Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, March 27, 1861, Image 2

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democrat & Sentinel.
4 ..;- a- 'h
C. O. UlUKSJA"!', Editor.
pM. 1'cttcngill & Co.,
Uvertis-nz Aents, 110 Nassau Street. New
TiA-k, ami 10 State ,trect. IVtn, are the au
thorized Agents tor tuc "i-uu' " ; 7"
vFI. ami" the most intiitcntia! ami latest circu
; vw,- in the United Mates anu
l"llu- r , . -nnlrnpl lor
C.invias. itiey are "
us at our lowest terms.
Auoustin Darbin, Chairman.
All.ghany-MiehaelM'Guire , Black ;ck
i i? Vr.o: John M Lnde.
tial Judge truly ! A report ras industrious
ly circulated that one of said delegates, if ad
mitted, intended offering a resolution oppo
sing the repeal of the three mill tas. This
of course, alarmed the rnioion3 of the Penn
sylvania llailroad, and every one knows how
zealously they work wbeu aroused. Mr.
Johnston and his colleagues were, or rt least
were supposed to be, ia f.tvcr of the repeal.
and consequently from the first, haa the m
Cnenco of the Company in their favor The
Committee ciid cot properly investigate the
facts, and positively refused to hear a state
ment from Mr. Adams, one of the contestants
We were not in Harrisburg it the time, but
we have, as we said before, received our in
formation from a reliable source. As neith
er Committee agreed to submit its claims to
the State Coaventlon, the decision with re
gard to the contested eeatq, would have am
ounted to nothing, even if fairly conducted.
Under the circumstances it is worthy only cf
A Compromise.
A correspondent of the 21-juntainecr who
signs himself Alleghany, calls our plan for
uniting the Democratic Party In this County
a "double barrelled compromise." lie may
tc a very good Democrat, but ho :3 certainly
a very bad punster. Did he ever Lear of a
37Wc have received the flrst number of
a paper published in Huntingdon called the
IVorL-injixeu's AJcacaic. It e'odl.3 that a
"Wotkingmea's Party5' h to be organized in
that County, and that tho AJrocatc iGtole
its organ. Wo shall seo la Ozz lime whrt
tbas movement will amount to. In the mean
Telegraphic TJews.
Washington- City. March The two '
indietiuents r.r.ii st Gov. r"hyd in the Curt. , e;
have bct-n aL-:ai.-.ed c.s untonat-iC li
1 a,:,.ut IL h--ur
mprotK?ro to which there wa3 not iX lca-t j wc wish the EdUors aV-isuint r-ccur.I'try
We are informed by the Mountaineer, for
about the twentieth time, that John II. Dcug-
two parties? Ve cannot see why s'call for
a County Convention,, signed by Mcs-ers
Douglass S: Durbirj, -3 Chairmen of the tvro
Ccuty Committee:;, would not have at
as much force and virtue a one signed only
by Mr. Douglass. If a double barrelled or
triple barrelled compromise will unite the De
mocracy cf Cambria, we arc in favor cf it
It would certainly tfl prcfrracl to the elec
tion cf a Black Republican Sheriff, Member
cf the Legislature, Associate Judges. County
Commissioners, County Treasurer &c rent
i !:
0 !U
nr i ! .-.r- rm trrt tt.:n ; r
their 2cur;r; they are down en tit
course of Hon. S. S. Litter io Coitgrei?, r.t;I
the repeal cf the tnnnge 'a-.
was .'or c'-r.yp:rae7 to dcfraal the (ji-vtrn- Jas Y i:z
mr ut. The D:trict Attr-rrry sail, ia cp - Tl:.? L :.-! .
court, ti-r.t t;;ere rr..- r.- ovilrnvs f"J-;::r.
ths, t'A vhli the leave ol the C u:t
lr:i tL:
Tjm7j(cI uij-iil. Vi'e published !a3t vrcc
an account of the tiling cf a nv. ly lorn i:i
fint in Vrhite towuship ly its mother, wh'.ch
we clipped from the Johntovra Tiit'ti'f
The mother whose name is Ilartzill, and is
aged only about 10 years. Lcs since b;cn
lodged in Jail, to swv.t Inr trhl at Jur.e
Carroll Jacob Luther, Carrolltown James . kss Lsq., the Chairman of its Commiltc, is a
Urec:: mridgc mau. til, if he is, what ol
it? Wo know not what his private views
ere, for he is a man of few word.?, but we do
y. Galitzea Davil Mills. Jackson j know thai during the last year, he has been
"U-wer Johnstown, 1st Ward Lph- j aetic with the disciples of John W. Ft-roey
-1 Wr.rd Jchn Croupe. Lewi
Lucchardt. S-i Ward-William V, inner -llh
ii'-1 TT.,t, M, T.nrrttO liliam ly-
iv lira iiuu ." j
, Jr. Mdiville A. M. firegg. Bichland
'nry Topper. Summerhill James Burk,
immitviUe-Jahn Sharhau,'U, Susquehanna
John Uoaror, Taylor Amos Davis, asft
ton -Ilk-hard White, W lute i.eorgo u ai
xi. Wiimore M. M. O'Xcil, Yoder Geo.
W. Osborn.
TIjc Democriicy of Camhiia,
Tiw, i-cf 1 ,.t:i:t iliu-pr r.-intained an dabo-
J iaci .-ivi- ..
and the lnaiizners of Buchanan and B reel: in-
riJge. If he is the friend of Breek icriJge,
he has fi very way of showing it. He
is a good citizen, atd has always be-jii regar
ded as a grod Democrat. But he is net a
better citizeu or Democrat than Augustin
Durbin, nor does he command if a g'Cater
decree the conSdenee of the Democracy cf
Neither we nor cur friends, have cny dci-
ire to continue or protract the
fall. Would it not Democrats of Cambria ? j Court. The case will doubtless excite much
Mr. Alleghany informs us that he was a iuttrcst, as from its nature, it is not likely, if
Lreckenndge man last fcii, P-.i yrrites Lixeelf
down a bolter. Ha has not only a right to do
this, but to write himself down tn As3 also, if
the rame pleases him. From the tone of the
communication, we are certain he is cot a
sincere Democrat and well wisher of the party.
I ....
. , . , ,-i .. ftr:,K-,tl-in. 'i.rec.i;i ric-xe end 1'cuTias' contrcversv in
. , - i ( .n ortMit'li'i tis County. I he important isues ci tuu
tended as an uvarcet rep.y to tn article ..Lua ,
,f.v, -i n-drr i last camnuro. bav? become almost ocse-.cte
nearea in our i--i- ci x-.t -, (
V Our nei ;h-
are now ?;ct tat rely Intflin? for
tiTcctins the adininistrction of the Govern-
the heaJ"u c r-f "Can we urate
tor evidently do: ; not endorse our su jgesticn?.
v.-c.-a i.o m tavcr or uniou
, i rr. Vo rnetit, Lnt lor tae rre-crvntion ct the- t t:on
m ui-OiUiioa ar:d avert
v..-r.T.,8 l int. h- is rr-v.cseu to an euiuoi'--
The cliquo r.-.ab ru
jet he siiii pr r
l.nrm.lliv o r. JLlir.V.'
Tit v., i, ,-rv.,pd to all ! - '- "
trotu tiie i. f-utitrv tiio horrors ot civ:l v;ar
Under these circa::. stances cm net v.-e come
iT-iTWc are sure there are but few of our
readers, whoe hcart3 have not at sometime
cr other, been touched, bv the sweet ratlns
of the xvot-ds an-1 melody, of the world re
r.or.ed son-, "Ilorac, Sweet Home" ; but
few of them are that its author, John
Howard Payne, knew but little of the joys of
home, and that ho died in a foreign laud, a
broken hearted exile. The following alli
tional verses to thy soug have recently been
given to tho public by a correspondent of the
Home Journal, who introduces them as fel
lows :
"In reading a late number of ihe 1 1. -me
T ,X ... - - .
.iourna', l saw a toucirr nol ; c c;
rr t -i .i . . t .
liov. ai.d i a tni", n.o aurer or n
their is a conviction at all, it will be for a less
olfenee thaa t.urdcr in t!ie Crst cegrfp, to
which the law has annexed the punishment cf
:.r ra-.-.-.Tratj vi :.. -a in i.-rumg cot;
ccs. The cf ls07 j r -hil' t- a prr.---.c-r.he-.ti
t'.i1 r ;rty ir;.y!;-:it,.l t:-tiZ:i
fore a tc.tit.
cleclde-l to 1 3 not a rrivilog i f tl.2 w
I a w , a e. i t
IV i" r-";;atc i e-r.
ts c-.t;d;d-t-?.
z. i r- cc : V:
f C ::r.-s.
tr uv;.:r
ate o: u
v. -
T i -
1 I-
c: se woa.
have to Cvtae tu ao ahrut t ter..;! j:-'i.-u i a th ; J '..a
f.ct rpptarinr: ia ti.e t-. u:setf !.e tsi-1
t'jricv.ll t'.al &r.itj The f.-:! jving pcr'".s
were ch ctcd elaeers ef the Ca:ahria C -anry
Agiicu'.tural Society, for the t-nsuiag year, en a uursaay :
PresiL-nt John Ilvars (Smith )-
Yico Presldeats. Jacoh Luther ci Yv'm.
faet leitT suln-i-'cd in r ivai.eo to the
Court by counsel oa I- -t'a sih ?. the iii li-'-uicr-t
t; a 9 ord. re 1 to be .yaaihcJ, as it c r.l-i
not Live becu mavatVi'icJ
The Com-all .r ei from the C-.-nfi -a rate
States wiil wait loisurtly f..r the reti- a of the
Govrrtmei t Great f L"-r. are l-.i.-g
ly di;tifuished go. Titl-i.ra to t a- ct a'l
soiu'i :; of the Je.-utl.e n cc-ir.rl.t-.tift.---.
Th- govem-TLt rt M-T,tg- r.,f ry L ivo i rp
T'rthcnr.os of a c-'dlii-vi tt Port Pk-'ti:.?.
.-: i .
; uea
. ; . ; r ?
'. a r
c n . :. a' is
wt" Lj C
It is that th:
u'.:' irs :n that ua-t r. V!
' . -- ; ,r i' ' t!" i
L.-twecu fie :cr:tl r:u:h--:
c-.-rs in ;;:..!:; (!' il - c
j- a eo.
t 1 ;. u
111 I
Wm. Jj-S.fs.
kcraadi: J
-Gc -r-o C. K
A. A
1" a 1 t : : I i
i - .
' carrt-1 "a W. d lay i ::.-.
I c:l: t .'f Ho:jt if: 1. ji.C
li a;.i:
'- . t .
0 : r -'. . '
1 t!. : V
c:.r v.:;
C a ills and Fi"v;
-Ooe cf the rr (.a:
a"i;ia.s and I i:ata . . , '
evCr! c.:
b:ta lull be-f ro th.o puhli-e.
Ague, sad v.hleh have
ceomiaats from the T r
J. ilO.S'iKT!
r r
-d it roca.U d a
an inei
in i i l.uo. i . :
7 Fever
I the la -1 : t
, t . . ... v, :-
..I iij c;.'
r w . s . : r . . :
v :. ' ' : the
i i .11..:
; t.
.i -
i. . . .
: .; ! :
P. ,i
and those who dift'erel with thorn last fail,
must ground arras, acknowledge they have
been acting very badly, that they have been
toec-thc.r in a sririt of ton cord, of di vet ion to
the partaiotie and nati-a-al principles of uur
I r-srtv.' tat'Df-t me t eac l t'i-
,i;cr.i.i.ni7rs nn.l n-.rlnrC lOrr-lVOneSb KllJ I i'-" -' - I
"-"'r-"" - I - , - ,
e-r as ctjuai--. as l.-ieri'.s aiu Lretitt-rn, vi a- i:r
!-.- riTio c.-t ..-!!! t. ! ii:-:.!. nti.i iff frii: t!.
proper humility. They w:.l then be rc-cei- j
ved'by the aforesaid clique, like the prodigal
son ia the Scriptures, with exceeding joy, j
and will ac'ualiy be permitted to vote at the j
next delegate elections 1 Tiio article iu the
M-juntaiaeer is very carefully worded, but
this is about what every common sense read
er will argrce that it amounts tr. Now, we
af,k, is this th- proper ?plr':t to manifest at a
time like this? Is i: reasonable to suppose,
that Ulk of this kiad will teml to unite the
Tartv? VVe think net, and w--Ucrtaia no
We deem it unnecessary in discussing this
tjuestion, to go iuto a history of the late cam
paign. The Democratic Party in th? Nation
and State was, frcm its commencement to its
close, broker;, disorganized, in a word divided
into two hostile divisions or fac-tiens. It is
not remarkable that iho Democracy cf Cam
bria also diviLd under the eircuaistarjccs.
and that at. hornet difference ofepiuieu should
rxist among thjai oa s me of the- important
issues cf the campaign. A nuail er of dete-
i or -ji, l was oa i :? a" iti io:
v ;r;t. r of
with an
ari .i!' ir fom
t.l SO C:. s
In th
American ludv, (ho wif- of an et.-i:.'-r.
ker. Durit!; my vi.-ir, Mr. P.y:.a: e.dle-1 :-atd , aj:crn-
prc.-.'.nted her v.aM a e-r y ct ilo::i-, Sweet : r
me. s m to mu-tc, wru iwoa w'lit-n'u vcr- ....
.-i.-:cJ to nor ; an 1 t:: ..j a. ;.. : ; -- i
l-r vr.u t- ''t'a.t i "o .y a- i uO l.Oit.iag
ifyeu s'.-o r, vith--ui i.. a-ti'mitig ivy :n:::io. j d ,-v.i ijui-.ate. u:a:l .1 bte -a-ea a
I d-iuht v;av inu-.-h whethor the !-.-Iy t-j v. horn th-r d'diy met!.-, at. 1 vet th-ev s
tu : to e C
a f::i ro
cur. u : ..-) .
uig it-. oii-i ir i ;
v, v hot; a r- ta-al y c.'.r,
triil-.-i Ati'i v.a
. . . - ........ ... - , . i
loubt every siticere Democrat in the County j
rill airree with us in this opinion. j
other1' If we cannot, we are unworthy, of
the name of Democrats
V'e never pretended that our plan for ura
thig the J arty by a mtclirg cf t!:e County
Committ ees, and the issuing of a joint call for
a County Convention, was the oidy 'me that
weald prove acceptable, hut crrtaiidy.Ve have
not heard a better one suggested. All that
we desire is the union of the party on t-.rms
which will r.ct degrade any cf its members,
and which will justify both Committees iu re
garding themsrlves as having been sustained
by their friends. As we are not an cmbyro
candiiate for the Legi.-Lture. Sheriff or any
other oilier nest fail, wo are actuated by uo
motive in this matter, save an ard-.'i.t ue:arc
to promote the interests of the Democratic
party: and notwithstanding the opposition cf
a few araent and impulsive young lawyers in
! Khi-r..h):ro tr. nr (V.fhh'Tit r.ur vs.--ra tt!;1
command the approbation o.f the calm, it.t-1
lisrnt and thinking portion of tae Pern r cv
( i C:i:!;hiia. whether Dougla. ac-n or Breck
euri i-.-e itn u. This is a matter in the
.1 - Jl 1 . r .
iiicy wer R'wrc.-'' o. jt pi a copy or tn-::n.
li Mill.
EY .Tens Ui,-A!iI) I'AV.NT.
To . in o p:.te ef the ab-onco ff ye-r.-.
ILw sweet the rc-tiieti.hrar.ce of h'.hic stf.l a-
Frota allurements abroad, which but natter the
Th ur.sati.-fie-l heart turns, and says, with a
Home, heme, sweet, swt-ct home!
There's no phiee like home!
There's uo place like home !
llur exile is blest with -d! fate can Ustuw,
Dut Kline has been obeeker.-d witli r.a.r.y a wrt!
let, th- ditivietit our f.-i ttmes, our tl:'jughi.s are
the same.
And both, as we think Columbia, osrlaim.
Iloroe, liutae, sv.itt. swott h-me !
There's r.o place like home!
There-', no place like home!
1 T
.'II 1.JU
au:..-, .-tare a o;a irai.
tor. I am very lusy at p-os- nt,
revising and corroctlpg my history cf Cam
bria C-'-unty, before reeding it to the publish
er, but caunt rcfiaiu fioui drort i:.. ycu a
4 A
goto withdrew from the County Convention, J rank ard Cle of the party are more deeply to say, that your FUgirestiecs with regard
because they thought they had sutae'.ont rea
son for so doing, and a large itumb.r of the
oldest and best Democrats iu the County sus
tained them it: their course. They set forth
their reasons f r wiiu-irawiog, in a protest,
which they signed and published. A Demo
cratic County Convention was called by them.
It met. adopted resolutions, placed in iromi
l.iition a County Ticket, atiJ appointed a
County Committee. Of that Committee,
Augustin Darbin. Esq.. is Chairman. Yv'e
utidortani the Mmut'iiiia as admitting that
nearly all the iren who participated in this
Convention, were sincere Democrats, who
honestly believed they were right. And they
etill believe they wax light. The long and
fhort of the matter is. that both uivisior.s
interested than th poliilciit:?. and it is to them
v.e aifess ourse.i.
Ju ig'w.g from the statcnant of WashingtOo
Liter writers, it appears to be the gcm.ral
impres.-i-m at tho National Capitol, tint an
extra scssicn of Congre-s will be called by the
President, to meet about the ret of Jur.e.
A quorum of the members f f the House has
aircao- been cleeted, and a oumber cf the
States will elect between now aial that time.
The necessity of taking some decisive step
with regard to the ut Lrtuiiate sectional con
flict cow going cn ia the Country, the im
t crtaneeaad strength which the Southern
Confederacy is every day acquiring, render-
I lnr.- It n: T.r r:. . l v,-1 rrr.-Qt'irff fn nt , . r r . r
ILlua iue wen; 1iJl i iii. i.jjr , ,
l 11 .1., I.. ..-.-..a..,. .T CM.r,.r.,l. frtl
B 1 . j I'-r civil war cr acr.cwMre lie i.od
the ottier, er wtty saouii tae ot.e ce
and the other exalted? Tho editor of the
Mouul'tint -is laVorln nad
tare tor cr agaittst coorccn, to at r.rer a;
of the hatts v.hieh have seceded, thohei.-a n
taJer seme strange
infataatioii, if he honest')' b'. lievcs that a u
r.ina of the party ean tc t Heeled on the term
he proposes TL y miiht do very well for
hereditary toud.-mcu f-iv a plantation of Af
rican blares but t cil;.h:oned i .cut. who
know trair rights, and kr.n-.visg, dare mali!
tiin them, they are a positive in salt. If the
men who saituin ti.o Von ?la's Committee
cannot meat u? ai tLetr equal.-, kt-them r.ot
imult us by proposit-g to receive u as their
underlines and it. fuiora.
But wo arc t-M that the State Cor.vt nliou
which trot in Ha; lishu'-g io l--it February,
dfcidfd the tv.p.Uer iu Lvt,r ef tho Dougla
OoH-mitUe. Y? have never learned that the
Dcmr-craey of Car'aVri-i agrre-i to stibtiiit tht-r
local quarn Is zu 1 rti2ieUo :-s to i;.e artitit
merit of thut body. The e.ta-ar! seats
from thL County were referred to a Ctni'idt
tee, and the Cat-vent:;-a never L ea l a sij
jr'.o word from the centt ita-as wiih regard t-
cf tae new tari!i i.iv. so tha. u can be under
stood by the flhehds inrrust- d with the eiatv
of carrying into practical a erauoa.
nod a the reasons for this sten. Tho
re ur
that esiir. sc;--icr.3 of Cottgrtss lave rdway
resunea uisastrousiy Im'o tuo aumintstrtiu-n
d them may, perbapj, have a tei:-
.o arty in tins Ceun-
to UT.iiir. the Demce
ty, for the coming campaign, meet my u
: vc-i-
icsttate t. pr .ure t:a..-o aoaao.
u;d sivo themselves intersc"-tiV
i.l ii.
1 i ch;:;-
, .
W r.:r r.y i..:;:'-
:,ee r.i hr th' -
'-. ;"i'
:j r.ot l :
r. ... t
: i i f. i
v a- it; f.-
! 'U' Y.'
i rr-t '" -."i
: t .- ; ' .
j d ' si :"
; ...a.t ;
I V v!C S t.i
I :.a e
Iv in L.'.i
' ....,- t..
r ' . . f i.-
1 .
I .
iru?:;sts act u caters gcuraoy
-.a k
.o-e i
-m-nt in at, e ther c-
V "ai 'MAtEK, 3Iinn. April la, ISoT.
Ie??rs. 13. Pag--, Jr. C .
G;din. During the pict
seven years I l.avo suiftreJ froai aa t.-.c l-.s
iLcident to a weakness cf the digestive er-
jTics. At times being seized with an ex
treme loathing of f ool I have
nourishment for days ; and r.gil:
e 1 . e. i f r to tLo 1
l c . "v 1 jrr ' " A
the so.-a.- : tk.e ac. i :-.:. r "
of th.- l.fer.-. . t I ,ah
lii-.-Lt pre; erty cs i 1 r - -th
..." .: J -
a aa
v :: . :.Ti.:.--e..--i
of int. : .t t.-.iT.j : itj ; re " y
ti-.-cs ate iti-lulg i ia r. the -. ta
!';:i;, r.',l it i- thought th::: thj TI.:
Cert-jre.-s .i!l ic-r.-- : -1 '.e
Hill Ti;:::s bis d I th- t-:
gpputit e partially retuiaie l; tae st -"aeeoo war-
unable to retain what waj eatea. At the j
sujceslioa oi'a friend, who has rc-c.ivtd rrarch I
benefit, in a fimtlrr ca-e. from your IICL- ,
rf ILLitar (l.-t
L:ta -s srrrt y, n a .
Advte-- I ro:;i i t
: rod
l.T l
ies ef U
1 : -JJ--J 1:
ir;. - ,-
LAND L'lT'i'i-lilS, I procured
before I fcal taken half cf it
raiitii relief; and m-. :.far hv.'.o
u: d its use i v a sh at tit::-', enjoy
health. Yours, eeo.
T r - V
Sold by a'l druggists.
a o it.e,
, otr-oii-
t XC -U-. i.t
i : At v : s
... -.-I
r- e i r
e n -. ; :
'pttaaaea approbation. i ac rar.s an l alo oi
the Party are for union and harmony. I wds
pleased while attending Court, to hear my
old friend, II. L. Johnston, Hsq., express
himself in favor of uniticg the two hostile fac
tions of the Democratic Party, in this County,
on fair and equitable terms, lis talked like
a sensible man and good Democrat. I hope
his view3 have not undergone any change
since then jlordeeni sends his respects, and
the pretty School Mistress her love, Ia
haste, your friend.
P. 8. Perceiving by the Jfjur.l linccr,
that its s-ubseripiion ii.-t is increatd-tg rnpiJIy,
t .: v c t r ;
T,-- J,' r id
W'c have an item cf i:if. rru'iti a ia r . l -.'t- n
to the Cabinet hii-ry of th -Saa.ptr o't.r.
before tho retirement of ti e late admtij. ra
tion, which somewhat suti ri.-es us, and ..'A.
we thiuk, be news to cur r cade. -5. It wa
stf.tea this morrauir ty c-s-.vti a ..ey u-.aeiai -.vt ? 10
.i jr.toi), that Mr. Due! ao to, rA-L-r-iurv Dh-ek,
Treasurer Dix. aad A'tjra -y G aal e;: t .a
It!' i o:l
lowa whit ILu?ivu
f f I t
wero :a tavcr cl a rn..orc'u;ej.t i .-tat;- . i. ::
I.AttI'. Ohio, r.t C-'
v. i.. -r fa th? 71
ra.aa. -i'-j ; De t.
I th- u zht I would tarn cut tl;
e otoer ttat
tor, but the cppofitLa tf il.--ri-tr.ry ei ar
Holt au-1 Jefiial rleott wis so dv.iied is to
prevent tho olj-er. It will I ; se-n by the
ab- v.i statemei; that this eotsu'ttsi".-j aad
divisica o.f tta im-nt occurred b -:h.-re- th h-.s:
cast made of the Mr. Strr.tcu i'tkes
lo c -u-.-'aliiirnt o-f this me'i a-, a S-J i vcrv
emphatic ia la s.tat-saonr, art 1 a v. a
Sumter nsiaht i.-ve 1 a rt iu:hre. d
ti ard l. . t.v. t ;.,;,
Ohi Legl-latuio.
. ..i u .a
MrrJi 21. Si,
t-al -a last ; t
:a i a':-, t t. 1.1. ;i st
l . v ' . - . ,
. a
dl A
,vhh V
I .- ' - .1
tract. 1 1. is puievj a
matter from tjorra
vte a
: crei
th :
tO !:
see if I couldu't u- something for you among
my neighbors. The result Is that I sen ! you j
C'-Jit'.-.s: s v: -a
.r-jtti V iil-.t 7.1! ! -
tguI 1 i.oi t-j in r-
;d u-
t: ii'j. e
ihcir cliiuiS-
able Rcurce, that one. Jacob Turney, ef
drcccslurg, a mcn.bcr ef the Coa.miitee. ex
pressed Liu.solf as cppos(d to the admissiuu
f Mersrs. Adams, Muraay, White- aa 1 Lulh-
ti6 :
- r
i :-p-r-
deacy to- prevent Mr. Lincoln frcm is.-uaig
the call. The extra session cf lo';17 called
by Mr Yan L'urea ir-jured tho Democratic
party at. a t.- hrod to bring about the dlsas
t. rt;i:s d--a at oi H.UO. The c-stra sisde-n of
Ibll ei.;:d ly John T Ier disorgai.lrted the
V. hi ; i :.i tv, a;.d t. ivcd the vav for t!a tri-
1811. Hut fclill
- -i. i ta-.t iii.j a uta c-tiiv coars.'
ao can !j.k.- raider tho trj.irg ciretimta lee .
which surtcund him, te-j-l we will i..t bo sur
prised at hr-adog of tl-e: issv.tng of the aJl f;r
an extra s-.:. io-j in a ft w days.
:h vi the D-m.'-cra?y in
i?4 V.'e have receive -1
n ltitt r c t i a coia
on: the County Super
mume-ih' r; c r report
1 !: t e t-' i . t li t Ol Veti.loohi ..-C.j-.OiS, Y.hieh WO V.ill
itih-- plea. ure in j abiishicg next week.
" On Tuesday, the 10;h iast., at htfr
reside-uco in C'earla-hl county, Mr... Makt
f a km ax, wife of 31 r. Jcti.v i'. 1ajmi, ngej
t 1 rprj.
you tea l-io-jamd itnro next week. J. O.
3T Tho contest P.-r Pf.-t Master ia this
place, has, w-i un ler.-tati 1. narrowo l i'.svlf
down to -r John Thempfcn, and M. S.
Harr, ILq. Wo !. a't keo.v which ha tho
iasldo track. Whilo M-jor Th.-.mps; n is
"backed up" by Ilea. S S. Liair. m-mh.r
of Congress frrta this distriet, A. A. Dar
ker, idsq , a del- gate to the Chicago Co; vcr
tiou, who r.rai.-te I ia nominating 'Oil Abe,'
sal theaid then fore have r-.e i--fu.-ncr! .:t
for Mr.
etu'aoartors, is wo;u?:?g ioi.ou-
II air
lent efaeer,
Hither asri:it:t will r::
f . i-
men v.-;
ul'a net 'i i.-ttoa t, m:.: s
The r in i'e.-'io :,i. h r, f:
ono thin.? a' tho thuo ef vhtoh Mr.
sp'.-ik.-a a.'t att-t, or lo.-i ;,ow
-i a a.a
mav lo-v.' ho atlialy it;,: a aeiielde. Th e; i .ede a;,, n this si.;iv:to r.- e-f
v.-y i ear r.l S..::,iou, -u'po. iha
r-oA;" , ;'-.rt.; at too qaa-a r:--'ew vra
re li'ie-l ahii-sry ev?, l.e -e :' ? ; o:--1 i. ph:n o
u a.y :. -iaa; ".tc-.
. ; tri S'
v.- -me 1
i 1. i ss 1-
oa-.s, M
iz tt.aet: t
:! t
e . 1
t.t e-i ex
tho tea.
hi; I ale, i
the c oa .
t i
v i i.'
1 ? -
: i v
o : e i
arai thercfeao like ta
an txoel-
o lookiag at her !u--b-:nd and a h -ar H .di-
, "we uoa i care r. cea.t v,h
'eh v,hlps.
etas his I
con rr
poii.ted by Mr. Linclu Mh:Lter to Kr-glaud
Ho is a s.,a of the ix-Prosi iet.t. John
o ut sel ef iil.s
!oi:i.t i
iulo tic arrs f
!o Mr. I Lit t el:
t hf?;s,: .- th :i a (- t
: wh.;-. woa. . c.ia.p.ica:.'
taivei.:? :,vra--r Liates
C ttc a traitor.
t it.err- :-
-Laatrs have rc-s-n.u r a - ; aa
,A- o.J
Z. : i n.-re a; a-ars to
r,r tlf.' vi the nerr
U. S. army ai; I navy o
arid tako c u V .-".tho-, undrr the rrv dati
ry Goveriimna, at. 5 reee'.tlly alv.atitrer-.
me: .a uai ieo fr aa the old vo rl-I. liav iaa-i.
their ap pearsaee ttr. '.t ri: thir swo.-.. -, ?,d
er.ts and l-lc-o-l f'r a CJiMd. ration. F- ar dis
tinguished Pe'lh tia.vrs r--ren!"t3' arrived rt
CuarLtoa from I'rirco. aad have tot;re 1 lb
:.-erico vv.iit it,? rat:; v. i. eto ia.i -i: , ae
wore .,. ... i- .- i . j - , '..J ......
I li!lli ulMiL'i:aiiitii t.V.iOJ, ua;
cm Rt the
e -. . r
t j '
' -j
i a ..ays :.: J: e p i.
of the'ruhl-a-h'-! cv: -1 :
ho hit it: .1 wr' .-it; e
L-o-id .-. ca.aet. d ah r
u i s ha.I be d. a v. a r.;
t :..
t ' ,
i .
::i t
'. e
S-T V:
v ! vf fur forth- M- pr
Qn'ncy Adan.?, st 1 of courso a grand jt-ru
of Johti A.laa;s, the of Wa.-hiagtca
ia the Pre-i ic nti.d chtir, both of whoai repre
sented this Country in tho Court of St. James
a circunatance to which he Is more
inoebted for hi? appointment 'bin to aev tr., r. i i i . e i. u
4 .jjj u any uivr- j a pran-i banqutt haa been given th
it of his on. Mr.! House.
j i . .... i , I ,
toe JnJ- .--. ::cc si.i t: j. ...tto w ithin tho
tho Maa-t rer c'.d t't . ? y
e v. . .ti - .tt i-i t . -.
-. A:;,...; il c :.;
-v-ove ?p...i a: :
:. .- .!. I .:.
':' - ef uv-.-.r; '
P.ris c tr t.l
s i.... ti i ie ; vt:
; ': .- t t . ".-' i.. ; S L". t
o ' j 1 . i e-r ari. :
t e-:
e er o: lert . , .
i'atterson. aa i v. h . is the Pi:;L:
tho r.caiv-n wbioh o. eut iei s mue'a :
f te tut'
u that lefre t"
i-"-?-!!! ol the
is prot-uncel some hiae-dlv nacgmtr.: will fa ly a dt r?
becffectcJ. Vive Nap.le-n I 1 icsu peejls
lite:: r::o:i.cti.ircnri.
To?:t I vr. a t:iy. .a nnh aa .
- t :.t 0 lh "h-h..: ?
' . . .
r "i
5 l:. iur
I ; rs x f Is.- C- -.v:i ; -
.1 . . ' . 7 T" :
J-J ; .-Iclv:.:-,'. .7 : i
7 T
-ee r ui.
' i
i .
- r
t r
r.-t.. d, th
T -
wtd a-;
3 C
o c