VlF 1 it: 7 Ay AAv 'r 'w rxT as n I ------V '- - V., v-- , ' jHg BLESSINGS OF GQTBNMX8T,.rK THE DEWS OP HEATEX, SaOriJ. feS DISTBIBTJTEyAIA TOVTIIX HUSH AKD TI1E LOW, THE f'ra .; till P..OC. . - "V - EBENSBURC, PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRHillV 8, 1860. VOL. 750. 11. Ef SEME I Hi a - jv yv ,A I. -J;., V If I .WW. . 1 111 xy o m - T K RMS: - - . mw a I T f T - W w-k lisli nI every Wednesday Morning at )olt.h an'd 1 tftt Ctjtth per annum, '.t iu alranee; Osc DUIar axi Sevextt Lkst.k n.u p v... rifcU.u .x ' . D ,ti.iM if not paid until the germination 1 1 than six mouths, and no subscriber will be fi.?rtr t .Us"ontine Iii3 paper until all ar- l-'cs .ire p.iid, except at the option cl the ,v pra siibscriblnj: for six months will be el CSE piLT.AH. nnlcsA the money in paid Advertising Ra(c. ; Om. insert m. Ttco do. 77 ire do ::re, l lines 5 ou 4 - i uu urcs f24 line.sj 1 00 .1 00. ,.S Oo , res, fSGTmcsJ 150 2 00 ' 3 OC 3 nionth". C !o. 12 tlo or i-SK. .are, I21iacj areS f 24 lnesj . vs. f " lines j a o.ji;;;:n. $1 SO 2 0 4 00 r, oo io no 15 Co ts. 11l!t b $r, oo 4 ro 7 t'O f 00 22 00 . 5 00 n 00 12 00 14 00 jo oo S5 0o i- A'i v.-ri:.-eii- marked with nr.Vr of iixcrtions tlesired. or they will b? ! ::H ;r".. anil clisn-aeil N-nri1!!";!. HOSTETTER'S TOfMOH BI7TEH! r is a Ta;?! i ..:- at s- perj-. every ir.cm- tbe jm:n lacii. i i:jeet to disease iitartwnee of the K'.i!y functions; but, t!:": ti'i cf a ro'l toalc stal tL.e exercise lila coaiccr seii.-.e, they may be able so to .:e ihe i;.r;:m rs to sevurc perniar.etrt L la c; icr to a.ccouiiia tins dcMred :. the tv.-i course to piirue is certainly rhit-h v ..I rroiuce a naiural state of r: :!.e lea-,: lisrardof Tital btrenth nnd lr .'.I.-; (.u.;.v-s iJr. iiosettcr iia? in .C'."I io this cjacry a pref-arution bearing -n-.c. tt;i! b is r.i.t & new lae'iicice, but one hn trij-l f:r rcr.rs, giving satifac to zZl who Lrve iicd it. The Eitters jcrfai!y 'ip..n the biomacb. bowels, re.-ioriag them to a healthy and -:a action, aaj thus, by the simple pro of itretigthening nature, enable the sys o rrlumph ovc-r disease. -r the cure of Dyypepsia, Indijestion. Nau t"i.".tuIon?y, Loss of Appetite, or any Bilious Ui:ais, aribicg from a morbid inaction e Stou-.av.il cr UoTreli', producing Cramps, rr.tery, Cuiic, Cholera Morbus, 6.C., these rs have no e-jual. .rrhcea, dysentery or Cux, so generally eon J by new settlors, and caused principally c change of water and diet, will be speedily 'V.ed Ly a brief u.se cf this preparntion. orsia, a disease which is probably inoro -ioat, in 6.11 it3 various forms, than any aiu the cause of which mnv atways tributed to derangements of the digestive cua be cured iithot foil I t csiiig ' imTTKRS LT0MAC1I CITTEUS, aster f rioas on the bottle. For this disease CTcrr ieian will recommend Bitters of tome kind ; why not um5 an article known to be inl'al . All nations Lave their Bitters, as a pre ve of disease and fctrengthtner of the sys- :a ceaeral ; and amone ttiem all there is o bs found a more healthy people than v-nr.ans, from whom this prcraration ema il, based upon scientific experiments which teauea to prove tne vaiuo cf this great rr.:ion in the scale of medical science. v.2 and Actm. This trying and rrovok- iisase, which fixes its relentless grasp on jiy of man, reducing him to a mere sha- a a irtiort time, and rendering bim fliy 'S and mentally useless, can be driven the body hv the use of IIOSTETTER S vHV.VED BITTERS. Further, none of the ;tatci diseases can be contracted, even e,"i"vd situations, if the Bitters are used r uirectioas. And as they neither create a nor offend the paint e, and render ua--sry any charge vf diet cr interruption iii.ary pursuits, hut promote sound sleep a!Lby digestion, the comtdciat is re- . i ts speedily as is consistent with the pro- n ot a taorougn an J permanent etire. rerton in Advanced Yean, who are :nz from an enfeebled constitution and Wly, these Bitters are invaluable as a friar of strength and vior, scd need tried to be appreciated. And to a r sLile cursing these Bitters are indis-cjr-e. iallj where the mother's ncur- -t IS liiadnurki tbi itinn ritlv f.f t V. t c-iae,i:ent!y her strength must yield, f '-.'c :t U xvhere a cood tonic, such as ttr s Momach Bitters, is needed to impart ""7 sr-Migth r.ud tigor to the system. ciiouid by ail means try this remedy i ca.-es of debility, and, before so doing, 1 "-k their t hvsicis.a. who. if he is -sited with the virtue of the Bitters, will wu i t hc.r use in all cases of weakness. i.viIT. Mo tauiiun tLe public against uclag Cj mxvj iia:tat;.fis or counterfeits, but &k "T:c's Ccleerv-t-o Bnxscn Eittzks, f -i-u ta. U bott!c Las the words " Dr. J. 1 S S'.JXa-h Ei-.ti-r l.Tnvn rn Inn li.ln r tot;; . "S and obstrv t "jat our autograph u on the laLcL -itUburgb, Fa., and aold by all crocsrs. and dealers reneraUr ' -out its United States, Caaada. South, Ji, td Gcrmanv. -vlS. Da vis ir Jones. Ebcnsbur; J. A. ..URimitviUe; Wra. L'.tzinger, Lcretto: 'aney, Munster. I M- D- A general assortment of ! TOS, MEDICINES, r.c3 uus,raiut3. Dye-stuffs. mm ma mi ram. k'-'ery. Razors, Brushes. Combs. Station ' boon.. Perfumery. Soans. Tobacco. I wd other articles usually kept :n j T e nrrvir ir r rTHIS WAY. il' ,IVED AXI F0 SALE A largo rndid Assortment of American Pock- ' Vvory knik? warranted.) by -t in ,e GEORGE HUNTLEY. 10. 1S59. 3t. QtQR$AlG AT jm$ OFFICE - APPEALS. TAKE notice that Appeals for the year i860 v.ill be held at the Commissioners .Office, in the Borough of Ebensburg. as follows, to wit: For Allegheny township, Oiearheld township, : Loretto and Chest Spring ISoroV, on Monday : l2th day of For Richland, Summerbill ami Croyl town ships on Tuesday the 20th day of March next. Pur Washington and Munfter townships and Surnznitviile IVjrongh on Wednesday the 21t dav of March next. JOHN BEARER.) A1JKL LEO YD, Commissioners. D. T. STORM. J ATTEST. ceo. c. k. zaim. Clerk. Commissioners OQice, El-enslurg, January 18, lf60.-8-St. DR. GEORGE C. K. ZAHM. TREASURER, in account with the Directors of the IVt of Cambria Connty. IS'j'J To county orders issuel during j ear. Warrant of D. rectors of lor $000 00 Feb. 24. Aim miit ree'd fmai James j Kalor vn sale of horse 100 00 March 12, Rec'd from Jas. Clifford on h-an 78 00 j April 1. Am't found on person of Jacob RnG'iier, decM 2 86 : " 13, RecM at Jas. Cliff .rd on loan lG 00 June 10, on sale of borne, 120 CO . IS, on sals of coat 8 54 , July 13. of Jas. Clifford on loan 23 50 : Balance due Treaaunrr 175 43 5502 J CR. GEO. C. K. ZAHM. Treasurer, ISo'J By balance di:e Treasures at last settlement By am't paid for Groceries digging wc-lL Incidental expenses ' - Flour a-id Meal y ' ' Harness Sec. 4 Lumber Hardware and Glass ' Pump ' Fanning Utensils ' Couusel Fees ' Printing Household 1'tentels Clover fc Timothy seed '-' Cot.l " ' A ' Stock fjr far.n Blacksiuitliiiig ' Carpenter work 74 27 261 80 40 50 58 23 2G6 20 11 75 4 78 22-46 21 90 19 Zl 55 00 10 50 20 52 16 75 "25 55 " 74 50 24 4S 13 18 R. !tiiidl to P. Wilxl Ad'rn of J Laydeti a-cM 22 11 Stcw'ru s.il'rv. Ka vlor 168 72 M'Dcrtait 100 00 Lio-jr on farm lloustf Servants ' Mas2ry ' . ' lhtotevi acc't ' Provisions . Vegetables Brick Cofrins Wheat Butler 207 170 117 5Si 37 42 26 86 11 50 105 40 2 I 02 C9 02i 108 00 Re, Barley & Buck'wt 40 5l ' Medical fees ut d'Xr Paupers 414 15 Relivf out iL-cr Paupers $10 25 ' ".instable. fees. 176 22 ' Justices fi-es 20 00 1 ' ?otip and Ashes "17 451 ' IVef and Pork 1S9 41 aievrhandize 279 95J ' 1 reasurero h ilery loo 0o ' ' County orde-s on kaad 1225 00 5521 Outstanding tVots dtie by llou e of Emplovment, For SKk S238 00 Servants wages 04 00 ' I-ib r i-n firm 27 U7 Out door Paaperi 538 29 Resident Physicians S.tlery 4S4 12 Couscables fees 104 72 4 Justices f'-es . 30 50 4 Stewards Sd-'ry S08 03 Clothing 9 31 Flour 338 01 4 Merchandize 199 5 Groceries 55 HotietiM Utensils 13 91 4 Grain 8 33 Pork and Beef 217 03 4 Fruit 1 50 4 He for Famp. 23 05 4 Carpenter wurk 1 50 ' Soap . " Physician out door Paupeis Geo. C. Iv. Zahrn, Trcas. 3al. Total ARTICLES ON HAND- 10 00 1 41 15 ! 175 43 SS103 71 Stock 2 Horses 16 Head of Cattle, 15 Head of , Sheep, 7 Head of Hogs. ! Gtoceries, 3 Rbls Flour. 1 Bbl Molasses Provisions, 3500 los of Port 200 Beef S00 Bu Potatoes 10 4 Onions 200 Heads Cibbage 15 Bu Beets 10 4 Carrots 15 4 Parsnips 20 4 Buckwheat 400 4 Oats 50 4 Ears Corn 2 Tods Hay I Feed c.. 4 s 1 bbl Soap, 10 lbs Woo, 80 lbs Candles xuttiber of TntnaTeT admitted durin year 1859. ; ' 109 Remaining of last year 53 Born ia House 1 ; Discharged 73 j' Absconded 15 Bound out 6 Died Rem 1 7 aming in the House 62 1C3 Average number daily 55 Remaining in the House Jan. 18, 1850 Sane. 27 Males, 13 Females, 40 13 21 62 CnitDoorEelief,- i Ebipson iuesaay tnc loth nay or .fliarcii next. I.rk Slaughter ei 600 lbs All the papers, Kef.ub'ican Democrat ' P I ' ' ,,ooe!' lueu rtauiar . , i u fciUB For Carroll and Cambria townships. Carroll , Beef anf Veal - 3674' I An crican VVhiir tJorervativ' r- 'l f 11 ! eJi,or' a,,'! ihm iay his buneM with hU fewer days than you count years I . town and Ebnwbtirg Boro's., on Wednesday the Tallow 200 lbs, Hides 546 lbs. Calf Skins 90 lbs. j rf ' ,fc' T i. l,V o. t I optvoents is ta tir 'em up. and -touc'a 'em : "I know that well. replied tbe palas. ev- 14th day of March r.ext. ( Articles Manufacture.! by Inmate-, of 11 ue. ! n.7 i v- : on tbe raw I' cry summer of my life a gourd bas cKo.bed For Jackson, Blaofclick and Taylor townsbips. Shirts 87, Overalls 9 pr. D.-awers 10 pr, B.ys ' '""A! T".' ''-Afr . Dp .round me. as proud a. ll art. acd on Thursday the 15th day of March next. si,irt8 5, gfe, 24 it. Stocking 17 pr,. ire ! to&, UUl John brown. ibe arc tbe f Co It BobTalL' fibort-lived a? tbou wilt be " For Coneruaugh and Y.ler towiihhips ami 33, . chemies 25 Uijw 19, Skirts 7, Maps 7, changes which are rung in all the journals of ' A rpcimen of tbe genus .'lloosier was - Mil'.ville Borough, on Friday the 16th day of Childrens Dresses I. Smp 41.5 ?als. B.lsters 26. j the day,- Kast. West, North and South . ! fud by Capt . of th steamer . Tin Biter HU. -The poet Ciitpbell M vCr 'Fir.t Wnn.l Tvir.1 n l Frth ' Ap" 20.S 7. Doi.net U, Candles 18611s, j There in n political ..fT.W in this sketch, i iu the cgiue room ot bis boat, while lyin- at ; v Dr. latiie. "went to Palmy, gotprolir- Borouih on Monday the 19th day of Mardh next. arv A. I). lfifiO . 7 to j. iU gi fitlv M Of these Die1 5, discharged 17, remaining 12,. 34 Meals given to Destitute I'ersons calling at ri'wr House 421 TRODUCTS OF FARM. 00 ru Oats, 600 Potatoes .'2o Parsnips 200 bu Cru, in Ear, 20 Onins . 20 ' Cirrots 40 Buck wheat 6 tons Hay 1500 litads Cabbage DAVID 0'IIARRO. ) MICiriM'GUIRE, JACOB IIORXER, Directors of the . Poor. WE, the undersigned Auditors of Cambria County lespectfully report, that we have andi-tt-i, settled and aljusted the accounts of the Poor House and House f Emjunyment of said County, with George C. K- Z tlmi." Treasurer, of said lVor House, agreeably' with the law, anl do find a balance of One Hundred rnd Seventy Five IMIars and fortv-three ents in favtr f paid lSmT"' - iary .A. v., REES JXO LLOYD 1 E. V. LYTLE,' Au-litors. J. F. STULL. J T o ,CiA r STATEMENT SHOWING THE ACTUAL i :;.b " iiK i,.n r' " . hive been issueil by the Directors. Grocer.es and Hour. Merchandize. SC09 57 J 421 81 j 674 03 256 95 I 47 25 . 190 25 6 48? j 996 9S" i 550 51 108 00 ' 149 37 ! 8 S3 1 50 , S4 43 , 78 CO 186 30 S4400 53J S43 67$ ! 23 50 290 40 20 95 31 92 4 70 ! " 55 00' 4 7 I2i ! 34 50 : 10 50 j 15 00 J CO 30 i 112 50 21 98 22 11 , 13 00 13 CO 60 00 3 12 S;;lari'". (.'ii.-tabies f-es, : Justices fees, Ilirel help, ; Old debts. SMpwrt of outdoor pauper, . Medical services to 'do. : Wheat. I Potatoes, Corn, i Fiuit, 996 91 r '-n k 5o0 51 108 00 Tin war and mending. Removing paupers, Geo. M'Gcughj Farmer, : Repairing and Improvements, j Hose for pump, i Beef and Pork, j Butter, i Freight and toll, ! Cash to panjers leaving, .' Attorneys fees, "- '-""; ! Harvesting, Coffins, Piiqting, Clovereel . Coal, j H '.rses, Biacksmi thing, ! llstate of John Ley den. ! luteiest. Siajs (Jilt tie, Ashes, iS2'' 89 during the ' There has been used in the hous 3-ear. b5 barrels of Fiotir. 10 barrels of Corn meal. ! 10 barrels of Buckwheat fiotir. 926 pounds of C iCee. 142 pounds of Tea, 22 1 gallons of Molas- ses, 679 pounds of Butter were made in the house dining the jear, of which aN.ut one third re- mains ou hand. Ihrte Horses were sold f.r i t?J T.O .i,..l t . il .... 1.....,.! r - ttor .-. ! Fully one haif of the Flour, Grocerk-s and Vege- tabies ttscd io the house is coiumnl iu the In- Kane Department. Soii.e idea ! the isiiises .f i this braii-h of the Iiictttutioii will K bad when able. The arr.ttigemeiits for ke ping the Insane is defective for two reasons, fir&t ti tdose con finement dining bail weather, the women, of whom there arc thirteeu, ar all kept in one room, when the weather permits they sp'.-nd the day ;u a gra.v -anl sixty feci sotiare. The nien ; are treated in a similar mannar. at the ortosite end vf the house, of course thoe who might be ! tn?htiel. siiher by the association; secoiuII-. ;n- j sumciciit assistance to alien. t ttiem. c have one young woman to attend, the insann women to whom we pay $1.50 jer week, the Steward cr whoever lie may find capable aruoug the inmates attends the men. More axsistauce would pro mote better treatment. Theie is but little im provement, and as several of the insane were for years in the State Hospital without any improve ment, there is not much boric for them to le re- I stored her:. During the year two improved so lar as to be allowed to leave, and one so as to le of some use in the house. Cleanliness, the use i.f the shower bath exercise and diet are the mean, used for their alleviation, and it cannot be san! that our tuccess h is been very gratifying. I take this opportunity cf returning my thanks to the different musical associations who have visi ted the bouse during the year for the diversion of the in mate of all classes. Under the nrowvtion j of a merci fill Providence the inmates have lieen ' remarkably healthy, but few died, and those i were raostiy chronic cases, whose termination J was onlj a question of time. The foregoing statement made by direction of the Board of Di- ; lectors is respectfully submitted. JAMUS J. KAYL0R, Steward. February 1, 18G0.-10- St. 51. D. 3IAGCEIA. Attorney at Law, Ebenilinrg, Pit. OFFICE No. 2. "Colonnade Row." ucar the Court House. ! December 7, '54 ly FIRE! FIRE! IFIRE!!! TUK UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL THE uttenntion of the puLlic to one of the great est improvements ever naue in uut-n.iju STOVES, the burning of the GAS AND SMOKE, by which means, is saved Fifty per cent of fuel. GEORGE UUXTfcr.Y., Ebesoburg Aug. 17, 185?. -if. ABI2AHAHI lioi-r-x-sar, Attorney at Irw Jcb3itctra OFFICE on Clinton Street, t fr.' d.ior nort' of the corner of Main and Ciintuc. . April S3, J85t. ' - it is known that during the year pa..t .14.;0 ga!-- Wr live eu ditto. We sleep on ditto. We'll Ion of VgeLtUe S,.uj. the sa t.e amount ,of die on ditw And jet would jou be'.Lve it. lA.ihv.-e an. I 500 ;.n..unds i.f Lreal were ued iv : r.,, , - , . ,i i. . i V t . - -i i.i 3 'fader, il'cGei.-.us dun t jtg 1 the Insane alone, o Meat is allowed them, ex- .. , .. r i- i te setice havi..- wows t.Mt its effect is u favor- h,.,e tU wr,!vr of "'lrr!n' Cu,wr,a! ilTtsccllciucous. Frew. Tie Knickerbodser fur 'Detemlttr. "He EmphatlcJones Touch 'Cm On tbe Raw. 1 vKn uc" . urro Bnu luerc DUl ! Tr,,ar o""u,CT w ne ory : j Jnes was a journeyman printer upon the Genius, a Kepnbhcan uwspaper, nomiually edited by a p.pnlar and able lawyer, who b..ercr, could not do his duty to bis clients and tbe paper t-w; cither bis briefs or bis ed - itotials mut come lamely ofT. ami tbe paper suffer tbe comwqueuce. Tbe propiietor who. althouh a goal manager and a practical man. knew nothing at all about edmnt?. j wouMt M-,t. ,itIJS:f to select a parj,gr,ph ! from iutber paper, or accept for publication ! '!J,Di"g which did not etuinate fnm the jeu : of the e-tiror. And n w b.-holi h va4 in 9 . ' i . . 1 ..r . . . ..t I . .. J . . ' ws greatly redfviu the Mibocriptiou list ; ThatVwthy was out of .own. e,,2a in a I law-MiU. and ih proprietor, iu des j laii,- iia.-iviin butt, iiiui. iie ic.i iuu city hurriedly in se an-h of his editor, but was hiinseif ddjiyed day beyond bis appitited lime to return" In ibis state of affaiis there was but rue coarse to pursue Jones was tbe 'clever fellow of the esiablishiiK nt. and he was instructed to gtt out' the issue of the to 'get out' i ,,,'u duriug the temporary absence of both ' d;tr and owner. The following is an exact , rtt r , . c"Py l"6 "letter of introduction receiveo Irom the absent proprietor, together with the p.stscript by the regular edirr : PjcilU. Oct. 4j. '59. Dear Jones Cau't couie home 't ill mor tiiug. Get ut the best paper you can Write short articles, and stir op the part for not giving their organ more assistance. P. S. liy the editor. ie emphatic Jones ! Toucn 'em on the raw ! - 4 A. J. L. The Genius was a lteirublican paper of t!ii- ' V J I : 1 3 1 92 ' broadest stripe, and that Jones did nut exact 4 70 ! l'ke ll',r ?ver 'did,' for he was a strong lrtJ-."Cnrt'x-r wd on Several -occson: ; reaso ied with the publisher upou the proprie- paper. No proposition of this sort, however. Coul i be entertained The Genius owed its existence to he Uepublicau forty. Its poli tics was its life blood. Nevertheless, a very great privilege wis here extended to Jones. L-ndea to J ones. lie was ms'ructd to 'stir cm up. to 'be cm- phatic' and to touch 'em on the raw ;' he had e raw :' he had full powers. At Iengtn 'the deed is done,' aad the next Genius aptared with the follow- log ttartling editorial : The Nigger. We admire him. We like him. VYc I.ve him. We co in for hiui. I We have but one idea, aud that is the N'gger. I We have but one dream, and that is ditto. We preach from but otio text, aad that is t,:lfn K,f,., t.u, Knitr ,n,l tht U ditto. We play but one tune, and that is j "V10 " e 4r ail leK-" oo tfgvr. : ro ail nr iin. ' We - are ditto in the i mOrair.g We are ciitto at iioou We are ( ditto it night. We are ditto all the lime. was ei'Mvuiz n'-xf. morning, a ilea"eit reve rie at hii i-ucot ?s iti editiuz. the office door made his c.cape. The eilitor, however; ar- rived just iu time to catch huu at the street door : 'Jones!' he shouted, at the same time shaking a cop of the paper 111 his face; 'looi ; ncre 1 nat nave jouuoiic 1 1 n ckou I have touched Jtn on the raw,' f.aid the bewilderi-d Jones Hy this tin. tji proprietor, boiling over with rage, had joined the equally excited edi tor. "You have killed the paper !' exclaimed the proprietor. Yoa have ruined me !' followed the edi tor. How did yifa come to wriw each a savage article V asked iha proprietor. To Mir Vm up a little mildly answered J ones The thing U oatiageous V sail tbe edi tor. It is a little emphatic.' replied Jon?s. At this point there was a lively time, con sequent upon a tu-h of Ilf rutlicnsai d Dem ocrats to the ffice of the Genius. The for mer were full ol indignation, aud stamped and raved ; the Democrnts, on the contrary, were iubilant : each carried a copy of the p iper containing Junes' fatal editorial, lauded it tJ the fkies. and promised all wirts of assistance. The old friends of the paper swore tterual en mity, and eonWeoeed their onslaught by or dering their advertisements out and their names erased from the subscription book At length, after tho gnatest din and confus ion, tho regular ed;tor was permitted to ex- ! plain. lis told the whole try, disavowed th authorship of the obnoxious editorial, c md.-oj-d the sentiments expressed tke.-eiu, i proniis.-J to make an ample apology in a suc : ce.Jiag issue, au l assnred the patrous of the 1 Gtnius that be woulJ .give up tbe practice of I' tbe Iav, lay Dlackstocc on tbe shelf, aad regain permaaeatl t bi poit. Ae- un ibr.iuiti -i..l.nlK- -.-. ii bv t'lt exanftratl-d ! p. l-n in n:ir Vai.L'. i' fri. lnl lion t.lilsd proprietor. ' at IU gravity Pr. seuUy be comes back ftr? f'r " afhiugt m JeSerson. You H.f.ma: scoundrel!" he fairly .gain. ' iptoJf Tv!--1?! roared, rushing Mwarus J..ne.. but before ""WVH. Sir, we've got 'em all real? ! 5-1 rce an'1 Buchanan. lie hvci a4 he could fi.,i.-h his sentence, the later bad r;.,ht here in the house : but you'il have j dUd OQ tLe PIaee where Lc Wi3 cordtnglj, tliK M x? day tLo matter was set right. - Poor Jtne rsin- in f.ir some f hots for the trouMe hhf! rn-l, and what was still worse. co!iii. liit t.i femoral from the coneern. w-.u";: tii'y outraged 'Genias patrons. Th- D m crats of the town, how- J t-v r. cam .J m- r.-ru -. Thy started a ' thereT "Have you seen Cpt. VerrxT was the in- terrocatiTe response. j -1 don't kuow biin, and can't tell wbat he bas to do with your being in n,y engine room,' j rt-plie-l the captain angrily : -Hold on! that's just what I was getting at. You tee Capt Pcrrv and I walked down ' town together. Capt. Perry asketl me to driuk. and so I did id I knew tht I want- ed to tiriuk. or I would't have b.-eu .s- cu.-setl dry. So Capt. I'ciry and I drank two or three times Capt. Perry audi went to a ball. Capt. l'trrv was putting iu souie ex- i tras on one toe. fciii'S out "Go n Capt. . Ik r , ... , ... a man 8tt-ps ur to nie. and savs be: .-See here Sm. von i le.v.r , Says I, - hat mu,l I leave for?" Savs he, "You're making too much noise?" Sas 1. "I ve oeeu in bigger crowds than ioise, aud didn't leave this, and made more noi nuther?" With that he tuk me by the nap of the nc-ck. and the seat of the lin.p.'hra ami r left! As I was a sVitvu down street I ut a lady. I knew she was a lady by the remark she made. Sys idie. "Young man, I reckon you'll go home with me?" And f went 'I had been in her house but a short time wheo I beard a devil of a kmkin' at the door I knew the chap wanted t get ir, whoever he was; or he would' nt have kept up such a thundering racket. I5y and by iaid voice: "If you dont open I bu-t in tbe door?" And h- did! I put cn a Lold face, and says I, "Stranger does this woman belong to yon?' "Says he, "she does. "Th,n "sKf Sl.-'a virtunns T think- I have cea of her J'. .-. . that he came at me Wi!?i a pistol in 1 and a bowie in the other, and being frpm all With tl one hand a little pressed for a tim-j. I junped thnmzh tbe windy, leaving tbe bier porti o of my ct tan as i was asxreaiiin u uown town with the fragments flu.tenn in the trze I rtec.'ri a rpiATnf I tnrv ln was a. triei.d bv V , , Y . I thn t-Aiiiartr Hint n mnli ""r, , " ' " . " " .. , , ... ' ons UK a gainm cn y0ly , , i . -iU'J tLal Vh L. . , arpened in your eo- gme room-I m a good swimmer, captain. but do excuse me if too please, from taktn ,catcr.I orUr s Spirit 3??r Old Ptcwe kci.t a hotel ic tbe north- ern part of this State, which he lojsted was the b"st in 'them farts;' where, as he used to say. you could get any' thing that was ever made to eat. One day in comes a Yankee. sends bis horse around to the stable. nd stepping up to the bar.' askeil Oii Howe what be could give him for dinner "Anything. Sir." sail Oil llowr; "any thing from a pickled elephant to a canary - bi-iTi tou-ae " "Waar." favs ,he Yankee, eveing Oid o?, "I gues's I'll take a piece'of- piekl-l el rhatit" Out bustle! . OM li .we inro the dining- you to tke a whole one, 'cause wc never cut em o The Yankee thought be wouM have cod- ! fish aud potatoes. A Golden Al'jfto. IT-jras nni numero ii strenas "I count only the hours that are se reue" is tbe motto cf a sun-d al tear Venis -. There is a softness and harmouy in the words and in the thought uoparai'eled. O." ad cou ceitsit is surely the u t classical. "I count only the hours that are serene." hat a bland and cate-di-pelling feelins ! How the shadows seem to fade on th-j dil-pU'e as th sky lowers, and time pre.-e its nly a blank uuless as its progress -is n arked by wbat is joyous, and ell that is Lot happy sinks into oblivion ! What a due 1 sson -s c xivcyed to the mind to take no i.ote of time but by i lei.fit-. to watch only for the smihs. aagl uegUct the frowns f.f fate, to eiiipse onr liv.s cf bright and gent'c momeiits. turning always to the sunny side of things, and let ting tht rest slip from our imaginations, un heeded or forgotten. IIow dillcreut from the common art of S'df tormenting ! 03- A merchant entering bis store in the morning, found his Hobby ait 'tupting to throw a'l kinds of PoaTSt3 "What aie you about?" ssk-d the merchant lo-.kiug astouished at tbe evolutions of tbe by. "Ob igin - mv girl." replied the rxVaast el youth. 4-She's Writ nc a letter, and at the bottom, the said un over and ob lige, and I've betu going it for mor"n half an hour' 'Irnuj7tt Down " At an examination in the primary department of a IV t&5 Id 8t hol, the listeners were "brought down" by the answer of a juvenile, when aked f what u-e whales were. One little miss replied that they were "good fcr booji akiruT' - A gourd tad wcual iitself around a lofij palm, and in a few weeis clitned to it Ttrj top. - ' - - IIow old majest tbou be Y1 ailed tbe new comer. "About a bunured Tears. . About a hundred years, and no taller! a - f tt Professor WiLson. At tbe end of the face bo - thought that be bad lost tbe bet, and aiJ to Vi!son : . - , -I owe you fiftr pvinds ; but reallj wbcp I recollect that you are a profeisor of'tidal ' pbil rs.'uy, ami that betting is a sot t of ; gambling only fit for llacklees. I cainot j bring my consclcnci to pay tbe debt. ; "Oh." mM W.lon ."I TcrV much arrrrova : your print inbs. and mean to set CDon them. In point of fact. Ye'low Can. on whom voa have betted, has won tbe race, and but for conscience I ought to pay tbe fifty pcuais bat , Ton will excuse me." J . ' '" . The Washington Constitution. pub!Ltc3 a I translation of a letter, written by Senor Guti : errex de Itrada. who apoearsby the caoer 1 itself to have employed in Europe for seTeral i 3cars Pakt as a secret agent of the reactionary rarty in Mexico for the purpose of accomplish ing the establishment cf a European psiaca uropean psiaca upon the throne in Mesico. Senor Estrada, iu this letter, endeavors to show tint Mexico . ciunot exist under tne iiepuMican system, and so so.in as she repudiates that, monarchy j must take its place; but not Parliamentary mcntrcDj. J ne government was to be a des ?0,-,s,u. r,e1 by either a Spanish Prince j or an Archduke of Austria. Senor Estrada, ia criticising the ojialiScationa of tbe Tariom i fnddt, ru.es out all who are in auywlso inclined to lil-.-ial cr constitutional govern ment. Tbe Mtbject is discussed in all its re j lations, political and personal. The co-opcr-j ation of European powers wt considered nc- vvjsirj iu inn it :uiu ciiccs. aiiu acc-.Tuiag to the writer, bis views appear to hare been favcrablv entertruned by some of tbe leading i European goircrnrnfrnts. The Jacre: govcrn- ; mem is taking aavantage ci tee ECitdental J 3wc?T5r??! thls T. tbe Con- ! r-"ative p-rty up to the pul-Lc iax'aaric3f "s S'1'1 of treason. Paying oSTtbc I'emberton Hands. . Tbj Co,toi J(jUrrtrf vs tbat mnt of fhe wage38-0.0u., -to the opera- 1 . , uvea, was conimeuced on n eune-sJar. aud , i rot . . . - T aiu: me uuiey hjls to those who were ; tilJej wlUb, jj to fhise cc t f ' Those hkvin" hnmi in ntV..,. ,f t ' O " " u iuu , couarr. arP : m0ct inn.,., ; tJ )!aT)J of tbo?e who cafrj forward tJ . . tain their wages, exhibited Cesh wounds 0i , contusions r. ceived ia their escape frcs: the ruins, i artnts caaie to collsct the Iateam j ns OJ lJOSC uPn "oo they had learned to mm m : age, ana caiwren to receive ' e hard-earned wages cf parents; upon whom ' baTC "at'l t)OW der ended fer support. j The widow, io the yable garb of grief, accent i f baleaco du- ber lost companion, aal ,,,e 'st earthly accounts from those afar wsrs ! ttled by their relatives or frien is. . . " - T"7; . An Old Jr.l he Connecticut paters , tb death of Z AenCIJ E.. "teJ J-&" jear,, and aid that be was ! soeoty-f.ur years. Dartcg that ' be never failed to vo'u;. except on a "--- wu-u ue was aos. ui Ircia SitUime Sincerity "Amelia, for thee I yrs at tSy command I'd tear this eternal fir mament into a thousand fragment?; I'd gath er the stais, eue by one, as they tnmbleJ from the regions of etherial sjace, and pat them iu my trwsers iKK-kct; I d pluck the sua. that Oriental God of day, that traverses the blus arch of heaven in such aijestissplen dor I'd tear bim from the sky and quench his bright effulgence ia the fountain of my eternal love for thee!" "Don't, Heury, it woul Wie so very dark C7" Sheridan had a very convenient fornia la a rep j to the new publications which wepe emsiai t y sent to bim, viz : "Fet Sir I have received your evouUI 3 w .rk. anl I have no doubt I fhall be highly delighted after I have rcsd it." At a uii;itary muster iu Kentuc!j. a keg was ux-d as a drau. If there was any ibing in ib keg, Prcntica thing tbesiea ral lied at the tap. Sorrow Sorrow connects the soul with the invisible and everlasting, and thcrefora a'l 'bings projhisy it before it comes to us. T e v.abe weeps at the wail of mn&ic, though b 1.- a "tranger to grief, and joyful young hearts are saddened Vy the solemn brightness of the moon. , i I I 1 X-? There are four brothers ia Wisconsin f the tn tne of liable, v. hose aggregate weight U 11Z'2 pouads. They are all 6 feet m chs hib. 3!" Craft will bring nothing borne at tLi last. l'lain dealing is"a jewel; but he who Qaeth. t will cie a beggar. He who livos in b(pe dies foci. Bear and forbear is short good. ixV rt opb. - - n j I : C DC DO