SUfrtriistmtnts. TREASURER'S SALE. OF UNSEATED LANDS AND LOT, IN ? Cambria County, A. D. I8G8. j 1 George J. Rodgers, Treasurer of Cambria Coua t V ill th I m .r t .iwrini K nf fVi!tiKvlvnni. in I pursuance of the ieveral Acts cf As&emLly. I j - .t.i. .: I ! luaincr of filling unseated lands for taxes. Do IJEHKBY GIVE NOTICE, that tho following devscril-ed tracts of unseated lauds and lot of Pound in the mu1 county of Cambria, or such parte thereof as may be neecetwry to pay arrear ages of taxes due thereon, for cr.e year or more' wi'l bi offered for talu at the Court" House ia the Borough of Eltnsburg, on tho second Monday of June (being the 14th day,) and continue by ad journment from day today until tho whole be nU for such arrearages of taxes and c- atf, v retwarily accruing therein. UNSEATED LIST. Names of Warranto or owner. Are, Pir. sHUykany Township. 100 James C.Magm're. IS50.67 .J 7,fi5 380 Aaron Bowni, 2'J,07 99 James H annum. 11,00 120 Heir, Walter Elder, 9,18 100 "JY'in. M'Dougal (par, 7,t55 91 Warren llannuu , 6,97 220 Mimiu Hnnnum, 16,83 H2 Robert hitehead, 9,53 04 Thomas Cloudsdal, ,7S 100 William Weukhmd. 10.12 W) Martha Hannum, fi.12 4fl Slathias Bche, 7,04 200 Samuel Will, js7 7.90 70 Lewis Cassldy, 2,7f 100 John J- rdun, I85fl.57 198 Jacob Fronhciscr, 200 Jacih IV.-.-singer, 335 Paul Lebo, 81 J Daniel Levy, 100 Joseph Man! i, 97 Wm, Dunea", 100 Sarah Peed, 230 James Kane, 100 John White, 00 Andrew Duff, (prt) 73 OS Jacob Andenoa 1?57 100 Wm. O'Conr.cll, 7,40 j 11,10 12,10 t 11,58 j 11,10 7,10 ! 7,18 1 7,40 17.02 7,40 1,86 2.73 3,:o Cainbria Twxmhty, 15 Andrew Lewi, l?5t5,57 115 &o James Means, 217 23 Andrew Nelson, 100 James Moans (purl) 150 Andrew Daft" 174 John Thorna?. 1.97 8,47 1G,57 10,76 P,80 I'5,C4 j l'J,62 j lfO Sam u. I Brysoi:, 'part; Carroll Twnship. 872 128 Sarah Barr. 1853,57 17.52 IS. 03 18,82 17.98 15S5 123 Wilson Barr, 401 10iJ Daniel Lair, 382 162 Lewis Barr, 100 Jno O'Harrn, (fl ward.". T. i:,i- 1857, 2,55 2.55 1.02 9,10 3,13 4,70 ICO 88 Jas. OTlarro 4 t Bernard Donahr. 100 144 Henry Lebo & Robert Irwin, (parts) 1850.57 121 100 ISO 877 270 238 100 10-5 400 119 ICO 405 too 450 433 108 107 463 433 214 305 419 120 330 215 A. Carson & V. liable v. (Pirts.) ;i857 Jno. Jb Win. P. Brady, lho0,57 Chest Township. (;vrg.; Gillison, 1856,57 James Fester, 10'J James Hunter, Melch.-ir Rudcd. ' Martin Myers, Walter Butler, Si Richard Setly, (part) 106 JohuSeely, " John Mytr, James Foster, Henry De'ozitr it Co., Adam Weaver, (part) William Gray, 153 JoM'pli Gray, Stephen Beck. Jacob Beck, Clearfield Tvieu ship. 5,50 9,23 8,13 0,35 9.74 4,22 11,78 25,70 10,12 6,30 12,65 8,43 12,65 18.24 9.08 9,03 153 Robert Evan?, 153 George Bickham, John Caiian. Mahlon Ilutchinv.n, Joseph Jones, John Cooper, Jesso Bi;b, George Horner, part Jacob Cox, Win, Lambert, Wm. Tilt n, Patrick Shield, Jas. Diver, formerly Abraham Shultz, " Patrick Kelly, Patrick Such. 5C,57, S4.61 84,68 17,10 31,58 33,54 9,C0 26,40 17,22 80,02 17.0S 10,00 5,00 8,00 8,00 S 2 75 25 200 70 100 100 200 200 58 o., 57. 8.00 8,00 4,C2 John Kelso, part 185C.57, Cvnemavgh Township, 163 86 400 155 400 401 BOO 228 80 tio 400 400 300 100 400 132 400 190 400 405 102 230 400 401 856 400 200 10 800 2S2 405 200 6 75 10 13S 58 207 400 608 C24 401 210 oti 150 138 400 400 100 400 400 40 eo5 824 112 (rt?orge Shrum. 56,57, Wm. Beaty, Alexander Gchran. Benjannu Williams Wm. Brown, 25 John Teeter, 126 Richard .Smith, John Crtmso, Darid T. Stonn. 6,C4 6,91 16,00 6,18 10,00 16,00 12,00 19,83 2,40 Samuel L. Gorgns", George Gates, Januson, - Hariihbtrger. Sinclair, 2,40 3T, 7 7,80 7, SO 7,80 1.95 T.80 12,22 16;00 7,59 16.00 16,14 8,10 9,19 16,00 16.00 14,23 16,00 s,eo .11 12.00 11.30 16.12 8.00 1.48 3.08 8.58 10.26 2.10 8 29 16.C0 12.29 12.97 16.12 . 8.41 2.23 12.46 10.04 16.00 16.00 10,00 16.00 19.00 1.C0 24.58 12.97 18,00 18,62 1,57 14,25 9,50 88,00 2,50 Crook, Geo Funk & Tims. John Gill. A'ickrov, 1856,57 lt.;Creuklcton. J. Bnvu, Allen Brown, J. Paxton, William Brown, William Stewart, James Gill, Decker. Harshberger, Jacob Stitt Jacob Kllinefe'.ter, Caldwe Improvement, Joseph Black & Ben Gorga. Nrncy Dawson, WiZiam Fagan, I.eviston Tract, Christian Ilirshbergtr, Bobert Allison, James Nesoti Shepey Prierty Peter Shoenberger William Clark Adam Beam Kobert King, Alex, McGregor King & Shenberger, 'i6,57 George Mocre Thomas Willson Andrew Kennedy Jas Roberts, Charles Jonee, John Bell, Jthn Calan William CZark Jackson tp. John Buchanan. 1856 William Holt, Gilbert Lloyd, Abigal Iiamsey, 58,57 Peter Bortmaj, Pimuel Stitt, 20 4)17 414 6i 100 80 4JH) 32 08 jpfartisracnts, 400 John Steel, 400 James Steel, 30 Geo. U. Shoup, 00 Jaime Stitt, SOO Tin mas Stitt, SCO John'Stomr, 200 Christian Stonwr, 200 Jacob Jiiipp, i05 John HubUty, 146 Thomas Whi?, 278 Thomas Yi-kroy, 4u5 185 Juhn Simpson, 28,00 38,00 8.(0 28,58 28,50 28,50 14.81 14,31 28,50 19,00 18.39 88,00 80.S7 86.10 2,19 11.59 23,50 12,70 56 &ti .6 7 65 76 2ti 122 SCO C3 440 430 410 186 101 400 401 133 401 400 257 11 250 4.59 439 439 439 63 Solomon Bensbot-r, Kli Peihoof, bimitf Murrtij', . John Clark (pan) John Clark (pait) ifunstcr Towimhip. K h li. M'Cune, '5,57 Jtii-Jtfartd Township. Jorcph Vickroy, 68.67, John Anderson, J"hn Morrison, Valentine O.ioter, 4,40 28,10 23.08 28,10 22,86 7,02 C4 74 Daniel Beese. Francie Devlin, Win. Nichols", Uenrv Harrington, Robert Boss. Jacob Clements, John Copp, Edward Copp, 8,40 8,40 30,00 26.24 14,00 8,94 40 11 Summerh-ill Tiavslip' Christian Smith, Ziobert S'ewart. Jacob Nagle, Henry Wooi!, James Daltcn, Jan es Scarighf, John Kverman, Isaic Brannan, John yicholr, Fredrick Croyles Efitat Jacob Goughenoiir. John Kean, John Thompson, i,i7. 91 22,62 39,78 29,78 S9.78 9.78 19.76 19.90 17.20 15,29 40.14 86,20 oAGl 27,15 24.54 39,82 39.82 IS, 10 8,33 C9.82 4,20 8,83 3,04 S9..82 8?.S n oo 80 0 10 'SO 120 80 13U 410 190 180 143 400 338 300 271 440 410 200 100 440 100 100 300 110 42 a 230 131 40 Jacob 1 Hodge t, Ilobert Evans, William Smith. Wm- Smith, D. P. I-aac Jones, Wm. Clark, (pr) Henry West, Henry Weavtr, Adam B'irk, Samuel St)l.ej Lsf-a', Ei'tnezc r Branh'im, SO William Hunt. Levis CasMdav. I-ets in tho io"xv. tf Suinn.rJii'l Lot No. 8, V.,57 Lot No. 4. Susquehanna Trnrnship. 91 150 154 10ri 1C3 213 100 113 100 Joseph Thouiac, '55,57 Janus llhey. James Whitehead, Peter Garman, 11,40 11,68 8,08 12,39 8,31 8,90 4,94 S,90 11. & A. White; '57 m. D. Owet.?. Joseph. Grini'h. 3Iorgan Jcnes, Washington Towm-Jxp. 81 Tliomas Jackson, 5,57 60 James J .hnp, I 23 James Ma reh an. 8,74 3.60 .70 12,34 9.80 0.70 10,50 7,00 S4.00 11.00 70,00 14,00 1G.80 14,08 11. CO 14,00 17,f6 14, CO 3.60 7,00 43,04 43,04 43,04 C2.E0 C2,ro 31,14 63,44 1 2, CO 62,48 26.14 f.5.10 43,66 j;s,i4 20,84 21 0 1,10 17,48 10,.r 0 10.C0 1,11 15,71 12.14 25.10 45,42 4,20 10,50 14,00 21,26 4,20 20,80 2,80 176 140 439 150 100 1200 200 1000 200 233 201 400 400 252 50 70 100 John Talor, Joseph Dilworth, George Cutwalt, . Peter We.t, Henry Giilan, Arent Sonman, Cliristian Lingcnftl!r, Arent Sonman, Mamutl Hiiiton, William John, Francis John, Clnistian Constantic, Jno. II. M'Farlane, Henry Sharp, Jno. W. Geary, I a wis Cas-idav, 'Zl A. M. & IE White & Co White Tcicnihip. Robert IVg-s, '0,57 Mary Brown, Andrew Small, 40 43 410 410 410 60 60 CO 445 415 445 453 145 416 250 263 120 208 109 319 199 87 200 7 CO 333 200 200 25 COO 350 SOO 433 158 47 98 400 203 SO 595 20 Alexander Brown, Thomas J5 rown, William Hitrri?, James Harris, John Harris, James Reed, John Marshal, James Wilson. William George, John Servoss, Michael Musser, Abraham Witmr, Thomas L. Moore, Ann M'Murtrie, James Craig, Joseph AsLmead, Owen Joccs, Jam" M'Murtrie. Thomas Murgatroid, John Brown, George Hill. Jeremiah Musser, Jacob King, Patrick Boil and, Thomas B. Moore. Thomas Canbv, T. L. Moore, jas. M'Murtrie and others, Gruff it Malone. SEATED LIST. ALSO. At the same time anJ. place, will be sold, tho following Seated Lands and Lots of ground. On which the taxes remain unpaid, and which have been returned to the Commission ers agreeably to the act of Assembly of April. 29th 1844 1 Acres. Per. MU-nhami X 60 250 12 S2 100 SOO 60 100 400 338 838 97 100 62 60 40 60 230 John Bark, est. 1856 It. M. S. Jackson, 5, Silas Moore's Estate, 2 lots A. J. Weakland, Lawrence Cassidy c&eo. Jtlacklick Township. 43,14 8,50 4,08 1,09 68 3,50 John E. Evans, Heirs, John Donahoo, (4 li George lister, 53,56 65, 66, 55. fi6. 9,45 70 4.79 21.85 143 16,54 4,75 1,75 4,68 4,81 1,17 3,90 14,83 40 5,85 2,91 84,40 Henry Majlett, Paul n;.v... James Wilson. Nicholas Altimus, Daniel Cameron, John Davis, Mathew Kan, James Kane. 1 lot Joseph Makin. 100 Wm. O'ConneU. 50 John T- Williams, 580 Mulford & Alter, Cambria. 2'otcnship. 2 lots, Silas Moores Es'e 63,54,55,56, 80 Joseph Jamps r.- r. 10,12 6,44 5,10 2,97 1 lot Lewis Bevnon i W .VKt 56, 2 lots Richard Jones Esqr. Carroll Tmcmhip 258 John Fenlon, 1 lot Henry Cook, CO Michael Tliomas, 4 lot Charles O'Niel, 10 Jno. P. Fairish, 103 Thomas Davis, 1355 8,09 21, 1,69 ,12 L031 btetisfmrnts. 75 eo 100 80 200 25 50 ICO William Richards, CoCstantine Cravr, Jol n Fox, James Iteffuer, David Davis, Lewis Hart man, Matthew Kane, J'An Pi Davlu, Clearfield Tvwjmiip. ,Adain Bowers, Roger Shiels. Simon Weakland Stephen Brothers, Samuel Calvin, Michael Fanell, James Ross, (Bop-gs OV.Jor.o-, 56,5tf '66 5,00 1,15 1,00 1,00 .40 ,51 ,85 1,00 2.91 2,94 ,80 ,28 1,27 4,12 12,75 15,07 12,99 22 70 63 254 75 850 407 407 200 406 500 868 840 1050 260 440 300 1412 254 '55.C6 ?o5 &6.C6 ( I Iaineri. (J. Jones (Jacob HaiiA-e, (Diffaer, (Rgge, 6,86 15.85 17,05 9,61 26,88 17,85 7,48 7.48 6,10 61,75 1.27 1,87 6.55 5,10 M2 4,00 '56 (Adarn (Duck, ' (Donahoe, ' . ( Hamiiwi Calvin. . Jaseph Devlin, 'fcfi 2 lots James Kaylor, Philip Smith, Patrick Ilagan, George Cowun, 65 1 120 95 400 Conenicwgh 2ownehij. 8 Michael Downey '64,55 P2 Widow Stewai t" (of J.) 5 Abraham Alwine '51 120 William Blackburn 1 J Emanuel Horner for S. H. Hor ner, 1 lot Allied Bcggia '5 1 lot John Benst 1 lot John Deckman, 1 Ijt Joseph Fiemboch, 3 David Hokins, 27 . EbcnezeT Insichc, 8 Siimuel Kennedy, 1 lot Alexander Keating 2 Abraham Kopclia 7 Jacob Luig 1 lot Joseph Lanibough, 1 h t Daniel Lysagt 2 Silas' Ltviti'.yn 2 I t-s Watkin' Morgan 166 1 lot Philip Perrv 200 Samuel L. Si eibina 112 do' doo 1 John Seigh Uitnaburj 2:crctc?t. 1.36 1,00 ,29 1,10 2,69 1.40 1,40 ,50 1,04 1,00 ,84 60 1,04 28 67 9S 50 IS 28 98 1.40 51 81 2 lote fc'ilns Moorca Ks'c i3,54,5,r 1S50, 5,25 10.S0 11,03 l.SG Mary Allison 55,56, 1 Lewis Eeynon 55,50. Richard Jones g 0. TacIC8GT ToKHfhip 115 John Gormon, Ct Iaac Clark. 00 George Findley, 50 11. L. Johnston 45 David Teeter, 50 Henry Wacntr, 2 Philip Alwioe, 50 William Hrown, 10 John Horner, 14 Jacob Ilildebrand, 300 Charles Murray, 5 100 Arthar Murnhr. 55, 8,30 1.70 1,74 1,40 1,04 1,14 30 83 85 50 17.G0 1 G5 1,45 1,76 15, S4 5.5C. 55, 56, 00 John Pergrin, 54 JSaraucl Smith, 440 Elizabeth Garman. Munstcr Township. 40 Francis Bradley, Jr., Richland Township, 50 Je.s Lav ton. 55 3,14 '55 1,04 8,85 '200 Joseph J. Duulap. '55,50 SO Archibald Dui lap, 1 Joseph Slick, 1 Isaac Smith, 1 lot Jno B. Myers, 58 Cliuton Messenger, '55 70 36 1,00 2 12 M3 '56 o6 Xummcrhill Townnhip. 27 JohnAmigh, 1854 1 lot Fredrick Croyle's Est 211 Patrick & Thos. M'Gough, 2.76 1,84 9.33 2,30 2,30 3,88 3,09 12,49 3.9S 3,75 3,67 16,50 10,84 9,36 Ol 2,32 4,60 1,84 2,10 3,22 1,20 4,20 1.80 1.70 .GO 1,07 1,45 .74 1,16 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 6.26 490 70 3,50 1,40 1.04 2,80 4.40 2,10 1,40 1,40 2,10 2,80 6,00 2.80 2.80 12,84 19,20 70 9,80 1.40 1,04 7.00 2,10 70 1.50 4,76 37 T 40 1 lot Henry Oster, '54 100 72 12 107 140 371 Henry Olden. Maria Murray, Franklin Boyles, Nicholas Crura, Aaron Crura, '54 '55,50 '55 '56 3 lota Peter Donahoe, '55 387 100 William Mulhollan, '55,56 Thomn3 Patterson's estate. 1855,56 SO Theodore Slick. '55 '56 1 lot L. S. Montgomery, Harruan Paul. 2 lots William Slick, 80 Jno. Murray, Es.j., Summitville Borough. X lot Jacob Coulter. '54 '54 '55 '54.5G '50 Win Henry, I F. C M'Dermitt, 2 Philip Neon, 1 " John Ivory, 1 ' John Major, 1 " Jas T. Moore, 1 " A Donahoe, 1 ' James Wilhelm, Susquehanna Township. 110 Joseph Griffith, -1S50 100 Jno. D. Jones, 100 Morgan Jones, 100 William D. Owens. 100 Charles O'Neil, 213 A. M & R. WThite. Washington lownehtp. 1 lot Chaffee 1855 4 Joseph Dysart, Hot James Dougherty, ldo William Dougherty, 1" Bernard Daily. Samuel Earneet, 50 Jno. W. Geary, 1 lot Samuel Gray, Philin Hanlan. 50 1 lot Thoaios Ilewit, 1" G. W. Kelly, 1" Henry Lovelv. 100 100 300 400 11 200 John Kinports, 55,56 Wm. Latimore, 66, Geo. M'Culough, Thos. B. Moore, MicUael Mover, es'e 5&:56. tuicuael ssi Call, 55, Jno. G. Miles. Hot Wm. O'Neil, 1" John Quail. 1" Jamea lluEaell. 15 ' . - Hot John Rainy. 120 Samual Short, 170 Wm. Smith, 86 Michael A. SkeJJj, 1 lt Vtn. G, Ttiex, (ifg brjfritsnnntfs. Clement Urban, ' 10 A, 31. & It. White. Flinn.5G 4 20 100 0 27 Henry Frighthoof, I gnat us- Adams, 2 kts John J, Glass, Hugh Peach, 1-2 lot Wm. Jacksoc, 1854 2,7 185 260 5,60 4,68 2.10 2.10 1,40 100 John Wherrv. 8 Geo. W. Bowman, iri it e Tl ten if. 100 Thomas Cowan, 1855 3 1'hilip Edminston, 2,10 42 GEORGE J. KODGE11S- Treasurer Titasurer'a Office, Ebcnsburg, V Mrch,10ih 1858. 11, I PAUL GRAFF, MAXCFACTLKXR ADD M'lIOLEfiALU bLALXB IS BOOTS, SHOES. STRAW GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, No. 63 North Tfcird Street, Between Arch and CLerrv. " PHILADELPHIA. March Cth I860. JOIW IS. ilJLCX & CO. NOjs. 2-4 CIIE8TKlT Street, (south aid, be low Water,) PHILADELPHIA. (The 0..icfcT Wcod-wahe Hole, jk Tiitdu .J 21. i.ufacturers and Wholesale dealers in Pat i Machine made BROOMS, Patent Graved CEDAR-WARE, warranted not toSJu iak, WOOD & WILLOW-WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, &c, of all descriptions. Please call and examine oue stock March 4, 1857. ly. Geo. W. Todd, Avltli COXR.ID & WAIiTOJT, Impcrters & Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, 4c., No. 255 Market Street. Philadelphia EEP constantly on Land the genuine Timo thy Slack's Aucers. Win.ManiiV JWttv-' and Hunt's superior Axes, Conrad & Walton's superior polished Steel Shovels, Darling & Wal dron's Grass and Cradling-Scythes, Common and Patent Snaths, Patent Clothes Pins, $-c, &c, which they offer for sale on reawsonable terms, to country dealers only. J&nmry 25. 1855. SI. H. JJ A I.l'LK. E. C. KCCLCKE. 3. tatioi: ruourscy.. Marplo, McClurc Co. E have this day associated with u,, J. Patton Thompson. The Sfle of the firm will b Marple, McClurc it Co. The Business of the old firm will be settled, by the new. M. M. MARPLE, E. C. Me C LURE. PniLADixpniA. January 9, 1856. K . II. Mytri. AVra. M'Dcvltf. MYERS Bl M'DEVITT, WHOLESALE G R O C E R S , AND DEALERS IX Torefgii and Domestic lVlncs nnd Eltiuors. "T"0. i01 LIBERTY STREET, near the mouth -LI of Sixth St., Pittsburg, Pa., keep constant ly on hand a biipply of Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, Bacon, Fish, Flour, Lard, Oil, Cheese, and Pittoburg n-anufactured articles gen erally. April 15, 1857- WILLIAM CARR 8l CO, WHOLESALE Q R 0 C E K S IMPORTERS And Dealers ia F02EIGX& DOMESTIC LIQTJ0ES. CLD BtONOKGAHELA and SectiSed Whiskey. No. 329 Commercial Row, LIBERTY STREET PITTTSBURG, Pa. Sundries 560 BUs double Rectified Whiskev. 187 Bbls Old Monongahela Rye WhUkey, Par very choice 50 Hhds N. O. Sugar, 70 Bbls X. O. Molasses With a general assortment of Groceries, also Bacon, Hour, Lard, Iron it Nails &c, all o Iwhich will be sold'at low price for cash. WM. CARR & CO. June 18, 1856. 34- JOSUITA COWI-LAAO, MAKUFACTCRER AND DEALER IX LOOKING GLASSES, No. M7. South Fourth. Street, BETWEEN MARKET AMD CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. Gilt Picture and Portrait Frames r.ado to or der. Mouldings for sale. Oct. 21,. 1857, 50 ly. WM.. II. LAWSOK. KDW1S YERKBS. GEOUOK ROCHESTER "WITH IMPOliTERS OF lVIXES, lilt A A DIES, GIXS, AND OTHER LIQUORS, Xo. OOT Market Street ab, Sixth, P II I L A B E L P II I A . October 21, 1857. ly. IMIIEADEEI'IIIA Wood Moulding Mill, Willow Street above Twelrtli, Kortl Side. Mouldings suitable for Carpenters, Builders, Cabinet and Frame Makers, always on hand. ANY PATTERN WORKED FROM A'DEAW ING. Agents wanted in the various Towns in his por tion cf the State, to whom opportunities will be offered for large profits to themselves. SILAS E. WEIR. Aprils, 1857 PHILIP EETMEK. ROUT. J. AXDKUSOA. REYMER & AIHRSM. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX FOREIGN FRUITS. NUTS. SPICES. CONFECTIONARY. SUGARS. FIRE WORKS, &C. Ccy- Oranges and Lemons received weekly. o. 39 Wood street. 0C?"Oppo: ite the St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgh. Pa. March 4, 1857. tf. WM. DAVIS. JOU.V LLOIU. Davis & Lloyd, HAVING formed a partnership in ta Mer cantile Business, would respectfully solid the patremage of their friends and th pubiic gen prally. Call and f-c ni at ih old stand cf Wm. T ppnl 2'9', 1852 jlfens, f, c ex has: 3ii:dicixl.s. CAN BE HAD A -T THOMAS DEVINE'S rr. 7& r-r ttsct Opposite Tlionipson's IIoicl, RCJ, Ia. IX PART AS FOLLOWS. Dr. Weaver's Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup. Sanford's Invigortor. Indian Linament. Wood' Hair Restorative. Rock Oil. The Universities family medicines. Gratfenburg Family medicines. Ilallowav's Ointment and Pilhs. FOR Lindsev's Blood Searcher. Sine's Dysentery impound SjALE AT Brhavo's Ho'lland Bitters. , Ilooflaud's German THOS. DEVIKil-S Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. . B-m of 1000 flowers. .CHEAP M'Lane-s Vermifuge. STOW iPT' uinH VaI b I OLL. Rad way 's Reaily Ri litf. Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Keyscr's Pectoral Syrup. Dr. D. Jaynes medicines. Halloway's Worm Confections. Rennet's Plant and R.xt Pills. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherry. Brandreth's Pills. Wrights Pills. I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and Ti'ds. Brant's Pulmonary Balsam and Purifvir" Extract. J " Ebensburg, Sept. SO, 1S57. 47 LOUIS LUCKHARDT. WATCII MAKER, AXD DEALER lr CUC1S. WATCHES 11 JEWELRY. naim. i...: 1 ...!' begs leave to inform the is of Johiihtown and vicinity fef- ' ? n i ... i J. J-t citizen that he has just received and is now -scKLfc,: opening the largest .stock of ClocftsWafchcs. and Jewelry, e ver brought to jc r nbteAii witht ui jr ceptivti, which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest." His prices will always be uniform, One customer will not be charged more for the uime quality of goods than another. A List ol scme of the articles comprised in the assortnent is annexed. Prices may bo ascertained, and goods examined, at the Store t t Main Street. Gold Hunting Euglish Levers, Gold Detached Levers, ful iewt-IKd," Gold Lepincs. 4 holes " Silver English Levers, Silver Detached Levers, Silver Lepines, Gold Guard Chains. Gold Vest Chains. Gold Pencils, with Pen, Gold Pencils, Gold Medallions, Silver Extension Pencils and Pens, Gold Breastpins', Ladies an 1 Gent'emeB, Gold Eardrops, Gold Earring. Gold Finger Rings, Gold Cull" Pins, Gold and Silver Watch Keys, criiuonaius. Ladies' Fans, fancy ant.plaiij, JSilvcr Tablespoons, Silver Teaspoons, Silver Thiniblu Plated Tablespoon, best, Plated Teaspoons Silver Gbard Chains, Plated and Brittania Tea St-ti, Violins and Bows, Violin Strings, Jte., Colt's and Allen's Revolvers, 6 inchea. Gold Bracelets, AccorJcons, Silver and Plated Spectacles, itc, &c., &c. 3- All sorts of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired with promptness and at low rates. Con fident that Le cannot be undersold, the undt-rsign-respectfullv solicits the c nfidenee and jiatrna-e of the public. LOUIS LUCKHARDT Mayl4, 1856. 29-tf. THE GREATEST ATTRACTION ! ! J. MOORE & SOX HAVE ust opened at their e"ld stal; in the Borough of Ebensburg, the richest and rarest, the finest aud cheapest assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ever offered to the people of Cambria County Uruisal care was taken in the selection of these goods, and care has been taken that nothing with in the rang of a Country store, nor any ways near it, but what they can supply to their cus tomers, at least as cheap as they can be had in the country. Their stock of Dry Goods is unprecfcdentlv large, embracing Cloths, of every variety and texture, Satinctts, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, etc., tc., Flannels, Sheeting, Shirting, and' made up Clothing cf every description. A great variety of "LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS of all patterns and at all prices. Laces, trimmings, gloves, mitts, &c. Their assortment of hats, caps, boots and shoe complete and unsurpassed. GROCERIES & LIQUORS, of every variety and quality. A well selected variety of Hard ware, Cutlery, and nails. Also, Queeusware and Glass; Paints, Dye stuff's, DRUGS & MEDICINES. And all for sale low for cash, or given in ex change for country prodrce. Give us a call. J. MOORE & SOX. Ebensburg, Xov. 9, '54. Tlie Subscriber Successor to G. E. Eloj d, & Co., at RESPECTFULLY OFFERS TO THE PUB lic, an extensive and well selected assort ment cf D 11 Y GOODS, G B OC Ell IES , 11 A T-S , C A P S , BOOTS 4 SHOES, 1 E A D Y MAD E CLOTH IN G If A 11 D WARE, Q UEENSWA11E, 1' A I X T S , G L A S S , OILS, And all the articles usually required for FamiW -juueuug, auu Aianuiacionng purposes. lEll JPsS 2 9 A Stock of Drugs, Dye Stuffs, and family med icines, that for quality ami variety is not surpas sed, (if equalled in tho county.) All of which he will sell at the lowest possible prices for cash or Couutry Produce. 3E 9 A large amouut of Spruce and Pino Lumber constantly on hands, and Bills for Lumber sawed to order at the shortest possible notice ROBERT FLIXX. Jefferson, May 20, 1857. tf. LOOK HBItf ! 1 XEW ARRIVAL JUST RECEIVED AXD FOR ' SALE BY ROBERT DAVIS, A lot of Ture White Lead, . A lot of Linseed OH, A lot of Futty, A very large lot of Bar Iron and Xais, all of which ho will sell on very small profits. Tor cash or couutry produce. CALL AND SEE. Also, dcut forget that he continues reccivinu- fresh sup lipes of Flour and Provisions generally, of the best quality, every few days. Ebensburg, Sept.9, 1857. F ISH A fresh lotcf Salmon. Mackeral, He nnand Cdfih. Im rile W lotels, r. ARCADE IIOTEE. HEXRY FOSTFrr P.. Pa mHlS HOTEL, FORMERLY K0v i the "Ebeburg House," i3 ote ? est and best fctands in t.t- l.,-.u fur the accommclatien of the i-aven posed to patronize him th-t his T Rf I Ur- supplied with all the lnmr;oa ..r .? ' L BAR with the choicest tf Liquet . -nT-' sr,ar.l r,L.. V; V '.n 1 t i -t . .tu,.v, ,.,0 com i; rtaLle Ekensburg, April 14, 1858:22:ly. tOCAX IIOESlI CORPORAL JOHN KIEPrro Wt.- oak . '"r W -'aav- xia.r ilt v , . " A-i ea ii .1 t ri till r iii i in - - j pared to c-nte: tain all who may fa vtr 1 : " "' their,. (. in ,ia1.;.; 'n . -0 ":; Ae'i.till i 1 1 I fl" I I. U' .1 t The HOUSE has been newly furnished , out in a kv1 i,.f o i , J "'ea t.,,- . --j i'.-eu iv anv est l" the of the State.' His TABlP " always be supplied with all the tuWtaiftV delicacies of the season, and attended 1 1 4 . ... oru, no r,airiR n-rn r ' to mat tl. T - c- 1 . nfi w I e si ... .,, , , V , Clss UOU.e r 1 ' . lnrr will , fCt , . c n' u o - - mi .vJiueriL" fortablp And b.inr.e- urttsvr ..7,7 n " " ' ii.e &XAJBJLES, which a,eexf,r--attended by honest and fiti.r..i v . .?" -li RESTAU2AKT. The l. " Z as a Restaurant, where meal 1 . Cn at all hours of rl o -. ......., " wild game Csh and all the Mccl-j ments of the season. JOI1V Kt".re' June 4, 185C.-S2tf. tFL'Jl. WASHINCTO N KCL niHIS T-oi-nlar and ,.T..a.n-?-. . 1 A is located in the village cf Carrollt " r bria county, and is kept in a S 5 ford every comfort to visitors, UiI; WtU .f cd in every respect. " urz-" will contain the Ut of liters : hUTAlS best the market can afford. Xotl i, " undone to rcmier the vi:t of all peVr and agreeable. i J; 1 Cnrroltcn,Jnly U. 1S57. L ' UNION HOUSED Ebenfcbtzrg. Cambria Cocntj, Pa J OHN BLAIR, Proprfad. ALSO, IN COXXECTIC.V, 6 'fl i2.x l;Uie io i..Ke iLe l-ai-tcrn . r Wt-ter-: t: ., ju.-ei:ir corr.irat ;te. JEFFERSON IIOISE. (NEAR W1LLM0P.E STATION. PA. 2. 1 JEFFERSON, CAMBRIA CO., la. JOHN EI-C0Y Proprietor I. O. O. F. Highland Lenlge No. 423 c'iir &ffWEDNESDAY at their IU k,ii'i.uiatiLi o oiOI C. THE MORJIOVS DEEEATLD: CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WE BEG '. to inrorm our Zi lends and the public ia it cral that w Lave received from the E-iafe il; ies a lar;e a n d well seVrtp.l at.- v . e .. containing Spring aud Sun.mer CLOT1 LVtf' J all kinds and quality for men and LeV5. AX, A fine and large stock of auths.'Calsrw, lweeas, Arm.mingr, A-c. itc. llancktrA'.-i. Stocks, Cravats, Hats of all kinds and cvsor'i- : i - . . t .ion, ana Mispenelei i, CL.thin to order at the she-rte.-t notice. rieae cal aid see us before jou make a putchae 2dvLlt else, as we can guarantee that we will not beieM in quality aud low prices bv ar.v es-tablisLrr-ts; in the State. Terms Cah or C. untrv rr..'-n. EVANS IJUbHEa- Lbcnsburg, April 2-j ItoS. Bargains ! Bargains ! Copper, and IV'ucet-lrou Ware, I& 1" ERCIIANTS and others in want of TI LTJa. COPPER OR SHEET-IRONWARE are respectfully invited to call aud examine my stock, got up expressly for the fall : trade. It is the large&t and bebt assCirtrr.eLt te m found West of the mountains, made in a ?rj:j manner and of the very best Tmatcrials. Haw Is adopted all the improvements of the times'" trade, in machinery aud materials, I am prep to complete successfully with city manufar uhh. in prices and terms. Orders from one dollar to five hundred di-Hw worth, promptly filled, the wares carefully pad and guaranteed not to leak. One trial from merchants who have Dot .'' with me heretofore is requested. At leait k for a Price List. Thankful for past favors, I rwpcctful'v so!1 their continuance. Address F. W, HAY. Johnstown, Cambria consty, TJ Oct. 21. 1857. 50tf A'evr Tln-lVare Esfablifliment. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS METfl cd of informing the citizens of Ebensburg surrounding country, that he has comme!:" business in this plae'e, in the building knur; occupied by SI. S. Harr, one door west f w Pofct Office", where he intends to carry ci.Lisl-f uess in all its branches. TIN WAKE of all scriptions kept constantly on hanl, and fct Pn" ces to suit the times. Couutry Meichai.fs cs have orders filled to anv amount, by r-ft tention to business he hopes to r !'fir' VyV ' share of public patrouage. YY.VSl-' Ebensburg April 2Sth, 1S5?- LIST OF CAUSES. r-yOIl TRIAL AT AX ADJOl'M"- Court to bo held at Ebensburg. for Un bria Ccfunty, Commencing on Mocdaj. - ' uay oi ..usy, l?e)3. Cassidy, vs Tidier att liickford M'Gahey Spockelajjer Coimt'li for ue E. & S. V. II. Co Scott ts Maughcr. vs Cooper vs M'Gahey ts Dubls vs Stewart ct al vs Hill vs Sharp. Over's of Summer'! vs M'Gough, Hickford vs Cooper Kane et al Riblcts Adm'r Martin Cam'a School Dib't O'Harrow T5 31'Gahej vs liiblet vs Crawford vs Lloyd vs Eenlsnd ts Pccna. R. K. Co Whito Abbey Dugans Adni'x Moores Iudorses Brackens use ts Glasga vs Eenlon pur. f r ts White' ts Makia v Hoover Earheart JOSEPn M'DOXALD, TrctJ rrctbonotary's Office. EbrtJi'j, 12 Apr. 185$. )