t - .A "v. democrat & Sentinel. U. C.Zr.lihj. ry hi I5lrfr& Proprietor -W BOXES 1 A V .. .1 A XI A IlY. 80..186J. M t-etten-lll & Co., A'lver-.'s-p.i: A:e..t3. 113 Nassau street. "-r"' " Yo-V, anl 10 State street, LW-oa, are the au- j S-9CSf it could not possibly end in the prci- th'ul Aumts for the -If.k.t sf"' ! vaIion of tba Ufiion it now is. After it WEi. nd the most influccttal f.r.d 4are-.t circn- , , iitin" Ncvsyapers in the Uniud States ani j the former n and Southern people would for cTnaTlis. They arc emperored to contract for cVer US at o,r :.or.'KT TEI.J.- ; Dc-iJ3c;-atic Jouuly Committee. AJ-:Ufi!i Durb'n. Chairman Mich-ie' M"Gair, B'acklkk ; u, ev 'nt:n-;!ih l?-'iard Saoders.n, Crfvl Willis-is Murray, ELrfWunr,- Charles D j M-irray. OaUiie n iUvi 1 .ii:is. Jackson r. Ju'iOit..wn. ist U a?3 r.pn- j Ji '.V.:.:-J -'irt Crf'J-c. v .-'-:, .-.-f . W.rd "'i '-'" v inner, 4'D War1 -51 i ... tivn: . ... 1 .. ao, Jr M-'iviii- A. M Gre2C Ilichhnd T Sa-.naitrvid-j-Ji.-n S'urMu-h, isuuhanna J .ha IJ.ire-. Tvl . A : iar's Vah -ll'Siu ) H'hire. VI:iie G-irge v'al tcr"-, Wilmce M M. 0"Ne;l, Yoder Geo. Jo-epb S. MarJis. Cambria -Job-i M Imu ; cf Girrc'l J'j Luther. iji'f-H!owa-di j Faraa. Cbet -Josh Gilt. Ch-s Sprint - ! V I p"4j & -Jf Slim t ' bruarj-. for the purpose of deciding for or ,vv-i th,jSe!v. iH.-.tf-l t 1 aiai!'- the i-.p.ed atneud.ner.ts to the Cvi r ;;UUSC;tlPn')N, AUVIIU s.titu!i-)u which are smexed to the bill.- Full A I T. r;raf:.S TIS'ITG or J03 ".'Oiilv, wi.i l i-se toi;e i--r-wi: 1 settle i! thtir acci'r.ts on or i.ef re tbe 20tii a?.v .March. lS-'.l. T-iose lies'eting thid n-iikc' ftcr that ivne. fl'iil their ac couuti m t.'ie Iiaiidj f pi".-r oH-.-er. f 'r codec ti-sn. Persona ie::hn? cut of the C t;sty can T'ic'-X tie aiout due us (winch is $4) hy r:d!. L C ZAHM. "Er2-sb::r-. Deer. 1550. Coercion. It is astooiiiio bow ca'n:!y eotne men csa Ulk cf alaying thsir fellow country aen Ma E7 r.er3C05 at the prtsent tirue, seem tr enter tain a morbid do?ire to see tbe commence- The olj-.'ct U to obtain the judgment and aent of & civil war between the Nmtl.ern and ; opi..uo ' f the people with regard to the pre Bourbe-ra State?. We see in ceatly all of ur j f"d atsier.d.-uents. If they are ratiSed by esebanges. annfur.seM of valient Cat- the popular vote, it wi.'i be an easy matter to taiDbrvingo:TerpitothePrcsideut.orGovr- j hve them adopted aod ratified by tbe States, uor of the State, tbe services of the voimterr j in the maonr directed by tbe Constitution, capauies they co.nn.acd. far tf.e puipose of j The amendment piovide. that tbe Terri Corciog tbe Sa;h into obedience t tbe Uni- t--rv now held by the Uoiud StateS cr tkat ted States If this were neceary it would taij bereafur be acquired, fchf.il be divided be commendable. Bat at this time, when true pairiois everywhere throughout the Crn- j parallel of 3G degrees 20 micutes north lati feieracy. are !.bf ring zealously to adjust our j tuJe - jitlr,,. aiEjulties. .ud esvfl the Union with- j "That iu all territory north of said lines of nnr ivil war or blushed, tba anxiotv xaai.i- fjitei by tb?A NTtbera I t.-p'j r. tr meet tbeir So'tutrn fellow countrymen m dcaaiv ! siri'e oa luttle. field, is calculated to en dir a'i peaceful aud cc::c"dia?ory messurrs fcbo.'tive. TLe S. utbern people Lonestly be lieve tbiy are stiulii'g iu defence of their deartfrt rig1.?., aud arc .not t be driven f:0Ei tueir poUi."r., by tb:eat! of coercion at tba point rf :ba bayonet. Such threats are ccTy salcii'uttd t-j m-ke them dcrperate, and zt:-cbh a!l ict!ig cf attasLturct to ibe Union whieu lil! exist io their breasts. At this twi every patriot in the North bbcu'd remeraber luat a aaft answer turneth away j ia'Q aiavery in places under its exclusive ju wratb, while grievious words gtir up anger," j riadiction, aod eituate in Slave Slates, nor iu and regulate Lis couJuct accordingly. j the District os Columbia, without tbe consent We cotiften lb?t we are one of those who j cf Maryland ane Virginia, or without just believe that tb:? Uinoa cannot be preserved cmponeation being made to the owners of ty coercion. Its stretrtb of a government like ours ccLsUts in tbe love of the people, aid not ia their hatred and fear Indeed the iutctk n and !?v cf its citizens, may be 6id to cr.stiiu'.a tbe&uu! of every llepublic, with- it 3 cily a Republic iu name. - Caa a pcop'c. compelled by military force, to acknowledge cbsiiccce tc a government tbey dittfcr, be said to govern themselves? Arc ihvy ret ULctr the yoke of a military cepctidnj of tbe worst kind? The truth v it if ie to i-eif Lvidcct thai we presume it nil t-c crr.jt-d by no one. Lot us suppose the uficeo Southern States ebcuii kii secede, aud thit tli Northern States fbcc'.d tccretd afttr b -g it-d bloody war, ccDq;:i-r;.f'g thra:, cr. io Oiber wi riis. coer ciag ibem. WoulJ they then be fiftccu sov ere:n S:st3S of the Union, or would they not cu tbe contaiy be lifteeu cotqered prcriii CS3, Occupying tbe twz rtla-ioi towards the 2-orlhr& States, that tbe Lsitiah r.ast India prcviace do t .warJs lbs home g overnment 'I Tb.t r.obl inoi pc-r:dsi.ce of fpifit, without wLicb co cne can jurt'.y be called a frecmaii. i woan dc eucc:ua.:r teuereu. u rm.reiy j crcsocd osX. llo presence or a no.-tiie an t tiiamrbaut army, rendered insolsut by suc- ceus, would keep ttp a cctioual reign ;f ter ror, and elections iasteaJ of expressing the tiil! of t'iJ people, would become Eolemn farces. TLe sword atid bayonet, and not thn will of ibe people, wt u!u govern. They wod rema'a unrepresented iu Congrt?, for it in cot likely tbey would recognize and act with a government which bad waged ar agaiiot tbet), snd desolated their booji 3 In order to bold them in eabjectioa it would become tcctbeary to form them into a consolidated province, and bold them in subjection by the fitrcsg arm of military force. Would this be ia accordance with tbe letter &ad spirit of the CooAtt '-ioa, which declare that it wa j tabli.-htul to promote ibe general welfare aud to secure the blessings of liberty to the in- f habitants of all the States ? Its fraoers cer tainly never contemplated that ono half of tba States shouH ever beootne conquered provin ces of the other half. But if a coercive war should ever be com menced against tbe Southern .States, it is by no uuat.s certain that it would be successful .ueo defending as the Southern people wo d be their firesides, their "household gods," and everything sacred and dear to men in this world, would certainly Sght desperately. At al! event? it wou'd Lea war attended with horrori which it "bath not entered into the hvn ' n),D to imagine" and although it Sr.,i -'nnf the ecxi rercainiriir. Like el'-fTs that had Leen rent asunder.' It is evident that coercion is not tbe rcnic- for our national dnsculties. Jur on'y saving tie Union lies in conciliation oniise. But if coercion be resorted i vi- . r rcsroriag traiiquility to the Couutry Lave been tried jnd fufir.d abortive. , Sir. Biglcr't Plan. Mr. lligler's pUu for jettliui: our national t'ficultii s and rertoriog tranquility to tbe i c uotry, pleases us better than any we i iiHVf j,ct ei3uiiLcd Ita passage by Cuugress ! at an early day. would, we think, save tbe j Ui.io'i. The following is a ooodensed state i its n05t iii-oortant provisions. Tiie first ?.c 'ions provide for the LolJi'ig of elections it; al! :he Statts uf the Con fed rracv. duriti;' !ircfi'i)a are jsive.'i as t;i, how the elections sha'l be held and tooduefed, returns made, Tfi'tse in fiViT of the amendment feball v.-te a tick t:t beanng tljrf w"r:i "'For the ati ' iidnu'Lts," and those opposed to them a ! ick t luscribtfd "Asjaiot the auiondiueuis " The retu.-.i are to be forwarded to tilo Scr tarv of tbe Interior, aj.d they are then io be C"u:(e'i by the Secretary cf the Senate, who io to uiabe ojt tbu!ar statements for tho Prt-iJent, aud b"lb Houses of Congress Dy a iita :rom tne jvist to tne on the ino.nta.y aervnu-ie except as pun i tb: ;t:t (or trime, is proliilitcd ; and tu all ! territory '.c?h of said ivuluutarv ser- v;tu.ioa.s it now exists in States south of Ma- s n and D.xoo's line is hereby recognized, and (ball bo sustained by all departments of the Territurial G?erctuents, and when any territory north or south of 6aid line, withiu such boun-.iaries as Congress may prescribe, s'nail contaiu the population requisite for a member ot Congress, according to the thou ; Federal ratio of .representatives of the people uf tbe United Statro, it fhali tben be the duty ' of Congress to admit such Territory iuto tbe 1 Ut-iou ra terms of equality with tbe original j States." i CengreM sbaii not have tbe power to abol- such slaves. That ia adduloo to the provisions of tbe third paragraph of the eesmd section of the fourth article of the Constitution of tbe Uni ted !St;ti ti, Cou:rr8s shall have power to pro vide by Law, and i; tball bo its duty so to provide, that the United States shall pay tbe l jcer who shall apply for it. the full value ! hio fugitive slaves in all cases, where tbe Marshall or other ofucer whose duty it was to arrest the said fugitive, was prevented from so tiding by violence or intimidation, or when, after the arrest of the said fugitive, he was rescued by forte and violence, aod tbo owner ibertby prevented and obstructed in tbe pur-.-uit of his remedy for the recovery of bis fu fcbive slave, under tho eaid clause of the Cou .xtitutioii, and the laws made in pursuance thereof, and iu all tucb cases where the Uni ted State shall pay for meh fugitive, they shall have t!. riht in their uame, to sue tbe c -uuty in which the said violence, intimida tion -r rescue was committed, and to recover fr:n it, with interest and damages, tho amount paid by them for said fugitive, and the said c i-'y. after it has paid the said amount to th. Ui.Ueii States, may, for its iudemtiity, sue and recover from the Jrotig doers or rescuers by whom the r?aer was prevented from the j recovery e.f rts fugitive tlave l . as lt. owtjer Lmiself might have sued aod rc- covered Congress hall have no power to. prohibit or hiijUer tuu tram-portaiiou of slaves from on Slate to another, or to territory ia which alaves are by iaw permitted t.ibe held, wheth er the transportation be by land, the t-aviA-Lie rivt-rs, or by sea. but ih African slave tra-f shall never be renewed, except by the unanimous consent of fcoth branches of Cvn grrss. That, hereafter the President of the United States shall hold office dariog the term of six years, and shall not be cligiele far re-eleciioo. Tbe Constitution shall not be .so amended, to destroy tbe effect of the 3d ' paragraph of of the 21 section of tbe 1st article of the Con stitution, Dor tho 3d paragraph of tbe 4th Ar ticle of the Constitution, nor sou to atdr ix Ceojrreefi t interfere with or tJistroj tL domestic iustituturDs -of the States .without consent of tba Statea. The araendmeDls irabraco every-oonocssioo which tbe South can justly demand, 9 far as amendments to tbe Constitution aro concern ed, and should be perfectly satisfactory to tbe friend t,f the Union io the Northern States. National men everywhere weold vote fT them and we entertain no doubt they would fee ear- ried by a large majority. At all events, let Congress give the people a chance of voting on them. The pjople are deeply interested in the preservation of the Union, and it id right they should have an opportunity of bcin; heard at this tune, when tbe government which protects them in their rights as free men, and which was established by their pa triotic eircp, seetriid poised on tbe verjre of destruction. Tbe members of Congress should not hesitate a moment io referring tbe whole matter to their constituents. The servant is not greater than bis master. TIic Secession Movement. Tbe Lou.ima State Coavcritioa met at Baton Rouge, on tbe 2d inst. It has adopt ed a secesMon ordinance, bimilar to that adopt ed by tie South Carolina Convention. The Federal Arsenal at Augusta Ge&rgia, was surrendered to the state troops otlast Thurs day. The Governor of the State deniandfd ita surreudvr The United States troops sal uted their flag before hauling it down. The Legislature of Rhode I.land has repealed the personal liberty bill iu force in that State. This is an example worthy of imitation by tbe other Northern States. Fears are entertaiu ed of a difieulty in Washington City at the time of tbe inauguration of Lincoln. They are probably however groundless. The prop obition of the Virginians for holding a Nation al Convention, is favorably received in many of tbe States. Tbe Conservative fetiiDg is gradually gaining strength everywhere, aud if a colliiou between the Federal and Stat.; troops can be preveuted, all may yet be well. X-fT The Republicans of Wiltuore" Bor ough, ar- an asoiring set of rn liticiaos ! One of ibem has a'.na ly been appointed scal er of weights and measures for this county bv Gov. Curtin. An other is an applicant for the appointment of U. S. Mail Anent, while a third aspires to tin position of U. S. M art-bail of the Western Dii-trict of Pennsylva nia. There are also some five or six appli cants for the Wilmorc Post Office They are all clever fellows too Gentlemen, if a letter from us to Uncle Abe, will be of any service to you. let us know. You can command our best service iu that way S?Ve learn from an advertisement in the Alhghanian, that a young lady io this place, nauied Jenny Sobers, is anxious to open a correspondence with a moral and intelligent young man, "with a view to mutual benefit." What tbe benefit is to be, is not state!. Mat rimony probably, fcbe says she is poesestcd of reasonable attractions, aud of course she ought to kuow. Mordetai says the may be good looking, but ho certain she can't come up to the pretty schoolmistress in that respect. Moreover, he is of the opinion that advertise ments, cf this kind are seldom published by the parties in good faith, for certainly a vir tuous young lady possessed of reasonable at tractions, can have plet.ty of intelligent and respectable beaus without advertising for them. He also "thinks it not likely, a young lady would thus render herself liable to be insulted by obscene Ietters from anonymous scribblers, who would think they were mani festing their wit in writing and sending them But then Mordecai is an old fogy, and his no tions on this subject perhaps too old and mus ty to be worthy of attention. However, we give them for what tbey are worth, by no means vouching for their correctness. hol of. A man named George Gray, was shot at on last Friday afternoon, while trav elling along tbe turnpike, about 7 miles west of this pla-e The ball passed under bis left arm, cutting his coat and grazing along his vest. There are woods on both sides of the road where this occurred. It seems bis wife was lodged in Jail fonie time since oc a criminal charge, and that be was on bis way to this place for the purpose of making- some arraugemcMs for gcttiog her released. He is of the opinion that the intention f tb per son who fired the gun was to murder him. However as this ia the season for hunting, tbe shot may .have been accidentally fired by tome huutsuian Senator Cameron of this State last week stated iu debate that he would. vote for Gov. Bigler's bill proposing certain amend ments to tie Constitution, and providing for their submission to a vote of the people. This raised considerable excitement among tbe ul tri Republicans. Situm is an independent poli tician. nd is in the habit of doing what he says He is in a bad humor at present in cntrquence of tbe fierce opposition bv has eocouutered in his efforts to obtaiu a eat in Liocolu'n Cabinet. On DU.Tht t William B- Sipce foraaer It of this place, i to be the Ivlitor of Gover nor Cortin's organ in Harrisburg This we learn from the Philadelphia Inqtirer We didn't know William bad left the Democratic Party. Well, if he's gone we'll have Io try and get along without him the best way we can X? An effort will bo made to pass tbe Morrel Tariff Bill daring tbe present Session or wosgress, but its aaceess Yery doubt- IUi. ' ' .V. ; Died Ih Clearfield towcliip. on Monday the 21st inst., Aktudb M Co.NXtLL, ia tbe Oritb year of his age. Mr. M'Connell h among tbo early sett lers of tbia Oouaty. He cleared and for ma ny years resided on tbe farm a few miles west of this place, now owned and occupied by Capt. Alexander M'Vicker. (lis rrputatiou aj an upright and honest tnau was without a taiu, and we are almost certain he died without an euetuy iu the world. He belonged to a generation of men tbe pioueers of our Coun ty who are now rapidly disappearing from our midst. We shall uever look nnon their ! .6-.u. .IO .ewer itey become let us esteem them tbe more. Mr M'Cot-neil leaves a largo number of descendants in this Countr. i i, : Tl., r. t . Died In Lbensburg, ou Friday the 25th iut., Ciiaules Litzi.vueu, Jr. aged 25 years, 7 months and 22 days To those who knew the" deceased, it is un necessary to eay anything in his praise. He was possessed of a generous heart aod amia ble manners, which secured hicu the friend ship and esteem of all with whom he came iu contact. He was possessed of rare abilities as a business man, and if he had been allow ed longer days, would doubtless have made a useful and influential member of society.' He was the victim of that fatal but flitleriug dis ease, Consumption. We siucerely hope that bU early death wa3 the beginning of a life of never endiug happiness; far better than to be the inhabitant of this world, where sorrow, sin, and temptations, couftant'y beset us on every band. May he rest in peace. XSyThe patriotic course of Senator Cameron, in announcingbis intention to vote for Senator Bigler's compromise, merits the commenda tion of sincere patriots every where, lie has too much common sense to be a faLatical Ab olitionist. ttm Kx-President Tyler is exerting him self iu behalf of the Uuloc io Virginia. - A very large and enthusiastic Union t .-. - i.,i i v'.k: :.. -i - o 0 . . ; , . . , . , Spirited and patnotic resolutions were adapt- ed. HP We understand that tbe appointmttt of Supcriuiendant of Common Schools for this County, will be made during tbe present , T, . . ,,. . week. 1 here are a Ian?" number of Rich- tuouds iu the field. jC" The weather is still cold, acd the sleighing superb. The Serfa iu Russia were all liberated on last New Years day. This is a remarkable event iu tbe history of tht country. af The King of Prussia died a short time since. He bad been insane for many years The bill for the admission of Kansas into the Union, has passed both Houses of Congress. This adds another star to our na tional banner. Mure footl Ilogs Mr. Charles Owens, of this Borough, killed two hogs about fifteen moatbs old which weighed (jo3 Iba X3T Tbe Dcuiotratic State Executive Com mittee meets to day at Bucblers Lease Har tisburg, at 3 o'clock P. M. We dou't know what is to be doae, but doubtless will find ut in due time. Weakness of the Stomacu and In digestion. .InofAer Great Cure effected by Bit have's Hol land Bitters. The wife of Pieter De Witte, living ia Hol land Town Shoboygan county, Wisconsin, suffered much from weakness of the stomach and Indigestion. She had been under a phy sician's care for some time, but the disease seemed to baffle even his skill. She purchas ed some HOLLAND BITTERS at our office which has given tone to her stomach; her ap petite and streogh are returning, and we firmly believe that this is another great cure effected by your medicine. We have still to record many wonderful cures effected by this remedy, but must wait another opportunity One thiog you can re ly upon, what we have published are fiom persons much respected in our community, and are" literally true. J. QUINTUS. Ed. Sheboygan Nieuwsbode, Sheboygan Wisconsin.- Sold by all druggists in the woild. See advertismeat io another column. X2T THE PECULIARITIES of the fe male constitution and the various trials to which the sex is subjected, demand au occa sional recourse to stimulants. It is impor tant, however, that these shall be of a harm less nature, aud at the game time accomplish the desired end. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters is the very article Its ef fects in all cases of debility are almost mai cal. It restores the tone of the digestive or gans, tufuaeb fresh vitality into the whole sys tem, and gives that cheerfulness to tbe tem perament, which is the most valuable of fem inine attractions. The proprietors feel gut tered from the fact that many of the mot-t prominent medical gentlemen in tbe Unioti have bestowed encomiums up..n the Bitter, the virtues of which they have frequently test ed and acknowledged. There are numerous counterfeit offered for sale, all of which are destitute of merit, and positively injurious to the system. Cheap TmveHing. A mother with nine children, the oldest but seven years of ago. passed over a Western road oo Saturday The family occupied 3 aeara. but the children were too young to pay calf-faro, and the par ty vwt throTif h co a let ticket. Tbe Ohio Legislature:. Cle WI-Land, January 14 Tho fcllijZ is one of a aeries cf resolutions parsed the Ohio Senate and Ilonae of Repreaeatatives on Saturday: He solved. That we hail with jay the reoent firm, dioi&ed, and patriatio special meysae of the President of the Uniie l States, aid that the entire power and resources of Ohio are hereby pledged, whenever Decessary aod demanded, for the maintainance. under strict subordination to the civil authority, ef t! e Constitution and laws of tbe General Govern ment, ty whomsoever administered. JlirdI Hands. The Rutselville, Ky II r aid says that the proprietors of the iron wotks j lLe Cumberland river are birticg no hands tLi year, io cousequence of the unsettled ; condition of tbe countrv. which had atenden- , cy on New Year's day Jo bring d cy ou .ew lcare day Jo Lncg down tne pri ces usually a.kcd iu that couutry for tegro men. Negroes generally hire at much lower rates than usual, and a large nutflberof men, weomen, boys and girl are still unhired. Spunky Editor. Au Kditor down in Igyp tiau Illinois, has breti sued for libel, the par ty claiming 10,000 damages to bis charac ter. The editor does not believe the man's character is worth eo much, and says: " c ' are willing to let our printing Eoti n.jaiu-t V f -t.a ta a - t- - ten cents and we will wr our lif that it a Keg ot tar mat no c- ul 1 not 'palm it I ' is not worth one red cent, lie has not sued us foi enough. He ought tJ l.ave a litt'e T i I worse enaraeier Jeu ut give iiiui a ii.i.e-i- j iience to help him prove his character. For ' icstaace. we believe him to be an infertiai scoundrel and a purjured villain If be wari anything else to make up bis cae, will say that he is a most abominable liar V?ty the 2Cecetsity of Citanjc That was a very remarkable remark ot (linn?) Bt u. , Wade iu bis speech that the goveruLueut j of this country bad beeu controlled from its j foundation by the Southern slave Democracy," especially if it be compared with the tbiri , plauk cf the Republicau plat'orm. one para agraph of which reals To the Uoi-ti ot" these States ibis cation ows its u)iprccedet d increase iu jxipuhitton. it fcurprisin develrpe- aent of material rtfo'trctx. its happiness a j booie, and its honor abroad." New. if a!! ; !jas. n g:,"3d under a goTLr'.iment co?i- j trolled ty Uefnocraey, by c--iIUJ severe, f 'by the ivmtu. who we.uld wis.i to e.ar.c t:e j ordcr of Xt.rcise9 vS clQrA-Xcw York Apitsjlziuyfur the MA, Gov. K!"s f; ' Nortb Carolina, has wrut-n to Je:.t "re "' re re- ceutly seized without authority will b- pn-u.j t , i i . .i r '.i i i accompanied by a b c"iiii:ig expre-SMoa cf his coo uem nation of the jarlt s.- act. Thi.- con duct Mand out io markt-1 contrast i'h tL-c revolutionary proceedings tl.-'whrre. Barnitiy a 'almettv FI'ij. Oa the 4:b iust., a uaud.-f inie Natior.al l-'iaj was present ed to a military cumi.ai.y it Niohiiij-v'I"-. Ky.. by the ladies e.f tint p'aue. aua hois'ed on the Court House. While the coj4mutiit was at church a I 'a? met to was L.L-;tl abve the stars and atripes, h.cii e.u lititr discovered, caused great in ligction. Tf.e Palmetto wa theu hauled down aud burnt iu the public square. Washington in. Danger ?) We Lave pri vate advices from Yash;tijt n, sav the Tti- banc vl Saturday, to the e-ffecl il.at the dan ger of tLe Seizure of that city ly au . :.;ei mob of Southern L'isuni-ii:ts i Jar un-re se riou.4 aud more iu..ivi t thai, is tmatiined b people abroad. TLe .w ce-:::panies if rtsu lar troops whom Gen. Sctt has s'ationed it the District, with lLe newly-cun-lled and uu organized body of tbe citizens uf the Liitri-t cantiot be relied ou agai'tst a coup de ni'.iin executed by a large force of dtkperate mu well armed, and suddenly launched agaiubt the chy. Last of the Jack sons The last known 1 1 known Llo.-d icUti.-u living in this country .-? the oi l soldier Gen J.kson. is dead. 11:. name was James Thomas -Jack-ou M'Cui lough. He died at Late Prnid.Lee. La , ou the 1st of January. The deceased 'was the sou of James M'Collnugh and Mary Cafferv, aud was born near the Hermitage, ia Tcuut see. His father was cousin of Geo. Andrew Jackson, aud bis mother was the niece ot Mrs Rachel Jackson, wife nf -.he Geu. Hi ts represented to have been a man ot eminent excellence aud worth. The Vacancy In ttic Supreme Bench. It is said that Mr. Bucbauan wi 1 undoubt edly make a nomiuaticu tor this vcncy ul au early day. Caleb Cubing seen.; tu have gone under since the Admiuistratiou Las t kea the right tack, aud Judge Black ri.es prominently to the surface. Should be be tiominatod be will surely be coufirmed. There will likely be another vacancy shottly on the Supreme Bench, 'as Judge Campbell, of Alabama, in bis late letter, whilst decla ring his attachment to the Union, indicated his iu lection of resigning, iu case Lis Sta e withdrew. Ludicrous L'esult. Messrs. FCa"I au i Ball m. being rivals for the Lai,d ci a fair lady of Caithag. Smith county. . Tin lessee, agreed to fcettle the matter by a duel with p g tols. Tbey accordingly met. aud t ibe u.r-t fire M'Call fell, apparently dead ; Blloa be came ftigbteiied at the ini-cbief ho had d -ue. aud fled. Upon examibati u it was found that M'Call was entirely uuii.jund. and that 1 n Ie:i from tle u.cuenre of the h ek eaust .i j by thj rrp.rl ef the pistol. Ba'd-m has r.cv er teeu heard from eiuce. aud M"Ca!i is n-w io quiet pt-trtfcioD cf Lis hi ps. Commerce cf Bos'uu. The value ofxf.ir eiru goods i;i.pori4-d at B st n. for th- vt-r 1SG0 was. an vre lti.ru fnn. ih Adurtittr $3'J S49 SUS. aeaiust 44 777 718. tu 155' a decrease tu lHoO of 4.y27.71S. Fir the week endiug D. c-mk r 2, 1M0. the value of imports was 1,111,824. aaiust 521. 6S2. forhe corresp lin week lat year. Caa-giO Mr. Sherman, the friend e.f Lincoln, fcas proposed that Congress shall appicpriate 20 005 b-tt-idrtf the eld furtiiiur for refurtb-muj; ihe President's house, and 4.CG0 Uiore foi introducing the Pot.o.ae wan r therein. A pretty fair start for a Irs:.dtnt who is repor ted by hi. frienda to he Jiving in a b ue with the windows atud ith riiloci Brides- ?OftJbra2 Sir barr el m an uncx cUIT lrl K . - "r! - - u x-fi If oppose-J is Anaerica !r?rT . jT""" dteidej lauuace, that ae s-petil" j3'" of John Brown, ia Bv:Dn, rently an invUation U be prevnt a; a Coovrt! Boston, to dicoMhjw slavery aarV ' ished. In the letter of iaviia:n ,i lii "It would be a work of supercr'A P t deteird John Brow, aod a owlS. time t eul.g?ze Lira. 1'- . t,if a duties tti the cmuing ages, lit cj'l tinue his life bv trviu to j..-pt. ,v 5 " he left us to finish " Howcr-r rrVL"J"f vocate of freedom Brouabam u.By Le"' l"' an almirer.of such wicktd meaiurta tl r Brown adopted to overthrow :iTfcr"t 3 say?, iu lis reply. tLa.t bis d'-i- f Lt patict ran ctily be gratify bv ll-gr'. Ukt:' "a. strict regard to ttie ritlts of , .."!t""1 wht l!.e law declares to he prtVJt,Vt 'T'."' constant repugnance to tbe shed-si,'. .,fi.-".l!: He does net cot-iMer a ntaa a uar?--'1' seeks even a lawful obj-tt lv : . ' and expresses a douot TtLr ju which majf a siave fne a -,lx i5 v- d British ground, wol j lJiVc tt. 2 lUC Jamaica touched uj.on tie c-za -'i;' Britain The one idea Il.'Storjiar.j 'tt '."tied ritubbin froeij thtir fii-., ,h0., great a fjind to Luma:.:ty 'o J, t i.,t. society all ibe crimes in the cfc:4-t!:r rtct ci;y oijc of it evils. ' LITER rROMTlli: CV7it l UARLMTOX, b. i;. Jan 23. TL? i,.-.. on the bt-icli at o..3.u'i j zi'' ' u -at from Fort Su'r-pter cj MJ', ' 1 1 iirec u.ru w r in it, a':d i- h beacti uitb n.udrd oars ih tbem and waru-d tLeui J. Fi ia to( the s-.-E'ry fired mu.-Let i;.to ; w ; it turned n-iiijd and went awaj. j", oi the sentry heard a n.'i.-a Wse t:. j i. - j- . of a I oat at huti-pter. One t; . i. ts j ": b.- wounded badM. 1 Le elj t Vts 't.. ei t- L-e dt-serii. tm e .-ay ?b-i a di era iZ it ;.) us :L - ( .. t e s um-s aud spike tie j.uls , t ,1 . tery kt:-rdiy tb: S.na!e icrii o ai.-c-- ate m.-.r.ey f..r Sia- a i-uhu.arme Ui-c-t'; . iht Lctor to lonntc: i.c mi it r, p.;, Tbe.war depai tf.-r-nt :a S.ii Ci'i, ? lo it wher! iie-ce.irv. .Jeff. iiaL iti tsj-ecte t Lerc l;vt ri.t: Oi i-'e i.e Ls.. g..t ciea: ma--, f-i-u,.'.. Vj s I'.jily .--...k-u e f i r Piedtt :i :;$,', le". C j.lV-d. r;.-v The L-(Mature sii; ret :! l.v, Fiidayor Saturday. A i;u:Le-i, C sw :i :s Mi. tftr; l-e ca;l-d. Ti: Go- rn:r is iii r.c-1 tj t cf i.tt ti lett. r- f.i.u, ;'re.'i'c;;!i A ji-aiii man fr-iu iLc N -rib t-5-rLJ j,, ti vices t- the G--verti-.r to : rt- -.: Cati.lii.-s Navy. r.? se-ratj j l rt-en.r.ii t adr-.j D ace. er be rriljhe to m ' 72: Suuth. S C-W.:, Still fi-n is dliTiij Th t L in ii. i- AJ-i.-t.,. ibtf.v.-t? . -s qiesta.n f .-uhaiu;i:j-r cTu-a .rt V- n Trl-li-U to a -...'oof tbe ..,:e v.;. t S-'J-t - I i IVuurie s::.', e: ..- tikcii by tie ..ivtc.i - ;,f i u r S at.- S. i fci- igaitt c..' lc a .: Lei veil loii ;;-;.,!. of .-' n iLkt th r approval sh, uhi L- i...u-,rv f t u. , - P-. i'i'r-iefi. srvTcr. li t: e actior. li in- p vp'--. i " ouu.t .. i . Kz., r h-iC3. . that e i-i..: t" fiate ser. -ioii :s i.ci :r"t-. ii. i . i . . . iituv nt .f ih- pop".-. wiieht:::: - t y the r-tusal of ihe L-is!.?-;- the frdi'i't-ce of Cv5;:vl tc :b tJ.tir ratifioutioa. CiiSdu't law it Th? Y -) t"i-v m-rrttil Adirticr ssts a geni-:-. ei-..- ', t day or two Sg,.f a large estai .;-Lu.-i:i. th it city at d pr.-pcr-,J t pu.-ce-.c- ;r"y : .i of lad. The terms Lavicg b tu a.. th- s-ller inquired cf th pur:Lir : . ::v I.e e r the bouse w-.s.ll !..-- ;;. ,f ..-l ut, was desti. -c. -'Y. a Lai U ship j;," repli-i t?... -nr."! i-..- po. i .. ar i 'he iii n.er F..:rl !r, ., j ,.rrt B-L The Sii-- ot Gerpia will pT f .- -ceiYUig ibis n -ply. the member i - wl.0 hd negotiated the sale i .i:n:f '" t plied. "ir, you cur t l.ave "tLis I'.-aJ. "l motive f.r its p-arcl-i-o j evi i:ut, ai.i 1 -i.t-T.-r copier, t to supply b:ik-t- to it'" p cpo to destroy hi U bv cil :' And the Grorji-uuiJ m :L- Usz. Lt 'nil Lit Hi.'f la Y A n Lu. h her djy. a r Ii jR; :;..2.--:t, r.tb.r fiT- :.n b tu . :Ur: ei !l by the "em.ik i.f elj man w: tii L- bstt i.in i , ce for a u,:: r . f 5. r -r "11 . - . . I hey talk." sa.id he for my part. I SJy ltt di-.'-lt. ie:i dSo'.a;er A general kub e..--td. Many pull:- era c ii?:J!t- il.z' the piliats of the S ate, who are r. c e ly the catcrpilki cf the State, rtkti-i hijii j. iii. t oi.i v v cra - lif. Jl T,i T,t C,. ? .. rr ...... eirii-v bria aid JW.jcj ru-.e R -j2C-The Court ot BiUitm.l-.tu Cl:a. term ISol . 2:recte-! M 1c imU t t"' aini a-ha5f .rr cel.?. !i i!.r cjih::s f-ir.er divUtT,, xt.n i!J pay on the preset.Litio'i cf t:.e r e.f leio-it. by thei-lve o- v- r:. Spru?e Creek. J .n. CO, Notice. Tel AT an appiicAiim ha b::i r Curt of Ci.:itK.n l'lvaoot CaiH -'-the Ii.Corj-.Mti..n of -ii!K tJEli-XiA- ' :.ir..N SUCIKTY." t . l-e ! .u ly :iti-ti fsleii :u tl i dv. Jat:UaV ii sti : -r. " ! i ... t-hi-n 1 1 the .t-.'.rarv. the said ci i:r; i - f.iorfli !- ..f t.,. t. "... . I. .. " , o-h.!, -German Wwiics Socktv" a c r i toiv -ilitic in JtVxKPH M"IXAI D, P Pr.thouotar osS;-. Fl-ensburg. January 2C. ISOl.-3-Ct. Ifotice TTIEflret tzici Cna! acce-u: : cf (V1 i. Tr- actic AsMcr.ee of L- e!i?J iu thi .rac'.T; Kr t'h it instant, atid nll L rietcMt-' f.v c aud al' -si-re to the C urt f G-.t CiruorU Qiunty, oa iioaday toe :s iiarca next. Prothoiiato'-v. Ofce. Ebexabur Jaocary 38. e . . Q C 3 C C r