u s t i f WORSE'S . INDIAN ROOT PILLS. Above we ticsseut you with a likeness of DR. MOliSE the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT ITLLS. This j.hilanthropist has spent the greater part t.f his life in traveling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North. America has spent three years amen the Indiana of our Western country it was in this way that the Indian ll'.-ot Vilh were first discovered, Dr. Morse whs tlie first man to es tablish the fiict that all diseases arise from 1M i'URITY W THE BLUOD that our strength, he.iUU.ii ml I ifo depeudeil upon this vital fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do sot act in perfect harmony with the dif fo eat fr.n:tions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted, and diseased j thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of every name; our strei.gth is exhausted, our health wc are deprived of, ni;d if nature is aot assisted iu- throwing oil" the staghant humors, the blcod will townee ciekcd and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. How - inipujfaut th?n that we should keep the various passages of the bry free and open. And l"nr pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put A metH-jiue in your reach, namely, Morse's Indian Root l'ills, manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the mountainous cliffs in Nature's Garden, fur tho health and recovery of diseased man. One of Uhj roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opeBS the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the liner parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Ex pectorant, that opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, per forms its duty in throwing off phlegm, and other humors from the lungs by copious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives double ease and btrength to the kidneys ; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of impurity from the blood, w hich is then thrown out bountifully by the uri nary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other prop erties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed off in great quantities by the bowels. From tho above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Hoot Pills not oUy enter the stomach, but I ecome united with the blood, for tl icy find way lo every part, and completely rout out and cleanse the system from all impurity, and the life of the !ody, which is the blood, becomes per fectly healthy ; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from tho system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not got a medicine which will pass to the afflic ted parts, and which will open tho natural pas sage for the disease to be cast out; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodg ed, and the stomach and intestines are literal7 overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus un dergoing a disagreeable fermentation, constantly mixing with the blood, which throws the cor rupted matter through every vein and artery, until life s taken from the b dy by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victor upon vi.-tory, by restoring milliuns of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who hive ljccn racked or tormented with sick ness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning ele.ncnts of raging fever, and who have been brought, as it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not been tor this great and w- ulc-rful mediciue. Morse's In dian Hoot Pills. After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and absolutely , surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Nj.)t only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blood. Therefore, it will be shown, especially by those who use thce Pills, that they will cleanse and purify, that dineasc that deadly enemy will take its flight, and the fluh of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of a long and happy lite will cherish ami brighten jour days. CZ7"Sold by Thomas Devine, Ebensburg, and by Medaino Dealers generally throughout the Com.ty ; 15. Lake Judson, successor to A. J. White k Co., No. 50 Leonard st.. N. Y., Propri etors ; William Mudge & Co., (Proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic Ointment.) Earlville, Madison county. N. Y., General Agents. August 3, 185fJ.ly (Address Brooklyn P, 0. Box 320.) THE PARAGON gELF-GEXERATIXG GAS BURNER. This valuable patent, portable, self-generating Gas Burner is offered to the public, in full con fidence of its positive superiority over every other iiaxd .light in cxistance, for Simplicity , Sa FfcTV, Economy, and bkilliaxcy of light in uny ternpc rat ure. It is I'.CVoid of SMELL, SMOKK Oil FLICKER, giv ing a steady, cheap and BRILLIANT G A S L I G II T. requiring no trimming, or other attention, except simply Clling the lamp with good burning fluid, udc quart of the fluid converted into gas" iu the Burner, giving a fi-li, buo.i and clear fiamc eighteen hours. This light, which is equal to that from eight ordinary wick'd tubes, at an expense of but three, is also, under complete control, being reduced by a simpb process, from a full blaze to a small one, and as quickly re.-tor-cd to its full capacity. The 1 urrer can be readily applied to all styles of Oil. Keroskxe, Camphexe and BraxiEO Fluid Lamps; also, on pressure and with founts to Gas-fixtures, in all their varieties. It is admirably adapted for lighting churches', dwellings, lecture-rooms, halls, shops, steamboats and railroad cars, or wherever a g xxl licrht is desired. Parties desirous of securing the"right of territory for a valuable article that will coin mend itself, should make early application, only to the undersigned. Burners, Lamps, &c, supplied in any quan tity, with promptness forwarded by express to all parts of the United States payable, cash on delivery. BUTLEIt, HOSFORD & Co., Proprietors. No. 2 Court Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. or, 171 Broadway, and No, 1 Courtlandt St New xorK. C3-Cau be seen burning at jthe office of this paper. Jane 20-1859. 32-flt. mUF; SUBSCRIBER. SUCCESSOR TO G. L. J& LLOi D & CO., at Jefferson, respectfully offers to the public.an extensive and well se lected assortment of DRY GOODS. GROCER IES. Hats Caps, Boots & Shoes. II. ady Made Clothing. Hardware, Queensware, Paints. Glass', Oils, and all the articles usually required for Family Building, and Manufaetorinn o,,,. A Stock of Druirs.Dve Stuffs. icines, that for quality and varietv is not surpas sed (if equalled in the eounty.) "All of which be will sell t ths lowest possible prices for cash or mniry rroctuce. ALSO, ;v large amount of Spruce and Tine Lumber constantly on hands, and Bills for Lumber tawed to oruer at tne shortest possible notice. , OA ROBERT FLINN Jefferson, May 20, 1857. tf. f ( BBLS. N. O. & WHITE SUGARS XV1 5 Bbls. N. O. Molasses Goltlen Syrup, Fwr 6ale bv E. HUGHES. July 13, 1859. -sew ARRIVAL. AT TITK ' JOnSSTOWiV MARBLE WORKS. The undersigned begs have to inform the citi zens ol Cambria ana adjoining counties that lie has just received a fresh stock of the finest ITALIAN and other Mar bles, at his establishment on Franklin street, Johnstown. MONUMENTS, T O M BS , MANTELS. G E A V K STONES. TABLED BUREAU TOPS, manfuacturcd of the most beautiful and finest quality of Foreign and Domestic Marble, always ou hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, without the addition of carriage. GRINDSTONES of various grits ami sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics, sold either by wholesale or retail.' Prom pt attention paid to orders from a dis tance, and work delivered wherever desired. He invites the public to call and examins his (stock, as he feels satisfied he call sc.! cheap. For the convenience of persons residing in the cast and North of the county, specimens may be seen and orders left with George Huntley, at his Tinware Establishment in Ebensburg. JOHN PARKE. Johnstown, June 15, 1859ly. REMOVAL! C o A C II MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber 'would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country that he has removed his shop from the old stand to the shop lately occupied by John Evans (Carpenter.) where he is preparsrd to do all kinds of work in his line of business at short notice and on reasonable terms, and he hopes by using but th very best material and employing but the best workmen to merit a full share of public patronage. Persons wishing bargains iu purchasing a Carriage will do well by calling at this establishment. He is prepared to manufac ture the following kinds of vehicles, viz : BUGGIES, of different qualities and prices; BAROUCHES, CHARIOTEES, one and two horse ROCKAWAYS, close quarter, eliptic and C-spring COACHES, second hand work of differ ent kinds, S,-c, making a variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. REPAIRING done with neatness add dispatch.- WJL BARNES. 'Ebensburg, April 27. !8o9-t3-tf CHEST SPRINGS AHEAD. THE undersigned, begs leave to announce, that he has opened a Saddlery anil Harness Manufactory, at Chest Springs Borough, Cam bria County, and that he will Manufacture and keep constantly on baud every article in his line of business, such as SADDLES BRIDLES WHIPS Sf-c. Articles manufactured cheap to order. He invites the public to call and exam ine articles of his manufacture, confident they will command the approbation of Competent Judges. By manufacturing nenc but the best of articles, and selling cheap, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Terms Cash or approved country pioduce. N. B. All kinds of HIDES taken iu exchange for work. JOHN E. CONNELL. Chest Springs, May 25, 1859. tf. . LORETTO rOt'XDRY. THE UNDERSIGNED having dissolved part nership with J. M. Snowelcn, (lately the firm of Suowden &, Blake,) begs leave to inform his friends and the public that the 1 OUNDRt will hereafter be carried on by him, and all kinds of Machinery manufactured to order. He will manufacture .and keep constantly for sale THRASHING MACHINES, which will he acknowledged by all who use them to be the best now before the public. They are a decided improvement r.n the Machines now generally in use, being constructed with an en tire tumbliug shaft, or if desired, can be run with a strap. He will also manufacture snd sell cheap PLOWS and TXOW CAST'NGS of all descriptions. Saw Mill and Grist Mill Castings made tt order, and fitted up if desired. He will manufacture rnd sell a CIDER MILL which will snrpa? anything of the kind ever offered for sale in this country. Also, a Corn Stalk Cutter and Crusher, an important Machine, which no Far mer should be without after he has tested it. All kinds of country pioduce will be received by him iu pavment for articles purchased. Ilor-. ses will be received iu payment for Thrashing Machines. WILLIAM B. BLAKE. Loretto. April 29. 1859-Gm TCtBENSBURG FOUNDRY. HAYING pur MlA chased the entire stock and fixtures oi the Ebensburg Foundry, the subscriber is prepared to furnish farmers and others with Ploughs, Plough I'oluts, Stoves, Mill Irons, Tliresliiispr luaculnc. and castings of any kiuu that may be needed in lhe community. By strict attention to the business of the cor.' cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of articles in his line. All business done at the Foundry. EDWARD GLAFS. March 22, '55-tf. Pi JEW TIN-WARE ESTABI.ISMENT . The undersisued takes this nietlu d of informing the citizens of Ebensburg and sur rounding country, that ho has commenced business in this place, in the building formerly occupied by M. S. ll.nrr. one door west e f the Post Office, where he intends to carry onhisbusi ness in all its branches. TINWARE of all de scriptions kept constantly on ban J, and at pri ces to suit tho times. Country Merchants can have orders filled to any amount. By strict at tention to business he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. FELIX UFNLE. Ebensburg April 28th, 1858. - KOTICH. THE undersigned, Directors of the Poor and House of Employment of Cambria county, here by g ive notice that in case of any destitute per son becoming sick or disabled, that may become a charge upon the county, they request persons in whose charge uch destitute persons may be, to give notice to the Steward of the Poor ai d House of Employmont, or to either of the Direc tors, of ihc condition of such persons, so that they can bo removed to said Poor House without delay. WM. PALMER. ) DAVID OTIARRO, MICII'L. M'GUIRE. ) Jan. 26, 1859:tf Directors. PHILIP RETMF.R. ROBT. J. ANDERSON- It1 EYMER & ANDERSON.. Wholesale Dea- leus in Foreign Fruits. Nuts. Spices. Con fectionary, Sugars, Fire Works, fire. GO-Oran-gt-s and Leme-i received weekly. No. 39 Wood Street. Opposite the St. Charles Hotel. ritUburg, Feb. 17, 1858:tf .1 c Tt VUUJ51'' y JLjAIUUE T? X? IT C1 T O r TTATTftrl --v vwv-v-.v-vw I oiHim,j oeuerson, uanitna co ra. JonN M'Cor, Proprietor. ffel7,1858 fO. O. 428 rr F. Highland Lodge No meets every WEDNESDAY vemng at their Hall on High st., in the upper storyol Shoemaker's 6tore I YOKE WORK OXEN, L For sale by E. HUGHES. Jsly 13, 1853. JMASOX & DIXOX'S LlXU. THE MASON & DIXON'S LINE IS A BEAUTIFUL AVEEKLY-ILLUSTRATED Family Paper, PUBLISHED BY C. B.TOWN & CO.. No. 93 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. The- "Mason & Dixon's Line" is one of th Largest and Best Literary Papers of the Day! TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION-. 1 Copy, one year, s $2.00 and 1 Gift-.-' 1 Copy, three years, ' 5 00 and 3 Gifts. TO CLUBS: . 3 Copies, one year, $5.00 and S Gifts.' 5 do o.uu ana o urns. 1Q ' and 1 copy to get ter np of the Club, 15.00 and 10 Gifts. 21 Copies and 1 copy to get ter up of the Club, 30.00 and 21 Gifts. Every Subscriber trill be Entitled to a Gift Worth From 25 Cents to 200 ! i Which will be sent by mail or express immedi ately on receipt of the Subscription money. 1,1st or Gifls ; 10 riano Fortes, 20 Gold Hunting Cased Watches, 50 Gold Watches, 50 Melcdeons, 100 Gold Watches, 200 " 500 " '" . . 1000 " . 2000 Silver Watches, 1000 " 2000 Gold Guard and Vest Chains, 3000 " " ' $200 each. 125 100 100 75 GO K85 .25 15 10 20 15 tt tt u Coral, Garnet, Emerald, Cameo, Mosaic, Lava Jet and Gold Stone Sets ; Gold Lockets, Gold Pens and Cases; Gold, Coral, Carts, Cameo and Mosaic Bracelets; Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Fob-Slides, Bosom Studs, Silver Forks, Butter Knives, Eur Drops, Pins, fire., fire. worth from 25 Cents to $15 each. The Gift w:ll be sent immediately ceipt of the Subscription money. Address C. B. TO WN & CO., Publishers of "Mason & Dixon's Line, on re- No. 93 Baltimore st., Baltimore, M Id- June 15, 1859.Cm. "H GUIS LUCKHARDT, WATCHMAKER JLi AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned, respectful! boors lpnvft to inform the cit- ehs of Johnstown and vicinity ' j- hat he has iust received and isnowaSy opening the largest stock of Clocks Watches, and Jeicclru.ever brought to jor.nstown tnatom ex- centiiui. which will be sold " cheaper than the cheapest." His prices will always be uniform One customer will not be charged more ior ine .. . . . . r .1 . lame aualitv of goods than another. A List of Some of the articles comprised-in the assortraentj is annexed. Prices mav be ascertained, ano goods examined, at the Store or. Main Street. Gold Hunting English Layers, Gold Detached Levers, ful ' iewclled, Gold Lepines. 4 holes " Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Chains. Gold Vest Chains, Gold Pencils, with Pens, Gold Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Tencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cuff Pins, Gold and Silver Watc i Keys, ortmonaies, Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles Plated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons ' Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea Setts, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, fire, Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 6 inches, Gold Bra'ceiets, Accordeons, Silver and Plated Spectacles, fire, fire, fire. ftv All sorts of Watchesr, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness and at low rates. Lon fident that be cannot De undersold, me undersign respectfully solicits the confidence and patronage . ... T fTTTC T IT"1T.-rr A 1T-'n ol the puDllC. nuuio uuvivuauui Mayl4, 185G. 29-tf. Jan. &, iso'J. I.OC.iX HOB SC. CORPORAL JOHN KIEFFER, Propeie-tob. "OULD respectfully inform his old friends and the travelling public that he has leas. ed the Logan House, Hollidaysburg; and is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage in unobjectionable style. lhe HOUSJS has been newly lurnisned thio'- out in a style not surpassed by any establishment in the interior of the btate. His Aisi.j will always be supplied with all the substantial and delicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive servants. In a word, no pains will be spared to make the Logan a first class house, and noth ing will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. The STABLES, which are extensive, will be attended by honest and faithful hostlers. RESTAURANT. The basement is occupied as a Restaurant, where meals will be served up at all hours of the day. together with oysters wild game, fish and all tho dclecacics and refresh ments of the season. JOHN KIEFFER. June 4, 1856.-32tf. ABIC'ADE HOTEL, Ebeiibu rgy JPa HENRY FOSTER, Propiuetcs. IHIS HOTEL. FORMERLY KNOWN AS the "Ebensburjr House." is one of the old est and best stands in the borough of Ebensburg. for thJ accommodation of the traveling communi ty. Tho Proprietor assures all who may be dis posed to patronize him thai his TABLIJ will be supplied with all the luxuries ot the season, his BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and no pains spared to render his guests comb rtable. Eliensburg, April 14, l&B:2:ly. WASIUXGTOX HOUSE. LAWRENCE SCUROTH. Proprietor. njlHIS popular and pleasantly situated house JL is located in the village ofCarrollton, Cam bria county, and is kept in a manner so as to af ford every comfort to visitors, being well turuisn- ed in every respect. Ulb BAR will con. tain the best of liquors : his TABLE, the best the market can afford. Nothinjrwill be left undone to render the xisit of all persons pleasant and agreeable. L. o. Carrolton, July 15. 1857. 15' EN. P. THOMPSON, vith P. I. TATTON & CO., Whtilesale Dealers'in and Manu facturer of HATS, CAPS. FURS, Hatters' Ma terials, Straw Goods, ArtificiaTFlowers, Buffalo Robes, fire. No. 128 Market street, below Fourth Rnn, tilo PTTTT. ATPiFTPTiT A nnch nnid for Wool and Shipping Furs, PRICE I, PATTON. A. OPrENIIEIMER. February 17, 1858:tf HILADELPHIA Wood MOULDING MILL Willow street, above Twelfth, north, side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, BuUJ-ers, Cab inet and Frame Makers, always on hand. Any Pattern worked from a drawing. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his portion of the State, to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to themselves. SILAS E. WEIR. February 17, I858:tf (t mn GIFTS ! GIFTS ! THE ORIGINAL GIFT BOOK TTORE. D. W. EVANS & CO. THE G77 B ROD WAY.- 077 I THE F IFT II NEW-YORK. FI F T II YEAR I ESTABLISHED 1854. YEAR. The following is a partial list of property which will be given to the purchasers of Books at the time of 6ale: Worth from Gold Watclrcs English Lever, Patent Lever and Lepines. $30 00 to $100 00 Silver Watches, Patent Lever full jewelled hunting cases open faces and cj"tender es capement. !2 00 to 40 00 Gold Lockets Large size, four glasses, and two "lasses wiih spring large and small size with snap. 250 to 12 00 Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine, Tainted, Lava, Gold stones Garnet aad Corol Sets of -Pins and drops. 5 00 to 25 00 Ladies' Gold Guard Chains, Fancy Neck Chains, Chatela.ncs. 8 00 to 18 00 Gents' Feb and Vest Chains. 10 00 to 30 00 Sew Cameo Goldstone, Fainted M saic Garnet, Onyx, Engraved and Piain gold Sleeve But- tons anc' Bosom btuUs. 'Z UU to 16 UU Gold Tends with Pens, large medium, and small. 3 50 to 7 50 Silver Pencils, with Gold Pens, largc medium and small size, double and singls extension cases 2 00 to 5 00 Gents' Heavy Signet Rings, Ladies Gold Chased and plain Kings. 1 00 to t 50 Gent' Gold Bosom Pins, Cluster, with Opal, Scarf, Pins.Onvz, Garnet, &c.,l 50 to 5 00 Rich Silk Dress Patterns, 22 00 to 30 00 Cameo Mosaic, Coral, Garnet, Chased aau Piam Oval Bracelets. 5 00 to 30 00 Silver and Gold Thimbles. 50 to 6 00 Gents' Pen and Pocket Knife. 50 to 1 50 Pearl and Morocco Port Monh. 50 to 2 50 Toothpicks, Watch Keyes, Guard Slides. l &u to 3 uu Gold Crosses, small medium and large. 2 00 to 7 50 Besides other Gifts, comprising a large and valuable assortment of miscellaneous articles, va rying from $1 to ?40. The nropnetors ci tne kjijUl i.iia LIS1IED GIET BOOK STORE IN THE UNI TED STATES, for the uninterrupted success which has crowned their ernest efforts to please during the last four vers, would return their sin cere thanks to the hundreds ot thousands who hrve, in past time, seen fit to bestow their liberal nntrouatre upon them: and would further assure them, anil the public generariy, mat tneir ion , experience ami established capital warrant them m nnprinr Greater inducements man ever, and ... 7.1 1 such as are out of the reach of any similar estab lishmcntin the country; and propose, iu this, THF FIFITI YEAR of their location in New-York, to iutroduce NEW FEATURES, STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS, Girl's OF GREATER VALUE AND VA RIETY. A STILL LARGER AND BETTER SELECTED STOCK OF BOOKS, Commissions and inducements to dubs and to Tents who are willing to devote their time to our busines; so that those who desire can have ttSJu. GIFTS AND BOOKS WITOUT MONEY We shall endeavor to establish an agent in every town in the United States, so that all who mav benefit bv our liberal system ol trade. We have appointed JOHN EODGERS JR our duly authorized agent lor Ebensburg and vi cinitv. who will receive and lorward all orders with attention and despatch. A NEW AND REVISED CATALOGUE ready for distribution, containing every desirab' book, new or old. now in print; and aeknowl edged by librarians and literary men to be the most complete and best classined ever issued without au exception, 500,000 arc ready to be given away, mailed free to any address, to all part' ol the world, It contains all woks on Art, Science and nat I Philosophical a n d E Classical Works. V I Historical fir Miscel- ural History. Adventures, Travels, fire. A lanecus. N j Poetical, Theological, 5 Religious. Law, Medical, Ma- 6 sonic. Agricultural and Do mestic Economy Belles Lcttrcs.Ljssays. fire. Bibles. Biographies. Dictionaries. Encyclopaedias. 'Standard Fictions. C Prayer, Hymn and O Glee Books. Text Books for Schools, &c, fire. Gazetteers And a thousand varieties of publications in evrj department of literature. We sell as low as and, in many cases, kwer than any other house in the country ; and with every book of the value of one dollar or more we prcseut some useful gift, without extra charge. I LET EVERY ONE CONSULT HIS OWN INTEREST. And buy at EVANS' Gift Book TnE store, examine the prices of books, ee BEST the beautiful gifts so freely scattered PLACE among our patrons, and be satisfied TO that the only economical way of buy GET ing books is at YOUR No. 677 BOOKS BROADWAY, LA FAROE HOTEL AND BUILDING. GIFTS WE GUARANTEE PERFECT . IS SATISFACTION. AT Judge for Yourselves. EVANS 'I Examine our plan of business. An' GIFT 'one can who will. Observe the daily BOOK distribution of watches, gold and sil STORE, ivcr; vest, chatelaine.and guard chains; NO. (bracelets, camto, Mosaic, coral, gold G67 Istonc, garnet, and gold sets of pin and BROAD-lclasps ; lockets, large, medium, anil WAY, small size; rings, eJhased, plain and set NEW- I with stones, camto, gold-stone coral ; VOT?TT lT..oni nnri Anin.'ivul tnlc flrw"t diAtrn CITY. I buttons;-scarf pins, crosses, gold pens. and pencils: sold pens in silver and Jmorocco cases, and a thousand other larticies oi use anci vaiue. A Gift with every book worth from 50 cts. to $100. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. It will cost you nothing, and will be valuable as a book of reference, if nothing more. Ad' dress D. W. EVANS 0. No. 677 Broadway, New York. N. B. A WORD OF EXPLANATION to those who have known us under the style of Evans Co. The Business located by us at No. 677 Broadway, New York City, is tlie oldest es tablished house in the country, and is known world-wide as the original "Evans fir Co.'s Gift Bookstore," Many have taken the advantage of our popularity to advertise under the same name to incrasee their trade to protect the few who may be unacquainted with ns, we would state that we have no connection with any other Gift Bo A House and though many advertise under the name of Eavns fir Co., the firm constituted, by D. W. EVANS and J. II 'PRESTON is the first and only concern right fully using the name. But to prevent all confu sion in the future, we shall use tho style of D. W. EVANS & CO., and all persons wrongfully using the appellation to mislead the public, will be made to suffer the penalty of the law. D. W. EVANS Sf CO., 667 Broadway, New York. April 13, I859:ly C D. MURRAY, Attorney t Law, Ebcniburg, P. O ftice orrosiTF Crawford's hotel f marl7,183S First Arrival OK SPRING & SUf returned from the city, is now opening one of the best stlecteel stock of SrniNG AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to this market, and which he will sell very cheap for Cash. His stock consists hi part of the following articles, viz : CHALL1ES, DE LAINES, BRILLIANTS, COBUP.GS, PRINTS Ot? ALL KINDS AND RICHEST COLORS. Sliawls, which for beauty cannot be surpassed in this town. READY-MADE CLOTHINS, LADIES' SHOES. DRUGS and PERl-TMERY, 11 of which he will sell very cheap. He invites the citizens of Elensburg and the surrounding country to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere is he is satisfied he ran fell gocxls to theta much cheaper than they can be bought at any other store in town. John Kodgers, Jr. Ebensburg, April 20, l&59:tf. P.FOSTER. P. S. KOOS, Greensburg. Ebensburg. FOSTER St KOOX, AVING associated themselves tor the prac tice of the Law iu Cam ria county, will at tend to all business intrustec :o them. Ofiice on Cololonade Row;" Eleusburj Oct. i , 1S5 1 . JOHN A BLAIR, Prorpietoh. Also, in connection, BLAIR fir Co's HACKS, will leave the Union House lor n iiinmrc 3rj tion in time to take the Eastern t r Western trains Every accomodation will be afforded to mak passenger comfrablte. BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! MJt COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE ! ! Msrcuants and v others m want ot 11, tui- PEROR SHEET-IRON WARE are res- pectfully invited to call and examine my stocK, got up eirewy ioi iuv i.m raV . It is the largest and best assortment lo ot omul est oi me mountains, niaui; ' ' - manner and of the very best materials. Having adopted all the improvements of the times in the trade, in machinery and rnateiiais, lam preparti. to complete successfully with city manufacturers, in prices and terms. A - - ... r 1 t l.tll Orders irom one dollar to live nunureu u.i.ir worth, promptly filled, the wares carefully packed and guaranteed not to leak. One trial from merchants who huce not dealt with me heretofore is requested. At least send for a Price List. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully solicit their continuance. Address F. W, HAY; Johnstown, Cambria county, Pa Oct. 21, 1857. 50if HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA .1 Benevolent Jnstitution established ly spe cial Endowment, for the liclief if the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Ejddcmic Dis cards. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, view of the awful destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases, several years ago din-cted their Consult ing Surgeon, to open a Dispensary fr the treat ment of this class of diseases, in all tin ir forms, and to uive MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who apply by letter, with a discription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life. fi:c..) l:n ease i f extreme poverty, to L bll-N 1MJ MEDACINES FREE OF CHARGE. The directors of the Association, in their Annu al Report express the highest satntactK.ii with the suc-ccs- which has attended the labors ol their Surgeons in the cure of Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, hyphilis, the vice nf Onanism c-r Self-Abuse, Diseases of the Kid neys and Pdadder, fire., and order A continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. An admirab-e Report on iermatorrloea, or Seminal weakness, the vice of Onanism. Mastur bation, or Self-Abuse, and other diseases f the Sexual organs, by tne Consulting surgeon, win be sent t-v mail (in a sealed envelope.) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of T O fcTAMl b lor postage. Audreys, lor Report or treatment, it. j. rvn LIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Ass-ciation, No. 2 South Ninth btieet, Philadcl- uiiia, l a. Jan. 20, 15'.. ly. IRECTORY MAP OV CAMBRIA COUN y TV. The tubscriber is preparing, (if suffi cient encouragement be givc"n,j to publish a Di rectory MAP -f Cambria County, intended to contain as much information as any other Coun y Map now Published in Pennsylvania. The ame to be lithographed, colored and mounted iu ne most modern style and workmanlike mnaner, and de ivercd to subscribers at jer ropy. WILLIAM CHRISTY June SO, 1358. 5VS njj I! THE undersigned has just opened an ILL CREAM SALOON, two doors East of Fitcr't Hotel, and will keep constant on hand a sup ply of ICE CREAM of a superior quality, lie respectfully invites the lovers of this warm weather luxury to give him a call. A. BLAIN. Ebensburr. June 1. 1859. 28-tf. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. - rSHIE undersigned takes this method ofinform JL ing the Fashionables of Ebensburg and vi cinity, that he has commenced business in this town, two dooTS West of Mills fir Evans' Ware Room. He is fully competent to satisfy the most fastidious. T. J. JAMES. Elcnsl urg, June 8, 1850. 3ms. J. c. xoox, Attorney- st Law, Ebtntbnrg, P, ffice in colonade row. o Nov. 11, 1857:1. t ABRAHAM KOrELW, . Attorney at Law Johnitown ' OFFICE on Clinton Street, a few doors noith of thf corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1853 Sl. D. 3I.ICEIIAX Attorney at Law, Kbemburgi Pa. o FFICE No. 2. "Colonnade Row." near Court Ilotise. December 7, '54 ly M OUNTAIN HOUSE. Summitlcille, Cambria co., Pa. James W. Cc-ndon, Proprietor. The proprietor assures the pv.blic,that no pains will be spared to render his gucsU. comfortable. July 28, 1S58. 37. ilMEii GOODS "THE XEW-10RRER Now offered for the purpose of securing tL widest possible circulation ft first-cla.-s Xt York weekly family paper, eight large rapes, illustrated, beanti fully printed on the best n hite paper with contributions and articles, stories poems, anecdote, &e., &c., by Washington h'. ving, Longfellow, Bui wer.Teunyson, W. Gilniori Shuns, Dickens. Mrs. Sigoumey. Thackeray Teter Parlev, Hawthorne, Alice Carey and oti ers. The Weekly "NEW-YORK ER" (pronoun, 'ced fi superior publication to the New York Ledger,) is offered at only ONE DOLLAR a vest to subscribers who send the one dollar immtdi aiely to the publisher, C. Mathews, No. 10T Fulton street, N. Y. Specimen copies sent fur 3 cent stamp. fmar2,lS5&;14 GEOI W EORGE W. TODD, WITH CONRAD ALTON, Importers and Wholesale Idl ers in Hardware, Cutlery, fire, Nc. 2o5 Market Street, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on Land the genuine Timothy Slack's Angers.W.. ihas's Beatty's and Hunt's superior Axes, C-.riraJ & Walton's superior polished Steel ShcTtl. Vrlir & Wahlron's Grass and Cradling-Scytlu-s, Gm! mon andFa:ent Scyl!e Snaths. JV.cu CL.tUi Pin?, $-c, fire, which they offer fot sa'.e on reas onable terms, to country dealers only January 25, 1S55. ffOUN II. ALLEN fir CO., NOS. 2 $ i W Chestnut Street, (south side, below Vate-1 PHILADELPHIA. (The Oldest Wood-waee House, in the CiT5 .) Manufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine n-a't BROOMS, Patent Grooed CEDAR-WARE, warranted not to shrink. WOOD &. WILLOW WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of all descrlp. tions. riease call and examine our stock. March 4,1857. ly. nriLLIAM CARR fir CO.. WIIOLESAU T f Gro rocers,-Importers. md Dealers in For eign and Dome-si ic LIQUORS. Old Mniiong;ik-U and Rectified WhUkov. No. C2I! Couin.ercU Row. Liberty stmt. PITTSBURG, Pa. SUNDK1 LS 5G0 Bids double Rectified '.Vl.W key. Ib7 Bbls Old Monor,gaheiA-Rye Whiiir. Par, (very choice ) 50 llhds N. O. Sugar, 75 Bbls N. O. Molasses. With a general assort ment of Groceries, also Bacon. Flour, Lari, lroh fir Nails &c, all of which will be sold at prices tor cash. WM. CARR & CO. February 17, lS58.tf Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a erorniption of tht blood, by -which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. IJeir.g in the circulation, it pervades tho whole body, and may bum aot in disease on any part of it. No organ is fees from its attacks, nor is there one which it ie&t not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variou:j caused by mercurial ' disease, low livir., di ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tith and tilthy habits the depressing vlc-j. m3, above alL by the venereal infection. "Wls.' ever 'e its origin, it is hereditary iu tht sa 6titu jra, -Icsconding froHi parents to chiicwiv unt .the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it t gms to be the rod of Him who fays, ! vill' visit the iniquities of the fathers upa their children." Its effects commence by deposition from tie blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, is the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in -the glands, swellings; and a. the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depress the energies of life, so that scrofulous eonttiro tions not only suffer from scrofulous coa plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; cocs auentlv. vast numbers perish, by disordca which, although not scrofulous in their nature, an utill i-on rl ,tpH f.ital hv this taint in lit ' Eystem. Most of the consumption -which d?-' cimates the human family has its origin direct;; in this scrofulous exsntamination ; and nury destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brix I and. indeed, of all the onrais. arise fros! a i are aggravated by the ame caarc. One quarter of ul our people'are cr fulow, their person' are invsdod by tliis 1-ui.ing in fection, and tlieir health is undern-ined ty it To cleanse it from the system w e must r the blood by an alterative medicine, &:d se vigorate it . by healthy food and txtrcist Such a medicine wc supply iu AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsapariili the most effectual remedy which the nisi skill of our times can devise for this C. where prevailing and fatal malady. It is bined from the most active remedials that hf been discovered for the expurgation of this f t disorder from the blood, and the rescue of ti eystem from its destructive consequencs llence it should be employed for the cure ci not only scrofula, but also those other a&c " ions which; arise from it, such as Karrrr and Skin D:srAEs. Sr. Anthoxt's Fiu " Rose, or Er.Tsrri:i.iS, i'lxrt-vs, PrsTru Blotches, Bi a.ixs and Roils, Tvmoks, Tinu aid Sa"lx IfciTPtrM, Scald Head, RixaTci Rheum atism , SvpHiLiTicaud Mekct: aiAI. P eases. Dropsy, Dtspkpsia, Dzniurv, & indeed, all Comtvaixts arising tkom ru ted or Impcke BLOon. The popular in ' xmmirity of the blood is founded in trutr for scrofula is a degeneration cf the blood. T$ particular purpose and virtue of this Ssra rula is to purify and reeenerate this vital can. witnout wucn sauna ncaim is unpueBus contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pill3, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY FKft re so comnoscd that disease within the nt? their action can rarely withstand cr evade ti& lneir penetrating properties searcn. and cieu and invigorate every portion of the human enr ism. correcting its diseased action, and rest its healthv vitalities. As a conscauence of ti" Tironerties. the invalid who is bowed doTi pain or physical debility is astonished to ei t health or energy restored by a icuiedy at oW ' simple and inviting. , Isot onlv do they cure the every-day ccmp-C of every body, but also many fonuid-"-li daneerous diseases. The atrent below r.iii-'4 plecsed ta furnish gratis my American A1"1' - containing certiScaie of th'.-tr curs and duv;- for their use in the following comji-aiiit-: : 'V ncs. Heartburn, Headache Grisintf fren f'i-"r' itcmiaeh, A'anstw, indiyfrlion. Pair, in oe X r t-'iinn cf the lioveit, Yc-tntrwy, Lee.' . UU, Jaundice, and other ku.Jrei c la- arising from a low state cf the totly oi Utn of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectori TOR THE RAFID CURB OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, I loam a Croap, Bronchitis, Incipient Couf tion, and for the relief of Consumf"' Patients in advanced stages of u disease. So wide is th field of its usefulness and merous are the cases of its cures, mat every section of country Abounds in pcrsoo licly known, who have l-en restorfd froia aad even desperate diseases of the hingi . use. When once tried, its superiority o other medicine of its kind is too apparent toe observation, and where it virtues are nG, pubHc ro longer hesitate whe: anbdote V . for the distressing and dangerous affection pulmonary organs that are incident to our f Vhile mart inferior remedk thmst o? . comrounitv have failed atid been dijr has painod friends by every trial, eonferrea -, on th afflicted they can liever forget, duced cures too znuncrou and too rem- be forgotten, 6 PREPARED BT K. J. C. AYER &C0 LOWELL, MASS. &- Sold by T. DEVIXE, Ebensburg, Merchants ponerally through the country iCov. St lSitsdO.ly. the i s it i 4 s ' 1 i o II o i or I i it v i i i. r oc 00 oo 00