I . . I . ii 1, ie d a of lis iu ce iu of Lis ice o( 1Q1 isa .it of Jai 1 rns idi- y ( ..of rt 1J 0 . E, , she ICS?, d at pa is to her 'iSCd ; irtt- cful, pir- The; their g liteJ arje , hut 11 he bath cnk laro- the pre iet 'r. largo ock- y. VA- SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of : Yenditioni Expo k auJ Levari Facias issued out of tho Court "f Common Pleas of Cambria County and to mo lwfcJ, there frill b'o ex posed, to Public Sale, 1 r'lO Court House, in tho Borough of Ebens f .a ou MONDAY, the 5th day of September, next! at one o'clock P. M., the following real eiLtWi'to wit-: . . -AU the right, titkj and interest of John Stew- 0f in and to two and a half lots of ground, Hitt ia the Uorugk f SunomUvillc, Ctn4rja fjenty, fronting ou the Huntingdon, C&fhbria 1 Indiana Turnpikfi,' adjoining lands of the Vi ins of Thomas Jackson dee'd, on - the East, , t. .,f Alexander Coulter on the West, bavins thereon erected a two story frame houatr, a frame r ,n nlank building and a frame stable, now iuu sum uouu oicwari. of Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit f tveComtuoneaitn oi i'ennsyivama. 'L0AU the right, title and interest of FaviuT. St.)rm, of, in and to a tract "of . land ituatc in Summerh.il township. Cambrai County lirr iuUl in the name of Isaac Brown, adjoining " il . . -l.i t l . . . i : i ill tlonll raireu, lauua varranieu m me of John Nicholson and others, (unimprov- l Tikoii in execution aod to be sold at the trading under the name and firm of A. M. & R. White & Cj., now for use of Thomas White. ALSO All the right,, title and interest of Daniel T.Jones, of, in and to a tract of land, situate in Cambria Township, Cambria County, adjoining other lands of said Daniel T. Jones livan Llojd and others, containing 114 acres, more or less, (unimproved) it being' the same piece o parcel of land purchased by the said Daniel T. Jones, from John E. Roberts and Ed ward 'Roberts, Trustees of Thomas Roberts by DeexLbeiriag date the rday of A. D, Taken in Execution and to be. sold at the suit of. Ed- wari liooerts. . y; , . . - .' LijQ AH the' right, title and interest of Daid Rosser.of, in and to alot of ground, situ ate in the Borough- of MillviUe, Cambria Coanty, adjoining lots ot' Mor'gau Reea, and . David Ad ams, having thereon erected a two "story frame bouse ia the occupancy of said Rosser, and a plank, house in the occupancy of Landra- gan. To be sold in pursuance of an Alias Test, writ rf Vend. Expon, issued out of the Court of Common-Pleas of Butlar County, at tho s4t -of Edward M'Gee. - ' V.i , ALSO All the right,' title' and interest of David Youngkin. of, in and to a piece or parcel of land, situate in White township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of George Walters, James Boyles ami others, containing 250 acres, more or less, about XOO acies cf winch are cleared, hav- t cm All the rinht. title and interest of Timj'liV U iveciltj anu jji iutn w ivcvuj, ui iuj o " " o.j " of the Kaid David Youngkin. Taken in execution and to fee sld at the suit of Andrew Kopp, for the use of Edward Shoemaker. ALSO Tho -follow ing described buildings and lot of ground of Thomas lingham, to wit : A dwelling Louse of two stories, hviug a front of SO feet nnd dcpt&of 18 fcety bituate on a lot or piece of :?x?ud, witldp thCvCOunty of Cambria, in Waihigton township, one fourth of a mile south from Portage Railroad, at the Ccal Bank of aid .Thomas Bingham-, and also the Engine riouse being 40 feet front by SO feet deep. To be sold in pursuance of an alias writ of levari facias, sur Mechanic's Lien, at the suit of David Trexler. ALSO All that certain lot of ground of Mary Roberts, sitnatcin the Borough of Ebens'ourg.and known on the plan of said Borough as lot number one hundred and sixty tive (165) and bounded and described ns fo'taw.s to wit: Beginning at .n,t to a lot ot grouii'i, suuaie iu ivaeiiiiigioR .nvn-'iip Uamona iouniy, irouunx on hps uu i I' n l,i Wl iesn me- wi ui x wuc no-1 a.ij uum una oi mum .uusseu. Jt.sq., cou- t.tiUUlii ilUOll . vf niutv of the said ri1ino'.hy O'K'cefSs. Taken iu ' 1 .... ... r 1 . . . n-ian. A'Innnisirainx oi iingu ui aec a irv.n All tne ngui, una ana i.iKreai ui j,,hu Zerlx'c, of, in and to a lot f ground, situ- ', the town of St. Auprr -.tin, Clearfield totrn- j run' ria Cnintv aiiioinini lands of Jacob ' .1 if'H . : I .1 . . I 1. . . " . a. I . K'iue, L'-ivi'i -Uili am; oiners, aim nuviuii-iiurtoii ate m hip two story plank house, now in the of Martain Tmvis. Takn iu execu- 1.1 . vv ' . t tt .-a r T T tijii an 1 t'i no s-a at iuo buus oi iierry n.r!in' et. al. .. '- . ..... . ...i 11 (LS( AH tne rigni, utie ana interest oi j Jjl.n Kearney, or, in i to a lot oi grnmii, i nt?iu the l)rougu oi j mnainangu, ainona O'rjtv. frftHling on Singer Street, and extend -j,.bck aleng an alley on the North West, and 1- inii! 'al t f IZinnon Bemier, ou the South ' ' . .1 . 1 . . . .1 .i j;vJi l.f.v.h thereon crecieu a two siory uouoio frr.!T.e er jLuik house an-1 sin ill sthl, now :n the t'cei'paucr of Micliaol Kearney ami tho said .Um Ker.rrcv. Taken -in execution and to be p..U at'.V.e suit of Simuel Duncan. ALSO AU the right, title and interest of John Spade, of in and to a piece or parcel of luti.f .sicuatJ in hito townslnp, Cambria Coiin tv, aljiiiii'i lands of Lewis Newho'jse and Antony .Sivircs, J s.-ph Miller and others, con tuning "0 actcs. more tr less, abcut 15 acres of .Lich are cleared, having thereon erected a lewxd log house and a liecil log barn, now in tLe tKCiijviiiL-y of the said .Tolvn Sf ade. Taken in execution and to be S'jld at tho &uit of David Skvcls fur the use of M. C. Wilson, now for the of James C Noon, Esq. jUi) All the right, title end intcret of J;v:ob Shall'er, of, in aul to a piece or parcel of M situate in Alleirhenv township, Cambria C ut-, adjoining lands of James Kelson, Joseph D and others, containing 50 acres, more ! the North-West corner of Lloyd d Mary Ann Streets, south 201 feettoUgle Street, thence Last f.6 feet to lot No. 100, thence along the dividing line of said lots North 2G4 feet to Lloyd Street, thence by Lloyd Street, West CG feet to the place of beginning, having thereon erected a one and a ha7f story p7ank house, with a back buiZding thereto attached. To be sold in pursuance of a writ of Levari Facias, at the suit of Enoch Recs for use of John Owens. GCJ- X. B. 'Hie Sheriff has made the following the conditions of the above sales, viz ; One fourth of the purchase money on each sale to be paid at the time the property" is strack down, when the sale amounts to $of;0, and npwards, under $o00 and more than $100, the one third, under 8100 and .TiOre than $-jrft, the haff: less than $50 the whole amount, otlrerwise the property will im mediately be put up to sale again, and no Deed will be presented for acknowledgement unless the balance of the purchase Eioney be paid before the following Couit. ROBERT P. LINTON, Sheriff. Sheriff' Office, Ebonsburg, Ancrust 10. 1850. tc Watches, Jevrelry and Silver-ware ; We would respectfully inform 7vt our mends, patrons anc tue public !? eenerallv that we have inst nnened our Aetc natcn.teiceirv. saver ana flatea Ware Establishment. , at No. 622 MAR KET street, where we offer Wholesale 8? Eelail, at the lowest Cash Prices, a largo and very choice stock of every description of goods usually kept in a first class Watch and Jewelry Store. Wc hope by untiring efforts to accommodate and please not only to retain all our former pat rons, but mtrit xnd secarj j. hrfl access! sit tu the same. '" i . Every description of Diamond. Work and other Jewelry made to order at short notice. : i CO- All goods warranted to be as represented. Jrj- Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches, and Jewelry of every description. STAUFFER & IIARLEV. v No, C22 MARKET street, South 'Side PHIL' A. N. 15. We Win continue our Old Store, No 148 North Second street, for a short -time only. August, 3d. 1859.-3m. -5 ' STRAY COW. "V CAME to the residence of the subscriber, in Blaeklick township, on the 23d day of July last, a Black Cow, with a star on her forehead,' white belly and white legs, supposed to be 12 or 14 years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tako her away, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. FREDERICK FULMER. Blaeklick tp., August S, 1859.37.3t. WHY WILL, YOU DELAY I Why will yon neglect that disease which is taking such deep root, and which gives j'ou war ning' by that hacking cough j that yon ara fast ripening for eternity 1 Why encourage that pain in the side, the raising of blood, those night sweats, or that difficult bte&.'t"iing, which silently whisper in your ear that something must be done to save 3'0U from the grave of the consumptive ? Why act so carelessly in permitting that disease to destroy hour health, and hasten you to the tomb from whence no traveler ever yet returned? AugUbt 3. 1859.1m. list of causes, CjET down for trial at a Court O Pies to held at Ebensburg, for the county of Cambria, commencing on Monday, the 12th day ci beptember, 18a9 : Kimmeli Statkr Cox Frouheisor Pa. R. R. Co., Riddle Hoffman Newkirk et al. City Bank A b boss Bickford, G ibbons & Bolsinger vs Stiner, Pershinjr, assignee of vs Barnett fc Hamilton, vs Huffman, vs Singer, vs Meanor'S; Fend, vs Durbin, vs Roberts, vs Swires et al., vs King et al., vs .Whites, vs Glasgo, vs Cooper & Co., jite r less, akut 30 acres of which are cleared, now 0 the occupancy of said Jacob Shaher. , laken 1 txueution and to bo sold at the suit of ohn ALSO--All the right, title and interest of .7war J Jones, of. iu and to a piece or parcel of ,ji, h'.tuate m iIarkiick township, Cinbna C'UiAV. anj-ii!Wig lantls or Abraham Jlasin, -U-vV) Campbell and otlers, containing 14H acres mre OT les, about SO aercs t" wliieh are cleared, .avr5"tV.r?f n erectetl a cabin house an ! caT'ln lam, n..w in the occupancy of the said Edward J. r.e. Taken in execution and to be sold at the iUi; of iIiil.D.-toll IlK'ie. ALSO All the riht, title and interest of J 'tu L. .M'Kinzie, of, in and to a piece or parcel i.s.A, M'uate iu Washington township, Cam bria Cunt-, atljoiuing htnds of Michael Bradiey, Jfpli it!e, John M Kenzle and otber.-i, con tainir.g 10'J acres, more or less, about 40 acres rf which are cleared, having thereon erected a tu story hewed log house and stable, now in t!.c i:cupaiiy of Sylvester M'Kenzie. Taken im txecutiuu and to be sold at the suit of 1 rancis O'i'r i'. ALSO All the riht, title and interest of Aeos Cal'.ulian, of, in and U) lot tf giound, situ ite ia the H.iroiigh of Conenjau-'h, Cambria lui,ty, ftviiting on Portage street, and adjoin &-iutsof Welch and Jones, havinir thereon crtct&l a une story frame house with a small franie luilding thereto attached, n w in the oc cupancy of the said Callohan. Taken in Ex ecu- tiuo auJ to be sold at the t-uit of A. B. Piingle, Ailciinistrator de bonis tiou of William l.rs-tt, foeased. ALSO AU the ri-jht. titlo and interest of PSiKn fi'iU ,n ,.t ;.. !.... ... 1 ..; l,.,1f Af C vjn.nf vi, iii mm nits utui. i un ji ipicce or parcel if land, situate in Munster s of con- IJ-i'.ii: S3 acres, nmro rw 1i!is it lu-in? rvirt of a - T ...... w w , - - o i 'rvtol land warranted in the name of William ruirwitii, about 50 acres of wbJch are cleared kf-Eg hereon erected a two story frame bouse tiilo barn, now iu the occupancy of the said '-'pbillau. Taken in Execution and to be -'i: t:ic suit of Johnston Moore et al. iL-'J All the ridit, title and interest ot J. Evans, of, in, and td a piece or par f 'r.nd , situate in Cambria and Carroll town- Cambria Gunty, arljoining L.rvJs of" Rich- -C.iiul, Duvid V. Jones. Giiflith Owens, wiu Jones and Michael Kenucdy, contain - ;5(")acn!s. more or less, alwut 100 acres clear "d tliereou erected a lop: house, a frame .a Saw Mil! and Grist Mill in the occupan- 7'f Uid.ird J. Evans and a frame house and Sta.Ua in t no ...nn r.f Mir-Liinl Mnrlin. S'tl ill Kxoutinri nn.1 tn bp B .Id nt tlifi Sllit of i:,,i.,.rfa ALSO Ul;rv rri.r,i...ii i t'. f . l.-.ii ,c :.. n.,.l 'a Towiihip. Cambria County, adjoining c! Willi:im OriOith George Wissincer. le"LT cohy and others, containing 109 acres. arrpc ix l irli sirs rl eared &)'.. i .... - i.aiv uiiuuing uiiaeneo, ii"""3 ' anl a rilank bJ now in t.lio neen- szr NOTICE. k LL PERSONS indebted to the subscriber JA- are respectfully requested to call and pay the same without delay. The who find it in convenient to pay at once, will please call and sett'e their accounts and cive their notes settimr time for payment, will find their nccouni lx;r left fur collcetiou- E. IIUGIIES. August 10, 1859.-3S-3t. vs Gates, vs Wm. K.'Piper, vs Empfield et al., vs Penua. R. R. Co., vs Roberts, Piper for use vs White, vs Swegler et al., vs Gates, vs Slah!, vs Ross, vs Paul, vs Given, Those nclecting this notice J Roberts nts after the 1st of Septem- j ucuby Yickroj , A at x- i wi Shafl'er et al. Quirk Cohn & Co. Wm. K Stutzman Neff Swires et al. Morris, Taster & Co. Whitings' Indorsees Hughes, Apt, Fronheiser, endorsco Same Same $40,00 Tays for a full course in- the-Iron Citir Collere. the largest, most extensively p'alronkcd and Lest organized Commercial School inrthe Umtod" States. " ... . . rtjri'y Modtnts attending- dally, f Marcli 1S59. TJrnal time to connlete a full course, from 6 to 10 wteks. Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed o be " competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to cr.m a salary from. B00 to $1000 Stuednts enter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. 51 Premiums for best Penmanship Awarded in 03- Ministers' Sons received &t half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writinsr. inclose two letter stamps, and address, ' F. W. JENKINS. Pittsburg, Pa. April, 13, 1556. Aug. It, TS532y. (Pu, gcgjitr.ahb Bjtd ron Mm, Sioi) DIottgljs, "c. ui o LJ o 111 CQ PS ' TO INVALIDS. o . W m H o t- - . - - J SSvS' "r " "'"5 a -a i . O w z. o MI r m 7i O O O VM .AXALTHCAL PIITSICIAX. -AND- THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TIIH CITIZENS OF EBENSBURG AND vicinity thtxt he has just received end has on hand the LARGEST, BEST, and MOST COM- i stock of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron ware-. Cooking, Fa"rlsr and Heating Stoves, Plows Points, W agon boxes, Sugar kettles. &c.f ever ottered lor sale in Ebensburg, consisting of 25 diffei- DR. HARDMAN, r-rS ? cnt Patterns of Cook Stoves of all sizesj 20 different patterns of Parlor and Heating Stoves of a$ sizes; 10 different kinds of PIowf; Sugar keteleraid Wagon boxes of all siKesj Brass and Copper Kettles of all sizes; Prescrviirg tjetdes cf " all sTrer- Tin, X3opp"er aad Sheet Iron ware of every de- rYSiCIAS 1H DISEASES BF THE L1SS. Fomttrly Fhisician to Cincinnati Marine Ilospi pital and Invalids' Retreat, CotYetjwndiny Member of the Londan Medical Society of Observation, AuUior of LETTERS TO INVALIDS, AXD EDITOR OP THE MFDirtAI QTFTI4n5rOPP old Metal. Gunner. Brass, Pewter, &c taken in exchange 1 I "V t All -iv-e-kTta "L-nrTv?ncT tVmf1 -fc TwV1! tr! fn Imp liv ?itf nr TK. rr irrnimt nrn rofinnrt, fuHy invited to call with their cash and settle up immediately. r.oensuurg, j my u, j scnption. . Also He has just received a large assortment of HARDWARE and CUTLERY -: House furnih in Wsre, Harvesting Tools, Carpenter's Tools, &c, &c all of wh!ch he will sell very low for CASH. Persons wishing any thing in his line be respectfully invites to give bun a call and examine Ins -. t , i c ll i . . T . j . . .1 . l ...a . prices. u JOo wors oi an mows uoire on xne b.soitobi. ruure. .. . . - , . At i i . . . - p . i y . j. V Also -IJouse rspouiing mace ano put up on ine snonesi nonce w inojsi rcasonaDie terms iorcasn 5- Country Produce 01 ail Kinos taKen in exenange. Also l.nerry, Asli. ana 1 oplar lumtKT, UtUiibii UUMUir V3 Keith's adm'r. k jjiareei 11 lantl, sltuare 111 fliuns T-wnship. LVmbria Cmnty; adjoining lands Sa:liew M'Hugh, J(;hn Inter and others, ct 1NLK3.1C XOTICK. FfViIE Officers and Directors of the Beaver Dam JL Turnpike and Plank Road Gimpany, here by notifies the public who may feel themselves interested, that they haveopcnd their liooks for subscription to take stock in said Road, which Book will be kept opened uutil the 20th day of August, 1859, at the house of Charles Ranstcad, in White township, Cambria Canity. Bv order of the Board THOMAS HOLLAND, Secr'y. August. 10, 1859 -3S-3t. PUBLIC SALE. ''TYT'ILL be exposed to Public Sale at the late vT residence of John Glass, dee'd., in Alle gheny towEship. on WEDNESDAY the 24th day of Augnt, instaut, the following property to wit: Horses ton. , Crncs, Young Cattle, llogs, Hay by the Wheat by the dnzen, Jim by the dozen, Oats bii the dozen ;-Com, Sudttheal, Jia- tocs and Beans in the ground, one sett of Mackstnith Tools, a lot of old Mettal. one Wagon, one Buggy. Also, a large lot of Household aiul Kitchen Furniture loo tedious to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., when due attendance and a reasonable credit will be given by E. C. M'MULLIN, Executor. August 10, 1859. 38-2w. ud deft, and Michael Smith. " Taken 11. '. 'n anJ to be sold at the suit of Gibbins Iw:r, .'cY'A11 the ri't title and interest of the ounH 'kcy, of, in, and to a lot ot v ari,rtate '"Cambria City, Cambria 0d- v the r 1 "' 01 niiu vatiiojiu vii-jf tiWt J ueinS on a iront street, U Dan allev cnlhe west, bv lot nnmlier jr st. by tlie froDt half of said lot nuni ."ntlie south, and by lot number 17, and h:ti5i'Uialf of vaid lot number 10, con storv l r ' wlre feet, of gronnd, having a two Pter ir,erefu erected, now in toe oati.v.;y,ofb;iral Lloyd, and a School House -nanW vIjart..of 8aid lu. Taken in Execu- III IUI VOlr UI Si Galway the rirhf tiflo aa ci Ia il.yets- of. in and to a piece or par Cg, "tUilte in. Washington Township. iNninr. 1 1 avi mure or of Jessa Woodcocki War l' , ,rhn?tia, George and others, about having a lar about double barn rrn ryof L ,1 TM ,tne-eon. now in tlie occu S'i'n an S W A Mu- Taken in MWffi.d. Alexan- - inviia.ru j.ite &, fh omat- White, a good in sixi:ss ciia vci:: : vit V , Per rnonth and all expenses paid. Agents V0J w'anted in every town and county through out the United States to engage in a light and easy business, in which the above profit may cer tainly be realized. For particulars address with stamp. - ' Dr. u. rntiLi's ukuwn. No. 21 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. August 10, 1859. 1 m. IS TIli:ORPIlA.S' COURT OF CM3I ItlUA COUJS I'Y. IN the matter of the writ of Partition or Valu ation on the Real Estatu of Thomas Croyle, late of Sumn.erhill township, now Croyle town ship, Cambria county, decease 1. To Mary Croyle, now residing in Wisconsin, and Susan Croyle, uw residing in Ohio, heirs of Frederick Gyle, dee'd.; Catherine Reynolds, intermarried with William Shadier, now resi ding in Illinois ; Joshua RcynohU and William ReynoMs, now residing in Illinois, and Abraham Reynolds, now residing in Wcstmoi eland coun ty. P:nna., heirs of Margaret Croyle, intermar ried with William Reynolds, both of whom are dead, anil to all other persons legally interested in the partition or valuation of said estate. You are hereby notified that in pursuance of a writ of Partition or Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me direc ted, I will hold the same on tne premises de scribed in said writ, situate in Croyle township, in said county, ou TUESDAY, the 23d day of AUGUST next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where you may attend if you see proper. ROBERT P. LINTON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, July 20, :859:4t, GEO. E. LEWIS, M. D., TENDERS his professional services to the citi zens of Ebensburg and ricinity, he may be loupd m the Office formerly occupied by Dr. D W. Lewid. -Nijjht calls may bo made at the office. July C, 1859-tf. vs Bai'ey, vs White, vs Same, vj Same, vs Moore, vs Murray & Warner, vs Tiley, Sr., vs IJtzinger, vs Bracken, vs Paul, vs Kline, vs Rainey, vs Linton. Shff. vs Tilev, Sr. JOS. M'DONALD, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, 1859. J I Moyers et al. for use M'Dcrmitt Davis for use Whites & Co. Whites Whites Pryco Movers ct al. For use Ebensbunr, Aug. 3, list or CAUSES. CJET DOWN for trial at an ADJOURNED O COURT to be held for Cambria county, at Ebensburg, commencing on MONDAY, the 29th day of August, A. D. 1859 : MAY BE CONSULTED AT R. HARDMAN treats Consumption, Bron chitis, Laryngitis, Asthma; and ml otlrer Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, by MEDICA TED INHALATION. Tho great point in the treatment of al human maladies is to get at the disease in a direct man ner. All medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relief. This is the im portant fact upon which inhalation is based. If the stomach is diseased, we take medicine di rectly into the stomach. If the lungs are dis eased, berathe or inhale medicated vapors directly into them. .The reason why Consumption aud diseases of the Lungs have heretofore resisted all treatment, hasbeenbecausothcywcror.it ap proached in a direct manner by medicines. They were intended to be local, and yet they were so administered that they could not act constitu tionally, expending their immediate action upon the stomach, whilst the foul ulcers among the lungs were unmolested. INHALATION brings the medicine into direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantages cf any violent action. Its application is so simple that it may be em ployed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or interfere in the least with the strpgth, comfort or business of the patieut. Oilier iseases Treated. fx- No chr.rge for consultation. In relation to the following diseases, cither when complicated with Lung affection or existing alone. I also invite consultation -usually hnd them Promptly Curable. Prolapsus and all forms of s cmale Complaints, Irrejrularities arm Weakness. PalpCiation- and t5the- forms of Heart Disease, Liver Gmrlaints. Dyspepsia, aud all other dis eases of stomach and bowels, piles, &c. Mr. Ilardman treats all chronic or long stand- ng diseases ot trie Laings, 11 ver, otomacii, bow els. Bladder, Kidneys, Brain, Heart, Nerves, Womb, Spleen, Spine, Eyes, Ears, Vc, Scrofu a. Fits. Cancer. Rheumatism. Dropsy. Skin Diseases, Fever S res, Catarrh, Seminal Weak ness, Neuralgia, Whites, Insanity, Dyspepsia, Giddiness, Heat of Urine, Syphilis. 1 lies, Sick Headache, Enlarged Tonsils, &c. May 25, 1859:Grn. Rex, Kcmerer & Co. Ebensburg & Susq. Plank Road OveiVrs of Summer. M'Girre ct al, Cassiday Lippincott & Uo Weak I aud Snyder Rhey Commonwealth Stillsell & Porter O'Niell Sheehan Pringle Glass Henley Glass' Executors Litzinger Hughes Frouheiser HoUowell& Co. Jones M'Conloguc vs Paul, vs Hill, vs M'Gough, vs Weakland ct al., vs Skelly, vs Fenlon, sur. par., vs Luther, vs A lams, vs Johnstown Iron Co., vs Gillan, vs Whites, vs Eash, vs West Branch Ins. Gj. vs Murray, Zahm & Co. vs Shiels, vs M'Coy, vs Glass, vs Dougherty, vs Glass, vs Oram, vs M'Caun, vs Linton, vs M'Gonigle. JOSEPH M'DONALD, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Ebensburg, July 30, 1859. J LIST OF CAUSES, CJET down for trial at a Court of Common 3 Pleas to be held at Ebensburg, for Cambria county, commencing on MONDAY, the 5th of SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1859 : Eckenrode Cox Whites Little Noels Teeter Whites for use M'Murtric et al Commonwealth Kruiso iloberts Gray, - vs Ryan, vs Munson, vs Peach, vs Oster. vs Fultz, vs Haynes, vs Sharp's adm'rs., vs Fex, vs Moreland et al. vs Murray, vs Murray, vs M'Kibben ct al. JOSEPH M'DONALD, Prot'y. Proth'ys office, Ebensburg, July 27, 1859. LUMBER. PINE POPLAR CHERRY AND ASH LUM ber bought and sold by E. IIUGIIES. June 29th 1859. tf. DISSOLUTION. -1IE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE I vistincr between th" undersicned. in the Clothiua and Tailoring business.has this day dis solved bv mutual consent. The business in all its branches will be carried on by John D. Hughes in the buildimz lately occupied by John ieulon Esqr. one door east of the old stand, cud by D .T. Kvnns in the old stand. All persons indebted to the old firm, will please forward and settle uo immediately, as the R,-l:a will in a few davs be left in the hands of proper officers for collection 11 ; DAVID J. EVANS. JOHN D. HUGHES. Ebensburg, July 27, 1859. 3 G: St. 11 LANK SUMMONS AND EXECU TIONS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. MUMITIREY'S SPECIFIC HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES, No. CC2 BROADWAY. THE GREAT FEATURE Of this series of Domestic Remedies is that each particular medicine is a Sf ixiFic for the partic- . ... 1 i - - -. ular disease or ciavs in niacasc w nosc name 11 bears, and may be relied upon for the cure of that particular affection. Hence, persons suffer ing from a chronic disease or long-standing ail- cnt, in buying a case of Humphrey's Specifics obtain the pa'ticulaf one desired in their case, and thus themselves make a cure which other wise would cost them many dollars, aud no small amount of time and medical attendance, if, in deed, it could be obtained at all. Thus multitudes suffer from Dyspepsia, Bil ious UOXniTIOK. LOSTIVENESS, BAD 1ASTE, Coated Tongue and Demlity, which is per fectly controlled and cured by the DlSl'la'SlA Sl'EUlr- lt;. There ia scarcely a phase or form of this dis ease which is not promptly controlled and ulti matelv cured by the use of this Specific. Thou ands who have suffered for years with thi Bilious Condition" having purchased a case of these Specifics, have obtained a ierfect cure ami immunity from their old complaint. COUGHS, COLDS AND SOKE TH1LOATS, which so frequently lead to BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPIIU are all in their early stage secured by the ' - COUGH PILLS. Many cases of lonp; standing Bronchitis and irri tating Coughs have been perfectly cured by this Specific. But more ! many fiersons have a spe cific liability to colds and take them from the least exposure. This will be entirely relieved by is J READ JUST RECKIVED, Watches, THIS. AND STUDY INTERESTS ! YOUR OWN Xi&l -S3 A KEW STOCK OF Jewelrv. CLOCKS 'Ltu2UU NOTIOXS. Al the sign of the Dig Watch, Mum street, Johns town, la. The unders icned desires to call the attention of the iconic of "Ebensbunr and surrounding country to the fact that ne has been appointed an Aircnt of a Iarse importing house ot YYAiuii- ES. CLOCKS. &c. and also of a large manufac turing establishment of JEWELRY, whereby he is enabl-.d to offer such inducements to purcha sers of these articles as were never before offered in this place, or anywhere this side of the Alle- ghenies. He would also call attention to his large as sortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY just received all of the latest styles ami most beautiful workmanship. Having selected ms stock with great care, he is confident he can suit every tistc as to styie as- well as all pocKets by the great reduction in prices. THE LADIES are particularly invited to an inspection of his i resent stock and prices. hAli Jjivuuo nunerro sold a,t$1.M) will now be sold at 75 cts., and warranted to stand the text of wear. Breast Pius, Rings, &c., at a reduction. r.EATLLHlUit I would call your atteutiou to my beautiful as sortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, at the following very low prices : Hunting Verge Watches, warranted, $6.25 Hunting Silver Cylinders, hitherto sold in this town at S20. and then reduced to $14, I will now sell at from $10 to $11.50 Hunting Levers from $12 to $10.00 Onen Faced Cylinders, heretofore sold at &10. 1 will sell at Irom ft to o.uo Onen Faced Detached Levers, $10 to $12.00 AU watches sold will be warranted to go for twelve months, or exclianged for another of equal value. Everybody is invited to call and examine the stock, as the advertiser is confident that lor ex tent, variety and style it is unrivalled in this community, while the prices at which it is of fered are unprecedented low. Goods sold for CASH only. ftT Particular attention paid to repaniii; Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, &c, of all kinds, for which the Cambria County Iron Company's serin v ill be taken at nar. All work war rantsd. - ' TOWN AND COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS supplied Vith Watches, Jewelry, &c, at less than city prices. '. JOSEPH G. HOLMES, Agent. August 3, 185G.ly. JVOT1CE. THE PAMPHLET LAWS OF THE LAST session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania have lvHn received at this office, and are ready for distribution to persons entitled to receive them. JOS. M'DONALD. Trothy's office, Ebensburg, June 29, 1859. tf &3T JOB WORK of all kinds done at I tin's ojice. the use of the COUGH PILLS, as scores can testify from experience. So CATARRH is one of our most common and most troublesome diseases, against which the Old School Medicines and even Homoeopathic prescriptions, are of very little use. Yet hundreds of persons have been cured cf not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstinate, cases of CATARRH by the use of this specific. Or.e aged lady in Syracuse was thus perlcctly cured of a Catarrh, which had annoyed her all her life. And a young lady at one of our first class boarding schools, who was so aSucted with this disease as to require more than forty hand kerchiefs a week, was entirely cured in a single week by this Specific. bleeding and blind, some of those common and obstinate forms of disease which are so difficult to cure I'Y the ordinary methods, but which find an cutiro and fumlament.il cure in the Piles Spe cific. True, time is required ; but the Specific is pleasant to take, requires neither di-t nor re straint, and being followed up a perfect cure is the result. Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a case of Specifics, have obtained a cure for this mst trying and obstinate form of disease, which has been worth to them ten times the cost of the entire set. Cases of over twenty years' stand ing have been cured by th's simple Specific, and we lielicvc may oe cured iy perseverance. The cane contains the best FEVER AND AGUE SPECIFIC known. A remedy without an3 deleterious or poisonous substance, which not only cures the 1 A. V.. ague, aud old, mismanaged agues, vu may ue relicd upon as a preventive when persons are re siding in a fever and ague district. It prevents or protects upon the same principle that vaccina tion prevents small pox or ueiiaoonea prevents scarlet fever, by pre occupying the system with the. true Specific. Hundreds have been thus protected nnd cured. . THE OPTHALMY SPECIFIC has proved a most invaluable remedy for SOLE EYES and EYELIDS, and for WEAK and BLURRED SIGHT. One lady in Indiana, who had. been a 'sufferer from sore eyes for many years, and for two years was entirely bund, was cured perfectly by the Opthalmy Specific alone. Jll'JAUAClind. to which so many are subject, find a curative in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the time of the attack, and alt-o one which cor rects the condition of the system upon which it depends, and so destroys the predisposition to a return. The specifics for the various forms of FEMALE UOJUrLiAIA IS have proved invaluable. Old i.osg stakdixo LEOCORRUCEA or WHITES, attended with debilitv 01 exhaustion, and for which other forms of medicine are of little value, are fully controlled and cured by the FEMALE PILLS, while the specific for irregularities control f lmot every form Of SCANTY, PAIXFUL Or IRREGULAR MEN STRUATION. DIARRHOEAS AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS in adults or children are controlled like magic by the Diarrucca Tills, while it may bj averr-d without the possibility of successful contradiction that the Dysestey Pills are the most perfect Specific for that disease known. For the various forms of FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, and other diseases of children, the Fevek Tills may be safely and surely relied upon. These Specifics are the prescriptions of Prof. HUMPHREYS, used for years iu his extensive practice, and to the pe rfection of which he has devoted the resources of extensive knowledge, experience and stud v. The public may ret assured that during the GEORGE HUNTLEY". lifetime of Dr. II. no orra has been or shall be intru&ted with the preparation of his Specifics, and he offers the guaranty of his professional life ami reputation that they shall be just as he rep resents them. They have now been before the public for five years, and have everywhere wen golden opinions from the many thousands who have used then. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, tlicy have become the ready recoinve and aid of the parent, traveler, nurbO, or invalid, arrA have become the family physScSa'a -and medical aiviser of thousands of families. Nowhere haw they been tried without having been approved-, and their highest appreciation is among thofo who have known tneui longest aiid most inti mately. Every family will find these SPECIFICS all they have been recommended ; veojipt, relia ble, simple and erfiCacious ; often a fkifs6 ix seeu and a fp.iexp indeed. LIST OF SPECI FIC REMEDIES. No. 1. FEVER PILLS For Fever, Congestion and Inflammation of all kinds. No. 2. WORM FILLS For Worm Fever .Worm Colic, and Wetting the Bed. No. 3. BABY'S PILLS Fur Cone. Crying, Teething and Wakefulness, and Ncrvoti&tltea of Adults. No. 4.. DIARRIKEA riLLS for Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum and Summer Gnplaint. No. 5. DYSENTERY riLLS For Cholic, Gri ping, Dvsentery or Blcody Flux. No. A. -CHOLERA PILLS For Cholera, Chofe era Morbus. Vomiting. No. 7. COUGH TILLS For' Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. Influenza and Sore throat. No. 8. TOOTHACHE TILLS For Tootbacfcp; Facache and Neuralgia, No. 9. HEADACHE PILLS For Headache Vertigo. Heat and Iillness of the Head. No. 10. DYSPEPSIA TILLS For Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation aud Liver C'mplaint. No. 11. FOR FEMALE IRREGULARITIES Scanty, Painful or Suppressed Periods. No. 12. FEMALE PILLS For Leucorrl.cea; Profuse Menses and Iiearing Down. No. 13. CROUP TILLS For Croup, Hoar? Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14. SALT RHEUM riLLS For Erysipelas, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face. No; 15. RHEUMATIC PI LLS For Tain. Lamei ness ct Soreness in the Chest, Back, Lains oi- Limbs. . , A. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, old nrnmanafted Agnes. P. For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External. . O. For Sore, Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids, Failing, Weak or Blurred Sight, C. For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C. For Whooping Cough, abating its -fo-lence and shortening its course. PRICES. Full set, 20 large vials, in Morocco Case Case and Book, Full set, 20 large vials, in Plain Case and Book, Case of 15 numbered bexes and Book. Case of any G numbered b.-xes and Book, Single numljered boxes, with directions, Single lettered boxes, with dirceVious, Largi plantation or physician's case, 1 and 2 oz. vials, $5-00 4.00 2.00 l.Orj 25 ob 15.00 OUR REMEDIES BY MAiL. Look over the list, make up a case of what kind j-ou choose, and enclose the amount in a current note or stamps, by mail, to our address, at No. 52 Broadway, New Ytk, and the medr cine will be duly forwarded by mail or express, free of charge Address DR. F. HUMPREYS & Co. N"o. 5' 2 Broadway. New York. CC3- Sold in EBENSBURG, by JOHN RODG ERS, Jr.. and by all Druggists generally. June 29, 1859.Cm. i'4RM FOR 5 A EE. THE undersigned offers at private sale hi3 FARM, situate iu Susquehanna towiihhip, Cam bria county containing about TWO HUNDRED ACRES, abott forty of which tare cleared, and having thereon eree'ed a larre BANK BARN, A CABIN HOUSE and large DWELLING HOUSE ir proceds of erection. The land is w ell tinil-ered with tide line, ':k oi every kuki, atc. 11 is well supplied by never-failing springs of water; and there are three Sawmills convenient to the property The land contains Coal, iron ore and limestone, pronounced to be good by competent judges, and the tract is known by the name r Limestone place." Au indisputable title w ill be given. The property is within about two niih-s of Joseph's (Catholic) Church, and al-out four miles from Carrolltown. I wilf sell cheap. For. -further particulars appl to the 1 n lersigncd. on the premises, or address him bv letter t Car rolltown. LAURENCE DEE. Jure 15. 1859:3m New Tnllorlns Il-stMbli!mient. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of El-ensburg and vi cinity that hfc has oiened a Tailoring establish ment next door to Dr. Bunns Drug St re.wnerc he is prepared to manufacture garments of the 'atest st3le and most complete workmanship. He hopes, by strict attention to bussiness, td merit and receive a share of patronage. THOMAS DEVISE. July G, lS53:tf o O