Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, May 16, 1860, Image 2

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tmocr-J & Scntmcl.
C D. JILKK ll, Editor.
O. C. Tallin. Publisher &. Proprietor
S. 31. I'cttengill & t'c,
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau Street, New
York, and 10 State street, Boston, are the au
thorized Agents for the "Desxockat & Sexti
sel," and the most influential and largest circu
lating Newspapers in the United States and
Canadas. They are empowered to contract for
George M. Keim. of Berks County.
KicLard Vaux, of Philadelphia.
1. Frederick A. Server' 13. Joseph Lauback,
2. Wm. C. Patterson,
14. Isaac Reckhow,
8. Joseph Crockett, Jr.
4. John G. Brenner,
6. G. W. Jacoby,
fl. Charles Kelly.
7. Oliver P. James,
8. David Schall,
9. Joel L. Lightner,
10. S. S. Barber,
21. Thos. II. Walker,
15. Geo. D. Jackson,
16. John A. Ahl,
17. Joel B. Danner,
18. Jesse R. Crawford,
19. II. N. Lee,
20. Joshua B. IIowelL,
21. N. P. FettermaB,
22. Samuel Marshall,
23. William Book,
24. Byron D. Hamlin,
12. S. S. Winchester,
25. Gaylord Church.
5TGa Wednesday of last week the
"Constitutional Union Convention" met iu
Jialtimorr, ex Governor Washington Ilunt of
New York was cjpoicttd President, Hon.
John J. Crittenden, Leslie Coombs, Hon.
Joseph R. Ingorsoll, Hon. Alex II- II. Stu
art, and ether prominent statesman and. poli
ticians participated in the proceedings, lion.
John Bell of Tennesee wa3 placed in nomi
nation for President, and Hon. Edward Ev
erett of Massachusetts, for Vice President.
This, candor compels us to say. is a strong
ticket, and will be popular in many of the
Southern States. The platform is like the
additional planks adopted at Charleston, rath
er non committal that is, they are calculi
ted to pieasa everybody. The protection of
the Untou and constitution is declared to be the
great object which the party has and always
will have in view. Whether the movement
Is ah attetupt to revive the. Know Nothing
party "we cannot say
There ia nothing ic
the platform to show that it ia.
Mysterious Disappearance. Daniel T.
Jones a well known citizen of Cambria town
ship, has disappeared from this community
under the following circumstances: On
Tuesday of last week he was iu Ebensburg,
and left iu the Jefferson Hack badly inebria
ted. Ife remained at the "Walton" or
'Half-way House" all night, and in the mor
ning went to Jefferson. He returned to the
"Walton House" the same morning; shortly
afterwards, his wife who had been alarmed by
his long absence, came to the hotel and re
quested him to go home with her. He went
with her until they arrived at a road leading
to the residence of a sou-iu-law. She told
him the would call and see their daughter,
and he promised to go heme. He was next
seen a short distance above the hotel of Aloy
eius Marti. He there conversed wiih sever
al boys fr Bome lime, and then left, remark
ing thit he would probably bo back soon;
since then he has not been seen. He was
net badly intoxicated at the time, and we
cannot learn that he had any notion of com
mitting suicide. The woods in the neigh
borhood when ho was last seen have been
carefully searched, but without success. If
not deal he has evidently left for parts un
known, for the purpose of raortyfyiug his
wife and alarming the community.
B5T Yv'e are glad to learn from a number
of Farmers with whom we have conversed
recently, that the Wheat crop of this
county, jidging from present indications;
will be this year all that we could hope for or
desire. Frcit trees have thus far escaped
uninjured from frost, and at present promise
an abundant yield.
j27 Simon Cameron will make a desper
ate effort to procure the Chicago nomination
for tho Presidency. A. A. Barker, the
delegate from this county, will, we under
stand, vote for him on the first two or three j
ballots. After that he will most likely sup
port Bates of Missouri. He is of course for
Fissendac of Maine, fur Vice President.
Important Chime The Iron Citr College !
- - -
Las removed to the splrndid hails ia the new
College Buildings, corner cf Penn and St.
Clair streets, opposite the St. Clair Hotel.
Prof. J. C Smith, A. m. for the past three
yearg the principal teacher in the College, is
now associate Principal and proprietor with
F. W. Jenkins in the Institution, and Mr. A.
Cowley is ecgaged as the permanent teacher
of Pemmanship. The College now ocsu-pi-
th5 largest and best rooms ia the city
J'ltCtluryh Evening Chronicle.-
David J. Evatis t Son have ju?t re
ceived a large and splendid stuck of Spring
aucKSutiimer 4 good, which they offer to the
I utile very cbep. Give them a call.
gZT It will be seea by the following com
munication, that ye inhabitants of je ancient
village of Hemlock, have recently had a cap
ital opportunity of testing the virtues of cold
water. VTxs presume they will all henceforth
be confirmed Hydropathists. At least we
hope so. The time has arrived when all
sincere friends of humanity should go in for
cold water with ardent fpirits.
ITemlock. Mat IS. 1SC0.
C D. Mitreav, Esq Dear Sir: Yester
day when I wa-j ia Ebensburg taking drinks,
uiy real estate was very near leaving. When
within 25 rod3 of my house and stable, I dis
covered I would not be able to reach either
of then, as the whole village was covered
with soft water, so the only way for me to
reach my premises was to go up the old Por
tsge and come down Jhe Penna., R. lload,
which I made by wading some two feet of
water; a great deal of ieoce and some por
tions of lots have left this place on a rafting
expedition, wiiieh. we expect will not return
this year. Mr. C. Felteu while in the water
taoving some timbers off the Iiaii lload fell
and dislocated his shoulder. Dr It. M. S.
Jackson was sent for who appeared personally
ka The excitement was considerable but
about 10 o'clock J'. M., the lota in said vil
lage were again visible.
Yours &o , F. M. G.
jCrA large number of western editors
have had a high old time" recently, .iu - the
way of a pleasure excursion. While iu
Washington city they visited the President.
"Old Buck" gave them a very kind reception,
and as is customary on such occasions, ad
dressed them briefly. In the course of his
remarks he said:
"This is not a palace, to be sure, as you
have 6tyled it, but it is altogethei the peo
ple's, and the President himself who occu
pies it, is only the chief servant of the peo
ple. There is this peculiarity about the
President, that he is elected by the people,
and he owes no allegiance to any humau power
but the people. Applause. The duties of
the President are hard, and 1 shall sou re
tire from them; and if the new President
that is to come in, shall ba so happy ia as
suming the duties of the office, as I am in
la3ing them down, he will be fortunate in
deed. Nevertheless, it seems thai there will
be no lack of men quite willing to endure
the Presidency Laughter We are vcr3'
likely to have candidates enough to represent
all the isuis known to the couutry. Never
theless I am persuaded that the prevailing
wish of the American people will be to cher
ish and preserve the Constitution as it is, and
the Union. Applause. For my part, I
should desire to draw uo single breath beyond
the existence of this our beloved Union.
Much applause. J I am pleased to see this
assemblage together of so many of tho edi
itorial fraternity. 1 thick its effect will be
salutary on yourselves, in relieving your re
lators of that acrimony that has sometimes
marked the press. I am remised of an anec
dote thatl know not whether I should relate.
Cries of "Tell it." "Go on." It occurred
when I was a Minister to England. I was
talkiug with a distinguished English States
man who said to me, ' Mr. Buchanan I
should infer from your newspapers, that the
American people always choose out their
greatest scoundrels and make them Presi
dents." Much laughter. I replied that
"it did look so, but it was ouly a way we
had to talk of each other tha- we rcaliy al
ways didn't mean it."
if The Farmer and Gardener, f jr May,
is a decided step in advance of all previous
numbers. Filled with ably written and sea
sonable articles, and abounding in handsome
and valuable illustrations, it is well worth
double the subscription price. The present
number contains the first part of the Premi
um Essay on the "Culture of the Native and
Exotic Grape," Ly Yfilliam Saunders, the
well-known Horticultural writer. State pride
should prompt the Farmers of Pennsylvania
to give the "Farmer a&d Garner" a hearty
support, independent of the fact that it is
one of the largest, cheapest and handsomest
publications in the United States. The pub
lisher offers to furnish sample copies gratis.
Terms only One Dollar a year. Address A.
M. Spangler , Philadelphia.
OH? If you wish to do good and clean wri
ting, go and purchase a gold pen from Cham
Roberts, for they are decidedly the best in
market, we have tried one of them arid find
it to be No. 1 .
57The praise bestowed on those of the
Pennsylvania delegates to the Charleston
convention who voted for Douglas3 by the
renegade Forney, must be as refreshing to
them as a June shower to a pumpkin vine.
Treachery like poverty, makes us acquainted
with strange bedfellows.
The Chicagoans have erected a Hall
for the accommodation of the Black Republi
can "Pow-Vow." They call it a Wig-Warn .
As a great many aspiring politicians will be
Tomahawked in it. tho title is by no means
SSi-The U. S. Frigate Roanoke, arrived
at New York on last Wednesday, with the
Japenese Embassy on board. Oar Japenese
j guests will no doubt create as much excite-
menI ajicn3 U3 fjr some time, as ail the ar
rival of Gulliver ia the I.-dand of Lilliput.
Their appearance is said to be very agreeable
and prepossessing.
X5T Wo were informed this morning that
G. W. Wisegarver, has opened out an Ice
Cream Saloon, iu Mcorctown, where he is
prepared to wait upon all those who may favor
him with a call. He also keeps all kinds of
sweet cakes and lemon beer. Wc would advise
all cur friends to giva Georga a cill as he
keeps every thing in order.
tA- A grand son of Patrick Henry deliv
ered an eloqu-nt speech ia the Baltimore
"Union National Coaveoiion." He reide
in TcnncssM.
Do you take a Gocxl Monthly Agricultural
Paperi If not, now is your time. The May
number of the Genesee Partner, which we
have so frequently commended, ia received,
and the publisher offers to take subscriptions
for the half year, commencing with the July
number, for 25 cents! That is cheap enough,
but he also offers to give all who subscribe
before the end of May a copy of the June
number for nothing! ! - The Gencstc Parmer
is just the paper that every farmer and gar
dener should have, end now Is the time to get
it. Send the 25 cents in stamps at enca to
Joseph Harris, Rochester, N. Y.
C7 Our forest trees having just arrayed
themselves in their spring and summer appa
rel, look as modest and interesting as a board
ing school Miss when first introduced into
"good and fashionable society."
aTA Steam 'ire lungine has been con
structed in this country for the Emperor of
CSs? We learn that we were iu error some
time ago in announcing the death of Newton
Jones a convict in tho Western Penitentiary
He is living, and enjoys excellent health.
Go-Evan E. Evans, hts just received a
prime lot of Eastern Flour, which he will
warrant to be the best in market. He has
alo received a freslr; supply of Groceries.
Give him a call.
.5r"The Cincinatti Enquirer says this
is net the first time the Southern Secession
ists and Disuniouists have bolted the Demo
cratic organization. Iu 132, under the
name of Nullifieis, they rallied against the
glorious patriot and hero of New Orleans.
They threw South Carolina him, but
their action had no other effect than to in
crease his majority in the nation. In 18GG,
they opposed Martin Van Buren and carried
against three Southern Democratic States,
lie was elected nevertheless, by a trimsiphant
majority. In ISIS the fame William L
Yaccey, who is now to conspicuous in the
councils of the Disunionisis at Chirloston
bolted the nomination of General Lewis Cass,
wiih all his faction. They did not. succeed,
however, ia carrying evea Alabama. Gen.
Cass, upon the popular sovereignty platform
of his Michigan letter, defeated tho Disun
ioaists in both Alabama and Mississippi! Ve
have no idea that the Disuniou'uts are as
strong in either of those States now as - they
were then. In 1852, the Disuniocists of the
Yancey school, organized another bolt. They
were profoundly indignant because the Dem
ocratic National Convention at Baltimore,
which nominated Franklin Pierce and Wil
liam R. King, for President and Vice Presi
dent, would not denounce and repudiate the
compromise measures of 1S50, iostead of
which that Convention cordially endorred
them. They were for going straight out of
the Union. They nominated a bolting ticket
-Throup, of Georgia, for President, and
Quitman, of Mississippi, for Vice President.
The movement appeared to be formidable,
but by the time of the election it amounted
to nothing. It is no new thing for the tire
eating Dissunionits to oppose the National
organization. They have repeatedly done it
in the last thirty years, but have never met
wiih any success. The solid and substantial
men of tlx: Scu'h are agaiast tucci. They
are but foam upon the Southern politics.
Their connection with a party is more dan
gerous than their opposition.
Important to Druggists.
The following section of the New Penal
Code, passed by the Legislature last winter,
is of great importance to those who deal in
drugs of an' kind which arc used as poisons:
"No apothecary, druggist, cr any person,
shall sell or dispose of by retail any morphia,
strychnia, arsenic, pruic acid, or corrosive
sublimate except upon the presencpJioa of a
physician, or on the application, of soma re
spectable inhabitant, of full age, of the town
or place iu which saob. sale sLall be made.
In all cases of such sales, the word poison
shall be carefully and legibly marked or pla
ced upon the label, package, bottle, or other
vessel or thing in which poison is contained;
aud, wheu sold or disposed of otherwise than
under the prescription of a physician, the
apothecary druggist or other person soiling or
disposing of the same, shall tote it ia the
regter, kept for the purpose, the name and
ref idecce of the person to whom such pale
was made, the quantity sold, and the date of
ntcu tale. Any person offen img herein shall
be guilty of a misdemeanior, and on convic
tion, l.e sentenced to pay a fiae not exceed
ing bay dollars
Dcttir.g on tJic Election. The foolish prac
tice of betting cn the elections was indulged
in to a considerable extent at the recent elec
tion in Philadelphia. A large amount was
staked on the result; some men betting all
they could raise; others wagered their real
estate, and an individual in the. upper part of
the city bet hi9 horse and cart, with which
be supported his family. The winner, bow-
ever, did not get them, for, upon the wife of
the looser hearing of it, she went to the sta
ble whero they were deposited, harnessed the
hcrse in the cart and drove him home. It
has been estimated that at least a hundred
thousand dollars were staked on the mayor
ality the confidence of each party ic the re
sult mainly contributing to it. -Ledger.
IVullifying an Election. At an election
on the 2d instant, for oEccrs of the newly m
corporated town of Middletown, Staten Is
land, it being apparent that Francis G.Shaw
the Black Republican candidate for bupervi
sor, had received a large majority of votes
over Ray Thompson, a prominent actor in the
Quariutine disturbances, the friends of the
latter contrived to get possession of the bal
lot boxes during the night, and destroyed all
the ballots, so that no decision could be rea
ched. In justification of' the Ligh-handed
outrage, it is alleged that a corrupt Legisla
ture had set apart the town against the wishes
of a majority of the people of the district.
and done it so secretly that the election itself
operated as a surprise upon them.
The Alexandria Gazette cays: "Locusts
have made their appearance in small numbers
in this neighborhood. In some cases begs
nave been ltulea by eating tbeaa.
A Jump from a Railroad Train at full J letter trottl ITasliIuglon.
Speed. On Monday afternoon a Sheriff was j Wasuixgtcs, May 13. The steamer Phil
travelling with a prisoner over the Buffalo, edclphia left for Hamptou Roads this even-
New York and Erie road, between two sta
tions, while the train wis running at the rate
of twenty-five miles an hour, the latter sprang
from his seat, ran to the rear platform of the
car, and jumped from the train. Ha btruck
upon his feet then turned over endwise two
or three times, and lay as if dead upon the
road As soon as the train could be stopped
the man wa3 picked un, but for a long time
remained inssnsible, and it was cot certain
that he would not die.
Pemarkallc Earthquake in Oliio. --The
hhabitanisof the counties of Guernsr-v, UA-
.-, 1 TT :
exceedingly excited and terrified ca Tursy
la.t by the severe shock of an earthquake:
which lasted tirty minutes AtCambriJgc, j
Barncsville and other tovns, the citizens j
flocked together in the streets and fervently !
implored divine protection. the shoe was
accompanied by a shower of supposed mete
oric stones, four of which wei,umg from fcr
ty to sixty pounds, each fell on the track of
the Central Ohio railroad, near Concord, in
bedding themselves about two feet ii the
Ex-Govemor Tazeicdl. This vecerabie
1828, and warmly'sympathyzed with Calhoun
and the South Carolina nullifiers in 1832-3.
He ceased thereupon to be a supporter of
Jackson, and in 1840 received the vote of
South Carolina for Vice President that State
refusing to support Richard M. Johnston.
Fight Wiih an Eagh. In Canada, the
other day, a young man was plowing in a Geld
when his attention wa? attracted to the bark
ing of a bull-terrier dog, and looking after
him, be discovered the aijiaial c-gaed ii a
n;ni -vita an enormous eag;.-. ,a:z:ng a
stick he ran to the
sita:ci of th.? terrier,
worst of it. tVoai the
v?ho was receiving th
eagle. On
the eairlj turned
upon bis new aJersrv, ana in ail Troabiu-
, , . r - ,
ty would have c vf-rc -iiie L-id Lot t!iO fa::L
r .i . . i i i .i
luluo coi!;e to Lis rescue anu riaewed tu-2
fiht. Alter a short ccuflie b'.tween the ea-
gle and his two adversaries, he was .despatch-
cu, auu ineyouag larmer carriea nis carcase
home as a trophy success. He measured nine '
feet from wing to wiDsr.
The Prince
of Wales is to reach t
auas iu June
The Buffalo Exnress s.ys
every prcperation is being maae to render his
sojourn one graaj ovation. I lie Grand 1 runic
and Larce Huron Railwajs are building ele-
gant cars for himlfand suite, which will
number, exclusive of his military escort of a
regiment of troops, about one hundred genua
men. He will visit Port Erie, and then
make the tour of the Lakes in bis own yacht.
Mormonism. The strance infatuitioa
seems to be still gaining new converts. On
1 uesday last, five hundred and ninety-four
English ana Swiss em
gentleman, who died at Norfolk, on Sunday port barracks, to proceed u Fort Leave:- i of C .tl.r. Cucrcs, S::;
last, was elected a United States Snatr in worth, also from th-j Eastern department gen- 1 wec-s, atd a Yr-ga vurkly tf .
1824, and served eight years. He was a I cral recruiting service, to rtiL.ft.Tco the cou- I we.:i ' a;.. l-.-j s.
State-ri'hte Republican of the school of Na- panies now iu Utah. T. 1 : 1:1. 1 "v- : r-
thanitl Macon, and supported Crawford in I Wasuixgtox, May 13- In looking over '.'''.' -x ' '
nirants arrived in New 1 thne troublesome and painful dlase tl at a;
iialely lor Utah. These ;i"ai tJie biimaa th. atw Fevc-r and Agu,.
, J . ! I nr a hi; t;mo tie mttLcal world tcea
lork. and left inimeu
,v l..- .1 i. . .v.
K ,, ..
sundered the associations whica boual them
there to relatives and friends; sacriGced the
pleasures and privelegcs of the time honored
customs of their own country, and anitrta-
ken a lournev ti?ht thousand miles ia leetu.
to participate in a social, political and rel;g-
ous experiment unparlelled in the history of
mankind. 1 hey are described as mostly be
longing to the poorer ciasse;, but prudent
and economical, and almost ail haviag regu-
lar trades.
Goo-1 and Perfectly True. TLe Rock
Islaud Argus relates a good story of a dis
cussion between a Democrat and Republics a
at that place a few days ago. The Deaic
crat contented for the superiority of the
white race over that of the negro The Re
publican claimed that, naturally the nero
race was fudy eual to tue wuito rac:
cited as aa instance the great abilities and
talents of Seinio Afrieanus! The Democrat
FepUtU Iliad OvIJl'. ilUiliu il 11UU12II,
and therefore could not be used to support Lis
position. The Republican, as hj tLouht,
triumphantly declare 1 that he was an Airi-
can for his name teas Africanus! This was
a clincher of course, and tho Demo-
crat gracefully yielded bat he had a
! v
twinkle ia his eye, which caused some of the
bystanders to hold their tides.
The Government of Mexico being in a
straightened condition to raise money, pub
licly offer for srde, through the Louse of A.
Belmont & Co., New York, one of the oldest
silver mines iu that coantry. Accordiug to
the advertisement, the mines offered for sale
are the "Silver Mines of the Veta Grande,"
situated in Zacatecas; they are said to Lave
been in operation upwards of two hundred
aud fi'ty years, and to have produced over
400,0l0,000 of silver, with net aunual prof
its varying from d0(,000 to -J,UUU,U0U
under the old regime, when the eouztry was j orVf diinUcsa cf Fi?Lt, and various eth-r coia
quiet, and ranging from 150,000 downward j plaints are the result. Thus it will be seen that
since the present civil war and general dis
turbance began. These mines are offered for
sale at 750,000.
A raoaster turtlo was caught on Bread
river, South Carolina, by Mr. S. E. oa the
ldta ult. It weighed three I
I'n.lrp 1 and
i.narea ana
ur . s .
seventy-five pounds., and raeasu
eleven iuch?s in length, three fet six inches
across the back, and sported a heal as large
as a "lushel basket.
A hungry jurmau ran out oft court
room in Taunton, England, during a trial,
to get his breakfast. When Le returned the
learned Baron fined him X20 sterling for mis
demeanor, which made Lira consider his
morning meal expensive.
A new and dangerous counterfeit has been
sprung on the business community. It is a
five dollar note, purporting to be of the issue
of the Commonwealth Bank of Philadelphia.
It is the most perfectly executed counterfeit
ever issued. The only safety for the public
is to refuse notes of this bank until a new
plate is issued.
Human hands and limbs have been lately
found in the guano shipped to this country.
Somebody suggests that they belong to a
race of giants, when they arc undoubtedly
fragments of Chinese coolies.
mg, to receive tLe Japauese x.mbassy. lue
Embassy is to be receivel at tho Navy Yard
with great pomp, aLd conducted to , their
headquarters under military escort. It is
the intention of the Prevalent to Lave a for
mal ioteriew on Wednesday, in the presence
j of the Cabinet and others boliing prominent
j public positions. "
! Each of the five territ;rial bills tabled
j day in the House, contain an ar.'i-slavery
proviso. This result was produced by a ua-
j ion of Democrats of al! shades, Americans,
: and a f;w Republicans,
j Calaiun BoLLata Lis to-:ar been caGrm-
L.n..u c r- . ...
California. .
Eii Thayer and IIorc?e Grcoiy, substitutes
for Oregon drlerratcs to Chicago, are instruc-
ted to vote fr Bates.
Despatches fro:a Minister M'Lane tiGov-
j crr.mcut states that a uesseoger Lss just ar-
A'.,, r--r-. fit, r.r t:.,
announcing that Miramon's Government has
J accepted the basis of adjustment proposed ly
! the French end English povernn ti,ts, ei- i
J cepting the provisions for civil and rdirbus i
t deration.
Gcc. Scott isaed orders yesterday for a
detachrncct of troops from Carlisle zvl New-
; the journal of the House, th? Covotia Com-
j mittee have made the important discovery
that several members of Congress curiDg the
i pending of the Eoglih bill, changed their
j votes about the time that the checks are da-
ted. The Committe
iateal to t'm
ASeu-s Paper Ojuct MUUd.Oa V. ei-
! neslay tijht tne omce of tns Mcrcit g IJcr-
old. at Scranton Luzirne c-u-ty, Pa., was
attacked by a dr.zc-n pei-.jns, fvoM tbe ne;
j coring town of Daniacre. ica the
i Lis men were severely batuiied.
1 1. iter UM -i j
T' . .i '
i i O ii.l-
; cultj grew from the cxposu:e MaJ by th. !
j Ih-rald, of a gambling hau-e ia Daai:svi-. f
t , , . . , , , , .
r anther. aLd. th;s ia-:-riaat:cc bvitc nlviza,
. . . , .
laev aitacci tije cce.
lLe moy waiitea to krrjiv t:c ir-ti-e ci li.-
spcci.iL ;;otice.
: TAIN lE.Sri;Oi ,
l is oi.e ti ilc i-.w ;ui.i-;;ic iemt-j:es v, i ...
Lave come i:t-j general u?e and favor, witl.ou
j puiiing. It is the pr-di:t cf r. sim- Ie s!;ri.l"
Harmless m a:i ca5s, r.s i.rr.e'.ic nii i.v
! Tr1'.1 "'"'f.' ir
j ,, a;A Vt'OUV,, it La5 e.iu,.
: 5S ai5., si, w-,iu j.rc;.t feUcce,s. f r '1 ;.jc:.r . 1
; Headache Xturclgi. S.-e Throat. Ci-Ur. Diurr
t hecc, JlMtn-cncss, zzid other tinil'r tn ullcocn-.e
1 ?.na paiTilu. ahcet:
. i .e it j-r'.i.j)tiy itrrj-
j daily in their jcactice, and give it t:;tir naqusli
fed recomtccisdation. Scld bv our aei.ta a:.i i
dealers, and bv
F. IlUMl'illinYS & CO., oC2 Broadwi-.
'One ef the JIsl l'rerd:n!; &ul at the same
' 411
i f'iit.iiuailv lri:!riRCj lnii LUUie:u:s sj'Cciiiost -r
: ; ,,,.rr,, f..r,.. i ni n-;)'..-.!-.-
j ,1. litetttr. an exr-erieuce-.l and cekl rated pbvl
sici2u. Las succcdied in furuisldnr thj tun '.;;
j with :i valuable rcparati-a ft r de cure i f l"c-
i vcr r,!' 1 -Aue. iae ttc-a-.y au i incrcn.c a.?-
man 1 lately made H r tl.e '"Ultters, us.d tLe
universal success attendlu lu use, Live made
r -. " ... -
the a:u i.
F rth cure ..f tLw- Fewr aL.d A cue. i
Dr. Ilor-tt:
ce':tA.rnte j SSfc-imach Dhters muj-t I
j aud should claim a st'r-erL ritv
;vtr ax
wt:r i
preparation extant.
S,'!d by drui.its
v. litre. CJ- Si.-? :-.dv
I dealers tr.erally every-:'.rrrier-t
in r.noiLer
HGMnor ati no he:.; hd;
L-e;a or-;.'re ii-.o t r.. :.r r.rav
ar. i i:ive r-very Wi-erc won
th? many tI.oua-.cls w'.o, trey i:itr
daagvr, they have 'nee r e
.vc ;:-;cd i .-m.
v-;cy. tecLnic-'ltv,
trc rc
' v- r.
r,ia i i :ie p .ri'Ki, trav.i:-. -r, r.'jr. e, or
i t . -
tp-vi of"eo;:ic ine lav.ii.v t .vf:c,..;; r.z.d l.
1,.- - . , . ,ff,. , ., '
j they b en trie 1 havit? Lrea rr.-r v,
i and their l.i-lict appre.-:a;ion is ara-.-rl t".;
i v. ho have Lno'v. a iLuu I iz.r-:t, an nivt iv.i-
j mnt'dy.
I N. D. A full -et of rTrnriir.rrrs IIojIeopatitic
j rrx:Fic. with ef l);rectiua, ar.d tw?itv
i timtivin. i.n.-i.i.T.4i r.. in i.i j . c iai. 1:1. r. J c.".
j 5-3: ditto, in plak
and B .ok. Jj. t
a ca..e. A I; case cf fifteen boxes.
uile 1. nos, 2'y cti and L'j cts.
TLee lleiaedic?, I v tLe sinjlebos or ca.-e. arc
sent bv mail or cxr.rex. free c.C" t,. m"v '
1 r - o '
addr3Sj, on ieceipt f ti.s price. A l.!r ;s
Dr. f. liuiiriir.nYs A- CO.,
No. -5C2 Broailway, New-Yurk.
S ld by E. J. MILLS. KWii&ourr".
GirriXE;. IIeadac.ii:, Arc. These j a'rs arid j
disagreeable fe-. lin-s are geucrallv sviuf t- ms of I
some oincr complaint; such as cn-spepsia.- apo
plex3'. and various others, all of which areca-asjd
by corrupt noxious matter, clogging the vari -i.s
circulations: hence a stream or rush of Lkod to
the bead, and by the exciterocr-t a creat rrenre
C'n tne Drain. U iJ-J iiics, ltai!ache. I7st
all the above painful and distressin;: rnala-li-.s owe
their origin to the blood. Dr. Morse's Indian
Koot Pills arc aeknowlvdgd tolx. the only m?
tliciue that will thoroughly pnrify the ll-oc-i.
They enter the blood, an 1 lollsw th-j stream of
life on its j.-uraey through the s-vstrm. TLcv
i not ,jt r,:i f a5ld impuritv. and .Trive cut
, evcry u., c,1:iy olltn,t 5,K Thtr shoulJ be
! taken evcry night ia sufficient nai.tities to ope
rate briMily, by commencing with two pills on
giri to Wd, three the next night, four the next
if tho symptoms are not removed, commence
again with two pills and go up r.s bef.-ic.
Continue ia like manner until the M vvl ii thor
oughly puiified, and all pain and distress is en
tirely removed
7oi' advertisrr-.pi.t of Dr 'M.-.rv in i.-.?''
cclumn. Svld l.y Thomas l)e-iue.
ALL persona knowing themselves indebted to
the undersigned for COAL will please come for
ward and settle up their accounts on or before
the first day of July next. lYrsors neglecting
this notice until after that time will find their
accounts in the hands of proper officers for col
lection. EVAN E. EVANS.
Ebensburg, May IC, 15C0 -2C-St.
I,r sal bv
July IS. 1853.
TU1I following rETITIOXS L&v -. "
in the Gilice of the CIrk t f Q ia.-.
Cambiia Cuiity ar.d will Ittr.V''; '
ucuua oi me tvun on ioJi- ,
June next, viz: J
Tacem Licc-.itt. lYtitKOs f f Jfc-..
Jr.; Jos I'll Gei -; Lc nhart Kc-st-
Jared WuHanis; JjI.uCjvK-; ileurvV1
Fend; Frvjiis James M. y". ,
C"le; Rel- cca Llcwcli-r.; Vuul k r. '
Headrick. Sr.; Balder KcJJer; Join
CLur3 Zimii.onian; Airj Kur.-p' ";
viTTUii-?; lit-r.ry- i vler; i 1js,ij
. r - ui...n IjI-v "
Plat; iJanit l M'Do: a! !: Ov-
I-.raviiv.v; J.ll-rs V.. .''TZ r- X" . . , .
T "ii II r- V'-"-i :
uet rvs K B-i. : . -
I 1 :Vir; i'-c'cv wfJ:d-Wi:.ra''' '?''-':
; ,ck; I'etcr S::' it: j'l.- B.v.-e'-.i
i A'-.-vmus Ihiriz- Gtx.rro L;'V--V.. "
j llai'ett; JcLa Ti.crpsvn, j,-.; W ZCL'-
u-"a; J--:a
---;'-' -- - -
ixv:ali. '
Clerks GE:c-, I'-y 3 0, ! I
j Jut rtctivt-J. r.r.d for '-it ri".- JV'
j lull sur-v'v- rf t:ir !c ar-d Faucv
j Min-.o Si -.v-s, II. .;.vry, (.' r-.-.!.
j J.i.V L I'i CL OTiUl,'j, HATS jlJj
' Ht.-r.p r.:. I Ctt- n Jo. r.: i" i" ; ... :
r u. u.5.
Lh.svi-d n:; ai.
r.".-L. tiJ.
1 J.r.'d I ItZx
b? ..; i
..A. . .... 1 . ...1' i . . .
I V.'La'.e Gil?. YiaJ.-w Cli
d Tur:-.c!.t;J.-.
. .
1 1 ''.
Or.. I
:a C
a..- t;
t a-.:
i ,r
1 V,- ' 1-
V-u.A r:.
rr.i ; j l-c h i.
r.A, it i. . Zl -
ia a:. 3 f r
i ti'-t
. : .1-i. i'. i.
MY DA-l.t-r LI i-ar-r. a.-ed
a:: 1 Lv..-:i,.la. k.c 1 y
ic i a .i:v:v f: :r. y rc-.'.-i ' .
wU:.-. i-.t ry ki.-. v.-I-.-d.-e :r ..-.;,!.
are Lert r v r.- litel to Lar
iL-.:..: iau dv:.rn.:d to ar.y vt r? i j-o tl'-Irg.
re:: :n t
rre, as I an.
wiult-'i to'lu tb'-rr:.
Carr jll t -wil
I r 'V..I ii t
tl.s 1 f i
M ! ; r l.-.'
M in
" ; . '
. Gf.-:i
1 . .
1; -
a Co
Uaa?r K
v. at;:i
1 t-sl-
irr !" .
aa i v-
w::.vt: !;-
. ...
i O ' - i ' I
i tL-cv.Lr:e. Le i
.-. .:EVELI1Y 1
i It ',-J u 11 "
ll.i el:L-.-: - t all Li
( L Vi'ATJ
I ! v
Elf 1
mHIl r.ridvrs
-.! -sv' .'-.M resiK'-. ;L.h
t i-.for'.i the ; .-f LI r.h:
cinity. that Li- Lv jr.s: tce;el.
ro- r.-.. ei" 1 --- Y4. - f I..v:s L LI
a larg" ana f.-e-L t o Grvci.s, v.; .
fTs f r sile cLe i,i f VC'.fh or ci-v.'
bis ttvk ronshts ia part cf the Lvio'L::-'
fish. BAcar:. and tht
lie alsokc-ens on a larce a'. -.i v-. -l
S;o.:k.rS'cl ;o..Ls a.nd S:atkt-..-y - : -J
!iC . ull verv ch.i;.
He Lope 3" l y fct.'i.-t atier.ii-.r t
merit and receive a full share f '
a-o. a Le fVels ti-tl;.l Lis stL i.
Cdl an I sec.
Ebonslttrr. Aug. IT,
AN -
fNE cf the G-m will be ia EU-n-bar; i-'-'
durir" vl i L all ii-rsons de;-;',3
rin his professionrd servicrs can
fin 1 1 t ' i r r f Dr. Lewis, near.v or
site Blair IIoM. I-ltii
tine rorLAR ciiehry and ask to-
ber bought and sii by ,.,r.
E. I1L0--
Jur.e 23th !So9. tf.
51. O. 3IAGC1IA
Attorncjr t Law, Ebtnibi r.
OFFICE No. 2. -Colonmu Kv-w."
Court House.
Decwnber 7, 54 1
3 ht d .v. a f t:;.
Ij Ve L-:' ! t
v . i;.-.: -
3 -
1 y