Democrat and sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1853-1866, June 08, 1859, Image 1

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t$5V 4
VOL. 6 SO. 29.
P fulfill
is ruB-
i I i:Jn.l every Wednesday Morning at
I iftt Ckxts per anunm,
()se Dollar and Seventh
Vpvs if n t raid within six months, and
,i).Li.At3 ii' not paid uutil the termination
,1 than six months. ami no suoserioer win ue
i:rt- ti discontinue liis paper until aU ar
Vure na id, except at the option of the
A Kcady Lawyer.
Mr. Sergealit Yaughan, as a barrister, oc
casionally performed soma generous actions.
Several years ago, while ou hij way to the
Chelmsford assizes, he met with an intelligent
aul pleasant fellow traveler iu the coach.
The sergeant, who was on such occasions
very fond of a little agreeable chat with any
Inllrntivf, irnn Iia ennrieeit t, inr. soon
a.; person siibriUnc f his traveling companion into a lively
lU.t.i-'i.M"."""- j i innvcrs:n.m. lur nir UavA im enrik inir
. , " " i 0
of Yankee curiosity, he generally contrived to
worm out, by a process imperceptible to the
party himself, what D6 wished to learn re-
Oa the occasion alluded to, Mr. Yaughan
was not long in ascertaining from his com
panion llrtt he was also going to Chelmsford
assizes, which were to be held on the follow-
.vs a juryman
&iucrtistnc: Hales.
(hi': insert'n. Two do. TJtrte do
,r, 1 24 I
;-n er less.
;.l,..-' lines
A ! alvTikel
3 months.
$1 50
2 530
4 00
6 00
10 00
15 00
i o
1 00
" 00
6 do.
$3 00
4 CO
7 00
9 00
12 00
22 00
$i 00
2 Oo
3 OS,
12 do
$5 00
9 00
12 00
14 00
useless, inasmuch as he delivered up the
mouey to one when his instructions were pe
remptory not to deliver it until all three were
present, my friend is to allow the action to
go undefended The money must be paid
over to the sharpers for both strangers, as
the eveDt proved, were bharpcrs and also to
the Londou merchant.'
'And you really have made up your mind
to pay it ?'
401i, certainly, because there is no belp
for it.'
I am a barrister, I am Mr. Sergeant
Kins' Cup and Clover Blossom.
A white Clover Blossom modestly lifted
her head from the green earth. Her pale
check was almost hidden in the lonir grass.
She was scarcely concious of her own exis
tence, and would hive bloomed unseen, but
for her fragrant breath, which filled the air
with perfume.
High above her head fiiurited a brilliant
King Cup. "As the winds Guttered her broad
j-ellow petrils to or fro she seemed a golden
bulteiny, aud not a Eower. che did oot see
Yaughan, and 1 will defeui the case lor biai t the White Clover blossom that tlept at Lor
35 Oo
T-iiwrrsriits must be marked with
iaert:ons desiml, or they will be
vyir:;:il forbid, and charred accordingly.
Select jJoctrn.
L,y tbe g-m v.p.-n r:-,y boscm,
L t l - fftl r sweet, warm breath,
r r sirv:." ci": oVr me passes,
zA I ki. t'.ut iw is death.
I v,vh 1 .zc ui-)'.i the treasure
S.;.i-cl!v r-ivor I .
1 rcsy, dimpled fingers
U'.t!..'cr At rr.y (.i.eei A inov,
Ian tbr'rtig'a tlie watcr
l! -.t a Wt'ssed shore appears.
Ii;.rtl U-sllc n-.9, biubaud dearest !
L t n-.c kiss away thy tears ;
Wrtuid with thy crief, my husbaud,
S'rivo from midnight until day,
It m.iy hiivo mi :nela bletsnig,
Vi it vr.iihei away.
Li tLe gem upon my bosom,
'i:s n.ji fl-e c&zi bo tl.err ;
! L.w to uiy heart sl.e netk-s,
'i'i the ptatl I l-ve i-j wc-ur.
in after yuars. beside theo
SIU auc-tLer in ciy cluiir.
1 L: leir tLu miue ci jre fair
no doubt?' said Yaughan.
2So sir, not as a juryman,' sai l the other.
as a witness, I should have said be
lt were
Not as a witness, either ; I wi?b
The other offered biro a thousand thanks
for his iu tended kindacss, but expressed bis
apprebeusions that all efforts at defence wo'd
prove to be eutirely useless.
'We bhall see,' said the sergeant, signifi
cantly, 'we shall seo. You and your friend,
the landlord, will call on me at eight o'clock
to arrange for the defence to
tals evening,
klsrul ca'ila tl "father,"
r beutiml than tl 1.,
... X
i r y urt Lira : u, mv nusL'aaa I
'. :r- ii--t i"m tbe motlierK'ss.
Ltr jintimes of her mother,
j. - u Hi -j".1 Lbr by ivy nam t
'.. i ::-r f:uai winds .( borrow ;
1'.r .n:giliiiu3 where I'm ekeping,
1 -A..i ii ':e ciilj,
i-i i..v br'-.tii will fctir her ringlets
'YLwU Uiy vtii-e in falls,
Ani a;;'t LU.k eyes wilt brighten
Will; wouler whence it came;
b uy Lear:, v. Leu years pass o'er Lit,
Ss-e will liad Ler m.tLer'i name.
jn.M tLut every iiiortal
Walk 4 LetAti.-u two angels here ;
06icv..rdj the iil, .
Vi lefarc iLc rai'.lijigtit drear
reptnieta ; if uncancelled,
Then La biiuli it f..r the hkies,
IlA the right Land angd weepeth,
Ik-nuhij k-w with veiled eyes.
le right Laud angel,
ba"::g i.p ti e g'.-xi fr Heaven,
fc-.-Al: s' th.t tLe midaight watcheri
i"c no misdeeds iinforgiven.
T.: ::! nut forget me, husbanJ,
V-Lea I'm sleeping 'neath the sod?
U.Lve t-i jewel given us.
As 1 tlict next to God J
l l-aimby one morning perceived that
e u-hi Le was pouring into u cohee cup
y ti t of the richest. Ou this be said to
"Haven't you any iu'iik that is more cheer
J. ' " .'
"iVt.t do you mean by that?" replied
. this milk seem?? to have the blues '
ps bU r.ajy retort.
A tittle bov called udou one of our
"tecs ,iist week, and offered some raspber
for sale. "Weil, my son," says the ciu-
. ire tuere not worms in thtm?" The
e ucy frankly replied, "I think there are
. vur citizen eaia, "l Uon t want the
l it as vou are an honest b&v and
tae truth, I will give you a dime." The
'-wnca, '1 aou sell my honesty."
? St
tuJent (). li.ivn t-ii f'lt.n
?(1 . I '
"e U'l.p and the cigars ?
;:hry-Ye3, ir
..Weut-And the whiskey, and the su-t-.-sJ
t!.e lemon, and boiling water?
C8, sir.
-lUintxlien come, Jack, eurpose we
."M!e Tulin ; I.: e t
i arr, 'S' , at llie are froze" out old gar-rV-i
tr leJ uf ,ovc As th"j
tW33 a3 weedj, thy houIJ be served
c S , f lf,.S,T' Would D0t to cLoke
lfi3i5hJ?ib dlff"ce between a
o Mail0u m Pri80a ? On can't
as as that.
'Oli, I sec bow it i ; you are the prosecu
tor in home case which is painful to your feel
ings. However, such things will happen ;
there is no help for them whatever.'
You are still wrong ia your conjecture,
sir ; I am going to pay away some money for
a relative who has a ease at the assizes '
Ah that is it ! Yery uapleasant, certain
ly, to pay away money,' observed the learned
It is, inded, for those who Lave little to
spare,' observed the other gentleman.
Will, I Lope it is not to any serious
Why, the magnitude of the sum, jou
know, depends on the resource? of the party
who has to make the payments.'
'Yery true; certainty, very true,' said Mr.
The sum of JCIOO, which, to one of my
limited means, is a very large sum indeed.'
jut perhaps you expect to be repaid in
some way or other agtiin V
That's very uncertain ; it depends entire
ly on whether ray relative, who has just taken
a public Louse there, succeeds in business or
Well it certainly 13 a hard case,' observed
Mr. Sargeant Yaughan, with a serious and
emphatic air.
'Aye, you would say so if you knew the
whole of it.
Indeed ! Are there any peculiar circum
stances in the cne T
'There sro, indeed,' answered the other,
with something b-jtwecn a sigh and a groau.
'Is the Diatter a secret V asked Mr. Ser
geant Yaughan, Lis curiosity beicg wound up
to no ordinary or coaiaiOD pitch
Act in the Jast,' eaid the other; 1 11 tell
you the ory, if you don't think it tin some.'
i am all anxiety to uear it, repucd the
learned gentleman.
ell then,' suid the oiler, 'about fix
weeKS ego a respecraole corn ueaier m Lon
don, wiieu on his way to, met on
the coach with two persons who were perfect j
-tra"rers to him. I he strangers soon en
tered iuto convocation with Lira, and having
learned the object of his visit to Chelmsford,
said that thev were also comi? there on a
precisely similar errand, viz; to make some
purchases of com. After some further con-
versatR.rr togf-trorr t Tf'as sngffestyj by cue
cf the parties that it would be better for all
three if they should come to an understand
ing together, as to what amount of purchase
they should make and unicr what peculiar
circumstances these purchases should be
made : for if they went into the market 'slap
dash,' and without any understanding to
gether, the result would le that ic so !niall a
plnce as Chelmsford, they would raise the
priees ; whereas, by operating slowly and in
concert, that would be avoided. The second
party pretended to approve highly of the
suggestion, and further proposed, in order to
hhovr that neither had the start of the other,
that they should depoMte the amount of mon
ey in the bands of the respectable landlord of
the principal inn ; taxing care that they did
so in the presence of witnesses, and that spe
cial instructions should be given to the land
lord Dot to pive up a lartuwg to either uutil
all three returned together to receive the
whole ; adding that if be did he would be
held responsible. The London merchant,
knowing the landlord of the inu to be a men
of undoubted respectability, at once assented
to the proposal, and each of the throe parties.
aecordinsly, placed in hi9 bands, under the
circumstances stated, .1150, making 750 in
all '
Well,' observed Sergeant Yaughan, wel
yon certainly do interest me in rour singular
story. And what was the result r
Why this that scarcely bad the three
p.irties left the inn a minute, when one of the
two strangers came running back, and said
that on a second thought they bad all come
to the conclusion that it would be belTer to
make their purchases as early iu the day as
possible, and that, consequently, the other
two bad desired him to return and get tbe
money.' .
'And tbe landlord gave bim tbe whole
amount at once?' interposed Mr. Sergeant
He did, indeed; unfortunately for himself
and me.'
'And what followed?' inquired tho learned
gentleman eagerly.
Why, the other stranger and the London
mercbent returned in about an hour after and
demanded their money.'
When tbe landlord of course told tbehi be
bad given it to the other.'
He did.
'On which, I suppose, they bring an action
gainst the landlord V
Vrc'vj w; mJ weing tbftt dfiCMvvi
To-morrow came, and the case was
called on.
The poor inn-keeper, acting on tbe advice
of Mr. Yaughan, but not perceiving in what
way he could Le benefitted by it, defended the
Everything proceeded go favorably for the
prosecution for some time, that, though every
person ia the court deeply sympathized with
the uufortunate landlord, they saw no possi
bility of any other result than a verdict
against him. Mr. Sergeant Yaughan, when
the case for the prosecuiiou was closed, arose
and said
Now, gentlemen of the jury, you have
heard the evidence adduced. Vou have beard
it proved by unexceptionable witnesses, that
the defendant had the mortt positive instruc
tions from all three, not to deliver the money
or any part of it. to either of the parties, ex
cept ia the presence of all. Gentlemeu, my
clieut has the money in his possession, and is
ready to give it up when ali the three parties
come and claim it. Let the absent party be
brought to his house ia company with the
other two, and every one will have bis money
restored to him.'
The defence was equally ingenious and
The j'jry looked at each other as amazed
as if some new world bad bus upon their as
tonished gazo So did all the spectators in
court. The verdict was, of course, for the
defendant. It is unnecessary to add that the
man who had absconded with the money nev
er returned, and consequently the poor land
lord bad never to pay a
And there was a beautiful brown Dee that 1
the loved. His wings were trans
parentL. l-t siikia gauze, td he wore a
broad glittering band of gold about his wasre.
But the liee cared not for" the Iviug Cap.
A tattling Zephyr came riding by on her
invisible s:eed, aud she whispered t the
King Cup the cause of the lbVs neglect.
He loved tho unprttendiug Clover lilossotu
Then the King cap looked down to her
feet and heboid the Clover IJIossoui slept.
Her pa!o check was wet with tears, and head
bowed with sadness. She dreamed of the
"Yain aspiring creature !" cried the Cup.
what ambitious spirits has failed theft, that
thou darest to raise thy thoughts to him I
have selected ? Dost thou think he wiU deign
to regard thee, tl.ou art Keeking Daughter of
the Dust? Will he look so lovir as taou art
whii-j I allure his eyes?"
Tlu:n the Clover Blossom timidly looked
up to reply, but her bosom filled with sad
ties, and breathing a pryer of forgivness.
she sank at the feet of the haughty flowr.
A mu-ieal murmur Oiled the shjii mer air.
Nearer it csme, charming the Sabers and
liusliing me Zephyrs to rest it wis rue
Bee. Bound and round the lofty King Cup
he flew, while she delightfully listeucd to his
musical murmurs. But they were not for
her. With a hasty wing be left her, aud
dropped to the bosom ot the bwoet dover
Blossom. And the' proud flower withered
and died, bearing no sound save the eoucd of
the Bee, as he sung the song of affection to
the unassuming but lovely flower.,
Maiden ! 'Tis not the proud, the rich, or
the beautiful that win the love cf others ; 'tis
the beautiful and the good.
Effect ortlie lVnr on tlic rolled
The New York ot reasons that there tire
strong grounds to auticipnta that in t-ix
months the increased prices farmers will
obtain for breadstuff and provissions will
throw the balance of trade iu our favor, and
more than con.petiaa?3 b- th for the tempora
ry itijury to the cotton interest which is now
showing itself, and for the present successive
drain upon our specie reserve We quote :
"Unless the war should continue longer
than thre is reason to expect, we cannot
eiMoy the flush tims ot 18ot Oi. Ihe Cri
mean war found the business interests of the
the West in a sound condition, and ready to
meet its exigencies ; the impending war finds
us correspondingly reduced, and much of the
advantage iu prospect will ensist in mer ly
raising ihe business of the country to a healthy
and regular footirr.
"Instead of pending across the ocean, as
uo.v, twice the j roiuct f our mies. we
shall pay our eo un.eicial indebtedness, in
the more acceptable treasures of wsteiu
cereals and provision Million? f ineu
an! of capital will be withdrawn fr:m agri
cultural industry, probably, in all pails-cf
Continental Jvirop..?, and the de?;.'anl for
food will tax the utmof-t energies of producers
here 1'riees, of, will rise, money
will be plenty, aud prosperity, of course,
revive, -ind with it speculation of tdi kinds.
Railroads, western lands and ail sorts of mad
iartaiug of tae
Bcatli or llie Duke br Leeds.
The London papers report the diatb cf tb
Puke of Letds who expired at half-past four
o'clock ou VTednesday afternoon, after ft
short but severe illness. He was tbe eldest
and only irviviur son of George William
Frederick, sixth-duke, by bis maariace witb
Lady Charlotte T.wnh Ld. f?5xih daughter
of Georce first Marquis Townhebd He
born 21st of May, 1793, ond married 2-ltb
of April 182b, Lousia Catharine, third
daughter cf Mr. Bicbard Cuton. cf Mary
land, America, and bister of-the late March
Somes Wellesley and of Dowasrer Lady
Stafford, who was widow of Sir IVUon H.
Bathurst llervey, Bart. The dieeacd duka
succeeded to tbe family honors on the Ccath.
of bis father in July. 1S3S, previous to which
he was summoned to tbe Lovse of Lords.
He. early i?i life, entered the army as cornet
in the 1st Life Guards, and soon after ba
obtained the rank of captaic, like many
other scions of noble bouses, retired from the
seaviee. la 1840 be was ppo'mel Colonel-in-Chief
of the North York Militia (llifics.)
which, by h'n death, become vacaut. In
politics be was a whig, but he took no very
active part iu political uTtirs, Ia default of
isue the duke-d.vri and -thcr dignities de
volve upon his cc'ism Lord Godolpbin.
eldest son of th first po.--r of that title, who
was elder brother of the hte duke's father.
An Arhitcerntttt "t Auuricnn 2aral
Architecture. On Wednesday last the frigate
A Queer ITitiicas.
Sometime ago, says an exchange, we at
tended Court cd ComuiOU Pleas, beld at T
Among the witnesses on tho stand was an
Irishman named Mr. Devitt. J ust before the
ease came ou, Devitt took two of tho witnes
ses out from the crowd and cautioned them ia
a whisper, which we could distiuctly hear .
'Be keerful,' said be, 'or the piague of a
lawyer will get ye so confused that ye will
sureiy let tne cat out ot the oag.
'Devitt took the stund aud did quite well
until cross-examined.
Mr. Devitt,' said a lawyer, 'did you state
in your chief examination that you kept a
livery stable in Wrangleviiie ?'
V heu toe chap up mere, ! pointing to the
Judge.) 'asked the question, i surely did tell
him that I did.'
'How much property did you ever possess?'
'1 cevcr owned a red chit of property in
me lire.
Didn't state to a person at the hotel, that
you would spend a thousand dollars before
your sou should lose this case ?'
purely, ye wouldn t bo suc:i a fool as to
think that 1 should be after making such a
queer remark when I havcu't a cent.'
'Well, didu't you say so ?'
I faith I might.'
'Where did you obtain money to carry on
your busiu -ss ?'
Jehu McDouough let me have it '
'In your chief examination you stated that
your sign real James Devitt & Co. What
did the Co. mean ?'
'That me sou was a partner ia the busi
ness.' 'Were there any copartnership pap'crs
drawn up ?'
No indade. What would I be after doing
with yer papers T
'Was there any notice given in the news
papers that you bad formed a copartnership?'
'No, indadc, not a bit of it '
Then, sir, your sou was Dot a partner in
tbe business. What did you meau by pla
cing a false statement upon your sign ?'
In faith I meant to encourage the young
chap, get him into business, so that he would
stay at home, and not be all the timo and
forever running after the gals 1'
The London Timls on thk Address oe
Napolkon 111 The Londou Times cf May
4th indulges in comments ou the late address
of the Emperor of the French ou departing
to take command of the army in Italy. After
a summary c,i Mhe address, the Times thus
speculates as to the purposes and probable
te.-ulis of the war :
"iMthcr Sardinia would bo made a first
rate power, or a new kingdom would have to
be founded in the North, much larger and
richer than uy now in the Peninsula. WiiL
ail this to b doue in liitrevciit of a remote
settlement, Napoleon. Ill must be aware that
that territory will be thrust oa the victorious
ally who has made Daly her debtor, ad-Jed
one link to her aneiei,t counexiou with that
couutry, aud Lti one more track of glory on
her oft trodden soil. With this cousequence
iu view, almost within grasp, in what sens",
a it. a a
aud wua wtac degree ot re.-oiution C vs the
rbuporor repudiate all thought of conquest ?
Not to doubt bis sincerity, what is his mean
ing? Will he refuse Savoy under all cir
cumstances? and will bis hatred nf foreign
interference carry him so far as to refuse a
thrtMi fir H.;lue.l crown fr hs cousin or h's
soa ? V ill lie object to a Bonaparte as welt
as a Bourbon on the throne of Naph-s ? Wc
need only utlude to the questions which would
a-iso iu caae the war crossed the Alps and
descended the lihiue- A I!
fhtcrnii ti'1 cvTnTiarh7i in tVi rrC:ti'it::fT
buoyuce y. We Should uki l-so-n from Gene rai Admiral, constructed by Mr. Webb,
exi erience. two years a-o. when the Crimea., j nf New York, for lie Lussiau Navy uiiue ft
war afforded thm that- monetary rr.ilb-mun:
which has been succeeded by such disastrous
revul.-iou and depression. Then it was that
men. not content with their unexpected over
flow of prosperety, thirsted for something
greater fortunes were su Ideuly made, and
the nrcceeds invested in estern town 1
situated oa the imaginary line of som
road for which political speculators bad lob
bied a huge and unavailing land grant from
Congress. Luckily the misfortunes resuming
from this folly are to vividly present to ihe
victims to permit its repetitiou to the excess
it was carried before "
suecessfnl 'rial trip. She is reported to have
ma le fourteen miles an hour, with forty
eight revolutions of her screw ; the yessel
was built by Vtbb, .f New York, tnd Lcr
engines, which are 800 horse power, at tbe
Novelty Wuks. Some idea ot the samples
.f Ameiic-an capacity we sre sending abroad
rail- I f511)' be formed by the account of Iit dimen
t..v ! sions. She is about f000 tons ; length on
deck 007 fee-t. breadth :o Jct, length
1 1 , o. -. 1 .1 . - J I-
all aocui i?ei, u"pia u spar ucca.
Lkgal Advice: A gentleman ordered a
suit cf clothes from a tailor, and speci ally en
joited l.iin that they must be made by the
next Tuesday, and that thev must be made
in the finest style, and that unless the tailor i
could have them ready to a certainty, beyond
a pei-adventure. to a day, that he must not
undertake them ; but Suip promised faithfully
that they should be finished, wl Jfnn. Tues
day came and no clothes ; the euraiied man
liew to the cabbage man's house and said :
"What's the reason thnt my clothes are
Dot ready as you promised ? Here you have
kqt me in the city at a loss of time and bus
iness only to disapjMiiut me ; now, if we had
you iu our part of the cO'JLtry, I teil you
what they wouid call you ; they would say
you were it perfect siiit.'7
The knight of tk-; goose explained that the
only competent workmaa lie Lad. capable or I
making the suit. Lad a wife lying at death's i
door, and he could not oossibiy leave her.
The outraged gentleman was not aide to
smother his disappointment, and berated the
tailor soundly fur failing in bis positive premise.
Tho ninth fraction of the gM's 7iio could
C-l feet. She is pierced with 44 side ports
and two stern ports on ber lower deck, and
20 si-bj ports aiei four large ports forward,
and four large ports aft on spar deck. Her
airnament will consUt cf 40 shed guns cf
l.irga caiibre on gun dccK, er.d 20 long guns
an i two privii guns of the largest size, eleven
inch, ou her spar deck. The guns, except
the privets, aro all to be forty pounders.
The gun carifiiages are all of s-lid maLogsny
although the contract was for o-dinary whit
oak. His crew will iiumbci feQO men. ani
she has capacity to carry water aud provis
sions for their sustenance sufficient for six
months, to addition to which she has stowage
room in her coal buokers for 1,200 tons of
coal, and will not draw over - feet of water
wih everything ou board for a six month't
(-apt. Comesfoet, late of the Collins ste
n.rr Baltic, will tuk tbe vessel to Croiistadt,
via Chi-rlt"urg. iu F ranee.
igrjatii's J'..wm'T (a l:;ri papr) announces
a disceveiy in pbotogrnr by. lt consists in
the discovery of an sitiGcia! light, k- wonder-
laot ueontida
tions The
fully luaiinou aod so steady us to
sut niy the elTet t of tb' most LrJliti
suti iu
the photographic
ami it oubt to be
that is to be
borne in mind is that.
-t stand this, and pi a: uiy told hts customer ven in ,Le darkest r.m. wholly inde
go to the ca.orio regions of I audemomum. (f f f th(j . aD
ihe customer, reu with rage, rued acre.s of carj.edra5s f,r oluer ,)icturesq':
wiih all th.-.s; contingencies iu view with
conquest, probably, thrust upou bim Napo
leon HI now repudiat.-js it. (Vine what
may, he will not uocept more territory ; t:ven
though all nation's should be scrambling fu
ll, lie will not stan his honor or hi h tonu
ship ly any such gross calculation. We wuli
we could believe him sincere in this wise and
bonorabla declaration. At any rate, it will
be remembered that he made it."
3F When a stoue was thrown into tbe
pulpit where John Murray was preachiug. ;u
Boston, he picked it up and holding it before
his congregation, said, "this is a 'weighty
but neUher rational nor coaviu-
JEST A lady called in a witty fiiend who
was not at home, and iiuding the piano dusty
wrote upon it slan'eni. The next day they
met, and the lady said, "I called on you
yesterday." "Yes, I saw jour card oa the
Why is the Ohio liver like a drunk
ard ? Because it takes iu the Monongahela,"
goes past "Wheelia?," gets a, "Licking,'
at Cincinnati, and Falls," at Louisville.
Extexsivk. It wa-5 discovered in Detroit,
recently, that tight servant girls belonging
to oue of the lare hotelj of that city, had
been for soma time in th habit of stealing
bams, legs of muttoo, glass ud crockery
ware, bed clothing, table linen, povbsious,
and no end of small trumpery, and conveying
them from the house u lder cover of their
petticoats, by means of large bags attached '
to their hoop. In a receiving sb"p they
had accumulated a large quantity of abstrac
ted property, and one. of the giils confessed
to an attempt to carry out a half barrel of
ber. iu the above manner, but failed for
wan of a second barrel to balance her
patent extensieu" cn the other side. -
8-53u A Miniken three feet and a half Co,
being oue day at the drill, was examining a
strapper of six feet four. "Come, fellow,
hold up your head ; higher, follow." "Yes.
fir." ."Higher, fellow', higher " "What
to, sir?" '-Yes. fellow." "Must 1 always
remain so?" "Yes, follow, to be sure."
"Why. then, good bye, Colouel, fori shall
never see you again."
A toung man at Niagara having been
crossed iu love, walked out to the precipice,
gave oue lingering look at the gulf beocath
bim, and then went home. Ilia body was
fouud next morning in -bed. A very eensi
Me young mm, thiolr.
S3T Tho -Portland Advertiser says that
the Kenuebeck river is full of shad, and that
the editor of the Bath Times has eaten so
many that the bones Lrvo grown out along
side his spine, so that be has to wear u duck
shirt. It is said that his better Lalf uses
birn for a fius tooth comb
the street to a lawyer, aud in aa excited, ve
hement and curried manner, said :
"Do you know Snip, the tailor, across the
way here ?"
'"Ye, 1 know liTm," answered Brief.
"Well, now, I want your aJvtee," said
tho gentleman ; "I want to know what you
would do in suc-h a case. That infamous
stitch-lous lias not n!y kept me here in ihe
city on expense, to the grrat detriment id" my
business, and disappointe i me ia a suit d
cloth., but. wheu I w-Mit to rcmonstate with
the fellow about it, what do you think the
impnVnt rascal told me? He told me to go
to h il !" With words the gentleman
laid a ten dollar bill ou the desk, aud siid
"Now what would jeu do ? '
"Do you mean this for a retainer?" said
"I do," was the reply.
"Then." said Brief, quif llv folding up the
X and puttintr it in his pocket. "!.e toit you
to so to h il. Well, my opiviion and advice
to you is, don't you do it There is. te re
over, no tntute or local law that cau compel
vou to a specific performance. I say. uon't
you Jo it." Cincinn-iti IJiijuirer.
The Sickles Casi: i.s Enui.and. The Eu
fflish papers have given a Very full abstiact
of the testimony and aigumeiits of counsel in
the Sickles case Some of tiiem comment
with great severity upou the speeches ot" the
counsel on both sides, aud upon the bad taste
shown by the reporters, who daily obtruded
their own comments and opinions upon the
public. The Scriptural argument cf Mr.
Graham is criticised iu a pungent style by
the Londou Saturday Ilevi:-w which, by the
way. attributes this speech to Mr. Bmdy.
Of the plea of temporary insanity adduced by
the defence, the lleiow says:
This miserable quibble would jnstify
every crime which the law is specially inten
ded to repress ; it would excuse the crime of
Mr. Key, as well as that of his murderer. If
the gratification of viob-nt r.iger is tzvt
why not cf violent lust. ? If law is not
to control the oue passion, why should it con
trol tbe uther?"
light being contained iu a per able apparatus.
in puvate residences,
and these
picturesque archi
tectural Uioni.namts where the light of the
sun never penetrates, and winch, in cousc, I ave been until icw wholly thut out
from the hotographer, will be as accessible
to the nrti.-t as any part of the exterior.
A Pr.ixTiM) Okfick Axkcdote A young
Lngikh lad, just "conie uvt-r," teramtan p
preotice in si pi luting ofiiee, to "learn the
trade." Wheu learning the let'er b-xc6 in
the case," he asked the. printer's "deTil," a
mischievous young scamp, where the K box
was. Too devii" pointed bim to the L box
After having :tu!ted crer the "case" loag
enough to know all the "boxes" of the tlpha
bet, the foreman asked biu to "go over"
them, each lettc-box ; the juvenile
Johu Bui cbd so, tnl got tl.tni ell riht ex
cept B and L
Well," replied the yourg En'isber, "hi
asked that, party (pointing to !: dtril,")
wii- n; II Li was, and 'e pjiatcd 'i3 fiuger to
The foreman cave the
look, and he grinned aa:icn'lT.
ITkitt of Edifices. Thu busiest ediSces
in lht '-orl-J are tiie foliowinr :
The Pyramid of Gi.-eh, Egypt (feet) 5J3
Cathedral at (olofena 501
Mini-tern. lT!tn " 4S1
Cathedral ot Antwerp, ' 47G
Minister at Strasburir. 466
Pyramid at Cheops. Egvpi, 4G2
St. St-phu's Church, Yierjca, 442
St. Peter's at Komc. 4i'0
I'yramilCetbrane!'. Eeypt, 420
St Marliii" t lnndphut. 426
"Plnln " ssts i'vnrh. "U the strongest
werd in tbe feaiinim Vi earnNrj to express
ill W.rj.
So;e tint X it
f.ill, but it i pow-
rfnliv tl nrch J-?lie.elr ff.prts--
..-l.ieh is plain is eutopic aou. A lly nver
cslls a b-H dV? plsio, or a bboon. Thas
would be too severe.
3T A hungry Scotchman took a raw egg
cracked the phell, and was raising . it to his
mouth, when bis ear was suddenly saluted
by thu shrill pipe of an unborn chicken.
"i'e speak too late," cried Swancy, and
down wrnttne pullet, fWtber and sll.
A good old DQtchmaii and bis vrow
6et up till gspiog time, when the falter, after
a full stretch in tbe above operation, said
'I wish I was in heben.' Hans a!o yawned
and replied : 'I vish I vasb iu de stiil-bouse.'
The eyes of Saliie flew wido rpen as he ex
claimed 'I pe pound for you, you always
vhh ywunwlf rn th bot pT,os .
Yc are informed, pays th nousatorie
Boi.ublican. that Mr. Wheler Green, of
Ashley FalU. Mss.. wio attiined tbe
mi'nre sge of over 100 yrr, wa recently
mirried to a Mrs Scbeaimerhort, cf Norfolk
who has also arrived at the respectable age
of 80 years.
1T A patriotic Italiau, ia charaeteming
tbe Kiog cf Nsples, fays, "he is such vile
wretch that so earthquake ctw rfaed to
ewiUew hita-
1 '
a o