1 ,ML. HI! r . Tfae Latrrcnce Catastrophe. The foundations tare" not been officially - examined, although some cursory exaniina . " Lave been made, and it does not as jet - appear that they had settled. It is quite- ev ident,, as we hare before suggested, that the cause of the fall was in the superstructure. A piece of one of the hollow iron pillars was brought in before the coroner a pillar which ' wa the centre of an erea 58 by 20 feet -and It was found to be thin and the iron poor It -.--" was not-more than the sixteenth of an inch iu J-'-; thickness on one side, and tho wonder is that . it sustained the pressure so long. It was ; - - probably' the giving way of this pillar which precipitated the terrible crash. From this one overshadowing calamity attention. is turn ing to the subject of American - building, and ' a discussion is rising which will tend to a thorough revolution of the general style of . . American architecture. This fearful destruc tion of life will thus become a great sacrifice " for the safety of .the living While the rua '' vn-ials for building in the country are so am - A ' I t , pie our structures ougut 10 oe strong ue- " y rd the tmitle chance of fuch teruble cas uaitif s. The. tragic portions of the disaster accum ulate, and rival in horror anything ever before ' known iu this country! Many a ship has gone' down npon our "coasts with their living freights, to the comparitively gentle waves. liiit the bosom of the ocean is kind compared with this wreck on land, which, hariog first lettered and tortured its victims, submitted hem ltd the'1 agonies of burning alive. The tniteat. is lenient because it is summary; but " this combination of wreck and fire, whose trophies are the charred bones of a hundred human beings, equals almost anything which could have been" devised by ingenious cruelty. The authors of the unprecedented whole Asia slaughter of the innocents in the Pem berton Mills, Lawrence. Mass , should be visited with that 'punishment which would arrest public atttention. and remind builders of their great responsibility. The bricklayer, on examination, testified that poor brick was used in the walls, and that water ran through the foundations for months. The work was done according to the direction of Charles H. Jiigelow, Engineer of the Pembcrton Com "" jauj, and Benjamin Oooledge. Mr. Tuttle, of Lowell, thus testifies : "When the tim- ' : bcKfor the upper stories came, they were too fhort, and we ordered to put projections upon the walls to rest the timbers upon. I expres sed my opinion at the time, and many times afterward, and have never changed it, that the walls were too weak for puch a building. I told Mr. Digelow so when we were building it I told Mr. Puttnan, one of the owners, so. in IZoston. I tol l many others the same thing. I do not know of any other large mill with walla so weak a the Pcmberton, and I never want to hear of one " PhilaJelphifi. Januasy 17. The fancy g'jol establishment of T. II. Peters & Co , Chestnut street, above Seventh, together with thn'r extensive manufactory in the rear, on J)Vooet street, was destroyed by fire this morning, together with all thfir contents. The Ins of Peter & Co., is abutsixty thous and dollars, on which they have fifty-eight thousand insurance in this city and eastern ofiicca. 1 he building was owned by Joseph Natt, and i damaged to the extent of fifteen houai"d, which is covered by iusurance Tho -stores aijoining sunfored considerably. K. W. CnylV curtain .-tore was damaged to the amount of three thousand. Warner. Mis key & Merrill three thousand; Rbt J. Park, Ml Hard calcon, $1,200.. 1200; Edward Chaistman, SPECIAL. SOT1CUS. aIt i a common observation ttit there are riore auITerers from debility, among. Americans, than can be found among any other civilized cation. The reason is obvious. We take too little exercise, and lorget the wants of the body in the absorbiug pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicines can do little good What U required i jut such a tonic and invigo TAtor ah Dr. J. IIu.-.tettor iisis given to the world, in his CELEBRATED "BITTERS." The weak and nervous denizen of the counting-hou.se, the exhausted tailor upon thJ shop-board, and the prostrated MuJont of the midnight lamp, have lViUnl ;i wonderful regenerator in the "B.ttkks" anfl prefer it to more pretentions, but less cfTi cacious medicines. But ;t should not be forgot ten that the agent which is so magical in its in riuenco upon a frame which U merely debilitated is equally powerful in assisting naturr to expel the most terrible forma of disease. Who will uot give it a trial? Sold by druggists and dealers generally every where, fry- See advertisement in another col uam. Distnse of the Stoma-'Jt. The stomach is the Ttv t liable to get out of order. Hence how im VortMit that no diseased matter clog its opera tic, which would cause nausea and distress by enrfjod. It also weakens tho brain, destroys te memory, creates pain and dimnes, and va rious tfil:ctiot;s in the head. It produces great ditKi-clty in breathing and swallowing. Scm tin fainting and fit will ensue; also had breath r-. t!(rs.Niiess and great loss of strength. If not irfmedutely attended to. the blood ill carry the disease through the whole system, and death Jl end the work. From 2 to 5 of thee Pills a will keep the digestive organs ii a healthy cocd;ti' n, and unc'.og or carry away all impure ttttr. anil thoroughly restore and cleans the vach: at the name time the Pills will ao puri fy the blood, ha to drive all mauner of dise tr-jtn the rsteni. !H7ee adrcrtiirf'ment of Dr. Morse in another umn. Sold by Thomas Devioo. FOR RENT. ftore Room now occupied by John liod?-rs, Jr. Al.-o the Room occupied by Dan it Davis a a Shoemaker Shop. Enquire of , JANE WHtKRY, ' January 25, I6C0.-9-St. SHERIFF'S SALE. Tirtue f a Decree issued out of the Court Common Pleas of Cambria County, and to me ejected, there will be exposed to Public Sale. t the Court House in tho B-rough of Ebensburg, SATURDAY the 11th day of February next at 1 o'clock P. M., A piece or parcel of ground tuate in the township of Washington, in the bounty of Cambria, adjoining lands of the heirs wdliarn Bradl?y, heirs of William Webster -- aa others, and containing about o&e acre, with e appurtenances, to be sold as the property of uuga O'Donnell, et. al. TERMS, CASH. c ROBERT P. LINTON, Shff. aLeriff's Office, Ebensburg, January 18, lSC0.-8-3t. GEO. R. LEWIS, M. D., RENDERS his professional services to the citin fZ, f EbDburg and vicinity, he may be " m.tue 0ffice formerly occupied by Dr. D. cV - w- -I75Sht calls may he made at the " J-ly 6. 185?-,tf. DR. GEOIiGE C. K. ZAUM. TREASURER, in account with the Directors of the Poor of Cambr2a-County. 1859 To county orders issued during year. Warrant of Directors of Poor $5000 00 Feb. 24. Amount recM from James JtVaylor on sale of horse 100 00 March 12, Rec'd from Jas. Clifford . on loan . 78 00 April 1, Am't found on person of Jacob Ruffner, dee'd . 2 8S " 13, Rec'd of J as. Clifford on Joan 16 00 June 10, on sale of horse, . -.120 00 44 18, " on sale of coat 8 64 July 13, cf Jas. Clifford on loan , 23 60 Balance due 1 reasurcr 175 4$ $5524 33 GEO. C. K.ZAI1M. Treasurer, CR. 185Q By balance due Treasures at last settlement 74 27 By am't paid for Grocerus 261 80 digging well 40 60 4 Incidental expenses 68 29 Flour and Meal 296 20 Harness Ac. 11 75 Lumber 4 78 Hardware and Glass 22 46 4 Pump 24 90 4 4 4 Farming Utensils 19 37 4 4 4 Counsel fees 55 00 4 4 Printing 10 50 4 4 4 Household Ltensels 20 52$ utover Si limotbv seed 16 75 4 4 Coal " 28 65 4 Stock for farja . 4 4 Blacksmithin 4 4 4 Carpenter wurk 74 24 18 50 48 18 4 4 Refuudeil to P. Wibel Ad'm of J Laydcu dee'd 22 1 1 4 4 4 Stew'rdssal'ry. Kaylor 168 72 4 4 4 4 M'Dermit 100 00 68 37 42 86 60 80 i 62 02 00 4 4 4 Labor on farm 444 HoU5tf Servant a 4 4 4 Masonry ' Interest acc't 4 Provisions 4 4 4 Vegetables 4 Brick 4 Coffins ' 4 4 Wheat 207 179 117 26 11 105 40 C9 108 4 4 4 Butter 36 45 ' Rje, Barley & Buck'wt 49 51 4 4 4 Medical foes out door Paupers 414 15 Relief out door Paupers 816 25 Constables fees 176 22 Justices fees Soap and Ashes Beef and Pork Mecrhandize Treasurers SIery Count v ordes on hand 20 00 17 49 19 404 279 95J 100.00 1225 00 Outitauding debt due bv Hou-eof Emplovment, For Stock " $238 00 Servants wages 64 00 4 Libor on farm 27 67 Out door Pauper 538 29 Resident Tit j sicians Salery 484 12 4 Constables fees 104 72 4 Justices fees SO 50 4 Stewards Sabry 308 09 4 Clothing 9 Si 4 Hour 338 01 4 Merchandize 199 55 ' Orxvries " 269 55 4 Household Utensils 13 91 (Jraiu 8 33 Pork and Beef 217 03 4 Fruit 1 50 li ve fi.T Pump. 23 05 4 Carpenter work 1 50 4 Si Kip - 10 00 4 Phvsician out door Paupeis 41 15 Ceo. C K. ZaIiu;, Trtaa. Bal. 175.43 Total 83103 71 ARTICLES ON HAND. Stock 2 II M-ses 16 Head... f Cat lie, 15 Head of Sheep, 7 Head of Hogs. Groceries, 3 Ubls Flour. 1 Bbl Molasses Provisions, 3500 ihs of Pork 200 Beef 300 Ru Potatoes 10 ' Onions 00 Il.-als Cabbage 15 Ba Beets 10 Carrots 15 4 ParsLips 20 " Buckwheat Feed 400 ' Oats 50 4 Ears Corn 2 Tons Hay Sundries 1 bbl Soap, 10 lbs Wol, 80 lbs Candles Number of Inmates admitted during vcar 1359, 109 Remaining of last year 53. IKrn in Houso ' 1 Disch irgexl 73 Absconded 15 Bound out 6 Lied 7 Rcniaining in the House 62 163 1C3 Average number daily 55 Remaining in the House Jan. 18, i860 Sane, 27 Malex, 13 Females, , 40 Insane, 8 4 13 4 21 Blind. 1 Out Dor Relief, C2 34 Of these Died 6. discharg-d 17, remaining 12. 34 Meals givcu to Destitute Persons calling at Ior Hou,e 421 PRODUCTS OF FARM. COO Bu Oats, 500 4 Potatoes 2 4 pKft 25 Parsnips 6 tons Hay Pork S'.atish'.erel Beef and Veal 200 bu Corn, in Ears, 20 4 Ouions 20 4 Carrots 40 4 Buckwheat 1500 head Cabbage COO lbs S674 Tallow 100 lbs. Hide 546 Ibn. Calf Skins 90 lbs. ArtUb-s Manufactured by Inmate of Iloue. Shirt 37. Overalls 9 pr, Drawers 10 pr. Boys Snirt-s 6, Scks 24 pr. Stockings 17 pr. Dresses 33, Cheinie? 25. Caps 19, Skirts 7. Haps 7, Chi Id reus Drcses 11, Soap 4C5 gals. Bolsters 26. A -ions 20, Socks 7, Bonnets 13, Candles 186 lbs, Pants 9 pr. Roundabouts 5. . - (tiven under our hands this 18th day of Jun- u.irv A. U. isou. DAVID O'HARRO, ) MICIPL. M'GUIRE, JACOB HORNER, y DAVID O'HARRO, ) Directois f tho Poor. WE, the undersigned Auditors of Cambria Count- respectfully report, that we have audi ted, tattled and adjusted tne accounts of the Poor House and House of Employment of said County, with George C. K. Zahm. Treasurer, of said Poor House, agreeably with the law, and do find a balance of One Huudred and Seventy Five" Dollar and forty-three cents m favor cf said Treasurer, on the 18th day of January A. D., 1860. REES J NO. LLOYD, "I E. F. LYTLE, J. F. STULL. January 25, 1860.-9-1L Auditors. i Estate or Jacob Stlneman, Sr. dee'd THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria County, to make dis tribution of the funds in the hands of 1. L. Heyer, Esq , and Jacob Stinenian, Jr., Executors of Jacob StinerrJan, Sr., deceased, upon their ac counts filed, hereby notifies all parties interested that he will sit for a further hearing of the said ca!. at his ofnee in the Borough of Ebensburg, on MONDAY the 27tb day of February next, at one o'clock P. M. " WM. KITTELL, Auditor. January 25, i860.-9-4tw SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue cf sundry Writs of Fieri Facias", issued., out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria Couuty and to mc directed, there will be sold at Public Sale at the Court House in the Borough of Ebensburg, on SATURDAY the 18th day of February next, at one o'clock P; M. the following Iijal Estate to wit: All the right.' title and iutcrcst of James Bingham, bound by the lien of the judgment upon which this writ issued (being the one un divided fourth part thereof,) of, in and to the following described Real Estate, to wit: .-No. i, A tract of land situate in Clearfield township, Cambria County, adjoining lands of Joseph Dysert and John Earhart, Murray Hoff man, Jr., and others containing 272 acres and allowance, having thereon erected a two story plank house, a frame stable and a naw mill, in the occupancy of Joseph Wilt, and a plank house in the occupancy of Arthur M Connell. No. 2, A tract cf unimproved land situate in Clearfield township, Cambria County, adjoining lands of Peter idains. John Wilt and others, containing 362 acres and 146 perches. No. 3, A tract of land situate in White town ship, Cambria county, warranted in the name of Mahlon Hutchinson, and known as "Frugality," adjoining lauds of Murray Hoffman. Jr., Georgo D. Morgan and others, containing 395 acres more or less, having thereon erected a large saw mill, a log dwelling house 'and a log t-table. No. 4, A piece or parcel of unimproved laud, situate iu White township, Cambria county, be ing part of a tract warranted in the name of John Thompson, adjoiuing tract iu the name of Mahlon Hutchinson, lands of Murray Hoffman, Jr., and others, containing 217 acres and 23 per ches, more or less. No. 5, A piece or parcel of unimproved ; land situate in White township, Cambria county, being part of a tract warranted in the name of John Martin, adjoining tract in name of John Thompson and lauds of Murray Hoffman, Jr., containing 208 acres and 109 perches. No. 6, A piece or parcel of unimproved land, tituatc in White township, Cambria county, being part of a tract warranted in the name of William Lambert, adjoining tract in name of Mahlon Hutchirson, lands of George D. Morgan and others, containing 119 acres and 81 perches more or less. No. 7, A piece or parcel of unimproved land, situate in White township. Cambria countv. being part of a tract warranted in the name of William Brodie. adjoining lands of P. Donahoe. Georce D. Morgan and others, containing 60- acres, more or less. Taken in Execution and to be sold at the suit of Samuel Hood.'-' - ALSO All the right", title and interest of Jer emiah Noonao, of. in and to a piece or parcel of land, situate in Munster township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of Peter Kaylor, Ilngh Griffin and others, containing 2fi acres and 29 perches be the same more or less, about 20 acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a 1 story log house and a barn, part log and part trame. now in the occupancy of the said Jere miah Noon an. Taken in Execution and to be sold at tha suit of Daniel Gallagher. ROBERT P. LINTON, ShfT. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, 1 January 25, 1860.-9-3t. J APPEALS. TAKE notice that Appeals for the year 18C0 will be held at the Commissioners Office, in the Borough of Ebensburg. as follows, to wit: For Allegheny township, Clearfield township. Loretto and Chest Springs - Boro's., on Monday the 12th day of March next. tor White, Chest and Susquehanna town ships, on Tueisday the 13th day of March next. tor Carroll and Cambria townships. Carroll town and Eb.'usburg Boro's., on Wednesday the 14th nay ot March next. ForMackson, Blaekiick "and Taylor townships. on Thursday the 15th day of March next. r or Conemaush and loder townMiips ana Mjllville Borough, on Friday the 16th dav of March next. For the First. Second. Third and Fourth Wards of Johnstown Borough and Conemaugh liorough on Monday the 19th day of March next. fur Kichlap-l, Summerbill and Crovl town ships on Tuelay the 20th day of March next. For Washington and Munster townships and Sumtnitville Borough on Wednesday the 21st day of March next. JOHN BEARER, 1 ABEL LLO i D, V Commissioners. D. T. STORM, j ATTEST. GEO. C. K. ZAhM, Cierk. Commissioners Office, Ebensburg, Executors Notice. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate" of Thomas Dnmra. late of Carroll township. Cam hria county; deceased, having been duly granted by the Register of sid County, t the subscri bers. Notice is hereby gicn t'j all persons ia debted to said estate to make immediate pay. nent, and those having claims against the same w'dl present them properly authenticate! f.-r settlement. SOLOMON DUMM. Executor, M AG D KLINE DUMM, Executrix. December 14. 1859.-S-6t. EAST AVENUE NURSERY, ROG1ICSTER, XITtr YORK, W. M H0YT a Co., PROPRIETORS. FRUIT, ORNAMENTAL & SHADE TREES of all kinds, and varieties, promptly fur nished to order. P. Braniff. of Loretto, ill at tend to sales in this county. Orders addressed to him will receive prompt attention. C. MERRIT, General Agent. October 19. 1859.-tf. I. FOSTER. Green sburg. FOSTER k P.S. KOOX, Ebensburg. xoox, HAVING associated themselves for the prac tice of the Law in Cam ria county, will at tend to all business intrusted x them. Office on Cololonade Row;" Ebensbur Oct. 7, 1857. GEO M. REED. T. X,. IIEIEB Ebensburg, Johnstown REED Si. HE YER, Attorneys at Law Counsel given in the English and Germ languages. Offica on HigbStreetEbensburg.Penn'a. Feb. 6.1856. ly E. S. BTJNN, M. D. FWENDERS HIS PROFESSIONAL Services t X the citizens of Ebensburg. Office in Drug Store on High Street, opposite Thompson's Ho tel. Ebensburg. May, 4,-1859.-24-Jy. BBLS. X. O. & WHITE SUGAIiS, -A.f 5 Bbls. N. O. Molasses, & 44 Golden Svrup, For sale bv E. HUGHES. July 13, 1859. REMOVAL! PAUL GRAFF. MANUFAC turer and Wholesale Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Straw Goods, Hats and Caps, No. 68 North Third Street, between Arch and Cherry. Phila- phia. March 6, 1856. . BLAXK SUMJJOXS -AND TTOXS FOR SALE A T TI11S EXECU OFFICE . PUBLIC SALE. BY virtue of an alia Order of the Court of Common-Pleas ofCambria County pursu ant to proceedings in paitition to me dire ted, J will expose to sale by public vendue or rut cry, at the Court House in Ebensburg, on ' SATURDAY THE 18th DAY CF FEBRUARY next;t 1 oclock P. M., tho following REAX. ESTATEfto wit: A certain tract or piece or parcel of -land tituate in the townships of A1I- t;ncuy iwj varroii, iamma .Uouoty, being part of a birgerLrfyct surveyed in pursuance of a war riot grfmlsd to J.ihn Kinsiy, containing 99 acres and 2l?ferche3, strict measure, (te the same more or less J with the appurtenances, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at leech, a corner of land of . the heirs of John Phalon, dee'd.. thence by said land North 89 dgreea East 71 perches to a spruce, thence by same North oue degree Wet 39 percbes to'a pot, thence by the rtine North 89 degrees East 10 perches to a spruce, thence by the same (in part) North one degr. e West 120 perches to a beech, thence by the residue of the tract of which it is a part. North 89 degrees East 45 torches to a sugar, thence by land of Matthias Behe. Bohley and Sherry. S..uth one degree East 225 perches to a pott, thence South 89 de grees West 125 perches t. a ikisI. thence North oue degree West 66 perches to the place of be ginning a j)ortion of which is' ch?ared, and having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, a Log Barn and "a Saw -Mill. ..TERMS OF SALE. One half of the purchase money (after deducting .the costs andexpenees of the action and pnceedings in pariiton and of the sal to remain a lien on the premises, legal in. terest n the said sum to be paid annually, from the; dat4if confirmation of the sale, to Susan MV Coybj the purchaser; during her lifetime, and the principle at her decease, to ths heirs at law of Catharine Behe, deceased, in equal proportions and the residue of the purchase money to be paid on cerf rmution of sale. . . . r . , . . MICHAEL LEAVY, Trustee January 11, 18G0.-7-3t. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, THE undersigned, Executorof the last will and testament of Thomas Croyle. late of Croyle township, Cambria County, deceased, hereby gives notice that in pursuance of an order of said Court and to him directed, he will on THURSDAY-the first day of MARCH next: at ten o clock' A. M-. of said day, exposo to Public Sale "IMcimocB, iu -royie iownsn;p, in saiu CttlUtV. the fullowin? described IIEAI. ESTiTE of said deceased, as mentioned and described in a writ' of Partition or valuation issued out of said Gjurt and duly returned by the Sheriff of said County fiz; . . "; "Allotment No. 2, being three lots of ground adjoining; ihe Water Station of the Pennsylvania itaiiroaa Vfompany, and containing about, 1 acre. rAltK, Allotment No. 3, containing one hun dred: antLuve acres and allowance, with about fifty aere ' cleared thereon, fifteen or eighteen acre-of .which are meadow, having no buildings thereon erected, adjining lands of Jacob Pringle and William Pringle. ' Also, Allotment No. 4. containing two Lun- dred and twenty one acres and allowance, with about ixty acres cleared, no buildings thereon t-rectexL and adjoining lands of Isaac Paul and i ilharo 1 nngle. On Allotments Nntj&3 and 4 there is a valuable Coal Bank opened, about one hundred rods from the Pennsylvania Bail Itoad. with a vein four feet thick, and which has been successfully worked for two seasons. On the same allotments there ire favorable symptoms of Iron Ore. TERMS OF SALE One third of the purchasa money on confirmation of the sale, and the bal ance ia -two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secured by Bond and Mort gage. r---- ; . - - SAMUEL CROYLE, Executor ijnu.iry 4, l8C0.-6-3t. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY. virtue of . an Alias Writ of Vend. Expon-. issued out of tlu Court of Common Pleas of Cam bria -Cuntv, and to me directed, there wiil be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises in the Borough of Johnstown, on SAiLRDAl the 28th day of January 1800, at 1 o'clock P. M., the fiuiewiug Real Estate, to wit- All the right, title and interest of James MMlillen, of, iu aud to the following described two Lots of Ground, situate in the Borough of Johnstown, Cambria Gmnty, known on the plan of Johnstown extended by the numbers thirty- four and thirty-wx, situate adjoining to earh other, and bounded and described a. follows: Beginning at the corner of Locust and Clinton Streets. , thence alons Clinton Street, aforesaid. seven perches to an alley, thence along said alley 5 JUth, ;Myouo degree .xt eight percne to LrdxVy, thence long the same South twenty nine, degrue West seven perches to Locust strett, thence along said treet North sixty-one de' recs Wct"e-gbt perche to the place of beginning. having there-n ercctc I a three tory Brick Tarern House, JVood She-', aud other buildings, tof m the occupancy of Ms. Mary Fletcher. Also. two one awl a half -tory plank or frame shops. froutiagon Cinten street, now in the occupancy of Anthony KurU and Ad-Jphus Jel-iAo. the sai-1 plank or frame shops ling owned by Geo. Kurtz; and erected thereon on grounu rent lease on o.Z. rso. 3 navmg inereon erecieu a frame rtable in the occupancy of Mrs. Mary Fletcher. Also, three small frame or plack buildings each one and a half stories Ligh, occu pied by Lewis L. Montgomery, Jacob A. Alters and Joseph Harden, said three plank r frame bui'.dihqs owne.1 by William K. Piper, W. A. 4 O. Alters and Joseph Harden and erected there on oa grovnd rent lease. Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit of Mrs. Mary Bennett for use of Wm. M'CIintock, for use of ilary Bennett," for use of Bell, Smith if Co., now for use of Peter Levergood. . , t.f. : - R- r- LINTON, Shft Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, 1 Jannarv ll, 18C0.-7-3w CHEST SPRINGS AHEAD. THE! undersigned begs leave to announce, that he has opened a Saddlery and Harness Manufactory, at Chest Springs Borough, Cam dria County, and that he will Manufacture and keen constantly on ha.id every article in his line of business, such as SADDLES, BRIDLES, WHIPS, Articles manufactured cheap to order.. He iivites the public to call and exam ine articles ot !r.i manufacture, confident they will command the approbation of Competent Judges:' By manufacturing none but the best of articles, and selling cheap, be hopes to meiit and receive-a liberal share of public patronage. .Terms Cash "or approved country produce. N. B--All kinds of HIDES taken in exchange for work. jonN - CONNELL. ChesVSprings. May 2S, 1859. tf. "J4CliSOX & CLAHH, SURGEONDENTISTS. JOHNSTOWN, PA. VNBVil the firm will be in Ebensburg during J the first ten d.iys of each montn, ii r I t which time' all persons dei- al cervices can l lug" turn - jiiiiujfvu - find Lira at the office of 1. Lewis, nearly oppo site Blair's Uotel. may25,l85Vtf. JOKIX SliARBAl'GII, Jn.tic.of the Peace. Smmmlttvllle, Pa. LL BUSINESS INTRUSTED TO HIS f i u w nr.imnt.lr attended to. He will also act as uctioncr-r at Public Sales whenevtr us services in mat capacity ro icjuuru. . April 28, i?58:24 $35.00 Taj s for Tuition in Single and Double ilitry Book-Keepicg, Writing, Commercial Arithmetic and Ixturts. BoArJ 8 week i20, Stationary $7, Tuition 433, . r.-v entire cxjieuics 62. Ur uul time to comjdete a full caurse, from 6 to 10 week. Every Student, upoa graduating, is guarattted to1' bo corrpeieut to manage the Boks of ny Business, an 1 qualitled to earn a salary from. $500 to $1000 Students eter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. I'irbt Prcuiiuii s for best Bu.-incs Writing A.T 1859. received at PitUturg. Philadelphia and O'nio folate Fair- Also, at the principal Fair of the Ucion for tht vast four year. fjcy- Ministers' Sony received at half price. Fur Circulars, Specimen and Eml;13ished View of the College, inclose five letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS. PitUburg. Pa. Jan. 4, 1 SCO. Au. 11, 185S,-2y. WAR IN CHINA. ARRIVAL OF TUB CREATE A S TERN. D. J. EVANS & SON . - - - - WOULD respectfully announce to the citi zens of Ebons-burg, and mankind gener ally, that wc have jiLst received at the old stand, of 1). J. Evans, two doors East of E. Shoemaker & Sons' Store, the largest and best assort meat of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever brought to this place. Also, a large ldl of DRY-GOODS, SUCH AS SATINS. VELVETS, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. DOS SKINS. SATIVETTS. TWEEDS, JEANS, TICKINGS, FLANNELS. BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, DRESS GOODS, OF EVERY STYLE, NOTIONS, a large as.or'.ment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. BOX SETS. TRUNKS. CARPET. i iLVCKS, STATIONARY. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and such Sther Notins a is usually kept in a Country Store, which they will dUpose of lower than the lowes": or CASH or Country Produce. The Tailoring Business will ba carriel on in all its branches, aK wurk will be d-me in short notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ebensburg. OcU-Lsr 2 9, lS09.-tf. WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has just returned from the Eat, and in uor opening .'n extensive as sortment of GOODS suitable f.v the seasou. many articles of which have been Lc'Ught and will be sold at LOWER PRICES than n be fore sold in this place. Counting of Fancy aud Staple DRY GtODS. READY MADE CLOTHING. HARDWARE AND CLTLETT. QUEENS WARE STONE AND EARTHEN WARE, . . GROCERIES DRUGS i MEDICINES, BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of 10 Cases Mens thick Boots at $1,87 jnrr pair and . upwards. . 2 Cases Meus Hunting Boots. 5 Cases Meus French Calf, Grain and Water proof ditto. -10 Cases Boys and Childrens Bo-Jts, of superior quality and low prices. 1 Ca.e Mens Carse Brogana at 95 cts. 6 Cases Childrens, Misis &-Womens Lace Boot. BUFFALOE ROBFs. M ANI LL A CABLE FtR R A 1TI NG, DO. SMALLER SIZES, BAR IRON SALT. AC. AC Tersons wisliing to buy GOOD GOODS, at low prices, will fiud it to their intercut to examine bis stock. Country Produce will be taken in ex change for goods for which the highest market prices wi'l be given. E. HUGHES. January 4, ISCO.-tf. GOODS AT CITY PRICES TlllRTT PER VEST CHEAPER Til AS CAS DE BOUGHT FOR ELSE WHERE .THE ubcrilr hi fat returned from the East with alarc lot . CHEAP GOODS, con- itine iu part cf the followiur. Idieit A llii'diet Hor, Kid Gloves, GuaBeltr, ! Collars. HandkercLW. Geiit. busjendor. Neck Tie. IxtUr and Note Paper, Gents. Handker chief, Gum Ceub, Sln Blacking. Knives and Scissors. ee c py of Shak-.re. Hoops, Jtc. Gents, and I-adies Buffalo O'er SliOe, Gum Shoes, Calf and Heavy Bos, Men fashionable Cap. PIuh and Cloth Caps, Carpet Packs, Trunk. w(len Nxtf, AI- a lew sets ot LADIES FURS. All of which he oCers very low for CKSH. Give him a call and satisfy yourselves that he sell cheaper than any person el-. January I, ISCO.-tf. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. John Dougterty In tho Court of Common Pleas of Cambria Countv. No. 4, Sep.T. 1845 A ccount rendered. vs Fetor Shoenbcrcer. John II & George K. bhoenberger, John D. Davis, James M. Davis. John Mr addon, .Tikbn k Wiliiam Bennett. The undersigned. Auditor appointed by tb Court in the above case, herevy notifies the above named parties, that he will kit for a further bear ing, at his office in Ebensburg, on Monday the sixth day of Februarv next, at 1 o'clock P. M. WM. KITTELL, Auditor. January 4, 18C0.--4t 0 EXECL'TORS AOT1CC. LETTERS TestamenUry on the Estate of John M'Kenzie. Sr.. late of Munster township. Cambria Countv, deceased, having been duly granted by the Register of said County to the undersigned. Notice is hereby given to all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims - against said estate will present them properly authenticated for set tlement- SYLV ESTER M'KENZIE, JOHN M'KENZIE, Jr.. Jan. 11, l60.-7-Ct. Executors. FIEE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! mill; rXDERSlGNED WOULD CALL THE m m -w- X attenntion of the public to one of the great improvement ever 'made in COOKING STOVES, the burning of the OAS AND SMOKE, by which means, is saved rutv per cent ol luti. GEORGE HUNTLEY. Ebeiuburg Aug. 17, 1859.-tf. ABRAHAM HOPELIX, Attorney at Law John to wa o FFICE on Clinton Street, a few door nortl of the corner of Ma'xt and Canton. 1 April 1853. BAUXlAmS! BAEGAIKS ! ! NEW GE0CEEY ST0EE. THE undtrsjgteJ would respectfully l"g leave to inform tha citizens of Elus.buf g and i cinity. that be fcas jrat rcdved, at l'. f-'.c.r room, oue door AVet of Datis L Lloyd's Store, a large and freh lot of Groceries, which he c.f fTs for sal cheap for Cash or conutry Produce, Li stock roti?it ia fart of the folloninr r t cles. vir.: SUGAR. COITEE. TEA. K0L&8SES. - ,T0EACC0. SEGAHS. CHEESE, - FISH. BACON. ATJD THE I BEST OF FLOUR A HO CORN WEAL. I He also iNx'ps oa band a lar- rr.d rl 'Tied Stock of S-htol Books aud Skatk-fcary, Nolii.1 Ac . all very eheap. lie Lpcs by Etrici f.'te?itirn t" 1 utirs td merit and receive a full ftiireof pwllic jatrs age, a he feels satisfied Lis ftock it gcod ard r will sell as cheap as any other LctEff ia va C;I! and see. EVAS E. EVANS. Ebensburg, Aa. 17, 1859. If. GOAL ! COAL ! I The subscriber is now prepared to delircr C l t the citizens cf (Lis place on the tbortr&i t-otice. lior.s wishing Coal can leave their orders at my Grocery Store and tLey v.ill be attended o jm mediately. EVAN 1 EVANS. Septeml-cr 28, 1S59. BTH fflM UiemDUR! CONTINUED SUCCESS OI" THE COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION. From all sections of the ctuntry subscriber m this popular 'Art Institctiou, (iww ia it sixth year.) are being received in a ratio unparalleled with that of any previous year. Any person can become a. mea.Ur by J til scri bing 3, which will entitle Lisa to 1.1. The beautiful Steel Etgravinn, "Sl.ak spear aud Hi Friend.4 21. A Copy of the elegantly Illustrated Art Journal, one year. 3.1. A Free Season Admiuloa to the Galle riea, 548 Broadway, New-York. In addition to which, over Four Hundred ri'.tv Lle Wrk of Art are given to subscribers as Ire miums, comprising choice Painting, Sculptures. Outlined. 4c, by the first American ai-U For eign Artteta. The superb Eiigra-ring, which evtry Mibscriber will receive immediately on rectipt of subscrij tion. entitled S1IAKSPEARE AND HIS FRIENDS," is of a character to five unqualified pleasure and satisfaction. No work of vqu&l value was ever before placed within reach of the f ojle at such a price. The engraving U of very large size, be ing printed on heavy plate pir, SO by 28 in ches. making a ut superb oraameut uitablj for the walls of either the library, parlor or ciSce, It can be sent to any part of the country. Ly mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder, pot-ge pre paid, Thiuk of it! Such a work delivtred free of charge, and the Art Jvamal, enc year, for it. SUBSCRIPTIONS will be received ux.til tLa Evening of Tuesday the Slt of January. 16C0, a4 which time the books will cluae and tLe Pre minw" be given to ubscrilrg. No person is restricted to a tingle fubci:ptioa. Thoie rtm:il"ng 515 are rttitlcdto six member bhips. Subscriptions fnb California, the Canada, aad Foreign Provinces. n.ut i-T 430 instead of IS, in order to t'efray extra j'l:.- c. Persons wishiLg to f-rm club wui py'j circular of terms. Ac. The l-cautifully Illustrated Art Journal. vIT ing full particulars, will L cnt on receipt f 1 S cents, in stamps or coin. Addres C. L. DERBY. Actuary C. A. A., 546 and 548 Broadway. New-York. Subscriptions alo recHved hj UtOHUE W. O ATM AN, lb n. Secn f Eeslurg and vicinity December 7, ISl'j. 1S5. FALL TRADE! A C A R D. 185. The un lerrgn-d have ju.t received, aal rv cji offeriag THE LARGEST and moat varied stock cf FRESH GROCERIES ever brought to THIS MARKET I la connective with the above, ibe are constantly supplied with CHOICE IIRAND3 of the various grades cf ALSO BACON. CnEESE. T1 Tannar'j .t- T 4 tTV' MESS PORK, Together with all kinds of Pittsburg Manufactured Aiticlcs. j All of which will be sold LOW FOR CASH. The Merchants of this place are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere. At the old stand. WM. M. UUKMU tf CO. 27 1 Liberty Street, opposite Eagle Hole! Oct. 26, 1859.-2m. Pittsburg, Pa. VALUABLE TANNERY FOR SALE. THE undersized offers for sale the QUITMAN TANNERY, situate about three miles Wesi of Ebensburg. and about 9 miles by Plank Road ami Turnpike from the Feunsylvama Kail laJ. A B-anch lvail Uoad will sbortly be constructed to Ebensburg. The establishment is one of tba largest in the State, and is nw in scccessfrl op eration. The main building is 140 by 40 attt whig CC by 20 and the whole two stories L:!.. A new ENGINE and BOILERS erected lt summer and now in good order. There are all the necessary outbuildings on the remises, and dwelling Houses lor the Proprietor, Foreman nd hands. Also a Blacksmith bi.op. There is alto an excellent Saw Mill in connection wiih the Factory. There are about 700 acres of land well timbered, which wnl be sold in connection with the Tannerv. About 400 cords of Bark nw on bands. Hemlock can be purchased at 2,&0 and Oak at 4.S0 per cord, delivered. The property will be rfold low and on easv terms, r or further particulars address Ebersbcrjf, Cambria Co., Pa. Jfpt. 21, 159. 44-tf. J ir 777T 3 c o