Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, June 11, 1862, Page 2, Image 2

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Srmotrat anb SnUhuI.
(tl 1. .MfB&
FT;jtVifV7iir- 1
Uly, WiK-
C. I. Ml'HK 11, Editor.
James . Todd. Publisher.
Tbe Democratic voters of Cambiia Loun- ,
ty, are requested to J.ect at the usual places
for holding the general election, tu t
SATl'H.41. TUC 21t I.4 OF !
Jl XE I A ST., j
and elect two Delegates from each District j
to meet in Couuty Convention, at ti e Court '
House iu Ebensburg. on MONDAY the 23d j
day of June inst., at one o'clock T. M., to j
place in nomination a ticket to be suppor- I
ted at the ending elect:, n. and to transact j
any tihtr bu.mess devolving ui.n s-ai l ;
Convention. i
The ch- f Delegates will take place j
between the hours vf 3 and 6 "'dock, l. M.
Ciiairtuau Guuty Con.mittee. j'. v n, June !. '
Stale Contention.
accordance with a resolution i f the
meet in S i A '1 K C X VKNTluX. ;tt 11 All- i
K1SLUKG. en 1 HI DAY the 4th day of !
duly, lho2 at 10 oM-xk. A. M., to nomi I
nate i aue-i'Lu s :or Auditor (ene-ral and !
Survivor Genera!, and to adopt suoh rr.ea-
iiirfcs as may be deemed n'-evssai y f. r the
welfare of t:.e l'c n.- crr.tic party a-jd t'-ie
CLaim-.aK c f the Democratic State lix. (ni
f!iglttttt Faith cf the ECepuhll- j
( Hit i'iil f y.
Over c-r.e r.r ago, wbeit the j pie r.f !
tie Nerth wre aroused by the starting i
news t.iat toit sun pter tiaa l-een tH.mhar- ;
ded by tiie rebel si'ccssion:sti of S aith I'aio- ,
Una. ahiiongh tlii-party m j tr, re'u.eil
to listen to anj proposition for an amicable J
adjustment of i-tir diSicuIties with the Sunn ;
em States, y-1 th-, then, se-e'ne-d unani- j
tcous in agreeing t.;at tlie insult i-iTercd o I
cur flag, shi nil ! rebuked and that the m- '
tcgrity of the L'ni n shoid.l be p-otecti-d. j
that the iluu.estic intiaitioi,s aod ri.
lit-s o
n it :i
the citizens she uhl not b; intt-rU.-r-.l
Congre-si, by an almost unanin.- u v
passed tiie fe-llowing reso'v.t'a ; .
ar j u.e useni i-.t-pi uat .e iiv.: w
ras t-en K-rcta ui-ou tne co-antrv i v :i.o
disunioDi.-ts c f tne Soutiitm Slates, i.o-v :n
arms azamit tue C-niiitntional mii.ei.t
run! it. irmj ar. liii.i the C.ioil .1- ;n tl.ii !
National emergency, Congress. ' I anisiiiu
ail feeling of nu -re pas.-ioi. or resentment,
win reccl.ect i.y us duty to tiie wholt-j
..... . - ... , ... -..
jurj-&r- j' f'ti'triat or su'Jn jitiion or jiur
jmzc tj' tc i!r,ri'kriug or intrr'ti-iti-j viih 1h
rxjh'.$ f- (sUiitijueil institutions -f th-s
HlMtii, but to d'J'tnd and nutiidaiit tl.c sa
primaiy o the Ci iL.-lilulnn, and i yrtstrvc
t.'it Uuti ii. irit.'t ail the diyitily, ty ;.,., and
right tj U? xif li't State unimjuiirtd; and
that c. ! . t'ttse fj'j'.rt are arnjiupliehed
the iroe vnjht ii- e-'isi.''
and Ficsi aiit Lino-iii huue-lf. iu his inau- j
gural. and in oll.f-r addresses to the people,
declared th-tt hf kne w the States only as
being in the Union, and that justice slould
he m ted e-ut to all the States alike, w ith an
in-partial ban l, and that it wa not his in.
tentioti "o interfere with slavery orti.e rights
of ;.r.y c'.r n. gu.n an!rel to by the
Constitution, lut to preserve thr integrity ol
the- Union, and to see- that tuts laws uuder
his jurisdiction were ixc-rutcd and fully
i beyed. It was then, that l-ya1 iven frotn
every part of the Union went forward. Vol
unteering their services for the maintenance
and perpetuity of that Government, which
had protected them, it was from pledges like
these, that the plough was left to stand in
the furrow, that the honest pursuits of the
r-.echn.nie were thrown aside, that the whole
Democratic party rose upiu one mass, as
one man, and rushed forward eager, and
with a willingness to serve at their country's
- bidding; but alas! how changed J this party
in power, glutted by the spoils of office and
the taste if affluence and power, seom to
have lost every spark of honesty and integ
nty. and to b? rtishing'v into the most i-1 . i- ,
, ' , , , i - . , . I bee'ome a candidate, making a throw for
fanatical schemes, openly !eclarm- that th s ' i,.,,. s e p. - - , , r
i ,, , i - , - . i lu ,i- h-h- B air. Go in gent emen the
war shal no l. p.jer be earn- d -n tor the ' i ,, I'meu, me
, , . chances are still open, this lon-'est r.oli-prescrval-.or.ot
the I nu n but t hat ;t shall : i- i- ,u - 0ei pole
, knocks the pcrcimmt.n.
be tnri:el into a fierce crusade agnnst slaves - . , m
ry. The entire time of thi Con-ress has ; Q" Tlie retreat of Gen. Bank from VV
been occupied in c:;Vring emancipation ginia, M as followed by a herd of about oOOO
schemes and agitating these ur,.-onsti:uf.onal " Intelligent Contrabands." of every size
questions until they have embittered a fee- j and shade, some locating in tl,e ncio-hlxur-Lug
in the North wl.ieh is detrimental to ; ing towns, others pushing further" North
,.ur free institutions ;.nd at this time above ! They are ifesting ClmUrsbnrg and Mer-i
all othes when sentiment should be mutual. ! cersburg like swarms of locusts! This rear
these men, worse than open and avowed se- ! stampede must have covered Banks' retreat
cessionisLs, are, by tampering with tho Con- with a darkness by which he was enabled
vtitution endeavoring to stab freedom to the : nnwn by the rebel.i, to b&v w many of
Unl; whiV th.uws -f our hnn soMier his stoics and wn-ons.
are offering their bosoms to the shafts of tat
t!e, and pouring cut their life's blood in tor
rents to preserve and perpetuate the freedom
cf cur institutions, we have men in our Con-
press ho bav abandoned tua landmarks
by which our forefathers guided our great
helmu of government, and would, forsooth,
t"rr fabric ever reared on
fj..-f the loin for the i.rotoction of
i tuna, an ! arc endeavoring to make every
j principle which has cemented us together,
1 and strengthened us as a nation to bend to
i tl e shrine of their favorite one idea, euiauci-
pation and negro equality; branding every
: man if a traitor r.nd a secessionist, who
! dares to raise his voice against their unhal
j lowed doctrines. The Democratic psirty did
: not gu this, u r did they stop to fix the re
j sp.-nihilities orthis war, but v the crits
ii-a! tiu:e came, rushed forward and with a
u:iauin)us voice offered a hearty support.
f the Government, when their services were i
needed. Had the Republicans done likewise I
instead of staying at home and branding
their Democratic neighbors as secessionists,
whose very s-ns or brothers, perhaps are
fi.thig the battles, this war, ire this.
Wt uU have heeQ c,SCit uor w it ,J(,t l)et.n
tbtlt ,u. bor Jer stat(. Im.R ar.j othtrs j
ttj be ,oy:ll diIiair(,.i f ,f their pn,rerty
&ttd r;gUs u.jrig protected, because of the
disposition cf the party in power, b make
this a sectional war f.r the elevation of the
n5gg,.r ir,stea.j 0f a WAT f.,r the preservation
(lf tl)e i;r.ionf rebeili.-n wrul l never have
atai!lt Sl formidable a maguitude.
3Sr. Illclisirdson's Speech.
We ublialied. smio time ag'', a f-hort
telegraphic extract from this speech; since
: thea we have had the pleasure of reading it
i11 1 u' lllil!r'fl OI ine aLltst iin "'"
fearless documents we have seeu, and c.ming
as ,t d. es from Linco'uV own ttate, and
fruIn a K;(tKnM iUe tLe IIoK. NV. A.
Itichar.non.U came geat weight with il,
and should cause the Administration and
hcrublicau me-mUrs f C.,n-'ress to st,.n
! Iooa n.'ek, and to Lla-j wui shame, at tiir
i ignominious and repr.achful reconl they are
i leaving Whind them to bhieken thn history
f r country. Mr. n boMly and
fearlessly denounces the Abolition members
lor their unconstitutional acts, and shons to
the world from r spectable and responsible !
aiitii-.nty tn.u tt.e tiovernnient to-i!..y is
issuing jations to idie nfgpis ia the Ili.-rrict
alone, to the amount of 5400. 00 per day
be-ides. every other place in the army where
the negro chooses to rendezvou. he- has ra
lions and clothes dealt out to him bv the
Governmei t, in violation of a!! law the
Coiisiituf.on, and while his constitii'-nts are
selling com at cigiit cents per btishe! to sup-
".rt their f nuilie-, a;d maintain the (Jov
jeiniiicnt, their bar-1 earned iii"iy tlnis
i raised, and paid by a now tax ridden com-
mmity is diverted from its l-sitimate pur
jos t'.r the convenience f the African,
i Kile t:.e iii-v.s anA orohar.i of toose.' who
t have die-d fihtiug onr battles revive r.c.t'n-
ing: the
nigger can go wheie he ,
whether North 01 S..uth. without a pas.
wl.ertf the whit man is onlt-.-.d t., ..r.--i,r.
... . , , ' "
pass. Mr. Ihc-natdsoii cl.-ailv s!-. as that a
:r.; tlii
tiie and
sv. rd. they must n.eet aU-hti.-n v.i h bal-
1 4s, whether under the garb of "Union
Part or under "hatever other cover it
..a .... 1- . .1 r... If .1 . i in iv io i. uve. m n.iii, mat it tta v alio-.e
mccess c-nce more to
,.,!, ti, . .
to the Atw-hiio-j partv-.
, , i. ,,,ii-
onr 1.--public are gone -
our nationality and
fi.rr-v.-r tt rw-Ii r tt... ..c :
like ti.oie Pepnblics and Empires of the old
worll. which have crumbled to duft an! are
raw e:.!y rememl-ercd in w.
We will publish to our readers, next
week, his speech iu full.
Itarker Yt'nrkefli Ills Card.
-m - 1
he :s so ardently asnirinn- tl-.-t f Uo ,.r,....r,,.
v- ...i...
wrath of its editor had been app-ased, and
that the leading Republican organ cf this
county, which was likely to be the champion
of some b:gger gun, is about to turn in and
throw its influence for Mr. Barker, Mr.
Fiowman, while visiting our town last week
had a lung and serious interview with the
above named aspirant, in which he. no
doubt, made it "all right," with John.
Daniel J. M.-rrell is too shrewd a man to
Income a candidate for an office, to which
he well knew he never could be elected, has
declined thf kin 1 .ilifit.)i;.. ,.r :.-. i
it woull se-em trom the tone of the last j ted chemists of the Fa.-t. whose reputation
J .i.nste.wn Tribune compared with a cunis ! assuies us they do well whatever they un
bcr of the same paper a cup!-' of weeks pre- dertakc. ar selling a Compound Extract of
vious, which rather reflected upon Mi. Sars.tpariDa, v,ich a.thuugh the bottles do
kcr's malifications to fill thp oOl .. C .r ttl.i..t. : nor .it r-i in . K o .una r. .1 .11 t
Govirnor Stanley.
This newly appointed military Governor
of North Carulina, and commissioned for
that ex pre-s purpoie, clothed with all the
authority of a civil and military officer, to
11 vacancies, execute the laws, and encoun
age Union sentiment, has been most set ereiy
censured for closing a school opened by a
Noithern pliilanthropist for the education of
Colored children. The laws of North Caro
lina prohibit the instruction of Negroe, aud
Mr. Stauley determined to do his duty, afi
cordingly clo&etl the school. Thuv, for do
ing exactly what he was sent there for, to
see that the laws cf that State weie execu
ted and obeyed, is most wantonly censured
by the Administration, Secretary Stanton
declaring that he "wculd not remain one
"hour a member of an Administration which
"sauctiot.ej such pr'ceo dings as that of
''Govrnor Staniev, nnd read liis visitors the
letter i.ich he had just written that func-
"tionarv. after consulting with the President
Mn wl'ic'" '" W;IS directed to revoke the oh-
"n 'Xii.ns law, ari'l allow the schools to go
'on as heietof. re."
G vernor S:aule' Adnrui-tration so far
has been a very successful one, in establish
ing CTlcr, and persuading many who had
rusiied headiong into rebellion to return to
thfir allegiance. Thus it would seem that
Mr. .Stanley is not so strongly tinctured with
Abolition. a.i to suit the Administration at
W ushinj-toii. therefoiele must be severe! v !
taken to task for doing a duty for which he
, T . ,
was txpnsny commissioned. Tais is not
, . . , . ,
tlie ouly crime of wl;ieh Governor iTauley is
..... , , J
giiiliy, he bein a native of that State, and
a staunch L'ni nist las, by his impartiality-, j
succeeded in persuading numbers of the j
rebel slave holder f that State to return
into the Union, thus arousing the fears of
the Ab .litiou party, that this war might be
brought to too speedy a chse, whence their
inicjuitu us plundering would be at an end,
and their favoiite em m. ipation schemes
f.ust rated.
Cr Dr. IV-II, formerly of Indiana county,
has located himself on the Summit of the
Al eghanies. Tiie Doctor is a thorough read
physician, and has goni through a regular
course of Uctuies in one of enr Medical col.
U'ges; we were si own c?rtifi.-ae and let -
ters of n ci'onuiieUiiaMon f.oni Medical men
who stand high i i this State. Fr- m our ac
qnaintatae with the Doctor .we mil
c -n
fe-s he is a perfect gentleman. in hi
habit and as a physic;aii. oi:e worthy- the k-n. e :md patronage of the conn:. unit .
His car.l can he to:n..l in fin-.t'Kr c- imnn
t" Capfuin Jates Murray ha- recti vet?
ordi-rs Ir-jin t p. .per authorities to open a ;
rcvruitii 'j i til.-m this oljce. Ui tia n nU
, , , , . .
roi.iv t- tne treize. and the Cc.tMn i !-um-
ly en-a-ed recnUUig for the ll":h
1 nnsvl viini.i ve'! rs.
H--T. .1 hn L. Di-.Vio;.. .,f i;
vi'h-, v. :.i I o'l.inati-! by the- I 'coa rra'-y e !
Fayette conn'v, fr t'--r-jr ss. u-j it t
decisi-n; f I C .i.lVliis .f l.;al LiirHt.
CoMl'A..! o. It i.i usel m
the iii;i.-e of the people have
i.eny ti;at
ep se-a!e-l
aud settle! co, tidence in - .Wrri.'.'a."
: lu i,- nnwlv. Aot wit iistamlinir
- r
in i o o- late ycirs uen a -
bn.i d l-v ihai.v pret'trntions clai:ni!itr t d..s
nai.y preptrntioii
siii's vi:tu but rc!Iv itl
t'-Ti at an.
... , , .... .
till i... ....... l. 1 i .... nu. o :..,. .... ...a
1 l - i- o. -
as a reinedv
K'l-atise t hey l.vr known of !
its cures. Tl i rage f r bof.le.i at b
J ces, has called into market til iUV Compound-
! ...... -
I 'A S un aril. . i. w.u-h c-.ntain s-Mrvely unv
, . . '- - -
I i
t. or even any m?.ical virtn -s whatever.
! YtJ tVr,-vl
dy knows tat Sarsapar lhi is
tl,tf TviX Mi' e :,,-til!-te f 'r Scrofula. Enip-
tn-r.s and cut.ave-uus diseaK-s. and for the
puiioatioii i.I the blood, when they can get
real article, or an actual extract of it. Such
we are now abb,- to inferm them can be ob
tained. lr. J.C. Aver - Cj.. the celebra-
- ...... I........... v ..v .a e .ji.tiii, (, eieiiar, ei
contain more of actual curative power than
whole gallons of the stulTs which have been
iu use. It is asserted than one tie of
Ayer's Sars apari'.la contains more than doub
le the amount of medicinal virtue, which is
afforded by any other. This is not only ap.
parent to the taste, but its effects and cures
afford incontcitible proof that it is true.
Such a remedy has been long sought for, and
is everywhere needed by all classes of our
community. Age," Cynthian, Ky.
Importaut from Texas.
The Slate ( be Restored to (he Cnion Gen.
tkim. Ilmxlvn to Uike the Fi-M Jlr the
I'uion Cause.
A private dispatch leccived here says:
The report we learn, through a private
channel in which we confide, that the union
ists of Texas will soon be heard fram. We
understand that their arrangemeuts for re
storing their State to ihe Union, have U-en
quietly matured, and that they have ere this
thrown the old flag to the breeze under the
lead of Gcu. Sam Houston. Thomih we
wish the K ansa expedition southward plan
ned and organized last winter, had been
prosecuted, we cherish strong hopes that
the rebels of Texas will soon turn up mis
ing, and that Old Sam and Uncle Sa;n, will
have popset-sion of the State.
Written for the DenuKrat Sentinel.
"Old Virginia Shore."
Twelve thousand staunch undaunted men,
Twelve thousand soldiers we.
The rille-s on our she-ulder,
The sabre at our knee ;
From Pennsylvania we are cnie.
Traveling mountains o'er.
And the song wc sing, is carry me back
To old Virginia Shore.
Our harvest fie-lds of golden grain,
Are left with those we love,
We're fighing to main tain for aye
The flag that floats above ;
There's many a rebd soldier known,
Whea weltering in his gore.
The reason why we tramrcl so far.
To old Virginia Shoie.
The gray haired man his blessing pouis
With tears as we pass by.
The red cheekird girl her welcome speaks,
With a brigli and sparkling eye;
Tnc-y'ie glad we're come, fer rebels lly.
Their cannon cease tto roar.
Their flag to float in mountain air.
That wraps Virginia Shore.
Twelve thousand staunch undanted men,
Twelvi thousand more to come.
And many eyes shall no m. re see
The smiles that welcome home;
I liut hands are firm, ami hearts will d.t:e.
i , , , , ,
1; a ve deetls ne er done before,
n i ... , . . - ,
ine btars and btn pes again s-hall fl -at
i ,,, ... . .
I U er ad irgima Miore.
Surrender V .Memphis.
Nkw Mahkik. June 7. The lteamer
Platte Vallc-y has jut arrive.l frm Meins
phis. Sl;e reports that ail is quiet there; the
city surrendered to the V. S. Flotilla with
out resistance.
Caiio. June 7. The c perator at New
Madrid telegraphs that the st"amer Platte
Valley had passe-1 t!iere direct from Mem
phis, en rou'v f r Cairo. Our forcn are in
undisputable jossesiion of the city of M-n:
WAsHtXoTo.v, June 8 Advi-ci have
lecn re-tivil from commander Davis, at
j Memphis, ann. uucing a battle between his
i tket, aide-J by CI. Kliett's ram ri till, and
the rebel tlee-t of eight gunboats and ram.
The c-ngacn.ent commenced at j C'J-n
i the morning of the f-th inst , ant!
; leven i:, the morning.
' Tne fiht resulted in the rapiure
1 at
r .v.ii-
? j ing i f stum of the rebel fleet.
i (n -c 5e-l t-y sutK-rior si ee-i.
f 1 I ,-t Jk . w . .;..ii1v. t..t .l.V
'. " . ' "
.-roii.v w,niid-d. ia highly!;n
, ,, .....
j i r .nirrv :.o ski. I.
Memj his surrendered immet'hite'y
a-:, r
u. ;i
tbe t iiageRie-lit.
i'.a- v :o:t ht-rit v.
an: iv ns
ace- uii-.i r
Our 2. os- at I lie Rat lie of C";tlr
Ti.-.- Wa.-i.ingto!! Stir contains tl-c I- oo -We-
hear inci dentallv. that as the l ii - t !t
; .uvi diviiioi, rep..rt - f the Uni-.n c..n:.iht:,.
l. ..... a- t. ..- ... . i;.. : i .
; ill k it, c-au.v.l "i atil i. UU ill l.1t.
,,, the Fair Oaks. n,.,r II.. I.
un n:
ex"- -m-
i.-n. MiCv''ii headquarters. ;t is
- ;,,.. T,,..,r...t tint ..i,r ;.. i-;o.i ...
. - -"I ...v... ...... .i.-. ... n..i'j now
j w....t..I. .1
especially the latter, was m
j greater than was at first suppscd. The
1 .. . l i t .-
' . . .1 i i
to ten thousand, and w u
n -. u i c
njll quite leach the forme;
lect. I-IS3 is kuohu ie nave oc-en iro:u se-ven
now llieve- e-urs
j l ' - - - - .- ...
nii.Ti' teai-h t it l.ti-tii.-r rnr. w.i-....
t lioiisai;.', H.steaJ ol tliret? thousand, as oii
giually repoiteil.
Loi-x-viLLK, June T. The Secretary of!
war has authorized Gen. IJoyle io raise a !
Kentucky cavalry regiment. He has e.n- :
powered Col. Leonidas Metcalf to attend to
the matter. :
A letter to the Dem-vat, f r ,m Clinton;
county, .-as that Champ Ferguson's men !
of Morgan's tr;iva ry, are murdering, robbing j
and committing ravages if all kinds at !
Tompkinsville, Monroe county; Ky.
Yesterday, Capt. McCulloUgh, of the j
.iihi i eunsMania cavalry, with Sn;y nve
men. were attacked by one hundred of M-.r-
gan's tueu, under Capt. Hamilto n. McCul-
lough and Hamilton were both killed
There were three wounded, cn each .ide."
'I h- r.l. Mlrr .,;. ir
v:it - f - - -
From Gen. .Shield's Army.
Frost Hotal. June 8. News fr.-m ien.
) . . .os .. i. a..r-s-i ii-rijiaii-iniv cure.1. Wild.
Shield s d.v.sion states that a party j kiokin2, and run Away horses tamed, ard
crossed the river at the Columbian bridge, j perfectly cured of ths vicious habits. His
and went to New Market, and found that i rrrr3 are moderate and full satisfaction
Jackn had retreated through there three ' !'1" H ',7 V""1 '" to tame
Javs j V" n-"t tfimag.ab!e horse that can be rr-
His armj had been re.!uceil to about five j Persons having wild, vi-.ious, ur.manae
ihousand men. the remainder having scat- I a1'le' or f-1,:! h,,r--i'?-. w ill m well bv brirli
tere through the mountains to save "them- ' ,h? 'n llurinS the ncit woe?,
stive, whcre ,he.v may rt assurcl tlit all such
followed them all the
, prisoners and sup-
Fremont's army had fo
way, capturiug wagons, p
Strict OrderofCeu Beauregard.
Louisville June 7th The Mobile Xeus of
the 3Ut rlt., contains a strict order from
Gen. Beauregard, forbid Jing correspondents
witlnu twentysfire milts ol his lines - aso
officers and soldiers wr;tiLg W tl,., armJ
in correspondence.
Tlie lAtSH at Mllloli.
! The cCkial rith-Tt of Gen. Beauregard .f
the battle of SI. iloh Laving I een received;
we present a ttatemint of killed, wcunde-J
! and missing, compared with the fd;ial
Mateuie-nt of c.tsiialties in the Federal army
during the engagement as published a f.w
i weeks siaee:
Feler Lr.'ss.
j Killc-1.
; Missing,
CI?" Tark Spline, the gentleman who ac
companied Proft-.-s t b e, telegraph op
eiater. at the re en t battle of CLickahoniiny
hails fiom Lancaster county, II'.' has so-n
: and done that which no other Uiau sav cr
j did before
; Notice is hereby given that Lettori f A 1
i ministration on the estate if John Wherry,
late of Washington township. Cambria C'-m.
ty. deceased, has Urrj granted to the unit r
I signed b the Register f sai'l County, ail
i ers.ns ind-'i ted t'j said estate wdi please
make lmine-hate j aymtit and .avit,g
1 claini? against said eit.ete will present them
: proper! v authenticated f t settlement.
Foliage, IiiJ'e 11. lb'.2 -I'T-Ot.
A House and I-t in EiK-nsl urg borough.
th gard-n is al; made- and planted, and in
good ordtr. it will J-- i-nini untii the lir-t
clay of Apiii i.-xi. Lniiievliate pos--iii-n
J will b- given. For further parties! r.- -n-
quire at tios i lii -e or t the under.-:g-.e- i
living on tlie premi vs.
June II. 1jo.-.2 -27-::t
lo to 4 mIImi,?
: 'ji.arts to 11 o s.
s. .: Ii .ii.-i Kio
Mii:i:r nto viici:.
c l v V.- ra a .
FXAV r : v rixxs:n !Rf v U AKrS.
t -r i;5 ca n's, ?.T t:-:i?.
S.I IKt'XS ..r iMftT!IXt; L'X
ab an-1 1h-I .pi.aiit'. . -a t . . ..-. per ib
" 'K 1N STt V-'S.
Tri;n:iu-il " lite, wv, liikiij iri.-r -t
: -nTs. Fr l:i j t.; fL'S.
F;: sK'Vr.'s. ii. .. t. jl;. ".
fix; c"k si i r.s s - i .
FdlAJU KY OMiKINti SloVlls, PaVi.:.
(iutrr .. mi rc
HKKP.ON A- Al-I- 11 -NlU5LK, A.
J. 4.AI.;!IKU'S. ev.-ry . tl-. r r;tTsbur2:i r oh j.i.r . l!lt-r" it- vis .i' w.Hs .- i ; : t i . . ; e-i
JT-.-urisl h ihv l.oii,,-
!1 PLATF .S1 11 TKS f r St -vts.
alwavs uii ' a:. 1.
C;i!ON Oil. LAMPS, 'ij-ts.. to
1.20. II1V.NE an! V1 KS L.mps .1
ii a i s oi, 1. 1( i
s p o i t i x c
BL-sT yl ALl IA . put up ;,1 pa:i.:i 1 at To
et-. p. r f -o
XT" A- 'rir-i c'.tir-jf fir ' '
1'OWhKi: CANS.
: a!" s zi-i. eoiistrtl.tiV ..-a hand.
; C ) V V K i : M 1 1 . LS . , r s , a ! .-2 .
: tati.(; fm;ks. vti:k Li:.n.-
; KIIS. Ji-Xl.Y Cake M..ulK l ab- an.IT. -
. Sp...i,s.t;L r.CCKKiS. -io'.eti. t- f-,.n,.i
; Tile-a! nil,' h- iiiriii.-1 -:,
I JOUN.SToWX SToVt eV liol SE Fi li.N IMJ ! v..
tPi site the Wcih Lock.
ask run
and save ntj j-re nt, on vur p':rc'; is, s
eithli: fmii cash oi: .m ;;ip
Johnstown April, 17. I8il. tf.
! TIlC Horse Tamer,
' THE tmd rsij.r,l, celebrate. IH)1V
i TAMKIl, of Iliinoii. in r. n.ain in town a
' -'"-,rt ,in'e .vtt ar-d will perform s- tli- ..f i.:.s
' rli""rlt f'1 f'' , and wnl
i ;ve n?truot,v? anJ 'fwl "'fonnatio., the
i oi.sp. Ninons, nature, ami tre-atnieut if the
! h'"-se, Lis diieae-s, li'c.
j The most vicious and unmsna T- ibh-
j horses yield imux-diately t.- his mild trea- I . 1 . , I . . ... - - . I . ...
j wncre iney may rest assured tlat all such
j lad habits can bo completely eradicated,
rendering them docile and tractb!e.
. . .- rr ti . .
e ti.oti jion.Tf, r.oensiinn. .mne 4. ln.
SEXES. A Fit-tired Clergyman having been
restored to health in a few days, after manv
yeais of great Nervous Suffering, is wi'linj
to assist others by bending (free) on recei"t
of a ost paiil directsl envelope, a conv .-f
' th Prescription use-I. Direct the REV.
! iHJ5 M' i)A'JXAl T' 18'' FuU,n stt-
inijuMvn, .. i.
SCMMITVIL!.K, CAJItLlA Ci . ; . ..
C3-CiU--"e at the .-: : o
their pent'..ns 2 r i .v n . " ... .
in this . f-soe, a., i t'. v.
the aci:--n rf J -urt t4 . . , v
cl Cim; r:a K. .:.y :, 7-1
" of A. D lr-' J, ; . . ... ;
Patrick M'Dam.. Wi.m r- ii r
D-vid Lui Let. S;.-:j t.
.JOiKt'Il'M-!!; .x .-.! v.
UiV;- e - f the- Ch-ik f ',i i'l'.r S,-.
L'-eusbjrg J.:,.e- 4, lr 2.
three wevks .. , a 'A'r.'.i r- ..V
veais . 1 1. with -:.. j. !.. ... j.
her f.rei.-ad. " ;. tt ..
rr;t- ; n i : -r!
l.-iVe a ' .i4g ..1: ! r
t: f: rep--tin' ht r ;
v. ill be- re- v
i:!..-rsh-a:r. -Tu:..- 4, l-.--2.--j.;
'!: s--.-'-ri r 1: av ::.g i p. n -'
VD'i.ii. on Main tre.;. .
the -S Ii i prejrai . ;
l ur MKiKiNi.s. .v
che.ijK r ti t-i i- er i f r-!: ;
Hi- ok iiij ; lire' ;.. .
with r .-v ;T! i t i v t.att . '.
t),- -s- ;r. .. t t . id : - - ;
i f a': t i.u i ei.a:.i.r.. Li- . .
II - st.- k ij ri es a . :
Fi v V. t o'.l.i. r Sii.1S.
i'A 1 KM M lirr:vK r i
V r er:
FAN' V ANI l-'-T LT Ml
.L .- j. n Y. I'A IN! -V
VI, N-v. !.V: -.
i I li" JNU I J.Fil j; c A! V
. A ... A ..
T. r. i.-.i'r .t.-, -i n j .. :
c;::.t'Fi:v ani ' nilv
ZT- p:iy.c:an- ; ..rse; i li:l ,i.l!i is!. :-- i
. . t
AM Giil)! "NAM
i . 1 i I ; . m ,
; ; i -s 1 ' - -.
:a:- 1 I 4- . :. : i :
C .rt :.
.N r.i.,4 1 , ji . ; , t
i'ess ..Tl . i , ! " . t
Ca. :- : .- '.
ti." ..Uii- no, . : t. ,-: t .
s::-y f r t ..i- : : .. .
l-.-r t. ; - . f : ! . . .
el. .: .'t.-.i.j 't i ; : .
l : : tl s .. - : ,, ',.'. - -.
j O.l. . i. ; 1- ;
i' -' i j . - -
: -i .n -. .- - -s , -
r. ;i-- : -
! . ..f - ". ..
l'.;o 1,- : . :.. t ... i .
tv as ! .". -:. : r
v i e ut-- - "i
' ot .v .str. '
n i ih (- -t?.. r , i I :.. "
i:. . : :.e i : i. i : ..
!:-' of t : t- s .- vil ; ,-;
v .f . i-'. "... r.
it to of .: s ..... i -., ; .
t-c:ni.i' C - ...'
, J -s. '..'. . , "s :..r . n .
Sir. et. t:.a"io; j U ': ..' ,
o-,rn' r ; ,; ; : .
; rn.'.t.
', ." -''. ; t
make a-i a? : . s :
A. I Oi j- u o :-.r. 3 :::n-' ' -'
; p..i,.J wit., t'.c p.ive:!..nt :.. ' '
1 Dor's h- ns .
Givcti tind-r r:v ban " -.
Cm lit ..;. this, .- t! ' -
M i' , tirht'fn hu'i he-.: -
.! l. uiiAi.i ii
Joun Lhi v, S -"y.
j BUHNSIU FiC, M All'-- 1
i'OliT I!.vis?l week iv :j
i 1AVIS. -1 'M v pvr Hi Extra F j -J
" .. Ext:
What. p.-r bus! .1.
1 Rye.
i liuckwlvat.
! Oats.
Clover sty ,
Tirnotb.y, do.
, - - - " j
; . M. I'ettenglU
' Advertising Agents, ll'J N-s"--."
New York, and 10 ta.e rf. - t
j -ircthe authe'riz.eil Agents f--r ; r j
' A: KWisKi.," an ! rh '
tial ard largei-t circa atiu N- "i
! the li..U-.l Ma;f tnd C-i'. :- f
are empowered to c n'.rurt
Apul 30, 12 2a.