4 PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND t '- . r T k .I.h preciaeiy f..r while oleasant to the taste. it is revivifviuff. exhilerating, ftreugthcniiig to the vital j overs. It also revivines, reinstates ana re news tne lioou iu uu i.s purity, and thus iestere ai'd render- the system invulnerable to attacks f w disease, it is the only pret-arauon ever offered to the world in a popn-j form so as to he within til? eg jreaeti oi all. r-o cnemicanv au. s-.u-- fully combmed as to 1-e the most f- . i e- - .M- ' ' 'powerful tonic, arid yet so perieetiV f .'iidapted too. to art in jurfeet wanrd-t amt vrith the laics of nature, and L''An--e soothe the iceakent htomaek, H land tone up the digestive organs, ard H lullav a'.I nervous and other irritation. i It is also perfectly exhileratiug in its .etfetts.and yet it is never full' -wed ly 'lassitude er depression of spirit. It . - , .ii.:. jis comptca entirety iu '.tcucio land those thoroughly combining pow erful tonic and scvtl.ii.g properties, i;arid cons- quenet tly can never injure. ! '.ich a rr,uiL'.v Lis long ben iVit to ''lea desi.ler-itiun in the medical world Ix.th bv tfte thoro"ghlv skil!d in' medical s-.uVnoe. and als-i by all who' p;have suffVrel from debility; fr it'.fj H nectis no medical skill or knowledge ' even to tb it debility fvllow a!M attacks f die.i-e. r.nd lays the uu Iganied system open to tLe a' tacks ol Lj manv t-f the most dangerous to P which p"r hum uiiiy i.; cnst;:5tly ' liable. Such, fur ex '.mpb as tlie'g following; c:nuniption. Bron hitis.jji ln3'g-:5t!n, Uysj-epsia, t.t Ai ix'tite. l-an tncss Nervous Iriiti- bility, 2euralgia, i'alpitation of the! Heart Melauchoiy,llypo.ondn"a cases,! 'so leai fully fatal if uuatteiidetl to in; ks I.: - .11 "j L. , . 17',... ..,., ....1 I. ul'reynhiriiie. Alsi Liver Derange R ments r Torpidity, and Liver Com fplaints. Diseases of the Kidneys. Sca'.ding or Ineontitence cf the Urinej m ,or any general derangement of the;, rS Urii ary Organs, 1'ain iu the Eack,'k O Side, ;iud between tl;e shoulders, predisposition to Slight Colds, Haek-i .mi? ana uontinueii Lxu;n, L,macia- ta ,tion. Difiiculty of Breathing, and in- .deed we miht eunumerate many more still, but we have space only to! av, it will not only cure the debilny .f illowing Chills and Fever, but pre- '. vent all attacks arising lr :n Mias-,M 'matic lnfluences,an.l cure the diseases, PA , . . . .... . B at once, it alreaily attacueJ- And as Fh it acts directly mii J persi.-lently ujK-n th biliarv svatem, arousing the L iver S3 to ikcfioi:, promoting in fact, all ex I jcretlons and secret loiis ot tne sys. jtem, it will infallibly j-revent any) jdeliterioiis consc-iuences following upj Jon change ol climate and wat.-r : liencej all travelers should have a bottlcj 'with them, and all shiuld t;ike a' table spoonful at loart l ef re eating '-' As it prevents costivene-s. strength jens the digestive org ins. it should be e 6 ;in the hands of all p'-rons of sec.-i entary habits, students, r-.inistcrs,' ,1 iterary men. And all holies no .-( customed to much outd -or exeieisej n should, always use it. If they wiiij they will find an agre?ablc, pleasant. and enicient remedy againt those; ills which rob them of their leant v;' nirity; ist" withrut A tor beauty cannot cxis health, ana health canno une aiNjve lrreg-uatiesc ontinue. ihen again, the (ordtal is a ptitect Mother's Relief. Taken a month or! two before the final trial she will pass' the dre-tdful period with erfect safe- ty. There is no mistak atiMit it, tfiis Qrdinl is all ire claim furil. Mothers, try it I And to you we appeal tode- tect the illness or decline not only of f your daug'a- ters before it be too late, but also your sons and husbands,' for while the former, from false do j iicacy, often joes down to aprema-i- ..A I .1 ti ii r S IUIU 1,1IG1JIUCI ll,lll id llitir COI1-1 ' ditioul-e known in time, the latter p are often uo mixed up with the cx-j' citement of business that if it were' not for you they too would travel in! the same downward path, u ntill too' J 'l.vt to arrest toeir fatal fall. But P Jthe mrther is always vigih i t, and f; 1 Vyou we confidently apjeal ; for we' are sure your never failing affectim' " will unerringly point you to prof I Wo. id's Re.-torative (iirdi.il and at: 1 fej lll'xl Renovator as the remedy which. i should bi always on hand ii timr C of n ed. O. J'. WOOD. Proprietor.' H.H Broi.dv.ay. New York, and 411 0 Jmarket street, St. Louis, aiuh-j js.ild by all g.l Drtiizgists. Price One; m Dollar per"-it tie. ' i i. ,E.;xsLrua. fVJii ,-. l.r. it l , XI. i.. JJKVIXF. HARNESS ! AND SADDLDRY The undersigneti kens constantly on hand and is still mamifacturing all aseclrti in hia line such as. ADDLES, FINE SINOLE & DOUBLE HARNESS DRAFT HARNESS, : BUND BRIDLES. Ill llN'i BRIDLES CHECK LINES, HALTERS. WHIPS, ' JiA'Jf'JfliAXn.S & .. iVC., i which lie will d'iK: ...f at l.-w prices for' cash. His work i all -.varrantcd, and being ex- . 1-crienceiL he puti the lst of leather m his . work. Thankful for past favor, he hopes, y attention to busiiiess to merit a contiuu i auce of the patronage heretofore so :ileral- ' ly cxteuded to him. Shop a few doors Wot of the M.-unt-Mn " M""" HU(HIM'0Y, I CljcnoLurg De-. IL U"01-tf. i if sum Trun uv vthuc ii, ILiM. niiii uLRiiLUI iJlUlU. ' ma rx street, .onxsronx pa LEWIS LUCKIIART, begs leave to an i n..;:ii:-e that he has always a larjreand varied ! I ass-rtmen of all the various articles peculiar to Lis business. Repairs promptly and ; carefully attended to. J.-hnst v.n April, 1" 18C1. tf. MiW TAILOR SHOP. The und rsigned having opened out a Tai . I-oring Establishment, over the store room j fK-eiipiw! by 1. J.Evans & Son, respectfully informs the public that the tailoring busi- ne.-s will there be carried on in all its bran- oi e. All work will 1-e done in the" latest style, with neatness and dispatch, and upon the most reason ahe terms ROBERT 1). THOMAS. El-eiisburg, May 15th, 1801. tf. DK.VTISTKY. f T1VF. uudersigr.ed Graduate of the IV-dti- .4 more (Jul lege of lk-ut.d Surgery, respect J fully otiV rs his proiVessional services to the i ci'.icns of El ensburg. He has spared no mean.-, thoroughly to acpiaint himself with -ve:y imptovement iii his art. To many years of personal expericnee he has th ucrht . tf aild ihe impaated exj'eri nceof the high e.-i authorities in uental c!t-nre. lie sim ply n-ks that an opp rtuity may le given tor 1 is wcrk to sneak its awn praise. SAMUEL HEDFOKP, 1). I), s. Of'ice fiTmeilv occupied by Dr. Chirk. Ri.fei:knci.s. Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond, jr. ; W. Handy ; A. A. Blandy, 1. II. Austen, of Bitliini-re C ! lee. K. ! the ! iT ANDY BY THE II(LLSAI Pi. ! V-'The i.n.1 'The iiiiders'rrjii'd is now l irriT.ifd ti tnr ni.-n c..m;i i all Kiinis oi iiis own mar.a facture. to tetail dealers Ly the wholesale at j city prices. Country dealers will ;;t lea.-t s.ive the car riauft from lhi!adt!pl.ia or Bittsburg by pur ! chasing f;om him. Give his cai dies a trial, i JACOB I END. j hi, -town. March, 5th, 18CJ. Snios. ! Tlie freat Cause OI : mx, itv. Just puLliaheil'iu aSeahd eiivekpe ; 1 "lice j Ccls A LECTURE P.Y l)n. CCLYERWELL. ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Speima-torrho-a, C-e.nsumj)tion, Mental and Pliys'cal Debility. Nervousness Epilepsy; Impaired Nutiiiion of the body; Lassitude ; Weakness of the Limbs and of the Back : ndispositir n and Incapacity for Study and Lalxr ; Dull ness of A 'prehension ; Loss of Menu ry Avert. ion to Societv ; Love of Solitude : Tim id it y relf Dtiu.-t : Dizziness ; lb-ailiiche i A ilei tioi.s t-f the 11 es PiUij'hrs ori the Face j Involuntary Emissions, ainl SexuU Incapac- ! ity ; the Conseiurnce of Youthful ludi.-cre- j tion. &c, &c.. i CT' l his admirable Lecture cleaily proves j that the above enumerated, often self afi'iet . el evil may I e removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations. ! and should be read by every vouth and every i man in the land. " " ! Se, t undor to auv address, in a plain i ea!.t envelepe. on tlx receipt o.t sx rents or two postacre staiiips. bv addrcssim-. Dr. CHAS. j. C. KLINE. Iloncr). Xe' Vurli, I'ost flicc- Itox. 4.Se. iiii. JL.iLiiHl b .ANTIRHEUMATIC BAND IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, ASP A SI HK I I KE TOR All Mercurial Diseases It is a conveniently arranged Band, con taining a medicated compound, to lie worn around the Wai.-.t, without injury to the most delicate icrsons. ti change in habits of living is required.aml it entirely re moves the disease from the system, with out producing the injurious clfccts arising frcni the use of powerful internal medi cine which weaken and dstroythe consti tution ami give temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties coi.raiiieo. m me liaint, come in contact with the blood and reaches the through the pores of the skhi disease, cfiectiu" i.; t"7 instance :i perfect cure, aud re store-- the parts jiiilie.cd to a healthy con iit ion. This band is also a ..-ost pow-rful Am i-Mi- wcriiAi. a --cent .and vi I entirely re- I. eve t!. systeni lrom the micns eJLcts t !" mercury. Moderate cases are cured in '. a fe y days, and we arc coii-tantlv receiv- I ing testimonials of its efficacy in agriVatcd , ca. es f lo-io .standing. ; I Pkic-i; .2.00, to It had of Druggists g,.n j ; eral'y. or can be sent by mail "or express, j j with full directions for Use. to any part ! , country direct of from the principal Office j X. Iftl IiaUiUIVAt, ..Y. I I O.SMITH VCO, Soi.k Pi:oimiie-oks. i N. B Descriptive Circulars Sent Free, i For ale by H. C. Devine, Ebem burs. i Azcnts unnted Cveryultrre. June 1, V.l.-ly. COUKTY, SCKCCL &FCCBHOUSB ORDERS rvi:cii.st:i) axu fox s.ile BY V. ;l-tf. A.MIOEMAKER Jure, 12 NOTICE. Tiie Dockets of F. M. George Esq.. are in the hands of the undeisigued. Ferous iiitem-.-teil v.ill please riotice. P. MrGOUOH. 5. ;.i...i.i. I'a.. -Jaij. 2ZL lS-j2. tf. im ii. in itirs r ti mz'J'ri nan ri ,c'ri t 1JIM I I II ! 1 UAJIVV.LI ! A sit UK KtlME V Full A lit KtlMEV Foil A J : BAD BREATH, r, SORE MOUTHS, CANKEB, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS. NL' USING SOKE MOUTH, And the l-est sjecille now in use for any disease 1 condition of the mouth. It is pai- j ticularlv beneficial to ersons wearing I ARTIFCIAL TEETH, comple cy destroying tverv taint of the rrouth, absorbing aud removing all impuri ties, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who make use of it. No Yocs; La iy oi: Yoi."x. Glntlkman hLj is afflicted with a i BAD BREATH t .-hould delay apjplving this remedy, f.riti. ;i certain v.i t, itnd is aj provcii and recom- ; mondeI by -v-ry piiwiciau under w!to.-e notice it h; l-en biotiht. i A BAD BREATH- i is ati offence for u hic'u ihere is no excuse i while I DR T.II. St. Ill'RIVS MOUTH WASH I can be pr clued Many jn-r.-oi is carry vfit': ihem a bad Ire ith I greatly to the anuoyai.ee and ofu-n to the ! -disgu-t of those with wln tn they come in i contact, without Icing conscious of the I fact. To relieve your.-elf from all fears re- girding this, I St Ml. W.M. n. MoVMI WASH. Cleanliness of the mouth is of great im lMiitauee to the general health- which i- of- t,.n ;i!V,-(tid. :oiii r. it liiifreo-ieiillv sirinii(!v : im j aiicil. tl.i'-iigh w tut of proper attention ', to this subji'-ct. j ri: i R. w:i. i: i:i-r:Drs Mor rn wami. ' 1'iepaiel at Dr. IhirJ's Dental Office, ; Ko. 77 Fourth Srre t, B ooklvn. E. D. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. A lil'eia' discount madr to dealers. AJdiess rrinciiitl Oilice, Tribune Build ups. No, 1 Spruce Street. New York. ld in Philadelphia bv !vr.tt& Co.. 2..2 North L'r.d. Strett: O." J IIubU-11. MlO Chestnut Street; and by a!i Druggh.ts, I) It . IV .11. It. ISCItEV TOOTH POWDER 1 This Powder possesses the CARBONIC W ITHOUT THE INJURl j OUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL, and is free frm all Acids r Alkalies that j can it in the least injure the Teeth. i ITS AlTloN HMMi KN"i lUT.I.Y 1 it A X If AL J I'.jLU.UMi WilllilT WBAlilNG iilK )x - AMKL. Dr. Vn. B. Ki Is reeoinmende ! :rcls Tooth Towder. bv ai! mincirt 1 lei-ti-i Prepii-ed at Dr. Hur.i Deni:d Offna-, o 77 Foiirt'i -p t. Bpioklvn, E. D. PRK'E '.5 CENTS PER POX. A liberal ili-eount made to dealers. Addre.-,- l'ii:.ei;;d Offee. Tlibur.e Build j ing. No 1 Stn et New York. v , , 1 'l V l - I',v;,,11, ' ' ,( " '- 1- C!t'1t M,, t t : i,n 1 l'-v A 1 110 I DSS. V'tI. CS(I1S'UIS S I TOOTKACAE DROPS. I CR THE CURE OF ! TOOTEAOEE. ' prioluced by cxpo.l neives. i It is pai lici.l ii ly adapted to aii cast.-, of : children : lli.eted with TCKUilACIIIl. P iTTt" can rebi-ve h "ii-' vei ft on tint 1 iistre.s.-ing wearirws-? caused bv j LOSS F SLEEP, i and lh. :r children from great mi'I iIh.;. by ) keeping a I ott'c of i dh.wv.,1!. Hfntj's TOo:iiACiii: - r-. j in the house. ! l'reparr.l at Dr. Hu.d'.- Dc:!.!! Ofikc. No 77 Fourth S?ret BiiH.klvu E. D. ' PRICE ONLY VI CENTS PER P.OlTLE. ! A liberal discount made to l ;ders. j Address principal Ofiice, Tribune BuiM- j ings. No. 1 Spruce Street New York. Sold in 3 hii idclphia by Dwtt t C. 2.,- ! North '.d. Street: O. J.'Hubheil 1410 Cheat nut Street; ami by all Druggists. DR. WM. B. KURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, FOR THE CURE OF ITEUEALGIA. - or Toothache produced by colds. LOCAL NEURALGIA, is. Immediately cured by their application. They act like a charm, and are ln'i fevt 1 v narmicss in ii.eir nature ; no not lroduce a ! blister, and leive no unpleasant results, ' i"5- WM- Tiei.n's xi.rBAi.iiA risru:. i never tail to give satisfaction to all vxl.o j test their virtue. : Prepared at Dr. Ilurd's Dental Office, ' No, 77 Fourth Stieet. Br.-oklyn. E. D. PRICE, ONLY ir, CENTS EACH. unt made to 'iealers. Ad.'.ress Principal Oilice. Tribune Build ings. No. 1 Spruce Street, New Yoik. Sold in Philadelphia bv Dvott & C .,J:VJ North 2nd Strc-et : O. J. Hn! b. II. lllo Chestnut Str t ; and by all Dru i i-. Dcv, 1 S dY,l-ly. N.-Ticr. We aredaliy lcceiving orders to and bv mail fr one crmoreof Dr. Hurd's I Dental Remedies, which we cannot lili. ; None are mailable except the Xenra1ji Pl'ixf'r, which we send on rcce:pt of Price J (15 centO and one stamp. But t.-aeCom- ad.tte persons in plaees where the druggists : aud storekcejicrs arc behind the age, we ; nave put up packas in white cmb-isse-1 : j Ihjxcs, seven inches bv four, with compart- ' ",(,ts a?hbox containini a licttle of Dr. t Ilurd's M,nih U'n.sli. and TmthArhe Drons ' a box of Too h Poirdir. the Xrarahiia 1'las. ! tcr, ami a valuable little Treatise on Teilh ! and Uieir Di.senj. the best means of ircs' r- - i- . . - . .. ing incut, and the iicr lieafinent of Chil- dreti's Teeth, worth of itself the entire cost to every young man or woman, or parents with young children ; with sundry otlii articles ; price i-cr package one dollar, or six packages for $5, sent by express as directed As the Express? charges are not much, if any more on a dozen than on one, it Is far cheap cr toi.rdcr six or don packairc-f at a time. large family will want all. ..r the surplus l can he li.-p.-tfed ...f io nc'g'-- r.- w:thr?:H:v benefit, fr no one can estimate Low mm it pain, sun nam. biulerinsr. m-happiness. cml .ii.-n::ure. inent. txixnse. Us ot tune and m.uey H-iise, lo-s oi tune an - . - saved to the country if every fm- i ily to d;y had one of thee packages, which, i in itself, is a complete set of Dnt.il Heme ; dies. Addrers Wm. B. Ih cn V Co. Trib ! une Bui'dii.gNew York, and wiile na r eiin 1 . address plainly. That teiiiittance may L-e i made with confidence. W. B. II. & (J. re fer to the Mayor of Brooklyn. toi. U". (irif fith, lVesident of the tanner s aud Citizen Bank. Brooklyn ; to 'lie Editors of the Am ican Muan afactures Gazette ; to lev. Cot Co., 1' Aeblishers' Agents, New Yoik ; to ; rderei' rAKNTf . E-q., who know a g-l ' P. T. Bhcn they s-e it and who has already l ing wa second supply, etc. j 10UO Agreutw Hanted: ! To intr.xluce Dr. Ilurd's D ntal Remedies i into every County, Men or Wi-nieu who ! want t- make money quickly, can l j l tter i with the-e a: tides than ai ythingin market. ' They are new. us fid. low jricel, and we are ienling t!i..uands in advetiing tl cin j for the belief:! of agents. Boxes of .-.i:aj'" S j containing one dozen of the one d-l!ar jaek j ag-s a'.jove specitid. a ith circuhtrs will le ' .-cut, cn nceipt cf seven hJ!ir.. ah-uit half i price, to any person wishing to test l is- r her ! skill in selling with the view of K-coium'-: S au agent. Tiiey can le Sold ins day. cj-W e troHtd rullirr jnii .sularlf. I'ntti Ci-iitiniiKm. ' to t'to-sc iclt" j'luce tJieu4nJcc8 ''V7' S'is , win. LT"X w is the tim-to g t into bus".ne.- j Tor al !res and n-fereiici-s x-c the al-ve. WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL OF TIN, COPPER, AND SHEE'l IROX WARE, AND DEALER j I N C-Joking. Parlor, and Heating Staves. ; Nails, (jl.i.-s, iVc. He also h;i- on i hand a very hi rge us-. rtmcnt i the alxve ! articles. wl.Ui he will tell at a very smal. j advance n cost, for casir ! Ebensburg, July 10th. 1 SO 1 . tf. Ml U FACTO HI: pisoi-niEioK. l iiKNsi.rr...cAti!i:i c.rxTi v Crawford Street, a few d rs below the Cor ner of Julian and Crawford, MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS Of PLEASURE CARRIAGES, BAROUCHER, CHARIOTEES, ROUKAWAYS, CACIILS. SLE. .HES. Ah mtikin sccoi: 1 haii : work of d-flcrenl K I! :t m all ;t vanclv that w: the purses of every lNly. LJ- REPAIRINlr donew .i ilea li. .- ilisj'rtteh ' Thankful for ja-t r.-vors. he h. pe?, bv I iishii goii! n.-atcrials, to merit a o -n; i.nanee of !::e j. atronage heretofore given to 1 . Persoi;s wishini; to pi:r-hae any aili. in his I i : . c-, will do well t. ali ;ii hi-- e.-l.u- ii-hmc-it ; lio (!:iph.y ;r . v. , . his Hulk will b i;uaral.te( d. Dieemler. lth' 1ni;j. -'vV. kuiei.. im'VEll HOUSE WILLIAM R1CHTER, P: vr.:v. tt Corno of Ciiidon and Second S.reet.- -b town -unhiia county P:-. CCJ- Caniais v.i'l : I..-- . from an '. to the Rail Roa 1 d J-'t. II0U3B. 1 'he liiidii air d 'i.ii!.ir l ,i: : i ha-.-. 1 r.ii.l taken p ifise'ish'li of tli'; El'dlhuf lloo.-e (f.ii inely- oeiipied by II,.n;y lou-tci.) will be hapj'V to receive and .icivmmol ate hi.-old cli.-teua.rs, ami aliettais who m iy be dNp-i-fl to patrni.e Lin.. The Pripriet-r feels as.-nic-l from th spa. i..us HOUSE. STABLE A- other fai!:ii. that he can offer at hast as gonl Accomn.o chttioiis as can be had at any other in the place. lb is in posse ssioii of a large supply of the choiscst li-pmrs with which his bar will be furnished: his table will be furn uhed with all th luxuries of the season, and he intends by his hospitality and tare, to merit the patrvuago if all tLosc who stop with! im. ISAAC CRAWFORD. Ehe-iiburz April, 17, lbill. tf. EBENSBURG PA. JOHN A. BLAIR. Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR will spar. n.. pain-, to render this Hotel, worthy of a continua tion of the lilt ial share -f public patn n- A-lf it has heretofore received. UU table will always I-furnished u ith the lest the market affords; his bar with the best i f liquors. His .-table i large, and v i 1 1 1 attended, bv an attentive and obliging ho.-tlcr. Ebenburg Apr.17 MANUFACT8RV. WILLIAM P. PATTON". J()II..STi)W. ALL KM OF CHAIRS, such as common AN insor Chairs. Fret Back Chairs, Vienna Chairs. Bustle Chairs. Rim Locked Chairs, Sociable Chairs, Cnnc 5rat (Sbiw, . ROCKING CHAIRS, OF EVERY SlXE, SPRIXfi SEAT CHAIRS Settees, Lounges. Arc. c. CABINET FURNITURE of evry description and of labst STri.Es. mm prices rosrrr the Tastes of all. Thankful for past favors, he rej-jKvt-fullv holicits a lileral share of imbli.- i. .tr,.n ' w'. Clinton Street i t: ... . , ' 1 Cv. 1 ioiiii.mom ii eiUiori:i 1.1 A - I'.'iL'H.r 2"ih. I--;!. 5c '""to nsstirnna prirrtri UniiULLlUil LUlILli ; This preparation made from the Lest Ja- va Coffee, is iccomim iided bv pLvsiciaiis as j a superi.r Nl'TIJlTIOUS BEYER AGE for Geneial Djbility, lup j ia a-1 all bilious disorders. Th-'.isai.d- v. ho have been com pel!! to abandon tl.e v- of coflet-e will Use this without injuroiiff ef ects. Ouecau in- , tains the strength f two pounds cf ordinary ' coff-e. Price I'O cel.'..-. i IKOLLOCK'S LEVAIN.I The purest and bet BAKING rOWDEIl ! known, f x making light . sweet and nutri- tioua Bread an 1 cakes. Price lo cents. I MALKA'.Tl I.l. LY ; EI. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist. Conn r of Bmad and Chestnut Streets, Phi'. d: ';.!iii, ' A lid sob! by all Dn.ggL-ts and Grocers. March Gth ly. SoxaetliiDg fcr the Times! !! A NECESSITY IN EVERY ESKEKOU! JOHNS & CROSLEY'S ' AHERICATJ CEKELT GLUE TI Mtusrt-HC Clio In Tli i World Fcr Cementing Vood, Leather, Glass, lvcrv. Chtra, Kirble, Bene, tcrcelaiz. Ala i a r i o rr I I ft? Oii'iJ (II it t.. I.inJ :i!..-'onJ t rer pro XYuUr. iJt'Cn! VI' II h ir EXT K ACT 5 : "Every ho-is-ke--p-r -!.o:iid Lave a ply of Joim-i iv (.'r i-Icy.- A:icrica! Cc:: ei:t Uiue.'" S--f J ".; Jmcs. -It is si eo-'-.i ..ieut to have it in the ho:ie.' AV'c )(. fjrjtress. "It is always ready: this eoniinen'i itseif tot-very body.' A. J. JudeM.ii-itf. "Ve have tried it. and find it a.-, uxfnl ii oiirhotioc as water.' RV'.-r' rivit f ;.r Tinier. Ii ic 25 Cents ne r Ituttic V. rv kr,; Ll'ti d Reductions to h ;!e lVa 7V:7:.hW H C--F-.r .d- b - all Ding-it.- r.nd ki-eprs U' ner;i!v tl'iouli ut the c- JOHNS &l CAOSLEY, I S ! e M . i n ; I . i : t r. 1 1 1 s . ) S Wll.l.l ! Sll:eT. re .ir . iCo'uer of Liberty Street.) Ju'v !":b. ls.Jl.-lv. Nf:n or.K. JOEHS & CHOSLEY, .Lh. JlAMMlTt ULk- ol THE IMl'UoVhl) (Jt'TTt l'MItf II CEiVIEfiT ROOFING, i iio eheije.-t an ! ue-t .;-.;rib:e R.r.'ng IT IS FIRE AUD WATER PROOF. !t can be anplii-l t- n-.-w :n. 1 old i ",:'.-. !' :::.!s. I X" Si.n.g e io .fs. without j. . ving tl.cSi.in g!e. THE CC'.-l l- OM.V t,f.-Tli?;n i II AT Oi TiN an ! it i- to. ice as DURABLE. SUTTA PERC-IA CEMENT. . . . . . r pre-i i c;i, j. :.::: ivj ..,. i ill au 1 i :.::: Ivi 1 1 . i- in ; i i an -i Metal 1 ;it il i la -licit y 1 1 - 't ! jj an 1 - ripti- n. ti :n f,. i! I V th- men's. OR RUN A : ! IN ti.y i. C.i': t:.;; wi.i i. .. I il. c 1 i n cold WARM W F.AT III".: Ties. 1.. - J. w in en tie" ,1 all parts Sl ites. i.o Wc tia'.iii 1: 1 i-v -roll. N' Y : k uthiiu an. i Wo ii ve nl'T:i.: i!it l I iv Tl. . v :ir r a." rci.-. at a !t..:;n; i. n-i . "KO KEAT IZ F.EQTTIR i nese- ;i.;- i. a.,- i.Vi( u;n-:v i r r u.-e. rntrv , au-lfor shipj ing to all p-ri- of the e v "i'b full print. -1 direcn f.r app!! a Full di-.-i ript: v . ir. oi .r will I.- f-arni oil app'h.Mti ;; by n, tl i;, . r jN.is.n at Piincij'.il Of.i.e .tin: Wat. h i:--. h.l o.;r 7s WILLIAM -TREE L em S rtct.)Ncw : A CRLSLMY. JcHN A..: JU.M WaT! Ii ! Tlr "ol. ly. JOHN B. FROMALD, DEALER IN oat CLOAKS & SHAWLS, Corals. H.q.ed Skirts. Perfumery, La 1-ie.-'and CniMun s She-.-, Glove.-." IJ.uV -erchi.-fs. Faoey G-fls. notions. Ao.. &c. ai A 1 N sj I, EIT. .KUhVSTOWX. pA. N-'V. ISul. ly. AIU 1B2: llfiTCS,. KIieiiIjMjV. HENRY FOSTER. P;;-.n:,LT. rplllSIIcrn EL. F(t:M I-1RLY KNoWN ; M. as the --Ei . nsbum House," is one of ''heohlest an i In st stands iu the borou-L of Ebensburg. f.-r tlu ac-ouiiuodatioii f ; th.- ra . eR.:g comm-.::.:ty. Tiie Pi-, prut. ; assures al! who may be disN:L,I to pat-. , ronia? him that Lis TABLE will la -r , iiei iui aiiu.e luxuries oi the sa t his BAR with the eh son. ehoice-t f Li, qr.-.rs, JUests ; and no pains spaicd to nu!cr Lis coii:f. rtp.l'e. Ehensburg. April 14. lt-5S:22:ly. ILENSBURG FOUNDRY HAVING pur chased the mtiie stock and nxt . ures ol the El-cusburg Foundry, the subscriber is prepared to furnliu farmers ( and others with Plough, Plough lolntN.Stoe 31111 Irons. Tlirenriliis -Maclilne.s and castings of any kind that may be nee i Jed in the community. By strict -4ttntion to tliC Business of the concern, he hoj-c-s, to merit, and trusts be will receive a liberal patronage : from those in want of article in his line. All imsim-ss done at the Foundrr. EDWARD GLAVS. ! M.trch 22. 'y, It. I".. IKil.- IT.NLON, Esq a--.. Law, Llecsburg, Caiulria l Ofiice on Maiu ttirt a.'j.:Li ling. ii 2 riCIIAEL IIAfSON, r..A.. (,iliii;e cn Main ?tivcl, trex c. -" -of Julian. ix '1 CYRUS L. PER-SIIINgTiv,. .T-" at Law, JoLn-toui.. C.-.:..i.r . Office on Main ilreet, . i.i the pHtnk. ix 1 C1 D. MTIiRAY, A xt. HNEr 7- ' LUiisburg CamLrin ov.i.w.i- " (iliiie on Juiovii sttc-cL, al--if If -T 4 BRAIIAM KOrELIX. At: J. . w, J. .n-tov.n. CaiL:-. . , 0.:;ce e n Clii.'.ou .-tieet, a it of Main and CleM J )...' :llcg!ilin. A: t.' u. Pa., ir. ; li.. !!1 at L. Per, ' Ivii i f I.':, ;s il ii.i:-. b.l.-H!,-.: V. i.ii-f d Willi J.i- t .1 ::-ToK. JOHKSTOK a OAVTii ATTORNEYS AT LA Ofiirt- opposite ti;c Com : WILLIAM KiTTCLL Stlornrn :it 'ab, vL'bri:;:. Cantria Ccnrty Peca. iCICtr C oloaudc ivv Dec. -J. ISO f vi:t;R;i: fi;i:;:i. .-r . .:V V-S Ei-ei..-'o ..g C..:..l,n.i c...ui.tv y. (.'-! e i; w. 1 S. - J. c. NuON JL LA . Kl li.Li'r au ATI- J "!... ElOfii .e i;; V.tj sol.; M.4-H .- b l..w the M .unt.lill II "vr. oi. M;ti. -ti.i t ! -j;. : " NEW ARRIVAL JOENSTGYK i it I Uiln i. rTTtN tl.e cltL.t.Il! "i O-toJ . . . i .n.i. c ;::.:: - 1 , le, eivoi a fi csh ITALIAN a:. ; , at his cl;.ib!"-ti:ii rt.l v t li.. er..-- .l.. um;.:m.-". I ;::a i" l. D .iae ToNl b; :i. 'BE. . 4, , . V 1 . ab!o. i; . v.: 1 1 ni.SNDs'D . 1 : -. s -ii:a. ".. f r 1 I ! v w ). at. w i It t! . s X ' 11 'i se. F.-r t the c ve:.;, 1 N. ! t.i-T. !: lie. b Lbe.-.si n; -. .,:--.vr.. M vwr vt ; f i : , R. A. 0 KERR, ACZin almvaa. bi.a.i: i . . i p.esC'.tii. il e ,o- :.siii i .i !-!..- I .V l.::i: t: tin- l ist -:.; . over liCOO i::-;-e than any il e: ii. is, coa ".u.'ii.g j.rH'l : ti'i-se n.a'.iiine over all These machine- can at the store of the Ac PrUv ,.f X... 1 ii. 'a.-.- r.c-t a vv .r-. : thi'-e :i".ar":.e the .- thels. in. nil. i N . 2. O.n .muit il l'.... style Hoi. r " "i old' stL Hemi.i r li't N. P.. Full ins-rn- tl ;; for p.u-.lcc' tr a "die R : -n - O K " B' ail C -.. Pa. r. :. s BOOTS AM) 1 l.e Ui .i ; -ly. resj n.-o- e- c::!.-a-i s ; and ".cir:ty tl i; h- sti tl.e Si;, tn u-j: bilsles -n MAIN .-tre- t. t vv, i l"-e-:lJs -t -r-.-. in tb- cu j :r.i by Lev: I.i.c v. , I iiis ov n n.ji.i.L ::t", i anl Children'. ir. ,-r a ' v- t rade to order at th- -rt n.-;lv i:' r.innncr ami on the rrost r a- : ' All work warrarttd ; u..l .. Give ?;.e a call r,u"i try r.je. C. Vf. ' loiiUsto'.Tu a' .'V, ., o.-ly. SAJDi)LERT!SAEDLESr fTHESUBSCRlP.ER w. u 1 r Jl inform the citizens of lil t'-- ": snrrour.ding coTiutrv. that he lr; Saddler shop, in the i-;i--i ::' dwelling house, on II Ti.tr is pteparci t furid-h t ".r nTist rta.-unb'- tcr;r..-. every o - : 1 Sadd!e... B.I.Hes. and Harness Ac Ilaiiig many yci expr:-'. ' business, ri'ipbyii g rc'i.e b;c woiiiuvu. anJ u.":rg ti e I er-t r -- a".l his work, l-e hopes to lirrrit v. '' a liberal fhare cf the public pat rer?-' Country t-r.-duce at all t.n" -. for wt.ik, aid the Lhe:t i: ' exchange allow-1. 1ASH M1' 1T0HN tborii-bur;;, Sjt.