Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, May 15, 1861, Image 2

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    democrat $r Smthwl.
C. D. MURRAY. Tdltor.
James S. Todd, Publisher.
S. 51. Pettentrlll & Co.,
Advertising; Averts 119Nassa;i Street. New
York, and 10 State -treet. TWton. are the au
thorized Asrents for the "PFjmrRAT & Sekti
KF.t." and the most influential and larsrest circul
ating Newnapers in the Unifd Statrs an!
Canada. Thee are empowered to contract for
us at nnr t.nwFST tfrvj
Drmoci ;tlc County Committee.
Ananstin Da-bin. Chairman
AlW'itnv M'irhapl M''e. R'
Joseph S. MaHi-i. Cambria - John M'Bride
Carroll Jacob LntW. Carrolltown Tames
Faean. Chest .Tos-r-h GUI. Chf Sr.rin.. -Au?u-fine
Brrne. Clearfield William Kai
nev. Coneanjh Rihanl Sanderson. Onv'e
William Mnrrav, EVnsr.'ir?Chrleji T
Marrav. Oalirzen David Mills. JaeVui
Henrr R:?er. Johnstown. 1st Ward Fph
riam BneV 21 Ward John Crouee Lewi
T.noVhar.h 31 Ward Willhm Wir.r.rr. 4th
Ward TTuh Maloy. Wtto- WiMiarn R- i
an. Jr MiTlvill A M Grerr,,. .chUnd
Henry Topper. Fammerhill Jaroe TinrV.
Summitville John Gharbmi-:h. Snsqu-har-na
John Hearer. Tavlor Amos Psvi Wah
ineton Riehard White. Whit. George Wl
ter. Wilmore M M.O'NeH, Yoder Geo.
W Ohom
Who Are Union 51 en I
From a lorz rigmarole of twaddle in the
last 'Bairsville Journal concernins u. we
gather that the fact that we supported John
0. TJreek inrid ge for the Prr-sid pey last fall,
is the head and front of our offending. Let
os examine how far thi sustains the original
charge made against us by the ignorant quack
and ljinc ?C"undrel. who edits that paper.
In bis issue of the 24'h ult., undtr the cap
tion of ' Recession Jo.rnals," be asserted
that the Greensburg Demorrnt and A'ff'is
the Carlisle Volunteer, and E'lensbur In m
ocrat & Svntintl, "bang -ut the tattle-snake
fiag, and encourage rebellion." and v r
plainly hinted that the editors of those pa
pers should be treated like the cowards and
tories of the Revolution. Called upon to sus
tain this influx us charge, a? far ib we are
concerned, be has sigually failed in doing so
All be can say is. that this wai & Breck in
rikge paper last'year. With such a misera
ble subterfuge as this, he attempts to bolster
tip bis m&licioDS and incendiary falsehoods
concerning -us ! Who now will d-ubt that
he U a liar of the fifst magnitude a wretch
dea l to the feelings of honor and manhood
low, vile and meat: emmgL "
"To pcip and Ictanize upon bis mother's
Or sell bis si-ters bones for filthy lucre ?"
In our controversy with hi in we havH usi-d
more plain rei'gb ?mm than is our wont,
for the reason, that iu a matter of this kind,
we tbitik it Lest to call thiugs by their tight
It is true we supported John C Brecken
lidge for the Presidency last fall. We did
pi because we regarded bim as the only coo
didate in the field who sttol on a thoroughly
national platform. He was ruu as a Union,
not as a secession candidate, Bnd 'the Union
and the equa'ity of the StatB was the rally
ing cry of his friends during the campaign.
He was pledged, if elected, to know no North,
no South under the Constitution in adminis
tering the Government In laboring for bis
election we felt that we were labnrii-g not for
the dissolution of th Union, but for its pres
ervation to place it on a basis never to be
shaken. As we never do thing by halves,
it is true we supported bim with all the zeal
rud ability we c-ulu command, but the ass r
tioo thtt we resorted to falsehoods to sustain
Lira, i another lie maca'actured by Dr, Get
ty, out of the whole cloth.
After the secession DiOve-rcent in South
Carolina, we Tere among the first to dennuoce
the ecesMoa doctrine as uueonstitut onal. and
in declaring our determination to stand by
the Union. We endorsed ia utimistakeable
terms the Message of Prefidiut Ba hanau,
in whit h the fallacy of the tcrssion doctrine,"
and the duty of the President to enforce the
execution of the laws ia all the States, was
proved to a demonstration. Believing that
our rjatiooal difScaltks could 1 adjusted by
an honorable cotupromUe, aui anxious to
avert from the coaatry the horrors of a civil
war, we advocated the adoption of the Crit
eodeo Compromise. In this we were labor
ing not for the destruction, but fur the pres
vati n of the Government, and were acting
with every true friend of the Union in the
land With regard to coercion we have only
to cay, that Pres.deut Lincoln has never ad
vocated or countenanced anj thing of the kind.
In declaring bis determination to execute the
laws wherever bis jurisdiction extends, be is
merely complying with the requirements of
the Constitution and laws, and in carrying it
out bo will not be coetciDg the Southern
States, bat discharging the duties of Lis office
which be has sworn to perform The rebels
who will oppose biai in doing this, will be
individually responsible for their own treaa
otfctl .rt, tad tot the States of which
j they happen to be citizens. Whrre are now
'. the Brectt nndge men in the Northern States '
All standing by the Union, and ready to as
sist the Preside ut
. - ,t . V - !
IU tlife cnlorcenieni il I" !
laws. Since the bombardment of Fort Sum
ter, they, have with one voice declared tbeui
selves in favor of Mr. Lincoln adopting prom
pt and energetic measures for crushing out
the Southern rebellicu. Timusauds of them
h eve already, at the call of thei- country,
"hastened t i the r 6cue." Generals Patter
son and Kii-iu of this State, and Butler of
Massxchu-etts. all Bieekenrilge men ht
fall, were amotg the fiibt to lead our gallant
volunteers to protect the National Capitol.
Dickinson, Pieice. Bkler, Dix, Cass, Cusb
iur. Hallet and all the di.tiui:uished states
men in the North who sustained Brecken
ridge durifc the late campaign, were among
the first, when the time for action arrived,
in calling on the People t assist in saving
the U !" and in crumbing out secession
tebeliion Th-y arc the truest Union men
in the laud Un ike Lincoln, Corwiu, Sew
ard and other oistirtguia 1 ed individuals con
necee with the Administiation, who p posed
their Country daMni the M-xicui War. they
have i n aid or cuif.Jit to oRer to the enemies
if the G iveromeiit. in this dark and trisi,:
h.ur. Like ttu-i patriots, they fctill carry
the flJ;r. snd k.ep st.p to the mu-ic of ihe
it ti tmtk n th Nti mal Admin-
istrati-n is receiving more efficient M from ,
i the
Dtui. trsiic Party P-ulas men atii j
. .. .i :.i..o. . .t.m f.nm tho n:irtv !
! which elevated it to power It is stated on
. i rrtbtui lujfc: ...... r J 1
leliable cu-bo.itj . that more thaa one
at t e volunteers now in the fi l l are Demo-
i crats Denu-ca io Cao.bria lias already fut-
nished more iLan 500 men. and ran furnish
5U0 more at a davs warning. While aboli-
tiou Iiidiaita, the hon e of lr G ttv.
gave L i colti iii- re than 2 000 urn -nry. has i
not Jurmmta evm one comp-my
tnht-it i--n rVeetiail
of the UreeLsburgh Dttnocrat. charced by
Dr. Getty, with being abecessioist and trai
tor, i uow engaged in raising a Volunteer
eomnanv to ai.' the Government in saving the
Union He is ready to march to the battle
fi Id ; Dr Getty i., stay at home and maliun
bun After this is U necessary to ak who
are- t.u pattiots and friends of the Union?
wv... :n ..... , . 4.....,..-.. ii.
1 kJK n ill ui'l dll.wi: a a t U J .u v
racv tl-e men who know no North, no south,
no east, no wist under the Constitution !
Virginia has not inappropriately been sty 1- j
ed the mother of Sta'es aud Statesmen From !
territory ceded by her to the general Govrn- j
metit. several of the most flourishing States j
of the Republic have been formed. From her
bit.8 pprutig such statesmen as Washington
JifiiiMli. Malison. Monroe, Randolph and
Clay. Washington the liberator of his c-un
try. Jflfrsfn the author of the Declaration patriot and a friend of ihe Union. The con
of Independence, at d Madison the framer of j etitmion has always b-en my chart iu thedis
the Constituti-!n. were her sons, and in her j charge of my duties us a citizen, aud siice I
bosom tl fir ashes now repose No State un- j h-came a member of the Democratic party,
til recently, was more steadfast in upholding the Democrat & Sentinel has b-eii my politi
the Union, rr mrf prompt in rjctin the id- j cal text book. With such aidi-h I could tio
ea that it c-uld in any event be abandoned well do any act unworthy of a patriot and
V i'b such a brilliant record of the pat, with j
so many ties, so may hallowed memories to j
bind her t) the Union, it is strange, pising
strange, that she should have allowed herelf
to be drawu into the sccessiou whirlpo-d. She
should have boen the last state in the Ur-pub- ! aJ to lije 'A"l you too, my kou I'
lie to a-sist iu degrading the American Flag Mordecai. we rem-trkeu, you have ma le a
and in destroying the Government of which mistake, your t'rieud doubtless sid the Ro-n-her
own sons were the chief architects She j aa Sual. The a"sai!iati-a of Ceasir occ
should never have allowed such a gloriou ! UrreJ centuries before Ameiica was di-c v-r-
re cor I ta be tamihed with shame. Bit with
very conceivable incitement to do right, she
has done wroug She has taken tha fatal
plunge, and she will buve only herself to bla
me for tba many evils which the fatal step
may bring upon her. If she is s-tou ma le to
fee! the evils of a civil war, the fault will be
hers and hers alone.
From her proximity tn the capito, it is mo
re tban probaMe. that her soil will be the
first battle ground of the civil war which has
just commenced. Its horrors will tall
upon her children. B ih armies are now ex
cited and exasperated, and the war when ac
tively commenced, will not only be carried
on with vigor but at first at least, in a fierce
and vindicative spirit. Friends when con
verted into foes are the fiercest nud and most
unrelenting enemies in the null. It will
uot be astonishing if many a Virginia home
is made des. -late by the unnatural strife, and
many a Rachel found within her limits,
"weeping for her children, and be
comforted " And when these dire calamities
shal1 fall upon her, the sharpest pang, will
be the thought, that she Jias. been the author
I of her own woe, tbat her own hand mir.d
the ingredients in the bitter cup which she is
draining to the very dregs. She should have
coutinued to occupy tha position which she
assumed several months ago She wss right in
recommending certain amendments to the
Constitution, and in suggesting the propriety
of holding a peace conference. She was justi
fiable perhaps in announcing ber determination
to occupy a neutral position io the couteet be
tween the Government and the seceded States
but she was wrong in passing the secession
ordinance, in hoisting ihe fltg of rebellion,
and in joining the Southern Confederacy
That the rash and ill judged act will be
the direful spring of woes unnumbered to her,
we have .io doubt. Having shaped her own
course, 6he must take the consequence annex
ed to it.
XT There was a serious riot in St Louis
Mo . on last Monday; between the Union
men, and the Secessionists, in which a quiu
ttr were kiiltd and wounded..
A Comedy of Errors.
Every body ha heard of the glorious un-
certainty of the law, lot this seetus likely to j
i... 1 1 . I. 1 . .:..!.. -.f Un '
1C ecupaeu ujr iuk giuir'ua uutcuaiuij ' .
appointment of Post Master of Ebon.b-rgh, may publish it iu the next Democrat and cn
by tL Lincoln AdiuiniMration. A few weeks ! tinel. Agreed, we replied Welltben.' fid
after father Ai raham was eworo :n, Major Mordccai, I move we go and get the small
Ji-hn Thompson recived what he regarde as
an i-fEcial notice of his appointment to eaid
olliee. and be forth kb commenced fitting 'p a
room for business About two weeks after
wards, M. S Uarr E-q., recived a letter from
the Pi st Master Geueral, in words fallowing,
to wit
' Sir, you are hereby informed that you
hae b-'en appointed Pot Mastef of Ebenc
burgb, Pennsylvania. Your commission will
be forwarded as soon as made out.1' Thin
was reirarded as a clincher. Mr. Harr ac-
corlv forwarded I,w oath of . ffi,e. ,uJ j
1 .. 1 ,,.; it,. ,,n..,;t I , v. i . I la I
! . r .1 i i
cmmi-s.on mngme then when.
mi lat Thursday, be received another letter
from ihe Pwt Master General, ioforuiiog him
that bis appointment had been revoked, and
viajr Joiu Thompson appduted. This
we presume ends the controversy, and that
cons au-'Utlv our fri-u 1 Mr. Harr has nM beeli
pp..iuted, f..r wbich we are very orry. and
ur f'lieud Maj, Jhli Thomp'SOU li'JS b'-etl ap-
j pfted of which we are very glad Il-w
Uer it is said thtt A A Barker, who ' done
a hep to nominate Line dn at Obicha-o. ba
' " asfui..o. to Mir up iu a imti.-
istratmu with a loti pole, for
revkin.f the
app"iufinent of Mr llarr. If thia b- s , i
is not unlikely, aj"thi-r sceti? wi:l lm add-d
to the eionedy of errots, before it is p!a d
out. We jall 8ee what wi shall ee.
X'Good morniti Mr Elitor,sail M r-
i decai as he met us the other morning, 'what's
! t rii.irc hac s KtitfA lin fniiLthr v..r
. "
been a battle, and the nws during the la-t
few days have been rather utii'nportant.
Just from Moiikbarns I Mipjie how is
our venerable friend J mathau 01 Ibuek ?
ne U Wel1" rePIitfJ M rdecai. bu; in very
I lw W" That is fl'"re Mordecai.
w replied, all rrue patriots, arc now alarmed
and depress d at the unhappy condition of
our national affairs. But it wou't do to -Jes-
pair. All may come tight yet. ,-I h--pe so,
rejoined Mordeeai but our old friend l?'ks
ou with a despairing eye. Mor ecai, be re-
j mukeJ to us the other day, "thia is truly an
unhappy state of affiirs. I was born a cili
zu of the Unied States and I hope t die
one. It was always the fervent wish of my
heart to die beboldiug my couotry great. fr.e
aud prosperous, but it seems that that erati-
fication is to denied m. But as it is. there
is bo-oe consolation in kn-)Wiojr. tbat through
out my I-ng life, I have been a consistent
good eiticen; aud now when I be-hold my
country that I have loved so long and well.
surrounded like Cea.-ar. in the Uiittrd Staf
Senate. by the who are reiterating srb
upnu stab, tbatik htav.-n she cau't turn and
ed. It makes u ditfjrence about that, sail
Motde-cai. and you uee l'tit be so sharp iu tiip- i
ping me up for the parpen of showing you:
scholarship. Ot course Mord Cai, we repl ed
it makes no difference, and uow tell me h..w i
my dear friend the pretty Schoolmistress. She
is well. replied Mordecai. aud growing iu
wisdom and beauty. She is youug you know,
and not half so beautl'ul as she will be iu a fe w
years. Happy to bear it Mordecai, we re
plied. It would seem from your account, tbat
she is, in tha words of ilyrou
A lovely being scarcely formed and moul
ded, A rose with all its sweetest leaves yet fol
ded "
'She is, Mr. Editor, aa aiel minus the
wings I met her a few weeks ago return
ing from a walk, when she presented me
with a bi-quet nf wild fl iwers, accoai panted by
a few verses of original poetry, which yu
may read if you ce proper He banded us a
sheet of letter paper which smelt very stremg
of musk, and we read as to'lows
To M':rlrcal on presenting lilm
with abuquet of Wild Flowers.
"Dear Moruecal hi nee yoi are old.
It is not wrong tbat I sheuld call you dear
Accept my offering, richer far than gold.
Wild fl ewers, the fairest, first borj of the
Sweet violets, the hera'ds of tiar My,
Queen of the year whose path is strown
with fl iwrfrs,
Gladdening our walks the gloomiest April
Like faithful friends in sorrows darkest
Pure as if plucked from sweet Ophelia's
Fair as the light of love in woman's eye.
More fragrant tbau the proudest flower that
blooms ;
TboUL'.b born beneath the cold bleak April
Emblems of meekness, modest worth and
The first and fairest wreath of virgin
Take them they will recall the dreams of
And pleasant memories of past may bring.'
Good poetry that, is it not Mr Editor.' said
Mordecai u we bai led the paper back to him
Yes. first rate, we replied 'Well then.' said
Mir,1nui !f i-aii treat t.i thf nia!l lnrr vim
j - - - - j
beer forthwith. I l.av'nt beenasdry as I am
now btuce I bad the measles.
Suicide A man named Andrew Stuby.
committed suicide a? his r -ai len-j ; in Carroll
t iwnship. on lur Friday eve ntn,r, by cutting asu.ieJ a fitjMiit; alti'u ie, and is d jw
hi? f litctit w iih a rtizor. lie was ah-ue at the j lere.J iii.precuab'e.
time, bis wife the . nly o.her m. mler of 'the j u TiiUIS ia the 9:b 'DSt" 1,re ani "
fa;i.ily at boue, having gfje to the barn for I 'I '- m eting ,a.i held at the h -tel o?
the purpose of mi.kuii; Wlau di.-.c vereJ j J ,J My the p-ip e of organlz'-.i!
he w-. lajinjr mi his fac. i.i a p.x.1 uf Mo - d. ! CuarJ. A-re-able to a previ-u- n .-
, . . ... , . nci- a lai;e uumWr f brave hearts and ntnn
u in'uiui rnlai i iuw, ins liauo
ret.i..eJ the raz-r will, the rigid gra? . f
u " or iiu'iuuici iu umwii nin -:ia lew
T I . .... . . J . . 1 1 - l e i
weeks a-ro. and wan supposed to be tar'ialh
. . 1 ,
ui.-uue iit: wt a cm uiuer iv iraue alio
, . ., . , -
was employed unttl recently, by a firm ,n the
neinnorhoixl t llollidaysturtr
tww . .
II lost
abi-ut 600 recently by the failure fa f rij jr
employer, a misfortune wbteh seeu ed to prey
, l- . : j . . i i- i j- -
upQ his liiind, rebdeiitig him cloomv acd trri-
, i . , .
v " "7 -"'"' ' c
Tar.iA a T.ifinn.ii- :ii . . r-a 9 . at. .
ran act. tie owned CoOM'Jeraulc real estate
in Carroll tnwuship. and was in good circum
stances. He was al ut Co ears of ae. and
c -i i i in
and leaves a wt'e, aud a nmj about 1G years
OU-v Boniface Wimmer. Abbot of the
. r ,, .. . . .
rt-itii.Mis otdi-r .f B r.eiintitos. ha? orgam-
Z.M a ..tuu.e.r cmpatiy. cm.-1 ut the
m mbers .t the .M .L.tery. n.jr Latr-b'.
U"estiii'rlati-t C-.u iy If aco-ped. they wil-
uhtless renter tr 1 ri-e to 'be v untrv.
It;......, ... .. . .i i -i - .: . .t
is'tv p-iv. s iii ic afi ciri-tians in-
t.r jvot -j l tu i.-r iuvifieibe sl liors
Mirll- V.,tki. The er-Vihlih nent rf M-.
John Parke, J bostown. i decidedly the
Iw-st pla?e iu Western Peuns pur
ohas'r any article in his line of business. II s
stock of marble is thy finest that can be pro
cured, while bis worfe is neatly and tasteful
ly executed. "Call and examine for yoursel
ves A secession ordinance has been pas-
sed by the Tennessee Le;ilature, subject to
a vote of the people on the 8th of June A
similar ordinance has Wen pad by North
.. , . , '. . .
Carolina, and A.kanas. Missouri aud Ken-
lucky still remain true to their first love.
There can be on doubt that a large army
of seces-tonist is hriuif concent rated iu Rich-
inotid Viriiuia A collision between it and
lliM rmv 1 1 our ur V jshifi Tt.iti mv K.nin Iu
lu-'kJ for
somewhere in the
fcj-The litter ol W K. came too late f-r
this week. We will attend to the matter iu
ur next
..... .. .. ..... .
ttev. 1. Ilugnes. I'atncn .u uunu to .uiss j
M-ggie D -uahoe. allot H ilm re.
'm .
C7"Virtiiiiia was admitted a member ot trie
I Southern confederacy, on the 7th iost.
(j-The following con.muKication was recri-
ve-d loo late for pub;icatiod last week Our
correspoudeut Suouid mail bis letters a day
Cukst Springs, )
. May G. 101 j
Mr Editor: DtAi. Sir Uur i-ju tor the
last few ilay.x hs ujoic t'je appvrancj t
a mi'itary ca-i p than tht -it a po.c lui aud
I u i-p"ctemiin vil.age tnesiao a. .a sni
pes a if o.aj -sticail) n niig fro:u tue -ps
and wiudows of every Luu.-, cuu:cti an i ah -p
iu tou. The atreeti ar iiuuily paiadj 1 With
bau-ia of martial ihumc
At early caod e liht. thr --Cb'-st Spri'ig
Highlander, acco-npaui-'d by the ci izous of
". best bpriugs and vicinity rej auea tu tue
1 .. n J M ........ I . . . . ... T ..... 1 . k .... ii tt .. .r
. , . . t . ,-
ouga. tendered to them by the directois lor
the occasiou.
Th-.' meeting was called to order by ap-
poiuting Cantaiu N. Nagle. of the home i
agle. or the borne
it assisted by M - D Wag-
R thiusoo. J. aguer. t.
Lruards as 1 resident
...... .T M 11 i
MPikeVDr. B. F. Tomb". Cap-t. Christy
and others, a.- Vice Presidents.
. Jain-i Bark was tueu called unon. H j sta-
ted the object ed the meeting, iu a short but
eleijueui speech
J J. Will., was then K ully called for. vlr
resp-'iided in a short but eloquent and patri
riittc speich.
Thi: c inp-iiiy then proo;ed d to elect their, resulting a f tilows
?pf liti. J tftn II 'l-nphrey.
'2-t Lt Pet.- Kivl r.
2! Lr. J ii .1 Will.
31 Lt. U t,. M' I) - mi tt
2i.S r.t. hikr- ll-W 3iS rgt, J M'
Feiy 4 ii oSi M F.-U.
lt J-irrai. B M'Feelv, 21 c-irp. San
Biakt;. 3 1 corp. J D-ii!y. 4'h J Watts.
The el Tti mi of offi,. rs was m iule unaui
iuous by the coiup-iuy
Three cheers were then pr-pos-d fur th"
Union, which was responded to with a hear
ty good will. After this the company vr
formed in regular order, and escorted to the
hotel of Daniel Litziner. by the IIom. Guar
ds, where all parted with the utmost good
The Chest Springs Highlanders, are prin
cipally composed of young unmarried men.
who were brought np in the country and us
ed to bard labor and are theretore able to
staud camp servic much better tban those
who are brought up iu the lap of luxury,
They are just the kind of men the country
wants at the present time. The company
has the required n urn Iter ef uieo
Capt Humphrey starts for Hairisburgh to
morrow. Yours, &c
Be Io.
X3T Advertise ia the Democrat and Sentinel.
CCJ-The advertise : ent of Robert Thomas.
Tailor will fouud iu scot her column: He
, is a go. workman and great ca ns. uiw
tilUI ft Oil.
j , m,m
Lorrrtto )
May, 10th 1SG1 j
Mr EJUor
Permit me through the medium of
jour columns to ai.tioULce to the world, and
in pajiicula: the Southern Confederacy, that
the iiithetto feaceLie village of Iurctto La-
: , i
ai.iiMC-icinitu in'
ca'i such heart: an 1
arms as are to Le fuud ou-v mi the culu.lo-
1 . l tl I .L
aiiOj: p-'Mtii o; I ue .-i.iignauie riiriu'iium
! f ,,,! fateii.ent reft rtnee b.-:uj had to tb
1....- will mure tullv and at lsrue ar ner.
: ... -
C-d bhirlds teing called op.n to prti ie.
-,Urf!i ,htJ cetius iu h.s usual barnv
I etle The Col., iu bis remarks, aivtiw
1 "
J to tbe jatheriutT tempest with which w
! tbrtatei.eJ. and urged iu the most c.!,vi: c
; laiiiruaij the ne.sitv f esiablirl;:?-
! i. , r l " r v i
! U.-me Guar 1. for the protection f tbe live
i -
: and p.perty 1 the citizus of Lt.rctU: an-!
I .!..' v itivirini 1! r.rrnnt to cn.e ui.
! td d- thf mselves the h--uor of eurollin iSi-h
i " Vllh ,lje T" rl,atItf fioiou which th
1 "bird of the broad auJ oweepiug wiug" drop
; . , . , , f,. -, fc 1
I 'd over Lamp Lurtm
I P :"f ' "J1 Jr J "',f' . li' ir
j mi I J. Buk. lr Iiertz g ttata l that ttic
, ,, , ; .,,
. a!r, aJv prtfil4j. .,...u,:..j5. and
tie Gu-iids tr-d nut iovk Ivr nj atisnc.
! from that p-.urce
'" f"' fj-''rs resu!t.-d a follows
!'Ui i .v.J o:a:i--. i.i-u Tn.a :i- i
i f i. li ... 4 l ii .. .. I . . .
J euatits, 1 Carney au-i r j. i.i:tle.
The company uuu.ber mu; oue hu'. ire-i
j tueu.
t.All the h-tter wiittrs frma camp Sot
at York iu this State, aie lou 1 iu c -mpUm- j
of the manner iu wti:ch the v-iuutte:.
! bve been treated by the pw-is tbat be."
J at Harrislutith. A coricsp udcLt of the
! Johnstown Tribune ?avs :
j Qur cao.p now contains over five ihuau I
men, who arediilled five or six h-urs evt-iy
j ' N t one half ot the numb-r are eup
! llitf,J wiltb rr!,Pr quments Many of tiie
! men are b-c--mm disati.-.nt'd with the htu
dgUj fur(J;hi(1K, thir ou,fits yT x
! 0f the first men to rest-nd D the i-v?rnor's
! call for troojs; left their homes tiurriediy.
i with 'U unv preparation. utidr the brb.ef that
they would hi fully oipp i; as s--n a .
i arrived in
IIarri.burb It is n-i
! month since they were sw-m into arvict a -d
i . i . . : i 'I . .
ill. i Mev are u- t ' '" " i;o wio w--r-Oli
DoUllQ. j .- 1 ? . . ,
! a.- open the r. uu i in Minirf-u'h it ef p
i eas are the last t-t r--eivf ih' ir --ut
' Curtin and his Seers at I!rri-f uj:h. prv-r
! to pay more attention to fh cia:n--r nt p- li
j tiopms. who ar foi-twiu s uiir i.f ihe regi n
! tjner.ts. a'i-1 wh- h-iv- tf i n-is io th-iu. ih'
lo to the teal w'i's of th . ! iir.- I
s was b'ir fir an
oi ti rne i.iv m-r s o u
j. $:(.t , .,. .JIf.p fr tri- fi ll Th- l-t -J !
! and 31 li.-;iotits f-el that t'.rv have no'
: .,rt.r f4jrjT w:,;, (j li" tr- I r.
; sent on b- f- re them t tiie Cpit..l tif ih ua-
I ft hi U't'.ers attain are tudy prepirel to
: ni rch. while we are l.tyin here ".rir,ij rh-
'. jsure i.f bis Lxclleiicy. the u-im-n'
Seers ot tiie lirt SI and Gi R-;imenTs itar
tv-1 f r H irr;iar jh this h.tu;u!? t-i r-moii
s-ratc aiiiist thi
I l p thv
wiii r enabled t change the policy u' th
p; w-rs that b-. ftM-i that we will b' put ii
propter triiu to rt-eeivc oar Sou'h'.rn c -us
N 'thir-j can be :'fc'el in p'tai-!n of this
shaoief.ll treatnnt e:i t ho ptrt i-f G-'Vernur
I'urtiu A S'lfiieent a-!ti(.t of inot-ey i
approptiat.d y th- L-gislaturc for a-mi't2.
r.Ti.thing and r"'jderii!g c.-mfortable ur gl-l-tiit
vtiiut:teers. who btve left their harf
homes, at the call of th ir cuutry. Ther
is cvideutlj' -nietbiiig rotteu f-r wrong in
this Kiti2-IHi of D.-mturii
Governor Cur
tiu is evidently more atixi iu allow a few
disb-mest aud grasping inJiviluaU to mak-
,.1(U)-y. than to provile for the comfo.t of th
v,)la,4tce s X .;ther tho se llers, nor thei.
,. , ... ,
fru-nds at borne, will s-ia forget the cutrag
is treatment they have received.
I . 1 T 1 ,-1
ny is a marritM mar. use a can lie
B-rausd be often goes out 3t njjht when b -oa.'ht
not t'5. .
R-meiitbtT this !.ubanJ
'Where aie yon g -ing?' asjd a little
boy ot an other, who bud slipped, down ou th.
G nog to g-t
was the blunt reiy.
CZ7N':ie but a p!iyiciin knows hovr much
a reltab- 'a'terative is needed by the peo
ple. i)it all si b s of us. iu all comaiU'iitie.
ever where ihere are multitul-s that suff-t
fioiu c-miplaiuts that noihio but u 'altern
ative cures Hence a great many of thuin
have been made and put abroad with the a
surance of beiug effectual. But they fail to
accomplish the cures they promise, boeaus
they have not the intrinsic virtues they claim
In tiiis state of the case. Dr. J. C. Ayer V
Co , of Lowe-11, havs supplied us with a, com
pound Kxtract of Sarsaparilta. wbich does
prove to be the bng desired remedy. Its pe
culiar frenu other kindred prepara
tions in market is, that it cures the diseases
for which it is recommended, while they do
not We are assured of this fact by more
tban one of oar intelligent Physicians in thi
neighborhood and hare the further evidence
ofetur own experience of its truth. Tennes
see Farmer, Nashville. Tenn
3T Persons wisbing blanks, of any des
cription should call at this office we keep a
apply ronatan'ly or hand.
often as frail as that c-f a tend-r fl er
ny of the wi enter into tsarria2e
with ut Heine able to un Jergo the labors
trials ef maternity. I this country
ands of young and beautiful wotuoq tre , .
rificeel every year from this cau- k'i0Ii.
riostfters Celebrated Stomach K:?:er
gave many of this clas "frooi aa cu-in'
trrave. This medicine Las been csed
threat b?iEt by immense fcuoibrs of p'
throughout the republic, and the tr.-pr.
have recive-l grateful connnen Jatits frc
all sections rf the country. Ths Bitten r"
be found to be very pltait to tl tiv7
evi n as a leverage, and primpt &nl p,, "
:ul in i's effect as a medicine. It ifasejtis
vitality iutotbe frame, and trecg:hets i.
? hole system. s that wom-n who nse h t
liable! to 0 through with Lb-ri
w.uld. witlout it be certain to j re strati iLr
Soli ly all droeists.
F.-or.i C.A A'Urt I'iht, M C. fr.-m
Was. iGT"'X. D C. June 11. lv,
I vnvf u d two JiOliIes t f j( ar ;Jr
f iund it vry useful in cases i.f Isi:'g!i.;,0
and Headache, and recommf n-1 it to aU :
iiecd a pleasant and efJi rcieus reuit-.iT
vtduible t-t.ic.
' 1""' t 'e f.Ji.f,.'tutj
, rki -T- e - r,-
I I JS:;v.J isrn .! ify of tte Uijf.
. Orgat.s an.rir-g tt,
a evere at'a.i
Dvspit, which Lai rid ; i ititf jTtt-u -:de-Ht-ly.
My wife was a'.-o alSeted ULir
auie citcuti.stac. s, iiwiib f'ne dlst.
Having us d your njedicine cilkd li.Teii.ATt.
Holland Bitier:-. we boti obtained reiir.
a.d are bapj.y to Jnrd yea tL: putllc t,
its valjv.
22 . 17.
Pi'tsr-nrh. Jan.
li-. vis -.t w.-.fe' by
lT.ur p.r t il Extra Family,
Wheat, per bushel,
Ke. "
li.iek wheat, " "
).. "
V -tallies. "
t!l v.-r eod.
Ti;ii-thy, dj. "
Potter, " lb.
Be.-o-j. -
I.ISTdF CAUSKS set ii.trn f.r trial
O-n-.m -Tj P.ei. t-'-e U'd at K;
:r-. .
-f -Jao
u the first M-.i.(!y (K::; the 2:1 d.i;
Diin-n5. vs O'l) y, r.-'.l
T C -Van v Murr-r
vs LuiLer
Ki'is vs Ri'ini
Flint Kxei- vs I;:;rg -a
second x.zr.z.
Mo-'? vs I-;.lv
M-I) 'm;t vs C..'...--r n a!
S.M3 Vs ini-.-
same v jan-t
s.-irre V jiari-o
Pi R R. t4 D rl
1I--X KenKiv rt-r C. vs Ti's' i v'.'.V
Newkiik et al vs Ivr: tt ;.l
iii vs Cer.n Jr.
M vs Fd.i. t-
Win. (':irr & Ci vs
Vm. U'l'.iian-s Jr. vi ?:r ?
M -rar'a .e & Co vs Litz't-jvr G'.r.Cn
PtuI s r.u:i:::cr
Fiick v T.;'t it
s rt-,1i:j's Il'rs vs K. C. TL H C,
l.' -v : i vs Taln erttsi
-T-t;es s M':
livaii's i;s? v.- Tiy
I li-iisiej vs S"; -tetnai-.r
Rj, et a.1 v II -t.-.nau
Zihru vs ili.nay
Kt:ney ct r.s To Ii-.-t
Div r us c- tt
sirae vs sfl:.:s
II I'iw-v.l vs I.r.-o-i 'Z I- t:w
Sn.-it'i vs T.-w!i
M .'Demit t vs M Gt.ire
Ui-ldlt's tis vs II-.;.? ts tt si vs
Ais'Mi vs Kaper
Tr-xi-Ital vs rei.r.xk
GViss vs Flvr.n
Mvers f.,r ttse vs T, ley Sr.
M i lor sv Gias.
.TOSF.Pn McIX iN'ALP. p.-
I rn-thonatarv rnes. Eltentbi-r.
May S." 1801-tc.
The uiiden.igr.e-l npcr-.e-l est -" Tit- -
Ktabii-htiiCtit. over the stTe n-t.i
1). J. Kvans & Son, respectfully 'ri.
pul l;e thiit the taiiori'-g liusiuevs
eariiod on in all its Itrai.cler. Al wc-rfc
d.n.e ill ti:e latest style, with r.eit -r'
patch, and uitou the to.t reas nal,e r -IIOBKKT
Ebenslmrs, May loth. lSCl. tf
Whereas Utters of administration &
m the ette of -lull ii 1L Keiinely, U' ,
ingu n T wnsl.ip. Omhiia Gunry.
having len granted t the uudersiev" .
lteiifcter of said County, all per-'tis J'Vi"gflt
ag:uut iaid estate are hereby notified to F .j
them properly authenticate! fr t,,,mcrrVe
those iu-k-l)ted are required to nu P."
witbtiut delav. .t-.n 1
May 15, 1861.-6t. II. KINKEAU-1
Guntv Agricultural Sdty .re rej
to meet at the office of 1. it. lwu' " ,'x v
JETUnsburg. at 1 o'clock P- on Sait-tv-.'
1st day of June 1861.
By order of the Pres t- c...
May 15 6l-t D. J. JONtX
1 :
n c
o c
o c