SI j - r : jfTD SCISS OES. , cturday Is Christmas, and not Vj truth, do wc say, "A Happy 1 m voa. dear reader." May its Is -J Us contented and happy grati- I -. ihe past, and looking hopefully into The approaching Holidays will, -h' many be a season of pleasure . from the business and cares .4 rr,c tlmt thov urn ,Ul nut wb". " the birth of the Redeemer rSU.l anthem sent to hail Lushed its waves, and midnight. j Jrl? holy towers of Zioa hill f.iij'fo . -. rri " . .inii- hues, entitled "itie visit Nicholas, L.T"a'.ac will, i re certain, be peru- t;:, - , , ,. 8ettoon:ta pteasure rj au our j . U sous:: r'a u ' f'V.ristiuas: when all thro' i-vi.-.v 7 '" ...... vt:rrin2. r.ct ev-sn a mouse; wero h'n? by tho chimney with s Nicholas soon would be there. ' Vcrc nestled all snug iu their beds, xi ,.f b'igarpluras danced through 'c ' ht;'si rv4jr. Ler 'kerchief and I in my cap T-'- 'i 'jur trains f.r a winter's .:.:m1 ! liwr. there aroe suti. a ei.ttter, r.ts bud to see what wai the . .... .- , . w.nJ.'W 1 tew liKe a n.iau. Gutter aui threw i;o the sash, hv Ir-'-.-.t of tut- new iaaca snow. '..";a.T vf r.i:.i-l.v t j objects bdow; , H;T v.i:k: riiig eyes hho'd appe: an 1 fignt t:ny rt:uiieer, t.!d driver so iiv.-:y and quick. :i-.'-r.t it mVibt ht. .mck. '' . .-iri tS'"lc ins :j'.irncra vuuv t.ii.iu i:d biieu'v.i, and called thtci r-;!::e: no-. . L'anrer : i rnccr : Closing Scene in the Arentrue Cast. Last Saturday afternoon, William Arentrue convicted of Manslaughter, was brought iuto Court. His Honor, Judze Tavlor. remark ed that a motion bad been tuvle for a new trial in the case, and tLat be was now ready to Lear anything the Counsel for the prisoner or the Commonwealth Lad to say either in support of or against tbe nxotion. Mr. Kcpe lin, one of the Counsel for . the prisoner, said that on consultation with Lis colleagues, it Lad been determined to witbdraw tLo' reasons tot a new trial filed in the case, and submit the prisoner to the mercy of the Court. Ho said he Loped tL? Court in pronouncing sen tence would be as lenient to the prisoner os possible. He was a young'man in the mor ning of life, with an aged and now broken hearted motLer dependent on hiii for sup port. Previous to the commission of the un fortunate act which Lad placed Lim in the position of a felcn before the Court, be bad sustained the reputation of being a peaceable and industrious 3'oung man . The killing of eauiioh was evidently unpremeditated. The fatal blow was given at a moment when pa3 tsion had dethroned reason, aud before the orisoner Lad timt: to consider the awful re- suit likely to follow the rash act. II com mended thj pri oner to the mercy of the Court. The prisoner wns then eotumanded to stand up, when the Court addressed to him a few observations appropriate to the solemn occa sion and concluded in the following words. "The sentence of the Court ia that you Wil liam Arentrue. pay a Cue of one dollar for the use of the county and and the costs of this prosecution, and uuderg") an imprison ment ia the Western Penitentiary of this Commonwealth, to be kept and fed os the law directs, for the period of four years and six months, and the SheriSis directed to re move ycu to said Penitentiary within the space of thirty days from this time." Sher iff Linton started with ths prisoner for the Penitentiary yesterday morLing. On last Saturday, a man named Len-1 hart, struck a man named M'Tag, during a j row, in Johnstown, with a two pound weight, tracturmg his skull. Lenhart Las entered bail for bis appearance at Court. Sicce writing the above, we Lave learned that M'Tag died last Monday evening. A correspondent of tLe ItocLester Union writes from New York tLat Mrs. Cunning- Uii ! Cupid f Ou ! lender ! add PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD.IS A GRET scientific Medical Discouery, and is daily working cures almost to great too believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first-dose giving benefit, and seldom more than oBOrbottle is required to cure any kind of Liver pomplaint, . from the wvr&t jaundice or Dyspepsia- to a - common headache. all of wluch are the result I a Diseased Liver, lhe Liver is one oLhe principal regujators of Lam, of Burdell murder notoriety, aud herj 'he liuman bodrn.vrrien t perform its , , " ... . , I functions wfll,.jtac powers of the system ar iwo . uaugnters, are living in an plegant fuliy developed The Stomach is almost entire- manner in twenty-third street, and apparent-! y dependent on the healthy action of the Liver ly in easy circumstances. They give parties. J. UiCt, V'TZ'J V? i ,u,ncUons; J J W hen the stomach is .at fault, the bowels are at occasioially, and the Lead of iLc family," fault, and the whole system suffers in conse- it is said, was visible at the opera the other sequence of one organ the Liver having ceas- . j .ii I cd to do its duty. For the diseases of this organ cvcuiug. auKa 3 ui4u.Cu itcmiwj to one of the proprietors has made it his study iu a Southern planter, and Helen, it is under- a practice of more than twenty years, to Cud stood, is in a fair way to follow the example. son,e remedy wherewith to counteract many de- TV. VKIj J : I 1 i t. 14. TJT 1.1 r 'ill l"u iiiu icuicuy i til liiai luuuui. Lord Lyons, who has been appointed rsoa trjuble1 with th; L5ver Oomnlaint successor of Lord Napier as the rcpresenative J in any of its forma, has but to try a bottle, and of ner Britannic Majesty at Washington, is conviction is certain. of American-descent. His great-grandfather mp uau , ecn . une oott e taken lor o t I formed uv dissolvin female obstruction re- was a Philadclphian, who removed to Anti- gums aud extracting moves the cause of the gua, where the father of the first Lord Ly ons was iorn. MERCHANTS OF CAMBRIA COUNTY, DESIROUS of advancing their own inturesU, are respectfully invited to examine the. feTOCKf .CHOICE iSi(giiQEi3 Just purchased on the most favorable terms iu the Eastern Cities, and expressly adtd to th J O.BBI NO TRADE. All of which will be sold on as favorable terms as any House in the City. v CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWAKKK. W. EI. GORMLEY. 271 Llbertr Street, Opp. Eagle Hotel, November 10, 183.-3m. Pittsburgh, Pc. DAVIS fy JONES, VARIETY 1IALL, "tNlTFD WE HAND, DIVIM.D WB Ft Fall. A N OTI1 Kit CO-PA liTNEIn I r THE UNDERSIGNED have becoire ners in the Mercantile buficcss, as fcrmtrlv carried on at the well known sUnd of R Tin. ; South side of Main street, half square West of Thompson's Hotel. They have lately returned j f'('ni Philadtlj.fcia, afier nuking purchr.s tV a for the Presidency in 1SG0. Arrng the passencers by the Moses Tay lor is lieutenant J M. Gillis, U. S N., whom the Smithsonian Institute some time since despatched on an astronomical expedi tion to South America. :.: ict'tr.e prch ! to the tp of the wall! is: vjy. iush away. iU:i a.v.-ry, all I Ittveibef.r the wil 1 hurricane fly, ::?TiLe-.t with an ohstaclc, mount to the 'liit !i"Ut. tip the courser? thev flew. jV'ifull cf t. !.!i aud St. Nicholas too. ' . . . 1 . - re in a twinkling 1 heard on ti:e root ,::g sr1 pruii-ing f.f each little hx'f. ii. my ar. l a turniug around, tL? d.inlrioy Jit. Nicr.'!a cirae with a fur :n hia head t hii i c'.'-'lhw were :.mir.s '. vi ; ai4t-d t ;:f torts J - hid f.'ing on hi batk. t orenir.g his .oi( I ts a re .-bow thy twinkled ! hia dimples how rv lis n'js-j !.. acr.erry T IIaii-g presents ii to our rea-.U-rs this week th6 leauirful little poem entitled "The Visit of Sr, Nicholas," we vcr.ture to add the following exquisite gem. Those cf our aders who occupy a place ou the list of old maids aud Laehelors, will of course turn up their noses at it ; but w j are certain that it will be perused with pleasure by these who, although still roamiug iu the vale of celibacy, euttrtaiu reasonable hopes of soon emigrating to tLe State of Matrimony : LOVE IN THE RAIN. like roses; Y .tie ir. wA'driwij up' like a tov.-; .:! hi el, in wa as white tbr :p , s hv' he'd tint in his treth. ; (. ::(, it di .lrole l i;i he.i l lio a ':r..U f.cs ar. 1 htt.c rc::r.d I ily .. :i i.e L.ughe J, like a bowl f;.l of :.. .!.'. v .v.. t;uti:p; R right j y t u elf, j'-ti-ti wi.e.i I hsw hir:; i:i vit l niv- t :f Li? v and a twist of his hcal. self. x:zA to know T hid ii thing to dread. -. word, out wei.t flraight to ii.s ii ;it'..e -tucking; tin n turned with a y.i. a up the chimnev he rose. "U.uis rleizh. to hi team cave a v. hu- ! .Lfv a'.', flew like the dow n of a thistle; ere he dr.vo out cf liy love uok shelter unce- the tree, I'r. iu lain, the si.nimr raiu; And I. hy lore made bold and free, Tjok h.iier with hor in the lea Uf the wide, high-.tpreadhigchestcut tree. And bleseed ti.e rain, the raij. Qii'th 1, "lVt tiiiuk. the ituriv will pasal" Ki'.iAh shf, "Pin but a silly lass." Quoth I, "True love hath rainbyw light." Q h she. "M:: beautiful and bright." guoth I. ".Vy l.,ve is hurd to tell."' Q-.iolh bho. (UiC close. I'd listen well.' O r;iii4! O ruiu ! O biv'sed rain ! N snnsldne i.'i r shall cci&e :;gnii: S j dsar u Hit- .j that ttormy mi-.' t':. U 1'., and to ail a od- oyoaug men, named John Iloam, wton Jones, were arrested at Jackson :f. list Saturday, and lodged in th "3 place, on the evening of that day. l"e cLa.-ffed with havincr, about two ! P, entered tbo dwelling hcuse of Eiier, in Allegheny township, in -nd nresentl"? a Vl.-.tOl at tUC - 1 O A . Elder, then without any pro- 5!r. Elder being absent.) threatened" ':at her brains unless hc told them is 'jioiicy waa. She pointed to a they immediately commenced v?nS but did not succeed in dis- ay money. A small bag in one towers contained about $200 in gold, ''ietopof it were a number of pack- JirJeu seeds. One of lhe 'invest i- v'-nX bis Land into it, but finding notb- pSwden seeds, of course considered it of fuither examination They 1 lunibcr of promissory-notes, which ratted. They then ehouldrrred a tclougiug ro Mr. Eider, aui de- nes and Ream Laving been soen rghborhood of Mr. Elder's on tLe r! was committed, and the de- ':ag!Tenofthe'cfiendcrs by Mrs. Elder exactly cnmlninn rstpl on 1 tlifv Were finally arrested at tLe Xi Ltated. The dwelling bouse of of Reimf witb whom Lc Lad made !. was yefcterdsy searcLed by Cousta- '"f. IDd a number of artlfds discovered Canned "e have not learned wLetLer the V,f Pr0raiS9OrJ notes of Mr. - 44H;overea. SLlT Bkak FioiiT. A living cariosity, in the sl sfc of a black Liar, is now cu ixhili tion at the stable cf Mr. John A. Bl;ir, in '.his pUce admittance free. We yesterday called in to see MastJr Bruir., ahd foud him sitting astride of r j iist at an elevation cf ibout. teu feet, and looking ai dig'iifiud as a city ttl lermau when dh-penaing ju.-tice. Like many individuals at the present day, he is vorv fond of fi-ni, although he takes Lis in the fjlid form ir.ttcad of the fluid extract t Arrange ments hve been ma Jo for a "bear fight," at the grounds of ill i Agricultural Society noar this place, on Friday, the Slit ins, Tli3 owner of the dog which triu nphs ir. the fight v;iil receive a premium of five dollar. Tho lovers of rare sport should attend. Jack II hey says ho can ilud "canine that w ill make short woik of the bear. Hope '5' 5I- ruddle.Ute tditor of the Pitta - ; jomwercioZ Journal, died in Pitts- lit U- . - -wurday. U wan a writer of ability. It h we Vi t part :Iar love for tho i - ne win, ioz vjrmmt, Ira Yankee Trick , Extraordinary . -Wc have received tho following communication, which we publish verbatim et literatim. If Mr. Williams is as good at massacriting wild cats as our correspondent is at murder ing common sense and tho king's English, he'll certainly do: To tiir Citizens ov Ebensburgh and Camb Co. Gentlemen Lave you heard of the yankee trick done by Mr John T Williams North of Ebensburgh The trick is this Le caught a wild cat IS Inst. Its kngth is 4 foot and 3 inches its hcigth 18 inches and weighing GO pounds. TLe skilful plans invented By Mr. Wil liams will massacre all savage Animales around tLe settlement That was well done Go ahead Williams you are a match for tLein. Ou last Saturday evenitg. an indi vidual wLosc name we Lave not learned, was lodged in jail, chargedwith passing bogus United States coin, iu Johnstown, and an other chap, from game place, was at same time, provided with lodgings on the charge of beating Lis wife. If guilty, Le should be severely punisLcd ; for we believe witL tho poet, tLat ."tLe man who lays bis hand on a woman, save in kindness, is a villian, un worthy to even wear the name of coward." We will not vouch for the entire correctness of the quotation, but it will answer our pur pose at present. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in -which wc hare lar bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of f;tiil greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Jiarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It ia believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, ar.d that one which will accomplish their cure mutt prove of immense serriee to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : ScUOFCtA AND SCROPfLOUS COVPLAIKTS, Eruptions and Eeuftive Diseases, Ulceus, Piurms, Blotches, Tcmors, Salt Khecsi, Scald II bad, Syphilis and Syphilitic Ap- PECTI0N3, MeRCTBIAL DlSEASB, DrOPSY, NEU RALGIA or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dys pepsia and Indigestion, Ertsipelas, Rose ox St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whola class of complaints arising from Iupuritt op the Blood. . - This compound will be found a great pro moter cf health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester ia the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitude can. by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the eystem will strive to rid itelf of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body . by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritiea hm -stiiicr tliroueh the tkin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you lind it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. . Keep the blood healthy, and all ia well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. - Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not tdl the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, nretendins to be concentrated extracts of it. contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,,, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become svnonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run cf the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their completa eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED by DR. J. C AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, 1 per Bottle Six Bottles for $5. that part which solu- disease, and makes a ble for the active vir-E"1 perfect cuie. tues of the medicine. Only one dose im- congress is taming anu not worKing i mid or baa humors lie, while one dose of- mueu, uor wm suiuiuij ue awuiupiisui-u uu- i trom tne stomacn ariu&a ten Tepeatei is a sure til after" the bolhdays. The only satisfaction r system, supplying inr?! cure for Cholens Mor the neoDlo can derivo from this is that the their place a lusuthybus, an I a preventivj least Contrress does the less barm will be now oi Mie, invigoratr- oi noiera o 1 : . ii , ..j i. s r j . i . r. Ptfr.-tPii i my me fctoau.c.i, cius-" ujc insen ftillT lng toouto digest we:i,s will prevent tLo recur- ccording to the Washington correspon- Uivinc tone ar.d hlth whil it rolmv ll dent of the New Yo.k Trilnne, Judge Doug- to the whole machine- painful feelings. las Las prepared, and will soon publish a dec- ry, removing the caus Dnly one bottle is laration of his lutention not to be a candidate I es of the disease, auuH needed to throw out of effecting a radical cure the system the effects without any cf the di6- of medicine after a long ajrreeable after elTecta" bickucss. felt by calornelt One bottle taken for or mineral poison that Jaundice, removes a is usually resorted' to. tf2 yellowness or unnatu One dose, after eat- ral coloi from th skin, ing, is sufficient to ,re- One dose taken a lieve the stomach anupej short time bnforo eat preverit the food frcTOing, gives vigor to the rising aud souring. appetite and makes One dosa taken' fee-"1 food digest well, fore retiring prevents; One dose, often re nightmarft. peated, cures the chro Only one dose t ikg.n nic Diarrhoea in it at night loosens the2 worst firms; while b o w e'is gently, and . summer and bowel cures costivenos. ; cS cmjhiin.t-; yield al- One dose taken afterQ mo!-t the first dose, ch meal will" cure One dose cures a t- Dyspepsia. ' - tacks of worms. For me dose or . twio worms in c h u u rtn teasposnsful wii'. all q there is no surer, safer ways relieve Sickrl.ea.d- tf speedier remedy. It ache.' M 7jfier fails. There is no exaggeration' in these statements, they are plain sober' facts that we can give evidence to prove, while all who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. "Among the" huhdrels of Liver Remedies now offered to the public, there are none wc can so fully recommend as Dr. Sanford's Invigor ate, so generally known throughout the Union. This preparation is truly a Liter Invigora'vr, producing the most huppy results on all those who use it. Almost innumerable certificates Iron CItj Commercial College. Pittsburgh, Pa. - - Ch aute&ed 1S55. SOll St.niiPr.fa .Tonm ISB ! vorv ci.l.ot;.-,.wf r.,.. iif Now the largest and most thorough Cc-mmer- I an(l liave unw "eceived tl em. and willttTtr f-r cial School of the Uuited States. Young men i Balo,at low Pr"es ns our motto is "quick cait prepared for actual duties of the Counting Hoom. fcnia rrf-ts.,? Our stock consists of " " J. C. Smith, A. M., Trof. of Book-keepin and ! DRY GOOD S. science oi Acoounts. A. T. Doctuett, Teacher of Arithmetic an Commercial Calculation. T 4 IT .. 'Ti rl T . m ' : h ur.n' I . . - t! nnf tt. i,a A T t'A ft 1 o . a. iitx L'mt-h. uiea jl. v. orn.i;.a, oil ""j v.-.. - .,uu inuius. iu. a large rs-Book-keeping: j ortment of Boots, Shoes j-.nd Slippers, fctraw A. CowLnr and V. A. Miller. Profs, cf Pen- i Fur aud Wool Hats. Stationery cf all kinds. manship. SINGLE A1SD i i u xi x GOODS. of almost every description, viz.. Qoths, CasA ,j meres. Sattmetts, Twtids and Jcans.Brown acd I5ie.ichcd Muslins, Dress gootls of sll kinds' " DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK- KKKPING, As used in every department o.f business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC RAPID BUS INESS WRITING DETECTING CO U N TE II FE IT MO N K Y MERCAN PILE CORRESPONDENCE COM MERCIAL LAW Are taught, and all other Fubjects necc"sary i fvr the success and thorough education of a prac i Eacon and Kith wires, kipt ticai business man 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in Eastern and YrcsUm Cities, for best Writing. NOTING RAVED "WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter Tt any time No vacation Time unlimited Review r.t pleasure Graduates as sisted in obtaining situations Tuition for Tull Commercial Course, $35.00 Average time 8 to 12 weeks R.iard, $2.50 per week Stationery. i-'l.OO Entire cost, $C0.00 to $70.00. JvMiuisters' received at half price. For Card Circular Specimeus cf Business and Ornamental WritiLg inclose two stamps wnd address F. W. J EN KINS, Aug. ll,'56:2y Pittsburgh, Pa Ttr A I.U A RLE FARM I'OR SALE. Tho un T dersigned offers his FARM situate in Jack so:, township. Cambria county, for sale. I: con tains 100 acres, about 75 of which are cleared, anJ having thereon erected a large two story friirr.e bouse, a hirge bank barn, aM other out buildings. There in also on the premises a large orchard of 120 voung fruit trees, all bearing, This is decidedlv one of the most desirable loca- ALSO. "Wall paper of the latest catt constantly on band. HARDWARE of all descriptions, such as are usually keit in a country stoic. Bar Iron and Nails. Queenswars Earthenwarer and Stoneware. GROCERIES, Such as Sugar. Molasies, Syrup. Teas. Cikc Rice, &c Splcca cf al. kinds ALSO. FLOUR, A largo assortment of Tobac co, Cigars and Snuff of all kinds, and a varioty of other articles to numerous to mentio.i. CALL AND SEE before purchasing elsewhere, Cotintry produo of rdl kirds at ti-.e highest prices wilf be taken in exchance for poi-ds. CHERRY, rOPLAR, and PINE LUilEER, bought and sold. ROBERT DAVIS. JOHN P. JONES. July 23, 15LS. 37 If, jj"GTlCE. The subsciibtr t?i tn-.tkert -UN known to ail who aro interested, that ha now wants to ekse up all his old bocks, by ma king settlements, and if paj rnent cannot be'mr.r'e at the time of settlement, tluy can give thair rotes so as to close up old iccoufits. TLe old & 1 age says (and is very ti ne) "that thort settlo rr.ents make h-i.g friends." He feels very thank fid for the patronage he has received Vhea by himself, and hopes for a continuation ci the base with the new rm. ROBERT DAVIi. July 2S. 1S53, 27, tf. rilUE SUBSCRIBER, SUCCESSOR TO G. I Jl LLOYD & CO., at Jefferson, rcftjtetfullr oilers to the i.ublic. an rxtrnsivf nnl t-M 4. 4' . 'I'! i a ' rr- nons in uie county lor a country residence, ine ictteel assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCER-" is i)ie;;s;iui, uuu liie sou T'ri'Uiicii ve. .'V have been given of tt e great virtue r.f this medicine by those of the highest standing iu society, and we know ii to bj the best prepara tion now before-' tLo. public. Ifuason County Democrat. ' - Price One Dollar per bottle. SANFORD & CO., Proprietors. 346 Broadway. New York. Dr. GEO. II..KEYSER, 140 Wood breeet, whcleeale and retail agent. For sale by TTiomat Devine, High street, l'.henshurg. T t VIZ GREAT WEEKLY PAPER ! : Ilflt. lts.,t X P,,1 rood rood lead-ng to Summerhid station, on the I Ch-tliing. Hardware, Qucrnswure. Paints Gias-Perm-vivunia Road, rscs thrormi the ' iiitc ..,,,i oii -ri..i.. , .-.,.m : , - ' arm utstance abtrtt 4 miles, and is also mwe Vaniu- r..i;i.'.;,. in.l,f.,- rom the btone iurr.pixce. It is in the j A Stock of Druses, Dve StufiV, and family med ho.l of the Cannel coal tract, belonging u. Js- , icines. that for qv.alitv atd varietv is net eurpaa seph Borkbart, an,4 is snnp. sed to contain Can- ! sc-;t (if e-.-udled in the count v.) AH of uhich r.el Coal. There is a t:ever-faihrg (.j.nng of va- i l.e w jl ttU at the lowest possible prices for cath tor a few rods from ti:e House lrcm which the I r,- fr-i::? trr Pr.i-'n.-n A r - Ik Town Dr. .John Clark, Surgeon nil thj war uM eea ,jer;ftrei Dentiiit. He can b- fonod at tbe oflBce of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure cf every variety cf Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than ussure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever bcea found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, yOU thk CUIUS OTf CottiteneM, Jaundice, Dyspeptia, Indigettion, Dytentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and $fcin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, It'orm, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner rill, and for Purifying the Blood. They ere sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Sox; 5 oxei for $L00. Great numbers of Clcrirymcn, Physicians, States men, and eminent personals, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. .... , Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers wua other preparations they make more - profit on. Demand Ater's, and take no otters, lhe eicK want the best aid there is for them, and they ahouia have it. All our Remedies are - Try- Sold by T. DEVINE, Ebcnsburp, and by Merehatite genorally through the anirrtry. THE NEW YORK WAYERLEY, and LIT ERARY HOME CIRCLE. Devoted to the thrill inu, the beautful, the instructive aiul the refined The design of this Paper is to furnish a literary companion for every Home Circle in the land a weeklyz iWri, bearing .to each and all an in btructive'and entertaining ''feast of good things;" u choice bouquet of all that is rich and rare ia Art and Literature. Original stories, Novelettes, Ro mances, Poetry Amusing Anecdotes, Science, Do mestic and Fi.reIgi.News, WIT AND SENTIMENT. NeulraViu politico; fr?e from all sectarianism, yet.byld and Independent. Each ediiion cf this elegant specimen-of artistio Kkill will oor.t;du eight s'iper-royal quarts-pages, on fine stln sur face paper, and will be . ELEG A NTLY ' j LLUSTRATED bv the first artists' cf the age, Its columns will be lii'.ed ly the choicest productions of AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN Al'lllUiii, engiged expressly f r this paper, at an enormous expense, thus ensuring the highest tone of morals, ana the most fastidious tast. One grand feature, distinguishing the NEW YORK WAVERI.Y, AND LITERARY HOME CIRCLE, above CI others, will be the publication cf tho mcomparaiile Komances ci mr .-uut lt..u.i, THE "WAYERLY NUN ELS." one whole toifme (costing seperatolv. twice the price of this paper,) will be completed within six months, iu addition to, aud without interfe ring in the least with an aluudaut supply of the unique, and the original, as much as any one can find time or disposition to read. Terms. Tiro Dollars per Annum; One Dollar for Six Months invariably in advance. The first number of this extra super royal pa per will bj fo-ud for sate at all the respectable News Depots in jhe Unitil States" and the Can das, on the TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF OCTO BER 1858. . THE NEW YORK WAYERLY" Is r-ubliched every Saturday, by I izt .asau oi. i i i n.r B. BAKER S- CO. j 15 Brattle .street Bosstou, water i couvoye.i to tno - door ci tii lioust- ami A laree amount of Snruce And Pin I.ii-r,L barn yard by a Hydrau.ic Ram. It-rius ot sa.e j constantly on l.-ands. and Bibs for Lumber rawed wid be so easy tuat aim et any ion msy be- . to ordor at tlie rhorte.-t r ossiule notice, come tie purchaser ROBERT FLIN. fo.- further particulars inquire of tnj under- ( jClTl,rsrn yiRy 2n, If 57. If. signed en the pre mites. i . THOMAS JONES. i "SES. MARGARET TOLD i especially i WORIvb. Irankhn Street, ncsrly opposite Rfrf,.f !.;;M!n -t ,.r ,.,rl.- r-.,. ,1.- ..r 1 the new Methodist Ch-irch. Johnstown, Ia. Shoemake r. a and nT. n!?6 .rt,.-. f MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE j rnnry ry cBonnrti tip btviies, Mante.s, fable a n d Pu- Ueatl ErfH w. I lmvrrt fit rr : . 1 1 . .r 4 t r , . -frP.-M,ea" loP ' raaiiu.acii.reu 01 mo m--M ; ami Trimming's. IJiblionti rirfe b-.-autilul and finest quality of foreign - ic. Ri.N N ETS, &c. Made to order. TERMS J'ry5. an t ilomtstic martle. always on 1. arc! j CASH. April 21, 1S'!;23. and made tr order as cheap as thev can j T ... EzShis purchased in the East, with the ' TTRENSF.UP.G FOUNDRY. HAVING pur dditi 11 of carriage: From bg txpi-rierc in '; ciiasoj the rntire st rck aud fixtures cl the the business and strict attention thereto, he ran i Ebeburg Foundry , the subscrii er is prepared assure the public tiiat all orders will be promr.tlv J to furnish farmers and -.thers with attended to and the wok finished in the best aial j lMoiiglis, Plough r'oiuls. Sloven. 3IUI most handsome manner furnished to order snd 1 trims, Inrvising lucliiiie, del vered at aiy place desired. and castings of any kind that rr.ny be needed ia ALSO. Grindvi.cs of varions crits and s:;'.-:s. ! V community. suitable for farmers and mechanics. S .ll lv j Dy strict attention to th- bu.dne is of the enr wh jle'hnle or retail. ' cer J-e hopes to merit, aui trusts he wii receive IDFor the couveitkucc of persons rcldl;.,; in ' a liberal patronage from these ia war. t of article tt.c r:itr "vri.l nnr(H if thf w.iMitv iPi-itni-ii mr.v ! in LIS line. he- retr. and orders left with Georgelluntiey, .t I Jstablihm'".; in Eber.sburg. Purchasers arc" invited to examine stek r.a j ticcs. S- 1, '67. fjuncSOJSSS j All l.usiiieis dcuc at the Four.drv. iL.rch 22. 'o.'-tf. EDWARD OLA-3- -pTEW TIN-WARE ESTABLISH EN T . Xl Th undersigned take this meth- d "BROADYAY1 ot OMNIBUS," Ths Greatest Peper cf tLe Age II A BEAUTIFULLY ILLC51KAI L SICNTIiLI JslISiT. informing the citizens of and sur roui.diiig country, that l.e has commenced bur-incis in this place, in the building fcimerly occuv-ivd by M. S. Ilf.rr. rr.e doer wc.-t f tho Pot Ofiire, where he intends to carrv onhisbui nes? in all ita branches. TIN WARE of all de scriptions kept ce-ib-.antly on ban 1, and at pri ces to su.t ti.o times. Country Merchants c,rx tention to business he hopes to receive a lil eral a-'l you and give you m the coune cf Shr..r,f nl n .ir.v. VVI.iX T1FXT.K I the year, at loAst titty cents' uoith uf tun and FAen.sburg April 2Sth. 1S58. AND A lAIS:s: TII1T 5S A PAPKR. A budget of Wit, Humor, Facts ani drawn from Lite. -Here you are. right awsv, Broadway, Broadway, right up!" Only fty Cents jump in and take a ride. Oi -;e sealed ia the "onxiEts," v.e will endeavor to both ao:u M FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell Uhcu:: sntonr ution. S o will show yi.u i.p Uroij wav, down the old Dower v. throli-h Chatham j and the other principal streets, giving vou ampla "ST'ar: JL at private sale, that part of the f.rm cow i l.u" V H'UV, 1 1 a CV occupied bv him in Cambria township. Cambria j 1 r ln Confidence Operators. Ac. Ac. county, lvfngeastof the town.hip road, running i .V?"1'1 -voll. !'-v L-v K- tbrouab the said premises, containing about One "S;jt '?, u-ht' b-v f-a:il)!e light, bystar Hundred Acres. There are about seventv-Cve h. .d v. i l drive the ';oM.N-iiua'' t. some parta IGVAL. Tlie rndersignei having rcmo d to the new building two doors west would respectfuhv inform his ... 1 i 4 - i customers and the public generally, mas ie nes lately added to his former supply cf Goods, and keeps constantly on hand a full puppiy cf STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Silk Gccds, made-up Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shces .Hardware and Cutlery, Carpen ter't tccls, Smith's tools. Nails, a full supply of as soi ted Bar Iron, Sheet and Hoop Iron. Stoves and cast hollow-ware constantly on hand Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, wholesale and retail. -' P'ne, Poplar and Cherry Lumber bought and sold. - 't - - . . Gocds will le sold at.tbe very lowest prices in exchange for Cash orCountry Produce-. . .... v.. ... 12. HUGHES. Ebensburg, March' 15, 1855. r. M. KERN. L. M. EnANNON. DKS. & SHAWOX, Practising Fhyilclaui, Jffenon, Pa. C3- Tender their professional services to the cit izens of Jeflcrpon ana vicinity, and all others ce siring medical ' aid... Night calls' promptly at- acres of land cleared thereon, under fence, and i:i ' Kl ,nu L-i-x "M"?ru ,Uire wn! cu- gd state of cultivation. Also, a good two sto- l' j "aj .5 ci ry frame house thereon erected, an excellent or- ' he S' V''T?11' and alto acuse many in 44' l ....I. luivivju..- n. 14411 - 441 44C1. 1 4. 4 V W chard cf Fruit Trees of every variety growing thereon, a never failing spring near ti.e nouso. and other improvements unnecessary to enumer ate. There ii also an excellent vein cf coal on the land, and aUo limestone. Terms will be mane ca.-.v, and an indisputable t.tle will be given tor said promise.-; possession j given immediately. JOHN O CONN ELL Cambria tp.. Sept. 1, 1858.3m AP OF CAMBRIA COUX scribcr is preparing, fif suffi cient encouragemeijt be given,) to publish a Di rector MAP of Cambria County, intended to contain as much information as arj other Coun ty Map now Published in Pennsylvania. The same to be lithographed, colored anil mounted in the most modern t-ty le and workmanlike manner," and delivered to subscribers at $5 per copv. "WILLIAM CHRISTY June SO, 1858. DIRECTORY MJ TY. The tubs mrtter. physic to the flogs." If y,,.u have the Tides, the Dyspepsia, G ut. Rheun.ati: n, cr arc unfe r tunately troubled with a scolding wife, ire will guarantee to make ye.:; foi:t yeur troubles; laug'n nlmest against your will, and grow fat. Everybody sbcodvl yubseribe to the "o4s jte;" j at once. i::e ' i .v j u-UaMdlo w:u maKe its app e.irai ce en tne mat or every i.:onta hilet v ith inttvction amusmcnt for a:l. Price Fifty Outs a yeaT h r.dvauce thrco copies to one address, One Dollar. The cheapens paper in the State. Who wbl yft ua twn ta.b scribers and reitive one copy free? All err., munieations should be ad'rtfed to CHARLES P. BRITTOiJ. Ed. 'Broadway Omnibus." octl8-2m 207 Pearl streot, N. T, RE YOU INSURED 1 SURYEYS MADE and applications taken for insurance against Fire in the PROTECTION MUTUAL FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY OF BLAIR COUNTY, BY v ROH7RT A. M COT. Agnt. WiliUiot'?, tAitab'-i i. ew Tallorlitgr Efctabllilnu nt. Tiieundersignf:d begs leave to inform the public, that be has corr.mfnred the Tailoring business a the room fnruicrlv ec pied by A. lllain as a Barber's Jtoop. on street, Ebeusbur. where be is prepared to ruak all kinds of garments in bis line of trad, cording to the latest fashiycs. Hcrcfpectfu'.ly solicits a share of public-patrons. WILUAS1 '"'.'r - V r "wMuwa. !Tt. Lewis. ! Nov. 2t 18:30:1)'. March 1? 16T. irt TT a o o c o