f vivWH RAIL ROAD SCHEDULE. ? "leave westward, N'S. "1, I -a. f- u. I 'r-i: I. f -.: !vi:.t. 1 t i! . ? K S M a.m. jr. M. 8,10 I 8,20 8.15 I 8,o0 Fy.51 f8,50 t,13 F0.18 9.13 a P.M. 7.00 1 -5 , la r-z 7,. "5 ! i p 7, 51 ' S S 8.01 8, 09 8, 14 A.M 8.G1 ' 8,43 6,25 i s ...';.: i' V 0.44i 9.49 8.49 A .M. P. Ai. j P.M. J A.M LEAVE EASTWARD,0 ... t T. M. i A.M. A. M. 1 P.M. 0,18 11,24 j 5,52 7,20 0.5:3 11,28 5,5i i 7,20 I FG.05 r.M. KG. 14 , - tt.23 j KG, 40 ; G.50 5 (j ,57 7. 20 1 11,55 I 1 1-7.12 1-M7 7.5U 12,25 P ..M. j A.M. j A. M. I . ;. K.;i stop at Ftathms marked xi tn ciiuil is yiveu. .-K! i;; (TiESSOX RAIL ROAD I'kais Ai. 1. ,-w.M-. I EaSI WAE!. . '.' 'I Cress. n. K. 1-r's. TtAj x X. 2. Mu-'.ster, Kiy!-i's, E; enVi:ri'. A. M. 8 55 l 2) ',55 p. m. 7,45 8.20 8.45 S lv-i d. r.t na- ftTrci-'l to nerept 1 . iwi iM' mouth s men who o- - ;V.ii this Si.it-- under tiiivmior at"'-i'!'-lirs:iti"TL. until fbe Kb Airr G t i i; I i.. ut ri!.i. YV - .lotiee t i'r. iV'.'.Til i- in i.iwiu whirl 1 will :., ,'.;; . .'o; -rim .'it v f.r erson ! frli Vf:.v. ? pv'.celc- fioS;-CS-V r.rfnril t-- -I ! I On Tu.-5d.-1y 22-1, hist., bv 1 1 ". 1 -IT t ::t 1 .l W.-'f. Mr. Goi.ikky a jmi.i.. it" Pirr -l.ir-pr, : Mi.-s Kvif. S i-f ii!";im:1. ,Mv ld;til!V. Jit- i 'f "!.- I-!lvs l:.M.k Airni-t 1- 1 ' i:n-.! :ili:ftl!i information. - :i ; 1 5 : t n T 1 1 " nf clioiiv :i'il 'ntt'rtaiii- 1 ' i only S3 a I I 1 AM I.W.!. Kxi .of th;si.l:vc,li:is " ': ! l.y t!i.- I't-i.n.iylvania ";;m. tuk-t :nvl r-iicral ri!ront .4 !! l-.iK i,:.upjr Cn-?on Mr. I.'.mviI a ti'iitv ami iv-''r-.. an -irn-l.-!it clerk and uW ! ti..' 1 1 Ut iv.-t i.f tin? Company. l"'',w ' ntii.i-ia.-tic war in-tinjr '! .'.!,i:rf..-n 011 last Sat unlay, r : t hMHi.-ni M-akors wnts jro- v'i '! !- 1 tlio an.ln-n.-o. Con- rot v.:s in-iniiV.-icd ami tn '' iiovv j.ii);r w',. ,avo v",s :v' : fiy i.f tho parti-alar-'. C5T The following is ji list of killed, woumleJ, ami missing of the Cambria Guanls. Hie kuI intelligence is confirm ed that five of the heroic men who left this county, are dead. Hie fearful liavoe in their ranks, shows that they did not flinch in the hour of danger, but fought valiantly and offered ;hcir lives a bleed ing sacrifice to fm-doin and their country. Captain Andrew Lewis was a private in the Mexican war, and was one of the first to volunteer in the struggle to cru.-h re bellion. killal. Capl. A. Ixnvis, Geo. K. llrown, lvichard Jones, Jacob lJoring. I' iff. Sergt. John K. Scnnlan, Win. A. I.'vy, Geo. Melro"in, David T. James, Thompson Carney, Thos. 1. Dumiii, Win. K. Drown, Lieut. Jas. C. Iiirk", Thos. Williams, John McDride, U. II. Davis, W. K. Powell, Win. W. Evans, John Keaugli, IKnry Wan-ham. J.St!. Hilariau ( )"Cnnell, Daniel I Ielman. C-j" Johnstown anl vicinity were tlirown into quite a consternation last wwk. The gi-eat n-serv.ir tn (he waters of South fork ulxut seven miles above John-town gave way, sending water in such torrents as to frighten the inhabitants and which for a tiin" threatened to in uiiTnlate the wlmle city ; but luckily for the diy weather and the wickets haing Ieen left opn some days liefbre in nntici ation of a break, the wat r dil not ri.-e so kigh lis supposed. We hae not yet nveived a lull aeciint, but understand that the damage is not so groat as was fom d, nlthotigli much ilamage was done to tin t Vmrrd Railroad tear South Fork, the track In-nig torn irj si badlv as to cau-M f on-iderali'e delav and -infusion :im"r;g t!ie ti'aui". So .;iys tur informant. iii-' T'-inli page will K- found r (tinin s I'roclaiuatioii which mere men. Th Governor h.-is I''I-t ,,,,) 1,, (a'j tl(l yJojrI--l;-it!ii-o - ;:n. "imt aj-p :us at on.v to the ' i;e upon them the necessity :'a!;i-'. s 1 if oh.mtvrm!; over that uliirl, must stn 1m; restrted ' n 1.,-n..f forthcoming. Large U ini: otfeivd to those volun i e e-ted that lVnnsylva 1! U hind in tilling up her II will 1n seen by the schedule ' ""'11W this county will have to N i 'vo ci .T11 panics. U'ase stamp Currency. ";t"'l States iostage stamps, Iunv omin.; so fiveljr into cir ' ' -m.I. s having the amount of 1 10 i" liires upon the upper cor-m-J be readily reeognLzed by their C7-r Owing to the na-ent unK-r of th Governor of Missouri, large crowds of excitil citizens are ru-hing to the Dri;ih Consul's oflice, free-king protection from the flag of England. The lories, sooner than join onr r.nny, w.kii 1 sneak around and lie willing to Ix-coir.e subjects of Great Dritain: but this has not the least effect on the bu-iness of eur pla -e as th ; store of M. J. Mills fc Co., continues tol crowd ed with customers, airlhe is still receiving larg supplies of Groceries, lioots and Sh.x's, Indies' l-"aney Drc.-.-Goods, Gents Summer wear. Persons wishing to buy cheap should purchase from thenu- TIic It'iiiIlic?n"".Male toiivosi lioii. The Jepuli!i-an Slat- Convent ion which met at Ilarrisburg, on Thursday, was a singular admixture of office-holder.-, a'x ilitioi iist, horc-contra-to!-s, jxitu-al moimlehauks, ld fogies and patriots "black spirit.- an-1 while, bin-' spirits and grey" the pure Kepub'iean and tlic i:.i.ed the Garrison Abolitionist and the inoiv courteous 1'eopVs j-artv man the n neg:iile DemK-rat a!.l Ih" ICno'.v-'Xoth-ing the Taritlce and the Five-tr.,l a all in th-.' most delightful communion, with a place at the table for the absent coloi-ed broiher." It needed only the presence of Sambo to make the tiling u::ipie, and this defec-t was suppli 'd as far as could be by the -hi"a'a'ou.- and incorruptible Forney, who sought to make himself the niun! welcome to his new associates, by pre senting tbem an illuminated photograph of the coloivd brother" in full regimentals, with Hunter and Fremont as his aids It was a happy conceit, and put the Con vention in an excellent humor, the more so as it was quietly given out that General Samlnj was in treat v with his attached friend, the King of Dahomey, for two hundred reginu-nts for the war. Coiittitu tiuittil Union. Admission of Patients into the Insane IIosittal. To avoid trouble and dilfiulty which may arise from ignonuice or misapprehension relative to the admis sion of patients into the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital -at Hanisburg. it has been deemed advisable to give the following extracts from the by-laws of the hospital : 'lliese provisions will le strictly enfor ced, and it is hr.jied that all who may h ive occasion to bring patients to the hospital will le prepared to comply fully with the spirit and 1. Iter of the regula tions : Preparatory to the admission of a patient, (unless when committed by the order of a court,) the SujM-rinteinlent shall Ik' furnished with the certificate of a phy sician that he seen and examined the individual and believe. him or her to be insane, with a re jit'-st from a near ix-la-t've or friend that the patient may be received into the hospital, and a lxnd, with satisfactory sccuritv tbr the pnv inent of board an I other exjienses w hile in the institution. All private patients thus received shall make a payment of thirteen week-' la;d in ndvar.ee when brought to th" ho-pital, and if taken away uncured and against the advice and consent of the Sijerintcndent within that period, no part of said payment shall Ik refunded. " Whenever u patient is s,nt to the hospital by thti irder of any coiut, justh-e judge, Directors of the Ptmrofa county, or the overseers of the pir nf a tow n ship or p'xr district, the order or war rant, or a copy ther.of. by which such p-rson is sent shall 1-c hwlged with the Superintendi n'. " Those who may bring a patient with any such order or warrant will Ie requi red to pay at the time of the admission of the patient, sitv tie dollars. " A written bis'oi-v nf th-- ca--e should b si-lit with the patient, and, if p-issib'.e some one :;e,juaiiit-l wiih the individual should accompany him t the hospital, fnm w l:om minute, but often essentia! particulars 111.1v l.v learned." Cas's of recent ecurrenco will Ik c-ived at ii'iv time on comoIiaiK.i; IV- with tne n-gnlatious. Army ot" lie Xotu:titc. A telegnim from Washington, f date the 2ot'u, gives the foll.iwing iuteiv.-ting il-ms : Nine hundred wound- d paroled" prison ers arrived yesterday b-oni Kichnion l. Tw o died Ih f .re ti:.-y :;ni'.-l at Ptters burg. Thvy left yest- r-lav :'.fU-r;io -n for the Northern !i-.-.-pifaN. .Mmv will b-.' re ceived to-ino;rov. A tl tg of t. ii'-e boat, containing C.l. Wright and Li- ut. Col. Sweitzer, yester day went to Aiken's Landing, twenty-one miles :dove -ity Point to ln-n t 1 Job it )uld. f'rm rly Dislrief Attoni.-y fr W:ishington City, apjx.in'el Commis sioner by the Con 'derates to cany out the new arr.sngem nt for cxclucige of p.i-oners. The S-hooner fouisa IJxw-r, contain ing tour thousand bushels of condemn com, an-hon-l in the mi-Hl" of the river wa- lnvuiled last niht at about twtbe cM'loek by a party f I.'c-hr Is, who came from the op; o;-;!e sbon-. After s the seh-Kiner en lire they h ;i, the Capiaui vvi'.h ill ei. The wa- ilestityed. Genenils Ha'l-.-ck, Dix, Meigs and Dunis'ide left h' iv this morning, after paving a visit to Gen. M'Cl. llan. General Marcy's h--alih having b'-u restored. In? lias resumed his uuih a as Chief of the General's sla'f. Tl;e health of the army is good. Fko.m Akkansas. Iliuhnan i s:tid to have caplnr-d Poll.1, soon Jifier the Federal army 1 -ft that vicinity, and to be "concentrating." His hou: , at H--U-.ua, is oecupii.-d by General Cur:is. Genera! Cia lis expresses the confident lx Eef that he can march anywhere west of the Mis sissippi liver, over anv force of white men, or Indians, or both combined, that can be raked to oppose him. Advices from General Curtis represent his army in good health and sj)irits, but a'mos' de.-titute of clothing. The Illinois troops? a:v much Ix Iter provided for than any others in his command. II;s army ha.s all arrived at 1 1 el en: 1. carrying si hoi .ner 1 1 es, v hich are as follows : vT,t. Franklin, ashlngton, JctK-rson, a.-hlngton, a-hington, W"asiln-ton, franklin, - a-hi un"ton. Color. P.lue; link; Chocolate; Green ; P.lack; Lilac ; Yellow ; P.lue GeiK-ral Pope's Army. A telegram from Watciloo, of date27th says that General lpes recent orders have causel grejit excitement among the citizens of that vicinity, particularly the latest in regtird to taking the oath of alle giance. It is asserted that there are not more than two men in the county who have not taken the oath to support the , .Southern Confederacy, and that rather I than renounce this, men women and chil I dren express their determination to go 1 South. army, enticing men to desert, and fur nishing them with outfits of clothing for that purjuise. A large numlier have tle- , serted within a week or two past. le I tweei forty and fifty deserted from the j Hundred and Fifth New York, gives col t or to the statement. Some doubtless desert for the purpose of joining other regiments j and getting the bounty. TrliENSlJUilt MARK UT. ----POLIT K. vised weekly by Davis, joxks & o. in: riueis. Flour ier bi.l Extra Family, tG.f Extra. 0 0 Wheat, per bushel, 1.25 Rje, - " ,50 liuckvvher.t, " " ,4U Com, " " .60 (tats, u " ,'.'5 Potatoes, 50 Apples, " 150 Apples, " " drie.1, 2,00 Peaches, 3.0 Beans, " " 1.20 (lover seed, " " 5.50 Timothy, do. " " 510 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an Order of the Orphai.s' Court of Cambria count v. to u directed, there will be exposed to" Putl:c Vendue or outcry, at the Court IIoue in Lbenbiir-. on MONDAY the 4th dav of ALTIFST noxt, at one o'clock P. M., all the right, title and interest t-f J.mes S. Cl.uk, dce'd., of. ij and to the fallowing describe 1 V.c-.A Estate, to wit: No. 1. Being one ha'fof L)t X-. , in the 1, rough of l-:i,t-n.,hi;rg, l-.-.n' "n:g :.t a C'.rncr ef ('cntrj and S.tmi-le Streets. thence . eat al -r." sai-'. S. iir.;-!e Jftieit OrplianV Court Sale. ! U !x T? rt BY Y1H I L B UP A?I o'r'-w UKbEil OF fl 2LJiVi3 the Orphans' Gvurt of Cainbria coiu-tv. t;:t-1 'J -rST tt R. undesigned will expose ti public fale. at jf Gf A4 Crefson ii. said Cmctj, on WcJnc-dav tl Vl O LUJ itX the 20th day .f August -,- -(, at nc oVh ck j k 1;2Vp fr-jrA P.M., thef-l!,iieg red tate , whkh ' h&?:l-; Tl,,mas II. lYrtcr ,-i,l s,i,c ' vk : Ai 'irV't A certain f.t of gr uiid situato in the J JJj i .'n'ts I to;vn of llunster, fro.ti.ig en ths Ilut.ting- ; K ' .4 '"1 den, CanA-ria. ai.d B.-'iai.u TurnpiVe. and I V't V- t J f-l ?' txU-nding .v.k U P, plar Li-:e. ki own ! ;-H'-Sf -J r I! e teett-i I it of El ward .'.n:s. thi:ee r.. ith '10 feet to li t .,f P. Hutehiat ji.'s lu-irs. t!a-:.ce we.-t Jileng sai'i lot 1'12 feet to (cnirc Street, thence s rah along said strict f0 f.-rt to be gin'iiu;:, having tliereon trixtel a large tvo story Bstik I'.v-ll:ng II u-e nn 1 .-mail fiair.e stable, with the apj-urtenances. Xo. '2. All the f -bowing de?c;il-cd lots of giou:i-'i m the B iroTigli of Eb-!.sbur'. known ct:-fi:e original of p.rou-l) as luto No. l'j:", 101, P.5 ar: 1 1 3;, bounded on tle north by Lloyd Street, on the east by l'hanoy Street, 0:1 the s mth bv O-'e btreet,nn.: on ti:e we.-t by Poj-lar A!v. .No. A c-l.nn bit or r-rinv-1 if l-n,l i i.i acs. 1 a-a io. nsii-.p, L.,in.bna couutv. sur- veye.l or la-Id in the name of John Ik Evans' ! Iic-iis. containing 300 acre--, with the appur- J teannces. I ALSO A re 1 tain tract or piece of l.m in said township, adjoining the above, w'.i-h was surveyed or he! I in the nan-e of J.,hn Evans' In-irs. containing 300 acres, with the appurtenances. 'Win ft'Sil.; One third of tl.c piuehase money to b." paid 0:1 coi.fir!i..ition r f sale, and the balance in two equal annual j.av-lm-nts, with i::tere-t. t- K se urcd by b-.-nda-au ! mortgage cn the premi.-es. ALBERT B. CLAP.K. IOEN M. CAMPP.KLL. Ju'v 0, lbr2 -Cl-lt. AJm'rs. oc.-ignuti ca tej i-.a:i n i.i. 1 t v. u 1 l umber 1 I , having th re n cu-ctv J a i frame Invihij.g II. u -e. AI0 A certa:n 1 f r-r-i-;l situate in the town of Mr.nst. r :.r'-n.--a: !, know n ai .1 d .-igi.attil on pliin of r:i ! t-.vvn by the nianb.-r having thereon tiee'ejd a hire Fi.Kne Earn. A LS'J A t trials o''::c-r pi. c- r j arc 1 1 f land situate partly in tie- t -wn .f Mim-: r and paitly in I'mi.-tcr t.e.vn.-l ip, a-:j :ai: g lands kite of Francis I ra-ili-.t.i. 1 ., OPEKATB t - f.-v r j.n-T, rf-.l i: ii:t rr..-l t! .n tj -nr: v t' ' ' IV-ter Sweeny re or L 1 acre.- lr, i r-.re ci-an AI A 0 il.iin 1. j ta:iiii:g about one aero) 1 tb--rs -:.t .i. out acrvs , .g I-' V. . h at-- -t j 1... ' , 3- A certain b.t or r-arccl f f land in 1 ..f ri.7... v.. j 1 .. 1 1 : lilr.-. the Northea.-t side the i-Ll A. P 1. , f C ,;. '.her l.::i i'-S B. Ken is . f v ' i, h .vini: there- s'e i v I'r. ta-Lcd, ;. 11 ;C II--U.-L a..ioin;i," lot l.-.ly, iheeast,!, an;! t 'i'i.oina-5 II. Poi ter died on rciU-'l a laru t .. o with a bark builTa g ..! Frame Stable. A I. Si I The r.r.c- m -Ihi-Vd b.-If. pr.it of a cert ii:i piece or parcel of hind, situ .U- in the township of Washington afor.said, joining tiie old A. p. Eiir a I, Ir.-.i of t"n-lu-iis of Chaik-s B K'-ni.edv, u cca --.:, F. M. (Icorzv ai d ct!n 1.-. c- Jitaininj al-:;t Z'i three D.ve!- i-. . e o TOWX HALL HOTEL. THE und, r.-icn -1 1 vz leave to :ii,:iui;cc- to his friends of Cmtb.ia and i L 3 a rioininz j coiu.t cs. th e. he has oj ene.l a lb 'TEL it. j the West Waid of Eln-n.-bu-g. where lie is i prepared to peromini!ate s- j -:m rs ai.d I travclh-rs in a'l that a ppt-rtains t i their c-:n- i fort. HIS BA If will I e f-.iuel rvjd. i.:h el j with thi-l-st of Li. ion Sj.irits'' a;.:' -M ih" ieorzv ai i! ct!n 1.-, c- Ji acres, having thereon er ling IIou.-cs, fit 1 1 g .-am-.-of land, exccj.t alt f . acre devi.-eJ by S.a"a! l'o. i ter Marv Ken'e-iv. o-i (ieoige r.n-1 wife t v. i Sar their Di ed dated t!:e foSt -lav A. lb. 184".. A LS To v.i. Y.l.l "'tiiCr pie i : t an t-- !a r :-o:i;h-y ! ly P.o:'. ai. I'.-rter, i v 1 Bvvt n:ler. . r pa; ;ir. '.: 1 i L of n t tr .v;n.i!e in Tl. '11 l::te it ii:to 1 cbstructi-n.b et t .0 St. r..: ! . i . t.rij.-Uis t-f thr n.'.r, .r..;. l.v r.- : action to hc;.Jth. ci nc l. v -o UeritXicririits : 5 x'c I'm- i.i -I An i-MiI:!tc ti: it t f th.-ir vl. I'st?: i.eis, r.iiJ 1":C... '-. . ZrT' ':s di-f-a ah-.ii si t : ". '. :i"'-tj'.nti!tl Ki"w r rd rhinrW I ; -rl i i li.eir cilg.cut-, : pi. Al'.:::-.:.zc, v ; ; t'.c .. p'.-."-.s;-l to f :r- fir-" -, Ai.ncxci i" rite or; Cv'Tut.atlr.: wL: .1 ti.ev i.;.- I'oit C -1 i v t.M - s. 'I ".c ..- '--h c,;'a-..'. :v a J , .-r.-.:v t'e tivet:; i f. -. v the r;,-; .r.. t'll.FS. end the e re of e - t- - -' -. rif t4'.h. No prr'-n fjn . - r. i fwtive LU;t i i.-v. !.!. t it ,o, i :., n; :'y it":.', !. 1 CR lVr:rs!. u" c..rr-'r Df C-J.'iri?. and iV,ivs vT-o- r..f. ; icc fr, ia ei.e t-- f..ui ".i niinu'... nd Lrcr h.t.i t.r'o.v ::, :'. ti. 1 ! tr:e Keir1h-irf. f...-',ei-. riii . il rnr-liy" r. V.'). n fertr- t ! at c-.r- 1 n. Y' T a Ko 1 Si,iin( h. rr " .:. : -. : 1 -1I- - 1.. ! -i ( li f.irr on t:;f ' pud : '.jr'U-roii.'-.f i.f . h . r., ai; 1 e'.i.ei . t! -. :r irrrrr-l I t i-;tt, su- ii ' - , f iVsease. fr,.r " 1 -.11 --s -f (1. '1--.f.vT.' Ih T,-. -;".: i p 'S'l:,.n i- 'I . -1 illitn.t,l. 1 1.1 ,! I r;,r-. I " .. 1 '.h. nr :l.t, t',- : ,-:i--r of ' ; tt i- rvre -.". :.irr -. L e, it ::.:'( . If Mr- tr.-i-l '..'. t .'iv st--iia b v v .'. 1! it. an i 't ii ;-i J: l-j r -ur u. li t 1 i. 'if'"? -il ! i," Of t-t vf tv.e e. , 1 ii.i- ':i l' " i.- .i i' 1 'i , ; : 1 i -l ... 11 . .-.n !s ot tut est ttes ot V. ::;-;.m lira. Mr an ! E Uva-.l D nalds !i. and other l :n 1 of said Th ! :'S II. Polt r. r.r.' i'-.'n.g 21 aer-s and I I. -.2 L:,pio. it. the language of the r..'-m ra'-'- j en act of Assembly, un let w.iicli he s!;-rts out. ('iiiieetvd wit h the es'ablisl meat, is a TEN" PIN ALLEY, the only tw til ic-, whic h will U atieti led by the ne.-c-say The sljl: -ri'.,( r p-tri ; :-.". whir! "acci-r lin; to his at ai in the i times ptrcia-s. m--re or b.-s, i.av::.g tj.erc-n Dwe'bng II. '!'-.-. A ceit a; a oi' , r pi e ,-r p 'ml situate in Y.i-hi:.r-:--n t vv ?-.-:e;i, a :j "?;:: tie .-i-.t - I.it nit-ve l.:n-! .o.l 1, and i:hr hi' II. I P- T'er. and lauds of the l.ir .f William i Br ,.1'y. -cca-d, c -:.ta:n:r j 5i) ar--s more -1 - . ..1. .... .).. . . .. . .1 ! it- Mill acil r.t'aU' : "' .ii-m ,f mio 01 . .,i, u arv 1 .ti-i j an-1 'na-.'iiiur there-crtcted a Cul-I:: Il -us.. "Pin Lifters." soli, its a p--rti--n of puLlic : l.v r 1 1). A. CON BAD. Ju!y 23, lS02.-r.S-. IN THE. MAT TLB Ol THE AI.I.I.J Mil) L1"N.( Y id' ISAAC B :'.VL N I) A Cl llZiiX F CAMBi'I A COL-MY. A '.'' is li' iX"j ;i"r i. That the under -si.n.'d i..;sl-cii apj-iiat-'l Ciai:u'--ioi:--r, by the t -art of Cn. rami Pleas of Car.-.bria r. u'ty. er.-p'ire int the truth ' f t! e :d'4 -gation, ami f-Tllu-.t purpos- be vvi'.l bohl au in. pa.-:::- -u on fie ia::.s or at. r ..a'; g.-I n: d l ivMu! m-n of the s.ti-! Cimbrii at li s otii.-o in the B-r Eh -nsb-.rg, n F:i !.iv the 'jo. cy f Aug r.ext at one '.Mock P. ?!.. f sai l i;v W !:i r- i.II j-er--i us th'-v see propir. dulv 2::ta- Cu ti.;r . of t: m-:: to t'-' p.ae! on coi,i;rTi: ; -a and the re-i Iv.e in two j .'a mr-nts tlnreafier with b:teri-t. t. W -bv the ju:.':i:---!.ts r-n 1 in --rtg.: . of:' iii.is- r. l.v i l. in.' 1 (.. 5e2.-;t -I 7;o'..'(" r. pr.r. n i e f sale. i :- Mire.! e pv.r- :x .f of intert s':-d can a'tend if II. KINK LA I), Coinnassiontr. VALUAid-i: r:;- pr.r.TV r :: Ti e subs. r' rs :" r t' e f;B -. in. 1 !e prrjrtv. at private ::!, u i-,. son;-! !; t' n: s an-i easv pvi.ar.:-. TOWN L.T IN" EBENS-.FB';. SALE. ; v ,Tu v t re a T.t No. t-.ail So-nt 1 ;iv: "Z th'r, 'in:: ' n cr-, rc.-hk- LETTERS on the e.-t e o1icc. OF ADMINI f C.iarles I). Mr. 1. BATION rr.tv. l.s i.. iii v. Mr, Il.ir'-i-.-ri. L-.'s 1:5, J-:o. fronting on Id- V! stn a-ij-.inli;g re-i.a-ut e of ." L.ts 12 and of let 11 of G jo. C. K. Zd.m. E I..te ot t.:e i-T-':g!i o Klensi-;irg. S.m Ina camty, d;-.-e.t.-c 1, Living l.-eti gnrde-I to i t: un.'.ersign. !. Ad petsor in ! ' t-.-d to the said c-t.io- are ri 'pi'-sted t n:a' e psv ir. -nt wiih. c.t ''' v. nt.-l th.-v h-vu:i: ehti-:; -1 v. i! fjr I .. 5 , prt s nt il.it.i tt Ielilf-I.t. -.-n.-' u;g. 21- .n , ,i-i , - an t ties it ;iat WM. KITTF-LL. .TE or KOPEI'.T A !.,r. FhlNN, I), cd. I : 1 ofilij above r.rc . ALSJ 5 aerc in the P. sc-'-h. The Ctirroi'o-.e.vt, tiiis property i; suit l-ereh ' er. ALSO l-j.j a. t 1 ti.-. :, v nship, k Farm, about F, i ds f .b,h P I-?, a square cf 1 t t. L t-'lTo :m d 170 b.'i.u L'.-vd. E-o ij iaii u risi-.Ivt.et-1 r N'-. c r- S'leet. Ail t'- I ! o- f of . .T P-.-.l ..en art 1 s'n-t rt::-s t" 'ftn-'ii ,cts t.. WHEREAS h ttcrs. f a-hniuinistrati. 11 .11 th;- estate i" Robert Fi.i.n. l.i'e of Sununer hiil t- wi ship. Cai.ibri.i Oamty, de e.i.-(d. have been granted to the subserihi 1 : rll 1 ;, i t the j-.ii.! est. il. arc here to ni.d e iminedirte i-ays. eut. all. C? of I.e. Is i- wn of t: . .H re- Ir. w:::i:.-s tttr.tc in Cam e 1 i y c liil! ire aej -i.!: Wm. O'Ke. f.-. ners. per.-'- i. . 1 OV UopilU. ir,', I and t! Lavir.t t- p:e-eiit them peiiv anth-i.ticuled f -r settieu-.rtit. Iv 2 lMi2-c,t J WM. K ITT ELL. ,LS( 2"0 a- res . 1 ., - 1 rvce -i.J i in C-xs.'ihrii towt'skip a.'.ioit.i? j Alex M'Yicher. J.i.a M'lb-i-Ie -ALSO lotj acres siti::.te near : :ishu:C'-ii t 'wn-tii' ! .Tac.-b I hug oi;,Ci...rIes j iin 1 others i Arvor rdloflheab.. II s:;u-i .:. I.s o:b. .1 -tk :-t-iuUsf i r-: t..V:, 1-. tt : 1 V DmU. rhith pie i.-e- p..rit f.ni -ad r.V.tS. t .ke fen; f..,.i l t Til'e it Crt. ar.i -na!ler du-t's : 'vner.'s. smti'. act:v5ty and strernrth Tcstor- i o thr- sstt-m. t'oaNnrii,M, ;-it k 11 i-.'',a nt. Xac-fiu r.iiw i.i t'.f .Venix 1. Hu i. rv ,oV. take IioTU four to ei-'ht i;!! on ? -ir.c to x i. If t': r do not oppr te st.ficiej.tir, t..Ve in'-r? the nct d iv tinlil t:.f-y it.. These c.'ni-.,'.a'.r.t wall if w-p.t "it fruin t' e syT"n. l".n't cir tl.r-sc and theii .. laurel L-jr.i- i -. aust Tcur st -:nach is foul. 1" h Seaoi-rLv. E::siPEL, ai.d el Dh'-'srs f f Sioi. tiVe the Pil'.s iretr rvi frt.vt:t;v. ft V" itii N-rtels op"?!. The -ri;ptH,i:s nll r-'i-r--,':. Lf 10 d.iniiii-h titi tiisit, if.:r. 21 ..iiv :.i:'ul v.i : s.;.ii s,rt ! we t !.'-! t ..v I... Jir.-t.2 .urif.i:. e'.'e.-t -f th- -e l"ii.. j- d sf-n.e d.--:-t.r.-7 C-e3.-o hi- t: s.i n ' to -..-t:..- r i it -j .-tvtn Lave e,"i . ."; -t --Iv i.i'l ti. t r it f. o ;ijt the i:err in ja-iavl i. t'uiicnt' vui Cjtv t w,i,-:v f,.: g tl.; .. a -h'.uid p. i ..J. v -.'-, r-e"f j.r i.'.-l ti v -. o - J r.-:h :?. 7iie--. 1-i t i.f s, '-. ii i nil , .r ;,.v 0! t:.e un -;.n u:-e:i-c el V.. u.. L tit e-"i V. ie r; i.-rv I'ts: !"S cit:e rver disMn i a. l.v? s'. and lze:.-i.tr. tsv! ". in.;.- (i t-f it.ftir. i;, v .. v-'.ein lAe ch.-.ti i -t f ! the v !:i tiiey do ; s ti c. u e in t-n ;iu:i. u i.t . t. y the n:i.u;uiie u::t! nhith j : '- b re. Liven C,i:n Int. e s ; :-. '-7 -V ." AjTfft"'! Er.-f Ir-.-.a -.i.t -. t. - .- t.Tj,j.btT, ii'':.'i -ties.. -l ':.-t:::. 5 v r '' I.:' rorriii:v u'..l .:.--s tj,. '-. th' ". :. " it Vii.l.t . r u:j --t: n. 'i his ii.-. s ;V beith. ai.d the t r.sftnt:- a i- f; -;r- : v v . .-r-inined i'T r.o a in r cri.-f . li.d'xi-r.i u is :i t -,:ii!-toni. tt-'.rn::,,u ot ihe ui.il hth t.i t;r bi'.e ir.U. J' e s'e i"-?-"i rn:.-"s th'' ' "c t. 'vti w into the h'.Lx-d. '1 i.i fi'-'i n .'iiT-i . -, w t.a a li-r? i:id cL.nc ri.- troi.i i o:.s t.-J .ci. altn.:.l'y -::':.- -s a. 1 C ::"-i-i, T-r(.t.!. Fcvf ri-ii spnj t. .:. s. 1; :.i"' t . h r ' its, -w . r.:. -. re-l'.essiu-s-. r.nd it , !r.t:i h- Iv, iii'.'i se-ti.otiin- in at.ii.tv to sit, p. ui.J -. tis.-- !-:;-.t rt:e -"us- ; Mixr.c tiuie tit It- YeTe a; i te side : ti.. -Km are! ti e wi; "te d ?lt? r v l-ecn.e a iri ef-iti-l. v t-ii .w ; the !ot"ac!i aiiti; the 1..ici- snre to the Sonch; the who!- si-ins irrur.hV. -itli j t t ..'T.. -t tti foT-r. which n.nr turn t. b:h-- : l-i-r. !.i""iins c-,hs. Lii.oin diarrh3:i. dyMi;terj". Ac. A le. a.uTi; d.-e el thu-f or f,.'.:r I'ilJs u.k:-r .t t. fi;. -e.t by - i three in the n-.rt.i-r. at d r- -n d jf.w dry, w Hi r-"nov the caae of ai; these troubl'-. It is wieWf 4 tt. su:tei surb pains u ynu can cure them for " rei ts. ItHFt Mnt'S, (inVT, enri all Jnrf.w.matory I e tvrt are rapid'.y e tnei by the purifyir.c rric-i ts of these l'i'.-s u;.-n the blood and the stimulus whltt ther atfi.rd t-j trie r-tal pni! ij-le of Life. lv-r ih'tt atidall kindred complaints t; y should 1 taken ir n.i!d dos, to n-iec the hon eis jter.tly, but fr iy. A s a Pinntm 1 ji.l, this h- both arreeal'.e and useful. No Pill caT be r-ie rrore pleasar.t to take and ccrtairlr rnr.c ha been made more fccoiul tc the purpose f,r which a tiinner jiil is employ id. ritEPAr.rn cv IK. J. C. A Kit O., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., .- i , . I:.U. 1 ITotico. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY l;' N the Estate of .JOHN I.I THEE, hue of Car rol tovvii-l-ip. ihteased, have leer. cr;m?c to the si Isei ilir. t sidit-r; in s..i-l twin! ;p All p.-r.-ops knou-ji:"; theia -elves indebted t sa'd est ite vi'.l 1-mh' rtiso f.rvvard rnd r.la'r.t pavmeiit; rci l t'e.'-e having chiiniw :t-;:;nt the same vi'I j n stnt them prepuly atithenlitV.te'I for s. ttlenv-i.t. D. J. I ETHER. Execato-. Carroll tp.. July 2 tt i: l is s Id eti very I . -. n i i ' 'vc i sf r.i -. pr- pt ; : ire, n '!.-' h'j tt-r:"s. r:i.:eii . '. PHIL S. NX'UX April 21 tf S i. .. n ; S u: P. II. Si I- - Sj-r- ;.'s an I i .1 It 2 1 fT.l IY El --:.s'. ii': ('. T. Ei-.z- r: Johns irivalt :'.ti Mau'her, ."UrT. i! Si i.his.L retto: M. I r.Jts. rs cnri ere. l l illl.ALEl.I iliA. Pi r.i.i Tlio the :.:i i I.'isir- r.n i l.hr -t io d: I (. : e , f 'i-t-ts'.- ME! U'AL AliYICE i:.: S-:r. i EE 'E -cd, HH:-fed is-r.n 3 .-j ceialij- for tt f the Stxuai Or.as. tv n cr..t.s, ly the THE SICK Viith Vitulent a O i- 1T1 rV 1 VALl'Aid.E Br.iTdiTS 0:1 Si rrcat r .lli. iiiti. j !l,- v S. :r.:n-dw-a!;sess. :.: I h.r Ds- fii'al anp Oft ill .ti. illl' it 1 I I.. - l r- - . vi i w -a;;re.-s, r.: oi.,.r U.S- .1 ;:.-t I tioi'si.eti ni a enveij e ; 1 .:ce s ,t tie' s-xr..i! t'r-i:s, n: 1 on tl;e ts. j ;.EW JiliMEI I! rt : h ve.I in ti e I:sxea- A LECTURE PY Pn. CI LVERWEF.L. s. rv, s :.i .:!.,, ; hii ic ! in s-a!d letter er- j v h ; t s, i, e f 1 1: v. T wo or ihriv ttarupa i f r p star.- v. id beav ) t.,l,!e. A : Ircrs, lb:. J. SMLLIN HOlGH iUN, NEW TAIW)H 8U0P. The unl Tsipied having ojic-ned cut a Tai loring Establishment, over the store roe.ni occupied by I). J-Evans & Son,reiectfulIy informs the public that the tailoring busi ness will there 1 carried on in ail its bran ches. All work will le done in the" latest style, with iii-at-H-ss and dispatch, and ujju the most rc.t.v n:dt; terms ROBERT I. THOMAS. Lbcnobur-.. May loth, IS'jI. tf. CYRUS L. Pr.RSIIlXtL Esy. Attoest-v at L.w.-, Johnstown, O-.nd ria C. Pa. li . . ' " l.iitv! Se.i U:.-trtist : I irzu.t-s : Jie;:n 1 ne i.u,tv. ix- , Afictions.f the Eves I':iMes on the Pace OX Ti!E CAUSE A XT CURE of S:-en.-.a-t-.rrh.-a, C -n-uuiptieii. Me;. t.d an 1 Phys-va! leiiity. Xrv u.-n ss E:iie-y: hep'thed Xv.tiitioi) t f the b-ly : Lrv-.-::tc..".c : V .ht.f.. of ti e Litiil'S and i ti e Bat k : n .isj.' shi n ami Inc.ip-.icit f-r Study r.nd Ld r ; I);.I2- re ss f Aj'j rtbtns-.oi: ; Iy..-s i M Aversion to S.- ie!v ; L -vc of S l.tu-Ie Se'f I)h-trtlst : 1 );i i i.i ss : He.elrt h rv. i i:.. Gi I'.ORGE M.REEH. Attkxit at Law. K EIh i.s.-,;rg Cambri a county Pa. Ofiioo in Odonade R .w. viii 14. PAMITILET LAWS. TIIE Pamphlet Laws of the last session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania have iVen received at this ofiice and are ready for li-trihuti?u ta persons entitle! to re ceive them. JOSEPH M'DOXALD, Prothy. Prothonotarj s Office. Ewcnburg, July 23. 1802.-33-tf. I li.v.i.r.ary Einis.-;. r. ! Sex'"U I;.caj.;e- i ity ; the C it.sc pticncei of V, .uhfnl la I.sre ; tion. &" . s.'c, j X7"Tiiis admirable Ixct'ire clearly pr ves , tb it the above ennnierated. often s.-ii' aflliet i tsl evil may le removed without l.it-'.i. ine ani vvithotit dauirerons surgical cj erati t;s. and should l re.ul by every y..u:h and every man in the land. j Sent under seal t ary address, in a plain ! teAhHl tnvtlef, n the rcecij t of six cents i or two postage stamps, bv addre.-sin.'. IV. CI IAS. J- C. KLIXE. ! Act:.-vr S.,ri:e n.Ih-wur i A-s... iaiior:, Xo. 2 i . nth Ninth Street, Phi'ad. Ij hia. Pa. j - . W- r.T. CORtVILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, DEALER IH 12T llowrrj. ei ofiice Box, 15S. . FLOUR, iRAlX. SEEP. BAtriX. sr;.:! CUREO HAMS. MESS PORK, BEEF. CHEESE. I BOX. NAILS, CLASS. WIIALB. TANNER'S AND CARBt'XOIL. NO. 2T1 L1PERTY STREET, (; posite Eagle Hotel,) HAYING purchased the interest ti bis 1 ;Te parti-ers. will continue the business at I the old stand, and will be pleased to receive Yorli, ICsl t'.e patronage of hia old frieuds and custvm- NOTICE. i The Ptckets of F. 31. George Esq.. fre in the hands of the undersier.ed. Persons j interested will please iotice. i P. McGOUGIL I Sonir.in, Pa., Jan. 22 I. 1662. tf. ' ryJ0V. WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE T this oi'Ticn nv shout votu f : ' AND AT REAS-JXABI.E TRICES. ' WATEB. CLSnK. AEB JEWELRY STG2E MA IX STREET. .JOIIXSTO If X FA Pittsburg, June 4. lS02.-Cm. s. 31. l'etlcnelll A. t o.. A tvertisiiig Agents. 119 Nassau Street, J,"ev York, and 10 State street, Bcst'jn, LEWIS LUCKIIART, leave t- n j nrtthe authorized Auents for the "liM nounce that he has always a larcand v.uied os hat A: Sestiml," and the n..t inihn n asSerttiicu of all the various articles K.eci.ar j t oil .ud larue.-t cireu at:n Newspapers in V his bu.-in-s.s. Repairs promptly and 1 th- UniU.l States ani Canadas. They rarcfullv attctide.1 t. l are cuitwercl t" couart for u; :tt eui .1. April. 17 15C1. tl. I.C i:i'.5:.'. j