Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, November 21, 1860, Image 1

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' "' "'"' - " ' ' J
FOL. 7 XO. 52.
rr ,:itT .t SENTINEL' IS PUB-ewrv-
Wednesday Morning at
,.t an-d FifTr Cents per antrum,
flvfl?-.: 0-K D' AX1 Sr.VEXTT
'.'r.-.: tj .r jn;d within six months, an.'
i; not pail until tne termination
.".f-,,-:,-i will be taken for a shnrtei
Js ir.'Mt:.. and no sulscvfter will
i T;-: -.-.ti-'io lita paper until all ar
V? paivl- except at the option of the
.r. j-.iVcribini for six month will W
s.. p-i... .... t--.5s tbe money is pai-.i
i ?vrrli!HT Rates. '
i r. (f.. Hires to
.$ 0 . $ 7". 1 "0i
,. - 1 P--A : 0
1 f 2 00 S 00
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C :;l it: m nh.on . A 'h
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Lvin-.'ii of J.n-i!:iiiy;ivv.s
'.nrs, I.'.- is willing to nia1;e ti;o
l. he wlil setrl the Pre
:. ( f?re of eLar-jch
ii.-ii.-, w!ii;ii will
t'u.n or Nature's virrn'o
he tV r-;ue can obuia it
! ir. si-i r
J. V.. (?L"TrIHIUiT.
J1 tirvi.J v;i , York.
: :! . retire to.k ntl fix lures of tl.e-
is t -.trt-i!
,:- ,v.-: ot.t-rs witii
.rrvxli "nlists, S1tvew. 31 II?
1 f a:." V s : i 1 t':( cay lo nceJetl in
,.";..! :: to ih -u:ltiCs of the co:
r t't. ! tri'r.; he rt;.: ve
- s.-efft'tn thusein want cf article
:i GLAS.
.-j . k'o '' 1 h'i rp'd'l Tin
'. t' i f t'.c tc': nnd Ifis-
'' ih-: Cure of Jhs-
prath-. hy the
' pi1 hy U tt'jr
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i-rivatorn oct,
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- i c ! i.'ii?r evvl
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..iALai;. No. 2
T.LL. Fr
im,;JU3 ! BiiKGiri3 ! !
l--: w.-uM rosp--c'f;::i lyg !ave j
t- c c;tiz us "f KhcnsV.i'.r anl vi- j
- r
r-cc-ivci, v. i.i.s store j
f & Store, j
:es, which r
f.r Ci-h or country Produce,
;:i i art of the following arti-
ind a lavo and we'l
i ; 'K.i and StAtioniry,
Noti- d.s
y sfict atte.-dion to businrss to
:ve a r:il .-hare of public patr..n
J sa:is5e. his stock is good and he
ip as any other house in town
1859. tf.
Au?. IT.
I T rsjs it av - r r it
't-i'stiay received from the East, and
.'-iria ft the citiz'.ns of Ebensburg aa 1
'a v,;H s,..lece.l assortment of
and 151 1 CLOIUISG,
)sl-tiif Di'.Y GOODS, consisting in
: - 1.1 S. Ill A IIIS. i;.il.Mh.ltl--
0.';. A rv' i 'I'lio.-ivp.'. I.- t. i k?
... vl-' . o.t ll.i Vj L lo, J. v
hllEssfiOODS of every style,
;--rf noorsA: shoes, hats and
;f vdllEs, YISW, SALT, &c, &c,
ta sc.! -h ..ih.-r articles as are usually
".f.try store, which thev will dispose
A '' .ring business will be carried cn '
v.i I'.uiiiiy i rir.iuic.
( i ; ins, ad work will be done in short
"r. th; reasonable terms.
Tcb. l, lS00.-10-tf.
-.""r5ftr at Lp.w Johnstown
""rV'v CIir:to:i Street, a few doors nortl
i f of ila J Clinton.
i i i
- T. nnder!i.T!'l tiivinr usra Prore5oc HCMP-TRETS
with the most aatt-r-ictory resa'it &at vLy full eonfl
lence la their penulnenea-, purity, uit efic$cy,.ch?rtully
e.i!tce:d them to all persons who wjsli to have aafe, re
liable, and eiiicaoious rcaieUie at hand Jar private or do
"mestlc use.
. - The JtT. Wm. Ilosmer. editor of ' The Northern InJe
ipemlear," Auharn, N. Y. : th Rev. K. II. Cresey. T).D.,
iojtcr if St ttc CLu v: , X. '.: the lfcr. B. I.
Ives, Ciiapiiiin it the Au'M-Jti Fvit Pri&ou; t!ie ReT.
Pj-encer i. RK-e, Rrctar, iiie-Bedford, Mass.; the Rev.
Allen Steele, New-York Conference ; tlie Rer. Samuel
Nichols. Ijist-(rtiieee C-mference, K. Y. : the Iter. P. S.
Pratt, Dorset. VL ; the Rev. John E. Robie, Buifalo ; A. C.
Hirt, Yjv., L'tica, N. Y ; the Hon. Xeal Dow, Pertland,
Me. ; the Hon. S-huyler Colfax, South-Ben-!, Ind. ; the Hon.
Oeoree Humplirevs, N. Y. ; Henry l. Cook, Jjsq.. Alitor of
The Ohio Slate J iumal, C !umb,is, Ohio ; trie H n. K. If.
Grnham, Muline, III. ; the Hjn. Thomas J. Chase, Monti-
cello, Fla.; the lion. Joseph Benedict, I'tica, N. Y. ; Wra.
Brit d. Hsn., Clicn, X. Y. ; A. 3. Poad, Lsq., Utica, N. Y. ;
Janiea Plaukett, I-j., Nashville, Tenn.
No. 1. For Kerer, Congestion, and laUnimatlon.
No. 1. For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wett-n? the Bed.
No. S. For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of
No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Iu.'atituni, and Summer
N . 5. F r C ilic. Ori;ioc, Dysentery, or Blnody Flux.
No. t''-r ChoVra, Cholera Morbus, Vo.iiitin?.
No. 1. V r C ritf:. Col -, Iul'.upnza, a::d &:ri Throat.
N:. S. Kr T i'-:''i-:i-!ie. Face-nche, and Nc".ir'-i!:na.
No. S. For Hea.lache, Vertigo, H-.-at and Fullness of tta
H-i 1.
No. 1C. Ctspepsij. rn.t-s Fr Weak and Deranged
Etomsc'i, Cotift!pi:io:i, and I.iv-r Couiplattit.
No. II. K'i Fxalk iRRK-iJUaiTiss, Seanty, Painful, or
Catpreed Periods.
No. 1-?. F r I.eacorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Bearing
Down of Fe-n!cs.
No. l'V Fr Croup, Hoarse Cotiith, B;vd Breatlilne.
No. It. S.iT P.h:j Pills For IVyaipelas, Eruplions,
Pimple' on the Fac.
No. l.'i. ItiisrytTtc Pilu. For Pitin, Lameness, or Sore-
cess in the Chen, Eac',:, Loins, or L'
A. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Djmb Ague, Old
UKianas' I Aci".
P. For Pilrs, Hi. 1 or B'.eedinff, Ir.terrja! or External.
O. For SJore, We V, 'ir IuHaal l Eyes and Eyelids; Fail
Ins, Weak, o- Jiiurred Sigtil.
t . F. r Catarrh, r.f stanj'.r.;
oh-"tru. .i.n or rri.fase ti!'-t:ai-
; or recent, eiiltei llh
W. C. For t iiovj.-ir.g Cough, aVaiing its violence acd its course.
In a!l aeuie diseases, such as Fevers, Inflairnatircs,
ti'.arrhi-a, I'ys-n'.ery, Crimp, Kheumatism, and such erup
tive rti-ea.'es as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the
a'lvatitHFe of f-;viiir the proper reBiedies proinptiy is f.b
vi .us, a:i 1 in a. I sucii tlie specifics i.t like a chai ta.
The :.lire iiis-.Te is often ai rested at and in all cases
tie liuknee of the attack Is moderated, the liisease sl.orv
er:ed, at:d rendered less d'irjrroTis.
Comri.s and Cclds, which are of sach frequer.t occurrence,
aniw.-.t h so ufien lay t:.e l.ur,.iHt; .n of diseased IUUJ.-S,
brmci.itis and crt.jrr,pt:or:, may a:! te at once cured ty
the Fever a:.i Couh puis.
I-i all chrvnic Jint.'kSfS. such as T5jspa, Weak ?Ton)a'-h,
Ct.t:pa:io:i, Liver Cou.iaiiits, Pile, Fisnaie Dehility, and
irre--ular:t'. 1 1 lla ia -i.os, ire r.r Wen Eyes, Citarrb,
f a!t K'.eum, a'it i.ther oid eruit!'rs, tl:e case Sf-eclfics proier at'pUatiun will a3-rd a cure :n a!raot every
Listance. Oft.--, the cure cf a si.le e,ro:.!c iliCi ju'.tr, s-ici
as tiypeia, P:ies cr Cutarri', headache or Feioa'-s'tVrak-utm,
l.aa o.ore t.'.aa y ilJ f.r ti:e cae Wu Cmea over.
Case of r!'? cirnpV-, in rmroc-c, and Book..
Cj-e of li vi-.:?s. aivt b-:. .. i.hiin
esse f IS Tj-Anihered S.c.e,'a!!d U.-uk
Case of b ixrs. n -inhere!, ar.d BooS
... 4
... 2
... 1
t-::.jr!e p-iti. bere t t.-at. i'Ji direclio.-.s !." eetita.
f inale I'-.tere 1 h-xes. ,th .i.rei t': ;:s. ! cei-ts.
Larjecuse of t ci. vials, for platers ai;d (hyf!cians....13
Y tt tsti oa Phth."!:'. Oppress;!. D'Ticult, Lah-eJ
Tirst-V-ifr, atttiiaed with Coufrh and Ejeetorali.n. i'rice,
tv,- C"!.' pr Ir I.
F f. Ptk.-Fr.rsis;p'!! . Tc!.arp-1 frosa tl e
Far. ll:e rc-'t "f i arlr-t Ire-( f.-u:s. cr Mtr-iirials.
For ;?- in ti t Head. iiar.!r"s of llcari:!, at.d Kinging
In Oie Ksra. aad Ksr-ache. Pri'-e, M ce:its ) er Inv.
Fn fiwi . Enlarged tilam'.s, a:.-,l L-diirat-e-!
Tonsils, Sucilinrs and C:d I'lcers, Scrof..!ous Cachexy t.f
O.hdren. Price. !. ce.:ts r box.
F( a tlifEr.At. Pks!i.:tv. physical or Weakness.
Fither tr-e rtsu't of Sickness, F.xressive Medication, cr Ex
haiist'ns Pis-:tar-s. Pi-ice, f0 cei.ts per h. .x.
Fob t-orv. Fluid .-c;--i!i!e.t:-:!, Tura-l STeiiinirs, with
5ca::ty f"-re:.or's. Price, .Vi ce;::s K-r b x.
FeR !ta S rsxrs Iiev.l.'y fc:.-k:iew, Yert'rn, Nausea,
Yonctiii'. fc.ckr.ess from riiiit.g or Cictiun. Price, cents
p-r b ix.
F a 1'a'xiRT D:siti5r. For Gr?.vl, K-ral Calculi. D;3i
eult, P'"f'il I'rit.R'.ijn, Dise:ises of the Kidueys. Price, IO
ceT:ts per hex.
Fca m;ii. F.itTMoss. T-vnhir.'.arv Disrharpes ar.d
Cor:ouet Pr-strat:,n and I)i hilitv. IV.d K;-st;:i of Evil
Hah.ta. Tt.e in t successful an J ecin.t remedy known,
and tr ay le reiied upon as a cure. Priee, !ih fail lilrec
ti -'is. I per tor.
- eeo:;s who sh to p'a'-e t:ereselvs xin ler t c pnfes
sivnii rr. ttr to s-lt aisTee of Prof. HtMPHsrYS. ran do
so, at Vs fSce K'l Broadway, uai.y frc;n & A.M. lo 5 P.bL
or by ie;:er.
T.ok over t'.e ! t; tiake ci a case of liat kind yoa
ehc, a- d I:i--I--S the amoio t In a n:rrer-t lifte or fctai::) a
byrr.-kil to o ;r address, at No. Mi Broadway, New-Yoik,
and the tvr 'iciue d be iluiy returiieJ by uiaij or express,
free '-f rhr-e.
A;ENT? WANTKD. We desire an a -tive, efTicieTit Aper.t
fdT the a cf cur Re.c.!:i in i-vrvtiin tr c'Tirt:ur:lty
ki the L'uiteU fcttes. A-r.-s I'r. F.'HVMPHKFYS? k Co.
No. f ti BaoKWAV, Nkw-Vuec
I'-r r4lo in T: cnLiu?, l,y E. J. MILLS.
Ji::v i l-'Vh-iv.
IIcw Lest. Uovt Restorsd-
J:tl P-.i'.ii :.& I, 1.1 U SaXl&l Ellcd"'iC,
611?- I -rv'-lr,, C - l-
- . ,-nT rcje, A Lecfure on t.'ic Xafin-e, Treatment ad TLidical
j-b CjxTr.w. TSA iuuL.oiE5, j Cure of y-rm iiorrloia, er oemintl Vfeikns-is,
u3rCS3. SCGAriS. CHEESE, Sexual It'biiitv, Nervousness and Involuntary
FISH- AITD THE i Hmisio:is pr.Sucing Imp otency, Consumption
re!) COIiN ItloAL and MmUl and Physical De'.d ity.
BY l'. B. J. CrLVr.i'.WKLL, 5f. D..
T!:e import tut f ici that the awful c nsequences
T seif-ahus'o may Le tSectuall removeil without
internal Medicines or the eh.ugeroiis applications
of c.u-.tics, instruments, medicated bougie-s, and
other empirical devises, is here clearly uemonstra
ted. and the entirely now and highly successful
iratrifnt, as a d-.pted by the celebrated author
fully expl.t'i.l. by means cf whi.;h every unc is
en li.led to cure himself ierfectiy, and at the least
po-sii.lrt co.ii, tliereby avoiding a'l the ailvertiscd
no-struijis eit' tiie day. This Ietture will prove a
bo'in t th us:t:.
alia tiiousaiitis
Se:it und
r soal t o any address, post paid, on
thr receipt of tv. poitapt stamps, by addressing
Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, M. D., 4S0 First Avenue.
New York, Post Pox 45SG.
July 25, lfcoO. April 11, lS60.-1y.
fOMN II. ALLEN &' CO., NOS. 2-4
Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water.)
PHILADELPHIA. (The Oldest V.'ood-waki:
HorsE, in the CiT.) M-r.ufacturers and
Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine made
BROOMS, Patent Grooved CEDAR-WARE,
wirrantcd not lo shrink, WOOD & WILLOW
WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of all descrip
tions. Please call and examine our stock.
March 4. 1S37. ly.
Willow street, above Twelfth, north t-ide-Mouldings
suitable for Carpenters, Builders, Cab.
inet and Frame Makers, alwayB on band. Any
Pattern worked from a elrawing. Agents wanted
iu the various Towns in his portion of the State,
to whom opportunities will bo offered for large
. 1 !,. ctt i v WTTP
rironts in iiiuiiist.ivt.B.' U11J..VJ
February 17, 18.j8:tf
V. Ii. ni'RRAT,
Attorney t Lnw, Kbenbar fC P
, --v ----- rjAT2crLi'?XfA; ' -
vatk Families.
"VVolfe'B Pure Tokhsic Ursnily.
AY olfe'a I'll re Madriia.S iierry &, Port Witae.
! aire's Pure Jamaica aatd si. tro x lium.
AVolfc's Pure -roieli and Irlxia WhUkff
I I big leave to call the attention of the citizens
f the Ui)ii.el St.iles to the al ove Wines ami Li
quors, imported by Udolpho V.' New York,
whose name is titiRilim in every part of this coun
try for the purity of his celebrated &:hiedam
Hchifipps. 1Ar. VvV-lfe. in his letter me, fpe;ikin;r
of the imritv f his and LiT.iors, says: '!
! will Ktiike my rei'Utdtion as a mail, my standing
J as a iiieuhaiit t.f thirty year re-i knee in the
j fdfy of New Yoric, that ail the Lruiidy arid
i Wines which I hdt!e are pure a- imported, ami
' ,f the host oiiiiLty, and can l.e relied iip-n hy
j every purchaser." Livery Lott'e has the jro
I pii tor's name on the wax, and a f.ic simi!e of
his signature on the tcrtilic;.te. The puMic are
re.-pfietfuliy invited to c;i!l and examine for them
selves. For sale at llrtail by all the Apotheca
ries and Grocers in Philadelphia.
Gi' II. Ash ton. No. Market ft., Phila.
tAe Ajcr.t fr Vl,laM)3na.
Head the following from the New York Con. icr.
Enormous Dusiuess for one Xew YorJc JUer
r7ianl. We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens
that there is one place in our city where the, apothecary, and country merchant,
can e;o and purchase pnre Wines and Liquors, as
pure as imported, and of the best quality. Yi'e
do not intend to give an elaborate description of
this merchant's extensive business, alcliouh it
will repay any stranger or citizen to visit Udol
pho Wolfe's extensive warehouse. -Nos. 18, 20
and 22. Boaver street, and Nos. 17, 19 and 21,
I farketiield street. His stock i f S-hnaiips tin
hand r.'ady fir shipment conld not have been less
than thir'y tiiousand cases; the Jirandy. some ten
thousand cases Yinta .f 1S"0 io lSSO; and
ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port
Wine, Scotch and. Irish Whisky. Jamaica and
St. ("ix Itum, sime very old and equal to any j
in this country. lie also had three lare ceihir3 i
13 'led with P-rar.dy, Wine, Sec, ia casks, under
'i.s' rr.-II ia.-e key, ready for bottling. Mr. ;
W. ;. .'a si't-s .f S.r.napps last amounted to
one Lundre 1 r.n 1 eighty thousand doxu. ar.d we
h.'-j-e in ie-s t!ian tiro yettrs he may be equally
s.ueerssful ai:h his Praudies ami Wines.
Ills b::t.iae.-v ii:crirs the patronage of every
lover of his sp-jcies. Private families who Vvili
pure Wines and Liquor fr rnndir-al tise should
send their jrders direct t Mr. V..iie. until everv
' p'.thec.iiy in th? hind mike up t!'ir minds to
J dis-ird the re.Isoiious s'uiT from th-ir sl.e'ves.
; an-l rejilace it with Wolfe's pure Wines and
j We ur.der-tar.d Mr. Wolfe, for the acecmm'
j dation of f.n.rdl dealers in tbc country, puts up
i assorted . cases r f Wines and Liquors. Sceh a
man. and snvh a merchant, should be sustained
j atrairst his tens of thousands of opponents in the
L nOetl blttcs. who sell nothing but mutation,
ruinous alike to human health nnl happiness.
September 12. lS'jO.-t'.m.
The.-e Jars and Ct;s perfictly simple in
th-ir arraugeiner.t and I euiting Ho eeni. iit in
or-'er to make th.em air-t;.oht,ar.y one of ordinary
judgment can hermetically seal them by siuiply
scrowing tlie cap down tigbtiy after the fruit has
been put in hot.
Ih-sides their -simplicity and ease of adjustment
and the imp-;s.-ib;;ity of stoppers blo.ving out.
icc, the grettest adv tt.t tge ii that 3'"U c:m at
any time seethe Ci mlitiori f your fruit by sim
ply lo'Ling at tiio top of the covr. If the gum
asgt-t is concave the fruit is g'yl; if convex it is
going to spoil, but will always show itself in time
to l-e saved.
Tlie absence of this test has ever been a matter
of anxiety, and frequently of serious loss to those
put'ing up Fruit e.r Vegetables.
These are advantages which no other Fruit
Jars or Cans in this market possess.
Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail by
the subiorilH-r. ow ner of the right of Somerset
and Cambria counties.
1 Quart Cans, S2.25 per. dozen.
2 " 2.75 " "
4 4,00 "
A liberal eliscount made to those purchasing
six dozen or more at one time. Address your
orders to
F. W. HAY.
Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa.
John-town, July 13, 18'J0.-31-tf.
7i cirry County in the Unittd Ht'ttcx,
TO in the salo of tome of the b-st and
most elegantly illustrated Works published.
Our publications are of the m st interesting
character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer,
Mechanic and Mtrchint; th y are published in
the best style and bound in the most i-ubstantial
manner, and are worthy a pl3c in the Library
of every H u-ehold in the Land. .
fc-j-To men enterprise and industrious habit
this business offers an opportunity for profitable
employment seldom to be met with.
CO-Person desiring to act as agents will re
ceive promptly by mail full- particnlars, terms,
&c, by addressing
LEAHY. GETZ & Co.. rvVhhera,
No. 224 North Second Street, Philadelphia.
October 24. 18GO.-4m.
TVME of the firm will be in Ebensburg during
J the first ten days r-f each month, gjSP
during which time all persons dei- UvyS
rin-v his professional services ean -Ji-LJ-r
find bim at the ofiice of Dr. Lewis, nearly oppo
site Blair's Hotel. may2D,l859tt
t3T JOB WORK of all kind done at
tliis rre.
Supernatural Revelation. .
The folloWibg gho3t .etory ia worthy of
perusal, esfctny Dy traosa who believa
6u:ernalnr.l reYeliJioris:
I am a sxaxned mia . As may be inferred
from the fjrgo!cg I Lave a wife. Oulj
one. Cbrliirrn, two. A boy aad a girl.
The tij"8 Dktne ia Joan. The girl's Mary.
a circa z ce ;ernerjt on street & few
days ke. tv I wm told that it had all the mod-
ern imnro-mVats. I wa. not f
of the
nature o i -k'jot tae 'moaern improvements
Had I kef riisit I tbiak I should, have cade
anoibcr otl??-r v '- jj.--.i - -
I lived in uninterrupted domestic tlias for
two months.
Oa the night of the th tnst., I returned
Ki r t . tr.i,B vnsr l.n j hi r c- r . Va i n . 1 t. . . .
m-s;r. ... l tnti . . .1 u n -t
My wue and cuilurcn metrne ia the ball with
I-.-; ii
LiiiUlT grcetiLgs.
Alter supper, the children having been put
to bed, as myself an l wife were setting by
the tire the caudles were sud Jenly extinguish
ed. Tbiukiog that it was occasioned by a
draft, I ruse to relight, when I was startled
by a ecreato an 1 au angry.
Quit that, you!' from my wife I cooly
relighted the candl-.-s, when my wife, s-jtne-wLut
Cuatered and disordered iu appearance,
informed me, excitedly, that somebody had
quetzed her.' As Mrs. 1. is still a good
looting woman. I was not surprised to hear
it. I searched the room mechanically but
found no one. I may remark that I am not
unuuty excited.
aiu seldom astonished, and
,, . .
sualiy termed superstitious.
am noi what is usua
.v lew n"iuent8 auerwaru we ueara a suc
cession of piercing shriek? from the nursery.
I followed my wife composedly into the room,
and found my children lying on the fl tor.
jMary bad becu kicked out of bed, as she in
formed ine, with great trepidition, and Johnny
had the contents ot the pitcher emptied over
his innocent head. Both had becu spanked
a careful examination convinced cue of this
fact. I picked up the half ciai darliugs and
endeavored to soothe their alarm and bought
my apartments with comIlcss, although I con
fess 1 was at a lots to account for this singu
lar dieturbauce.
lleaehiog our tleetio apartments with my
wifj, 1 threw myself on a chair to reflect,
wLeu it was instantly plucked ficin beneath
lue, and I scatd myself involuntarily upon
eeYi-rau of tuy wife's hir pins, iuflietiug a
painful but not daogcruus wound.
I was naurtiSel but not frightened.
Instantly tuy wife was dragged froai her
a a I a
couch by the hair of ber head iu a most uu-
preceiited mauner, thii-e aroual the room, j
wLiitf chorus of sepuenrai voices, chant.u tae .
popular litgro refiaio:
-O: biiint I glad
Come out tt the wilderness."
After outbriii;' for iiaic, as I judged
from ber shrieks: she w ai litied violently to
thu cetliug, wiit-re the remained bUipeuded j
1 made beveral.tlTurts to remove her, but j
with uo tiTect. I concluded to let her re- j
u-aiu where the was, while I proceeded with
my investigation. I immediately took uiy
cudireu iuto the nearest teigLbors, first U-kiu-'
the rrecauiiua to teil mv wife to remain
where fche wa3. white L eudcavoiei to Calm ;
Oa entering the bouse the aspect of things
had uiaieii-iiiy chi,ngt.d. A IrtR.p of btrij-ed
motikeys, with their tai!3 partly burnt cli,
but jet smoking in a noxious and disagreeable
u.abuer, occupied the centre of the parlor.
The ceileings and curtain were fesstoueJ with
rattlesnakes A few ouraog-outaugs were
going up and down the bell rope, hand over
hand, white an equal uuiaber of chimpanzees
sLiuued up i.ud tXown tne bannisters. The
back room bad been changed into an acurute j
reprtbeotatiou of the last scene iu Lucrezia
Borgia. A beiug, I shall cot attempt to de- I
scribe was t-eated upon a coffiu. beating a
thighbone oa a skuil iu imitation of the an
vil chorus ia 11. Trovatore, while a uuiubir :
ot bow ttreug eunuch were chautiug the '
Mircrc, from the same opera. Tfce etiect, 1
observed to taj wife, was inharmonious. My j
graudlather, maay years, deceased, was sit- ;
ting ou a tombstone, singing negro songs. ;
I rota the open window, a distant view cf
Lone Mouuiaiu. lit up by bengola lights, com
pleted the tableau. The kCeue was unusual,
and to many might have teeu thought strauge.
I was, 1 confess, astonished.
1 immediately discharged my firearms iuto
the entry, without waitiug to observe the ef
fect. 1 moved the next day. -dy wife re
joined me the next morning, but was suueriug
trom a severe headache, which L attnoutea
to having been 'up' the night before.
btrict veracity impels me to state that I
did not see pike3. Nor did the lights 'buru
blue.' There was a disDOsition in the cau
dles to run down one i-iae and 'gutter.' which
I attribute to the lufenor quality of the ada
mantine. As 1 think this matter requires explanation,
you are at liberty to publUn my real name,
which you will fiud io the Directory for 1SG0.
Also my resideuca and oocupatioo.
tP. Tbe lady who "knit her brows,w has
cpmmenced a pair of Jocks. Her sister was
choked with indignation. Her brother went
away in dismast, and returned in a steataer.
A cousin weot iuto the rope line the other
d,. was bang. Her husband 9tarted on an
enterprise gone to Australia to cscapo the 1
Tall gentlemen are always successful,
bec-tupe the Udies ar ill in faror cf hymen.
i in LiioMfkrifi itu rir-ii' inv .iiii iiiit-N vt u a i -- .
- r 0 . . 1. . a WU la-'h A. Ilwlt I uaj r a u . u-Mtt.aiv j . i
"-t"-;- -7 -j furujt, iu l0TtQ of V, ancs'.-ur to-k a ! a'4 trmmos wn-j io.mca see lie-
appeared actuai.y uignteucu ,.bi.M Ju hl,bi,3 - fllH.t hcr r,a. J I.e. He waj ,uhj,ct ihe crown at his b
i proeurej a quanu.y o. urc rui, r re- , - , - , ari!j hrid tfee the struggle of the 11,
paired to tLe Luufl Ting ; to prote tUe peUt,sy.vauia tine to be married, where j tion-t!: creation t f an emr;re. He is
utrry t H.u'vk' ' f- , , t the ceremony c-uld be terformei without a te most mterfstiag man in tL
, i wa. cot juMiucJ, Lut ructiy coou i j .ju-e h Wero accoc.p-iof.d ! i'J si c-a'Joa aud by pers- na! worth, and
. " ?vu' " ,cw. "V1.1' ruvr l fturfcd -irl of W thirty teven summers. ! 'y cf life when to ,he mass of maukind
8d ubnous, Jor 1 lett tne Cecssity ot Deiug luarfit.d anJ j ji,. vf tree braiu ba, stf
-t-t-rllll. (
A sLanghable Slorj.
The Mobile Register is responrible for tfce
fjllovring rnirtb provoking iDcident:
For twenty-three years old Jtvke WillarJ,
bas TtlrIv!ttrd tti ,f Ttallsrin f.inntr
J an-I drawn thrrefrorn a nprort for self and
wife He is chiiiles. Not Ion z ajo, Jate
left the house in earcb of a missing cow.
His Tontu led him through an
c!i wcrn cat
patch cf claj hod. cf about six acrs in ertf at
in the cntre cf which was a well, 23 or CO f.-ct
? ' " ''.ft v
pu-bed ibe inmates of a dnapidated henw near
by with water, la passing by tois spot, an
ill-wind lifted Jake's 'tiie' from bis heal, and
maliciously wafted it to the edje cf the well,
tnd'iri it 'tumble!. ' ' " ' " 1 v"
Now Jahe always practiced the virtue of
economy and be immediately sat about recov-
, eni'g the lost hat. lie ran to the wen. anl
hudiog it wd? dry at the bottom, he uncoiled
,u , L ,J , u ,
i the rope which bal brought for the purpose
iel. . ,
of capturing the truant cow, and after several
attempt to catch the bat with a nose, be can
e'uied to pve time by going down into the
well bi:iiclf. To accomplish this, be male
f.t one en 1 of the rope to a ftuiap hard by
and was quickly on Ids way down the well.
It is a fact, of which Jake wai m 1l? cb
livp.ns than the re-tier hereof, that Nod
Wells was in the dilapidated building afore-
i sail, tr.t an oi l yund nors?, with a Leii oa
his neck, who bal been turned out to die,
j was lazily grazing within a bhort distaLCC cf
the well.
The devel bioiself or some other wicked
I n. .1. V,t 1 Ir trt NT...lf n.r... 4 n .- n n lit
.i r i - i- i , t
I tie fun, so he quietly sl;rp-d no to the old
. t i 1 Tl u 11 . i
cd with hw measured "tiDg-a-llng" to the
edge of the well.
MJ 1 Jang that old blind horse?"' said
Jake, he's a comin this tjj- sare, and ain't
got no more sensa than to fall in here. Whoa
But the continued approach of the tiag-a-lirjg"
sail just as plainly as words that l il'
wouldn't vtboa JL-siJes. Jake was at the
bottO'it rcsstin
before trying to 'shin
the rope.
"Great Jerusalem!" said be, tbe old cuss
will b a top of me before I can iay Jack
llobinsoa. Whoa! dang yoa 'Bal,' whoa!"
Just then NVi drew up to the ede of the
well, and with his foot kicked a little dirt
j into it.
i Oh. Lord!" exclaimed Jake, fallir? nr.on
: t - t . i . .T r
Now I lay me down to slep-w-h-o-a
Ball I pray the Lord my soul to
now Oh! Iiori. have Liercy on
srml Whos. It. IV
Nd Cju!d htiin ni 0llr, aT!d
j . lt r frora Lis inZht, Le reveal- i
' cd himself
I :
Probably Ned didn't make tracks with his
i:. . .1... ,'1 T...l. T-l-
p to the tn of ir in hort order, and
miobt thitik he diiu't try everv night for
weeks to net a shot with bis riae at Ned.
Mabe nvt. I don't know. Bst I do know
if Jake Ends out who sent you this, it will be
the last squib you'll get.
Ilougii Ilrgliiiif iig of I tie Klcncy
muuii .
On U.'t Fiilay morain,:, an a'.hletie rcung
returned to lo pss tne uignt. l eo
ple at the hotel where the wedding stopped,
-jbscived that they conducted ihemseivts iu
rather a singular manner. The husband took
bis bister-iu-iaw. the tall feuia.e aferesah';
into one corner of the p-trlor ani talked ear
nestly to her, gesticulating wilJly the while.
Theu the t.s.11 ti.tuale wuiiii 'put doo ber
toot,' and talk to Liiu in au angry and txcite-i
manner. Theu the busbaud wo all take bis
fair young bride into a corner, but he could
no sooner commence talking to ber than tbe
giaut cistcr would ruh iu toetweeu them and
angiily j-iiu iu the conversation. TLe peop.e
at the hotel ascertained what ail this meant
about nine o'clock that evening There was
aa uproar iu the room which hid been con
signed to the newly married couple. Female
shrieks and mascuiiue wears,' startled the
people at the hotel, and they rusiied to the
spot. The gaunt female was prt-fsicg and
kicking against the door of the room, aul
the newly married man, mostly undressed,
was barring her out with all his iniht. Oc
casionally she would kick the door L-.r enough
open to uisciose the stalwart hiaabtid, ia bis
Gcutleman Greek Slave apparrei. It appear
ed that tbe tall female insisted upca occupy
ing the same room with the newly married
pair; that her sister was favorable to the ar
rangement, and that th husband had agreed
la it before the wedding took place, ana was
now indignantly retuuiating the contract.
'Won't you go away, now Susan, peaceful?'
said the newly married man softening Lis voice.
No. said bhe, '1 wou't so there!
"Don't you budge an inch!' cried tba mar
ried sister within tbe room.
'Now cow, Maria ' sail the young man
to bis wife in a piteous tone, 'dcn'i 0 fur to
cuttiu' up in this way; now elou'tl'
'I'll cut up as much as 1 waiter!" ahe
sharply replied.
Well,' roared tha desperate man, throw
ing the door wide open, and stalking out
among the crowd, 'well, jist you two wimin
put on your duis aud go right straight home
and bring back the old mau, and jour grand
father who is nigh on to a hundred; bring them
all here and J U marrit tlie icnAe u u ca-
Iwtdlt rf ''em, and ice' 11 all slttp together
The difficulty was finally adjusted by tbe
tall femal-i taking a room alone. WellsvUle
is enjoying itself ever th fHrn'atioa.
T ,- a . . . ' bv a sister of the girl a tad, gaunt ani sua-r.. i ll-c I - " n -l a v.oroas a .uect iu it
- jlmantlliU Crlde.
The JnJiuMjo!ts &iaie'mScxtifiel rcklfX tb
A barry. nnsepbisticated couple frcm the
rural districts got married on Tuesday laat,
and posted e2Fto Indianapolis to enjoy ib
first few days in fccicgtbc f-:gbts at the Stata
Fair. They rrt ftrpped at the American
House, where lliakle after r.czzliog Lis brain
to the utmost, was unabli to give tbeta a
ruo:n, and they w?ie obliged to be seperatec'.
On Wednes day night they tried another ho
tel with no better fcueces. The rosnis wer
all crowded and men bad to be bu idled to
gether ia ona room, sotue on tbeSoor, and
racked op any way, while ladies were serTed
iho sime q other root" appriatcd to thtlr use.
On Thursday, the nnhsppy couple in despair.
an l jioUsTed witb crowdii Letels, earcbrI
for and found a private boarding bouse. Tba
landlady fytnpathizcd with them and promised
if p"ssir'e that tbey ehould have a. room. Bat
on Thursday a perfect avalanche of peepla
came upon the towo, and the boarding bou
se? and p-ivate bouses as well as the hotels
Lai to make every thift to stow away as mac j
as poib!e at night. Our unfortuuate newly
married ptir heard with &i-may after tea, that
they wou d to bi scparafl again that
night. The groom looked bis diaj pointmeot
but the bride eouid not control her feeiiegs
and Llubli rcd cut as she ttj-mpc J her foot
oa the 11 or Fvc gr-t my bead tet cn it, anl
I won't be scparettd from bim any mare.
TLo boarders suortcd and o.Tcrcl to sleep oa
the streets or any way. but the landlady would
not allow it, and Jim bai to take a berth on
the carpet, away fooi bis weeping bride, for
the th.ra rug
a fair.
t. Never Lricg your brida to
Grave or Lafayette.
A Paris C5rresp.-!aicnt furnishes a vf ry in
teresting account of a recent visit to the toab
of the La fayatte family, in the rear of &
chapel at No. 35 ilue de Pie pus. in Pari.
He says: We asked the guardian why thers
was not a monument over t::e grave of Lay
fayette, and be replied that Louis Philippe
(who aimost oaeJ his position to Layfayette)
had always opposi.-u any national movement
iu that way. and that the other families who
owned vaults there now object to any inva
sion upon thfe affected simplicity of the place.
It is, nevertheless, a disgrace, a disgrace that
there is not a Mrgle monument in Frane.
i nt
evtn over
is irrare
ta the memory of thi
In France there ara
Ieilt a:ii ?UI? I'lrull
to niacy parties, aad s many political opin-s
ions that it 1 n .l
; . - , .
! Out1 is found to t-e
ange j-eraaps, that no
the initiative ia 'turb
a measure, for here thu merjory of Layfayett
u j.s s:id tnemieb as well as friends; but tba
i Americans who only know Liyfayttte as the
f" 1 ,v:u?.:is?f j saicr.
i r r . . j . . - i- , ...
I1""'. ir-rriui u.c wiiiiuve. Al
eoai , ti.a j r ; rm j ia-e ie inr.iiiive. Al
j tUer r,-(l:j-"-- " s improbable that either lh
j Govert-meut, or the relaiires, cr tie ether
j owuers of vaults ia the Cemetery of Bicpus,
wouia oner cuy serious ol'jecuon.
The mczt ialercFiivj Juan inline Cnt'on.
Hon. Josiah Quiuey will maintain, if be live,
his liiue'icth binbdsy in February next. He
vrns a sutst of John Haaootk at a brilliant
dinner party. He hal been tLe associate of
There iivtd ia DucLe-s county, a frtr
years ah, aa Irishwoman, whom we wi!l call
Mrs. Fiynn. Si-e was a widow, bad bad oca
bon, cs ied Ltrry. Mrs. Fiyaa was the best
man of the two, an i did the figh.'iog of the
family. One day the i-herifT called cn ber
to coheet bar Uses, and. as the oil lady was
opp-oea to pajiug her debts, an altercation
eusuel, in which Mrs. Flyn used soa.e Tery
strong laoguag. Tbe theri.T at last, could
btand it lo- longer, an i to! J ber if he ctdy
wore the breeches be would knock bt r down.
Mrs Flytia ru to the dr. a&d caliiag to
Ltrry. who w-i s.t woik iu the gardep, said;
"Lwrry. ye divtl. criu! here here and give
me your Lrrecbcs. He bhant have apy ex
cuse for uo gUii-g an be nest lady baiisf-
A Ship Cuinil in Jl'tnvit. Tbe cit'rern of
Chicago nave uvived the original tcheme of
the latncis and Michigan Caual, which con
prised a ship caLul ot huScteut capacity l.t
float the lig,---sr class of ve-sls that ctuli
navigate the Illii.oia iivcr, but which was
giveu up fjr ibe want cf rncarrs, after a con
si iei able portica of tbe work Lad been con
structed upon tlt plan, and completed for
oriiuaiy canal boats only. Tbe prohabla
cost bj estimated at frora ten to twenty tail
lions of dollars. Tbe concentration of tbe
commorce aad interests of a vast region ia
Chicago stems to warrant this gigaatio enter
prise. sT'P?
tell use wba. U a vir-
'To be sure I can. Juanicy.
Well. tbic. will y b JW d-ila it?
Yes. ji.M; ii a wotcan that bi eer been
marriel -t all.'
Be je in airnest, Pa;:'
les. Jimmy. .
The saints in Heaven ba praisd, then!
My mother is a virgin; icy father never mar
ried ber at all, sure."
.Sorneboly desctibing ths appearance
of a man dancing a polka, says:
Tie locks as though be bad a hole in bis
pocket, and was trying to ehaxe a shilling
down tbe leg of bis troasers."