r IT & R A. iff n if? i i if i4 K- It THE ELFSSIXGS OT GOTEEXMENT, I.IKE THE DEWS OF SHOULD E5 DISTKIfcTTTED ALTE"E CPOS THE IIIGlf 1XD TOE LOWj TJiE E1CH AM TliE POOF.. ... ' '''' ' ' " ' t vnr !i4 SERIES. EBBNSBMG,' Pi WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, I860. VOL. 7SO. 50. -5 , rv ,V U ' 4 i 4" r E R ?I S : ; IIEJIOCRAT & SKNTINEL' IS PUB j !'-h?l every VoJacsJay Morning at .jP li-ar and Fifty Cents per annum, ;n ".Iranccj Oxe Dolt.au and Skventt ,t Tests if not pax 1 w'.thin six months, an-.l r L) llaf-3 if not paid until the termination :ii ve.ir. 'Sjs"i;s:rii'tion will ha taken for a sLortei .'; t'riii six r.iontlis. an-1 no subscriber will be "bortv t- .liscontinue liis paper until all ar-r.-f.:-9 pii'l, excopt at tlie option ol the '.x per.-in enl'pcril'in fsr eix months will bo ,ri ass r"LTAR. nnlftss th? money is paid Advertfslns: Katers. Otit insert" n. Tcn do. Three do 12 lines $ 50 21 line--1 1-00- $ 75 $1 00 1 CO 2 0) 2 00 3 00 C do. 12 do 5" CO $5 CO 4 50 0 00 7 00 12 00 0 00 14 CO 1 0 ?. mrrtt'i'. fi ro 10 00 15 00 12 oo 20 00 j 22 CO S5 00 crr.cnts rou be marked with i .Wired, or they will be j ' r.'i". , :i:vl ci.nr.jroi! ar cort'inplj. Ti? 'jrvsr.'jPTivrs .id xm; vo us si'Ft ehkhs. ,ibf,orn"r, for several yurs a resilient i, lis.'oere 1 tvr.ile tl'ere, n simple vegeta- ly t sure cure fr Cin$in:ptin, As!h :i -'ii'i-f, G!y?t. Ci! ' !.. awl Xcrccitx Jie- F ! t'ie beiielit of Consumptives and .r S ifa-ers, lie is willing to- make the t:: v.-uo tiesire u. ue wm sen a luc Lve c -a, v.-itli full diixv tior.s JiceJ" charge): - of the medicine, wlncu they will i'.-.v.r.frd combiiiafion of Nature's simple ... T desiring the remedy- can obtain it i.i:iil, by ad !res.-!7T J. Ih ClTTIir.EIiT. BXToMO PUYSICfAN-. 7o. -521 U.'H I.vav New York. i;r.. 1?, l-.-G0.-:"m. ;r.::uur.G foundry iiavixg Pr d.:-c 1 the entire Pt-ek and fixtures of the . z r..-fv'ry,.the .ub..-enb(-r is prepared f.rmc-rs and . V. era with ' u-vmz "f any kind that may be needed in ; attention to the bnntjs of the eoTi--.'.L-':.-.; e. to nierit, and tru.-ts he will receive .'yr.'. pm 'nae from those in want of articles A"di-i-;n:.-s d .ne at the Foundry. EDWARD GLAD'S. y.:,::,-,-ti. PHILADELPHIA. .. ','.', .'.'.T-i r- l iUi-l.el hi; tjKcial En i- r i,c Ldi.! if lue lite; and J)is rtil..ii oi'l JJpl-lcn.ic f;r V.c Cure i f Dis- i. i ...':la;v: f :::i':ca:. A!v:n: :rr, by t!:e t ..'.! who ."ply by letter ei- e. .i.ipti-.r,, (hct", ec;- 'y. XiTt'ecin- - !iri.'..-t..d free of c'r.arge. VALL'ABLK UHPOIITS en S c nuatorrhcea, t:., i.;,c f the Sexual Or-tns, and en -VLW ilKMKl)IE err ployed in the Dispen- tn e ot Tw or three Stamps for will t ax-erptaV-e. AMpvs Dil. J. SKILLIX HOUGHTON, z Surs.x r., II .ward A.vs..'iation. No. 2 .'a Nin? h S-re r.ii.'.-.d.dphiii. Pa By oider VJZW I. IIF.AnT'sVF.Td., Present. ' FA I ;:Cr f ILD, Sc- rd'ir'j. S. I j0. ly. BARGAINS ! BAHGAIK3 ! ! W (xF-OCEitY bTUilil. ' ':a Itrsimcd would respectfully brig leave 1 I'dr.forni tiie citizens of ELcnibiirr and vi- r. tiiitLe ha? just received, at his f-tore n d.v,r Wc-vt of Davis & Lloy.l's Store, l'y an ! fr vh lot of G r ocerics, which he of- ik cheap for Cash or country Produce, v.k :or.sists in part of the fallowing arti- COPFEE, TEA. IlICLASSES, TOSACCO. SEGAFtS. CHEESE, FISH. BACON. AND THE iTOF FLOUR APJD CORN MEAL. '-iC'ers oil hand a lare and we'l selected 'a.; Ilooks and Stationary, Notions ..ry e.vap. -;t- Ly strict attention to business to receive a full share rf public palr-'n-.'-- f-e!s satisfied his stock is good and he -ichoipas any other house in town- - . EVAN E. EVANS. it. Aug. 17, 18G9.tf. WAR IN MEXICO. . J. EVANS & SON, 'Etla3 day received from the East, and ; onng to the citizens of Ebcnsburg and ti fo!l selected asaortmcnt of and HOYS' CIJTIIIG. vf .1!01 of GOODS, consisting in following articles, viz: ;- r7rs, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SKIN'S. SATINETTS, TWEEDS, J-'S, FLANNELS, MUSLINS, D"h.S.S GOODS of every style, vrrrrnvc: .CKhlEs, FJSui SALT, &c., &c, "".a ucu other articles as are u.suauy iciutry sojrt-, which they will depose T - t -rta- or c"a!1,r3r prlaee. .i '':T.vdcrlr;g business will be c.irrie i on ..',' ac,!es ai w.Ttk will be done in short - t, a tne most reasonable terms. -rc,rcb. 1, isoo.-10-tf. AS?AI,A51 KOPtLK. J ,? Clinton Street, a. few doors nnrtl eft! corner of Main and Clinton. :-;-:trf BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND - hONXETS. TRUNKS. CARPET r;A3 s STATIONARY. HARDWARE, i rrfl Gil 1 hV M t?Vil ? G 'i xreoi SEAB WHAT THE PEOPLE BAT. ' The nndersierie'l hfivin? n?pi Profwr HUMPnEEYS 6PECIFIC HUMOPATiIIC KEMt3ltS In our families with the most satisfactory results, and having fall confl uence In their penuineness, purity, anJ eaicary, cheerfully fommenil them to ail persona who wish to have safe, re liable, and efficacious remedies at hand for private or do Cietlo use. The Rev. TVm. IlosmPr, eJitor of " The Northern Inde pendent," Aobum, N. T. ; the Rev. E. IL, Crswy, J.D., Ssetor of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, S. T. ; the Rtv. B. I. Ives, ChpIoin of tlie Auburit StHte lrison; the Rev. Bpeacer M. Rice, Rector, New-Eedfonl, Mass. ; the Rev. Allen Steele, New-fork Conference ; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, tst-Oenesee Conference, N. T. ; the Kev. P. 3. Trait, Dorset, Tt. ; the Rev. John E. Robie, Buffalo ; A. C Ifart, Esq., Utica, N. Y ; the Hon. Neal Dow, PortlsnJ, Jle. ; the Hon. Schuyler Coirax, South-Bend, Ind. ; the Hon. Georce Humphreys, N. Y. ; llt-ury i. Cook, Ksj., Euitor of The Ohij ttate j Hirnul, Co'umlMi, Ohio; the Uon. It. U. Graham, Moiine, 111. ; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monti cello, Fia. ; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, Ctica, N. Y. ; Wra. Bristol, Esq., Utica, S. Y. ; A. 3. Fond, Eiq., Ctica, JJ. Y. ; James Pluuketl, Ei., SashTille, Teaa. t - LIST OF SPECIFIC r.niIEDIE3. No. 1. For Fever, Concrestlon, an l Inilammation. No. 2. For WT.nn Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. No. S. Fur Colic, Crjing, Teetliing, and Wakefulness of Infants. Sa. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaints. No. 5. For Colic, C-Hplnrrs, Pyentery, or Bloody Flax. No. C. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7. For Couclis, CoMs, Influenza, and Sore Throat. No. 8. For T.xrth-aohe, Face-ache, and Neuralgia, No. 8. For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the Head. No. 10. Dtspepsta rn.t For Weak and Deranged Etomach, Const: pr.tion, end Liver Complaint. No. 11. For Finals iRJutGCLABiTiE.-t, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12. For Lencorrhea, Trofuse Mensc3, and Bearing Down of Females. No. 13. For Croup, noarse Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14. Salt KriEijM Pills For Erysipelas, Eruption, Pimples on the Face. No. 13. KnitrMATic Pills. For P.i!n, Lameness, or Sore Bess in the Chest, Baclc, Loins, or Limbs. A. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old irsmanriel A?nm. P. For Piles, Diind or Bieedln?, Internal or External. O. rVr Sore, Vvi:;, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids; Fall ing, Weak, or IJIurre 1 Siht. e. Fr Cr.tarrh, of V ftarnilng or recent, etllisi ttTth 0t ruction i t profiue di-tcliarye. w- C. F..r W.ijoj,i,:g touch, abating !tj violence nj Cl.irteni.'ifr its co-.irre. In ii acute ureases, euch as Fevers, InCommations, PUrrht, Iv3et:tery, t'reup, P.aeunintism, and 'ich erup tive diser.es -ui gcark-t Fever, Measles, and Ery:pe!as, the iiva;::se of frivii; the pro-.r rernedit-s promptly js 0t. vious, arul in all such cases the speciScs act like a charm. The t:.tire ui?e.ise is of;en arrested it once, at d in ail cases the vk'erice of the r.t:m s U Lioderatcd, U.e disease ehort eae.l, ail ren-iered l.?ss danreroos. Court. aiid Colus, v l:i'h are of such frcinnt occurrence, Ed iri.ic:i so ;t-a lay tle foundation of dis"as"i l-jcirs, broncLitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by tlie F-ver and C urf: P):;s. la all chronic di?eas-s, uch as Dr'per"!!, V.'ea Stomach, Coni-.i;.h.titin, Liver Complaint', P:i-s, Wxuale L-c-iiity, and Irreir'irities. eld Hea l.iches, Sre or Wesk Eyes, Cutarrb, palt Kt.eum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics whoe-; proper application will afford a cure in almost every Instance, often the cur- cf a si'iirle chronic difficulty, such ma Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female "Weajc nes, hia more Uiau paid f.r the case ten truies over. pr.icE. Cas- of C.I via's cor'j.t-te, !n r.:oroe;o, ai l Boole 5 Cofj of JM v.;, ac-l It :dr, plain 4 Care 01 1.. t.u j:.-ere-i bcsi-i, end L j..w 2 Cv of 6 r-anibere1!, a"..l B'-k 1 B.nc'e numbered bo..-s, vt:h ctlrc-tii-n LT, ccr.is. F":i,r lettrre I b X"?, i"h ii:r-c-J..LS. lr) ceU. Lare ca of 2 or. vials, for p'.aaters asi phiiiiij..il5 ALSO SrCTFICS. poa ATn- Prrrt::sir. Oppressed, Difficult, Labored P.rcnthir.-, a'tendel v.i:h Cuujii ard ExpcctjraUa. Price, tO c-;s jier eje IVe Ear Discharges ad D'Arsi-.?. D'.char? from the Far. the res-iit cf Scarlet F-ver, Jlf5ic, or Mf-r-viri:;!. For Xoiei ja the Head, Kantr.evs of ilear":!:, and Kin-'.r.g la the Kiirs, a:.d F. ir-ache. Price, SO c LU itr b- x. y H n-s'-fth. y.r.lrc I GlTr. li., Eirlar-T- i a:-. ! lr"?urat ed T-'.".ls, f wellirM and f " 1 l leers, Scrofulous Cachexy of C:.ii-re. Price. V cen's --r I'T. FfR Ginre"..ti. 1)sb'litt. Iy.ical cr Nemc W?3new. Either t'ie result of c;ckne3, Kr.ce?s:-.-e Jt'licauon, or Lx-l.ai;-iin ri-rharres. Price, Id re:.U VT I "ML Foa L"nrsr. Fluid AccumTiliiior.s, Tuu.id StcI!!;:, vrlth Ecnty rVcre'.i'rs. rrice, f-0 cen;s j.er box. For t,CA-S?TC!CrJs. Dea:! ly tickro, Vert'yo, Nanses, Tcnitinj. f .ciaeis from riiiii: or mc::i.n. Price, tO cents per box. Foa Uars ait Diseases. For Gravel, Rial CalccT!. D:S cult. Painful Urination, Diseases of tic- XiJsej. Price, U) certs pr box. For Sei5l Emssroxs. lnvr.luntry IVscharpesi anil Consequent Prostration and Debility, lUid Kesulu of Evil llahi-j. T! most successful and efLcient remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, fl per box. Per.n ho wish to pHce therr.e!vcs under the profes sional rare, or t swk R'lvice of Prof. Hcxphrkts, can do m, at his office Droadway, daily from b A.il. to S P.M. or by letter. OCK F.EMEDIE3 BY jrAIL. Lo&V over the Est ; make up a case of what kind yea choose, and Inclose the amount in a current note or etainra by mail to our address, at No. .V"2 Broadway, New-York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express, free of rhnrre. AGENT3 WANTED. We desire an active, fic!er,t Ar-nt for the sale of our Remedies In everv town or community hi tiie United States. Address Ir. K.'Hf MPHRKYti A Co. No. 62 Bkoadwav, Xkw-Yosc. For sale in Fbensburg, by E. J. MILLS. 3Iay 2, 16G0.-ly. MA1TH00D, Eow Lost, How Restored. T Just Published, in a Sealed EnreUipe, A Lecture on the Nature, I'rcalmcnt and Radical Cure, of Spenaufurrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Invoinntary Emissions producing Impotency, Ojnsumption and iltntal and I'jiysical Debility. BY P.OS. J. CL LYEUWELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful consequences of Fclf-abuso rna- be effectually removed without of caust'c;;, instruments, medicated bouios, and ctlier empirical devises, is here clearly tlemonstra tcxl. and the entirely new and h'shly sucee-v-ful treatment, as ad-pted by the celebrated author fully explained, by means of v.-hL!i every one is cn-iblcd to cure himself perfectly, and at the least polit ic- co.st, thereby avoiding ad the advertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, xst paid, on the receipt of two postacre Etamps, by addressing Dr. CIL J. C. KLINE, M. D., 480 First Avenue. New York, Post Box 4580. July 25, 18C0. April 11, ISCO.-Iy. TOI1N II. ALLEN tV CO., NOS. 2 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water,) PHILADELPHIA. (The Oldest Wood-ware IIocE, m the Citi.) jroi ufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine made 'BROOMS, Patent Grooved CEDAR-WARE, ir,irranll not to shrink, WOOD & WILLOW WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of r.ll descrip tions. Please call and examine our stock. Mnrch 4,1857. ly.-- FUlLADELPIIiA Wood MOULDING MILL Willow street, above Twellth, north tide MouIl;ngs tn; table for Carpenters, CuiUeri, Cab. inct and Frame Makers, always on hand. Any Pittern worked from a drawing. Agents wasted in the various Towns in his portion of the State; to whom opportunities will-bo offered for largo profits to themselves. SILAS E. WEIR. February 17, 1858:tf . C. U. MURRAY, Attorney at Lair, Kbtutbnrgt Pa. OFFICE OPPOSITE CRAWFORD'S HOTEL. inarl7,1853 A 6UPERLATTVC TONIC, DIURETIC; jkMn IHYBSHMIKa CORDIAL TO TJIE C1TIZEXS OF NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA, ArOTHECAEIES, DUVGCISTS, GliOCERS AND Tiil- vate Families. Wolfe's Titre Cognac Braudy. AV'olfe'n Pure Ma'cleria, S Kerry & Port Wlite. Wolfe's Pirc a n; rt t ca nml st. Croix Rtim. Wolfe's Pure Crotch n-l 7rtsh Wlilskrj-. ALLlMSUXTLKii. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United Ktf.tes i the above Wines and Li quors, imported by Udolpho Wolfe,' of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this conn try fur the ' purity of his celebrated- S7t .Seiwis. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter me, speaking of the purity of his Y"ines and Liquors, says: 1 will slake my reputatiou as a man, my standing as a nicithant of thirty years' residence in the City of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle arc pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the pro prietor's name on the wax, and a fac simile of his t-ignature on tha certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for them selves. For sale at Retail by all the Apotheca ries and Grocers in Philadelphia. Geokge II. Asiiton. No. 832 Market st., Phila. Sjle Ajent fr PhPadJjJiia. Read the following from the New York Courier. Enormous Business or one Nc:r 1'crk ZTer than!. We are happy to inform our fellow-citi zens that there is oue place in our city where the phjsician, apothecary.-and country merchant, can izo and purchase pttra Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best qualit-. We do not intend to cive an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it i will repay auy stranger or citizen to visit Udol pho Wolfe's extensive 'warehouse, Nos. 18. '20 and 22, Beaver street, an lNcs. 17, 19 and 21, rarketfield street. His stock cf Sehnapps on hand ready for shipment cor.l 1 not have been le-s than thirty thousand cases; tlie Brandy, Fomctcn thousand cases Yiutagc-s of l83r t3 18o'J; and ten thousnud cae of Madeira, Sherry a;.d Port Viue, Scotch and Irlli Whisky, Jamaica and St. Cr.ix Rum, some very eld and equal to ar.y in this country. He also had three larje cellars. fUIed v.ith Brandy, Wir.e, &c, iu casks, under Oustom-IIouse key. rea.ly for bottling. Mr. WoltU's s;!es of Schnapps last year amounted to one Lundred and cightj- thousand dozen, and wc hoptf in less -taan -two j fars lie may be equady suecr.hiul with Lis Brandies and Wir.es. Ills business merits the patrcnr.gc of every lover of his species. Pi ivatc families who wish pure Yriues and Liquors f.-r mtlieal r..e should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Ajothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stutt" from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommo dation of Fraall dealers ia the country, puts up assorted cases of Wiues and Liouors. Such a n.an, and such a mrrcluint. shrdd 1; sustained atrairst his tens cf thousands cf opponents in the United Slates, who f.!1 nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. September 12, l&CO.-Gm. HEW G0OBS FOR SPRING &, SUf.'.PtlER. Just received, and for sale at reduced prices, a full supply of fctaple and Fancy Goods, consist ing of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, and a large variety cf otlier suunuut- wear for men and boys. 200 pieces of Prints, Ginghams, Lawns and other Fancy Dress Goods. Brown and Bleached Muslins, Cheeks and I-'ancy Shirtings. Flannels. Stella. Cahmcrc, mid Merino Shawls. Iloiserv. Gloves. Notions, MADE-UP CLOTHING, HATS ANJ) CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, All Wool Carpeting, Hemp p.nd Cotton do. at from 15 to 23 cents per yard, Floor Oil Cloths, QUEENS WARFi STONE AND EARTHEN WARE, GROCERIES DRUGS & MEMCTNES, HARDWARE AND CUTLETY, Linseed and Whale Oils, Window Glass, Paints, Yarnisli and Turpentine. Fish. Salt, I'lour, Iron, Nails and Steel, Manil and Hemp Ropes, of different sizes, O.tton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Sec, Ae., all of which will be sold at the rery lomest price?. ' E. HUGHES. Ebensburg, May 9, ISCO.-tf. LADIES' CHOICE ! FRIDLEY a CORNMAN'S SELF-SEALING AND SELF-TESTING, AIR TIGHT, rREMIU3I FRUIT JARS CANS! These Jars and Cans being perfectly simple in their arrangement and requiring no cement in order to make them nir-tigktanj one of ordinary judgment can hermetically seal them 35"mP'y screwing the cap down tightly after the fruit has been put in hot. Besides their simplicity and case of adjustment and the impossibility of stoppers blowing out, &c, the greatest advantage is that you can at any time seethe condition of yemr fruit by sim ply looking at the top of the cover. If the gum gasget is concave the fruit is good; if convex it is going to spoil, but will "always show itself iu time to bo saved. t. Tlie absence of this test has ever leen a matter of anxiety, and frequently of serious loss to those putting up Fruit or Vegetables. . These are advantages which no other Fruit Jars or Cans in this market possess. Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail by the subscriber, owner of the right of Somerse t and Cambria counties. . 1 Quart Cars, $2,25 per. dozen. 2 " " 2,75 ' " . 4 " , " 4,00 " " A liberal discount made to tl.c:;e purchasing six Jo;'A?n cr r.orc at cne liuo. .Address your orders to - , T. Yr. HAY.' - , - - Johrstowu. CumlTia Co., Fa. . ; Johnstown, July 18, 18C0.jtf. ' .'-,: "' SST JOlf'SVOliK of all Linda done at this vjji.ee. f MISCELLANEOUS. TnE! HAUNTED HOUSE; ' ' OR, THE SCCRET PAXEL. Br A. E. GBEY. I Lad just returned from boardiug school to my native Tillaga of S , in England. congratulating myself on tho prospect of roaming once more beneath its shady trees, and resting under tho time-worn roof of the old family mansion. My mother had died in my cbiliboud; and I was left to the caro of my fatherHcj? paid very little attention to rue, Bntilwy -Ihtrteenth year, when I was sent off to Mme! Lomond's echool, some three hundred miles from home. It was vcrv sel dom that I heard from onr village; indeed, a letter was a strange thirg to mo, and if bv cbancs I received olo from my father, and epened it, crpecting torealire a rich feast out vi na couivuid, l iouna it uiica up wua such sentences f.s these: "lie a good girl, an! lenra your lessons;" and "Ha careful and not make a fool of youreelf among the well edu cated girls who attend with you." Not one word of kiodnes3 or love. I never returned home during the holidays; when I first caught sight of mv birtli-nlace. so after leaving school, I was seventeen ycar3 of age; a fearless girl, possessing but Httlo beau ty, but. I must say, a good education. Oh how every thing was changed at home. The old house had been partly torn down and rebuilt, and tho old tree that used to stand by the tide of the house, and shelter my little rooia from the glare cf the sun, tad been cut down, an ! cither conveyed away or burnt for fire-wood. The grounds Lad been renovated; j aau a lawn ia;d oat btuore tho Louse; and what wis tho causa oi" all this change? I soou found out, Dij father Lad marriel during my absence. His second partner was a widow of some personal Leauty, not quito past the mciidiaa of life, rossesslurr no crorertv whatever. Sho had come to tho village eoiue two years tf'.er I bad bft, bearing upon her person her credentials of widowhood in tho chapo of a black dress and shawl; also a bonnet and a very long veil of the same Eombre hue. I know liOtbing of the courtship or caue of my father uniting himself to a strange woman, but I do know that I found her installed with in my father's house, and that I Lad a step mother. &he welcomed me very coldly, and I was not backward ia following suit." My father greeted ma mora cordial! than I bad exrected. lie looted haggard and eare v.xrn. "Wuat wa3 the matter? Had he failed in basiness?" I aiked, with solicitude;, (though I knew the latter wa3 almost impos sible, aa he was possessed of some means, au 1 rcver speculated.) Defora ho Lad . time to answer, my stepmother spoke: 0! be has been very unwell, for some da3-3, with a se vere cold." After talking awhile longer I arose and went out upon the lawn. I then walked a few steps down upon the shrubber ies, whero I observed aa oil man at work. whom I tLourrht I reeoznized as a raaa of all wort, who Uied to to about tne rifiea wuen 1 left home. I Lai not forgotten his nauie, so I called to him: "Peter! Peter'." Tho old man turned elowly aroaad. "Don't you know mc? I am little Alice," said I. He gazed upon iue for a few moments, and then he stretched out his brown and withered hands, and grasping mine, he said: "Yes, indeed, thou art little Alice, who used to play around the grounds some four years ego, if I mistake mo not. Thou art like thy mother." Here a tear-drop fell froui the old man's eyes upon the grass. Did yoa ever see my mother? I asked. Ycs, yes; she was too good for this world; but 3-et her i-piric docs not rest.' ' 'What do you mean?' questioned I. .The old man said not a word, but taking mc by the hand, he led me around the side of the mansion which had been inhabited by my mother when alive, but which was now and Lad been thut up for some time, and pointing up to the windows,, which were closed, he said,- in a trembling voice: 'At those windows, every night, at eleven o'clock, a glimmering light appears at the middle window. Do you sec it there?' Great Leavens, it was the very room in which "my mother breathed her List; I bad often thought of its gloomy hangings and ths large panels set within the walls, for our house was of ancient build. Hvening was drawing to a close, so I bade the old mau good night, with iny mind male up but to one purpose, which va3 to spend the night in tho room where nay mother died. I was a bold girl, unlike many others of my sex; I bad "never known fear, at least the fear of ghosts, spectre lights, iio.,'Sis. In fact,I considered thceeJthi.n3 an cgrigeous humbug. " v I crossed the lawa ana cntorcd the house, and W3S soon seated at the tea table, where I broached the subject, and asked them to pre pare the room, my stepmother demurred a little, but at last seeing that I was bent upon having my own way, she consented. Aly father said nothing, wliich. did not surprise mo, as be was always".' taciturn. Bed time came, I took in my Land a candle and pro ceeded slowly up staler, and entered the 'room; a bright fire was burning ia the grate, and as it cast its bright rays upon the black hatgi;.g8 of tbe bed and furniture, it would see;u to a disordered imagination, as if a thousand demons wcro dancing within the chamber. I laid down upon tho bed without disrobing osl before I knew it, I was locked in slum ber. ' ; I was awakened by tho noise of footsteps in tho bo ; o true? Joc3 the rnint oi my tho earlli;a faintucss caiue ovor Uio, but with an ciTort I conquered it, "and looked out upon room; I lay s stdl asloath; could it .-.sIble. I thougut 'to:igy5oif cap it bo dear. luotuer vlsii the room. There! yes," there lefore an open space wuicu nau dccd oncecovcrcu i-y a jmuh, stood a figure clothed 'unlike modern ghosts; iu a heavy black dress. I was horror-struck. AU at once the figure turned its bead. Great Leavens! it was my Etepmother! There she stood, staring me full in tho face, ber eye3 wide open. She was a somnambulist; but what cculd have brought ber here. Again she turned her head, but it was to gaze upon the recess. Angels defend me, it was packed for a space of Eix inches from the bot tom, with gold ccin, which glistened in the last rays of my fast expiring candle. It was a moment of excitement for me, I knew all. I arose softly from tbe bed, and went cut of the chamber, the door of which I locked, lcavhog thi key within. 1 then found my W3y to my father's chamber, and aroused him. and hastily cxplaiued what was going on within my mother's chamber He was all excitement; he Kd the way up to the chamber and anlockcd the door, we entered. I She still stood bv the orcn ranch cazinr' j - A l - O J npoa the treasure. My father ard I advan ced, and before I could stay Jrm ana, be Lad graped her by the shoulder; she awoka gave cne look at me, and then fell to the floor. At this moment tha candle shot out its last glare of light, and wc were in the dark, the Cre having gone out for want of fuel when I was asleep. A few minutes sufficed to reuse Peter, who slept in tho Louse, and we procured a candle; I stooped down and examined my stepmother, she was deal. Trota tho bosom of her dress a white paper Lad fallen out upon tho floor. It was a letter: I picked it up and opened it. Thb was its contents. "Joe the dth, 1S10. "Dear Doh. I have puereeded in retting about a thous and pounds t ut of the eld boy's cash hns, which I have iu a safe ph"o, until I can with safety 2y with you to America. 1 have found his former wife's jewels, but I do not know what they are worth; are you still at Dc ; hero was a blot. No more at present from your wif?. Emma D aktlext. For a short timo, Amelia Jerome." P. S. It is well to play the wilow fomo times: I know it is profitable for two years at least. K. D. This thoa cxpir.iccJ all; sho was a thief, and to ai l her first Lusband (if he wa3 such) she had married my father as a widow. Sums cf money had leen iiiiswJ time by time by my father from his cash box. and part cf it lay there within thtt re?-; but ny moth er', jewch we coal 1 not Sad. Wc ftool there wlihia that room, my father aL-d 1; Lis arm ida-sped me fondly to his bosom. Lis heart had been softened. Oil Peter murmured to him self, 'thaiik God that the ghost has been dis covered.' We involuntarily fell cpon our knees within that chamber, and thanked God for delivering us from our enemies, and we prayed that he might forgive the poor weak woman who Lad given up Ltr soul to gratify tho thirst of Eiua L,r Lis idol! gold! Tlie Jeweti-., A Tradition oftlic Itabbi, . The celebrated teacher. Rabbi Meir, Fat during tho wholes cf the Sabbath day in the public school, instructing the people. Du riu' bis absence from the he-uss his both son died, both of them of uncommon beauty, and enlightened ia the law. His wife bore them to the bed chamber, laid them upon the marriage bed, and spread a covering over their bodies. Ia tho evening the Kabbi Meir came Lome. "WLcrc are my two sons, Le asked "that I may give them my blessing? I repeated ly looked round the school and did not eco them there." She reached Lim a goblet. He praised the Lord at tho going out of tho Sabbath; drank and again asked "Where arc my sons, that they too may drink of the cap of blessing?" "They will not be far off," said she, and placed food before him that he might cat. Ho was in a gladsonio and genial mood; and when he Lai said graco after the meal, she then addressed Lim: 1 "Ilabbi, with thy permission I would fain propose to thee oue question. Ask it thou, my love," he replied. "A few days ago, a person entrusted some jewels to my custody, and now La demands them again; should I give tLtui up: This is a question," said llabbi Melr, "which my wife should not Lave thought it necessary to a;k. What, would thou hesi tate or be reluctant to restore to every cue Lis own." ".No," she replied, "but yet I thought it best not to restore them without acquainting thee therewith." She led him to tho chamber, and topping to the bed, took the white covering from the dead bodies. "Ah! my sons, my sonsT' thus loudly la mented the father; "my sons! the light of my eyes and the light of my understanding! I was your fatLer but yo were my teacbers in the law." The mother turned away and wept bitterly. At length sho took Lor husband by the band and said: "Kabbi, did'st thou not teach mo that we must not bo reluctant to restore that which wa3 entrusted to our keeping? See, the Lord gave, tho Lord Las taken away, and blessed bo tho name of the lord!" ' . "Dlossed bo the name of tho Lord! echoed Rabbi 'Meir, "and blessed be Lis namo for thy sake too; for well it is written, " Whoeso ever Lath found a virtuous wife, hath a great er tLan costly pearls; she opencth her mouth in wisdom, and in her tongue, is the law of kiadncss." If sonio men's bodies wer not straiguler than their minds, they would be crooked enough to ride upon their own backs. An nicphnnt ngc. Tbe following Freneby anfcJoto is transla ted for the lc ton tStturJjj' Kccniv.j On zcitc: At the last fair st Tarascon there were cf course assembled a troupe of gymnasts, jug glers, accrobats, and a multitude of menage ries, in one of which was an Asiatic Elephant remarkable for the largeness of Lis ctrs. Uis owner called Lim Kiculill. Among tho aeerobatic troupe was a maker of red balloons, recently so popular in Eng land and America. He travelled with the show, and seduced a coople of sous from the pockets of many a patron of it by selling Lim a balloon. A countryman stopped one day before the menagerie tent, and enticed by a jtlatcl rep resentation cf the fk-phant pold Lis money t see cim. Afionisnci ai ni? ssze ask cd tho balloon man as be wcut cut Docs that bca,-t bilng forth young, er lay eggs?' Without a moment's hesitation, the moun tebank replied He lays eggs.' I thought so.' And if you wish one, to afford you the Lafpiness of possessing, under your own rtc-f , an individual of Lis species, fjr a franc I u ill guarantee that you shall carry Lome what cj one else in the country postc-sea. The greenhorn did Eot Lcsitate to o2".r bis money, and the acrobat presented a icd b; 1 -loon. Heboid the egg I bad tbe honor to promise you. It is one franc only and only for you. because the Jarein dca Planets at Paris Lajs all my elephant's eggs at sis francs apiece, for thj Algcrino expeditions, where they use- all tie clepLants they can find frr the war against India. I chose the lightest egg I could Cud for you, that yoa might nrt wait too iong for it to batch. Its mother Laving already sat upon it many days, it will suffice you to wrap it up ia wool and lay it ia a dry place, to ob tain witLout expense and without effort, the magnificent Asiatic product which it contains! Astonishing! but bow iu regard to ruck ling him?' 'Kasy enough. No consequence whit quadruped nourishes Lim Lacking a cow, r sow, or even a goat, you can bring Lim up yourself on turtle soup.' TLo countryman depart cl, charmed with Lis prize, and to keep it safely as postible. wrapped it ia a Lluo cotton handkerchief which Le bad bought at the fair for Lis wife. Hut ia spite of all the care cf which the egg that bore kiouki 11 was the object, it s written in the Book of Det-tiuy that its pro prietor should not see it Latched ucler Lis roof. Some little distance from the village wbrrc our countryman resided rut-? a stream. He appreacbd it for the purpose cf imbibing the clear water. Fci the purpose of mAiug a cup with Lis Lands, Le deposited tLo pre cious burden on tbe ground. He drank free ly cf the water, then rising, tcrccd to Lis elephant's egg. lie looks to tho right sod to tho left, but no cgc! He looks above Litu sees the egg rising higher higher aul car rying with it Lis wife's handkerchief. He believed that the ticjhart was about to l-e hatched, and it was net long after the egg was out of sight that he returned Lome crestfallen. His wife asked Lim wLere tbe handkerchief was Le Lad promised to bring her. TLeu he narrated the entire adventure. The good woman epened Lcr eyes and ears and ?celag Lcr Lusbauds grief not eidy tt the loss cf the elephant; but of tho baa J ker chief, exclaimed: "Content yourself Lu.-banI; 111 be contf tt with my black Landkcrchicf. anJ l'ui glad to know the oor baby hasn't goae off with Bwaddlicg clothes!" Tlie lf'22y ImH'I. Some 'feller, (r,e think it was a morning newspaper typo) with ahankcring after an ciysiuui, thus signs Lis soul away. "Oh, is thero not a bappy laud A land beyond the sea Where j ot-pic smokes iu boundless lake.;, And dumplings grow on trees? Where gingerbread is found in stacks. And suiearcase by the ton. And wheu you do a job of work You get the 'ready John'? WLere Nature's lessens may be real. In every babbling brook? Where bumble bees don't sling a chap. And Ctuley cows don't Look?" "I was," said a rcverned gentleman, 'attending divine s-crvicc in Norfolk, several years ago. dutiug a season of great excite ment. While the efficiatieg clergyman was ia tho midst of a mofit iiittrestitg discussion, an old lady iu the congregation, arose, clap ped Lcr Lands, and exclaimed, 'Merciful Father, if I had one more feather in my wing of faith, I would lly off to glory.' The wor thy gentleaaau thus iutcrrupted, immediately replied, 4Guod Lord, stick it iu and let Lcr go, she's but a trouble here.' Tbat quieted tho old lady." Squire Jack was a cabinet maker and undertaker, known far and wido as a roaster workman. Oue day a couple came to bis effiee to get married. The man's face was f-uiiilar to the Squiro aud Le ordcreJ him off m this wise. "Begone, you scoundrel! you Lavcu't p'-id mo for your first wife's eofHn.'; A one d.dlar bill on a Decatur Illinois, bank Las lately come up Waring this inscrip tion. "This oue dollar bill is all I received for marrying Mary Somers and Jehu Bia! frd, after riding five miles in tho snow aud storm, and paying three dollars for a Loise. Samuel 11. Jonca, Clergyman." Perhaps, after all, Jones Lad the best cf the bargain. Tho number cf troops soon to bo sent to California aud Texss will exooed tne t'uou sand. Tho-jo for the former State are to o via tlie litbraus. t. o C O C D O