W.'titc Beans. JR" l"-sira ta e the cul tivation cf the bean grtly extended io this Oouutry. Like clover, peas, and root crops, its growth and concern? tion oa the farm will greatly enrich the land. At present it may pay better to toll the beans tb-an to feed them to the sheep: but if the market price fdiould Lj reduced by their extended cultivation, they would still be a profitable crcp fur the fawner to raise for feeding. They draw lightly on the soil, and being planted in rows admit the use of the horse hoe, so tliat the land can te nearly as well cleaned as by a sumn.er fallow. There is perhaps no crop eo well adapted for plantirg among young fruit trees a3 beans There are a number of excellent varieties, but for field culture the small white beau is belli. ved to be as profitable as any other, Beans do well on any good corn laud. The general cpiuion is that a light, warm, sandy or gravelly loam is bebt. Many think that the soil should be rather poor than otherwise: as lich land is apt to produce too much vine; there is, however a difference of oyinion on Ibis point, probably owing to the different sig nification which is attached to the terms "rich" or "poor" land. Io this case, as in most ethers, a ''happy medium is doubtless best. Some prefer to plow early in the ppring, cad elean the laud as much as possible before planting; others think it bjst to .plow under a clover sod, flat, just .before planting, fay (he Erst of June, as such land is more likely to be free from weeds. Harrow down smooth and make the toil as Sue as possible; then plit in rows, feet apart and 15 inches in the rows, using 4 to G beans in a hill. Cover with mellow earth, not more than two inches deep. Some prefer to sow in drills; but by planting in hills, the labor of cleaning is frreatiy faciliateU. When sown in drills with a machine, it should drop a single bean two inches apart in the drills, the rows being feet apart. If the weather is fine, plant the first wrek in June. Some, however, pre fer to plant a week later. flax There is perhaps no crop that can be grown, more certain in its returns for la bor bestowed, than flax. The demand for seed, for making oil, is increasing every year. ITitherto the groath of flax for the sake of the fibre baa been a troublesome process; but a method ha3 been found of obtaining the fibre by machinery, without first fteepicg it, and we understand that several mills are about to be built this year in Canada for this pur pose. The soil best adapted to its growth is a rich, deep loam; stiff clay will not answer. It is indispensable that the soil be perfectly clean, and reduced to a fine tilth. If seed only is wanted, one bushel will sow an acre. For fibre, the quantity of seed sown varies from 1 J to 3 bushels per acre; the thicker it is 60wn the finer will be the fibre. The time for Eowiog is from the first of May to June. The earlier it can be sown the better will be the fibre. In Ireland where flax is exten sively grown, the usual estimate is that three acres will produce ouo ton of ordinary fibre, worth from $200 to 350 per ton . The fi nest quality of flax produced fetchos 550 per ton. The seed averages about 20 bushels per acre, and is worth 1,50 per bushel. Early ChicJcens. The chicken crop is one of more importance than most people give credit for. Early chickens are worth double those of later hatching, both because they make better fowls, and more likely to be heal thy and lose less by disease in raising. We made mention last fall of the fine pair of game folus purchased of II. W. White, at the State Fair. The hen, a most queenly ben, laid her first egg in mid winter, and kept right on till she bad given us seventeen eggs, and then took to setting on the 20th of February. Punctual to a day she brought off her brood on the 12th of March. Very proud was madam Cleopatra of her perfor mance, and io three days the chicks could fly like fcparrows. Such gamy little birds we never Eaw before, and cot one of them has drooped a moment since. The hen is a capi tal nurse and protector, for though she will allow us to draw cur hand over her glossy plumage, sie will strike out like an arrow with her serpent like neck, to the length cf balf ayaid, if the dog or rabbit put their im pudent faces within her range. Ohio Cul tivator. .fiuwc j.'jut occai. i.o De sure a single paper of seeds cost but little, but to r, t r o 7 -r. , nil a good garden plot with the whole round of vegetables each year, makes up quite an item. 44 Tis too much trouble," says neih bor Easy, "to be fussing with these little no tions." Grant that it is some "troubU" to Bet out a dozen or fifteen varieties and take care of the seeds "there can bo do gains without pains." Try. this; have an under standing with two or three neighbors, and each raise 4 or 5 kinds and exchange; or yourself raise a few kinds say this year tn alundance, and few kinds next, and so on. lor this will be easier than to take care for all the varieties at once. By extending this arrangement, each family in a district might be easily supplied. Yankee" Oil Cake for Heifers. It is said that if heifers receive a little oil cake (say 2 lbs. per for two or three months before calving their milk vessels will acquire a larger devel opment, and their bilking qualities be much irnprOTedV HOSTETTER'S STGnrlASH BIT It is a fact that, at gomo period, evqry mem ber of the human familj is subject t disease or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, with the aid of & crood tenia and tho exercise of plain common sense, they may be able bo to regulate the eystea as to secure jjui".-.,v health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that which Trill produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life. For this purpose, lr llostetter has in troduced to this country a pieparation bearing his name, which is not a new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem te triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction cf the Stomach or Kowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Ac., these Bitters have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or Cux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be Epecdily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S CTOMACH BITTERS, as per direct ions on the bot t le. For this disease every physician ill recommend Bitters of fconie kind ; then why not u?e an article known to be infal lible ? All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease and strengthener of the sys tem in general ; and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation in the scale of medical science. Fever axd Aouk. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in a short time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be contracted, even Li exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor offend the palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure. For I'ersons in Advanced Year, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need onlv be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters are indis pensable, especially where the mother's nour- . ishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such aa Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. AVo caution the public against using any of the many imitations cr counterfeits, but ask for Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. HoitcUer't SUU2ach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. i- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTEH & S3UTH, Pittsburgh, Fa, and sold by all druggists, grocer, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. AGENTS. Davis & Jones. Ebensburg; J. A. Parrhh, Summitville; Wm. Litzinger, Loretto; Peter Kinney, Munster. August 31, 1859. ly. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! TIIESUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg aud surrounding country, that he has opened a Saddler's shop, in the basement of bis dwelling house, on Horner street, where he is prepared to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms, every description of Saddles, Bridies, and Harness Ac. Having many years' experience in the busi ness, employing none but the best workmen, and using the best material upon all his work, he hopes to nierrit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Country produce at all times taken in exchange for work, aud the big nest market prices allowed. JAMES MAG U IRE. Ebensburg. Sept., 14, lS59.-tf. EORGE Y. TODD, WITH CONRAD A WALTON, Importers and Wholesale Deal ers in Hardware, Cutlery, Ac, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand the genuine Timothy Slack's Augcrs,W. Mann's Beatty's and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels. Darling & Waldron's Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Com mon andPatent Scythe Snaths Patent Clothes Pins, A-c., Ac, which thev offer for sale on reas onable terms, to country dealers only Januiry 25, 1855. "OUX II. ALLEN 5: CO.. NOS. 2 & 4 Chestnut stnut Street. ( south ri.le. ho PHILADELPHIA. (The Oldest Wood-wake House, ix tue Citi .) MLtiufacturers and Wholesale dealers iu Patent Machinp BROOMS, Patent Grooved CEDAR-WARE, vunmucu not to snrmfc, WOOL) & WILLOW WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of all descrip tions. Please call aud examine our stock. W I."x- "1 n- r t . . , . . i . V . vrUh P. I. P ATTON a. VU., hole-sale Dealers in and Manu facturcr of HATS. CAPS. FITliS Ilaffn, at, temls, Straw Goods, Artificial Mowers, Buflalo Robes, &c. No. 128 Market street, below Fourth w 1 SHe: PHILADELPHIA. Cash paid for PRICE I. PATTOX. 'A.OPPENHEIMER iebruary 17, I858:tf CANVASSERS WANTED? r-f iPAL 1NDCCEMETS to AGENTS! fifty Dollars a month, and all expenses paid. VSTE wisn to engage an active Agent in every rL i ty throuSbout the United States and TWFvrv r1 .a,nd intre our NEW I'VCK it?t?LH11 DOUBLE THREAD I vSl Tr11 SEWING MACHINE. This J Acehior Machine is just patented, with valuable improvements, wh.ch make it the cheapest and PPlar machine in existence, and ackoowl SrJ s? for general utility. A lanted number of responsible agents are wanted sohctt orders by sample, to whem a salary of $50 per month and expenses will be paid. For conditions and full particulars address, with stamp for return postage, J. W. HARRIS & CO. - No. 1 3 Shoe Jb Leather Exchange. Nov. 9, 1859.-50-8 w. BostonMass. REMOVAL! PAUL GRAFF, MANUFAC turer and Wholesale Dealer in Knnt. 0 Straw Goods. Hats and Cyne Vn Afil Xu Third Street, between Arch and Cherry, Phila- J March 6, 1836. TJOIS LUCKHARDT, WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN CLOCKS. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. - TIE undersigned Teeectfutt jf begs leave to infer ta'tne ct fcens of Johnstown and vicinity jtjj-P taht lie has just received and is now JjuaiS opening the largest stock of Clocks H atcf.es, and Jewelry , ever brought to jonnstown without ex cepting, whc will be sold cheaper than the cheapest." His prices will always bo uniform One customer will not be charged cure for the tame quality of Roods than another. A List of some of the articles comprised in the assortment is annexed. - Prices may be ascertained," and" goods examined, at the Store ol Main Street. Gold Hunting English Levers, Gold Detached Levers, ful iewelled, Gold Lepincs. 4 holes Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Leplnes, Gold Guard Chains. Gold Vc3t Chains, Gold Pencils, with Pens, Gold Pencil?, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils and Tens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, Gold Finger Kings, Gold Oiff Pins, Gold and Silver Watc l Keys. Portmonaies, Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles Plated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons ' Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittauia Tea Setts, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, Ao,, Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 6 inches. Gold Bracelets, Accordeons, - Silver and Plated Spectacles, Ac, Ac, Ac. Aix sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness aud at low rates. Con fident that be cannot be undersold, the undersign- rcspectiuiir solicits the confidence and patrona-i of th public. L.OUIS LUCKHARDT May 14, 1S56. 29-tf. Jan. 5, 1853. SI- FlilCiS' COLLEGE M BOYS. Under the charge or the FrancI can llrotlieri. THIS institution, situated iu Loreit, Cambria cjunty, Pa.j about four miles from Cresson Station, on tiu direct route between Philadelphia aid Pittsburg, has b?3n lately chartered, with privilege ticnfer collegiate honors a.id tlerees. Tue annual pensiuu for board and tuitiim, payable hilf yearly in advance. llOD 00 Washiug :x.A iisa of bjJ Jing, per annum, 10 00 l up-.ls reinaunng at the College durm vaca tion wm pay an extra charge of 13 00 The Classics and modern Languages form an extra charge of :.10 00 No allowance for occasional absence, unless iu case ol sickness. Postage of latter, books and stationary, if not itirmsiiej oy pare ns or zuardims, will form an extra charge, as will also medical attendance. For further particulars apply to the Superior of the College. Reference may be made to the Rt. R-iv, Dr. O'Cjanor. Rev. W. Pollard, Loretto, or to any of the R.v. Clergy in the neighborhood of the institution. Loretto, August 31, 1859. 3m. $100,000 WORTH OF WATCHES and Jewelry offered to the Trade at less prices than any other house in the city. Send for my dia logue of articles and prices. Oa the receipt of one dollar by mail, I will forward to any address a beautiful set of Gold Stu-ls and Sleeve Buttons, or a No. 4 Geld Lock et, or a Gold Stone or Sal Ring; for $3, a Ladies' Breast Pin and Ear Drops, either Cameo, Mosaaic Florentine, Gold Stone, or any other styles; or for $7, a silver, open face watch; or for $25, a r tne uoM Hunting Case, Lever atch, warranted to keep good time; or lor $10. a Fine Gold Veat Chain; or for $G, a Hue Gold NVck Chain, as samples of any of my goods. Young men out of employment could net do better than invest a small sum in my Jewelry, and dispose of it throush the country. Address, MOSES K. G LINES, Wholesale Jeweler, 203 Broadway, N. T. February 15, 16C0.-12-4t. John 31'Iieage Manufacturer and .Dealer In all Xindi cfCi Snuff, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco. liotgora erySi., Ilollisdaysburg, Fa. Constantly on band, a fine and well selected stock of Spanish, and half Spanish cisars at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. August 8, 1855. ly. ARCADC HOTEL, Ebensbur?, Ia HENRY FOSTER, Propeie-tos. THIS HOTEL, FORMERLY KNOWX.AS the "Ebensburg House," is one of the old est and best stands in the borough of Ebensburg. for the accommodation of the traveling communi ty. Tho Proprietor assures all who may be dis posed to patronize him that bis TABLE will be supplied with all the luxuries of the season, bis BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and no pains pared to render his guests comf-.rtable. Ebensburg, April 14, lS5S:22:ly. DIRECTORY MAP OF CAMBRIA COl TY. The tubscribcr is preparing, fif si CO UN suffi cient encouragement be given,) to publish a Di rectory MAP of Cambria County, intended to contain as much information as any other Coun ty Map now Published in Pennsyfvania. The same to Le lithographed, colored and mounted in tne most modern style and workmanlike mnaner, an1 delivered to subscribers at $5 per copy. WILLIAM CHRISTY June 30, 1858. EAST AVENUE NURSERY, ROCHESTER, XEW TOItK, W. M. H0YT & Co., PROPRIETORS. IRUIT, ORNAMENTAL & SHADE TREES - cf all kinds, and varieties, promptly fur nished to order. P. BraniCF. of Loretto, will at tend to sales iu this county. Orders addressed to him will receive prompt attention. C. MERRIT, General Agent. October 19, 1859-.-tf. I f BBLS. X. O. & WTIITE SUGARS, A I.1 5 Bbls. N. O. Molasses, 5 " . Goldea Svrup, For sale by " E. HUGHES. July 13, 1859. WASIII.CTOX HOUSE. LAWRENCE SCHROTH, Proprietor. THIS popular and pleasantly situated house is located in the village of Carrollton, Cam bria county, and is kept in a manner so as to af ford every comfort to visitors, beinz well furnish ed in every respect. HIS BAR will con. tain the best of liouors ; his TABLE, the best the market can afford. Nothing will be left undone to render the visit of all persons pleasant and agreeable. T. s. Carrolton, July 15, 1857. PHILIP HETMEB. BOBT. J. AXDEBSOS- REYMER & ANDERSON. Wholesale Dea lers in Forei'm Fruits. Nut.Snio. rinn. fectionary. Sugars, Fire Works, &c. fcOran ges and Lemets received weekly. No. 39 Wood Btroet, Opposite the St. Charlwi Tint Pittsburgh Feb. 17, 1858:tf Citt (Sapper aiuj Bbttt fron if) w H Cm a o 0 4 3 c 3 S a u C 9 w k S H u C O IxJ o H H W Ll! era W 1-3 o O s THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TI1S CITIZENS OF ERENSRUIiG AND vicinity that be has just received and has ou hand the LARGEST, REST, and ilOST COM trutltL stocii ol tin, t-e-pper, and lIe-et Iron ware. Coe-king, l'arior ami Ileatj?: Stoves, Waon boxes. Sugar kettles, Ac, ever offe-red fjr sale in EUiLurg. Bras a:.d Cuj per Kett'.es of "all I sizes; Preserving Kettles cf all sizes; Tin, Copper and Sheet Irou ware of cv. rv Wri' t"tn I Also He has just received a lam? asortmeiit of HARDWARE an.l CUTLERY : ih.t-.L f,.r :. i ing Ware, Harvesting Touls, Carpenter's Tevls, rfippauu. ware, uriuannia ware, lioop iron, .xaus, window Uxass Ac, Ac, ai' of which be will sell very low for CASH. Persons wishing any thing in hi? line he respectfuby invi'es to give Lid a call an J -riainina prices. ZZr" Job work of all kiuds done on the shortest tictie-v. Als-i House Spouting raai'c and put up on the shortest Lotiee A most reasonab!c terms for cah CO- Country Produce of all kinds taken ia exchange. Also CLe-rry, Ash. and 1 j lar lumber, old Metal, Cipper. Brass, Pewter, Ac,, taken in exchange. GEORGE HUNTLEY- ALSO, He would respectfully call the attention of the public to the preates improvements ever made in Cook in Stows for burtiini the fas aud sraoke by which means is saved :,t tot rrr.t ,.r f..' xocnauurg, April 'Zl, ISoO. T-1 1 . -. " - Above we present vou with a likeness of DR. MORSE the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT- PILLS. This philanthropist has spent the greater prt ef his life in traveling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North America has spent three years amen:? the Indians of our Western country it was in this way that the Indian Root Fills were first discovered, Dr. Morse was the Erst man to es tablish the fact that all diseases arise from IM PURITY OF THE BLOOD that our strength, health and life deieoiled upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony w ith the dif ferent functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted, and diseased ; "thus causing all pains, bickneis and distress of .every name ; our strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is mt assisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, the blcod will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. How impoitant then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our potve r to put a medicine in your reach, namtlv. M jrse's Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs in Nature's Garden, f x the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens tho pores of tho skin, and asM.sts Nature in throwing out the finer parts cf "the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Ex lectorant, that ojen3 and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, per forms its duty ia throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives double ease and strength to the kidm-s ; thus tueoaraged. they draw large amounts of impurity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully by the uri nary or water passage, and which could m t have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and aecompanics the oiacr prop erties of the Pills while engaged iu purifying the blood; the coarser particles of imparity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities ly the bowels. From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not oLly enter the su.rnach. but become united with the blood, fur they find way to every part, and completely rout out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the blood, becomes per fectly healthy ; consequently all sickness aud pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason whypeople are so distressed when sick, and why so many elie, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the aVdx ted parts, and which will open the natural pas sage for the disease to le cast eut; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodg ed, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; thus un- eiergomg a eusagrceable fermentation, cemstautly mixing with the bloexl, which throws the ccr- n t t t.v uuiv utatiuij. Ct,(lJS.ALiti ' ruptqd matter through every vein and artery. until lite ?s tasen irem the ooely by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victor upon victory, by restoring millions of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thou.vands who have been racked or tormented with sick ness, pain and anguish, and whose feeb!e frames have been scorched by the buruing clc:nents of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wen Jerful meelicine, Morse's In diau Root Pills. After one or two doses bad been taken, they were astonished, and absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate case and strength, and take aw3y all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the bloexl. Therefore, it will be shown, espeeiallv by those who use these Pills, that they will cleanse and purify, that disease that deadly enemv will take its flight, and the flush of youth and'beautv will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. IOSold by Thomas Devine, Ebensburg, and by Medicine Dealers irenerallv thi-nnM,, County; R. Lake JueLson, successor to A. J White A Co., No. 50 Leonard tt., N. Y., Propri etors; William Mudge A Co.. (Proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic Ointment,) Earlville Madison county. N. Y., General Agents. August 8, 1859.1y " O. O. F. Ilishland Lodce No 423 meets every WEDNESDAY L 2 vening at their Hall on High st., in the upper story of Shoemaker's store S3T JOB WORK of all kind done at i&jtare, gloits, fflongbs, ffc. T3 o K3 " m s S o CO O o Z.1 " c a 9 9 9 A ft Wooden and Willow Ware. Glass War? - 7 ' -" GEORGE HUNTLEY. Ai:tr ARiiir.iL AT TliK lASTOliX 3IARCLE WORKS. The titidersigr.eJ hegs leave to ii;fcrm the ci;i zens ol Cin.bi ia and adjoining counties that be has vii-t receivel a fresh stocktr,'p e.f the fict ITALIAN ar.d other Mar-pjtlM Ue. at his establishment on Franklinl ' ffi-,, street. .T..1ir;Rfw r,- iin'I"Vl VT; . K fSr T O M BS . MANTELS. G R A V ll ll&i- 1 STONES, TABLE A BUREAU TOPS. gfHS. I maiifuactured .f the n.e-st beautiful ai.d fi.i-.-t qu.i'.ity of Forcirn and Domestic Marlle, always on hand and made to t-rder as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, without the adukicn of carriage. GRINDSTONES of various pits and sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics, sold either by wLolesale or reta!. Prompt attention paid to orders from a dis tance, and work delivered wherever ;eired. He invites the public to call and exairdns Lis stock, as' be feels sati.fied he can sell eLear. For the convenience ef persons residing iu the ea?t and North of the coui.ty. sj cciineris may te seen an i orders u:t with Ueorge HuntKv, at Lis Tinware EstabLtbiiiCi.t iu Ebe-nbur". JOHN PARKE. Johnstown, June 15, iSCOlv. READ THIS. AND STUDY YOUR OWN INTERESTS !. Jts-J DECEIVED. X XIW STOCK. C Watches, JeweliTt CLOCICS 4, i.y.11. OTIO.$. At the sign rf the Bij Hatch, .Vut'n xirett, Johns town, ra. The under Jgr.-cd deirrs to call the attention of tLe people r,f El-enbur and turror.ndii.g country to the fact that he Las been ar p; i ;tel an Arrrt ef a large irnp-.rir.g l.t iieof ATCH F5. CLOCKS, Ac, and al.-o f a I irge xr.ai.ufac tuiing est abl:?bmcut ef JEWELRY, whereby he is en ilb.d to offer such icdunr-iCEts to purcha sers of tlT articles as were n ver Lcf -re e ffcred in t'uis pi .ice, or anyw J-ei e this side cf the Alle gheiiies. Hi won hi also call aliet-tion sor tment f to Lis large WATCHES AND JEWELRY ia.-t re.'eive-d all of the late-st styles and raoet beautiful Wtrkmanship. Havipg sectrd Lis stock with gre-at care, he is condtnt be can suit everv ti.-te as to style as well as ill tickets by the great reduction in prices. THE LA DICS are pari leu! vily iuvite.1 f an inspection of L:s present stork and prices. EAR DROPS hitherto sold at 51.50 wiil row be sell at 75 cts., and trarruiifcd to tait l the trxt f wear. Breast P;ns, Rings, Ac, at a reduction. KEMLtMEX: I woulJ call your attention to my beautiful as sortment of GOLD AXD SILVER WATCHES, at the fallowing very low prices: Hunting Verge Watches, warranted, $5.25 Hunting Silver Cylinders, l.ithert s,.ld ia this town at f JO, and then reduced to $14,1 will now sdl at Itvia $ 10 to $11.50 Ilur.ting Levers from $12 to $lG.t70 Open Faced Cylinders, heretofore sc-ld at $10, I will at from $7 to 8.00 Op n Faced Detached levers, $10 to $12.00 Ml waicucs sctJ tr7 be warranted to ao fir twclre tioutts. or excitannel fjr another of evval i V-. Everybody is invited to call and examine tie stock, as the advertiser is confident that fx ex tent, variety and style it is uuriv JleJ in this community, while the prices at which it is of fered are unprecedented low. Goods sold for CASH only. Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Wat -hes. Jewelry. Ac, of all kinds, for which the Cambria County Iron Compar.v's 'W will l-e taken at par. All work war rantrd. TOWN AND COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS supplied with Watches, Jewelrv, &c, at less thau citv p rices. JOSEPn G. HOLMES, Agent. August S, lS5G.lv. REMOVAL! Coach majifactort. npiIE subscriber would respectfully inform -l the citizens e-f Ebensburg and surrounding country that be has removed his shop from the old stand to the shop lately exreupied by Johu Evans (Carientf r.) where lie is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business at short notice and on reasonable terms, and he boes by using but the very best material and employing but the best workmen to merit a full share of public patronage. Persons wishing bargains in purchasing a Carriage will do well by calling at this establishment. He is prepared to manufac ture the following kinds of vehicles, viz : BUGGIES, of elifferent qualities and prices BAROUCHES, CHARIOT EES, one and two horse ROCK AW AYS, cl.vse quarter, eliptic and C-spring COACHES, second hand work e f difTer ent kinds, $-c, making a varitv that will suit all tastes and all purses. REPAIRING done with neatness add dispatch. YSI. BARNES. Ebectburg, April 27, 1853-8- First Arrival SPRIKC & SUMMER (iOOBl The subscriber, 1 ir.g jurt rtt-jrc-.-J jV .v citv. is tow opei.:2g tjue of tie b- v ktock. of " ''- SPRING AND SUMMER GOOI ever loul.t to tl.i market, and wbic Le pell verv chean for CzA. His rfcO: acri vart ol the ibllowicz artielc CIIALLIES, DELAINES, BRILLIANTS, COBURGS. TRIN TS Of" ALL KINDS AND RICHEST CL0K which f t beauty ca-i.ot Is surj is tLi. READY-MADE CL0THIN3. LADIES' SHOES, DRUGS and PEUTI-i. all of which Le vri;i 11 vrv rhcs ' lie iaits tLe citizvi.e and ti e rurr' U-i.'ing c r.:-i .1 ca.i i t-i n- ta I ns be is patisfied be tan jell g--i t ibta'ej vbeaper than ihy c.-n LeUU W. uz.v j-' ! John jEcdgers. Jr ril 20, lc5S.:tf. 5 ?" Ebt-nsburg, Ap CONTINUED SUCCESS Or Til'j COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION. From all fct.ctics ef the country sulc:.it.-t lLi.s p.-pular Art Ii:tifrjt:..n, (1.. w ia ioti j e.r.) are Ltliig jvcclvid ia a rik ULjarHu with iL.it cf auy ;e ":e i. inr. Any person eau I --a. ::. a uji-xbcr ly I'.tix,. sj cr.r and Ihs Fil.-i. wni'iii, e":.t- ear. id. A F:ce ScLsca Ad n tj the C-V rie-s, iS Broadway. New-Yc-rk. In asielitiot to which, ovtr I'vitr JluiJlre-2 vi'.v ele V .iks cf Ait iire 'rti to tubscxilcrs is tr num.s. e niprlsiLg ciVice I'ainiir.gs, Suu!i :ut Outlines.. Ac e-ii A:ti-ts. TLe surb Erpraviri?, lich t vf-rr tutsrr.' w;. I recent i'un:lta:-ty ia lece'iLef tt-.crv tii.1, e:;iit!-l -S II A K S TEA R E AND HIS FRIENDS," f a cl ar..cur to jive uquji!iit--i plc-nts.it k:l saiifac:;;-n. No v..rk if.on'.l v'.ue m I fre j Li ed wi:L:n itaeh ... -W ... J.evi ie t Jarre Mie, t:. 1 1,1-,. l i t. ii-' fr i 1 .. 1 - , f it.,1 piinud c:i LcaVy plate ajr, 0 ly ib . cLes. liiikiiig a ii'j.-i M::.-.rL ctl:&.i.i tu:i. t fur the walls of either the library, parlor cr.l.t It cin le .-e-Lt t j ai.y pait ef'the ceiiLt.-y. :j mail, with BafvTy, l .ii.g p-Lcd m a ty;.Liii, ro!-t2e rrt 1 . TLii-k of it! Such a wvrii j charge, and the Art Journol, oi.e vt.tr, Lr j SULSC'RII'TRXS will be rcce;.d ex. ;.v;rd fret 1 i L L.ve-1.11: CI iUcr uy ll z il?t tf J-Li.rv, Is-.., -.t wLKh time the bcths w: eh.e miiims I j:iven taulcrlttrs. 4LJ lie r No per. Ji is n-trkt-d to a single s-abc;':;t .v Thi-se re-jittitg -515 are t;.lillcd ti. iix :...iit.: sLips. .Subscriptions fr-. ra C-!if..rnia. tLe Cr.a,.i Foiel.-n Piuviccts. n.ut I $Z.lAi uU if i. in -rder to fray xtra pc.stape, A v. Pvs- r. i:d irp o fru cli-ls will lii ci ciIar tfitj n.s. Ac. .ng iu'.l j-rt:-uhis, w cei-ts. iu t.:i. i s r til t StrCt Oli rCtI:t 1 : Addrcr-s C L. DKr.fty. Actuarj C. A . CiJ ii.J 5 Br.aiwav. dC-. OATMAN.II r..Scc.. ir.Oil THE QUAKER CITV PJLLISIIINa lil TZj A tew aiid s jri plai of ol ta:I:. G II :.:A Silver WATCHES, au i od -r v'uiV.e h.- T - ' 1 - - . . e.. 1 u;i j-iri:ci:,irs ttvfa ;tj c.tti "rs, will be tent ire: t.j all rjn r.pplicati.a. Va'i!3l'!eO;fr?. w .:ti fr.rr. tv n iljj i GUARANTEED tj c.ch purctaer. iictM . ...t7 t.-rii .i5iriccrf i r:v patTL.is wilL a li past six months tl '0.000 10 U ctr.t-:-.J duiingt"-e next six months. The in.Lut-nieuts .:e 1 Agents are 1 rc 1 : eral than tho-e ti i.Lv cthtr hvu in tba i..-nes- Havi; . - K-ea in the rui dialing and Ec .'id ling bn?ines f..r the last eight vears. tti? tr-"-io: ce en .Mes nc to conduct the Gift lili rr with th re.t--t st-Nfi.-tinn tj add. T-AGENTS WANTED in every Twttl CXiaaty. For'frdl particulars address DUANZ SI" ISON, Q iikcr Citv PuWishin' H.-use. ?3 S ln:rd .Street. Philadtlphia, Ra. i no. TZIC .EW.ORKER." Now c:Tt r?d for the purpose cf t-ccv.r.:: wji.iet poc-siLle circulation a first-rli '" York weekly family paper, fight I.trpe pr i'.lutratci.liutiit.ily prirtt. 1 on tL?le-t .2 pajK-r, with cor.t:il.ui:T.s and arrvl ft lvn!s, a:jevd..;c, Ac. Ac. bv Wa-l !: :t .s ving. L--vf, llow, Ri d;vcr.Tt::ivscn. W. "... -- S-r.ims. Dlckes s. Mrs. Si-cr.rnev. Tl.a- ::r P.tiT 1". r.r ll..,,-.V, "" -t' --J ' ers. TI.e Weekly NEY'-YORKER""( j : V ced a sr.tieriur j nl 11-ation to tl:f Nv V " Ledger.) is ohirci at only ONE JK'LUH to subscrilK-rs who st nd the rr.e eloll-r " nh-ltf to the publisher. C. Mathews. Nc Fulton street, N. Y. Specimen copi-.i strt i"--1 3 cent stamp. f mar2,l: 3 T flllE SUBSCRIBER, SUCCESSOR TOO-L- Ji LLO 1 D A CO., at Jcfers,L, respet:u d offers tt the imhlh-v n x-t.inc-r t..1 ut .. lectcei assortment of DRY CO VPS. GZCCZ- IS. Hats. Caps, Bex ts A Shoes, Ready 3fi Clothing. Hardware, Qu?"n?ware, Pairt.-. G'" Oils, and ail the artieles usually required Family Building, and Manufactoring purp A Sr.-w.L- r.f 1t- t ,,4T- fi-r--. !Tr E3-i" icincs. that for quality and variety is x:vt s-l si. (if equalleti in the countv.) ef 'r: be will sell at the lowest possible prices f--r c or Country Prcnluce. ALSO, v, A large amount of Spruce and Tire Lss---constautly on hands, and Bills for Lumber f" to order at the shortest possible notice. ROBERT n.IN" Jefferson, Slay 20, 1S57. tf. rxiOX ISOrSE, l:btmbur?. ra- JOHN A BLAIR, PaoRTirros. Also, in connertion- BT.A 1R A Ct 's IIAC5- wiil leave the Union llowsc for lTillir.cre tion in time to take the Eastern or Western tr:; Every accomodation will pauengCT eomfrablte. U aSorded t