Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, June 20, 1860, Image 2

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    democrat & Sentinel.
D. C. Zabm, Ibllglier &.rroprlctor
8. 31. IettenffHI & t'oH
Adverting Agents, 119 Nassau Street New
York. and 10 State rtreet, Boston, are the au
thorial Agents for the "Democrat & fcrrir
" and the most influential and largest circu
lating Newspapers in the United States and
CanaJas. They are empowered to contract for
George M. Keim, of Berks County.
Richard Vaux, of Philadelphia.
1. Frederick A. Server,!
F 2. Wra. C. Patterson.
8. Joseph Crockett, Jr.
4. John G. Brenner,
. G. W. Jacoby,
6. Charles Kelly.
7. Oliver P. James,
8. David Sehall,
9. Joel L. Lightuer,
10. S. S. Barber,
'11. Thos. II. Walker,
13. Joseph Lauback,
14. Isaac Keckhow,
15. Geo. D. Jackson,
16. John A. Ahl,
17. Joel B. Danner,
18. Jesse R. Crawford,
19. II. N. Lee.
20. Joshua B. Howell,
21. N. T. Fetterman,
22. Samuel Marshall,
23. William Book,
24. Byron D. Hamlin,
12. S. S. Winchester,
25. Gaylord Church.
several Election Districts of the County of Cam- j
tria. lire requested to met:t on SATURDAY the .
7th day cf JULY, at the places designated by
law for holding the General Elections, and then
and t!.ere elect by ballot two porsor.s to repre
sent them ia County Conventfoc. The Delegates
tun chosen will meet at the Court House, in the
Borough of Ebcnibun. on MONDAY the 9th
J-,tt r-r . TT'r.Y t. 2 P. SI., to nominate
candidates for the Eeveral ofiices to be filled at
the ensuing General Election, and to transact
such other business as the usages and interests cf
' the party require. . The Election for Delegates
. to be opened at S o'clock P. M., and to be kept
open until 7 o'clock.
Jane 20, 18C0. Chp.irman Co. Com.
' Tlie Convention.
At tLo time cf writing, this, (Tuesday
morning) we have not received any intelli
gence with regard to the proceedings of the
Baltimore Convention. The delegates and
" outside p e2sure men began to arrive in great
numbers on Saturday and in the evening, the
City was filled with an excited crowd of Doug
las and Anii-Douglas men. The Douglas
delegates have their headquarters at the res
idence of lion. Keverdy Johnson. TheAnti
Douglas men, notwithstanding the outside
pressure, continued on Saturday to stand firm,
and seemed determined to prevent if possible
the dissolution of tie Party and the ignoring
of its principles. Notwithstanding all the
-efforts of the Douglas men they could not
then cipher out a majority of two thirds in
his favor. It was the intention, however,
to endeavor to exclude the "seceders" and
admit bogus delegations to occupy their seats
Gov. Biglcr was in the city but did cot ap
pear to to taking any part in the outside ar
rangements. It was known that numerous
efforts would bo made to amend the Charles
ton platform , bat it was thought they would
all prove abortive. It is impossible at pres
ent to say what the result will be, but a few
days more must tell the tale.
Tlie Tariff.
It was confidently believed some weeks ago,
that a tariff bill would be passed during the
present session of Congress, which would fur
nish ample protection to tho great industral
interests of the country, particularly to the
;coal and iron interests of Pennsylvania. But
the friends of the measure Lave' been sadly
disappointed. After having been virtually
.killed by objectionable amendments, it was
finally uefeated ia the Senate on last Thurs
day. . We are not now, and never have been, the
. advocates of a high protective tariff; that is
one that would give an unhealthy stimules to
business, and encourage a wild and reckless
Vpirit of speculation. " But our industral in
terests should bo protected to a sufficient ex-
.tent, to justify enterprising but prudent men,
in investing their capital ia manufacturing
mining &e. The country prospered under
the tarliF of 1S4G, and it was therefore prob
ably high enough. It was its repeal by a
Black Republican Congress, that prostrated
the coal and irca interests of our State, and
mined so many enterprising men. The peo
ple of Penusylrania will havo an opportunity
cxt October, to Ebow their determination
.that the present tariff thall be repealed, by
rolling up an old fabioned majority for Hon.
'Henry 'D.Foster 'for Governor, who is every
where, known jto be the fearless advocate of
ample protection to American industry.
: Cti-."
- . gST A western politician says, be once par
took of a beverage while on an electioneering
tour, eo hot, that he could not tell whether
it was Brandy or a torchlight procession that
i,.rrf.In down Lis throat.
k . considerable amount of important
bdaiocsa has been disposed of by the Courtdu
ring tire prewnt term. It is still in tes-
TJ Fourth cf July. Tho 84th anniver
sary cf American Independence is rapidly
approaching, and yet no arangements have
been made for its celebration in this place.
This is wrong. We have an abundant supply
of immaculate patriot sod eloquent orators,
and could get up a first class celebration
without any difficulty. We therefore move
toot arrangeme'nti for the occasion be com
menced forthwith. Who will second us. We
understand that arrangements are being made
for a celebration at the Summit which will
be worth attending. The patriotic citizens
of that place never do things by halves. and
jthe at'endance from abroad will doubtless be
large. We also learn that the citizens of
Clearfield township . will honor the glorious
ocasion by a celebration at St. Augustine or
Chest Springs. ' Those who wish to spend the
day patriotically and pleasantly, would do
well to attend.
Editorial Visitors. Col John M. Bowman
of the Johnstown Tribune, while in town last
week dropped in to see us lie and Swank are
model country editors, and never fail ia get
ting out a very spicy and interesting paper.
31 ay they ever be blessed with an abundant
supply of paying subscribers.
W e had also the pleasure last week of ta
king by the hand Maj. George Raymond of
the llollidaysburg Whig, lie is a good Ld
itor, a perfect gentleman and like Lodovico
" handsome man,"
We were surprised at meeting on the street
on Monday eveuicjr. C. Barrett editor of the
Eik County Advocate, the only paper pub
lished in that rapidly improving county. He
is possessed of both ability and energy, and if
he don't become a statesman, it will be be
cause the inhabitants of the will cat district,
failing to appreciate his merits, neglect elect
in" him to Congress.
ZD" We would l:k to publish the piece of
origional poetry, our Summeihili township
correspondent sent us last week. But the
majority of our readers venerate common sense
and the King's English, and we are afraid
our correspondents effusion, would not come
up to their notions of either Try again;
We are sure you can d-j better. As you are
a laly, we are verry sorry to disoblige ycu,
but we assure you, we Tcre laughed at more
than once, for publisbiog your lines address
ed to S. B JM'Consiek. If you are a poetess,
thee the readers of the "Democrat Senti
nel" have certainly no taste for genuine po
etry. St. Ft ancis1 College, Lorttto. Tho annual
exhibition, distribution of Premiums Sec, at
this Institution, will, we learn, take place on
Tuesday the 2Gth inst, and commence at half
past eight o'clock A. M. The programme
for the exhibition is a highly interesting one,
and the students will doubtless sustain their
respective parts with ability. All who attend
will we are confident, leave firmly impressed
with the belief that this college is eminently
entitled to the confidence and patronage of an
intelligent public.
C7 Although by no means a fishy politi
cian, we are nevertheless very fond offish,
provided always t6ey are fresh. Imagine then
our joy at receiving the other day from our
friend, Mr. Henry Ely, Esq., a dozen of
fresh Mountain Trout; real rpeckled beauties.
We dined sumptuously on them, and Mr.
Ely will please accept our heartfelt thanks.
He is hard to be beat cither as a Schoolmas
ter or trcut fisher. -
It is gratifying to learn that in every
section of the county, the prospects of an
abundant harvest to reward the labor of the
farmer, are truly flattering. According to
present indications, the wheat and grass crops
will be much the largest ever raised in the
county, and oats corn potatoes &c, look re
markably well.
The indications now are that Bell and
Everett, will poll a larger vote in this State
than Lincoln & nainliu It is 6aid that
Cameron is after Curtin with a sharp stick.
Curtin was very foolish in attending the Chic
aeo Convention.
S3T David Caldwell, Prothonotary of
Huntingdon County, was in town last week.
He is a good democrat, and if the people of
Huntingdon entertain" a proper appreciation
of ability and worth they will re-elect him.
E, Congress adjourned on Monday. It
was a long and useless session. But few
laws were passed of any use, or of any im
portance. Reason the House was controll
ed by Black Republicans.
.ISTThe straight-out Know Nothings cf
Blair County, do not intend to vote for Lin
cola & Hamlin. They are down the Dutch
Plaok. Even the Editor of the Register,
spit upon it. They are also nearly all op
posed to the re-nomination of Hon. S. S
Blair for Congress.
3T Our enterprizing friend George Hunt
ley, is about erecting a beautiful front buil
ding to his store room, in which he intends
enlarging his stock cf Hardware, Tinware,
Glassware and Willow Ware, which he will
dispose of for cash or country produce.
r-J C. Noon, Esq , of the Mountain
eer, is the outside pressure man from this
County at Baltimore. This settles tie con
troversy. Douglas will bo nominated.
Blacklick townebip contains about
600 inhabitants. So .Assistant Marshall
Murray Informs us.
XSrWe are sure the readers of the "Dem
ocrat & Sentinel" will agree with us, that the
following lines entitled "Uncle Jerry" are
touching and beautiful, Dr: William Hol-
combe of Louisiana is the author.
Why, Jerry! what means all this sadness and
Here's your bitters, man! wTtjfo-you cry?
Who told you I'd sell you? the trader that's here?
By zounds, sir? be told you a lit!
When I sell the gold ring from my dead moth
er's hand.
Or the sword which rny grandfather bore,
When at Guillford his troopers made such a bold
I will sell you and not before! .
Why, dont you remember my face as a boy's.
When often I sat on your knee,
Whilst you sang, in your- rugged, mcntonous
Your foolish old ballad's to me?
I wept at your sad one's, and laughed at your
And made you repeat them all o'er;
Ah! when 1 forget my life's happiest day,
I will sell you and not before! i '
. - A .
You male me the boat which I launched on the
tide, , -
And my traps for the birds ia tie snow;
You led my bay pony, and taught me to ride,
And balf the good things which I know.
You wept like a child when they sent me tw
To be absent for six months or more;
When you are a villain, cr I am a fool,
I will sell you and not before!
If poverty's cup I am sentenced to drain,
I will part with you last of tbem all;
Your kindness, old Jerry! would double my
And your sorrows embitter my fall.
If fate or misfortune should cause us to part.
There's a God will unite us once more;
So drink my good health and commie your oil
And love mc and serve, as before.
CIn common with '.all the world," we
are anxiously awaking the reSaTTorthe Balti
more Convention, and do not therefore feel
like saying very much about politics just
Barrett has been ousted from his seat
in the U. S. House cf Representatives Blair
basbe;n declared after a long contest, duly
elected. Darrett ha3 been re-nominated by
the democracy.
ZSf" Albert Smith thehumorous and spright
ly English writer is dead.
3fThe July number of Godey's Lady's
Book is on our table, and is still an improve
ment on former numbers. The Lady's Book
is dow acknowledged to be the best magazine
in the United States. Single copies of the
Lady's Book and Harper's Magazine for July,
can be bad at tbo Ebecsburg Post of
fice. Tlie
Gubernatorial Contest In
We notice both in the Democratic journals
of this State, and ia tho proceedings of nu
merous public meetings, that tho most grati
fying unity and enthusiasm is everywhere pre
valent, especially with reference to Gen.
Henry D. Foster, our able and gallant can
didate for Governor. Whatever differences
of opinion may exist with reference to other
matters. Gen. Foster is everywhere hailed as
a worthy representative of Democratic doc
trines; and his high character, noble public
record, and close identification with all the
great and essential interests of the State, arc
calling forth the most active and zealous ef
forts of the Democracy in behalf. No
man has ever passed the ordeal of active pub
lic service with more success and honor than
has Gen. Foster; and hia gallantry in times
of emergency, and his strict devotion to
Democratic principles, have justly endeared
him to the Democracy of the whole State.
For more than twenty years, if bard work
was to be done. Gen. Foster was the man to
do it; and the steadfastness of Old West
moreland is largely due to hi able advocacy
of Democratic principles, bis clear and argu
mentative reasoning, and a high personal
popularity which he has borne with the mod
esty of true greatness.
Gen. Foster's record upon the Tariff while
a member cf the lower House of Congress,
is enviable, and distinguished for sagacity
and devotion to the interests of his State,
lie wa3 ever foremost in the reccognition of
enlightened views of government policy; and
the annexation of Texas, and the settlement
of the Oregon dispute, in 1855 and 184G,
found in bim an able advocate or enlarged
American ideas. He is eminently the man
for the times, and wc bail as a matter of pride
and gratification the unbounded enthusiasm
in bis behalf now animating the Democracy
oi tne state, encouraging organization, and
aiving the brightest promise of vietory.
There is nowhere lukewarmness or lethargy.
Dissensions are buried. The Stat9 is to be
redemed, and all uiioor differences are made
to yield to that noble and patriotio purpose.
Fen nsyhan ian.
- T
Self-Sealing Newspaper Wrappers. The
Post Master General and the Committee on
Post Offices of the House have recommended
this new postal article to the favorable action
of Congreps. and a bill is now before that body
for its adoptjor. Considering the countless
millions of Newspapers that are read through
out our vast country, and the trifling postage
ou each, it is believed that' the stamping of
these wrappers with a cent fhnrp by Gov
ernment and sale at all post-offices, the same
a stamped envelopes, will furnish the public
with a neat, cheap, convenient, and much
needed means of enclosing newspaper? and
all transient printed matter, and thereby
largely increase the amount of all such mat
ter dispatched by mail, and thus add to the
receipts of the Post Office Department from a
quarter to half a million of dollars annually.
They will also benefit the press, by increasing
their sales, for the purpose of enclosing to
friends. The bill shonld h
ately. National Tntellemeor.
Are the Republicans Sincere?
The supporters of Lincoln in this quarter
profess a rigid sentimeut ia favor of Protec
tion, and oec'aun loudly for the passage ot
Tariff bill which the House of Keprvntntativen
have been considering. The N.-w York
Evening Fost. and the journals of Rlack Re
publicanism ia Maine, (llainliu: Statr,) aud
everywhere "down East," with, equal power
denounce the House bill as "the odious Tarilf
Act and call for its unconditional defeat.
. And, again, the Abolition National .Con
vention declared against all legislation. by
Congress or State Legislation, on the subject
of naturalization. Out West, this "plank"
is in the highest favor. Here, on the other
hand, it is "ignored," and in Massachusetts,
Governor Banks proclaims on this subject,
that the people will "order and control their
own domestic institutions as they please, ac
cording to their own judgement," and without
regard to what the National Convention has
said or done. And all the other planks, ex
cept that which relates to the negro, are treat
ed in the same way.
Now it is evident that somebody is to be
sold. Either the "Tariff men or their oppo
nents, the American? or the Germans, and
all who differ on every other point but the in
evitable darkey, are to be bamboozled by this
"honest" organization. Whether they will
submit to the operation tamely, and with the
utmost perfect resignation, is the question
Those who tak the trouble to Tcad can see
the insincerity of the Republicans, and. we
presume, will interfere with their calculations
at the proper time. Fennsylvanian.
"ULUsnthe a Darlinnr Ic addition to
the vote of Mr. Lincoln for the resolutions of
Geo. Ashman, offered in Congress during
the Mexican war, which declared that war
wrong, unjust and unconstitutional. Harper's
Wetkly in a biography of that individual, says
that Old Abe voted against a Lilt graining
one hundred and sixty acrts of land t-t each
of the volunteers xcho served in it! He thus
sought to visit his wrath upon the patriotic
men, voung and old, nh.i at the cj.A ot tln-ir
j. . . icii r.M - .
j -
was worthy of a lory of the Artiericvi Revo
lution. In Lincoln's bri-.;f public l.f.J. Le r.ev
er oil a putiiotic uct. Talk :ib"Ut such a
man being one of the p" lr! It is nonsense
and worse thai: ihjt. li: Ltes the people
and his public acts t!l prove ir. 40't isn't
he a darliiigr Ohio Statesman.
Faper Cities. Minnesota has had bitter
experience in paper cities. The St. Paul
Fioneer and Democrat, moralizing upon the
pa!, says:
From ail the signs of the times, we pre
dict that before another year parses, real es
tate signs will begin to reappear iu our streets,
and that corner lots will again bogia to be
come the staples of town talk,' but no more
will bi heard the names innumerable ol the
paper cities, which made so much noise and
so many dupes iu the fiusli times of Juo and
5G. The exp-enmeat of laying out a whole
country iu town lots can be tiicd only iu the
infancy of a new S'.ate, before cutting the
first let lii. We havo accomplished this al
ready, aud our paper towns, several thou
sand in cumber, have been abandoned to na
ture, wr feuced iu for farms. WLeat, cab
bage, and potatoes grow ia their broad strec
and ample parks.
The small, actual towns, will, many of
them, continue to grow beautifully less. The
large towns and cities will absorb them, aud
the next rage for real estate speculation will
be confiued chiefly to farming laud, aud first
class-towu and city property.
Our Seio Jlinis'er to. Russia. The ap
pointment of Hon. John Appletou aa minis
ter to Russia, at the present juncture is re
garded as an excellent oue. Having beeu
twice a member of the House of Represen
tatives, a chief clerk of the Navy Depart
ment under George Bancroft. Secretary of
Legation at London, Charge d'ASairs at Bol
ivia, ana at inaon, ana Q.lunu; tbe past
tnree years; assistan: secretary ot estate, re-
ally directing our foreign a&dirs, he is said to
be worthy and well qualified to represent us
at St. Petersburg. Mr. Duchacau it will be
remembered was sent theie by President
Jackson ia 1832.
A storekeeper purchased of an Irishwoman
a quantity of butter, the lumps of which in
tended for pounds, be weighed in the balance
and found wanting. "Sure its your own fault
if they are lisht," said Biddy, in reply' to the
complaiuts of the buyer, 'it?s your own fault
sir; for wasu't it with a pound of your own
soap I bought here myself that I weighed
them with." The storekeeper had nothing
more to say on that subject.
"Mv brethren," said a god old backwoods
preacher, "I'm gwine to preach you a plain I
sarmiut to-aay a sarmenc tnat every man
can understand. You can find my text ia
five vtrses of the twcreycd chapter of one
eyed John." It was some time before it was
perceived that he meant 1 John, Chapter sec
ond. A private letter from London, to a gen
tleman in Albany, statei that Sayers. in a
confidential conversation with a friend admit
ted that Heenan was too heavy and too stroug
for him, and expressed satisfaction that he
had come out of tli. ri ig alive. The writer
adds, "it is the sorious belief of many who
saw tbo fight, that bad not the blow by which
Sayers' arm was so terribly injured been
warded by bun, but fallen full on his head, it
would have put a fatal eud to the fight."
Reduction f Lorul Fostuge. The II.use
of Representatives have reduced the anuunt
allowed city letter carriers for delivering let
ters from two to one cent per letter. This
amendment was tacked on to tho appropria
tion bill, and was made at the suggestion of
the department.
A Continuous Railrond from. Jfiinc to
Louisiana. Tho gap ia the Mississippi rail
road is finished, and the connection through
to New Orleans is now complete. The time
betw-en New Orleans and Baltimore by this
route will bo about 75 hours. By the com
pletion of this link there is now a continuous
railroad from Bsogor, Maine, to New Or
leans, except three short ferries at Hudson
river, Susqueha.iua and the Poomaj rivers
This vast chain of railway is composed of
eighteen independent roads, costing io rhe
asgregate for 2.314 miles of road : 394,
0S4, or uearly one tntb of the whohj rail
way pystem ia the United States, of which
1,996 miles are used in this continuous
lioe. ,
Kcll and lrcrcti.
felarp coiiijbt is at present going oa ia
the v pOMtiou rank?, L.-tven th to-cailed
"K pubi.can 'IcAicrs and ini U I
fceeu a5sJstii.".r lii-s
their L:;U5
i early
lU-i ;;' K-r
Bell and Everett. lu the au,U,
i T'- t
this Suite, in New Jt.V-y. New Yri k4d-J
Rhode Island, this i c.-pjeUHy '-case.
We are informed- that iu l'Lilaidpbia aloue,
the Bell ticket wi'.l rua Lalf, if not:uiore of
the opposition vote. In Montgomery; Oar
bon, Luzerne, Huntingdon - and -Blair, the
"Americana" are bitterly opposed to t'ae Chi
cago nominations, and even here ia Bedford,
we have sisus of an outbreak in favor of B;il
and Everett. We know of some fifteen or
twenty of the most respectable men of the
Opposition ranks in this Borough. wLo Lave
declared themselves for Bell. We bear of
numbers in other parts of the county. Iu
fact there is no telling but what the Deincc-.
racy will be called to fight Bell instead of
Lincoln. We hope the oppjsition ia this
county will stick to Liucoiu, for wc think
Old Abe V abolition ism, together with-bis
"Dutch Plank" will operate most effectually
to cool the ardor of the faithlui- lkoJt,rd
The Vist if the 1'rince rf Wales. The
loyal people ot Canada are nitkicg the most
extensive preparations for tha itceptija cf
their Prince. Maguifieeut railway c-rs are
being built to convey the royal parry through
the provinces, fetes are in prcparati. n and
jraul receptions awa:t hiai tvorywhrre. At
Quebec the new Parliament houso is to le
the accesaiUs vf a wt-il turnuLcd i.ouie take
the t-iace of desks and ciaco tiools. Tu
Prince will occupv ous win;: of the i-u.I iLig.
the ither bt'iLs-.t apart
lor the Duke o
Newca;t!e, w!iO CcoUip3ij;e him as Col.-tu-i
S.cretarv. The iuot starliiu'; idea, howi-v-
. ' " L I . 1 .. .1. .. .V .. .1 - -". 1
I . ... . . . , , , , '
! iz--ns if Oiiebec is oi tarttr.u lorry or i
ii-iy 1 1 er ua i.c s.t. aici a. iu ii t-v w u
tne river c :nuse to n.tet t:;e I nuce. it i-
prooed to uitv-r th t!J G overmuch! Ilciiyt-
Tn".r''ri fur i!.' r liiTii.vla'I hi lli? T i
expected tr
, . -
t-tauie to iC-itiu at lis
M:J tie U-
Prince will bo ticorttd
when Le goes to to opeu
tubular LiiJ-re.
Tlie Two Cait(Iidatc for Goveruor
Tiic vontiut.
There is a inaikt-d omtrsi just now b
tweeu the two caudid;cs lor G.vcinor of
Pennsylvania. Gea. Foster, tiie Deiuocraiic
candi-iate, is at Yus'iiugfon, u;ing liis ilHu
etice to secure tne pssjje of tho Tarili t-iii
through the L'ustiU Slates Senate, a iu.aurc
that will have a teu ieucy to promote t ie in
terests of Ptnusylvauia, and tst'ciady cf
o- tae workiiij wbsij.t iii coruj esior C 1
is ! Ciirtia, is spiakiug ut ii.'puli:cau muticition
mcetiugs., advocating doctrines tbat uius-t
Driug the diff-Teiit secious of tlie country ia
autaonisut viih euch ctLer, wL cu, as txc
rience has always saowo, is Liuly d.triic!.
tai to the industrial iuttrt-sts, u.t ouly ot
I'ciiiisvlvania. but of Nor;heru Smu-s fZu-
tu, advocating tLe mrsaje c f tLe Tarill bid
and the interests of the iru.'e people t f l'ei-ii-vyivania;
Col. Curtin is ttuuipinir ic in Penn
sylvania iu Lehaif of liigeibm and the
"Nigger." This i the eoutrat between the
doings cf the Democratic aud Republican
candiuates for Governor
at this time.
of Pennsylvania just
The John IJroicnites supp.rt Lincoln.
i At a meetiu recently hdd iu IJ ston. R. J
liiuton read a letter fro:n James Redpatb,
the British emissary and coatijutc-r of Johu
Brown, in which he stated, "that he should
iiol be present, bat thought it was time that
slavery should bj abolished, by political ptr
ties, it" possible if not, theu by armed par
ties of insurrectionists. His heart throbbed
for the hlave of to-day, and Le thought that
it would be a blessing ta send some cf the
tdave-drivers out of the world. When Le
was ia the South Le had endeavored to make
the slaves strike i-ut for their freedoas, and
he thought b should live t) goagutn a mart 7 t
them, aud insi(e them to insurrection, ile
did not believe ia au armed insurrection first,
but if slavery could not be abolished other
wise, theu they must enforce tLe:r seatiments
with arms, lie alluded to John R.-own, and
concluded by statiug that he shouLl vote in
Awremter Jtejct for the namiiue of the Re
publicau party; bo believed ia the sworJ
lusurtcctiou out of slaves makes into, eman
cipation out of s'avt-s makes ''free niggers."
As the fiiendof the lave be would rather
see to day a negro Htcnau than a negro
Frederick Douglas."
Shamrful Waste f FuUic 2Ior.ey The
Washington Constitution of the 31st n't.
calls attention toihe reckless maimer in which
the Republican House of Rvpresc:;tativts is
at tae present time Sfiaaudcrmg the public
funds. It appear among th? mail rutts
restored by the famous proviso adopted by the
lloue of iiepresctitative. a few diy m:;c-.,
tbat from Kansas to Storkt:i. in California
r or ttiis service the rot UJic; D-. p trtment
p.tid at the rare of eighty thousand duita s 1
annnx. the muc months that it was iu opt r
auon tae returns snovrea mat tin re werp
transported iu this nail betweou and
Stockton but thrie htttrs and ticenfy six ueics
jtapcrsl The service was uul f as it wa
extravigant. aud wai discontinued by the
1 OstmasU-r General The Houe has cow
ordered it to be restored, although there are
foar oilier routes, tnaiutainvd at vast ct.
coanectinc the valley of the ML-sissirpi wi;h
the 1 acihc, and although over S-. mies of
the route a mail is now carried U'tdvr a pre
existing contract HiU'? the cppresel reve
nuos of the Dt-partti'cnt are to be made to pav
S0.000 for the carriage cf three ietteis and
twenty-six ntwsps p-r luriij the i-sul!ij
year! Dos the hii'ry ofth in-t crrupt
times furnish a pat al lei to such a ga:ltvwastt
of the public mney'i
In Toledo, a few days siurc, a man worth
60,000, and not owing a tingle dime,
drowned himself fr?r fear "of "coming to want.
per Caua ja Ar:c;::tural cxL.uiaou c-tcuss in . . , .
, " , . , uii-L-u.iijt ;i:i.rcu towrJa te cj:..
tbe su:iiC i-lacc at that time. At M"i.:rcai f . - - , . ,' -
, k .... , i . c i ! tire VcrvthtUfc' luto a t5t ; i'
S tare btcu received from Gov.u- : ,
v . - i, !:: i.-tvi even li.o su: T-oi't.-s J
mcnt lor tne purr-ose ot tiLiuiti-r a i'rovsi-cs-i v, 1 .
f . r. , c, . - I G ovarii ii.i;i.t villi vUu .
Exhibition t-t Aits and Mil.ulactures, aT.a , . . i ,
ihey arc putting up a crystal r.alice. The
Jjv ILe 1 ur;ia'..eL;: i
the cs-f-t
11 om "lexico.
The peboomr J?ed CaL ,
arrived at this port this uiomic .v"
qr.c'i tijie t-f five lays fro jt la'jj. v
; -Lo 1. It or. tie 4;u iut n
.. j i-i si ie iL.i;wi;t-n; nej cf t
rcu; iicd :.. .-si, u f ti.e gi'cvi c.?''
i,J I ho rOubie lOiS of tUtof2 ;..r "k
Tills iujpbi taai tvtt trJz plat2 kJ
Ijra, iii'J daring an ittack upon iiJ
jica is said to have beta at ct . - t
the j;.ssi.ssi':ro tf Uraga.
Bat jl
Bat jUstat ths laooicct victory WJi .
:g a bis favor, a stray t-Lot frt
f's wotks tell ia the ua-iei wf it. i-"-
saff's.nd carried off oi
4 T Ii'-. j
s ur iu ana coLU.-ion. tan-
still held Li gro-aud brsrt'j, cot!y
L s c"-aic?, ca'gl with grci: fa.-j c',"
centre vf iLu Cciiutuiloual troorv !T' '
le;s!y entering :hi tly, ilrcW h tt tt
ure.afi.1 discrvlcr, t.''cics ti as f--:i i-
dinest-ion t?.U !i:jLt of ihe wLs t. ! '
"TLii news se-ato us :r!j-if.i . .
savs a
letter - cf tLd 4ri
s, a author
ative soiree, iii j J
It is aided that the army if Cri
bTed tivJU isku. He ciust tuva Uj
Liiu iLeu tai?v ati the Uvjs Lj La
collecting SiLce Lis
t--t victory rJ;;
Luis Pot. si.
li i a.T-o a51 J iLi. Gru. Ur.
tl Sjis v 1 1'iuwabtV --s. cis
J ..u CIS i,-.
t (':r'li.r,i!i',i ..."
- - ' I J UUk.s
affair Lave yet CuUd t j Li. j, .. .
. t3.
ot-oabl of tie rt-UaL
i'.i:r rf V
;cspe cf Z-!
! i. r tiis
ot uis part-;
escipj. liSjd letu.ut-d tj tLa a-J
xzj u-jkL Liii-self ii. tl- i:tC
i ' T " t ... T
; . i l
(Sal C
F-s.ure Jvcktr i
the ii:!uic of J.-jirr oi Co., cf
-'iitXi ,
i tuii.tu "leak tii
I L:aja. Lear Lu:a i vt'-si. ti
Ariiv:.: c lis G.-cti C'jcdur'.i.
t:rca: sj-Lui-j c.'ijluL-.a iroiu 'Za.ui
sa'ely i.t '1 jiSii i'.-j :Le i-KL: i r
just one dy t'j la-.e t.r llij ij.l li t..
. i i . . . -.
. . . .- 1 i ; , r. t
oUo io iUc IcjI Wiu vi: ntJ 4
next ou:tsuu:j.tca ftteiUati-.
: i . . . i
ci i i:uizi(.r ii.rgfc coi.iiU.cta Wis i
. J2 t-ii.-jao ii:: ti h inovij ux-
b.ii II mytf liiat vehrZl ia !..i.Ti' Lt be uuuii iiiiiic a hijiu;, l-'ku
bjota v.ere liiii, even at a -jarr-rciWTi;
tae dpriagiLld rats. After uirr.;
cj.e tl-r a l-ag tiute, Le worked out t
cou'.d siipp'j- LiuisLif with bjots, aiJ -c:
jwy f r the ii out cf his pocket. II-:
thought of di'liVeriug a l.::-e. but u .
could be found wlio w iull coase des-ir
lac $200. 11 tU-ii llia-
;isd ejsiricg ::.
litfji as issi ulJ nccLliV ia .e
but Le c.uld Lot :s; porsns to c-.ii.rL :
h:iu. Iu this cx:rwiuy bis fuilo ju:'--gestv.
tbat ho WeK.i Luy the bovie io '.
tiiesa paid .or ?ut o: the jublic uj. -".
heret-vre orircvl a -v.. it eiLt ujIIat!:;
wore sent ur. it .u.-snucTf, t.tiifio
ary c-leik at ihtj cij-itl, and AV: li.i :
as s:s.!io:.arv. Atthei-cxt st-iria ti.
r of bj:j t-s saoie t: i
th-y being paid i.:r out of the rul.ici.
i tiea Le wu .avij2 fif Lt-u.? rcr
forever he t
a;r at nine i-ollas.?.
they vr.e
b:. Lo
DkS, iti. w
.biabaai Li::Cwiu, Spricgfieid lllirc1:-."
The recorder tliis bo; transact;:-!
thuscu tho b..ok cf the Clc?rk of itei
ot Representatives, SL.d La Lis T-currr;
treasury at WiisLtng-.n:
"Iiou. Ab.-a:tai
TLree pir it" boot J
The iua tLis coTv.Tjir.rt
trinaueatly end j re Lalf free anJ L.:.'
when iue'irsif Cct'gress ca;i r ..if '
1 v -
SC1VC3 Wllil MXK IK1.L4?. Ii
f the people, is i r r --'.-
Ju-t think of Iloocst Abe.
toots sent up ta the capitil U be d:-t
by him as stli.niarv. Jut iliii
simplicitv of iu-? honest mail, wLo Ui-
pt-fj'le io j ay for
drawinr eL-iit Jo'
lai-s drr d-r
i,;J cl
General Fostrr.
Ltt the divisions of the De,'c:ra7'Jf
they may. the isxty rc uti'.l :
D. Foster, our ixtiio:-t t3!iiii-;. '
nor. lie U a f ua-xcej t.---- f-
actc-r, of uu j abilitUs ot C "
conservative priavsipics. II- ;s v
the gr at questions iLat affji-t the i ''
'cunsvivauia n'. i..n ia L jhz'--'-
years ago. he strongly' i T""
tari5" an i his rrct c:r.Tts to t' f!"'
SJe nf a bill !LCrea.-i-; th'
proTii Liiu
.-a s.i.wrt; Irun c- t-J
We tr.te. ti'm a strong b.p-cs cf f "f
We have the u-ost nicaraig bi"'
fjoaj every section cf t'te atata i'-tux'71-"
ir.atti-r Low widely t"a"y u.avr oa 1'
p -liey or principle, are warm an! eHT
:he support ofGea. Foster. Tie
his -rfat pontilaritv i thi undeDie? "-'
deniable fact that he is strictly a A ".
la the western c.unrijs, where La J
known, he will rau far -hc-i cf P
vote, and no wliero will Le fall b.-:-
Wc can t-prak uuier!auainzy f- t-f"
ty, an ! we assure our party frtcn-s '-
u.Mosity nercaiu3t oca. i i.i,
v-ry Miiau. il-? n?s i'.j?pirtra -
r-.T? rn'p ru l t l' will : .!
in O. t Wt. Wc ure not only '-"'- '
ar ac-!:ve. Tijirc is a pi: Hi; e"
our eAndldate v.-LIch wi"! ov " " rid tb &
i at'nns of c-rrapi j-vlItl-.iaLS aaJ
fid fjvhiourd Deui-ratio maiorify-
most worthy represcctasive cf a wcrt-.T
Jfvrtingdcm i:ofi.
. ..... t a., wfc - - a-v i