.VkM C'sLv I At this s-asiii cf 'J.c- car, vhcf the- trees. . - --,T. '".r flirt f -;t. r. , r.;0 (j' uau nioiv n.. :..ttj - - : , , . ; - ; r.uicd of th-eir suJi.ncr .....25c, tune..?, .-!! aid r-r-crtC'io f :T "'"! t'ose i - . n-- ee -a ry cviw.-uis-, - - - , whiah the Lou'th ar.! rrc.-ri':; t-i U-0 frco and its fruit crop during the e.rer-g so--?cn : pcascn arc particularly conspiouvu'. ire r? r,r.-. fT.-.r.-.r tf.l A j;.'':.."-rL( of tLC u:a!vi, bi.t uVany cr rf th-ue large p:urr,p j oik 3 coLtnir: ;!;o r.ura car-:- or tje lon.ai?, Ui- lVo:.i tvro io i-;ur jr iiv-! huniif c, each cf wbls-h .--.naii: fcn crabyro, a ycua 'drop ; -a-! t?-a: v:ll U cxcluic:! tliTafrea about ! li:e r-f !: c-.'t, cr as socn as there I.? 1 hoo.t a :-l fvlioco sufTicb'U''. to biite'i a'a-1 ?us- td:i thciu. Tlioo tbllicbs ibouli all i-i cato- ; falls '-!ipp.--i c tf with a fair i .-iiarp j-rua!!.- ; io rcaca lueui. uw j them. Dat ia alditioa to these, there ar- otber i 1 enemies to vegetation tLat ruay in some mea- sure be ciccooivectol by a little prtveniatioa , S' it tbe proper time. Tha cfia-s of the Ain--ri- Tent Caterpillar,' thfale or vrhicb lcpsits ftorri tb'tc to live bua ireJ hi cun- caa dep. ber in a yballe arouti'l tho t-ruallcr branches of arfk. p':!tr sn cbciry trcca, arc now also distinctly visible, v.be're tbey osist, if a close examination be institute!. It is vrc-il knovrr j that these caterpillars appear sometuncj Inrge numbers very su-Ueuly, anJ in v j credible ebort spaca of time ppiu a wci , over tbe leaves anl feel at leisure, free f Ll-o:n. in terruption or injury by wind orro'F Where these appear on a tree they ougb t0 be im mediately by clipping off tbe branch an" etcd with prunning shears, a-.Vuurniag or eing cing tbera iu a smart ? .c; ut by fir tbe bet ter plan is to remov . t'lC c-z. These gir dles of eggs caa ie SCcn a3 rlaiQiy Rnd al most at as "rent .i:.f l.f.,..-t- .n bo sjcu on a U' .. Tho csv of plant lice or aj7;i;7-?, and thesj c uarK-nco or c-.c:t , u-j ; IT 7 . T . - I W on clcso inspection, and those on sa;a:l trees can ba removed by an sppaeauon ct j oir- sul- anr.lie-I vlti a etiT brush tbotou?h- I la rubied on. Hvory rle5,ant day during this and tbe coining month should bo ucvotfid O this work. lu.H'ir anl (Sai'Jifs,' , atm , rsylM.JGUva.net relitcs that in the vcar . 1S33, several old Celtic tombs ircra discov ered near Dergorae- Under the head of each of tbe dead bodies there was found a saaall, sqmre stone or brick, with a hole in it, containing a few seeds which bad been placed tbcro le.-ide tha deal, by the heathen h lends who bal buried Shem, perhaps 1 5',(J or l.To-j vears be Con iaeso seec Is were earcfaUy fowq by thosa who found them, and j what do you think wa.5 seen to spring up from tbo duuof the dead? beautiful sanibwer?, ! n i -i : ii,. . I naue corn .a)iara: saiia.a, 'j-ma-g e; ; r,- ae bright utvl sweet as those which are vr-:v-cn in' wrvaihs by the merry 'ehllreu r..T aennnds. The tree, cntsrc.r uivo.-.cJ ; u:;v k;;;., , -j,.. t;:t,:;t Ex,cuik-a ! 1', K1, V" l Vl, r " n:nr,rcno,c,,v.u '- i ,vIth ;,r!:i, C,::U, .III:;;;. Vra in their rr,ctke j Q oul ia boll rdiof, laviting our c.,-..rt3 m be- nR t tl.n lii.'.v.-i.t iau-s ,i every Stato. ' I Ai''" tx 1 tn-ji..i.i u.-uy rovs i:i.t i jrj half of tbeir uu:ncJi,t removal. The pen- i pi tin-en 'Vo -r viU!c! j Jciit ffiliclos ct tbj Vrc? worr.i ci Ui3 j , ., , , , , , ... " ' 1 trfv. y o an.l otlicrvvi.- con-i-kiiuiis ir.- f- plai-ig in car fielii j i-.ane year; axo a va-a, li?rn--i;icauy fva -l j a . was kun-1 la a lanmmy-rit. ia Egypt, by the ; ;v.--Ib-aadi ti-avc'.'o: V, "i-kr'rj, who feut it tlaiJrM.h :-!uieu:a, Th ; r.brar;-cu thrrc i r u o . . . . a -. . : .".rc-j i'.i ') raas) 'The b cf i. Lea- anl uue vr re ra!:!a caretu-:y uaaer giass on i i'i of j-.iaca laid, ar,f ou the -Itb day (i ac year. t!.-0 eld Sec Is We!' e I 5 into r.r.v ilk. Tbey had ally ) y-.r.rs ajo, per- j U,a La kl ..: k::a:-, anl had slair.ii ! ably deal, yet rtill Uvle-rj in . i - - . ef a-;ues u cc::re:uai:c- tia. i , - -.'.J1-, Ol Avil .n, wi.o ;: err evkaco ar. i Lis aeuLeiky is k j ; e ake:l u is n.alo wid: r.articu- i X eiiatde. kit- rt i a.-.-e la c aetern l.kna'-ylvar.i-a. iSummer Tuv:s-n i, llc-l Astrcbaa, Mati enhs lih, samuier Pearmiaa, Early Mar garet cr lied Harvest, Wool man's Harvest. Mather cr Nab, Sheppard I'rince's Early Ilarvsst, Chry;,t.ilo Cheese. Pall Cowl-Ibis Fancy. Calf Pasture, Pal! Pippia, Wiiile Doctor, IleCie'iau. Gravca Bteiu, Porter, Wiuo cr Hays, Nowtou, b'pitz-t-cberg, I?ld-in. Winter Smith's Cider, llawl'g .lennct or Never fail. Princely, Fornwnldor, llidge Pip p'u. irinr-ke-bouse. Ballock Pippin, Ilubbard Kcn's Nonsuch, Cooper's IlcJdling, Peunock- ijiunUe p'titit fcr ciLt-t7))r Yor7c. To a iUautity of charcoal, add a quantity of lith trge as'a drier, to be well levigated with lin cod oil, arid when vs id to be tb'nurd with go-vl boiled lineeed oil. The abovo forms a pool Mack paint, am! by adding yellow ochre tn t-cetdlent green 13 produced v.'bicb is prcf eriible to the bright green frequently used on out-door work, as it does li&t fade with the i-ura frcuch Paper Fi 'd ff'lc Ji'panctc The Japanese are r.b-indautJy sufy.lied with the means of subs.is i.'.i ce. Uy planting new crops before the old is -ervestcd. they get three or four courses a year from the t-nrr.0 field, while the soil is con h'ardlv fed wiih manure to wee-t the heavy tax opor. it? fertility. Their waters abound ;: fkh Aroor.a the &nit!iais kilk l lor game a:-., the door, tnL-kcv, s-juirn:!, lii-l porcu-J 50,000 COPIES ALEEADY SOLD. la V iC It V I!OD'S LAIVYKll AXO COC.V- ! SKLLOU IX BfSI.ESS, BY FRANK CROSBY, Of lis I'iiladtlj hia liar. i, r : .. tr . . i: Jc -... jub iig,v i' caw up jaai laca-aap ;ijic:a and gives general forms Mr agreements t f all . kind.-, klk f salo, kes :;.:d iA.-tIti.jii.-. k' kkk 31" I:b ti I'lr.iv r.; U and M rl- ,,s Arj j.-.vjt.v lV-..vr,f At tome v. Notes i;;m, , ; ;i;:i1;:c, Pee- h,:s and Ikkases. i 2kk Jkr The hews &r ;tU u of Debts, j U'.-. i li.O I.:iV US t'J I ' a" i :.;;.J i0 " j .1:0 l'; ' y, l-i.-'-XK- aa-1 A!;,-:nv. a -A' ! i' Str.;--. an-i tli-.' : I.av.-H : 1 I j li Tills V ' 71 -j lav.- c-. i'..' L a.-s. Il l l: Ui' - ai: aU:.-..-. ..! ; ..a ' y - 1 ' It ' a.::; .' y . ; , . ;!';::;'.,:!;:!' '."'' j;'. v ;; v. .-' la. y; a- i . tK-nera! t-i.l a- t...v-n.H;-J.t.-, jf TdU ill? Ily.v i-, !,- o;,L uflaiv. ,y : Jiow io u-. !i ,ai :a i, a "a -'.as -avnar a vu.-t ra-Tinj t-.i j rc'i.... ly. ..uS . i:. liiiaa- i tioi', y as taaai . caa .ai:a;i -a. - aW ivr : . I a .-t-i-t bv a.a:1. t v v-.: j ...;..!. .,c.vcr.v ';-'' 'cry ..a- aaiae, cvt-.y Jaaa i cca,to' . t. u0. . r :a i.vv Jtyw: ff -'. 'n- ..t -jOO A YZA.il f.ai bo iaa. io Ia-i-li' . i-iisinj 1IIV i cvi-:-yi;Uv-, . !.; a the :;...ve Wui li, its o' .i- i-aluc-aaarit., t :'! .-.Jcii are v. i .- '"b-aal. r"..rs-h.Jeco;:r-.-;of ti-.; I'. .--f f.r term to agent.-, wiih ui -a. ? .j.atk.n. : pply to ur ai- ur-.-a jails I.. I'Ul j Li;, Ti'.bM.-iicr, Xo. 5I7 .'-.ia..-. Street, l'lal.uleiphia. Ihi. June li, J'jO.-Jni. WHAT JI5 i:iiY531Uliir.t. iTS. TUP: IAIIl.Y DOCTOU: COTAIM3G Simjilc A'omiWs, Eziilj Obtained, fur the (JiL.e of Disease iu all J "brats. Ej Vi 'for JIEXI1Y S. TAYLOR, 31. D. H Tdls You II r.Y to att-Ti.l i!t ni tbe siek, ar.d huv i- c- . ur t.'c-ii- now to prepare Lnanks, lou.i'i-a1, ea:., aa-l .v i .-. ... .. D l-l.l ...ium III- ivl.wa l.Mli -:.L.. . Iv. 113 kJ 't'W.0. .':' TuU Ui" :'.e v.u';.. as (.ii-i;iLj :.f Cbiidrcn, rad j.iven I'ae and -'-aj-k.-t i.i.k of tr.ac- lavi aa'aa: T e "an r, .'.-. .va! iaas Vaciaa ii a. Wi. a:na e .ia-.?, 11 ac., ? TdU Y.yd'Y..' h.a!i-..'. t-f Ca-ijs Camera Ja;'ar.a:a. L'u'a", Ua-.iri.ee i. U-iLa. Sc.dl- d ri ll. r iie.i ., iv-a v. : rra.. :a-.-.c-i.-po:c, .v., ana : ves ,c. u ,a! Ik5i llr 1 ' t,;ic- . . ,; ;j-j.,..:f v. Tp!i"s. Seal-.-; aa ". btl: tr ieveu. a i -,.ve- ..u the Les au.1 simplest R j y.; ; -. - y cf I;uU(.nf c,;i ta-.ap::- a, ly.-p -;!, As.-.bn:a. Drop.-y. C-at l'heuma;:-: ., Liunba,; K:y;.'j.iaas vVc., and e::vey- a i. : . s. ciac-a - . a t.-:r care. - .l".f x'-a 1 ae : "d u 1;i --aeai ak: !aa M-.li Aii.tnt Cb .!a-a, S-.adl-p. J v.-.-i:t:rv, Craa.!.. Oi-- aes f the Ubnl-hr, KMaeys. and l.i . '. : , : i i reiac - ' r liitir cure It Jdli Y,-.t The svmptorns:.. I'.'vurisy. Mumps, I auir.-.,., ... aiy c-av, i i.ra-yMs, ti.e vain-.'as Da-ear-.s of ibe T!a-j..i. 'iVeia, Lar an l Lye,-an-1 t" e ' -i n-nie li...- . r tb-ar aire. TdU ''i Tl eryvp:'.-!.a:' Ki."!-.-,.sv, Jaundice laic- iba-uae. UUv.-.-.s ...f t.- Ilea;., lk.u..r li.a;,.'. V. :Ki-e.-l JX-va. a.nl liy hvpl.ul ia, and a've - the bat rem'.-lief b-r their cure. u J' : ;7 v'b for Sarain"' ka'i,; v.-, I'ca .- S.aas! VLVte"Hwiil- It 'idls 'n-it T.iO ;.-e.-l an ' :--:vi.!r.- . ;n-:.tr,,i-a. r. ir zi. Lb-rs, Vaia . Po;k, .Stxrvv, Uuu.s aaa iaiu as ..:i-a-0 cf V. cf Ch:! .V Vj 'le a i i i..o i u j ii :a . I'-.e e : . -' ,k; ;:, . are s. !'a r? . '":,! i IV'. vJ. .vaa 111-'. 0: - . i - v. k i ii- ...a T I i i t fa ; To iv given t . a: etdar.-, sca-I kr a lib,. ikr i.di --.a:. 1 a sa.-h lOca.h 10 cai-h 10 eiusli 10 cas). 1 0 ea.b l ' b ) Cilsh :Je-a .;-)0 2:0 2 -a." t-a bO 1 taeh 1 caki 1 cah 1 ca.-,h 1 cash 1 cash 1 ea.-.'a rbiVjo 2.000 i.eoa 500 bCO e;:-e! r.C.,:i- lV-tbcr v.-ih a -.-a; vi:b y of ut!.cr vrlaa ble Gnu, v-o-:. .r.g i-i va'.tto :V- ai Tdi ets 1. . X-2o. Any jHT.vi.-. c-.i- losir,. in :l p t ,r t, f- .c j cent 10.-tag-; r. S. IIKIILINC & CO.. P x l?!2.Phihvdc!nhia, Pa. rhiladeij I' t. May ieG0.-S:a. FRANK V. HAY ,4"FFEKS to the irercnants rnd others bnvin--' TIN, aKT LEOll SHEET IbON WARE to sell again, in due meats not found in any Mim!fa.etory Wc.-.t cf the Allogheniua. All Wares packet caref-ally an l GUAllAl-TRCl) XOT TO LEAK. ATO Dealer hi all kinds cf STOVES, Convey PUIiIES, LZHD PIPE, SZI2ST PETALS, JTAIIIjLED fe II0LLOV-VAH2 at ManTifjcturcis prices. PltlNTPD PPiIPP LISTS n. v.- ready. Ad he.--. ' ' ooV.aa.s (t nay f r tn.-t:iT and i.oiler) bliad ic-.aivo, by retarn cf mail, the r.,:,r. miiclent Kagraving cf Christopher Coimnbtas, (a-id one 1 1 ta.eso va uibj.j (lifts as per IV I 1 1... O . 1 . r ti ... ... 1 'W't-sj .in oraeis i -r iiaisor livravin' c. !ICB ;, lav. oo..a.aav:.tvndnaCo.Ib,. ei-ru ai v -, t-'d t. ; M 5v.4 .- . " - . - r - - -v .-.jji. :? 5.. r ..f.." I A:i i-.jvri-.-nt an-' ia. ;lc ifs nv.'v-.-aiiy ia a.i.:s: cvt-ry Cv-i.C--ivabic iav-aa in a!! ;a ;;i s in v. :- '; it Las L-a-a irii'i, it ba; ri:d a, s- . . ... I I. .. -' -'' C'-.a.a-.. !s, L:.!C:..: Il -'-'--a ' i er.-a.iiio. Iavali a So k-aa- 1 e-l-rivi laa a L-ao i'c.-..ia:e f tjv--t'lou in ti:tu- own naiLL...i ii!.;. h ivesa Mia.ty re-ai.pearol in tiiel-a.-y w.rM ; if jiut r-jnirsied fr u. a pi.-tri'-od travel in a iia-tan:, i.-.a J. itte vck"v .-! an.'-i t.i;:eei cf t blad arc attu-ttd of b ia.il': Sal.ir nr.aviateI vioti'ar rf ?j p-Aie'-.i, i.-i i asta-i.--. - i:- In-.s:.s b..Ua.ion, cvlli.-A "i...na. and that e.anabca;!- a of UL-rv.jtir. an-l dy.-j.c!d-j a t o; . ska t. air and c::i rcke f- -r wb:-b li'". i!nvia! v.i :. r.anarv. . In 2ei vovs Affect u.iis cf all kiinb, and for f rca.ond faiiuu-ar to ii'.-'iieal raca, tiie .ii.-r iti aj cf t'ais prcparati'.'ii i f Iron ran t necessarily Ic .salutary, kr, unlike the eld oxi. Us, it. is via.r ous'y to iic, without twing ixcitin ar. 1 oi r heati.rz, and gently, regularly rj-erient, even in the must obstinate ca.-.es T c t j venc-s with'-iat ever bciaij a gastric purgative or inriieting a tiis-a-rrceal-le .-ensation. It ia tklii. latter property, among other which makes it :o remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy far I'iks, upon which it also appears" to exert a distinct an I specific actioa, by dis perincr the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia innumerable as are its can.-c-s, a i-inalo "lox i f thee Chalybeate I'illa has often sufti. c l k-r the mo.-t hal-itual cases, iaeludin-' . l.l J ' i.j t-k: i i ... i in u:r. liu- .vuo i iii.-ii, even nen a; vanceu t - Dysentary, confiiiaed f:r.iciati:jg and r.pj.a rently ina!ie.a;-ul, tbe c V.eU have bee a c.;u il!y lice I - i vc tin1. i-.t on! il.I n rr, la tae kcal p. ir-.s. 1. ss of fk del-iliatihg c--uedi, and r-aitie .:: aad .tre: ata at bt-ctie, wi.kli er--! era'ly indicate- laeij.icat- C-:.sa: K :ka, t'as rara :y has aiiaytJ tae alana cf f:i -..d; r.n ; phy.-:-:;in, ia .-.i-vcr.d very gratifying aa-.l ia lertsttug iiictances. In Sei . f -.ioas Tul ercu'sis, this i.ica; -at. 1 ir.-n has b id f.ir ira re t-ain tho gael i:k.i r.f tho n. -t e ieaae-lr balaaad prcparati- no.-f i b-,o, with-. at any of their well ka,-wn liabiihtk. The attentia!i of females ca::n-.t bo t .o confi dently invited to thL rem: !j aaid rcd-jrcll:;, in the ea-.-es ivu;iai !y aaVv-ting t'neni. In ithi-tnnatkm, l-th C'!ir aacaad i':!! im.it rv in the latter, however, more th ..'; h-.;!v L ka-K-cu iavai:al ;y well re-rtcd, bih a- aikvi.tting pain a;;d reducing tha swellings and ttifncs.s cf t!:e j-'ints and mi;-c!-;-s. In lnk-rii.itu-ni k-vers it ruus-'t ne-ccssarlly be a great remedy and oncra-lie re.-t- rative. ;.a 1 its progress in the new settlements of the We.-t will probably be one cf high renown and use u'n .- X.) n nH-:-has ever been di.-covcrcd in the v.'ai k- bis t jry of na-ukir.e. which exerts sa-.h Twaipt, h.ippv and faiiy re.-torative c;i".is. CooappctiU- e m;,1 t,; .;;-.;;.,!. rai" 1 ae p.ndtio:; of ttreni:.:.h. wiiii an naa.-a. ti .i ;. :i .a far attire r.n 1 cheerful cxea-cise, itr.racdiatc h f bo .v i! s b;a t-ji hi at " !!.-. ta-ttai b - ;s .-.-, ;a, a... i ii! , arke 0-J ct.:.- j v box: f r : .ik l-v .;. a ' -.,'-,.. a -n ..... . l . ..a i i . a i. . oi i i i j aav :. i - i :'. v. rv . - ; . r -,- .. 'a.' i v. te. '.l Vj: j.a.i i-a -n' . i t . . r . a -. . . - S , I . . . i. .ii... i v.-..:...,y i. - ek bobr- ! t'r. -ill :-': b-c. f . 1 a ..ndlV.-.-:.t Seythe Snaths, 'a'c-;t Ct dht--- i Pins. .-c. rc.,v-biVh thev ofkrf -r - de an re. 11,. , . . , .. . 1-.. i i . . -1 1 oii.toi.. t.i..-, to t . -.u.i : 1 ;.:.ic -t-i. i) Jai.tt try 2', lia"5. z ; a v w 'W i.in;:a.L iMrcnr:n:i;-.s to agents! iftj DUlana uou'.t, utzditii cqKngcs iiaid. nJL wiih toengct-nn a.a; v A gent in every V V County through- -ut th-: UniUd States ai d Gtuad.i.-. to travel and int-vdu-e oar NMW TWKNTY POLL A II DOCI.LK 'i HU11A1) TOOK STITCH SKWING MACHINE. Thk l kcehkr ll.iehine is just juiteuted, with valuable i .uprovcmeiits, which make ic the cheape.-.t an.1. a;st popular machine i exietc-nc-, r.nd aekuowl--Iged to be unsurpa:cd f r g-jn- ral utility. A imitt-d number cf respoiisille agents are wanted ;o solicit orders by sample, to wh-m a salary t-f 50 per month and expen.;cs will be paid. Per conditions au'l full particulars address, with stamp for return postaere, J. W. HAPJilS & CO. Xo. 13 Shoe & Leather Exchange. Nov. 9. lc33.-50-Sw. lks ton M jf.s. v. Tno-wsojfTwiT i. patton Ljt tfe CO.. Y.'holesale Dealers in and Manu facturer cf HATS, CAP.k PkilS. Ikiiur' M.i-te-ri ds, Straw Goods, Artificial n-iv.a-rs, Luh'ala Ikies, ebre. Xo. I2i Market htr.-et, bch.w p.-urtb Sjuitu Kido, PHILAiniLI'klA. Cash add kr Wool and Shipping Purs, I'itlGM I. PATTOX. A. OITEXHEIMElk February 17, lKje.rtf p r.ii.vAt!-rAUL miAi-p. jsaxltac. Ikk;kb,l;k,;fibbk klbkag Tbi.d St,c; t, Utwe.a Arel. ,nd Ci.trrv. Libia- i ! March a i-aC. I j f v v r i r tf) 11 c li fe r r r v - r-i f j o f 5 i . ...(.: a Jus.'pir.ri v Jirc, j.i i?a"iria "S 'a-v, v. ..-i: la wiii ..- ii v.ry :: i r CAaii. Ia.r-'.as wl-a aav thin r i l )'- lia-e . ra c.-. J-.'o wark ...f a!! kia.: ? a.c en t"a A!e 5 iJ.-'r!-e Sp..'.-.:.3::r ra-:'a :-.:.. j.vt .-. 'ff Coaniry f'ia- iare if a'i i:ia.i ;r.a. ia .1 r, i , t . . . l i ..i . C r, il;a--. Pe-vt'-r. A'i ALSv). !!j ..v..u!.I nrp . V . i i :na -.- in i-i.i r ' vc ; 1- r . ; i:b.:lm-r. April aS. lo-i. ?f Ob IS I.UCivITAklJT, WA'lVTIVATTi -A-xr ieau:;i cL'.;f;i - ..sv;ATci - A."l) .JLWLLIIV. 1 11 a. unuerti juod r:?rcctfu.: begs leave to inform the it 0'S a-r.s cf Jcbn.t .wu r.;.d viii.div 'J-'-t -) tat.t .ichas -ust re, caved a; a-r. v. - . ; .' f 'v 'pentng the large: t i-t, ii; vf Ch't...;..,-Iki'.-'v.T. .., tt-ift-y,evt.r 1 uvught to j'-Mi-t va ;'!.' nl rx ncyiinj, whie'n will be sold "ti. caper t'...a t ko cheapest." His i; i .a.s will ahr ;s le nnikrm Une customer will iiot b- char-, ,1 i,;- ic f.:r the ume quality of g. o.ls t' an an- tbi-r. A I :t o! some cf the urli- !t-s con.piia-.--I ' u tlic - -rti i-nt is ar.nexed. Prices may be a--. rt::i:a-.l , an: .xi-bs examined, at the St r.- M .ba Street. C .1.1 Ilantiag Iha-lish Lcvois. Cicl 1 Detaeha i kev-r-, ful k v.vlkd, C dd L--n:r.--s. 4 h Silver Ka -!i -b i.- .. .-. biv.r Kt.o.i.. 1 k v. r--, Siivej Le: ' . .il l ,:.--! Cb-.- CI I V, -t Cbaias.ii i 1 .. 1:1. p.-ns. 0- .i-i i ..-.Ik. ;.:! :!-'.'"I -.- . Silv.r kxa a.i a P a ikaa i p-.r.,-. G-.-h! Ike. M-lns. Lki - aa : C, :r" : -.--, Gold lk.r b-'-p.G ! ! k.a r: G-.I-l li: e- r kin -. ;,.; I -..; n..s Gi-1-1 an i S Iv. r Wat - ;- s:. ib rta ..aak-;-. Li-ib' Pans, f.a.-y aa.! pkln, Silvvr Tabb-r Silver "kaspo-a.-.S kar ThiaAki 1- laled 'lkbu -i- .. ns, bc,t, I'latcd 'ik-a.-po. -as Sliver ("lard Chain:. Plated and J'.ritlard.i T- s S Vi.-lins and Ibavs. V-.-iin S;:a. a-. .1"., 0ItV and A ilea's Ik v !v-.:s. o inehes, Cll k:;aab ts A-.-r.k s, r. t... i. rT.-..- j t . . i -vi-i. s ri- oi i ...:!-.. t . ,v an . o.-.i -a: repaue.i witb pr. iaj tee- aa 1 atow ;..us. (, Cth-nt that he eanrat be I ad. hi. th--fk. r k resptttfa.ily .sohcits the C ntl b - - ; : i a t -..! -f the-public. LOLiS kkCk ;k i.I) b ilaylkleCk 2?-tf. Joltsi ";'5ilc;;::e ?T m p f t u Tfr r a 71 i " r i V7C if PI . i Suua, Crt'-wiag and leaf acbac.e. njt.:.T?ai try St., llok-a.'. e ". a:-j. iba. i '-T--; a ;-.a"- k . .. :i . a. ; . k" 1 ;- - ' - t . if k.bb . ;: Ak ; c. 1 . i l.-;-. LrOl ltf-l iJil I s J 1 k-" k! I 1 Pftr77",;,"''V ----- ' VJ- fct jA . - VJj xi.'A i t 4. : w 0. J ill IT. CRN AMENTA I . k SkAPk Tilkks J .f 'l h'-d-. ar, 1 .eiab:; . pr.i-: thy far - I ! 'k 1 i"' ; r , ir I' -to, u. ; t- ; f .. . 1 c . .a . . ' .,... , 1 1 t 1 1 . . i . 1 1 - 1111 1 . v. 1 ... - . 1 . : t - t ) him will -reed re p-rnt-r -Pu.tkn. C. MllklHT, Gai.cr d Ag-ait. (Valor P l:b:.y.-tf. e ( nr.Ls. x. o. & white sucahs, JS.t.y 5 l'.bis. N. O. M- I s.-..-. 5 " Golden Sv.-up, For sale by " E. IlUGlIIk July IT., 1H59. f O. O. P. Highland Lod go .,. 42 meets cverv WEDX5bSl)AY. ver.ii:g at their Hall on High a., ia tho upper sraryo.' Miioeruakcrk toro aw cai THIS WAY, UST P11CEIYMD AN1) i)It SALE A lar--and slaaadid As.-.rtment . ,f Am-iiaan Pock et ivuives. (Ilwrv knife warr.inte :.') bv GkOikiE HUNTLEY. August, 10. l.e.o. ct. LTJOk. Wt.dlK OP ALL KINDS DON'T: AT this oraw. s sik-.ht .wnci-: asi at I hVlilh&d. I 1, Mi:raw -lll ULAXK SlDfMOXS AXJ MT(7'' l"r ' ' : l- i rkikk No. -C b :.. , ". - ?70A'N FOk SA I.E AT FJIIS OFI-ICF T-.- i;- .t HUGHES. j V C ,. ik.n ... .... i .... . j .1 .. . - ' f rr a r? la n j ifl I ' T3 f- -1 - A j o O f o :.a. b - - J i . W ' rtr r T.-., ..... :-(;. - n-y, a :-. -. '.a;'.- .1 ,.i . r ,.r ... . ,.r .;i-:"::i.;; i:i ;kn.::v. - ::: I UL1 Tiil vv-k - : ! xX iTzV-aVs ! i.-iJi..-o-o. :.;a;.:vK; j Wnfphf- - TprrrfA vt- T- w V ' J"" T- ? .Cij - I w..s. I -1' 'c t:'--t f the l lj YWr.l. jr.,;,, I'll. The un.h.Tii.:i.c-.l ciaias t-a. :; tbeata a - of the- ie. .!e . f kk-nria 1 i;.:-j-v.-.n-l:: c-untry to ih- fact t!...t be bk btcn . i. aa A'.'-nt of a b.rae i.a-: lir - !,.-n.Cof 'V! kS. C!.)( Ks. tVc. r.n 1 r.) f a 1 :t :- : ; lu.ia; . . talli-bi.aat . f J II I! 7.7. A' ". -.vb :t cn-tl 1- d t ikr m;.-:i ia b. . ; :s 7 .-". .-e:s J ;.ria n .s w . , ? n-.-vir 1 . .. . a t .as I .ae-. , t ; :.v w! e t;.. abj d at- v.'A tc-;:: a ! c a: re .a t: -' : - . ; i . . r k"-- ib'a - .- ; - - : ..: : A.e.. at " n -iv :: a." : e: i t i, :: :i i: .. K.: I .-:m-. eat. f jjRD .:x vj:j: watches. at be ;" - v. : v . v.- j i ; r s .. . ..t-.. i tbist .v.n.t -La. : i SI I. I w.'l :. a- , .i ! I?;.- k v, f - !':. " ;' -'. - : : J - a : .. t '; a k.v- l' -;' :' ' ' '. .-.a ! . . 1 . . .. . ' 1 a.v : t n i : i'Aat'i. tbi'ls, C:iAl;;'!kks. ,KC. :r n ; 111 i : a v. V A 1 S. t 1 a ;U v- a ' .- -'-tv -11..-. ; -.n-t !...' eli : : . h k b ' '.-a, c. 1.. a. -.iv:. .-. .t s.ua'v ; , aa 1 al; i.;;;.-, . IIll: V. Ilk 111 i j "" l-kt'--, i x.. j Fbenibur-. Aio! 27 1---.e-"li ' - - 3. V 11-kIAM CApfl :c C.b. Wlb d.k:' i i Grocers, lmp.cTier. and k- akrs in u aa.i :....:.,..-- ic LIOL OiiS. ,, M a- and Ikeiltlcl Whkkcy. No. rv-a Cv-..ni- Ib.-.v. Lib,Tty sirtit, PITTsLUikk Pa. SUNDItlkS .".-0 TV.' !v.,a n., key. 1ST Phis Old M. n -ngahcla EveWh - Par, (very ch-.-iec ) oO Hhds N. O. Suger, Pbls N. O. Mohv ese-s. With a gereral a mentol Ur.-H-eries. ak-w-Pafon. Fk-v.T. Iron A- Nails &c, all of which will be sohl at prices lor c.h. V. il. CAR It co. I-J rnary 17, 16j?.tf FISE ! FIEE ! ! FIEE ! ! ! rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL atunntb-n of U;e ullb- to oae rf C... . r Mi In' U IT A A J -T A U : 7 c-t lrejTOVerv. is ever r.a 'e in COoKINV, : i I s 1 : A- STOYi-lS.the burning ofp 0 AS AND ,M 'ME ' e T : ' " ' N 1 ': Ly whaii 1.1 a:;. is :..,..d 1 ,;":v i r c rd t f fa t j'1- " -r. " - ... . , GLb.kuk HUNTLEY." - " 1:: Lbasuburg.Ang. i,, If j,-tf. t -!v ( ba - :- ti. 1 t Tit;.-! i.:g. I hi . 1 t ,3 J i I --V- a-- - - . - A ,vc v.-c j - a: Y. a v.;-- , - ;.-...r, , . r ,:r . -j ICijOT TILLS. Ti.'s j ii"" .'-:'.A ' e irrt .;r f art tf las :'' . ri u -ia.c . tb-2 Ixi V.i-... cf o.:r V.-.'..Ia f ;.. .- taat I.- Ia : ..... - . i ii. . a-'.. - 1.- r : r::rrv Win:: riiS 'a .4 . , ; , - .. ; ; l'. ifii- ' T: f. . - ; w '-, ; . ...... ... A t .-. 'C-. i e ' a -. t .b.. - i at. : c n .- - -, - - . : Vul :'""x;:t" : i - - c ..i.t:k:. ki;:;.:.i v nCADV-iMADE GLOTF b . . kbk k' ' :-d ' wi i . V.v."' za-. v- : . r.L p. r- ' 1 : . a. il ki ; i - . i kv ! -V, Ap,;! b' l:.,.u. 70 ; art-j 'STIO.V ISOSC, l:Lriibu lard JOHN A EL A lb, ib: :a a Aba. in roiii.ee tit-;. PI.Ali: a b w'bl Jeive the lb-i n II a.-e 1 r V tkn in time tatahetl c F..u:a-1 Every ;aan.,kg; n v. ;li ie..k: passenger tou.frahlte. low "TIP ! ! rutiaf :.i xstl v.. r. a ;. 1 s I inn 73