) u Report of Ilie iuperlitteiit!ent ol Common St-liooli or Camlu la County, for Use Year cntlliis? June 1, Ho. T. II. lii atowtis. i'.t-'. I'c.- c?:-ji.4 : Sir: The fact that I was not commis lioned Superintendent of Cambria until the Gth of January, when the school term was mora than half over, and that I was ! not .1 i' .. .".I. ..1 -,r th.-. i ret-i :cs sat -'t - i ------ schools, will, I trust, 1 for anv failure on my I the different districts, I wa.- accompanied j hy 41 Directors. I found no trouble in 1 thf ! inr.Jinv of Directum, the " 1 J ... onlv. diincu time to hunt I am unabl Secretaries tciidents Ii: !; XV 31. 11. ULUIVS 11.1:11 I 1 Tl I 1 i I r i II II 1 I I 1 I I'-f-l l Iti- vrarli.l ,-.";! I .Mil ' Wfl 1 1 t f.7 J -i -J S - ' ml -1 -1 ml ml mJ mi -J J "J e.-n--.-- -- o . a wke i::aiev v-m a J i iiv to o.iv cae w u.we aui"i-.. wifi.. . . ' ; t- .- . . . ... .... i r. : - : : . . i .c n .:. i .. ' a sn: en. r.M iiti iiULr ULU.i..vir a n li.vr.i, 1i.mj.. -- i "l,u . ' KALI I KtAi ii. : 1U uswi. is a vomi..cie m-i in i-.-nui ncn.c , " . , , ... . B . "'. ' '.xr.tnrk$ad t---pcr,nt-n,h;ds. ' bOUE LIOUTHS j dies. A.',!r-.-s Wm. 5. Ik-i:i A C. Ti:L. j V''1 ,1: : v1'1!!1; , i-i.ivu ( iJl at i.AV-.i.uei..ur?. e to give the exact u umber of : CANKEB. , : e " i-cuud ; - ' ? , 1": . f 7 : -iV, ' .c -V " 7"r ' - - who acted as Itrict Superh.- DISKASr.I) HLKKDINO fil'MS. i iA-.n j-.iy. 1U; t.-:i..:t..t:rts ir.r.y I 7 : r.'.riC' -, I-1- O oa"c n- - - " - than iuu'r cr tve. .Some Sec- j A'- '--t ,,,, in t, f,.r ,., f.r t th--M.y..r a !V-1;!,::. ti.W.tin: I at l"-ir- ; O .t La. J,Lr-,-v:.. C. d they had i:o arra ut ; - ' 1 T. , . , , . .. f , ,rnT T or.Tr,r. T TTTTZi T7T :.. i" -: .VUtt' v..i - . . ' . ... l : ' ; ' 1 j i im " '-r - i ' ' 1 ' ; --. .ff i i - - , - . , t!H-fit, fjr uo one caa -.-t:rnate how much j ; p;iiu, su:U'i iu, i;ti!.rij;.;nc. tf. iinl ILlIurc- j : n.Lat. espttisA, V:s of time and inonev I 1 1 vouIJ le s.ivcxl to t;,e country ix every lam- ) I UhL'JLliJ UJiSIILLilUJ UlJ II.:.- preparation ma le from the l-it Ja- 1 cf Law, Ei-cnl urg, Cr-LrU c-.utv"; J" j Ofo" ou Main Etiett aJjLir t.s" Vl.-it 6iliciet:t aroloL'v tV.o instructions to dent 18 2 dece: are ment ......npr-ti.ii! r.t onlv four month..- villi the County Saperiutnid-rncy must be my ox tuo lor any imperfections m a report intended to'emhraee the operations of a vho'.e year. I shall cot attempt to pre pii the tnhv.Iar statement asked fr hy the iJi-psrtment, as it cutild id best he hut appr jximately correct, hut will endeavor to cive the required informatioM in ihe ordcr sufrirc-te i, and to make it s tm pltfte as circumstaiiccs will permit. Xric S-f'x! JLus-j.. This year, Alie j rhanv. -iackcc n, Clearfield, Summerhill ! sad iiichland each erected a new hcu-c live iti all. Of the one in CloK.ileld, ii-jtLintr ia known ; hut the remaining hair ire of a much Letter style than the ld-f-.shioned, uncomfortable structure? they replaced. They are all frame buildings, fcuSciently larze to accommodate all the pupils in the districts in which they are ncattd, well ventilated end comfortably and tastefully furnished, but, with the exception of the. one in Alleghany, a yet unpaiuted. Those in Alleghany and Jaok eon are built alter the plans of the JAnna. School Architecture. School Jiou-o.-t. The whole number of e chool-houses in the county is 1 4. 1'or reasons alread- prtven, 1 a:u unable to tate the exact number u::5t fur u-e ; hut we have a great many that are objectionable-, cither in themselves or their location. The ui'Rt prominent of these that have e-ome under my notice are two in Jaek ton, one in Summerhill, and two in ('host. Have heard of no h'.'.n-es bcinu refurnish ed durit:'.; the e;t. The I:rectors ti Carrolkon district intend to furnish their building the present summer, according to the plans tt the I'enna. S. A. The number et wiih wholly uusuitablj furni turo cannot be given, but i.s very large A majority of the school-houses in Cum bria are without suitable furniture. Have heard of no houses being furnished with uiuble or eou.-idorable apparatus. About one half tht echool-housea are furnished with good black boards; the remainder Me either without, or are furnished with black-board surface too .-mull to be cTanv terTiee. One-i":;:rth are tupplkd with Urthouraphical I. !,arts, and the.' witl the addiiieiu of a few m.tps and al-.-bes in T . 1. . ? . - . l-i .- ionuM.owii, anu iii:ips in jjoeii.t.-ur r.!!u Wilmore, make up. the sum total of sehoo Schook. Xo (T tided Seh.o ds were est;: ilshcd during the year. The only Cra ded Schoold in this county are in Kbens- ubrg and lhnore borough?. ALout one fourth of the schools arc well classi fied without being graded; the remainder ere neither graded nor classified. This want of proper classification will continue to exist instil directors not only adopt uniform series of books, but afterwards observe careful!' that no other kind is brought into the schools So.no Uuards have tailed to comply with the rccjuire rr.ents of the CouimoU School haw to adept a uniform series of book? while cvhers, having adopted Mich series by res olution, have tailed to exact compliance with the '- 'anv f -lure on n,v part to comi.ly with , km c v.lmt they wcurl receive. i i.e s-:- j . Af" " , 1 l..er-' Ag--ir..-, any ..ure on . I Jiutc.u. arics of these OtEcers seem to rau'.'c from -mp..,!y ' ti4 i-.e.-.v t.:-.t et tl c r k-r-.' faknm m. Em... v.l. , instruction, to ; !- y The al:,jur.t d ; m.-:ju a'., :b ng at,; un:,,:,g ,!1 impuri- ; 1". T. LI,,i they , e it " Viiil- the oOeial ad, of my p,e- i Secretaries lor seryues as JUstnct Supc-r- ; A S5WEKT lUCATil I UvuU ' Jssor r.re on record, hu unU varies from ten to thirty dj..- j f . ! - ; : not: and if I fail to give the .rart- the latter be.ng he su,:. aid U the , ,.y ,.u YoC,. i1ln1u;ma:; . alilic.fc(j i , snt all the information it reonires, a John-t v.n Hoard io the ccrcta0 . ; , ! J ;. I I'.L v. .i! miction of only four months with the le-purel to spend one .say m i l:.l I "di EAT 11 , vitl, th.,c artle'c i unty Superintend -ncy must be my ex 'n!-e -" t tl,,, J:f " ' Ll1 " ' sr-i d.lty r.j.pphi'r.' tlsi i ... y. f.-rUis ; Th-.y sue n-w . x.s- i:.h 1- w o for anv imperfections in a report fully perfonne-.i t.-.c j-ast va-?r y Jaio-s a ...j..,: ,.liri ul;a 5;. ;M ..,.,..,.! r,VoI; are ; c:. ::i.r t!. ii-.-1mi in rn.t,..l t,.mhrace the operations of a Potts, ll.-.-p, Rtid sfei.is to have teen i.ttc-n- i n.:. j v ,.v. ,-y phv-uiau i.:. ;-r v.:,o o ' f-- '-- l. : of a-. : l:.-ll-. ded with beneficial re-tun. No Id-tvi.-t intitutos wore hchi in tin county irii'LT the year, 'ihe new Mip- plemiit to the Se-tool l.r.w ir.:-.k'.s tnc orani-t-iiioti .1 lJi.-tiiet Institutes :i pv.rt of "the duty vf loth teachers and 1 'a c - rs. and every" efi"Vt viH he made to hr.ve its rrovi-. :.s fail 1. fully .b.-erved. X'-'i- ' .'(.-.'.'-' '.'- The Piblc was used th. t:-,t v.i'itir hi ni'Oiit one i. tin ot t I . i i n l.:o':i.!. a i:;;eatii iVi.-.-i- ! r ivi, eii re i- V anted. i). n-. i i:t.:i.. i- Wo!;. i .. V. ii I.! v. an i! 1 1 r : i. - 'ti :,. ;rket. 1 !. I ve ami. I t i:iakin Ii il.X. . tw.-t. V.'.I )'.'.' Ti l i.K V IT. IL E3LL0CI:, CLemizt. (' ::.(. r e-f ! and t: :. ti..:t M;e.::. Li.iV. i.i. And s. .d hy a'.! D-uticls zr.-i 0:.-.t. Min.ij I". J 4 r.::.Mi am nTrj tv "CTis. sei.ooi-. a! i tho he M.r-v e it i -; i -! i . I t.n. It! atu'.it i i:e-th;vd. fe.-.S to tilVO (.I'll t .r i:: v Catholic Catechi-m Alio! our teaebor-pro-moral il:stl liCti'jll. but with what smccc-- I am uiiath? to say. ; CV.mh m inciincd to think that teachers g.mcr- port: nee .llr. .1.. .... t.-.v tt.:mVler.t attention to this tn 111 ) ii I i " - essential Tart of theii duties. ExHMhi'tifh. Ut the two -'.i:.:i'- ex- finnnfiflotis held, one waoral an-I tSie etn ; er a combination of the oral an Kii nr. t:. xtsvsmivs o!'.-eii;e i r.- ..nj.e.tri'y v If;. 1: t-i :!... a Cf I'. ., "A It".: V I...'. t I iiLTSl. .- i I t i II i ' . ii..- ; 1. :,!: i.). :;'.!: is c -- il h''.iJii. W : 11-re.th to ti.C 'o!iie in of t'... .'.trs le- -..-II. is i:n- i ;.- o"- ' conia;: mgt.i.e ! . i: oi ! aL'f aln-ve ' t v. r.t . or: n c i t . f .- j r.--o. t i nvy j,--r :. v. i i .-ivin iii e . v.i!;. !.. , nr. ::Je!.t. Ti.-y eas: ' -j trr,fj I ro- ' r j ! tO I'l't.-e ff '!; ,' .: ilf'lll. . vrrs .w i- t';.-t:.-- c. 1, "I ' i ,- ' :2 ' .e.'.I n. v I-ai:g:ill aTi, ; n. I'i.. i;i . ;,h. .t i. l'f . -,-t i r 1 r 1 luv:.,i!:.' a d . t-;-I! i C . w; , --"'.';.v Scr:ethicjj for tLc Tinns! !! a mmn Emmm I. 7ArTTTP f' T.(n i-rr,-. AIIEHiCAK Ci-'l.IEj i. Li.ii t u -T.- 7 t ; r ai tin- h-tv.n- QKO. HiXTLY, WHOLESALE ANSI RETAIL ! :t.fn pi' lit ;. l.-.n.paired, ti ro,,..,; w int ol pr-per ;UUi.t:.,ii , fjf IIIV, C-OPPER, AND I J in:.- . ' '!!:' Nt s i sitr-"? ;!:.- 5i t ftc World Ivr Cer.-.e:.'.. .c: Wcr-1, L t Gl", Ivoiy. t,"j;:i.?, Jvildr, i ii-rne, lcrc;!ai:!. ...i hnrer, Cr:;., ic, t .i art ; t r. . . rXTI.A'.T: -Ev rv i.f. N.!;(1 , .. 1 !y ! .h.t.ns .V e"ii- e. Am-.-: . ,-. A-. .." l ,, . 1 ! : e ' iVi i.V: t 1 i . i vt AT . t KITTt LL. it- ? t Ce C o!tia:u;e i on. i - k on. wm. r. ni'i-.n's y.oi h w.a.-u. i. i. it l ...-. 1 written i . v 11. .. i. 1 .O. II 1'm;mii .'.I'.V, lMlil!l. Ij. JI. Price 37 Cents per Ecttle. A lii i-ir.! d .-:;!! lu.i.'.r- t i dealers. methods. The qr.e-tions prop..uniie-J to each applicbtit vrcro similar hi mtnr-i and I number. Lximinatuns w Hi i.oreaner no j Ad-!rt-s riUiripaH ii.:;-". 1 r:bui.e Duiid- a combination of tho oral and wiitten ( ti.'. No, 1 Ninuv Mn-et. .lew iorh. methods. I am enabled to grade nn-re ; roM 1,1 1 :.,.i.:.l,.1..a I.v Pyolt.V Co., 202 . , i t . -.1.. .....1 ; Ni.rtli i! S L I t v making n ; ; - - , ir-r-or:' r: V. Directors can more easily and ju lit i -.t-ly j L t l i ke their selections Hoiii a iarg en-.- , mt St re. t : : i n. .1 1 1 SIIEET-II; WAi;E, AM) lii-.ALJ.i: IN C.V.!.;;. Pari r. 1 Il.-.itii- S-v.-N.i;'.-, (,i.i.-. ..v. .V'i". II..- h.i.- i i , V . r-. ! i r i r-i w :.n h l.i- !1 a'lvat.ce ;; c- , I r '.s r Eb-i.-h::rg, Jn-v loth. lc ".1 iirtn a :.- J t i ;!. i a vc-rv W. i !, i ' -f .A", i.- i i- ;.!v..iys t i i vi i v 5 ive t f b w at ic -. l.i S M w I. ... -vK'-v. . '. N h.. j -.ii 1 :.; . tt. ma o SI . M il. 15. HI mt" MAM'IMOTO HY: ? Vt I t(i:i."llrrJ. ' Su,imc ' TOOTH POWDER TI .1- IV.- !. t;r.4i iJVFf.-" A'- :: .:... W'Ti ... 1!... .,-.i .ii n-on.-- nanna, nan sumniei i.ih.i The time of opening these sc!-.s, imme , diatcly after the beginnin-Z of the school- j rrar jinin-nrs to be Sllil ib'e. T he 51- f more schools are kent orcn four months wis,!,: oi '..','It.jk ! r., v : t ; Ciawf.-i.i tre-.-t. a U ii'. r .::.' Cra f MANCFA' I I KES Aid. KINDS OF i'm y r.; v.- ti e Iifce 25 Crnts jki- i;..ttlt ; V.-rv E.. i!.d Ei dr.vf. t . V. .. ! le-rsl rry-r r sde hv a!l Dr-:-'-k--p'-r g-'!i-ra'.'v t ! r i;i:::. i:t th- i J9EKS k C1.0SLTIY, ; (S ,- M. .n .'". :...). 7-s V.:i..i : ::::.:. . r ! I.. r. . t ARRIVAL JOHNSTOWN ! r' : i . PLEASURE CAPvRIACES, BAEOUCHER. CHARIOTEES, in Summer and Fall for upila under 10 years uf age, sind four months in Winter and Spring for tchclar over that age -This arrangements is rather popular in the distrioT. In Susquehanna, --l;-jlt of the schools are kept open in Summer, and ihe other half in Winter. Have had no means of ascertaining whether this ar rangement is porular or otherwise in the district, but it steins to be objectionable for the reason that i;i those d'utiiets hav in" summer schools tho larger j upds. obliged to work at home ut 'his fea-w-i ' f j the year, and haiig no oj port unity to j attend school in wlsuer, 1 ie tl, lr .-c!iO"i- ii.g entirely. The better pLu wou'd seem ; to be to keep uli the school- ojk-u in sutn- mop for sin.il! v.nri!.-. all or on i;i win- ter f or large ones, tlm Mr.nmer an I wniter terms being of the same length. lJip ( tr-t?-j ir. The educational in terests of the county .-oca to have b-.en little affected bv the li'-.-astrons conditi.ui of public :.n;!ir. East year a few district ha 1 shi rter terms than u-m.!. and the sal aries were smaller in nearly all This year Johnstown will h ive cmht month- three more than Est ye-.: OL'S riLd Ei.T!i S OF C2El:i.E, :,::1 i fr.-e fr-m a'l Acids . r Alk-iliw that rv. it ii; t! e h-it inlur, t;.e- 'J' e!i. 1 r- .o t;s !i; inih.ii.v i;i . ;u:cai. -iN.t.baix.1 wi-.notT ivnuaxu hi.: ix ECKAWAVS, tOACHES. SLKn.Ill'.S AVl.l.. t Dr-Vc. B. Hard's Too? h Pov dcr. j l nfummeti'Ii-i by :J! :: ! . i t I . : t !.--s. j rri Tiaicl at Dr.!! nr.";.- Ee . : .1 O.T; e. i N'j TT E..r.it'.i vice t. Er - !,!vn. E. D. v. lT.H'C -5 CENTS EEK !KN. A liher.d ilicount made to ji -a!t rs. Ad. ires.- l'rii.ci OP.iee. Tiioiir.e Euild ins. No 1 Sj rui e Street N'v York. R.i!.J in I'liiia-'iilnliia l.y Iv..tt v Co., Nort!, 2nd. tni t : O. d. ib;l.i.. ;i, 1 Ho Che-fmt Street : an 1 1 v all Drr-Ui-'-. M..t lit liea tocss al.- FCOTHACAF. DROPS. i' i: 'i n;: r v i.::!1;!! -j io all a v.trlt-tv t! m:i'-s of every li--!v. Cf KEEAIUIN J done witl h.-patch ThiHikfiil f'-r pa-t f.iV";s 1 e h. pes. 1 using g'Ml material, to nn-rit a e- nt:t;':ancc of the .atr.iage heretofore viw n to 'nn. Etr.-1:s wisli";:g to p-lT'-ha-- :i::v aiti.-a' in his lint, v-il do weil to cii : t hi- ..-tah- li-h:.:Oi;t : he e::i; ! -ys g ! v. hi.- vol k wili E' uil i rant: .d. I , l:ilT. 1st,." J-.I. r' t::sr En i!:r.L iiENi:Y Ei'ViEt:. : r Jim- nn .-K! . r .::.;: il a t -h" : -b r- ! the t-'. iu' and i est st;-.:.-; - : f EE-i.-l : -. V i ti.e ... the tr..v-.: .j ,. as.-nrc- v l. ; .1 pl;;d wiih :.l; t! ;.;s EAU with i. v. , i.e . :v h," di-i- .;- ta he bi -..;:r,rs , f !! i e '.i-. id--; ro'.i "11 . n : AC i' 'i n i ;f rt-.il ..er c.:.i ii i :) :, .. i i -t ..:e.l io :) c f e .n' : -. V J -.-pi i py L o. "M li". STONES. T.-i r..?i.iu u f re-: i U'. -t :.:'..; M rTi-lr. U;y. : c:..-.tp a- t : vi;V. wit:,.,at i ! t.lO- an E".:cn-I u; z. Aj.rii 1-1. i ',:'JJ:)y. Ei Esr.ri:c. eocndey. eayin; 'sn u.-.-e-l t e:.:Ii e i k and i ;-.' . r : :t ' -: tie El v..-t -.:g 1 oi-T. . t f.irui--". I. t .... V. J . i.hi''ed l.iy xp'..-(-.I .' .-. Is is p.n I ici'i-ll'l y :iiip!..lt.. ; i e 1,1 'o I: el. iit'iicttd v.it! T( nj I il At ;! Ii. P ui-.ts ca l r 'i-ve ih--., -tre-sing we irio.-s e i'i-:-i I v ;. iss of shi.i.i'. k V i ii 'i 'Six? t 1 'i4J t'l.l! Y1EEIAM hi -.ITI C, rue' t C.i. i ...: S- . . town ('. irni ! i-'.' - ! . " i'.i. t c.ir:',i .:- v ;; , ."--! ..::. ! E.e I'. il- a I ! i i oi i;:i. : n ; Mree! -I. I 1.- I'.iss' :.-er -itCl'ilr. nn.ifen 1.1 . eit .-'ufl 1 .11 . ht month- fore. MilKuie eihf n than hcretcfere. And n ot.ths .1 ....... i three m -re ttiau evci oe- lllhs t''l IC.i.re "animiivil-e six !';. wm. n. ui iin s hki::oc; ni the he l.-e. ho-part I it Er. Ihs- r Ee:.-.-.' :.i 7T Eonrth Street l'-r - klvn I:. !. "UK Kii'! A li'i.'. iii! '.. e- i:;il I:..: ; t-1 def , Ail-ire.-s nrincipa! (L'ii ng-. No. 1 Si.iii. o r-tr. t i CoiH'iuang!: , KEiCE ONLY E2 CilN E I : u: : i - ; t ik. n p - -. .-i- (!:::. :-W le 1 i.pV to i-h- ..f! ci."r. m an ii se si :.-e All if t'Vo n;o.h tl.es ootficis S.-l I in i .le'ol.ia bv - . S;r?; : (). with it, and tho schools in such district.-, I ! a.v liberal s d. have derived no real henctil from the ac tion of the Uoard. During the sumn: r and fall, the wca-Si'ty of obscr inir tlii secti.ui of the School Law will be tirgf d upon all Boards that have hitherto failed iu so doing. K.camhutt'on r f Tuirf.'-rs. The whole number of applicant examined puldiely lv Mr. Swank from the l.-tof June, ISG'l, util his resiirnativ-n en the E'th of No ie prospect lew is, that next wint- r t.tl ol the h-U'.o!-' ill the c-e.inty wiil he kept open four months, and that thetcni will be cos. sib a aUv l. iitluuid in many .t:-tneti that last N.c.tli Ci.i.-tniU Sin c t: ;.i. . Trd-nm N.-.s Y... i v tt vt x ' iiu. -i ! i t:'g',, ib.;:. Il : HOC T l.-l- : sr.Mii.'.: . '"i ! .' sij-i.-.i by 11 ie .,c :.!.o .-. ;-r.i :'.', t j 5 10 o;:n I ' l til. Yvld. B.lIU3lD'?i NEURALGIA PLASTERS, i e! ti e ri.it v. ib ! f id.- d V l.- .: be bi til J tl ;1 vt;:r oniv had their ... -, ,S i! rli I'j CtloUgU to Seel'.iC lUeil" - A J ! ' j '1 i'i '" Quite a number of s.'.b-cii; '."on eho rj ; t i 1 1 i CrIA. or To- thai i;.- pr .i.i- i- ! i y c Els. i l,ni.l li.AI.OlA. ' : : . t: .. ' 1 1... . ' :- ... t- . r 1 1, . l 1 1. v tin. t i'v i:.i' r :ttt-ii' are m-w open, .- n: ten or cviic 01 : , .... ; . , , 1 , i I iiev a t li..e a o im,. a:, I are I i tnese lnr hecn visited, and the rema-n- p.:iri..it A i ;.;,,-e; ,!o not i.r.-i id U as soon as I i i . I . . Er v:m- ' -ter. an i le.i-.e l.o nni.Iew -ant r.--l y - t II'. v. ; 1 1 i 1 1 - ; heh.terd: ; li.v-it ti.e i v itbbbi:. I.v l.N t : . e ' . s v. : - t i . ;:i- - of ;.I er Ei .ry I o:i. ! I ; i.:l:t - '. -ter.) s v '. . Ti.e ;e;- lis tbr.i -. V. ti. e";.er iu ti e !.:r: ply -i. L Li- 1 ..r . .1 be fur:: .-'...--Ci. a:..1. a:.-: or. re. to -o v:;. Clvit;:;. tM-.f:rr! .''. t , r-. Mill it Tii t s!ilg rii'.i liii-.cs .! e.is '. - ..f uny ki..-.' tl-.it may be i.c-v-;e.i : I, e ci ...ii.;;: ii , by :i :. t C. .. r ii.e c . e:r, he :.. ..i- v.. i;. ;r. : tm-ts be v. ill rc-v . .i liberal n.:. i'i- i:. tb. -f i:: v- it f I'ii. i 'i; ";.b- i.!.e. Ab: i'u -b i-i .::e 1"..;:;. V- . i:iv. au:! uLrc -.. M.vrrh 22, 'o.-.-tf- U. isol. A'.t 7A ST;t;;;t. JOL'XT'f d A' 1 ' i EEW: EE' E1EET. I,;:- : ave to ic'-.n.-. t- 't ...1.-. aiwai.- u i:r..e..:..l :.-S rt.i.i ti ! all ti.1- .i!.v'.s ;.r'.uie-- : 1. :-.i.. 1 1" T van- X, 1M- I leai- . r rc. :-!, T-ai-l to -. : ;i c . i i : c I . as he lb.'..- : i ! tf !"rii it tf t I if k. illiljiillll 'v IT i.. iTw. Ab :r"rrr iVulllO .i t- o l v..r.. 1 i . i ! X --i ceo n At ril. IT j;. j lf l-1 I? ill TAILOR SHOP. .-t i. t T-A r ( EAY.'Et dll. IT. !- 1. tf. ;er ir Lhenl.urg Apri ";.-!.:; - :: : i 1 lh.l.Ec. .' -r:;: ti - pel :'c t ) s w ill il , r- i v cc -. A.i v . rk w;Il ! .1 :e. v :t: i.e..:-.. s and .bs to .v ,i i: b:-4 -I -I lii-e'i v. ; . i po-ition cf.the p.'.t aiid rc:-ent c.iT to build better hou-es. p:iy better salaries, aud have lonr.-r school terms. V.'. A. Sou r, f.'o. ,S'.o .'. ember, was lS. Xumher i-.vomined I tatioi-s of winter rrivately, 7. Total. 105. To l-J ..fl about the middle of October, ;.:! these applicants, Pro isional CVriilicates 11 e UIlt every school in the c ounty has were granted : the remaining 15 were re- been visited once, aud as manv twice, as jected. Since my appointment, 14 teach- I '5v,'l pcrmit- ers have been examined privately, at the I J'"''- '-- Srnta.in-t. .i:lion-h io s-m. refjueat cf the E -ard of lirectors emjh,y ing them, and received certificates. At public t xaniinatl' ii ;. -IS Provisional Cer tificates have 1 ceu issued. Acting under instructions frvm tho- iK-j-artment. 1 also issued, at the County Institute, Pruft.v-'ion-al Certificates to 9 teachers holJir rjrst class Provisional from Mr. Swank. It thus appears that, during the year en lintr June 1, lriG2. 257 applicants have been examined, 242 Provisional aud 0 Profes sional Certificates granted, and certificates of auy kind re fused to 15 applicants. Yiitiation nf X,..s-. Previous to his rcignation, Mr. Swank had visited In schools. Since my ajointinent,f'0 schools have been visited once 3nd 14 twice, ma kiug a total of 104 visits. Whole mini her of schools vi.-ited ence during the year, 10S. Number visited twice, 14. The average duration of these visits was two hours, a part of the time being jpeut in observing the tcaeher in the discharge of his school-room duties, and a part in hearing classes myself. With a few ex ceptions, au address varying iu length from ten to twenty-live minute? was deliv ered in each school. Iu my visitations ii. I :. V. 1. l: Hl-.il. M I I'.AUHA 1-i.AS.l 1 I.-. i.. er tail to i.iw. :-.'.Ef .etioa to all ui,.. te.-t tb' ir vi; tt!--. Eicmircd at Er. Ilm."'.- Dental Oi"le, No. TT E :;;!: St:.-t. lb- . -hlvn. E. 1 . EKIC11. ONEY I'. CI.N bS KAl 'E V ni..r:-.l .i i i . .:. .'..... u.rtr.cts there IS Const '1. rn'..C opp-:ln.. ; A. 11 c-s l';iu.:lj ;.i O.ib-e, 'i': i ;:iie lb.bd to the sttm, aaJ only :l lukewarm foil- , iu :s. No, 1 ci.ru-- Sire t, Nb -w Y.-'k. ing in its favr in nthrr.-, the picvaiiin : S M in i'i i i -'pbi a l v i-..;t ,i 0..2:'2 sentiment is fa '.orabU . and t: at opt o-iti m N-'itn 2nd orce; : . J. iiuli, mt is fast dvinu i-way is indicated bv 'the dis- Che-ti.nt St re..-t ; a:, i l y ah D.-.i.-t.-. Dec, i s el ,;i E3SWS3UKG PA. .ic.iN a. :.e.m::. r THE. I'KOKKIEiO:: v. to - n e r i:.: ii ! ti .f the lil-era! a.- it !.:- h. r.-:.... i fan will alv. e - .e .1 it h:- i.i.,r.-t lite... is. l!i ft.il e i- h. -. : i an a".t t : .... : K. !.i c.lcrg Air.17 1-., : . -or. -pare a o -. iC b 1! !i.e U1 th.- U,l EE KoIiKKE D. TIK y lit,., 1 1. XXI) . t i ... EAniJESS! Ai;D SADI'LLRY I :n i,- Ib- i : '- i '.1 as. I ' . "";( 1 ii; ir.:.:. b a.- . ;tps c :.t:-i . 1-3 i I.V: ... I Ij 1-. t..-. 1 b e'r. 1 .. MAIN C : i i I , Eor !EE N'-TIC K. We an. rnl bv tnii! Er JOHN B. FROiVIALD, ieaeek in 'O' leeei Vitl- i-b-r- t' ! one orm.-re..! lr. Ibios i t Dental le ::.f biv.-, w i i. h we cT;--t f.".. , ; None arc m.bhi! 'o ixeept the A". .',.';.',( ! ., '(''.?,''-. u hi. 1. We .-cikI o.l re e'l t i !" I'nee U" cent-) an. i : c t;mp. lint to no-.-:-.-! " ad.tte per.-ons tu p'acc-, where the t!;;:gi ,ts ' : an 1 s-tor. keepers are lvhis. I the age, we! i nave put up p icK;ues m w., te c-mh ,s-ed mm mANHFAGTOiiY. WiELlAbl E. EA'l It-.N. JOIS.WEIUV I 1. ALL KI.IOT m FINE MNcl.'l D .AFT 1E.1ND l:d CiiEC,; 1 EM S, 11AET1 i. WUIi'S. HA'It 7:l.Y.V i. .. vO., AFT KARMESS, K1DLES. ElDiNe. liil! 1 'I. MS. i.. '.le t n t i -d f..;i. :' r " ' ' ..1 v . .-!. rt i. - i e i-- -! 1. .- lliCe-s Mi a as cotnn,' .-.i Wi a:rS EretE.irk TfiHIMlXGS. EMDR Oil) II ILS, CLOAKS & SHAWLS, boxes, seven inches hy f- nr. v. ith e-.mi.art- ments ca?h box cont.ii:iiii a lo!tI" i.f I r Ci.a;is, Yienna Ch-..ir. En-tic Chair-, Eim Ikui ed Chairs. Soeiabb- Chairs, C' - -- L .."I i lhud's M.uth Ifoxi. an-i Tw.f'i.t ! Ih,.ps VLdlir fdl lL;.'aUc, a box of Too:, l.,r...-r. the I'!,,, ROCK IXC. CIlAIKS. OF EYEEY SIZE ; er. and a valuable little Treatise- , n Tt. ta I C 1) R I Vfl C I? 1 (Mil H (' OHdthe,r Jht.:,.i. th-: best nu-atu ,,f j.rtsr.-o ; fil 111 All I31i.l 1 I H.lllL) I nii mem, awi i ,e jn--ir irem.ncn! of CLiU (hen's Tedt, worth of it.-elf the eatire cost to every young man or we-man, or parents with youm: children : w ith sundry othei articles ; prue n-r pa kage one iol!m; r,r six whh h he w ill e!;.-p..e-e f ;.t E-.v i;s-h. llss w.irk is all arr.intcel, pnd l-e-inz es 1 e:;. ::e .!. 1 yi.i the U-st of leather h, .U Worii. i iiacl.fii! f -T lm-t f ivorc 1 i. . i .. ..... .- . . . - 1 : .- " i1-- y i... i.-i. i, on I I'Usir.e-.s to merit a c a:.ee of the pitronage heretedbre so ly c;.u:. .vil in Ir.m. j Shop a few doors West of the M. unt .:n 1 II use.' II ITS 11 ",Il V - v - 9 A'l C'vt ! 1 V e- a ( ,i srv T-ie. 0. -.-ly. . e , ti i i , i. r ' packages lor , scut oy express as directe-1 ' rct7 A11?1, k'rts 1 Lfumy, End- As the Kxp,-, charges are not much, if anv ie ami Children s Shoes, Cloves, Hank- j more on a dozen than ou oi.e, :t u fare-htaii creh'ufs. Fancy Ge Js. notions, Vc, ic. : cr to order six or d.zen packr.gea at a tin-p MAIN STLEET, JOUXS l'OWN, pA. A largc famiiy wid wan! all. or the -uSs Nov. 20, 18G1. ly. tan Le diM.J of to l.t-igl.boia with i uhlic Settees, I.nngcs. A.C..&C. Kbei.sburg Pe-c, 11, ISOI-tf. NOTICE. m. m mm. m m. m mm IIiP l,K tf.lc r V "M i ' - . iiaIlie ir!-llV VeTS U II-'- UABINtT Y URN TURE in the l.a , 7.f .l t.:.-.!, .t business: rm. Evinir mnc fc Nov. sALDLrnri saddleh: oi t'"u' ' rpP.Fi SCESCKIEEK we a d i' ;i ' ';Jrl X ir-E-rm the ei.iztns of Eb. ; " ; surrou:..a;:g c-'-ui.trv. that lie ; -" : Saihih rs si: -. iu the I a-e i:n S dwelling l-o-a, on II -rr.tr s'.reti."1 -i is prepare.! to furh-h t er.hr mo -t na-onal le tcrn.s, every J t i Saddles. Uridles, and HarLc.-s At. : llavin; oi cve-ry oescnntion ami of late.-t interested wili r.lea; ne-t'ee S7TZ.ES. H777 VII (?' 7 SL IT THE 1 p. JOL'GII Tastes of all, J u, ra.. j .:. 221. isc2. tV li.ai.tUul leT T.;4t favors, he u-. r.i. OVllii i woikuien. and usir. the list ia..'i - - all Ids work. he hopes to rerr:.t a: ! a liUral share the puilic- patrer Couutrr T'T. dure at i ll !--. ITT-JOli YOr.K OF ALLKIXDSDOXE f ,r Wt,k. a , ! t! c hiLc.-l ru.-." AT THIS OFFICE OX SHORT NOTICE ' '"hauge llowe.E Novvmher 2r.t!:, v. AND AT KEASOKASLK PFJCES. i ;b(.;.ur lilf ii.-. resp. et- fully solicits a libera .sh.ue ei public patron- nz". Clinton Street, d.-hnstown Cimbri.i