4 rrom Washington. Washington, June 10. The Secretary of tho Treasury gives notice JDC rnnosals will bo given until the F-.,f f.ir tLe issue of any portion, or - hole of five millions dollars in Treasury tte ; exchange for the gold coins of the tha mithoritv of the acts of l" '3 of 1S57 and 1859, the interest not CCgcced 6 per centum per annual. The re w.e?. of the Treasury for tho week ending tfmdav last, amounted to $293,000 ; 4 ft S-574'000- addition to the twelve army officers, e names have heretofore been published, c Cooke, of the dragoon, and Col. Thayer li,P corps of -engineers, have obtained per- -,n from the War Department to go wni tte U. S. They will visit Europe to Jcrve tLe military operations going on at th The tcwira Fulton and Water Witch will , rtv be despatched to the Gulf of Mexico, joJ he Home Squadron will be further ic- "cn'a"' Washington, June 13. The Secretary of tho Navy, by order of , prudent has named the purchased ves- j; respectfully .Mystic, Wyandott, Suuipter, Mohawk, Anaeostia, and Crusader. The Vtstio and Suuipter are to be added to the frican Squadron, making thirteen in all. Lieut. Maffit, who captured the Echo, is to have comroaud of the Crusader, and Lieut. frarrn of one of the other vessels which is vra," v nr:ii: oiug to the uUil. Vjouiuianucr iiiiuim 'received preparatory orders to the Ful- ItSS tin He Tnuc:i'Ul oijeci in aumentin? the f nlf P.iuadroa at this time is to look after ,. :,. ini.-rrsts 'cm-rail v. ami .in cao of any emerge Ley to protect them at all hazards. To display a pretty strong American force u,!l iiort a rood it.ftufiico, T',.. irOWUUlv.-lU U.t-5 i not di-cidod ipon any will pur- deSiiUe policy as to the course they i( io rojiar. affairs, and are uvnhhip further advices. TLe admiuistratiou are uot fully advised ,;h reference tn the intention of the English Trench Ministers. It is stoutly denied tliit tb"?e Ministers a-e throwing any obsta- c'.-.j in the way of tlu Juarez government An unwarrat: table iriteferance on their pirt ju.-t at tliis fme with. Mexican atlaus, nngnt n.aite plenty of work for our squadron. Tuerc is uo teliiug what may happen. Washington, Juue 14. The Light House Board has purchased cf the Navy Department the pteaiuer Arctic, which had become uuat for thft naval service. It m to be converted into a light boac. and e&chored to warn mariners of the Rattlesnake floats nc?.r Charleston S. C The seventh annual exhibition of the Uni ted States Agricultural Society will be held at Chicago on the 12 of September next Commander Livingston has been ordered to the command of the receiving ship at lios- t..n. vi Stoddard, who has been detached on account of sickness. It is now positively ascertained that there n Tin truth in the retort that Mr. Sli Jell taa been appointed Miuister to France. Washington, June 15 The U. S. war vessels, Levant, Wyoming and Lancat-rer, which are to compose part of 1A1O Pacific Squadron, will visit Chili, in view i i . rr .1 .. I (l fur uiieiiicu auairs iu iiiui U'Uuu . auu ti? recent outra-rous oa our citizens. If is known that instructions have already fuD forwarded to our minister to dciuaud reparation for the wrungs committed. There, is no probability that tlio uavl force in the Mediterranean will ba increased. The j?vy department has receive ! infnr- natum the death of Lieutenant Ducr in Flor: :iia. Important from Mexico. New Orleans, June 14. Advices from Vera Cruz have been rcceiv- el to die lot! ins!., via Havana. Miramo: is reported to have surpressed the l'ronuiicia uutito u.aio at the capifl, by the priests, in fivor of Zuloaga, including the grant of the (Lurch property. The church party had hied MiifcUion, but the latter I ad arrested tho principal priests and scut them to Vera Cim. The Liberals are greatly encouraged by the reccr.t events at the capital. -It is also rjorted that Zuloago had been imprisoned Ly MirjLBiou, Miraraon had decreed that the importations at Vera Cruz should be confis cated and Lai modified the ad valorem duty. The Marques expedition against Morelia Lil been diiven back, but the town had been ravaged and tho woman whipped to force thorn to discover their hidden treasures The Americans and other foreigners suffer 1 severely. Mr. Jlack, the American con w!, is reported to be going to Vera Cruz for safety from the rabble of the army, Mr. M. Bahe arrived at Vera Cruz on the 20th ult. Senor Bonella, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, has issued another decree in which he states the Americans are not ac countable for the acts of President Buchanan 1jo he says is opposed by twenty-six of the thirty-two states of the. North. American Finoa. General Cabos is reported to be at Oajaca. Letters from private parties give the advice M to cross the Ithmus in the present condi tion of affairs. Arrival ortlie Overland Mail. St. Locis, June 13th. The overland mail which arrived here on Saturday brought California papers of the '-Uth ult. Tho proprietors of the San Fran cisco Bulletin have been fined one hundred dollars for publishing the confession of Mrs. Sickles. Lieut Beale's party had been attacked at Pahutah Springs, by the Mohave Indians. The TJ. S. jJoop of war Decatur arrived at San Francisco on the 18th. The passengers by the overland mail re port about 3,000 Texans encamped near Belknap for the purpose of exterminating the Caedo Pieserve Indians. The Governor of Texas Lad called on the U. S. troops to quell fte disturbance, and Maj. Van Doren had arrived in the vicinity with three companies Jf dragoons ou the way from fort Wachita to &lknap. Maj. Doran encountered a large body of Apacha Indians, aud killed 40 or 50 and took prisoners. A special dispatch from Independence to tbe Republican says that a party of II. S wMiers Burprisad about eighty lodges of Cam aches near Pawnee Rock, aod killed 25 men aid 20 women. Horrible Cruelty at Sea. Tho trial of Capt. Ephraiui Pendleton, for alleged cruelty to a seaman, was, at last ac counts, proceeding in San Francisco, and de veloped a fearful chapter of the woes of sea men. The following evidence was elicited: Wm. Johnston sworn. I was an ordinary seaman on board the bark Sarah Parks, on her late voyage from Cardiff to this port; I was whipped on board several times; on the first occasion, I took a little bread, for which I was whipped; was hauled up by the hands wun a piece or rope; tlie captain struct me vith a piece of rope; my back and stomach were cut all to pieces; the cook rubbed the wounded places with salt pickle; after the pickle was used on me, I was put over the bows and kept there all day; one morning, at 4 o'clock, while at the wheel, I was so hungry that I could hardly stand upon uiy feet; 1 had to leave the wheel and go down to the scuttlii to take some bread; the second mate came on the poop and saw I was down there; tho second mate said he would go and tell the captain, for doing this; the captain tied me to the strong back and fiofrsted me; 115 lashes with a cane were given on my bare back; the captain took me down, but put me up agaiu, aud gave me 12 more lashes; after receiving the last twelve, irons were put on my wrists and then fastened to the ring-bolt, lying down; two buckets of water were thrown over me; I was then taken down through the after-hatch to the coal between decks, with irons on, and there fastened to a stanchion; could not stand up; the space between th coal and the upper deck . was from feet to waist: could not slide the irons up on the stanchions; was kept there eleven or twelve day; remained there until we reached San Francisco. LETTING. TT&ROl'OSALS will he received by the Com Jl niissioners of Cambria County, at their 01- e m the Borough of h.bensuurg, on r riday tho 8th day of July next, untd 5 o'clock V. M. for Uirnishinjr material and builiiii)": aUruige across the Conamaugh lliver, near Summcrhill Station renua. K;il Iload. ALSO. For a Bridge across the Susquehaiin River, near Peter Garmau's mill in Susquehann lownsliin. 1 lans and biiecincations ct s:iu l.ndges will be exhibited m the (Jommissioner Oitiee on s:iid d.vv. THOMAS JrCONXELL, NELL, ) ARER, Vl LOYD, J JUliiN iriAiirjii. jomt5 ABEL LI Attest G. C. K. Zaiist. Clk June 22, 1859. St. A 1)31 X ISTUATOR'S AOTlt) E. TT KTTERS of Administration having been iJi granted to the undersigned by the llegiste of Cambria County, on the Estate ot" John Noel late of Washington Township, Cambria County def eased. All persons knowifig thomselves in debted to said Estate are hereby requested to make immediate p-mcnt, and those bavin cla ms against said estate are requested to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. M4RY A. NOEL, Adm'x. JOI1NC. -31 Ct. NOEL, Adm'r. June, 22, 1859- LETTING. Q MA LED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIV O ! until Thursday, June 24th, at the Engi. neer's Office, in Ebensburg, fr the graduation .nrtd M.isonary on Sections No. 1 to No. 10, inclu sive, of the Cresson and Ebensbnrg Rail Road; th:s comprehends much desirable work for Con tr;:"t. rs. I'r--files and Specifications may be seen at ths GEO. W. Engineer Deytartrarnt, LEUFFER. En; ,inccr. .hn 15. lBoO, 2w. J AUJinBSTRA iORS SOTICL. "P" ETTERS of administration having been gran A ted to the undersigned, by the Register of Gait.bria (Jjnnty, on the Estate of Michael Bal weaver, late of Chest Township, Cambria County, deceased. All persons knowing themselves in- deote-i to said estate are requested to make lm-nn-.liate payment, and those having claims against said i state are requested to present them properly uuliieiiticated tor settlement. MICHAEL KIBLER, Adminis- JO.SEPH GILL, jtrators. Chct tp., June 15, 1859. 30-6t. XOTICE. f JPIIE NOTES AND BOOKS OF THE ES- K tite of James M'Dern.itt, late of Ebens burg borough, Cambria county, deceased, have been t. it in the hands of II. Ivinkead for coilec tiod All persons knowing themselves indebted to s.iid estate will save costs by calling and set tling their accounts before the 1st of August. PATRICK DONOUGIIE, Adm'r. June 15. 1850. 3l F4R3Z FOR S 4L5. THE undersigned offers at private sale bis FARM, situate in Susquehanna township, Cam bria county, containing about TWO HUNDRED ACRES, about forty of which are cleared, and having thereon erec'.ed a lanre BANK BARN, CABIN HOUSE and large DWELLING HOUSE io process of erection. The land is well timbered with White Pine, Oak of every kind, &c. It is well supplied by never-failing springs of water, and there are three Sawmills convenient to the property. The land contains coal, iron ore and limestone, pronounced to be good by competent judges, and the tract is known by the name of "Limestone place." An indisputable title will be given. The property is within about two miles of Joseph's (Catholic) Church, and alwut four miles from Carrolltown. I will sell cheap. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises, or address him by letter at Car rolltown. LAURENCE DEE. June 15, lS50:3m ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, (residing in Green township, Indiana County,) by the Register of Cambria county, on the estate of John D. Jones, late of Carroll township, Cambria county, dee'd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them properly authenti cated for settlement. JOHN MARTIN, Adm'r. June 8, 1859,-29-6t. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. THE undersigned takes this method of Tnforra inc the Fashionables of Ebensburg and vi cinity, tliat he has commenced business in this tovn, two doors West of Mills & Evans' Ware Room. He h fully competent to satisfy the most fastidious. T. J. JAMES. Etenaburg, June 8, 1850. 3ms. JACKSON & CLARK, SURGEON DENTISTS, JOHNSTOWN, PA. o NE of the firm will be in Ebensburg during the first ten davs of each month, during which time all persons dci- ring his professional services can find him at the office of Dr. Lewis, nearly oppo eite Blair't Hotel.'. may26,1859tf. MASO. ii. DIXON'S L1XE. I THE MASON & DIXON'S LINE IS A BEAUTIFUL WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED Family Paper, TUBLISUED BY C. B.TOWN & CO., No. 93 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.' The "Jlason & Dixon's Line" is one of the Largest and Best Literary Papers of the Day! s m . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Copy, one year, $2.00 and 1 Gift. 1 Cojvy, three years, 6.00 and 3 Gifts. TO CLUBS: 3 Copies, one year, $5.00 and 3 Gifts. 5 -' do 8.C0 and 5 Gifts. 10 " and 1 copy to get ter up of the Club, 15.00 and 10 Gifts. 21 Copies and 1 copy to get ter up of tbe Club, 30.00 and 21 UUts. Every Subscriber trill be Entitled to a Gift Worth From 25 Cents to 200 ! ! Which will be sent by mail or express immedi ately on receipt of the Subscription money. List or Gilts : 10 Piano Fortes, $200 each. 20 Gold Hunting Cased Watches, 125 " 60 Gold Watches, 100 " 50 Melcdeons, 100 " 100 Gold Watches, 75 200 " " 60 500 " " 35 1000 " " . 25 2000 Silver Watches, 15 1000 " " 10 2000 Gold Guard and Vest Chains, 20 6000 " " ' 15 Coral, Garnet. Emerald, Cameo, Mosaic, Lava Jet and Gold Stone Sets; Gold Lockets, Gold Fens and Cases; Gold, Coral, Carnet, Cameo and Mosaic Bracelets; Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Fob Slides, Bosom Studs, Silver Forks, Butter Knives, Ear Drops, Pins, &'c, &c. worth from 25 Cents to $15 each. 7" The Gift will be sent immediately on re ceipt of the Subscriitiun money. Address C. B. TOWN & CO., Publishers of "Mason & Dixon's Line," No. 93 Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md. June 15, 1859.Cin. ESTEAYS. CAME to the residence of Frederick George, iu Washington township, Cambria Gounty, on or about the 27th day of May, 17 head of YOUNG CATTLE, marked and descriled as follows: 1 Red aud white yearling Steer, with a heart in his face and piece off both ears; 1 red yearling lleifler, no mark; 1 black yearling Ileiffer, with a white stripe ou the back, no mark; 1 spotted yearling Steer, no mark; 1 brindle mooly Bull, 2 yeai old, no mark; 1 red and white mooly Steer, 2 year old, with a heart in his face, a piece off both ears and notch in right ear; 1 red Steer with a white face, a piece off left ear notch in right; 1 red Ileirkr, with a white stripe on the Lack, no mmk; 1 rea Ileiner, with apircecfl both ears and notch in right ear; 1 speckeled Steer, same mark; 1 red and white mooly Steer, same mark; blue Steer, same mark; 1 red and while year ling Ileiffer, same mark; 1 brindle mooly Ileiffer with a piece off left ear and notch in right, 1 red mooly Jleitler, same mark; l Ted lleiuor, with a piece off left ear and slit iu the right; 1 brindle Ste: r, with a piece off both ears and notch in the right car. lhe owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. N. JL. Iney are now in my possession, DAVID SHARP, June 8, 1859-29-3t Township Clerk. H. S. BiraH, M. D. FREX A th DERS HIS PROFESSIONAL Services to Store oa High Street, opposite Thompson's tel. Ho- Ebensburg, May, 4,-1859.-24-y. DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS! ! JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE BY R. S BUNN, M. D., A general assortment of DRTJGS, MEDICINES, Spices, Oils, Paints. Dye-Stuffs, BRANDIES, TOIS, CIS El, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Brushes, Combs, Statiou erv Blank Books, Pet turnery, Soaps, lobacco Segars, SnutTa and other articles usually kept Drug Stores. R. S. BUNN, M. D. Eben.-,burg, May, 4, 1859.-L'4-ly. LOBETTO FOODKY. npHK UNDERSIGNED having dissolved part Ji. nerslup with J. M. Snowuen, (lately tl firm of Snowden Blake,) begs leave to inform his mends and the public that the rUUMnli will hercaficr becarrieilon bvbim, and all kind of Machinery manufactured to order. He will manufacture and keep constantly for sale THRASHING MACHINES, which will he acknowledged by all who use theni to be the best now belore the public. Ihey are a decided improvement r.n the Machines now generally in use. being constructed with an en tire tumbling shaft, or if desired, can be run with a strap. He will also manufacture snd sell cheap PLOWS and PLOW CAST'NGS of all descriptions. Saw Mill and Grist Mill Castings made ti order, and fitted up if desired. He will manufacture and bell a CIDER MILL which will rpass anvthing of the kind ever offered for sale in this country. Also, a Corn Stalk Cutter and Crusher, an important Machine, which no Far mer should be without after be has tested it. All kinds of country pioduce will be received by him in payment fcr articles purchased. Hor ses will be received in payment tor .thrashing Machines. WILLIAM B. BLAKE. Loretto, April 20. 1859-6m - IB mm mm, THE undersigned has just opened an ICE CREAM SALOON, two doers East of Foster's Hotel, and will keep constantly on hand a sup ply of ICE CREAM of a superior quality. He I respectfully invites the lovers of this warm weather luxury to give him a call. A. BLAIN. Ebcnsburr, June 1, 1859. 23-tf. JOUX SSIARXIAUGII, Justice of the Peace, Summltlv tile, Pa. 4 LL BUSINESS INTRUSTED TO HIS J a care will be promptly attended to. He will also act ass Auctioneer at Public Sales whenever his services in that capacity are required. April 28, 1858:24 . . GEO M. EEED. T. I.. HETER Ebensburg, . ' Johnstown RCCD & IIEYEK, Attorneys at Lavr ounsel given in the English and German languages.' - Offica on High StreetEbenftburg, Ton V Feb. 6,1856. ly , - TO INVALIDS. DR. HARD MAN, 'AUTAIITTICAIj piitsiciaivv AND - - - - . L Formerly Physician io Cincinnati Marine IIosj pilal and Invalid' Retreat, Corresponding Member of the Londan Medical Society of Observation, Author cf LETTERS TO INVALIDS, AND EDITOR OF TUB MEDICAL STETHOSCOPE, MAY BE CONSULTED AT EBENSBURG, Ta., at the "Logan House," on SATURDAY, JULY 2d, 1859, for oue day only. JOHNSTOWN, at the "Foster House," ou FRI DAY, JULY 1st, 1859. TlR. 1IARDMAN treats Consumption, Bron JLf chitis, Laryngitis, Asthma; and aiZ other Diseases of the Throat and Luugs, by MEDICA TED INHALATION. Tbe great point iu the treatment of al human maladies is to get at the disease in a direct man ner. All medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relief. This is the im portant fact upon which inhalation is based. If the stomach is diseased, we take medicine di rectly into the stomach. If the lungs are dis eased, berathe or inhale medicated vapors directly into them. The. reason why Consumption aud diseases ot the Lungs have heretofore resisted ail treatment, has been because they were ni t ar proached iu a direct manner by medicines. They were interxicu to- oc local, ana yet tney were sj administered that they could not act constitu tionally, expending their immediate action upon the stomach, whilst the foul ulcers among the lungs were unmolested. INHALATION brin the medicine into direct contact with the disease without the disadvantages of any violent action Its application is so simple that it may be em ployed by the youngest mlant or feeblest invalid It does not uerange tne stoioacn, or interiere in the least with the strength, comfort or business of the patient. r - ! Winer uiscascs areaicti. (j5 No charge for consultation. Id relation to the following diseases, cither when complicated with Lung affection or exi&tins alone. I also invite consultation usually find them Vromjttly Curable. Prolapsus and all forms of 1 em ale Complaints, Irregularities and WeaKness. Palpitation and othe forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints. Dyspepsia, aud all other dis eases of stomach and bowels, piles, &e. Mr. Hardinan treats all chronic or long stand ing diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach. Bow els, Bladder, Kidneys, Braiu, Heart, Nerves, Wornb, Spleen, tpine, Lyes, Ears, -c. Scrotu- a, rits, Cancer, iiaeumatism, Lropsy, dkin D'seases, Fever S res, Catarrh, Seminal Weak ness, Aeuralgta, hues. Insanity, Dyspepsia, Giddiness, Hen t of Urine, Syphilis. Piles, Sick Headache, Enlarged Tonsils, &c. May 20, 1859:Gffi. Ill MIL END) IS SIP u. 5 SKiTZSr 771 fji5 -ZS&iL 4? IX. THE Subscriber has just received at his New m iTV u3 syteEj ji. One door East of Thompsons Mountain House A new lot of ALL KINDS of SPRIN3 AND SUMMER HATS J which he ofTers verv low for CASH. CLINTON R. JONES. April, 13, -1859.-2 l-3m. John 152' 5k cage 21 annfacturer and Dealer In all Kinds ofCiga.- Stiuff, Chewing and Leaf Tobacco. Montgom ery St., Hollisdaysbure, Pa. distantly on hand, a fine and well selected stock of Spanish, and halt !panisti cigars at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment are warranted to be what they are represented. August 8, 1855. ly. -ffcTEW TIN-WARE ESTABLISM EN T . J l The undersigned takes this metlu d of informing the citizens of Ebensburg and sur rounding country, that be has commence:! business in this place, in the building formerly occutiii-u by xi. o. narr. one :oor west i me Toot Office, where e intends to carry onhisbuM ness mall its brancl.es ii.MVAue.oi.ii c- sermtions kent constantlv on ban J. and at pri- 1 fill "V T a r 1 1 1 ces to suit the tunes. Lountry jMercnants can have orders tilled to any amount. ly strict at tention to business he hopes" to receive d libera) i - - . share of public p.itronage, i r i.i ; Pl.'l.TV 11V FELIX m-NLE Ebensburg April 28th, 1S58. REMOVAL ! C o 4 C II 31 A X U F A C T O R Y . THE subscriber would res-pectfu'.ly inform the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country that he has removed his shop from the old stand to the thop lately occupied by John Evans (Carpenter.) where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line of business at short notice and on reasonable terms, and he hopesby using but the very best material and employing but the best workmen to merit a full share of public patronage. Persons wishing bargains in purchasing a Carriage will do well by calling at this establishment. He is prepared to manufac ture the following kinds of vehicles, viz : BUGGIES,' of different qualities and prices; BAROUCHES, CHAUIOTEES, one and two horse ROCKAWAYS, cbs3 quarter, eliptic and 0-spiinff COACHES, second hand work of differ ent kinds, 8,-c, making a variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. REPAIRING done with neatness add dispatch. W;l. UAKN1.S. Eben'burg, April 27, 1850-23-tf "OUNTAIN HOUSE. Summiltville, Cambria co.. Pa. James W. Condon, Proprietor. -The proprietor assures the public, that no pains will be spared to render his guests comfortable. July 28, 1858. 37. JW. D. IrIAGE53AX Attorney at L.avr, EToensfcwr g. Pa. FFICENo. 2. "Colounade Row," near the Court House. December 7, '54 ly ; ABRAHAM KOIKLS3T, Attorney at Lpw Johnstown OFFICE on Clinton Street, a tew doors norm of the corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1853. ' M. E1ASSOX, 1 Attorney at Law, Ebansburgr.Fa o FFICE adjoining the Post Oiiice. Aug. 24, 1853. W O. O. F. Highland Lodge No Sim 428 meets every WEDNESDAYiCl vening at their lln.ll on High st., in " the upper storyol Shoemaker's store Y EMOVAL! PAUL GRAF1 MANUFAC Sl . turer and Wholesale Dealer in Bot.ta, Shoes, Straw Go'ds, Hats and Caps, No. CSJ North Third Street, between. Arch and Cherry, Phila- phia. AJarch 8, IS5G.J $40,00 Pays for a full course in the Iron City Collejre. the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized Commercial School in the United States. 357 Students attending dallj, March 1S59. Ueual time to complete a full course, from 6 to 10 wteks. Every Student, upon graduating, is guaranteed to be competent to manage the B wksofany Business, and qualified to earn a salary from. $5C0 to $1CC0 Stuednts enter at any time No Vacation Review at pleasure. 51 Premiums Tor best Penmanship Awarded in Q3- Ministers' Sonr received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Wiiiing, inclose two letter stamps, and address. F. W. JENKINS, rittsburg. Pa. April, 13, 155G. Aug. 11, 1858,-y. NOTICE. THE undersigned, Dire.-tors of the Poor and House of Employment of Cambria county, here by give notice that in case of any destitute per son becoming sick or disabled, that may become a charge upon the county, they request persons in whose charge snch destitute persons may be, to give notice to the Steward of the Poor ai d House of Employmont, or to either of the Direc tors, of the condition cf such persons, so that they can be removed to s iid Poor Ilousa without r uousa v II. ) RRO, UIRE, ) delay. WM. PALMER. DAVID OTIAI . MICll'L. M'GU Jan. 2G, 1859:tf Directors CLOTHINS ! KTAXS !i GLOTHiNS ! ! HUGHES ESPECTFULLI' invite the attention if the ji cii7.ens oi i-oensourg ami urrounl-9 ing country to the lariie and extensive slock fif' of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which they have just received from the Eastern cities, and are now opening at their store on High street, and which tLey propose to nil at the lowest poss-ibte price. Ihey have also re ceived and have"on hand a lanje and fine as sortment of Cloths. Cassimercs. Tweeds. Trim mings, etc., &c. Ilandkcrehisifs, Stocks, Cra vats, Hats of all kinds e.nd descriptions, Umbrel las and Suspenders. Clothing made to order ai the shortest notice. Please cail and sec us befort you make a purchase anj where else, as we car guarantee that we will not be beat in quality and low prices by anv establishment in the State Terms CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. EVANS & HUGHES. May 18, 18o0:tf First Arrival OK SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. The subscriber, having just returned from the city, is now opening oue of the best selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to this market, aud which he will sell very cheap for Cash. His stock consists in part of the following articles, viz : CIIALLIES, DE LAINES, BRILLIANTS, COBURGS, PRINTS Or" ALL KINDS AND RICHEST COLORS which for beauty Cani;ot be surpassed in this town READY-MADE CL0THiN3, LADIES' SHOES, DRUGS and PERFUMERY all of which he will sell ver3 clvl'ap ltlfZ aim the surrounding country to give him a call lfre purchasing elsewhere ns he is sati.-died ne can f.ell goods to them mucl cueaier man tr.ev ecu ue bought at any other store in towu. John Itodgers, Jr Ebensburg, April 20, l5'J:?f. CHSSi SPHIHG8 AHEAD. r ri tIIE undersi-neu, U-sra 1 51 .... , , . cave V announce Ji that he has pprntii a Sa.i- .iry and Lames Manufactory, at Chest Springs B.rouj;h, Cim bria County, urul that he will Manufacture and kep constantly on hand every article in his Mne of hrsint.s, such as SADDLES BRIDLES W'lIU'S 8,-c. Articles manufactured cheap to order. He invites the public to call aud exam ine articles of h' manufacture, con fid nt they will command the approbation of C ninctnt Judges. By manufacturing non; but the lest of artrch-s. and selling cheap, he hopes to merit and receive a libvral share of publie patronage. Terms Cish or approved country produce. N. B. All kinds of HIDES taken in exchange for work. JOHN E. CON NELL. Chest Springs, May 25r 1S.VJ. tf. SEW ARRIVAL. AT THE JOMSTOWX MARBLE WORKS. Th undersigned begs leave to inform the citi zer.a-ot L';iuitna and adjoining counties I'lj-Minng c. unties ved a fa sh Pfckf gT aud oih-r Mar-tf'j l!'l lent on Franklin) 'f-wMy MOX UMEN IS, if' . that he has i'lst received a fa of the finest ITALIAN bios, at his eitabiishme btre.et, Johnstown. T O M BS . MANTELS. G R A V STONES, TABLE & BUREAU TOPS, f'rrrv manfuacturcd if the most Iteiiutiful aud lmet qu.uity of Foreign and Domestic MarMc, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be mirchased m the (ltv. without the aatlitiun of carriage. GKlNDftJ OJSlv ot various grits and sizes, suitable for Farmers and Mechanics, s-..ld either by wholesale cr retai!. Prompt attention paid to orders from a tance, and work delivered wlu iewr desired. Ih- invites tlie public to call and cxan ins his j-t'.ck, as be feels satisfied he can sell che::v. Fur tlie convenience of perso ns residing in the tast and North of tlie county, specimens m&y N seen and orders left with Grge Huntley, at his Tinware Establishment in Lbensburs;. JOHN PARKE. Johnstown, June 15, 1859ly. -Till-: rUJHSCRIIiKRS WISH to jjuvu employ an active reliable man m every county, to travtl aud take orders by sam ple lor KENNEDY'S DEDICATED SEGARS AND TOBACCO. Will pay :i salary of to $800 er year, ayable monthly. For sample and full particulars address KRUGER A' PBK-TON, n-barcoiusl, 29 William st., New York. May 25, 1859. ot z ' jrcTr-oo.vr Attorney at Law, libribirf;, Pa, o FFICE IN COLON ADE ROW. Nov. 11, lS57:l.tf BOBERT DAVIS. JOIHT P. JOJTEfi. DAVIS & 3 ONES, VARIETY UALL, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, KEEP constantly on .hand a large and sope rior stock of "' DRY GOODS, . Such as Cloths, Cissimeres, Satinetts, Tweed, Jeans. Muslins. &C-, &"c. DRESS GOODS of every style, FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS. Boots Dd Shoes, Straw. Fur fc Wool Hat, Stntionary of every description, Wall Paper of : every style, Hardware, Quccnsware, . STONE AND EARTHEN WARE. A full supply of GROCERIES, conMstirg cf . sua a us, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, COFFEE, TEAS, EICE. Cc CONFECTIONARY OP ALL KINDS, FLOUR. BACON, FISH, CIGARS. BAR IRON, GLASS, PAINTS. Butter, Ejns, Bacn TOBACCO; and SNUFF. NAILS. DRUGS, OILS, &d , Potatoes, Gra in , Beans, Wool, Hogs, dc taken in exchangi for Goods, and no objection to Gash Jiandcd in: rrCHEKKY, POPLAR and TIM-; LL MJjt.il bought and sold. ' Ebensburg March 9, 1859:4Jm. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la. bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract . of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with othei substances of 6till greater alterative power at to afford an effective antidote for the diseasea Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that 6uch a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : ScKorciA. and ScnorrLors Comtt. attnts , EarmoNS axd Ebupttve Diseases, Ulceus, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt RKErv, Scald Head,- Syphilis asd SrpHiLrric &r tectioxs, MLebctrial Disease, Dropsy, Neu ralgia oa Tic Doclouhecx, Debilitt, Dys pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Itosa or St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Isipcrity or the Blood. ' Thin compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the t-prmjr, to expel the foul humors which fester in tho blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, Bpare themselves from, the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out tha Vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where uo particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with thi fiabulum of life disordered, there can be no asting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it. partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of SarsaparJlla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become - synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cell this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we hove ground lor believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to seevro their completa eradication from the system, tbe remedy fchould be judiciously taken according to directions ou the bottle. TREPARED by DR. J. C. AYEB & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 pr Bottle Six Bottles for f 5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to tlie best it ever has been, and that it may be relW on to do for their relief all it has eer been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR i'H " emu OT Costirencss, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors Salt Iihevm, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, a CI Dinner rill, and for rurifyiug the Bluod. They are supar-coctcd, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are tho best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 5 cents per Box; 5 oxes for SL0O. Great numbers of Clcnrynicn, Thysicians, States men, and eminent peninaiies, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaint, and the treatment that bhould be til lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers witn other preparation they make more profit on. Demand Ayer's, and take no others, lhe sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are 03- Sold by T. DEVINE, Elwnsburg, and by Merchants peaerally through the countrv. Nov. 2t lS:P:f.0:ly. ' COMailSSSOXUUS NOTICE. Tlie undersigned, having been appointe-I Coni- mu-ssioner by the Orphans Court of Cambria Couuty, to take testimony to show cai!e, why, on a Citation issued out of said Court. John Ma kin, Jr., Executor if John Makin, Sr., should nrt give security or be nc harmed, hereby give notice that he will attend ur that purpose at hi..; office in Ebensburg, ou Friday the 24th Iav -f June, inst.. at Ty o'l-h-ck V. M., when and whire all pcrsous interested raav attend. JOII.S S. RIIET. Junel, ISoO. 254t. " I o c c