchy, or else upm its ruins a despotism will lie resuvd. In cither event, our future will be marked in desolated homes, ruined for tunes the deprivation of personal lilierty and iersonal security, smd very possibly our soil and our stream be reddened with the blood of our own people. In such circumstances we apjieal to every loyal IVunsylvauian to do his duty bv giving his energies, his influence, and his" vote to insure the success of the nominees of the Democratic party. IVy order of the Committee. F. W. HUGIIKS, Chairman, Piiii.AiKi.rniA, July 20, 182. II. L. Johnston-. Gko. V. Oatuas. JOHNSTON & OATBIAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Klensburr Cambria County Penna. Office opposite tXie Court House. Dec. 4. ly. OI1N FEXLOX, KsQ. Attorn :t at Law, Ebcnsburg, Cambria county Pa. Oftice on Main stieet atljoiuiug his dwel ling, ix 2 WALTER BELL, I'UYSICIAX AM) SIKCDOV, Si mmitvii.i.k, Cam bki a Coi ntv. Pknna. 3-Ofike at the Summit M.uision II jUsc.-CQ 1 Jj me. .C'2 omu j MICHAEL 1 1 A SS O X 1jVt to r n k v at Law. Eocti-biirg. C.unbri.i Co. Pa. Oliiiee i n M;iiu stnt t, thice do rs East of Julian. ix '2 OR WM. K. IIUKD'S Em i mi i cem r I j j n J , WILLIAM, KITTELL. Cambria Couniy Pcniia. j OtIIce Coluuutlc run. i pcc. 4. ISO 1 S. &J. C. XOOX ATroi:NKvs at j Law. Elicii.biirp; m l Johustowii, Pa. t()lli;ein Elcijsbur;, M.iiri s'reet tn-nd-Hirs IclJw the " M mm.iin II iise,"aiid in Johns : town, on Main street opposite the" Mansion IIouse."May 8,1SGL ; NEW ARRIVAL i JOHNSTOWN j MARBLE WORKS ! '1 ho undersigned begs kave to inform j 'rrt the citizens oi Cambria and a l ; t j'-in'm.-I counties tliat l.e has just S-V1-'-:''! ' ree.-ived a frc-h stK;ki.f the fme.-t .WV ITALIAN a:,d other MarLles. ''-Jl'H at his eitabiishnient on Frank- i t ;jj ? lin strcf-t, Johnstiiwn. MoN- i 3 UMEXTS, T M IIS . MA XT i ELS. GP.AVK STOXES, TAliLE & P.l'lllUU TOPS. iaa;:fuictured of the j mot beautifu! an 1 tii.-cst pia;ity of For j ein an l Iloine.-tie Marble, always oti liand , a ud made to order as cheap as they cau be , iiiircba.-ed in the tity, without the ad dition -f carriage. j GKIXDSTUXES of various rits and sizes, suitable for Fanners and Mechanics, i sold either by wholesale or rctai. j Prompt attention paid tu rlers from a di.-tanee, and work delivered wherever ' i"e.-i;i-l. lie invites the piihiic to call aii4l exatiiir.e l is .-t'ick, aa he feels satisfied he ; can sell cheap. i For the convenience of persons residing in the a.-t an.l Xoith of the county, speci mens may he seen end orders 1. ft with jeo. Hunt h'-, at hisTinwae E.-tablishu.ei.t in ElK'r.shurj;. JO! IX PARKE. Johmtown, March IS 1 Jr0 1 . I y- ScMing- Machines. R. A. 0 KERR, AGENT, ALTOOXA. ULAiK LULXTY PA. 1 Jf" pic.-eiiting the ah ve namctl Sc.vm -fi.-L Mahinea to the tx:ituiiiatioii ai.d consideration of the public, the Aeut desires to call attention to t'ue fact that during the hu-t eiht years. t!;ert; has been over 14 0G0 more of thc.-e machines sold than any others in th: i: s-i Uct. This alone is convincing proof of ti e superiority of these machine over all others. These machines cau be seen and examined at the .-tore of the Ant. in Altoona. Price of Xo. 1 Machine. Suvcr Plated, Glass F.ot .and new style Ileminer JiJ-j. Xo. 1 Ornamental Uroii.e. (';as Foot new sfle Hrmmcr Jo." Xo. 3, Plain, with oiil s.tle llcnuucr $4. X. Ii. Full instructions ivcn gratis ; and for particulars address 11 A O Kerr, Altoona P'airco., Pa. ?J3. 8, ly. A SUKE KKMEY FOli A BAD BREATH, SORE MOUTHS, CA.NKEB, DISE.VSED ULEEDIXG G CMS, XUKS1XG SOllF MOUTH, And the let specific nov in use fjr any disease! conditiou of the mouth. It is pai ticularly len.ficial to pcrsins wearing ARTIFCIAL TEETH, comple ely destroying every taint of the mouth, absorb'cg and removing all impuri ties, insuring A SWEET DIIEATII to all who make use of it. Xo Yorxo La nv a Yorxu Gentleman vho is afliicted with a P.AD DIIEATII should delay ajij'plying tlii- renicly, for it's a cei tain eurE, and. is approved and mvm mended ly t v. ry physician under w'iOsC notice it has leen biouht. a bad l::!:atii- is an ofilrnce for which tLcre is no excuse iit fv.ii. ii. iiritgrs HOUTH WASH can Ikj procured Many perxns carry with them a 1-a 1 breath greatly to the annoyance and often to the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without Wing ensci .us of the fact. To relieve your.df from all fears re girding this, csk in:, wm. n. nci'.i.'a m i iii wa-ii. Cleanliness of the mouth is of gr-at in portance to the general health, which is of ten affected, and not unfrcpicntly seriously impaired, through wmt of proper sitt--ution to this subject. I SK OR. WM. i: IIThlsMoi lU W Asil. Prepared at Dr. liurd's Dei.ud Oi:ke. No. 77 Foi.rth Str.-.t, Biooklvn. E. I). Price 37 Cents per' Bottle. A Ii!era! d..-couiit l.iadr to dealer.-. Ad Iress Principal Ji:ioe. Tribune Iluild ngs. Xo, 1 Spriice Stnet t. Xew York. bold in Philadelphia I v Dv-.ttiV Co.. Xorth 2nd. Street; ( . J "HubU-11, 1J10 Chestnut Street ; and by :di Druggists. Ilt . H.M. II. Ill'SlD TOOTH POWDER This Powder jisscsses the CAKBOXIC WITHOUT THE IXJUKI- Ol'S PKOPEKTIF-S OF CHAKCOAL. and is free from all Acids or Alkalies that can it in the least injure the Teeth. Its atin bkim; kntikit.y mutiaxical 1'OI.ISHIXU WITHol-T WEAl:IXi TUE tX- AMKL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd's Tooth Powder Is recommended by all eminent D-i,tisTs. Prepare.! at Dr." Hurd's D i.tal Ofike. Xo 77 Fourth street. Brooklyn. E. D. PPJCE J5 CEXTS PI. P. P.HX. A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal turiee. Tril-ut:e Build in::-, Xo 1 Spruce Street New York. S ili in Philadelphia bv Dctt it Co., t;3-J Xorth 2nd. Street ; O. J. HuLbc:i, UIO Chestnut Street ; and ly all Druggists. Oil. WM. II :II1'1II)S TOOTHACAE DROPS. FCK THE Cl'KKdF TOOTHACHE. produced by ex post, 1 neives. It is particularly adapted to ;dl ca-cs of children afllicteil with TOt )T1I A CUE. I'arents can relieve iheinst-lves fruu that Ji.-trcssing weariness cru-ed bv LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great sr.fi ring, by keeping a bottle of IMS. WM. B. IIL KD's TOoTHACHK )'.K PS. in the liouse. Prepare.l at Dr. Hurd's Dental Omce, Xo 77 Fourth Street Brookhn E. D. it.k:e oxly ij cexts pei: bottle. A lileeral discount made to dealers. Address principal Oftice, Tribune Build ings. Xo. 1 Spruce Street Xew York. Sold in Philadelphia by Dy. tt &. Co., 232 Xorth 2nd. Street: 0. J. HubUll Hlo Chestnut Street; and by .'d! Druggists. benefit, for no one can estimate how much pain, suffering, unhappiness, ind disfigure ment, exjKnse, Ions of time and money would be saved to the country if every fam ily to day bad one of these lockages, which, in itself, is a complete set of Dental Berne dies. Address W'x. B. Ilrnu & Co. Trib une BuildingXew York, and write came and address plainly. Tliat remittances may be made with confidence, Y. B- II. & Co. re fer to the Mayor of Brooklyn, to G. W. Grif fith. President, of the Farmer's and Citizen's Bank. Brooklyn ; to the Editors of the Am iean Mnan afactures" Gazette ; to Jct, Coe Co., P Jv-cblishers' Agents. New York ; to rdere'rARXDn, Esq., who know a Ood P. T. Bhen they see it and who Las already Ling wa second supply, etc. 1O0O ARciits tVanted: To introduce Dr. Hurd's Dental Beniedies into every G unty, Men or Women who want to make money quickly, can do letter with thee articles than any t Li: g in market, They aie new. useful, low priced, and we are spending thousands in adve.tiscing them f.)r the benefit of agents. Boxes of samples centaiiJi'g one d en of the e-ne dollar pack ages alK.ve sjx-cilie-d. ft it li circidai s will I s'.iit. on receipt cf scrrii 'L.ltarf. al;t half price, to any person wishing to tc.-t tiisorhr r .-kill in selling with the view of becoming an agent. They can 1-e sold in a day. tyWe Toul'l rohrr pay iifirle titan Ci-Minissfus to Ui"S: trio jiruce t'i(i;.-.2cis ry'iiinit talcs Hi fill. C7"X'ow is the time to get into business. For ad Iress an J references see the al-ove. GEO. HDXTLT, VHOLESALE AND RETAIL OF TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET-1 BOX WAlIi:, AXI DEALEB IXCo'king. Parlor, and Heating Stoves, Xai's, Cilas-. A.-c. Arc. lie- also has on Ik.ii I a very large assortment of the above articles, which he will sell ?.t a very binall advance in cost. fr cas!i- l'.b--i.sburg, July luth. l'Jl. tf. MX A U P A CTO HI: M II.TLI I It tUYCS l'ROl'F.ItToK. i llKXslllioCAVUHIA CofXTV TA Crawford Street, a few doors lx-low tije-c-er-ner t f Jiiiian and Craw ford, MAXTFACri'IiES ALL KIXDS OF PLEASURE CARRIAGES, BAROUCHER, CHARIOTEES, BOCKAWAYS, CACHI-"-S, SLElC.llES, Also se on. 1 baud work i f dim-rent kinds, making in all a variety that will tuit the purso of every Ixuly. Xj BEPA1BIXG done with neatness and disjatcli "J hankfcl 1". r pa.-t f.ivo s. he hoje. ly usincr g- ! materials, to merit a continu-ince of the patronage Inietof jre gien to him. Pel. ins wishing to purcha-e any artie'e in Lis. iiiie. will io w 11 to call at his esta"- ..... . ( V JOHN B. FRCv MinremYiPrrifPVT 1U.IL Pint tO r T.l Crsets, H jf'ii sT.;V!'', ies' and Quldrcn' s 1 erchiefs. Fancy Go -.'" -. ' MAIX STl.EET J'elio Xcr. 20 i i - NEW DRUM si: WHOLESALE & f J The suWriUr i..vi: j7...i ui; to m b::, ma " the "Scott Hor..v" I. cLcajx-r than ever it f ,re His st k Wing CLtir..:;"., with care and ta-n?, ve the assurance that it . ! all to call an ! x.c.;s- making the-r pv.rcha. '. Hi ttock ci;!.r.vis a f " ..." DRUGS, ItlEDICLVES 'rrrJ FIXE HAIIi AND -Jo PEEFUHE TRUSSES AXD S:..." PA 1 L.N I MLDKINLsi f -: For Sacratuentai, Jl:,- I'5-?-' -sts: FAXCY AXD TiLLT GLASS. PFTJ V. I'.'v YAi;xis:n: t Bl"i:XlXG FLl "Li'u.: Ac, tVc., ,v I:r:ic;i!ar are:.!' . '. GT.OCEU.V AXD ini'r v AXT' -.!:,' ZZT PHYSICIANS' ;:y carefully Cor;,p-,. prom j tly and c rrc:".y 5 CO" Medicine warra:.v.- - best 'jiin'itT. J-.hr.stown, Junv 4, - ' panic mm hshnietit : he cnip:. ys uoh! w. .rknu his w-'jk will W guar.in?e d. D-emd'Cr. 1S!,' lrol. 1'v's. and WILLIAM hlCHTEB. Pi:ui-u!KToRfc G rnor of Clii ton and So -on 1 S;reU.- J .hn town (Jiind ria c -tinty Pa. ti- Carriages will convey passenger, fr. ui and to the Bail Head d.'pot. mini nm in to 4o - COPPER KETT. 3 piarts to ii ail -oU ):- . SHELT HUtX HI! evrv vr v. LXAMKI.Clt TLi:i I ZIKC WASHEOI . tor -5 . cuts, we rt:. " ; sad u:tixs or ii: j all s:.:e and be.-t ji!a!:: . ." I CKK1XG STi j Tri.-nu.ed c-- i hte, w::'. :... f lent.-. Fr r.i '. EGG STOVES, 51. v. : HFATIXrt Ciu.K s7 r ! bbadley okix..; t tlUIT &. CO.. Hi 2 Til: ! HLBBOX 4- Oi.. A I'll 'Y: .! j J. gal G!:r.:;.-. and every oth. r l':t:sl u: j BOOTS AXD SHOES. 1 tic iinuer.-ig:iei resi eetfullv an- resi eetfullv an- ii. n ounces lo the eiiizcns oi Jotnistown and vicinity that he still continues the Shoe-making business at his new standi on MAIX street, two doors West of John i Diljeil's store, in the room former! v or- ! ! cupieM ny doscpti Ji.jore and recently by ! Ievi Jacobv. A good stock of SHOES, GAITERS &c, of 1 lis own manufacture, for M -it's H'oiiien,s end Cfiiulreu'x rcenr, alwaj-s on hand, or made to order at short notice in the best manner and en tlie most reasonable terms. All work warranted as good as the best. Give me a call and try me. C. W. CBAXE. Johnstown Xov, 9, "tiO.-lv. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! milESIJBSCTilBEIl would resrctfully A inform the citizens of Ebeusburg and surrounding country, that he has opened a Saddler's shop, in the basement of his dwelling house, on Horner street, where he is prepared to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms, every d scription of Saddles, Bridles, and Harness &c. Having many years' exrerience in the business, employing none bu-' the Wst workmen, and using the Wst material upon all his work, he hopes to nierrit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Country produce at all times taken 'in for work, and the highest market prices exchange allowed. JAMES MAGUIRE. Ebcnsburg. Sept.. 14, lS53.-tf. ETMOfi WORK OF ALL KINDS DOXE AT THIS OFFICE OX SHORT NOTICE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. M D. MAGEHAX. Esq. Attousei llriii Ebtuburg Pa DR. WM- B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, FOR THE CUBE OK NEUBALGIA. or Toothache produced hv colds. LOCAL NEURALGIA, is immediately cured by their application. They act like a charm, an 1 are perfectly harmless in their nature ; do not produce a blister, and leave no unpleasant results. nit. wm. u ncno's sm.-rai.gia iei.ASTtns. never f.-.il to give satisfaction to all who test thiir virtue. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, Xo, 77 Fourth Street. Brooklyn. E. 1). PRICE, ONLY 1.3 CENTS EACH. A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Oilice, Tribune Build ings. No, 1 Spruce Street, New York. Sold in Philadelphia bv Dyoft &, Co.. 232 Xorth 2nd Street; O. J. ilulbcll, ltlo Chestnut Street; and 1 v all Druryitts. Dec, 18 d'Ul-ly. " . Notice. We aredaliy icceiving orders to and by mail for one orniorcof )r. Hurd's Dental Bemolies, which we cannot fill. None are mailable except the Xeural.jia riasler, which we send on receipt of Price (15 cents) and one stamp. But to accoin ail ate persons in places where the druHsts and storekeepers are Whiud the age we haxe put up packages in white embossed boxes, seven inches by four, with compart ments each box containing a bottle of Dr. Hard's Mouth Wash, and TjothA he Drops a box of TootA rvicJer, the Neuralgia J'las, trr, and a valuable little Treatise on TecUt and their Diseases, the lest mrans ofprcscrc ing flicwi, W ihc projvr licit meat' r.f Chil drenys Teeth, worth of itself the eatirc cost to every youug man or woman, or parents with young children; with sundry othel articles ; price ocr package one dollar, or ix packages for $5, sent l.y express as directed As the Express charges arc not much, if any more on a dozen than ou one, it is far cheap cr to order six or dozen packages at a time. A large family will want all. or the surplus can bo disposed of to neighbors with nuhJic EBBXSBUHG HOUSE. mhe undcrs:ged having purchased r.nd 1 taken poss ',mi: ,,f t'nc Eltnl ui: House (lorniely .Uj J. .1 hv H.-riry Fo.-ter.) will Ik; happy to re eive and aeciniu.l ate his old customer.-, and I1 oiheis who may 1-c di.-p-.se-l to patn nb.e him. Tiie 1'roprietor nil.- a--.-r.rcd from the spacious HOUSE, STABLE A: other facilities that lie can offer at least as good accommo dations as can be had at any other in the place. He is in possession of a larce suppl y of the choisest li.piors with which his bar will be furnished: his table will lc furn ished with all th luxuries of the season, and he intends by his hospitality and care, to merit the patrouage of ali those who s't4p withhim. ISAAC CRAWFORD. EUusburg April, 17, If 01. tf. j manufacturci's st -vet ..I i preicun-d i n o iiaj rODD PLATES AXi CHAT:' i r.l .-avs r-r. :. OARBOX OIL LA MI'.-' 1.25, LUillXEYS an": V. 'i . wavs o:: ':. r ;. S P 0 I T I mim house. EBENSBURG PA. JOHN A. ELAIR. Proprietor. T11EPHOPIHETOR will spare no pains to render this Hotel, worthy of a contiuua tionofthe lil-eral share of public patn n-a-e it has heretofore received. His table wi'.l always In; furnished with the lest the msrkit alfords: his bar with the best ef liqu. rs. His stable i-large, and willlne attendevl, bv an attentive and obliging ho.-tlcr. El cnburg Ai r.I7 1S61. chair" manufactory. WILLIAM P. PAT 1 OX. JOIIST1'. ALL KLUS OF CHAIRS, such as common Winsor Chairs, Fret Back Chairs, Yie-nna Chairs. Bustle Chairs. Bim Backed Chairs, Sociable Chairs, (Eanc Srat (Shirs, ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SIZE, SPRIA'B SEAT (H.UIIS Settees, Lounges. &c, Ac. CABINET FURNITURE of every description and of latest STYLES. WITH PRICES TO SUIT THE Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, ho respect full- tolicits a liberal hare of public patron age. Clinton Street, Johnstown Cambria Co. Ti. November 20th, 18(51. lr BEST yl'ALlTY. p -t. p..r ; !H7 A J-.',; . jr r i. MINKU LAMP--; OIL t'ANv 1'owi k: sd! s7.. c.-n.-tantiv . rOFFKK .MILLS, oT ct TOASTIXG FORKS. 'Y-Ti - i EBS, JELLY Cake M ul b. "- Sjh .us. COAL BUCKETS. WHOLESALE OIIKCJ AT Tiit JOilXSTOWS STOVE iV liol E CANAL STREn Opposite the YW;:. ask ron FKANK W.IIAY S vrAEl" and save frmfi jcrrn,', -ti v .: EITHER FOR CAM! J-- " Johnstown Ajril. 1. 1 HARNESS ! AKD The undersignevi kc: -hand and is still manul.t:.!' : -T in his line Mich as. SADDLES, FIXE SIXGLE iv IioriU h DHAFT HARNE- BLIND BRIDLES. Ill DEW CHECK UXES. HALTi:i. BRJCMJiAXI &c, iVc. which he will dispose ef it 1 ' casli. His work is all ta:T.!.t h pcrienccd, he juits the l'st f '' work. TJiankful for pa-t fivi by attention to business torn: .: -ance the patronage licrct 1 v ly extoudd to him. Shop a few doors West eft " House." lUoll- Elensburg Dec, 11. lfGl-'- NOTICE. ... i . The Dockets of F. 31- th '-' in tlie hands of the un h is:' interested will please notice. P. MvH.iOl 'e- Soumar., Pa , Jan lr-"-' Oil Is tr d ic fr d. It C it fl d t h ti r 1 t. c: i A t 1 I mf ir