Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, July 10, 1861, Image 3

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    lord Stems.
YrrK Tho duelling house of Ephr3ira
p.r.-a, b rlaolilick tp., wa3 destroyed by
on Saturday th 20th. nit., at about two
Vs (k P. M. All tf tho family were absent
. ibc tn.3, ar.J the origin of the fire 13 not
tncn All of the furniture and a lot of
carpenter's tools were consumed.
The editor and publisher of this pa
per return their sincere thanks, to tho first
elu?s eentlemau and muscians, who honored
u with a serenade on last Friday evening.
Tlieir music was superb, and they may rest
as-urcd wo are not ungrateful for the honor
ooDtorcd. May the dews of Heaven fall wita
Messings on c-ne and all, of tho Cdbthucipian
This body met on last Thursday. Mr. U
A Grow, of this State, wa3 elected Speaker,
and Ethridge, of Tennessee, C'erk, over John
Yv Forney. Thb? is a withering rebuke to
the unanointed vagabond who controls the
Philadelphia "rc$. Wo will publish the
tue?sec of President Liucoln next week, with
the comments we think it merits'.
1? P. S Noon. Eq.. hiving lef: town.
cn business, we cannot procure for publication
the resolutions which he offered and were
a-lopted in the Convention on Monday. They
will however epptjar in our next issue. They
embody our views exactly, au-1 if we bai
written them they could not have pleased u
V-tter. TLey embody principles from the
vr port of which neirhcr pains, peualtied cr
;.:;eitures shall drive us. The Constitution
must aud shall be preserved. L;t this be the
rallyii'g cry of the Democracy during the
In Town. Oapt. Litziuger, and Mr. Win.
Secidcr, of the Cambria Guards, are in town
en a recruiting tour, in eo:.s c-quenee of the
rt 'Viirctncnt of the Government t rais-. all
Companies to 101 sien. Cnp. Li'zi:rer, we
lam, is u tip t p Liccr ; the b- st evidence
-f Licit is the fuvi tbit be i.-5 universally p-'-p-u'.-r
with L;& ii;cn. They all pprnk f hlra ia
the gb'Vrifcg tern:?. Mr SecLIcr is a i
rl; tcr by profc.-jdon. His ability, irind
iit?s cf heart, and ft trictisai are u:.i i s io: a-
aul. I a opportunity
t. nitd h. Id, he wiil fully realize the sibv-r.te
! is ii i. nds have pb.ced on hinj. lie is one
;'a:r r-'cu'.ar cjrrespnnJt nt?, ard h prom-;-ad
n a to forget u.-, if thf Con.-patiy sa.:uld
r 'af'er railed .into a podti n, in wtii
v. ill ha-.c arpartuuily '
'tir.p-jv? 'Ur.
'a-uixijtox, July
-1? i; e. rtaia that
it.-r tl-.i. ilis.-i.h:ir"- of tlm thrs-o uo:i;hs riion. I
there will tiil beau available f -re.e of volun- 1
teers amounting U litS.UOO, whic'a added to
t-rv r i
t.l 230.00U ilueers and ae'i, It wul be tar i
Cousress to dctcradne v. hether the army fca:ui
ul thi tinee be increased by the aduition of a
Hi. I lari-r v
-r fjroc.
i.e. ii. o-ja.-ut. i.ji.
- i .. t - . ...
amount required far th
nrmy, a l h l to the sppropriatin made for the
year, rr.dine' vtt' June d'Jtu. loU, tor tue
f.t!,' now m t!ie ueld, or wLica Las been
I ' 'IV. , 11 W ' V- , V - - m -w , w -
?ppted and ill be in service within th-; next
twenty days, b .$15. "'). UUO. Tae estimate
far the Nuvy arc also large, but exact liuii:
a-e n ;t yet xhibit-:.!.
N :fA-iih-t-.n lin..' the v-?ry many p rjnns ii
the streets y .-:-erd v, the order was 2tciUei-
The r'view of the cighteea or tv,?:ity N.
r.-i im'tits was the err a red f..;a-i :; of the dav
-;. "li:!7 arranged r.avi'.IIa'i ?: -cet j 1 i
k'enn-vlvania Avt :uj, near the Executive i
InK-Ti. tir th. wcifino ntnvj an i .."'i:tort
c.f the Executive aud Military ih:eer.c. ; by
this paviliian the troops pa?c.i
'i'he I' lent intro-iuecd Cai S--tt to
.... .,.,1-iin le . X ..i-.lih.ns. and madi a few i
bijhly aecep'abl'j remarks.
t'eerctaries S.. ward and Su !::. Attart.ey
icneral Batrs, GenraH S-infard .i.d Dix,
uho, ia response to the irurntient demands t
the crowd, delivered brief audre-ces.
Tiaj scene was ii.twns.dy inter estiar, andj
the repcat.-.d cheerio u.anifertcd the depth of !
the patriotic enthusiasm. j
All the members of the Cabinate and the
rtker distinguished eeatieu.en v.c re siielter-.-d
from the S'm umlcr the appropriately adorned
pavillion. Shortly afl r the display in that j
ht'cality tha Prcsi lent and his fri-mis wen
escorted to the I reasury Trreuuas wneru ne
hoisted the national Hag on the stall espe
cially planted for the occasion.
There was ringing cf bells and lirin:? of
'anttoa dtzua
l r ll
d'ty. and
-reet exhibitions of pyrotechnics at night.
The military in the camps were cot inssnsablw
to the observaace of the iay, and a Sergeant
of the Texas Cavalry signalized the anniver
sary by getting raariiod.
Tho Republican members cf the House are
this morning holding a caucus on the subject
of candidates for Sergeant at Arras, Doorkeep
er and Postmaster.
It would rc cpuire a person of upiqubious
powers to ascertain all the movement of troops.
Some U. S. infantry and Capt. Griffin's artil
lery passed into Virginia between twelve and
one o'clock, this morning.
The New York Twenty-Cfth regiment of
volunteers have arrived.
EVERY SUMMER the demand for IIos
tetter's Celebrated Stomach Uittcrs increases.
It ia found to be the only certain preservation
of bodily strength during a period when tho
atmosphere is calculated to induce a fec-Iiu
of lassitude and indegestion. The wont caes
of Diarrhoea, and Dysentery give way to its
potent influence. Innumerable persons, who
arc now alive and well, must tbaak the dis
coverer of thb preparation that they havi not
been swept away in tho harvest cf death.
The Bitters is recommended by the beat phy
sicians in the land. This is the best evidence
of its real value, because, as a general thing,
they will not speak a word in favor of adver
tised preparations. They have been compell
ed to acknowledge the claims of the Bitters
upon tho community. Sold by all dru L-ts.
Kuei bares Holland Hitters.
The Philadelphia Argns, in speaking of the
late exhibition held in that city by the Frank
lin Institute, says :
"In noticing medicines, we are alwav3 ex
tremely cautious unless satisfied of the merits
of th article. Amcns those exhibited, is
the celebrated ITclland Litters. This medi
cine has been extensively introduced into ev
ery State in the Unioa, and into tat Canadi
an Provinces, principally within the last two
years. I he exhimtioo shows testimonials in
every language known in America, among
whieh we notice one from the late IIou. John
M. Clavton, of Dataware."
"Dyspepsia, Headache and Indirection,
by which all persons are more or less affec
ted, can usually bo cured by taking moder
ate evereise, whole.-otLe food, and a doae ofl
13'Ei hive's Iloli.iud Ditters one' hour before
each meal." Ikillu.iorc Si' a.
IIok TO PKLaEhVB IEAUTY. Nuibiuf is
more bc-comiag to a man r vuiiiuu than
beautiful luxuriant head of Lair, and a wo
mni:s bcautv is certatoly inciiijtl te without
a fair complexion, and he- or sho who neglect
these great and important adornments of na
tare must expect t3 suffer the mortification of
pietnaturc baldaes?, and a v.riakled face an
a samiw fcKia. otuirig u neeesary to pre
serve these essential attractions lur the use
of prof Wood's Rertorativc--X&m't7c Times,
Pr.Of. v oon s Ii.vir. UssToitATiva. We
have nu 1 tho occuda to use famous prcrvira
tion of Prof Wood's, and after throughly
tudtin its qualities, we find that where" the
Lair l.-, thin it will thicken it. if graj it wil
restore n to its original color ; likewise it
jiv'ts a glossy appearance, as well as keeps
tae n.-ur trom tailing ott. Thi3 invaluabi
uisrediont is for sale at "Chinaman's Tea
Stora," south oast corner Frederick and Pal
7 "XT "T y i - . .
iim iri; vy sir U U.IjIVCII Ijaltimorc
Ci'j'ju t?ohl by all good Druggists.
uit.D ouaimitviiie cn last sunday even
ing, Wiiiiam, eon cf William and Catharine
McCoDn. ll, age two years and 11 months.
"Of such is the Kin-d-m TUavcii."
.I weekly by
1AVIS5 .ION liS Co
i-.:i( rs.
' per
Ih:t:-a Paiijilv,
Iii.;. a lhie,
per "bur.hel,
.:.! i
IV .kl.s,
d ivcr eei.
Ti..a.thv, d..
,lt'J ta
SGHlOtliillg fOI the TiUlGS! !
, . . r t
A sii ii:i?Es HiSiiKl.
,! Ul-lX1? D C UiiUSlli Y U
Tlie St rvnost Glue in T'uq Wrlrt
For Camentiagj Yrood, Lcitker, Glass,
Ivory. Chini, Marble, 3oae,
Porcelain. Alabaster,
Coral, &, dc.
i At ''.i - ii ar
' tin- In ill
V.'iirn ir','1. v:i '.:s iud 11'., (
' th. v ry 1 o:i-' k""j-'r i-'-ou'd Lav."" "'-nj ly of
J !.:; vV- fro ley's An.eriean C-eiaer.t i!a..v7
!C i uiVi j ti.: ..j.
'It :
vt dent 1 1 have it in the houe.'
t Si.n Y'jrk Frjrei.
'It is aiwavs retlv: this com men Is
f- ev.-rv hi
."A, i'. Lvh:pfU Lilt.
"Ye h :vo tri ir, a;.d liiud. it as us'-f; I in our
Iran as wafer." HV'' y:
Very l:e.!wc' to Wholesale DeaVrs.
I Cf--K. r a'e by all I;n
an I etorekeepc:
er.err.llv t.- r.,r.ei..-';t t. e c -r.ntrv.
(Sle -Im'ifecturert,)
1 t II.I.l AM hTiiill T,
( cf Ld -'i -'y Street
July 10th. liiJl.-ly.
) NI1W YOtiK.
y 9 '
Cjmcm?. 1 arhr, ami liCtint; otove.-, -sails,
fib. s, Jec. ehc. lie alo bason hand a very
!ar:c a.-a-ertinei.t cf the above articles, which be
will tell at 11 very Mnall adyance on coat, fur cash.
Ebeubbur-, July 10th. 1801. tf,
Jacob Xa-lc ) y) 57 Jui 1S,
T , . -v- . . , I Summons in Partition.
John J. es;i"ae. et al. 3
The im-lerMinoil having been appointed Audi
tor, to make distribution of the last payment of
the procebs of tho Keal Estate sold by n. 1 .
Linton, r..t trustee in tho above case, hereby
iives notice that he will attend for that purpose
at the olhee of Wra. Kittell, Esq.. on Saturday,
the ZQlL. elay of July next, at one o'clock, P. M..
when and where ali persons mterctted may at
tend JOHN S. I1IIEY.
Ilbensbnrg, Jane '20, 7Gl It.
Auditor's Police.
f a HIE UNDEIISIGNEI), having been appoint
JL ed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria Co.,
an atKiter, to ascertain and report distribution
of the proceeds of the rent of the estate of IJcne
diet Lehman, de-e'd. sold bv Moses D. Miller,
giiai diau of the minor children of said deceased,
ly virtue of au order of the said Court hereby
notifies all persons interested ia said fund, that
he vi:I attend ta the duties of his said appoint
meet at the office of C. L. Pershing, Esq., in the
Loronttn oi Johnstown, on Monday ti e 8th day
t v 9 - "
01 juiy next, at one o'cloc k P. M.
Wil. KITTEiX, Auditor.
June 19, 'Cl.-3t.
F. A. fcllOEMAKEIl.
June 12. 'ol-tf.
fvn,vsri iT.ii ra 7 iTXf j want, liic unuersincl vul i:sue in J.' n-;.',' JS-tiM. ' i i-.".. A i t. .lt :1ACll rii-
-t-J-J TrU L to U? calk-1 -TIIK UNION." 1 i .ici.uis :.; .1 cifret;. '., - f t:,. C: .U 1 rV,
a Is precisely what, its name ind.catc... fe.r, A The ereat -,f , t?.r t--'.C 1 r, .1 .... 1
whileplea,auttottast.,it rcvtv x f ; - , A - w ; .;; ; ; - ; ;
and thus restores aiu. Ue ymu,n
r vulnerable to attacks u dia I. is the j,i:; r.:v1 i.iiicr iri!t:iti. jn. It is .'i'so licr-
(uetly exhtlerating in ;U c""ccts, and yrt it i.-V
never full -weilbv lassitude 'r U-T io-s;i n ct
pir"U. Il i: composed er.t'trely of veta-.
lues ami Uu.' tiu.n.u-:.iy couvn-uaj i.rr- - j
' ;u.d s-thiug properties, ana con p ,
i.sei;iencr.tly cm licver injure. Such a' 1
Flrcmeilv has hiv' Veen fo'.t tj ia .e.-i ier:i-.
' tain in the medical wil 1. bth by the thor
oimhlv i killed in medical seieneo, and al.) '
l y all who hae suf-'ercl t' del ihty ;
Hf 'r it needs v.o medical tdiill or knowledge
Wevtn to Ki-e that ihlility fll -ws all attacks
of disease. sid h'.ys ti e mv-arded system
o cn t ) the attacks iT many of the most'er:jus to which poor lmm-xnity is cu.i a ; Consinnptioii. I'.ionelr.tis, Ia-f
di', I)yspep:ia, Ioss of Appetite,;ss. Nervous In itabi.ity, neuralgia. iti .a u( the Heart Melancholy,! Iypo-
y.cyndria cases, so feai fully fatal if unatten
ded to in time, called Ftiao'c UlaViCii' aifl
r-m frrnla.-itu.f. A!s' Liver Du-an-a.:et.ts'
Mvr Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, J)is-W
H,( of the Kidneys. Jscaldinc; or lncyntit:-R
dice cf the Urine, or any genr -al derane
.racut of the Urinary Organs, Tain in thcj
fHaek, Side, and betwecu the fhoulders.M
pretiis-p. .sitiuii to rii'!
'and Gintinue.1 Ctih, R
to Sli-'ht Colds, Hacking k.
anaciat iuii , Difticu 1-
ty of Bi eathinjT. and indeed we might cram- Q
mcrate manv more still, hut we nave space w
only to say, it will not only cure the deoil
iiyVdh wing Chi'.hs and l ever, but prevent
all attacks aii.-in frm iliasmatie lr.!'u:ii-f erne the dieasts at once, if ulreadj
y attaeked. And as it acts dirt eily and .cr
"r isteuily iijxin the liliarj- stm. aroiininjr. .
the Liver u action, promoting in fact, ailR
txercti'iis a ad tecretioiis of the system, it
will iai'.diihly prevent any delileiiuus cea
seipu i.ecs following upon change of climate
1 ind water : hence, all travelers should h ive
fja ln.itlc with the m. and all should take a
' 'table spoonful at least before tatin:;. As
it prevents eostivenj s, strengthens the di-'pq
ft sesttve organs, it should he ia the Land : i "
all persy.,-- of se.'cntary habit,. adei.t-.l-3
W mini -ti as. literary men. And all hi. lies : ..
Recu.-taiiici tJ id;;' h out d. .r exc-rei.-e should
Q always i:-e it. If they will they viil ih d? )
a:i a.-r:ahle, pleasant," and th'.cici.t rcra-d kJ j
Jaainst th-.-o ills which r-l them f their !
W-a-ttv : f'-r beatiy cannot otist with. .trH !
i liealtb. an.', lioalth canaot exist while theft; '
jaaiMjve n iTiu:'.
K the Cordial is
r;ti'.-s c l.tinue. r.i;n.H '
a rcrtect s i.i .ki. t
1'aUcn a m. nth or two before lh
. . . i
a a. in i n i c-
9Jm i -
M.e will p:!.-s i;ie e.i e.1011.1 i i' : ii,.ij..i!in.
safety. TUere i.t iw mistake airnf it, Mix J
-11 - . . . .1 .. 1 1C.1 .1 ai t . i r?..r.i
0r-h is t?l wi claim thr it. Jilhtrs, tnj ,
I .V n 1 t.i voit iv. :mi.p.i to iteLeet the -4
..... - - - - A 1
4tx h.le aifct toeir fat .1 fill.
neither i1: a! v.-ays vlaihnt, ;.;..! t
c e.u lently ai p .1 : f r wc m a
i.-ver f..i'incr a !:" li n v. '.ll 'a... irh
Cv.i-i t : Trof. W.wxl's Ih-t- rati'.-.- C
. la-tod i.ei.ovator as tne re me.
x.y wha.h.
ah.vavs ..u hand in tir
l O. . L:l
u.J. WOOD, rr.yi! t- r, 144 Uro.i.", . .. ,yu
:..w Y,.rk, s-d 111 market street,
jlv.uis. Mo., ami t?; ild l v :t'l -j- A Druai-ls.
f-l.iaiee One Dollar per li- tile.
VOi: SALU. DY, II. C. Dr.vixi:, Ih rsstr
J e ' '-.
JEH1I8 sim mmm
Corner of Clinton & Ilain Street?,
I.KAPT M AT H M:i:;T, 1.AV. Ktls. I M...i-'-M. I is.
CMHnEL .Ai, T1U NKS, CvC , icO
A larite as Tf.-. -1 t '. :r I! ATS aaK Al S, I00TS
aad SHOE-:;, and OENTLllM HNS'
of every :cseripti'n.
Ta which the Mi'cubcr rcfpettluliy inviic.- :. i
-.h-itiii-r Ji hn-t .a-n to cad and. see ins stock, at ti.e
No. 2, c.rn-.r of Cl;nt' i and Jlain street".
He fee's lent that Mf.-on.-. wishin- aititl.-s
in his lii.e will .-ave the c .pcnos of the jour lay
by n-archasins front Lira.
Jolaist-v.-n. Mav 29, lSCl.-tf.
J o A C ti 31 A" IV U P A C T O 51 Y .
fTlIIE subscriber would respectfully inform
JL the citizens of Ebensbiirg and sui rounding
country that he has removed his shop from tha
old stand to the shop lately occupied by John
Evans (Carpenter,) where he s pre2ard to do
all binds f work in his line of business at short
notice and 0:1 reasonable terms, and he hopes by
usinp; but the very best material and employing
but "the best workmen to merit a full share of
public patrona-te. Persons wishing bargains in
purchasing a Carriage w ill do well by calling at
this establishment. "lie is iircparcd to manufac
ture the following kinds of vehicles, viz:
EUGGIES, of diiVercnt qualities and prices;
burse ROCKAWAYS, close quarter, cliptic and
C-spriug COACHES, second hand work indiffer
ent kinds, .S-c, making a variety that will suit
all tastes and all purges. EEl'AIIUNG U-dc
with neatness aeld dispatch.
EU-mburg, April 27. 1850-23-tf
V.'hcreas letters of a '.ministration dt. Unit's wit
on the e.-tate of John li. Kennedy, late of Wash
ington Township, Ci.mbrhi County, dc-ccaotl,
having been granted to the undersigned by the
Kegister of said County, all perons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to pn-Se-nt
them properly authenticated for tetiloincnt, and
thse in.lebtetl are required to make payment
without de-lav.
Mav 15, 1SG1-Ct.
Administrate" J
uu l--i';"" ".V r, i :'Mmo! Peinocratie fri.;(-i,.; -. : tXi -uu.k 1 ! ' i-:,iti-
P-m at.oiv.urr 1 tli a as t be wu.un thcR , Vy jLFy!:,so:; a..,, jM.Kf,s-; V!,-mostiaeiuen- 1 tV co: :::T
F .reach ota,! No cr.eiv.oady and ?al; , rtfsu!li j, Uh(! i; ,c 1arlv ' t:c.,. TK:
comLined as to be the inc-st Powerful t?:nc,r quCstis uro f,r tl.V lv Vv t,-,r. -n c- .-e ' ' -n .,-t !
rand yet s lriectly adapted toaJ vi ,n j a,ij.':rr.-d. 7ej, ,.:ftJ., .-..Vl. i:. J, ;: , . .. I
tipwyce aw.f.'e ?n;A Ihc huv.t J is,t..-fjv.Q t,f t;vi.c.,it-uee. ' f 0 r, i
L 'tf 'f' !!0('t''e ihc cnlcst tio.midi, a;:u , The Dciivratic hsf . have t hu... -i ! ftho c :.
tune up tho .active organs, aitd ubay a.l d.tlr f;:!l t'le r. sn..,: J. , ! wi. . .
illness or decline r.ot only of your .Lh-P. ! ;1M;J ,ivy tt.t;:,, .Kirv rc;uf ,niv. Hv this treat- j mu er any 1 i : y;;- t v . e. c ,1 a t ,
t.-rs bef-.i, it be too late, but ah- you- - is 1 ! mo, t;,0 ,..l ,- pel ::.o" in the i :uta, ior II.-.-tk --vr. s t -a -ix . . o o- .y
Sa..d hmb.nds, fur while the f-.m.-er, f. m Cu.;: c..n.,; i:l (....t t .vaT; the M- -d .t:.d r.-a,l,- "' .l lffZTA
fdsedclicy. often -xs down ta a i r. : a- - ! . , ,;.0 thr.,uJ.i the ,v.n of the o;in. "Dr. )- lb - ! C ' , ' , ' V . he r d
r uaec.ave ra-hcr than let their c n l.t; a J ! cf.cctra" in rr,n i..-"tanee a irfet cure, and tb.2 .-: - ' t . .;. . .-a . .-t-.a jK... .... .ae ;na i-
h-nwa ia time, the latt.r are ,-ft. n r rt,u, t ,i,,. ,,. th . t a heahl y coi.dhi .n. ' ' ' ': i1 ' ; '; ' - :--' ? ' '' 1 j --rvc 1 t U-
J uix.-d up with the f:,ia:.u-..t .1 bu-aa ; This ban 1 ;., a Is., a ..v.vt p v.-rf-.i'. A vi i-Mkxci'- -'t!i-' : - ' , ; p'' l'KT'TTr r-
thatifitwere natforyti th.ybv w . -.hhl ! ,:IAI . ar! w- j c:; UkW ri..;c.,0 the sxt.-m ..l U!, V." 1 . , K . . " !. A' ,r'.,V
iivii.t. .-.i.. ' i -. .-- ,.-.. y , i i-i lorn (ii . . i : .
With a view to meet a rmVerUv sv'mi;:id
The ndir,,' .triple is net f-r the!?-
,,anc. ..f a Uiiitci C ,-a:.trr (! . . f -r the 1'cmv (
f the emc-rjcncv. Thev !iavo r.uYw 1 w it
tie standard i'
c-u:.try. l.tit the ca";i n i.: j" i-f s tii. r .:i;..i-.-.. !u
The CsoverrjiiiOi.t will ilcnwrn! nnj r reive the
v,,., : sappurt i f cvvi v patii t, ia ils tl-..,ts i . :
to Vti. JIc u tho Nv.:,.nai ho., .r;..4di'c-;:.rt ti.. !
Xati..u - .l :r;:Wlv : L it. the ;-.,v . ;
v. ill;-; : saj. port i f I'v.iy p itii t, ia ils '.itsi
' vi;i
C'.'o nets.
t. j
tha-i v?ith (.
I Vl'-S'.-S
vs.' nr-J
and Unity are theiihie si.vci.dlv ref:i".te ia tie ! t:
pi .-ent junetar.'1. j
It is the purple of the IV viki rs t make .
'TI!r; UNION." in t-vc-y r- -pvet a fi.vt- I !
J airn'd. The Der.i'jcrav f t'ne wLdo t iaie ,
fc ( 1 th
dai'v :
need of a ooi I rod vi
and na ca'ort will be
-O ife.. i i ti!: .i r j
"TilL: UNION.. l.lh iv-.aular and ei.i.ei.t as a
newspaper, and .is a flrale.- e:ep- :ni:t .f iht j
eat principlvs f-r which the lVn-oiio par'y j
have ever coi.t.-i -h d, and whieh me n .v so m.- ;
bai-.i.ilv imperdlc h j
The"rnpri.tor.s have TKi.V.fl sn.h arranje- I
ments as will place the nt.-rpri.-e, fr
io !, j
gmmujr, upon a substantial ba.-in-.--s l a-s, w;th j
ai'iinaam mcuas i-i ia.i.: :i at .. .-j r mi
interest and al-'rfv t-- no ether in the ;tv
while the apr will 1 e feurU-i-siv lK-'iuer-.tlc. it !
will feiuloiis.y avoid ;;'! fa tion. the dea-Uie.-t '
bane to arty i -llei-. nev
Welodt to the DEMOCRATIC U.W: for
supp rt.and shall l.d ..rt .mahe -TI5K UNION"
in cveiy waj worthy ti cir c-t fi kn e -.v.. A lib r il
patronage, as a fresh., rea labh- aad ieaik.- .b.;.r
nal. TEI1MS: Per vrrir., Ihr-K-d. liars, or served J
by Carriers. Six Celts p- r week.
erj- Or Icr? shoid-l I addn -s. d to
I( vjp'VEI'NS & CO '
Xo.130 8. Third St., Ibdahlphiai-a. !
Juae 20. '61.
ItiiiiUiiiiii it i)A:W,
Ebtuiualisru, Go?t cr.d Neuraljia,
.v:i a .-f-;: cn.-: F-a
All T.Iercurir.1 Bi33ascs
It is a e iive: iciitlv aria: .-.-: i ".:. c: tit:
a nK-p.f;it,.d cviapaial. to io w. rn r.n.taid the
w-:. -:in.
it hdnrv to the most delicate p r-
- ------
,abiis of
living o
I ... . . 1- it
j ana ii cntucly rfcu.-uc me cuetse mo.u i..e
i MsUra. without mix'.ucina the ieiniious ul-als
a"rjsjc - fl t M i!,c usc uf nr.v.-rif-.l internet rili
"a ... ; .( i -.-f (tt.e is ! luereur
cas : art- c.nvl in a .e." .-iyr-. an
;..-la;.t y le-e'viiet te timoai ils of i
air;-..' e l i : m s .4 l.f.o, t '.a ....1-
' 1 Ri-i. i.ou. Uj itc iiivl oi Urii.ais -
! or c:in l s tit 1 v rain ..r ci.res. wita
i r, c1: ts f r i'M-,"t.i aav l art f c natry, direct
fr m the prhicij-al Oihee
O. S.M1TU A- CD . Sei.i- ri..i-i::K.-..:s.
IT. B. Dsscriptivs Circulars Sent Prco-
r. r f-abO v II. Devi .c.
Astnti WaulrU Evrywhtrt.
Ji'.no It'. ";l.-ly.
aLE M A I I' ACT I'll It .".S OK 7!IK IMtUOVl..'
The cheap est a" la e.-L d..rall.' U fing ia u.e.
It can be applied t n-'" ana Id ra-f: t
kinds, and to Shii.gV rofr. -.vii'a.iut rL.a v.a ;..
THE COT IS 't.Y C)h TUlt:: '1 II AT Or TIN.
A IT IS TV" I 112 A3 XirtlAKS.i:.
rr,.-i' nrr. 1 . p it
l-or prc rv.i.'. aa.t u p. 1,1
,1a - Tin and . th- - M .-
ril l;s.i I- i.f i verv dox-ru-lK-a. '.n its. gr
i.i i.ii,.;:- ii ii ::n-,d bv the ci t: -m ; n
oxi.aiiMon of m't.ih. Ai l C!i.( K IN
C")LD OH HUN IN YAbM Y.'llA Tllhl'- '
These materials hive l-eea th. r- ajh'y t. t-.l j
in New York and all p;nls-f the S- i.thita .". . ;
Western States, and we ran ve : baa.h...t pv .f i
of all va daaa in this f v. r. !
They are readily applied ly ord'.acry l.d . -Kr..
at a triilir. expense. j
These vviti rials arc up rcaj j r
atuLfcr fhippi.i j to all irts vf th c":!rtf.
irith ('nil priah-d if-r it ions j'jr appl . .
Fail d'.scriptici rent an iciil hejurtiifhe-l
on apj'Jta'ti'ni ljj iii'til or at pcrsuti ui r
1'rittciiKtl tcf ami ir.r7ioaa.
'Comer of I.ihertv Streot). NEW YCT.L.
A; kn"i'n Waxti:i! T: ums Ca.::!!
June 'Ol.-ly.
Licence Hotice.
The f.i'.lowiiiit uauicd i-ersons have filed their
petitions for License in this i.t.iec which will te
pretented for the actiuii i the Court at au Ar
gnmcnt Court to be held on Wednesday the 2ath
his! :
David A. Watt, Chest Spriug..
James Turccll, Johusiowu.
. Clerk's OiSco, 1
Ebe-nsburg Juue 12 1SG1 f
.1. McDONALD. Clerk.
fO. O. P. Highland La,l3 No
42S meets every WEUNESDAY.r
vcnii. at Ha ir Hall ju High st., in
e upper storyof hooakcr's store
.. 1 1 .' . 1.. o- !,., n ; - I : I I. .11 I N . ' - '- ' ' - ' - - ,.--. -
,v-,. . k. ...... i, ...... - J x,:!:TS. i-:v -J K - A.
. .a -.isr;-..' e.j ,:,-. 4 l..:o, !..- ...:J. , , . ..,., , ,-. . ", , .:-vn:.r. !e:a,-:
(: r
" . . .
1., - t L.w .....'tr :., I'
h l-.-.tttr-s
:f i. -Vi n
r v.-j i. :':!.
. 1 ! l ,v, ;
l"t!!,S '
a v, ill r
r I'.e i
; - i "
l e
1- t
Vii a. I
thir j .'
ve Se-t - j 1.
mn.-i.h I '
"- 1
r :i :'. !iA
. - v - : . i t .: t .u r : i .i.i .
y p:-vnh.ihy. .lt,Mdj
".a t; e :-.v l ;rm. ! j , .
f.-t'.-r.-. v.i r. - 11 i - I '
t : t. I.-t:-
.- 1
I 7 ..::-. :
: t!.-.- .p:
:i:. ti n , 1
.'.t. I .i'i a: . i. .. . ;s t:.-
fit.. 1-e :- -
1! i ra
: ' 4 n t "ir..- iw'f.
.!: .uh r.'.tUs have j I Vi i
i w i jut ;;..
v.iri :.s ti e.- ti vie'hrs I y hi:
or.f..:ci!'!y that ti c
. Ul.t.- !
S Ta h
: ;.t r.-i-
r.i le t Ma ,i
a e rt.ra eure
, i; t the pr
i a
a '
lhr t'
,-...urs a
.1 lia:dl
are. Jt l
- v.'s a . 1 n
1 1 . ihc tt-.n id:, f"-.- i
t .. ! ... r.i.I imparts rearw-l a. it
o the i.-:v..n - . : f r : . a it :i .;t t ; c :a :
--r.y iaM ...-.d.'.u t the rcVt --r-.tion Lc:t...
!' ; t, .- up-a the demarh. bver. r-d c-tlar
h: a--e or-ins, milaly bv.t i-wrfudy,
i rcst .rcs them to r-a t.-rc:.t:.l i the
i:-I : ::-' "'-'. i i:.e : i...c'. : n oi ur-r
K. h
a iv v
the r.
av as
: s :i
id fnd
c n f at
.nt i oe'ihar1 v r.-
.-ti to
oecmm- jcais. j-.s u is p.ea-.'iit to the d .
; v:. ran:,- to the b.wrl, txr-dlei t r a fn?;.
.I rej-ive: a'
la e f th-".
v.rr.'.'.y. e rave t!:- i vi
f au'e-i laeii w. -raen whe
Tcf.t f rs:: .1 this prep-
v.diile s'-.T rin.i7 fr4a tonvaeh
m. nto an i uei.c r! d' u-t:nr vi:d i t1 e a 1-
! vi-.f tf j-h. icians. have aband.-ned all d. 1- urv.-s a;.-l ia.r.y tc-tc. tne me:iL .l t
A v" ! S'br-.x. li-e
a.e '.-.itain p. ;. v.- w ia-atbe.r cue-aie s uc.r i
rassin z that i .aa.v f them s-h.k the trkd.
The rehdi . f :.lth.r ,,! child aliblrg
lv iel.der. lilttt lh-' m. l:TCaj TI, ;!cle
. i ie.a.v tetc. tne me:;L5 Itr
to l, rel lir r.v,
c. ..a ir t cr c-x-
trca.L a: x.-.i i -i
1, t!ie i n- -1
of mat .-M;' ty a.l ilvc h
ti.e W ea . f l- .' :u.d
:" ii . .-mi.UAr -- e, i ;:-:dly a;e;;iv.i
ic!. IKreih
e.., ' ;'aci.v. k r .t ...... i... i i" .. -.eie:"is c.f the s 'sm. and cnjd-lj j
ti.e laoLinr t bear v.o ia-j-ar .a r c: a. v.:.-. : - t
i!s an
ahv j.
r- -p. n-".i ilitlcs. Nur.-'n raeitcrs cener
f r ti r.ltt rs t all liar ia'- rator-
.t ieci;vc ti.e ti.oo.M-aaeat cl p: y .. a n--, t-e-es-
it is apecahle t- the taste a vail as c- r
":i t -ive a vcnaa .ent iacr i-e 1- ,:dy
I -trrr -11..
Alit! -SO p. T !.. to
- 1 .1 pr r'.
via nr.-- f-' -m h vr
1 '
Ve. to v.-;tr
! v- uihi .:, : .ri.'aei. i.vf:i
l-is i f ai-i:t if. 5:i'l a.l iisca-
app:t tf.
.-ranemcn's ct
it. I imaiids. jH.;-ons(f h-nt-ry iiceuj': u-.-xi.
j and nu..-int moth:e, will o:.-.:lt ..- :
wti 1 av-
ti- ..IeU
I .-ieal wilf.tie I v riving to 11 '....e. s
3a .iidi'ri-v.
Liver Corrp'aint, Fever end Ague, S.c.
Ta -jf.-fV,! ii.t.-.tu-t; T5 - -1 - f ' c '- l '-"'"-!
resMUv h N- -t. fi.- - - ii I-t .1 1 1 I - ail-- Ml-tnie-1
-L.t;- t- ,.J.n.-i i.. .i'. "s ' r.i:-. m juar
In:'- t.. li- .-C ra ii' 'il 1 r 1 - I o-r- .- t o!
tk Uivi im'lf-i.a" ij.- -u? fc T ' "
tu. ,
but Ihc r.nllv ir i.t rv!:-f dnvt-d fr.-m tbf tunu-.
jtn 1 1 rr.tir' ,.-'..-)-. . rftr r.-.v mV lin II-'j I
f-r it a r.-l.; if: i. v u sh.- I- t f a 1 c -jt.-
t- rfcits l v. Ciilol V' awUryi i.: It is iav.-ty
Utle pr.-i.:a-atiuu, ':- tiiwV fu.'...i. nt jun ssits 1J
Eut ct.r 8:9 of il..' p-nulut-, lUJf Titi Eclilt,) jn-e
C:ie K
It Is a ia licit:? dl;. txlcl cEcacy f .r rr-yj
tic EI-.-1, so csfeatial f. r the fj-uJatiua of sl
bouh.h sn 1 fer cerrt-cUr- dlsorlcrs of iho taxaob
al V.wds.
Two or thr Je?o? will ccta the cfdictcJ cf
its sI aniry e5.--.-t?. Th ? ft luiach will ?r'Llj regain
str:r.-r-h, a fc -i :1y a.-f.- a if it? liver, bvel
mnl kiJacy? r.'. rf.a t.lii lli-e, anJ renewc-J
'.' !
, ui;h ro-alt.
For Inli:ct-t ion.
Try EitTtavc's Eailasd Cittcis.
T".!! IIoarttTirn.
Try btrrliavt's Ecllaad F.ittcrs.
For Aciditr, . . ..
- Try rvrrlnu Uciiaaa nmcn.
For'AVat or brash,
'fry Cffrtave's Holland Biltfrs
For Heailaclie,
Try Ilarliave's SGlIsad Cillers,
Foi ho or Ariv?tit?.
Try ExraaTt'i Uclland Eitlers.
For Costivenpss,
Try Crrhavc's Holland Bitten.
For Piles, .
Try ErLais's ScIIaai Eittcri
In all Nervous, Khoumatic e1 Neuralgic ACb
Uons, it lias ia Eur.icr-r.s in.ancc! ttotp! Lislj
beneficial, anJ in othera e-ectel a Jecidel cure.
Th cnuin hi-hly MareutitJ Ifevrharc" UcJUoJ
Eifws i rit l' h I irst "' ou,J'. o1 ""tiikNi kt
On Lollsr per KU. 'fh.- et jenuui 1- lor tLia truly
lvlrita I-lne tu iaJu -J trsry i jaiwaon, buh
th public fcboald ga.trd 5aiat purchsns-
Beioart "f Iirnri:i,m ! zt mr Kame i c Cie til
evtry bodU y.-n tvy.
Yvt' u l lnol 1 1 I y A. A. HAKKI :K.
ugi -JJ, L-CO.-iy..
riGTici: !
3. J Vhws, Scquoi.trator of tic " nriz
and Stis-iT-.. h.t-itia l'l.uik ii-ad."' has ty.M
;,. tl.w ..tVi. :n..l will lie lor t-.o i.i
actum cfthJCiuit. on the Krl HoaJy i'f f-
tin:bcr mxt. . , , ,,
JOS. M.1NAI.I.'y.
Elvu,l.urjr. 1
il .-it.
. . . t . .v- IV - ., i . .t 1
..,-:.- s : . i a . .". " . ' -. C : V.
f,l! -Ii , i' - ,'. Vr.-t.r.
I Sept. lv.. !y.
y-'u m. li, f. . 1 1 a: ! p-w
J 1 .r-Iu..- ? A -oa out ; i .r.l.-r,
w i " yitr y-ltj il'TWi d.
r v.r f'" I rijit'l'. .
v-li. :j-i V il 1 t' v.Tl.'l I'V a
1 V.
1 I -
A ti.i. mi'i h-uue
.i l'-rvi tmrrnr j.n
! vf. -.n.l 1,-t thf flu:u
n r.::. 1 :ra-t.l in ha1t j
r'.-.-v ;m!!:- l.hf:ivc
. i : -h m.iko
1 1 ' .
- v. :.uj o'.slni'1
;, i . V r.' i -t ii"."!
i. i !.iM"':r :
. " V -ii1-- vi it !
i- it-. laV." Aur '
i i'i .t irI a.-
.. n:l -iu ' of
-. . , i . - :ti...l
tu :. -. " f ' 1 p
- ,':.-Trii.-liM! I
- ..." j: Ih :y. ' v
. f t':- lni vl;l
t l-v
1 1
i i ':i
u . - a i i .:
. 7. r-. i.
-..j...i f ii". Ill 1 :
: i..v .!..,.. !:. r
; 1'i.a '..1 i i.r-'v.- i
. . - ! a ;n- v-
,j . I- 1 K . --i 1
i ::r. .1, r'l'- J.I - 1 rk- t
: .. r. jr. : . f, .v.-r
i ta- pri. - ef Tri :r vf. V'.-J.t
i- c :: .-" " '" i y
e-e ;. '-. . : y ,. ri ,. , . i . I - ir r..-rs
-. -.- '. h i-::'i.-s "...-:? i n !u.: ! .' Io Cs ia
l . ' :::: i . t". -ir r..-rl.-. - i'.o
;r -4!n. ill
lltutlntiir. i-c'U. lirs-drcfif, I'onl ftci::i;!i.
i i . : i lr. .".J.- -an! j".V'.f, 't
ft an I'.;;. - Avn:: I ca-.:-.t ni--.vcT y-i ?. r-'m-
! 1 1 it - I I..-.-. e , .. it 'i -r.,nr l-i;- r tann t r
t ,- ... . .-
t 5 ; : -. -i an l
-t ui:'. . -.- K !
ui Ln.-.-t v. c ;:.v--, I
'i t vo-r i jMn
t-.ii .- : In- lb. :u n.Mr.
-.. .T r. A V! a. Sir : I le v.-
l"i.. M-.r 1. we..
- i. r. ji a . .U riir.-.i t-f
ej 1. v.-. I r n i.-- .r t-v.
c ireiu l'iil -1juj- '.i.
fy .. r fill-. 1 i-t-iTi ;j
t...-a y i- M .
.'-rs wall ";r -.1 i. - :
io-. vr. r:n:r.i.r.
V ot ".''Ui.fl ur, ;l.
ItillDTT, Et-nTu r Z't r CrmpltUH.
ir-.r. -'.rr . "'."
,;lv .-e.-r..:- Veihf ;L a.:, V' '-
;h. ,,,T v:.rT rj i.,. Ti.-l.iu
ir: l i.i.. - .: :a-a i r u-.- ir. -r f ; .. -j
U)-Uavi: ; i--.. t . t i-r..f. ; : -! til- :1a
n e.. -'err ' i. :
Ar i lie. i T.T: a. : .
ie... iv '.. i i- .".
. - i- - -u:t 1: e-l
i i.i. . a.-l :. -a..a ta
. ue ei'-l ! v. i ' :r I -.;:
': i u 1 'a---. .- t,
: K !-Tii-:;X' it:
oli ii.i ; ! --' f
-.: :t vi i r .-i-..v vi. 11 :o
! ; I'M 1'M.
.i, .- .-r X'-rl r 2l.i..pilaS,
,n r -. - .:
T - .
r e-e ;'i.- i
. -:l f
lr.t iJ.h
(.-- ii.-
. ; lie.:
r.i. 'a.
D J iil r--. Einrrbn-n, IttlaT, i. arn:.
7-Vt.1t lr. ' ' ... .."'J.f.-t;--. I;r. tiiv. 'ei a !ji 1' . 1 :in. y.rr".!Ti t
h... j iin ia ui :.-. a-. ; iii1 it 1 : 1 t-,k ''
. v.t lOitaJ. '! V .r : -1 n;-.--: lis- liv-r in:A"
t'en rn xo-l; .li !. 'v. r. -. : : i ...i.i'. .km- f. r
.-.-. ii- r -.." .'' l a r M:.-r c..i.tia3
rir'-i'-. :n v. . : , . v- 1 t ;;-r la.' I.fr9
ilwo:.i:; .;! "..' :
D?rp.!, Ir-;-rr:i.- cf ttir if, tal.
FriT. Z'f.j'r. TT..'- - ' r ' '-.- -,.. ;-..
T'::. rr : 1 e-v. :i- ! v - - !'..'.. iri-.'i txl-x - uttJr
fn in n v a. u.a t- :. . i :.r. at1-' i :. 'l i . . .1
j..;r -'lo i. i. l - . .r ea e t j-!
t..jnrT Iht Iti" vl. "i v r.- lit-- v ry le--I r-! I lmi
'.r.-r k'J-.Ti i Wil -..:.;. r. .-':::.. -t ' ta JJ
uy .1. V. til.U .
" ( r. W.-. V,"r. j C ... N. 1 - 5- -.
r--t. !; 1 :; tir-in r v..::.- ' '.a i e' i I T. ' i:' 1:1.- t rar-
l:v. . :: 1 t-e-l li: -u -'i ' v.- ;i e: l-'.-.r.
... ii-.iUt-e iiie
n: (i. :ii...v :;av, m. r.
ln!i ; -r. . i Ve e - -V -j. ? ' ' .
T't.) :-"-; r ji:;--I ......
ro'; -iisK. li i.l'i.-n-i .-::i
1 1:1.-1- i.:- :.- 1 tee -'-i.i.-
:t f r i... . :
Tl.i r-in; "iia. v !,. tV.
1 r.itr !;! ..1:1-1 ;l..-.a
. ! 1 j .: ::i 5 r iaen
a 1 -- u . -:. ? :r .-rn
k .ro 4-nou'-: t-. .t a. 1
ti- r r - :. i - . f -ia
t . or
? 1 I. r- -
1 ':
a m.a
1 :
t. -. ' s
te'iv; 1-.
" a : 1 1 -
. r.i i-i ! i-'
:.. ..t'.er ' ie... ;
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e I.t. i. ti-i 1 recoia
-1 .
t r.i r. '. ;
r. I
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et i
r: :
: 1
a v
of i.
.... - -. ---.
. ia - i
. 1 -.- .a.l au
v::.c-3 f..r SI.
.it is-jt:.- ;
25 cr.tJ per r.7
3 .3 v
Ir. 7 C. AYZ'2 i CO., T-j e13. llass.
o.-! 1
J -I r;.i
v 1.
r. E" . --la-: C. T. Ernrrr
an 1 1-v
; (. v.
iiN TM'l N Ah I Ti:KA'l'K. i" ..N ';Al
;r Al.
7i h.
. il , i.i'.iV. N. i'v - a. ;
vi la
v. u:e'
y I
rV :
i.. T.
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j E
' f '..
'd.vt .
i ;
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f S.'f ai'i'.M.-
-at :. clh-'ve
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j :,
s.- a-, i ;
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j I at
.ms. K i a 'h.
h.;ha '"t s
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h ;' v l
.it .as ' '
; . .4-t r : ;
I h:
i-.a '.' i
:-h '-t l!"...e.-
t' - ii .- -a y.: f,
Dr. t 11.' E
y v Y.-rk. j' .-Vi.-.reh
-J.i. l
-. I-.-
: ?ah
-. e ft e' by :i.;drea.J
,:. y. i-' ik.w.-y,
i .. i'.i.
f-:LLtN-.: i i.
AT Ci)T 1-V:i CAhll 1
I .1 j . . v
r'fN '
i: J 1 !
e . -
r entire
V thvh-. t'i.lh
"N.-t'o!-, Hai l
.'.Stl 'v VlV.'T! i 1 T-;'
id arc vh '.crai;.-.-1
pi:i:si?s h'ishlwj ;on.D
;; T r.5f .1 ca' l.
0O-N- D. Ail pers -us knjuh;; :Vnirlvcs
ia..ciMe.l U. li.e tuUviiiUrs arc her. iy iar :.!!y
ro iac-icd l ill aad i
v f tl.cir 1. . lH:lva ace
,.iU: p:i.Ut
!. -!. !1
I. il
. A; lh i:
n tli