u u I t f) I he 3 K : r3 ! Sr. a El , i 2 51 77E BLESSIS'GS OF GOVERXMEXT , LIKE THE DEWS OF HEAVEX, SHOULD BE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE, UPON THE HIGH AND THE LOW, THE RICH AXD THE POOR. X. - IT' i J 1 I S3 ii !j 3 i? a iS N : M ill V ! i e JvEW SERIES. EBENSBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 25, 1S62. VOL . 9---NO. 29 5 j y "7AKF.n. tie financial -rv''rtl: ftl ways been T " f"r, n as seccnel oi '!' .1il i 1 J ? rnnniir.rs lion. " OF ISMAXA. j ,',,' 11 une of Representatives! V.ju '21st 1SC2. al policv of fi considered ly ' j.nl honor nml national exist- f" :: nation can Ioiip: maintain r .r'l.'ex!tance which niake an i;n f r,"-.-i!Cst uc of the resources "f its 1:t. ' "i. o fi-rxlaniontal orincinle of v ----- k A lihcrtv that the citizen shall : v the wealth which th: 1 alter i'f Y.'r-A eXMtrts rom the 1.jsti. of tlie earth , ii!v to that portion winch lie may I j . CaiiO' I ilj'ou i' i v i-ji vi. v. i'ivi-. V:V-..vi-ir.titent ;in.l the lU-ssin;s of so i- S.r He has ili i.oriini-m over the i.,f lis toil hv Vii;.e rizht. nii'l v.-h !i , ,: :t is inv.illed hy th Oovcrnment. a ! impolicy .r frnn l. aifl the citiz.-n i i nder the forms of law, it Ik-coii-. s '.(t ohttv t.t repel the ii.ra.-ii n ami -riii"i-r. In a free Coveinn;.' i t ,.,": !. through the peaceful in.-tru;ncn ., . halJot-lftx. ami a change in tl e ' - pc p'e who ar rc,ir.pt1!f f .r . T . .rv o;-prr s-'on. In e"!i.-r.. r.l i'- TH'Ttular vr i.o lias no weight aini ; "., -Irani, the toj'ins mi'.li ms. vhf -r. ,.' v er.i'vre no m- re, ci.f .rce jtistj. -; . v...-orl. Hut the r.irht t a ir.au V .. ,.r aTl circunistaiices. i an i-i!,etert .! i! : ir'.i r.atnre has hell it safn-1 ; .i rnd ci.f. rccd it in every form in hnn-.an wHI can aort itself. i.t-n le.t to ttiese oosrrvaiions ov T'.l lv conceive to he the nrS'ti'ml. ' r':".':or.? svtfm r-f finance wl i- h r ;mi.o-eil np. n tli" profile of this -v within the la-t twelve months, am! I l,;ve not the claims of a'e or : ': t :i f rieiic. yet I brj: to he ean.li.il v ! v tli" lion4 ami the n-nntrv while 1 .': iv v v:r w in that reear 1. Thcwints. "v"-! p-. f'.e hop"!. t'o fenr. t!so feelinir tr e thot'.'i't- fi the lalrin classs are '.'Tii'iar to r.-'f. I was lorn on of then. 1 in their mi st, ami prrtooK o tl.e:r t 1 represent s-ncit a re-'pie on mis i;r. : 1 f-.t-l PiV heart sw-U with pn.le when T h i :o :nv tvwivI the nonest. me toyai, ii o a liijent. ar.'l the inh:s'.r."n roretltiiercv L . ' ' i i r v inierps' ji i ; 1 1 " iimi! i.ti i . i-ri-.rc 'r.v in tie il'-trihiUion of the hiioler:'; of i O 'verrment sha.T 1 mv tt eme to dv 1 5 :?!i solemn rv" nee I here s.iv that pi -ha'l prove faithf il to them to 1 lie ut- t -' r.i ai;..fy. ano t!:'is prc-mofe the t c-i-:-, i f .Vvrican pr.-pperitv ar.il dorv - 'v ti.-l, i:; I.:." mrrcv, 'T'-a with n'.e an1 ing clrea l of recognizing an Appal'.ini: trc.th, j that m one year from now it will he equal we have an unusual silence in official nuar- I to one sixth of evt-rythinj; the jj-ople poess. ters in reganl to the extent of Government 1 No cunning avA stiuiieil speeches nia!e to liabilities. We are, however, relieved in a reai measure upon that point, hy the piate- niisln:if ami ticcoive can hule th3 mikel fact that this U the peopled leh!, am! that they ments which have been made from time to J will have it pay. t.very sixin acre or ifn-t, time on this fio..r. and especially by the I every tixth ox, every sixth horse, every sixth chairman of the Committee of W'avs and sheep, every sixth hog, and eveiy s;xtii Uol Means. Mr. Stevens, j who lias a riirht, to i lar. under the financial miMiiana-eiiient speak on that suhjtct as ore in authority. ! and fraud of the party now in power, will. From that source "we learn that our ex oci'i- i in one year from to 1 ay, he covered and dit. ires have, for man v months pas?, exe -o.;- : swallowed up by the amount t l t ie liovcrn- j nor the cre:'.ti..n of h mot hani:.- ed the enormous sum of $:j.000.000 per ! uent debt. It will be final to an ii.teri-st , can war thor.-li a f.reiirn and di.-tant one,i lav. One vear's expense at this rate every taxable substance in the lan.l of xv hich we pakl the . Idier substantia'. v tl reaches the sum of S 1.005 .000.000. That I sixteen and two-thirds per et i-.t. l-.v ry i-u our indehte :n- ss at thi-- nvmcnt is o.jua! sin-ss man knows that in the private trails to that vast nrnot:nt will har.il v denied i anions of lite Midi a rate of intent ts a by anv iutelli-ent and candid person who speedy prelude to individual tuiii la l,mi has had the opportunity to oWrve the jfo I wi- pays it ; ai d the nat;. n "U whieh .-neii fusion and recklessness with, which the re- a w. i-i.t is impose.! is on the hunk of ,,vor- .r, o-l tl... rndit i .f 1 1 G. avrr i , n-l-1 ' V.he! Pl: 1 V' b Oik I U p'.CV. lit t Ills CSl llllate it hi r.tit, sir, I am well aware that I wiil lie ! of Tennsylvania over which supplies arc to met l:ere by the familiar cry that these ter- le fchippe-d. aud he is invcstetl with th con. i.on; t -Apcin-uures are necessary to maintain the existence of the Government and to car ry on ti.e war in which we are enaetl. To tr-l t,f $-2,000,000 to purchase equipments for our ariny anil charter vesse's for trans porting troops and supplies. lie takes uo oath, and gives no bond." o o " Such a system of public policy must lead inevitaUy to personal favoritism at the public expen.-e, the corruption of th? public morals, and a ruinous prolliacy in the expenditure of the public Treasury, or p.inizin an army f.f sappers '.n.l miisers whoso covert assaults on the nation wou'd s.-arctly bs hts effective than tlie open as saults of its traitorous cnemus." I'd holiest adiniil- i . , ..1 :. . istration r f.Tam. s r,-k. in i.r. porti n to ., c " . . . , . the numb,,., enal-man f r Ln-but f. U? ctnry of ar pretend th.,t little more than ,.,.e.f,.,:rth the anio.n.t x- t"c,Mtwd. peril and the necessity for im- I inc-ii.uc action jusi.n-.ti iu-"-c ris;:oi!Mi ie lx : jieiiJitures of the jitibhc nvniey uiih r.o stt U' lt.ent for f -ur months aftt-rwar ;s. ven if this auction I return a plain and explicit denial. From whatever quarter it comes, whether f.om high places or low places, it is not true. The public debt up to this hour. Iand to the extent of its fearful proportions na.Mioi neen tne wrkel a national necessity. i nt w-xt- in the same that we pay him now, cjst this Oi vernment. under tin pen d.-d on a w;tr w:ed anioiin our very ih steps. Of comve, I, In not d-nv that heavy i ave been used si::-e this ni-.-t tt'.-natnral i will be seen t!;at 1 have taken the figures . I j exjuiuts have been properly incurred ; but j trife fell I ke a blight upon the land. A i the census report as tUy w.te ma.le wh.-n j that fn.'vi and ciin-o in their darkest hues i; i S B : i 'tie more than . ne ye;r ao we beheld the mflained and wrathful visatr" of civil w:ir for the first time disturb, like a hah ful comet, the peace of this Uepubl.c. Sine then 'oattli's have iwe:; fniht, jnal in mind ers en'.!U' d, iu l.t-i oi.-sui of coi..?ii-s and in the ha t' v !. ;.''- tii. .-lain, to the re- i powned copihcis of ;rv icnt 'orv. Viotorv, t.-o, under ;m i.vi-t ' :.'::iu Pr vidi n c . has ohosc-i th '-t.iiihtrd of ti e G iV'TVnicpt. apl eiT arpiii s are s-e adilv prrf tatmcr that iriep-f sc. pe i f c initry in which the ban ner ".f rev. h.i. been r -.itcd. 15 ut ass-i!i'.i!'.'4 that the spiiles of fortune ". !M coutini'o r;-st i:j op i'.nr ario:-. ..roi that n rv-rs" ro in sf.i.e f. ir fitir trcvps. '.ii." is l.htir.er to the thinkin" to i.d copsideripu ti-e an ovcpvl c-Jminj amount I the uni -i. tiled calm of pe.i-e and pr. sikm Ay t have f.Wol'.eu j gave to property its liiiiiic-t vi.nte. tie pecuniary liabilities of the peojile, I i extent the ravages of war ha e depretiatt-d I stand n a.lv t prove. I shall ask no man this v.ilue it is iiiijiossible to calculate: but j ft decide without the evidence t" sustain so ! that the. property ol the pe. j d e ( 1 the I nit .1 j serious a ir I ..-n- the pi rrnr wf hive l en :n a nv t vf-p, -i-dmis war. It ps : e-'i t:;' first. pr.p rti irs rf tt- T,:e p-.zti'tniV. .Anv - e viV j. . st.irf-- of ti:;s ro.hct t'vit ' . f this l ::ivc"tV -.-- t T"a'1- " w;:;.:!i its uvi.t; nv nn : vet pot'lltiS is plainer to th which r s i'vs the fntur- bv oast than th fact that the cx;o:i-is r.f ti is Government for the ensuing y ar will fu.ly j eijii.tl. and most iik-ly surpass, what -e have witncfsi t in the year that h.-.s j-.s j l..sed. .s nr ar-nies push forward their : Oohur.Tisipto t' distant parts f a oesn' iti d j and inn ovrishei and h-sri.' mviitrv. tho j difl-.cu'tv ."il l cost of th.-:r Mprrt wi!! ra- ' pidly m'-'tiply. The value ef transpi rta- j tion v. iM almost double the i rice of theores J transported. There has been mti -h find's i jested :sn.l crude I'oehima'i m on this fl.tr I in rrird to snbsisfing nur forces or. tl pr- ! diic-s i f thf coni.try we in. a e. This. ) w- i ever, is siniplv ore of those unse.hstAnM d theories which, unhandy f-r th" r..v!irv. 'ave ph-ntifnllv abonpited in this body since r-ur national cahipiities; came upon ps. All the "reat authors on the art of show'war its absurdity, and our own experience has j already cxp.-flci it- it itns alreaoy !en j found that where ore army has swept over j the (vip:!rv. 1 ut a barren reception aw;iits j a-.t. thT : and esr c-id!y is this the eas when j a retreatinc: army is 'mplled byth" str- n'cst i Piiiit.try re'.s- ns tn h-.ive n t! in f ir t' r -iv- j States is tt-day w rtii mo;e than two-thirds j .f what it was otm ear ag", win n.-t l-e iie I ! tetide 1 : and to ti.e ext ut : that d p-c i a- I ! tiot. is the pro o.tion wh eh tie pu'-ik- j i debt bears to it increased. j ! Hut again. Iy the census rtp. i t f.om , which I have ju.-t quoted we fiuO tn.tt ti e j p. p:dation of tin: United States in the year i lsno was a little more than thiity ntiiliops. ;(.!' this j-i uiatiop al-iut five millions are ; voters. A ue incut's ca'cu ati. n in ti.e ' siinj lest ru'es t f ;:riti.rnelic sinovs t'.iat eacii ' i:i iiduai v. .ter of the-e iii'e n.iiiii us is in debt tj-!.iy JU0 on account oi" ids pmpor ti -itof t!ie iinnu d txpen-i..s. a:.d that one I year lance he uiil l: in hht H00 oil tin ; s;-inc a. ci unt. asure. fp: I d. he to -j etk ki :l 1 r.i:In--r ni I make it. sir. with r.o I lit not in such things. I I i dly of my fe'l .wsnian. I '. aise than censure. Pef re i mv gr. it .In.'g" I can say tht there is ! not! i n; in my heat t which desires to dra; ' d.iwn r won:..! any l.-unian Ix-ij g in the ' wi ie v Id. I v.-ould rather I '.ft men up. if ' in my power, than abase them. I loe.t'. ' their a -pr-tbaM' n. Hut when there wishes ; and. ds;rs of mv heart vtand in t!ic wav nf I my public duty, they must all be suppressed. , j ,1'-t'' h.-wever ungracious and unph a- j .Y..iftable irM.u p., ;i .jVct nn- V.. ere had be-.n t:o responsible and ox t.-i-i-enced public efiicvrs in New Yolk to J fcif.rm the duties?" On t!;e subj-rt of buying arms, as ci.-d.-.-.te l by the late Secretary of Wr, the c .n.n.ittee -tatea loss of over ninety lh "Usai d l -liars to the Govei t.m. ut i:i oi e transaction, and ny : " Xo G jvermri.t that ever has existed can sustain itself with such ims rovidenc? in the management of ita a":aii s " In regarJ to the purchase f hcr.-cs and wag. .iw fT the public s-.ivice the c. naulttce siitn -jjt as f.'I'.ows : It appr..rs from all the evidence nhkh is detailed iu the rec -rd of evidence acc ni- panviu this report, that the parties to tl.ee The liahihtv of mv Indiana, accoidiii; wl.i h ha Wen enact, d :.ait i r bv ti e pre-. lit O ngress will -v S JUO.Of'O.ftoo. ..f which cnoi lnolls sun. the people 1 1 tlie dis ti:ct which I have the hon-.r to r j-res.-nt v.ill Man ! charged with S tnctiiii g over twelve ii.tdi. ns of l. .liars. Where, sir, iu all th? dieary histoiy of j rotl.cate nations were over such burdens as t! cse imp .! ..n the should, rs i f any peo ple in so slioit a time The 2n..uiiii:! .tit. most be performed ; and in the case c-r.sideration it seems, to my .toons justice d.-mands the The authors of a grinding the weary hands of honest n-.ipd. that ri-i task l-ef ..re me. t xto;tii. lo rn own gredt State . f j j.,i..irs iXTO er.enttes to the human race, and to the. line of saxaiioii j tn .,,, j ie5M treite.. Sir, as e irly as hit July, when this Con gress first met in extraordinary session, the taint f corruption was perceived in the at mosphere of tlie capital, and a committee, since so celebrated. as r iis'.! to inves igate a,-:d to exposf-. The restnt of a r-rtion of tl lai . rs f that comtnitw is licforc tLc country in t'-e shnjx? of n volume cif ever e'even luu.hed p.ifs. The majority of that c .ir tnittee are f:ien's of the party now in priv.rr. and the evidence which thev have furnished is entitled to full credit. Would that a volume f it couM he placed in the bands of every tax-paying voteT in the country! I's .1 rk labyrinths of proven Ctiilt oti jht t" ,-e expired by" f very itite'.'iv .-pt mind. I'.y the solrmn testimonv of .ri"t! t UrSU"-r. I..st-ee i v fi d !. and war. wih i ,i a--. la t I e - t " t i : t -t .11 s:strn e i f is t l- l f n tiien marks i iro-i mailed ban . s 'ircr.-s the lio-om i f ni- nto s-e- :ty. .Vt t'.-. i- r- e rr.r. at the he ! -f rf- . :.:.a n 1 ,TM .rf. 1 tl e n 1 read v r an pex- o.titv. Tl octmtrv hi-- -'-.w. d '..'. -nd throughout ad it - v t i i f.-rvid h-vc f r the G.ver: tad.ers p.adc i. Ti . t . so-.".' nc.d as it may seem to s. p.e. nr f :( i.i war is rv.iK-y, phdr Vi-'f.o it nrn-des doi" t p.i- ve and t !!..;. an 1 the purse ..f the n a- ' I ".i d in the pockets of the p"o . in v'.nv t f these facts, what has . "r-e f.f those in authority sine. c. -r.p-.enred in regard to the tjreat ! nati .Tial ecof.oiov? II ive our ;i - cirt-f-il-y husbanded ? Have rv-n-ys be n strictly guarded h i:id i f tlie plunderer? II ive our ;h p's hoen held to a rh:id accpnta t;:;-;r use tf th" hard earned reve ; ' utitry? Has fuvmrial integrity " ' ''itnhiet of thos.: iu whom the their trust when the present r ''! ... c;,im: in to jiower ? Has ! . b.rp nbsrtd by tho-e t .cir way to popular confidence enunciations of toe aliened f-rmer Administrations? I a partisan nor in the stunt of I can rise altove all such cn- : hr.i. these are cjnestions in ' i" ".! . f all parties h ive a deep ' ;':,, i:rj interest, and they are t -i whi.'h all m.-n in e- erv part '. ;'ry who desi.-e an honest adniin- i '-Tlr T lll.tir o.V.ir n m -i. q .l.-in.i I'- s-;-:-, t;s ami startling emphasis. The 4 !7 niu-t cf.me. and of which im I ' -t. r.'.s-.ry will make an everlasting I N .ne w-hteh bows the head ami 't-k of eu-ry 1 'vcr of his conn rue with humiliation'and with ::;re ! :-.l(:r:.i:i I ,w- ri.ne t'tut iA i ere -1 d to a-' , i' ted i: I 'and n'-ver I'Tov.- :i -. i. . fs r - ar -s" l a 1 V f' tl e:r V '. It.d 1 a- I r the will ; t" Ull. ns ..f I ti t a a I T rr.:st V; n' re.! will ! . 1 1 e rerrafi:.ir ?oi; n, h'-e.' r :d.!e t p ee: i's in r-fs. ,! !;,h' will be h ft n:i; :-re :: ff, ar.d tl- ,t ilt oved. Mur fut p'v tr t'-.s ve move with our armies fr.ni the :a! s. tno- uirioeiitir.il tl-.e public e ;!. hi Ules at everv step. It IS S-'Fe. tlidi. to c .nchide :1 at the year tint is to r-p.n. and r. wl i ii we are j.,t entering the .i-c.nl y. ar of war wi!' swell the inde' ted of thi- (b-Ve'T;!!.? n o tl e ahlT-p-.i:. r .-UP: ,.f 000.000 f:oV T!ds anennt wil' !-av accrued, ab. :i the faiiiv cadcl ip.oi task of inee'iicg taati. . I' is -i task low beholds, the time the tojbi ci!:- p is to cr.niT'K !,re the -vr:irv ins av. fn! proT.oi ti. ps by . that no eve whh h ted chl Id IS s'i:i will ever see c- P"! p1 f I - i n. and v ill pot 1 f .1 ? k ca'mly and carefully at a few r,"t rf alluriiij and captivating "t ti res of cold and repulsive re- vail w hich a pleasing and hope- J weaves around its obj-ct with r.v.i i - I StTV 5 1 1" ' -nle t!ie people int.. a slumber- - 1 si) . r , . . i - ; , ' s- 'tiriiy must, lie torn away, f. n-' '"'d 1 e hid from the honest eve irar .oV.i-iy. It is the duty of the If 'T,T,:,at',ve b fully portray those facts . "'' 1' stance on which th governintr J "T thU ,rce fountry, the people, will ! - ca!h,l upon to act. i :n .re than a !-n- .bed yars. who will e-seape the v'sits of the l-Vdetal tax gatherer in the incessant labors of future rreneraf "ons to wear awav the se idy dp ipl .iv.js of a pir pet ual tax this mountain of debt. This is no hiiih wrought or extravagant statement, hut a sad and nv lancho'y tru.'h. as each sue reeding v-ar f the approa.-hing future but v-i:l but too trulv bear witnfss. It is slid, however, le-e an r-h ew- he re thr u:crh;ut th country, that we arc a na. J ct.i;di-n of Israel, captives in the brick-yards 1 ol Egypt, were sc ireely nioie si.ive to their I HjMi.ui masters than tiiC Ann ri-an people ! w i.l be to the constant demands and exac tions of tue nitional debt. It will coin Hpitn them like the lean and hungry kine risiiir from ti.e river of I'haroh's dream to devour ihe well favore.1 Tind fat lh-shetl c.-.ts lie i.f all the land. Tell me not c f the bless ings of a publie debt. Ti.at cry is simply l iicche.it and f..lshoo l l w hit ii nu n tvim ! :;e at-ti-ed licir authority set k t t cover up ! the outrages which they have ii.Jht.'.l on a j cot. tiding pei le. It is as old. t , a- ctiine ! in l.igii piac s, r the j iin ijl s if i a.-e i ior- n: ti e heart if m. in. Ti." I'liara m; - i .i -J tu - l'e:'l ov r their hoiohd g Or s. ! ih- hi'igs l;.il.hn on their caul i-sil yil-!, Alexander a. h;s ecorgv banqu. ts, tt.- ( S.dtau in tie midst of his s .fl i'.o'ia.ic( s i.l ) j tX ensive I. -e, corruj t, fe. ininatf Koman i s- nai- is iti their villas o! t.af hie n.aguili c nee. th" ii ui botu of pr.inee satrouu.icd I y i the sph ndois of the Tulhri.-s. the Stuarts o 1 Kngiand clinging to the ir.axiius ol kingcraft, ' lust I' ni tyrants, nebauched piinces-, air-1 dis ! honest state.-ni'-n "f all ages and evt ry clime ! have a'l t-dked wisely and pr- fi uu i y of ti e ; sweets and con. forts which l: w to the pe.. . pie from that foUiiiaiu of hitter wawis a tr-'tt j)i!''i'- ihht. It th.-y cm c n ince the ie- . e that ihis monstrous h ti s- i right, then all cheek and ve. trainl oi: extravagance aud wasteful indulgence at once are with ' ih'.iv.-r., and avatice and inrni :' ' "t are l.-lt 1 free to pn y with unbrit.h.t i cense .n the . sn'osraiice of ti,c nati. n. It is A .i nong. sir. i that tics fi:al doeliine is f uin.i ci t . pi;.g int.-tie.- " -bates of the American Congress, lias i it come to tl.io ? Has this gn at nation, so ' famed for its wealth and pe nniarv respm si : bilitv, beep driven so sim t.. se k refuge in i the Piischevioiis princi i-h' t hat it is a pation i al benefit to be sunk in i.i.iebtuess ? It be comes the pooplo, before it is too late, to ! ar- use themselves against this balefal dogma of despotism, an prove t the world that th"y are wot thy (I tlie Ireitloui wucii they as vet in this n.n.itte' no l tanchof Vn;sin"vs cop.s. t-ect"d with the militsTv and naval affairs of this Government seems to have escaje.I the 1 hungry s'rasp .f imlawfu! avarlc and jiccp- tt;e smallest artic!. of I to! derstan.ling with each other, an-! eng ig-d ia a sysHm of cornipt j ecuniary gains by means of rcpiisitii lis and rece'p's j-igt;c-l in blank, and false invoices, at a time when the over-taxed finmccstf tie Gov. r.inient and tha confident.- ..f a generous at .1 patri otic ptople deiiiandtd the most ri-id integ rity." Sir, in view of this dark record t-f atr'x-i ous guilt, it is no won.Vr that the el airptan of that committee, Mr. Van Wyck.J in lis speech f February 7th, on this floor, shoiild exclaim : "Tlie mania for stealing seems to h:ve run through ail the relations of the Govern ment. Almost from the general to the drummer l-oy, from those nearc-t the throne of power to the merest tide waiter. Nearly every man who deals f r the Government sinis to feel eirelcsire that it would not l.-ng survive, ami each had a common right to plunder while it lived." Again, the chairman says : While it is no justification, the example m latt.-n. In which or tors ir.fo the soldier's rt'iep. to th purchiise of oatt'e for an entire r.rn-y : fror. t't e b'anket on vhi.-h the tire- s hlicr sleep at Tilght to the va-t f rM'h'at ions far the de fense f a city : fr di. r's Lit to li e c stan-1 i'l ihe . n.eai - t trai s-t man ' war a m t' e ; isto! r.t the se-- eanpon at wh.se urfeep ; ay of l atth- ; f.-..m the ; rt sioo to the pdglitirsf t. e-vervwhere and on i I 1 ! ...... ..... :.. .1 .. ll..i. .r-'.i.'i.U ..f ft f ' I!-s 1.-W1. s. i .11 .11 v i .-- - - Government. Asa u Pel ai thing p.or.e tut fav.irites gain access tla re. : :i I ifoi.e to-.r I can obtain contracts which bear enormous 'refits." " Tie lh'j art en nr whh'n 1 a; ai j lowed consj'iracits afar lidding had U en j closed to !t fraud the G -vt rr ! 'it of the j lowest bid. and by :dl- wing t! e guilty t- reap the fruits -..f their e-.i i.e, Las tt.M.lt t- corue rfa.i . io. eve r l1 i-m :n ! m;ttc i of . ;jg ve Ii- il the in-. press of favorite of f -a'ld The report ff tins crtfn- ; 'n-f. r; me. and I submitted a f-w i-i proof of iiiv st.item'" t . Sr eak-..n-ra.-is for cattle made pv t1-. War IVpnrtmei t duri" r.-ianagen eut bv Mr. Cm ri n. ti e e-op.-.v.ii'.f. e sav ' We liave here not cn'v evide'ice rf gross , inisi-.ia- ag.'iiicr.t. a t tal disregard if the in- i terests of the G vcrnment. an i a total reck 1 ... Ms in the expendltnve in the funds of I liie ei-iverninetit, i-tu to be'.i"ve that th 're ti.-n of in. xh.iiistibh- resource's, almost film- ; Ions w. a'th. a id that burdens which would ; c:wie oth'-r Gover. --ments to reel and stagger. I :tre ;is light as feithers to us. This is a ( ph-as-ng ttibute to cur national vanity : it' sounds well in our selfsconiT.la-ent ear. We have 1 1( n so loi g xaltcd in happiness over ' aM other people, so long blessed in every epj ivment ab-ve what (i d h;is ever vouch- : safed to ar.v other nation, that we are even . t . .i . i. .. : . . . n i ISSOSS. lA'L lliei.l sit-tv -K. i-t;itui iliiii warning e-n irus vuai sui-j-ei m uieu-atn-ings of that gseat fouiv'er of American l)e niocracy. Thomas .Jcilers .a. I)i.scussing this .piestiop. 1810. he said : At- the time we were fun iing our na il debt, we l.ear.l mncli a!i..nt : juioiic there is iverv reason was a colbisii-u upon the j art of t he employees of the Government t. assist in to! Ling the Treasury, for. when a c i sri. titi- vs oilicer refused to pass rattle pot in accordance with the contract, he was in effect superse-ded by one who had no co-i-sci ntiops seruples :n the matter, and cattle that were re jerted by hi.s j-r'-decetsor were at e-nce accepte'd. WitTi such a sta'f i things existing, if i.Ph -ers of the G .vernment who shoUM be Am! we'.! might the aV.e and ft.nicss nn"n-l-.r . f ti -..-:. tint t-c if ru Massachusetts. Mr. liw-s in view f these i-velati' ns. a'.s assert, as I e did lei" Tr the liuu.-a and country, that startling fi ts Live come t the u.t c? -f tiie co!.i:i.:F.tc ; n ! to the p ti. e . f the whole country, touclrrg the nio-'.e and m anta r e f the expenditure of the public m y ;" that " iu the first year of a Kepuh'.ican A innnlst ration, wli- h came into power upon pnie-ssions of rel-r:n ar ! re-s trenchment. there is in.luhin.bhj cviderce abroad in the land that soni h.tdy has plun-love-1 the public Treasury well r.ih in th.it sit-le vcar as much as the entire current the Gcvemment during veai It e xpenses ot the .opui:istratiop w! ;.c imbued w ith patriotism and inte-ritv enough j , lor, ' as Wt.Jl as the already h the pe. p'e Lnrle I from jM.wrr Ik i ausecf its cortnptiorv- And further, tliat those heavy measures e f taxa tion which l ave b. e n l r ought f rward by the Committee e f Ways a.id M'.ns w-uhl f ill tike a eiead pall v.pou the public, un less Ik fore them g-s bis assurance, that th'SJ vast an! extreme measures in.-tituted to resucitatc and revive and replenish the Treasury, are not me-re.y tor ir.e-aus am.tr.er r:-Ji f the means of -he Treasury 1 "K.ket.s Tf public plunderers." tnm de- leht. being'a public blessing;' thutl estcek ret resenting it w .s a orc.tn -n oi active rap. tal f-r the ailni" nt of Comtnere-e. inanufao tures and agi i uiture. This paradox w as well adapted to the min is of believers IP uF.s e f that size cntt red .itllltlg l '-snn.p tl. it : . . , ". niai sit nils iriue; no etne 4 o- r nt;r, accuracy, estimate the ' v sj . , I t .T . ..1 T 11. T . ' r . ''-' puou5 1 tit u l.sraicoi '.::e ? Clr-n . . r .( . ... f .f . s-1. oi me times that either ironi -i-n a-1 ir.e,-, j,ac: 0T fr, ,m tn ghr-nk. now unwiuir.g or nnal.Ie to realize the tact j ,i,(..A!11s an, the that the hand of afihetion has at last r.illen I it,,un ;tjc jt. upon us villi :i force almost as crued as that j .. -(Vf. arc warr.inte.l, tlen which visite.l .lerusalcm when 1 itps rpramp- ; ty,at tj,is j,aro,ly e.n the principle .f a public eel l-efoie her walls. It ia true, however. ' (, .. , i.jn., a pphlic Mes.-ing and its muta- that- v.-e abound in wea.ih. It is true that ;, ,n ;nIi the bleSsirir of private instea.! nnb- our lap has 1 tn filled with treasure: I'!t ! ,1. ,s a, ridiciil.u. as the original princij Ie itself. to have a care 'ire readv tit assist speculating cot. trae-tors to ext.-rt upon and defraud the 'Government, where is the system e f peculation to end. .,,! how so.p mnv not the finances of the I Gi-vt rnment be reduce! to a wofid. bank ruptcy f" Again, op the same sul i; ct : In this matter tii- re is pon h evidence of gross mismanage mi nt and culpable careless ness in making contracts, together with a reckless improvidence ef the means of the Gove-.nn.ent. F.vi.h nor exi-t of large con tracts f-r cattle having len ma.le without any advertisement for bit's.' or any effort beii.2 made by the agent-of theft tvernment ti satisfy themselves wletle-r the prices to I3ut. sir. passi.ig on from the evhtenct; T fr;tud and ei rrupt'.nn in t'ue ini.-inaiiagenier.t of cur i ullic affairs, as furnished by the pr.wd".ngs of this House. I proceed to other lh-lds. The resu't f the l.'.rs ..f this comniittee are lefore the e-.-nntry. an! I can do no more in my br'n f hour than t"cx tract a few conclusive -ent-ne.-s. Put in vestigation of this kin 1 lias not !? coffined alone to this body. The ot -er bra- e h of Congress has had the su' j- ct r.f e ffhi-d ... linq'f.encv als-J f..rce.l upon their artcn:i. n. I hold in my Land an p rt f the Senate G nimitte-e on Naval Aff .i.s. rr-hi'.ing to ere stnc'.e transacti-.p in whi- h the G .verprnent suffered a los- ef $70,000. I real fu-m it- be paid wire exhorbitant, or even extortion- , concluding porti t;S tlrings ia this we. rid exist principally t y comparison. I bat which constituted im mense weralth a little more than a year ago. in view of a public debt of less than fifty millions, diminishes rapidly wl.cn brought to bear n a debt ef fortv times that amount. Iy the census report of 1SC0 we find that the assessed value of all the real and per sonal property of the entire Unite 1 States, ooth loval and rc'oellious, is Sl2,00f,T5c,. 585. Thus it will be seen that our public, ekbt is now equal to ono twelfth e.f all the taxable property of the Government, and And again, in a letter to Albert Gall'i'in. this profound btate-sman and political phi losopher says : lint if the elebt. should once more be swelled to a formidable size, its entire dis char.'C will Le elispaireel of, "and we shall be committed to the rlngiish career of debt. Cor ruption, rottenness, closing with revolution The discharge of the eitbt. therefore, is vitM to the d.stinics ef our Gtvernmcnt, and it Lau-3 on Mr. Madkou and yourself alone. ate." Sp' aking of the employment eif Alexander Cnmmings by Cameron, then Secretary of War. to fid! an important contract by wh:t h the Government has 1st large sums of miinc-y, the committee sav : It is said to 1-e peeessarv. pot nn'r that ju.tr.-e should be .'.. pe. but that the public (should be satisfiel that it is done ; and in I this view your copin.itte-e regret.that m t,;0 J rity e.f New V'-rk a man c .;! ! r. t l-e ; r.m! i to transact the l.usit.es f. .r the Navy I ate amount e.f the public money was paiJ for so inconsiderable a service, was iccua.irly unfortunate. The country was engaged in a war iu which its very existence was at stake, lie ration had t-on aroused, and was contributing men and money without stint to defend the national life, vindicate . the national honor, and restore the rightful supremacy e.f the Constitution aDd the laws'. The energies and the industry of the coun try were to be taxeO1 as they never had beeri before, and the pressing nwssitiets of the Government had compclleel it to resort to new and untried sources of revenue. Th hut of property and the mansions of wealth were alike called upon to aid in bearing th burden which reledlion and civil war had thrown upon tlie nation. All this wa liorne, and would have bee Lome cheerfully, if the tax-payers had seen, or been convinceal that the ir i;i..nc-y was to be faithfully and economically applied to the purposes for which it was raise h i;-at when the-y ss immense sums lavished upon personal er political favorites for smad and inronsik-r-bie services, cofl'dce in the Government is impaired, public credit is para'yzevl, and the vert existence of tlie nation is iruptni ed." And in commenting on t Lis Elanr.irg state rf corruption in the Navy Department, a viry distinguished Senator Mr. Ha'eJ use i the following strong language : " When the country was taxing itself as it never had before, when it was bleeding at every pore, when new and untried sources of revenue were resorted to, when yon were taxing the necessarit-s of toe humblest in habitant of y nr land, and when the LitvJ wis ttra:nir.g itself and a'l its citizi-ns, and tliry were sending their young men. to tho fi-ld and giving their money to the Treasu ry lit that tin.e ar.d in that henr when ii seemed as if the very existence of the na tion stood in the sa'e, eieul.tful which way it was to turn George I). il organ, a mer-e-Lant e f New York, a brother-ia law of the Secretary of the Navy, was receiving frora the hard earning of this hard taxed people a compensate n t-epnil to about twelve thou sand elo'lirs a month." lie further says : I regret to se?e what has been stated in several of the papers, not rhat they believed this was an bone'st transaction, uot that it was a fair one, not that it was one that do-sc-rved lo receive tlie approbation and sinews tion of the G tvernment ; but the excuse i, tLat it i not Lalf so bad as wLat Las leeu de-ue in other cases ; and I Lave no doubt that is true. I have no doubt that if soma of the Investigating G.rnm!tlces go on tbey will find that there have been trnsacliorB-ce-mpr.rrd with which TO.Cf'O was a smll sum : and that it will be considered ungra cious to call up one ef the-se pe tty offenders that has only taken J70.O00, and deal with hiia when fheio are t-thers g 'ing e-il tt.-gge r :ig u.aler tlie loud e.f hundreds t-f thou- Sall.S. Yu are ubout to call upon this pe,spl I t large t.ixe: : you are id-ut to call eu them for a Lirgj loan, to rnaintaLi the ptil- tic faith and to enable yorcr srudes to pro-e: cute this .r successfully. I u.-k y.-tt, Seti-t-.-rs. :ti wlat face you can go home to your coustit ;i'--.ts w hen they se-c this thing v. hich they jilt kno-.v at-1 understand; when th: y see that JTO.O.'O have lvn paid lor the services of en.e man f-r less than six months a time e f such elistrcss as tliis, and aj pea! yiur own people ami ask them tjcorce forward ar.d put thc-it h?ndc in their pockets and their shoulders to the wheel and torwr.r l this car ? Sir, I do cot know what olLcr men may lo; I cannot; I dare not. I should expect the fieger ef sc. ru from tie hut of poverty to point rce out as reckless and faithless f,.r l-ing here a member tfthe Senate, in this !. our e.f cur country's peril, if I had fane i to rebuke profligacy iu ihe expenditure of the pu lie mou-.-y. let It la when and where it may. A jain. this Senator cxcl.iir, from Lis ex tensive knowledge cf tie management of our ahairs . I do nrt know but I may cvr stirri, cr.tfiely over estimate, the cbaraener f f tliis transaction ; but I tell ye.u. sir. I Where, and I declare it upon tny responsibility ns a Seuiit r e f the Uriteil States, that the"ii!er ties e.f this country are in greater elanger to day from the corruptions and ! m the prr f.igacy practiced in the various I pa":nier.tj of this G vernment than it is from the opea enemy in tho field." Sir I might here pause j n.l dwell upon this terrible accusation, coming f.-em a queN so high and so fully entitled to credit. A tnsti'e army Las l-e.cn for & year in si ht of th:s Capitol". Treason has ltsurpetl by far tho largest portivn e.f the territory of the Cnred States; cur tivtrs have l-cen turned toh! ;.ed; t.iir mr.taais Lave Wwiie Gul gcths ; eiur valleys are the burial tdace-s of our t..-rt-Porn. siaiu in mi e; u.e .. i it mother-, wives, and eUu-htcrsgc.es up from one e cean to the o'hras the voice of llacha.d we p:ng f- r 'her children, and refusing to I comforted 1-. cause they at pot; the very sun above !r leads seems veiled in mourn ing ovr the f.iner.il sorrow if this once Lap y J cple ; r.nd yet ; amidst r-f thee thit-he-iiiec: signs .i national calamity, it is jinn .unce-i l y a Senat -r w ho helped to place this Administration tn power, and empha--i.-.l bv an appeal to his senatorial honor. th it a more ueaelly evil than them fc'd c-m bine 1 is i.ow ssaulting the existence cf the Mr Ciiiiiii-.i.i'r.s had no rp.cral acouain- ! tiartni-r.t. out of the fan.ilycor.necti. no. taucewith business in New: York. He had I the Se-cretary, for however pure and honest Wn a r.ewsi.ai.er editor in Pennsylvania for ! Lis purpose may Lave 1-e-en in the s lection. the Muhllshcr of another paper f.r wine I other m--tiros than a single pur,- to sul- G .vernment" tnat the LWrties cf th:. . htel n months. He was the intimate ,ter- I serve the public interests may p-slb'y ha ve j ce-tiutry are m gie. er danger to-Jay ; fr,r, o.t Mrirl f.t of. tV- Secretary of 5n,Wrrod the choice that was made. 'I he j t. e crruptions aim iim me preagacy w. nennroiOeil with the internal ar-! trr-.e too. at which this arrargeu-nt was 111 ,-v- - - - - - - - - couainteel rui.y nici.U and connections cf the raiW-'s ! yiaJe by wi.ivh sttcr bs-pr- .p'ir'.iiu and fr.tpi the prct".-od in the vj.rh.UR Dcpait'nen's ethis ti .reran., ut thn tt t? t.-. ni U.e cpru crcrr;j r ir