OX: DAY LATER. jii;ivAL or tub Chv of Washington. ATESTVWAlt SEWS. . Prnorted Defeat ol tlie Ts rolesc -iiiiou oi tlic Tyrol by Garibal- &Vs corpS. Proclamation by Kos- New Yoek. July 18. . The steamship City of Washington, arri- JatthU port this attcruoon, witu L.oncion T J Liverpool telegraphic advices to the 7th U t She -stopped at Cork. Theocxt battle between the Austrians and yrt:5 it was expected, would take place oo Vwas reported that the British mail steam - h"d bfeu requested by the Government to "larc to carry armament. cnD;i was declared in a state ot ctegc. TIIK L.VTEST. . ri- .i,,vnpli from London to Quccnstown. Loxdon, July 7 Tie Paris correspondent cf the London T'm'fS ssvs the Minister of War and Marshal v"n zXtr have had another conference, for firr'.e purpose of concortin l t fr crcaiirzatK-.! ot the fcrmy the cf the ... 1 ',' .liviofi U in course of orgaDhsa- ,; ,,t Lycukm r. i.MOtco ue army ot ltiu.y A telegram fiviii Tuoste, dated to-uay, aJvieis from Naples to the 28th Tilt., announce that legal proceedings have been taken again & secret political society at M.-j-sina, and seeral arrests had been made. v.K'c' a have also Leen received from Au- DISSOLUTION. TLIE CO-PARTN ERS HIP HERETOFORE existiug between th undersigued, in the Clothing and Tailoring businets,has this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business in all its branches will be carried on by John D. Hughes in tne building lately occupied by John Fenlou, $20 REWARD! ROKE JAIL of Cambria county, and esca ped therefrom, on Friday, the 1st day of July inst., two men named SAMUEL M'CUL LOUGII and IlENEY JOHNSTON. M'Cul Iough is about 5 ft. 8 in. in heiirhth. fair hair. Esqr. one door east of the old stand, t.nd by D. and about 25 y ears of age has a wife living J. Evans in the old stand. about Ninevah, in Indiana county , Pa. John- u persons indented to tut oia nrm, will please ston is about C ft. in heighth, dark complexion, come forward and settle up immediately, as tire dark hair, about 24 vears of age his father lives Jjooks will m a lew days -be Jett m tfce Lands of near Forwardstown. Somerset co.. Fa., where proper officers for collection DAVID J. EVANS. JOHN D. HUGHES. Ebensf;urg, July 27, 1850. 36: 8t. fe1 LIST OF CJALSES, IT DOWN for trial at an ADJOURNED COURT to bo held for Cambria county, at Ebensburg, commencing on MONDAY;, the 29th day ot August, A. D. ISo'J : Rex, Kemerer & Co. vs Faul, Ehcm-burg & Sus i. Flauk Road Overs'rs of Summer M'Gu:re et al, Oassiday Lippiucott & Co. Weaklaud Snyder Rhey Commonwealth Stillsell & Porter O'Nicll Sheehan .. l - e T cona to trie o.kq oi - uuo. ,-ncni! Caltermauen nau uneu uommauu und declared it in a slate ot siege. I r;i:LrHlUiL' Ol tbcCUlZcllS 11UU UCCll Gi of the town. jem.ral ui.'ariiiio-; d. u address cf tin- Sardinian Admiral to r . . i ii : ) rl .ucssiue i:ai ucett issurit. The Paris co; re.-p h i. tli lit ff the London ...l.... !..t..-.j fV..t.. tliO il mirlP- lllll s -ni..n !. " - - 1 is t.i l iii.e .ViipoUi n state that anotln r rreat battle was expected to take place ou the of t!:e Adige. T!io A'j-triaus are vv.'t men in the line. AtW:i Latta'ioQ 'A : The 77;;!cs also says tun had reached Vi' v Hill, vs M'Gough, vs Weaklaud ct al., vs Skelly,. vs Fenlon, sur. ar., vs Luther, vs Adams, vs Johnstown Iron Co., vs Gillan, vs Whites, vs Easli, vs West Branch Ins. Co., s Murray, Zahta & Co. vs Shiels, ys M"0.y, vs Glass, vs Dougherty, vs Glass, vs Oram, vs M:Caun, vs Linton, vs M'Gonigle. JOSE1TI ii'DONALD, Froth 'y 1 rothouotary 7s. Uitiee said Henry made his home. Said prisoners w ere convicted at June Sessions last, and Johnston was not yet sentenced. The clothing they had while m prison was left behind, and therefore must have had clothing furnished them by per sons outside. The above reward will be paid for both, or $10 for either, if taken up and se cured in any prison in this State. K. P. Ll;TO.N,Sheritl. Shfl 's Office, Ebensburg, P. i59 35 3t. J din, opptr anb Sbut rcn Marc, iofcrs, Jlcajbs, c. PringKs Glass lleuley Glass' Executors Litzinger Hughes Frouheiser Hollowell & Co. Jones M'Conloguo Ebensburg, July CO, 1859. believed to Lave '-100,- that icliable iuforma-l-tia that Garribaldi's . 1 'P 1... ..Inn f'l T.I. Uitn tiu4 vu'i-iea i.ioi, ,i.i--in.6 i-v-t.de pes:. Trince Windisehgratz has been st ut to liciiin to acquuiut the Prussian gov tTLMcut rhh this fajt liut. such an armed !ikli;uin couitifutes a part of the ultixatuiu. T.rw.t iMa:..i:e etitithd to reUv that the con SF CALCES, dow n for trial at a Coiut of Common teas to ut l.cM at hbensLur, for Casub; eoiuity, commencing on MONDAY, the 5th of SEPTEMLER, A. D. 1S5j : SET I'll ti'ious ou-ht to be pvopn-od t-y o the great po vers coi.j.-ititly, and not by Prussia alone, u:d tlr.it su.;!i an anno .1 tu -diafion, made by a mu-Ic power, equiva'eiit to a dee'.arariou oi war ? J'ul whin, to mai-.itaiu the Austrian's :tions in Italy, a Geru.i-u army ol a uiil iiua meu sha'l le put in mutiou to attack l'ra::ee, cat. the Pahi. ute-n-liusstil adminis tration remain iudiilVi :.t sp. ct-iirrs of a tew c- nl'ed rati..ii The jCgii.4i Minestry will, most certainly, t.o! allow a new war to begin without first .xhauti:ig all its powers of per suasion. FiiANKFor.r. Ju'y t It U stated that the in nasals made bv Piu.-.-ia. in the extraordi- -.. r . l I ' ! . F i: Eekenrov'.e Cox Whites Littlu N.A:1.S Teeter Whites f r use M'Miutrie et al. Oouunouw v'.-dUi Kiuise .loherts Uiay, vs Ryan, vs iluiisun, vs i'eaeh, vs Oster. vs Full., vs Haynes, vs Sharp's adm'rs.-, vs Fix, vs .ioreu.na vs Murray, vs Mm ray, vs M'Kibben tt al. J-i-.Pll M'DONALD, Prot'y. Proth'ys oDice, Ebensburg, July 27, 1359. Ii ral Dt. t ou the Gib, "d tCTith tarv lltltliT ol llio rev vv.e i Iio following: . Tlu iuiictroTi of the tiinta n f-s d' ai nice f the Pru -sian army A' .ppcit.ttm. nt !) aT.d of the four non-Pi u-i. tii:.u C'.rf'S iV or nice. Ii T liO placing of all th. tne cOiiuatil Hi 'l- ai.d uon-Aus reserve coutin- 5? l.t force :n reauiness t ii;are Reuxk, July 0th News his been receiv ed frv.n IJi'nnio that n corps of .1,000 to 5, U'jO Tyrolesc Chasseurs had been threaten i: g the Vattellit.e, tut that Several columns uf Garibaldi's and Craldiui's orps had rc pul kcd ihe:n from Odessa, and urivu iliciii as fir as the iirst Canton l'as. It is said that the Tyrolee su!k icd severely the engag; ment. A Frankfort letter announces that the Aus tria died by in government, having been vompc tie buttle cf .Solferino to di.-patch Ut the thea tre of wnr troops which it had held ;n reserve ia tho Tvr 1. and that i'lovinec )kv.j enn.-je- jaeutlv menaced by invuiou by jiriibaldi's corps, it intends to propose to the Diet, in Vutaa of the treaty cf Vim-co whkh reijuires German StaUs to guarai t.'ceach other'! Ger n.an Icrritoiy, to send a German ermy into Tyrol. Kossuth has issued a proclamation, calling 'ii:u Huiigaiian nation to arms, to struggle for liberty, ? ud announces that he v .uld sa ie among them. 'i iu im-.i.'.'iJn rttsKC diseuss-.'S the nos.-ible complications of the war. Prussia, it sas lias ealled out au unity of SOO.OOU m'. n, which Kid be reinforced by the Federul contingent of 150.00G men, aud it is with suc'.i an cnor iuoua display of force that she proposes to of f'.r her mediation to France, and to hasten the conclr.sion of peace. C:ra-al Tom Thumb. General T;ui TLuitib (Charles S. Straiten) was to leave Liverpool in the steamer City of Washington, aud be will probably arrive home on Tuesday stxt. Ho has beeu absent nearly three years, li-j is now over twenty-one years of age, having attained his majority in January last, -itce that period he has managed his own affairs, aud as we understand has conducted his exhibitions successfully Indeed those bo know Lira best say that although an h.faut in size, he is above the average of tboso at his age in point of general intelli- j 'cnce. Having secured a comfortable mde rtiiltnce, Le has concluded to settle down in tb;s. his native city, and take the world easy Ss a "gcntlcmau at large." oceasionally UiuLiig into the couulr professionally for a v,eiks. "just to keep his hand iu." krulq.jMt (Co;t.) J-ui-mcr. ? Y virtue of an order of the Court of Com JLJ nion i'leas i f Cambria county pursuant to procccdui"S in partition to me directed, 1 wid expose to sh'.o by public vendue or outcry, at the late residence el Jacob Rene, djeeaj-ed, in Alle gheny town.-hip, en SATURDAY, the 20th day of AUGUST ntxt, at 2 o'cli-;!;, P.M., the ibi ljwing REAL ESTATE, to wit : A certain tract or pie-ee or parcel et" land situate in the townships of A'deglicny am' Carroll, Can biia county, being part f a larger trsret surveyed in pursuance of a warrant yrantcil to John Lmsly, containing 99 acres and 2l perchct, ttrlct measure, (bo the same more or less,) wiih the .ppurUmances, bouu.ied and described as follows : Reg-inning at a Reech a corner of land of the heirs of John Phaloo, deeM. thence by said land north 89 degrees east 11 perches to a spruce-, thence by same neirth one degree west o9 perches to a post, tl.ence by the s.-iine north S3 degrees ea-t 1U 't-r-ches to a spiuce, thence by the same (iu pait) noTth I degro west 120 pereliea to a Leecii, tht-nce by the residue of the tract of which it is a part, north iD degrees east 45 peiches to a sugar, thence by land of llathia Behe, Rohiey and -:- Sherry, south One degree tst 225 per ches to a post, thence se-uth b"J degrees wist 125 pel dies tj a post, thenc north one degree west tib perches to the place of b giu..hig .i portion of w hn h is cicared, and having ti.eieon erected a lo House, a log Rain and a s.ar.--mil'. TKllMS OF ALE:()i.e half of ti e pur chase money (after deducting the cots and cx- cn-ns i-f the ;ulio!i and proceedings in partition and cf the sale) to remain a lien on the premises, lj;al interest on the sr.id iir.:i to be paid annu ally, from tho elate ol Conlii t::ation ol the sale, to Susan M'Coy , by the purchaser, dining her life time, and the principal at her decease, to the heirs r.t law of Catherine Rehe, d( ceased, in equal proportions, iHai ti.e resn.uc oi tne pur chaao n'.onov to bo prid on v.ni'Tnation of sale. MICHAEL LEAYY, Trustee. July 20, lS59:.')5:5t.- July 20, 1859- SHERIFF'S SALE. BY Virtue of an alias writi of Veiul. Kxpon. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cam bria County, and to me directed there will be ex posed to Public Sale, on the premesis in Chest Springs Borough, Cambria County, on Saturday the Gth day of August next, at 1 o'clock 1'. il. the following real estate, to viz: All the rii'ht title and interest of nham M - Guire, of, iu end to Eighteen lots of ground sit uate in Chest Springs Borough, Cambria County known on the plan of said Borough by the Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. o. 7. 8. 9. 24. 25. 26. 'It. 2d. 29. SO 1. and 32. Lot No. 24 having thereon erected a two story frame house, a frame stable and oth er buildings now in the occupancy of said Wm. M'Gmre. Lot AO 25, having thereon erected a two story frame house in the occupancy of Cor. nelu:i M Guire. Lot No. 29, having thereon erected a 1J story plank house now occupied as School house.-1 Lot No. SO, having thereon erect ed a 14 story plank house, now in the occupan cy of Montgomery Douglass; The remaining 14 Lots improved and under fence, now in the occu pancy of the said William M'Guire. Talieri in Execution and to be sold at the suit of Powell F. Clayton. R. P. LINTON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg July, 13,1859. St. ESTRAY6. CAME to the residence of the subscriber, in Jackson township, about the last of June, TWO COWS, one dark brown with the left horn off at the head, star in her forehead, iu the shape of a heart, white spots on her back and part of her leg and belly white The other a light red a little mixed with brindle, a white spot on her mm) and middling large horns. Tne owner is requested to come forward, property pay charges and take them awfty, otherwise tlrey will be dis posed of according to law, ANDREW DUNMIRE. Jackson tp. July 13-1859. 3t. $40,00 Pays for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the United States. 35T Students attending dally, March 1S59. Ufual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary from. $500 to $1000 Stuednts enter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. 51 1'reiniuiris for best Penmanship Awarded In 1S3S. fjrj-Ministers' Sons received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writiug, inclose two letter stamps, and address, F. W. JENKINS, Tittsburg, Pa. April, 13, 155G. Aug. 11, 1858,-2y. " TO INVALIDS, DR. HARD 31 AN, AXAE.YTICAfc, 1111SIIAX. F11YSIHAI FE BliEMSS GP THE LUES. Formerly Physician to Cincinnati Jllartne llosj'i pital and Invalids' llctrcal, Corresi -tiding Member (f the Londan Medical Society of Observation, Author of LETTERS TO INVALIDS, AXD EDITOR OF TIIE MEDICAL STETHOSCOPE, iiiii si" iffitaw i I I i lSlKiSftL -; ; ;-1 III "3 i O W u fr H S5 p T3 f o a -a o W in n f o m 73 Z o MAY BE CONSULTED AT EBENSBURG, at the "Logan House," on THURSDAY, August 4th. JOHNSTOWN, at the "Foster Douse," on WEDNESDAY August 3d. JEFFERSON, at the "Cambria House." on even ing of August 4th and morning of the 5th. until o'clock, and no later. DR. IIABDMAN treats Consumption, Bron chitis, Laryngitis, Asthma: and a)Z other ffllHE SUBSCRIBER. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS tn CITIZENS OF EBENBUCf AND JL vicinity that he has just received and has on hand the LARGEST, BEST, and MOST COM PLETE stock of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron ware. Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves. Plows-, Points, Wagon boxes, Sugar kettles. &c., ever offered for sale in Ebensburg, consisting of 25 difl'ei ent Patterns of Cook Stoves of all sizes; 20 different patterns of Parlor and Heating Stoves of all sizes; 10 different kinds of Plows; Sugar kettles and Wagon boxes of all sizes; Brass and Copper Kettles of all sizes; Preserving Kettles of all sizes; Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "ware of "every de scription. , Also He has just received a large assortment cf HARDWARE and CUTLERY ': House "furm sit ing AYare, Harvesting Tools, Carpenter's Tools, A'c, &c all of which he will sell very low for CASH. Persons wishing any th'ng in his lino he respectfully invites to give him a call and examine hfa prices. CCT dob work of ; all kinds uone on the shortest notice. Also House Spouting mace aivd put up on the shortest notice & most reasonable terms for cash fjC?- Country -Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. Also Cherry, Ash. and Poplar lumber, old Metal, Copper, Brass, Pewter, &c taken in exchange. GEORGE HUNTLEY- N. B. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me by Note or Book Account are respect fully invited to call with their cash and settle up immediately. Ebensburg, July 13, 1859. GEORGE HUNTLEY. GEO. R. LEVIS, EL D., FfENDERS bis professional services to the citi JL zens of Ebensburg aiKL-Tficinitj-, he may be found in the Office forme ry occupied by Dr. D. W. Lewis. Night calls may be made at the office. July G, 1859-tf. NOTICE. pnilhl subscriber having disposed of his stock of 1- Medicines, &c, to Dr. Geo. R. Lewis, in tends removing from this place. All persons knowing 'themselves indebted to him cither by Note or Book account, are hereby notified to come forward and settle the same without delay, as after the 20th instant they will be placed iu the hands of the iroper officers for collection. 1 - f t nrio D. W. LEWIS. July C, 1859.-33-3t. THE Ofiio rs and Managers of the CAMBRIA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY are re nucsled to toeet at the ofi-j of the Secretary, in Ebensburg, at one o'clock, P. M., on SATUR DAY, the Gth d.-.y of AUGUST next. As busi ness of impoitanee is to be transacted, a general att.n 1 nice is desired. ' By order of the President. PHIL S. NOON, Sec'y. July l0, lSZ0,'Zt Tiie following are the Officers and Managers President, James Myers; Viie Presidents, Jacob Fronliaer jiii1 John Thompson, Jr. ; Managers, Rees Jno. Lloyd, J. A. Blair, William Kaylor, M. ii. Adams and John Evans, (Smith ;) lreas; ttrXT, A. C Mul'in. Aidicipatinj the JTuiionul Convention. j'-e Londcn A'cirs devotes au article to Mr. Reward, as the lie publican caudidaW for the Presidency cf the UuiteJ States, aud udvises -itn whut to do in regard to the African slave hade, as toou as he gets to the White House, ir. Seward ni ist feel grateful for such dis interested concern in his political welfare, whatever he may think of the propriety of ivirg advise at this time, nearly two years before, under the most favorable circuuiEian- Ces, hp pritdd rinccihlv rait it int-i nr9f.li.A . .: r j r fv The It ipullicau Convention must also feel uickltcd to the Acrs for takincr tbeluomina- 'u out cf their hands and 60 rjuietly settling miitter that UiUaliy brings with lt-a great U---1 cf trouble. vv rtcsiv Siuircl aud Trout. N TUUURS'UAAS' COURT OF fJiilA CCl.VTY. N the matter of the writ of Partition or Valu itiou on the Real Estate of Thomas Croyle, late of Sum morbid township, now Croyle town shin, Cambria county, deceased. To Mary Croyle, now residing in Wisconsin, and Susan Croyle, u jv residing iu Ohio, heirs of Frederick Coyle, dec d. ; Catherine Reynolds, intermarried with V. itliam Shaefler. now resi ding in Illinois; Joshua ReyuoliU and William EeynoMs, now residing in Illinois, and Abraham R t .Jds, now residing in n estmoiclaud coun ty, lenna.. heirs ol Margaret Croyle, luterraar ried with William Reynolds, both of whom are dead, and to all other persons legally interested in the partition or valuation of said estate You are hereby notified that iu pursuance of a writ of Partition or aniatiou, issued out ot the Orphans' Court of said county, and to me direc ted. I will hold the same on the piemisesde scribed in said writ, situate in Croyle township in KJLh' ri.iiotv- on TUESDAY, the 23d day of AKCl'ST next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where you may attend if vou see proper. ROBERT P. LINTON. Sheriff. July 20, 1859: 4 1, Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, ) J Xevr Tailoriiiff i:stabsiiisent. 5 HIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Ebensburg and vi cinity that he has opened a tailoring establish ment next door to Dr. Bunn's Drug Store.w here he is prepared to manufacture garments of the latest sfleand most complete workmanship. lie hopes, by strict attention to bussiness, to merit and receive a share ot patronage. THOMAS DEVINE. July C, l&59:tf BBLS. N. O. & WHITE SUGAR'S, . 5 Bbls. N. O. Molasses, 5 " Goldez Svrup, For sale bv E. HUGHES. July 13, 1859. Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, by MEDICA TED INHALATION. The great point in the treatment of a human maladies; is to get at the disease in a direct man ner. Ail medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relief. This is the im portant fact upon which inhalation is based. If the stomach is diseased, wu take medicine di rectly into the stomach. If the lungs are dis eased , berathe or inhale medicated vapors directly into them. The reason why Consumption and dh-eases of the-Lungs have heretofore resisted all treatment, has been because they were m t ap proached in a direct manner by medicines. They were intended to be local, and yet they were so administered that they could not act constitu tionally, expending their immediate action upon the stomach, whilst the f-ul urcers among-the lung were uumolei'ted. 1NI1ALAT1DN brings the medicine iuto direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantages of any violent action. Its annlication is so simple that it may be cm ployed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or interfere in the least with the strength, comfort or business of the patient. Other Diseases Treated. CO- No chi.rge for consultation. Id relation to the following eliseascs, either when complicated with Lung affect'on or existing alone, I also invite consultation usually find them Frottqt'y Curuhe. .. Pro'apsus and all form of Female Coirplaints, Irrcgulai'iUeS and Weakness. Palpitation and othe- forms cf Heart Disease, Liver Complaints. Dyspepsia, and all other dis eases of stomach an 1 bowels, pile?, &c. Mr. Hardman treats ail chronic or long stand ing diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Bow pis, Bladder, Kidneys, Brain, HeAit, Nerves, Womb, Spleen, Spi-e, Eyes, Ears. A-c, Scrofu la, Fits, Cancer, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Skin Diseases, Fever Sores, Caiarrh, Seminal W eak ness, neuralgia, w lutes, insanity, uyspepsia, Giddiness, Heat of Urine, Syphilis. Piles, Sick Headache, Enlarged lonsils, &c. May 25, 1859:Grn. ITUMRHREY'S SjL SPECIFIC IIOMCEOrATIIlC REMEDIES, No. 5G2 BROADWAY. TIIE CHEAT FEATURE Of this series of Domestic llt-medits is that each l; irtic'alar medicine is a Specific for the partic ular disease or clas-s of disease whose name it bears, and may be relied upon for the cure of that particular affection. Hence, persons suffer ing from a chronic disease or long-standing ailment-, in buying a case of EcJiPmtiiv's Specifics obtain the particular one desired iu their case, and thus themselves make a cure which other wise would cost them many dollars, and no small amount of time and medical attendance, if, in .li.aA if rmild hr- obtilil.pd fit. all. Thus multitudes suffer from D'tspkpsia, Bil ious Condition-, CostivknkS, Sad Taste. CoATti Tongve and Debility, which is per fectly controlled and cured bv the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or form of this dis ease which is not promptlv con t robed and ulti matelv cured bv the use of this Specific. Thous ands who have suffered for vears with thi "Bilious Condition" having purchased a case ol these Specifics, have obtained a perfect cure and immunity from their old complaint. COUGHS, COLDS AND SORE THROATS, which so frequently lead to BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION are all in their earlv stage secured bv the COUGH PILLS. Many cases of long standing Bronchitis and ini tatin Coughs have been perfectly curcel by this Specific. But inoie! many persons have a spe 1 ciiie liability to colds and take them from the leust t xposure. i las will he entir .-ly rcueved by thc use of the COUGH TILLS, as scores can nnilE SUBSCRIBER, SUCCESSOR TO G. L. 1 LLOYD & CO., at Jefferson, respectfully offers to the public, an extensi ve aud well se lected assortment of DRYGOObS, GROCER IES, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Ready Made Clothing. Hardware, Qiiernsware, Paints. Glasi, Oils, and all the articles usually' required for Family Building, and Manufactoring purposes. A Stock of Drug's, Dye Stuns, and family med icines, that for quality and variety is not surpas sed, (if equalled in the county.) All of which he will sell at the lowest possible prices tor cash or Country Produce. ALSO, A large amount of Snruce and l ine Lumber constantly on hands, and Bills for Lumber sawed to order at the shortest possible notice. ROBERT FUNIS. Jefferson, May 20, 1857 tf. STRAY liEIFEK. T1AME to the rcsultjr.ee of tho .subsci iber in j Washington township, op or about the 14th of this month, a RED AND WHITE MULEY UEIFFER, supposed to be -two yetus old. o artificial marks discovered on her. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. M.M.ADAMS. July 1C, I859.35.3t. LIGHT TWO HORSE OR MARKET WA GON, for sale by E. HUGHES. July 13, 1S50. ahjiixistratok-s xotice. W F.TTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Cambria County, on the Estate cf John Noel, lite of Washington Town.-hip, Cambria County, deceased. Ail persons knowing themselves in debted to said Estate are hereby reque: ted to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. M4RY A. NOEL, Adm'x. JOHN C. NOEL, Adm'r. June, 22, 1859 31 ut. . ADlMISilSTRATORS KOTICE. -g" ETTERS of administration having been gran JLi ted to tho undersigned, by the Register of Cambria Cjunty. ou the Estate of Michael Bal- weaver, late of Chest Township. Cambria County, deceased. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to piesent them properly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL KIBLER, Adminis JOSEPII GILL, trators. Chest tp., June 15, 1859. 30-0t. MOUNTAIN HO USE. Summiticille, Cambria co., Pa. JAiiES W. Condon, Proprietor. The proprietor assures the public, that no pains will be spared to render Ins guests comfortable. July 28, 1858. 37. LUMBER. PINE POPLAR CHERRY AND ASH LUM- ber bought and scld by (.Address Brooklyn P, O., Pox 320.) THE IARAGOAT kL'iF-GE3iERATI.G GAS BURNER. Thi9 valuable patent, portable, self-generating Gas Burner is offered to the public, iii full con fidence of its positive superiority over every other nAN'D-LiGtiT in cxistance, for Simplicity , S.vflty, Economy, and builliancy of light iu any temperature. It is devoid of smell, smoke or flicker, giv ing a steady, cheap and URILL1AXT GAS-LIGHT. requiring no trimming, or other attention, except simply filling the lamp with good burning fluid, one quart ot tne mna converieu into gas m me Burner, giving a full, bkoad and clear flame eighteen hour. This light, which is equal to that from eight ordinary wick'd tubes, at an expense of but three, is also, under complete control, being reduced by a simple process, from a full blaze tc. n small one, and as quickly restor ed to its full capacity. The Lurrc-r can be readily applied to all styles of Oil. Kekoskxe, Campufnk and Bup.NiF.i-Fluid Lamps; also, on pressure arid with founts to Gas fixtures, in all their varieties. It is admirably adapted for lighting churches, dwellings, lecture-rooms, halls, shops, steambrats and railroad cars, or wherever a good light is desired. Parties desirous of securing the right of territory for a valuable article that will com mend itself, should make early application, only to the undersigned. Burners, Lamps, &C, supplied in any quan tity, with promptness forwarded by express to all parts of the United States payable, cash ou delivery. BUTLER, HQS FORD & Co., Proprietors. No. 2 Court Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. or, 171 Broadway, and No, 1 Courtlandt St New York. fjg-Can be seen burning at the office of this paper. June 29-1859. S2-9t. 1 ii. HUGHES. Jiirte 29th 1859. tf. THE PAMPHLET LAWS OF TIIE LAST session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania have been received at this office, and are ready for distribution to persons entitled to receive them. JOS. M'DONALD. Trothy's cfiice, Ebtu-burg, June 29, 1859. tf mm mm I IT v i"r -v. mil t. H..i'.'n THE undersigned has just opened an ICE CREAM SALOON, two doors East of Foster's Hotel, and will keep constantly on hand ft sup ply of ICE CREAM of a superior quality rHsrioMfiillv invites the lovers of this weather luxury to give him a call. A. BLAIN. Ebensburr. June 1. 1859. 28-tf.' lie warm o J. c. xoo.v, Attorney at Low, Kbenslmrg Pa, , FFICE IN COLONADE ROW. Noy. 11, 1857:1. t ABRAHAM KOPEL1V, Attorney at Law Johnstown OFFICE on Clinton Street, a Tew doors north of the corner of llaiu and C&ilo4 April 23, 1853 tcotifv from experience. So CATARRH is one of our most common and most troublesome diseases, against which the Old School Medicines aud even Homoeopathic prescriptions, arc of veiy lil tie use. Yet hundreds of persons have been cured of not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstinate, cases of CATARRH byr the use of this specific. One aged lady in Sy racuse was thus perfectly cured of a Catarrh, which had annoyed htr all her life. And a young lady at one of our first class boarding schools, who was so afilicted with this disease as to require more than torty hand kerchiefs a week, was entirely cured in a single week by this Specific. PILES, bleeding and blind, some of those Common and obstinate ferms of disease which are so difficult to cure by the ordinary uu thods, but hich find an entiro and fundamental cure in the Piles Spe cific. True, time is required ; but the Specific is nleasant to take, room res ncitlicr oitt nor re straint, and being fallowed up n perfect cure is the result. Hundreds of persons, in purchasin a ease of Specifics, have obtained a cure for this rn jst trying and obstinate form of disease, w hich has been worth to thehi ten times the cost of the entire set. Cases of over twenty years' stand ing have been cured by tlr-s simple Specific, and we believe may be cured by perseverance. The case contains the best FEVER AND AGUE SPECIFIC known. A remedy without any deleterious or poisonous substance, which not only cures the ague, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon as a preventive when persons are re siding in a fever and ague district. It prevents or protects upon the same principle that vaccina tion prevents small j, or bell.idonea prevents scarlet fever, by pre occupying ti e system "with thp true Snceifie. Hundreds "have been thus I Tirnt.Pftpd and cured. THE OPTIlALMY SPECIFIC has proved a most invaluable remedy for SORE EYES and EYELIDS, and for WEAK and BLURRED SIGHT. One lady in Indiana, who had been a sufferer from sore eye-s for many veais, and for two yeirs was entirely blind, was cured perfectly by the Opfhalmy Specific alone. " HEADACHES, to which so many are subject, find a curative in he case. There is a specific which relieves at the time tf the attack, and also one w hich cor rects the condition of the system upon which it dependsj and so destroys the predisposition to a return. Tb'e specifics for the various forms of FEMALE COMPLAINTS have proved invaluable. Old l.OG standing LEOCOUlUlyEA cr WHITES, attended with debility oi exhaustion, and for which other forms of medicine are of little ralue. Are fully controlled and cured bv the FEMALE PILLS, while the specific for ihrloulauities control jlmost every form of SCANTY, PAINFUL or IRllEC.ULAK MEN ST1UATION. DIARRHOEAS AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS in adults or children are controlled like magic by the DiAitr.!i03A Pills, while it may hi averred without the possibility of successful contradiction that tlie Dysentky Pills arc the most perfect Specific tor that disease known. For the various forms of FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER. MEASLES, And other diseases, of childicn. tho Feveu PlI.LS 1 I : . miv be snfelv and surely relied uiion. These SiMY-mcs arc Hie prescriptions ol 1 rol. HUM R1I KEYS, used for years in his extensive practice, and to the perfection of which he has oted the resources ot extensive snowicc lifetime Of Dr. II. no one Las been or 'shall bo intrusted with the preparation of his Specifics, anil he offers the guaranty of his professional Hfij and reputation that they shall be jnst as he rep resents them. They have now been before the pulRc for five years, and have every where won golden "ApiYuoriS lrom the many thousands who have used them. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready recourse and aid of the parent, traveler, nurse, or invalid, and have become the family phyMcian and medical adviser of thousauds of families. Nowhere bav they been tried without h;rviug tetn approved, and their highest appreciation is among those who have known them longest and most inti matelv. Evj ry family will find thTse SPECIFICS all they have been recommended ; prompt, relia ble. SIS.PI.E and EKriTJACIOUS ; often a FUItND is need ami a i hh.ni indeed. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. 1. FEVER PILLS For Fever, Congestion and Inflammation of al! kinds. No. 2. WORM I ILLS For Womr Fever, Worm Colic, and Wetting the Bed. No. 3. BABY'S PILLS lr Coc. Crving, Teething and Wakefulness, and Nervousness of Adults. No. 4. DIAREIKEA PILI.S For Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum and Summer Complaint. No. 5. DYSENTERY PI LLS For Cholie, Gri ping, Dvsentery ir Bloody Flux-. No. CHOLERA PlI.LS For Uiolcra, Chole cra Mubus. Vomiting. No. 7. COUGH PILLS For Coughs. Colds. Hoarseness. Influenza and S-.re throat. No. 8. TOOTHACHE 1 ILLS For Toothache. Fac?ache and Neuralgia. No. 9. HEADACHE PILLS For Headache Vertigo. Heat and Fullness of the Head. No. 10. DYSPEPSIA PILLS For Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation and Liver (J -in plaint. No. 11. FOR FEMALE IRREGULARITIES Scanty, Painful or Suppressed Periods. No. 12. FEMALE PILLS For Leucorrhoea, Profuse Menses and Bearing Down. No. 13. CROUP PILLS For Croup, Hoarse Cough. Bad Breathing. No. 14. SALT BULL M PILLS l or Erysipelas, Eruptions. Pimples n the Face. No. 15. RllEUMATFJ TILLS For Pain.Lame ness cr Soreness in the Chest, Back, Lains or Limbs. A. For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Dubib Ague, ohl rnii-mannfted Agues. , P. For Files, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External. O. For Sore, Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids, Failing, Weak or Blurred Sight. -C. For Catarrh, of long standing er recent, either with oLstrucliuii or profuse discharge. W. C. For Whooping Cough, abating its vio lence and shtiitemrig its course. PRICES. Full set, 20 large vials, in Morocco Case Case and Book, , Full set, 20 large vials, iu Plain Case and Book, , Case of 15 numbered boxes and Book. Case of any G numbered bexes and Ik ok. Single numbered boxes, with directions; Single lettered boxes, with dnectibus, Large plantation or physician's case, 1 and 2 oz. vials, $5-u6 4.00 2.00 l.CM 25 50 13.00 OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list, make up a case of what kind you choose, and enclose the amount iu a current note or stamps by mail, to our address, at No. 5C2 Broadway, New York, and the medi cine will be duly forwarded by mail or cxprtrs-s. free of charge -. Address DR. F, HUM PREYS & Co . Ko. 5'. 2 Bruodwav. New Yors. CCJ- S..ld in EBENSBURG, by JOllN RO DO ERS, Jr.. and by all Druggists generally. June 29, 1859.Cm. THE undersigned offers at private sale ljis FARM, 'situate in Susquehanna tovihip. XJam-. bria county, containing about TWO HUNDRED ACRES, about forty of which are cleared, and having thereon eree'ed a large PAXK BARN, ft CABIN HOUSE and large DWELLING HOUSE in process cf erection. The land is well timl ered with White Fine, vak ol every Hum, vc. it i well supplied by never-failing Spungs of water, and there are three Sawmills convenient to the property. The hind contains coal, iron ore and limestone, pronounced to 1? good by comj-ctcnt . T.i . . 1 . I . I i" U gCS. Bliil UlC tract is Known i.y me name i laniCSIOue I'laee. s n iinonjrum oil; inn "in be given. The properly is within about two miles of Joseph's (Catholic) Church, and aKut four miles from Carroll town. 1 will sell ci-eap. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises, tr address him ny leiter ai v-ar-ii i t nn?jrvrv. rou tow ii. a. - Jure 15, 1850:3m deve fexperhr.ee and study. The public niay re-l ,u.red FASHIONABLE TAILOR. nnilE undersigned takes this method of inf. rm JL ing the tishiiiabie3 of Eber.sburg and vi cinity, that be has commencea CmI Qurin the bu:-ineis in this . ... . . ,-ti o f. 1 IT to n, two floors est oi amis iv i.vnrs- arw Rc m. He is fully competent to satisfy the rnoat fastidious. s T. J. JAMHS. Llcbar, Juue fc, tS53- ou-. I o O a o