Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, August 24, 1859, Image 2

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    IDcmoerai & Smluxcl
CJ. I. MURHAY, Editor.
. C ZAlfof. Publisher.
S. 31. PettenglH & Co.,
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau Street, New
York, and 10 State street, Boston, are the au
thorized Agents for the "Democrat & Sv'TI
nel," and the most influential and largest circu
lating Newspapers in the United States and
Canadas. They arc empowered to contract for
us at our lowest terms.
. Jones Webster,
General Newspaper Agent. S.'W. Corner Third
and Arch Streets, 2d stoiy, Philadelphia, is duly
. authorizad to contract for advertising and sub
scription for the Democrat & Sentinel.
of rniLAPELrniA.
AUGUSTIN DURBIN, ofMunsler Township,
(Subject to the Decision of the Senatorial 'Con
JJANIEL LITZINGER, o1 Cheat Springs.
JOSEPH M'DONALD, of Ebcnsburg.
riULIP S. NOON, of Ebcnsburg.
JOHN A. BLAIR, of Ebensburg.
D. T. STORM, of Richland TowmJtip.
JAMES S. TODD, of Ebensburg.
CEORGE C. K. ZAIIM, (3 years,
T. B. MOORE, (2 years.
V.EES J. LLOYD, of Cambria Township.
S. D. PRYCE, of Ebcnsburg.
Tlie Opposition.
The above is the title by which the ene
mies of the Democratic party arc now known.
They have adopted it themselves and seem to
be protid of it. Opposition to the Democrat
ic party whether right or wrong, seems to be
their creed, and they adhere to it with a per
tinacity worthy of a better cause. They have
do platform, they have no principles; their
eraly object ms to "be to prevent the admin
istration of the National Govern'mest, oa the
principles of the Democratic party. With
them "motcly is all the wear" Beneath
the broad standard they have erected, arc
now arrayed Vermont abolitionists and South
Carolina fire caters, the vltra men of the
North and the South; Black Republicans and
Know Nothings. Natives and Foreigners, all
differing widely in their, political views, yet
willing to unite in opposition to the Demo
cratic party. And why? because its princi
ples are thoroughly National, and because it
Las proclaimed aa ' eternal warfare against
sectional parties. Their views arc circum
scribed to & luxated horizon and t&ey dare not
look beyond its limits Although one wicg
of them contends that slavery is a "Divine
right, and the other maintains that the hold
ing of human beings in bondage is the high
est of human crimes, yet they aro both
willing to unite and form the opposition to
the Democratic party. It would be strange
indeed, if an organization composed of such a
nicdly of contradictions should triumph in the
Presidential contest next year.
It is amusing to observe how exultingly
the most ultra Black Republican Newspapers
announce the election of opposition members
of Congress at the late elections iu the South
ern States. All the opposition members of
Congress elected in those States are slave
holders, and opposed to any encroachments on
the rights of the South. And yet the aboli
tionists rejoice over their election. But only
one reason can be assigned for this The
Democratic party is thoroughly National. It
is equally hostile to the abolitionists of the
North and the fire eaters of the South, and
consequently both factions are hostile to it.
A fellow feeling makes them wondcrous kind,
when they think thit by uniting they can
accomplish the destruction of the party which
knows no North, no South under the Consti
tution. It is certainly a strange spectacle, to see
men who differ so widely in their political
views unking. Their hostility to the demo
cratic paity is their oaly raotive for o doing
Its destruction, is the consumation they de
voutly wish for, and they are willing to re
sort to any means however low and vile to ac
complish if Although the principles which
the various wings of the opposition party up
hold differ widely from each other, yet they
all aim at a common object the dissolution
of the Union. They aro all the advocates
of sectionalism, and enemies of the Constitu
tion They ignore true facts and sound prin
ciples, and rely on agitation and appeals to
the vilest passion3 which find place iu the
breast of man for success. This opposition
party composed of "black spirits and white,
red ppirits and gray" will not likely hold to
gether during the approaching Presidential
election, but if it -should, the Democracy will
encounter but little difficulty in defeating it.
The American people have too much patriot
ism, too much common sense to allow such a
piebald organization to triumph.
The Democratic Senatorial Conference of
this District, will convene in Tyrone City to
morrow. Of course we "cannot at present
say who the Conference will place in nomina
tion, but we entertain strong hopes that
Agustin Durbin will be the man. He has,
we learn, selected C. "L. 'Pershing, William
Kittell andcorgeC. K. Zahm, Esqrs., as
his Conferees from this County. They are
reliable men, and will, we doubt not, laoor
faithfully to secure his nomination.
Cambria County was erected in T805 fif
ty four years ago. During that long period
of time, she has never been Ttpresentcd in
cither Congress or the State Senate. 'by one of
her own citizens. And yet she has never
complained. Her Democracy have time and
again assisted -in electing citizens of Clear
Held and Blair Counties to the State Senate,
entertaining no dotibt that the Democracy of
those Counties would eventually concede that
the just claims of Cambria to the caudidate
had been delayed too long, and allow her the
privi lege -of bringing forward one of her own
sons as the standard bearer of the party in
the district We trust their hopes will not
again be blasted to-morrow, by the rejection of
Agustin Durbin their candidate, and the
nomination of a citizen of Blair or Clearfield
County. If tffis should be the case, the vote
in this County on the second Tuesday of Oc
tober will, we fear, be very small.
Our Clearfield brethren should not forget,
that the Democracy of Cambria were always
the firm and unwavering friends of Mr. Big-
ler whcn he was a candidate for State Sena
tor, lie -owed his first semination to the
vote of the Conferees from this County, and
the Mountain Democracy always polled a
large vote in his favor at the ballot box. The
Democracy of Blair also owe us a similar
debt of gratitude, which they should now dis
charge. It is unnecessary for us to tell them
that the Democracy of Cambria twice elected
their fellow citizen, Hon. John Crcswcll to the
State Senate. These are facts which can
not be denied, and they are facts which should
at once induce our Blair and Clearfield Coun
ty friends t concede the right of Cambria to
say who the candidate of the party during the
present campaign shall be. Canibria
now contains at least 30,000 inhabitants,
and she will probably give the largest demo
cratic majority at tEae approaching election,
of any County iu Western Pennsylvania. It
istherefore quite natural for her democracy
to desire the honor of being represented in
the State Senate by one of themselves. They
do not ask the nomination of 31 r Durbin as
a favor They claim it as a right which can
not be controverted or denied. We sincere
ly hope we will hare the pleasure next
week of placing tit our mast head, the name
of Agustin Durbin, as the candidate of the
party for State Senator.
The State Ticket.
The dissensions which distracted the ranks
of the Democratic party a few months ago no
longer exist. The Keystone Democracy are
now thoroughly united, and are determined
that Wright and Rowe their candidates for
State officers, shall be elected. They are
both men of ability, and if elected will make
model officers Mr. Wright commands the
unlimited confidence of all who know him.
While Speaker of the State Senate, he won
the commendation of candt-d and honest men
of all parties, for the able and impartial man
ner in which he discharged the duties of that
responsible position No true democrat can
or will refuse voting for him.
Mr. Rowe, our candidate for Surveyor
General has filled that office during the last
three years. All who have transacted busi
ness with Jhnu in his office, willingly bear
witness to his ability, uniform courtesy and
urbanity of manners. lie richly merits the
compliment of a re-election.
The Democracy of Pennsylvania are now
folly convinced of the folly of quarrelling
among themselves at a crisis like the present.
Messrs Wright and Rowe we confidently be
lieve will receive the mi ted support of the
party at the approaching election, and be
elected by a handsome majority.
"Tho Editor of the Hollidaysburg Stan
dard, has recently been luxuriating on deli
cious ripe tomatoes, the product of his own
garden. He boasts that he has laid out all
of his Juniata Cotemporarics on the tomato
question. We do not know how they 6tand
with regard to tomatoes, but we do know,
that several of thera arc very Email potatoes.
Of course, we do not include our friend of the
Standard, in, the number. He is certainly
"some pumpkins." and we hope the dews of
heaven may long continue to fall thick with
blessings on him.
"Our friend George W. Todd, Esq., of
Philadelphia, was in town last week. He
looked well. As a business man and gentle
man, he is a model worth imitating, and the
citizens of Ebensborg have reason to feel
proud of Vim, aa one of their Representatives
in the Quaker Cisy.
BSB- Copper coin is not a legal tender for
any amount.
Death of another Old Citizen.
Mr. James Kban, died on last Friday, at
the residence of Thomas Monahan, in Sum
mcrhill township, in tbe one hundred and
fifth year of his age. He was probably the
oldest man in the county. He was born in
1754 and was consequently 22 years of age
at the time of the Declaration of American
Independence He was a native of Ireland,
but emigrated to this country shortly after
the close of the Revolutionary war. He was
the father of Colonel John ,' Kean, now of
Kansas Territory, who represented this Coun
ty .-several times in the State Legislatcre.
One who knew him well informs us, that he
was a good citizen and a kind neighbor. lie
never sought for notoriety, but was content
with "acting well his part" as an honest and
'unpretending citizen. Dlis intellect remain
ed -unclouded to the last,' and he died cheered
by the hope of eternal happiness beyond the
grave. May he rest in peace. ,
The fruit crop in this County, with
ihe exception of Clearfield township, is an
entire failure. The June frost made a "clean
sweep" of the apples peaches and plums, and
the Mountaineers will be compelled to draw
on their friends of the Juniata valley, for a sup
ply of fruit for the approaching winter, spring
and summer Wo learn that in Clearfield
township none of the orchards were injured
by the frost, and that there the yield of fruit
will be very large.
5?We have been much auBoj-efi recently
by having our most valuable exchanges car
ried off by individuals, who "dropped in"
for the purpose ff "reading the news. We
are always glad to see our friends, but we
wish it distinctly understood, that we do not
allow any man to carry papers away with him
without leave. It is certainly very annoying
to find our exchanges "among the missing"
at the very time we wish to use them. If
you cau't come in without carrying papers
away, please stay out. Fur Sthay?
W Sometime during last winter, a num
ber of valuable articles such as knives, forks,
spoons, bed clothes &c., WeTg'storea from the
"Mountain House" at Cresson in this County
All efforts at the time to discover the thief or
thieves, proved unsuccessful. The parties
interested however, "kept tbarp look out"
and circumstances recently developed led to
the arrest in Clearfield County last week of a
man well kuown in this County. We under
stand that a number of the stolen articles
were found in his possession. As he has
heretofore sustained a good reputation, and is
related to several respectable citizens of our
County, we forbear mentioning his name at
present. Several other persons who are
charged with assisting in the larceny have
been arrested. They will all probably be
tried at September court.
i A woman named Betsey Dantforth,
mysteriously disappeared from Franklin, N.
II.. on the 24th of last month. She was found
on the 19th inst, alive, but almost reduced
to a skeleton, in a slough hole a mile from
the house where she lived. She says the on
ly subsistance she had for twenty six days
was water. This story may be true, but it
certainly smells fishy Although we are and
always have been very fond of water, ve
would not like to undertake subsisting on it for
twenty-one days. We dont believe one word
of the story.
3T Mr. Longfellow give3 the following
accurate discription of a flirt; A young lady
of more beauty than sens; more accomplish
ments than learning; more charms of person
than grace of mind; more admirers than
friends; more fools than admirers for atten
dants. jTrThere was a slight frost in this vicin
ity on last Friday night, but it did not do
any injury.
3T The letter of our Washington City
Correspondent, was received too late for pub
lication this week. It will appear in the
next number of our paper. .
JEJaF Yesterday morning was sufficiently
cool to remind the Mountaineers, that the
season of the "sere and yellow leaf" is ap
proaching. Wo however confidently hope for
many a long bright summer day, during the
month of September.
3" We learn that the dwelling house of
Mr. John A. Jones, on the township road
leading from this placo to Jefferson, was de
stroyed by fire one day last week. The fire
was communicated to the roof by-a stove pipe
which passed through it. All the furniture
in the house was saved. Loss about $300
The Editors of the Johnstown Tribune
devoted nearly a half column of the la&l nuni
ber of their paper, to the description of an
enormous radish which was raised in - this
place during the present season. The item
was highly interesting, and we entertain no
doubt that tho four hundred subscribers of the
Tribune after perusing it, felt that . they were
wiser if not better men. From certain hints
in the concluding paragraph,, we infer that
our Johnstown friends were paid for the puff.
If so, it is a direct reversal of the old say
ing "that the Piper must be paid." it matters
not who dances." We hardly think they
would have consented to ' bore their readers
with such a rigmarole of balder-dash for noth
IIou". James F. Gillis of Elk County Las
been appointed by tho President agent to the
Pawnee Indians.
We learn that sixty-four persons were
returned in Johnstswn on last Saturday, for
violations of tbe laws of the Commonwealth,
with regard to tbe sale of intoxicating liquors
This is certainly doing business by wholesale.
We did not think there were so many ven
ders of ''vinous of spirituous malt and brewed
liquors" in the "city of corporations."
We have received the first number of
the Brookville Republican It is 'neatly print
ed, and presents' quite a handsome appear
ance. It advocates the principles of the
Black Republican Party.
JCr UPWARD "OF 300 of the graduates
of the lastyear at 'the Iron City'Commercial
College have secured employment, receiving
the first year from one to five hundred per
cent, upon the investment made to obtain
a practical business education. For full in
formation, Circular, Specimens of Business
and Ornamental Penmanship and Embelish
ed View of the College, Inclose five letter
stamps to
F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg, Pa.
A few Plain Questions.
From the Allentown (Pa.) Democrat.
Democrats! cut this out and ask 3'our
Know Nothing and Republican neighbors the
followiug simple questions:
Who are in favor of giving negroes the
right of suffrage which they refuse to foreign
born citizens?
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who passed the law in Massachusetts pre
venting foreign born citizens from voting,
when duly naturalized according to the Con
stitution of the United States??
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who recommend the same law to be pass
ed in New Jersey?
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who sanctioned and aporoved that odious
measure in Pennsylvania, by giving silent
consent in their late State Convention?
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who intro luced a bill in the Legislature of
Ohio to strike out the ward 'white' from the
constitution in order to give negroes the right
of suffrage?
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who are in favrf foreigners not voting
until they are 21 years in this country?
The Kuow Nothings and Kepubhcans.
Who voted against admitting Minesota as
a free State?
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who voted against admitting Oregon as a
free State?
The Know Nothings and Republicans.
Who carried banners in 1856 upon which
only sixteen States appeared where there
should have been thirty-two?
The Know .Nothings and liopubhcans
Who are iu favor of letting the Union
Tbe Know Nothings and Republicans.
Fearful TLcap from a Railroad Car.
Henry P. Baldwin, the forger, on his way
to this city, escaped from the custody of Shcr
iff Bloom, of Cincinnati, iu lather a perilous
manner, on edncsday night. They were
on the Cincinnati Express train, and when a
little east of Clyde, the prisoner asked to be
allowed to go into the 'saloon in the car
next to the one in which they were riding.
The Sheriff conducted him thither In re
turning,' the moment Bfldwin put his footou
the platform followed by the Sheriff he made
a sudden spring from the car and was lost to
the official. The train was going at the rate
of fortv miles an hour, and the p;isoncr was
heavily handcuffed. The cars were stopped
as soon as possible, and the Sheriff in compa
ny with others, procured lanterns and pro
ceeded to look for (what they expected to
find) the corpse of Baldwin. The search con
tinued for several hours, was futile. No
trace of him was visible. He must have
escaped with but slight, if any injury, and it
is marvellous, with the tram running at such
a high rate of speed, that he was not killed
P. S. We learn by papers received to
day, that Baldwin was subsequently captured.
lie was only slightly bruised on the bead.
Annexation of Elaine to Canada.
The Montreal Pilot wants to acquire the
State of Maine, and says:
Portland will still have to be our Atlantic
terminus for tbe season; and we now feel
more than ever the effects of that stupidity
which, in settling the boundenes between
Canada and the United States, was tbe means
of depriving us of what , should have been
ours the through passage to the seaboard.
Every now and then Cousin Jonathan is fond
of twitting us about our annexation proclivi
ties, and the certainty that one day Canada
will become part and parcel of the United
States. There are many wonders, no doubt,
looming in the distance; but we do not think
this is likely to be one of them. If Canada
could, however, by annexation, purchase, or
in any other way, acquire possession of the
State of Main which of right ought to have
been hers it would add materially to our
prosperity and our wealth.
The special friends of the State Admin
istration are not strong enough to show their
hands in an open fair fight btttTthey will com
bine with the Republicans to defeat the Dem
ocratic candidates in localities where bargains
can be made. At the Know Nothing Re
publican meeting recently held at Reading,
J. S. Richards, Esq.. said that it was under
stood that the frieEds of Governor Packer
(or the Schwartz men) would vote the Oppo
sition State Ticket, and that in return for
Ithcir support the Opposition would vote the
county ticket : nominated by the Governor s
faction. - This kind of trade may be looked
for wherever the latter have a foothold and
is one of the means through which they ex
hibit their superior devotion to Democratic
principles l atnot tv Union.
' A Claimant for the Throne of Sweden.
Among the dispossessed crowned heads who
solicit reinstatement at the hands of foreign
powers, a new claimant has started his griev
anccs in the person of Gustavus Yasa. now
in Vienna, who on the death of Kin Oscar
(Bernadotte,) claims to ascend the Swedish
throne of his ancestors. He has notified his
claim to the courts of Berlin, Petersburg,
London aud Copenhagen.
: See Sheriff's sales on tbe first page.
The Opposition Press on the Union
of the Democracy.
While the self-satisfied ig nor amuses of the
different segments into which the adversaries
of tbe National Democracy are split and rent
are flattering themselves with vain imagiuing
of a fatal rupture and an irremediable confu
sion at the Charlston Convention, there are
others among our opponents who know bttter,
and think it best for the interests of their
faction to tell plainly what they know and
believe. Wc referred, the other day, to a
leading article from the New York 2'riLunc,
surrendering all idea that its Republican con
federates -cocld, hy thentstlces, carry the
Presidential -election ag&inst the Democracy
when united, as. in the Tribune's opinion,
they will certainly be when the actual strug
gle comes to be made. A leading editorial
of similar poitcnt, but still more emphatic in
its conviction that the atioual Democracy
will harmonize thoroughly at Charleston, ap
peared in the New York Courier and Enqui
rer of Saturday, last.
Now, whatever may be said for or against
the principle conductors of the Tribune aud
the Courier and En-qu irer, it must be t.l
mittcd that they are well posted up in politi
cal affairs, past and present, and reflect very
accurately the real calculations of the know
ing ones in their own sectional party. They
have attended too 'many conventions of the
people belonging to different parties, during
the last quarter of a century, not to be per
fectly aware of the influences that coi.ttol
them. Ultra men extremists persons who
have the reputation of pushing their own
pretensions persons who have the presump
tion to offer their ultimatum persons who
are notorious for preferring themselves to the
party these, and such as these, the orpsDs
which we have quoted know vcrj" well, have
had but slight potency in a National Conven
tion of the Democracy heretofore, hxii. arc not
likely to hare any more hereafter. The con
clusion to which these recognised leaders of
the Black Republican press have come, then,
is the just one namely, that "the opporitiou
must count upon a uuUcd Uereocralic front
at the next Presidential election."
The same organs, as if to put to shame the
more ignorant or less plain-spoken drivellers
belonging to their faction, -declare openly that
the National Democracy wiH act go into the
fight "with a platform in favor of the slave
trade, or of legislation for slavery in the
Territories," &e. They have too euch sense
to fancy that the Opposition can make auy
capital by chargiug the National Democracy
with that sort of stuff.
From our best s'udy of the Opposition
press throughout the Union, represeEtiBg all
classes of people and every State, we cm as
sure the National Democrats that no other re
sult is anticipated by them than the trium
phant election of the caudidate who shall re
ceive the Charleston nomination. Constitu
tion Xext IloKse of Representatives.
Although Kentucky and Tennessee have
gone largely Democratic at the Jatc- elections,
on their State TicKcts. the opposition have
gained several members of Congress iu each,
owing to the democratic divisions in some ot
the districts. Ihe "South Americans, as
thev are called, will have uuite a handsome
force in the next House of Representatives,
and will wield tke ealaHce of power in that
body. 1 heir strength may ce computed thus:
Malaud, o
Virginia, 1
North Carolina, 4
Georgia, 3
Louisiana, '1
Tennessee, G
Kentucky, 5
Total, HI
The democrats will have sixty-six regular
members from the Soatk and tweury-six from
the North, making ninety-two in all. Ti.ere
are six indopeudtnt democrats elected. The, on the questiou ef urgauization, will
be thus divided:
Regular Democrats, 92
Irregular Democrats, 6
South Americans, 24
Republicans, 114
The Americans will be abfe to dictate terms
to the Republicans upon the question of
Speaker and Clerk. I hey will either force
them to choose one of their own men for
Speaker, or else take some conservative gen
tleman from the North like Thos. Corwin,
for instance. They will also modify and
greatly influence the action of the Rapubli
cans on the slavery question and other politi
cal matters. If the Republicans do not ac
cede to their terms, enough of them may vote
for the Democratic Spcaktr to elect hiai un
der the plurality ruhj We do not anticipate
this, however, for the Republicans are gener
ally willing to sacrifice their principles and
sell out for a few offices.
Where Will Yon Stand?
It is now abundantly obvious that in 1SG0
the American people will have to choose be
tween the establishment of a Democratic Ad
ministration of the General Government and
the inauguration of Black Republican su
premacy, either embodied in the .Executive
or at least as the predominant influence in the
lederal Councils, lhere is no reason nor
room to disguise this fact If the National
Democracy are successful, as we have a firm
conviction they will be, there will be a con
tinuation of those principles and measures
under which this country has attained its
present enviable position among the nations
of the world. Domestic discord and civil
strife will be arrested and put down and, un
der tbe glorious &tgn of the Constit it ion and
the Umon, the nation will go on in its un
paralleled march cf individual, social, aud
personal happiness secure at home and hoc-
ored abroad. If, through treachery or self
ambition of desiruioir. insidious leaders the
democracy should be ovei thrown, and the op
position should be successful, then either a
Black Republican or one whose policy will be
governed by that "predominant influence"
will bo elected to the Presidency.
Tbe question to every voter, therefore, is a
very simple one. Whom do you prefer?
Which parth would you rather have ascen
dant? Admit that you thoroughly like neither.
Still, one or the other cfust coutrol the Gov
ernment of this country - If between the two
you are neutral, then you necessarily lend a
helping band to one or the other. If, pro
fessing to be a democrat, yoa do anything to
produce disaffection, or exasperate it, you arc
serving the cause of the Black Republicans
better than they themselves! Constitution.
Arrival of the City ofKalUnaor?
New York, August 15. The Stea
City of Baltimore, from Liverpool on
inst., and Queenstown on the 4th. arrival'
this port at six o'clock this evening, too l
for despatches Her mails aodewsr,.
packages are to tho 4th. A brief sum
of her advices has been already publi v
having been obtained off Cape Race tt"
news yacht of the New York Associate! v
The following telagraphie despatch, wv
ui lie 1 ucuarmre, mrnisoes au vices
1 . i -1 .l 1 , . . . "De o
-f I .3 A r - 1 1 .
later man mose Drougnt ny the steaau-r -derbilt.
Lottsox, August 4. Telegrams from p
is say the French Adriatic squadron K 4"
turned to Toulon.
Troops from Itally were continaalh s
ving at Marseilles 3 '
A despatch from Bologna, Fays the v
nian commifsioner, the .Marquis!)' 2t.i'
had issued a proclamation aunour:cin- hif'l
call, rcommending the people to remain tran
quil, and promising in tbe name of Vict
Emanuel, to endeavor to obtain tho oncur
rence of the European governments for
compusiitng rue just ana reasonable wisV.cs, I I
The minister had convoked th ',.;. I 1
Assembly. Perfect order prevails.
The Duke of Gramaiont. the French
bassador to Rome, arrived at Paris on
The threatened strike in the buildin-Mrv-
at London, "was becoming serious. A te
ing of seveTal thousand workmen washed
Hyde Park, and speeches were made of i
uncompromising character.
Arrival or the Overland Mailt.
St. Locis, August 1G. The Leavetiwor
and Denver City Express of the Sth, arr:i J
this moruiug, biiugiag a uugijent weL'liJ
fifty-six pennyweights, takeu from Ntvii
Gulch. i
Rieh di-Tgiosrf) fctrc been discovered atii
head waters -of Bayou Sa'ada. I
Extravagant reports continued to come;
from Colorado.
A newspaper issued at Mountain Ch-'
sfates that the Convention which had beV:
sitting a Auraria adjourned, having franir j
a State Constitution, the features of wVk;
have not yet been given. The bonsdarki
are latitude 6t deg. do minutes; lonjitut,
102 degrees 10 mmutes. There was a divi?
ion of sentiment as to the propriety of a Sta:
organization. The- Convention voted to tt'J
suit the question as to Territorial or State
gauization at the same time.
The overland ma I of the 25th has irritvi
The news is unimportant.
Thirty buildings were burned at QrvZ
Flats on the 23J. The loss is unknoa.
Political excitement is iocreasitig. P,.
tonalities the grossest character hive ps
ed between Brodcrick and Gwyn.
Advices from the Sandwich Islands say i
m w ten cent. iii:prt tariff will not be fom
until September, 1SG0.
Business is more active. There is no k
provcuient in prices.
T . . mt
JjKavcnuo-vth, august, h. me OTr
land express arrived here. News unburn
taut. The receipt of gold dust fir the wer.
a mount to S'2o.VQQ.
"The country would now be in a d.B.V
rablu condition, if it were not for the
semi of the frequent and large receipts of
from California." So say all the Opnusiuc.
A'ery well! Through what instrument'::
wr.s it that the United States acquired Gt
furnia? Thai of the Di mocratic party, at,
ihey were oj posed at evtry ttep tht LJ t
the arqutsitiou by those who now couti:u::
the Opposition. The Democrats were tor tL
annexation of lYxas, the Opposition igaic?:
it. The DeiiK'crats were tor the war
Mexic- the Opjsition against it, and kc:
of thuir loaders desired that our army sh U
be welcomed "wi;h bl-x-dy bands to hob
ble graves!" That annexation of Texas 1
to tho war with Mexico, consequent cp'i
which was the acquisition of California Tau!;
uo tue results or the Uiimocratic " measure?
c me upon the country like "God-seDa!
H here w.uld tho country now be, if thi
Opposition to the Democratic party had ac
complished its pu-pose?
At the Catholic Church in Carrolltown, os
the 15th inst., Mr. JosErn Gill of Chest tp
to Miss Mast Wknu, of Carroll township.
Well done Joe. You have acted wisely is
bidding farewell to the gloomy vale of cefa
bacy, and emcgratin to the happy state cf
matrimony, and we sincerely hope all the 0-1
bachelors of cur acquaintance will go and&
are highly recommended by eminent rhysiciar
as a saje, certain, speedy and permanent cure J
Gravel. Strictures and all other diseases i-r&
rangement of the bladder and kidneys.
fftu cents per box. Sent to any address free
receipt of price. Ablress
No. 405 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
Also, 1'ropritJors and Manufacturers tJ
Dr. Hampton? Anti-Rheumatic Mixture,
' " Medicated Cough S'jrvp,
The Great Desideratum or Hair Restorer.
August 24, 185'.). 3m.
The Democratic County Committee are rcqw
ed to meet at Hie Court House, in the Borosji
of Ebcnsburg, on Tuesday the Cth day of
next, at one o'clock P. il. A general attenoai:
is requsted, as business of importance will
transacted. The Delegates to the late Cfcnitf
Convention wlwre a member of the Oumrnita'
has not been appointed for their district, arei
quested to make the appointments before 1
meeting of the Committee, and forward his nan
to me. Vacancies occur in the following districts'
Chest. Richland. Taylor, Jackson, Johnstons.
White, Yoder anJ Millville.
II. C. DEVINE, Chairman.
Ebensburg, Aug. 17, 1859. .
GON, for sale by E. UCGUEs-
July 13, 1S50.
JOB WORK of all kinds done
this ojjice.
Ihe funeral rites over the French ana
dinian soldiers who fell in the cause of K
were performed rt Turin on the 3J