Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, August 29, 1860, Image 3

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0,1 4-li and 5th days of OCTOBER, l&UO.
y;,'.:. pmidtnts Daniel J. Morrell, Jonx
. ElaiR- Managers George J. llodgcrs, John
t'dLlaa, Dr. John Lowman, A. Kopclin, H. C.
peviue. Treasurer J. C. Noon. Secretary
.AUCTION. There will be on the second day
r the Fair an Auction, giving all persons a
hance to offer anything they may have, such as
""arsi'S. Colts, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs or Manufac-.
tureil Articles. The AuctioQ will be held on
'ae Fair Ground.
The Annual Address will be delivered by
JOHN' SCOTT, Esq.. at 2 o'cluck in the after-ao-n
of the last day of the Exhibition.
hirpre and varied Premium List has leen
rrprtre,i? and the Premiums, esjKciallyfor Stock,
.,e. b"?n n-eatly increased, (see large bills) ma
iw " it an object foi those having goiod Stock to
jt to the FAIR. The Managers assure
Republic thatfiich improvements will he made
ron the arrangements of the former Fairs a
make this by far the best one ever held by
';ie S'Kiety, and that such retrenchments will be
tni'le upoajfurmer exren litures as to insure the
npinnd jtaymcnt of all Premiums awarded. A
;0 l'l',:uid of Music, has been engaged and will
vie on the ixroimd during the entire Exhibition.
of A ,''"". Certificates of Momber
will issue at One Dollar mid will admit to
the entire exhibition t';i member, his wife, and
ill their children under twenty-one y-ars c" a-e.
Tii'kets gootl only for a single admission will is
sue at '2b cents. Children under 10 years of age
latfpru-e. Tickets go ,d for the entire cxhiui
ti .n will be issued to apprentice boys and ser
vant girls at 50 cents.
St K-k dealers are invited to attend.
l.r G-n'-rd T-"g"i'',i .TrH :?. Committees,
i,vi:i;,u:n I.i -ts. LRGE lilldiS.
Vllnshnrz, A'igust :.. lStjO.-40-.t.
Uver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &.c.
r..t 4 .. .1 ne. tf tYiim eololiratj-d
BecKly has bevu the .-iuaJ fur a literal fl-joj of compounds
ailfX " Hitters,'' oUi-re-l in vari-ms forro-i. from a inart tJ a ti -e tpi!lin If--, ontil thi w..nt Kilters" is but
a.i'jU:er name Kir -' -Sz or svuit? iiiaiuuus m.-tv--j
tn-?- ....... . ...
fcr.t tlie realty invat r- lu-f ilenTcd from tne ni-.nnto dusty,
est ;'-a-iK'3!"ul, of our uivdichie,
A'l A tnlire oiitt' nfWr yrnstraHon, lias est jMinli-'Cl
Jt i i r-piiUti'in wliirh the l.! of imitation? aivl couu-trrf-::s
fc.tve Siiled to unli-raiine. It is iiosi'-ively a Vesre pni'iiation, with barely suflkicnt pure fpiriU to
j r-- ne it.
but one size of the genuine, (Half Pint Bottles,) pnea
Oie If. Jar.
liU a medicine of long tried eEeacy for Purifying
ti Bl-yl, so essential for tho foundation of good
hi-'.'.h and for correctiijj disorJers of tho etomacb
Two or three doses will conrinea the aCicted of
Ui iilurary effects. The stomach will speedily regain
Vj ixengh, a healtLy action of tho liver, bowels
&l1 kilneys will sooa take jlacc, and renewed
hiilui la the quick result.
For Indigestion,
Try Btrrhave's Holland Bitters.
For Heartburn,
Try Bffrhave's Holland Bitters.
For Acidity,
Try Btrrbaie's Holland Bitters.
For -Waterbrash,
Try BtErhaie's Holland Bitters.
For Headache,
Try Bcrhavc's Holland Bitters.
For Loss of Ajrpetite,
Try BuTlinYc's Holland Bitters.
For Costiveness,
Try Bflcrhave's Holland Eitters.
For Piles.
Try BffrhaTc's Holland Bitters
la all Nervous, Hheuniaiic and Neuralgic Afieo
tiuD, it has in numerous instances proved highly
W&eficial, and in ct&crs effected a decided cure.
The genuine highly concentrated Brvrhare's Holland
B.tu-n is put up in half-pint bottlao only, and retailed at
One Dollar per bottle. Tuo demand f r thia truly
lebrated Medicine has induced many imitation which
liie public should guard against purchasing.
Beware of Imposition I See that our name u on the labd
tf every bottle you buy.
Y r sale in Ebon-bur-, by A. A. DA UK EI.
.V'-ust 22, 18G0.-ly.
VAS taken lm bv the subscriber, residing ore
a -
nn.e Eat of Ebcnsburg, In Cambiia township,
uir.ii ria county, on o.iturday tue litn flay oi
Auirait inst., a red and white spotted btht.Ii,
t'r.ri-e yc ars old, supposed to have belonged to a
r .c, having a mark ma le w th tir on lett
ft al ler. The owner thereof is hereby notified
koine forward, prcve property and pay rea-
n.iMe charges, or said utray will Lo disposed of
:c,rding to law.
Aviot 13, lo-jO.-SO-ot.
, THE undersigned offers for sale the portion of
1'AUM situate North of the Ebcnsburg and
Cresaon Hail Road, containing about 32 acres,
-out 23 acres of which are cleared nr. 1 will
fei. The Ebensburg and Lorttto Road and
-t North Township Road cross the Rail Road
'-"l, and there will be a permanent Station. It
therefore be a good place for an enterprising
i-iLey raan to ojen a Store, Blacksmith Shop,
y Te land also contains veins of IRON OUE,
and FIRE CLAY. It will be disposed of
ta Kiaonalie terms. Apply on the premises to
t-oria township, Aug. 15, 18S0.-33-tf. -
Register and Recorder.
Ji-LIEVIXG that but a very small portion
jM ,jf tLe citizens of my native county are wii
to cjuntenance fraud, deception, and false
it '. m l'ie part of avowed enemies, and know-j-?
tnat tiny cannot, and will not, approve of
ilealing, treachery and base ingratitude
J o art of pretended friends, I offer myself
? n bi.l-pendent Candidate for the office of
"jter and Recorder.
1: ele.-tetl, all my etforts will be directeil to
k-t ;ful discharge of the duties of the office,
-j!ilwu, July 25th. I8G0. .
lj-e Pamphlet Laws of the last Session of the
- iture of this Commonwealth, have been rc-
. are r--ady for distribution to perons
Ut,i to get them.
JOSEPH M'DONALD, Prothonotary.
jttbiirg. July 2o, lSOO.-SG-tf.
BY virtue of suudrv writs of Venditioni 7L-o-
j nas and Levari Facias issued out of the Court
i of Common Picas of Cambria County and to dip
uirtcie i, mere win ce esposea to lublic Sale,
at tbe Court House, iu the Borough of Ebens
burjr.ou MONDAY, tbe 3d DAY OF SEPTEM
BER next, at cce o'clock, P. M., the following
real Cbuitc, to wit :
All the r:-ht, title and interest of George II.
StilUer, of, in and to a tract, piece or pnrcpl of
laud, situate in Susquehanna towuhip, Cambria
county; adjoining lands of David K. Ki'Jixrts,
Jonathan LI. Hummel, E. R. llollister and oth
ers, contrtining 289 acres, more or leas, about 30
acres of w hich are cleared, having thereon erec
ted a two story frame house, a log barn and a
spring house, now in the occupancy of the said
George II. JStifiler. Taken in execution and to
be so'.d at the suit of John StilUer.
Also All the right, title and interest of David
F. Cordon and Magdaline Gordon, f, in and to
a lot of ground situate in the Borough of Johns
town, Cambria county, fronting on Locust street
two perches and five feet , and extendiog back
sevt'ti porches to an alley, adjoining a lot of Ja
cob rronheiser on one ttide atd a lot of the !Ieirs
of Mrs. Persuing on tbe other side, having there
on erected a two ttory frame house end a small
frame stable, now in the accupaucyof the saiil
Mag-ialiiw Gordon. Taken iu execution aud to
be sold at the suit of James P. M'Cnaughy.
Also All the right, title and interest of How
ell Powell, vf, in and to a lot of ground wtuate
in Canribi ia Cit Y oiler township. Cambria coun
ty, fronting on Broad street and extending back
along street on the lower side of said lot,
and adjoining vacent lots on the upper side of
said lot having thereon erected a small plank
house unoccupied. Taken in execution and to
be s-c Id at the suit of George W. Stutzmun for
u.e of James Lewis.
Also All the right, title and interest of An
drew Sn.ilh (Vne of the Defendants) of, in and to
a lot ot ground, situate in Millvills Borough.
house with 2. basement story, and a small house
attached to said house, now in the occupancy of
the said Andrew Smith. Taken iu execution
and to be sold at the suit of the Commonwealth.
Alao Ad the ricrht . title aud interest of ( inrcr
acres, more or less, unimproved. Taken in ex
coition aud to be sold at the suit of Morris L.
Uallowell & Co.
Also AH the right, title and iuterest of Philip
Gill iu. of, in and to a piece or parcel of land,
situate in Munster township, Cambria county,
adjoining lands of Johu B;Ur, Matthew M'llugh
cu 1 others, contaiuing D J acres, more or less,
about 50 acres of which are cleared, having
thereou erected a two story frame house and a
log barn, now in the occupancy cf the i-aid Phil
ip G;l!;in. Taken in execution aud to be sold at
tne .u.t of John Bradley.
AIsj All the right, title and interest of Geo.
W. II ami'.ton, (uue of Defendants,) of, in aud to
a lot of ground, situate in tie Boroiign of Johns
town, Cambria county, fronting on Vine street
a:"d extending buck along an alley to a private
a.ley, on the back part of said I.-t. thence along
said private alley to a l-t of John Frederick'
thence alng John Frederick's Ijt to Vin street,
having thereon erected a two story plank house
with a small back budding thereto attached, now
iu the occupancy of the said George W. Hamil
ton. Taken in execution and to be Sold at the
suit of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Also Al! the right, tit!c and interest of Abra
ham Longaneeker, of, iu, anl to a niece or tar-
"'. of laud, situate in Blackliek township, Cam
bria Comity, containing 100 hundred acres, more
or kss, al out 30 acres of which are cleared, hav
iug thereon erected a log houe and a log barn,
now in the occupancy of the said Abraham
Longmecker. Taken iu execution and to be sold
at the suit of A. Long.
Also All the right, title and interest of Sam
uel Long, of, iu and to a lot of ground, situate
in Taylor township, Cambria county, fronting on
the Pennsylvania Canal, and running back to
t'e Conemaugh River, adjoining a lot nowowned
by the l'enna. Rail Road Co., on the cue side,
and a lot of Mrs. Mangus on the other side, hav
ing thereon erected a one story frame house, now
in the occupancy of Jacob M Mash. Taken in
execution and to be sold at tho suit of James
Also All the right, title and interest of Wil
liam M. Earnest, uf, in and to a lot of ground,
situate in the town of Summerhill, Croyle town
ship, Cambria county, fronting on the old Por
tage Rail Road, and extending back to the Con
emaugh Creek, adjoining a lot of Mrs. Margaret
llcrlinger, on the lower side and a lot of Chris
tian Weaver on the upper side, having thereon
erected a two story plank house, not now occu
pied, being the same premises conveyed by Sam
uel S. Paul and wife to the said Willi tm M.
Earnest. Taken in execution and to be .sold at
tliR suits of Jacob Reed and Job R. Shoemaker.
Also All the right, title and interest of John
Kratzer, of, in and to a tract of land, situate on
the waters of Clearfield Creek, partly in Alle
ghany and partly in Clearfield townships, Cam
bria County, adjoining lauds of James Maloney
Joseph Trcxler, and other, containing 308 acres
more or Uss, being the same property known as
the ' Asulaud Furnace property," having there
on erected a furnace stack, with the necessary
buildings thereto, about 20 dwelling houses, sta
bles, sheds and a saw mill, now iu the occupan
cy of the said John Kratzer. Taken in execu
tion and to be sold at the suit of Thomas Birch
Also All the right, title and interest of To
hhis Ash, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land,
situate in Summerhill or Croyle townships, Cam
bria county, adjoining lands cf Jacob M. Slick,
William Murray and others, containing 14 acres
more or less, about one or two acres of which are
cleared, having thereon erected a small plank
house, a small shop and small stable, now in the
occupancy of Joseph Freh. Taken in execu
tion and to be sold at the suit of Samuel Kring.
Also All the right, title and interest of John
M'Auley, (one of the defendants) of, in and to a
piece or parcel of land, situate in Chest township
Cambria county, adjoining lands of Jacob Kirk
patrick, Martin Rosinhimer, John Hyle, Francis
SLimpfX and James Kirkpatrick, containing 77
acres, more or less, about 15 acres of which are
cleared, now in the possession of James Kirk
patrick. Taken in execution and to be sold at
the buits of Miles Edmiston for the use of James
Fagan now for the use of Conrad & Walton.
Also All the right, title and interest of Hen
ry Kratzer, of, in and to a lot of ground, situate
Conemaugh BoroMgh, Cambria county, bounded
and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
ost at the comer of Dr. Peter Shoenbergers' lot
at the Portage Rail Road, thence by said lot
North 31 degrees WYst 80 feet to a post, thence
down the Basin S'J feet to a Kst, thence South
26 degrees East 80 feet to a post, at the Rail
Road, thence up fai i Rail Road 93 feet to the
place of beginning, having thereon erected a large
ware house, not now occupied. Taken in exe
cution and to te sold at the suit of Zug & Painter
Also AH the right, iitle and interest of A. M.
Smith, of, in and to a lot of ground, situate in
Millville Borough, Cambria couuty, fronting on
the township road and extending back to the
Conemaugh River, adjoining a lot cf George
Kurtz, on the upper side, having thereon erected
a two story frame honse. vrth a basement story
and a small house attached to the said house,
now in the occupancy of the said A. M. Smith.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit of
LamO:ia couuty, Ironting on the township road
and extending Lack to the Conemaugh River,
adjoining a lot of George Kurtz, on the upper
siile, having thereon erected a two storv
M cann, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land,
situate in Black lick township, Cambria county,
adjoining lands of Andrew Anderson, the Estate
of James C. Fisher and others, containing 120
George Dufvur, Assignee of Jol;u C. O'Xeill.
Aloo All the right, title aud lute-rest of Johu
Thotapsou, Jr., of, in and to all that certain
tract of land, situate iu Clearfield townslsp. Cam
Lria county, warranted in the name of Joseph
Jones, adjoining lands warranted in the names
of Martha Will, John Harris and Thomas Brown
containing 435 acres, more or less, unimproved.
Taken in execution and to bj sold at the suits of
John Bryan & Co., aud William II. Browu v"fc O.
Alsc All that certain tract or piece of land
of Edward Jones, situate in Cambria township.
Cambria couuty, Peuna., botm-ie 1 ami dcscr;!ei
as follows: Beginning at a post pile on the line
of an old survey, south 26 degrees we--t 203 per
ches, more or less, to a post, thence south 11 per
ches, more or less, to a hemlock, thence bouth
S8J degrees east 178 perches, more or less, to a
post, thence north li degrees east 157 perches,
more or less, to a hemlck, thence north C5 de
grees west 102 perches, more or lss, to the be
ginning, containing 19 acres and 00 perches,
more or less, and the usual allowance for roads
&c, together with the hereditaments and appur
tenances, about 40 acres cleared, having thereon
erected a house and barn, now in the occupancy
of James Powell. To be sold iu pursuance of a
l'lurius Writ of Levari Facias at the suit of Ann
Fisher et. al. for use of David Leidy.
Also All that certain .tract, piee or parcel of
land of Andrew Sutton, situate in Susquehanna
township, Cambria couuty Pa., bounded and de
scriliedis follows: Beginning at a post acorn
er of that part of said tract sold toC. P. Weak
lana, thence, by said Weakland South 77 de
grees East 147 ptrches-to a post, on Lawrence
Dees land, thence by said Dees land North 1 J
degrees Lvist 101 pc-rche to a post, thence North
70 degrees West 114 perches to a chestnut,
thence iSouth 20 degrees West 114 perches to tbe
beginning, containing 80 acres and 114 perches
and allowance, being part of a larger tract sur
veyed iu the name of Leonard Lesheart, alnnit
40 acres of which are cleared, having thereon
elected a log house and log barn, now in the oc
cupancy of the said Andrew Sutton. To be sold
in pursuance of a Writ of Iev. l7acias at the suit
of Edward Shoemaker.
Also The following described building and
lot of ground of W. B. Darlington & Co., and
Samuel Henderson, terro tenant, t wit: Said
building is a boarding house of two stories, be
ing 10 leetin length and 16 feet in width, having
a shed appurteuaut lG feet in length by
feet in width, situate upon a certain lot or piece
of laud at Cambria Mills, in bite township, id
said county of Cambria, on the road leading from
the Grist Mill to the Saw Mill, and adjoining
other lots or lauds of the said W. B. Darlington,
& Co. To be sold at the suits of Henry Allman
and Sebastian Kloh".
Also The following described building and
lot of grouud of W. B. Darlington vt Co., to wit:
Said building is a stere house of two stories, be
ing 24 feet in length and 10 feet in width, having
a shed appurtenant of 21 feet iu length aud
feet in width, situate upon a certain piece er par
eel of land at Cambria Mills, in White township,
on the road leading from the. Grist Mill to the
Saw M:'.l and adjonrng other lots or land of the
sid W. B. Darlington Co. To bo sold at the
suit of Henry Ailman.
Also The following described building and lot
of ground of W. B. Darlington A' Co., and S.
Klohe, teire tenant, to wit: Said building is a
dwelling bouse of two stories, being 21 feet in
length and 1G feet in width (now in theoccupan
cy of S. K! she) situate upon a certain let or piece
of land at Cambria Mills, in White township, in
said couuty of Cambria, on the pad leading from
the Gri.-t Mill to the Saw Mil! aud adjoining
other lots or land of the said W. B. Dariington
& Co. To bo sold at the suits of Henry Allman
and Henry Allman and Sebastian Klohe.
ALo The following described building and lot
c f ground of W. B. Darlington &: Co., and Den
tin Buman, terre tenant, to wit: Said building
is a dwelling house of two stories, being 16 feet
iu length aud 10 foet in width (now in the occu
pancy of Buman, situate upon a certain
piece or lot of land, at Cambria Mills, in White
township, in said county of Cambria, on the road
leading from tho Grist Mill to the Saw Mill, and
adjoining other lots or land. of the said W. B.
Darlington A: Co. lo be sold at the suits of
Heury Allman and Henry Allman and Sebastian
Also The following described building and lot
of ground, of W. B. Darlington &- Co., and Giles
Stevens, terre tenant, to wit: Said building is a
dwelling house of two stories, being 21 feet iu
length and 10 feet iu width (now in the occu
pancy of McAleer) situate upon a certain
lot or piece of laud at Cambria Mills, in White
township; in said county of Cambria, on the road
leading from the Grist Mill to the Saw Mill, and
adjoining other lots or land of the said W. B.
Darlington tc Co. lo be sold at the suits of
Henry Allman and Henry Allman and Sebastian
Alsi All the right, title and interest of Ste
phen Pluminer, of, in and to a piece or parcel of
laud, situate iu Summerhill and Croyle townships
Cambria countv, adjoining lands of Johu Knep-
per, Isaac Crum's Heirs and others, contairing
80 acres, more or less, about 35 acres of which
arc cleared, having thereon erected a two story-
log bouse ana a Irame barn now iu the occupan
cy of Peter Bertuett. Taken in execution and
to 1 e sold at the suit of Jacob Crum for use of
G. L. Lloyd & Co.
Also All the right, title and interest of John
Thompson, Jr., of, in and to all that certain lot
of ground, situate in the Borough of Ebensburjr.
Cambria county, fronting 60 feet on Hih street
and extending back 127 feet to an alley, adjoin
ing lot of Philip Noon on the East and ether
property of said defendant on the West, and
known as one hundred and fifty-two C152) on
the original plan of said Borough, and on Sam
ples' plan ot said Borough as number ninety-five
(95) having thereon erected a small store room
in the occupancy of Clinton Jones, and a lanre
frame stable and other buildings in the possess
ion of the said John Thompson, Jr. Taken in
execution and to be sold at the suit of Ezekiel
Also.' All the right, title and interest of James
Henry, of, in and to a lot of ground, situate in
the borough cf Summittville, Cambria County,
fronting on the old Allegheny Portage Rail Road,
adjoining lots of Ueirs of Francis M'Kee, dee'd.,
on the .North and Joseph JM'Closkey on the South,
having thereon erected a one and a half story
plank house, not now occupied, laker, in exe
cution and to be :x)ld at the suit of Samuel Lem
nion. Also. All tlit right, title and interest of An
thony Will, Jr.. of in aud to a piece, or parcel
of land situate in Allegheny township, aud part
ly in Chest Springs Borough, Cambria County,
adjoining lands of Henry Nutter, Augustine
Byrne, and James Harnett, aud others, coutamg
mg 100 acres, more or less, about 60 acres of
which are cleared, having thereon erected a log
House and log barn, now in the occupancy of
Samuel M'Mullen, and David Watts and a cabin
houe and cabin stable in the occupancy of John
Litzinger. Taken in execution and to be sold at
the suit of M. Douglas for use of James Doug
lass. Also All the right, title and interest of John
M'Closkey, of, in and to a piece or parcel ot land
situate in Allegheny township. Cambria county.
adjoining lauds of James M'Closkey, Heirs of
Peter Shoeuberger, deceased, Samuel Eeraon,
and others, contaiuing 100 acres, more or less,
about 25 acre3 of which are cleared. Laving
thereon erected a two story log house and stable
ui the occupancy of saiel John M'Closkey, a
plank house in the occupancy of Daniel M'Der
m'.tt, and a plank house unoccupied. Taken iu
execution and to be sold at the suit of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania for use of J. T Chris-
t .. ....; vnv n:.rfnnr of fViA lafp firm of T7, wlrT'OTi
& Christy ana Joseph Alcom.
S3 p. The ShentT has ma Ja th following
the conditions of the above sales, viz ; One fourth
of the purchase money on each rale to be paid at
the time the property is struck down, when the
sale amounts to 4500, and upwards, unde-r $500
and more than $100, the one third, under S100
and .ore than .$50, tlie half; le.-ji than $'.0 the
whole amount, otherwise tbe property will im
mediately be put up to sale again, and no Ieed
will be presented for acknowledgement unless the
balance of UC purchase money be paid before the
following Court.
SberMY's Office. EUusburg, )
Augusts, liC0.-tc. j
THE undersigned would respectfully inform
the citirens of Ebcnsburg and vicinity that ho is
still -engaged in the WATCH and JEWELRY
busiuess, at the old stand of Stahl & Roberts.
immediate opposite the Store of E. ?h.ocmaker
& Sons, where he always keeps en hand a large
and well selected stock of
- FAxcrxorioxs, .s-c.,
hich he offers to the public a shade lower than
they can be purchased elsewhere, lie iavites
the citizens to call in and examine bis sL k
SICAL INSTRUMENTS, repaired iu the bct
manner ana warrantee.
Ebensburg, April 13, 18e0.-tf.
1 . j.oiixstoiVa ra.
THE unJersidued respectful! r announce to the
old patrons of the above Hotel, that, having re
fitted and refurnished it throughout, thev are
prepared to entertain guests comfortably and in
good style.
CT'A good Hack will be at the Railroad Sta
tion on the arrival of every train, for the pur
pose of carrying passeugers, free if cUanje. to
the Hotel.
BOARD PER DAY, $ 1 ,00.
The Stage for Somerset, and other points in
that direction, from the Mansion House
every morning (Sunday excepted.)
Johnstown, May 2, 18C0.-tf.
tiic e.43iiAii. or 1SG0.
THE. subscriber respectfully inf.rms the citi
zens of Ebensburg and vicinity, that he has just
returned from the Eastern Cities with a Lirge
and well assorted stock of the latest styles of
srmG aa st'3i:ii:ii
for MEN and BOYS. Also, a larg? assortment
of HATS and CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES an 1
Gentlemen.- FURNISHING GOOD-1, to which
he invites all visiting Johnstowu to ca'.l and see
LiLi at the CLOTHING DEPOT. No. 2. C rner
of Clinton and Main Streets, -lie ftxls confident
that persons wishing t purchase any articles iu
his line will save the expenses of the jour&e-y by
calling to see him.
Johnstown, April 25, l00.-tf.
TRIAL LIST for the first week of September
Term 1SC0,
Mo. rc for use
vs Kaylor
vs Penna Rail Rjad Co.
vs BranuoT
vs Shaffer
vs Palmer et al Garnishees
vs Same
vs Same
Wm Carr & Co
"m WilliauisJr
Lloyd & Hill
vs Same
JOS. M'DONALD, Proth'y-
Ebensburg, July 25. 1SC0.
LIST OF CAUSES set down for trial on the
second week of Sept ember Term A. D. 1SG0.
R. B. Johuotju
vs Tiley
l'enna. R. R. G
Newkirk ct al
Hutchinsons. Adrn'r
Flcnners Ex'r
Deal, Millig&a. Co
Mathews use
Guardians, Scanlaus
vs Same
vs Same
vs Same
vs Same
vs Hoffman
ts Durtin
vs Bohrebaugh ct al
vs Ivingct al
vs Piper
vs Kinports et al
vs West Branch In. Co.
vs Flcnners Ex'rs
vs Flenners
vs O'Donnell
vs llouster ct al
vs Ilohman
vs Kean
vs Liu ton
vs Downs
vs Rosier
vs Figart
vs Ebensb'rg Cresa'u RR
vs Tress
vs Beau johu
vs Powell
vs Moore
vs Fisher
vs Morel 1
vS Fytc
vs Grey et al
vs Lycoming In. Co. Gar-
vs Towell
' vs Lvcoming In. Co.
JOS. M'DONALD, Proth'y.
Ebensburg, Aug. 8, 1SG0.
LETTERS of Administration having been
fronted In the' undersigned bv the Register of
Gimbria Countv. on the estate of S ininel D.
L1II3 , late of Munstcr township, in said county,
deceased, hereby notifies all persons indebted to
the said estate to make payment without delay.
and those having claims to present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement.
ISADORE V. LILLY, trators.
Manstcr, August 1, lSGQ.-36-Ct
THE following Petitions have been filed in the
Office of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of Cam
bria County, and will be presentee! fer the action
of the Court on Monday the 3d day of Septem
ber next, viz:
Tavern License. George R. Slick, Ellen Mas-
Wilt & Kreiger. Quart License.
J. M'DONALD, Clerk Q. S.
August 15, lSSfj.-33-Ct.
I offer myself as an Independent Candidate fer
the euice of ASSEMBLY at the approaching
Ebensburg, July 11, ISoO.
Greensbure. El-ensburg.
AYING associated themselves for the prac
tice of the Law in Cam ma county, will at
tend to all business intrusted n them. Oince on
CololoDade Row;"Ebcnbujrf
Oct. 7, 1S57." ...
Just received, and for sa'c r.t redueed piices, a
full supply of Stp!e arid Fancy Cools, consist
ing of Cl ths. Cas-imeres. Satthictts, Jeans,
Tweeds, and a lars:e varivty e-f summer
weir for men and iys.
21K) pieces of Prints. Ginghams, Iiwus and
other Kaucv Dress Gd.
Brown and Bleached Mu-lii.s, Check and
Fancy Shirtings. Fla: n !s. Stella. Cashmere, and
Merino Slian l-t. Hierv. Gloves. Notion.
HOOTS AMD SHOKS, All Wool Carpeting.
Ilcinp and Cotton do. at from 15 to 23 cents per
yard, Floor Oil Cloths,
Linseed and Whale Oils, Win low Glass, Paints,
VaMiish and Turin-urine.
Fish, Salt, Flour, Iron. X.i!s and Steel. Manil
1. and Hemp R jk-s, of ditieiciit si.vs. Cotton
Yarns. CarH.t Chains, iVc. Vc, ail ef which will
be sol i at the ctrii Lures! price
Ebensburg, May 0, ISCO.-tf.
These Jars and Cms leing perfectly simple iu
their arrangement and reijuiring no cemert in
order to make them air-tight, any eue of ordiuary
judgtnent can hermetically seal them by shnply
screwing tLe cap down tiLtiy after the fruit Las
been put in hot.
Re-sides their simplicity and case if adjustment
and the imKr-ibiIiiy of stop; ers blowing tut.
Ac, the greatest a-iv Milage is that you can at
any time s-je the condition ef your fruit by sim
ply looking at the top of the cover. If the gum
gasget is concave the fruit is gl; if enex it is
going to spoil, but will always show its.lf in time
to le saved.
The absence of this test Las ever been a matter
of anxiety, and t .f s rious losj to thjse
put:iiig up Fruit or Yeg-.-tabh-s.
These are advantages which no other Fruit
Jars or Cans iu this mtrke-t ps .-ss.
Manufactured and sold wholesale and re-tail by
the subscriber, owner of the riLt e-f Somerset
and Cambria counties.
1 Q'lart Cans, ZI.-'j per. dozen.
O .4 ft .ft- ft.
4 " 4,00
A libe-r.d discount made t- those purch.isir.-g
six dozen t more at e-ne time. Address ye-r.r
orders to
F. W. HAY.
Johnstown. Cambria Co., Pa.
Johustjwn, July IS, le;o.-l-tf.
r-x TVTATriTOilTi
t; V IIpw Lost. How Restored
' Pwihr-l, in u .S-.' 1Zhi.1"!':
A lecture jt the Xaturc, IVtatut- ul an I Il-iCic-i!
Cure if Si rma'.tjrrh'j' -i. en Wetki:c--:. Dcli'it-, NtrvniM.os and Iuve-lu:.tary
Lmis-ioi.s producing Imi-tei-cy, Cnsump.iou
andMvnta! and Physical Debility.
BY i.' B.J. eLLi:;:-."iii.L. li. l..
The imixirtint fact that the . ful ev-2is.-iu-noe's
of K-lf-abuse may be effect ua'Iv re-movc l v itho;;:
internal Metlicine-s or the dangerous applications
of caustics, insti ume-uts. nie-dicate-l K'Ugies, r.i.-I '
other empirical devise-s. is hen? clearly elemo-j-tra
tel.aud tLe entirelv new and LtcMy i-n:'vsslul
I res:tment, r.s adopted by t!e celebrated a'j'.hor
fully explained, by means f v-hicli -ve-ry e-iie is
cnabh-l to cure himself perfectly, and attlie- le-ast
possible cost. tneTcly n.I the aeivcrtised
iie-strums of the day. Tiiis Lecture will j-rove a
boon t j thousands and thoU.-uJs
Sent under se-al to ativ address, pauI. on
the receii t e-f two Ms:ae stamps, by ad-!res--.i:ig
Dr. CI I. J. C KLI-NE, M. V., 4S0i irst Ave-uue.
New Yi rk, Post Box 4380.
July 2-j. lbKO. April 11, ISCO.-ly.
For the preventitn and cureef Icccr n.-t-f Ayt
and Itili-us Terer.: This wonderful remedy
w;is brougiit to the knowledge of the prese-nt
proprieteTs by a friend who has leen a great
traveler in Persia and the Holy Land.
While going down the river Euphrates, he ex.
perienced a scccre attack cf Fever and Ague
Op discovering his condition, one cf the lioat
ixen toe'k lnm his person au JwK s-iyimr,
" 11 ear - and no Ferer trill l-tvrhyiu" Al
though incredulous as to its virtues; Le complied,
and experienced immediate relief, and has since
always fouud it an eh'ectual protection from ail
malarious complaints.
Ou further iuvestigation he found that the
loatman Attributed to it miraculous powers, an-1
sail that it could only be obtained from the
Priests of th Sun. Sme time afterwards, the
gentleman iu conversing with a Priest obtained
frem him the secret ef it- preparation, and as
certained where the medicinal herbs were found,
of which it was compounded. The wonderful
virtues of this article Lave induced a full be-lief
in the minds of the uative-s in the miraculous
healing pwers of the-ir Pm-sfs.
Since his return to America, it has been tried
with the happiest effect l y several Ladies and
Gentlemen of hih character, who have given it
the most unquuluiel praise, Thi remedy having
been a specific in Persia for hundred t years,
for the prevention and cure e.f Fever and Ague
and Bilious Fevers is n..v offered to the Amer
ican people.
It will be sent by mail, prepaid, with full di
rections for use. on receirt of oue elollar.
Principal Detn-t and Manufactory. 13 Main
St.. Richmond. Ya. Branch efnee. Bank if
Commerce Building, New York. Address
New York, July 4, lS-OO.-ly. in.
rriHE undersigned Wjs leave to announce
1 to the citize-ies of E'eusl urg and vicinity,
that he has opened a Saddh-ry and Harness Man
ufactory, and that he will Manufacture and
keep constantly on baud every aitiele in bis line
of business, such as SADDLES. PRIDLLS,
WHIPS, Articles manufactured che'ap to
order. He iivits the public to -a!l and exam
ine articles ot his manufacture, confident they
will commarid the approbation of Gfnpetent
Judges. By manufacturing none but the best
cf artie'es, and selling cheap, he lipe to meiit
and receive a liberal than of public patronage.
Terms Cash or approved country produce.
N. B. All kinds of HIDES taken in exchange
for Work.
Elv-nsburg, April 25, lS00.-tf.
i:i;en.sdui;, ca3jiuha countv, pa.
A'l manner rf Jsgal liutinats in Off several
Courts of Ote County j-romj'tiy attended
Etensbttrg. June 27. ISCO.-r".
Elnshurg. Johnstown
IU:i;X ii. HHYHH, Kttorucyn at I.a.v
Counsel given in the Lngl:sh and Germ
OfTica on'a.
Feb. C,185C. ly
SVt.Clt'lC IMM'KOPATUIC UKMFJUK In oar fmtuili--
Kith the nvxt mis'sclarT rp-m'ts, mn4 bini? fuU ennfi-J-nje
in tircir jfenyue-s. oriiy, aiil eftico-. clwrluiiy
rrcrnfnf nl tV-m t.v 1 pffiiif m ho li lijT afr, rs
tialtie, tu4 caicaciuttS raucjul al kiuU Ux private or do-
T!ie U-r. Wm. 11-fn-r, c l:Ur .rTli N-rSr IoHc
tiral." AcKurr. N. Y. ; Ui? E?. V- It. Crumry, D.D..
lector of ft. I'eitr's e hurrh. Auburn, X. V. ; ti.e K-. B. U
Ives, Chunlatii cf 1tf Slate lVi-Hin; tlie Rrr.
;cJJce li. Ki-r, K-clor, N l:slf.rJ. Mw. ; Uie Krw
Ai!-n S;al--, New-Yi-rk Cotifrtvooe ; Jlie Krr. anxu-
Nichols. Kasi-trne- C-nrernice, X. V. ; Hie Ker. I'. 8.
Trail, Porsd, VL ; tlie Jolm t. ll-'x-, Buffalo; A. C
Hart, ri-. Ulira. N. T ; the Hin. NU Doc, P-t!an-l.
Me. : the Hon. i-iiujl-r C-.lfa. o:h-He.l, In4. ; the Hon.
t.c-rc- Hui-.iiil.rryfi, N. Y. ; llet-.ry U. e'fk. tLsq.. taitor f
The 0'.lo State j.-urnal, C--(nml-ns, Ohio : tSe 1 1 an. R. II.
tiraham. 31 l:i:e, IU. ; t.'ie lf -n. Tit--ma J. Cliajw, Nonti
cell I'lji. ; t!ie Hon. J.-fh H-tie.lict, I'tic. N. Y.J Wm.
IlrUtul, K.. t lif. X. Y. ; A. S., t., Clia, S. Y. ;
James PUnket, Cs-j., Xaaiirilie, Tenn.
Jf .i. 1. F'r F-rer,, anl Inflammation.
N. 2. V t W.M-ia rVrer. Worm Colic. Wntli.e the Be4.
No. 3. for Colic, Cryiufi, TceAuiif. ajiU Wakcrulaeai I
X . 4. F-jc D'.arrljea, CTtolera lufantatn, and Summer
N. !: For C--tif. firTitnr, P-enterj-. or PlHvjy Flax.
Ni 6. V'jt Cholera. Cli-ilrra Vsrbua, Votii'Unp.
No. T. Fr uuJ, C.l Inaueuia. atl Sore TtJ-oat.
tin. S. For T.-.tVa'-lic. Fare-arhe. rd1 Xeoralciv
N . 9. Far liea- iicUc, Vj t;b-u, Ileal ami l ullnea of t!i
Xi. 10. nrsf-Kr- Pitxs F..r Weak Dvrange4
Brwnaoh, C-ntii.ii-n. an.l Urer Cmjilaitit.
Ko. 11. F-a Flsilk laasCLaainsi-, tvjantr, Palnfat, or
SuT-pr ol l'eri-via.
Ko. li. Fur Leacorrhea, Profuae Mctea, aijd IVearln;
Dc.t.:i T F-mai.-s.
X. 13. For Cean. Ilarae O-uA. EvT Breathlna.
No. 14. FitT Kstia P.lUs Fjt trj i-las, Eruj.iiofia,
Pirnjilt- ua t'e Fac.
Xo. 15. Urfnn Ttc Piex. F-r Pain, IDeaess, or Sure
cea in tlie Cbesi, Bxck. 1. or I-Lmii.
A. For Ft-rer anl Az-, C-iiU Fcrer, IuTnb Apue, Oil
il.innanai.el Afn.
p. For IMr-v K :n l .-r I:"-eiiae. 1'Hernil or ETt-rna!.
O. For S -re. Weak. "T !:iUam.e L'e aztil Eciias; Fal2
Ite, Wcalt, or BlaiTcl
C. For G.tarrh. of 1 .'.r -tanis or rcr:t, tl'l.t-r wita
ot":ra, iii.n or )'rolue '..- !.ar;e.
W. e". lor Uwnijii Cuu, aialliij? iim vi.'itiice atiJ
rirorter itif its course.
In all acute iiei. Rick as Fever, Inf.auiirali uiK,
I-iarrt-r-a. Ijrriter.r. ."riji. C-ec-aatjian. and m cm
l.e oiea5 as .varlrl Frfr, l.-a!-?, m-i't lxjs:j-eia, tl.e
alrauLapr -l pilr e tbe r-rot-er ren euies imtiijtijr a
i"us, aud su a.1 such eam-s tie ;-rifi-a act ie a i-hann.
TLc eutire ci-af is ofirn arr,Med at w--. aul is aU caara
tSe violence e-f ti.e attacc is mojeralea, Uie disease alivXV
cnelv and rendered K uaiieroiM.
C-urt atid Cold, .t tt aret suii freoue:it occarrexie.
and t.icn so iU-m iar Oie t1 0'i s' i. n of dieuaed lu-im.
broucLttis ait-i cot.vut-.Aoii, uia J be at cuite C4rea Lj
tl Fcrer and CV-cA Pil.a.
is all cli oair io-. m;rii as Pr Vrai Si tns -li,
C-.-tTipa;oti, L-rer eijla4i.ti. Putm. Fu.W- I-et-iriir, asJ
Irrerulariliva, iler, l.nt lii. ireifcT Weas e. CataiTU,
fcalt lUiena, a ltd otiut oli t:h ion, ie ee lias feo.ncs
ii- c ojr a l:cu:V -n mil a!Vd a car. In alut ert r
Instance. e '.i.e cure a fii rir , l.rowic ii:iKTuity. si1j
as Itsr;ls, Vi'n-r r Man-',, lira l;iche T I rTi.sle Vtcia
Lt Lita r v.m J Kr toe vxjie .!. tours o : r.
C.e of S ilals eouij'(e. in roorocc-t, xi.J E,. k ..t"
Case of ?n Ti0. snd I'-x k. lniu. 4
Csse of 1 liur.OMrrril l...s, a i b V It
Case of bones, rtit-t-eie.l. ai.d It o 1
fr'TiIe nuwLcrel borne?, milli Jii-c:. j;:s en:v
SiTi!.-!e lettered 1----. . ith 4lireti'Mis. "a c-tf.
Larfc frtc 2 oa. vixii tor -iautr a. m- ; ia"-- 1 It
Fi-s AfTHVi fa Iuth:s:.-. Ojjirl. I"?".-u?. I-"red
B--ratl.icc ailetoici tiJi C-jU.'i. auj LijxrcUn auo.i. i'oce,
il en:s j--r b-.x.
Fo Ea lB5.-H0 Ti pLilTtiji- lirliarpe frmr. tVe
Far. tie result cf N-rt lrvrr, Mra-tes. or Mf-rrurisi-i.
Fur Xols-s in t?-e lltW. Ilanli-ia of HkjuU'iU ao-t liuiL;
in ihe Kar.v aaJ ijr-at'ie Pri -e, fm -,-:. ; j-r l. -.
1 S- ift l lj:lrc.l .;u j. FularceJ a'-i l!.i!uraT
eil Totijiiis SmcII'rir a-. J 4.1 I lc.-i cr-flou e'atl-es. of
Oiildren. Price. JO eeuia r l-.x.
F- tekL Itr:i :tT. 1"' ; al or N'errous Wratina.
Krther tJe resnM .f tickre. lace'Wive lerticititn, vr Ijk
Laust:n lii--Larce. Price. ' mtU I -.-r t x .
I- ItTST. KiuM A'-cui:mlalot.. luuuU elIuiBS, ahla
S-antr S i rt i I I'rn-e, een-.s i-er box.
Yum Mi me leattirr S-itoe Vertln, Xaw-ra,
Votiiitirg. Sjivi-Mcss f.m ri l::ig or luoUotu Pi kr, in teu-.s
pei"box. .
loa l"a;sT ri!iKAE?. F.r Iri el. Caloti. n.ffi
culL. Painful l linalion, L'hteasea of ll,c Kidueja. Prk-e, IkJ
cetiia wr boa.
Fo 8si5iL ramnie Ineotttntairy Iiiiarce ai
C-i!iJent Ir!rtraTi.n and iN-V'-tr. I:ai Results t f Evil
Habits. Ti mo? norcSRful and eOi i-irt ren-eJy am-mii,
and mar be relied tpun as a care. Price, whh fu!I 5'::e
t ons, f 1 per bos.
IVroxi l.o i!li lo l-e Ctetelves tiol.T t're jrofes
s'unal rare, or to wet avivioe rf Pr' f. lit rnra. can 1a
ao. at r.i .fl.ce iCJ ItrcaJaav, Uaiijr from A.M. lo i P.M.
or by letter.
orn REUEMis rr mail
Look er.T the r.t ; mate tip a re rf alint VItkI t-
ehooae. auJ inclse ti e atrvt:!.t in a ctiireit no:e r inij
l r tceil to ir alrtr.-, at Xn. Urnadaay, Xesr-Yotk.
and tlie mM.cine a ill be Jluj returuea u.aU or u-resa,
free of char re. .
AOENTS WAXTri. 'Wea--re an active, efficient Arrr
for the sale of wit Her- li-s in ererv trrw-n or ctm.nmtittT
Hi tlie Uuited Siatca. AJr-. Pr. F. UitlfllU YS CuT
No. Rkoai-wst, Nte Vctt
F..r sale in Dfflr,:, Ly E. J. MILI.S.
ilav 2, lSbO.-lv.
THE niidersigncJ Las j;it retiirne.1 freni tiic
Flu-t with a large and t-p'.e-Ddie' stK- r f
Jewel ry,
Slusical Instrunent5,
NOTIONS, Etc., lc
which Le eijle-rs to t)ie- -t-ope e f lids vicinity at
very low Cgure-s. Ca!l ar.dsce for yovr-lve. iie
charge fur cxhlr;tiug g-iods. Tnit-tiug to rexeiv 2
a fair portion cf patremug-;, Le will ei.dcaviT t-
merit the same. Kioto opposite TLomptHiiis II. te!
ACCX)IiDEONS. &c., repaired in the Ut man.
ner and warracte-d.
April li. 180.-3m.
rT-tllE undersigned wt.ulJ reTx-etfu'lj lg leave
A to inform the citizens of Lbeusburg and vi
cinity, that Le La just received, at LU ttur
room, one door Vtt e f Davis i, IJ.'j d's Ste-re.
a large an 1 freh l.-t f Grixrt rit. which Le of
fers fur sale cheap f-r Casli or country Produce.
Lis sUxk 2unsU-ts in part cf the fellowiug arti-
He a'sokt-e-ps on Land a large and t:l e!e ted
Stock of S.'hod Cx-ks ai;d Staliencry, Nelli
Ac. all very -heap.
He hopes by strict attention to I r Stiffs lo
merit and receive a full share of pulhc atr. n
age. as he fetls tai.-Eed Lis t-ti-ck is gl ai:d 1 e
will -ll as clieap as any Lo-e in tet. n
Call and bee.
Ehensd urg. Aug. IT, 155'
Jostle mt the Ptstr, Saaussal 1 1 v llle, Pat.
j. care w".li be pr uijitly attet:dxl to. lie wi 1
alsj act as 1 cctine r at rullic Suh"-s whti ever
Lis services 4n that capacitv are rcrjnircd.
April $, iSSil
""VNE'of the firm ii!l e in Elrbarg during
V tae nrst ten iavs 01 eacn rrr.nth,
luring which time all perfus elei
ring Lis iirofeiTi:d services can
C - 1 1 . it .ft f T T - .
iiu 1 mm i ua i imi: en ar. u
ne:r: v T'l--
i site luair iioit i.
: Attorney at Law J ohtitowa
VFFICE on Clinton Street, few d.rTo tl
i x of the corner of Mala and Clii.ti.-n.
i April 23, 1S33.
n n