. - - , 6IFT8 ! 6IFT8 ! 0IFT8! THE ORIGINAL GIFT BOOK TTORE. -D. W. EVANS & CO. 'THE FIFTH YEAR. TOE iFlFTtt YEAR '77' 677 'BRODWAY. NEW-YORK. ESTABLlSHltTi 1854. mi ihtln-winsr is a nartial list of Droperty which wlU'be girem to the : purchasers of -Boot a at the time of sale: - Worth, from Gold Watches English "Lever, Patent Lever and Lepines. $30 00 to $100 00 Silver Watches, Patent Lever full jewelled bunting case . open faces and cy lender es capement. 12 00 to 40 00 Geld. Lockets ILargc size, four glasses, and two glasses -with spring largo and small size with -unap. -00 to 12 00 Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine, Tainted, Lava, Gold stones Garnet and Corol Sets of Pins and drops. -6'60 to K 00 Ladies' Gold Guard Cbains,.!Faeoy Neck Chains, Chatelaines. 8 00 to 18 00 Geutlb aud West Chains. 10 00 to SO 00 Sets Cameo GolJttone, Painted Mosaic Garnet, Onyx, Engraved and Plaia gold Sleeve But tons and Bosom Studs. 2 00 to 16 0 Cold Pencils with Pens, Urge medium, and small. -3-60'to 7 "50 gilver Pencils, witb Gold Tens, 'large, medium and -small size, double and singla extension cases 2 00 to O0 Gents' neavyfiignst Rings, Ladies Gold Chased and plain Rings. J. 00 to 7 60 Gents' Gold Bosom Pins, Cluster, witb Opal, Scarf. Pins.Onvz, Garnet, &c.,l 50 to- "5 00 Rich Silk Dress Patterns. 22 00 to SO 00 Cameo Mosaic, Coral, Garnet, Chased and Plain 00 00 50 50 7 50 "I OUIS LUCKHARDT, WATCH MAKER, AND DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned respectfull begs Cleave to inform tbe cit ens of Johnstown and Ticinuy . J 1 TI i ..7. opening the largest stocK or moac iu.e, uu JcireZru.ever brought to jonnstown vnOiout ex- ... ... . 11.. 1 ttiilTI cepting, which will te soia " enrayn cheapest." His prices will always bo uniform . i 1 n-kwA Fry trio One customer will not ue cnargeu mine quality of goods than another. Ml YEAR BP THE .ERTEEPfilSL NEW LIST OF GIFTS. CATALAUGK -FREE TO ALL. A List of -G G. EVAHS. , AT niSORIGINL GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 439Cltcnat Street Philadelphia, Commences tbe New Year, with aa enlarged wuio -ci i v t j7'-' L . . . I 'tjHLHIOLIUv' "V Caici V .! ici j v wuw luuivaoi. some of the articles comprised in the assorxiacnu faciiiticg,for buying' Goods aud doing business, is annexed, Prices may oe asceri.., .amHsnow prepared Oval Bracelets. 5 00 to Silver and Gold Thimbles. 50 to Gents' Pen and Pocket Knife. 60 to Pearl and Morocco Port Monies. 50 to Toothpicks. Watch Keyes, Guard Slides. - 1 50 to 3 CO G oJd Cross s, small 'irftdium and Tarse. 2 00 to -Besides other Gifts, comprising a large and valuable assortment of miscellaneous articles, va- rvins from 1 to ?40. The proprietors of the OLDEST ESTAB- LISIIED'GIET BOOK STORE IN THE UNI TED STATES, for the uninterrupted success which has crowned their ernest efforts to please during the last four years, would return their sin cere thanks to the hundreds of thousands who brve, in past time, seen fit to bestow their liberal patron aire upon them; and would further assure them, -and the public generorVr, that their Ion experience and established capital -warrant them In ononng greater inducements tnan ever, and euch as are out of the reach of any similar estab lishment in the country; and propose, in this, TUF FIFTH YEAR of their location in New-York, to iutroduce NEW FEATURES, STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS, GIFTS OF GREATER VALUE AND VA RIETY, A STILL LARGER AND BETTER SELECTED STOCK OF BOOKS, . Commissions and inducements to clubs and to agents who are willing to devote their time to our busines; so that those who desire can have 8. GIFTS AND BOOKS W1TOUT MONEY, W e shall endeavor to establish an agent in e-very town in tho United States, so that all who may Ixjoefit iby our liberal system of trade. We have appointed JOHN RODGERS JR. our duly authorized agent for Ebensburg and vi cinity, who will receive and forward . aR orders with attention aud despatch. A NEW AND REVISED CATAt)GUE ready for distribution, containing every desirable book, new or old, now in print: and acknowl edged by librarians and literary men to be the most complete and best classified ever issued' without an exception , 600,000 re ready to ho given -away, mailed free to any address, to all parti of the world, It contains all woks on goods examined, at the Store or- Main Struct. Gold Hunting fcngiisn Levers, Gold'Dctached Levers, ful iewelled. Gold Lepines. 4 holes " Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Chains, Gold Vest Chains, Gold Pencils, with'Pens, Gold Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils und Pens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentleman, Gold Eardrops, G old Earrings, Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cnff Pins, . Gold and Silver Watci Keys. Portmonaies, Ladies' Fans, fancy and plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles Plated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons " Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea Setts, 'Violins and Bows, Violin "Strings, Ac, Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 6 inches, Gold Bracelets, Accordeons, Silver and Plated Spectacles, &c, &c, &c. ftr- All sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj rpnaired with promptness and at low rates. Con fident that be cannot be undersold, the undersign fiillv Rrtlinft.s the confidence and patronase I of the public. LOUIS LUCKII ARDT LargeGoId bnap Jackets do .r, . rr l-t t c rioao I Medium size. No. -3, -Lockets, do Mayn, isoo. JLL:i H Co!J Q LOG AX IIOT7SC. fYVRPORAT. JOHN KIEFFER. Pbopbietos WOULD respectfully inform bis old friends and the travelling public that he has leas, ed the Logan House, Uollidaysburg, and is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with their patronage in unobjectionable style. The HOUSE has been -rowly furnished ttio' out in a-fityie not surpassed by any establishment in the interior of the State. His TABLE will always be supplied with all the substantiate and delicacies of the season, and attended by atten tive servants. In a word, no pains will be epaied to make the Logan a firSt class house, and noth ins will be left undone to render its guests com fortable and happy. The STABLES, which are extensive, win oe attended by honest and faithful hostlers. RESTAURANT. The basement is occupied . i l rn 1 .1 as a nestaurant, wnere meais win ue bcrvi-u up at all hours of the day, together with oysters wild came, fish and all the delecacios and refresh ments of the season. JOHN KIEFFER. June 4, 185G.-32lf. prepared to ofier-greater inducements to-Book buyers than ever before. Time has pro ved that the Gilt System is permanent. .LVANS is determined to prove that his Establishment ia conducted under that system iu a -more liberal aud impartial manner than -any; other. Having lived down almost all opposition and having the legitimacy of his plan of operation acknowledged from Maine to Calafornia, he can afford to be generous. Try him, and judge for youtself. Schedule of Gins. Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $100,00 Patent Anchor Lever Gold Watches, 60,00 Ladies' 18k. Case-Gold Lever Watches, 60,00 Ladies' 18k, Cass' Gold Lever Wdtches dialj 35,00 Gents' Silver Lever Watches, 25,00 Gents' Silver -Lever Watche, -15,00 Gents' Silver lupine Watches, 12,00 Parlor Time Pieces, new pattern, 10,00 Ladies' Elegant -Black Silk -Dress Paterns, 15,00 Ladies' do Plaid do do, 12,00 Ladies' Cameo Sets, (Pin and Drops,) fine, 15,00 Ladies' do do 10,00 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, Stone Settings, 10,00 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, plain or engraved, 5,00 Gents' Solid Gold Vest Cbains,new patera, 15,00 Gents best English plated Vest Chains, 5,00 Ladies' Guards or Chatelaine Chains, 15,00 Large Gold Spring Lockets, double cases, 10,00 6. OU 3,00 Gold Pens, 7,50 Superior Gold Penr, with holders and box, 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 2 00 Gents' heavy gold Pencils, 3 50 Gents' gold Pens with silver Exten. pencils, 2 00 Ladies' gold pins, in boxes with Ivory hold rs 1 50 BIBLES. PRAYERBOOKS & HYMNiBOOKS, Methodist Hymn Books. Episcopal Praj er Books Baptist Hycan Bocks, 'Catholic Prayer 'Books,' Luthera Hymn Bosks, Presbyterian Hymn Book j Of all sizes,- and bound iu all styles, Arabusque, j Turkey: morocco,-Antique, Velvet, &c., with and without clasps. FAMILY BIBLES. - A larce assortment of Family Bibles, of all descriptions and kll prices, from $1 to $50, illns- 1 trated with fine engravings, printed with' large type, on good paper and in various styles of. bindinjr, from the simplest to the" most ornamen tal. Also, Tulpit Bibles, in -various styles, at j low prices. -IC7" A complete Classified Csitalouge of Books, iu every department of literature, containing a complete List of Oifts,"with fall instructions to Agents and persons forming 'Clubs, will be sent free to any part of tho Union. Persons wishing to form Lbraries, should' have it as a took of ref erence before-making out their lists. Send for it aud you will be convinced of the cheapness and variety of the books, besides being pleiscd with the liberality of the system. 'Orde-s from tre country promptly xmd satis factorily filled, and gowls sent by mail or express to any part of the country. Any book publish ed in the United States the retail price cf which O UJ CtL o u. w O 4 M PS & W in M 4 o W 9 U a d o u , :A CIS a V o e. e W 4 H e GALIiAGHER'S STJNEISE AIU-TIGST I a e H e OB s 2 ta o HI a Q A H o w to o CO o 73 O o o 2 o Jl nilltll I . mrtT 1II'I'7T? VO t f r C V-T T- . . is One Dollar or upwards, will be promptly sent mflE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY IXFVHMZ iu- uio rPp ? x,r ASC ?ith post- I 41 -vicmity that lie nas just receiveu ami irss ou ua.m mc uau., , r -"i wii- Art, Science and nat ural History. Adventures, Travels, Agricultural and Do mestic Economy. Belles Lettres.Essays, &c. Bibles. Biographies. Dictionaries. EncyclopayJiaa. Uazctteers. E V A N S & C o Phiiosep-lca3 and Classical Works. Historical & Misccl lancous. Poetical, Theological, Kehgious. Law, Medical, Ma sonic. Standard Fictions, Prayer, Hymn and Glee Books. Text Books for Schools, -fcc, &c And a thousand varieties of publications in evry department of literature. We sell as low as and, in many cases, lower than any other house in the country : and with every book of the valuo of one dollar or more we present some fcseful gift, without extra charge. LLIJSVKBY OE-OONSTJLT HIS OWN INTEREST. And buy at EVANS' Gift Book store, examine the prices of books, see Ithe beautiful gifts so freely scattered lamong our patrons, and be satisfied that the only economical way of buy- TIIE BEST PLACE TO GET Y OUR BOOKS AND GIFTS IS AT EVANS 'J mg buoKs is at Ladies' mosaic cold stone sets, 12 00 Ladkfs' floreutiue sets, pin and drops, 10 O0 Lad es' jet sets' do do Ladies lava. -do do Ladies' cameo pins, large size, Ladies' do do medium, Ladie? -da do small, (Ladies' gold stone pins, small, Ladies' box & glass miniature or hair pins, Ladies' plain gold pins, new pattern, . ! Ladies do eardrops, Ladies' do gold pins, ' Gents' cluster pins, opal centre. Gents' single stone pins, Gents' cameo or mosaic bosom studs, T' "WALTOS HOUSE. HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he leased for a term of y jars, tho "Walton House," situate on the Plank road, half way between Ebensburg an Jefferson. This Hotel is one of the most desira ble places as a summer resort in the State. The forests adjoining are swarming with game, and the "aisherman" wulsnd ample opportunity lor gratifying his taste in the streams of the neigh borhood. .No pains will te spared to make my guests feet at heme. GIDEON MARLETT. June 0, 185830 ARCADE IIOTEL., Ebcnslmrg, Pa, HENRY FOSTER, Propbiet&3. renins hotel, formerly- known as JL the "Ebensburg House," is one of the old est and best stands in the borough of Ebensburg. for the accommodation of the traveling communi ty. Tho Proprietor assures all who may be dis posed to pstronice him that his TABLE will be supplied with all the luxuries of the season, his BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and no pains spared to render his guests comfi.rtable. Ehensburg, April 14, 1858:22:ly. ' WASIIIACSTOX HOUSE. LAWRENCE SCUR0TH, Propki.tob. THIS popular and pleasantly situated house is located in the village of Carrollton, Cam bria couaty, and is kept in a maaner so as to af ford every comfort to visitors, being well furnish ed in every respect. HIS BAR will con tain the best of liquors j his TABLE, the best the market can afford. Nothing will be left undone to render the visit of all persons pleasant and agreeable. L. S. Carrol ton, July 15, 1857. TTEFFERSON HOUSE, NEAR WILMORE Station,) Jefferson, Cambria co.. Pa. Joan Gents' enirraved gold do do Gents' plain do do do Gents' 1eeve buttons, Ladies' do do Ladies' pearl card cases, Ladies' cameo, -or -gold tone ribbon pin3 Gents silver pencils, Gents' pearl pocket knives, 3 blades, bestj Gents' buff or ivory do do do Misses' lava pins, 7 10 5 3 2 2 2 2 O 1 2 1 4 o 2 2 2 5 1 50 00 00 60 50 50 00 50 00 50 50 00 50 50 00 00 00 50 75 1O0. 75 2 50 Gents' gold watch keys & pencils combined, 2 00 Gents' cold toothpicks, with slides, 2 00 Gents' gold rings, with (.tone setting, 2 50 Ladies' do do do 1 50 Sets, silver-plated tea spoons, 2 00 Silver-plated butter knives, 1 00 Ladies' or Gents'' porte-monnaies, 1 50 Gents' gold watch keys or vest hooks, 1 00 Ladies' florentine breast pins, 3 60 Ladies' Jet do do 3 60 Ladies' mosaic do da 5 00 Ladies' caineo ear drops, 4 50 Misses' do do 2 50 Misses' ear drops, with stone fetting, 2 00 Misses7 gold bracelet, hall round band, 4 uu Ladies' do do do 6 00 Gents' scarf pin, 2 00 Gents' Jet studs, Wi Gents' Jet sleeve buttons, 3 50 Misses' gold crosses, 50 Miscellaneous Gifts, not enumerated in the above list, varying in value from 25 cts. to $25 00 in7$500 worth of the above gifts will be lm partially distributed among purchasers with every $1000 worth of Books sold. All Books sold at Publishers' lowest prices. All Books that Evans does not publish him self are bought direct from tbe publishers, and in large quantities. Books to suit every taste are to be found on nis catalogue, at prices wcicn wouia be an inducement even without the Gift System. v,hich offers so many additional advantages. . . .i - Works by the most popular autnors, living and dead, in all styles, from the most costly to the plain and substantial, at astonishing low prices. CATALOGUES SENT FREE TO ANY AD DRESS M'Cor, Proprietor. fel7,815S GIFT BOOK STORE, NO. 667 BROAD WAY, CITY. No. 677 BROADWAY, LAFARGE HOTEL BUILDING. WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION. Judge for Yourselves. Examine our plan of business. Any one can who will. Observe the dailv distribution of watches, gold and sil ver; vest, chatelaine,and guard chains; bracelets, camto, Mosaic, coral, gold- stone, garnet, and gold sets of pin and clasps ; lockets, large, medium, and small size; rings, chased, plain and set with stones, cameo, gold-stone coral : buttons; scarf pins, crosses, gold pens, and pencils; gold pens in silver and morocco cases, and a thousand other articles of use and value. A Gift with every book worth from 60 cts. to 4100. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. It will cost you nothing, and will be valuable as a book of reference, if nothing more. Ad dress D. W. EVANS b CO. No. 67 Broadway, New York. - N. B. A WORD OF EXPLANATION to those who have known us under the Btyle of Evans Co. The Business located by us at No. 77 Broadway, New York City, is the oldest es tablished house in the country, and is known world-wide as the original "Evans & Co. 's Gift Bookstore." Many have taken the advantaga of our popularity to advertise under the same name as originators, to increase their trade and tho' a house having neither character or name of its own, can hardly claim the confidence of the com munity to protect the few who mav be unac quainted with ns, we would state that we have no connection with any other Gift IV .V UmiKB and though many advertise under the name of Evans & Co., tho firm constituted by D. W. EVANS and J. H. PRESTON is the first and only concern rightfully using the name. But to - prevent all confusion in the future, we shall use th style of D. V. EVA"NS & CO., -and all persona wrongfully using the appellation to mislead the public, will be made to suffer the penalty of the law. D.W.EVANS 4- CO., ., irft,667 Broadway, New York. - April 18, 1859:ly GEO M. HEED. T. L. IIETEB.' Ebensburg, Johnstown REED & IIEYER, Attorneys at Law ounsel given in the Euglish and German languages.' OEca on High StrectEbensburg, Tenn'a. Feb. 6,1856. ly CLOTHING ! ! CLOTIIIN'G ! ! ! EVANS Q HUGHES would respectfully in-f vite the attention of the citizens of Ebens- flA bur? and surrounding country to the large aX. and extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING which they have just received from the Eastern cities, and are now opening at their store on High street, ari 1 which they propose to sell at the lowest possible price. They have al so recaived and have on hand a large and fine assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres, Tweeds, Trim mings. &c, &c. Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Cra vats, Hats of all kinds and descriptions, Umbrel las and Suspenders. Clothing made to order at the shortest notice. Please call and see us before you make a purchase anywhere else, as we car guarantee that we will not be beat in quality RDd low prices by any establishment in the State Terms Cash or Country froduce. EVANS & HUGHES. Ebensburg, Nov. 10, l858.tf. Works of Dean Swift, " Judge Haliburton, " Dr. Livingstone, " Lawrence Sterne, Waverly Novel, Works of Bj. Franklin, " Thos. Jeffarson, " Charles Dickens, Mrs. Southworth, " Mrs. Heut. ' " Mrs. Sedgwick, " Virginia Townsend " S. M. Smucker, T. S. Arthur, " A. S. Roe, "DP Thompson " Sam Slick " Jane Austin ' Marion Harland " Maty Howitt " Charles Lamb " Edward Everett " Lorenzo Dow Lord Bacon HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF THE MOST CELEBRATED AUTHORS. Bayard Taylor's Travels, Works of iliss Bremer, " Bulwer, Do Foe, " Addison, " Thackeray, " Dr. Johnson, " J. F. Cooper, " J. T. Ueadley Frank Forrester, Hugh Miller, " CaptMayne Reid, " Charlotte Bronte, f Wash'ton Irving, " Grace Agnilar, Rev C U Spurgeon " Capt Marryatt " Feter Parley " Mrs Moodie " Smollet " Fielding Terry " Wilkes ' Burton N EW TIN-WARE ESTABLISMENT . The undersigned takes this meth d of informing the citizens of Ebensburg and sur rounding country, that he has commenced business in this place, in the building formerly occupied by M. S. llarr, one door west cf tho Pot Office, where he intends to carry onhisbusi ness in all its branches. TINWARE of all de scriptions Kept constantly on hanJ, and at pri ces to suit the times. Country Merchants can have orders filled to any amount. By strict at tention to business he hopes to receive a liberal snare oi public patronage. FELIX UE.NLJS. Ebensburg April 28th, 1858.. Allison, Bancroft, Ilume, Goodiich, Macaulay, Russell, PrescottJ Ferguson, Gibbon, Rollin, Robertson, Lord, Ueadley. Sparks, And a host of others, too numerous to mention. THE ANCIENT AND MODERN POETS. by mail on' receipt of publisher's price with pos age as per cataiauge. Liberal commissions allowed to all persons for ming Clubs. Persons -acting as Agents for us can reap all the 'advantages of the Gilt system without any cost to themselves, thus getting a Library of good bwks m a very short time; be bides which, the Gifts received with the commis sion books, will sell for more than enough to amply pay them for their trouble. Agents wanted in every town in the Unicn. Persons wishing to act as such, and all those de sirous of a' Catalogue, will confer a favor by send ing tneir address to. G. O. EVANS. Gift Book-Store and publishing House, 439 UULSMJT STKEET, March 30,-1859.-3 m. Philadelphia, Ta. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution estahlisJied Inj spe cial -Jjndowment, jor the lielief of the SLclc and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION view-of the awlul destruction of human life caused by sexual diseases, several vears ago directed their Consult ing Surgeon, to open a -Dispensary for the treat ment of this class of diseases, in aH iheir forms, and 'to give MEDICAL AD VICE GRATIS to all Who apply 'by 'letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in tase cf extreme poverty to FURNISH MEDACINES FREE OF CHARGE. The directors of the Association, in their Annu al KeiKjrt express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Spermatorroea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self-Abuse, Diseases of the Kid neys and Blider. &c, and order 'a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. An admirable Report on Spcrmatorrlooi, or beminal weakness, the vice of Onanism, Mastur bation, or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail fin a scaled envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Address, for Report or treatment. Dr. J. SKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Ass-ciation, No. 2 South Ninth Stieet, rhiladel- dina, l a. Jan. 26, 1859. ly. TIIE IVEW-YORILEn Now offered for the purpose of securing the widest possible circulation a first-class New York weekly family paper, eight large pages, illustrated, beautifully printed on the best white paper, with contrilutions and articles, stories, poems, anecdotes, &e., &c, by Washington Ir ving, Longfellow, Bui wer.Tennyson, W. Gilmore Simms, Dickens. Mrs. Siccourney. Thackeray, Peter Parley, Hawthorne, Alice Carey and oth ers. The Weekly " N E W-YORKER" ( pronoun ced a sunerior nnblication to the New York Ledger,) is offered at only ONE DOLLAR a year to subscribers who 6end the one dollar xmmedx- . A . 1 11" t 1 r . 1 -VT r.M aiuy uj me puuusuer, j. juamewg, xso. lUi r uiton street, js. x. specimen copies sent lor a 3 cent stamp. fniar2,lb5D;14 IMHLLIAM CARR & CO.. WHOLESALE V v Grocers, Importers, and Dealers in For eign and Domestic LIQUORS, Old Monongab.au and Rectified Whiskey, No. 329 Commercial Row. Liberty street, PITTSBURG, Pa. SUNDRIES 560 Bbls double Rectified Whis key. 187 Bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whisky. Par, ("very choice ) 60 Hhds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls N. O. Molasses. With a general assort ment of Groceries, also Bacon, Flour, Lard,1 Iron & Nails &c, all of which will be sold at low prices for cash. WM. CARR & CO. February 17, 1858.tf EORGE W. TODD, WITH CONRAD & WALTON, Importers and Wholesale Deal ers in Hardware, Cutlery, &c, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia. Keep coutantlyxn hand the genuine Timothy Slack's Angers,W. Mann's Beatty's and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & al ton's superior polished bteel Shovels. Darlin & Waldron's Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Com mon andPatent Scythe Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, &c, which they offer for sale on reas onable terms, to country dealers only Janury 25, 1855. iv.xr p THmiPsnu r t t a ttpiy & CO., Wholesale Dealers in and Manu facturer of HATS, CAPS. FURS, Hatters' Ma terials, Straw Goods, Artificial Flowers, Buffalo Robes, &c. No. 128 Market street, below Fourth South side, PHILADELPHIA. Cash paid for v ool and ompping t urs, PRICE I. PATTON. A. OPPENHEIMER. February 17, I858:tf Jt .-;vr.itir fhtlt. lift has lU&t J " - r- 1 - TX I 1 !. .il. t-i . PLETE stock of TinCopper, and Sheet' Iron Warecoosing, i-arior uu umuiif; owve, novt. Points Waon boxesSugar Settles, &c, ever onered ior-saie in r.oeiisuurS, u-iiMsuup oi flu ent Patterns of Cook Stoves of all sizes; 20 different patterns of Parlor and Heating Stoves of !; Plows: Suirar kettles aud Wagon boxes of all inzes; Brass and Curwi Kettles of all sizes; Preserving Kettles of all sizes; Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware of evy scription all of which will be sold low for Cash. Feeliu thanktul lor tne patronage lieretcior? uu i..Uo v. - ut lLt . .i .. ir if ii . v. A '.rr anA iidAtnpr And nil whn will fam, V !. same, lie nailers nimseu iuui ue tau ,c i"-" vt with a call better bargains than they can get at any oiner piacc, mm n'miuv mnio u.era to give him a :all before purchasing elsewhere, as ne win spare no pains to merit me pain-Lags a the community. -Job work of "s.11 'kinds done on the shortest notice. Also House Spouting rtiace ana pv.t up on me snoriesi nonce tv hiooi, ituMJuau.c icnns nrcai (-'Country:Produce Of all kinds taken in exchange. Also Cherry, Ash. and Poplar lumber, old Metal, Coppr. Brass, Pewter, &c taken in exchange. . ut.ui.Ui, ut.MUl- jf b. All persons knowing themselves niueuieu io mt uy oic ur uw. accuuui are repw. fully invited to call with their cash and settle up immediately. Ebensburg, Sept. 15, 1 bos. Ut-""U' ali. THE 11 ED, WHITE AXD BLUE. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY RED, WHITE AND BLUE Is one of the largest and best illustrated Liter ary Papers in the United States. An Imperial Quarto containing 8 peges; or 40 columns of original, interestins and 1'acinaUug reading matter, from the pens of the best Amer ican authors. PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBERS, One copy for 1 yeir, $2 00 and 2 premiums. One copy for 2 years, $3 50 and 4 do. One copy for 3 years, $5 00 and C do. One copy for 5 years, j8 00 and 10 do. AND TO CLUBS. Three copies, one year, $5 00 And 6 prams. Five copies, one year, $3 00 aud 10 do Ten copies, one year, $15 00 and 20 do Twenty-one espies, one year, $30 00 and 42 do Those getting up aClubot 10 isuoseriDers, ana remitting $15, will be entitled to an extra copy, free: and ihose sending $30. for 21 copies, will be entitled to a copy and premiums, free. THE rKhiillUMo. Every Subscrilcr to the WEEKLY RED, WHITE AND BLUE, will be entitled to two Premiums, worth from 50 cts. to $500, by the payment of .25 cents en each. As soon s th? subscridtion money is received, the subscriber will be informed by letter what his premiums are, aud then it is optional whether he pa-s the twenty-five cents on each and take the 1 renu ums or not. THE PREMIUMS. The Premiums that we sell to the subscribers for twenty-five cents eaeh, are comprised in the following UbH 6 rianofcttR, $500 each. 5 U. S. Ticasury Notes, 500 " 10 Gold Watches, 150 " 20 do. 100 25 do. 75 " Sewing Machines, 75 Gold Watches, 75 do. 50 " Silver Watches, 30 Silk Dsess rtreras. Silver Watches, THE 4 50 200 300 300 500 1,000 G1 B1 JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE. TCTBENSBURG FOUNDRY. HAVING pur JLJ chased the entire stock and fixtures oi the Ebensburg Foundry, the subscriber is piepared o furnish farmers and others with IMouglis, Plough Points, Stoves, Mill Irons, Tnreshln? Machines, and castings of any kind that may be needed in lhe community. - By strict attention to the bnsinw cern, he hopes to merit, and trusts he will receive a liberal patronage from those in want of article in nis une. All businewi don at the Foundrr . . . . EDWARD jGLAPa. Butler,' T B Reid. Mrs Jamieson. Byron, Scott. Moore, .Dryden. Pope, Burns, Leigh Hunt. Mrs Sigourney, Rogers, Soutliey, II Kirk White, Tasso, Mrs Jamieson, Alice Carey, Keats, Edgar A Toe, Milton, Spenser, Chaucer. Mrs Hemans, Mrs Norton, Kemble, Longfellow, Tennyson, Cow per. Whitlier. Dante, E W Ellsworth, Hood, . Tupper, r -Gotdanuth, , . Wordsworth, Shellej . Montgomery, Bryant, TO UN H. ALLEN &- CO., NOS. 2 4 v Chestnut Street, (south side, below Water,) PHILADELPHIA. (The Oldest Wood-waee House, in the Citi .) Manufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine made BROOMS, Patent Grooved CEDAR-WARE, warranted not to shrink, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of all descrip tions, l'lease call and examine our stock. March 4, 1857. ly. 10 " 1,000 Gold Chains, 10 to 25 " Gold Bracelets, Armlets, Neck Chains, Cameo, Florentine, Mosaic and G-old Stone Setts, Gold and Silver Thimbles. . Gold Ear Drops, Rings. Breast Pins, Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Cull Pins, Lockets, Keys,SoaTf and Shawl Pins, and other articles, worth from 50 cents to $12. All communications must be addressed to A. M. BROWN, & CO., 123 Scith Third street, Philadelphia. Pa. Agents wanted in all parts of the United States and Canadas, to sell Books, Music, Jewa'rv, Gold Pens. Penciis. &c, and receive subscriptions fur j the Ued, White ani Blce. Catalogues and numbered Certificates, will be sent to those wishing to act as Ageuts. No capital required. Philadelphia, March 9, I859.-1G-13W rOHN PARKE'S JOHNSTOWN MARBLE ' WORKS. Franklin Street, nesrly ovpysite the new Methodist Church. Johu&towu, Pa. av MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE 'jfm Stones, Mantels, Table and Bu b'llUeau tops, manufactured of tho most V 1 1 i -1 l . i- i-. f r - ucauiuui uuu uucbi quality oi toreign and domestic marble, always on har.d and made to order as cheap as they can Sbe purchased in the East, with the dditicn of carriage; From long experienc in the business and strict attention thereto, he can assure the public that all orders will be promptly attended to and the wok hmsheu in the best and most handsome manner furnished to order and del vered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and sizes, suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold bv wholesale or retail. T7For the convenitnee of persons redding in the easf, and north of the county.pecimens may he reen and orders left with Georgelluntley, at his Tinware Establishment in Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to examine stock na nces. I Aug. 19 '57.1 Iiune20.1855 UMO HOUSE, l:benslur&. Pa. JOHN A BLAIR, Pborpietor. Also, in connection, BLAIR & Co's UACKS, will leave the Union House for Willmore St& tion in time to take the Eastern or Western train Every accomodation will be afforded to make passenger comfrablte. PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD,IS A GP.ET scientific Medical Discouery, and is daily working cures almost to great too believe. It curea &i it bv magic, even the first dose airing benefit, and ' wrldom more than one bottle is required to ctirs any kial of Liver Complaint, from the voiA jaundice or 1 ryspepsia to a common headache-, al! i.f wbidh are the re&ult of a Diseased Liter, The Liver is one of the j rincipal regulator of the human bod and wLi:i it performs iu l"ur;ctins well, the powers cf the system ar fully developed. The Stomach is almost entire ly dependent on the healthy action cf tbe Liter fur the pro"por performance of its function. Vhen the stomach is at fault, the bowels are tt fiiult, and the whole system buffers in colj tequence of of,e organ the Liver having ceil ed to do its duty. For the diseases of this orgia one of the proprietors has made it his stu.iy n a practice of more than twenty years, to fir.4 some remedy wherewith to counteract many d ra.igemeuts to which it is liable. To prove that this remedy is at last faunilt any person troubled with the Liver Complaint iu any of is forms, has but to try a bottle, au 1 conviction is certain. A compound has been One bottle taken fuf formed by dissolving female obstruction re gums and extracting moves the cause -f ibt that part which solu- disease, and make a ble for the active vis"1 perfect erne, tues of the medicine. Only one dote inr These gums remove all mediatey rclives Chv mnrbid or bad humors" lie, w hile one dose of from the stomarh andO ten repeated ia a ran system, supplying inrj cure for Cholera Mcr their place a health y bus, and a predentin flow of bile, iavigorat-. of Cholera, ing the stomach, caus- One dose taken after ing fod to digest we!l,3 will prevent the recur purifying the bloody rence rf bilious attacU, giving tone and health while t relieves all to th? whole machine- painful feeling, ry, rtinoving the caus " t)nly one bottle ! es of the disease, andM nmletl to throw cut of enWliiig . railical curethe svstem the effect! withcut any of the dis- of ruedicine after Iodj "agreeable after effects'- sickness, felt by using calomeU One bottle taken f.f or mineral poison that Jaundice, remove I is u-sually resorted to. 00 yellowness or unn' One doe. after eat- ral color from the fil ing, is sufticieut to re-" One dose taVta lieve the stomach andi short time bnfore eat jirevent the foxl from0 ing, gives vigor to tb ri.-jng and souring. appetite a nd n;it One dt se taVen he- f xxl digest well. fire retiring prevents One dose, cuen r- nightniare. - peated, cures tne euro Only pue dose taken nic Diarrhoea ia if at night loosens the" worst form's ta bowels gently, and summer and bovd cures costiveness. p; complaints yield a h One dose taken afterQ mot-t the first dose, each meal will cure One dose cures t-Dys-pepsia. Stacks of worms. For 7One dose or twoo worms in c h il d rea teasposusful will all Q there is no eurer, aafef way? re'.iev S".c?:-fcad-or speedier remedy. It ache. . " nercr Jails. There is no exat ation in these statemef, they are plair oer facts that we can F evidence to r , e, while all who use it are &r. their unanimous testimony in its favor. "Among the hundreds of Liver Beme&a now offered to the public, there are none we cia P inLADELPHIA Wood MOULDING MILL Willow street, above Twelfth, north side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, Builders, Cab inet and Frame Makers, always on hand. Any Pattern worked from a drawing- Agents wanted in the various Towns in his portion of the State, to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to thems"1vrs. SILAS E: WEIR. February 17, l858:tf 11 ARGA1NS! BARGAINS! He has the above in all styles of binding, tjom plain cloth to the finest calf and antique, tosuit all classes of purchasers. He sells these as cheap as any other house in the country, besides th ad ditional advantages of Gift with each Book sold. ALBUMS FOR THE LADIES. Albums of aU sizes and all styles of binding, to rait all tastes, profusely illustrated with mag sifieent 6 toe Xktfirarki0R. PHILIP BETMEB. " ROBT. J. ANDERSOX i EYMER & ANDERSON. Wholesale Dea lers m Foreign Fruits. Nuts, Spics. Con fectionary, Sugars, Fire Works, &c. C3-0ran- ges and Lemers received weekly. No. 39 Wood street. Opposite the St. Charles Hotel, - Pittsburg, Feb. 17, 18od:tf REMOVAL! PAUL GRAFF, MANUFAC turer and Wholesale Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Straw Goods. Hats and Caps, No. 68 North Third Street?, betrrwjn Arch nd Cherry, Phila Me rcnants and others in want of TIN. COP PER OR SHEET-IRON WARE are res pectfully invited to call and' examine my stock, got up expressly for the fall rude. It is the largest and best assortment to bt ound West of the mountains, made in a superioi manner and of the very best materials. - Having adopted all the improvements of the times in the trade, in machinery and materials, I am prepared to complete successfully with city manufacturers, in prices and terms. Orders irom ono dollar to five hundred dollars worth; promptly filled, the wares carefully packed and guaranteed not to leak. One trial from merchants "who have not dealt with me heretofore is requested. At least send tor a i rice Last. Thankful for past favors. I respectfully solicit their.continuance. Address F. WV HAY. Johnatown, Cambria ejcnty; P Oct. 21, mrco so fully recommend as Dr. Sanford's Invig-"-ator, so generally known throughout the I'nloz. This preparation is truly a Z,irer lnrigjrcitfi producing the most happy results on all il1 who use it. Almost innumerable certific' have been given of the great virtue of thJ medicine by those of the highest standing is society, and we know it to bo the best prepr tion now before tho public Hudson Cwl Democrat. Price One Dollar per bottle. SANFORD&CO., proprietor!. SlSTrca??' New York. Dr. GEO. H.KEYSER, HO W street, wholesale and retail agt nt. For sale by Thomas Devine, High ff Ebensburg. , npHE SUBSCRIBER, SUCCESSOR TO G- Jl LLOYD & CO., at Jefferson, fespectja-j offers to the public, an extensive and well lected assortment of Dill' GOODS. GR0CL ESL llata. Pans. TW-. Xi Rhnre. Tit adv M Clothing. lln.idware, Quetnsware, Paint. G'Jfj Oils, anl all the articles usually required t Family Building, and Manufactoring purr A Stock of Drugs. Dye Stuffs, and family a icines, that for quality and variety is not snTT sej, (if equaled in the county.) "All of be will sell at the lowest possible prices lor runn pii, a r r A large amount of bprace and riae l"- , consianuy on nanus, anu .urns lor ajuiu. - to order at the shortest possible notice. . ; ROBERT FLIy- Jefferson, May 20, 185T. Lf. I RECTO It Y MAP OP CAMBRIA TY. Tlie tubscriber is preparing, fit cient encoirraTent be given,) to publish coLtaia as much information as any other u - T .1-1 1 T -.lv-nl&- " aroe to be lithographed, colored andxaonntw oe most modern style ind workmanlike maE- i j a. i n t rorv. WILLIAM fW1 Time -i, 15. :