Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, March 20, 1861, Image 2

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    3 -i-$C
Ekniocrttf & S-cntiucl.
vi:d:;f.sday. "march, 20,
S. ?2. tetejisill i: l'c,
l..,.-.;.;..- A ftrti.f-- 1 1 r. e-'r.-r-f ?-7e
York, and 10 State street. li. .-tee:, era tb. an-
thorized Aaynts f..r t'c "Dem.-cuat .I Sexti
nf.i.," and the influential and S.i-rre-t circu
lating Wws'nnrrs in the United irlatrs an I
Cmadas. Thcv are empowered to contract lor
t 1 . .
us ?.t our i.owkt mmis.
Democratic County Committee.
Au-utia Durbin, Chairman.
Allcshanv Michael M'Guire. Blachliek
Joseph. Mardis, Cambria John M 'Bride.
Carroll Jacob Luther, Carrolltown James
Fagan. Chest Joseph G ill. Chest Springs
Augustine Byrne, ClearCe-ll William Rni
ney. Conemangh Richer 1 Zander?' -a, Crc-vle
William Murray, Ubonsbnr:: Charles D.
Murray. Galitzen Davii Mills, Jackson
Henry Rager, Johnstown, 1st Ward Epb
riam Back, t2d Ward John Cronse. Lewi
Luckhardt, 31 Ward William Winner. 4.h
Ward ITiuh Maloy, LorettoW'd'him Ry
an, Jr. MiTlvillo A. M. Greg?, Rlehk-nd
Henry Tipper. Summcrkill James Burk,
Sumruitville John Sharbauh, ScsquL-hanna
John liearer, Taylor Amos Davis,
in" ton Hicbard White. White George Wal
tera, Wilnsore M. M. O'Xeil, Yoder Geo.
W. Osborn.
Ccpcratassss vs. T3ie Pccpie.
The bill for tha repeal c: th 3 tonnage ta
has been signed by the Governor, and is ecv?
a law. It not only releases the Pennsylva
nia Rail Road Company fiora the payment of
this tax for the future, but also fro.n all of
saiit tax how due, amovattnj to about S50-
000. We woull like to know with what
kind cf hgic, the members cfthe L"jij'ature
and the Company sustain this partoftha Act.
The principal reason urged iu favor cf the mea
sure by its friends was, that the tas was not in
reality a tax on the company, but en vrho ;
!!. . 1...
rcceivca ireignt over us roaj, that tae coni
pany increased its charges on freight to an
arjaoant sufficient to pay the tax, and that con
sequently the receivers cr owners of freight
and not the company raid it. We endeavored
a few weeks ago, to show the fallicy of this
argument, but granting that it is Tcorrect
what right has tho company to La released
from the sum cf f;S50. 000. now due and un
paid. According to its own statement, this
earn was collected by it Lr the use cf the
State, oil of these persons to whom it. deliver
ed freight; that is, every person to whom it
delivered freight was in addition to the rpg
ular charges of the company, compelled to
pay the amount of the State tax chargeable cn
the same. The company therefore received
the money in trust fer the use of the State, and
it at once belonged to the State and not to the
company. What right then has iho Company
to claim it as its owa after it admits thai it col
lected it as State tax o!Iof the Loaost hard wor
king citizen of the Commonwealth ? If there
ws really anything wrong ia this matter ia the
first place, it woull be riuht for the Legisla
ture to Iirect that this money should, if forci
ble be refunded to those who paid it, but
it has no right to make a gift cf it to one
cfthe wealthiest corporations cow in exis
tence ia the United States.
The Legislature having now cot through
with all the legislation the Pennsylvania, and
the Sunbury and Krie Kail Iload Companies
required, is, we presume, ready to a-ijourn.
But it it probable there are yet a few soulless
corporations, whose business has not yet been
disposed of. If they are wealthy, of course
it will be attended to promptly. Corporations
bow may be truly said to rule Pennsylvania,
for they control the Legislature which makes
the laws In truth there is now but little
Legislation save that concerning, and for the
benefit; of those artificial bodies. Take up
the Pamphlet Laws cf the last session, and
you vv ill liud that Learly all the laws it con
tains relate to ccrpoauoss, many of which are
clearly intended to cripple individual cntcr
prize, and benefit the few at the expense of the
mr.ry. How long shall this state of affairs
bo permitted to continue? It is time the peo
ple should arouse themselves to a sense cf the
impending danger. If they are determined
to remain freemen instead of becoming slaves,
"hewers of wood and drawers of water" to
soulless corporations, it is time that they were
up and doing. The Legislature must be
wrested from the grasp and rule of corpora
tions, or it will be hereafter farcical to talk
about the people of Pennsylvania governing
themselves. They threaten ere long to be as
dangerous to the liberties and rights of tic
people, as was the United States Bank when
Geni. Jackson dealt it a death blow. And
worst of ail, many of them, the Pennsylvania
Rail road for instance have already began
to interfere with our elections. Is it net then
high time the subject sncuIJ command the
attention of the people cf Pennsylvania, who
wish to live freemen in reality and cot in
tame ?
-Alx. C. Mullin Esq., mcmbtr cf the
House from this County, was in town for a
short time last week. He locked well, and
se ems to bear the fatigues cf Legislation brave
ly. He has been very attentive in sending
us documents during the session for which be
will pUase accept our tlar.ks
Tfie Sews.
We mentioned last week, a turner which
bad reached us, that the United States troops
bad evacuated Fert Sumpter by crdcr cf the
President. This lures cut to bo incorrect,
Major Anderson is still in possession cf the
Fort. The supply cf provisions is almost en
tirely exhausted, and Mr. Lincoln, it is now
aseeitained to a certainty, dee 5 not intend sea
diu;r on frcih sup: lbs. of ::hcr provbd. ir
i:.c:i. Mr. IJueksiian was CciCv'y denoun
ced by the Black Kopablicansta few ir.oaihs
ago fcr rot reinforcicg Major Anderson, and
v. j wore to! I to wait until 'Old Abe took :t-c
icim?, and wo world see the secessionists
taupLt a hyson. If iLty weald cot submit
petab.y, lL?j would bo compelled to uo so
at the poiLt jf the- bayonet. Wcdl. Old Abe
is uovr i:i power, eud v.o hear avthh-g about
coercion. It turos cut ibat he is as much cf
b peace n;rD, aud av.iicas to prercnt civil
war, a.s was Mr. Buchanan. V"hy is he net
then denounced as a traitor for this by the
Black ITt-puMican n:cu aad netvspr-pers tLat
denounced Mr. lcchanaa ? C;n.e friends,
Lt cor:jiotc!it. When the South. Caiohua
Curanii:K-ioi!C-rs Mrlwd iu 7 i-shbton, uiaay
Biack ItqvallicaJi ucw.cpan-?r3 tkvlared tl at
it was 3Ir. Bnehr.asn's duty to have tueiji nr
icstrd, tried for trracn, and handed. The
CoEi;ci:s;:oncr3 fresi il.o Southern CoyfL-dera-c
are now ir. Vltii'ttu, and are treated
like goiit'rmcn. ICcthipg ci l about either
arrcstiii or haoHr.g ihem. Why U Lincoki
not desounced for this ? Again we sr.y, gea
tlezucn, be ccnsLtcLt. All the U. S Fort?,
la Texas Lave been fcurrccdcrcd to the
State iiulkoiitlts. The U. S. Senate is still
in srs.-iou In Pi-tcribur?,h, Virginia, 01
the I -3th -i. a vcta was taken ca the u-b-tku
of if.s'iuct;ng their d.-ii-gatcj tv the- Stat.
Ccavcntlon, The fc-!I.-?r:sjg was the r lult
l-r soccsdvS, S7D, acaiust sccefbLr., 7G2
i.'i: jnriiy for t-icesii 117. lion. CV-:u.-I.
Cay Ls beeu apruirtcd V S. Miuicr
to paic lieu. David W:i?t:et Las becu clcc-
ted to 11 tho unexpired tcr of Ga. C
rcn in the U. S. Stn-.t-,'. ;.;
as an ultra frcD trade :'-.i!: :ii-t.
wl In: v:n
T222 f?cut!icrsi CoiifedcrixCS".
The States w Itch have &fvd.-.-d f . r ui tko
- !-; -'
a i.r,u now constitute tue fcutira v.
of the thirtccu c-icnit.s at the time cfthe I.c
e'aratica of Independence. They include
torrit-ry scC-Icnt to contain a population of
50,000,000. From the manner ia which
they have acit-d siace aJ' pting the scccss'u c
ordinances, we are s:.ti.-lh;d that they are in
earnest, aud fully determined to set up for
themselves. Their provi-icnal government
is now fully organized, nnd is controlled by
some cfthe ablest stj;t xen the Amciican
Continent contains. After having g-.-ne so
far, it is not likeby they will back down frcm
their petition, and n-Uui'. tr'Jj rc-c-Ltcr the
Uidon. They have not be-e-n f-!ow In prepa
ring f.r self dv fence. They Late already a
respectab'e army, ia point of nuaibers, and
said to be well drilled, and ready to t-iko tb
f.ld at a mcment's earning. They are d,-tertiiir-od
to - resist u c!lrts :o cnfvref the
-xecutie'U of the l't:t-u States laws with:-;
their liudts. This heirg the cao, if Mr
Lincda pursues toward.-; them the cc-ursv A-'r.:-shadowed
ia Lis Inaugural, war n.ur.t i:.e-vi-lably
ensue, an tbi.- 1.3 i.ust do, or ,-r:.t bl
own words."' Thn with di a wal cf the IJ, S
Tu-O's from Fen Suu.j tor, v.hieh must t.-.!:e
place ia a few day-., I: it has not already, v. I'd
of course, elate the secc.-.-iyubi', and make
them eve a mere tte-adfast aitd determined, ia
inaint;.iriii'g their- j-oiiilon thaa they hvc
heretofore been. If, therefore, we r-pcat,
Lincoln dois v.bat ho bus s:.:J he will do, we
may look for exciting times .shortly. The
struggle must soca commence, if commenced
at all, and if emmeuced when will it end?
Let us pray that Heaven may yet avert the
dire calamity cf civil war from the land. It
now seems beyond the power of human agca
cy to do so.
State ('critics.
Wo learn frora our Phi'ielphia exchanges,
that lion. John M. Read, one of the Judges
cf cur Supreme Court, iz aa applicant for a
lucrative foreign Mission under the new Ad
miiiistiation. If successful, a vacancy will
bo created ia the Supreme Berth, which will
have to be filled at tho next October election
The Democrats and Republicans may there
fore have an opportunity of agaia mcasurinn'
swords in this State sooner than they antici
pated. The opposition have certainly bit
ground since tho late election, and we Crmlv
believe the Democrats will have a working
majority before next October If JuJ
Read she aid resign wo may anticipate a stir
ring campaign. By the way, we believe the
State Convention which recently met at llar
risburg, omitted to appoint a new State 32xe
cative Committee. This is a matter wLLh
should have been attended to. The course of
the present Committee during the late cam
paign, although doubtless Loacst and inten
ded for the best, was weak, timid and vascil
lating. It promulgated phn3 one week, and
repealed them the next. The Democracy did
not say anything at the time, but they thought
a great deal. At the very time firmness and
rnergy were demanded, they were wanting.
The Convention should have dispensed with
its services, and appointed firmer if not more
intcik'gent men. The reign of bunglers Las
continued tbout long enough.
JSjrLoretto now contains nearly as many
inhabitants as did L'bensburg io 184021
years ago.
TJio Democracy orCansbrlia.
Wc are gratified ti fiad that our suggestions
last week, with icmd to the uuitinj of th.
Democracy of this Cavity far the approach
ing political campaign, are favorably rtc:ivc !
in every section of the County from which, wc
have received any inf .irmati'u. The desirc
sccms to be general, that bygones shall be
bygones, aad the- party uuite-1 ca fair and
equitable terms which v. ill uebber e-lcva'.j
r degrade cither of the two uivisipus, into
which it i3 no-.7 uufortu:.r.t;ly divi.lcd. It
may not per hap?, h: cut of p'aci to state, that
ire L.ioic that tlo men ia this place who were
known dariug tbe Ltc campaign a3 'Brcck-ca:id-e
mca arc all zuziyn that the parly
shall be united- oa fair and hoiicrablc terms.
As we stated hit wc-:;k. the only way wc
think this can be brought ab. ut, is by refer
ring the whole matter to the two County Com
ii.ittccs. But this is a sabjjct fjr the coa
sideration of the prty, and cur coIupjcs are
cptu fur its discus.Mon. V.'e will be happy
to receive and publish communications v.iih
regard to it, if wriitja ia the proper spirit
Any plan which will unite the two divisions
jf trie party cufuir and nomaiHc terras will
ati;fy us, and will, we are certain satisfy our
In the meantime let a proper spirit of f r
bersrjcc be escrowed. Let uill jrcmcmber
that we are members cf the amc 'political
fid J,, and th-t wc skoal therefore be breth
ren -dwcliiag together ia unity.' Let every
one be to the faults of Lis Bemccratie neigh
bor with whom he La? difTered,
"A little blind,
Tj his Ltuos very kind."
This is the spirit whu h will iasurc ccioa
a:A harmony fi..? the future, aud a brillii.nt
victory n:xt f.'l!.
It is cur irjchri-h dy Iuy thli week 1j
cb; OL'e-'o tb; di ath of l i vt nerab'e eiiiz:i:s
e-f this Countv. Mr. Peter Flio-an
a: !. - re.
Fri biv,
a m a ..-on-. .'
w;;: o:i.-.-
oi t.:-: krst ileis of
c?:.. ::; .! i-.u i,.;'nfv. at u Lai. 1
possessed 01 an irua.e v.l.ieu v;us pro j!
cginst sickness n 1 T.:iva'b.r, and ij-.fomit i
o'o ei:e:ry of eb.-reot-;r, was a lir.c- s;.ec:;it'.n
ci tlie A uie rtcaa I'i.ner. It is i-j i-a el ..-
of men our C-uuy owes all i: weaia and
nios2;:rity. Bu: for their cf IILerty a-.d
adventure & their contempt for danger, the.-.-then
Wesiorn nil would still he a desolate
wilderness. Their names msy not live ia tbe
b:.tery of our country, but the traces cf choir
labors will icmaiaiili the ia:t moment of ilie
Mr, Fhinae-ra was a ged citizca and com
manded the esteem ot all who knew him
Mr. Jc.-icpa Tieiny died cn the tame day
at his residence ia Cambria towLship, cgod
about 70 year.?, lie too wr.s IvL-g a resident
of cur Ce-unty, and encuuntcrc-i mary of the
privati.ns of its Pioneers. lie was cne ef
the most honest and upright men we ever
knew, aud In all bis dcullogs ith bis ildlow
men, manifested his love of right ao.l de tes
tation cf wron-;. But be was more than ibis :
ho wis a sincere Ol.ri-.lh.u. Death oil no:
find him unprepared. Ill', iog live J tbe lift;
ol the rn-rhtous, bis b-iet end was like thgirs.
May he rest ia pence.
We have frequently been a'-ked, vl:o
are the ia iividanls we alluJe io, un ler the
names of MorJoc:d, tbe p.retiy School Mi
trces, Jonathan CIdbuck, Jr., Jec. Wc Lave
only to say ia reply, that these fjuiLs -never
were intended to be pc-rnal, and that none
of tbe parties reside iu Kbensburg, although
we hope tbe pretty School Mht:cs will one
day. She is really beautiful. We met her,
fer tbe first time, at a ball a few weeks ago,
and although we had net. Ilka our friend Mor
decai, iubiked sundry glasses cf small beer,
we could not refrain from exclaiming enthu
siastically, when he pointed Ler out to us :
"Oh fiho doth teach the torche-3 to burn
Her beauty hangs upon the check of night,
Like a rich jewel ia aa llthiepbs car.
So shows a snowy dove trooping v-.ith crows,
As yonder la Jy o'er her fellows shows."
Vv e asked her to dance with ns several
times during the evening, but sho always as
sured us sho wa3 engaged whether to dance
or be marticd she did not state. Still she is
a very charming young lady for all that, and
will doubtless make an excellent wife for tome
one of the masculine gender, who will be for
tunate enough to wco and win her.
iT-iT Our town was afUheted daring the two
weeks of Court-, with quite; a number of ven
ders of quack mc-dicincs, tia horn pec! hers,
elc. They were all, cf couree, rrhicip-.i:y
ro-markablo for two tlangs ignorance and
impudoncc. It is time cur citueu should
know this elas cf individuals veeil enough, u- t
to patronize them. But to far from this be
ing the case, wo lecru that even the i:Atb7y
jij man Viith the toothache remedy, made
money. Iluiilhras assures us that
"The pleasure U as rcat,
Of be-in 5 cheated, ss to tht-at,"
sud from what we observ-d during tho last
two weeks, wo are convinced that thu saying
is a true ona.
bbT Wc Lave received the proceedings of
a moc-ting recently held ia 'Johnstowa with
a icquest to publuh. From the manner ia
which tho proceedings are drawn up wo arc
inclined to thick the meeting wa3 what is usu
ally called a burlesque- At all events the
paper before us is very much iu th nature
of an advertisement, and if the paniea inter
ested desire to bavo it publbbod, they should
pay for it.
J'ict'jroc '.tii. j The Pittsburg T'.-ifch
statcl s"3 mouths ago, that tb A7 . ; 31. v
ILmhl and the Dwirnd ;' I :r.:'irl, v iv
the caly papers. in the U S. that 'ustainea the
?iJ:a;iii-:traf;o:i of Janis Buchanaa. Ti.l
whether true or net, placed u at ba t ia very
good company . By way cf re-turn: ag th'
compliment we will state, that we bcleive tbe
Dii"::l-:h and Democrat Si &.htiitt.l, were the
enly p-apcr j iu tbe Sute whiua or posed tb? re -p-.
a! of the tax on the tr.nn ;e :f the Pcni;-vl-vania
Railroad, with anything like Crmno.-s
and zeal. In this cas?, wo are strain f irt
tm ato ia fettia iuto ool cot1: any. Th
Railroai Company wields a piwcifai ifiu
once over the Press of tho S:;.t?. Can our
friends of tho Din-i'vU inferm us .hy this
rw"T!,e Grceaeburg Arjtrs informs us
thai a nusiber oftheyoun liJies of that
place, 'have resulted themselves into a read
ing association., We wonder if they wonlln't
also liko to resolve themselves iaio wives and
mistresses of families? They woull th n
have something to do besiues reauicg. The
movement however, h a good one, and wor
thy of imitation. Mordecai informs us th.t
a similar society has been organized r-t Moik
barns, with the pretty scool Mistress a3 Presi
dent, and that be and young Jonathan Old
buck, have been elected ornery members.
Of conrse Mordecai should have sail honora
ry members, but as he ain't much of a schol
ar, he is excusable for the blunder.
Accident. Wo learn that Owen Cmr.drg
ham, a sn cf John Cuntbj-ha:a, r f Sos'i ".e
hacr.a tn , ha Ibis le- broken on !e.-t 'dep.
clay, by tbe rnnnir:; o-Tof a t::-.rr cf l:orst-.
He was walbio a j-hori di.tunce in front of
th-i team, when tho hordes bceanic f:thtci"'d,
and t-irted at a f-:'l -elb p. Bef.-ro he could
b.avc tb.e rintl the tcirj- .-.f ;-. w.-: eon struek
hi?a, and .)
whi?h w-i:? br. !-. a. Ho w-. a",
a. t it .' -
. .5.-.: imjuc
:r:ee. We
...are-iv t:v i-r. i :;:,, ct v. ..
i. . .
e.v: nr.. iii.-ar-i :.m n:u: .-;-;ve. 1 ;.: cr--.:
.1 1 - . - r.-i
w;is b.-".bin, -r 1 v r:.e ::- 1 nrs' I ut tb -hoi"-:s
wkoj-, o::":e;'t we-re : !;-iur-. 1.
jf-Our i-ru Dr. J
o-l b .-;.:o a f. w wc;k-; a :
B;:dii-r. re.fnrn-
... ! r -
een a''en-;":r a ce-ur.- t c-
lures. du:I,)'
ibo wiuttr, ia tbe Je .Trson
Mrdical College. We presume he will now
commence the practice of hi; prof.;s..:jon. lit
bai boon a close ctul.T.t, and i? possess? 1 ' f
abilities cf a high, order. He will therefore
we are con fi -lent, make a good phyleicn.
Success at.n.l him and a ki i Providence- fur
nish hiai with plenty of patients cf tbe pay
ing kiad.
reUFl swear Judge, I d n't know," was
thi re-ply made by a wttnes? uuriiic: the b::-t
Couit, to a question a.-k-.d him by Ju igo
Taylor. He- remiu-ed us of the wi'ncss who
ia a certdn ca-e- trie I a few yoar ago. cn be
ing asked by Geni. McDonald, one of the
ecaos-:!, where Le lived, replie-d "Why Jos
eph. I live in my skin.' His Honor i:.-:i--nautly
eoiumitt-jd him 1j jail umil he suber-d
JSl-citi-bi-.t-j (i' -l L'ictto.t li II. The board
of Dlicctcfs cf tbie rend, cn latt Mo ad ay dc
cib'd to tcrfids-.te it, and Leate tbe dc-r.o:
rouihef tbe ber-.-agh, a shor: eib-tanee
V.'l-t cf Center siieot. This we ikink
the Lc:-t arrangement that ou'.d be no...:a un
der tbj c:rcu:::t::n. c5. Wc are also grarin.-.l
to learn, that ia all pred-ibi-ity, tbe read will
be completed bed'ec the J uuc Court. Look
out fjr the Locomotive.
the ease cfthe Commcnwcalth vs,
Peter Ragcr r.ud Mrs. E'.lcub.lh Gray, con
victed of Adultery, a motion ia arrest cf Jul
gemcut was ably argued ca Lo:h sides en !a-t
Satf.rday. Tho case tbea continued un
til the argument Court, April bled, c: which
time JuJrje Taylor state-:! he wculd announce
his dccu-lon, and ia cens-qucr ce of the noveltv
cfthe points raised, file an opinion.
TI?Tom Corwin, of bloody band and hos
pitable grave notoriety, has been avpointoJ
by Lincoln, U. S. Minister to Mexico. This
wo presume, is intended as a compliment to
the Eoldiers of the Mexican War. It is said
he declines the he.or.
IE7We Lavo received the catalogue of the
"Iron City Commercial College." Pittsburgh.
Judging from it, tho Institution, is in a very
flourishing condition In the list cf gradu
ates, we Gad the names of J. II. Evans, and
Wm. Lintca cf this place.
Died. Oa last Ik i lay ia Cleara-el 1 town
ship Mrs. Map.y MeGouc::, v.Ilb of Mr Guo McGoiec;:, rgc J about too years.
ZZT It is sail 10. 0o0 ar plicati ?us for Pes:
Ma-tor. have alreaJy been pt evented to P. M.
'Itfjor Aiivli i o-ur:.
Strange rumors are alb.-ot unf.-un-icj, we
hope that Major Anderson has not be-cn in
sensible to the arguments of Hon. Jed. Da
vis. It is thought orange that the lite Con
errcts, bcn ic its adjouinment, were net advi-s.-d
that there was a scarcity of provi bus rt
Fett Sumrtcr, and that it was so turrennded
with a coacenrIe circle of fortiilcatioas, ibat
3 iargo arn.y would be neveisary to insure i's
reinfore-enient. Had there facts, bceu kn-iwn,
it is Iciie-od that the PriiddeU veculd Lave
b;cn authorized to accent tbe mea aad the
munitions tendered bim by Slates. It is also
biat.d, perhaps untruthfully, that Major An
derson has assented to the withdrawal of all
those cf the culIo-l?d mea vsho compose bis
garrison, at the cxpir-ition cf their terms of
r-ervics. By law, Lc Lss had authority to re
tain them in Lis time of peril, whoa cvr-ry
man counts. Yet it is said that considerable
numbers Lavs been suffered to go away.
Anr.i'.vr Ciir.
We.: r vn.:::. MI. -. Ariil V, Ii7.
Mvssrs. B. 1'----. Jr. i C
6k if '-. -J. Bjikg the past
seven years I have su.7e.- ji fr all the ids
i:j! J.nt f a wcakn'.rs f th -: cigestivo or
gan. At ti.:.cs lelr.T i;cr..d with a i cs
treme loalhiug of f oci I have ret taei
n' uiL-ha.c ut i'-r leys ; aul "
n; I-rt;jl!y ret true 1; lb
-.7: cn aa
itr.!jio2 72
r v.--. tru eaten. At t
fu -i !-uVi ii a iiiu i. w-- t.j - receive - r
bcnciit, iu
t-I.' c-o,
fi. i v. ur IlOb
LAND BITi I procure I a i
i.-t.-ture I !..iJ ta.-a c: it.
much relief: an! edt, r.fivr having contin
ue its use ilr a short time, c: j'-y exclbnt the Sta
hcakh. Ye;nr? Jec.
Sold by ail dru7a'i--ts.
Camns and Ffvlp. ! Cmnns ad Ftvna ! 1
One of the greatest re medic? thtt has e ver
bee-a laid before tb-j publie, f.r Fevr an-1
Ague, and which have received tbe higl e.-t
c-eominms from tbe pi; nd the f "-, ', i
BITTE US. Who rmj! 1 endure th e t Tin r s
arisiDg from this honible oilseete, v bon it can
be ao easily cured? V.'bo would endure
slocples? ni .'hte, burnir g f. vers and i-y
alternately. v-Lca a remedy can be obtJc'd
f.-.r i laer-a trine-? Ana vet he,w mrnv fu ni- I t: tot
lies linger cut a painful txi.-tenee nr.ic-r this
dea;iy llight. cn 1 d) tenLI-g but
1- t.
.: L
r; -
uowa quiuiae, u:
as ccr.:
:.s ther dily ru
oi.-, .
t ibey n. :
-h e.J 1 w..,k .e
lieved !-ut the f.
0 1 roju.e tb.-.
v ...u..:
and iuvj ib.aisdv
d:u,:i.-s and d.:.l
jT:"S- e a lv
:J.V."o ed:: 1...
: V .. -
. . . . . -
v. :
tor.i j.
.. .
j ib'.s -: u:". we :.:.v---
:.. j i:.. u-:-::U -.e: :
rv: .- ": :: t" V- ' :
t the L'-.-.t I: t'.o ;e
!:.ur::-...; t :.: r. :
e A : .. n-j
o v w n 1 . . e , -i 1 e .
A-.n i::.o..i. v. !.'.!.:
L' i. alio n , e--..:i:pla:... . .
. ked a ; :: :u
lie c ieu v-.;b i-.-,
l.-.r to tbe r ii ' :-o
e :
i -:
:.o u: a e u.
h u. e, in v. 0.1 .; :.
wbe:c bo 1. :: her.
lac l.ou-.;', .-..u t -.U.e:- e-;,:: e it
a scve-i e ere.n.p in i.-e :e-:..:.eb, -br
of Vibich 2-1 S. s; i.o- . -:
cdy. Ti e fi.::lly sb .y ..-'u r i :1;
r.a i bef -io th.y .-: : ; ; s:.---r. A.:.: .
went out cf d-.::. re...r.:. :-. , (-:.:
ti.r Ml
i.uarters c i aa 1 ur. t.;w
.:.::u :L:.:
wert" iciuiuiu :"i om o
' i
eu t
bod wivb-ut lurch'.. 7eu..ik. .'.lui ib"
time Mr- Smbh. Rve-e;c?pa::- i ly t y- .u, :
men, reaeb.-d bis eio-'r. As l:.:;.r -a . .-.
P'-.-s.iig on, t'.e.e a'lenti .: : t .
the cry Ci' no i.:f..;;i, 1 ::,o-r : b.f .-. -.re1:
. 1 ....
4. e. ; 1 .. ...... .
:od a b
V ' 1 .
x ..u e ..ii T.r.i Ti :-j . 1 . . . ; - j-- 1
by .io. S:!iitb. We,v vib ecs m:
01 vi ie:.o- eiv-A:-;-. 1 ie.:;i ;.s c
wu.- v r artntly f?:i"v i: ;ur.J.
tut ab ut Lino i.vM
In mmla n Cee :-. r"s
b.Id upon tb-e 1 ...-. vbi.k I
O . y
r u.e
f.t that the 1-..A- i !..- .
- - e . ..:
eet, its lae O..Cv
its as if an :
C:.e-:CO it tO de Otb
ta-.t-rnitv ef the
m s
:ia t
i -:c
3 iorv
d.-ne it any viol.;
ia' e-f the la. .
ie: : . 0 - ;
Ver-le-t tii.-.t I..C Onbi ee;:.' t-j its b .
vielence at the Luubs cf its netlur, An
The actor ia this inxrr-ou? and diibolb .d
crime- in only about s:ee.:e-en years 1 1. Oar in
lo:m:.nt does Cot say what dpriitie-a w.
mado cfthe culprit.
Orelea-s to fce jriven fr its Evacns
tiau. V.'AsnixeiTOX. Match 11. The adminis
tration has decile! to ;i;bdruw Major An
derson from Fort Sumter as :. peaci p liev.
the conciliation cf the Border Stnes b.-J
tbe alleged reason, but cf the evacuation
there is no deub. Order will seen be is
sued to that cITcct.
The Washington correspondent cf the
New York Times says tbe qu-rstija of re-m-Ibrci:)!;
Fert Sumter has beta unuor consid
eration in tho Cabinet, cud it h n-::b d
that the question, whether or no it ii not de
sirable to withdraw all tho troops, except two
cr three men, rather than to incur the LI or I
sbeu which will probably e ecur beibrs treeor s
and supplies arc put into i:, is now to la de
ckled. TL3 imme-dLte i.cct.-v.ity of seitllr.?
this quoiti.m, grows e -t f li e fact, :bt
iberc is cnlv a Ii.k-I r-lv ef Lrcai at
Sumter, lut jber'y ef -alt me?, aad tba
l. au.i that it
must either be supplied cr abandoned very
The uestica has Icon unler di.-cussioa in
Lira miihary ci; e'es f.-r t:vet:d dsy r. Gen.
Scott advL'es that rcir.:: rocmcnta c-ienrt now
be pat in without an e no: in. us iocriuoe e f
life. Of cvuise Lis i.-v- cu the su:jeet can
net be knoYiu cfuelaby tj 1I.0 public, but Le
is undejsiced to say, thai wo have ncith- r
1 il lit ..ry t or uavhl leuee at baud sufTnient to
sujply the Fort n .'.-.iu-t t!i tbro-atened cpre
sitioa it woull take- lid t-Jd men to ova. re: me.
Be.-lde-s, if it sbcu! 1 i:.i:;-.te eiv'd vrar, ia a 1
dii'.ou to nuiiiner the S-vach. and cverwbelm-
i ') ' tb e U l i n s.ntiu c .t the
the VfVe
cf jmsi a would req-:
ll. 0,11 'J -v-rn-
ncnt hobli rs to ttury cn the ?:ru;he, nrc i a
hun lrea lait.tou Ooi.ars 1 t og:u v.i.O,. In
s-etcli aa event 20,Oe-0 aire woubl be neeied
to preserve Wtshiugtea and the Government
The general in; press ioa Le c ca the streets
is, that the'.is'rctiten has determined
oa withdrawing the trceps frcm Fort Sumtr,
Laving only cna corp-cral. two men, and the
stars and Etripes, compelling the chivalry to
capture the fort after all.
Ma. c i I "2 i
f xn.-'.:.-. : !
e: e :L:x i: -
j i e: iL e e "e-
1 lie- .'.i :'..- t
(, '-ieh me cts )
vili trie:; j t , . ;
He f.;v.r.-. a n.-v.- - v
b..: ; - in r
! r-tu :j -- -.
t:.e 1 I ; :i o.. . ;
Iho (, uvs -,
r.2tc-2 c!.::.-I'.'- '
-. .- -su:..;-
c: e -v -
or i ' n-is .vi.h ;l. ; r. '
liOtif-, i
' r. V - .. . . , . , -
e i-c-rs to I
-' upr.;t tti:- new j
cut tiic t or.'Tcntb
n -.--.;
.J 2 v 1
11 15 r-:r -ert-c i t
Y . -
this cath.
I-ce, if
It io also rej c: -? I :
trc-cps en his t a -
There are 1-5" 0 T -BrCTm-vi'le.
B;:...3.-, Maeeh 0
tnadi fjr the Fc-lcral 1. ..
as their transpo; tati Ji5 ;
The- sr-a..
7 .
TL - C :; Vcti j.i I.
to ce-ntiwir : :b. 2 : c
C-i. du"V. '.1 t.i ;-.
lb 1
'rr.,. t
r . .. e-...
'o Jir .
i t
: I ...
-- u . .
: - l .
. a '
.1. .
i L :
We k.,
; :
j :, .. :.::. I! :
' 7ho :ro av ng the 7i
i, ne u 0..0 u"- r - -:
. t:-. i
- e e . v
be V...
r 1
alter i.:s o
l " e- :
Ofl.'.) b
ce wici eb- r:u n a- - ,
i al s.t.Ie I a'.-r r': -.-.;.
ci.:- e: II. (,..
be v:. i.i;: :j : .
tbe aje of thirty ve.
where Lc'a;a .
cl cted Go verror of 'i t
i-S 'be elaect f-r t.,--o v-;
nga jKr.-ourd quali-
.-S V ...
icansc-o. iu tbt f.c .: 'a. .
rem tb; p riskier. t-f a j -art. . -that
of Unite J iok - :..-".
shown iu the roc,-: t .--ssi z e
whore Lis, Lrnucu.t zhl ev:r
lies to General I.-.v.c vera.
-d.l-2:l..I wb'le' h!S 1. -' T
defeuso 01" the Union g-.v. :.
grtkuae ar.d e siren efib.- '.'
can nev.r be . ::,n.
:e ;J.r. n
St. ne, a ce"
b-d ; : .-.: ,
cnhlbkit : tt:.:.: next s
i well und. r Lis c. : ::
ibern up, a 1 d; Ire :!..
-"!:r. cn e . .
whieh ! e a.'aeb s t e a
self wubin ir, iak -s t'. e
iueiul-es In a pi;. :::. e
if - -
when be e;Ik, k'ib b
?cts ia every v.: ; a- ;
iu the riair. 3k .-lb . :'.
lc-.s v.Lica are j
ir.'-.-r .V:ye.
ef Blaskst -0.
tc r from y i
i-v-.h. in v-Lkh tb
1 :: -.
D-:k tlvods s Id e o
laoi. and as Vet 1 .-: - .' -wind
is shift in.! are.-:. I ! ;
p-e-lii! ; slid my ::a:isL:.' :
llevc thit He will : b e u- be
as a pc-eple wc mn.i u ly '
s loueh U! n 1 a:.- b.. -- -interest
to Wasbieal m i-i
President elect v.d s-r:
sounde.t patriots bo ca -: -
f our country dereuJ. ti.
Providence, greatly np.u
cy Lis cabinet attempts to j er
3 C
o c