ParmlWorklFar December. The routine of agricultural operations is, 3 , Tn ti l) a r,-rUia exteci. a uitu it counts in preparations for seeding j spring tbe summer crop, ai mmsumuici u riDg the succeeding roontha. it comprises the multifarious duties connected with the har vesting of the hay and cereal and root crops. In the autumn succeeds in unvarying rotation the seeding of winter grain, and the prudent and precautionary measures attendant upon the fatteuing of stock; the careful regard for the comfort of the animals that are to be win tered on the farm ; and ample provision for the wants of the household during the most inclement portion of the year. What is re quired to be done throughout the month of December, we now proceed to state. The first tiling claiming attention is Winter Plowing. - 1 m n i. Hn- Stiff clays may be plowed to great advan tage at any time during the month, if the condition of the soil will permit. They sho'd never be plowed in a wet state, as they will resist the beneficial action of subsequent frosts. They should be plowed deep the deeper the better and they should be left as rough as possible throughout the winter, so that the lareest possible surface may be acted upon and ameliorated by the disintegrating effects of those alternate freezings and thaw ings which are of frequent occurrence both in the early winter and early spring months. Heavy loams are also benefitted by winter plowing, bat not to so great an extent as the clays. Light loams and sands should be left untouched until the spring. COLLECTING MATERIALS FOtt COMPOST. Push forward at every available opportuni ty the collection if materials for the construc tion of compost heaps, and when the barn rrmrA well sunnlied. continue to cart out to j -- 1 r ' the fields that are next to be brought under tillage, all the refuse that can be gathered together, and compost it on the spot with al ternate layers of barn yard manure. HREWOOD It is scarcely necessary to intimate that tto firewood required for the winter supply should have been hauled to the wood-shed and care fully stowed away long since. If- however, this has not been done, see that no time is lost ia getting it in at onco. SIIEOniNG FOtt STOCK. The comfort of stock of all kinis depends nrvnn th amount of crotecdon they receive W - from the inclemency of the weather. Apart from the humanity of the thing, there is for tunately an economical interest in doing what ought to be done independently of pecuniary considerations stock well housed are kept upon one-half the food required by stock ex posed to the weather, and they leave their winter quarters wheu their services are requi red, in better health and in far superior con dition Dirt. Old Dr. Cooper, of South Carolina used to say to his Btudents, 'iDon't be afraid of a little dirt, young gentlemen. What is dirt? Why, nothing at all offensive, when chemically viewed. Hub a little alkali upon that 'dirty grease-spot on your coat, and it undergoes a chemical change and becomes soap. Now rub it with a little water and it disappears ; it is neither grease, soap, ' water nor dirt. That is not a very odorous pile of dirt you observe there. Well, scatter a little gypsum over it and it is no longer dirty. Everything you call dirty is worthy of your notice as students of Chemistry. Analyze it! It will all separate into very clean elements. Dirt makes corn, corn makes bread and meat, and that makes a very sweet young lady that I saw one of you kissing last night. So, af ter all, you were kissing dirt, particularly if she whitens her face with chalk or fullei's earth. There is no telling, gentlemen, what Sa dirt." Treatment of Hens. Two flocks of hens were compared. One laid eggs almost all the time ; the other laid scarcely any. On examining their treatment, the following dif ferences were found to exist ; the former had warm cellar to roost in during the winter ; tha latter roosted in a stable where the wind blew in. The former had a fine place in an open cellar for scratching among ashes, lime, and earth ; the latter scratched in a manure neap, or in toe stable when the cows were put out. The former had plenty of good wa ter, with milk, &c, the others bad no drink, except what they could find Rural Ameri can. Origin of the Domestic iWL Abel, the first shepherd of whom we have any account. is also supposed to have been the first to keep fowls. Whether this supposition is correct or not, it is very certain that fowls have been, next to the dog, the constant attendants upon man in all his migrations-. Some writers sup pose them to bo of Persian origin. The Ro man authors on agriculture speak of a large number of varieties. Bruising Oats for Horses. The fact that eats are frequently undigested, and pass through the horse without change, should be sufficient to show the importance of bruising ; for certainly no benefit can be derived from that which is undigested by the animal. Ex periments mada by the London Omnibus Co., and ethers, show that a smaller quantity is required to produce the same ability to work, when the oats are bruised, than when fed hole. . 50,000 COPIES ALREADY SOLD. EVERY BODY'S LAWYER ASD COCK SELLOR IS BUSINESS, . ' BY FRANK CROSBY, Of the Philaddpliia Bar. - " . li Tdls lot How to draw up partnership papers and gives general forms for agreements of all kinds, bills of sale, leases and petitions. It Tdls You How to draw up Bonds and - Mort eases. Affidavits. Powers of Attorney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts and Releases. It Tdls You The laws tor the collection of Uebts, with the Statutes of Limitation, and amount and kind of property exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells You How to make an Assignment proper ly, with forms for Composition with Creditors, and the insolvent laws oi every state. It Tells You The legal relations existing between Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. II Tdls You What constitute Libel and Slander, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's right in Property, Divorce and Alimony. It Tdls You The law for Mechanic's Liens in ev ery State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. It Tdls You The law concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption laws to rubhc Lauds. It Tdls You The law for Patents, " with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with inteferences, Assignments and T able cf r ees. It Tdls You How to make your Will, and bow to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in gen eral use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. it Tdls You How to keep out of law, bj showing now to ao your uusiness legally, tnus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litiga tion, oy its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid. to every Tanner, every Mechanic, every man of Business, and every body in every State, on re ceipt of $1,00. or in law style of binding at $1,25 $1000 A YEAR can be made by enterprising men everywhere, m selling the above worK, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress JOHN j. rOTTEK, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. June 13, 18C0.-t;m. WHAT ETERYOOD1T, WAXTS. THE FAMILY DOCTOR: CONTAINING Simple Remedies, Easily Obtained, for the Cure of Disease in all I onus. By Prefessor HENRYS. TAYLOR, M. D. li Tdls You How to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for tLem; how to prepare Drinks, Poultices, &c, and how to guard against ; fection from Contagious Diseases. It Tdls You Of the various diseases of Children, and gives the best and simplest mode cf treat ment during lcething, Convulsions, nana tion, Whooping-cough, Measles, &c. It Tdls You The symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infantum, Colic, Diarrhoea, Worms, Scalled Head, Ringworm, Chicken-pox, &c, and gives you the best remedies lor their cure. Tdls You The symptoms of Fever and Ague, 9 -- 11 H t at . . t ana uuious, leiiow, iypnus, dcariet ana otn er Fevers, and gires you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. It Tdls You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia. Asthma, Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Erysipelas, &c, and gives vou the best remedies for their cure. It Tdls You The symptoms of Cholera Morbus, Malignant Cholera, Small-pox, Dysenterv. Cramp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies for their cure. It Idls You The symptoms of Pleurisy. Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, l'aralysis, the various Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the best remedies tor their cure. It Tdls You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaundice riles, Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemor rhage. Venereal Diseases, aud Hydrophobia, ana gives the best remedies tor their cure. R Tdls You The best and simplest treatment for Wounds, Lroken Bones and Dislocations, bprains, Lockjaw, i ever bores. White Swell ings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns ana ocroiuia. It Idls lou Of the various diseases of Women. of Childbirth, and of Menstruation; Whites, Barrenness, &c, &c, and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so a to be easily understood . while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost oLthe book. It is nrinted in a clear am open type: is illustrated with appro priate engravings, and will be forwarded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid, on re ceipt oi ai.uu. XIUUVJ A. XL Ail can be made by enfornri. sing men everywhere, in selling the above work. as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad- aress, Juu tu. l'UITEU. Fubl sher. No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Pa. T 1 ft 1 nAA r ouue loou.-pm. MAGMFCIENT ENGRAVING CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HIS CREW. OF AND a nis ijeauiijui engraving was designed by Rubens, one of the most celebrated artists that ever lived; the cost of the original design and plate being over $300, size 22 by 29 incW mi r m-m . The Philadelphia Daily News, says, "the mere nominial sum asked for the engraving, is a suf- ncient inducement lor persons to purchase with out me aauiuonai 01:1." SCHEDULE OF GIFTS lo be given to the purchasers. For full parti- j f t:ii x tuiais, ccuu lor a jjui. 1 cash 1 cash 1 cash 1 cash 1 cash 1 cash 1 cash 4 cash $5,000 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 500 5 cash 10 cash 10 cash 10 cash 10 cash 10 cash 1000 cash $309 300 250 200 100 50 5000 5000 300 2000 cash Together with a great variety of tW Klo r;:fa var,r ; -oi.,- f r n J '"o ' nuui ow cu to 3-d. Any person enclosing in a letter $1 and five d cent tostage stamps (to pay for postage and . Uj i c k u i ii oi man. me ma- nificient Engraving of Christopher Columbus vu ui tucdc vo.iua.oie vruw as per Bill i .auuicsa oil oruers ior a uis or ingrayins to r. 11EKLIXE & CO., J3?? "f Philadelphia, Pa. i uiKnitipuia, iuay a, 18bU.-3m. FRANK W. HAY OFFERS to the Merchants and others buying TIN, COPPER OR SHEET IRON WARE" to sell asain. inducement Manufactory West of the Wares packed carefully and not iouna in any Aliegnenies. All GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK. ALSO Dealer in all kinds of STOVES, Convey PUMPS. i.TiAii ptpt. crmr-cr. wrr-m a r a ' BUiiUi luiiiiUiij, .f "1 f, Li LP fit nujjUW-vvAltE. at Manufacturers prices. PRINTED PRICE radio now ready. Address, . F. W. HAY. Johnstown, Cambria Co.. Pa. An aperient and stomachic preparation ; of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com bustion in Hydrogen. Sanctified by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. J. he experience ot thousanos daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital en ergy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions in dicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. - ?' ' ' Innoxious in all malladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: ' . In Debilttii, Nervous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspepsia. Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dusenterti. Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, Jlismenslruation, Mltites, Chlorotut, Liter Complaints, Chronic Headaches, lUiettma- tism, Intermittent fevers, Fimplcs ou the Face, . In cases of General Debility, whether the re sult of acute disease, or of the continued dimi nution of nervous and muscular energy from Chronic complaints one trial of this restorative has proved successful to -an extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotton in their own neighboi hoods. have suddenly re-appeared in the busy world as if just returned from a protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sanguineous ex haustion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to Medical men, the operation of this preparation of Iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigor ously tonic, without being exciting . and over heating, and gently, regularly aperient, eveu in the most obstinate cases of costiveness without ever being a gastric purgative or inflicting a dis agreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among other which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specihc action, by dis persing the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia innumerable as are its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual cases, including the attendant costiceness. In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when advanced to Dysentary, confirmed emaciating and appa rently malignent, the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. Iu the local pains, loss of flesh and strength. debiliatihg cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indicates Iccipieut Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and in teresting instances. In Scrofulous Tulerculsis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of idione. without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confi dently invited to this remedy and restorative, in the caces peculiarly allecting them. In Rheumatism, both Chronic and inuamatory ia the latter, however, more decidedly it has been invariabjy well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stifness of the toints and muscles. In Intermittent levers it must necersaruy be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the nest will probably b3 one ot high renown and use- ulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole his tory of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy and fully restorative effects. Good appetitee, complete digestion, rapid ac quisition oi strength, with an unusual lisjosi- tion for active and cheerlul exercise, lmmediate- Ivfollow its use. Put up in neat, flat mettal loxes containing 50 pills, price 50 ceuts ier box; for sale by drug gists and dealers. ill be sent free to any ad dress on receipt of the price. ' All letter?, orders, ect., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE, Sr Co., General Agents. 20 Cedar St., N. Y. May, 30,l8G0:ly. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! flRHE SUBSCRIBER would respoctfully inform Mi the citizens of Lbensburg and surrounding country, that he has opened a Saddler's shop, in the basement of his dwelling house, on Horner street, where be is prepared to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms, every description of Saddles, Undies, and Harness &c. Having many years experience in the busi ness, employing none but the best workmen, and using the best material upon all his work, he hopes to mernt and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Country produce at all times taken in exchange for work, and the highest market prices allowed. JAMES MAG U IKK. Ebensburg, Sept., 14, 1859.-tf. T1 EORGE W. TODD, WITH CONRAD & VJT WALTCN, Importers and Wholesale Deal ers in Hardware, Cutlery, fire, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on band t lie genuine Timothy black's Augers,W. Mann's Ueatty's and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & w aiton 's superior polished Steel Shovels, Darling & Waldron's Grass' and Cradling-Scythes, Com mon andfatent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, frc, &c, which they offer for sale on reas onable terms, to country dealers only oanuiry '2b, 1855. CANVASSERS WANTED. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO AGEXTs! Fifty Dollars a month, and all expenses paid. 1 W lsh engage an active Agent in every I V County throughout the United RtAlAsiiin.l County throuehout the United States and Canadas, to travel and introduce our NEW TWENTY DOLLAR DOUBLE THREAD I TCK STITCH SEWING MACHINE. This I acehior Machine is just patented, with valuable i nprovements, which make it the cheapest and nost popular machine in existence, and acknowl iJged to be unsurpassed for general utility. A imited number of responsible agents are wanted :o solicit orders by sample, to whom a salary of $50 per month and expenses will be paid. For conditions and full particulars address, with stamp for return postage, J. W. HARRIS & CO. No. 13 Shoe & Leather Exchange. Nov. 9, 1859.-50-8W. Boston, Mass. BEN. P. THOMPSON, vilh P. I.PATTON & KM., Y holesale Dealers in and Manu facturer of HATS, CAPS. FURS. Hatters' Ma terials, Straw Goods, Artificial Flowers, Buffalo Robes, fir. No. 128 Market street,'below Fourth South side,. Philadelphia Cash paid for Y00.1 Shipping . Furs PRICE L PATTON. A. OPPENHEIMER. February 17, 1858:tf REMOVAL! PAUL GRAFF, MANUFAC turer and Wholesale Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Straw Goods, Hats and Caps, No. 68 North intra street, between Arch and Cherry, Phila bl fMarehe; 18W.J Cin, (Sopptr ani) jsfjjctt ron if) PS w o 63 H 6 . S e s a fi cs fa e fit a. a H o o LftJ o M C5 M 0Q H o CQ O THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THS CITIZENS OF EBENSBURG AND vicinity that he has just received and has on hand the LARGEST, BEST, and MOST COM PLETE stock of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron ware. Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Wagon boxes, Sugar kettles, &c, ever offered for sale in Ebensburg. Brass and Copper Kettles of all sizes; Preserving Kettles of all sizes; Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware of every description. Also He has just received a largs assortment of HARDWARE and CUTLERY : House furnsh ing Ware, Harvesting Tools, Carpenter's Tools, Wooden and Willow Ware, Glass Ware, Jappaud Ware, Brittaania Ware, ' Hoop Iron, Nails, Window Glass, &c. &c, all of which he will sell very low for CASH. " Persons wishing any thing in his line be respectfully invites to give hiui a call and examine his prices, tty- job work of all kinds done on the Also House Spouting raaxfe and put up ou the shortest notice most reasonable terms for cash CO- Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. ALo Cherry. Ah. and Poi!ar lumber- old Sletal, Copper, Brass, Tewter, &c taken in ALbU, lie would respectfully call the attention made in loosing stoves for burning the 2as and ijoensourg, iprii z;, leou. UOIS LUCKHARDT, WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN CLOCKS.WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Til E un dersigned respectfull begs leave to inform the cit Q1 zens of Johnstown and vicimtv SL taht he has just received and is now opening the largest stock of Clocks Watches, and Jewdry ,ever brought to jonnstown without ex cepting, which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest." His prices will always be uniform One customer will not be charged more for the tame quality of goods than another. A List of some of the articles comprised in the assortment! is annexed. Prices may be ascertained, and goods examined, at the Store or. Main Street. Gold Hunting English Levers, Gold Detached. Levers, ful iewelled. Gold Lepines. 4 holes Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Chains. Gold Vest Chains, Gold Pencils, with Pens, Gold Pencib, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Tencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cuff Pins, Gold and Silver Watc Keys, Portmonaies, Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles Plated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea Setts, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, Sec, Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 6 inches, Gold Bracelets, Accordeons, Silver and Plated Spectacles, 4c, &c, Sec. 0cj- All sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness and at low rates. Con fident that be cannot be undersold, the undersign respectfullv solicits the confidenee and patronage of the public?. LOUIS LUCKHARDT Mayl4, 1856. 29-tf. Jan. 6, 1859. John M'Keage .. Manufacturer and Sealer In all Kinds ofCi'- Banff, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco, Montgom Fa. ery St., Holliidaytborg, "Constantly on hand, a fine and well selected Vy stock of Spanish, and half Spanish cigars- at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. - August 8, 1855. ly. ARCADE HOTEL. Cbensburc. Pa HENRY FOSTER. Pbopbietcs. THIS HOTEL, FORMERLY KNOWN AS the "Ebensburg House," is one of the old est and best stands in the borough of Ebensburg. for the accommodation of the traveling cominuni ty. Tho Proprietor assures all who may be dis posod to patronize him that his TABLE will be supplied with all the luxuries of the season, his BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and no pains pared to render his guests comfortable. Eucnsburg, April 14, 1858:22:ly. DIRECTORY MAP OF CAMBRIA COUN T Y. The lubscriber is preparing. ( i f suffi cient encouragement be given,) to publish a Di rectory 51 A 1 of Cambria County, intended to contain as much information as any other Coun ty Map now Published in Pennsylvania. The same to be lithographed, colored and mounted in i tne most modern style and workmanlike mnaner, and delivered to subscribers at $5 per copy. WILLIAM CHRISTY June SO, 1858. EAST AVENUE NURSERY, ROCHESTER, XEW YORK, W. M- HOYT & Co , PROPRIETORS. FRUIT, ORNAMENTAL & SHADE TREES of all kinds, and varieties, promptly fur nished to order. P. BranuT. of Loretto. w ill at tend to sales iu this county. Orders addressed to him will receive prompt attention. C. MERUIT, General Agent. October 19, 1859.-tf. BBLS. N. O. & WHITE SUGARS, 9 5 Bbls. N. O. Molasses, 5 " Goldea Syrup, For sale by E. HUGHES. July 13, 1859. jr. C. Attoracr at Ltw, Ebtnibnrg, Pa, OFFICE IN COLONADE ROW. Nov.ll, I857:l.t I. O. O. F. Highland Lodge No 429 meets every WEDNESDAYC vemng at their Hall on High st., in the upper storyol Shoemaker's store THIS WAY. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE A large and slpendid Assortment of American Pock et Knives. (Every knife warranted,) by . . GEORGE HUNTLEY. August, IC. 1859. 3t. K7M0B WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE ON SHORT NOTICE AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. 1 Mart, .jftobtsr'ffloaV&'r". 7 a s e 3 t m 2J 3 2 OR 9 H o M f o CQ O O O z o shortest notice. m - exchange. GEORGE HUNTLEY- of the public to the greatest improvements ever smoke by whieh means is saved 50 i-er ernt if fnl GEORGE HUNTLEY. T EAD THIS. AND STUDY YOUR OWN MX INTERESTS ! JCST RECEIVED, A SEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, CLOCKS . v!5' AOTIOSS. At the sign if the Big Watch, Main street, Johns totcn, 1'a. The undersigned desires to call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and surrounding country to the fact that he has been appointed an Agent of a large importing house of WATCH ES, CLOCKS, &c, nd also of a large manufac turing establishment of JEWELRY, whereby he is enabled to offer such inducements to purcha sers of these articles as were nvver before offered in this place, or anywhere this side of the Alle ghenies. He would also call attention to Lis large as sortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY just received all cf the latent styles and most beautiful workmanship. Having t-elecUxl his stock with great care, he is confident be ran suit every t i--te as to styie as well as all pockets by the great reduction in prices. THE LADIES are particularly invited to an inspection f bis present stock and prices. EAR'DUOPS l.ilberto sold at 1,50 will cow be sold at 75 cts., and vcarrant&l to stand the test tf wear. Breas-t Pins, Rings, iS:c., at a reduction. GC.TLE.1ICX: I would call your attention to my beautiful as sortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, at the following very low prices : Hunting Verge Watches, warrauteJ, Hunting Silver Cylinders, hitherto s.ld in this town at 20, and then reducet to $14, I will now sell at from $10 to $11.50 Hunting Levers from $12 to $10.00 Open Face! Cylinders, heretofore sold at $10, I will sell at from $7 to 8.00 Open Faced Detached Levers, $10 to $12.00 All watches sold will be warranted to go fur twdce months, or exchange! for another tf equal value. Everybody is invited to call and examiue the stock, as the advertiser is confident that for ex tent, variety and style it is unrivalled in this community, while the prices at which it is of fered are unprecedented low. Goods sold for CASH onl3-. ! (7" Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewelrj-. Jfcc, of all kinds, for which the Cambria County Iron G-mpauy's "scrip" will be taken at par. All work war ranted. TOWN AND COUNTRY ST.WREK5EPERS supplied with Watches, Jewelry, &c, at less than city prices. JOSEPH G. HOLMES, Agent. August 3, 1856-ly. REMOVAL! CoACIl I A XT FACTORY. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country that he has removed his shop frn the old ktand to the shop lately occupied by John Evans (CarpenUr,) where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business at short notice and on reasonable terms, and he hopes by using but the very best material and employing but the best workmen to merit a full share of public patronage. Persons wishing bargains in purchasing a Carriage will do well by calling at this establishment. He is prepared to manufac ture the following kinds of vehicles, viz: BUGGIES, of different qualities and prices; liAiiUUUUlS, UI1AR1UTEES, one and two horse ROCK A WAYS, close quarter, eliptic and tv-spnng vua.ciie, second hand work cf Ui3er ent kinds, $-c, making a variety that will Mlit ail tastes and all purses. REPAIRING done with neatness add aispatch. WM. BARNES. Ebensburg, April 27, 1859-23-tf WILLIAM CARR & CO.. WHOLESALE f Grocers, Importers, and Dealers in For eign and Domestic LIQUORS, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskev. No. 329 Com now. Liberty street. PITTSBURG. Pa. SUNDRIES 5C0 Bbls double Rectified Whis key. 187 Bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, Par, (very choice ) 50 Uhds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls N. 0. Molasses. With a general assort ment of Groceries, also Bacon. Flour, Lard, Iron & Nails &c.,all of which will be sold at low prices for cash. WM. CARR A CO. February H, FIEE ! FIEE ! ! FIEE ! ! ! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL THE attenntion of the public to one ef the great est improvements ever made in 00KING STOVES.the burning of the GAS AND SMOKE, by which means, is saved Fifty per cent of fueL G EORG E HUNTLEY. Ebesuburg Ang. 17, 1859.-tf. LUMBER. PINE POPLAR CHERRY AND ASH LUM ber bought and sold by E. HUGHES. June 29th 185. tf. 1 fagfrafigPTFHjgj Above we present you uhh a J.L .: . t MORSE the inventor of JluU;.'i I"i. ' ROOT Pir.T.S TV,5 i.T,l,,.t,;.. i ..ww. I "-"lUHJJ.f, the greater part of bis life in traveling, Lavi, visited Eurvpe, Asia, and Africa, as' tll J North America has spent three years tac tile Indians of our Western country :t ir this way that the Indian Root P:!1s VCre discovered, Dr. Morse was the m mat; tabllsh the fact that all diseases arise froa IM PURITY OF THE BLOOD that our ttm t. health and life depended upon this rital uii When the various passages beccme tlvj and do not act in perfect harmony with lLtt',' ferent functions of the body, the" blood Iose? action, becomes thick, corrupted, and !isastJ thus causing all pains, kkkness and distress every name; ovr strergth is exhaustt-1, (j health we are deprived of, and if nature is e assisted in throwing off the turr. tv blcod will become choked and cease to act thus our light of life will forever l Howa c? How impoitant then that we i-borlj icn various passages of the body free and cpesi. how pleasant to us that we have it in our t to put a medicine in your reach, t-amtly. McW'j Indian Root Pills, manufactured from flart. 4-1 roots which grow around tlie mountainous tl' in Nature's Garden, for t!.e Lea!th atd leir-v-rr of diseased man. One of the roots from wLi tbee Pills are made is a Sudorific, mI'u the pores of the fckin, aud ast.i.-ts Nature :n mrowjng uui iuc jiuer pans oi llje orm.7 fen within. Th- second is a plant which is an Ei lcctorii.nt, tl at ojens and unclogs the j-isse:; the lungs, tnd thus, in a soothing niaiiiier, r forms its duty in throwing off phlegm, humors from the lungs by copious sj-itticc. I tt third is a Diuretic, which gives double ear atj stiength to the kidneys ; thus encouraged, tLtv draw large amounts of irupurity from the AA which is then thrown out louiitifuIIv 1-v tLe uri nary or water passage, and which could not LiV bcen dischargwl in any other way. TLe f- '.i:ii is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other pr-j-ertiea of the Pills while eugageil in purifying ti tl'jod; the coarser particles of impurity wL:lL cannot pas by the other cutlets, are thus taitn up and conveyed off iu great quantities bv t: t bowels. From the above, it is shown that Dr. M.-,r ludiaD luX't 1'iiis ntt oLly enter the;; but Lectime united with tLe blo-nl. fLr tiit-v way to every part, and completely n m out a.i cleanse the sy.-teu from all iinpuritr, zvZ tl life of the loly, which is the bh , becrits v. fectly healthy ; consequently all sickness 1 j pain is driven from the system, fur tLev CiEL.t remain when the body betomes so pure aj clear. The reason vhypeople aie so litn-mta' Lea sick, aud why so many die. is levauM? t.rj &j not get a medicine which will p.- u the zfiii ted parts, and which will open the natural i J sage for the disease to l-e cat out ; Ltuct a large quantity of fcod atjd other matter is k ed. ami tlie stomach and intestines are lilrrilt overflowing with tLe ccrrcptt-d laass thus r tlergoing a disagreeal le ferxEentatioa, confrUi-t,T mixmg with the blocnl, which throws the c,i rupte.1 matter tLrou-h every vein and arttrx until life Js taktn from the bxly hr d'isease. 1. Morse's PILLS have adUed to theDiMlvesvict -r upon victory, by resloriiig ni'dlions of the sick Ij blooming liealtb and Lappinos. Ye, thootaou-" wlio hve been racktnl or tormented with tk nes, iiin and anguish, and whose fetV.t fraaies have been scorcLe; by the buriiin ele;certs tf raging ftver, aud who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent grave, tow stand ready testify that they would haTe Vi numbered with the drd, hi it i-t 1-rtn f i this great and wonderful medicine, Morse' In dian I.ot Pills. After cue or two dv.-.-s Lie been taken, they were tnished, and aVs...l surprised, in witnessing their charmlrg titc.i Not only do they gire imniUte ta.-e strength, and take away ail sickne?S. pa'ri t I anguish, but they at once fro to work al ;i fmadation of tle dise, wLich is the ll!. Therefore, it will be shown, etptxiallv bv tb who use these Pills, that thev will fiir. , A purify, that -that deadlv en ery. v take its Might, and the flush of vouth and be.utv will again return, and the pros.ect of a 1..:.- xh happy life will cherish and brighten Totr Lv. u?""Sold by Thomas Devine. Elieiisbur. i-J by Medicine Dealers gouerally thnr-h :t t Couuty ; B. Lake Ju.ifn- A. J White V Cvv, No. Leonard t.. N. Y.. Prcui- etors; Mudge Gv.. (Propr' rs J UT. A. 1 rack's Magnetic Ointment. s. Earlrii. Madison county. N. Y., General Agents. August S, 1859Jy First Arrival OF The subscriber, having just returned frtn: -city, is now opening one of the Ut srlrc;J stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to this market, aad wLich U sell very cheao for Cash. His stock cvaUt a part of the Xufiowing articles, viz ; CH ALLIES, DELAINES, BRILLIANTS. COBURGS, PRINTS OF ALL KIXD3 AND RICHEST COLOitJ SliaTls, which for beauty cannot be surpassed in thfc a8- READY-MADE CL0THIN3, Ladies shoes, drugs and pekfcsikt all of which he will sell Terv cheao. , lie invites the citizens of t,peiw-r and the surrounding ceuttry to pT' him a call before Durchasins elst3 as he is satisfied be rn sell goods to them eh: cheaper than they ccn te bought at ary oH store in town. John Bodgers, Jr. Ebensburg, April 20, 1859:tf. , UXIOX IIOl'SE, bensburgr. Pa. JOHN A BLAIR, PBoBFirroB. Also, in connection, BLAIR & Co's HACK' will leave the Union House for Willmore tion in time to take the Eastern or Western tra-a Every accomodation will be afforded to passenger comfrablte. l PHILIP BETHER. ' K0BT. J. AXrEKsO EYMER A ANDERSON. Wholksalk Vzx- lebs is Foreicn Fruits. Nuts, Spices, un- fectionary. Sugars, Fire Works, &c CT"; ges and Lecsecs received weekly. No. 9 W--street. Opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg, Feb. 17, M. D. MAGEIIAX' Attray at Liw, Ebatbar F. OFFICE No. 2. "Colonnade Bow'bssi' Court HouM. Decwnber 7, 54 ly SPRI SUMMER GOODS.