i , coacu MiirrACTonr. . THE SUBSCRIBER WdULD RESPECTFUL- ly inform thecitLwna of Ebensburg and vi tialty, that ha ha rented tlw hop formerly occn. by R, Gaibraith, wberj he ha every faciity A carrying on a large. budintja,andvbopcs by us i ig but the bett material, tndurploying iirut ' the best workman, be hopes to convince all who will do him the favor to ezrjnine his work, that iu point uf durability, appearance or cheapness, he cannot be excelled by ray similar establish mcnt in t e State cr elsewhore. Person wishing a bargain in loe purchase of a carriage will cou unlt their own interests by giving him a callw They are prepared to supply the following kinds . o vehic s, viz; Buggies of drfercnt qualities and prices, Bar ouches, Chariotees, one and two horse rockaways, close quarter eliptic and C-Spriug Corches; se-oond-handwork of differant kinds, c, msking variety that will suit nil tastes and all purses. Repaint g done wita neatness and dispatch. . .... WM.BARNE5. Tcb." 10,1858.-13 Till: 9IORMOXS DEFEATED! CLOTHING EMPORIUM. "WE BEG leave to inform our friends and tbo public in gen eral that we have received from the Eastern cit ies a large and well selected stock of goods containing Spring aud Summer CLOTHING of all kinds and quality for mn and boys. Also A fine and large stock of Goths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Trimming, &c. &c. HtndkC'ckiefs, IStdcfts, Cravats, Hats of all kinds and descrip tion, Umberellas and Suspenders, Clothing made to order at the shortest notice. Please call and ee us before you make a purchase anywhere elne, as we can guarantee that we will not be beit in quality and low prices by any establishment ia the Stato. Terms Cash or Country Produce. EVANS & HUGHES Ebensburg, April 2b 1858. Bargains ! Bargains ! Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, "M fEUCHANTS and others in want of TIN JJJL COPPER OR SHEET-IRONWARE are respectfully invited to call and examine toy stock, cot up expressly for the fall trade. It Is the largest and best assortment to ht found West of the mountains, made in a superior manner and of the very best materials. Having adopted all the improvements of the times in the trade, in machinery and materials, I am prepare" to complete successfully with city manufacturers, in prices and terms. Orders from one dollar to five hundred dollar worth, promptly filled, the wares carefully packed and guaranteed not to leak. One trial from merchants who have not dealt with me heretofore is requested. At least send fur a Price List. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully solicit their continuance. Address F. W, HAY. Johnstown, Cambria county. Pa Oct. 21, 1857. SOtf Xew Tin-YVure Establishment. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS METH od of informing the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding country, that ho has commenced business in this place, in the building formerly ' occupied by M. S. llarr, one door west cf the Tot Office, where he intends to carry onhisbufi tiess in all its brandies. TINWARE of all de scriptions kept constautly on haul, and at pri ces to suit the times. Country Merchants can havo orders filled to any amount. By strict at tention to business he hopes to receive a liberal hare of public patronage. FELIX UENLE. Elensburg April 28th, 1858. BEATTY'S ARABIAN HORSE OINTMENT is warranted to cure in every instance, if used according to directions, Ringbone, Spavin, and Splint, or any other callous or hard lumps. It does not like 'cure alls" of the present day, profess to cure all ill to which man and beast are beir to, but will most assuredly cure the above and removo all blemishes resulting, such as lumps, callosities, &c. It accomplishes its cures by penttratiug the pores and converting the tu. mors or callous into pus or matter and is then discharged through the ekin without removing the hair Mauufacturcd and sold by James H. Beatty and also at the Drug Store of Dr. Wm. LEM MONand at the store of THOMAS DEVINE Ebnesburg. Pa. f jan.20, OHN PARKE'S JOHNSTOWN MARBLE WORKS. Frauklin Street, nesrly opposite the new Methodist Church. Johnstown, Pa. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE , Stones, Mantels. Table and Bu reau tops, manufactured of tho mat beautiful and finest quality Bof foreiam and domestic marble, always on haul : and made to order as cheap a s theycan I bo purchased in the East, with the ddition of carriage; From long cxperienc in tho business and strict attention thereto, he can assure the public that all orders will bo promptly attended to and the work finished iu the best and most handsome manner, furnished to order and delivered at any place desired. ALSO, Grindstones of various grits and 6izes, J suitable for farmers and mechanics. Sold by wholesale or retail. CC"For the convenknee of persons reddimr in the ea and north of the county, specimens may rc reeu ana oraers ictt witn Ueorge Huntley, at hi Tinware Establishment in Ebensburg. Purchasers are invited to examine stock na ! r rices. f Aug. 10, '57.1 fjuue 20, 1856 fNE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD GREAT EXCITEMENT! The undersigued would scspectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and tho surrouudins vi cinity, that he has just arrived from the Eastern cities with a large and varied assortment of Goods of all descriptions, viz : COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS, MOLASSES and BPICES of all kinds, tog-ther with a large lot of ribU,ironi salmon down to Herring, which w:ll be disposed of by the barrel kt dozen. TOBACCO, SEGARS AND SNUFF. of all brands and prices. MOTIONS and CON FECTIONERIES in abundance. We have also added to our stock a well selec ted assortment of ftCHOOL. BOOKS & STATIONARY, which will be disposed of to suit the times. Also: Hardware, Faint. Oils, Drugs, Dyo Stuffs, &c.,&.c..&c Our stock of Flour, Meals, Iron Nails, Steel Borax, &c, is large and will be disposed of at the lowest cash prices. All kinds of Grain And Marketing in general. BUch as Butter, Egg. Poultry, &c, will be taken in exchango for good, and the highest market price paid. One us a ca.l lelore purchasing elsewhere. R. DAVIS Ebensburg, Dec. 0, 1857, Fbensburg Foundry, the subscribor , is prepared to iurnieh farmers and others with Plougrhs, Plough Point, Stoves, Mill Irons, Threftblng llnctilncsv and - eastings of any kind that may be needed in the community. , By strict attention to the business of the con cern, he Iwpes to merit, and trust he will receive a liberal patronage from thoue in want of article to his line. All business toa at the Foundry. EDWARD OLA. Malj f.'8ft-f. 1 iCitij bbtrtismtnts. ' REMOVAL! ! PAUL GRAFF, i. MA.XCFACTCREa i.ND WUOLESALK DJCALER IX BOOTS, SHOES. STRAW GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, No. 68 North Third Street, Between Arch and Cherry, PHILADELPHIA. March Cth 1850. JOHX II. ILLEX & CO. NOS. 2 $ 4 CHESTNUT Street, '(south side, be low Water,) PHILADELPHIA. (The Ccdest Wood-ware IIocse, in TnF.Cm .J tl. nufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Pat ent Machine made BROOMS, Patent Grooved CEDAR-WAUE, warranted not toshrink, WOOD & WILLOW-WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of all descriptions. 1 lease call ami examine oue stock March 4, 1857. ly. Geo. W. Todd, with COMIAD & WALTOX, Importers & Wholesale Sealers in Hardware, Cutlery, &c, No. 255 Market Street, Philadelphia T7" EEP constantly on hand the genuine Tiino- JV thy Slack's Augers, Wni. Mann's, Realty's, and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrau & Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels, Darling & Wal- drou's Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Common and Patent Scy the Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, $-c &c, which thev offer for sale on reasonable terms. to country dsalera only Janniry 25, 1855. WILLIAM CARR &, CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS IMPORTERS And Sealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, OLD MONONGAHELA and Rectified Whiskey No. 329 Commercial Row, LIBERTY STREET PITTTSBURG, Pa. Sundries 5C0 Bbls double Rectified Whiskev. 187 Bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whiskey, Par very choice ) 50 Hhds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls N. O. Molasnes. With a general assortment of Groceries, al Bacon, Flour, Lard, Iron & Nails &c, all o f which will be sold at low prices for cas-h. WM. CARR & CO. June 18, 1856. 34- y JOSHUA COWPLAXD, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IS LOOKING CMSSBS, No. 37. South Fourth Street, BETWEEN MARKET AMD CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. Gilt Picture and Portrait Frames r'.ade to or der. Mouldiugs for sale. Oct. 21, 1857, 50 ly. wm. n. LAWSOX. KOWIN YFIIKE3. GEOIIOK ROCHESTER WITH atDsou 3cr- importers of i.es, iii:aiies, gixs, AXD OTHER LIQUORS, Ko. 007 Market Stree ab. Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. October 21, 1657. ly. rillEADEEnilA Wood Moulding Mill, Willow Street abort Twelfth, North Side. Mouldiugs 6ui table for Carpenters, Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. ANY FATTERN WORKED FROM A DRAW ING. Agents wanted in tho various Towns in Ids por tion of the StatCj to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to themselves. SILAS E. WEIR. Aprils, 1857- PHILIP EEYMEB. ROBT. J. ANDERSON. RE YMEE & ANDERSON. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS- NUTS. SPICES. CONFECTIONARY. SUGARS. FIRE WORKS, &C. 05- Oranges and Lemon received wetkly. Xo. 39 Wood street. (7" Oppo: ite the St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgn. Pa. March 4, 1857. tf. BEN. P. THOMPSON, WITH P. I. PATTON Sl CO. Wholesale. Dealers in and Jfaniifactors of HATS, CAPS, FURS, Uattertc Material, Srair floods Artificial Flowers' Buflalo Robes, &c So. S ..8 MARKET STREET, Beloxc Fourth, South Side, PHILADELPHIA. CASH rAID FOB WO OL AND SIIirriXQ FURS. PRICE I. PATTON. A. OPPENIIEIMER. Dec. 17, 1356. 8. FlitST A IV A" UAL. RCPOItT of run 1!1 MITM FIRE I! co mp Airy or cambria county. Amt. of property insured, 4.67,139.23 G3 premium notes in force. No. of policies issued and in force, STATEMENT EXHIBITING THE OPERA TIONS OF THE COMPANY, AND ITS PRESENT CONDITION. Amt. reed, on premium notes, J 3 68.4 " incidental expenses, $147.79 " loss sustained, 13.88 " paid Officers and Directors, l5G.oO 318-17 T!l... : rn . . . Total assets of the Company, $7007.18 Witness our hands, at El-cr.sbiug, this 12th day of January, A. D. 1858. R. L. JOHNSTON, President. A.C. Mnxix. Secretary. fjan20-10 NOTICE. The Pamphlet Laws of the las session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania have been received at this Office, and are teady for distribution to the persons entitled to receive them. Joseph Mcdonald, Proi'v, Eteasburg July ?1, If 58. B1EDICIXES. HAD AT THOMAS DE VINE'S Opposite Tliompson's-'IIofel, EBCXSBlTRG,Va, , .- IN TART AS FOLLOWS. - ' Dr. Weaver's Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup. Sanford s Invigortor. Indian Ltnament. Wood's Hair Restorative. Rock Oil. The Universities family medicines. Graefenburg Family medicines. Halloway's. Ointment and Pills. FOR Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Sine's Dysentery Compound SALE AT Boerhave's Holland Bitters. Hoofland's German " TH0S. DEVINE'S Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. Balm of 1000 flowers. M'Lane's Vermifuge. CHEAP Curtis' Inhaling Vapor. STORE. Railway's Ready Relief. Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Keyser's Pectoral Syrnp. Dr. D. Jaynes medicines, nalloway's Worm Confections. Bennet's Plant and Root Bills. Swayne's Svrup of Wild Cherry. Brandreth's Pills. Wright?. Pills. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and. .fHlls. Brant's Pulmonary Balsac and Purifying Extract. P Ebensburg, Sept. 30, 1857. 47 LOUIS LUCKHARDT. WATCH MAKER, AXD DEALER Ic njlllE undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the citizens of Johnttown and vicinity that he has iust'received and is now opening the lurjrest stock of C locks Watches, and Jetcelrv. ever brought to jOr.nstwn urilhout ex ception, which will be sold " cheaper than the cheapest." His prices will always be uniform, One customer will not be charged more for the ume aualitv of coods than another. A List of some of the articles comprised in the assortment- is annexed. Prices may be ascertained, and goods examined, at the Store or. Main Stroet. Gold Hunting English Levers, Gold Detached Levers, ful ie welled, Gold Lepinos. 4 holes " Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Cliaina. Gold Vest Chains, Gold Pencils, with Pens, Gold Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins, Ladies and Gentlemen, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earrings, Gold Finger Rinss, Gold Cnff Pins, Gold snd Silver Watch Keys. Portmonales, Ladies' Fans, fancy ami plain, Silver Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thimbles riated Tablespoons, best, Plated Teaspoons " Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea Sell, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, Ac., Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 6 inches, Gold Bracelets, Accordeons, Silver and Plated Spectacles, &c.,Ac, &c. CO- All sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewel rj repaired with promptness and at low rates. Con fident that be cannot be undersold, the undersign- respectfully solicits the confidenec and patronage of the public. L.OU1S LUUKUAllUT May 14, 1856. 29-tf. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION ! J J. MOORE &. SOX H AVh ust opened at their old stand; in the Borough of Elensburg, the richest and rarest, the finest and cheapest assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ever offered to the people of Cambria County Unusal care was taken in the selection of these goods, and care has been taken that nothing with iu the range of a Country store, nor any ways near it, but what they can supply to their cus tomers, at least as cheap as they can be had in the country. Their stock of Dry Goods is nnprecedently large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and texture. Satinetts, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, &c. &c. Flannels, Sheeting, Shirting, aud made un (lothin!? of everv description. A great C3 V variety of LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all iatterns and at all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, &c. Their assortment of hats. caps, boots and shoes, is complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety and quality. A well selected variety of Hard ware, Cutlerv, and nails. Also, Quoensware and Glass : Paints, Dye stuffs, DRUGS & MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex change for country prodrce. Give us a call. J. MOORE & SON. Ebensburg, Nov. 9, '54. McRGA'S CELEBRATED THE GREAT ADHESIVE Mj$t useful article ever invented, fvr house store and office, surpassing in utility ev ery other glue, gum, muciloge, jtaste or cement ever known. Always Ready for Application. ADHESIVE ON PAPER, CLOTH. LEATHER, FURNITURE. PORCELAIN CHINA, MAR- BLK, OR GLASS. FOR manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys etc., it has no superior, not only posessing greater strengtn tnan anyotner Known article, dui aa heres more quickly, leaving no stain, where the parts are joined. Neveb Fails. Within the last three years upwards of 250,000 bottles of this iustlv celebrated LIQUID GLUE have been sold, and the great convenience which it has proved in every case, has deservedly secured for it a demamd which the manufacturer has found it, at times, difficult to meet: acknewledged by ail who have used it, that its merits arc far above any similar article or imitation ever offered tc tha public. Oct- This GL UE is extensively counterfeited ob serve ihe table " McRca's Celebrated Liquid Glue, the Great Adhesive. " Take no other. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. Manufactured and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by WM. C. McREA. Stationer. No. 907 Chestnut Street., Philadelphia CO- Liberal inducements offered to persons de sirous of telling the above article. Sep. 23 1857 45 ly LOOK. HERB ! ! K E W A It It I V A Jj TUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY J ROBERT DAVIS, A lot of Ture White Le.id, A lot of Linseed Oil, A lot of Tutty, A very large lot of Bar Iron and Nails, all of which he will sell on very small profits, for cash I or country produce. CALL AND SEE. Also, dont fo-get that he continues receiving fresh nup lipes of Flour and Provisions generally, of the best quality,-every few days. C EX HIVE ' ! C A N B E JEWELRY KbrnsVurg, Sei4.0, 1 86". 3&titiA -JBfisrpnffq, The Wonder of the Age ! JM. LINDSEY'S GREAT MEDICAL DIS- COVERY ! -Which is a purely vegetable Preparation, for the purifying of the blood, giv ing vigor to the Liver, stomach and bowels, and expelling from the system all morbid matter, ana substituting in its stead a healthful activity thro' all the functions of lite. HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED. In the fall of 1854, a daughter of Mr. Lindsey was suffering from a malignant attack of Can- cruni Oris (Canker of the mouth.) She had pre viously been prostrated by the attacks oi Uys entary, Inflamation of the Lungs and Hectic Fe ver, successively, which resulted in the above na med disease in its worst form. Her condition was most deplorable her mouth and cheek were literally rotten the attending physician pro nounced the case o hopeless one. Everything in- aicated a speedy and horrible death a death ot rotting out of life ! At this critical juncture, Mr Lindsey prepared a compound for tho purpose of alleviating, possible, the pains of the little suffer er. She was made to use it freely, and in a short time, to his most delightful astonishment, there was a very perceptible change for the better. The mouth began to put on a bright and healthy appearance the foul breath became sweet the appetite was restored, and the child seemed to partake of a new and fresh life. Hope was inspired, and the use ot tve com pound was faithfully continued, the result of which, with the blessing of God, was her oom plete restoration. She is now perfectly healthy ! From this circumstance, Mr. Lindsey was led to prepare with greater care and exactness, what had so astonishly cured his child, and continued his experimental efforts until he succeeded in bringing to perfection his (treat liemedy Jor Lljod Impurity since which time it effects have been almost miraculous. Hundreds upon hund reds, by it, have been snatched from an untime- ! ly grave and restored, to the sweets of health and the endearments of friends. The -oung and old have tested its saving powers and sing aloud its virtues. Say they "after using Lindsey s Im proved Blood Searcher, we felt as if a new life was Btirring our veins, and under God we owe to it more than words can express. But hear from their own lips and then judge of its valuable effects. The few testimonials that follow show that it is deservedly styled the Great' est Discovery of t!n3 or ary other age. Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa, C E R T I F I C A T E S. Pattouville, Bedford co., Pa., Oct, 14, '7. Mr. J. M. Linnsev. Dear Sir : I was severely afflicted with rheu matism for a w hole vear nine months of which I was not able to leave my bed when hearing of the wonderful effects of your Improved Blood Searcher, I determined to procure some of it and give it a fair trial. After using three bottles I was able to walk aroundagam as u.uial, and am no' wholly cured. I can recommend it to all who are similarly afflicted, and belie itis avleitl claims to be. Youra, truly, JOHN SHAFFER. DESPERATE CASE OF TETTER AND BARBER'S ITCH, cured by the use of Lindsey's Blood Searcher. I, tho unersignedt some time in last March, was severely aflliced, with what was pronounced by my physicians to be a certain kind of Tetter and Barber's Itch. My condition was one of the greatest misery ; my face was almost constantly running with the foul corruption that escaped from the tubercles, by which it was almost completely covered. After being under the care of my physicians for nerr twomocths, without the least benefit, I was iu- duced to make a trial of Lindsey's Blood Search er, and the result was that in using one bottle and a half I found a perfect cure. I may also 6ay that I eagerly tried whatever was recommended 1 ' , x 1 1 it A T as a cure, oucn was my wrciciieuuess inai i even resorted to the dangerous experiment of pouring pure creosote on my face and neck, but all to no purpose the Blxd Searcher was the first and only thiag that did me any good. As a blood punher it is unequalled, and I have great reason to be srrateful that I ever made a trial of its healing virtues, and I confidently recommend it to any who may suffer from Tetter, or any oth er disease arising from an impure state of the blood. JOHN DELEHUNT. Hollidaysburg, Pa., July 29, 18o7. N IN'TERSETING CASE OF SCROFULA cured by one bottla of Lindsey's Blood Searcher. This certifies that about one year ago our little son aged four years, was most sorely af flicted with what the physicians pronounced to be scrofula, and was treated accordingly for nearly a year, but without the slightest uenc-ht. Uis eyes were running a thin watery humor almost constantly, which would encrust his eyes hey nnd the power of opening them until they were wash ed and cleaned by soap and water. About the same time an abscess formed just below the groin which in due time broke and commenced a dis charge, which was found impossible to dry up oj heal the bed would be very much stained and the clothing of the child perfectly .sickening in a sicgle night's time. Af';i having the attentions of a physician for so lone a time, and finding the child to be getting worse, we determined to try the effects of Mr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Ibis was in last March and before two weeks had passed away the change was manifest, and I am hapnv to say that in the use of a SINGLE BOT TLE our little boy has been restored perfectly to health. We cannot speak too highly of this in valuable medicine. It should bo in every family none should be without it. As a purifier of lood it is beyond all price ! DANIEL J3UL.LilUtuU. Holiidaybburg, Ts., July 29, 1857. Hollidaysburg, Ta., LrsnsET. March 19, 1857 1 ,. A J,"- Dear Sir : 1 havo been using your Improved Blood-Searcher since some time last summer, and I deem it to be a matter ot duty to bear my tes timony to its inpiooratinq blood restorative vir tues I have been, for a number of years, severely troubled with erucipela and general debility ; but since I pot myself under the influence of your Improved Blood Searcher, I find a very decided improvement, Indeed, my acquaintances ire- nuentlv remark, that I look so" fat and hearty,' and I know ot no other cause than the use of 3our improved Blood Searcher. Judging from my own experience. I believe this is one of the most val uable mediciniB ihct woman can use, especially tbose who are or have entereu upon the decline of life (from 40 to 50 yeara of age,) I feci that it would have been abeve ingratitiul on my part to have withheld this testimony, and in thuscon- sentintr to appear as a witness before the public. I have teen actuated solely with reierence to tne voice of conscience and duty. You are at liber y to make whatever use you may deem proper of this statement. Yours, respectfully, MARGARET W. O'DONNELL. LIVER COMPLAINT CURED BY LIND SEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER. Blair county, ss. Personally appeared before mo, one of the Justices of the Peaze, in and for Blair county, George Kopp, who, being duly sown according to law. doth depose and say. Two years ago I was afflicted with pain between the shoulders, almost constant cough, loss of ap petite, chills, nightaweats, and very subject to take colds : I, at length, became so weak that I could haroly walk ; my physician done me no crood. Sometime last fall I commenced taking t Lindsay Iaproved Blood Searcher and ly tne rf twr. littles -was perfectly cured. I feci to recommend it to all wbo suffer from Livi-r dia- i ..i ;v,r UiaF nrwtitP- nnil otn- caaea, cuvia.. utumt; , . - r f er diseases arising from impurity of the blood. T would not like to do without it. l consider n an excellent family medicine. (Signed.) GEOlfGEKOPP. Sworn and subscribed this 16th iay of March, A. D. 1857, Sefore me. . 2folt Mr. Kopp is a resident of Frankstown, and is well known to the citizens of Blair and Bedford counties as a man of excellent character and influence. A DESPERATE CASE OF AGUE. AND Dyspepsia entirely cured by the use of JilllWOi-J 0 J1U1VVU Al'J'.-U-llUVtlvii I tri.-L'nv'u lnrWifoH JJlair county, ss : reisonally appeared fceiore nia r ba en lc-i Yr AnA vV tha .In.tiO ftl IJl Peace, in and for said county, John Moran, who being duly sworn according to !a., doth depose and say that, in the spring of 15G. I was a vic tim to that worst of diseases dyspepsia, and that in iss worst forai. My appetite was completely gone, and when, in order to preserve life, I would force myself to swallow a mouthful of food, the stomach would immediately loath it. and cast it forth with the spittle. I had also been suffering from the Ague; each attack lasting about nine months out of the twelve, so that, with the ague and dyspepsia, I was reduced a9 I though beyond recovery; I thought I must die; my physician could do me no good. Such as my condition, when Mr. Lindsey supplied me with a bottle of his Improved Blood Searcher, assuring me it would work a cure. I comnieneed its use with but little confidence, but in one week's time so great was its restorative powers I found my ap petite to return, my stomach received a new tone so that I could eat anything without the slight est inconvenience, and before its healing touch the ague fled as from a charm ; nor have I been troubled with ague or dyspepsia since. I enjoj' a better state of health than I had done for fifteen years before : I am stronjr and henrtv, and I feel confident that, under the blessing of God, I owe all to the invaluable Improved Blood Searcher. I believe it not to be only a sure remedy for ague but an infallible preventative, aud, as such, I would recommend it to all whose business, hab its or residences, expose them to this dreadful pest of humanity. Dyspepsia cannot stay where the Improved BloodSearcher is properly used. I feel it my duty to'point till who suffer, to this all- healing medicine. (Signed.) JOHN MORAN. Sworn and subscribed this 18th dav of March, A. D., 1857. JOHN COX, J. P. FOR SALE BY Robert Davis, Thomas Devine, Ebensburg ; J. Moore, CarroIItou ; Wui. R. Hughes, Jefferson G. S. Christy, J. K. Ilite, Johnstown. Nov. 48, 1857:2:Cm. rrfhsional Caris. C. O. 31 LRU 11, Attorney at Law, Ebrmbnrg, Pa.. f F7ICE OPPOSITE CRAWFORD'S HOTEL. v marl7,185S WILL YAH. A. 3IVRRAT, Attorney r.t r.w, Ebenbnrc, Pa. O FFICE A FEW DOORS EAST OF E BOB tililO OlilC. 14.... j J. c. xoos, Attorney at Law, Ebmi lrniEi , o FFIE IN COLONADE ROW. Nov. 11, 1857:1. tf M. I. NAC2EI1AX Attorney at Law, EauTiliurg, TCE No. 2, " Colonititde Itow,' near F Court House. se. '54 ly December All R A II AM IiOI'CI.IX, Attorney at Law Johnstown FFICE tn Clinton Street, a few doors north VF of the corner of Main and Clinton. April 23, 1813. liiTuASsox, " Attorney at Law, Ebensburg ,Fa OFFICE adjoining the Post Office. Aug. 24, 1853. Dr. Honrs' Ycagley, Practicing Physician, Johnstown, Pa. OFFICE next duor to his Drug Store, cor of Maiu and Bedford streets. Johnstown, July "21, 1852. D. FOSTER. Greensburp. FOSTER & P. S. NOON", Ebensburg. HAVING associated themselves for the prac tice of the Law in Cam ria county, will at tend to all business intrustec" .o them. Office on "Colonade Row;" Ebensbur; Oct. 7, 1S57. Gi:0. M. KKF.D. T. L. HKTEIt Ebensburg, Johnstown REED & IIElLL A(toinejsat Law, ounsel riven in tho English and German langiuiges Oflica on High StreetEbensburg, Tenn'a. Feb. 6,1856. ly JOIIX SIIAIIHALGII, Justice of the Peace, Snntmlttvllle, Ta. A LL BUSINESS INTRUSTED TO HIS care will be promptly attended to. He will also act as Auctioneer at Public Sales whenever his services in that capacity are required. April 28, 1858:24 S. M. KERN. t. M. SHANNON. DRS. KGRX & SIIAA.VOV, Practising Physicians, Jefferson, Pau CO- Tender their professional services to the cit izens of Jefferson and vicinity, and all others de siring medical aid. Nijrht calls promptly at tended te. March 18, 1857. OEHJTISTRY. A. J. JACKSON. Surgeon Dentist will be found at Th "mpson Mount ain House, where ne can be found the third week of each month. Office in Johns tewn nearly opposite the Cambria Iron Store. March 12, 1856. WM. DAVIS. JOHN LLOYD. Davis & Lloyd, HAVING formed a partnership in to cantile Business, would respectfully Mer solici the patronage of their friends and the public gen erally. Call and see us at the old stand of Wm. Davis. lapril 29, 1852 Xew Tailoring Establishment. T IHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE inform the public, that he has commenced the Tailoring business one door West of John cers store, and in front of E. Hughes' store, High street, Ebensburg, whero he is prepared to make all kinds of garments in his line of trade, ac cording to the latest fashions. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. WILLIAM SIMONS. Ebensburg, June 2, 1858. 29. 3m. 1 UST received at the store of EDWARD J ERTS. 1,000 lbs Cod Fish, 10 half Brla Herring, ancf 10 half Brl Mackerel; Feb. 6.18WS. gottls, far WALTOX ttcr I miTE TJNDEBSIGKFn Prctm J X inform the public that Le ImJ',7' I r , k TV . , .v. tt .. " a U I"" jr " 'vn novel.," fink '; piant road, half way bftwecu ELt'r4 Jefferson. This Hotel is one of the rocJt'l forest adjoining are swarming with pm ;' r r . 7 .v.fc iu ute si the "fisherman" will find ample oprrtTV 585 gratifying bis taste in the stream of tW !f borhood. Xo pains will te feared tt n i '" guests feel at heme. GIDEOX M A pr . JLfc.' Jnne 9. 18G8 80 -tir. ARCADE HOTCf., tibTT nENRY FOSTER, Pbope,eic' ' m w T Tn TTATPT Tr v. I: A it i the "Ebensburg Hn ; ... V V 5 I " o j 13 OD6 T;J thtfjj eat ana oesc swnas in tne borough of Ebec I lilT Til, HrrnnimiNl lit II fll T r 4i M rr ' I hrt l-"yrrrt tir t:tAn 1 1 i posed to patronize mm that hU T m v " Bnnnli1 with all tli Inr., ,r WU1 14 Tt4T? tvith t.e rboicpst f.f T ; ,E' -'-iu'-'is, am D3 . insrHl to render his truest rnrrvf. .vi- f - r w ...,. i tii . Ehcnsburg, April 14, 18o6:22:lv. LOfiAX HOl'StC UUltPUliAL. JULUN IvI Lr r ER, Popexeic TMTOULD resnectfullv inforn v; ,u , . ed the Losan House. HollidavKl pared to entertain all who may favor ra fdtnl r zr firf o in oil w 1 -w v- n n f.. i . T their patronaee in unobjectionable stvV The HOUSE has been newlv furnish :1k out in a style not surpasseil by any estaV.'.iiV,", in tne interior oi the otate. Ui TABLE delicacies of the season, and attended It I-." . x i - t ... . live btrvanis. iu a woru, no pains w.n ( to make the Logan a first class house, aj,.', ing will be left undone to render iu f...rt-L!e and hanpv. ccr- The STABLES, whioli are extensive r'' attendel by honest and faithful hostK-r. BESTAUiiANT. The LascmcLt u o;cu;-. as a liestaurant, where meals will be strvti at all hours of the day. together witV, TTi 11 rrnmA ficT onl oil f t.n Jaa.a:a. . " ir. cuts 01 me reason. IvlKFF June 4, 1856.-32tf. WASHINGTONHCUSE. RGaCE SCIIROTII, r r o p rlet.iJ fXlIIIS popular and pleasantly situated foa i i i JL is located in the village of Carroll! n, Cir bria county, and is kept in a manner so as tj i! lord every comfort to visitors, being well .Wj! ed in every respect. HIS BAP. will c ; tain the be'st of liquors : his TABLE, V 4 4 1 T - . 1 X' - 1 " ;, 1 li4, luc.iiiiiiiM-i can ;i :cra. i.irilLg WLi it .1 undone to render the viit of all jkts-.-ls j'.tis:J ana agreeable. L Grrolton, July 15, 18o7. HOISC, ):bnsburgr. Pa. JOHN A BLAIR, Pnoapirroa. ALSO, IN CONNECTION, BLAIR k COS BACK. W ill leave the L nion Ilovxae U-r WiUmjrt f-.; I tion in time to take the Eartcrn or Wciera tr.vvl Every accomofhition will be afforJrJ ij ciiJ patserger comtrablt'. JEFFERSON IIOISE. (NEAR WILLMORi: STATION, FA. B. E.; JEFFERSON, CAMBRIA CO., Pa. J0EN IvrCOT Proprietor tht The $ubscrfl?r Successor XoO.u Lloyd, &. Co., at 'J ,. V OL U km mm k.W Sj RESPECTFULLY OFFERS TO Ti:IT lie, an extensive and e.l selected mcnt of D II T GOODS, G R O C E R IES , II A T S . 7 A I' S Ii 0 O T S 4- 5 If o r,s. EADY MADE CL 0 Til IN G n a n d Ware, Q rEESSWAHE, F A I N T S , G L A S .? . O I L S . And ail the articles usually required for Firi Building, aud Manufaetonr.g yurpescs. nai- a& 9, A Stx:k of Drugs, PycSUifls, ar.d fan :! v r icines, that f jr quality aud variety is not f3'i sed. Cif cnnalk-d in the cr-untv.) All of ho will sol! at the iowtJt possible prices f:r- - 4. or Country Prodcc. "E. A lartre amount of Spruce and Pine L"1 constantly ou hands, and Bills for LumtxrM to order at the shortest possible notice. ROBERT F. Jefferson, May 20, 1S57. tf. iTo. O. F Highland Lo,lc;e No. 425 r.n WEDNESDAY evening at thr.r Shoem.iker's store. SONS OK TEJIPlU XCEi WfrTi Highland Division, No. Sl.Scr-icL; sSperancenieet At their Hall evaxv DAI evening. in the upper :c-7 Davis' building. ARE Y'OU INSURED 7 SL -1" t-ls- and applications taken for insurant r- .-rT-r Ifl Fire in the PROTECTION MUTL'AL FIF.Ett RAXCE CO Ml ANY OF B LJ J J. , M. . ROBERT A. M CX)i. . " MRS. MARGARET TODD resp;.. forms the public that she has just r- ana is now opening ai ner v . store p! - street fcbensburg nearly opposite Shoemaker, a large and splendid aswr - i i .--5,ets. i, i ani) urj uoou) "" ; .Ha' Head Dresses. illiii !iinrli4u Trimming in"":. &c. BONNETS, Ac, Made to order, CASH. April 21st No 23 EMOVAL. The undersized h I ,! row VimldilllT two of the old stand, would respecting - customers and the public gencrauji j TO lately added to his tormcrsuppj keens constantly on hand a fall sEFP-l' . Rod - Staple and Fancy Dry Goo IV TOfVflA-nn Clothinc. Hats -; Sil Boots . j f-,,lrv. .-s and Shce,artiware an v"; "- nfr tools. Smith's tocls. Nails, a fnJ i a 41.1 O IKJKfL, U1U444J 4, 4 1 'V- - , i-J T T CV..t HoOT If0"- v niwltc.w.warecenEtanuj j Also, copper and tin ware. Groceries, j and retail. . , . y-..t 4 ROB Pine, Poplar and Cherry a.uw- sold. t.--trn:(! Goods will le fold at the very exchange for Cash orCountry JJfoBS ErntVjr. Marsh lr, 1&&- jat re -2 3 II 0 u O O o c