u u 4 mm PROC1.A3IATIOX Or GOTEIl AOR. CLUTIX. IlAitKisBLTio, July 20. Tlie fNIowing proclamation has just lcen issued: ramyh-anii, s s, In the name an.l by tlic authority of tlie Commonwealth of lVnn?ylvani:i, An drew G. Curtin, Governor of the pall Commonwealth. A PKOCLAMATION. To sustain the Government in time? of eommon peril ly sdl Li energies, his means ami hi? life, if need le, is the just duty of every loyal citizen. 'Hie Presi dent of the L'nited States has made a requisition on Pennsylvania fur twenty one new regiments and the regiments al ready in the field mu-t be recruited. Enlistments will be nuide for nine months in the new reginn-nts, and for twelve months in the olL The existence of the present emergency is well under stood. No patriot will pause now to in vestigate its causes. We must look to the future. Even thing th:it is dear to u is at stake. Under the circumstances I appeal with confidence to the freemen cf l'liinsylva.nia. You have to save your houses and your firesides, yeur own lib erties and those of the whole country. I call upin the inhabitants of the counties, cities, boroughs and townships throughout our border to mevt and take active meas ures for the immediate funii.-hing of the quota of the State. Let those wln" cannot go tlienw-lves contribute to proMe bounties equal, at least, to those oil" -red by the aiij- iiang States. Tlie Const'.tution prul.ilils me from drawing money from the Treasury without authority of law, and I will not c;ut a doubt on the patrioti-m of our citi zens bv assuming tlie necessity of cal ling the legislature at this time. This is no time to wait lor legislative action an 1 the negotiation of loans. Delay might bo fatal. " To put down the rebellion is the busi ness of every man in Pennsylvania, and her citizens will show on this occasion that they do not wait for the slow process t f legislation, and do not desire to throw on the Treasury of the Commonwealth ft burden which they are individually able to bear themselves. The conduct of our men already in the field has shed immort:d lustre on Penn sylvania. Let their brethem fly to arms to support them and make the ictory hpeedy as well as certain. I designate lc!ow the immlicr of com panies which are exacted from the sever al counties ia tlie State, trusting the suj port of her honor in this crisis, as it may be safely trusted, to the loyality, fidelity and valor of her freemen. WLilr-t the quota of tlie several counties is fixed equi tably, so as to till the requisition for twen ty one regiments, let not" the loyal people of any county remit their exertions to the enlistment of the compmiies nanvd. Our heroic sons of Pennsylvania have mois tened every battle field widi their 1I1. Tl.ousivuls have bravely died d Tending the unity ot the Kcpubhc and the saneti ty of our llag, and other thousands have fallen siek and woumled, and their pla ces must be filled. I'recmcn of Pennsylvania. ! Friends of the Government, of order and of our common nation:Uity ! One earnest strug gle and peace will again dawn upon us as i happy, piv.sperous ami united people. Given under my hand and the. great sc;d of the State, at I Ian i.-bnrg, this 21st day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami sixty two, and of the Coaunonweahh the eighty sev enth. A. G. C PUTIN. ly the Governor. Ku Si n or, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SCHEDULE OF APPOKTIONMENT Adams 2 Juniata 1 Allegheny lo Lancaster 8 Annstronig 1 Liv.rviico. '2 Heaver 2 Ix-banon '2 Uedfonl 2 I x high -J 15erks 0 Luzerne 7 Ulair 2 Lycoming 0 liradibrd o M-iv-.r 2 Pucks 5 M'dllin 1 Puller 3 M ::'.e. Pike 1 Cambria 2 Montgomery , Carbon - Montour 1 Chester 0 Northampton 0 Clarion, Fonvst 2 Perry 1 Centre- 2 Northumbrian! 2 Clinton 1 Pl.iladelpliia o!) Clearfield 1 Potter l Columbia 1 Schuylkill ,1 Crawford 2 Snyder 1 Ciuultcrluud 2 Somerset 2 Dauphin 5 Suilivan and Deleware 2 Wyoming 1 Erie " SuMpieliaiuia 2 Elk, and Tioga ; Mlvejui 1 I'nion 1 Fayx-tte 1 Venango 1 Fanklin, Fulton Warren 2 Greeno 1 Washington o Huntingdon 2 Wayne 2 Indiana 2 Westmoreland o Jenvrson 1 York ;j llxt-ctitit c OrR'v, First, Ordered that military comman ders within tht; States of Virginia, S.u:h Carolina, Ceorgii, Florida, AhiUnna. Misssi-sippi, Ixrasiana, Texas and Arkan sas in an orderly manner sieze and use any property, real orjwrsoiial, wliieh mav be necr s-ary or couvinient for their p.-v-crul commands u supplies or for other military purr os and whil luviicrtv may oe -Tesiroveit lor itroiK r ua'.u;u-y ..' -: th- V'cis, nou" su;,. ij .i..-?:.-.,,ea ;n v. Tiesi or make". Second. Tliat military and naval com m:mders shall employ as laborers within and from said State so many persons of African descent as can be advantageous ly used for military or naval purposes, giving them reasonable vrages for their la bor. Tliird. That as to loth property and ihtsous of African descent accounts shall le kept sufficiently accurate and in detail to show the quantities and amounts, and from whom both property and such per sons shall have come, as a basis upon which conijK?nsation can lc made in prop er ca-e?. The several departments of this government will attend to and n rform their appropriate parts towards tlie execu tion of these orders. liy order of the President. f Signed J Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Tlie Morgan Raid. from the C'mrimiulli Couii:ioviiL Fx Yi"s; .Station, Sixteen Miles North of Cynthiana, K., July- ISih, 1 o'clock A. M. A messenger from Cynthiana has just arrived here. Jle.kli there at .bout S P. M., and lvpons th'-m still fighting when l-.e left. A party of ten of our men. acting : pickets were cut off from the main army, and retreated this way to Perry's Station. lie says a go l many had been killed, but did not know what immlier. He says they are out of am munition, and that they want all th" lbivos and arms that can le rent, immedi ah !v. The country is in the wildest excitement. l"wo (k'.uik. 'litis messenger eo:i:ivni the reiHirt of Captain GLu;s of CintLiiiat ti. leing kilk-d. The tniin wkieh Lft C-.-viiv.it"n for Cynthiana yesterday monii g, witli Capt. Wm. Glass a. d . company, and th- ir 12-pounder a.Uiaid, reael.el the town between ten and el ven oV'oe!-. Theiv were rejxnts at Cynthiana that Morya.i was advanein ; on the place. The train waited until 1 o'clock in the af'iern . ,i, when the Uebels luad.e n: attack. Tin civmeer r:m oil" the train milst a shower of l.ul'.et.,-. We have conversed with two iuie!!i gent g-ntlernen v-h wen' on the train one a rcid. nt of one of the interior towns of Kentucky, the other the Messenger of the Ailam's Exjuess Company. Tlie Kentucky gr'iuli rm-n said there were several hundn-d n- n kit to def n.I the town, but th 'y were n.-t well opj-ani-z -d or armed. The I?rMs first made their appearance mi the rivtr ide of the town, :lxut two liundretl stronLT- Tiny ojR'ned fire briskly, and Captain Glass, with his gun, moved up to open on thi-m, when it was dis4-oeil that their demon stration was a Hint, and that the real at tack was to le mad" by the main l ly of the Pebels on th" oppo-ite sid: -f th town. At this m -tii. nl the train l it. A it was mointi il!'. our inf. r.aai.i saw Capt. Glass with his pm, goinir at fii'l s-pnil to tejv 1 the leaiu attack. Tin-re had i-e!i a nmi.tr circu'ated on the tmiii, tins, by some b ..',!v frightened Un that Capt. (;!;s wjii ki!i'-.l. Ol cour-" it was ineonn et as our innr mant saw him doing his dutv a.fter the story of his death was circu'.a.ted. Tl.e Kelt 's (-red hotly on the tr-.s:a, as many as tittvvn balls striking it. The fire w.-i-returned from some tea muskets a'uoard. probably wiihout c!l-et. The firing of the lkbels was pri::c:p:d!v at tl et iiL'incer. who stool at his jv. st like a man, and fortunately es-ap d witliout a wratrh. A 5oy on the train had tlie vis4r .f his cap cut of by a bail. No one was injur ed. Four Kentucky indies wen- alwiard. They bore them-a-lves bravely, liein not a bit more frightened than the n st. They sat ujx.n th" th.r of the c;ir-. and cushion were p'a-i-l agiust the side of the car for protection. ( ar informant says tlu Ileb Is seemed making the attack sy.-i.-:n-;ti'-a!!y, and ia pivtty gfwnl tirder. The first detaehm. t.l of them that appeared were- on iln.f. The main body was n ported on hoivebaek. Th.-music of Capt. (Jia.-s' 12-jnamd r was heard very disti-n-t' e ler Some time by the jvrsoiisoa the tr.-.i-i, !-!:..-.vin ti,;it tliat the fight was pr,.-,vs.-i:iLr. Tlie rj:n was fired with uiiu-ual nipiditv. Th ; tafem -nt by the Adat.is Ipr-s sender conKraud - a!ove in all tieulars. The wires were eat r."ar .Mes-pir- Cvn- thiana, just alnuit the time the train left. P. S. We have received a despatch from lyd's Station, six'e a miles this side of Cynthiana, Mating that a messen ger arrived there at one. oVkn-k, who had left Cynthiana at S o'clock. The tk-ht was then .oing on having progressed for ibur hours. " DEFENCE OF L'iCIIMONP. Lielimond lias Ivtn relieved ,,. ;".;,. niond is still threatened, ;nd wiTi nzain e invested and assaulted unless Washinr ton City lw so igorously thieiitened as to demand the prcseneo ol' General M Cleil :m for it.; defenee. We would c til up,,:, the people to re double their cllbrts to supply our army with men, in o.d' r that lwehinoad may be deien-led both here :md at Washhiudon Many regiments h ive b -en in tlie recent battles, greatly reduced, and their ranks re mire new recruits. There are many very many ollii-ers absent from their com mands, who should immediately return to po. is thousands have sir-.rrrjj i , n t.. -. i , T .-, .ij .-uuuki oiecii.(.i aii'.t return ed -i: :h-y ate all ndc 1. K. L. Johnston. Ceo. W. Oatman. J0HWSTON t OATMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAV. Eltensburg Cambria Gi:oty IVnna. Oflice opposite tlie Court ISoumc. Pec. 4. 1201. h: ABRAHAM KOrELlX. Attokxey at Law, Jol'n.s'.own, CiUiibriu county l'a. Ctlieo on Clinton street, a few dirs north cf Main and Clenton. viii No. 13, "OilN FKXLON, KsQ. Attorset at 9 Lav., Khensburp:, Cambria county l'a. Ofice on Main sticct adjoining his dwel ling, ix 2 VALTER BELL, rill'Slt'IAX .M SlUtiKOX, SfM MIT VILLI", C.XMBUIA COI'NTV. Pl'NXA. Jj-UiViee at the Summit Mansion ILiu.-G lljuuc .02 -mo . MICIIAKL HAS?SOX, Ilsvi. Attorskv at Law. linensl iirji. Cambria (k. l'a. CtV;iee n Main ttreet, three doors Last of Julian. ix 2 WILLIAM KITTELL. Hornm at a!o, tfbmsburg, Cambria Ceun.ty Pe:iii3. OJllce tolouailc row. Dee. 1. 1SG P. S. v.'c .1. C. Xi(X Atiop.nkvs at d.AW. 1.1' -;.-b-.r- in 1 .LI ., .vn, T.u KO:ii-.v in Ki :ri M.iin str -t tw . d.ors U-low the'-M nai.iin lb -rse," at. ! in J..!,n t"vn. on M ti'. s'!.'f c p- ite the " Mar.tivii Ib u. e."M ly eK NEW ARRIVAL J0HHST0WH MAimu; W0UK8 'lha undelsiiit.-d les leave to intoill) ."nrv ilie titi.en.s ol Crinbria and a 1 jotnin.-i coueties lli.it l.e Las ju.-t i-t received a fivsii st'H-kof tl-.e fnifst ITALIAN ai.l other Marl les. .. 5 at his eii ddislum lit on Frank- f lin slr'.'et. Jolii st.rtvu. JM iis i;m KX isj. Tit M i;s. MA XT tiilAVt: S1"XKS, TAiJbi: . KbS. ncitKAU Tors r...ii.ti:ictare i c-f t!,e most beautiful ai d li::-st 'ju.ility of V r ei;n and l)..me:-iie M.itii.-, alvays on hand a iid in;' e t- order as el. tap as ll.ey can l-o piirchavO'l m ti.'1- city, w:t diti'-n -f c:rri:iL-e. out the ad ui:ixbsp ni:s f sizes, sattr.Me lr Fain. .:oH either by b. .'ies lie r.-'iiiM-t att-nti M I" .i various crits a?d is and M-.-ehaiiies, r ret.u!. i to or.Ivrs from a d distance. :n-l wor!; delivered wherever sired, lie invites the oil lb- in rail and exan.ino his stock, as he Lcls satisfied he can tit-Jl cheap. F. r the convei.i'-ncc .f persons rt-iling ia t!:c ca-t an 1 North of the county, speci mens may oe s'-c-n and i-rders h fi with (ieo. Huntley, at hiTinvare Fstabfthnicnt in Ebeiiobur. .TOIIN' PAKKE. Johnstown. M.rc!i L lse.l.-lv. WHEELER k WILSO.W Maehincs. R. A. 0 KERR, 'AGENT, Ain.'OXA. i;bAii: t t-ixrv fa. 1 J" Mec!itin;r ti e .d'ove nan el Scv. ui2 JLXI Mahines to t'.e t xe.n.inati'.ii ai.d e..nsi,Uraiioii of the pui.lie. the Aj;ciit dei:es to cd! atte:.ii..u to the fact that hirirnr tb last cLtht ye.irs. there has Ut n ever 14 000 nioro if tne.-c machines sol J than auv others in ike ;:.a )at. Tb'alo:ie is eonviutii' jin-jf of the M:pcrioi"ity of t!:e-machine over a!! t .ihi.ro. These maei.-iaes c.in 1c .- i a and e uiiineI at the st ire of the A'4' nt, in Altoona. I'riee of No. t M i!.i:ie. Silver Flaiel. tl is.s Ft Ot .and new s,lylo lh .nr.ier .t-t-j. X". 2. Orn.'ment.d limn ". (;?as F.-t new stle H e No. c, Fhen, v.iili old style Ib-mmT X. I'.. Fn!! :ii.-tnieti..:w : vc-n cralls ; and f -r ; ..r'.ieul.ns a khv.-s It A U Kerr. Alto.i!,a V) lircn., Fa. S3. 8. ly. IJ00T8 AX1) 8II0JSS. '1 ! e r.n.k r.-i;"i- J rtsj ., tfu'ly an- r"j neui.s to the citizen of Johnstown 4 :nd vicinity that lie still continues S"' the S'.nK'inakiu; husine.j. at t5.s new stand on MA1X street, two tt'rs Wt if John llibert's st.re. in the room formerly oc cupied by J'sfp!i M Hre and recently by Levi Jaev'ey. A good titK.k of SHOES, GAITERS &c, of his oy u maniifacttire, f.-r J.i'j F.t' iu l VtiU'rtnJjt ican-, a: ways on hand, or niadc to ordei at short n t:ce in thj best manner and i ii the n;ost reasonable terms. Ail work warranted :is C'h d as the bi-st. Give me a call and try me. C. W. CliANF. Johnstown Nov. 0, 'C 0,-1 v. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! fJtllK SFIClUFdill would r,s.etfu'.lv A, inform the citizens of Kl ensLing and s".rr. m.d"i:iii country, that he has opeiied a 'a.ldler'0 shop, in tiio ba-t incut of his dwiFin li ,use. on II .r:u r street, where he is prepared to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms, every d seriptiou of Saddles. LVi.ilcs. an,l 1 lames:; &c llaiii;,' many years' experience in the business, employing none bi the l-est workmen, and n.djig t!:e best material tipon all ids work, he hopes to merrit and receive a liberal shale of the public patronage. Country j.r.h:to at all times taken in f r v.ork, a id the hi-Ue.-t market prices exchange allowed. JAMES MAGUIKE. nixnsburg. Sept.. 1 1. SCO.-tf. T7J0n WOKK OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE ON MIOKT NOIICE AND AT 1 ; 1 : AS JNA U LE I'l :i CLS. "ft u. mac;i:iia;:" liv;.i X)R 15. IIM1D S 1 iaa i r ITJ XJJ'J'Xn: 3 A SOKE UOlEV Koi; A BAD BREATH, S0HE 2I0UTHS, CAI.'KEB, DISEASED DLEEDINO GUMS. NU1LS1XO SOI It MOUTH. And the best specific now in tic-e f .r uny diseased condition of tlie mouth. It is iai ticularlv lx-m-tieial to jersons wearing ARTIFCIAL TEETH, complecly tltstroying cverv tamt ot the mouth, ab.-orb:iig and removing ail impuri lits, injuring A SWEET DIIEAT1I to all who make use of it. No Yorxi; L.s dy mi Yoixii (Jexti.i.max nhois atilieted with a DAI) DilEATH should delay appplyin this "remedy, f .r it is a certain i:iT2, and is approved ;.nd lecim men lel by every phy.-ician under waose notice it has leeu brouulit. A UAD IlKKATH is an offence for which there is so ci.cu.e while I)R YM. it. mnws MOUTH WASH can be procured M-.iny persons can y with then a bad breath greatly to the annoyance "'-d olien to the disgu.-t of those with whom ihcy roiue in Contact, with. -tit being f. i,- :..i:s .,f the fiet. To ri liuve yi'ur.-tlf from ail fears re--ui.'ing this, is:: i'i;. wm. r.. nrtni's i rn wash. Cleanliness of the mouth in of gn it ir.is j-rtanee t.i t!,e .; :n r ti health, which is of ten ail'eete.l. :;i.l II. t fil ij-U Jillv ri.iii-ly iii! .e.:i d. tiio.ii'.'u wtnt of proper a: Ua.liou tO tiiis Mlbjvet. I :i: lit. WM. II I I'M..-. V n "I 't WASH. Fi..o.le.t Ir. Kurd's !:!:. 1 t);:i. e. No. 77 Fo.itth Srro, IIj,,.kiy.i. ). 1). Price 37 Cents per Eottle. A !;l'-a! d;.-c. e.nt i;.;id- t dt 1'. r. Address l'i '.u. ip.il 1 Uii e. Ti d. u. lti-.d 1 l.s. N-, I S,r:iee Street, Nv.v Voi k. js..ld in Fhil i hb.hia bv l)v t; tv Y' ... i':;-J North L'r.d. Street; O. J "ll j;:- I! . Mio Chestnut Str -i 1 ; and by Dru -t iii . it. sii :t:' TOOTH POWDER This I'ow.ler pos.-e s, , th" CAbr.oNK wrnnnT thi: i.wiriii oi s riti ii'F.in rKs of ciiAi:"!Ab. and is free t'r.'iu ad Acids r Al'ral-'es tl:at can it in the least injure the 1 cth. Its acti" avTN; 1 ir;i i.v Ke iA'.reAi. l-t LISIUNO V. tlHol T VEAl:lNJ TnK K. AMF-!.. Dr. Wm. B. Herd's Tooth Towder. Is reeoninieiidi"! by all er.iiuei.t Dentis s. Frepansl at Dr. Kurd's Ji.i.t.d C.'...e, No 77 Fourth strc t. F.n-. k'vn. II. I. fj;k:r -j5 ( knts i:fk fox. A liberal disfiiv.t m:ie--1 ! is. Address rrirtHp-tl i Mlk-e. Ttibut.e Ludd inrr-s Xo 1 Sp: uce Street N.-w rk. S'id in l'hdadtlphia by Dvott .V i.. '2 )2 North -nd. Street: O. "j. "H-bU-Ii, lllo flu stunt Street ; and by a'd l);::;r:st. nn. w.m. is "JH'iius'S TOOTHACAE DROPS. fck thi: ci (-F TOOTHACHE. podlicoi by f.'.p. se.l i:eres. Ir is p.mieul.ir'y ;u! ptol to al! cu.es of uliil hen aflliettd with TiKiTHACHH. Parents cu relieve 'henidvi-s fr-n that iistres.-i:ig weariness ciu-ed bv LOSS OF SLF.KP. and tbeirchil.ln.it f rota great ti.fl i::;g, by ktcpii.g a bi-tt'e i f Vil. WM, 11. IILI.U'-S TOOllIACTir. D iel-s. in. the h' use. Pr. j.aie.1 at Dr. Ibird's D?j .d (;ucc, No 77 Fourth Stru t P.; - klvii F.. 1 . PKICt: ON LY 12 CEN !'S PFi: P.O ITLE. A lil-cr.tl t!isf..nnt male t-. d ;.hrs. Ad-hvsji priiaij. ii Of;ie. Trib ii;e Dui! b ings. N-. 1 Spruce Stiit-t New York. S. .1.1 in J i.il.h.lphia by Dv.tt & ;.., 22 North 'Jnd. Street; O. J." Huh! -11 Ulo Chest. ml Strc-.t: and I v all 1 ru 'i;its. ER. WM. B. KURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, l'Oil THE CFIIEOF NEURfiLGIA. or 'FK.-thache prdu-d bv c-ld. UlCAL NKl'i;ALi;,'A. is hi.n.edi.itely curi-1 by their aj j lier.fi. -p. Th. y art like a cl; irm. an ! nre perf.'-tiv harndes-s in th.fir nature: ! not i ro-Iuee a b'ester. s.nd leave r.- ?ripl--a:.it:t re.-ul'.s. i::. wm. b. nc::!'s N'.rnxtiA ri.Asrrns. never fail to yve EatisfictKiu to all who test thtir viitue. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's DeT-t d Ofuee. No, 77 Fourth Street. P.r. oklvn. E. D. P1IICE, ONLY l. CENTS lUCil. A liberal discount mr.de l alers. Address Priivipal O,1; Tribune Daild ings. No. 1 Soruee Street, New Vo-k. S..M in Philadelphia bv Dv tt A Co..2:?"J Noith 'Ju l rtrtet; O. J. llul b !!, lllo Chtt:.ut Street ; and by all Dru-ists. Dec, 18 d'ol-hy. N'TtcE. We are daliy leceivire orders to and by mail f.r one or more of Dr. Ilurd's Dental lit niedit s, which we cannot till. None are mailable except the A7 r-iTjia rt'i-skr, which we send on rrc;pt of Price (lo cents) and one stamp.. Lut to aecmn-. al.vte i arsons in places where the drULtgists and storekteptrs are l hind the age, we have put up packages in white embossed boxes, seven inches by f ur, with compart inents ei?h box containing a littles of Dr. Hurd's M,utk Wash, and TjnlhA' hc Drops a box of Too'Ji I ir '.r. the Xatrafyia 'las, ler. and a valuable bttle Treatise on Teeth and their Diseases, the lcst mm us rfj rcsrc i a j te ut, and the j-r-jtcr Irea.ncnt f ChU drcn's Ttcih, worth of" itself the catire cost to every 3"oung man or w.man, or parents with young children; with sundry othel articles ; price per package h dollu'r, or six packages for $5, sent by express as directed As tl.e Express charges are not much, if any more on a do.eu than on one, it is far cheap tr t i order i.ix or dt.n patka.gco at a time. . -i!e JauiUv w'..l want at' r- 1:. Pi 1 l r ' w7MC? 11:11 1 Id.tCt, for no one caa estimate how much pain, suffering, uuhappiDCss, md disfigure ment, expense, loss of time and money would lj saved to the country if every fam ily to day bad one of these packages, which, in itself, is a complete set of Dental He mo Oieo. Address Wm. H. lit nv & Co. Tiib line DuildingXcw Vork, and write na'ueand ad'.rcs.s plainly. That lemittances may be made with coi.tidcnee. Y. IJ. 11. & Cj. re fer to the Mayor of Er.ioklyu, to G. W. Urif fith. President of the Farmer's and Citins Ii.mk. PrtKklyn ; tolie Editors of the Am if an Minn afacturvs Cat-tte ; to Jcv, Cok Co , P Vebhshers.' Ag.uts, New Yolk ; to rder. d r.ENi m. E-.. who knew a 2 d P. T. P.hcn they see it and who has already Ling wa sec nd supply, etc. lOOO Accnls tVantcd: To intrixluce Dr. Kurd's Dent;d Ecmedies into every County, Men or Women who want to make money .juiekly. can do letter with these articles than anything in market. They aie new. useful, low priced, and we are spending thousands in adve.tiseing them f.r the bent tit of agents, lk.xes of samples containing one der.cn of the one dollar paek ab..vi' spt eiried. h ith circulars w ill lni snt, on r ctipt ofserei f"l!arj. ab-ut half price, to any person wishing to tc.-t his or hi r .-kid in selling with the view ..f bee -ming au a-ei.t. They can Ik.- s. ! 1 in a day. gr-H e icoin l in'hri if;"iht t.'flrt ("..-OMVse'-l.'f iu I -itisc U'ii J Jii'.'CC (itt-HiAi-lCLS ''! it It SiUiS' III' li . !.';"N"iiv is tlie t:";r to get i: t business. P r :i 1 hess ;m ' ret'-n-uefs s-t; the al-'VC. mi m Ti4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL " - - t of 'tin", "cop"pe"7"and siiFi: i n; . wake. am deaeeu INtV- kin.:. Fa.I-r. a , 1 i!.-,io,: St-.ves, ...is. iii.t.--. ,ve. e. I.- .ii.i ii.iiid a Vt i y h i a--.rtm. vt of tl.e a'" ve articles, wli. h he ni;I set I m a very sr V advance -'i f si, l,.r c.;;,- F.b-i-b,ir -, .iry lo;h. ls.;l. tf. Ml U V A UTO H I : VII.I,I ICKI".s rtr-'i'tJET.-i;. i r.r.si.ri.. iv.i.un i i sty v. Crawford Sm- t. a I". .- '.. r- 1 i h..w the ear ner f .Juiiav. and "raw t". n d. M.NUFAcn:i:i:s all kinds of PLEASURE CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, CHARIOTEES, KOLKAWAVS, COACIir.S. SLEii.IlilS, Ah-o se. .nd hand w. .rk of ditc-reijt kinds. I i ,ki: g is. ail a vaiie'y t::;,t v. ill i-uit the i ert s -f everv t -!y. C:- UEPAIblXli d with ncatn. ss and d: ; .it- h Thai kfnl f-r p.-..-t f.tcrs. be !-trs. 'a -d;.g -l n.at.-ria's, to mejit o,n.i:iii,nio' of the pair :i;c 1 Tel. r- it:i to 1mm. Per.- i.s wis: i t purebas. ao- aiticle in his litit. will do u!' t call r,t his c-t 1 lishu ent; l.e emp'. ys -.. w- ikint n, and i is v. ik w ill be gMarautetd. IioHiibr. 1Mb -. I. "Jv's. oster imim WILL! AM KICHTEC. Proi-nmr. u Oomer of Cl:..t'.u and Scci.d S;n.-its -b 1 town Cm.br ia count v X?- Carrii-.es will cot:vev pi-.-n'.er from ri-! t- the p.ail l -.A d-. . lSDBXSIJUHR H0U8B. 'I he tm lei-si :1 havm' i i o i a ,- ! :m 1 iaken p.iic f t!,e Elw-nburu House (f -m.- ly . u:.'e.l by II :ry Fvter.) will W l.aj py to r-n ei.e and ae n.m.vj ate bis t-ld cUs! i.Krs, m-i ..tbeis w'l.o miy be .lisp- 1 t y-.r.-r.A him. Ti.e Pr c, ietor tt U :M.r-d fr .t i the so.tei. us HOl'SE, STA CLE ,V" other faihties that lie can offer at h:it ;i g--l vcommo d.ui. ns as c m v Lad at any other in ti:" plae.-. llo is iu h ss..-d. .n of a large supplv of the choiet li.pi..r with which bis bar will li f,indd:cl: Lis ta'dc will b fur: bred with ad tii luxuries of the sensou, and l.e ::.t( n t3 Ijy Lis l.'pitaiity andeAre. to merit the pitrouage of all those, who st,.., withl.itn. 1 ISA ACCKAWFOED. E'.vn.-burg April, 17, l.jl. tf. EBENSBURG PA. .JOHN A. l-.LAIK. Pr. i ri -t or. Tili:Pi:OPi:iETUR wdl siaro ik. pains to r.-nder this 51 -M, worthy of a continua tion of the liltr d share t'f public patr- n agc it has heretofore receive.!. His table will always 1-e furnished with the l.-t the maiktt affords; his bar with the best of li-pi. rs. His stab'e is lar". and will 1-c attended. by an attentivi Eltnburg At r.l' ai! obligin r ho. tier. ' 101. CHAW MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM P. PATTOX. Jtkli vvi'inv ia ALL KINDS OF CHAIRS, sucn as com oa u !nsor t,ja!r3t pJct j, j. Chairs, Vienna Chairs, Ensile Chairs. Uini liacked Chairs, Sociable C:..Jrs, (Lane jrat 6h:s, HOCKING CH AliUS, OF EYEF.Y SIZE. SlTilXfi SEAT CHAIRS S itets, L -urines. vVc, vVe. CABINET FURNITURE of everv doseript'on aii.I of Lit.-st a i'LEs. Wr n rucf:s rosi n- the Tastes of all, - Thankful for p.st fav.rs. lie rc-pect Ii.Uy toliciLs a ld.ial share of public iatroii--,e. Cuitca SlictL, -J'.Lcsiown Ckmtri.. JOHN B. FROMal TIITTITIT1V f Ttirntr II mi J JUMMJSGS, EM;:i.,Th. CLOAKS & SHAW Corsets. Ib,ped Skirts, p",". ies'au-1 Cl.'J.Jren's Si. -, t-rcbiefs. l'ancv Cvwds T MAIN STi.FET, d eiNv", Nov. i;o. ls.,i ' NEW DRUG SIT:: WHOLESALE & Rcfd tne suosiuit r n.iii oirj..' HKL'O STOKE, on M.tiu b.rc--' ti;e -Scott IKi:-,' ; pr:.a'..r DREGS, M El Ii INLs. cheaper than ever I cf rco. ::-, ; His st.jck King entirely nvw, with care and taste, he J.'.at rA j the as-uranee that it wid h . . . tf all to call and cxahiiae .:. making th-r urcha-:-s i's..w;.."." His stock cn-br-v-es a i" .;; . DRUGS, HIEpiCINESjCEin- i i.n I. i ( Mi.r. i si S FIXE HA III AND Tir .: PERFUKEPJl PATENT MLDU l. i , - V. FEE MS ii m Foi S..-..aii:cii-a, 21. :-. " 1 : rj -. .: FAN' Y AND T dT. C LASS. P:"l "1 Y. ! ! . v VAllNlV'iS , , nri:NLi Fi.riD -. . l Pirtieul.-.r r . ' GKtVE';s AND t v , AX IS" od; TT PMYSiCSANs i ;; e..r. fdly r-fp -v.-. ' :. .; jo.; 1 1 v and .- ; :- M'-du-ivt- n.- ; 1 - 1t J'::.'it-. S.Wi ... i ,b.l :.:). .fu:v , s - iMXIC A!!H m SUGAR SiETIII COPPER KETTLE .p.-iri v t i'i . t : v : " iv y.'.v.i :irr fi ris, ii .-. ZINC V7ASHB0AL1 f -r L'r e ;is. u , r: ii r.T . SD IKmNS or S.'oi.J 7.M all .-;. and b -st .pi.tetv. t... j Ci K ! x"; S 1 1 v i !':.Ji)-u i..p,. t- ;: ,-j I-. f.'Cl.t-. Fp 11 Js; 5. : - rM'i ST t'!:.s. t.. :;':. lit: A Ti.X'i Cm i A T"U " FKADI.EY (tKIV.; .-T t.RT., Id. XITtltl j. i;Ah(i.;;:!; ;nd every tl.tr l'.t;s'. i m.ii.uf c t :m r" sto-s , p-r..-j-sj i dae:. ' ODD PL.VI i.S AND CI; A i 1 S id wr. s u i. . i. iWKIJON (ill. LAM1 f : CHIMNEYS ::ltl Yi K-L. as ': 1 r f II fi !' T I v r I U I 1 I li BEST REALITY. p: t iT ..: : v.. . Ct-. p-T ! TT X x'r:t ru-t f-.r T. MlNEK tS LAMPS." c;l CVN-. all COFFEE MILLS, ;;: t TmsT!N"4 "oilKS. i.VsTi . Fits. JELLY C.ke M -1 : . "f-.-S; i s.COAL Iil't'K t'.'j'S. " Tile aU.ve-.ds v.""! : ' liui.KSALE ui; k;:ta at -r'o: joiinstowx Mov: vv o" si r CANAL STREET ti pe;:te the '. 1 ASK VOW FRANK W.I1AYS vrAl.i r and sive ttr y,i- r-T. 1.1 L lllilt 1 'Jt V .-. .. J Tist-'v:i Ai i 1". 1 rrmi ! i . . ; i ... HARNESS! AKD SiT The inders:gr.c.l teu..J and isstui ciauut.itturi. iu his line fuch as. SADDLES, fine sivr.i r. a- iMrr.l.r. I DRAFT HARNEY P.T.lMl r.Jimt.r.s:. lIlI'lNo CHECK LIXES. HAL'i d v V;vVA7.,.1A.'s Ae., ,Ve., hicfi he will d: ie ef .i '-r cash. His woik is all trarrv.' h - Irienctd. he pl.t t'.e U 1 work. Thankful f r vi-; f -. by ait. i.iiou to busi:.e-s t '' J auoe of t nc riatronae hct 1- .... 1 . 1 4 . 1 Miop a lew coors fs'. i .- lb.iis" bld- EW.sburg D,c. II, NOTICE The Dockets, f F. M. r". 1 iulLLllLlii I ! in the Iiands of iho in -- -ii-tcrc.tvd xiil jdcasC netu "- P. Ma! '' S--r-x.-.:.. 1 4.. T,r 21 1" ;!i-:r.- r. h. put.;-. -vih, lvl. lv