i POINTS OP COTfS. A. L. Fish, a wcllknowu dairyman of Her Vimer county. New York, gives in the Little Talis Record some good remarks on thepoiat of cows He very properly considers strength cf constitution and capacity to eat what is of fered bcr, at all masons of the year, as the first importance. He rightly observes, also, thit the indications of such a constitution are a thick mellow bkiu, with soft hair, a bright full, bread loin and hips, deep body, and etraight back. "Cheeps dairymon (and city milkmen) us ually select cows that yield the largest amount of milk, because they depend more upon the quintity of cheese than its quality , and milk is known to make a good yield of cheese that would make tut little butter, and poor at that But I am not in favor of the rule of selecting cows that yield the most milk per day or sea son, in arriving at a proper standard of ex cellence for the beat. The quality of milk a cow will give. Is indicated by hair and skin, and yellow colour of the skin inside of the ears and other parts not thickly covered with hair. I have never known a cow, with soft, fur-like hair and mellow skin, appearing yellow and cum ray at the roots of the hair when parted with the hands, that was not a good butter cow, and when fattened, would mix tallow well with flesh. Having been ac customed to fatten my cows that failed for dai ry purposes, by age or otherwise, for many years, and being on the lookout for causes of known results, I have observed that those known to give good milk, made most thrift in tallow when fed to fatten Hence, tho con clusion, that cows that handle well in what the butchers call tallow joints, may be judg ed by a plainly marked design of nature in hor physical structure. Instead of heavy head horns, neck and shoulders, and compar atively light hind quarters, which is charac teristic of the opposite sex, she should show an opposite design, by a femenine counte nance, light head, neck and shoulders, wi dening backward from her cheat to the loin and hind quarters, where the most strength is request. THE CIIAXCELLOR PEAR. lhis nne pear is not so well known as its high qualities deserve it should be. We con eider it oie of the very best of pears, and we have aeard the remarks, that a noted pomol ugist gave it as his opinion that if he were confined to one variety of pear, he would choose the Chancellor It is evidently an ac cidental seedling from the White DoyciVue of Butter pear, and we think the flvrbr is supe rior even to that far-famed -riety. It was discovered in a hedgerv, near Germantown. Pennsylvania, the orgiginal tree was cut down by uiistake several years ago. Mr. Josp'u Green, of Germantown, obtain el sci ons from the original tree, which have fruited in his garden for many years. We have heard that scion3 have been taken from a tree in the neighborhood of where the original was growing, since the latter was cut down, so that spurious trees may thus have been dis aeinioated Phia. Farmer and Gardner. THE BRADFORD WATER31CLOX. H. A. M., in the Philadelphia Farmer d Gardner, thus writes his experience with the Bradford Watermellon: "The seed, last year, was not planted un til 5th of J uqc, and some of the mellons were ripe on the 12th of August. This year they were planted earlier, but ripened some days later. The rind is a grayish green color, closely traversed by fine darkgreen veins; flesh varying from light to deep red, extreme ly sweet aad tender, sometimes scptrating from the rind like the Orange watermelon; seeds white and sm?.ll; size varying from me dium to quite large. Oae great recommen dation of the Bradford to me, is, that there is no danger of mistaking as to its ripeness. Whenever the tendril nearest the melon dries up, the fruit is ripe. This I consider a great advantage, as I have never before found vari '3 ety which could be certainly depended upoD. All the signs of ripeness dying in th6 tendril hardness of the rind, cracking when pressed, sound when tapped with the knuckled, f-c., are fallible with most of them." Making Cheese from a Tew Cows. Not witnessing any reply to your corres pondnt on the subject, and believeing that few make the trial, I will venture to give you my mode, which I have found satisfactory and successful. Having commenced a few years since, ignorant of many of the practical du ties of a farmer's wife while seeking for in formation I chanced to find in an agricultural paper an account of a visit by a gentleman to home of the dairies in Cheshire, England, in which he describes a small, self-acting press, which I gathered suflicicct information to or der one made. It is simply a tin can, twenty eight inches in circumference, eight inches deep, pierced full of small holes, the corner to te fastened by a hinge on both sides, tnd over the outside. I use no other apperatus, except too wooden followers to fit insida, when the cord does not fill the hoop. From. fivi cows I make each day a chjese weighing ten pounds, after supplying my family with milk. If jou have not milk 6uicient to fill tho pres at once, prepare, what you hive, and put in the followers, placing a small weight (a stone weighing six or eight pounds is sufficient, or a dash of cold water will do as well) upon them, and if you wish to make the full size, prepare another eurd and aid after scarifying the .first lu either caw it klould be turned orn two1 fl.cff rinifa. nrris TTJCKnARDT. WATCH 1J AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCiiES a JEWELRY. - TlIK undersigned respectfull 1 r inform tViA JMt . -.f Jiihnstavcu .nd vicinity ij !l . V. . taut ae uj jp-r-, ; a opening the lariat stock or Ciocw":,;-j- ceptiur, which will be sold " cnwn-" " j -cheapest." His prices will always be uniform Summer will not be charged more for the ' Quality of goods than another. A List ?,1 I! of tneMticfes comprised in the a nti is annexed. Prices may oe w.v, uu . . i . .- a . limn Vsf rrnf roods examined, at tue oiore ou mam , Gobi Hunting ouguao Gold Detached Levers, ful ieweilod. Gold Lepines. 4 holes 44 Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Chains. Gold Ve3t Chains, Gold Pencils, with Pens, Gold Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, Gold Finder Rings, Gold Cuff Pins, Gold and Silver Vatc. .Keys. Portraonaiea, . Ladies' Fans, fancy and piain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles Plated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea Sett, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, c, Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, G inches, Gold Bracelets, Accordeons, Silver and Plated Spectacles, ic, &c, &c. CJ- Ali. sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness and at low rates. Con fident that be cannot be undersold, the undersign respectfully solicits the confidence and patronage ofthepublic. LUU1S LL'UMiAliui Mayll, 1836. 23-tf. , Jan. 5, 1859. ST. FMIffi' WM ffi BOYS. Under t!ie charge of the Francis can lfrothers. THIS institution, situated in Lorett, Cambria county, Pa., about four miles from Cresson Station, on the direct Toute between Philadelphia 2li Pittsburg, has been lately chartered, with privileges to confer collegiate honors aad degrees. TERMS. The annual pension for board and tuitiou, payable half yearly ia advance, J100 00 Washing and use of bedding, per annum, . 10 00 Pupils remaining at the Coliege during vaca tion will pay an extra charge of ', 00 The Classics and modern Languages f',rni an extra charge of 10 00 No allowance for occasional absence, unless in case of sickness. Postaga of letters, books and stationary, if not furnished by parents or gu:rd;,aus, will form an extra charge, as will also medical attendance. For further particulars ar,ply to the Superior of the College. Reference may le made to the Rt. Rev, Dr. O'Cnnor. ev. W. lMlard, Loretto, or to any of the Rav. Jlergy ia the neighborhood of the institution. Loretto, August '31, 1859. 3m. "OYSTERS! OYSTERS ! ! AT A. BLAIWS SALOON. VCTOULD reapectfully inform the v v citizens ot r.bensburg and vi ciuity that he has opened an Oyster Saloon, three doors east of the "Arcade" Hotel, and is prepared to accommodate the public in a superior ruauner. lie has made arrangements to get his Oysters direct from the Eastern markets, and will supply families by the can or dozen at the cheapest rate. Give him a call. lie still continues to practice the Tonsorial art at his shop in the room adjoining the Oyster S.d'Xn. August 31, lS59.-tf. SADDLERY! SADDLERY! THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country, that he has opened a Saddler's shop, in the basement of his dwelling house, on Horner street, where he is prepared to furnish to order on the most reasonable terms, every description of Svldles, Bridles, and Harness &c. Having many years experience ia the busi ness, employing none but the best workmen, and using the best material upon all his work, he hopes to merrit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Country produce at all times taken in exchange for work, and the highest market prices allowed. JAMES MAGUlRb. Ebensburg. Sept., 14, 1859.-tf. SPECIAL AX.OU.CEJIETT FROM TUB QUAKER CITi PUBLISHING HOUSE! 1O9.O0O Catalogues, SEW, ENLARGED AND REVISED NOW READY FOR distribution. Superior Inducements to the PuUic. ID" A new and sure plan of obtaining Gold and Silver WATCHES, and oJier valuable Pri zes. Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all npon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from GO cts. to $100 GUARANTEED to each purchaser. 100,000 have been distributed my patrons within the past six months $150,000 to be distributed during te next six mouths. The inducements offered Agents are more lib eral than thoee of any other house in the business-Having been in the Publishing and Booksel ling business f r the last eight years, my exper ience enables me to conduct the Gift Enterprize with the greatest satisfaction to all. E7-AGEXT3 WANTED iu every Town and County. - - For full particulars address DUANE RUL ISON. Quaker City Publishing House, S3 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Pa, Sept. 21, 1830 4 mo. AltCADE HOTEL,, Ebensburg, HENRY FOSTER, Proprietor. ril.IJS HOTEL, FORMERLY KNOWN AS A the "Ebensburg House," is one of the old est and best stands in the borough of Ebensbur"-. for the accommodation of the traveling communi ty. Tho Proprietor assures all who may he dis posed to patronize him that his TABLE will be supplied with all the luxuries of the season, his BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and no pains pared to render his guests comfortable. Ehensburg, April 14, 1838:22:ly. CANVASSERS WANTED. liberal inducements to agents! Fifty Dollars a month, and all expenses jyjiid. WE wish to engage an active Agent in every Couuty throughout the United State and Canadas. to travel and introduce our NEW TWENTY DOLLAR ' DOUBLE THREAD T OCK STITCH SEWING MACHINE. This I'.tcehior Machine is just patented, with valuable i -iprovements, which make it the cheapest and 'ost popular machne in existence, and acknowl iJged to be unsurpassed for general utility. A Umittd number of responsible agents are wanted ' solicit orders by sample, to whom a salary of $50 per moath and expenses will be paid. For conditions and full particulars address, with stamp (yr return postage, J. W. HARRIS & CO. No. IS Shoe & Letthr Exciter. Ney. t, lm.-o-. Boitoft, ilas. '. ' i MAKER I ' SeSS . , 1 OHB ligglBfleT PIU1 1 Above we present you with a likeness of DR. MORSE the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. This philanthropist has fpent the greater part of his life in traveling, having visited Luroue. Asia, and Africa, as well as North America has spent three years amcng the Indians of our Western country it was in this way that the Indian Root Pil's were first discovered, Dr. Morse was the first man to es tablish the fact that all diseases arise from IM PURITY OF THE BLOOD that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do uot act in perfect harmony with the dif ferent functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted, and diseased ; thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of every name ; our strergth is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. How impoi taut then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach, namely, Morse's Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs iu Nature's Garden, fur the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the norcs of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Ex pectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, per forins its duty in throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives double case and strength to the kidneys ; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of impurity from the blood, which is theu thrown out bountifully by the uri nary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other prop erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities by the bowels. From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not oLly enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rout wit and cleanse the system from all impurity, aad the life of the body, which is the blood, becomes per fectly healthy ; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason whypeople are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflic ted parts, and which will open the natural pas sage f.r the disease to be cast out; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodg ed, and the stomach and igjfcstinos are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus un dergoing a disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the cor rupted matter through every vein and artery, until life :s taken from the bly by disease. ,Dr. Morse's TILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millious of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Ye. thousands who have been racked or tormented with sick ness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by. tho burning ele.uents of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the tsilent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would Lave been numbered with the dead, had it not been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's In dian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and absolutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the fmudation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will cleanse aud purify, that disease that deadly enemy will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy life will 'cherish and brighten your days. OCT" Sold by Thomas Devine, Ebeusburg, and by Medicine Dealers generally throughout, the County ; B. Lake Jndson, successor to A.. J. White & Co., No. 60 Leonard t.. X. Y-, Propri etors ; Willi&m Mudge 8c Co.. (Proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic Ointment.) Earlvflle, Midison county. N. Y., General Agents. August 3, 1859.1y . LOGAX HOUSE. CORPORAL JOHN KIEFFER, Pro mi eto n WOULD respectfully inform his old friends and the travelling public that he has leas, ed the Logan House, Hollidaysburg, and is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage in unobjectionable style. The HOUSE has been newly furnished thio' out in a style not surpassed by any establishment in the interior of the -State. His TABLE will always be supplied with all the substantial and delicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive servants. In a word, no pains will be spared to make the Logan a first class house, and noth ing will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. The STABLES, which are extensive, will be attended by honest and faithful hostlers. RESTAURANT. The baS( ment is occupied as a Restaurant, where meals will be served .up at all hours of the day, together with oysters wild game, fish and all the delecacies and refresh merits of the season. JOHN KIEFFER June 4, 1856.-32tf. BEN. P. THOMPSON, triTA P. I. PATTON & CO., Wholesale Dealers in and Manu facturer of HATS, CAPS. FURS, Hatters Ma terials, Straw Goods, Artificial Flowers, Buffalo Robes, &c. No. 128 Market street, below Fourth South side, PHILADELPHIA. Cash paid for Wool and Shipping Furs, PRICE I. PATTON. A. OPrENUEIMER. February 17, 1858:tf "PHILADELPHIA Wood MOULDING MILL j Willow street, above Twelfth, north side. Moulding? suitable for Carpenters, Builders, Cab inet and Frame Makers, always on hand. Any Pattern worked from a drawing. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his portion of the State, to whom opportunities will bo offered for 1 profits to themselves. SILAS E. WEIR. February 17, 1868:tf W1SIIIXGTOX HOUSE. LAWRENCE . SCIIROTH. PBoraiCTaju-: flIIIS popular and pleasantly situated house X is located in the village of Can-oHton Cam bria county,and is kept in a manner so as to-af-ford every comfort to visitors, being well famish ed in every respect. HIS BAR will con tain the best of liquors ; his TABLE; the best the market can afford. Nothing will be left undone to render the visit of all persons pleasant and agreeable. J,. S. Carrol ton, July 15, 1857. $W JOB this etfre.. WORK of a kinA done at Cra," gopptr anb (trf jron HI H p ft -y SO) - ta all lS I g I THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TH CITIZENS OF EBENSBURG AND vicinity that he has just received and has on hand the LARGEST, BEST, and MOST COM m rTP. tock of Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron ware. Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Plows, Points, Wagon boxes, Sugar kettles. &c, ever onerea lor saie in r.oensourg, consisting oi zo ainer ent Patterns of Cook Stoves of all sizes; 20 different patterns of Parlor and Heating Stoves of all sizes- 10 different kinds of Plows; Sugar kettles aud Wagon loxes of all sizes; Brass and Copper Kettles of all sizes; Preserving Kettles of all sizes; Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware of every de- "aIo He has just received a large assortment of HARDWARE and CUTLERY : House furn ing Ware, Harvesting Tools, Carpenter's Tools, &c, Src. ail of which he will sell very low CSH. Persons wishing any thing in his lins he respectfully invites to give him a call and examine prices. IC7 Job work of all kinds done on the shortest notice. Xso House Spouting made and put up on the shortest notice 8c most reasonable terms for cash 03- Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. Also Cherry, Ash. and Poplar lumber. old Metal, Copper, Brass, Pewter, &c. taken in exchange. GEORGE HUNTLEY ALSO. He would respectfully call the attention of the public to the greatest improvements ever - . - . .. , 1 1 i - 1 1 r . e r- , made in Cooking Stoves tor burning the gas ana fcbensburg, July 15, ipoj. R EAD THIS. AND STUDY YOUR OWN INTERESTS i JCST RECEIVED 1' 3 giH A A xew stock of Watches r I? lIC W Cli V a CLOCKS tfc "pZZl. ISOTIOXS. At the sign tf the Bij Wateh, J'uti street, Johns tovn, l a. The underbigned desires to call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and surrounding country to the fact that he has been appointed an Agent of a large importing house of WATCH ES, CLOCKS, &rc, and also of a large manufac turing establishment of JEWELRY, whereby he is enabled to offer such inducements to purcha sers of these articles as were never before offered in this place, or anywhere this side of the Alle ghenies. Ho would also call attention to his large as sortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY just received all of the latest styles and most beautiful workmanship. Having selected his stock with great care, he is confident he can suit every taste as to styie as well as all pocscts by the great reduction in prices. THE LADIES are Qrticularly invited to an inspection of his present stock and prices. EAR DROPS hitherto sold at $1,50 will now be sold at 75 cts., and warranted to stand the test of tcear. Breast Pins, Rings, &c, at a reduction. GE.TLG3IC: I would call your attention to my beautiful as sortment of GOLD AXD SILVER WATCIIES, at the following very low prices : Hunting Verge Watches, warranted, $6.25 Hunting Silver Cylinders, hitherto sold in this town at 20, and then reduced to $14, I will now sell at from $10 to $11.50 Hunting Le ers from $12 to $10.00 Open Fared Cyliuders, heretofore sold at $10, I will sell at from $7 to 8.00 Open Faced Detached Levers, $10 to $12.00 All watches sold trill be tear ran ted to no for twelve months, or exchanged for another of equal value. Everybody is invited to call and examine the 6tock, as the advertiser i9 confident that f.r ex tent, variety and style it is unrivalled in this community, while the prices at which it is of fered are unprecedented low. Goods sold for CASH onlj-. Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. &c, of all kinds, for wlticn me uamona wniy iron uioipi:jr "scrtp" will De taKca ai p.ir. aii wotk war rantid. TOWN AND COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS supplied with Watches, Jewelry, &c, at less thau city prices. JOSEni G. HOLMES, Agent. August 3, 185C.lv. TWFAV TIN-WARE ESTABLISMENT. 1 The undersigned takes this metlu-d of informing the citizens of Ebensburg and sur rounding country, that be has commenced business in this place, in the building formerly occupied by M. S. Harr, one door west f the Fott Office, where he intends to carry onhis busi ness in all its branches. TINWARE of all de scriptions kept constantly on ban 1, and at pri ces to suit the times. Uountry .Merchants can have orders filled to any amount. By strict at tention to business he hones to receive a liberal share of public patronage. FELIX HFNLF. Ebensburg April 28th, 1858. XOTICE. THE undersigned, Directors of the Toor and House of Employment of Cambria county, here by give notice that in case of any destitute per son becoming sick.or disabled, that may become a charge upon the county, they request persons in whose charge such destitute persons may be, to give notice to the Steward of the Poor at d House of Employmont, or to either of the Direc tors, of the condition of such persons, so that they can be removed to said Poor House without delay. Jan. 26, 1859:tf Directors. PRIMP R ETHER. ROBT. J. ANDERSOS REYMER & ANDERSON. Wholesale Dea lers is Foreign Fruits. Nuts, Spices, Con fectionary, Sugars, Fire Works, &c. 0CJ-Oran-ges and Lemers received weekly. No. 39 Wood sreet. Opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg, Feb. 17, 1858:tf JEFFERSON HOUSE,. NEAR WILMORE Station,) Jefferson, Cambria co., Ta. John M'Cot, Proprietor. fel7,lS58 I. O. O. F. Highland Lodge No 428 meets every WEDNESDAY, iv vening at their Hall on High st., in --L the upper Rtoryof Shoemaker's store YOKE WORK OXEN, For sale by E. HUGHES. July 13. 1859. C. D. 51 Hit RAY, Attorney at Lnvr, Ebcatbnrg, Pa. "F7ICE OrrOSITE CRAWFORD'S HOTEI. J f naTrlT.l& WM. I ALMr.U. i DAVID OTIARRO. MICU'L. M'GUIRE. Mart, gtoto, pwqjfgt. furnisli- fcr Ls smo&e iy winen means is mvi per cent i mei GEORGE HUNTLEY. A CIV A It HI VIE AT THE JOHASTOM'X MARBLE WORKS. The undersigned begs leave to inform the citi zens ot Cambria and alj-in!iig counties CX. that he has just received a frth stK."k 8( "fi of the finest ITALIAN aLd other Mar-fcrfltVil .oies. aims eiiaoustimem on rransuni.rf street? Johnstown. MONUMENTS.v'i . . It- 1 . 1 - T -4 1 T O M BS . MANTELS. G R A V K STONES, TABLE A-BUREAU TOPS, manfuactured of the most beautiful and finet quality of Foreign and Domestic Marble, always on hand aud made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, without the addition of carriage. GRINDSTONES of various grits and sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics, sold either by wholesale cr rciai!. Prompt attention paid tt orders from a dis tance, and work delivered wherever desired. He invites the public to call and ex ami us his stock, as he feels satisfied he can sell cheap. ror the convenience of persons residing in the east and North of the county, specimens may e seen and orders left with G.-orge Huntley, at his Tinware Establishment in Ebensbur?'. JOHN PARKE. Job.Dstown, June 15, lS5?ly. REMOVAL! C O A C II MANUFACTORY. f IlHE subscriber would respect full- inform JL the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country that he has removed his shop from the old stand to the shop lately occupied by John Evans (Curpcnttr.) where he is preparud to do all kinds of work in his line of business at short notice and on reasonable terms, and he hoj es by using but the very best material and employing but the best workmen to merit a full share of public patronage. Persons whd.ing bargains in purchasing a Carriage will do well by calling at this establishment. He is prepared to manufac ture the following kirn's of vehidts. viz: liUt-iUir, ot diuerent rjualities h:h! prices; BAROUCHES. CIIARIOTEES, one and tw horse ROCKAWAYS, cKse quarter, cliptic and C-spring COACHES, second hand work of differ ent kinds Sfc, making a variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. REPAIRING done with iieUaess add dispatch. WM. BARNES. Ehcmburg, April 27, 1853-23-tf E BENSBURG FOU N D RY. HAYING pur Eleusburg Foundry, the subscriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with riouglis, IMougli Points, Stoves. Mill Irons, Tliresliln Machines, and castings of any kind that may be needed in the community. By strict attention to the business r.f the con cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will reveive a liberal patronagefrom thosein want of article in bis line. All business done at the Fermdrv. EDWARD GLAS'S. March 22, 'o-S-tf. YM7ILLIAM CARR & CO.. WHOLESALE I f Grocers, Importers. and Dealers in For eign and Domestic LIQUORS, Old Monongahela and Rectified -Whiskev. No. 329 Commercial Row. Liberty street, PITTSBURG, Pa. SUNDRIES 500 Bbls double Rectified Whis key. 187 Bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whisky. Par, (very choice ) 00 Hhds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls N. O. Molasses. With a general assort ment of Groceries, also Bacon.-Floxir, Lard, I ron& Nails dec, all of which will be sold at low prices for cash. WM. CARR Jt CO. February 17, 1858.tf GEORGE W. TODD, WITH CONRAD & WALTON, Importers and Wholesale Deal ers in Hardware, Cutlery, c, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand the genuine Timothy Slack's Augers, W. Mann's Beatty's and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad 8c Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels. Darling & Waldron's Grass and Cradling-Sej-thes, Com mon andFatent Scythe Snaths. Patent Clottes Pins, $-c, &c, vhich they offer foi sale on reas onable terms, to country dealers only Januiry25, 1855. JOHN H. ALLEN d- CO.. NOS. 2 4-4 Chestnut Street, (south side, lelow Water.) rillLADELrillA. (The Oldest Wooo-ware IIocpe, the Citi.) M-tnfacturers and Wholesale dealers in Talent Machine made BROOMS, Tatent Grooved CEDAR-WARE. warranted not to shrink. WOOD & WILLOW WARE. CORDS. BRUSHES, Ac, of all descrip tions. Please call and examine our stock. March 4, 1857. ly. J. c. xoo, Attorney mt Law, Ebtmbarg, rm. o FFICE IN COLONADE ROW Nov. 11, 1857:1. t LUMBER. PINE TOPLAR CHERRY AND ASn LOI ber bought and sold by E. HUGHES. Jue3ta XM?. If. First Arrival OF SPRING &. The subscriler, havir,g just returned froa tie city, is now opening one of the btt sectei stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to this market, and which Le will .... t f - 1 li" - -l - . sell very caeap lor u. nuii cuokitu a part of "the following articles, vix : CIIALL1ES, DELAINES, BRILLIANTS, COBURGS. PP.1NTS OF ALL EiNDS AND RICHEST C0L0RS; which for beauty cannot be surpassed in tLu toKn; READY-MADE CLOTHING, LADIES SHOES. DRUGS and PERFFMEP.!; all of which he will sell very cheap. He invites the citizens of Ebenkbcr and the surrounding country to txi him a call before purchasing elsewhere as he is satisfied he tan sell go-xis to them much1 cheaper than they can b-j bought at any otl" store in town. John Bcdgert, Jr.- Ebensburg. April 20, 1652:tf. CXIO.V liOCSE, l:benhbur?. Pa. JOHN A BLAIR, Peokpixtob. Also, in oonnection, BLAIR A Cv UACKS, will leave the Union House for Willmore Su ti.n in time to take the Ealern cr Western tr&iLn Every accomodation will be afforded to c:tle passenger conifrxblte. BAR( GAINS! BARGAINS ! COPPER A SHEET-IRON WARE ! I M-srcr.ants ar.i others iu want of TIN, COF FER OR SHEET-IKON AKE are res neotfullv invited to call and exud:;eJ my stock, sot up expresslv for the fall rade. It is the largest and best sortikent.tb ound West of the mountains, made iu a toptrior manner and of the very bt mate-rule. Ilmvin j adopted all the improvement of the times in ti t trade, iu machinery aud materials, I am prepared to complete successfully with city manufacturer, in prices ai:d terms. Orders from one dollar to five hum'red dollar worth, promptly filled, the warts carefully packtd and guaranteed not to leak. One trial from merchant! who have tt d-a.lt with me LeretL-frt i requested. At lesit ccuj fvr a Price Lit. Thankful for paat favors, I respectfully fcutut their continuance. Addie4 F. W. HAY. Johnstown, Cambria county, r Oct. 21, 1857. 50'J" HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA- vJtttt lm-tituti"n established ly ipc lici A Eudutrrntiit, for the Jitlief vf tfs i ck and Diftresscd, ufiicttd tcilh Virulent and Epidemic Dti earjs. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view tLa awful destruction of Lumau life caused Ly bexual diseases, several years ago directed their Consult ing Surgeon, to ojt u a it:ary for tba lini ment of this class of diseases, in all tLttr t-u., and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS u ali who applv ly letter, with a diktriptkn cf their condition, (age, occupation, kabita if life. &c ,) and in tase ot extreme poverty, to Hl..JiU MEDACINES FREE Oi' CHAUGE. The directors of the Association, in tLtir A'-cu-nl Report txpre&s the Liv'l.t.t tathf-ctku wit'u the sui-ces-i which hai attended the iabvrs tA tLtj Surgeons ia the cure -- Sperrnatorroca, Scn.ir.kl Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gh.it, Syphilis, le vic of Onai.isro or Self-A I use. Diseases of li e Kiil ueys and Bl.td.ler. fee, and orier a cctitiUaL. if "the same plan fr the ensuing year. An admirable Report on Sperm utorr Iocs, us Seminal weakness, the vice of Onanism. Mcst jr-b-Ui-'ii. or Self-Abu e. and other distasc vf tie Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surge n. be sent bv mail fin a sealed envth pe.) FRiZS OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS fcr p,stuge. Address, for Report or treatment. Pr. J. SK!L LIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Uowsrd Ass-ciation, No. '2 South Ninth Stiect, PLiladtl hiia, Pa. Jiu. 2:, 1833. ly. SI!'.KCT JLr ty. i KCTORY MAP OF CAMBRIA COIN The tubscribcr is prej ariug. (if kuiS- cicnt encouragement l givtn.j to j.ubliu a Di rectory MAP-f Cambria Coui.ty, itUiidtd fcj I cot-tain as much information ai any ether Coun ty Map now Published in Pttctylvania. TL saire to I lithographed, colored and mcuLttd ia toe mot mo'leru -tyleand workmanlike mi ai.tr, and delivered to mlwcril.tr tt 45 per cepv. WILLIAM CHRISTY June 30. 1S58. f 1 1HE SUBSCRIBER, SUCClSOR TO G. L. I LIjOYD & CJ., at Jefferson, respectuIJy offers to the public, an extensive and well se lected assortment cd I'R V GO ODS. GE LrCE JES. Hats. C tps. Boots & Shoes, Rtady llafie Clothing. Hardware, Quenjtware. Palnti. GI&m, Oils, and ail the articles usually requiitd for Family Building, and Manufacturing purpose. A Stock of Drugs. Dye Stuffs, and family med icines, that for quality and variety is not urpa! se 1, (if equalled in the county.) All cf which he will sell at the iowest possible prices for caa or Country Produce. ALSO, A large amount of Spruce and Pitc Lcmlr con.-t:itly on handsand Bills for Lumber rawed to order at the shortest posb notice. ROBERT FL1NN. Jefferson, May 20, If 57. tf. John 31Keage X anfact&rer and .Sealer la all Xind ofCigor Saaff, Chewing and Leal Tobacco. Montgom ery St., Hollisdaytbar, Pa. Constantly t-n band, a fine and well selectee i-tock of Spanish, and half Spanish cigar at the lowet possible prices. All articles told at" this establishment are warranted t be u hai tie are repreentel. Ausrust 8, 1855. ly. "THE SEW-TORKERV Now offered for the purpose of seenrirg the widest possible circulation a fin-t-elays New York weekly family paper, eight large page, illustrated, beautifully printed on the lest wbit paper, with contributions and articles, etories, poems, anecdotes, ie., Slc, by Washington Ir ving. Ltmgfellow, Bulwer .Tennyson. W. Gilmort Simin. Dickens. Mrs. Sigouixey. Tbsckeray. Peter Parley, I la wt heme. A 1 ice Carey and ott ers. Ti e Weekly N EW-YORK ERM (rrfoun cel a superkir publication to the New tti Lclger.) is offered at only ONE DOLLAR year to subscribers who send the one dollar immfdr aUly to the publisher. C. Mathews, No. 107 Fulton street, . . bpecirr.cn copies seni ior - 3 cent ptamp. Jmarz.isoa '4 31. n. MAG Ell AX' Attorney at Law, Ebemkerj. P. OFFICE No. 2. "Colonnade Row," Lear Court nocse. Eaotaabar 7. '54 ly mm GOODS.